#Focal Length In 35mm Format - 94 mm
wwemindset · 6 years
2015-04-17_20-11-09_ILCE-6000_8699_DxO by Miguel Discart Via Flickr: WWE Live@Lotto Arena - Antwerpen
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wrestlingwithdisney · 6 years
2015-04-17_20-11-09_ILCE-6000_8699_DxO by Miguel Discart Via Flickr: WWE Live@Lotto Arena - Antwerpen
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fudeen-note · 2 years
The view changes its scenery moment by moment.
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雲霧の暫時百景を尽しけり          松尾 芭蕉
 松尾芭蕉、天和三年夏甲州にての作とされていますが、この句を詠んだ時に芭蕉が滞在した谷村(都留市)から富士は見えません。嘱目の吟ではなく、観念の作と思われます。  クローズアップレンズを装着して紫詰草に寄っていくと、フォーカスレンジから外れた部分は徐々にぼやけ、霧の中に沈んでいくような風情となりました。  テーブルフォトではありますが、頂から霧中の峠を見下ろしたような、妖しげな景色となりました。  その妖しさを画像に定着できるよう 1 EV の差で 5 枚現像し、high dynamic range image として仕上げました。
☆ Shooting Data ------------------------ ○ camera : OLYMPUS OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ ○ lens : OLYMPUS M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3 ○ focal length : 94 mm ( compared to 35mm format : 188 mm ) ○ shooting mode : Program AE ○ Tv ( Shutter Speed ) : 1/25 sec. ○ Av ( Aperture Value ) : F6.3 ○ ISO speed rate : 200 ○ close up lens : Shiwaki 72 mm +10 ○ mono pod : velbon ultra stick super 8, manfrotto #234RC swivel tilt head
☆ Developing Data ( RAW ) ------------------------ ○ development : RAW image developed by SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro ○ taste : fudeen's special ○ exposure compensation ( by camera ) : -1/3 EV ○ exposure compensation ( by developer ) : +1/3 EV ○ total exposure compensation : ±0 EV ○ white balance : setting by shooting [ 5,523 K ] ○ tone adjustment : strong contrast ○ saturation : manual [ 1.09 / 8.0 ] ○ color profile : natural ○ color representation : film color Velvia ○ sharpness : pure detail  edge emphasis [ 25 / 100 ]  detail emphasis [ 75 / 100 ]  black spotted outline control [ 25 / 100 ] ○ noise reduction :fine detail  false color control : [ 30 / 100 ]  fringe removal : [ 10 / 100 ]  noise aligned : [ 7 / 100 ]  noise removal : [ 21 / 100 ]  dark side noise reduction [ standard ] ○ highlights controller : [ initial value ]  color / brightness emphasis [ 25 / 100 ]  saturation / hue emphasis [ 70 / 100 ]  bright portion compensation [ 50 / 100 ]  dynamic range extension [ +4.5 / 6.0 EV ] ○ development setting : adjustment of demosaic sharp [ 100 / 100 ]
☆ Exposure Blending Data ( HDRI ) ------------------------ ○ exposure blending by Photomatix Pro 6.3 ○ style : natural ○ EV spacing : 5 images, -2, -1, ±0, +1, +2 ○ tone mapping method : exposure composition / natural ○ strength for tone mapping [ ±0 / ±10 ] ○ exposure balance [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ shadow contrast [ 0.0 / 10.0 ] ○ local contrast [ 2.0 / 10.0 ] ○ white clip [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ black clip [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ color settings : image color ○ saturation [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ color temperature [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ brightness [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ blending / opacity [ 0 / 100 ] ○ contrast : low contrast ○ sharpness : none
☆ Exposure Arranging Data ------------------------ ○ arranging by Luminar 4 4.3.4 ○ preset : [ Essentials ]
[ essentials ] ○ light :  white balance [ setting by shooting ]  warmth [ ±0 / ±100 ]  tint [ ±0 / ±100 ]  exposure [ +0.06 / ±100 ]  smart contrast [ ±0 / ±100 ]  highlight [ -37 / ±100 ]  shadow [ +43 / ±100 ]  white level [ ±0 / ±100 ]  black level [ ±0 / ±100 ] ○ color :  saturation [ +12 / ±100 ]  natural saturation [ ±0 / ±100 ]  color cast removal [ 0 / 100 ]  hue shift [ ±0 / ±100 ]  hue [ ±0 / ±100 ]  luminosity [ ±0 / ±100 ] ○ detail compensation :  fine detail [ +12 / ±100 ]  medium detail [ +24 / ±100 ]  whole detail [ +35 / ±100 ]  sharpness [ 0 / 100 ]  detail protection [ 27 / 100 ]  detail masking [ 50 / 100 ]  sharpening radius [ 50 / 100 ]  masking sharpening [ 35 / 100 ]
☆ Location & Target ------------------------ ○ location : 西日暮里界隈 ○ target : 紫詰草
0 notes
istillshootfilm · 8 years
The Best Point And Shoot Film Cameras
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An Intro to Point and Shoot Cameras for Beginners
By Milosz Siebert
Taking up photography might be a little overwhelming at first, especially if you're a complete beginner. Getting to know all the effects of shutter speed, aperture, understanding focal lengths and all other technical aspects of photography can take time. Not to mention carrying all the equipment usually requires a separate camera bag, which might not be what you need right now. This is where point and shoot cameras come in.
Often designed to be as compact and as simple to use as possible, those cameras were invented to provide a decent quality camera in as small a package as possible. Fixed lenses, focal lengths and almost complete automation of picture-taking process, as well as their size (with a few notable exceptions) make them especially suited for people wanting to concentrate on the moment and not have to think about all the settings.
Although usually associated with the stereotypical tourist shooting away without thinking too much, these cameras can produce stunning results and should under no circumstances be considered "idiot-cameras", not worthy of anyone's attention. Some of the most prominent photographers of our time have used point-and-shoot cameras at some point. Stephen Shore, for example, who (along with William Eggleston) contributed to colour photography being recognised as a legitimate art form shot his entire legendary "American Surfaces" series using a Rollei 35 camera (by the way, if you're not familiar with both of these gentlemen's work, go check them out immediately!).
The simplicity of use and lack of control might be considered an advantage by some, and I do not only mean beginners. Apart from the fact that these cameras free the mind of the usual things to consider while shooting with more "advanced" cameras, they can be a great starting point at a moment of creative block. There is nothing as refreshing creatively as trying a completely different approach to what one is doing and letting go of one's habits. Point-and-shoot cameras allow you to do just that.
Probably the most important thing to keep in mind while using one of these is to be aware of their limitations and not ask them to do what they weren't designed to. This should not be very difficult, given that this guide focuses on models offering the bare minimum amount of control over all the settings.
As with any camera type, there are numerous sub-categories within the point-and-shoot world. Some of them do offer more control over what you are doing, others do everything for you and the only thing you have to think about is how to compose the shot and when to press the button (there aren't that many of those very often on those cameras, either). Instead of listing 5 similar cameras and focusing only on their technical aspects (which the complete beginner will probably ignore anyway), this guide aims at providing a wide array of choices and options, with each camera allowing you to do something slightly different than others.
As such, the following list includes : two very basic and inexpensive, fully automatic point-and-shoots, two very different instant cameras, and two upper-range cameras offering a bit more control and higher quality components.
A quick side note concerning the instant cameras. Even though they do not take 35mm film, I've decided to include them in the point-and-shoot category since this is basically what most of these these cameras are. There are currently two major players in the instant photography field - Fuji and The Impossible Project. The former has it's own range of  "Instax" cameras and produces proprietary film, widely available in most camera stores (more details below). The latter started as a company making their own version of Polaroid film for used Polaroid cameras and have since been evolving at a steady rate, releasing new and updated versions of their film, as well as their own camera. They offer a huge variety of film, ranging from color to duochrome to pure black and white.
They have even started manufacturing 8x10 film for large format cameras, which is quite frankly something quite amazing to be doing these days. Their film comes in fours standards, which will fit most of the polaroid cameras available on the used market right now.
That being said, let's have a look at the cameras:
1. Olympus μ[mju:]-II
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{Olympus μ[mju:]-II /  Image by Morinaka / Flickr}
Perfectly fitting into our automated camera lineup, this little gem from Olympus gives you almost no control whatsoever over any of its settings. It has automatic exposure and autofocus as well as automatic ISO selection. The only two things you can (sort of) change are the flash (the camera allows you to choose from a few modes, including red-eye reduction and night fill-in flash) as well as the metering mode (spot metering is available, surprisingly). So pretty much the only thing you have to focus on (pun intended, again) is the moment and the composition. Which is not a bad thing to make you think about.
2. Yashica T3
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One from a series of 4 cameras, this Yashica T3 features a very nice and sharp 35mm f2.8 lens (with Zeiss T* coating, which will eliminate basically all chromatic aberrations, flare and whatnot), full automation as well as weatherproofing. A great camera for beginners. Another interesting feature is a waist-level viewfinder situated on the top plate, allowing you to take photographs from lower angles without squatting and attracting attention.
3. Nikon 35/28 Ti (1993/94)
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Although technically two different cameras, I've decided to count them as one here, as the only difference is the focal length - the Nikon 35Ti model features a 35mm lens and the Nikon 28Ti - you guessed it - a wider, 28mm. Both of these lenses are fantastic, high quality pieces of Nikon glass, with integrated ED (low dispersion) elements. Along with Nikon's great Matrix metering system, you'll be well covered in many different lighting situations. Both cameras allow for a bit more creative control by allowing you to switch from automatic to manual scale focus, for those who want to experiment with that a little. Apart from this, all the other features remain automated. With their titanium bodies, these two are a step up in build quality - as well as price - from the previous cameras. For those of you also looking for original design, these cameras also have a very curious feature on the top plate - a pair of analogue needle gauges, which will definitely attract some attention.
4. Contax T2
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Another step up in price range, as well as picture control, the Contax T2 is a great little camera which adds manual focusing as well as aperture-priority mode to its standard automated features, allowing the beginner to get a first grip of why aperture matters. Apart from that, it features a very sharp 38mm f2.8 Zeiss Sonar lens.
5. Fuji Instax Wide 210 / 300
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Fuji's try on the instant camera is pretty much the opposite of Polaroid cameras. It uses Fuji's proprietary Instax films which are really easy to find. The picture is rectangular, as opposed to Polaroid's famous square format and measures 62 x 99mm. Design-wise, the Fuji Instax Wide is definitely is NOT a compact camera (even the latest 300 model) but it does take decently-sized images.
Also, it does allow for some degree of control over what you are doing for those of you who want to go a step further. Some degree of exposure compensation was made possible by including  "Light", "Neutral" and "Dark" settings. There is no autofocus - the camera uses what's called a fixed-focus lens, meaning that basically everything within the specified range will be sharp. The range itself can be adjusted by choosing between two focusing modes 0.9-3m and 3m-infinity. This, however is where your control over the camera settings control ends. The flash is completely automatic, meaning that the camera decides - based on the amount of the available light - whether it should use flash or not (for more creative effects, some users have been covering the flash with tape).
The image quality is quite decent, the colors are much more neutral and contrasty than what you would get from The Impossible Project films for Polaroid cameras. So it really comes down to your personal preference and the effect you are looking for. All in all, it is a fun camera to use, even though it is quite bulky and heavy.
The 210 Instax Wide model was released in 2010 and should still be widely (pun intended) available. The 300 model -a redesign of 210 -was released in 2015 and is basically the same camera in a different, slightly less cumbersome packaging.
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{Fuji Instax Wide 300 / Image by www.yashicasailorboy.com / Flickr N.B.}
A much smaller (yet, surprisingly still quite bulky) Fuji Instax Mini has been growing in popularity lately. It is a similar concept but the images it produces are half the size of the "Wide" models :  62 x 46 mm. The Mini 90 models do allow additional features such as double exposure and long exposure.
6. Polaroid Instant 1000
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Ah, the simplicity! Fixed focal length, fixed focus, that square format and those Polaroid colours!
If you're looking to have some fun with Polaroid without spending too much, the 1000 is a good option (they are ridiculously cheap here in Europe, you can find them on Ebay for around 30-50€). Just insert a film pack and you're ready to go.
The image quality cannot rival cameras with high-contrast, low dispersion lenses but then the Polaroid 1000 was never meant to do so. Given the single-element plastic lens, the image quality is still pretty decent.
For those of you wanting to experiment with exposure a little without thinking about the exact settings, the Polaroid 1000 does - surprisingly - offer some amount of exposure control by turning the black dial next to the lens.
There are, of course, hundreds of other options out there. Given that most of these cameras are still relatively cheap, as is film, do not hesitate to experiment with anything that catches your interest.
About the Author
Milosz Siebert is an architectural and landscape photographer based in Brussels. He also enjoys exploring abstract photography and more experimental approaches to making images.
You can see his work and follow him here :
www.milsiebert.com www.facebook.com/MilSiebertPhotography www.instagram.com/milsiebert twitter.com/milosz_siebert
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exfrenchdorsl4p0a1 · 7 years
Fujifilm releases GF 23mm and 110mm lenses, updates roadmap
Fujifilm has released a pair of G-mount lenses for its GFX 50S medium format camera, an adapter for using legacy Fujifilm large format lenses and information about future GF lenses.
The GF 23mm F4 R LM WR, equivalent to 18mm when mounted on the GFX 50S, has a linear focus motor, a nine-blade circular aperture, ED, super ED and aspherical elements, and a Nano GI coating. It's also weather-resistant and functions down to -10°C/+14°F. It'll ship in late June for $2599.
Also coming in June is the GF 110mm F2 R LM WR, which also has a nine-blade aperture, weather-sealing, and a linear motor. It has three ED and one super ED elements and is equivalent to 87mm when mounted on the GFX 50S. It will be priced at $2799.
Fujifilm also released a roadmap for future medium format lenses. Coming later this year is a 45mm F2.8 R WR (equivalent to 36mm), followed by a telephoto prime and teleconverter.
Lastly, the company will soon be offering the 'View Camera Adapter G,' which allows you to use the GFX 50S with 4x5 format view cameras. The adapter allows the GFX 50S to be used on a standard Graflok-style mount camera, enabling the use of large format Fujinon lenses, such as the CM series.
Press Release
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR and GF23mmF4 R LM WR Lenses expand the GFX user experience; updated GF lens roadmap announced and new GFX firmware coming soon
Valhalla, N.Y., April 19, 2017 – As the leader in innovation for photographers, FUJIFILM North America Corporation today announces two new GF lenses for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S medium format mirrorless digital camera system, the GF110mmF2 R LM WR (equivalent to 87mm in 35mm format) and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 18mm in 35mm format). A new GF lens roadmap is released today, along with plans for a new FUJIFILM GFX 50S firmware update this spring.
FUJINON Lenses Guarantee Image Perfection
As part of the GFX system, Fujifilm is launching newly developed, ultra-high resolution FUJINON GF lenses. Taking advantage of the mirrorless system’s structure, the G Mount has a short flange back distance of just 26.7mm that reduces the back focus distance as much as possible. This prevents vignetting and achieves edge-to-edge sharpness. All FUJINON GF lenses have been designed to support sensors of over 100MP.
New Lenses Deliver Image Excellence
The FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR is a medium telephoto lens perfect for portraits. With a focal length equivalent to 87mm in the 35mm format, it achieves a brightness of F2.0 when used wide open to deliver stunning bokeh.
The FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR has a focal length equivalent to 18mm in the 35mm format and is expertly suited for landscape and architectural photography. Despite the super-wide angle of view, distortion is kept to a minimum, and with the high-resolution performance extending all the way to the edges, sharp depiction as if looking at an actual landscape is achieved.
Both new lenses feature fast and quiet autofocus (AF) by using a linear motor, are dust and weather resistant, and are capable of operating in environments as cold as 14°F / -10°C. The lenses combine high performance and reliability for professionals looking for the ultimate in photography tools.
Current Lens Lineup
GF63mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 50mm in 35mm format)
GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 25-51mm in 35mm format)
GF120mmF4 Macro R LM OIS WR (equivalent to 95mm in 35mm format)
Coming Later in 2017
GF45mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 35mm in 35mm format)
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
14 elements in 9 groups, including 4 ED lens elements
Super ED lens and three ED lenses for suppressed chromatic aberration and high resolution performance all the way to the edges
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
12 groups and 15 elements construction using two aspherical lenses, one super ED lens, and three ED lenses
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
Nano GI coating suppresses ghosting and flare
The GFX 50S and FUJINON GF lenses culminate to create a new camera system capable of creating the world's highest level of photographic expressions by combining the thorough incorporation of knowledge regarding camera operation, optical design, image capture, and image processing.
New FUJINON GF Lens Development Roadmap
Fujifilm has publicly announced six lenses for the G Mount lens lineup this year. After the release of the GFX 50S and three G Mount lenses, Fujifilm is now unveiling a new roadmap with the additions of a telephoto prime lens and tele converter, in order to expand products covering telephoto ranges, an area with many requests from users.
With the addition of the two new lenses, the G Mount system lineup has been expanded to a total of eight lenses, achieving a fulfilling lineup to correspond to a wide range of user needs.
Also coming in June 2017 is a new View Camera Adapter G that can be used when shooting with the GFX 50S when using previous FUJINON large format camera lenses, such as the CM FUJINON. The adapter is mounted in the film camera loading position of the view camera which adopts the film format of the 4x5 size.
New Firmware Update Planned
Fujifilm will release a free firmware update for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S later this spring, adding new functionality and improving operability. New functions include computer tethering via Wi-Fi and improved operability in exposure compensation and autofocus performance in difficult scenes.
Availability and Pricing
The GF110mmF2 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,799.95 and CAD $3,599.99 and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,599.95 and CAD $3,399.99.
The FUJIFILM GFX 50S Medium Format Camera Body is available now in the U.S. and Canada for USD $6,499.95 and CAD $8,499.99.
Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WR / 110mm F2 R LM WR specifications
 Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WRFujifilm GF 110mm F2 R LM WRPrincipal specificationsLens typePrime lensMax Format size645Focal length23 mm110 mmImage stabilizationNoLens mountFujifilm GApertureMaximum apertureF4F2Minimum apertureF32F22Aperture ringYesNumber of diaphragm blades9Aperture notesRounded bladesOpticsElements1514Groups129Special elements / coatings2 aspherical, 3 extra-low dispersion, 1 super ED4 extra-low dispersion elementsFocusMinimum focus0.38 m (14.96″)0.90 m (35.43″)Maximum magnification0.09×0.16×AutofocusYesMotor typeLinear MotorFull time manualYesFocus methodInternalDistance scaleNoDoF scaleNoPhysicalWeight845 g (1.86 lb)1010 g (2.23 lb)Diameter90 mm (3.54″)94 mm (3.7″)Length103 mm (4.06″)126 mm (4.96″)SealingYesFilter thread82.0 mm77.0 mmHood suppliedYesTripod collarNo
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oMoU8f
0 notes
repwincostl4m0a2 · 7 years
Fujifilm releases GF 23mm and 110mm lenses, updates roadmap
Fujifilm has released a pair of G-mount lenses for its GFX 50S medium format camera, an adapter for using legacy Fujifilm large format lenses and information about future GF lenses.
The GF 23mm F4 R LM WR, equivalent to 18mm when mounted on the GFX 50S, has a linear focus motor, a nine-blade circular aperture, ED, super ED and aspherical elements, and a Nano GI coating. It's also weather-resistant and functions down to -10°C/+14°F. It'll ship in late June for $2599.
Also coming in June is the GF 110mm F2 R LM WR, which also has a nine-blade aperture, weather-sealing, and a linear motor. It has three ED and one super ED elements and is equivalent to 87mm when mounted on the GFX 50S. It will be priced at $2799.
Fujifilm also released a roadmap for future medium format lenses. Coming later this year is a 45mm F2.8 R WR (equivalent to 36mm), followed by a telephoto prime and teleconverter.
Lastly, the company will soon be offering the 'View Camera Adapter G,' which allows you to use the GFX 50S with 4x5 format view cameras. The adapter allows the GFX 50S to be used on a standard Graflok-style mount camera, enabling the use of large format Fujinon lenses, such as the CM series.
Press Release
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR and GF23mmF4 R LM WR Lenses expand the GFX user experience; updated GF lens roadmap announced and new GFX firmware coming soon
Valhalla, N.Y., April 19, 2017 – As the leader in innovation for photographers, FUJIFILM North America Corporation today announces two new GF lenses for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S medium format mirrorless digital camera system, the GF110mmF2 R LM WR (equivalent to 87mm in 35mm format) and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 18mm in 35mm format). A new GF lens roadmap is released today, along with plans for a new FUJIFILM GFX 50S firmware update this spring.
FUJINON Lenses Guarantee Image Perfection
As part of the GFX system, Fujifilm is launching newly developed, ultra-high resolution FUJINON GF lenses. Taking advantage of the mirrorless system’s structure, the G Mount has a short flange back distance of just 26.7mm that reduces the back focus distance as much as possible. This prevents vignetting and achieves edge-to-edge sharpness. All FUJINON GF lenses have been designed to support sensors of over 100MP.
New Lenses Deliver Image Excellence
The FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR is a medium telephoto lens perfect for portraits. With a focal length equivalent to 87mm in the 35mm format, it achieves a brightness of F2.0 when used wide open to deliver stunning bokeh.
The FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR has a focal length equivalent to 18mm in the 35mm format and is expertly suited for landscape and architectural photography. Despite the super-wide angle of view, distortion is kept to a minimum, and with the high-resolution performance extending all the way to the edges, sharp depiction as if looking at an actual landscape is achieved.
Both new lenses feature fast and quiet autofocus (AF) by using a linear motor, are dust and weather resistant, and are capable of operating in environments as cold as 14°F / -10°C. The lenses combine high performance and reliability for professionals looking for the ultimate in photography tools.
Current Lens Lineup
GF63mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 50mm in 35mm format)
GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 25-51mm in 35mm format)
GF120mmF4 Macro R LM OIS WR (equivalent to 95mm in 35mm format)
Coming Later in 2017
GF45mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 35mm in 35mm format)
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
14 elements in 9 groups, including 4 ED lens elements
Super ED lens and three ED lenses for suppressed chromatic aberration and high resolution performance all the way to the edges
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
12 groups and 15 elements construction using two aspherical lenses, one super ED lens, and three ED lenses
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
Nano GI coating suppresses ghosting and flare
The GFX 50S and FUJINON GF lenses culminate to create a new camera system capable of creating the world's highest level of photographic expressions by combining the thorough incorporation of knowledge regarding camera operation, optical design, image capture, and image processing.
New FUJINON GF Lens Development Roadmap
Fujifilm has publicly announced six lenses for the G Mount lens lineup this year. After the release of the GFX 50S and three G Mount lenses, Fujifilm is now unveiling a new roadmap with the additions of a telephoto prime lens and tele converter, in order to expand products covering telephoto ranges, an area with many requests from users.
With the addition of the two new lenses, the G Mount system lineup has been expanded to a total of eight lenses, achieving a fulfilling lineup to correspond to a wide range of user needs.
Also coming in June 2017 is a new View Camera Adapter G that can be used when shooting with the GFX 50S when using previous FUJINON large format camera lenses, such as the CM FUJINON. The adapter is mounted in the film camera loading position of the view camera which adopts the film format of the 4x5 size.
New Firmware Update Planned
Fujifilm will release a free firmware update for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S later this spring, adding new functionality and improving operability. New functions include computer tethering via Wi-Fi and improved operability in exposure compensation and autofocus performance in difficult scenes.
Availability and Pricing
The GF110mmF2 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,799.95 and CAD $3,599.99 and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,599.95 and CAD $3,399.99.
The FUJIFILM GFX 50S Medium Format Camera Body is available now in the U.S. and Canada for USD $6,499.95 and CAD $8,499.99.
Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WR / 110mm F2 R LM WR specifications
 Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WRFujifilm GF 110mm F2 R LM WRPrincipal specificationsLens typePrime lensMax Format size645Focal length23 mm110 mmImage stabilizationNoLens mountFujifilm GApertureMaximum apertureF4F2Minimum apertureF32F22Aperture ringYesNumber of diaphragm blades9Aperture notesRounded bladesOpticsElements1514Groups129Special elements / coatings2 aspherical, 3 extra-low dispersion, 1 super ED4 extra-low dispersion elementsFocusMinimum focus0.38 m (14.96″)0.90 m (35.43″)Maximum magnification0.09×0.16×AutofocusYesMotor typeLinear MotorFull time manualYesFocus methodInternalDistance scaleNoDoF scaleNoPhysicalWeight845 g (1.86 lb)1010 g (2.23 lb)Diameter90 mm (3.54″)94 mm (3.7″)Length103 mm (4.06″)126 mm (4.96″)SealingYesFilter thread82.0 mm77.0 mmHood suppliedYesTripod collarNo
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oMoU8f
0 notes
repwincoml4a0a5 · 7 years
Fujifilm releases GF 23mm and 110mm lenses, updates roadmap
Fujifilm has released a pair of G-mount lenses for its GFX 50S medium format camera, an adapter for using legacy Fujifilm large format lenses and information about future GF lenses.
The GF 23mm F4 R LM WR, equivalent to 18mm when mounted on the GFX 50S, has a linear focus motor, a nine-blade circular aperture, ED, super ED and aspherical elements, and a Nano GI coating. It's also weather-resistant and functions down to -10°C/+14°F. It'll ship in late June for $2599.
Also coming in June is the GF 110mm F2 R LM WR, which also has a nine-blade aperture, weather-sealing, and a linear motor. It has three ED and one super ED elements and is equivalent to 87mm when mounted on the GFX 50S. It will be priced at $2799.
Fujifilm also released a roadmap for future medium format lenses. Coming later this year is a 45mm F2.8 R WR (equivalent to 36mm), followed by a telephoto prime and teleconverter.
Lastly, the company will soon be offering the 'View Camera Adapter G,' which allows you to use the GFX 50S with 4x5 format view cameras. The adapter allows the GFX 50S to be used on a standard Graflok-style mount camera, enabling the use of large format Fujinon lenses, such as the CM series.
Press Release
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR and GF23mmF4 R LM WR Lenses expand the GFX user experience; updated GF lens roadmap announced and new GFX firmware coming soon
Valhalla, N.Y., April 19, 2017 – As the leader in innovation for photographers, FUJIFILM North America Corporation today announces two new GF lenses for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S medium format mirrorless digital camera system, the GF110mmF2 R LM WR (equivalent to 87mm in 35mm format) and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 18mm in 35mm format). A new GF lens roadmap is released today, along with plans for a new FUJIFILM GFX 50S firmware update this spring.
FUJINON Lenses Guarantee Image Perfection
As part of the GFX system, Fujifilm is launching newly developed, ultra-high resolution FUJINON GF lenses. Taking advantage of the mirrorless system’s structure, the G Mount has a short flange back distance of just 26.7mm that reduces the back focus distance as much as possible. This prevents vignetting and achieves edge-to-edge sharpness. All FUJINON GF lenses have been designed to support sensors of over 100MP.
New Lenses Deliver Image Excellence
The FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR is a medium telephoto lens perfect for portraits. With a focal length equivalent to 87mm in the 35mm format, it achieves a brightness of F2.0 when used wide open to deliver stunning bokeh.
The FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR has a focal length equivalent to 18mm in the 35mm format and is expertly suited for landscape and architectural photography. Despite the super-wide angle of view, distortion is kept to a minimum, and with the high-resolution performance extending all the way to the edges, sharp depiction as if looking at an actual landscape is achieved.
Both new lenses feature fast and quiet autofocus (AF) by using a linear motor, are dust and weather resistant, and are capable of operating in environments as cold as 14°F / -10°C. The lenses combine high performance and reliability for professionals looking for the ultimate in photography tools.
Current Lens Lineup
GF63mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 50mm in 35mm format)
GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 25-51mm in 35mm format)
GF120mmF4 Macro R LM OIS WR (equivalent to 95mm in 35mm format)
Coming Later in 2017
GF45mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 35mm in 35mm format)
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
14 elements in 9 groups, including 4 ED lens elements
Super ED lens and three ED lenses for suppressed chromatic aberration and high resolution performance all the way to the edges
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
12 groups and 15 elements construction using two aspherical lenses, one super ED lens, and three ED lenses
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
Nano GI coating suppresses ghosting and flare
The GFX 50S and FUJINON GF lenses culminate to create a new camera system capable of creating the world's highest level of photographic expressions by combining the thorough incorporation of knowledge regarding camera operation, optical design, image capture, and image processing.
New FUJINON GF Lens Development Roadmap
Fujifilm has publicly announced six lenses for the G Mount lens lineup this year. After the release of the GFX 50S and three G Mount lenses, Fujifilm is now unveiling a new roadmap with the additions of a telephoto prime lens and tele converter, in order to expand products covering telephoto ranges, an area with many requests from users.
With the addition of the two new lenses, the G Mount system lineup has been expanded to a total of eight lenses, achieving a fulfilling lineup to correspond to a wide range of user needs.
Also coming in June 2017 is a new View Camera Adapter G that can be used when shooting with the GFX 50S when using previous FUJINON large format camera lenses, such as the CM FUJINON. The adapter is mounted in the film camera loading position of the view camera which adopts the film format of the 4x5 size.
New Firmware Update Planned
Fujifilm will release a free firmware update for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S later this spring, adding new functionality and improving operability. New functions include computer tethering via Wi-Fi and improved operability in exposure compensation and autofocus performance in difficult scenes.
Availability and Pricing
The GF110mmF2 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,799.95 and CAD $3,599.99 and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,599.95 and CAD $3,399.99.
The FUJIFILM GFX 50S Medium Format Camera Body is available now in the U.S. and Canada for USD $6,499.95 and CAD $8,499.99.
Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WR / 110mm F2 R LM WR specifications
 Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WRFujifilm GF 110mm F2 R LM WRPrincipal specificationsLens typePrime lensMax Format size645Focal length23 mm110 mmImage stabilizationNoLens mountFujifilm GApertureMaximum apertureF4F2Minimum apertureF32F22Aperture ringYesNumber of diaphragm blades9Aperture notesRounded bladesOpticsElements1514Groups129Special elements / coatings2 aspherical, 3 extra-low dispersion, 1 super ED4 extra-low dispersion elementsFocusMinimum focus0.38 m (14.96″)0.90 m (35.43″)Maximum magnification0.09×0.16×AutofocusYesMotor typeLinear MotorFull time manualYesFocus methodInternalDistance scaleNoDoF scaleNoPhysicalWeight845 g (1.86 lb)1010 g (2.23 lb)Diameter90 mm (3.54″)94 mm (3.7″)Length103 mm (4.06″)126 mm (4.96″)SealingYesFilter thread82.0 mm77.0 mmHood suppliedYesTripod collarNo
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oMoU8f
0 notes
pat78701 · 7 years
Fujifilm releases GF 23mm and 110mm lenses, updates roadmap
Fujifilm has released a pair of G-mount lenses for its GFX 50S medium format camera, an adapter for using legacy Fujifilm large format lenses and information about future GF lenses.
The GF 23mm F4 R LM WR, equivalent to 18mm when mounted on the GFX 50S, has a linear focus motor, a nine-blade circular aperture, ED, super ED and aspherical elements, and a Nano GI coating. It's also weather-resistant and functions down to -10°C/+14°F. It'll ship in late June for $2599.
Also coming in June is the GF 110mm F2 R LM WR, which also has a nine-blade aperture, weather-sealing, and a linear motor. It has three ED and one super ED elements and is equivalent to 87mm when mounted on the GFX 50S. It will be priced at $2799.
Fujifilm also released a roadmap for future medium format lenses. Coming later this year is a 45mm F2.8 R WR (equivalent to 36mm), followed by a telephoto prime and teleconverter.
Lastly, the company will soon be offering the 'View Camera Adapter G,' which allows you to use the GFX 50S with 4x5 format view cameras. The adapter allows the GFX 50S to be used on a standard Graflok-style mount camera, enabling the use of large format Fujinon lenses, such as the CM series.
Press Release
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR and GF23mmF4 R LM WR Lenses expand the GFX user experience; updated GF lens roadmap announced and new GFX firmware coming soon
Valhalla, N.Y., April 19, 2017 – As the leader in innovation for photographers, FUJIFILM North America Corporation today announces two new GF lenses for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S medium format mirrorless digital camera system, the GF110mmF2 R LM WR (equivalent to 87mm in 35mm format) and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 18mm in 35mm format). A new GF lens roadmap is released today, along with plans for a new FUJIFILM GFX 50S firmware update this spring.
FUJINON Lenses Guarantee Image Perfection
As part of the GFX system, Fujifilm is launching newly developed, ultra-high resolution FUJINON GF lenses. Taking advantage of the mirrorless system’s structure, the G Mount has a short flange back distance of just 26.7mm that reduces the back focus distance as much as possible. This prevents vignetting and achieves edge-to-edge sharpness. All FUJINON GF lenses have been designed to support sensors of over 100MP.
New Lenses Deliver Image Excellence
The FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR is a medium telephoto lens perfect for portraits. With a focal length equivalent to 87mm in the 35mm format, it achieves a brightness of F2.0 when used wide open to deliver stunning bokeh.
The FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR has a focal length equivalent to 18mm in the 35mm format and is expertly suited for landscape and architectural photography. Despite the super-wide angle of view, distortion is kept to a minimum, and with the high-resolution performance extending all the way to the edges, sharp depiction as if looking at an actual landscape is achieved.
Both new lenses feature fast and quiet autofocus (AF) by using a linear motor, are dust and weather resistant, and are capable of operating in environments as cold as 14°F / -10°C. The lenses combine high performance and reliability for professionals looking for the ultimate in photography tools.
Current Lens Lineup
GF63mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 50mm in 35mm format)
GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 25-51mm in 35mm format)
GF120mmF4 Macro R LM OIS WR (equivalent to 95mm in 35mm format)
Coming Later in 2017
GF45mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 35mm in 35mm format)
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
14 elements in 9 groups, including 4 ED lens elements
Super ED lens and three ED lenses for suppressed chromatic aberration and high resolution performance all the way to the edges
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
12 groups and 15 elements construction using two aspherical lenses, one super ED lens, and three ED lenses
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
Nano GI coating suppresses ghosting and flare
The GFX 50S and FUJINON GF lenses culminate to create a new camera system capable of creating the world's highest level of photographic expressions by combining the thorough incorporation of knowledge regarding camera operation, optical design, image capture, and image processing.
New FUJINON GF Lens Development Roadmap
Fujifilm has publicly announced six lenses for the G Mount lens lineup this year. After the release of the GFX 50S and three G Mount lenses, Fujifilm is now unveiling a new roadmap with the additions of a telephoto prime lens and tele converter, in order to expand products covering telephoto ranges, an area with many requests from users.
With the addition of the two new lenses, the G Mount system lineup has been expanded to a total of eight lenses, achieving a fulfilling lineup to correspond to a wide range of user needs.
Also coming in June 2017 is a new View Camera Adapter G that can be used when shooting with the GFX 50S when using previous FUJINON large format camera lenses, such as the CM FUJINON. The adapter is mounted in the film camera loading position of the view camera which adopts the film format of the 4x5 size.
New Firmware Update Planned
Fujifilm will release a free firmware update for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S later this spring, adding new functionality and improving operability. New functions include computer tethering via Wi-Fi and improved operability in exposure compensation and autofocus performance in difficult scenes.
Availability and Pricing
The GF110mmF2 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,799.95 and CAD $3,599.99 and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,599.95 and CAD $3,399.99.
The FUJIFILM GFX 50S Medium Format Camera Body is available now in the U.S. and Canada for USD $6,499.95 and CAD $8,499.99.
Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WR / 110mm F2 R LM WR specifications
 Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WRFujifilm GF 110mm F2 R LM WRPrincipal specificationsLens typePrime lensMax Format size645Focal length23 mm110 mmImage stabilizationNoLens mountFujifilm GApertureMaximum apertureF4F2Minimum apertureF32F22Aperture ringYesNumber of diaphragm blades9Aperture notesRounded bladesOpticsElements1514Groups129Special elements / coatings2 aspherical, 3 extra-low dispersion, 1 super ED4 extra-low dispersion elementsFocusMinimum focus0.38 m (14.96″)0.90 m (35.43″)Maximum magnification0.09×0.16×AutofocusYesMotor typeLinear MotorFull time manualYesFocus methodInternalDistance scaleNoDoF scaleNoPhysicalWeight845 g (1.86 lb)1010 g (2.23 lb)Diameter90 mm (3.54″)94 mm (3.7″)Length103 mm (4.06″)126 mm (4.96″)SealingYesFilter thread82.0 mm77.0 mmHood suppliedYesTripod collarNo
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oMoU8f
0 notes
rtawngs20815 · 7 years
Fujifilm releases GF 23mm and 110mm lenses, updates roadmap
Fujifilm has released a pair of G-mount lenses for its GFX 50S medium format camera, an adapter for using legacy Fujifilm large format lenses and information about future GF lenses.
The GF 23mm F4 R LM WR, equivalent to 18mm when mounted on the GFX 50S, has a linear focus motor, a nine-blade circular aperture, ED, super ED and aspherical elements, and a Nano GI coating. It's also weather-resistant and functions down to -10°C/+14°F. It'll ship in late June for $2599.
Also coming in June is the GF 110mm F2 R LM WR, which also has a nine-blade aperture, weather-sealing, and a linear motor. It has three ED and one super ED elements and is equivalent to 87mm when mounted on the GFX 50S. It will be priced at $2799.
Fujifilm also released a roadmap for future medium format lenses. Coming later this year is a 45mm F2.8 R WR (equivalent to 36mm), followed by a telephoto prime and teleconverter.
Lastly, the company will soon be offering the 'View Camera Adapter G,' which allows you to use the GFX 50S with 4x5 format view cameras. The adapter allows the GFX 50S to be used on a standard Graflok-style mount camera, enabling the use of large format Fujinon lenses, such as the CM series.
Press Release
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR and GF23mmF4 R LM WR Lenses expand the GFX user experience; updated GF lens roadmap announced and new GFX firmware coming soon
Valhalla, N.Y., April 19, 2017 – As the leader in innovation for photographers, FUJIFILM North America Corporation today announces two new GF lenses for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S medium format mirrorless digital camera system, the GF110mmF2 R LM WR (equivalent to 87mm in 35mm format) and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 18mm in 35mm format). A new GF lens roadmap is released today, along with plans for a new FUJIFILM GFX 50S firmware update this spring.
FUJINON Lenses Guarantee Image Perfection
As part of the GFX system, Fujifilm is launching newly developed, ultra-high resolution FUJINON GF lenses. Taking advantage of the mirrorless system’s structure, the G Mount has a short flange back distance of just 26.7mm that reduces the back focus distance as much as possible. This prevents vignetting and achieves edge-to-edge sharpness. All FUJINON GF lenses have been designed to support sensors of over 100MP.
New Lenses Deliver Image Excellence
The FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR is a medium telephoto lens perfect for portraits. With a focal length equivalent to 87mm in the 35mm format, it achieves a brightness of F2.0 when used wide open to deliver stunning bokeh.
The FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR has a focal length equivalent to 18mm in the 35mm format and is expertly suited for landscape and architectural photography. Despite the super-wide angle of view, distortion is kept to a minimum, and with the high-resolution performance extending all the way to the edges, sharp depiction as if looking at an actual landscape is achieved.
Both new lenses feature fast and quiet autofocus (AF) by using a linear motor, are dust and weather resistant, and are capable of operating in environments as cold as 14°F / -10°C. The lenses combine high performance and reliability for professionals looking for the ultimate in photography tools.
Current Lens Lineup
GF63mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 50mm in 35mm format)
GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 25-51mm in 35mm format)
GF120mmF4 Macro R LM OIS WR (equivalent to 95mm in 35mm format)
Coming Later in 2017
GF45mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 35mm in 35mm format)
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
14 elements in 9 groups, including 4 ED lens elements
Super ED lens and three ED lenses for suppressed chromatic aberration and high resolution performance all the way to the edges
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
12 groups and 15 elements construction using two aspherical lenses, one super ED lens, and three ED lenses
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
Nano GI coating suppresses ghosting and flare
The GFX 50S and FUJINON GF lenses culminate to create a new camera system capable of creating the world's highest level of photographic expressions by combining the thorough incorporation of knowledge regarding camera operation, optical design, image capture, and image processing.
New FUJINON GF Lens Development Roadmap
Fujifilm has publicly announced six lenses for the G Mount lens lineup this year. After the release of the GFX 50S and three G Mount lenses, Fujifilm is now unveiling a new roadmap with the additions of a telephoto prime lens and tele converter, in order to expand products covering telephoto ranges, an area with many requests from users.
With the addition of the two new lenses, the G Mount system lineup has been expanded to a total of eight lenses, achieving a fulfilling lineup to correspond to a wide range of user needs.
Also coming in June 2017 is a new View Camera Adapter G that can be used when shooting with the GFX 50S when using previous FUJINON large format camera lenses, such as the CM FUJINON. The adapter is mounted in the film camera loading position of the view camera which adopts the film format of the 4x5 size.
New Firmware Update Planned
Fujifilm will release a free firmware update for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S later this spring, adding new functionality and improving operability. New functions include computer tethering via Wi-Fi and improved operability in exposure compensation and autofocus performance in difficult scenes.
Availability and Pricing
The GF110mmF2 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,799.95 and CAD $3,599.99 and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,599.95 and CAD $3,399.99.
The FUJIFILM GFX 50S Medium Format Camera Body is available now in the U.S. and Canada for USD $6,499.95 and CAD $8,499.99.
Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WR / 110mm F2 R LM WR specifications
 Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WRFujifilm GF 110mm F2 R LM WRPrincipal specificationsLens typePrime lensMax Format size645Focal length23 mm110 mmImage stabilizationNoLens mountFujifilm GApertureMaximum apertureF4F2Minimum apertureF32F22Aperture ringYesNumber of diaphragm blades9Aperture notesRounded bladesOpticsElements1514Groups129Special elements / coatings2 aspherical, 3 extra-low dispersion, 1 super ED4 extra-low dispersion elementsFocusMinimum focus0.38 m (14.96″)0.90 m (35.43″)Maximum magnification0.09×0.16×AutofocusYesMotor typeLinear MotorFull time manualYesFocus methodInternalDistance scaleNoDoF scaleNoPhysicalWeight845 g (1.86 lb)1010 g (2.23 lb)Diameter90 mm (3.54″)94 mm (3.7″)Length103 mm (4.06″)126 mm (4.96″)SealingYesFilter thread82.0 mm77.0 mmHood suppliedYesTripod collarNo
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oMoU8f
0 notes
porchenclose10019 · 7 years
Fujifilm releases GF 23mm and 110mm lenses, updates roadmap
Fujifilm has released a pair of G-mount lenses for its GFX 50S medium format camera, an adapter for using legacy Fujifilm large format lenses and information about future GF lenses.
The GF 23mm F4 R LM WR, equivalent to 18mm when mounted on the GFX 50S, has a linear focus motor, a nine-blade circular aperture, ED, super ED and aspherical elements, and a Nano GI coating. It's also weather-resistant and functions down to -10°C/+14°F. It'll ship in late June for $2599.
Also coming in June is the GF 110mm F2 R LM WR, which also has a nine-blade aperture, weather-sealing, and a linear motor. It has three ED and one super ED elements and is equivalent to 87mm when mounted on the GFX 50S. It will be priced at $2799.
Fujifilm also released a roadmap for future medium format lenses. Coming later this year is a 45mm F2.8 R WR (equivalent to 36mm), followed by a telephoto prime and teleconverter.
Lastly, the company will soon be offering the 'View Camera Adapter G,' which allows you to use the GFX 50S with 4x5 format view cameras. The adapter allows the GFX 50S to be used on a standard Graflok-style mount camera, enabling the use of large format Fujinon lenses, such as the CM series.
Press Release
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR and GF23mmF4 R LM WR Lenses expand the GFX user experience; updated GF lens roadmap announced and new GFX firmware coming soon
Valhalla, N.Y., April 19, 2017 – As the leader in innovation for photographers, FUJIFILM North America Corporation today announces two new GF lenses for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S medium format mirrorless digital camera system, the GF110mmF2 R LM WR (equivalent to 87mm in 35mm format) and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 18mm in 35mm format). A new GF lens roadmap is released today, along with plans for a new FUJIFILM GFX 50S firmware update this spring.
FUJINON Lenses Guarantee Image Perfection
As part of the GFX system, Fujifilm is launching newly developed, ultra-high resolution FUJINON GF lenses. Taking advantage of the mirrorless system’s structure, the G Mount has a short flange back distance of just 26.7mm that reduces the back focus distance as much as possible. This prevents vignetting and achieves edge-to-edge sharpness. All FUJINON GF lenses have been designed to support sensors of over 100MP.
New Lenses Deliver Image Excellence
The FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR is a medium telephoto lens perfect for portraits. With a focal length equivalent to 87mm in the 35mm format, it achieves a brightness of F2.0 when used wide open to deliver stunning bokeh.
The FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR has a focal length equivalent to 18mm in the 35mm format and is expertly suited for landscape and architectural photography. Despite the super-wide angle of view, distortion is kept to a minimum, and with the high-resolution performance extending all the way to the edges, sharp depiction as if looking at an actual landscape is achieved.
Both new lenses feature fast and quiet autofocus (AF) by using a linear motor, are dust and weather resistant, and are capable of operating in environments as cold as 14°F / -10°C. The lenses combine high performance and reliability for professionals looking for the ultimate in photography tools.
Current Lens Lineup
GF63mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 50mm in 35mm format)
GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 25-51mm in 35mm format)
GF120mmF4 Macro R LM OIS WR (equivalent to 95mm in 35mm format)
Coming Later in 2017
GF45mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 35mm in 35mm format)
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
14 elements in 9 groups, including 4 ED lens elements
Super ED lens and three ED lenses for suppressed chromatic aberration and high resolution performance all the way to the edges
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
12 groups and 15 elements construction using two aspherical lenses, one super ED lens, and three ED lenses
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
Nano GI coating suppresses ghosting and flare
The GFX 50S and FUJINON GF lenses culminate to create a new camera system capable of creating the world's highest level of photographic expressions by combining the thorough incorporation of knowledge regarding camera operation, optical design, image capture, and image processing.
New FUJINON GF Lens Development Roadmap
Fujifilm has publicly announced six lenses for the G Mount lens lineup this year. After the release of the GFX 50S and three G Mount lenses, Fujifilm is now unveiling a new roadmap with the additions of a telephoto prime lens and tele converter, in order to expand products covering telephoto ranges, an area with many requests from users.
With the addition of the two new lenses, the G Mount system lineup has been expanded to a total of eight lenses, achieving a fulfilling lineup to correspond to a wide range of user needs.
Also coming in June 2017 is a new View Camera Adapter G that can be used when shooting with the GFX 50S when using previous FUJINON large format camera lenses, such as the CM FUJINON. The adapter is mounted in the film camera loading position of the view camera which adopts the film format of the 4x5 size.
New Firmware Update Planned
Fujifilm will release a free firmware update for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S later this spring, adding new functionality and improving operability. New functions include computer tethering via Wi-Fi and improved operability in exposure compensation and autofocus performance in difficult scenes.
Availability and Pricing
The GF110mmF2 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,799.95 and CAD $3,599.99 and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,599.95 and CAD $3,399.99.
The FUJIFILM GFX 50S Medium Format Camera Body is available now in the U.S. and Canada for USD $6,499.95 and CAD $8,499.99.
Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WR / 110mm F2 R LM WR specifications
 Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WRFujifilm GF 110mm F2 R LM WRPrincipal specificationsLens typePrime lensMax Format size645Focal length23 mm110 mmImage stabilizationNoLens mountFujifilm GApertureMaximum apertureF4F2Minimum apertureF32F22Aperture ringYesNumber of diaphragm blades9Aperture notesRounded bladesOpticsElements1514Groups129Special elements / coatings2 aspherical, 3 extra-low dispersion, 1 super ED4 extra-low dispersion elementsFocusMinimum focus0.38 m (14.96″)0.90 m (35.43″)Maximum magnification0.09×0.16×AutofocusYesMotor typeLinear MotorFull time manualYesFocus methodInternalDistance scaleNoDoF scaleNoPhysicalWeight845 g (1.86 lb)1010 g (2.23 lb)Diameter90 mm (3.54″)94 mm (3.7″)Length103 mm (4.06″)126 mm (4.96″)SealingYesFilter thread82.0 mm77.0 mmHood suppliedYesTripod collarNo
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oMoU8f
0 notes
grgedoors02142 · 7 years
Fujifilm releases GF 23mm and 110mm lenses, updates roadmap
Fujifilm has released a pair of G-mount lenses for its GFX 50S medium format camera, an adapter for using legacy Fujifilm large format lenses and information about future GF lenses.
The GF 23mm F4 R LM WR, equivalent to 18mm when mounted on the GFX 50S, has a linear focus motor, a nine-blade circular aperture, ED, super ED and aspherical elements, and a Nano GI coating. It's also weather-resistant and functions down to -10°C/+14°F. It'll ship in late June for $2599.
Also coming in June is the GF 110mm F2 R LM WR, which also has a nine-blade aperture, weather-sealing, and a linear motor. It has three ED and one super ED elements and is equivalent to 87mm when mounted on the GFX 50S. It will be priced at $2799.
Fujifilm also released a roadmap for future medium format lenses. Coming later this year is a 45mm F2.8 R WR (equivalent to 36mm), followed by a telephoto prime and teleconverter.
Lastly, the company will soon be offering the 'View Camera Adapter G,' which allows you to use the GFX 50S with 4x5 format view cameras. The adapter allows the GFX 50S to be used on a standard Graflok-style mount camera, enabling the use of large format Fujinon lenses, such as the CM series.
Press Release
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR and GF23mmF4 R LM WR Lenses expand the GFX user experience; updated GF lens roadmap announced and new GFX firmware coming soon
Valhalla, N.Y., April 19, 2017 – As the leader in innovation for photographers, FUJIFILM North America Corporation today announces two new GF lenses for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S medium format mirrorless digital camera system, the GF110mmF2 R LM WR (equivalent to 87mm in 35mm format) and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 18mm in 35mm format). A new GF lens roadmap is released today, along with plans for a new FUJIFILM GFX 50S firmware update this spring.
FUJINON Lenses Guarantee Image Perfection
As part of the GFX system, Fujifilm is launching newly developed, ultra-high resolution FUJINON GF lenses. Taking advantage of the mirrorless system’s structure, the G Mount has a short flange back distance of just 26.7mm that reduces the back focus distance as much as possible. This prevents vignetting and achieves edge-to-edge sharpness. All FUJINON GF lenses have been designed to support sensors of over 100MP.
New Lenses Deliver Image Excellence
The FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR is a medium telephoto lens perfect for portraits. With a focal length equivalent to 87mm in the 35mm format, it achieves a brightness of F2.0 when used wide open to deliver stunning bokeh.
The FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR has a focal length equivalent to 18mm in the 35mm format and is expertly suited for landscape and architectural photography. Despite the super-wide angle of view, distortion is kept to a minimum, and with the high-resolution performance extending all the way to the edges, sharp depiction as if looking at an actual landscape is achieved.
Both new lenses feature fast and quiet autofocus (AF) by using a linear motor, are dust and weather resistant, and are capable of operating in environments as cold as 14°F / -10°C. The lenses combine high performance and reliability for professionals looking for the ultimate in photography tools.
Current Lens Lineup
GF63mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 50mm in 35mm format)
GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 25-51mm in 35mm format)
GF120mmF4 Macro R LM OIS WR (equivalent to 95mm in 35mm format)
Coming Later in 2017
GF45mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 35mm in 35mm format)
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
14 elements in 9 groups, including 4 ED lens elements
Super ED lens and three ED lenses for suppressed chromatic aberration and high resolution performance all the way to the edges
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
12 groups and 15 elements construction using two aspherical lenses, one super ED lens, and three ED lenses
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
Nano GI coating suppresses ghosting and flare
The GFX 50S and FUJINON GF lenses culminate to create a new camera system capable of creating the world's highest level of photographic expressions by combining the thorough incorporation of knowledge regarding camera operation, optical design, image capture, and image processing.
New FUJINON GF Lens Development Roadmap
Fujifilm has publicly announced six lenses for the G Mount lens lineup this year. After the release of the GFX 50S and three G Mount lenses, Fujifilm is now unveiling a new roadmap with the additions of a telephoto prime lens and tele converter, in order to expand products covering telephoto ranges, an area with many requests from users.
With the addition of the two new lenses, the G Mount system lineup has been expanded to a total of eight lenses, achieving a fulfilling lineup to correspond to a wide range of user needs.
Also coming in June 2017 is a new View Camera Adapter G that can be used when shooting with the GFX 50S when using previous FUJINON large format camera lenses, such as the CM FUJINON. The adapter is mounted in the film camera loading position of the view camera which adopts the film format of the 4x5 size.
New Firmware Update Planned
Fujifilm will release a free firmware update for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S later this spring, adding new functionality and improving operability. New functions include computer tethering via Wi-Fi and improved operability in exposure compensation and autofocus performance in difficult scenes.
Availability and Pricing
The GF110mmF2 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,799.95 and CAD $3,599.99 and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,599.95 and CAD $3,399.99.
The FUJIFILM GFX 50S Medium Format Camera Body is available now in the U.S. and Canada for USD $6,499.95 and CAD $8,499.99.
Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WR / 110mm F2 R LM WR specifications
 Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WRFujifilm GF 110mm F2 R LM WRPrincipal specificationsLens typePrime lensMax Format size645Focal length23 mm110 mmImage stabilizationNoLens mountFujifilm GApertureMaximum apertureF4F2Minimum apertureF32F22Aperture ringYesNumber of diaphragm blades9Aperture notesRounded bladesOpticsElements1514Groups129Special elements / coatings2 aspherical, 3 extra-low dispersion, 1 super ED4 extra-low dispersion elementsFocusMinimum focus0.38 m (14.96″)0.90 m (35.43″)Maximum magnification0.09×0.16×AutofocusYesMotor typeLinear MotorFull time manualYesFocus methodInternalDistance scaleNoDoF scaleNoPhysicalWeight845 g (1.86 lb)1010 g (2.23 lb)Diameter90 mm (3.54″)94 mm (3.7″)Length103 mm (4.06″)126 mm (4.96″)SealingYesFilter thread82.0 mm77.0 mmHood suppliedYesTripod collarNo
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oMoU8f
0 notes
repwinpril9y0a1 · 7 years
Fujifilm releases GF 23mm and 110mm lenses, updates roadmap
Fujifilm has released a pair of G-mount lenses for its GFX 50S medium format camera, an adapter for using legacy Fujifilm large format lenses and information about future GF lenses.
The GF 23mm F4 R LM WR, equivalent to 18mm when mounted on the GFX 50S, has a linear focus motor, a nine-blade circular aperture, ED, super ED and aspherical elements, and a Nano GI coating. It's also weather-resistant and functions down to -10°C/+14°F. It'll ship in late June for $2599.
Also coming in June is the GF 110mm F2 R LM WR, which also has a nine-blade aperture, weather-sealing, and a linear motor. It has three ED and one super ED elements and is equivalent to 87mm when mounted on the GFX 50S. It will be priced at $2799.
Fujifilm also released a roadmap for future medium format lenses. Coming later this year is a 45mm F2.8 R WR (equivalent to 36mm), followed by a telephoto prime and teleconverter.
Lastly, the company will soon be offering the 'View Camera Adapter G,' which allows you to use the GFX 50S with 4x5 format view cameras. The adapter allows the GFX 50S to be used on a standard Graflok-style mount camera, enabling the use of large format Fujinon lenses, such as the CM series.
Press Release
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR and GF23mmF4 R LM WR Lenses expand the GFX user experience; updated GF lens roadmap announced and new GFX firmware coming soon
Valhalla, N.Y., April 19, 2017 – As the leader in innovation for photographers, FUJIFILM North America Corporation today announces two new GF lenses for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S medium format mirrorless digital camera system, the GF110mmF2 R LM WR (equivalent to 87mm in 35mm format) and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 18mm in 35mm format). A new GF lens roadmap is released today, along with plans for a new FUJIFILM GFX 50S firmware update this spring.
FUJINON Lenses Guarantee Image Perfection
As part of the GFX system, Fujifilm is launching newly developed, ultra-high resolution FUJINON GF lenses. Taking advantage of the mirrorless system’s structure, the G Mount has a short flange back distance of just 26.7mm that reduces the back focus distance as much as possible. This prevents vignetting and achieves edge-to-edge sharpness. All FUJINON GF lenses have been designed to support sensors of over 100MP.
New Lenses Deliver Image Excellence
The FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR is a medium telephoto lens perfect for portraits. With a focal length equivalent to 87mm in the 35mm format, it achieves a brightness of F2.0 when used wide open to deliver stunning bokeh.
The FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR has a focal length equivalent to 18mm in the 35mm format and is expertly suited for landscape and architectural photography. Despite the super-wide angle of view, distortion is kept to a minimum, and with the high-resolution performance extending all the way to the edges, sharp depiction as if looking at an actual landscape is achieved.
Both new lenses feature fast and quiet autofocus (AF) by using a linear motor, are dust and weather resistant, and are capable of operating in environments as cold as 14°F / -10°C. The lenses combine high performance and reliability for professionals looking for the ultimate in photography tools.
Current Lens Lineup
GF63mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 50mm in 35mm format)
GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 25-51mm in 35mm format)
GF120mmF4 Macro R LM OIS WR (equivalent to 95mm in 35mm format)
Coming Later in 2017
GF45mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 35mm in 35mm format)
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
14 elements in 9 groups, including 4 ED lens elements
Super ED lens and three ED lenses for suppressed chromatic aberration and high resolution performance all the way to the edges
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
12 groups and 15 elements construction using two aspherical lenses, one super ED lens, and three ED lenses
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
Nano GI coating suppresses ghosting and flare
The GFX 50S and FUJINON GF lenses culminate to create a new camera system capable of creating the world's highest level of photographic expressions by combining the thorough incorporation of knowledge regarding camera operation, optical design, image capture, and image processing.
New FUJINON GF Lens Development Roadmap
Fujifilm has publicly announced six lenses for the G Mount lens lineup this year. After the release of the GFX 50S and three G Mount lenses, Fujifilm is now unveiling a new roadmap with the additions of a telephoto prime lens and tele converter, in order to expand products covering telephoto ranges, an area with many requests from users.
With the addition of the two new lenses, the G Mount system lineup has been expanded to a total of eight lenses, achieving a fulfilling lineup to correspond to a wide range of user needs.
Also coming in June 2017 is a new View Camera Adapter G that can be used when shooting with the GFX 50S when using previous FUJINON large format camera lenses, such as the CM FUJINON. The adapter is mounted in the film camera loading position of the view camera which adopts the film format of the 4x5 size.
New Firmware Update Planned
Fujifilm will release a free firmware update for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S later this spring, adding new functionality and improving operability. New functions include computer tethering via Wi-Fi and improved operability in exposure compensation and autofocus performance in difficult scenes.
Availability and Pricing
The GF110mmF2 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,799.95 and CAD $3,599.99 and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,599.95 and CAD $3,399.99.
The FUJIFILM GFX 50S Medium Format Camera Body is available now in the U.S. and Canada for USD $6,499.95 and CAD $8,499.99.
Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WR / 110mm F2 R LM WR specifications
 Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WRFujifilm GF 110mm F2 R LM WRPrincipal specificationsLens typePrime lensMax Format size645Focal length23 mm110 mmImage stabilizationNoLens mountFujifilm GApertureMaximum apertureF4F2Minimum apertureF32F22Aperture ringYesNumber of diaphragm blades9Aperture notesRounded bladesOpticsElements1514Groups129Special elements / coatings2 aspherical, 3 extra-low dispersion, 1 super ED4 extra-low dispersion elementsFocusMinimum focus0.38 m (14.96″)0.90 m (35.43″)Maximum magnification0.09×0.16×AutofocusYesMotor typeLinear MotorFull time manualYesFocus methodInternalDistance scaleNoDoF scaleNoPhysicalWeight845 g (1.86 lb)1010 g (2.23 lb)Diameter90 mm (3.54″)94 mm (3.7″)Length103 mm (4.06″)126 mm (4.96″)SealingYesFilter thread82.0 mm77.0 mmHood suppliedYesTripod collarNo
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oMoU8f
0 notes
fudeen-note · 2 years
このページの Photograph はこちらをクリック (click here)
ありがたや花は煩悩即菩薩           日野 草城
クローズアップレンズをつけて花の芯を覗き込んだら、観音菩薩が見えました。 その景色をそっと撮り出すべく 1 EV の差で 6 枚現像し、high dynamic range image として仕上げました。
☆ Shooting Data ------------------------ ○ camera : OLYMPUS OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ ○ lens : OLYMPUS M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3 ○ focal length : 94 mm ( compared to 35mm format : 188 mm ) ○ Tv ( Shutter Speed ) : 1/20 sec. ○ Av ( Aperture Value ) : F6.3 ○ ISO speed rate : 400 ○ equipment : Shiwaki close up lens 72 mm +10
☆ Developing Data ( RAW ) ------------------------ ○ development : RAW image developed by SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro ○ taste : scenery 2020 ○ exposure compensation ( by camera ) : -1/3 EV ○ exposure compensation ( by developer ) : +1/3 EV ○ total exposure compensation : ±0 EV ○ HDR : [ 0 / 100 ]  highlight setting [ -24 / ±100 ]  shadow setting [ +10 / ±100 ] ○ white balance : setting by shooting [ 5,589 K ] ○ tone adjustment : strong contrast ○ saturation : manual [ 1.08 / 8.0 ] ○ color profile : natural ○ color representation : expected color 2 ○ sharpness : pure detail  edge emphasis [ 25 / 100 ]  detail emphasis [ 75 / 100 ]  black spotted outline control [ 0 / 100 ] ○ noise reduction : fine detail  false color control : [ 31 / 100 ]  fringe removal : [ 12 / 100 ]  noise aligned : [ 25 / 100 ]  noise removal : [ 31 / 100 ]  dark side noise reduction [ a little strong ] ○ highlights controller : [ initial value ]  color / brightness emphasis [ 25 / 100 ]  saturation / hue emphasis [ 50 / 100 ]  bright portion compensation [ 50 / 100 ]  dynamic range extension [ +4.5 / 6.0 EV ] ○ demosaic engine [ clear view ] ○ development setting : adjustment of demosaic sharp [ 85 / 100 ]
☆ Exposure Blending Data ( HDRI ) ------------------------ ○ exposure blending by Photomatix Pro 6.3 ○ style : smooth 3 ○ EV spacing : 5 images, -2, -1, ±0, +1, +2 ○ tone mapping method : detail emphasis ○ strength for tone mapping [ 50 / 100 % ] ○ tone compression [ +1.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ detail contrast [ -2.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ light effect [ on ] ○ light control [ medium ] ○ highlight tone [ 20 / 100 ] ○ white point [ 1.00 / 10.0 % ] ○ black point [ 0.00 / 10.0 % ] ○ micro smoothing [ 5.7 / 10.0 ] ○ highlight saturation [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ shadow saturation [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ shadow smooth [ 0.0 / 100 ] ○ shadow clipping [ 8.0 / 100 ] ○ color settings : image color ○ saturation [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ color temperature [ -1.4 / ±10.0 ] ○ brightness [ -1.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ blending / opacity [ 0 / 100 ] ○ contrast : medium contrast ○ sharpness : none
☆ Exposure Arranging Data ------------------------ ○ arranging by Luminar 4 4.3.4 ○ preset : Essentials
[ essentials ] ○ light :  white balance [ setting by shooting ]  warmth [ ±0 / ±100 ]  tint [ ±0 / ±100 ]  exposure [ +0.06 / ±100 ]  smart contrast [ ±0 / ±100 ]  highlight [ -37 / ±100 ]  shadow [ +43 / ±100 ]  white level [ ±0 / ±100 ]  black level [ ±0 / ±100 ] ○ color :  saturation [ +12 / ±100 ]  natural saturation [ ±0 / ±100 ]  color cast removal [ 0 / 100 ]  hue shift [ ±0 / ±100 ]  hue [ ±0 / ±100 ]  luminosity [ ±0 / ±100 ] ○ detail compensation :  fine detail [ +12 / ±100 ]  medium detail [ +24 / ±100 ]  whole detail [ +35 / ±100 ]  sharpness [ 0 / 100 ]  detail protection [ 27 / 100 ]  detail masking [ 50 / 100 ]  sharpening radius [ 50 / 100 ]  masking sharpening [ 35 / 100 ]
☆ Location & Target ------------------------ ○ location : 西日暮里界隈 ○ target : 紫詰草
0 notes
stormdoors78476 · 7 years
Fujifilm releases GF 23mm and 110mm lenses, updates roadmap
Fujifilm has released a pair of G-mount lenses for its GFX 50S medium format camera, an adapter for using legacy Fujifilm large format lenses and information about future GF lenses.
The GF 23mm F4 R LM WR, equivalent to 18mm when mounted on the GFX 50S, has a linear focus motor, a nine-blade circular aperture, ED, super ED and aspherical elements, and a Nano GI coating. It's also weather-resistant and functions down to -10°C/+14°F. It'll ship in late June for $2599.
Also coming in June is the GF 110mm F2 R LM WR, which also has a nine-blade aperture, weather-sealing, and a linear motor. It has three ED and one super ED elements and is equivalent to 87mm when mounted on the GFX 50S. It will be priced at $2799.
Fujifilm also released a roadmap for future medium format lenses. Coming later this year is a 45mm F2.8 R WR (equivalent to 36mm), followed by a telephoto prime and teleconverter.
Lastly, the company will soon be offering the 'View Camera Adapter G,' which allows you to use the GFX 50S with 4x5 format view cameras. The adapter allows the GFX 50S to be used on a standard Graflok-style mount camera, enabling the use of large format Fujinon lenses, such as the CM series.
Press Release
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR and GF23mmF4 R LM WR Lenses expand the GFX user experience; updated GF lens roadmap announced and new GFX firmware coming soon
Valhalla, N.Y., April 19, 2017 – As the leader in innovation for photographers, FUJIFILM North America Corporation today announces two new GF lenses for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S medium format mirrorless digital camera system, the GF110mmF2 R LM WR (equivalent to 87mm in 35mm format) and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 18mm in 35mm format). A new GF lens roadmap is released today, along with plans for a new FUJIFILM GFX 50S firmware update this spring.
FUJINON Lenses Guarantee Image Perfection
As part of the GFX system, Fujifilm is launching newly developed, ultra-high resolution FUJINON GF lenses. Taking advantage of the mirrorless system’s structure, the G Mount has a short flange back distance of just 26.7mm that reduces the back focus distance as much as possible. This prevents vignetting and achieves edge-to-edge sharpness. All FUJINON GF lenses have been designed to support sensors of over 100MP.
New Lenses Deliver Image Excellence
The FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR is a medium telephoto lens perfect for portraits. With a focal length equivalent to 87mm in the 35mm format, it achieves a brightness of F2.0 when used wide open to deliver stunning bokeh.
The FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR has a focal length equivalent to 18mm in the 35mm format and is expertly suited for landscape and architectural photography. Despite the super-wide angle of view, distortion is kept to a minimum, and with the high-resolution performance extending all the way to the edges, sharp depiction as if looking at an actual landscape is achieved.
Both new lenses feature fast and quiet autofocus (AF) by using a linear motor, are dust and weather resistant, and are capable of operating in environments as cold as 14°F / -10°C. The lenses combine high performance and reliability for professionals looking for the ultimate in photography tools.
Current Lens Lineup
GF63mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 50mm in 35mm format)
GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 25-51mm in 35mm format)
GF120mmF4 Macro R LM OIS WR (equivalent to 95mm in 35mm format)
Coming Later in 2017
GF45mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 35mm in 35mm format)
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
14 elements in 9 groups, including 4 ED lens elements
Super ED lens and three ED lenses for suppressed chromatic aberration and high resolution performance all the way to the edges
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
12 groups and 15 elements construction using two aspherical lenses, one super ED lens, and three ED lenses
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
Nano GI coating suppresses ghosting and flare
The GFX 50S and FUJINON GF lenses culminate to create a new camera system capable of creating the world's highest level of photographic expressions by combining the thorough incorporation of knowledge regarding camera operation, optical design, image capture, and image processing.
New FUJINON GF Lens Development Roadmap
Fujifilm has publicly announced six lenses for the G Mount lens lineup this year. After the release of the GFX 50S and three G Mount lenses, Fujifilm is now unveiling a new roadmap with the additions of a telephoto prime lens and tele converter, in order to expand products covering telephoto ranges, an area with many requests from users.
With the addition of the two new lenses, the G Mount system lineup has been expanded to a total of eight lenses, achieving a fulfilling lineup to correspond to a wide range of user needs.
Also coming in June 2017 is a new View Camera Adapter G that can be used when shooting with the GFX 50S when using previous FUJINON large format camera lenses, such as the CM FUJINON. The adapter is mounted in the film camera loading position of the view camera which adopts the film format of the 4x5 size.
New Firmware Update Planned
Fujifilm will release a free firmware update for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S later this spring, adding new functionality and improving operability. New functions include computer tethering via Wi-Fi and improved operability in exposure compensation and autofocus performance in difficult scenes.
Availability and Pricing
The GF110mmF2 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,799.95 and CAD $3,599.99 and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,599.95 and CAD $3,399.99.
The FUJIFILM GFX 50S Medium Format Camera Body is available now in the U.S. and Canada for USD $6,499.95 and CAD $8,499.99.
Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WR / 110mm F2 R LM WR specifications
 Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WRFujifilm GF 110mm F2 R LM WRPrincipal specificationsLens typePrime lensMax Format size645Focal length23 mm110 mmImage stabilizationNoLens mountFujifilm GApertureMaximum apertureF4F2Minimum apertureF32F22Aperture ringYesNumber of diaphragm blades9Aperture notesRounded bladesOpticsElements1514Groups129Special elements / coatings2 aspherical, 3 extra-low dispersion, 1 super ED4 extra-low dispersion elementsFocusMinimum focus0.38 m (14.96″)0.90 m (35.43″)Maximum magnification0.09×0.16×AutofocusYesMotor typeLinear MotorFull time manualYesFocus methodInternalDistance scaleNoDoF scaleNoPhysicalWeight845 g (1.86 lb)1010 g (2.23 lb)Diameter90 mm (3.54″)94 mm (3.7″)Length103 mm (4.06″)126 mm (4.96″)SealingYesFilter thread82.0 mm77.0 mmHood suppliedYesTripod collarNo
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oMoU8f
0 notes
rtscrndr53704 · 7 years
Fujifilm releases GF 23mm and 110mm lenses, updates roadmap
Fujifilm has released a pair of G-mount lenses for its GFX 50S medium format camera, an adapter for using legacy Fujifilm large format lenses and information about future GF lenses.
The GF 23mm F4 R LM WR, equivalent to 18mm when mounted on the GFX 50S, has a linear focus motor, a nine-blade circular aperture, ED, super ED and aspherical elements, and a Nano GI coating. It's also weather-resistant and functions down to -10°C/+14°F. It'll ship in late June for $2599.
Also coming in June is the GF 110mm F2 R LM WR, which also has a nine-blade aperture, weather-sealing, and a linear motor. It has three ED and one super ED elements and is equivalent to 87mm when mounted on the GFX 50S. It will be priced at $2799.
Fujifilm also released a roadmap for future medium format lenses. Coming later this year is a 45mm F2.8 R WR (equivalent to 36mm), followed by a telephoto prime and teleconverter.
Lastly, the company will soon be offering the 'View Camera Adapter G,' which allows you to use the GFX 50S with 4x5 format view cameras. The adapter allows the GFX 50S to be used on a standard Graflok-style mount camera, enabling the use of large format Fujinon lenses, such as the CM series.
Press Release
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR and GF23mmF4 R LM WR Lenses expand the GFX user experience; updated GF lens roadmap announced and new GFX firmware coming soon
Valhalla, N.Y., April 19, 2017 – As the leader in innovation for photographers, FUJIFILM North America Corporation today announces two new GF lenses for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S medium format mirrorless digital camera system, the GF110mmF2 R LM WR (equivalent to 87mm in 35mm format) and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 18mm in 35mm format). A new GF lens roadmap is released today, along with plans for a new FUJIFILM GFX 50S firmware update this spring.
FUJINON Lenses Guarantee Image Perfection
As part of the GFX system, Fujifilm is launching newly developed, ultra-high resolution FUJINON GF lenses. Taking advantage of the mirrorless system’s structure, the G Mount has a short flange back distance of just 26.7mm that reduces the back focus distance as much as possible. This prevents vignetting and achieves edge-to-edge sharpness. All FUJINON GF lenses have been designed to support sensors of over 100MP.
New Lenses Deliver Image Excellence
The FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR is a medium telephoto lens perfect for portraits. With a focal length equivalent to 87mm in the 35mm format, it achieves a brightness of F2.0 when used wide open to deliver stunning bokeh.
The FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR has a focal length equivalent to 18mm in the 35mm format and is expertly suited for landscape and architectural photography. Despite the super-wide angle of view, distortion is kept to a minimum, and with the high-resolution performance extending all the way to the edges, sharp depiction as if looking at an actual landscape is achieved.
Both new lenses feature fast and quiet autofocus (AF) by using a linear motor, are dust and weather resistant, and are capable of operating in environments as cold as 14°F / -10°C. The lenses combine high performance and reliability for professionals looking for the ultimate in photography tools.
Current Lens Lineup
GF63mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 50mm in 35mm format)
GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR (equivalent to 25-51mm in 35mm format)
GF120mmF4 Macro R LM OIS WR (equivalent to 95mm in 35mm format)
Coming Later in 2017
GF45mmF2.8 R WR (equivalent to 35mm in 35mm format)
FUJINON GF110mmF2 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
14 elements in 9 groups, including 4 ED lens elements
Super ED lens and three ED lenses for suppressed chromatic aberration and high resolution performance all the way to the edges
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
FUJINON GF23mmF4 R LM WR Key Features
FUJIFILM G Mount is compatible with the FUJIFILM GFX 50S
Weather-resistant design capable of operating at temperatures as low as 14°F / -10°C
12 groups and 15 elements construction using two aspherical lenses, one super ED lens, and three ED lenses
9 blade aperture creates smooth and circular bokeh
Nano GI coating suppresses ghosting and flare
The GFX 50S and FUJINON GF lenses culminate to create a new camera system capable of creating the world's highest level of photographic expressions by combining the thorough incorporation of knowledge regarding camera operation, optical design, image capture, and image processing.
New FUJINON GF Lens Development Roadmap
Fujifilm has publicly announced six lenses for the G Mount lens lineup this year. After the release of the GFX 50S and three G Mount lenses, Fujifilm is now unveiling a new roadmap with the additions of a telephoto prime lens and tele converter, in order to expand products covering telephoto ranges, an area with many requests from users.
With the addition of the two new lenses, the G Mount system lineup has been expanded to a total of eight lenses, achieving a fulfilling lineup to correspond to a wide range of user needs.
Also coming in June 2017 is a new View Camera Adapter G that can be used when shooting with the GFX 50S when using previous FUJINON large format camera lenses, such as the CM FUJINON. The adapter is mounted in the film camera loading position of the view camera which adopts the film format of the 4x5 size.
New Firmware Update Planned
Fujifilm will release a free firmware update for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S later this spring, adding new functionality and improving operability. New functions include computer tethering via Wi-Fi and improved operability in exposure compensation and autofocus performance in difficult scenes.
Availability and Pricing
The GF110mmF2 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,799.95 and CAD $3,599.99 and the GF23mmF4 R LM WR will be available in Late June, 2017 for USD $2,599.95 and CAD $3,399.99.
The FUJIFILM GFX 50S Medium Format Camera Body is available now in the U.S. and Canada for USD $6,499.95 and CAD $8,499.99.
Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WR / 110mm F2 R LM WR specifications
 Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R LM WRFujifilm GF 110mm F2 R LM WRPrincipal specificationsLens typePrime lensMax Format size645Focal length23 mm110 mmImage stabilizationNoLens mountFujifilm GApertureMaximum apertureF4F2Minimum apertureF32F22Aperture ringYesNumber of diaphragm blades9Aperture notesRounded bladesOpticsElements1514Groups129Special elements / coatings2 aspherical, 3 extra-low dispersion, 1 super ED4 extra-low dispersion elementsFocusMinimum focus0.38 m (14.96″)0.90 m (35.43″)Maximum magnification0.09×0.16×AutofocusYesMotor typeLinear MotorFull time manualYesFocus methodInternalDistance scaleNoDoF scaleNoPhysicalWeight845 g (1.86 lb)1010 g (2.23 lb)Diameter90 mm (3.54″)94 mm (3.7″)Length103 mm (4.06″)126 mm (4.96″)SealingYesFilter thread82.0 mm77.0 mmHood suppliedYesTripod collarNo
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oMoU8f
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fudeen-note · 2 years
like a sigh.
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そこはかと薔薇の溜息らしきもの             後藤夜半 底紅
 朝雲は1973年に日本で作出された薔薇で、同年のローマ国際コンクールで銀賞を受賞したそうです。花の色は黄色に紅色の覆輪、直径 13 cm にもなる大輪の花です。  黄色に紅がのる様子が朝焼けに染まる雲を思わせる事から、「朝雲」「oriental dawn」と命名されたそうです。光の加減によっては、赤い薔薇の花芯が燃え盛っているように見えますね。  そんな朝雲の眩い雰囲気を写し撮るべく 1 EV の差で 6 枚現像し、high dynamic range image として仕上げました。
☆ Shooting Data ------------------------ ○ camera : OLYMPUS OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ ○ lens : OLYMPUS M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3 ○ focal length : 94 mm ( compared to 35mm format : 188 mm ) ○ shooting mode : Program AE ○ Tv ( Shutter Speed ) : 1/400 sec. ○ Av ( Aperture Value ) : F11.0 ○ ISO speed rate : 200
☆ Developing Data ( RAW ) ------------------------ ○ development : RAW image developed by SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro ○ taste : fudeen's special ○ exposure compensation ( by camera ) : -1/3 EV ○ exposure compensation ( by developer ) : ±0 EV ○ total exposure compensation : -1/3 EV ○ white balance : setting by shooting [ 5,309 K ] ○ tone adjustment :  strong contrast ○ saturation : manual [ 1.09 / 8.0 ] ○ color profile : natural ○ color representation : expected color 2 ○ sharpness : pure detail  edge emphasis [ 18 / 100 ]  detail emphasis [ 75 / 100 ]  black spotted outline control [ 25 / 100 ] ○ noise reduction : fine detail  false color control : [ 30 / 100 ]  fringe removal : [ 10 / 100 ]  noise aligned : [ 10 / 100 ]  noise removal : [ 10 / 100 ]  dark side noise reduction [ a little strong ] ○ highlights controller : [ initial value ]  color / brightness emphasis [ 25 / 100 ]  saturation / hue emphasis [ 70 / 100 ]  bright portion compensation [ 50 / 100 ]  dynamic range extension [ +5.5 / 6.0 EV ] ○ development setting : adjustment of demosaic sharp [ 0 / 100 ]
☆ Exposure Blending Data ( HDRI ) ------------------------ ○ exposure blending by Photomatix Pro 6.3 ○ style : emphasized ○ EV spacing : 6 images, -3, -2, -1, ±0, +1, +2 ○ tone mapping method : detail emphasis ○ strength for tone mapping [ 90 / 100 % ] ○ tone compression [ 6.0 / 10.0 ] ○ detail contrast [ 8.0 / 10.0 ] ○ light control [ basic+ ] ○ highlight tone [ 10 / 100 ] ○ white point [ 0.500 / 10.0 % ] ○ black point [ 0.010 / 10.0 % ] ○ micro smoothing [ 3.0 / 10.0 ] ○ highlight saturation [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ shadow saturation [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ shadow smooth [ 0.0 / 10.0 ] ○ shadow clipping [ 0.0 / 10.0 ] ○ color settings : image color ○ saturation [ -0.8 / ±10.0 ] ○ color temperature [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ brightness [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ blending / opacity [ 0 / 100 ] ○ contrast : medium contrast ○ sharpness : low
☆ Location & Target ------------------------ ○ location : 古河庭園 ○ target : 薔薇 朝雲
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