#Forgotten Perseverance. {Diction.}
eightcurioussouls · 5 years
Olivia: Hey, do you think I could fit fifteen marshmallows into my mouth?
Gracie: You're a hazard to society.
Victor: And a coward! Do twenty.
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tonysamcomedy · 2 years
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My new book comes out September 1st and I can't wait for you to read it!
SELF-LOVE, INTROSPECTIVE AND INSPIRATIONAL poems focused on the problems of everyday people, getting through life one mistake at a time, and smiling your way through it all!
This captivating book is more than a mere collection of whimsical verse. It serves as a powerful reminder of self-love and personal growth that begs to be on the coffee table of anyone longing to be better, and long to be kept bedside whenever you need a boost.
I have died a dozen times
and if need be, I’ll die again.
I’ve shed a coward’s skin
and rose the moment when
I needed to be reborn much better.
But there is no hero here.
I am just a loyal servant of change
and failure is the only thing I fear.
There are no headstones where
my fallen selves now lay…
no markers carved in stone to
guide you down that wretched way.
Those bodies belong mired in the mud
and forgotten to time and space.
The only me that matters now
is the one who bears this face.
"The Perpetual Plummet of Imperfection" inspires one to overcome the false belief that they are the sum of their mistakes and a prisoner of bad choices. Through heartfelt verses, alliterative diction, and conscience cleansing themes, this deeply empathic work instills each reader with a renewed sense of perseverance, compassion and hope.
"The Perpetual Plummet of Imperfection" is the third poetry collection from A.W. Sam and explores the many aspects of life and how our many imperfections can actually be our strengths. His previous two collections, WASTE[LA]ND: POEMS FOR LA, and TOIL both received praise from the likes of Jonah Ray, James Urbaniak, Ana Kasparian, Cameron Esposito, Sara Benincasa and more!
Here's just some of the praise recieved for TOIL:
“(A.W.) expertly weaves hope and despair ... winking and smiling through tears while he laughs. But you laugh and cry with him, because that’s what life, and this collection, is all about.” - JONAH RAY, Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Meltdown Show With Jonah and Kumail
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sustema · 6 years
Novel Reading: Grade Level vs Comprehension Level
-or the joys of trying to find a novel suitable for a heterogenous class-
One obstacle for some high school literature and English teachers is deciding which novel to assign for class reading. The curriculum narrows some of the choices down by stipulating that you teach a particular sub set of literature for whatever grade you teach - 12th grade is English Literature, 11th grade American Literature, 10th grade is World Literature and I have currently forgotten what goes on in the 9th grade. So I am currently an instructor for 12th grade and have my pick of any of the illustrious writers that grace the multitude of lists considered appropriate for English Literature. I’m grateful to have such choices, anything from Austen to Woolf and even Rowling. Although there are many choices, I am limited by the overall reading levels in a particular class. Comprehension is a huge factor in deciding what material can be read. Although many of my students can read material beyond their actual measured comprehension levels, this can be attributed to their ability to use contextual information found within a text. Still, a major limiting factor in student achievement is reading comprehension. Every year I conduct a couple of assessments to pinpoint the reading levels of my students, on average the core of my class are reading at the upper elementary school level (5 grade exactly this year). I do have a number in any given class who can read at high school level and beyond as well as a small number who read at the middle levels of elementary school (3rd and 4th grade). A good number of my students have not even read a novel. If you are reading this and are shocked then most likely you are not an educator. Low comprehension levels are a reality rarely discussed in the age of standardized testing with an increasing emphasis on graduation numbers. So back to the problem of novel choice - what is the best fit for a class that has lowered reading and comprehension ability but are expected to read from a list of novels that require at least an 11th grade ability? The latter is an issue I must solve every year with no single solution. In the end it depends on the attitudes of the students and my ever expanding internal ability for patience and perseverance. Sometimes I must choose a novel not on the list for the sake of the students and their ability. Although the novel may be lower than the listed novels (such as Louis Sachar’s Holes) I do my best to pick material containing a complex narrative structure raising deep questions concerning ethics, choice and character growth. A novel of choice should allow its readers the ability to breakdown its individual parts and analyze its structure for understanding. If a novel is well beyond the ability of a reading, such analysis can be frustrating.To be fair I have covered Shakespeare but with an increasing amount of interrupted reading that allows the students with lower reading ability to appreciate the work while negatively interfering with the reading process, flow and overall enjoyment of the piece. I prefer not to do that with the novel reading. In order to truly experience any work of art it must be as the artist intended, and with a novel the intent is for the reader to read through unencumbered and without a teacher looking over your shoulder. During the reading process, I want my students to allow the syntax and diction to wash over them as a whole, not in part because the words and phrases in an interrupted reading are similar to viewing a work of art in part and out of context. Of course I don’t abandon the interrupted read totally, but only after the students have had an unblemished experience with the text themselves. The latter can only be accomplished with reading material that is just slightly above student comprehension levels. Reading Austen with a comprehension level in the elementary grades would constitute frustration and a clear disregard for learning. It would make for a horrendous experience and not build any positive regard for reading in the future.
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eightcurioussouls · 5 years
"I can see those idiots preparing for my birthday and I'd wish they'd stop."
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eightcurioussouls · 5 years
"...Those idiots are about to throw me a birthday party, aren't they."
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eightcurioussouls · 5 years
It's Diction's birthday? owo
“…On the 12th.” He responded, “I refuse to celebrate it, I have more important matters to do.” Such as Icerin and it’s library- as well as researching that language.
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eightcurioussouls · 5 years
Do you not like your b-day?
“Sort of. I don’t like it being celebrated, we have much more to worry about.” Diction replied, “Namely, figuring out how to destroy the barrier, and searching the new places in our timeline- after all, our timeline is weird, nothing like most usual timelines.”
He stretches an arm out, flexing his hand idly, “New places, for starters- a new kingdom or two, and such, there’s also new pieces of history- and a long forgotten language, too.” He explained, “Regardless, my birthday is not of any priority.”
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eightcurioussouls · 5 years
Diction's just kicked back with a can of Coca Cola.
"By far, the most cursed happenings I've witnessed."
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eightcurioussouls · 6 years
(( small warning- one of these kids will die, frisk will reload tho, dw ))
    The next area didn't seem so bad- a haphazardly-made sentry station was the only thing that rests within it, Olivia had quickly hopped over to inspect it, and burst into laughter, causing Victor to wander over and look at it himself, and he sighed, shaking his head, “Papyrus left a note.” Was all he said, taking Oli’s hand and carrying on, the others following.
    The next area held a much better looking sentry station, and Olivia broke away from Victor to head closer, almost jumping away at the monster that pops up.
    “Did something move?”
    Olivia almost gasps.
    “Was it my imagination?”
    No, it couldn’t be, could it?
    “I can only see moving things. If something WAS moving, for example, a human…”
    The girl stood in place, staring dumbfounded at the dog monster. Dog. Puppy. Pet puppy?
    “I’ll make sure it NEVER moves again!”
    Olivia was pulled into battle, a grin on her face as she watched the monster move.
    ⚫ Doggo blocks the way!
    She goes to pet, looking curious.
    ⚫ Doggo is too suspicious of your movements.
    “Don’t move an inch!” He barks, and he sends out an attack- a knife, as blue as her SOUL- it collides with it, but no damage is taken.
    Oli did look a little surprised at that.
    ⚫ Doggo can’t seem to find anything.
    Oli’s fingers twitch as she dives for the pet option, small hands beginning to pet the dog monster, he suddenly seemed oddly surprised, beginning to shout “PET?” as well as a few other words.
    Another attack happens, Oli doesn’t move for it.
    ⚫ Doggo has been pet.
    She notices the name in yellow- being quick to spare the dog from her merciless ticklefingers.
     Once out of battle, the dog seemed, as Victor would say, shooketh, “S-s-s-something pet me… something isn’t m-m-moving… I’m gonna need some dog treats for this!!!” He ducks into his station, and Oli looked at the others, grinning.
    After that debacle (and Victor asking, ‘do dogs think of treats as weed?’), they head onwards.
    The next area greeted them with Sans! Victor dies a little on the inside. “hey,” he calls out to them, “here’s something important to remember.” Diction raises an eyebrow curiously at that, “Oh?” “my brother has a very special attack.” He started, “if you see a blue attack, don’t move and it won’t hurt you.” “Fuckin’ gathered that.” Victor grumbled.
    “here’s an easy way to keep it in mind, imagine a stop sign. when you see a sign, you stop, right? stop signs are red. so imagine a blue stop sign instead. simple, right? when fighting, think about blue stop signs.” He stated, Gracie gave a nod, “Right, thank you.” She murmured. During all of this, Frisk had headed upwards, coming back with a small fistful of snow, they gave the others a nod, and they carry on.
    They come across a flat piece of land- and the two skeletons- Victor narrowed his eyes, “Wasn’t he just- what the fuck??” He muttered, Diction sighed, “Let’s not question it.” He replied.
     “YOU’RE SO LAZY!!! YOU WERE NAPPING ALL NIGHT!!” Papyrus boomed, earning a grin from Andres- loud noises, his favourite. Sans shrugged at him, smiling as usual, “i think that’s called… sleeping.” He responded, “EXCUSES, EXCUSES!” The taller skeleton stated, and finally took notice of the group, “OH-HO! THE HUMANS ARRIVE!” He exclaimed, Andres giggled softly.
    “FOR YOU SEE, THIS IS THE INVISIBLE… ELECTRICITY MAZE!! WHEN YOU TOUCH THE WALLS OF THIS MAZE, THIS ORB WILL ADMINISTER A HEARTY ZAP!” He holds out a blue sphere, “SOUND LIKE FUN?? BECAUSE! THE AMOUNT OF FUN YOU WILL PROBABLY HAVE, IS ACTUALLY RATHER SMALL I THINK.” He rubs his jaw with a gloved hand, Andres already looked really excited! He doesn’t know why, but that sounded great. “OK, YOU CAN GO AHEAD NOW.”
    The kids look between each other again, not noticing how Andres stepped into the maze, only realising too late-
    Andres covered his mouth, stumbling back as Papyrus got shocked. The skeleton stood for a few seconds, before-
    “SANS! WHAT DID YOU DO?!” “i think one’a the humans have to hold the orb.” “OH, OKAY.” The kids watch as the tall skeleton shuffles through the maze, noticing the tracks he left behind before he carefully places the orb on the ridge of Andres’ cowboy hat, “HOLD THIS PLEASE.” He chirped, and headed back.
   “OKAY, TRY NOW!” He called, and Andres looked at the floor, retracing his steps carefully, the others begin to follow suit, like a conga line, again.
    Once out of there, Papyrus gapes, “INCREDIBLE!! YOU SLIPPERY SNAILS!” Andres giggled at that, “YOU SOLVED IT SO EASILY… TOO EASILY!” Victor goes to open his mouth to tell him about the footprints, but Gracie’s stare causes him to cease, “HOWEVER!” Papyrus continues, “THE NEXT PUZZLE WILL NOT BE SO EASY!! IT IS DESIGNED BY MY BROTHER, SANS!” He gestures to the other skeleton, “YOU WILL SURELY BE CONFOUNDED! I KNOW I AM! NYEH HEH HEH HEH HEH!” He then proceeds to moonwalk away, Victor just, stared, “He better teach me how to do that.” This entire time, Frisk had been chatting to Sans, too, they seemed to be talking about a costume, once they were done, the children carried onwards.
    Cason had rushed off to the nearby vendor within the area, almost excited, he bought four items from them before coming back to the others and passing them out, “We can share them- there’s two of them on each treat.” He exclaimed, showing the Bisicle to the group. Frisk gave a soundless chuckle, and the group spent a few minutes figuring out the nearby Ball Game, too, especially since Frisk had nabbed the red flag for the game- they took note of their virtues, the traits that define them- and Diction glanced to Frisk, “Y’know… they don’t really have a name for your SOUL.” He stated softly, curious, Frisk shrugged, and signed to him, ‘Most people call it Determination. It’s not the real name, but it’s something we generally accept.’ Diction nods to that. And they head on again.
    “HUMANS!!!” Papyrus yells as they walk up, “I HOPE YOU’RE READY FOR…” He stares at the ‘puzzle’, a sheet of paper on the floor, and looked to his brother, “SANS!! WHERE’S THE PUZZLE!!” “it’s right there. on the ground.” Diction had walked over to it, picking it up, “trust me. there’s no way they can get past this one.”
    “Of course we wouldn’t.” Diction replied, “You deliberately changed one of the words in the puzzle, we wouldn’t be able to finish it.”
    “OR WE COULD-” Victor started, irritated, he walked past Diction, and stood next to Papyrus, “-DO THAT, YOU FUCKING RASPBERRY CROISSANT.”
    Now Papyrus looked a bit annoyed, “SANS!! THAT DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!!” He yelled, “whoops. i knew i should’ve used today’s crossword.” Sans chortled, “WHAT?! CROSSWORD?! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU SAID THAT! IN MY OPINION… JUNIOR JUMBLE IS EASILY THE HARDEST.” “what? really, dude? that easy peasy word scramble?” Sans raises a figurative eyebrow, “that’s for baby bones.” “UN. BELIEVABLE.” He turns to the group, “HUMANS! SOLVE THIS DISPUTE.” He exclaimed.
    Without even missing a beat, Oli yelled, “JUNIOR JUMBLE!” Victor gave her a questioning look, Papyrus, however, cheers, “HA! HA! YES! HUMANS MUST BE VERY INTELLIGENT...” In the midst, Oli leans to Victor, “It’s hard because I can barely read English.” She mumbled sheepishly, Papyrus continues, “IF THEY ALSO FIND JUNIOR JUMBLE SO DIFFICULT! NYEH! HEH! HEH HEH!” He runs off, Victor huffs, folding his arms, “thanks for saying junior jumble just to appease my bro.” Sans piped up, “yesterday he got stuck trying to ‘solve’ the horoscope.” He added, the kids gave a collective sigh, and carry on.
    They come across spaghetti in the next area, and Olivia gasps, heading over to it, it was so cold, it was stuck to the table.
    But does that stop Olivia? Apparently, it doesn’t, she grabs the nearby fork, stabs it into the frozen spaghetti, yanks out a piece- Victor distantly goes, “Olivia Jamee Bianchi, what the fuck? How did you do that, that was stuck to the table, what-”- and bites down on it, she stands there, chewing for a few seconds before looking at the others and grinning, “It’s good!” She exclaimed.
    The others stare at her, dumbfounded, and Cason had to rip her away before she went back for more. Frisk had saved meanwhile, and Diction inspected the area- and the note left nearby from Papyrus- before heading onwards.
    The sign by them in the next piece of the forest held a sign, only warning them of ‘dog marriage’, for some reason, it gave Gracie of all people chills. The kids took a few steps forward, and-
    ⚫ Lesser Dog appears.
    Andres was pulled into battle. The boy checked his options, blinking, and went for one of the pet options.
    His eyes widen as Lesser Dog’s neck expands.
    He then proceeds to take the next five minutes of petting and dodging attacks, which just makes the dog’s neck grow and grow.
    “Andres.” Victor called out. No response, “Andres.” Nothing.
    Andres turns to stare at him, pouting, before begrudgingly sparing the dog, “Thank fuck.” Victor muttered, the boy waddled over, now looking like a sad puppy.
    Once looking around the area, the children realise that they need to pull a switch to proceed, it took them a solid three minutes to find it, Frisk had taken a moment to head back to save, and they carry onwards.
    They all halt when they see a pair of dogs with axes come forward, Gracie pushes the children back, concerned, “What’s that smell?” One asks, “(Where’s that smell?)” The other asks, “If you’re a smell…” “(Identify yoursmellf!)” They proceed to walk around the area, before stopping by Gracie.
    “Hm… here’s that weird smell.” The first stated, “It makes me want to eliminate.” Gracie’s breath catches in her throat, “(...Eliminate YOU!)”
    They lunge for her, dragging her into a battle.
    ⚫ Dogi assault you!
    Gracie wheezes, looking around- before looking at her options, she chooses to check Dogamy.
    ⚫ DOGAMY - 6 ATK 4 DEF.
    ⚫ Husband of Dogaressa.
    ⚫ Knows only what he smells.
    She frowns at that, vaguely hearing a “Don’t touch my hotdog!” And a “(He means me.)” Before getting smacked with a pair of axes.
    They whittle down 8 HP from her.
    INTEGRITY: 12/20 HP.
    She wheezes, fumbling blindly due to shock, she accidentally checks Dogamy again- getting the same result- she vaguely hears the others yell, they were panicking.
    She gets attacked by dogs throwing hearts this time- she just barely avoids one hit, but another heart hits her.
    INTEGRITY: 8/20 HP.
    Was she… going to die? No- not now, she may have no items but she can’t give up.
    ⚫ The dogs keep shifting their axes to protect each other.
    Gracie bit her lip, and decided to check Dogaressa this time.
    ⚫ This puppy finds her hubby lovely.
     Another ring of hearts is thrown at her- she takes a hit from one, and then the other ring hits her full force.
     INTEGRITY: 0/20 HP.
    She screams.
     Victor lets out a devastating “NO!” When Gracie’s body hits the floor, a SOUL of deep blue rising up only to be encased in a small container, Diction placed a hand on Frisk’s shoulder, eyes wide, “Load, Frisk, load!” He exclaimed, Cason was trying to quell the sobs of the youngest two, Oli cries for ‘mama', and Andres was throwing a tearful fit.
    Frisk shakily nods, fumbling through the menu quickly as the dogs re-sniff for their next victim.
    Finditfinditfindut- THERE. They slam their hand on the LOAD button, mumbling inaudibly.
    ‘Mom, come back- please come back. I don't want to lose anyone else!’
(( aaa, gosh i'm so sorry this took so long! I ended up powering through this at like... 12:30 am this morning and it took two hours to type up six pages on my phone buT ANYWays me? murdering the mom friend? yes i may also make a new fic for side stories, that delve deeper into the kids' backstories and what happens during timeskips, too! anyways, i'd appreciate any constructive criticism and i'd love to hear your thoughts on this so far <3!! ))
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eightcurioussouls · 5 years
"Diiiictiooooon!" Beatrice said, giggling a bit as she ran up with some cake in her hands for him. "Happy Birthday!" she skidded to a stop right in front of him.
Diction blinks- a small smile coming to his face, “Hi, Bea.” He called, eyes flicking to the cake, he sighs a little- he can’t refuse, can he?
“Thanks.” He replied, chuckling a little.
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eightcurioussouls · 6 years
To everyone, what do you think about Frisk/Micah?
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“One of my children.”
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“A good friend of mine?”
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“B I T C H A S S  T H O T.”
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“Big sib!”
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“…A centrepiece?”
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eightcurioussouls · 5 years
"Diction it's your BIRTHDAY?!" Beatrice yeets herself in. "WHENWHENWHEN??"
“AH-” He wheezes when she does! He wasn’t expecting it! “It’s… on the 12th, it’s not that special- so don’t worry about it.”
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eightcurioussouls · 6 years
Something happening, Diction?
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“No, not really, just thinking…”
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eightcurioussouls · 6 years
✂️ Diction with Zackary’s Mohawk b c (fix-the-broken-pieces)
oc prompts! | accepting.
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(( first of all; i’m going to scream
second of all;
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you’re welcome. 
haircuts are from @the-starlit-souls‘s Sebastian and @fix-the-broken-pieces‘s Zackary! ))
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eightcurioussouls · 6 years
I have no idea where this idea came from, but I saw Victor this morning and I thought... okay, you know Llama's with hats? If not, I recommend looking it up. Anyways, Victor is Carl and Diction is Paul.
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“That’s what forgiveness sounds like.”
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“Then silence.”
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eightcurioussouls · 6 years
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