#Masked questioners. {Anons.}
utilitycaster · 8 months
I think some people believe asking questions on anon is like them strapping the person they are asking to a chair and turning on a single bare lightbulb and performing an interrogation. But really the experience of getting one of those questions is that of being hollered at by someone sitting in the passenger's side of their best friend's ride.
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projectmayhem-stims · 3 months
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Pink and white medical stimboard for 🎀 anon!
💞 💞 💞
🩹 🩹 🩹
💗 💗 💗
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cator99 · 2 months
out of curiosity, would you consider yourself butch?
used to be a blonde underweight twink and now I'm a based jock still got the chanel bag and the sick albeit matured mind of a suckpig to prove it so I'm gonna let you decide whether you wanna call me that word just cuz I got a pussy and short hair. I promise you that there have been enough advancements made in the art of lesbian sexual dynamics in the past 50 years to broaden the vocabulary used to describe the plethora of types of masculine females.
#being called butch just reminds me of how much males have the freedom to navigate between male archetypes and how people pay attention to#the distinguishing features of these varying masculinities#but when a female is seen as masculine it all gets lumped under the “butch” category#her masculinity is seen as unnatural and therefore incapable of being considered genuine or taken at face value as it is with males.#its always brought into question instead of taken in consideration with the rest of the woman's life and experiences and her particularities#Hence... Butch is still being treated as though its a huge lesbian cultural phenomena instead of a specific niche thing#also i dont mean to invite the “you dont pass!!” anons again bc that idiot is missing my point entirely (which is that im truly not trying)#but the fact is that for the past 3 years i have found myself increasingly navigating the male social world#and discovering what it means to me as a female to have access to the ability to take my “masculinity” for granted... relax#forget about it#etc#i think thats entirely antithetical to the Butch thing which seems to rest on the tension of other peoples expectations of her#people broadly are more surprised to find out that im interested in women just as much as they're surprised that im a gym queen iykwim...#ive worked hard for this and now that ive gotten the Woman Social Role thing pretty much entirely out of the way i am living the dream#i think a large part of that is learning as a dyke to appropriate the language of gay men theres a reason their terminology had#staying power even when their scene was *literally* dying meanwhile all that seemed to survive from dyke spaces was butch n femme ??#its because theirs didnt necessitate the building and maintenance of a scene in order for the subculture to hold its head above water#their labels *largely* weren't predicated on their relationships to gender roles and its telling that for dykes it was#their labels rested on the need to simply show up anonymous n be able to easily flag whether they were looking to fuck or be fucked#alongside the set of circumstances under which they would be fucking or getting fucked or what have you#it all comes back to the restrictions of female social blah blah blah and i think the sooner we collectively set down what we see as our#responsibility as lesbians and as feminists to Be A Woman the sooner we can step outside of that#n start thinking clearly about our individual circumstances and the necessity of putting on your own oxygen mask first before helping others
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cistematicchaos · 7 months
hello! I have a Question about masking. when should we wear a mask? is it only when we feel sick or is it always? is it inside or outside too? if ur vaccinated but were told to only wear when sick is that bad? literally almost no on in any area around me in my state wears one except when sick and I feel unsure what to do. genuinely everywhere I go there’s close to no one. I feel afraid to wear one all the time bc judgement. but what do we need to do? I’m disabled and disability justice is important to me but since no one else wears one my friends do not think it’s needed and thinks comfort matters more bc it’s very humid here. I feel like wearing one is the right thing to do, but idk how to explain that to others or to start again and shake the fear. ppl assume ur sick when u wear bc that’s what we’re taught is the right time to. /gen
Genuinely, ty for trusting me to answer this. If you're outside or inside a public area, or inside with people who don't mask, it's best to be wearing a mask. Even when you don't feel sick! Not only can you have covid without feeling sick, but you can also carry lots of viruses without feeling sick and so can others. (Also other people don't always tell you when they're feeling sick unfortunately.)
As for the question about vaccinations, yeah, that's bad. You were lied to. People who're vaccinated can still spread covid without feeling sick and can still catch it and get long covid or die. All the vaccine does is make you a little safer if you catch it, it doesn't replace masking.
Masking is very scarce in a lot of places, so I understand that. In my area so many people don't mask and it's scary! I also understand being scared of judgement; especially from family and friends. But you're right, masking is the right thing to do and disability justice is important. And masking is especially important if you're already disabled; you're higher risk for covid fucking you up (by giving you long covid or generally worsening your disabilities/giving you more).
Since I've already explained WHEN you should be masking (if you have more questions, ask, I don't mind at all.), lemme see if I can help you out with the rest. To shake the fear, I'd suggest starting wearing your mask when you're alone to get used to wearing it more. You'll probably have to bite it and do it afraid anyway, because its a pandemic and masking is a necessity (if you can), but you can still get ready first.
To explain it to your friends, put it simply. "I discovered the vaccine doesn't replace masking, so I'm being safe." or "I realized masking keeps all of us safer during the pandemic, especially disabled people, so I'm going to keep doing it."
They may argue with you, especially since they may feel bad for not masking. You don't have to argue back with them. You can offer to send them articles about it or explain your thoughts but you don't have to justify masking!
If people think you're sick, they'll probably ask and you can explain or they'll avoid you, which may work to your advantage because social distancing from people who don't mask is good too.
If part of this doesn't make sense or you have more questions, ask me! I'd love to answer and have a lot of info on the subject if you want it. Again, thank you for trusting me to answer and I hope this helps. <3 Stay safe!
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theallmightymysterion · 4 months
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HOORAY! ok so like this is the first time im doing this so PLEASE ask away!
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gilverrwrites · 2 months
How old you reckon Roman is? Or your take of it. If he's either an older millennial or Gen X even. I like to imagine how tech-savvy he is or whether he is up to speed or not. Since let's say if his S/O happens to be a way up-to-date millennial or Heavens Forbid, a chronically online Gen Z. There will be some intriguing interactions on that end, or comical even. If they need to help him work his phone, and even just an IT issue ... or let alone say some internet slang he might not get.
What an interesting question! I guess I always picture him in his early-mid 40s. However, in the canon context I’d put him at a couple years younger than Bruce. Old enough to run in the same circles, for Roman to be aware of Bruce, but not close enough for them to have been friends.
But yeah, 40s for me so X/older millennial. Has a phone bloated with useless apps, a laptop riddled with malware, and a facebook page full of fake news. When you call him out on any of it, he’s just like ‘no, no, it’s fine, it works!/it’s true! Do I look stupid to you?’ And 1 hour later he needs help adjusting the brightness settings.
Doesn’t use dark mode or vpns despite the more tech savvy members of his gang begging him to.
Has a tenuous grasp on slang cause he fucking hates when the Robins say shit he cannot understand, so he asks the youngest false-facers to clarify. They translate with about 60% accuracy, sometimes it’s just funnier to hear the boss call Batman GOAT with the absolute worst understanding of what it means.
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booksofadventures · 1 month
My thoughts on Link? He's awful. A complete menace. Can't stand that guy. I wish I could just make him go away!
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There's the knight now tilting his head to one side now, not that his face showed it much but he had wondered what he had done to offend or upset the masked one. Arms folded softly across his chest though now, maybe he should just walk away and leave them alone. But a soft voice left his lips instead, something that was rare for him to do was to speak.
"...Did I do something to you?"
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changeling-rin · 2 years
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The more he uses his masks, the more he accumulates traits from the souls inside them. They're all currently hidden in his hair, or under his clothes, or just simply in a really weird spot. For example, he's got a leaf in his hair, tucked under his right ear, from the Deku mask; he has a small patch of hardened yellow skin on his left ankle from the Goron mask; and just underneath his right elbow is a tiny amount of pale blue, barely-there scales from the Zora mask. None of this is noticeable to the outside observer yet
If he continues to host Oni, he'll develop a white shock in his bangs
He was borderline vegan for the first nine years of his 'Kokiri' life, and had something of a culture shock when Malon introduced him to milk and eggs
His favorite color was purple... and then Majora happened. His favorite color is now white
He's actually uniquely suited for the soul-magic subset of the Spirit Magic Branch. Given that soul magic is highly taboo, this is a bit unfortunate, since it means that he'll probably never figure out his specialty. But the perk is that he'll never fall prey to the typical problem with soul magic, which is that one loses track of their own identity and individuality altogether after enough exposure and/or merging. Using one soul mask is usually enough to send the wearer off the deep end after a dozen uses or so - for example, the Skull Kid getting taken over by soul-mask-Majora. But Mask is running around with three on a normal day, and f o u r once he picks up Oni. If soul magic wasn't primarily used by psychopaths, he'd be a legend in the community
He... may or may not be in a 'love triangle' with Malon and Zelda? He honestly has no idea. At this point he's just waiting for them to tell him what's going on, because he has no clue what's going on. Last he heard, the girls were in 'negotiations', whatever that means?
He has a love-hate relationship with sleep. On one hand, his sleep schedule is probably irreparably screwed over by the Termina time loops, and he's kinda tired... all the time. But, on the other hand, he gets so much more done now that his body just goes until it passes out. He has been reliably informed that this is not healthy, but... eh, hasn't killed him yet
If anything happened to Ocarina, he would - quite literally - kill everyone in the room, and then himself. Exceptions would be made for fellow Links, but then all bets are off. He has not said this out loud to Ocarina, because he thinks it's obvious. (It is not obvious.)
If he ever picks up another instrument, he'd be good at it. He actually is very musically talented
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mollypollykinz · 11 months
im curious..... if minato is akechi's death arcana, then what arcana represents akechi in minato's SL? (if that makes sense)
Akechi is Minato's moon arcana ^-^
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pinkhairandpokemon · 8 months
A nincada appears carying a box with a neat little Zora mask
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??? what the hell kind of Pokémon is this supposed to be
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emersonfreepress · 2 years
For me personally the unsettling thing about Gabe is not that he's manipulative, that's expected and that I can handle. It's how easy he seems to switch between being emotional and cold, empathetic and ruthless that scares me. And I'm not sure we've seen what's behind the mask, 'cause I'm not even sure there's a mask! I don't know how to explain it, really, I might be completely misremembering things and misinterprenting his character. Need to replay the demo, honestly, and reread some characters asks...
oh gosh, please don't feel the need to reread the demo 😅😅 I owe y'all some new fun stuff to read, hopefully I'll get that out sooner rather than later 😅
And if you think the way he switches is unnerving, you ain't seen nothing yet ☺️
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inkykeiji · 1 year
hi clari! i loveee poison!dabi and wonder how he would’ve reacted to the reader wanting to break up? thank you have a great day bby
hi anon! c: oooh good question. well, his yandere tendencies would surface with a vengeance, basically. there’s no way he’s letting her leave, is she stupid? this has to be her brother talking, has to be her brother infecting her pretty, precious lil mind with his insidious lies and his desperate deceptions, because there’s no way his perfect princess would ever even conceive of such a ridiculous notion. there’s absolutely no way she believes such an absurd idea, agrees with such a fatuous concept, wants to commit such a sacrilegious action. there’s no possible way she wants to leave him of her own volition, that this was her idea, that this wasn’t planted, with caution and care, in the folds of her brain like a sick little parasite—there’s no way, because she loves him. he knows she does. and she knows just as well as dabi does that he’s the best thing for her, that he knows what’s best for her, better than anyone else ever could be, better than anyone else ever will.
he’s laughing when she tells him with trembling breath that she no longer wants to be with him, the melody void of humour and stuffed full of derangement. she’s kidding, right? how could she ever know what’s best for her better than her Daddy does? his head shakes, manic, eyes glowing as his gaze pins her to the floor, a sharp smile stretched abnormally wide across his face. silly little girl, you aren’t going anywhere.
and if she tries to get away, if she tries to escape, he has no issues chaining her to the radiator, ensuring she can’t pull such a foolish little stunt again and run off, promising that he’ll free her once he’s sure she’s learned her lesson, once he’s positive she won’t exhibit such disrespect ever again.
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starheirxero · 7 months
I just came back from the laes episode-
That is it, that's where my heartstrings have enough, I will never fucking recover from it-
They fed us, by God, the angst is is too much, but it's so addictingly delicious-
The way Solar tried so hard to get them to communicate, yet how he let them talk and didn't push them, didn't try to force them.
And Earth and Lunar, God Earth and Lunar…
The way Earth is beating herself up, feeling like she can't talk about her problems, because "Lunar had it worse". The way she feels as though she's not allowed to talk about it, not meant to, because she's supposed to be the caretaker, the therapist, the golden child. The way she desperately tries to keep herself together as her world crumbles around her…
I don't even know where to start about Lunar- They finally reached the edge. They finally reached their limit. The question is, will they run? Will they take the leap? Or will they be pushed off? They are on their witts end, unable to control their powers, and slowly succumbing to their trauma.
They don't understand the world, nor themself anymore… They never asked for any of this, so how is this fair?
My goodness, this was too much for my poor heart-
Both of them are suffering so much, both of them can't see the end of the tunnel anymore!
There's so much more, but I can't even put it into words! I am gonna go insane-
Solar was doing his best and I feel a little bad for him too because I know he just wants everything to be okay between them but he doesn't really know How to navigate that </3
It breaks my heart to see them interact like this because Earth is scared of Lunar and Lunar is scared to hurt Earth and their wounds are still too fresh to actually begin any communication or healing and it's like AUGH. EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE ☹️
So much yet so little was communicated to each other and I am being SO dramatically woeful about it. Exactly like u said, they can't even see the end of the tunnel anymore </3
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
what does the monster hiding under your creeky floorboards look like?
scary. frightening. glowing eyes. i have to keep my night light on to keep him away
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shima-draws · 2 years
hello i hope you have a good day or night! ps why that Anonymous was rude to you for?
Aww thank you you too!!
Fndnfn who knows honestly lmao I get messages like that sometimes without any context or reason. Imagine walking up to a stranger in public and telling them “You’re a bad person. Do better” like bro what the fuck lmao who even are you
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deadeyemarkxman · 1 year
What is Shadow Khor?
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"Some sort of ancient deity known for bringing night, darkness, and destruction. Part of my deal with Malizz is to assist it in gathering Shadow Khor. Not sure what it'll do with it afterwards, but that's none of my business."
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