#For once I'm actually trying to get all the achivements
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sincapjelly · 2 months ago
You know how much I love to bring up Cole's story in Quest for the Lost Powers in any given moment I can. It's not something I can help as it gives a lot of information about Lilly and there... aren't many information about Lilly so I gotta feed my insanity somewhere... EHEM.
And this part of the book, while adorable as fuck, also makes me so damn curious.
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If Lilly was so happy that Cole would be her inheritor, to me there are two possibilities.
1: Lilly actually told Cole that he has the power of earth. Though she couldn't train him, she told him about it. So he at least knew that Lilly used to be the master of earth too.
Her sickness started to effect her when Cole was a small child, so there was no room for her to be able to tell him the things she wanted to. She wasn't able to train him, or help him achive his true potential.
Maybe that's why Cole was climbing that mountain. Maybe he knew he was the master of earth, he thought that the mountain wouldn't let him die because he is supposed to be the master of it. Maybe that's why he was so confident climbing with no gear? Or maybe he thought it could help him earn his true potential??
2: Something happened that made Lilly change her mind completely. I don't know what it is, but something tells me that it's about the realisation of just how fucked up the hero mentality can get and how it made her continue missions without powers. And most likely, eventually killed her.
Just like how Lou tried everything to prevent Cole from being a ninja in S1, Lilly's wish was the same. So that Cole wouldn't be trapped in the same responsibility and the exaggerated expectation it puts on them.
If you ask my opinion, part of the reason Lilly kept on going to missions after losing her powers was her personality, true. Because that's just who she is, she likes helping those in need. However, the way Lou mentions how those missions got bigger and more dangerous, it just bugs me. She wasn't supposed to go that far. She didn't even want to go that far. It was the mentality that was forced to her, they made her unable to say "it's not my problem anymore".
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She has a whole breakdown over it in front of Cole, even.
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I'd say what happened was a mix of both scenarios 1 and 2. It started as 1, then with how terrible the situations started to get, it concluded in 2.
I would say Cole did in fact, know about his powers. And probably at least at some point of his childhood, he was informed about his mother's past as the master of earth too. And at first, Lilly would tell him about their power, even try to teach him things maybe.
But seeing how the way of the ninja treated her, she starts to pull away from the idea. When Cole asks her more about the powers, she starts to brush him off. It's sometimes "I don't know", sometimes she says she doesn't feel good enough for a lesson. She changed her mind because she fears what happened to her will happen to Cole.
Because after some point, Lilly had no real choice. She was always crushed by the expectations, made to believe she was always responsible for the world's safety. If she could really make her choice, she would chose to stay with her family. But she was made to believe it's "selfish" to choose that.
She fears teaching Cole will take this choice from him too. Once you become a ninja, you never retire. Maybe after her realisation, Lilly changed her mind completely and wasn't happy with the idea of Cole being a ninja.
In Crystalized, yes Crystalized, as much as I don't enjoy it all that much, there is a dialogue between Wu and Nelson that will always be so important to me. It's where Wu says something about how he is not going to send kids to Overlord's hands, and Nelson says "that never stopped you before".
I don't hate Wu, I'm between liking him and being neutral about him actually, but this line hits hard and it's supposed to.
Because Wu IS a part of the problem and this line finally shoves it onto the faces of the viewer. It's always "ninja never quit" and "ninja must help others", but it's never a reminder that ninja are still human beings and the ninja way is ruining them.
I think Lilly is a solid example of that. How they took Lilly's will to help others and turned it against her and her well-being, both mentally and physically. She is a good example because she is not a ninja who went evil after a sudden event. They slowly, gradually ruined her. That's what makes Lilly a good example of just how fucked the ninja way can be.
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gege-wondering-around · 11 months ago
Why Derek has the best 'Alpha arc'
Basing this on the show and the movie too Derek had been all the 'types' of werewolves, going through at least once all the eyes colors.
Yellow: is the base color werewolves get when they are first turned or when they are born
Blue: after he 'accidentally' kills Paige in his teenage years after trying to turn her into a werewolf
Red: after he kills Peter and steal the power from him to avenge Laura who had been killed by Peter to get the Alpha status
Blue: he loses the alpha status after he heals his sister Cora form a mistletoe poisoning (he takes so much of her pain that not even the Alpha strenght can keep up and 'dissapears' in order to save Derek's own life since if they take too much pain from others they could die)
Yellow: when kate de-aged him and he was left with his eyes from before he met Paige, but he slowly regain his blue
Evolved omega: altho his eyes don't change colors he can now fully tunr into a wolf
Red: during the movie in the last scene, when Parrish burn him and the nogitsune he turns into a True Alpha
Derek went from your typical bad guy that wants revenge, power and blood to your tough gentle guy who is very wise and considerate of others.
He started off as probably one of the worst Alpha on the show and became one even for the wrong or worst reasons:
He went around biting teens to build himself a pack to help him fight the Alpha pack and two of the three he bite ended up death (yet he still care for them all but his way of teaching them their 'new nature' wasn't the best and despite it was the only way he knew he could've done something more, but since they are his betas he inevitably cares about them and from a simple pack bond it becomes something more personal, cause in the end he cared for them for who they were and loved them for just being themselves)
He killed his uncle to gain the Alpha status for getting revenge and to fulfill his greed for power (that he thought maybe could help him heal or feel fine again but it never happened)
He put others in danger to achive what he wanted (like when he got Scott and Stiles to help him kill/hunt Peter)
But from being this big crappy man he lost his powers - that he literally made a bloody bath to get - to save his sister, to save the little family he had left.
He started to understand more the people he had around and who they were, he started to care for them genuinely. He was worried sick for Stiles bein possessed, cared for his betas (whoever was left) and had more interest in ensuring his friends' safety. His FRIENDS!
He started to see people - Scott, Stiles and the others - as his friends and not someone that would eventually betray or use him and that somehow cared for him too - even if most of the time he was thrown around like a fighting doll.
And then he remained an omega and evolved into a wolf, an actual wolf and saved the day - generally speaking.
He went from 'I'm gonna kill you' to 'I care for you' which is a lot for a character like Derek. Someone who went through years of pain and sorrow, having almost no one at all to rely onto and left to deal with whatever Kate did to him and with the guilt of getting his family killed - which isn't is fault!
And then we got the movie:
He has a son, Eli, whom he loves and cares for throughout the entire movie and I'm sure he was a great dad, maybe a little strict and traditional-minded on a few things, but definitely a good and caring father
He almost get killed and when he's fine and the wound on his neck is sealed, he 'dies' protecting his son - or better to say, stepping in the way of a sword
He helps the Sheriff with cases when at the beginning he was one of the few who wanted Derek in a prison - whether supernatural or a simple prison cell
Ans then, at the end, he sacrifice himself to save everyone and gets burned alive which turns him into a TRUE ALPHA!
This whole build up of events, of development and changes, going from bad to good, from a reckless and greedy man to someone one would look up to, a wise man who had seen enough and doesn't want others to live what he lived.
And like the Sheriff said
I have never seen anyone take the kind of punishment that Derek Hale took… And kept taking… In order to protect the people he loved.
He died burning alive, he died like his family did. Burned alive.
And this is worthy of a True Alpha. He sacrificed himself for everyone's sake and after his whole life was hell he wnet through with yet again another round of pain and tears. He had to leave his son alone to save him!
And he could've just let Scott get burned and stayed with his son but Derek was so selfless that he decided to take the burden upon himself once more.
Derek is the best Alpha in teen wolf - show and movie - and he's actually worth of being called a true alpha cause he earned it over and over and over again, he learned and become better, he healed and become a better person and leader. He earned his title as True Alpha.
Derek deserved, earned and is worthy of the True Alpha status and it costed him his life and his time with his son, and for what?
The people he saw as his family and he chose them above himself.
He did it for the people he loved.
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alarrytale · 1 year ago
I also think Harry wants to get an EGOT. But I don't really think that was the reason for him to get into acting. I mean, Harry can get an EGOT just by writting songs for soundtracks or by having producer credits in things like TV shows/broadway shows, etc, he doesn't need to act to get there.
I think he went into acting probably because he was encouraged by his team to do so. A lot of pop stars have done the same in the past, more or less successfully. Getting themselve in a different industry, acting, in this case, will keep them relevant even if one day their albums underperforms. It's basically their way to try to expand an artist shelve life by making them known by other things besides music and establish them more as household names.
I also don't think Harry has ever seemed super passionate about acting nor that he thought he would EGOT becuase of it, as I said. I really think it was just to make him more of an household name, which they achived, because even though DWD was a disaster it made everyone aware of Harry, even people outside of his target demographic, and lots of people who didn't know who he was before.
And yes I also don't think Harry is super talented acting wise, but i actually think he is able with the skills he has to carry secundary roles of the same size of the one he had on Dunkirk. And if Harry and his team want him to keep acting he should go for those type of roles, small ones.
About his co-stars, I agree some of them resented him a bit for taking the focus away for them and the other things you mentioned. But that's a bit inevitable. Harry has reached a level that he has more star power than pretty much any actor from his generation, so unless Harry ends up in a movie with older and really established actors, or he will always end up being the focus for the media. I mean, even in Eternals, with The Angelina Jolie there, during the press tour they did for the movie every two questions were them asking the actors how it was to work with Harry.... There's not much you can do about that, I don't think... maybe Harry is too famous for his own good.
Also, about Harry being too famous for his own good. Just to say, on his defense, that most of Harry acting performances were not that good but they were also not awful. I 've seen way worse from professional actors and none of them got so much shit from film critics as Harry did. As I say once again because he is too famous for his own good, film critics couldn't miss the chance to try to knock him down a peg or two, they can't stand seeing someone be too successfull... Either way, even though Harry is surround by yes man I think he indeed knows about what those film critics said about him. And I actually felt bad for him last year because it seems that he takes to heart the things people say about him and critics didn't want to back off of him for shit. Either way, I'm sure if he wants to keep acting he will do acting lessons or something like that. Harry seems like a prefectionist.
All the anons about actor harry and my answers are under the cut.
The opinions vary, it depends on several things, but from my point of view, i agree with you.
Hi anon(s),
I agree with you, that might have been his motivation. Extending his shelf life is a good argument. I don't think he's good at acting, but also not the worst. He's just lacking natural talent and he hasn't the time nor inclination to improve imo.
I also think that Harry is not a good actor. His facial expressions are overplayed and put on (David and Ruppert are, conversely, full of “inhabited” finesse). Harry seems off when he plays. I'm sorry for the fandom but it's a fact.
what happened with the dunkirk cast ?
Nothing other than harry seemingly hanging more around the crew than the cast. It seemed like his cast mates resented him for getting the role, or they simply didn’t get along very well. I don't think they're in contact now.
Coming back to DWD, I get that you haven´t seen in because of the second hand embarassement and of course you don´t want to support OW....but is there a chance that you´ll watch it just out of the sarcasm when you know he can´t act // it needed that awful stunt and surrounding drama that became famous than the movie itself and maybee to see the difference between true actor (Florence) and singer-became-actor-because-that´s-popular-now? I mean, I watch sometimes bizzare things just because I know it´s bizzare.
(plus there´s this option to not supporting her by getting the movie you-know-where haha)
And talking about actor Harry - it´s probably also unpopular opinion but I really hope his contract with Marvel will somehow get cancelled because for me 1) Marvel´s totally desperate since Avengers Endgame and every movie after the last Avengers just sucks and so 2) getting Harry involved as a character just shows how desperate Marvel is - and I get that it´s all about money actually but still - please, Harry, you don´t need to drag yourself down this way.
If he´ll continue acting, I would prefer to see him in those small/indie movies with less famous actors. Like Taylor and Nick from RWRB.
And last opinion - I have a theory why MP went much better like how Harry fits in the cast simply because they got to know each other before filming (they had like 3 weeks for reheasals and to know each other?) and he probably felt much more comfortable with queer people who understood him and he didn´t have to pretend. Btw I also have a theory that David knows he´s gay like Harry told him because he´s gay himself and so Harry knew he can fully trust him and be open. And that´s maybe why Harry doesn´t follow him on IG because they maybe got stronger bond and so he doesn´t want any gossip (it´s enough that some tabloids wrote he had something with Emma omg). But that´s probably stupid theory, I don´t know.
No, i won't watch it. I have no inclination to do that at all. I agree with Marvel, i hope they changed their minds (if the rumours are true) and we've seen the last of his acting. About mp, yes maybe, but i just think he had better motivation to do the film. I think both David and Emma knows he's gay and with Louis. I don't think H is that close with David, also ig followers means nothing.
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kentrix11 · 11 months ago
Oh yeah I checked out a bit of the gameplay bits people posted about Girls Frontline 2 last year, I had a lot of thoughts written out but I never posted them.
I will do it here to see how much of it ends up being on point once the game comes out.
First some bullet points about what's in there though:
It seems they are doing that thing I have kinda been thinking about of changing the hit chance of Xcom and exchanging it by raw damage thus making cover about defense rather than evasion. This is good because it keeps the tactical depth of having to analize terrain and flank/bait enemies. While eliminating the annoying "95% hit chance miss". THERE'S GRENADES TO DESTROY TERRAIN AND COVER WE ARE SO BACK (only enemies so far though? They are an important tool to manipulate enemies so hope some low rarity units have them too) They also streamlined some stuff to make it more easy to digest visually Now deciding where to move shows you lines that tell you which enemies you can attack which is nice QoL They did the thing I though of about having holograms plan out the moves then have the characters do them, for the sake of making it all seems like a moment of action rather than the character running then staying in place, I like it, it makes it look a bit more diegetic. It doesn't seem like individual actions are a thing. The enemies at least in the first maps seem to be really dumb, they just attack without any regard for cover. They also don't try to actually flank you. Damage is a lot lower across the board but due to the balancing of cover letting you take less damage that makes more sense. There's a shield mechanic that reduces damage, the shield can be broken with enough damage, there's a value that reduces if you take hits Taking hits without cover or while flanked makes them hit harder of course and eat more shield. If you get flanked while still having some shield you can still survive a little. Healers seem to be able to not only heal hp but also give a shield that seems really strong. There's status effects. Full cover + shield seems to reduce damage to 1 point per shot pretty much no damage. There seems to be like shield elements and stuff I'm not too sure about, having colors to determine damage is a pretty gacha core thing IDK how well it might go on Xcom and generally I like design based on functions rather than colors. It seems that the colors are for types of ammo that might do more or less damage against shields or specific enemies That might be interesting. HP seems to be in the thousands o hundreds early on I doubt perma death is a thing too so it makes sense (Maaaybe they will add a game mode that's multiple maps in a row where you can't use units that died in a previous map, that could be fun) The melee units seem to do a ton of damage to compensate for the risky factor of having to go to the enemy to attack Also to offset how in Xcom 2 they can ignore cover and hit for sure but since there's no chance here they give them more damage They still ignore cover though since damage isn't reduced Depending on how melee units are categorized in the colour system I think they might be pretty strong early on
General thoughts are:
A lot of the changes are really thoughtful things that you would only get by truly understanding what aspects of Xcom's game design make it an engaging game while also understanding it's shortcomings and more frustrating points to try and address them in intelligent ways.
I wonder if this will hit if only the maps are Xcom like but the rest has an entirely different gameplay loop, I feel like the loop of building your base and units is important to this kinda game too.
The Gacha factor is a very big worry because Gacha and the inherent power creep it needs to be open to, can mean a number of things will be awkardly tuned difficulty wise, so getting that really nice feeling of going through tough maps in a satisfying way might be harder to achive. Also depending on how many categories they made for units, rolling for characters and weapons could get really annoying.
Still, it's looking good, it's funny how the metal gear looking mech is mechanically an Xcom 2 sectopod.
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serinemisc · 2 years ago
This is actually a lot of questions and I'm going to try to answer them all.
Do I have a horse in this race?
I'm Asian. I had a perfect 1600 SAT score. I had a lot of other impressive achivements, like passing 17 AP tests, captaining the etc. I didn't get into my first-choice university. Now, I don't know whether or not it's because I'm Asian, but I'll always wonder, you know.
On the flip side? I'm a Woman In Tech. I'll never know for sure whether some opportunities I got were because I deserved them, or because I'm a woman. Famous sort of impostor syndrome, that. I'll always wonder.
I'd say this is probably the way in which my race has impacted me the most. I sure have experienced racism but it's rare and temporary and easy to vent to a friend about. And microaggressions? I've never even minded being asked what kind of Asian I am, I like telling people about Asia, I famously have a whole infodump blog about it. Once, a homeless guy yelled at me to go back to my country, literally a week after I stopped being a Chinese citizen, and that was just funny.
We had a solution to this problem, it's called blind admissions, we would put musicians behind a curtain and ask them to play music and not speak, and then we wouldn't have to wonder. Affirmative action always felt like the exact opposite of what I wanted.
But Serine, the affirmative action advocates know all that, and they have arguments!
Yes, I know. There are advantages and disadvantages that some races get that would bias test scores and everything else. I just don't think affirmative action helps with that. Especially race-based affirmative action.
People talk about how this lawsuit pits racial minorities against each other, but I can't imagine anything pitting us against each other more than literal race-based quotas.
So are you fine with class-based affirmative action?
Honestly, yes. I suppose that does undermine everything I've said so far.
I think part of it's that class divides will always exist. And class is a much closer approximation of the question of advantages and disadvantages that bias test scores.
But on the other hand, race-blindness just feels like a nice ideal. And class-based affirmative action doesn't pit races against each other, which I really like.
Also, like, I obviously didn't have any innate advantages over my white peers. Colleges just don't want their race stats to be majority-Asian. I think that's a really bad reason to prefer a white student over me!
What about Harvard legacy admissions?
Honestly, also yes. Harvard legacy admissions pay for everyone else, so they seem like a worthwhile trade.
I'm looking back and I guess I don't seem especially principled here. But I think it makes sense to put it all on a spectrum. Legacy admissions are definitely not good, they're just an understandable necessary evil. And I think class-based affirmative action is strictly better than race-based affirmative action. So I think class-based is an interesting question of trade-offs that I don't see an obvious answer for, but race-based is just bad. I think that's all consistent.
Okay, you don't like affirmative action. But how do you feel about the Supreme Court getting involved?
Everyone looks to the UC system as "what happens if you ban affirmative action". And honestly, it seems fine to me. I guess it sucks for the people who like it, and it'd especially suck for them if it was forced on private universities.
In general I lean towards letting the private sector experiment with things, within reason. Is this "within reason"? I think pitting races against each other is a real harm that it could make sense to interfere with the general principle of freedom. But I guess I'm unsure on this one, too.
I guess count me as leaning weakly in favor of the ruling. But I'm open to being swayed on a lot of this.
What do you think about the recent ban on affirmative action at universities?
Good question, but I've been trying to move the really discoursey politics to my sideblog, @serinemisc. I'll answer you there.
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xviperinae · 4 years ago
{Playing through Mass Effect again really makes me want to do threads in Viper's Mass Effect verse so badly.
Like yes to all the space things now.}
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bioelectrogenisis-blog · 6 years ago
The Near-ish Future in the Post December Tumblr, and where to go for Art.
This topic title is a bit misleading to some, and I sincerely apologize for any confusion thusly. The main reason for me dropping a text post like this on the first place is as follows:
I have not too long ago just finished reviewing the guidelines brought upon the site only months after its implication, and have seen the aftermath. I've not however seen any posts likes this looking too into this subject matter, so to my knowledge I will be the first, (Correct me if I am mistaken.)
Firstly, I wanted to go over the guidelines in two particular areas, regarding automatic registration and posts.
Most of the guidelines I agree with whole heartedly, no question. They offer opportunities for a safer environment for Art and other fun posts; I bare in mind no care for the removal of pornographic content and tumblers, I actually feel safe opening the app in public without hiding in my hoodie. What I do mind is their guidelines on automated posts.
It states in the Tumblr guidelines "Do register accounts or post content automatically, systematically, or programmatically." No other sentance beyond that one sentance on the subject.
I read through this carefully four seperate times, and came to two possibly ways to achive the result of 'automatic' posts; in order of logic from least to most:
1. As a script writtee and programmer, you set up a Jacascript style code into Python and program that to scan your account for any combination of Hml Text. Then it randomly generates Jpg Files that follow the permutations of existing Hml or with the use of the English language and its various symbols and numbers to make brand new content. It must then recognize symbols in the file to appropriate accurate (to a degree) tags in correspondence, and then without question post that bew photo on the sight to create a new post. Rinse and repeat at least once a day and you have yourself an automatic account posting everyday. I could not account for multiple registrations, but I may say that could be another separate program to assist the first in doing this process for multitasking purposes. I may have used improper terminology on this, but hopefully it seems clear on the of set.
2. Say in my situation I want to make this particular account a main stay for my posting library- along with Twitter and Instagram especially- and make nee art once a day for that. Or more logically stock pile art in grinding art sessions for daily posts until a second session comes my way for more art int he future, with bigger projects and commissions coming in anytime. I run the schedule consistently and have my self sort of the same thing, but in a different format and context.
The point is where is the line between automatic posts and scheduled planned out art posts? This is more of a problem for myself because I know I have been labeled dormant, and plan on leaving that soon. And I want to personally make big decisions moving forward with art as a main career, along with my bigger goal of making comics for fun and net gain. If I post pages at a time a day as updates, along with commissions and backlogged art a day, and other possible reblogs, making it more than once a day, is that considered to Tumblr "Automatic?"
To you and I knowing the foreknowledge, absolutely not; but to supervisors of the sight, it seems sketchy to try on my end. They have cracks in the system that still allow some nsfw art to leak through regardless, such as one which occasionally has newd women in compromising poses, with no clear intention behind it other than "We got boobs and butts" and no bio to boast of educational purposes to mask its intentions, again if any at all.
I'm posting this to ask any one following, if you're not one of the billions of porn bots following me, and as a true human being not trying to scam me of my money, to read through this for yourself or share to any others and comment the answer my question:
Should I post my career choice to Tumblr?
I offer commissions to anyone willing, though it may be free for the first few months or even year until i have a proper sight working for PayPal or which ever I so choose.
Thusly you would need proper examples of what my art is before I follow through with this plan. And as such, I will soon post a select few of my Instagram photos along side original art for this account, and some (not all) of my best works of the recent years to give you ideas of what you're asking for.
I thank you for baring through my horrendously verbose post on the matter. I get quite paranoid at many things, and fight my inner "I cant English" to present a better side of me that frankly, I prefer over saying everytime I am still new to English as a second language. (Though by this point I have also graduated two honors English courses in high school as well as write stories for my in progress comic.)
Thank you to you select few homosapiens still around to see this. To 2019 and what it may bring. And here is what I bring to you as a reward: Exhibit #1:
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kehideni · 3 years ago
Alright, so.
Before i sleep here goes my OC's boss battles.
Beasteye Denalien:
The battlezone is a big circular arena with a few poles you can use for "Out of Line of Sight".
B. D. has all of his ranger pets out, all of which are Elite's except for Raphael who's Champion and unkillable, but downable for a period of time. Elite pets are killable.
B. D. every 20 second turns invisible for 5 seconds after which he appears on the farthest possible line of sight point in the arena from you and uses an empowered Rapid Fire on you then switches to greatsword and an easier, low damaging melee fight occurs untill the 20 seconds is up. He has a breakbar of course, that stops his boss mechanic untill the breakbar reloads.
Empowered Rapid Fire: if all of the Rapid Fire shots hit you, you get downed, all of the pets reset, basically you fail the fight. The trick for this is to keep close to a pole and be ready to get out of line of sight. If it's not Rapid Fire downing you this reset does not occur and you can try to Rally.
So the tactic of this fight is:
As long as you keep your distance from Raphael and keep close to B.D. when he is in melee phase the fight should be easy.
You hug a pole where you kill all the Elite Pets and preferably down Raphael.(Time Raphael's downed state to when B.D. enters melee phase) Once Rapid Fire is over you have your burn phase when B.D. switches to greatsword. But be careful because Raphael resurrects fast, the best way to avoid dmg from Raphael is to keep moving. Each hit Raphael gets you with gives him an unremovable boon called "Taste for your blood" basically each hit hits harder and after 10 stacks he will also start giving you Bleeding stacks.
Alright so actual OC time:
Kehidupan aka. Denalien boss fight:
(Since he is not part of any game, we don't know what the player can do, so don't be surprised that imma go wild in this segment, but i am thinking Dark Souls-y here)
Kehidupan is a two parter battle.(you need to get his health from 100% to 0% twice)
You need to have a specific Kehidupan slaying gear that gives specific stats that are only usable for this fight. Basically what i'm saying is that you get this gear, kill Kehidupan and get rid of the gear, it's not useful for anything else. You need two weapons: a zweihander great sword(this can be a best in slot item) and a specific wand that's -just like the gear- is only useful for this fight and nowhere else. The wand gives a specific resistance to one horrible ability he has in the second part of the fight. That's the only stat it gives, otherwise it's a mediocre wand.
What the fight looks without the proper gear and weapon:
You enter the boss triggering scene, the open world is your fighting place. To get out of combat you need to run(assuming you can survive this run) to a whole other biome.(open world enemies will spawn and will give chase too) Lore is you entered his territory and pranced right up to him. If you wanna get out of this boss fight alive -because you presumably accidentally started this fight- you need to leave said territory.
But let's assume you thought you are ready and you wanted to face him: He slowly like a predator gets close enough to you to jumpcharge at you(this is an ingame cinematic) your character dodges and you resume control of your PC. From then on he stands on his hind legs and towers over you. He is big AND fast he will claw you to death. If you don't have said gear on he only needs to hit you once, he one shots you.(secret achivement: "Swifter than the beast." You got through part 1 without the required gear. Needs godlike reflexes.)
If you get through part 1 but die in part 2(which WILL happen if you don't have the required gear on) you restart the battle from part 1.
Now let's assume you got your gear, weapon and all:
He no longer one shots you, but still hits big so have healing potion ready. His attacks can't really reach you if you are right in his face, but only zweihander greatswords dmg him in this part which means your attacks are slow. He on the other hand is fast and will try to keep the proper distance from PC so he can hit you. Your window of opportunity is to get close to him when he is in a longer clawing animation which he uses a lot. Dodge roll close, and while he is still in his attack animation sword away on him.
Part 2: He has even more health than before. You need to switch your weapon to the wand. He jumps on a platform he created and you can't reach and starts using magic attacks on you that you only need to keep running(or use environment for blocking the magic projectiles) to avoid. Once the barrage is over he starts a long channeling of the "fk you" ability. If you have wand this is your window of opportunity: get as much hits in as you can.
If not: you don't have immunity againts this ability, which is stopping you from moving. Once you are unable to move the battle is lost. He will kill you with one of his normal attacks.
But you DO have wand and DO have gear so you got as much dmg in as possible. Chanting is over, he goes melee.
Game makes you unable to switch back to your sword, you just need to run and dodge and basically survive untill he once again creates a platform he jumps on and you once again avoid the barrage and once he starts channeling, you dps. Rinse and repeat till he ded.
Now for the real monster of all my OCs:
The fighting zone works the same as before. You enter a zone, reach boss and if you feel unprepared you need to run and survive till you reach another zone to get out of combat. This time though: any open world enemy that might be around will run from you, or rather from Lethupan. They won't give you chase.
You need the best in slot for everything: let's assume Lethupan is the game's main boss.
Same rigs as Kehidupan he has the same clawing attacks, but he doesn't growl or roar, you just hear the cackling of bones. Lethupan's bones. This is a beast zombie after all.
You dodge and dmg as you feel right.
At 80% health he will become invulnerable and bleed some kind of shadow over the ground that rapidly expands. Get on any platform you can find in your environment that lifts you from the ground. If you don't reach safety in time the shadow will engulf you which greatly slows any movement and also does big damage but will not one shot you.
This pool of shadows reach a certain size then flow back into Lethupan's body. He is vulnerable again.
He from this point out has a shade of after image that for a split second seems to try and do something else. Normal fight ensues.
At 70% he does the same pool of shade thing, but after he becomes vulnerable again the shadowy afterimage gains independence from the hip upward.
Basically Lethupan has two torsos now and the shadowy torso seems to be the intelligent one. The shade also claws at you, bites at you, it can stretch further.
60% The pool of shade thing happens again, after invulnerability is over the shade completely separates and now it's two on one.
On Lethupan only physical attacks work(weakness againts fire)
On the Shade only magic attacks work.(Weakness againts holy light)
When Lethupan reaches 50% health he goes invulnerable (but still fights you) untill the Shade reaches 50%.
Once they are both 50% they reunite and Lethupan gets to 100% health again.
This time he simply hits faster and harder.
In the last 10% health he goes invulnerable, heals up to 30% health and starts running in a wide circle. Whatever you do to him he won't attack you just keep running in a set sized circle faster and faster. In this last phase you have a set time(the harder you set difficulty the shorter the time) to kill him or there's gonna be an ingame cinematic where he breaks the circle lounges at you and rips you to pieces. If you don't kill him in the timeframe you have, you lost and you can restart the boss battle from the beginning.
0 notes
vanherst · 4 years ago
Renaming to VanH
This week I've been working on branding more! Specifically, considering how I should approach my overall branding and how I show myself on social media.
It's been a tough one, it took a long time for me to be happy with my new logo simply due to how many god damn itterations it took to actually get it to the point inwhich I'm happy with. However, I think a lot of the issues I was conflicted with was mainly what to do with it. And it's hard to convey the kinds of recent conflict I've been having with myself without having paragraph apon paragraph explaining step by step of the breakdown inwhich I got to that point mentally.
The conclusion to that point being with the new logo, I was conflicted with how I should, or if I should reinvent myself as a designer.
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Here's a banner I made during the development of my recent logo, you'll probably notice some differences between this and the final itteration, simply because it was exactly that. A banner inwhich is a muddled mess of colours and lack of self control and understanding. I wasn't really entirely sure on what to do with it, if I should use it, if it was good.
The past couple days I've felt mentally broken, and it's all because I wasn't happy with a result like this. It wasn't me, and my idea on reinventing myself as the designer I should be felt broken and shattered. Looking back at it now, I feel like the banner isn't inheritly bad, but the spacing and general focus of the banner is unclear. Putting it simply, it just isn't clear on what it says, it's just plain hard to read and understand what it's trying to display. Not only as a brand, but as a personality.
Overall, it just generally wasn't what I wanted. Even something as simple as the main colours I should use through out my branding I wasn't really sure about. Regardless, I left it for a couple of days and kept coming back to the drawing board.
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First of all, I tried to actually focus on the log itself, focusing specifically on colour, and this is my result. The colours are vibrant but not too contrasting. It's really subtle and even the gradient sloping I think ended up coming out brilliantly. It's such a sharp and sudden curve at the halfway mark and transitions upwards to the gray so naturally in a pixelated tessellated-like look thanks to the checker-board like style of the polka dots. The smooth, none linear feel of it I think really added to the shape of the logo. It feels dominating without actually having bright, purposefully bombastic colours or design elements. I really dig it.
As an experiment of effectiveness and to test if it was even possible to add something like this effectively into a muddle of wide and vastly different colours, I readjusted my current banner with new assets and drawings, cleaned up a few design elements and got rid of a few old pieces.
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After all of this I'm feeling better of myself as a "designer", and after my latest synopsis on myself as an artist, even moreso now that I feel like I'm actually achiving a bitmore with myself as an artist. I'm happy with myself for the first time in a while.
Apologies once again for the long post. I feel like the best way I can prove my mental process is to explain myself a lot, and Tumblr / blogging about my designs is probably the best way I can go about it effectively, and hopefully anyone who actually bothers to read it gets enjoyment out of the extra depth I'm passionate about.
0 notes