#Compassionate Rambling. {OOC.}
noblehcart · 1 year
not me speculating on how very educated rook is for the time period/culture and that her family was comfortably wealthy with probs some drops of royalty in their fam. how maybe her family's wealth accumulated due to business in trade and furthered rook's interest in the world and learning more.
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Headcanon: the Spaniel Girls and Compassion
After giving it some thought, I feel like, out of the Spaniel Sisters, Collette and Danielle are both particularly compassionate individuals; they just express it in very different ways.
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Collette... she definitely feels for those who are worse off than she is. She has a big heart; but she’s also, out of the trio, the one who’s most conscious of dirt and scruffiness. Her way of expressing compassion, then, is to mostly to lift those who are suffering out of their immediate circumstances; she’ll take them in, help them have a decent bath and brush and care for, if they’ll let her - and it’s from there that she’ll sit with them and work out how she can offer support in the longer term.
This might sound like her being a bit shallow about it and not wanting to lower herself to someone else’s level until they ‘meet her standards’; but really, it’s not that at all. Rather, to Collette there’s no better feeling in the world than being clean and well-cared-for, and so her leading with that is her way of expressing that the one she’s helping is just as worthy of that care and attention as she is. She leads with the most valuable kindness that she, personally, can imagine, and then works from there.
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Danielle, in contrast, does the opposite. As one who doesn’t share her sisters’ big concerns for looks, she’s not at all ashamed to get down in the dirt alongside someone who’s hurting. When she sees a need, she’ll get right in there alongside the person; behind her more uncouth exterior is a puppy who hates to see someone hurting (unless it’s Scamp and he really deserved it; but that’s the exception purely because it’s a sibling rivalry thing), and will get right down in the mud - metaphorical or literal - with them where her sisters might keep their distance. Because she has a more live in the moment outlook than either sister, though, her focus tends to be more on doing anything she can to cheer up someone now rather than displaying the longer-term considerations that Collette would be more likely to think of.
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All this isn’t to say that Annette isn’t compassionate herself; because she can be, too. But she’s... she’s the more reserved of the three girls, so it just doesn’t shine out in the same way that it does from her sisters. She’s quicker to be a tad judgemental than she is to immediately think about helping; though when someone is truly in need, you can definitely count on her to come through for them in the end. It just takes her longer to reach that point, particularly because she can be wary of any offered kindness being taken advantage of; she feels like she’s the most responsible one of the trio, and so it falls to her to be most cautious about putting herself (or themselves) in that kind of vulnerable position until she’s certain that the need is genuine.
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mur-art · 5 months
Can you do more caliyork please??
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Trying to think of some scenarios for their first meeting! This is probably on the more cheesy OOC side but I’d like to think they initially bonded because New York actually followed through on his promise and got to know California as a person instead of focusing on the shallow things, like everyone else did.
More rambling and alt text under the cut:
Not to get too deep into the history, but…
New York at this time had a reputation much like California does today; a bastion of progressive-for-the-era ideals— including women’s suffrage, abolitionism, labor rights, and various new and experimental social movements. There was a lot of immigration and urban poverty. I think New York definitely has a soft, compassionate side, and he saw the danger California was in— growing too quickly for his own good and being exploited for his resources— and saw something of himself in that. Initially it was a protective, big brother type instinct, but it (quickly) grew to be something more.
Alt Text:
Panel 1:
New York: “Good to finally meet you, California!”
California: “New York, I know why you came here… gold.”
New York: “…wait!”
Panel 2:
New York: “Hey, I’m not here for your stupid shiny rocks, okay?
…I’m here to get to know YOU. All of you.”
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girlfox · 4 months
What people make you happy when you see them on the dash?
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❛ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓 , : a series of questions for the mun / the person behind the muse(s) .
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OOOOH BOY. okay, is this my chance to love on some of my favorite oomfies? because i am so going to send love their way. keep in mind that everyone i follow brings me a measure of joy; if they didn't, we wouldn't be mutuals! but i'll gush about a couple people i know ooc, as well. just because i wanna spread some love.
@nihilara ( & their other blogs ) brings me legitimately so much joy, i get so excited whenever i see them on my dash. their drawings and rambles and fun interactions with others . . they're amazing. i can't speak enough good things about rhys.
@otlaw is one of my closest friends on here, too, and they're such a pillar of love and support and fun and, i just get like a puppy dog with my tail wagging when they're being active or when they follow me on their 100th new blog HAHAHA. love u leif.
@krosakis YOU DUH? dan you've been one of my favorite oomfies for an ice age at this point. i don't even know what my dash looks like without you on it . . . and i don't wanna know. having you around just feels right, like my dash is complete.
@diveyne because sabrina has been a very long time friend at this point, and has always been supportive and hyped me up like the beautiful goth princess they are. MWWWAH. their writing is also captivating and i just love it whenever it pops up on my feed.
@youthblooms and ALL of their blogs. whenever they pop up, i'm like a goldfish doing a lil happy jump out of my fish bowl bc i just know i'm about to be FED. everything they write is amazing, and i also just love their characters and them as a person in general. nams is the BEST.
@furiaei is a recent friend, but we connected pretty deeply right away and honestly i just adore their enthusiasm and drive for their character. they're also an incredibly kind person, and i'm so glad i met them.
@dvouer because while we're still getting to know each other ooc, they've been relentlessly kind and warm to me, and before we ever even spoke out of character, i've love love loved their original character venus; both them and kiwi are just absolute dolls.
@oriphical is a long time friend at this point too, i just adore bun & its infinite patience with my slow ass replies to dms. pleading emoji @ it right now. but its xiv oc and honestly every other character it writes is always beautifully done, filled with passion, and just so interesting and complex and well thought out. it's also just a very very very kind and fun individual.
@sivrit niran is THE BOMBBBBB. i love every single character he churns out, whether it's the immense love put into the lore and development of their originals, or the total passion put into writing a canon character. he's also just so kind and warm and fun to talk to, and seeing him on my dash makes me so happy.
@eatdivines EDITING THIS BECAUSE HOW DID I NOT ADD IN VAL? my brain is scrambled eggs. but seriously. i love valentine so fucking much it's not even funny; they're adorable, they're kind, they're compassionate, they're sweet and thoughtful. they also have wait more of a back bone than i ever will, and they're someone who will always have your back no matter what. for these reasons alone i love seeing val on my dash. but also? i am enthralled with their writing on ahri and in the past, kagome. their takes are so unique and interesting and god i'm living for it.
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iceiclehorned · 23 days
Hello! I have some positivity mail for you, here's what they wanted to say:
"Thank you for all the effort you've been putting in all your current threads! It might be a bit presumptuous for one message to try and speak for everyone you've been in contact with, but I truly believe that the amount of attention and effort you've been putting forward as of late, towards everyone you're currently writing with, is incredible and should be highlighted, and celebrated, whenever possible.
So! On behalf of everyone who has not yet had the opportunity to say it, we'd like to thank you very much, wish you the absolute best, and hope that you're able to feel happy and proud of the writing work you have been putting out there, because personally, I find it amazing! We also urge you to take good care of yourself in the meantime, and hope you're enjoying the act of writing at least just as much as we enjoy reading it!"
Have a lovely day!
OOC Post ;;
When I received this message in my inbox, I was instantly floored at the admiration stemming from a certain somebody. You know who you are, and before I ramble on, I'd like to say that I freaking love you! You've made yourself a little home in my heart, and you are so appreciated. Getting to know you has been one of the greatest experiences of my entire life, and I hope to be able to articulate that well. Opening up to you has been such a soft experience and a first for me, so thank you so, so much, my love! Platonically by the way hufhefiwd i rambled too much before the rambling.
Onto the rambling!
I remember when I started out, I felt like like a fish out of water, so to speak. I was pretty disorganised, even throughout my many, many hiatus' (sorry guys dyuefh). This period, where I have been active the most, is probably the longest I have been here without disappearing, and I could not be more grateful for the people I have come across from start to finish.
Even if there comes a time where communication is lost, I hold an immense love for everybody I have had the chance to become friends with. I do also owe those people who have been there since the beginning an apology for always being so flakey, and I am so thankful that you remained by my side throughout the years. You're wonderful, compassionate people, and I hope to keep doing this a bit longer with you all.
I am also appreciative of every mutual I have, even if we do not interact (ic or ooc). You're working so hard, I hope your blogs continue to flourish beautifully.
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fabricating-fern · 1 year
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"But if you allow me to bid farewell, I promise that my departure will be short lived." Particulars: Compassionate, Adaptable, Blissfully Ignorant.
Who knows what im doing with this i just want to make a dedicated blog focused for Juan specifically, so this (gestures here) exists.
Mod uses xe/they, Juan uses he/him.
You can ask Juan questions, and he will answer. Or me, depending on the context of the question.
Juan will also be posting posts of his own, with his thoughts for current in game events or just random ramblings.
Other than interaction, there will also be lore posts regarding Juan and his background, mini comics, etc.
#letters responded - in-character asks
#letters written - in-character textposts
#beyond letters - juan lore posts
#letter stamps - juan art
#ooc - mod responses/posts
Juan Sinner Info
Main Blog
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lord-westley · 2 years
Hi, this is @hinox-headcanons, this is my main blog. I'm sending this in for my Revali matchup! Thanks so much btw ❤️
I'm biromantic asexual and autistic with adhd and a couple other chronic illnesses. I frequently need a lot of medical care because of them (I'm actually getting my blood drawn this morning 😰). I'm really short, only like 4' 10" (147 cm), with a thin but toned figure. I have long wavy brown hair that's usually either braided or up in a bun, and my style switches between masculine and feminine a lot.
I can be kinda excitable, but I'm also really smart and protective over my loved ones. I'm usually a little overprepared for anything, I'm good at giving advice and telling stories or jokes. I'm very emotionally intelligent and compassionate, I tend to downplay my own needs though. I struggle with self care and standing up for myself a lot. I have a tendency to laugh off disturbing things as a coping mechanism.
My hobbies include drawing, writing, baking and sewing, and I'm pretty good at all of them. I also like to dress up a little and look my best when the situation (and my illnesses) allow for it.
I think that's all for now! Sorry if this description is kinda long, I got excited 😓 I hope you have a great day hun, remember to drink lots of water. I can't wait to see what you come up with! 😊
Hi Friend! Thank you for your patience with me to complete this. I hope you have a great 2023.
I want to note I know little to nothing of Revali so I hope it’s okay despite being ooc 👉🏻👈🏻
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If there is one thing I know for certain, is that Revali wants to protect and care for you
This particular bird constantly watches over you when he has the time (though he pretends he’s not)
He understands that you struggle with health problems and wants to constantly be there to help you through it but isn’t quite sure how
Humans are so much different than the Ritos. When he first began courting you, the first thing he did was hit up a library to educate himself on it
But now many months later, he takes pride in being your sole protector and caretaker whenever you need help
However despite wanting to wait for your silent permission to help, sometimes Revali will push forward even if you protest
He knows that you push aside your own feelings often which pisses him off so much
Like who the hell made you feel that way- that you feel the need to hide your pain and feelings absolutely willing to fight them
He’ll make you a hot drink that you enjoy, run a bath and even light incense to calm the air
And despite not being very verbal about his affection. Revali will reassure you that he will always be there for you. And that if you wish to talk, he’ll listen
Revali will sit by you, he will hold you tightly, he’ll do anything you ask him to as long as it means making you happy
Anyways, no more sad sappy stuff-
YOUR HEIGHT god he loves how small you are- holy heck he is 6’3, this bird towers over you
Because of how small you are, he constantly loses you in crowds which of course makes him worry and panic but once he finds you he pretends he isn’t lmao
Ritos have a strong sense of culture and taking care of their appearances, so once the two of you began courting Revali SO wanted to braid your hair (idk how considering he has wings but go with it)
He loves how different the texture of human hair is compared to feathers, but as gentle as he is- sometimes your hair gets tugged on
During those days, Revali tends to decorate your hair with clips and colorful feathers
Revali loves how excitable you can get, how your eyes light up with the biggest grin on your face
And when you tell stories, he can’t help but be absolutely enamored by you. The whole time, Revali gives his full attention to you and only you
If someone dares interrupt he gets so cranky and tells them off
Revali listens very well during your rambles- even if you think he isn’t. And you can always tell he was genuinely listening when new art supplies or fabric suddenly appear in your craft room
He isn’t very forward with love, more prefers casual and doing things without prompts. Meaning he loves to fly around finding items for your crafts, carefully placing them in a spot that he knows you’ll see immediately
Proudly displays your paintings around the home (with permission) and brags about how awesome and talented his s/o is to anyone nearby
Also!! Any clothing or jewelry you make for him, he will happily wear! Absolutely loves flaunting his new pretty accessories
All in all, Revali loves you with his entire being and will go to the ends of the world for you
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the-true-shinetales · 10 months
A force that brings people together. Like a roaring campfire on a chilly night.
A primal element. One that heals, destroys, protects. An element that can bring forth the best and worst in something.
A sacred flame of azure blue, a symbol of unity across Sinnoh. My flame.
Who am I? My name is Michael Flooffire. But please, call me Shine. I promise I am not as formal as I look. It's a pleasure to meet you.
(More info under the cut)
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The current ref-sheet of the fox you see. Capable of both feral and anthropomorphic forms. For the sake of this blog: Feral state will be the default in asks and such, but anthro can be shifted to upon request. It is not normal in reality for a Pokemon known to be quadrupedal to stand in a bipedal stance. The abnormal height of 4'0 in either form can be explained through Hisuian Alpha genetics.
You may be asking, who is this fox? What is a "Shinetales"?
The answer to that is simple. A "Shinetales" is an 'ascended' Ninetales, Kantonian or Alolan origin does not matter much. It is the species name Shine took for himself upon the ascension, given his shiny coloration. His typing is Fire/Psychic.
The details of his ascension are kept purposely murky, for there to not be an oversized pantheon of Mythicals and Legendaries. Shine's domain is that of Unity. Bringing people, Pokemon, and elsewise together, and standing against what may drive them apart.
Shine himself is a compassionate and caring individual, lending an ear or helping hand anytime he is capable of doing so. If you just need something soft to lay against while you vent your troubles, he will not mind in the slightest. Simply ask.
Do that let that completely fool you, however. He is a capable battler and fighter, and will staunchly stand up for his sense of right and wrong. Sometimes he is misguided, but his heart is always in the right place. He's just... not the best at tempering it.
Hi! I'm Michael, and despite what you may see here, Shine is /not/ my 'sona! Just one of my many OCs. And Shine is special, because as it turns out, I'm plural and he is my headmate. He wrote most of what you see above himself. We are the Stormsoul system. I am the main host and front. If there is either no icon or a lightning bolt emoji, it is me speaking in some capacity. Mostly applies OoC. If in character and there's no emoji, it defaults to Shine. If something is OoC and has a flame emoji, then that is Shine directly speaking. In either case, story-related plot will be marked with the tag #shineposting
Thank you for reading through my rambles. I hope we can all enjoy my forays into unreality.
Minor edit: Since I never mentioned it, any follows that come from @abs0ulut1on are from us!
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vacantgodling · 2 years
some ooc jenna rambles
jenna’s power is the power of manifestation, so it could be very possible that in order to separate herself and yehna jenna has to become strong enough to manifest a new body for yehna
my first thought was more around the elements or whatever but i think that the only thing i may take out of it is to make yehna a new body it’s going to be out of clay. (so many myths have clay in creation tm)
but it could be interesting to do the same thing that allowed yehna to have life within jenna is how to create life within clay. like ooo maybe the original spell and myth of how to mold new reapers out of clay was lost to time but jenna’s powers helped bring it back to fruition.
the actual process of creating a reaper was molding it out of clay and exposing it to the things that make sentient beings sentient, so that they could be compassionate in removing those things from them. death was supposed to be a gentle journey of the soul but it was twisted and morphed for power and greed.
so jenna creating yehna’s body out of clay and then taking the clay body and yehna inside of her to experience the five senses and then eventually help define yehna’s sense of self with complex senses ??? wow
ALSO ideas bc what if the whole thing about jenna and the witch king is that it’s not often a witch is born with the power of manifestation; because to be the witch king you manifest the powers of other witches. so?? what if jenna’s whole journey in jenna and the witch king is simply jenna becoming the witch king.
usually the process is after you find the witch king they give you a task, but with jenna she already proved herself. by helping yehna manifest, she proved the true height of her abilities and the witch king can finally pass on now that a new one has taken their stead.
so what if instead of jenna and the witch king
it’s called jenna the witch king 👁️👁️
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blitz-heart · 1 year
@madeimpact asked: 🙌 HAND OVER THE KANEKO PARENTS NPC Meme ;
I've mentioned them in passing in the past, both ooc and in a few ic posts here and there, so I figure; it's time I officially and formally introduced Kairi's adoptive family... aka... drum roll...
Kenji and Aika.
I'll put their information under a readmore for courtesy's sake, in case I end up rambling too much and it all gets too long ! but here we go !
Kaneko Kenji.
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Age: 41. Pronouns: he/him Face claim: Kubota Yuki. Occupation: Mayor of Destiny Islands. Likes: Reading, journaling, scuba diving, walking/exercising. Dislikes: Dishonesty/lying, close-mindedness, cigarettes/the smell of cigarette smoke, sweets. Personality: Hard-working, kind-hearted, ambiverted, pragmatic. Extra: Is allergic to cats. Background: Kenji, with a love for the Islands he called home, throughout his entire youth aspired to one day be mayor and take care of both his home and his fellow Islanders. He later on did just that, becoming mayor at the age of 27. He was the youngest mayor in the history of Destiny Islands, and never anticipated doing anything with his life other than what his job would bring. Then one night, a brief number of months after he took on the position, there was a sudden, unanticipated meteor shower over the Destiny Islands — one that heralded the arrival of a four year old little girl by the name of Kairi, with red hair and indigo-blue eyes. She seemed to be alone, lost, scared, and seemingly amnesiac, and as a result of this the people of Destiny Islands had questions, and no idea what to do with her; they turned to Kenji with their inquiries — Where are her parents? Where did she come from? Why is she here?
Being at an equal loss of what to do and with an equal lack of answers, Kenji was very quickly forced to come to the decision to take Kairi in and raise her on his own. At first, he was uncertain as to how he would do raising a child by himself — he had no experience with kids of any kind of age. He tried his best to balance out his career with Kairi's upbringing and though he did admittedly struggle from time to time — having to, on occasion, put his mayoral affairs first — he still was, overall, a loving and caring enough father in his own way. He has made Kairi smile, laugh, cry, etc., in multiple ways over the years, and has always gone out of his way to ensure she is taken care of and looked after even in the moments when he can't always be around, himself.
When Kairi was only eight, Kenji married a woman named Hayami whose selfishness and dishonesty eventually caused a rift in their marriage. They split after two years, and for five months after the divorce Kenji remained single. Then near the end of those five months he met Aika, another woman who turned out to be a much kinder soul than Hayami had been. They began dating shortly after meeting and a year and a half later got married, when Kairi was twelve.
They've been together ever since.
Kaneko Aika.
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Age: 36. Pronouns: she/her Face claim: Ally Maki. Occupation: Waitress. Likes: Gardening, surfing, journaling, dancing, spicy food. Dislikes: Rudeness, arrogance, passive-aggression, hot beverages of any kind, poor hygiene. Personality: Prudent, compassionate, confident, hard-working. Extra: Actually attended the same high school as Kenji. Background:
Being the daughter of a fisherman, and a waitress, like herself, Aika was raised into a both diligent and respectful mindset — learning to always treat others with the golden rule, and work hard at anything she set her mind to. She kept the belief of both these things well throughout her youth and young adulthood, and the former proved to pay off when she eventually won the heart of the mayor of Destiny Islands only a few months after meeting him.
Aika became a part of Kenji and his daughter's lives so very quickly that it surprised her, but pleasantly so, and she has never once faltered in caring for either of the two of them — showing time and time again both patience and compassion whenever it has come to supporting either Kenji in his mayoral career, or Kairi in her own endeavors. She even, at one point, taught Kairi how to plant things, and the two of them have a shared garden of their own behind Kenji's house.
As kind-hearted as she is, Aika has also proven to be fiercely loyal and protective over her newfound family; she has been shown to never take any shit despite her good-natured temperament.
She works four days a week at a small cafe in the center of town, on the main Island.
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wieldedhonor · 4 years
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I write and say Molly isn’t much different in her Overlord verse personality wise --
That really depends on her company.
When Molly is dealing with her work she is much more cold and ruthless. She bares her fangs and will not hesitate to rip someones throat out. As mentioned she got where she was for a reason.
Molly had decades of pent up rage and the build up of intolerance toward everything she’s ever dealt and been given with and she finally let it loose and unleashed the potential she had.
Not only did her rage and carnage escalate, but truthfully, her other feelings of carnal desires rose. She does have a few close confidants that are rather on her hand and foot -- putting it simply honestly she has a few close simps that she definitely use for personal pleasure as WELL as business protection.
But, Molly still is ‘the same’ when dealing with certain people. She still holds a compassion and kindness, she’s still sweet and caring. That can never change from Molly. She still holds a big heart. But that heart is wielding a fucking knife.
Molly, as usual, uses her sweet and kind nature to make her seem rather unassuming. Sure, other people would know better, but it’s still something she always found useful. That isn’t to say either she isn’t sincere, because she is! But she refuses to show all her cards unless she has to put down her hand, if that makes sense.
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komcrebi-moved · 5 years
   y’know what I don’t talk about enough?
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     ...feral Andi...
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eightcurioussouls · 5 years
Olivia: Hey, do you think I could fit fifteen marshmallows into my mouth?
Gracie: You're a hazard to society.
Victor: And a coward! Do twenty.
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tvrningout-archived · 2 years
the minute i start putting solid personalities to all of yubari’s siblings and his father and fleshing out his lore, it’s over for all of you 
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spynorth · 2 years
We followed you because you have such a wonderful presence that always shine on our dash and days! You really radiate the most kind of fun and chill vibes that we can never get enough of while we highly appreciate your sense of humor and passion for the muses you write with! Everything you touch turns to gold! Your writings, headcanons, even just ic or ooc rambles are just chefs kisses... You are so beyond incredible, a true ray of sunshine, and we're always beyond happy that we had followed you and we're friends! <3
favorite thing about my blog?
mate, this is unacceptably kind. Completely unacceptable I tell you. You have always been the brightest ray of sunshine on the dash and so loving and kind and compassionate and I am so grateful I have the chance to know you. The strength you've shown the last few months is phenomenol and inspiring and I can only hope to one day build the lore around my muses like you do. I am so glad you're back and creating/writing once again. A highlight of my day is always seeing what you're going to put on the dash next because 9 times out of 10 it makes me stop and think and consider something I never had before. i will follow you until the end of time. I love you all <3
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