#For Those That Wish to Exist
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core-bands · 1 year ago
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Architects — Dying Is Absolutely Fine.
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elektrostantsiya · 1 year ago
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metal-stills · 11 months ago
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Architects - Animals
Epitaph Records
Director: Dan Searle Producer: Kode Media Director of Photography: Sy Turnbull
Official Video
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nematanthus · 7 months ago
Album Review: For Those That Wish To Exist- Architects
In collaboration with @arfarfblegh
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Release Date:
February 26, 2021
Do You Dream Of Armageddon?
Black Lungs
Giving Blood
Discourse Is Dead
Dead Butterflies
An Ordinary Extinction
Impermanence (feat. Winston McCall of Parkway Drive)
Flight Without Feathers
Little Wonder (feat. Mike Kerr of Royal Blood)
Goliath (feat. Simon Neil of Biffy Clyro)
Demi God
Dying Is Absolutely Safe (feat. Liam Kearley of Black Peaks)
Favorite Track:
Black Lungs
Least favorite track:
Giving Blood
Album art opinions:
The album features an astronaut in a white space suit standing in the middle of a church chapel illuminated by the light from some large stained glass windows (only one of which is visible) and some electric lights on sconce-like fixtures. Aside from being a striking image, it illustrates the albums themes of religion and environmentalism. A picture is worth a thousand words, and this cover tells a story in and of itself.
Color: 7/10
Recognizability: 6/10
Vibes: 10/10
Total: 8/10
Music opinions/notes:
I had a very difficult time picking a least favorite for this album. Everything was well done. The instrumentals, the vocals, lyrics, and the overall theme. There was a clear direction for this album, and it was executed beautifully. Stylistically, we've reached the full influence of guitarist Josh Middleton, which means another new style of modern Architects, both continuing on from the base built with Holy Hell but also something refreshing and new.
Mix: 9/10
Lyrics: 8/10
Instruments: 8/10
Vibes: 9/10
Total: 9/10
Total Score: 9/10
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eyesxunclouded · 1 year ago
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i must've lost myself in a cloud of dead butterflies
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thesoupbunny · 26 days ago
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thesoundshelter · 3 years ago
Porter Robinson - Nurture
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Favorites Songs : Get Your Wish, Something Comforting, Blossom
Trivium - In The Court Of The Dragon
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Favorites Songs : In The Court Of The Dragon, The Shadow of The Abattoir, The Phalanx
Architects - For Those That Wish to Exist
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Favorites Songs : Discourse Is Dead, Little Wonder, Dying Is Absolutely Safe
Tremonti - Marching In Time
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Favorites Songs : A World Away, Let That Be Us, Marching in Time
Gojira - Fortitude
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Favorites Songs : New Found, Into The Storm, Grind
Mastodon - Hushed and Grim
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Favorites Songs : Teardrinker, Had It All, Gigantium
Times of Grace - Songs of Loss and Separation
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Favorites Songs : The Burden of Belief, Far From Heavenless, Medusa
Turnstile - Glow On
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Favorites Songs : Mystery, Holiday, Alien Love Call
Knocked Loose - A Tear in the Fabric of Life
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Favorites Songs : Where Light Divides the Holler, God Knows, Permanent
Serj Tankian - Elasticity
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Favorites Songs : Elasticity, Your Mom, Rumi
Takagi Masakatsu - Marginalia IV
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Favorites songs : #90, #94, #98
Myles Kennedy - The Ides of March
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Favorites songs : A Thousand Words, The Ides of March, Love Rain Down
Indigo la End - 夜行秘密
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Favorites songs : 夜風とハヤブサ, チューリップ, 夜漁り
While She Sleeps - Sleeps Society
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Deafheaven - Infinite Granite
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Favorites songs : In Blur, Great Mass of Color, Other Language
Every Time I Die - Radical
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Favorites songs : Sly, Thing With Feathers, AWOL
Of Mice & Men - Echo
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Favorites songs : Timeless, Fighting Gravity, Echo
Orelsan - Civilisation
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Favorites songs : La Quête, Rêve mieux, L'odeur de l'essence
Hugo TSR - Une vie et quelques
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Favorites songs : Des voix résonnent, Oubliettes, Les mains devant les yeux
Der Weg einer Freiheit - Noktvrn
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Favorites songs : Monument, Am Rande der Dunkelheit, Morgen
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grigori77 · 2 years ago
YEEEEEEET that mike, Sam!
This was actually the track that first got me into these guys. I like the earlier stuff, it's feral and savage and FUCKING RAW metal, but the newer stuff is definitely much more my personal speed. And there's no possible denying that for me, this album and their latest are two of THE VERY BEST metalcore records ever made ...
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Architects - Animals
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onlyhurtforaminute · 2 years ago
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artuurle · 3 months ago
Okay so about those headcanons-
I believe ascending to god-hood in Great God Grove is heavily Tied to a persons mental health, whole post is under read-more for the sake of everyone, poorly written ramblings by someone that struggles to write out thoughts below with some doodles (obviously spoilers too!) :
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Aka dumb idiots who girl-rot (/silly) and don't handle their internal issues end up ascended in the realms hours to DAYS after the event instead of immediately after like in the case of King. In my headcanon this is because a gods new form is tied to who they are, and if you hate yourself, don't know who you are, or think you're nothing, it'll effect how you turn out, fighting with other aspects of how you see yourself for dominance. The harder the struggle to create a form, the more of a recoup period for said god to actually start being able to do things- think about it like recovering from exertion or from being sick.
This of course can lead to some problems for the said gods with more problems than others, like Inspekta:
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He fears being nobody, dying, leaving nothing behind, and being forgotten- and when he ascended he quite literally lost his whole torso and his tail popped off! hands possibly representin' the others that propped him up! Finally waking up after ascending I'd take it he took his form rather poorly and actually needed extra time to recover *emotionally* before anything on top of the time needed to pop into full existence as a god. I believe when the other gods saw his entrance into the realm, it was quite literally him dropping in from a long ways up with a thud for the jacket and his head bouncing away (really silly, like a ball). while being able to put it together for the other gods he ended up really struggling about what he'd become in private.
Another god i believe may have had issues with ascending is not surprisingly, Click Clack. A god i feel in his human life spent making himself palatable and burying editing out how he felt about things and being unnoticed. Also wouldn't be surprising some of the burying editing came in during the time between him and Thespius ascended, his lover was above them now, after all! I actually drew how i envisioned his entrance to the god realm, because i'm biased.
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like a sudden ink spill appeared after a while and he crawled out, exhausted.
anyway i've rambled incoherently enough hope u enjoyed my nonsense and the doodles [explodes]
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hyakunana · 3 months ago
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What do you mean the construction worker never used the construction buckle????
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core-bands · 2 years ago
'Cause those afraid to die will never truly live.
Architects — Impermanence.
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s2pdoktopus · 3 months ago
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Giving him a wife now I guess.
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drenched-in-sunlight · 5 months ago
very opionated talk underneath the cut
this is what I get for keeping checking out the fandom tag, but oh well 😭
seeing the reasoning behind the “Marika and Godfrey would have been proud of Godrick for the grafting” take is so wild to me like… are we just going to ignore the fact that Nepheli - who is implied to be Godfrey’s descendants, said Godrick’s deeds “taint the very wind” and helped us beat his ass and it’s her who later becomes the rightful Lord of Stormveil ?
+ Roderika, who is thematically a reflection of the girl Marika was pre-Godhood, losing all her companions and being left alone scared shitless and heartbroken in a shack, blaming herself for not being strong enough, brave enough to go die with her friends, all because Godrick is making a mockery of Godfrey’s name and enacting the same tragedy that befell Marika’s people ?
Like, I can sorta see why people refuse to see the Living Jars in the Lands Between as Marika reclaiming a practice that was tainted by the Hornsent deeds, returning it into something done to honor the dead and let them be returned to the Erdtree to continue the cycle of life - death - rebirth (is scattering ashes of the deceased to the sea not a thing in many irl cultures anymore or am I going crazy), cuz if one has certain…views on her, it can be hard to see anything she does in a positive light (actually even if you don’t see it that way, equating jar innards made of dead warriors in a ritual to honour them with living ppl being cut up and forced to meld together as a form of torture is… a choice), but to completely ignore Nepheli and Roderika’s stories and their role in the narrative? 💀
Plus, where in the game is it even stated or implied that Godfrey being a battlefield maniac means he is ok with *read writing on hands* some guy sending his lackeys out to hunt Tarnished (Godfrey’s own warriors) and making them into unwilling extra limbs?
The guy that gives his all to fight the player by himself and compliments us on a battle well fought… will see honour in gaining strength via kidnapping ppl and stealing their strength, instead of fighting your own battles, honing your own skills and getting stronger on your own? Huh?
And even ignoring all that, Kenneth - a mere nobleman, not even demigod or anything, fr called Godrick a “jumped up country bumpkin” who fleed from Leyndell, holed up in Stormveil to hide from Radahn (why are we forgetting this…bro can’t even pass the Godfrey’s no.1 Stan vibe check) and then got beaten up by Malenia?
To add insult to injury, Godwyn’s body lying beneath Stormveil will literally stab anyone coming close to him (which is sth I have an interesting conversation with ppl on twitter about. there’s one person bringing up an interesting interpretation that Godrick probably took off with a relic of Godwyn’s body hoping to graft a piece of the Golden Prince onto himself, but Godwyn body was like “no” and infested the castle ground like a disapproving ghost 😭 but Godwyn is cool with us because he knows we have Marika’s sanction 😊).
Godrick… has no support whatsoever from Marika and Godfrey’s direct descendants, other than maybeeee Morgot who probably was only there to keep an eye on Stormveil - a place of importance to his dad and maybeeee a bit family pity for Godrick, definitely not because he’s proud of the stuffs Godrick is doing (he astral project there to scare us a bit then leave. We gonna kill Godrick? None of his business.).
And there’s also Godefroy who literally got locked up in a gaol… by a Leyndell Knight who later got the highest honour of Erdtree Burial after he passed away - specifically because of his feat in capturing Godefroy. Why are we forgetting Kristoff???
No one in Leyndell likes the Grafted guys, no one in Limgrave likes the Grafted guys, there are numerous items in-game expressing disappointment and sadness at the decline of the Golden Linage…. it’s a real damn no one likes you situation 😭
Then later on, Godrick got replaced by Nepheli.
So who are the ones being proud here ????
I’m not even a Godrick hater, I think he’s a fucked up, but compelling!, conclusion to the linage that Marika has with Godfrey - who is probably one of few people who actually knows what she used to go through.
I could even see the kind of pressure and struggle he must have gone through, humiliation after humiliation, hiding from and losing to Radagon’s children of all guys, carrying a legacy that is too big for him to handle. But to say that Marika and Godfrey would have been proud of him? Or that grafting is somehow a reclamation of the trauma Marika’s people went through and turning it into strength ????? He doesn’t even know that Marika was once not a God, let alone anything about her people’s suffering to reclaim anything ? That’s not his pain to reclaim ???
Someone else already did that. Marika herself. Rakshasa herself. You really do not have to give a man all the flowers for something women (who actually suffered and went through that trauma) already did.
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deiiamorte · 4 months ago
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Lucanis Dellamorte | Sea of Blood
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aquilo-xenowyrm · 8 months ago
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