#OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ
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Only plum blossoms have the same good scent as before.
#plants#flowers#紅梅#plum blossom#鹿児島紅#Prunus mume 'Kagoshimako'#HDRI#high dynamic range#マクロ#macro#芝公園界隈#tokyo#写真#photography#OLYMPUS#OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ#M.ZUIKO DIGITAL#ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3#close up lens#Shiwaki 72 mm +10#photographers on tumblr
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Only plum blossoms have the same good scent as before.
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人はいざ心も知らずふるさとは 花ぞむかしの香ににほひける 紀貫之
~ 初瀬に詣(まう)づるごとに宿りける人の家に、久しく宿らで、程へて後にいたれりければ、かの家の主人(あるじ)、『かく定かになむ宿りは在る』と言ひ出して侍(はべ)りければ、そこに立てりける梅の花を折りて詠める。 ~
あなたは、さてどうでしょうね。 他人の心は分からないけれど、昔なじみのこの里では、梅の花だけがかつてと同じいい香りをただよわせていますよ。
三十六歌仙の一人、紀貫之の作。百人一首に選ばれた、古今集の中の一首。 紀貫之は筆で梅の香を写し取りましたが、私はカメラで写し撮ろうと 1 EV の差で 5 枚現像して、high dynamic range image として仕上げ、画の中に取り込みました。
☆ Shooting Data ------------------------ ○ camera : OLYMPUS OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ ○ lens : OLYMPUS M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3 ○ close up lens : Shiwaki close up lens 72 mm +10 ○ focal length : 50 mm ( compared to 35mm format : 100 mm ) ○ shooting mode : Program AE ○ Tv ( Shutter Speed ) : 1/80 sec. ○ Av ( Aperture Value ) : F10.0 ○ ISO speed rate : 200
☆ Preprocess ( RAW ) ------------------------ ○ preprocessor : DxO PureRAW 2 ver. 2.3.0 ○ method : Deep PRIME ○ DxO optical correction : whole lens sharpness : on lens distortion correction : on ○ output format : DNG
☆ Developing Data ( RAW ) ------------------------ ○ development : RAW image developed by SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro ver. ○ taste : fudeen's special ○ exposure compensation ( by camera ) : -1/3 EV ○ exposure compensation ( by developer ) : +1/3 EV ○ total exposure compensation : ±0 EV ○ white balance : setting by shooting [ 5,401 K ] ○ tone adjustment : low contrast ○ saturation : manual [ 1.09 / 8.0 ] ○ color profile : V4 compatible ○ color representation : film color Fortia ○ sharpness : pure detail edge emphasis [ 18 / 100 ] detail emphasis [ 75 / 100 ] black spotted outline control [ 25 / 100 ] ○ noise reduction : fine detail false color control : [ 43 / 100 ] fringe removal : [ 75 / 100 ] noise aligned : [ 25 / 100 ] noise removal : [ 20 / 100 ] dark side noise reduction [ a little strong ] ○ highlights controller : [ initial value ] color / brightness emphasis [ 25 / 100 ] saturation / hue emphasis [ 70 / 100 ] bright portion compensation [ 50 / 100 ] dynamic range extension [ +4.5 / 6.0 EV ] (DR拡張) ○ development settings : [ standard settings ( 16 bits, tiff ) ]
☆ Exposure Blending Data ( HDRI ) ------------------------ ○ exposure blending by DxO Nik Collection HDR Efex Pro 2 ver.5.0.5 ○ EV spacing : 5 images, -2, -1, ±0, +1, +2 ○ preset : En Vogue - gold dust ○ tone compression : tone compression [ -100 / ±100 %] strength of the method [ 25 / 100 %] ○ HDR method profound / usual [ 3 /4 ] delicate / real [ 2 / 5 ] dramatic / natural [ 2 / 6 ] ○ tone mapping exposure balance [ -18.0 / ±100.0 % ] shadow [ +1.0 / ±100.0 % ] highlight [ ±0.0 / ±100.0 % ] contrast [ +17.0 / ±100.0 % ] black point [ +100.0 / ±100.0 % ] white point [ ±0.0 / ±100.0 % ] structure [ ±0.0 / ±100.0 % ] ○ color balance saturation [ -61.0 / ±100.0 % ] color temperature [ +87.0 / ±100.0 % ] color cast [ -6.0 / ±100.0 % ] ○ final adjustment : vignette control [ black frame 2 ] determine the center [ on ] amount [ -2.0 / ±100.0 % ] circular / square [ +85.0 / ±100.0 % ] size [ 70 / 100 %] ○ final adjustment : gradation upper gradation level [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] lower gradation level [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] blend [ 50.0 / 100.0 % ] move vertically [ ±0.0 / ±100.0 % ] rotation [ ±0.0 / ±180.0 ° ] ○ final adjustment : tone curve character [ neutral ] channel [ RGB ]
☆ Location & Target ------------------------ ○ location : 芝公園界隈 ○ target : 紅梅 ------------------------
#plants#flowers#紅梅#plum blossom#鹿児島紅#Prunus mume 'Kagoshimako'#HDRI#high dynamic range#マクロ#macro#芝公園界隈#tokyo#撮影ノート#annotations#OLYMPUS#OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ#M.ZUIKO DIGITAL#ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3#close up lens#Shiwaki 72 mm +10#photographers on tumblr
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[중고] 올림푸스 OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ 1,420,000원 http://bit.ly/2TNXFZb
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2019/03/12 Tue.Maybe last repair hospitalization.
OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅲは一体いつになるのか。 フォトキナでもCP+でも全く何もなく、OM-D E-M1Xと12-200mmだけで濁されているような…。底値に来ているOM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱをうっかり買ってしまいそうになってしまいます。
さて、私の相棒初代OM-D E-M5。 半年ほど前に入院していました。
数週間前から、2年前に発生した「液晶モニターの両面テープ剥がれ」が再発し、今朝モニターが映らなくなりました。 あらケーブル外れたかなって覗きこんだらバリっという音を立てて、両面テープ全て剥がれました。
ふぁーーーーーーーーーー。 もうこうなったらどうしようもないので、そのままいつもの大阪サービスセンターに送…
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#plants#flowers#スプレーマム#spray mum#風車菊#spray type chrysanthemum#HDRI#high dynamic range#マクロ#macro#四ツ谷界隈#tokyo#写真#photography#OLYMPUS#OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ#M.ZUIKO DIGITAL#ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3#photographers on tumblr
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The view changes its scenery moment by moment.
#plants#flowers#紫詰草#ムラサキツメクサ#red clover#trifolium pratense#HDRI#high dynamic range#マクロ#macro#西日暮里界隈#tokyo#写真#photography#OLYMPUS#OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ#M.ZUIKO DIGITAL#ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3#Velbon#ultra stick super 8#Manfrotto#234RC swivel tilt head#Shiwaki 72 mm +10#photographers on tumblr
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Underwater Flower
#plants#flowers#睡蓮#スイレン#water lily#エルドラド#nymphaea#el dorado#HDRI#high dynamic range#マクロ#macro#新宿御苑#Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden#tokyo#写真#photography#OLYMPUS#OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ#M.ZUIKO DIGITAL#ED 100-400mm F5.0-6.3 IS#2x Teleconverter MC-20#Velbon#ultra stick super 8#Manfrotto#234RC swivel tilt head#photographers on tumblr
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Only plum blossoms have the same good scent as before.

人はいざ心も知らずふるさとは 花ぞむかしの香ににほひける 紀貫之
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#plants#flowers#紅梅#plum blossom#鹿児島紅#Prunus mume 'Kagoshimako'#HDRI#high dynamic range#マクロ#macro#芝公園界隈#tokyo#写真#photography#OLYMPUS#OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ#M.ZUIKO DIGITAL#ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3#close up lens#Shiwaki 72 mm +10#photographers on tumblr
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Lily daffodils blooming on the hill.
#plants#flowers#アルストロメリア#alstroemeria#百合水仙#peruvian lily#HDRI#high dynamic range#マクロ#macro#四ツ谷界隈#tokyo#写真#photography#OLYMPUS#OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ#M.ZUIKO DIGITAL#ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3#Velbon#ultra stick super 8#Manfrotto#234RC swivel tilt head#photographers on tumblr
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Lily daffodils blooming on the hill.

高台にインカめきたる百合水仙 遊雀
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#plants#flowers#アルストロメリア#alstroemeria#百合水仙#peruvian lily#HDRI#high dynamic range#マクロ#macro#四ツ谷界隈#tokyo#写真#photography#OLYMPUS#OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ#M.ZUIKO DIGITAL#ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3#Velbon#ultra stick super 8#Manfrotto#234RC swivel tilt head#photographers on tumblr
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#plants#flowers#睡蓮#スイレン#water lily#nymphaea#ペンシルベニア#pennsylvania#HDRI#high dynamic range#マクロ#macro#新宿御苑#Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden#tokyo#写真#photography#OLYMPUS#OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ#M.ZUIKO DIGITAL#ED 100-400mm F5.0-6.3 IS#2x Teleconverter MC-20#Velbon#ultra stick super 8#Manfrotto#234RC swivel tilt head#photographers on tumblr
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Just like jewels that adorned the luminous body of the beautiful Cleopatra.
#plants#flowers#ダリア#Dahlia#ルージュ・マジック#rouge magic#天竺牡丹#HDRI#high dynamic range#マクロ#macro#四ツ谷界隈#tokyo#写真#photography#OLYMPUS#OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ#M.ZUIKO DIGITAL#ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3#Velbon#ultra stick super 8#Manfrotto#234RC swivel tilt head#photographers on tumblr
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Just like jewels that adorned the luminous body of the beautiful Cleopatra.

いにしへのクレオパトラを飾りたる玉の色してめでたきダリア 与謝野晶子
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#plants#flowers#ダリア#Dahlia#ルージュ・マジック#rouge magic#天竺牡丹#HDRI#high dynamic range#マクロ#macro#四ツ谷界隈#tokyo#写真#photography#OLYMPUS#OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ#M.ZUIKO DIGITAL#ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3#Velbon#ultra stick super 8#Manfrotto#234RC swivel tilt head#photographers on tumblr
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#plants#flowers#あやめ#菖蒲#文目#siberian iris#HDRI#high dynamic range#マクロ#macro#旧古河庭園#Kyu-Furukawa Gardens#tokyo#写真#photography#OLYMPUS#OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ#M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3#velbon#ultra stick super 8#manfrotto#234RC swivel tilt head#photographers on tumblr
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the ultimate color of hydrangea
#plants#flowers#紫陽花#hydrangea#HDRI#high dynamic range#マクロ#macro#四ツ谷界隈#tokyo#写真#photography#OLYMPUS#OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ#M.ZUIKO DIGITAL#ED 100-400mm F5.0-6.3 IS#2x Teleconverter MC-20#photographers on tumblr
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A red rose is blooming while rising up, offering brightness like its own light.
#plants#flowers#薔薇#rose#ガーネットジェム#garnet gem#HDRI#high dynamic range#マクロ#macro#四ツ谷界隈#tokyo#写真#photography#OLYMPUS#OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ#M.ZUIKO DIGITAL#ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3#Velbon#ultra stick super 8#Manfrotto#234RC swivel tilt head#photographers on tumblr
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