#Forest Escape Games
janimay-sprout-cloud · 6 months
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Yesterday was the anniversary of the game Ori! These are couple of drawings from 2022
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ampleappleamble · 4 months
guys i fucked up and cleared out crookspur before accepting the clear out crookspur quest from atsura and now i can't see kana my best friend kana. pity me
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Headcanon: Panem is isolated from a generally thriving world. Nobody knows what the fuck happens there except through rumors. So when Lucy Gray Baird comes onto the scene in future Quebec or whatever, everyone is shocked, like, "WHAT the fuck happened to the US??? I thought they had just gotten really into isolationism again."
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snailfen · 5 months
yknow going into ori and the blind forest i thought "theres no way this is harder than hollow knight or rain world!". Well,
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lordkingsmith · 2 months
Waylan stood staring at the older woman, soft in the body but not the set of her jaw, and felt like weeping. It was his sister, ten no longer. Four teenagers with their features and he supposed the features of their father clustered around her, staring at him. He reached a hand out, aware of the chain still connected to the collar on his neck. Aware of the dirt on his skin and leaves and pearls and who knows what else in loose hair and the rabbit skin coat wrapped protectively around his shoulders and no shoes and old burlap breeches. He was aware, aware, aware how beastly he looked, how wild.
“Waylon” Nora’s voice was the same but harder, tired. Waylan opened his mouth but one of the boys behind her pushed three others back, behind him and back. Ah. It was sweet but hurt deeply.
They were on a street with people staring at them. Nobody he knew, town looked different too. It made sense but it hurt. Their house wasn’t even there anymore. A supermarket had taken the neighborhood’s place. This explained so much now that he could see her, how old she was and the mostly grown kids clustered around her. Too alike to be anything but siblings and too similar to her to be anyone else’s.
“Nora” he said, voice rough from the anguish of being so so so very late to getting home. “I tried. I’m trying. Every day every moment I’ve never stopped-” a hard pull on the chain sent him a step back that he struggled, getting a few steps farther. “It’s Waylan.” He knew she knew. But still, it felt good to say his own name. “I don’t have much time.”
She had children, this changed things. The king always had trouble finding or recognizing or controlling him with the rabbit skin coat. Waylan knew if he wanted he could live a half life mostly free as he was, as long as he wore the coat. But it’d place Nora’s family in danger and despite it all he could still not fathom putting someone else in danger to protect himself.
Nora stepped forward to her brother, not much older than her own children now and gripped him by the shoulders, him flinching at how firm she was and her gasping he was there at all. Solid beneath her hands. He hung his head as she shook him. “What happened?” Was all she asked despite it and he shook his head.
“Autumn King thought I was pretty. Saw I was kind.” He whispered. “He likes the pretty ones, the kind ones. Been fighting him to come back to you. When he breaks me like the others, I’m not going to be able to get out again.” He’d be in the forest and another unlucky kind person would be in the King’s manor, in the room, on the bed-
“You wanted to come back? You didn’t just walk in?”
“Mom did” his voice curled around an anger he was trying to comprehend still. “That’s not my home. The king isn’t my home.”
She touched a scar on his chest, wrapped a hand around the collar and felt the chain she couldn’t see. Anger at him turned to rage at someone else. “How long, exactly, has this been going on.” He shook his head helplessly. Honestly he didn’t know. The king took his memories whenever he pleased and even now he knew he only had a portion, though wasn’t sure if he minded not knowing all of his own torture. The chain jumped under her fingers, making her withdraw as her kids pressed in, concerned for their mother.
“Waylan” her voice was as sharp as when she addressed her son. “How long.”
“Since I was taken. About.” He decided on. Then scrunched his nose. “I’m older than you, don’t go mom mode on me little lady.”
“I’m going mom mode all I like.” She retorted. “Haven’t aged a day have you?”
Waylan gripped his sister tightly. “This coat was mom’s” he said quickly. “Now it’s mine. The king likes putting fae in the towns to…” he swallowed. “The more fae you are the more likely to just walk back in. Go to the family your ancestors are from. He doesn’t bother with those, he likes taking. But each family round here’s got something to keep them safe, a gift from the fae relatives in the forests. He’s hidden most of them. This coat is ours.”
Nora stared at him and then at his fingers clumsily undoing it as he continued breathlessly. “Long as we got it he can’t recognize us, control us. It makes our family rabbits and breaks spells. Mostly. I was gonna use it to be done with him.” He stared behind her at his nieces and nephews he’d never met.
Nora was scowling. “You’re telling me an idiot stole you and you’re going back? To be what? A pet? Why? Are you stupid?”
“He likes me the most. Never kept a toy as long as me.” Waylan’s voice was gentle. “I’ll keep his attention. You…” he looked at her kids. Waylon and his siblings. Shook his head. “When I’m a broken toy in the woods you keep them safe. Give the kindest of them the fur coat. I couldn’t get back in time, but I can use that. Distract him long enough to let you get them all safe.” Nora wasn’t someone he’d take. She was too much of herself and righteous rage to be a good toy. It made her a good guardian, a good mom.
Nora slapped him. Waylan reeled, nearly fell, and Nora grabbed at him, kept him steady. Kept him with her. Her voice thick with emotions he could barely place with his head ringing “Or I go in.” She snapped. “If you spent all that time just for a moment to yammer about self sacrifice you fool, I go in. And I get all of you all out. Everyone you’ve met and then some. End it for good.” She tilted her head defiantly. “He’s never met me, and he’s going to wish he never caused me to want to meet him.”
“Don’t be a fool” Waylan shot back. “They need you.” The four kids looked fairly confused, fairly afraid. Waylan couldn’t blame them.
“So do you!” She shouted. “And I needed you! And you’ve been in those woods this whole time with a spoiled brat of a king who kept you as a pet! A rabbit in a hutch!”
“Mom?” One of the girls with dark hair and wide set eyes pointed at the forest down the street. It was thrashing. The other three were shuffling away from it, and people on the street were running as though from a storm. Howling that sounded suspiciously like ‘Waylan’ and ‘Sweetness’ echoed through the woods and into the town. Waylan stared with the growing certainty even if he hadn’t taken so many years, this would have had the same result. He wouldn’t have been able to stay long.
Waylon grabbed at his sister. “C’mon, we need to get inside.” Smart boy. The four began hustling away from the woods.
Waylan swallowed. “He’s looking for me between this realm and his.” He began undoing the wooden wedge buttons of the coat with a sudden decision, a faint idea, some kind of half baked hope. “Nora do whatever you want.” He was tired and there wasn’t anymore time to argue. The chain pulled against his neck and made him breathless. “But whatever you do, know this was the only thing helping me remember you. Helping me fight to come back to you. I’m going to be pulled back. Before while wearing the coat I could escape. Now, well. It’s not mine anymore, I feel that.” He pulled the coat off of himself and a tug on the chain nearly pulled him off his feet with a pained whimper. Nora kept him steady, but it wouldn’t last. He threw the coat around his shoulders.
“If you go in and find me. I won’t know you.” Waylan said, before removing her hands from his upper arms. “He may make me fight you. But Nora?” He held her hands in his, trying to memorize every new line, every gray hair. She was his exact height now and it was hard to stare his sister in the eye. Grey-green glared at him, past him, at a situation she was piecing together and deciding she very much didn’t like. He brushed a hand through her hair much like he used to, tucking a wayward strand behind her ear.
She looked all at once like the little girl he’d left watching cartoons. “Yes?” Young and suspicious and very vulnerable. A vinegar pill, their mom used to call her, fondly. Needed but hard to handle. Whatever she did, it’d be the right move, he knew that. She seemed fine, seemed to have done okay. Whatever she chose to do it’d go fine. That was Nora. Still, always,
“No matter what, I love you.”
The chain pulled taught and he was pulled without logic back back back-
I’ve found you, Sweetness
The pet was on a bed. Its master called it sweetness and it loved its master. This was all it knew.
@augment-techs oh look, I’ve come up with a possible ending for the dream with Waylan lol
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gabycantart · 2 years
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ptitsa-poh · 11 months
Hello, beautiful people! An amazing thing happened - I took part in my first ever D&D one-shot adventure, not as a kobold, but as an illustrator, and today it is live on Kickstarter! It's a one-shot with some elements of Escape Room games, and its creators, Frost Forest Games, are super experienced in both that and D&D! I should know - one of them is my DM :) More info on the Kickstarter page. Come and back us, it's gonna be fun! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/frostyforest/dandd-escape-room-one-shot-diy-prophecies-for-1
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starlitkittens · 2 months
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Chai and I would like to make some new friends in the PNGTuber and VTuber community! We’ve each filled out a collab sheet with the games we are willing to collab with!
Note: as we currently share 1 PC, Chai and I cannot record/stream at the same time. We may request trial games prior to our official collab just to ensure we vibe well together, especially when the games require larger groups.
You can also join our Discord! Note: our discord has a fair few steps for verification (rules, CAPTCHA, ID verification - only viewed by Chai or myself and never saved, intro, and role selection).
This extensive verification system helps to 1) deter trolls (the steps are pretty quick, but trolls won’t bother) 2) keep minors safe by keeping them out of adult spaces (ID gated) 3) kick bots automatically (captcha) 4) ensure the community is free from bigots
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me playing pacifist route, reject everyone except for YB and trying to save our friends lives but Don keeps dying in my playthrough
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lambs4slaughter · 10 months
what if. You wanted to get rid of the slime in your ear during the blood moon. And God said: 4 different encounters in the forest back to back
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bookwyrminspiration · 6 months
rip qown you would’ve loved the fox in the forest duet </3
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messmersflame · 2 years
i wanted to show off my home and then got distracted by cannibal neighbours before remembering what i was doing
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angiekitstar · 1 year
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Gaming girl nights be like…
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borrelia · 1 year
ohhhh so adventure 2 really is that good. it really is THAT much better than adventure 1 huh. okay
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spectraltenkai · 2 years
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“Ori, run! I’ll lead the way-- Ori???” - Sein, probably
One of the first games I played that opened the way for what kinds of stuff I look for in a game to a degree, and my gog the music hits me like a truck with nostalgia now
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