#For the record this is about someone looking at one of my Gwen drawings and asking me if I was drawing myself
heroofashesnot · 2 years
Yippee! The one thing when you were trying to avoid when translating a pre-existing character to your style happened anyway so now you have to figure out how to alter the design while still keeping the character recognizable! (Derogatory)
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My take on Miles and Gwen's future kid
Meet Charlotte Samantha Angelica "Angie" Morales-Stacy
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Sadly, my art skills aren't nothing to go crazy, MUCH LESS with people, somehow creatures I draw much better.
Regardless for awhile I had been wanting to take this design out of my head, and if I get to commission someone to bring this real life, thought it would be good to try to do a reference.
A few fun facts about her!
Just like her canon equivalent, she is oldest. Also spoiled rotten by EVERYONE around her.
That scar under her eye? She was playing with the webs-shooters with her brother, he threw something at her direction and BARELY missed her eye. The use of web-shooters at home has been banned ever since.
She has three piercings, one clear crystal on her nose, ring piercing on her lower lip and ball in her tongue, those last two are in rainbow titanium.
Lives for the spectacle, she actually likes to do "shows" in the air, accompanied by her own music that resonate in the webs as she do tricks in the air at the rhythm of the song.
She has left messes around the city and scaring the living shit out of her parents more than once with her daredevil tricks.
More under the cut + some art notes!
Her name, Angelica, is because is a very common Spanish name, but is also the name of punk-rock all-girl band from the 90s, that I hc Gwen was fan of.
The name was appropriate because she loves punk-rock music just like her mom; Hobie is her favourite "uncle" for this reason.
Black eyeliner is a MUST, those triangles at the beginning of her eyes are part of her signature look, so she refused to go out of the house without at least that.
I am leaning towards her either keeping her blonde hair, or deciding to dye it herself.
(If she dyes it, the reason behind was to look more like her mom. Growing up people constantly didn't think they could be related because Angelica's dark skin + black traits. So she got fed up.)
A lot of her teachers still hate her because she is the type of student you can tell isn't paying attention, but then the Math teacher calls her to resolve a problem and does it in record time; so they can't say anything to her.
Exceptionally good with numbers and physics; you wouldn't believe it when she is in the air but a lot of times she is calculating more or less where she would end.
"A show needs a choreography, but I also like to improvise, so I need to do make sure nothing goes off-course, no biggie" <- Says with a poker face as if doing calculations in real time isn't that impressive.
Can be absolutely charismatic when putting on a show, but is actually pretty awkward when interacting with people she isn't familiar with. Unless she is in her hero persona.
Miles and Gwen are kind of annoyed at her about it too; she is brilliant but she does the minimum required for school because she honestly doesn't care and thinks the school system is bullshit anyway.
(Yep that had to do with Hobie, Gwen gave him an earful for that one.)
Still likes to help people and do what she can, but she can't say is something she wants to focus her life on.
Okay that's enough notes from her for now, now some art notes.
The shape of her head and face, eyes and eyebrows are actually from Gwen.
The nose and lips are from Miles, though you can tell Miles got that nose from his dad.
The is buzz cut on the sides, but it goes longer on the top. It may not had worked, but I tried my best to imitate Rio's hair texture.
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oldmemoria · 1 year
lmao i fucking forgot to share this
not only do i have unorganized miguel heacanons but i have unorganized HOBIE ones too
i have unorganized random headcanons for all the characters i brainrot over these two are no different!!
identity headcanons first hehe:
hes trans. he probably diyed his hrt and also has top surgery somehow hes magic. (i also think he'd have tattoos over his scars, either super cool bat/devil wings or an intricate spider design on their whole abdomen cant decide ill draw it later 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉)
he, however, doesnt really have any specific sexuality or gender labels they feel like they fit into. theyre attacted to all genders of varying degrees but doesnt really put a label on it. he just exists.
also doesnt mind what pronouns you use for her. any/all. basically.
also also would encourage people to use the weirdest and coolest neopronouns they can think of for zem like REALLY go out there WHATEVER YOU CAN THINK OF.
ADHD haver?? MAYBE???
to the rest acaksdlfj;akdjf:
theyre very crafty and dabble in basically every form of art. music, graffiti, painting, sculpting (mainly with trash or scraps or random discarded items he finds, more on that later on), sewing, whatever. if he can learn to do it she will.
he is super touchy and likes being close to people, but also understand boundaries.
very emotionally intelligent, i feel like this is canon anyway but ill just put it out there, ze can basically sense if someone is upset.
LOVES ABSOLUTELY LIVES FOR talking to new people, will go out of their way to introduce himself to basically everyone, especially new spider-people she meets.
he is a bit of a joker, ofc, but he wont try and push boundaries that he clearly sees or hears from the person theyre talking to. hi people who hc him as being an unself aware dickhead shut up you are very wrong did you even watch the movie.
this one is probably my favorite but he will pick up random things he sees around him and keep them for art projects. cool rock on the sidewalk? its a rock, hes gonna take it. funny lookin bug? might pick it up for a little to look at it and put it back in a safer spot. bottle cap? "mine now". like i said before he likes using litter to make art.
he will stop mid-mission if he sees something cool that he can take home like "oh [riff] cool leaf" and put it in his pocket.
i was referencing this post btw i love this headcanon, absolutely genius, i will steal it ty /lhj
this stealing of random objects from all around the multiverse has caused many lectures for miguel (they arent listening)
they have some kind of control over what texture/color they turn into if xey really think about it but most of the time he just kind of.. lets it do its thing. (sort of like a RainWing?)
shockingly good at vague yet oddly specific threats that are unrealistic but if you really think about it it's like "oh yeah he could totally do that..." but she wouldn't. yknow what im saying right???
while he does live in the 70s where technology was uh... not as popular nor as advanced as they are now, he's aware of modern tech through Gwen, Miles, Pav, DEFINITELY through Margo and Miguel, but she doesn't really use it often. doesnt really see the point.
along with that he also is aware of modern music as well, he has mixed feelings (gwen is probably the biggest influence though she is such a Pinkshift/Paramore/My Chem girlie it hurts to think about)
100% collects record of artists, especially smaller artists, that they like.
if you get them going about music he will talk for HOURS. HOURS until you tell him to shut up, even though fae totally wont listen and will keep going anyway. (just like me teehee projecting is fun <3 )
while hobie does use his guitar as a weapon for some reason he is quite protective of it. they wont try and stop you from touching it or playing it, but he will watch you like a hawk. half out of "oo look another person is interested in guitar" and the other half of "👁️👁️ dont break it i can only do that /j" (a lot of musicians are like that, i would know, im one of them. ha)
loves stray animals. cats, dogs, birds, anything. he will stop to pet them if they let him.
he also will talk to cats like any other person. especially spider cat. spider cat could make a cat noise and he'd act like he understood it. "yeah totally man, i get it. meow."
he can sing like... averagely? he has a good sense of pitch and timing, as most musicians do, but she isnt professionally trained or really does it too often
they will scream though
also really likes messing with makeup and bodypaint. he will spend hours on it if he can.
FUCK I AM SO HAPPY I DIDNT POST THIS IMMEDIATELY BECAUSE I KEEP REMEMBERING THINGS ACK HERES ONE LAST ONE POST THIS AFTER ASH I SWEAR (edit from two weeks later: i forgor): he definitely isnt a morning person. he loves to sleep in. definitely values rest, like a lot. miguel will call him at like 7 am and hobie will flip him off and say 5 more minutes when they really mean 2 more hours.
do i have any more?? hmmm maybe if i remember but this is what i have so far. mostly just silly lil headcanons that arent entirely plot relevant as most of my headcanons are.
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sunshinemoonrx · 5 months
(Arthur voice) Just me, my wife, my wife, my wife, and the problems clown (Gwyn ap Nudd)
Wanted to round out the core cast of my Welsh Arthurian designs (done in these tags) with the main man's family and some related characters, starting with Gwenhwyfar (Guinivere).
I did an initial go at her here , but the odd thing is according to one Triads there's three Gwen's, all with different parentage. It's unclear if this is just a poetic device for "there's different stories of her ancestry", or if Arthur does just have three wives with the same name, or what, but I thought it'd be fun to depict her as sorta ambiguously three people in one, with different backgrounds but alternately morphing into each other, so it's unclear if they were originally three or one.
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Her design I used before and consider the "main" one is as the daughter of ("ferch" = "daughter of", like how "mab/ap" is "son of", equivalent to the Gaelic "mac") Gogfrawn Gawr ("the giant"). She's in the image of the violent, antisocial, liminally-human women found in early medieval literature. The lines beneath her name are a nursery rhyme recorded in the 19th century ("Gwenhwyfar daughter of Gogfrawn the Giant, bad when little, worse when big")--I already depict her as 8 or 9 feet tall, but maybe I can have her able to grow fully giant like Cai, hey.
One of the others is daughter of a ruler of the Welsh kingdom of Gwent (to the point of having its name; the story might have originally been that it was named after him), so I drew her as an early Welsh noblewoman; meanwhile the third is daughter of one Gwythyr, whose name seems to derive from the Roman Victor, which to me opens up ancestry from all across the Mediterranean; I went with Syria, which was the place of origin of several prominent Roman families. So an early Byzantine costume for her.
I've already drawn Arthur's earliest-attested son, Amr, here, but I quickly added him here alongside the son who seems to have been the biggest deal in Welsh material, Llacheu. I tried to give them both a mix of features from each of the three Gwens, to further blur the lines between whether they're the same or different people. (On which note, there's also a like...evil Gwen? Sister? Evil double? Something? Called Gwenhwyfach, which is what that note at the bottom of the first image is about--maybe she's sorta hiding among the trio.)
I also designed Gwythyr/Victor, but he's got another whole Thing which is also why I wanted to draw this set--see, he and this Otherworldly king/hunter called Gwyn ap Nudd had a disagreement (to make a slightly longer and much bloodier story short) over liking the same girl, and Arthur arbitrated this by having them fight over her every May Day until Judgement Day.
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I tried to discard preconceptions for Gwyn--looking at the folklore, he's sometimes described as having a "dark face", and his name has etymological links to the concept "light" or "holy". It might seem incongruous to manifest that light in a Christian-style halo for a figure linked to a distinctly pagan Otherworld (who could have even been a deity in the distant past), but that kind of mixing is characteristic of this material.
Some stories have him as someone from our world placed to watch over the Otherworld (Annwfn), and some have him as the king of Annwfn, so I like to imagine that in the centuries Arthur's not been around to keep an eye on him he usurped the kingship. So I did a younger design as a forest hunter, and an older one as a late antique king; at this point in time European royal fashion was very Byzantine-influenced. Gwythyr also wears a medieval Roman (Byzantine) outfit, though his is from way later so I might change it, I just thought it looked cool.
Creiddylad is the girl they're fighting over; I made her kinda spooky since she's described in Culhwch as "the maiden of greatest majesty that there was in the Three Realms of Britain". She and one of the Gwens I've given torques, which might not have been in style by this point, but they're both described as "gold-torqued", so hey.
And under her I've got Esyllt, the Welsh equivalent to Isolde/Iseult; having done Tristan/Drystan here , it felt only right. I've got her looking fairly rugged on account of all the running away and hiding in the woods they have to do, and attempted to make her tattoos simultaneously resemble claws like his, but also a bird's neck and beak; one of her epithets being "swan-neck". The same name-list list two Esyllts with slightly different epithets, though, and depending on how you interpret the grammar might be implying they're the second and third reincarnated lives of another woman (Ellylw), which isn't as strong a multifaceted indication as Gwen, but it's why I outlined multiple silhouettes next to her.
Anyway, I can't fail to notice that it is May Day, the day when Gwyn and Gwythyr have their yearly fight--I actually drew these yesterday but left my notebook at work so could only upload them today. Serendipitous! In honour of that:
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Like the story acts like it's this noble fair jugdement Arthur made, but let's be real, this is the guy who lost Cai's help by singing a mean song about him for no reason. He's just fucking around.
Happy Calan Mai!
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tiptapricot · 1 year
brings you a fruit platter XD 🍑 & 🍈 & (blueberries - can't find the emoji, but ur fave underrated thing to write about in ur fandoms)
🍑 —If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
Hmmm this is a tough one because I honestly don’t do/think of crossovers very much? I rly like working within a piece n finding things to expand on inside it. I may unfortunately have to go w the boring answer of I probably wouldn’t JNDBDBD It’s not like I don’t read stuff either but I’m not exactly a literature man in my passions as reading takes a lot of brain power, so idrk any quotes or overarching things id try to tie in? This is honestly kinda interesting to me on its own that I just. Don’t have anything. But ig that’s just how it is fhdhdjbd I’m not rly a crossover or references dude I suppose.
Maybe something with Miguel/2099 stuff and Terry from Batman Beyond? Somth ab future versions of characters n legacies n Terry’s thing of helping an older roughened guy care ab ppl again, and the fact that he had spiderman inspo in his making, idk. But that’s more just a musing more than anything serious.
🍈 —Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions
I have many n don’t have one (I have a super hard time with single favorite characters) so I will not be giving all of them n just give some rapid fire thoughts from across the board.
I love trans Miguel O’Hara and Gwen Stacy esp from the spiderverse movies as I think those readings of them are a very thematically appropriate and fascinating way to explore them, and I love trans people
Comics Steven from MK paints the body’s nails and gets them regular manicures/pedicures/hair care treatments, etc n has an extensive collection of Bath and Bodyworks soaps and scrubs and lotions. They also have semi-sensitive skin and he’s very aware of ingredients and what will work for them
Hera w359 is aLso such a trans woman to me there is so much ab the self and holding it and creating it and breaking from the miles people tell you to stay in and finding the humanity in yourself and creating a new sense of self outside of programming and the literal voice someone forced you to have. I love her so dearly and aUGGH
Show!Steven from MK has a record player and is very careful about taking them out of the sleeves, but not careful about how they end up stacked up. Jake does CDs. Marc downloads random tracks onto their phone or only listens via YouTube (not YouTube music just looking up on YouTube)
🫐—What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Well this isn’t rly underrated bc stuffs still kicking off but if someone hasn’t already, a timeloop fic for ATSV Miguel would slap absolute ass. I’m also on the (sort of but also not always?) rare train of genderqueer jake, and ofc the very rare train of some-flavor-of-transfem Marc. Also love non binding and non top op trans men/mascs and would lOve to see that around more. I’m also someone who does a lot of inhuman body exploration which while not uncommon in the big scheme I find a way to work into a lot of my headcanons for characters at some point and can be a huge draw (like to Ted n Jack from wwbn, the MK sys with weird Khonshu body effects and differing levels of human connection, or Miguel w his many mutations n differing levels of spider ppl connection).
Send me a fruity writing ask!
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handmaid - 26
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap, mention of weapons and gunshots 
A/N:  will i ever write a chapter without a musical reference? no as i literally cannot help myself.
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The night was like a warm blanket tonight yet the world somehow seemed wider, brighter as she laid against his chest, hearing his heart softly beating against his ribcage. The sound itself sent her in a spiral of her own mind, the sound itself proved he was alive, he was real and he was there. Laying down next to him was just the right thing to do despite it being at the same time the wrongest of all wrong things. Sure, this was the man Gwen had been promised to ever since she was born but at the same time whenever she was next to him he seemed like a completely different person than the mythical mob boss her mind had fabricated over the years. When she was next to him he was her lover and at the end of the day that was what overwhelmed her overall perception. 
     - What are you thinking about? - Sebastian slightly raised his head with precaution as to not disturb her. - You’re very quiet.  
     - Just basking in the feeling. - she looked up to him without really moving the rest of her body, hand remaining in its imaginary circle drawing. - We should probably return to doing what we were doing.
     - I think there’s more boxes in the garage. - he sat up, arms wrapped around her figure so she didn’t fall off his lap and landed on the ground. If it was up to him, he would remain in that position for another hour with his nose buried in her hair smelling the scent of her fragrance mixed with her shampoo. - Maybe there’s something there. 
    - You don’t need to do this for me. - she pushed her hair to the side, cocking her head slightly as her hand searched the ground for her jumper which was colder than she would like due to the winter weather just outside. - I know you probably have your own business to take care of. 
    - I’m a good multitasker, my angel. - he kissed her naked shoulder before she slide her jumper on, shivering at the contact of her warm skin with the cold fabric. Y/N gave him a playful smile followed by a roll of the eyes before getting up, picking up his garments in the process and throwing them at him. 
Smiling like a fool who just won the lottery, and in a certain way he sort of had, he got dressed up in the wrinkled clothes and wrapped his arm around her natural waist before leading her out of his office and into the life to the garage. If there was a room in the house that was always, if not ever since its construction, in chaos, it was the garage. Whatever he didn’t want in his home anymore or anything for which he didn’t have space, he would send it down to the garage which meant the room was filled to the brim with boxes and boxes along with some record books and more contracts, most likely belonging to his father as Sebastian prided himself in keeping an electronic copy of all his contracts, just in case. Y/N couldn’t help herself but sneeze at the amount of dust that had gathered over the years as she grabbed one of the boxes. Surely he had enough money to hire someone to clean it, however it seemed to always escape his mind.
Sebastian took the other side of the box created walls while Y/N started to go through the first box which weirdly was filled with clothes, children’s clothes. She cocked an eyebrow in confusion, but continued to go through the box’s contents, carefully putting the clothing off the box by her side until she reached a silver picture frame of a woman holding a baby whose gaze was somewhere else. She smiled at the warm nature of the photo which looked to have been snapped unknowingly. Her fingers traced the contours of the photo as she wondered who the two individuals were until she felt Sebastian’s hand on her shoulder. 
   - That’s my mother. - he pointed at the woman in the photo. - And that’s me. 
   - Why is this photo here? - she asked, turning her head to stare at him. Y/N knew Sebastian clearly had a soft spot for his mother as he spoke of her like any kid spoke of their parents, something that didn’t seem to occur whenever he mentioned his father whose relationship seemed to be more apprentice-master than father and son. 
   - In all honesty, I didn’t even remember it was down here. My father got rid of most stuff related to my mother after the divorce. - his hand left her shoulder as he took a seat next to her. 
   - You’ve never spoke to me about your mother. At least not a lot. - it was in her nature to be curious, she found the most she knew about people, the best she could connect and help them out. Sebastian normally would’ve taken curiosity at harsh value but whenever she asked him something, he couldn’t help but feel wrapped around her kind nature. 
   - Well, they got divorced when I was 6 or 7. Bad divorce, my mother didn’t have enough money to get a legal team so my father got everything, including me. One visit a year ... she ended up dying when I was 14.
   - I’m so sorry, Seb. - she wrapped her arms around him, kissing his temple, trying to console him the best way she could. Sebastian however had closed that wound a long time ago and instead looked inside the box she was looking at, recognising most of the items as childhood belongings. With a curious look in her eyes, his hand rummaged through the box’s belongings taking an old teared by time stuffed bunny which gained Y/N’s attention. - What’s that?
   - Oreo. - he said nonchalantly. 
   - Oreo? - she giggled. - It has a name? You don’t mean to tell me that the mob boss had a stuffed animal named Oreo. 
   - Mob bosses aren’t born mob bosses. - he put the stuffed animal back in the box. - I thought one of my kids might want it someday but if they’re anything like Gwen, I think they won’t want something this old.
   - Right. - she swallowed her worries which kept telling her that she would never be the one to bore him a child. Mr. Williams words rang inside her mind like terrifying echoes. Mistress. Mistresses don’t get happy endings. - Well, you have good taste, Oreo is a great name. 
   - Good taste ... - his eyes seemed to rewind to a past time, leaving Y/N to look at him weirdly as he jumped on his feet to walk to a little shelf filled with books which turned to be photo albums. Looking through several pages in second-like intervals, he finally stopped in the middle of the album, a smile on his face as his memories proved right. Quickly moving towards the young handmaiden, placing the book in her lap. Her eyes glued to the photo which was of a round table filled with mostly men and little to no women, however, a specific woman stood out in the middle of everyone, a kind smile contrasting with the tight lipped smirks of the rest of the crowd. Around her neck a golden necklace just like the one which was wrapped around the young handmaiden’s neck. - I knew I remembered the name Robin. 
   - What happened to her? - Sebastian sadly couldn’t answer this question as he was rather young and most of the times forbidden to even be close to any of his father’s parties or dinners. Y/N flipped through the pages noticing she showed up in a few more pictures before completely disappearing. - She seems to stop appearing. 
   - Whoever she was, she was no mere worker. My father had a rather elitist taste when it came to who got to attend his dinners and parties. - the theory that her parents didn’t want her screamed at her again. At that point, it just sounded like the most plausible theory. Noticing this shift his attitude, Sebastian closed the photo album, putting it away from her. - You don’t need to keep going, angel. You turned out just fine without them. 
   - I know. - she forced a smile, trying to see if she could fool Sebastian but he was much too familiar with her characteristics to be easily fooled. Sighing, Sebastian took her hands in his, slowly yet surely getting her on her feet.
   - I think that’s enough detective work for today. - he leaned down, pecking her lips two times, a smile on his face. Y/N nodded, thinking it would be best if she didn’t dig in the past and together they returned to the lift which took them back to the penthouse. The lift doors slowly open and Y/N noticed her suitcase standing slightly to the side of the lift. She didn’t think much of it knowing Sebastian to be a man who had man for everything so he had probably gotten someone to grab it earlier than mentioned. Even with that, she felt a somber heavy vibe in the air as she located her suitcase, something that seemed to push her down, like a weight. - Your suitcase is here.
   - Oh ... I guess I should just unpack. - his words took her from the glued, almost hypnotic glare at her own bag. Sebastian shrugged, letting her do her own thing, only offering his help to help her move the suitcase into her bedroom to which she declined. 
Her intuition was telling her to be careful and as such, she closed the door behind her immediately opening her suitcase. There was nothing odd about it, mostly filled with the clothes she had brought to the Forrest along with other objects and personal belongings. Still there was a  heavy weight which seemed to grow heavier and heavier as she folded her clothes and put them back in her wardrobe which hit a climax as she noticed a piece of white like fabric right at the bottom of her suitcase. She took a step back however her hand leaned forward, her fingers lightly tracing the fabric as if the fabric itself were a bomb. 
The fabric itself didn’t feel worn out and as she raised it into the air so she could inspect it better. It was an old fabric which at his prime was white but had started to grow slightly yellowish with the passage of time, the material of cashmere itself however still had the same comfort of a new one, almost as if it had never been worn. However, the most notable feature of the blanket was the cursive embroidery spelling Ella next to the silhouette of a robin. Without much thought to it, she brought the blanket up to her nose, inhaling what was reminiscent of fresh rosemaries on a hot summer day spent in a garden. Then out of the sudden, just as her nose sensed the scent of the blanket, a loud gunshot sound seemed to reverberate from the back of her skull to the front. She let out a scared scream, dropping the blanket on the floor as if the fabric was burning her hands. Her eyes scanned the room, looking paranoiacally for where the gunshot could’ve come for but there was nothing in her bedroom, there was no one in her bedroom. That was until Sebastian broke into her bedroom, black revolver set in the air to which she immediately put her hands up, noticing there were few tears rolling down her cheeks and meeting at her chin. Sebastian lowered his gun, after inspecting her bedroom for any threats.
   - I heard a gunshot. - her breathe came rather harshly through her mouth, almost as if she had been holding in her breathe. 
   - There was no gunshot, angel. - his hands cupped her face, kissing the top of her forehead as she leaned into his embrace. - Your mind’s playing tricks on you. 
   - No, I heard it. - she heard it, she could still hear it ringing in her ears like a never ending sound. Sebastian’s lips tightened as he embraced her tighter, letting go of his revolver on top of her bed. - I heard it. 
  - I know, angel. I know. - he spoke very lowly, whisper-like even. - You’re tired, you need some rest.
  - I swear I heard it. - she looked around, her eyes convincing her that there was no real danger but her mind telling her to keep her guard up, specially when the blanket on the ground caught her attention once more like a cursed amulet. Like a child, she hid from it on Sebastian’s shoulders, the contrasting cedar wood scent almost erasing the soft and fresh rosemary from her mind. She had heard it, she knew she had heard it. - Maybe you’re right, I just might be tired. 
  - C’mon, I can make you a cheese toastie. - he rubbed her arm soothingly, a inviting smile on his reddish pink lips which just always looked so inviting. - It’s gonna be alright, angel. 
  -  Well, I’m surprised you can use a sandwich maker. - Y/N pushed the worries to the back of the brain, that part you only see when you’re trying to fall asleep or too lost in your own mind to visit those darkest parts which you hope disappear with time. 
   - I’m not completely incompetent in the kitchen. - she looked up at him, a seemingly calm smile masking all her worries. - I never set it on fire.
   - What an amazing astonishment. - she giggled, a hand coming to stand in front of her lips. 
   - C’mon angel, let’s get some food in you.
tag list: @lilya-petrichor​ @xoxohannahlee​ @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater​ @nikkipea​ @madisonpillstrom​ @cevans98​ @thelostallycat​ @sideeffectsofyou​ @anxiousdreamersworld​ @captainchrisstan​ @lookiamtrying​ @sarge-barnes-sir​ @stuffforreferences @thebadassbitchqueen @sebastianstansqueen@nsfwsebbie @strangerliaa @emzd34
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goonlalagoon · 3 years
A smile in your heart (no better place to start) || Second Star to the Left
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33459862
(Spoilers through to end of ep 10 ahead)
It’s been weeks - months - and Bell’s thought about what they could say, when they’re finally on the ground and face to face with Gwen for the first time. Thank you, that’s a strong contender; they know themselves well enough to know they’re more likely to go with how did you do it? Maybe this time they’ll actually be able to say I love you, though Gwen seems adept at picking it up even when they can’t put the words to it. In their head, they planned for it to be - not dramatic, because they’re supposed to be a fugitive and they don’t want to draw attention, but meaningful. The kind of memory that’s something to think back on with misty eyes and fond words.
Capital-R-Romantic, as Gwen termed it so long ago, that first grudging conversation.
What they actually say is,
“Wow, you really do have a great jawline.”
It’s…admittedly not the worst thing they’ve ever said to someone they have a crush on, but that isn’t exactly the metric Bell wanted to measure this by. They’re standing just feet away from each other, drinking each other in. The silence starts to shade awkward before Gwen swallows, shrugs, gives a shaky smile. Bell remembers a letter, one of the first, remembers reading the clouds are all blurry and the twisting mix of regret and guilty relief, because they didn’t want Gwen to be upset but they couldn’t help but cling onto the fact that she was, that someone was upset on their behalf.
“Well, I never got to see your school graduating photos, so I had no expectations of your jawline, Bell, but hey! It’s a pretty good one too, so congratulations!”
Gods, they’ve missed that laugh.
Someone interrupts them then, of course, because the settler ship has just landed and scout Hartley is very much in demand by everyone, not just Bell. There’s a whole crew of people looking to start a new life, and all of them need their scout to tell them what to do, where to go, what to watch out for. They wave a forlorn goodbye, find a place to sit and idly look around, trying to match this new settlement (very new, scout Summers could probably gauge to the day when these buildings were set up by the wear and tear, even after all this time) to every overheard exploit they’d listened in on over the years.
Gwen had moved the settlement into the trees, combined the natural firebreak with dug trenches to add a layer of defence. There’s a clear track that Bell would bet leads straight to water by the quickest route, an escape path to the coast. They think that perhaps the two of them should put their heads together, figure out emergency bundles for evacuation protocols. Food and water, a spare repair kit for any prosthetics…by the time they find Gwen again, hours of running around helping the settlers - the other settlers - move in, Gigo has a whole list stored. Ideas and checks and suggestions that Bell got halfway through recording before realising that maybe Gwen already thought of all of this and they no longer needed to jot everything down to cram into their four hour window of contact.
They live on the same planet, now. There’s no limit on contact, except that the first several months after settlement are absolute chaos for the scout, and from what Bell recalled hadn’t seemed likely to slow down even before the apocalypse threw everything out the metaphorical window.
Maybe with two of them with scout training it’ll be less…just less. Gwen might be able to get if not the mandated six hours of sleep at least enough to average out more at four or five. They weren’t going to comment on it, but it was easy to tell she hadn’t been getting her full rest anyway - probably hadn’t for months, dark circles under her eyes like permanent bruises.
They’re standing awkward feet away from each other again, and Bell knows there’s going to have to be a conversation about that soon, because it hadn’t really occurred to them before that they know a lot of things about Gwen, years and years of stories and rambling conversations, but there’s things you don’t learn without being in person. Personal space, definitions and comfort thereof, the body language and facial expressions to interpret to know what’s welcomed and what isn’t.
“Hey, so, uh…I know there’s a protocol that I’m supposed to follow when my settlers arrive, and all, but there’s something else I want to do instead.” Bell huffs a laugh, steals a shy glance to see Gwen’s answering smirk.
“Another sworn class tradition to fulfil?”
“Nope! We never talked that far ahead except as jokes. We knew the stats, y’know? But - you told me, the first day, that I should watch the sunrise, that that was something I shouldn’t miss, my first morning. And I don’t…we don’t have that, but I’ve had a long time to find my own wonderfully inspiring views of nature here and I wanted - Bell, you haven’t been on a planet for years and you were with me through everything, but you’ve never seen any of it in real life and I want to show you all of it, and I know where to start.”
Bell thinks about muttering about protocol, for the form of it, for the joke that can be dragged out of it, familiar banter, but they decide not to. It’s no longer their job to care about protocol, and anyway the only reason they cared about the protocol was to keep their scouts safe. Gwen is standing right in front of them, leaning gently against Boots with a casually familiar stance - if they pointed it out, Bell knows she wouldn’t even have thought about it. This is just what Gwen does, when she’s standing about with nothing to do with her hands; rests an elbow companionably atop Boots, one foot hooked around a standing leg and balanced on the toe of her boot.
Gwen is standing right there, safe and alive and happy, so protocol can sort itself, thanks.
(Bell realises they have their own hands in their pockets, their own casual stance, and wonders if Gwen is noticing that too, drinking in all of the unconcious habits that it would never occur to either of them to verbalise. All the little tics and quirks that don’t translate over a FTL comms.)
It’s not a long walk, and it’s more silent than Bell would have guessed, but it’s comfortable. Novel, really, to not have to narrate things aloud because they can just look and see what Gwen is doing, can point at a bird with a dorsal fin and pause to watch it flutter around rather than try to describe it.
They can’t stop stealing glances sideways, catching Gwen more often than not doing the same, both of them collapsing into giggles about it each time. It’s just so surreal, to be walking side by side, after all this time. It feels like a dream, like one of the stories Gwen tells Boots at night - once upon a time, there were two explorers, setting out through the trees…
The light dances on the waves, well below their cliff edge destination. At some point Gwen must have rolled a fallen log over to act as a bench, because it’s too well placed to be natural and there’s a fire-pit dug and lined with careful stones. Close enough to be cosy, but far away from the treeline itself to be safe. The light is dancing on the waves and the grass is drifting in the breeze, a periwinkle blue that Bell is used to seeing in photos if they thought of it at all. Something that had seemed so wonderful and new, when scout Hartley made her first observations, but had drifted into commonplace. A detail that wasn’t worth mentioning any more.
“One day, I’m going to make a boat and go explore that.” Gwen waves grandly at the horizon; she’s leaning her head on Bell’s shoulder, and Bell has decided that they will happily never move again. The two of them can just stay there, forever, Gwen’s head on their shoulder and the soft whisper of waves below. “Once my settlers are…settled, and can be left without supervision for more than a few hours at a time.”
“Already missing the solitude? Mourning all that lovely peace and quiet?”
“What solitude? I had a very efficient scout minder in my ear, I’ll have you know! I didn’t have time to get used to the peace and quiet before beep, time for another check in. Hartley, have you followed the itinary, Hartley, did you maintain a reasonable sleep schedule, Hartley, have you eaten a balanced meal at your officially directed time selected for nutritional optimisation…”
“I’m honestly surprised that you went for reminding me of my remote presence first rather than protesting that Boots was with you the whole time. And I would also like to ask, in the spirit of enquiry, have you done any of those things without my input?” Gwen shakes with barely suppressed laughter and doesn’t bother answering; Bell tries not to join in, because Gwen’s head is still on their shoulder and they’re still determined not to dislodge it until they really have to. “And…hey, I also told you to go watch the sunrise, and you found this instead. I - when did you find this? You never mentioned a little ocean watching viewpoint.”
“I - uh, set it up a few months ago. I didn’t know if it had worked, or if it had all gone wrong, or - and I spent so long pacing around here and wondering what you’d think of the view…”
“Aw, and you say I’m a romantic.”
“With a capital R, yes, you so are. I’m your favourite person, you said so, it was very romantic.”
“That was possibly the least romantic declaration of love that has ever been given. I congratulated you on your jawline, Gwen, I write poetry in my spare time and that was the best I could come up with. I should have just stopped talking - writing, I don’t even have the excuse of not being able to edit it out, the first bit was fine but I kept rambling.”
“It was romantic and I loved it and I have saved all of your letters in three separate back ups to make sure I don’t lose any of them.”
Bell laughs, curls an arm around Gwen’s shoulders as easy as breathing, and lets themselves relax for what feels like the first time in months. A flock of birds takes off from the trees, darting past them over the cliff edge, setting out over the waves. The sun glints off their feathers, the raised fin, a riot of colour catching the light as they watch, leaning against each other, shoulder to shoulder. Gwen is beaming out at it all, and Bell can feel their cheeks creasing to match.
It isn’t a sunrise, but this - this is something close enough, a snapshot of a new world, a new horizon that they get to learn, the first day of a new life.
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crystal-moon-101 · 5 years
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My redesigns for this popular trio!
The Secret Generator 10 (Or Celebrity Trio but that doesn’t really work for me because of Zak...) I’ve been meaning to get around to doing this, since I am really fond of these three boys. With Zak and Rex both being part of my top two shows of all time. Sorry Ben....
-Zak Saturday-
He was the most fun working with. His warm colour palette isn’t something I work with often, but I think I did alright. He also as some small details you might notice, like the fangs, eyes and scales.
14 Years Old
5′5 (Will only grow to be 5′8. Which confuses him since both sides of his family have very tall genes. Ulraj pokes fun at him, saying all that height is going towards his ‘Kur Form’)
Dead on the inside.
Aggressively Pansexual
His human side has been growing reptilian features. Noticeable fangs, scales growing around his lower neck, around his chest and upper back/shoulders, pure orange eyes with pupils that can become thin slits and a slight forked tongue. 
Even also displays some reptile behaviour. E.g, soaking up sunlight on a rock, alert nature, able to stand still as a statue. (He’s done these things since he was young. His parents just thought it was something he picked up from Komodo.)
The light that forms around his eyes when using his powers have darkened the skin around his eyes. (Suggested by my friend)
He is oddly thin and lanky, but it’s often hard to see because of the baggy clothes he wears.
That being said, he’s a lot stronger than you think he is. Can easily lift people twice his size.
Constantly has to get new hair ties. They keep breaking because 1. Every time his powers cause all of his hair to flow, the tie snaps. 2. Working out in the wild, it keeps getting snagged by tree branches or slipping off when he tumbles downhills.
While quiet and casual outside of battles, he will become a lot like his mother on the field.
Has freckles from his maternal side. His mother doesn’t have them, but Doyle does.
Will casually mention his ridiculously and scary adventures like they’re nothing, not because he’s bragging, but because he truly doesn’t understand what normal really is.
So use to being grabbed by the scruff of his shirt that he will always go limp when you grab him like that, much like a baby animal. 
While he can act very eerie and strange, he’s a very sweet and understanding guy. 
That being said, he can be hella scary when he wants to be.
Don’t mess with his family or he will send an army of Grootslangs to your house.
Still trying to figure out his placement in life and what Kur was really meant to be.
After being taught by his family and uncle, he went to Tsul 'Kalu to be his new mentor.
-Rex Salazar-
I think I changed him the least, but I added extra details and made his shirt, pants and shoes into a one-piece suit. It always baffles me how he can pull off this colour scheme so well.
And while I didn’t draw it here. I would definitely make his pure EVO form a lot smaller. Make him come across more like a monstrous zombie robot thing. The reason why is because those EVO forms he had just felt like they belonged to different shows, like transformers. A more creature design would fit better, I feel.
16 Years Old
6′1 (Will grow to be 6′5. Yeeeeeee, he’s a big guy.)
Lady killer~
Best wingman and even offers pretend dates to help you.
Can always hear and feel the technology around him. Strange to everyone else, but he’s learnt to live with it. Even comes in handy when trying to find a good wifi connection.
Knows when to cut the bullcrap.
He does have a bit of a science brain, but he uses it differently than his family had.
Constantly jumping between worlds. Sometimes even tossed by someone.
Talks in his sleep, mostly reciting nanite binary coding.
Lonely lad and child solider, great mix, right?...
Goes all out with holidays. He once, somehow, got real snow in Providence. No one knows how to this day.
Hates lightening.
Has nearly called Holiday and Six mum and dad multiple times.
Has a lot more abilities he has yet to discover. (Including turning people EVO.)
Never asked for any of this, but, eh, what ya gonna do
Is always overexcited when doing normal things. (Werids out Noah a lottt.)
You’re endangered if he decided to use his full raw power. (Key signs to look out for is a large amount of circuit patterns covering him, glowing eyes, tips of his hair glowing too, sharp metal growths and technology around you flashing like crazy.)
Loves Imagine Dragon.
Sharp eyelashes.
Just wants hugs, give him hugs!
Always frustrated when someone from his past tries talking to him about the past. Sometimes he wonders if people forget.
Skilled drawer and smooth singer.
Has an EVO pet (Her name is Siri, Btw)
Some have compared him to being a living, breathing nanite. 
Eager to have family game nights! “Poker doesn’t count, Bobo...”
Once had a malfunction, his whole body was out of wack. (Noah laughs about it and even has some recordings, much to Rex’s dismay.)
Has a civilian outfit that Noah put together. (He refuses to take off his goggles, however.) 
-Ben Tennyson-
Now, I already made a redesign for him, along with Gwen, Julie and Kevin (Both for teen and kid versions). I used the same look, just adjusted some details and colours.
15 Years Old
5′9 (And he stays that height. He peaked in height very young, but stop growing quickly. This does annoy him.)
Dumbass with bad impulse control.
Even he’s confused by how he keeps attracting women.
Had a rather lonely childhood with many bullies. (It’s why he often seeks attention, he’s afraid of being alone and forgotten again.)
It’s also what made him jealous of Gwen when they were young. Most treated her like the better of the two.
Pretty crap at sharing his feelings. He would rather play it off as a jerk, then go and drown himself in smoothies...
A secret momma’s boy. “Benny Bear” As his mother likes to call him.
Has an interesting dynamic with Azmuth. Despite their arguments, they balance each other well. Others have even seen them taking care of each other (Almost like father and son), but the pair will always deny this and say it’s ‘strictly’ professional.
 Surprisingly great with kids. (This was truly noticed when seen around his 14 baby chills.)
In the future, he will have a nasty wound on the battlefield, which will result in the Omnitrix becoming his new arm and merging with him.
When he takes thing seriously, you know shits going down!
Has a german shepherd name Boston.
 Likes to call Vilgax ‘Calamari’.
Has grown to be close to most Tennyson members. (E.G Camille, who was actually his babysitter after she joined the family.)
He doesn’t like peacocks after...an incident at the zoo. His mother still apologizes to this day.
Decent singer and very skilled at the guitar. 
Has picked up combat moves from Tetrax.
Has always felt like he’s nothing without the watch. Others have said otherwise.
He knows how to speak certain alien languages, Galvan being one of them.
His schedule is a nightmare, because something is always popping up that involves him. This means he sometimes forgets to eat, sleep or even wash. It’s why he’s often caught napping.
Sometimes wonders if he’s human or alien at this point, maybe something else entirely. 
Very soft poofy hair.
Is hated by almost all his villains. He just loves pissing them off.
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The First Article
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Part 11 of Seventy Percent
Series Summary: When you left on your trip to Vegas, you’d planned on letting loose for one last weekend before heading back to reality and getting your affairs in order so your best friend wouldn’t be left cleaning up your mess when your cancer finally ended your life. What you hadn’t counted on was waking up married to a celebrity who has a knight-in-shining-armor complex, connections with an oncologist, and amazing insurance…
Chapter Summary: You wake up after the big fight with Sebastian
Word Count: 1941
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When you woke up, the first thing you noticed was a new glass of water, your morning pills, and a banana on the bedside table.
You’d been so caught up in your fight that you hadn’t realized you’d forgotten to take your medicine. Sebastian, apparently, had noticed. And if he laid them out for you, it would seem he wanted you to continue your treatment.
Because he was a decent person. Because it was his fault you were here. Because he pitied you. As soon as people found out you had cancer, they immediately pitied you.
But that’s all it was.
As soon as the treatment failed, or succeeded and you were recovered from surgery, he was sure to drop the divorce papers in your lap, give you a one way plane ticket to Salt Lake City, and tell you he hopes you have a good life.
It’s what any sane person would do.
It’s more than you deserved, to be honest. After everything you’d done in your life…
As you stared at the pills, you debated with yourself.
On one hand, you promised to fight. You promised to see this to the end.
But on the other hand… you knew your track record in life. If you were being honest with yourself, you knew how this would end. And it wasn’t going to end with surgery. It wasn’t going to end with you being cancer free. It wouldn’t even end in remission.
So who were you fucking kidding?
Carefully, you swung your legs out of the bed, ignored the pills, and quietly exited the room. Your bladder was insistent, and, much as you wanted to, you couldn’t hide out in the guest room all day.
As you washed your hands, you stared at yourself in the mirror.
You look like hell, he’d said. And he was right. You lost so much weight that your cheeks were sunken. Sure, cheekbones were sexy, but not like this.
You looked like death. That’s what he should have said. It would have been more accurate. More predictive.
Walking out of the bathroom, you wondered if you should start packing up your shit. Maybe when you told the nurses that you would see them on Monday, that would be the last lie you’d ever tell. From now on, you could tell the truth. You wouldn’t be around long enough to see the fallout that blunt truth would have.
“Hey,” Sebastian greeted, startling you. He was sitting on the guest bed. “You take your medicine yet?”
“No,” you stated, beginning your new truth-telling life. Besides, he could very well see you hadn’t taken the pills, since they were untouched on the bedside table.
He swept the pills into his hand, grabbed the glass of water, and walked over to where you’d frozen in the doorway. “Take ‘em. I grabbed some takeout. It might need to be heated up a bit, but I thought it’d be easy on your stomach.”
“And I’ll give you my lawyer’s number so he can help you draw up whatever papers you need to give you peace of mind that I can’t be responsible for your debt. That way you can focus on your treatment.” He shoved the glass of water in your right hand and dumped the pills in your left.
“I’m not arguing with you, Y/N. Take your medicine.”
His eyes were unrelenting, so you huffed a deep sigh and downed the pills.
“Sorry for jumping on you this morning,” he said quietly.
“You don’t—”
“Shut up and let me apologize, Y/N. You were right. I didn’t really understand what I signed up for, but I don’t regret anything. I should have tried to talk to you before I yelled. I shouldn’t have made assumptions.”
“It’s okay,” you murmured.
“No, it’s not. I was wrong, Y/N. I just… When I saw all that, I got scared, okay? And I took it out on you. It wasn’t fair of me.”
What could you say to that? You nodded, hoping he’d accept that response.
Luckily, he did. You let him lead you out to the kitchen and sat on a stool while he set to work heating up the takeout.
“There’s something else we need to talk about,” he hedged.
“Okay,” you whispered.
You’d expected him to explain, but he didn’t say another word until your food was in front of you. Even then, he gave you an expectant look and waited until you took a bite. Once you swallowed, he was satisfied enough to pull out his phone and click around for a bit. “I’m surprised we’ve kept it a secret for so long, but word’s out. Someone saw us in Vegas and took a picture.”
He slid his phone across the counter to you. Right there on Entertainment Weekly’s website was a grainy picture of you, Sebastian, and Elvis in what was unmistakably a Vegas wedding.
“At least they didn’t get a picture of your face, so no one knows who you are.”
“Yet,” he agreed.
Sebastian reached across the island and tucked your hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek with his hand. When he nudged your face up to look at him, he offered a small, genuine smile. “I’ll get you through this, okay? I’ll take care of the media and whatever shit comes our way from that. You just focus on the treatment.”
All week long, the only time anyone else touched you was when the nurses hooked you up to the machines. So, to feel Sebastian’s hand on your cheek was jarring in a way. It felt good.
You covered his hand with yours and gave him a weak smile.
With a decisive nod, he withdrew his hand and pushed your food closer towards you. “Good. Now eat.”
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Your first mistake was telling Sebastian you felt better than you had all week.
It was a mistake because he had interpreted that as I’m definitely feeling up to leaving the apartment on a Saturday night.
And that was how you found yourself sitting in a booth at his favorite diner. No one asked any questions when he asked to be seated at the booth in the back. It was the one that had the most privacy.
As your waitress, Selena took your orders and made small talk, you kept second guessing everything you’d ever said to her. With how often you and Sebastian came here, you’d spoken with the employees here quite a bit. Outside of the hospital staff and Sebastian, they were the people you interacted with the most.
What did they know about you? What had you told them? What could they tell the media, if asked? What details about you did they remember?
“Hey, Y/N.” Sebastian waved his hand in front of your face. “Where’d you go?”
From across the diner, Selena’s laugh drew your attention momentarily.
A quick look around assured you that no one could overhear you, but you still kept your voice low. “Selena has a two year old son who had a cold two weeks ago, which is why she missed work on Wednesday and Thursday. His dad is a slime bag who bolted as soon as Selena found out she was pregnant and she works over 60 hours a week just to give her son, Timothy, what he needs. Timothy likes to be called Tim and his favorite animal right now is the elephant.”
Sebastian raised an eyebrow, clearly not expecting you to say that. “Okay?”
“If I remember all of that about her, what does she remember about me? What could she tell someone else about me? Especially someone who knows how to dig into people’s pasts? I’ve talked to so many people here, and what if they remember something that helps someone figure out who I am—who I was. I know you said you’d take care of the media, but I can’t stop worrying. I’ve told you I have a shitty past and I really don’t want it to ruin your career because trust me, if the gossip in my hometown is anything to go by, people won’t understand what I did.”
Hell, people didn’t even know half of what you did.
Just as he opened his mouth to respond after a moment of considering your words, Selena came back with your food. Besides your orders, she placed two slices of pie on the table. “On the house. Gwen says you look like you need some more meat on your bones and if you don’t want the pie, tough shit.”
Sebastian laughed, and you forced a smile on your face as well. Gwen was the owner of the diner and she was a charming old lady. In the few weeks you’d been here, you realized quickly that she considered Seb like her own family and was very generous towards him. And, by extension, you.
“We wouldn’t dream of saying no to Gwen,” you said, trying not to sound as weak or anxious as you were.
“Good. I don’t want to see her come over and give y’all a piece of her mind along with that pie.” With a wink, Selena turned to take care of her only other table of the night.
When she was out of earshot, Sebastian motioned to your plate and you took a bite of your salad while rolling your eyes. You’d nearly forgotten about his insistence that you eat while he was gone.
“Marvel’s got a great PR team, Y/N. Whatever the media vultures dredge up, they’ll spin it in a good way. When I told you not to worry about the press, I meant it. And if you want to take preemptive action, we can let the PR team know what might come up and they can have a plan in place if people do dig that deep.”
As you fixed your baked potato and took a bite, you considered his words. It made sense. Didn’t mean you wouldn’t worry, though. “I’ll think about it.”
He was curious, you could tell. But you appreciated that he didn’t ask you to tell him what you were so scared of in your past. Maybe he would bring it up again when you were home, in private, but for right now, he changed the subject.
Dinner passed quickly, and when Selena came by to grab the payment, her face was more serious than you’d seen her before. “Thought I’d warn you there are some cameras out front. Brett just came back from his break and said the back way is clear if you wanna avoid them.”
Seb’s eyes darted to yours and you saw his brain turning over as he thought of the best course of action.
“I’ll run your card and be back. Let me know what you wanna do then and we’ll make it work for you.”
She left and Sebastian leaned forward. “What do you think?”
You scraped the last of the apple pie filling from the plate. While your first instinct was to consider every variable and come up with a course of action, you made the conscious effort to push down those thoughts. “You told me not to worry about the press. That’s your job, so I’m going to leave it up to you.”
In the end, you did end up sneaking out the back. Sebastian kept his arm around your shoulder as you walked through the back alley to where Sean was waiting with the car on a side street. As you got into the car, you noticed a camera flash on the other side of the street.
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So they patched things up... but can this shaky relationship stand up against the media? And what is she so worried about the media finding in her past? 
Chapter 12: The Second Check-In
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science-lings · 4 years
OC Masterlist
Quick intros for my OCs as I’m going to write about them and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Rosalia Scarlett Dawn AKA Rose- 
My main girl, healing powers, the MCU version of her was recruited by SHIELD right after she got her first PHD after she was caught studying alien biology, takes her a while to become an actual superhero as her healing powers were hard to convert into anything that she could put on the field, with help from her anti-hero/ villain nemesis who she has had sexual tension with ever since they shared a dorm in medical school but then she became unethical and ignorant of the people around her ergo turning into a bad guy. Rose is usually good and wholesome but she has a dark destructive side that was awoken after her nemesis used her powers on her. Rose is selfless to the point of not taking care of herself because any time spent not helping people with her powers is time wasted in her eyes and she tends to take medical cases that no one else can, usually pertaining to other powered people, aliens, magic illnesses, etc. 
Roses Intro Sheet  - SHIELD & Hydra
Andromeda Starling- 
Roses endgame girlfriend, shapeshifter, in the MCU she accidentally used a Hydra spaceship to escape the planet as her parents were both scientists involved with that kind of thing. She didn’t really think it through and she ended up on a skrull refugee planet where she crash landed and had to be enhanced to save her life. She’s not good at teamwork and tends to be a loner as she’s afraid to get close to people. She hates being bossed around and work with other people. She can do most on her own just fine. She hates having to admit she needs help with something. She’s a pretty decent pilot and prefers swords over guns. If she likes someone enough to become attached, she get’s very protective and even a bit clingy but that rarely happens. 
Andromeda’s Intro Sheet - Andromeda Portrait - Simple Lesbians - B&W Portrait
Adisa Crow AKA Doctor Plague-
Roses nemesis, she was subtly jealous of Roses powers so she secretly tried to recreate them, instead the outcome gave her powers that could reverse other’s powers against them and make normal people ill. She became a virus in every sense of the word and even tech malfunctions around her. But her powers affect herself a little, making her go a little crazy over time and more willing to do fucked up things in the name of science. Yes she wears a plague doctor mask that helps her powers not affect herself. Her powers also heighten her negative feelings and only give her relief when she uses her powers on other people as it hates being restricted. She’s given up on being free of it and has embraced her role as a super-plague. It’s actually kind of sad really... 
Adisa Crow Portrait - Nemesis Tension 
Phoenix AKA Maat (Matt) Ramses-
Necromancer goth mom, grew up an orphan with the sorcerers of Kamar Taj as her parents were wakandan sorcerers who died protecting the reality and the ancient one sensed her magic potential, however she wasn’t great at the normal magic that they tried to teach her. She had to steal forbidden books about necromancy to really get a hold of her powers. She left the sorcerers and found others like her, connected to death, and she made a family. but eventually she would have to investigate her roots in wakanda and it may not be pretty. She inherited her parents relics, a gold sword with a hilt of wings and a gold helmet based on the helms of the egyptian pharaohs. Maat didn’t quite work as a vigilante, she just was drawn to people that needed her help and she literally can’t stop herself from intervening when humanity can be so terrible. Anyway she hates cops and abusers and rapists and all that and she does her best to help the people that they hurt. 
Phoenix Portrait  - Open Helmet Idea - The magic relics
Diana Schmitt-  
Trans girl mutant who can control and melt metal and glass, making her own weapons on the fly and using debris to her advantage. Her left arm and her right leg were frozen off by anti-mutant extremists and she makes herself prosthetics with her powers made of glass shards that she can use and layers of different kinds of metal with the outside being gold because she likes the aesthetic. She’s covered in scars from the torture and from her own forging projects. She loves making things and does her best to be positive and kind to other people but trauma is still trauma and superheroes aren’t known for going to therapy. She has PTSD and gets triggered by excessive cold and dark places. She has to learn to confront her pain and move beyond it, while also going to therapy and stuff. 
Diana Portrait - Pride Month Portrait - Early Intro Sheet
Guinevere Kaimana-
literally a mermaid who spent several decades under the water as a hermit and has water powers and electric eel levels of electric powers. (until she’s at her most powerful but still not more than like some thunder in a tropical storm, she can’t like summon lighting to strike people or anything.) In the MCU she’s a mutant who left after her mutation out of fear of rejection and in my fantasy version of my OC universe she’s a pirate mermaid princess. She figured out how to temporarily turn her tail into a tail shaped skirt and tattoos on her legs similar to fishnet tights. She can’t stay human for very long and when she’s human she has to be fully hydrated or she could die. She has an enemies to competitors to friends to lovers with Diana and it’s a very slow burn. 
Gwen Pride Portrait - mermay
Alexandria Iriklitis- 
Superhero therapist with a magic voice. Her singing can manipulate the emotions of anyone that can hear it, even through recordings and microphones and stuff, and eventually she can use it to control objects around her through levitation and even destroying the area around her if she’s emotionally charged and loud enough (which happens when she goes temporarily deaf and thinks that she can’t responsibly use her powers anymore.) She has to be very careful with her powers as music is already made to affect peoples emotions but with her powers, any miscalculation can be destructive. Someone may have bad memories of a happy song and elevate those bad feelings. So she usually depends on non-lyrical songs and her own improvisation skills. In my fantasy OC universe she’s a magic bard that’s drawn to chaos and flirts with everyone because she’s a bard. She tries not to use her magic voice to make people do things they don’t want to do, she tries to not rely on it to get whatever she wants. 
Alex Portrait
Artemis Dawn-
Roses non-powered sister who is a SHEILD agent that struggles with living in her sisters shadow. They go through an arc of repairing their relationship and get to the point of being very close and killing for each other. Artemis specializes in sharpshooting, martial arts, and disguises. She uses makeup and clothing and wigs to completely change her appearance to a point where even the people that know her best won’t recognize her. In the fantasy AU universe she dresses up as a man to become a knight after being shamed out of her princess status. She’s a badass and deals with a major inferiority complex and has to prove that she’s just as good as her superpowered sister. When hydra takes over shield, she has to save her sister from their clutches and causes Roses first power burst that kills the hydra agents by forcing their bones to grow together to turn them into grotesque body horror statues. Fun. Artemis has a cold hard exterior but softens up around her sister and it confuses her colleagues to no end. Not many people knew she could smile outside of a role. 
Artemis Portrait
Unreleased art under the cut!
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Gwen without face paint and weird colors, yes her lips are blue all the time
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pride drawing for Rose
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Phoenix and Diana as part of a mass drawing of my ocs that I gave up on but I liked the way they both looked in it so here it is now.
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old headshot when i wanted to experiment with Roses mask
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angry freckles
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minor oc, i do actually think i posted it but I haven’t made enough about them to know what I want them to be besides absolutely bangin with their character design
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Andromeda by tinymintywolf
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Anthro Rose by scriiblesbymarti on insta i couldn’t find them on here oof
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Spider-rose that I won by emkayoh
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rose icon by tinymintywolf
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daredevilexchange · 4 years
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Want to be featured here? Head to this page and fill in the form!
See what this is about here, or if you’re using the app here.
What’s your fannish ID? Unfortunately for everyone, I’m not very consistent across platforms, lol — on tumblr it’s @pomegranate-belle and on AO3 I’m 94BottlesOfSnapple What types of fanworks do you create?  I’d say it’s about 95% fanfiction, but I do some sketching here and there as well. I don’t really have the tools for digital art but I do try to dabble in it sometimes anyway.
What are your favourite types of fanworks, when you’re not creating? It’s all great! The visual art is gorgeous, anything with music is sure to get me some new songs to listen to, the gifs are such good quality (and allow me to really scrutinize facial expressions in a way I can’t while watching the show), and of course I’m very partial to fic!
What do you like in particular about this fandom?  More than any particular trope or genre, what I like most about the fandom is the other fans — everyone is so friendly!! I get tons of response to my fics, way more than I’ve ever seen in any other fandom, and I feel like that energy is a core part of the fandom. Everyone really supports each other, you know? It’s nice. Content-wise… I love MattFoggy, seriously, cannot get enough of these boys. Literally have read through the entire 90-ish page tag on AO3–
Do you like participating in fan events? Yes! It’s always fun to see what people make of my prompts, and to get to create something for someone else.
What about your creating process? The ideas themselves just kind of hit me, but in terms of my actual writing process, I need a quiet space with no distractions to really get work done on a fic. Also I’m physically incapable of writing in order — as soon as a scene idea or line of dialogue hits me, I have to write it so I don’t forget! Do you interact a lot with other fans?  Yeah! I’ve made some really good friends through this fandom, and I’m always happy to make more!
Is there any particular piece you’d like to showcase for this post?  It’s very self-indulgent and tropey but… This fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14628741 — It’s currently my longest completed work ever (although I’m one chapter away from beating that record with another DD fic now!) and it’s what really got me back into trying big projects and multichapter fics again. In part due to the responses to this fic, I’ve doubled my AO3 word count since joining the DD fandom! Do you have other fandoms you’d like to talk about? I definitely got drawn into the Spider-Gwen comics because of my interest in Daredevil — if you’ve ever wanted to see what kind of villain Matt Murdock might make, it’s a real treat! Also, Gwen Stacy is extremely cool.
Where can your fanworks be found? On tumblr, my stuff can be found under the tags “writing” (https://pomegranate-belle.tumblr.com/tagged/writing) and “art” (https://pomegranate-belle.tumblr.com/tagged/art). I know, I know, very generic — I’m looking to spice them up! For the art, there’s only a handful of DD drawings, most of it is for the Zero Escape fandom, so keep that in mind. You might also want to pop in to my “nail art” tag, I have a couple sets of Daredevil nails there! My AO3 is here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/94BottlesOfSnapple
Thank you, @pomegranate-belle ! 
banner by @context-is-for-kingpins !
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catgirlxox · 5 years
Re: Ben 10′s Harem - Concerning the way part of this fandom sees shipping dynamics...
The only thing that has been stopping me from writing this until now is that it may offend some people. Not in the sense that it is discussing an extremely sensitive topic, just that I don’t mean to sound as if I am blaming people. 
As anyone who has read my essays knows, I’m very passionate about defending my favourite character and setting the record straight about how his characterization is interpreted. And, the “bad boyfriend/long list of love interests“ debate (a hot topic in this fandom) is something which relates to this and something which I have already written about extensively as well.  
I have a theory.
There are some of us in this fandom who enjoy shipping Ben with certain female characters. Even if I personally may not agree that every pairing is that great, I can’t physically stop them from shipping whoever they want. They’re entitled to that, I guess. The same goes for shipping Ben with a harem/multiple girls.
There is this one essay I wrote quite some time ago which has gotten some attention from those who do support the harem concept involving Ben. And in that essay, my main point was that, as presented in canon, namely the literal harem episode “The Most Dangerous Game Show”, Ben does not seem too fond of the idea of having a harem, therefore he should not be blamed for the reckless and immature nature of those female characters who have been paired with him in the series. 
I also outlined some of the good qualities, skills, and personality traits Ben possesses, which have led him to become who he is today, and explain why anyone who has been shown having any kind of feelings for him have tried to pursue him since they recognize his value and potential as a partner. 
If you take a moment to look over the page, you might notice that those who comment and like the post seem to be under the impression that they “agree” with me. Forgive me if I did not make myself clear enough in what I had stated in that essay, but I do not think that they really understood what I was saying. 
I appreciate any support my writing may get, regardless of what you ship. However, I’d argue it is quite hypocritical to support an argument when you actively support the opposing argument as well.
If Ben is seen as a valuable partner to many of the girls who were paired with him in the canon series, but they often times gave him mixed signals or red flags of not being a great partner towards him, and because of this, he did not show much of an interest in continuing to pursue any of them, why would you continue to make him look bad by portraying him as some kind of philanderer, womanizer, or player who wishes to posses all these women at once?
I assume if you hold this character dear then you would understand what his life entails, correct?
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In Ultimate Alien’s “Fused”, it was shown that he doesn’t get enough sleep and often pulls multiple all nighters in a row, due to alien criminal disturbances and nightmares. Not to mention this is happening during his very demanding full time job.
Gwen: “How many all nighters did you say you pulled in a row?”
Ben: “Two? Okay, three. Maybe four. Anyway, I’m good for another one.” 
In Omniverse’s “The More things Change”, it was shown that he didn't even have a chance to eat something until the every end of part 2, implying, again, that his job is very demanding. 
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And, in Omniverse’s “It’s a Mad Ben World”, he stated that it was his “first afternoon off in weeks” and all he wanted to do was play a video game and take a break. 
During all this, he is also blamed for being a terrible boyfriend. He couldn't even be the guy his ex girlfriend wanted him to be because he had very little time to be with her like she expected. 
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He let her have her space and pursue what made her happy instead of complaining that tennis took up all of her time and that she was away from him for so long because he probably felt like it wasn't his place to demand such a thing. 
The boy apparently doesn’t even have much time to thoroughly take care of himself because he has dedicated so much of his time to protecting the whole entire universe, and you think that he apparently has the time to pursue a relationship with every female person or alien he comes in contact with.
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The sad thing about this is that, instead of realizing the facts of Ben’s reality that I have just outlined, many people who consume fan made media depicting harems or shipping Ben with various female characters end up with the impression that he is “sexist” and “objectifies women” instead. Then they spread around that idea without realizing that it was implied from a work of fan fiction, not canon source material. 
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(The source for the comment above is a rather NSFW work of fan art depicting Omniverse Ben and two female characters.)
What hurts me the most is the implication that this conclusion can be drawn from the idea that if someone draws a certain character acting a certain way, then that mirrors the way they have been portrayed in canon. But that kind of thinking ignores the fact that people can misunderstand or misinterpret other peoples’ ideas or intentions, and then, as I stated previously, spread around false claims without re-evaluating their clouded judgement.
Or, perhaps more simply, just voluntarily use him as a self insert puppet and chose to portray Ben however fits their specific fantasy best, stripping him of his character development, characterization, and moral values, because, let’s not forget, he was written to be a superhero. 
Again, I did not chose to write this in order to blame people for the flaws of the Ben 10 fandom. I only want to bring this possibility to light since it is hard to believe that the writers of a children’s television series had the intention of creating a protagonist which showcases all these bad traits rather than one who can inspire and connect with his audience on a personal level. 
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verybisexualwriter · 5 years
The Sorcerer And The King (merthur)
This fic I wrote was really just an idea that wouldn't leave me alone. I kept thinking about what would happen if Morgana never went evil? If Uther died of natural causes? If Arthur knew about Merlin's magic? So I wrote it. Hope you enjoy!
Arthur felt so stupid for letting Merlin go off on his own. Sure, he was only going less than a mile from camp, but he wasn't a servant anymore, he was the court sorcerer and the royal consort. He didn't have to wash everyone's dishes. But of course, Merlin insisted upon doing it and doing it alone. So Arthur and the knights sat around the fire, watching Morgana's magical hand puppets and laughing like small children. Until they heard a sudden commotion, quickly followed by a piercing scream. “Merlin!” Arthur cried, instantly drawing his sword as he ran in the direction of the scream. Morgana followed, her eyes already glowing a fierce gold. Gwaine, Leon, and Percival followed quickly behind her.
By the time they got there all they found were empty, half cleaned dishes and a small fire, still burning bright. “I'm going after him,” Arthur announced coldly, already heading back for his horse. Morgana quickly grabbed his arm, her thin fingers wrapped firmly around his upper wrist.
“Arthur, we've no clue where he's heading and there's not enough of us for a search party,” she explained.
“That doesn't matter!” Arthur booked.
Leon finally spoke up. “Sire, I believe lady Morgana has a point,” he tried softly, “if we go back to Camelot we can gather the rest of the knights, perhaps even some volunteers. We can cover more ground with more people.”
Arthur sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Unfortunately, I know you're right. We'll ride back to Camelot.”
The knights quickly mounted their horses and began the long journey back to Camelot. Arthur refused to stop and set up camp, though he seemed to be searching every inch of the woods for something.
As soon as they got back Arthur began sending out groups of three knights, sending them as far out as he could manage. He was planning on leading a group himself, but Gwen and Morgana stood between him and the door out of his chambers. “Arthur, I know you how much you care about Merlin, but you still have a kingdom to run,” Gwen tried.
“You clearly don't know how much I care about Merlin! I only told him I love him a month ago! I will not rest until he's found!”
Morgana rested a hand on her brother's shoulder, sighing softly. “I can't prevent you from worrying, but I can tell you that if whoever took him wanted to kill him, we'd know by now.”
Arthur sighed, quickly brushing a single tear off his cheek.
“And I can most certainly tell you that Merlin isn't the type to give up easily. He'll fight as hard as he can to get back to you,” Gwen added, her eyes never leaving Arthur's, “and he can't come back to you if you die searching for him. He'd want you to stay here, taking care of Camelot. We all know that.”
Arthur finally gave in. “You two are right. Merlin would want me here. But if there's any sign of him, I'm going out there.”
The two women smiled. “I'll be leading my own group, and know I'll be the first to tell you if I see anything,” Morgana promised.
“Speaking of, you'd better go or Gwaine and Percival might leave you here,” Gwen teased.
“Like they'd last a second without me,” Morgana giggled, pecking Gwen on her cheek before grabbing her sword and hurrying out. Arthur, even in his horribly depressed state, couldn't help but bite back a smile. Gwen and Morgana we're perfect together.
A week went by painfully slowly, and each day a different group sent Arthur a message via carrier pigeon, but everyone came up empty. Until Leon came riding up to the castle gates one morning, his companions nowhere to be found. Arthur ran out to meet him. “Leon! What's going on? Have you found him? Where's sir Gregory? Lady Eva?”
“Their still stationed in the forest. But I returned because… we think Merlin's still alive.”
“Truly?” Arthur asked, his blue eyes suddenly becoming two shades brighter.
“Yes, but you may need to sit down for this,” Leon warned.
“Leon, I'm the king, I can handle whatever it is you have for me.”
With a shaking hand, Leon handed Arthur a tiny bundle of red material. Arthur instantly recognized Merlin's neckerchief and tore it open. He almost threw up.
Inside the pouch was a bloodcaked, cold, human eyeball. A sky blue eye that Arthur instantly recognized as Merlin's. Suddenly, horror became a toxic mixture of rage and deep concern. “Where did you find this?” He asked, his voice cold and emotionless.
“Two miles east of the Gold River, lady Eva and sir Gregory are searching the entire area.” Leon explained quickly.
Without needing a word, a servant hurried to get Arthur's sword and horse. Arthur told everyone that Gwen was in charge until he returned, then mounted his horse and sped off, Leon trailing behind him. On the way back to Leon's camp, they gathered Morgana and her group, explaining what Leon had found as they rode. Morgana used her own magic to search for another magical essence, the knights riding with their swords drawn in case they came across anyone.
As soon as they got to the Gold River they began searching on foot. Morgana suddenly cried out to Arthur. “Arthur, there's magic here! I think it's Merlin, but there's someone else too,” she explained, following an invisible trail.
Arthur signaled for the other knights to stay where they were while he followed Morgana on her twisting, invisible path. “We're getting close,” Morgana mumbled, picking up the pace. Arthur followed only inches behind her as her dutiful trot turned into a full on run.
Morgana came to a sudden stop in front of the wide, jagged mouth of a cave. A sudden, sickening shriek emerged from it, and Arthur shoved past Morgana and sprinted after the sound. “MERLIN!”
Morgana chased after the king, calling after him in hushed whispers. She managed to catch up to him as he came to a screeching halt. She very quickly realized what caused him to stop so suddenly.
There was Merlin, horrifically bruised and battered, caked in blood, and supported only by the iron shackles keeping him suspended from the cave ceiling. Suddenly, Arthur snapped out of his daze and ran to Merlin. Merlin instantly flinched, his eyes squeezed shut. Arthur felt like someone stuck a hot knife in his heart and twisted it. “Merlin,” Arthur whispered, “it's me. It's Arthur.”
Slowly, Merlin opened his eyes, revealing one bloodshot blue eye and one empty, bloody socket. It took him a second, but he focused in on Arthur, then started sobbing with joy. “I-I thought you'd given up on me,” Merlin rasped softly.
Arthur smile sadly, gently cupping Merlin's freezing cheek in his calloused hand. “I'll never give up on you Merlin. Now let's get you out of here, you're cold as ice. Morgana, little help?”
Morgana hurried over, her eyes glowing gold as she wrapped her hand around the lock on Merlin's shackles, which fell open after only a second. Merlin knees instantly buckled from underneath him, but Arthur managed to catch him and gingerly lift him up into his arms. With one last suspicious glance around the cave, Morgana led the way out.
They walked as fast as Arthur could without jostling Merlin too much, getting back to the other knights in record time. Leon asked Morgana a handful of questions while Percival and Gwaine helped Arthur get Merlin onto his horse. “Don't you find it odd that no one was guarding Merlin? They went through all this trouble, then leave him alone. It doesn't add up,” Leon sighed.
“I was thinking the same thing,” Morgana replied, “we can discuss it further later. Right now, we need to get Merlin to Gaius.”
While the knights mounted their horses, Arthur pulled Merlin even closer to his chest while sitting atop his own horse. “Arth,” Merlin mumbled sleepily.
“What is it love?” Arthur whispered.
“Cold,” Merlin replied, his eyes drifting shut again.
Arthur quickly removed his cloak and wrapped it tightly around Merlin's shaking shoulders. “Better?” The king questioned softly.
Merlin nodded as he laid his head back against Arthur's shoulder. Arthur smiled and pressed a soft kiss to Merlin's forehead.
The ride was long, as Arthur insisted upon riding slower so Merlin wasn't jostled too much, but they managed to make it back just after sundown. Arthur quickly carried Merlin down to Gaius’ chambers, but Gaius refused to let Arthur stay while he took care of Merlin, insisting that he go rest. Arthur sighed and rolled his eyes, but stomped upstairs to his chambers.  
Morgana returned to her chambers immediately after they got back, flopping down into a chair in full armor. Gwen smiled from her perch on the bed before standing and scurrying over to Morgana. “I heard you found Merlin,” Gwen purred, gently peeling off Morgana's chainmail, “how is he?”
“Honestly? He looks awful,” Morgana sighed, “but I think he'll pull through, his energy is still very strong.”
A smile tugged at the corners of Gwen's lips as she knelt in front of Morgana to help her out of her boots. Morgana smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of Gwen's head.
Meanwhile, Arthur was pacing nervously in his quarters. He wasn't sure how long he'd been pacing, but he didn't sit down until his feet began to ache. He tried to look over some documents, read, even just start a fire; but he couldn't manage any of it. He barely managed to take off his own armor, his hands fumbling and shaking worse with each movement. A sudden knock on the door startled him, but he told whoever it was to come in.
Leon shuffled in and held the door open, and Gwaine and Percival hurried in behind him, carrying a sleeping Merlin on a stretcher. Arthur immediately stood. “How is he?”
“Gaius said he should be alright with a few weeks of rest,” Leon explained, “he wanted to bring Merlin himself, but you know how busy he gets this time of year.”
Gwaine and Leon gently transferred Merlin into Arthur's huge bed. Arthur seemed to pale when he saw all the bandages wrapped around nearly every part of Merlin's body, and Gwaine slapped his hand over Arthur's shoulder. “He's stronger than he looks, Arthur. He's going to be just fine,” Gwaine promised.
The knights quickly made their way out, and Arthur took a seat on the edge of the bed next to Merlin, gently taking the sorcerer's hand into his own. He stared down at the clean white patch of cotton secured over Merlin's empty eye socket. It made his blood boil. He wanted to go out and rip the head off whoever did this to his precious Merlin. He had just begun to stand when a low, weak groan fell from Merlin's lips. “Love? Are you awake?” Arthur asked softly.
Merlin's exposed eye slowly cracked open as he nodded wearily. He opened his mouth to speak, but Arthur hushed him before he could get a word out. “Don't speak, you need to rest,” Arthur explained as he poured Merlin a goblet of water. “Drink,” Arthur mumbled as he pressed the goblet to Merlin's busted lip.
Merlin happily obliged, quickly draining the large goblet. Arthur quickly refilled the goblet, but this time made Merlin drink from it in smaller sips. “Don't want you wetting the bed tonight,” Arthur teased. Merlin didn't even try to stop himself from laughing, and Arthur couldn't help but press a soft little kiss to the tip of Merlin's nose. A soft blush filled Merlin's pale cheeks.
Merlin patted the empty side of the bed beside him, and Arthur instantly peeled off his boots and climbed in behind Merlin. Merlin snuggled close to Arthur, his head pressed into Arthur's neck. “Are you comfortable?” Arthur mumbled.
Merlin nodded sleepily.
“Do you need anything? I can get whatever you desire.”
“A kiss,” Merlin mumbled.
Arthur chuckled. “Really, Merlin? I'm the king of Camelot, I can get anything your heart desires, yet all you want is a kiss?”
“I want nothing more than your love,” Merlin replied, leaning back to stare up into Arthur's eyes, “at least for now. Maybe I'll want some fancy foreign fruit in the morning.”
Arthur laughed as he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Merlin's lips. Merlin smiled, wrapping his arms around Arthur's neck. Arthur took that as his cue to pull Merlin in even closer, though he was careful with Merlin's injuries.
They laid like that for so long that they lost track of time. Arthur didn't even remember falling asleep, but he was suddenly jolted awake by the squirming and groaning boy beside him.
“Merlin,” Arthur murmured, gently setting a hand atop Merlin's shoulder, “Merlin, wake up.”
Merlin suddenly sat bolt upright, his eye snapping open. Arthur instinctively pulled Merlin closer, so they were lying chest to chest. Arthur gently wiped the tears from Merlin's cheek, sighing deeply. “You had a bad dream, didn't you?” Arthur asked softly.
Merlin nodded sheepishly, burying his face in Arthur's neck.
“Would you like to talk about it?” Arthur queried.
Merlin shook his head. “I'm alright,” he promised, though Arthur was looking at him as if he had three heads. “Arthur, I promise I'm alright. Just- hold me, please?”
Arthur tightened his arms around Merlin. “Anything you desire, love,” the king whispered.
A weak smile crept onto Merlin's face.
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traincat · 6 years
so i was talking to someone and they asked me how come i love a movie that everyone hates? and i just. can understand why people didn't like TASM2? like. I feel that, you'd have to dislike Spider-Man as a whole to actively hate it
Oh man, first off, I just want to say, “how can you love a piece of fiction that everyone hates” is like, one of the worst argument of all time, full offense to whoever you were speaking with. The inner Jewish grandmother in me hears that and says, “What, and if everyone suddenly loved jumping off a bridge, you’d do that too?” There are a lot of reasons for not liking a piece of fiction but “well everyone else hates it” really isn’t one of them, to anyone who feels pressured by popular opinion. It’s totally okay to like things other people don’t, be they fiction, food, or fashion, among others. 
(I have a lot of TASM asks right now and I’m working through them in a weird order, apologies to the askers.)
Which brings me to your second point, and like, obviously I love The Amazing Spider-Man 2 a whole lot, but I do think there are valid reasons why someone might personally not like the movie even beyond just personal preferences like “I like this actor’s performance/face/whatever, I don’t like this other actor’s performance/face/whatever” etc. One big thing about both Amazing Spider-Man movies is that they’re an adaptation of The Night Gwen Stacy Died, and they know what they are – it’s all set up even in the first movie. The bridge models on the Parker mantel place. Gwen’s first outfit, along with her last, are tributes to her classic Amazing Spider-Man #121 outfit, involving a coat, purple skirt, and knee high boots, with the first also featuring her iconic black headband. There’s the “I’m going to throw you out a window now” scene, not to mention the death of George Stacy, a precursor to Gwen’s death. (I’ve talked about this before on Gwen’s death, but I do think it’s fascinating how TASM exists in a pop culture landscape where 616 Gwen’s death already happened, and how that drastically alters George’s last words to Peter, going from asking him to take care of Gwen to asking him promise to stay away from her.) The movies knew what they were doing from the start. The audience, on the other hand, didn’t. And I think the experience of watching TASM2 for the first time can be wildly different depending on if you went in knowing about/expecting Gwen’s (especially brutal) death scene, and depending on your personal feelings about the story TASM/2 chose to retell and about the death of Gwen Stacy. And that’s just one reason.
And I can talk about all the things I love in TASM. I can talk about how, in my own personal opinion, it is the film series that cares the most about being faithful to the source material. (Raimi’s Spider-Man, in my opinion, does a great job creating a very specific look, and drawing on classic elements, and creating its own now classic Spider-Man mythology like the upside down kiss, but it ultimately disappoints me with how it chose to interpret the characters. MCU’s Spider-Man, any other thoughts I have on it aside, is clearly more interested in impressing modern audiences and projecting FUN in letters sixteen feet high than it is in being a faithful Spider-Man adaptation.) And it can be debated whether or not it’s a GOOD thing for a film to try and be faithful rather than doing its own thing, but it is a thing I personally love about it, then I can look at the movies and pull things out of them and go “and they got this from here, and that from there” etc. I like that they did things differently while still leaning into the source material; the mystery of Peter’s parents being a big plot of the plot, for example, is something I’ve seen be criticized, but the fact is this is a plot from the comics and when you have a character who is built on these layers and layers of secrecy, it’s a worthy exploration to see where that comes from. I love that the movies focus so heavily on Peter’s relationship with May, and TASM2′s “you’re my boy”/”I’m your boy, you’re my everything” scene is a huge part of that. I love that they’re both crying in that scene. I love how genuine the emotion in TASM2 feels. I love that the first TASM movie took Flash’s limited screen time and didn’t make him one note – aside from Gwen, he’s the only person in the school scene to try and comfort Peter after Ben’s death, and his “it feels better, right?” line is a reference to Flash’s abusive home life from the comics. I love the amount of detail put into the look of these movies – I love the set design of Peter’s room, the posters, the photos of Gwen, how it’s realistically messy and not at all an Ikea-looking cookie cutter set. I love Gwen’s evolving style between the first and second movie, trading in her sleek straight hair and sweaters for waves and jewel toned pattern pieces. In a visual medium like a movie, all of this information is used to tell you things about the characters, and I think TASM uses its environments and its wardrobe to pack as much information in as it can. I love that TASM2 filmed 90% in New York state, which as far as I know is pretty unique in a superhero film. I love that both movies are a love letter in their own ways to New York, to the dazzling heights, to Spider-Man’s iconic connection to his home city. And yeah, I love the tragedy of the movie, I love The Night Gwen Stacy Died as a story that changed the landscape of Spider-Man, I love the raw emotion of the whole thing, and I love that a version of it was made where Gwen got to save New York not once but twice before she died, and how it’s not fair, but the point of it is that it’s not fair, and I love stories that sometimes don’t have happy endings, and I love the performances that were given in retelling this particular story. And yeah, I love that TASM and the people involved in making it, including Andrew Garfield, obviously really cares about Peter Parker as an individual character, and they let him be angry, and be sharp-tongued, and physical, and weird, and not a perfect person because what mattered was the responsibility in the character. TASM’s “That’s not your job”/”Maybe it is” exchange says it best.
But I think ultimately where a lot of the hate comes from is that there’s a pattern in fandom, and we saw it with Raimi > TASM, and with TASM > Homecoming, and even a little bit with Homecoming > Into the Spider-Verse, though I do think the last one is a little difference because of the circumstances. I’d like to think that all the recent criticism of Homecoming’s blatant theft of Miles’ character and story to build up the MCU’s version of Peter Parker is genuine (and I do think most of it is) but I see this patteen whenever a new version of something comes out. There’s a tendency – and I think some of this is studio-led; they want people to throw out the old in favor of the new because it’s simply much better for their business – to trash the one that came before it. Oh, actually, it was bad, it was boring, people only liked it because of this one actor, etc. The MCU in its entirety, with all the marketing power of Disney behind it, has become incredibly good at doing this not just with other Marvel movies under different studios, but with superhero movies on the altogether, whether it be through buying review or through the pressure exerted to acknowledge the MCU as The One True Superhero Movie Franchise. (For the record, there are MCU movies I like, and ones I don’t, and ones I don’t feel anything for, but I truly doubt that the evangelical nature of the truly hardcore MCU audience sprang up completely organically.) Sooner or later, they’ll reboot Spider-Man as a live action film again. I hope they pick Miles as their lead when they do, but it’ll probably be Peter again, and even if the next one does star Miles – eventually, there will be another Peter Parker movie, and as soon as the next actor is cast, we’re going to see this pattern again. I would be willing to put money down on it. 
At the end of the day, like I wrote in my big Homecoming criticism post, I’m a little tired of the idea that there can only be One True Adaptation, which is where a lot of this argument comes from, when it comes to a body of works that spans decades and hundreds upon hundreds of issues. “Oh, we already had a bunch of Spider-Man movies” is like, so? We already had a bunch of Spider-Man comics, too. There’s so many stories to adapt and retell, and I love the one TASM/2 threw itself into adapting, but there’s so many more I want to see up on screen, too. (Here’s to Sony’s announced Kraven movie project! PLEASE be a Kraven’s Last Hunt movie!) 
But yeah, ultimately, popularity isn’t exactly the best metric for how good a movie is, let alone how much you’re allowed to enjoy it, and what matters is that you liked it. I love it a lot, too.
60 notes · View notes
ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
Phan Cam: The Festival of Our Dreams
WARNING: This post may be a bit long. Also, there’s a chance some posts may not show on time.
>The stage for the Dream Festival was all set up and ready. The idols were doing some last minute rehearsals before the first concert. Dream FES will last six days from Monday to Saturday this year. The first event takes place tonight on Monday which will be like any other concert. The second event takes place on Wednesday where it’s Open Mike Nite and anyone can perform on stage, even with the idols. The finale takes place on Saturday where the competition to see which Rookie Idols, Skull included, will get to become True Idols and possibly record a CD takes place with the idols finishing it with a huge show stopper.
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Okay, so I stand here and I announce the groups when they come out. I think I got it.
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Good. Now when you announce them, don’t hold back, give it as much energy as you can so the audience can feel it.
MC: I’ll do just that.
Worker: Hey, they stylist is calling for one last check!
MC: Coming!
>The MC leaves. Haruto also goes back stage.
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>The dressing room. KUROFUNE was getting ready for that night.
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God, this is just so great! We’re gonna blow this place tonight!
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Calm down, Ryuji, I’m just as excited as you are.
Skull: I know. But this isn’t like all the other times I performed with you guys. This is the big time.
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The real big time.
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I’m glad to see you’re hyped for this. Now we know the songs we’ll be performing?
Yuto: First, we perform OVER THE SEVEN SEAS. Then, Treasured Hearts. And we finish off with Whole New World.
Skull: I like that choice. Though I wish I coulda written another song before all this.
Keigo: This year’s Dream FES is a week long to correspond with the End of Summer. You’ll have another chance soon.
??????: I hope so.
>They turn to see DearDream and Haruto come in.
Keigo: What brings you here?
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We wanted to wish you luck... Or is it “break a leg”?
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Either way, we hope you’ll do well.
Keigo: Thanks.
Yuto: What songs are you performing for Dream FES?
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We’re starting with Dream Pulse. Next, we’ll do Up to speed!. And finally, GO TOMORROW!!!!!
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I’ve added something new to our finale.
Skull: Really? You added something new to that last song?
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Actually, he’s talking about the finale where both our groups perform.
Haruto: Actually. it’ll be three this year.
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For real!? There’s more this year!?
Haruto: (smiling) You’re Ryuji Sakamoto, am I right? KUROFUNE’s newest member.
Skull: It’s a part-time job, actually. But I hope to work full if I can.
Haruto: I see. Well, this year, ANSwer will be joining you.
Kanade: So Asuma san, Chikage san, and Eiji san will be singing with us?
Haruto: That’s what the producers said. Letting one of the newer idol groups perform with two of the legendary idol groups, especially with KUROFUNE’s newest idol would gather more people.
Shin: That sounds a little... Big.
Haruto: That’s business. But don’t worry. I know you can do it. I’ve seen you do more impossible things than I can count.
Kanade: No doubt.
Haruto: So, can I count on you to do this?
KUROFUNE and DearDream: Yes!
Haruto: That’s the spirit. Well, see you tonight.
>With that, he leaves... And we come in.
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Sounds like a big job.
Skull: I’m sure we can pull it off. With all of us here.
Keigo: That’s right. By the way, I like your concert outfits.
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Thanks, my mom helped me put them together.
Keigo: God bless you, Katherine sama.
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Wait until the Wednesday event, will have something really great on.
Chizuru: I’m already looking forward to it. By the way, how’s Suzui san? I hear she’s taking part in the Stride Tournament.
Panther: She’s doing fine. I’ll tell her you wish her luck.
Chizuru: And don’t forget to tell her that we love her.
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That’s a little too much for her to take, but okay.
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But thanks for wishing her luck, though.
>Then, Peter, Harry, Gwen, Miles, Anya, Aleksei, Randy, and Liz arrive. Also with them are John Jameson, Flash Thompson, even Alistaire Smythe, and three new faces: A young man with glasses, a chubby boy in a school uniform, and a young woman in a sweater.
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You made it!
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It wasn’t easy, we almost lost our luggage.
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Only because one of us didn’t exactly packed light.
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Well excuse me if this is my first trip overseas!
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You should have just taken my advice and only packed what you really needed. Me? My football’s all I need.
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So, you didn’t pack anything else? No clothes, just your ball and the clothes you already have on?
Flash: ... Okay, maybe there’s more than a ball that I need.
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If he’s stayin’ with me and Harry, I draw the line at lendin’ my clothes to him.
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Relax, Ryuji, I made arrangements at the Wilton Hotel.
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Good. I don’t think any of the places our Japanese friends stay are wheelchair accessible.
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Actually, my apartment has an elevator.
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Yeah, we saw it the last time we were here.
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So, how excited are you that you’ll be doing this?
Skull: I’m a little nervous, but everyone’s here, so I’m okay.
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Speaking of everyone, aren’t you going to introduce us?
Peter: Right. Everyone, these are some of the friends I talked about. This is Kamala Khan.
Kamala: It’s nice to meet you.
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(outfit altered to avoid being flagged) It’s nice to meet you, too, Kamala chan.
Harry: Ollie Osnick, he was a student at Oz Academy.
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Actually, I’m already acquainted with Ryuji san.
Skull: Really? How so?
Ollie: ... It’s complicated.
Peter: And last, but far from least, Grady Scraps.
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It’s nice to meet you. お会いできて光栄です。
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Grady: Sorry about the uniform. It was in such a hurry, this was the only thing I could get on.
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It’s alright, Grady, we’re here until the 24. We have plenty of time to shop for new threads.
Grady: That’s good to hear.
Chizuru: Then might I suggest Peace Parade. Sheep Heavenly is good, too.
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For real!? Idol Brands can be bought as well?
Keigo: Normally, it isn’t. But remember, even though they are used in the Dream FES System, the clothes are still made by designers and they use our concert to promote their clothes.
Panther: It’s true. Mom does it sometimes, too.
Fox: I see... I wonder if I should feature my art in a concert.
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Maybe on Wednesday. I know they'll love it, Yusuke.
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And that’s why I love you, Ren.
>We both smile.
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They’re the same as always. Even though we just saw them not that long ago.
Queen: Anyway, now to introduce ourselves.
>We introduce ourselves. Even Yuto, Keigo, and even DearDream introduced themselves.
Ollie: Nice to meet you all. But it seems you’re missing a couple of people.
Queen: Diego and Mishima are already in the crowd. We’ll be meeting up with them soon.
Skull: I just wish Axel and the others could be here, but they went back to Landmark City. I’m sure we’ll see ‘em again soon.
Oracle: Me, too. I’ve heard of this guy called Garrett and I really hope I’d meet him.
Worker: (coming in) Hey, the concert starts in a few minuets. You guys better get ready. (leaves)
Joker: Well, we’ll see on later on. Have a great show.
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Enjoy the show!
>We leave.
>In the crowd, we meet up with Diego, Admin, Shiho Suzui, Boss, Sae, Mrs. Sakamoto, and even our councilor, Takuto Maruki.
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About time you got here. This place is getting hyped up and packed.
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(sorry if she’s still wearing her old uniform) He’s right, a lot of people showed up this year. Look over there.
>She pointed and we saw that Japanese fencer, Kagami Tsurugi, was here with French teen model, Adrien Agreste.
Panther: Are they here as a couple?
Shiho: I doubt it. They brought their friends.
>She is right, there are seven more teenagers with them... Two of which I recognized, but I won’t say more on it.
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Not just them. Look there.
>He pointed to who is unmistakable the “Super High Schooler”, Moyuru Koda, and his teammate/boyfriend, Junichi Kotoba. They’re holding each other really tight.
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It looks like we have some royal visitors, too.
>She was right. Not too far from where we were are the Royal Family of Attilan with their fellow Inhumans, Inferno, Iso, Haechi, and Flint Jaycen. (We’ll just call him Jaycen because we already know a Flint.) Not too far from them is King T’Challa of Wakanda, aka Black Panther. And next to him is Thor Odinson of Asgard.
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I see a few other celebrities, too.
>I look around. I also see Hifumi is here. I also spot Rise, Yu, Yosuke Nanako, a man who I can assume is her father, and Teddie. I don’t think they notice me. With them is model/actress, Yukari Takeba. Not too far from them is the American author, Phoebe Halliwell and her husband, Coop. They were in deep conversation with... A young dark-skin man with pink dread locks who was accompanied by another dark-skin young man with brown cornrows, a young man with facial hair and glasses, a young man with long blonde hair, and, was was unmistakably, a brown and blue mecha.
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This is getting too much. How’d I get dragged into this, anyway?
Oracle: (smirking) Because you just can’t say no to a face like this.
Boss: Heh! Maybe.
?????: Maybe you’re just getting soft.
>We turn to the newcomer... We were shocked.
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What the hell are you doing here?
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Are you saying it’s wrong to visit family once in a while?
Crow: Says the man who abandoned me and my mother in our hour of need.
Shido: That’s all water under the bridge now. Let bygones be bygones...
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Besides, I happened to be a fan of Sankishi. Is that alright with you?
Crow: ... Just behave yourself, alright?
Shido: Like a church mouse. (sits quietly on his seat... Next to Crow)
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This is going to be a long week.
?????: No kidding.
>Then, another comes in... You’ve got to be kidding.
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I never pegged you to be someone who like theses events.
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Now do we have to be such a downer? ... By the way, how do you like my anime look?
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Seriously? What is it with older men and anime?
Stark: Just dressing for the occasion.
???: Actually, I kind of agree with her.
>Then, four new faces join in.
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But at least your beard looks good.
Stark: That’s something, I guess.
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Still, I guess it’s a slight improvement from your last two anime forms.
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I’ve never seen that, so I can’t judge.
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Eh, he’s still the same, either way.
Stark: (in defeat) Let’s just enjoy the show.
Mrs. Sakamoto: (whisper) It’s nice of you to come, by the way.
Energetic boy: (also whispering) Thanks.
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>Then, the lights dimmed and the crowd starts cheering louder. The lights on the stage come on. The MC comes on stage.
>The audience was hyped.
MC: Now before we begin, I first would like you all to give a big warm welcome to some famous people in the crowd tonight. Let’s give them a hand!
>The crowd cheered for all the people the others mentioned. Although, I’ve noticed that the Inhumans got little while Black Panther and Thor got a lot... Man, they’re cruel to them, they’re just like us... Only with power and slightly different appearances. Koda mostly got cheers from the girls while Rise and Yukari got cheers from the guys.
MC: And now, with out further ado, let’s welcome our first act for the night. The legendary idol group with a million cheers in one night, our very own Sankishi!
>The crowd cheered loud for the first idol group.
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Haruto: Good evening, everyone! How are you?
>The crowd cheered.
Susa: That’s music to our ears. And we know that we’ll be music to your ears.
Ichika: Let our voices reach to you, tonight. Your hearts will glow for us.
Haruto: And we will glow for you. Let’s soar to our future.
Sankishi: TOGETHER!
Dorika Time!
Shido: I believe this one should suffice.
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Crow: How... Fitting for you.
>We load our wands and launch the cards into the stage.
Catch Your Cheers!
Haruto: I shall wear your cheers with honor!
Catch Your Cheers!
Susa: My heart goes out to all of you!
Catch Your Cheers!
Ichika: The songs we sing shall be the pride of tonight!
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(sorry for the chop job)
White Orchid Series! Complete!
>Sankishi begin their performance. The audience and us really enjoyed... But we know what we’re really looking forward to, but Sankishi is good, too.
>After some time, Sankishi finished their songs.
Haruto: Thank you all! I hope you enjoy the next group as much as you enjoyed us!
>They leave and the MC comes back.
MC: I’m so sure they will, Haruto san. Now for your next group. They were practically born for this show. Heck, they’re basically named after it. Give up for the idol group that puts the Dream back in Dream FES! DearDream!
>Everyone cheered.
Kanade: Before we begin, we would like to give a big thank you to Moyuru Koda, who is a big fan of ours, for coming here.
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If you can really live up to your group’s name, I’ll really be hyped for the finale on Friday.
Junya: Then I guess we shouldn’t disappoint now, should we?
>The crow gave a little laugh. Then, I notice Koda is holding his arms and chest. I use my Third Eye to take a closer look at what he’ saying to Junichi.
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It’s alright. We took all the precautions. I don’t think it’s going to happen here.
Koda: I know... I’m just worried. After what happened at that party... What I almost did to you.
Junichi: It wasn’t your fault. No one could predict that would happen.
Koda: Oh yeah? ... Tell that to your missing leg. You nearly lost your place on the team.
Junichi: But I didn’t give up... And you shouldn’t either.
Koda: Normally I would side with the winning team. I always saw you as that... But I realize, it never really was about winning or losing.
Junichi: And what’s that?
Koda: ... If I knew that, I would own the world.
>The two young men smiled in joy.
DearDream: Alright then, let’s being our show!
Dorika Time!
Junichi: If their first song is Dream Pulse, I think this one will work.
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Koda: (smiling) Yeah, I think so, too.
>They loaded their cards and launched away.
Catch Your Cheers!
Kanade: Thank you so much!
Catch Your Cheers!
Shin: Thank you for your support!
Catch Your Cheers!
Junya: Your cheers will light up!
Catch Your Cheers!
Itsuki: Thank you, we’ll do our best for you!
Catch Your Cheers!
Chizuru: Your cheers will strengthen my love for you!
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Candy Block R Series! Complete!
>DearDream performs their song, Dream Pulse. The audience really applauded when they finished.
>Meanwhile, with T’Challa and Thor.
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I am still unfamiliar with this. Do all Japanese idols transform like that?
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According to Stark, only those who work for this production company. Though I still wish I knew how.
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(who couldn’t help but overhear) No one really knows. It’s one of Japan’s greatest mysteries. Although, I’ve heard the System works on the dreams of the idols and the people who go watch them... But that’s just one theory.
Thor: I see... I think.
King T’Challa: (looking through the Dorika) Let’s see. I was told when they first performed Up to speed!, they used this.
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Iso: The original Candy Block Coord. That should be good.
Thor: Yes. Very elder school.
Iso: That’s old school.
Thor: What’s the difference?
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Can you hurry up, Iso? They’re about to start up again.
Iso: Right.
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
Kanade: Let’s get things up to speed! ... Okay, not a good job, but still.
>DearDream change their clothes.
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Candy Block Series! Complete!
>DearDream performs their song, Up to speed!.
>Meanwhile, with the Investigation Team.
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I brought the snacks!
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Thanks, Yosuke senpai.
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Yes, thank you.
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Yes, thank you.
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I don’t think you need to copy that.
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Just be careful, Yosuke, that looks like more than you can carry.
Yosuke: Sorry, Dojima san, I guess I didn’t expect a certain bear to order so many.
Teddie: (shocked) Now that’s just rude!
Yosuke: But you’re the one who- WHOA!
>Yosuke tripped.
Koda: (who noticed) Hold it!
>As if he were as fast as the wind, Koda quickly catches Yosuke and all the snacks before they hit the ground.
Koda: Your friend is right, you have way too many snacks here.
Yosuke: (a bit surprised) R- Right!
Teddie: (pouting) So mean.
Rise: (also surprised) Wow, you caught my senpai so quickly. No wonder you’re the Super High Schooler.
Koda: (helping Yosuke back on his feet) Thanks.
Nanako: (amazed) You’re the Super High Schooler? Wow. Actually, my big bro is a bit of a super high schooler himself.
Koda: ... (laughs) I doubt it. I have something he probably will never have.
Yu: And what’s that?
Koda: ... If I told you, they would kick me out of the tack team.
>The Investigation Team just stares in wonder. Koda begins to make his way back to Junichi when he suddenly felt like he was being watched. He turns... Phoebe Halliwell and the young man she was talking to were watching him. he quickly turns, pretending not to notice, and returns to Junichi.
>With them.
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(using comic appearances to avoid getting in trouble) You saw it, too, didn’t you?
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No doubt. So he’s really... That sucks. He’s boyfriend will probably be disappointed.
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Hold on, Kaz, I don’t think we should act just yet. He hasn’t done anything, so I think we’re safe for now.
Kaz: Hope you’re right.
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(sorry, this is the only picture I could find) Be patient, sir. We’ll have our chance.
Kaz: Right.
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Yo, Kaz, they’re about to start.
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We thought it over and we thought this should be used for GO TOMORROW!!!!!
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It’s no Gucci, but I think this is just as fabulous.
Kaz: Right.
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
Kanade: Let’s go on to our future together!
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Rose Bullet Series! Complete!
>They being their song, GO TOMORROW!!!!!. The crowd really cheered, even us and the Royal Family joined in.
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Looks like you guys have a favorite group.
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Just a little.
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Fine, a lot. But only because we can sense the heart in their songs.
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As can I. If they were like us, we would definitely wish to bring them back with us.
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Iso: It’s one of the few things that makes us no different... Music.
Haechi: You might get your chance.
Kanade: Thank you for tonight’s cheers! Be sure to give that same love to KUROFUNE!
>With that, DearDream leaves and the MC arrives.
MC: For our next group, they have sailed through the trail and hardships, but have made it all they here tonight. They even recently picked up a new member. Ladies and gentlemen, weigh anchor and raise your colors for the Gold, Silver, and Bronze: KUROFUNE!
>As KUROFUNE gets on stage, the crowd cheered a lot. Me and my friends were cheering the loudest. I also notice the Investigation Team cheering really loud, too... I hope Skull gets the win on Saturday.
Yuto: The time has come to set sail to dreams ahead!
Keigo: The stars shall guide us to your hearts and your souls!
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So join us on our adventure to find our passion!
KUROFUNE: Let KUROFUNE be your captain tonight!
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Yuto: The great seas are calling us!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Keigo: Your cheers will be our map to you!
Catch Your Cheers!
New Sailing ver. Ryuji
Skull: Alright! The wind is blowin’ our way!
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>Skull was wearing the same thing, but with a more Bronze color.
New Sailing Series! Complete!
>KUROFUNE begin their song, OVER THE SEVEN SEAS. We were cheering loudly for them.
Skull: (after finishing the song) This next song is a song I wrote. I would like to dedicate to my friends and family who supported me all this time. Especially, Ren Amamiya, Goro Akechi, Peter Parker, and Harry Osborn.
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Thanks so much for everything you’ve done! I love you all!
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We love you, too, brother!
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We know you can do it, Ryuji!
Peter: You and KUROFUNE can do it! Together!
Harry: This is your dream! Go for it!
>Suddenly, the boy known as Makoto, leaped up from his seat.
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(whisper) Thanks, little bro.
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
Innocent Pirates ver. Ryuji
Skull: I’m gonna enjoy this!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Yuto: Now we shall sing to your hearts!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Keigo: Your cheers shall brighten the stage tonight!
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(Imagine Skull wearing the same outfit, but Bronze in comparison to Gold and Silver.)
Innocent Pirates Series! Complete!
>They being to sing Treasured Hearts.
>After they finished, a Wakandan guard comes to us.
Wakandan guard: My king and his fellow Avenger wish to speak to those Ryuji Sakamoto spoke of.
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Really? They wishes to speak to us?
Wakandan guard: I also have been asked by Lady Crystal that Chloe, Kamala, and Makoto of the Future Avengers come as well.
Makoto: Only Bruno comes.
Bruno: (in defeat) Please don’t drag me into this.
Peter: Well, we should at least see what they have to say.
>We make our way to the VIP Seats where the royals were waiting for us.
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Hello, Future Avengers and Web Warriors and friends.
Chloe: Hey, Triton.
Triton: We will be speaking with Chloe, Kamala, Makoto, and Bruno. King T’Challa and Thor will speak with the rest of you.
Peter: Alright.
Chloe: Tell them I’ll speak to them later.
>Me, Crow, Peter, and Harry go over to King T’Challa and Thor.
Thor: You are friends of Ryuji Sakamoto?
Joker: Yes, we are.
Peter: We support him in his dreams and what he does.
Thor: Yes. I know you two as Spider-Man and Stealth Spider, so I can say that you have made many great friends.
King T’Challa: That is true.
Crow: Is that all you just wanted to do?
King T’Challa: Maybe. I have heard a great deal about you, Goro Akechi, the Detective Prince. And your father.
Crow: What about him?
Thor: We know that Inhuman reside here in Japan as well. But they mysteriously disappeared... After the sudden appearances of psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdowns.
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King T’Challa: But now that’s passed thanks to the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. After some time, Japan’s Inhumans are slowly resurfacing.
Joker: Yes, we know. Some of them are even at our school. But we have no problems with that. They’re not doing anything wrong.
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They make Japan feel like we’re part of something bigger.
Thor: That is true... However, there is one thing that troubles us.
Crow: What’s that?
King T’Challa: ... Actually, it can wait until after the show.
Harry: You’re right. This is Ryuji’s show. Let’s not spoil it. We’ll talk later.
>We return to our seats. Chloe stays behind to talk to King T’Challa and Thor.
Stark: So what did they have to say?
Bruno: We’ll tell you later. Right now, KUROFUNE is about to sing their last song for the evening.
Adi: (nods) I searched the deck and I think I know just the cards to use for this song.
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Crow: I think that will be just perfect.
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
Yuto: Now for our finale for tonight!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Keigo: Thank you! This will keep me going!
Catch Your Cheers!
Skull: Nothin’ is between me and your Cheers!
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(Skull’s has bronze colored feathers on both shoulders.)
Infinite Voyage Series! Complete!
>KUROFUNE performs their last song of the night, Whole New World. (Not the song from Aladdin, in case you were wondering.)
>With the Investigation Team.
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(Can’t believe I didn’t get to talk when we came to the scene with Kida.) That song was great. It’s definitely nothing like the Disney one... Actually, they’re both good.
Nanako: I want to vote them to win the competition.
Rise: Well technically, KUROFUNE already won in a previous Dream FES. They’re not Rookie Idols anymore. Except for Ryuji, so I guess we can vote for him.
Nanako: Then I’ll vote for him.
Yu: That’s good of you, Nanako.
Teddie: Yes. Beary good.
Rise: If he ever makes it, I so want to help him with his CD. Yosuke senpai, you help, too.
Yosuke: (a little confused) Why me?
Rise: Well, you always have headphones on. Maybe you can lend a hand.
Yosuke: (groans) As if I have nothing better to do. And I have a relative who’s an idol, too.
>With us.
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Way to go, KUROFUNE!
Adi: I agree!
Mrs. Sakamoto: I love you, Ryu kun!
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(Does she have to shout out my pet name?) 
Keigo: Thank you! And we hope you will share that love with Ryuji san and vote for him for the competition!
>The whole audience really cheered as the MC comes back on.
MC: I’m sure they will, Keigo san. And good luck to you... Ryu kun.
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(trying to walk off stage quietly) (Keep it together. Keep it together.)
MC: And now, for our last group of the evening. They help with the most difficult questions in your life No matter what, they are the ones you are searching for. (Mostly because they were voted for that name.) Ladies and gentlemen, give a big hand for ANSwer!
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Akiomi Inamasu: Good evening, Tokyo!
Nanao Hidaka: We may be last, but we’re really not the last!
Souji Kibino: Yes.
ANSwer: Now let’s get to it!
(Since they’re a minor group in Dream Festival, we’ll be skipping their song. Sorry, guys. Maybe if they make a third series.)
MC: Weren’t they spectacular? Make you wish they really were the answer, then every student would pass their test.
>Everyone laughs a little and the joke as they applauded.
MC: Well, that’s it for tonight. When we come back on Wednesday, we’ll be having our Open Mike Nite. Anyone wishing to perform doing whatever show they wish to put on, good luck to you all! And remember... If you wish to use the System, you have to sign in and pay the fee in advance before Wednesday. If you haven’t, you have to pay double.
>All the idols join the MC on stage.
Haruto: The Open Mike Nite is here to remind us that you are just as important to us as we are important to you.
Kanade: You have just as much talent as we do. If not in singing or dancing, then in other ways. No matter what.
Yuto: We wish only good luck to you for showing us just how well you do what you do. Not in competition, just for fun.
Akiomi Inamasu: So let’s see what you can do that night. So until then...
Idols: Our goal is the Dream Festival! Dream FES is about to start!
>Everyone in the audience, including us, cheer happily.
>In the dressing room, we, including, the Investigation Team, Tony Stark, and the Future Avengers, came back to congratulate KUROFUNE for their performance.
Flash: That! Was! AWESOME! ... Though it will never be as cool as Spidey.
Peter: Aw, thanks, Flash.
Flash: (unimpressed) Don’t push it, Parker.
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What Mr. Thompson is trying to say is, you guys did well tonight.
Keigo: Thank you, Makoto chan.
Makoto: That’s gonna be tough. My name is like hers.
Queen: I don’t mind being called Mako chan if that’s alright with Haru.
Noir: It should be fine.
Mrs. Sakamoto: Ryu kun, I’m so proud of your performance.
Skull: Thanks, Mom. (And enough with the Ryu kun, already.)
Rise: Just keep it up and might win that CD debut.
Skull: Yeah. I’m lookin’ forward to it.
Yu: We’ll be supporting you all the way.
Yuto You have good friends, Ryuji san. Be happy with that.
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You know it.
Oracle: This calls for a celebration!
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After-party at Leblanc! Sojiro, let’s get a turkey.
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Now hold it! I don’t think it’s big enough to fit us all.
Oracle: In that case... 
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Let’s pull our funds and get some sushi!
Diego: (really happy) I can get on board with that.
Fox: That could be hard. I’m low on cash at the moment.
Skull: Let me guess, art supplies?
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Pretty much.
Harry: I’m rich. I can get the sushi.
Stark: I better pitch in, too. I still remember from what happened the last time I had some.
Bruno: I doubt you’ll be attacked this time.
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I’m not going to ask what that means.
>We begin to make our way to the exit. I notice that the dressing room used by Sankishi. I hear voices in there. I couldn’t help buy listen.
Randy: Hey, Ren, you coming?
Joker: ... My shoelace came undone. You go, I’ll catch up.
Flash: Alright, but hurry up. I really want to taste that sushi.
Diego: I want some sushi, too... But I’ll stay behind and help.
>With that, the rest of the groups leaves while me and Diego stay.
Diego: What’s up, Joker?
Joker: I thought I heard something in Sankishi’s dressing room. I’m very suspicious.
Diego: Alright. I’ll see what I can do.
>Diego changes back to Morgana form and sneaks into the room. I access his collar cam with my phone... I was a little shocked.
Shido: Is that any way to talk to an old friend? Or even a fan?
Haruto: We’re not friends. But we still accept you as a fan.
Susa: And after knowing your secret, I doubt we’ll be friends now.
Ichika: Sorry. Guess stuff like this just happens.
Shido: I merely come here to congratulate you, and this is how you treat me? ... After everything I’ve done for D-Four?
Haruto: Tch! Don’t remind us. I’m surprised we’re still going after what happened with the Phantom Thieves... And what you did to your son?
>Shido, his face full of fury, bashes his fist against a mirror, shattering it.
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Listen and listen well, you fucking, ungrateful fools! If it weren’t for me, D-Four Productions and you would have lost everything. The three of you would be out of a job. Your little proteges would be out of a job...
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So I suggest you be a little more nicer.
Haruto: (looking down) ...
>Morgana returns to me and changes back to Diego. Just then, Shido walks out and notices us.
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Can I help you two?
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Shido: (staring at me) You look... familiar.
?????: I see you’ve met my new intern.
>I look up to see Tony Stark and Yuto coming up.
Shido: (unconvinced) Really? I don’t see someone like you hiring someone like him, Stark. What is this about?
Stark: (firm) It’s exactly as I said. Now if you don’t mind, I was about to treat my intern and his friend to sushi. So if you’re not too busy, you’re welcome to join us.
Shido: ... I’m due back at the Wilton. See you on Wednesday.
>With that, he leaves.
Yuto: We better go. Everyone’s waiting.
>So, we leave.
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>The sushi restaurant in Ginza. While everyone partied, Stark and Yuto spirited me and Diego to a stall.
Yuto: How much did you hear?
Joker: A lot. What was that about?
Yuto: As most people probably don’t know, but there was a time D-Four Productions almost ceased to exist.
Diego: (a bit surprised) Really? What happened?
Yuto: ... Calystegia.
Joker: The song by Kanamin Kitchen originally written by deceased idol, Yuko Osada?
Yuto: Yes.When they sang it at the Love Meets Bonds Festival, their popularity skyrocketed... And they totally forgot about the Dream Festival. Only about 250 people showed up.
Diego: That’s harsh.
Yuto: With everyone so focused on Kanamin Kitchen, who works for Takura Productions, sales for D-Four were dropping. If that kept going on, many idol groups would have to be let go. Sankishi included. Even Amuse, Lantis and Bandai Namco, the companies that birthed D-Four, would have severed their ties with them to avoid being dragged down. Then, they would have filed for bankruptcy and their only salvation is to be bought out. Mostly likely their competitor, Takura Productions, or an overseas company, like Apollon Media.
Joker: Why would Apollon be interested in the Dream Festival?
Yuto: I don’t know. And I don’t care to find out. Anyway, Masayoshi Shido, who was already a major and well believed politician and a big fan of Sankishi, bailed them out by raising their popularity back up by showing his support. As a result, the next Dream Festival... The same Dream Festival KUROFUNE and DearDream first appeared, was a huge success.
Diego: So you owe him?
Yuto: Well, that’s what Shido thought. After his heart was changed by yo- The Phantom Thieves, our deal with him was over... But D-Four itself wasn’t.
Stark: Yeah, you’re welcome.
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You helped them, Mr. Stark?
Stark: I got curious about why Shido loved Sankishi. So I listened to their songs... And I truly understood why they are famous for the night of a million cheers... That, and I was curious how the Dream FES System worked. Or even where it came from. So, I bought D-Four Productions. Now they’re members of the Stark International Family and those other companies didn’t have to sever their ties.
Diego: That’s quite generous of you, Mr. Stark.
Stark: Yeah, well, I still want to know more about the System... Maybe another time. Anyway, I wouldn’t worry about Shido now. But just to be sure, we’ll keep an eye on him.
Yuto: And Ren, Diego, about what we just told you...
Diego: It’s our little secret.
Yuto: (happy) Thank you.
Joker: And than you for keeping D-Four open, Mr. Stark. It means a lot to Ryuji.
Stark: You can thank me by not calling me Mr. Stark. Just call me Tony.
Joker: I don’t think we can do that.
Stark: Why not?
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For starters, we already know a CEO named Tony.
Stark: I see... But for the record, I’m a way better Tony than that skate punk.
>I smile a bit. And we rejoin the others.
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Witness Protection
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 4: Hidden in Bliss
Mary Margaret smiled at the wonder on her student's faces, as the tiny blue bird perched itself on her finger. For as long as she could remember, she had always had an affinity for birds. Other children always thought she was the weird bird girl, but then she had always known she was different from other people. Her father was a monster and she had somehow escaped him. She and her husband would likely have to be in witness protection for the rest of their lives, but that was fine with her, as long as she could be with the love of her life and their baby.
To the town, they were David and Mary Margaret Swan, newlyweds that had come to them almost two years ago now, just married and pregnant, though the people had taken to calling her Margaret. Margaret taught fourth grade and David was Sheriff Graham's new deputy. They fit in famously well with most of the townspeople, becoming quick friends with Archie Hopper, the town therapist, Ruby Lucas, who had become their best friend, along with her Granny that owned the diner and Inn, and two couples, Fred and Abigail Midas, as well as Lance and Gwen Knight. Most everyone had been very welcoming to this young couple with a baby joining their community. All except the Mayor, Fiona Gold, who seemed to loathe them from day one. She had tried to protest Graham's hiring of David as his deputy, even though her husband came with an impressive record as a detective in Seattle. And she hadn't liked the school hiring Margaret either. Granny had explained that the Mayor didn't like outsiders in her town. Which seemed a bit weird and as a cop, it made David naturally wonder just what the Mayor might be hiding. Despite her though, they loved their new home and hoped they weren't found and forced to leave it.
They still kept in close contact with Roni and Rogers back in Seattle and much had changed there in the last two years as well. After having a one night stand with a woman named Eloise shortly after they left town, Rogers was surprised about a year ago with a baby outside his apartment. Eloise left a note saying that it was his daughter and she didn't want to care for her. And though he was in shock, Rogers took his child in and instantly fell in love with her, vowing not to fail her where her mother had. His little girl's name was Alice and she was only about a year younger than Emma and Roni adored Alice as much as her father. It made Mary Margaret hope that they could be reunited with their friends someday. For now, they were content and grateful that they had been able to stay in this new home for as long as they had. And they hoped it continued, for this small town was proving to be the perfect place to raise their baby.
She gently let the bird out the window and it flew to the bird feeder just outside. Her students marveled at that, just as the bell rang and they filed out. She watched them leave fondly and then started picking up for the day. She loved their life in this town, but in the back of her mind, she wondered how long it could last. It scared her, for it was one thing for her and David to be on the run, but to have to take Emma into that sort of life was another entirely. She prayed everyday that they wouldn't be found and though threats from her father had seemingly gone quiet in the last couple years, she and David hadn't let their guard down. As much as she hated it, she knew her father was still looking for her and she knew that he knew she had a child with David too. She shuddered to think about how he still wanted to destroy the beautiful life they had created together. But all her fears and worries melted away momentarily at the sound of a little voice.
"Mommy!" Emma called, as David let her down and she toddled to her mother.
"There's my munchkin," she cooed, as she scooped her up, as her husband walked toward them and kissed her tenderly.
"You're off early," she mentioned, as she was usually the one to pick up Emma from daycare.
"The perks of living in a small, quiet town," he replied, as he dropped a kiss on Emma's head too.
"Show Mommy what you made in daycare," he reminded, as Emma showed her the piece of purple construction paper she was carrying. Mary Margaret gasped.
"Oh sweetheart...it's so beautiful," she praised her daughter's drawing, which included a sun with a rainbow in the sky and three stick figures, which represented their family.
"We'll put it on the fridge when we get home," she promised, as she kissed her hair. She then got her things and joined hands with her husband, as they left her classroom.
"How about Granny's?" she proposed.
"Yay!" Emma cheered. David smiled.
"Sounds great to me," he agreed, as they strolled out to the car, unaware that someone watch watching and snapping pictures of them.
Leopold looked up from his desk, as his head of security, Rivers, walked into his office.
"More photos just in from our contact," he said, offering the file folder to his boss. Leopold opened it and looked through them. It was much of the same as the rest of the photos taken over the past two weeks. Finally, after two years, he had found his daughter. But this time, he was taking a bit of a different approach.
"Boss...we know where they are, but you haven't issued any orders yet," Rivers stated.
"Because somehow Weaver is always one step ahead and manages to get them out before we can get to them. Plus...as much as I hate admitting it, my daughter's husband has been proven to be quite formidable, especially when it comes to taking what is mine. So this time...I'm taking another approach," he said, as he picked up the phone.
"Fuel the jet and standby," he told his pilot.
"So we're taking the jet there?" Rivers asked.
"No...because the moment my jet takes off, Weaver will somehow get our flight plan and warn them. So we're going to let him by sending the jet off to Los Angeles on a business trip," Leopold stated.
"Meanwhile, I have a first class ticket under an alias to Portland, Maine. And from there, it's a mere two hour driver to...Storybrooke. I'm going to visit my lovely daughter like any good father," he added.
"Alone Sir?" Rivers asked skeptically.
"Yes...after all, what threat does an old man like me pose to anyone?" Leopold asked. Rivers smirked, as he got exactly where he was going with this.
"That's...ingenious. I guess that's why you're the billionaire," Rivers complimented. Leopold smirked deviously, finished his drink, and left to prepare for his trip.
Mary Margaret bit her bottom lip and smiled indulgently, as she watched her husband feed their daughter bites of ice cream. And she felt her heart flutter when they smiled at each other with the exact same smile. David looked up to see her gazing at them with a dreamy stare and smiled at her too.
"What?" he asked.
"Just staring at the loves of my life," she answered. She never imagined falling in love and then when she did, she hadn't imagined actually having a baby. She couldn't believe that it was just four years ago when she walked into her father's living room and witnessed his men putting a bullet into a man's head. A man that had been on his knees, begging for his life. It had shocked her to the core and changed her life forever.
As the body fell to the floor with a thud, her father and his men stared at her and Leopold was quick to snap his fingers.
"Close the door," he ordered, as one of his bodyguards did as he requested.
"Mary, my dear...what are you doing here?" he questioned.
"This...this is my home," she stammered, as her eyes were still locked on the body.
"You are early...the party is not for a few more hours," he chided. She looked at him in disbelief. He had just ordered the murder of someone and watched them die. And now he was talking about parties?
"Father...what have you done?" she blurted out. But he put his hands on her arms, which made her skin crawl.
"He was a very bad man, my daughter," he admonished.
But she knew better. She knew that it was her father that was the bad man. She had just been sheltered from his evil before that moment. And what had happened next was one of those make or break moments that defined a person's life. Had she not made a move to escape that night, her life would have turned out very differently. She would have been trapped in her father's web of evil and become his victim in the most horrifying ways.
"Don't worry...all traces of him will be gone before your party. Perhaps you'd like to relax in a bath before your guests arrive," he leered and she jumped, as his hands went to her waist. And what she saw in his eyes when she turned was a lustful stare that frightened her to her very core.
"Don't touch me…" she blurted out.
"You are my daughter, Mary. I must make sure you are okay after what you walked in on," he said, as he kept advancing, while she kept backing away.
"No...you want to make sure I don't tell anyone you just murdered someone! And you want to do things to me that a father should never do to his daughter," she spat.
"Mary...you belong by my side, just as your mother did. Is it so wrong for a father to love his daughter so much as I do?" he questioned.
"Yes!" she said hotly.
"Fathers are not supposed to love their daughters this way," she protested.
"I am Leopold Blanchard, practically King of Seattle. You know that no one tells me no…" he warned, as she kept backing away.
"I always have what I want," he added and in a moment of pure clarity, she stopped seeing her father and saw a monster instead. It would be the thing that saved her that night, as she picked up a lamp and broke it over his head.
That had led her fleeing to Hyperion Heights and directly to her friend's bar. Roni had promptly drove her to the police station in Hyperion Heights where she met Detective Rogers and his rookie detective partner that would become her husband and the father of her baby.
"Yes...you are still in a lot of danger, Miss Blanchard. If your father gets his hands on you again, I daresay he'll either kill you for knowing too much or worse things I'm sure none of us want to think about," Weaver said bluntly. She swallowed thickly at that.
"Then what do you suggest?" she asked.
"You are definitely the key to bringing down your father and luckily, I'm going to put my two best detectives on it," Weaver replied.
"While Rogers is investigating him and trying to turn up a body...Nolan will be moving you into witness protection," he said. She looked at Nolan and then back at Weaver.
"So I'm getting a babysitter," she realized.
"I'm not a babysitter," he snapped in return, as they stared at each other.
"I have a safe house in Oregon. You both leave tonight," Weaver said.
And the rest was history. She had fallen in love with her protector and they escaped to new lives with new identities. They made new friends and were a family. None of their new friends had any inkling of her past or who her powerful father was. And she prayed that it stayed that way. If she had her way, she'd never have to see her evil father again and they could stay in this wonderful town and raise their family. A family that would soon be growing, she thought, as she put a hand to her still flat abdomen. She hadn't told him yet, but planned to after they put Emma to bed tonight. He smiled at her from across the table, as Ruby picked up their plates.
"Thanks Rubes," Mary said.
"Three cocoas?" she asked and they nodded. Cocoa and a walk in the park on the way home would be the perfect ending to their already perfect evening.
Rogers rifled through the files on his desk, as he prepared to take a few home to read over that evening. He was about to leave to pick up Alice and peered into Weaver's office.
"Anything on the Leopold Blanchard front? You mentioned earlier that he was leaving town," Rogers replied. They were always leery when that happened, for there was fear that he may have found them. But Weaver shook his head.
"I just got the flight plan and his private jet just touched down in Los Angeles. Probably another lucrative business trip," Weaver responded. Rogers was relieved at that. He hated that Leopold Blanchard still got to conduct the day to day operations of his business, which they knew was full of illegal dealings; none of which they could prove. But at least he hadn't found David and Mary Margaret.
"Well...in that case, I'm out of here for the evening," he mentioned, as he made his way to his car to pick up his little starfish.
The commercial plane touched down in Portland, Maine late that night and Leopold disembarked at the airport. A car was waiting to take him to a five star hotel for the evening and then tomorrow, a rental car would be waiting for him. He would drive to this small town that his daughter was hidden away from him and he would finally see her again. By dinnertime tomorrow, he would find her and meet his granddaughter as well...
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