#Flower-Feather Clan
apol · 15 days
Pics of the anemo and cryo clans
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The colletive of plenty is in the volcano and that's too far away
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It's only been a few days into Natlan but it still gives me Diddy Kong Racing. But so far Archon Quest is 8/10. I kind of wanted them to fail and get stuck in the Night Kingdom like in DA: Origins we got stuck in the Fade and were there for a while.
I think it's interesting we've finally got more people whose skin colour is a bit darker than a latte but they're still not Black. Pacal is questionable (3 afro combs is excessive) but not good enough.
Also why did they call one of them Tupac?? I-😭
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sweetriverstyx · 3 months
sun trail gang part two burp
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sublimedragontragedy · 5 months
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I've been reading through the Warriors series in chronological order and I thought it would be fun to draw covers for each book I get through! I'll be doing this for the main series, super editions, novellas, mangas, and short stories!
All designs are by @cloudtail
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gojoux · 7 months
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· Pairing: Ryomen Sukuna x Reader
· Summary: Life has decided to lead you to him or lead him to you, knowing that you two are destined together despite your differences. This told story is just a glimpse of a few memories between you and him, one that he remembers dearly.
· CW: 8.6k // Mostly fluff. True Form!Sukuna. Heian Era. Overprotective + Possessive Sukuna. Very subtle sex scenes. Slight violence.
Late post because the app screwed me over a divider. As you see... it’s thicker like him than usual.
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The infamous King of Curses had only one weakness—you.
Ryomen Sukuna, the most fearsome sorcerer (or used to be one) alive, would melt in your presence. His usual cold and cruel demeanor vanished when he was with you, replaced by a gentle sweetness he showed to no other.
From the very first moment your paths crossed, he was utterly enthralled, something he would never expect to feel in his life. You’re someone he doesn’t even know or heard of and he doesn’t find the appeal from you, but there’s just something about you that makes him enchanted at first sight.
Your luminous soul called to him like a song. He knew you were destined to be his. And so he courted you as tenderly as his blackened heart would allow, coaxing you to return his affections.
Slowly, gently, he broke down your defenses. His smoldering gazes made your heart flutter. His feather-light touches from his big, strong hands and fingers sent shivers down your spine. Before long, you realized you were falling for this demon who looked at you with such longing in his crimson eyes.
He could shower you with all the passion and devotion he had been holding back. He cherishes you, catering to your every desire. Just being near you was euphoric for him.
When apart, he counted the seconds until he could see you again. And when reunited, he was unable to keep his hands off you, showering you with passionate kisses and whispers of sweet words.
“You are mine. Remember that,” he would murmur against your skin as he held you close. “Always.”
You had tamed the beast. Or so you thought.
While Sukuna was nearly defenseless against your love, it also ignited something far more sinister—his jealousy.
The mere idea of losing you made his blood burn with rage. Other men were not even permitted to look at you, lest they get torn limb from limb.
Though deeply in love, Sukuna’s possessive nature remained. And woe befall any who dared threaten what was his.
The first time it happened was weeks after you’d become his. A young lord from a clan sent you gifts and flowers, seeking your affection. When Sukuna discovered this, the fury in his eyes turned them molten gold.
“He dares think he can steal you away from me?” Sukuna seethed. In an instant, he vanished to hunt down the offending lord.
He returned hours later drenched in blood that was not his own. You shuddered to imagine what cruel fate had befallen the misguided young man. Sukuna said nothing of it, simply pulled you into a bruising kiss and swore you’d never leave his side again.
After that, the corpses started piling up.
A guard who eyed you lasciviously, eviscerated.
A peasant whose longing stare lingered too long, executed.
Anyone who so much as looked at you with desire was signing their own death warrant.
You begged Sukuna to show mercy, but your pleas fell on deaf ears. “They try to take what is mine,” he would snarl. “They deserve no less than agony and death.”
His demonic nature had fully resurfaced, and you realized just what you had unleashed. Sukuna would slaughter legions and burn the world to ashes if it meant keeping you.
You were terrified of what he had become. Yet some traitorous part of you thrilled at being so coveted, so passionately loved, even if it came at a bloody cost.
He was an obsession incarnate, and you, his obsession.
No matter where you turned, his shadow loomed.
There would be no escaping the King of Curses’ dark desires.
You were his.
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How did it all start? It’s been too long since it went past your head already.
But you do remember vividly when you were walking that one night when your gut told you not to, you did.
You should have listened to your instincts. But there was something about the forest at night that called to you, beckoning you to explore its moon-bathed paths and whispering trees.
Curiosity won out over caution, and you decided one quick walk couldn’t hurt.
You set out just after sunset, relishing the kiss of cool night air on your skin. The woods were serene and lovely in the deep blue hush just before true darkness fell. Night blooms perfumed the air as you wandered along aimlessly, simply savoring this secret world.
Until you realized you had lost your way. Suddenly the trees seemed more ominous, the shadows deeper. You paused, peering anxiously through the gloom.
How long have you been walking?
Which way was home?
As you turned around in circles trying to get your bearings, a blow of wind appeared behind you. You froze, heartbeat thudding in your ears.
“Well, what do we have here?”
You whipped around with a gasp. Emerging from the trees was a tall, powerfully built man. But what drew your wide-eyed stare were the four arms crossed onto his bare, toned chest.
You stumbled back in terror, but he moved unnaturally fast, appearing before you in an instant. Up close, details that had escaped you at a distance were now frighteningly clear. Tattoos are carved on his face and body. His eyes burned crimson.
You were face to face with the King of Curses himself.
“Please…” you whimpered, trembling. “I mean no trespass...”
Sukuna tilted his head, considering you with evident amusement. He reached out an arm towards you, his fingers gliding along your jaw, tipping your chin up. You squeezed your eyes shut, bracing for death.
But instead of tearing you apart, he simply chuckled. “Open your eyes. I will not harm you.”
You cracked them open hesitantly. Sukuna was observing you closely now, intrigued.
“Fear not. I merely wondered who was wandering my woods at this late hour,” he purred. “But I see now… you are no threat at all.”
His touch was surprisingly gentle as he traced the line of your throat. You shivered but did not dare pull away. The heat of his skin felt feverish against yours.
“What brings you here to me, I wonder?” he murmured, his piercing gaze seeming to lay your soul bare.
He tutted, circling you slowly. “These woods are dangerous at night, especially for tempting morsels like yourself. Do you have any idea what lurks in the shadows?” He paused expectantly, but you were too petrified to respond.
You licked your dry lips nervously. “I… I was simply exploring. I did not mean to disturb—”
“Quiet.” A finger pressed lightly over your mouth. “How shall I punish this trespass? I do hate uninvited guests.”
You finally found your voice, though it trembled pitifully. “P-please, I meant no intrusion. If you let me go, I swear I will never—”
“Let you go?” Sukuna tilted his head, looking almost offended. “Now, why would I do that? No, you will not be leaving.”
Your heart hammered at those enigmatic words. Just what did this dangerous being want with you? Surely not anything good.
As if reading your mind, Sukuna laughed once more. “Worry not, little one. I only wish for some company.” In the blink of an eye, he closed the distance between you, caging you with his body. This close, the heat pouring off him was incredible, the coils of his tattoos seeming to slither and shift before your eyes with your heart hammering wildly.
A violent shudder went through you, though not entirely from fear now. Being clasped in his strong embrace had stirred something unexpected within you. A strange exhilaration at having caught the eye of this exotic and terrible being.
He leaned down, inhaling deeply near the crook of your neck. “Mm, such fear. I can taste it rolling off your skin… intoxicating.” His lips grazed your fluttering pulse, making you shudder. “You are afraid, yet also thrilled to see me, aren’t you?”
Heat rushed to your cheeks. Was it that obvious, the traitorous excitement you felt being so close to this dangerous demon? You just couldn’t tear your eyes away from his unusual beauty.
“I thought so,” he purred, looking utterly satisfied. He brushed a finger lightly down your cheek. “It seems fate has brought you to me for a reason.”
Sukuna sensed your reaction and made a small pleased noise. In one smooth motion, he swept you up into his arms and started carrying you deeper into the woods.
You gasped, hands braced against the solid muscles of his shoulder. “Where are you taking me? Please, I never meant to intrude! I am sorry! just—”
“Shut it.” His grip tightened. “Do not fight me. Submit, and it will go easier for you.”
Tears of panic spilled down your cheeks. But despite your fear, you felt your body responding to his proximity, pulsing with alarming warmth. Your thoughts scattered as Sukuna claimed your mouth in a searing kiss, tasting your helpless whimper.
“What are you…” you gasped, too speechless to find a word to fight back.
As if reading your mind again, Sukuna adjusts the way he’s carrying you to brush his lips against your own in a feather-light caress. “I hope you are not too afraid, little one. I have been alone for so long, you will keep me company. And I have no intention of letting you go.”
Some part of you recognized the truth in his words. No matter how your mind recoiled, your body was betraying you, longing for more of his addictive caresses. He sensed your crumbling resistance, his smile triumphant.
“You are mine now. Do not fight it.”
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You stared around in awe at the sprawling shinden-zukuri as Sukuna placed you down and led you inside. Paper screens glowed warmly with lantern light, illuminating opulent tatami rooms decorated with priceless scrolls and vases, and through meticulously tended gardens dotted with tranquil ponds. Everything about this place spoke of immense power and wealth.
It was a far cry from your own humble village dwelling. You could scarcely fathom how a demon lord had come to possess such a magnificent noble estate out here in the remote forest.
As Sukuna guided you deeper into the manse, you passed several elegantly dressed women in simple yet elegant kimonos, all keeping their gazes demurely lowered.
‘Servants,’ you realized. But where had they come from? Were they taken like how you are now? Were you about to become another of his servants?
When you reached the main manor, Sukuna slid open the screen to reveal a grand receiving chamber. Priceless ink scrolls and painted silk screens adorned the walls. The opulence was staggering.
“Do you like it?” he asked, noting your awe. “I claimed this estate long ago from its previous owners.”
You shivered at the implication behind those words but said nothing as he guided you deeper inside.
Your bemused wondering was interrupted when Sukuna slid open a screen door, ushering you into a lavish bed chamber. A large futon covered in silks took up most of the space.
“You must be weary, little one,” he stroked your hair. “Rest now. I will have my servants draw you a bath.”
He pressed his lips to your forehead before gliding from the room. Still stunned by your opulent surroundings, you wandered over to the open window. Beyond the manicured gardens and koi ponds you could see nothing but dense forest stretching endlessly. Just how far had Sukuna brought you?
You had little time to ponder before two servant women appeared, bowing deeply. They poured hot water into a carved wooden tub and then added cherry blossom-scented oils.
You let them help you disrobe and sink into the fragrant bath, the tension in your muscles unwinding. The demon’s domain was still terrifying and foreign, but you couldn’t deny the comforts he lavished upon you. His possession had a gentleness to it that left you conflicted.
This place treated you better in less than two hours than your whole life in the village.
After your bath, the servants dressed you in silken robes layered in rich hues of wisteria and spring leaves. Darkened your lips with crushed berries. They arranged your hair with jade combs and dabbed perfume at your wrists in a courtly fashion.
Examining their work in a bronze mirror, you barely recognized yourself. The simple village girl staring back from the bronze mirror was gone, replaced by someone who looked like a noblewoman.
Sukuna was waiting when you emerged, hungry eyes sweeping over you appreciatively. “Beautiful,” he pulls you close to him. His lips grazed your wrist, inhaling the perfume there. “You will come to appreciate the comforts of being mine.” His words sent an illicit tingle through you.
“Thank you,” was all you could say as you felt your body sway toward him, eyelashes fluttering downward demurely. His attentions were clouding your caution, making you forget the circumstances that had brought you here.
Sukuna seemed pleased by your response. He took your hand and led you to a candlelit room where a feast awaited. You kneeled on plush cushions across from him. There, your eyes widen at the sight—dishes you could only dream of tasting.
“Uraume is my best cook. They know how to make delicious food,” he brags, pointing at the person with white bob hair with his eyes. Uraume bowed respectfully before excusing themselves.
As the night deepened, Sukuna kept your cup full, his burning gaze holding yours in the romantic glow. Here in this place of luxury, it was easy to forget he was someone who had stolen you away.
“Come.” He held out one of his hands. “It is time you rested.”
Back in the bed chamber, he guided you down onto silken sheets while your pulse quickened. His eyes roamed your body hungrily before he leaned down to claim your lips in a deep kiss. You knew you should resist, but his touch ignited a dangerous fire inside.
His fingers trailed delicately along your skin as he peeled away each layer of your robes until you were laid bare before him. “You are so lovely, little one,” he rasped. He pressed you down into the silken futon, his eyes focused on you. “I will teach you pleasures fit for an empress,” he growled.
“And you will learn to crave my body above all else.”
His words sent a spike of fear through you, even as your traitorous body responded hungrily to his. His burning caress left no doubt of his intentions. You trembled, but didn’t refuse him.
Here in this beautiful prison, you were his to do with as he pleased. And some traitorous part of you craved to experience the passions he promised.
As Sukuna’s body covered yours, you surrendered completely to him. Within these walls, you now belonged utterly to him.
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You had been living as Sukuna’s pampered pet in his lavish manor for several days now. He gifted you an ornate silk kimono, adorned your hair with jeweled combs, and ensured you lacked nothing. At night, he would lay you across silken futons and set your body aflame with new realms of pleasure.
But each morning after, as he caressed your skin and murmured endearments, doubts crept in. Were there others that he touched this way? The thought filled you with unease.
You wanted his passion reserved only for you.
When Sukuna appeared in your room this evening, he found you quiet and distant, your smile restrained. Brow furrowing, he tilted your chin up to meet his gaze.
“What troubles you, little one? Have I not provided for you well?”
You gathered your courage. “I… I have a request, My Lord…”
He raised one brow, “Oh? Speak.”
“If we are to share such intimacy, I wish it to be only between us. No other lover, in any way.” You held his gaze evenly. “Will you vow this, please?”
For a moment Sukuna only stared, stunned by your bold demand. Then a sly smile curved his lips.
“My little one wishes to tame me, is that it?” He trailed a finger lightly down your cheek. “You seek to bind me to yourself alone?”
Heart pounding, you gave one short nod.
Sukuna threw back his head with a delighted laugh. “You fascinate me endlessly. No mortal has ever dared make demands of me.” His expression softened by looking at your innocent face. “But for you, I will agree.”
He leans down, face to face with you, “From now on, I am yours alone.”
Relief washed through you at his oath. As Sukuna drew you into a passionate kiss, you yielded completely for the first time, holding nothing back.
“My sweet, little love…” He lifted you in his arms. “I will make you forget any existed before this night.”
And he did. Laying you down, hands and lips he worshiped you, wringing gasps and cries from your lips as you arched desperately, mindless and pleading beneath him.
At the height of ecstasy, his burning gaze held yours. His heated gaze seared into yours at the pinnacle, fierce and possessive. “No other shall ever know you as I do.”
The feeling when your body joined, the sensation was beyond words, it felt like coming home. Like a missing piece of your soul had been restored. Wave after wave of bliss crested over you both, leaving you entwined in breathless ecstasy.
As lantern light faded to silvery moonbeams, Sukuna held you close, your heartbeats synchronizing. You now belonged only to each other in body, heart, and soul.
“Mine,” Sukuna rasped against your skin, his canine digging into your neck, marking you as his. “Just as I am yours. This, I vow to you, little one, from now until the end of days.”
His words echoed long in your mind, even as spent passion gave way to sleep in his enveloping embrace. The King of Curses himself was now bound to you irrevocably. And you to him.
The vow had been spoken, the ritual complete.
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The days had settled into a predictable routine in Sukuna’s residence. He would vanish for hours or even full days to attend to mysterious “business”, leaving you to wander the chambers and gardens alone. You never ask where he went or what occupied him. Some fears were best left unspoken.
But your heart would lift eagerly whenever Sukuna returned, no matter how late the hour. Just knowing he had come back to you was enough. You took to waiting anxiously by the engawa, ready to greet him.
At first, he returned spotless and composed. But soon the blood became noticeable.
It would decorate his arms, spatter his chest and face in drying rust-colored patterns. The life essence of whatever poor souls had crossed him in the nearby villages. You didn’t need to ask how it got there.
The first time, you gasped and shrank back in horror. But Sukuna just smiled and opened his arms to you. “Come, let us get cleansed of the day’s exertions.”
You forced yourself to look past the gore, seeing only your demonic lord who needed tending. Taking his hand, you led him to the bath chamber.
There you gently sponged away the carnage, breathing relief when his skin emerged clean again. Sukuna watched you intently, eyes glowing with unspoken emotions. You didn’t dare examine it too closely.
When you were done, he would pull you into his lap, nuzzling against your throat almost tenderly. As if your ministries had tamed the beast lurking within.
“My little one,” he would rumble. And your heart would swell under his praises.
Before long, you began living for his returns. The hours apart stretched endlessly, your thoughts consumed with concern for his well-being. Your chest would tighten with loneliness in his absence. Maybe you craved him because you have no one to come home to, that’s why you are willing to be with him.
Surely he must share your needs, right?
The moment his shadow appeared down the corridor, you flew to him, embracing him heedless of any lingering blood. Sukuna laughed indulgently, hands gentling your desperation.
“Such passion, little one. Did you miss me so terribly?”
You nodded, not caring how you exposed your dependence on him. He tipped your chin up, his sharp eyes looking at you softly. “As I missed you. The time apart is agony.”
His admission made you smile in relief. After bathing him, you would prepare tea and draw him into quiet conversation, savoring this domestic intimacy. Here with you, he almost seemed content.
At late night, his lovemaking took on new urgency, as if reaffirming your bond. You matched his intensity, wanting to erase any distance the day had built between you.
“You are all I need,” he whispered afterward, cradling you close. And you knew then you were hopelessly lost to this dangerous creature. He had become your entire world.
When Sukuna departed each morning, part of you went with him. Until he returned to make you whole once more. There was no denying the truth—you were his, mind, body, and soul.
You see, life with Sukuna provided came at a terrible price—the waiting.
And so you hatched a plan.
You requested the finest silks from the seamstress and described the revealing garment you wished to craft. An elegant yet alluring yukata, hinting at the beauty beneath.
On the night of his homecoming, you adorned yourself carefully, arranging your hair over your bare shoulders, sketching your lips crimson. The ensemble left you feeling exposed, but also powerful.
When Sukuna entered the bed chamber, the sight of you made him halt in his tracks. Eyes widened as they traced over you hungrily, taking in every contour the diaphanous fabric outlined.
“Little one,” he rasped. “You look like divinity itself. What is all this for?”
You steeled your nerves and went to him, guiding his fingers to untie your sash with hands that trembled.
“I wish to ease your burdens tonight, My Lord. Will you permit me?”
A growl escapes his throat as your robes slip to the floor. The intensity of his gaze seared into your skin everywhere it touched. Strong arms pulled you fiercely against him.
“You test my restraint, beloved. Are you certain?”
At your whispered yes, his control shattered. With infinite care he bore you down onto silken sheets, praising every inch of newly bared flesh until you were dizzy and pleading.
Even at its peak, he kept the pace languid—long, delirious strokes of passion. The pleasure was sweet agony. You arched and moved as one, minds entwining as deeply as your bodies.
When it ended, you were changed. Sukuna held you tenderly as languor claimed you both, as if you were the most precious treasure in the world.
Perhaps you should have been afraid of this obsessive devotion. But you could not imagine life without him now.
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As nice as it is living comfortably with everything provided for you, sometimes his residence becomes a gilded cage. You yearned to walk beyond the gardens, to visit the nearby villages you glimpsed from afar.
After much pleading, Sukuna finally relented. “If it will make you happy, we shall go. But you must stay close to me.” His eyes held an unspoken warning.
The day came at last. Taking his arm, you ventured out onto the winding forest paths, buzzing with excitement. Sukuna watched you closely, as if to imprint each delighted reaction.
When the first simple thatched dwellings came into view, you gasped. “Oh, look! Real village life, just as I remembered.”
“Then let us explore it,” he said indulgently, strolling by your side.
You moved through stalls selling woven reed baskets, hand-dyed yukata, and carved jade amulets. The smells of grilling fish and blossom-scented steam from tea houses mingled in the air. Your smile was radiant.
Most villagers averted their eyes and scrambled away at the sight of his presence. But their fearful deference only seemed to amuse Sukuna as he guided you along.
Pausing by a fountain, you turned joyfully to him. “Thank you for this, My Lord. I haven’t felt this happy in…” Your voice trailed off as you noticed a young man staring from across the village square. His gaze was fixed on you, his handsome face breaking into a flirtatious grin, looking at you with his eyes signaling interest.
Before you could react, Sukuna had crossed the distance between them in two swift strides. You watched in horror as he seized the insolent youth by the throat and slammed him against a wall, baring razor fangs.
“You dare look at her that way?” he thundered. The young man choked out pleas for mercy as Sukuna’s grip tightened relentlessly.
“My Lord! Stop!” You rushed over, clutching his arm. “I beg you, let him go!”
With obvious reluctance, Sukuna released his hold and stepped back. The terrified man crumpled to the ground, wheezing with his face pale. You tugged Sukuna (he didn’t resist) away quickly as onlookers gaped.
Once you were back within the secluded forest path, he rounded on you. “Why did you stop me?” he demanded, eyes still burning with fury. “That whelp was openly desiring what is mine.”
You trembled. “He meant no true offense, My Lord.”
Sukuna exhaled harshly, drawing you against him. “You are too forgiving, little one. Next time I may not be so lenient.” The promise in his voice chilled you.
Nonetheless, in the days that followed, you persuaded him to let you visit the village markets again. Sukuna acquiesced, but his mood turned brooding whenever you went out together.
It was not long before a repeat incident occurred. A passing noble’s gaze lingered on you a moment too long. Sukuna's reaction was swift and merciless. Before you could intervene, the shrieking lord was engulfed in infernal flames, his ashes scattering to the wind.
This time, Sukuna was deaf to your pleas for restraint. “They continue testing me, presuming they can admire my possession with impunity,” he snarled. “I will suffer this insult no more.”
Numb with horror, you could say nothing as he took your arm and led you from that place of death.
Sukuna would never change his nature. His jealousy and possessiveness were as innate as the demonic power coursing through his veins. And you were helpless to curb them.
Trying to tame such a savage spirit had been foolish. Where his claim over you was concerned, no mercy would ever sway him.
The journey back to the estate was made in tense silence. You could feel the rage rolling off Sukuna in scorching waves as he strode ahead. His jaw was granite, fists clenched and shaking.
Only once you were behind the privacy of the chamber walls did he finally unleash it.
“How can you defend him?” he roared, making you flinch. “Those pathetic mortals who dared to covet what is not theirs. It is unacceptable!”
You stood your ground. “I make no defense, only ask that you temper reactions. This endless jealousy causes nothing but suffering.”
Sukuna’s eyes blazed, his voice dropping to a dangerous hiss. “You ask me to watch passively as they dishonor my claim on you? To permit their vulgar ogling?” He swept a hand savagely across a lacquered table, sending the vase crashing.
You jumped at the destruction but forced yourself to meet his volcanic glare. “I am not possession or prize to be claimed, My Lord. You cannot punish all for one foolish man’s gaze. I have told you this before, but I am not harmed.”
“Not harmed?” Sukuna bellowed, slamming his fists into the bloodwood pillar with a crack. “Not yet! But their desire will grow brazen if I do not act decisively now.”
He stormed toward you, making you back away instinctively. “You are mine. No other shall covet or touch what belongs to me. I would see this whole wretched village burn first.”
As his tirade raged on, you felt tears rising, spilling silently down your cheeks. The possessive diatribes, the limitless fury—you were exposing the folly of trying to gentle the devil’s heart.
Sukuna abruptly halted his pacing at the sight, chest heaving. His blazing eyes took in your hunched, trembling form. For an instant, something like shock flickered across his face. He blinked rapidly, swaying slightly.
“No… My little love…” All at once, the frenzied anger seemed to drain from him. He reached for you hesitantly, as if expecting you to recoil. When you stayed rooted, he enfolded you in his shaking arms.
“Forgive me,” Sukuna whispered. “I should not have raised my voice. But the thought of losing you…” One hand stroked your hair, then gently tipped your chin up. His thumb brushed away the tear tracks on your skin.
“You are everything to me in this wretched world,” he murmured. “I could not bear it if harm befell you.” His eyes were molten and his voice raw. “Tell me you know I would never let anything hurt you, not even myself in the madness of my rage.”
You searched his face and saw the sincerity burning there. With a fragile nod, you laid your head against his chest. His exhale was ragged with relief.
“I will try to be more merciful. For you, at least,” he sighs. “But you must understand it rages in my blood when I see them desire my most precious treasure.”
You stayed silent in his embrace. Perhaps this was the most he could concede—ferocity tempered with remorse. You could not change his possessive heart, only help him master what flowed within it.
And for now, it would have to be enough. His jealousy was a storm that would never fully be calmed. But like the storm’s eye, at the center there was still tenderness he reserved only for you.
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Once more, the days dragged endlessly when Sukuna was away. You had explored every corner of the estate a dozen times over. The loneliness gnawed at you.
So when he left at dawn one morning, you made an impulsive decision. Donning a cloak, you slipped outside the manor walls while the servants slept. Your steps quickened as you neared the hill path leading down to the village.
You had only meant to take a brief, harmless walk to lift your spirits. But the smells of grilled squid and sweet adzuki buns drew you like a magnet. Your stomach rumbled, reminding you it had been ages since you tasted simple street food.
Checking over your shoulder, you darted to the nearest food stall when no one was looking. The elderly vendor smiled in delight as you pointed to the snacks that tempted you most. It felt deliciously naughty, this minor rebellion.
You were waiting for the bamboo skewer of piping hot squid when someone jostled you from behind. Whirling around angrily, you found yourself staring up at a rugged, unkempt man looming over you. His bloodshot eyes raked down your body in a way that made your skin crawl.
“Well now, what do we have here?” His words slurred drunkenly. “You’re that demon’s little toy, ain’t ya? His pretty pet.”
When you shrank away, the brute caught your wrist in a painful grip. Revulsion rose in you. “Let go of me!”
The man just sneered. “Where is your master now, hmm? Bet he doesn’t like you sneakin’ off alone.” He swayed closer, sour breath hot on your face. “Maybe I oughta teach you some manners, whore.”
Outraged tears stung your eyes. You opened your mouth to scream for help when suddenly the man’s hand was wrenched away from you with a sickening crack. His shriek split the air.
Whirling around, you saw Sukuna standing there, eyes blazing infernos. The man who had seized you was now suspended off the ground, clutching his mangled, dangling arm.
“Please, mercy!” he whimpered piteously. But Sukuna’s face was a merciless stone.
With a snarl, he slammed the offender down, pinning him by the throat. “You dare speak to her that way?” His voice was deathly quiet. “Dare lay your filthy hands upon her?”
The man gurgled pleas, legs kicking uselessly. Sukuna tightened his grip. “No. There will be no mercy for you.”
And before your eyes, he ripped the man’s head from his body in one savage motion. Blood sprayed hot across your face and cloak. The headless corpse slumped with a wet thud that echoed horribly in your ears.
You stood there, frozen. You’re sick to the stomach—it’s nauseating—looking at the brutal sight that your lover could do.
Rooted in shock, you barely registered Sukuna turning to you. He grasped your shoulders firmly. “Did he hurt you?” At your numb shake of the head, fiery rage flooded back into his eyes.
“Good. Because I would have drawn out his torment for years if he had.” With that, Sukuna flung the lifeless body contemptuously through the door of a nearby hut.
Screams arose from within as you stared at the gore coating Sukuna’s hands. The brutality finally jolted you from horrified paralysis. Voice trembling, you begged him to take you home.
The journey back was made in silence. Once behind the walls, Sukuna rounded on you like the last time.
“How could you go without my permission?” He paced like a caged beast. “See what nearly befell you? The filth who could do anything to you?”
You flinched beneath the verbal onslaught, too numb to defend yourself as he kept raging.
“You are forbidden from leaving again! Do you understand?” He seized your shoulders roughly. “It is too dangerous for you.”
You nodded, mute and hollow. With a harsh exhale, Sukuna pulls you against him as four of his arms envelop you in a warm embrace, some of the frantic anger leaving him.
“Forgive my harsh words, my little love. But I do not like you being treated like that.” His voice broke on the last word. He clutched you tighter, as if to reassure himself you were real.
After that day, whispers followed you through the residence like ghosts, for no clear reason. Servants offering polite smiles that never reached their eyes, only to resume their hushed gossip once you’d passed.
At first, you tried ignoring the sidelong glances and murmurs. But still, the cruel words leaked through.
“She is just a plaything to him.”
“Once the master is bored, she will be discarded.”
“He is only using her on the bed.”
“Once he tires of those pleasures, her time here will end.”
Their cruel words haunted you, sinking claws into vulnerabilities you’d buried deep. Did they speak the truth? Was your whole purpose here just to entertain Sukuna’s baser appetites? The thought you might be expendable shook you to your core.
You managed to conceal your anguish and distress at first. But the doubts festered, stealing your appetite and sleep. When Sukuna finally noticed the toll on your health, alarm flared in his eyes.
Gently taking your hands, he scoops you onto his lap, facing him. “What is bothering your pretty little head, hm? You know you can tell me anything.”
You shook your head, “It is nothing, My Lord. Not a big problem.”
“I do not like you lying to me, little one,” he shakes his head, not buying your secrecy.
“I am okay. Please, no need to be concerned about me.”
“How can I not? What is it? Tell me,” he holds your chin still to make you look at him.
Both of your stubborn banter goes back and forth until you’re both getting impatient.
You wavered, then spilled out the vile gossip you’d endured in silence. Sukuna listened gravely, thumb idly stroking your wrist. When you finished, he let out a long breath, gazing at you earnestly
“You believe their hateful lies? That you are some plaything to me? You know in your heart these claims are untrue.” He grasped your shoulders, staring intently into your eyes. “You are everything. Your faith in me is worth more than a million mortal lifetimes.”
He brought your hand to his chest, holding it over his steadily beating heart. “Do not let petty jealousies make you doubt what we share.”
Overwhelmed, you buried your face against him. “Forgive my doubts, My Lord,” you whispered.
“There is nothing to forgive. The fault is theirs, not yours.” Stroking your hair, he pressed a fierce kiss to your head. Then his tone turned cold. “As for these spiteful women, I will make them regret ever speaking such lies.”
You quickly squeezed his hands. “Please, do not harm them. I only wished to explain my melancholy, not see others punished.”
Sukuna frowned. “You ask me to ignore those who hurt you so? Who makes you doubt my devotion?” His grip on you tightened. “I cannot be so forgiving.”
“I know it comes from care,” you soothed. “But replying to anger with more anger will only breed misery.”
He paused, then exhaled harshly, pulling you close. Resting his forehead to yours, he went on. “I swear to you, my feelings run deeper than they comprehend.”
“Leave this to me now, little one. Just rest easy.”
True to his word, the gossip ceased quickly. You didn’t ask what Sukuna said or did to silence loose tongues. But the servants now bent over backward to please you, their once spiteful eyes now carefully respectful.
Their newfound reverence somehow bothered you more. But Sukuna seemed satisfied. “Let the wretches make amends for causing you pain,” he said nonchalantly.
Some part of you recoiled at his methods. Yet it warmed your heart to know he would avenge any slight against you without hesitation. Perhaps it was wrong to take comfort from his possessiveness.
But you needed to feel cherished after so much doubt. And Sukuna left no room for uncertainty in how deeply he treasured you. Each tender glance and touch slowly healed the wounds until you were whole again.
When he came to you beneath the silken sheets now, the passion held new meaning. A reaffirming of what you were to each other.
You were his sanctuary. Just as he was yours.
The gossip no longer stung when you knew his heart with such certainty.
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Sukuna had told you he was taking a few days off to spend with you. With him home beside you for a blessed few days, the gloom cast over the estate seemed to lift. His four muscular arms caged you securely against his broad chest as you sank comfortably into his embrace.
He was attentive in ways you’d never seen before, constantly drawing you into his arms, asking questions about your childhood, your dreams, anything to get to know you better.
At first, you were shy, unused to being the object of such focused interest. But Sukuna’s patient gentleness soon had the words spilling freely from your lips.
You happily opened up to him in turn, chatting lightly about your days spent tending the garden, studying scripture with the monks, or watching the koi fish circle lazily in their pond. No detail was too small or mundane—he drank in every insight into your character with eyes that never once glazed in boredom.
He listened intently, his crimson eyes focused solely on you. As frightening as he could be, you knew this powerful being cherished you in his own way. You were likely the only person in the world he cared for.
When you finally worked up the courage to ask about his early life in turn, his gaze darkened briefly. “There is little of worth to tell,” he muttered.
He went on tonelessly to describe his parents casting him out as an infant, cursing his existence. Forced to eke out a living on the streets, he learned quickly that mercy was for the weak.
“I was not always like this,” he rumbled. “Once I was a human, born to parents who did not want me.” His fingers tensed where they rested on your back. “As an infant, they discarded me on the streets to die. But I survived, growing up feral and alone.”
You looked up at him sadly, heart aching at the thought of him helpless and abandoned with no one to care for him. You raised a hand to gently stroke his cheek.
Sukuna closed his eyes and leaned into your touch. “I do not tell you this for pity,” he said firmly. “My past made me strong.”
His eyes opened again. “When my cursed technique manifested, I used them without mercy, cutting down any who dared stand in my way. I reveled in my growing strength, the thrill of battle and blood... they satisfied me. I honed my skills until I became unmatched.”
You nodded solemnly. His description matched the legends told of the terrifying Ryomen Sukuna.
Now you know why he lacked mercy.
You take his hands in yours, kissing his palms. “The past is behind you now,” you told him. “What matters is who you choose to be from this day forth. My love for you is unconditional.” You smiled up at him warmly. “But I promise to teach you the ways of empathy and love, even if you protest.”
Sukuna huffed in amusement, the corners of his mouth quirking up. “Little one, you may try, but do not expect miracles. I am what I am.” But his embrace around you was gentle, belying his words.
You poked his chest teasingly. “I will make it my mission to show you how wonderful love can be, the joys it brings to our lives.” Laughing, you added, “Just you wait, I will have you reciting poetry and picking wildflowers before long!”
“Hmph, do not get carried away,” he grumbled, but you could tell he was secretly pleased by your playful vow.
You cuddled against his chest, determined to shower this damaged soul with all the love and tenderness he had missed in his tragic early years.
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The next morning, as soft sunlight filtered into the bedroom, you lay wrapped in Sukuna’s strong embrace. Your head rested on his muscular chest, listening to the steady thump of his heartbeat. His breathing was slow and even, still asleep.
You traced idle patterns on his bare skin, your fingertips grazing over the tattoos adorning his body. Your mind drifted back to the conversation from the night before when Sukuna had told you a bit of his past.
Abandoned and unloved, forced to survive on his own from infancy. Your heart ached for the small, helpless babe he had been. The thought of him growing up without affection or care weighed heavily on you.
You understood now why love and empathy were so foreign to him. But you were determined to show Sukuna what he had missed, to fill his long existence with the warmth and joy he deserved.
Your short mortal life worried you, however. Sukuna had lived for centuries, he would go on existing long after you passed on. Would he find someone new to love? How would losing you affect him? Immortal beings were not meant to give their hearts to fleeting humans.
You must have tensed in concern, because Sukuna began stirring, his four arms instinctively tightening around you. “What troubles you so early, little one?” his deep voice rasped, still groggy with sleep.
You tilted your head up to peer at him. “I was thinking about what you told me last night, about your past. My heart breaks imagining you alone as a child.”
He regarded you seriously. “It was long ago. Dwelling on what cannot be changed is pointless.”
“I know,” you murmured. “I only wish I could have cared for you then. But now I worry… what will happen when I am gone? My life is so short compared to yours. Will you find someone new to love?” Your voice caught on the last word as you averted your gaze. You weren’t sure you even wanted to hear the answer.
He was silent. When you worked up the courage to look at him again, his crimson eyes were looking at you intensely. With a swift, motion he flipped you beneath him, bracing his weight above you and capturing your face between his big hands.
“You think I could simply replace you when death takes you from me?” His thumb brushed your cheek tenderly. “No other has touched my soul as you have. Long was my existence before you, yet I was empty.” Leaning down, he touched his forehead to yours.
“Your fragile mortality may one day steal you from my side, but what we have cannot be replicated or replaced.” He lifted his head to gaze deeply into your eyes.
“When you are gone, I will be lost again. I accept that your life must end as mine continues.” His jaw clenched. “But I will find no peace with another. What we have is beyond replacement.”
Tears blurred your vision at his heartfelt words. You had not realized the depth of his attachment, that the absence of your love would leave him emotionally desolate.
You threw your arms around his broad shoulders. “Then we must make the most of the time we have,” you declared. “Fill our days with so much joy that you will carry the warmth of our love for eternity.”
Sukuna wrapped you tightly in his embrace. “Yes,” he agreed, nuzzling your neck. “I will cherish every precious moment with you, little one.”
His words made your heart clench, but you understood, he would never love another as he had you. Your lives were tragically misaligned, yet the love you shared transcended such limits.
You spent the day wrapped up in Sukuna, exchanging tender caresses, murmuring sweet nothings, strolling the grounds hand-in-hand. Every shared laugh, every affectionate glance was savored, imprinting your bond ever deeper.
As the sun sets in glorious color, you lay entwined together beneath the cover of a wisteria tree. Your head rested over Sukuna’s heart as he gently stroked your hair. His steady heartbeat and the rhythmic rise of his chest were deeply comforting.
“I wish we could stay like this forever,” you whispered.
“As do I, little one,” he replied, his voice tinged with melancholy. “But we cannot halt the merciless passage of time.”
You leaned up to press a soft kiss to his jaw. “No matter how short my life, I am grateful every moment of it is spent with you.”
Sukuna cradled you close, distress evident in his eyes. “When I am alone again, I will find comfort in the memories we have.”
His grip on you tightened, as if he could hold you to this world through will alone. You tilted your head back to peer up at him. “And when I am gone, will you be okay?”
“I will endure it. As I have endured all hardship in my long life.” He traced his thumb lightly down your cheek. “It will not feel the same, my little love. But do not worry about me, I will be fine.”
Your heart clenched at the raw honesty in his normally stoic demeanor. On impulse, you stretched up to press a soft kiss to his lips. Sukuna went still for a heartbeat before responding in kind, lips moving gently against yours.
“Then do not dwell on the inevitable end,” you cup his face in your hands. “Think only of how much we mean to each other now. If my love can sustain you even a little while after I am gone, that will be enough.”
Sukuna pressed his forehead to yours. “I will brace it when the time comes. But for now, my world is only you.”
You kissed him tenderly, then settled against his chest once more. Bittersweet joy swelled your heart, knowing you had brought some warmth into Sukuna’s grim existence. Though fleeting and painfully finite, your mortal love was a balm to his ancient, scarred soul.
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The years passed swiftly. Sukuna remained your steadfast companion as you grew from a young woman into old age. He was always there to hold you close, whisper endearments, make you laugh with his wit.
In the blink of an eye, your hair became streaked with silver. Your smooth skin wrinkled and your energy waned. But your love never faded.
Sukuna stayed by your side as you grew frail, cradling you tenderly through restless nights, patiently spoon-feeding you broth when eating became difficult. His eyes reflected centuries of sadness knowing your time grew short.
Finally, you lay weakly upon your futon as he stayed close by your side. Your breathing turned ragged and a violent cough wracked your body. He gathered you gently into his arms.
“The end is near, my little one,” he murmured, smoothing back your thin hair.
You gave him a quivering smile. “I am ready. Just stay with me, please.”
He pressed his lips to your wrinkled forehead. “Always.”
You spent your final moments gazing up at his face, etched into your mind after so many years together. His image would be the last you saw in this life. With a contented sigh, you closed your eyes for the final time.
Sukuna let out a broken noise, pulling you tightly to his chest as your body went limp. Rocking your still form, he wept for the first time in his long existence. Anguished sobs wracked his powerful frame.
He had known this moment would come, yet nothing could have prepared him for the sheer devastation of losing you. It felt as though part of his soul had been ripped away.
Sukuna had guarded your mortal form night and day in those final years. Now you slipped away before his eyes, leaving him utterly alone. The crushing pain made him understand the human concept of a “broken heart”.
But he took comfort knowing you had passed peacefully in his embrace. The only mercy was that you were spared a drawn-out decline. He had filled your short life with as much love as one man could give. He has known you for a short time compared to how you’ve known him for most of your life.
Wiping his eyes, Sukuna pressed final kisses to your cooled skin. He would honor you with a funeral befitting royalty. Then he must decide where to wander next. This place held too many haunting memories now.
Sukuna laid you gently on the futon and stood. He cast one last anguished look at your still face.
“My beloved…” he whispered. “No other shall ever take your place.”
Then he turned and strode from the room, jaw clenched against a fresh onslaught of grief. His steps were heavy with the unbearable burden of immortality and loss.
No, he doesn’t cremate you despite having the ability to do so. He doesn’t even want to think of burning you to ashes, or he might as well lose it and burn the world with it for taking you away too soon.
He buried you beneath the cherry tree where you’d spent so many blissful hours in his arms. He marked the site with a stone monument etched with his promise:
“In this life or the next, you are mine. None will ever love you as I have, little one.”
His task complete, Sukuna wandered for many years after. Though the sharp pain dulled to a persistent ache, the emptiness inside him never abated. He fulfilled his promise and took no other lovers, knowing they could only ever be hollow substitutes.
He will wait until his time comes no matter how long it takes to see you again in the afterlife.
He will wait long enough to see you reborn and claim you one more as his.
But the thing he knows for sure, you will always belong to no one but him.
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I got emotional and carried away, I’m sorry 😭😭
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1K notes · View notes
lanasblood · 1 year
HOW DO I MAKE YOU LOVE ME | neteyam x reader
pairing: neteyam x f!omatikaya!reader (no mentions of y/n)
summary: you remember all of your attempts to make Neteyam fall in love with you, using various methods, experiencing numerous failures, and you finally come to a conclusion or the five times you failed to win neteyam’s affection and the one time you succeed.
word count: 10k (!!! damn)
warnings: actually none but let’s say hurt/comfort, reader is a simp, 5+1 prompt, confessing, mutual pining, mention of blood, requited/unrequited love, !!adult neteyam!!, flashbacks to childhood and teenager years
note: inspired by the five love languages and the weeknd’s song mentioned in the title.
* gif‘s not mine.
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The soft rustling of the teal leaves falling silently to the ground, as light as an ikran feather, is one of the most soothing sounds heard on the still night. The wind touches them gently, as if caressing them, before whirling them up again in a powerful gust, starting the cycle all over again. The moons stand high in the sky, and the stars sparkle like little gems that can beautify anything. The night is quiet, and the soft breeze seems to calm everything down and lull it into a deep sleep. The bright light of the bioluminescent plants lays gently on the moist meadows, illuminating the darkness. It is like a magical tale, perfect and without blemish. Yet, there is one who can't sleep in this harmonic time: you. With your arms and legs stretched out, you lie on your back, feeling like hours have passed since you started staring at the night sky without moving a muscle. You have even decided to sleep outside your hammock to hear and feel the sound of the wind, hoping to finally sink into the dreamland. But, as you know, this has done little to help. 
All because of him. You sigh in annoyance.
For as long as you can remember you've had this crush on the eldest son of the Olo'eyktan, you don't know when you developed it, let alone how it really started. You just know that it might have been cute at first – a nice girl from a small clan who has feelings for the older boy next door, but as time went by, it wasn't cute at all; on the contrary, it robs you of precious sleep and will most likely cause you to age prematurely. 
Despite not knowing how and when exactly this crush thing has started, you know that it has gotten worse the more time has passed, and the more time passes, the more failed attempts to get his attention you have behind you. However, there's one event you categorize as time zero - the starting point of your attempts - that you remember vividly: 
You were a mere child and couldn't take your eyes off Neteyam, who was only slightly older than you. Confidently clutching the stem of the rare flower you had been searching for days, you made your way through the lush forest, searching for Neteyam. As you thought about the plan you had concocted, your heart beat rapidly in your chest. You had heard from a reliable source that Neteyam was a lover of rare flora, and you hoped that this gift would make him see you in a different light. 
When you spotted him in the distance, his tall figure was moving gracefully through the trees. Taking a deep breath, you approached him, holding out the flower to him.
"Hey, Neteyam," you said, trying to sound casual. "I found this and I thought you might like it." 
Neteyam stopped in his tracks and turned to look at you, his expression unreadable. You held out the flower a bit higher, hoping to see a glimmer of appreciation in his eyes.
"Thank you," he said simply, slowly taking the flower from your outstretched hand. Looking at the flower now in his hand, the corner of his lips turned upward, causing your heart to flutter.
You told him happily, "It's a very rare flower," beaming a bright smile at him. 
And the next thing you knew, you were holding your breath as he bent slightly forward to your height and patted your head in praise, "It seems you're already a careful gatherer, baby neighbor. Keep it up!"
You felt your heart sink faster than a prey could run when he turned and continued on his way, leaving you standing there alone in the forest. You had hoped that your gesture would be enough to make him see you in a different light, but it seemed that it had made no difference at all, or even worse for he had called you the worst possible nickname to exist in all na'vihood. 
As you made your way back to the village, you couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment and frustration settling in you, the deep frown on your face mirroring your inner world. You had tried so hard to get Neteyam to notice you, but it seemed that he was simply not interested.
How do I make you love me?
After a few cycles and many more failed attempts in between, you realized that your little crush was not so little after all. Especially after Neteyam passed his Iknimaya at such a young age, your admiration for him grew every day. The feeling was almost unbearable as you found yourself constantly near him but not receiving the acknowledgment you wished for.
That was until one day, you decided to change that because your hormonal teenager brain had this glorious idea to spend some alone time with Neteyam. You had observed that he enjoyed hunting during his free time when he wasn't bound by his duties as the Olo'eyktan's firstborn. This is why you eagerly joined him on his next hunt, determined to impress him with your own hunting and tracking skills. Looking back, you now realize that your confidence may have been misplaced for your skills were basically non-existent at that time, but back then you were convinced that you were able to hunt.
So, you followed Neteyam deep into the forest, crouching right beside him in the underbrush, watching the herd of talioang grazing in the distance. Their blue and orange skin glinted in the sunlight, and you could hear the low rumble of their voices as they communicated with each other. 
"Do you thi—" Neteyam's hand swiftly covered your mouth, halting your words before they escaped, his touch gentle yet firm. It was electrifying, sending shivers down your spine. He motioned for you to be quiet and directed your attention towards the herd. As he removed his hand, you couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement in your blood. This was your chance to prove yourself.
Neteyam slowly and silently made his way towards the herd, you right on his track, moving from one piece of cover to another. Your eyes followed every movement of the muscles on his toned back, you felt your heart pounding in your chest, and your palms were slick with sweat. Even though you had never really hunted before, you were determined to succeed but Neteyam's captivating presence proved to be a distraction that made it difficult for you to concentrate on anything else. 
As you got closer to the herd, you could feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins. Neteyam signaled for you to stop, and you froze, trying to make yourself as small as possible. He reached out and brushed a twig aside at your feet.
"Watch your steps," he whispered close to your ear, and you could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin, sending shivers down your spine. Your heart raced as you realized how close he was to you, and you wondered if he could hear it pounding in your chest. Longing to feel his lips against your skin, you couldn't help but turn your head slightly towards him, but you knew you couldn't let your desire distract you from the hunt.
"I do," you whispered back. Trying to calm your racing heart, you focused on the task at hand, scanning the ground for anything else that might make noise. But when you moved, you felt Neteyam's body shift slightly against yours, sending another jolt of electricity through you, and you wondered if he felt it too.
"No, you constantly step on something," he told you, still whispering, but voice stern. 
Feeling caught because there was a high possibility that he was right for you hadn't paid attention to your surroundings in the last couple of minutes, too busy doting on him, you couldn't find arguments to defend yourself, "I do not." 
Neteyam firmly pressed his finger on his own lips, signaling you to be quiet yet again. Your heart beat faster as you met his intense gaze, and you felt a rush of desire wash over you.
"Too much noise," he mouthed, his voice barely audible, and looked back at the herd. Following his gaze, you saw that the talioang had picked up on something, and they were starting to look nervous. You and Neteyam held your breaths, waiting for the right moment to strike. 
Suddenly, Neteyam gave the signal, and sprang into action. You just weren't really ready when he gave the signal, so with the first step you took, you stumbled on something growing on the ground and fell over with a short cry. Neteyam who had darted towards the nearest talioang, already drawing his bow and arrow, stopped right in his track when he heard you fall. You looked up at him when he quickly turned to you and then back at the herd but it was too late, the animals already reared up in surprise, and scattered in all directions. However, you were too shocked by your fatal mistake to pay them any attention. You were frozen in place, lying in the dirt, watching Neteyam looking back at you with a slightly agape mouth. The blood rushed to your head and you could hear your heart pounding in your ears. 
You ruined it. 
Neteyam's disappointment was tangible. You could feel his eyes on you, and you knew that he was angry. You would be, too. Struggling to express your remorse, the words got caught in your throat as you attempted to apologize. The weight of disappointment were heavy on your shoulders, and you couldn't shake off the feeling of letting him down.
After a long, awkward silence, Neteyam turned to you with a deep sigh. "You need to be more careful," he said, "When you're hunting, you have to be aware of everything around you. One mistake can ruin the whole hunt."
You nodded, feeling ashamed, you were sure your face was as purple as a yovo fruit. You had wanted to impress Neteyam, but instead you had embarrassed yourself in front of him, had blown any chance to show him that you were capable.
How do I make you fall for me?
Over time, you learned from your previous mistakes. Wanting to impress him proved to be harder than anticipated, but having a conversation with him was easier than expected. You needed to show him how much you appreciated him for who he was. As a result, you began to pay closer attention to the way he interacted with others, especially his younger brother Lo'ak, and you started to incorporate some of those phrases into your conversations with him.
One bright day, you nervously approached Neteyam, hoping to strike up a conversation with him using your newfound knowledge:
"Hey, Neteyam," you greeted tentatively, "Whatcha doin'?"
You left out the bro on purpose, fearing it would be overkill. Even so, the words coming out of your mouth sounded strange to you, and for him apparently too, as he rapidly looked up from his task upon hearing your voice, and his otherwise neutral face looked at you with a slightly frowned forehead and attentive eyes, studying you for a moment before he was quick to collect himself and greeted you with a slight smile.
"Not much. Tuk asked me to repair this old basket for her," he said, motioning with his hands on the basket between his legs, "And I'm trying." 
You nodded, trying not to seem too eager, "That's really kind of you. I bet she'll be thrilled once you finish it," you said with a smile. 
Neteyam simply hummed in response and went back to his task, his concentration returning.
"I mean, I would, too. Tuk is very lucky, it must be nice to have a brother like you," you complimented him.
"But you do have a brother," Neteyam reminded you matter-of-factly, "We used to attend the same training sessions so many times."
"Yeah," you continued, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment. "But, uh, he is not as skilled as you are." Good save. "And he never did such kind things for me when I was little. The only thing he did was teach me how to fight." 
"That's a valuable skill," Neteyam commented.
"Well, what I mean is, he's an ordinary brother, while you are one of a kind, Neteyam. Your siblings are incredibly lucky to have you," you said, emphasizing your point.
Neteyam smiled to himself, his canines slightly showing, as he went back to working on the basket. You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your stomach at the thought of him noticing your flattery.
"I appreciate that," he said, acknowledging your compliment.
After a few minutes of silence, you took a deep breath and you mustered up the courage to ask him a question, "May I say something?"
He looked up at you again and nodded. "Sure, what's on your mind?"
You decided to take the chance, "I just wanted to say that you always seem to know just what to do and say, and that's very impressive. You're responsible, always respectful, and very patient. Not just with me but with everyone in our clan. And I want you to know that I really appreciate it, Neteyam." I appreciate you.
Neteyam's expression softened as he listened to your words. "You have a kind heart to express that," he replied, a hint of a smile still playing at the corner of his lips.
You took a deep breath and continued, "I know you don't share much about your personal life, but if you ever feel comfortable talking about it I would love to learn more about you."
Neteyam's smile reached his eyes. "Thank you, I will keep that in mind."
You felt a warm glow of happiness in your chest as you realized that your words affected him. You were willing to put in the work to get to know him better.
Encouraged by his response, you asked, "So, do you have any concrete plans after your Uniltaron?"
Neteyam's expression faltered a bit upon hearing you mention his upcoming Dream Hunt, he seemed almost reserved all of a sudden. "I do have a few, but they are personal," he replied, "I prefer to keep them to myself."
You felt a pang of disappointment. "Oh, I understand," you said, trying to hide your dejection, "I'm sorry. It was not my place to ask."
"You don't have to apologize," he responded, "But some things are best kept within the family."
"Yeah, I get it," you smiled weakly, feeling like you had hit a wall, "Thanks for talking with me, Neteyam."
He nodded and went back to his task, leaving you feeling deflated and uncertain about how to get closer to him.
How do I make you want me?
The previous attempts to win Neteyam's attention had proven unsuccessful: The gifts you gave him didn't have the desired effect, your attempts to impress him by spending time with him backfired (you want to forget that memory of the hunt so badly), and the conversations you had with him remained superficial, never delving deeper into meaningful topics. It was clear that you needed a new approach, a fresh idea to capture his interest which brought you back to point zero.
You walked through the forest, scanning the undergrowth for any signs of the flowers you had been studying for quite some time – the kind you gifted Neteyam when you were little. It turns out that the rare flower wasn't that rare after all, it only bloomed a short time a cycle, which is what made it so valuable. However, if they were dried and powdered, very useful medicines could be made. At some point you had started collecting this flower, as well as other herbs and plants for Tsahìk, and in return she had taught you how to make rich creams and pastes from them. And you could also consume this flower in meals if you let it cook over the fire for a long time. Pondering if it would evoke nostalgia within Neteyam, while you plucked them carefully from the ground, you wondered if he ever remembered the day you gave him that flower in the first place.
Gathering a variety of edible flowers, aromatic herbs, and other nourishing ingredients from the village, you spent all morning helping the women in your clan prepare a wholesome and delicious meal for the warriors. In anticipation of Neteyam's training session, you decided to take this thoughtful approach to show your support and care.
As the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, you volunteered to bring the full basket of handmade food wraps and lovely cut fruits to the training area. 
The warriors were engrossed in their practice, their movements fluid and powerful. You scanned the crowd, searching for Neteyam among them.
Spotting him in the midst of the intense training session, his lean muscles glistening with sweat under the warm sun, you couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration. His movements were powerful and precise, each strike displaying his skill as a warrior. His strength and determination did something to you, feeling a magnetic pull towards him. 
Balancing the basket of food in your hands, you approached the outskirts of the training area, careful not to interrupt the warriors' focus. You set up a blanket and arranged the food on it attractively. Your intention was not only to impress Neteyam but to show your support for the entire group.
"I swear, Eywa send you here," you heard someone say next to you, a bit out of breath, while impatient hands reached into the basket and helped you place the food, "I'm starving!"
"Lo'ak, are you allowed to end your training like this?" You questioned, and turned your head in the direction of the warriors — the training was obviously still in full swing, but it was precisely then that you met Neteyam's gaze who was already looking over at you, a mixture of surprise and curiosity evident in his eyes. 
"Not really but it smells so good, I'm ready to be skinned for these delici— Oh, I'm taking this one, yeah?" He started unwrapping one of the food wraps and hastily bit into it. 
"Hey, wait for the others!" you admonished him, but his wrap was already half eaten.
"Mm, das bom!" you heard him smack loudly, "S'rusly, yur da best."
"I'm glad," you responded, suppressing a laugh. Lo'ak acted like he hadn't eaten in days. 
Noticing the spread of food, the warriors collectively ended the training session, and the men started approaching the nourishing dishes, including freshly grilled meats, vibrant vegetables, and flavorful herbs.
Sensing an opportunity, you went towards Neteyam, a food wrap in your hand, and a warm smile gracing your lips. "I thought I would spare you the long way, in case you're starving like your brother," you joked, gesturing with your head towards Lo'ak behind you, who was taking two more food wraps and calling dips on the rawp.
Neteyam's gaze shifted from the feast you had prepared to the food in his hands and then at you. His gaze lingered on you for a moment longer than necessary, and a soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips. 
"That's thoughtful of you," he replied, his voice carrying a subtle warmth, "It's been an intense training session, and this is a welcome surprise."
You stepped back, allowing him to enjoy the meal with his fellow warriors. Observing from a distance, you noticed the camaraderie and laughter that emerged as they gathered around the spread of food, indulging in the flavors that were carefully crafted.
Throughout the meal, you found yourself drawn to Neteyam's presence. The way he spoke with passion about his experiences, the way he listened attentively to others, and the way his eyes sparkled with a hidden depth — all of it only fueled your growing attraction.
As the training session continued, you lingered nearby, engaging in conversations with other warriors, offering encouragement and companionship. While your initial intention was to impress Neteyam, you found joy in connecting with the community as a whole, so much you almost didn't realize that the day's training had come to an end.
"Thank you for the meal and your company," Neteyam said softly as he walked next to you back to the village, carrying the basket for you with a genuine smile gracing his face. "It meant a lot to all of us."
Your cheeks warmed at his words, "I didn't do much, the others—"
"You are here, that alone is more than enough."
You nodded, a sense of satisfaction washing over you. "I'm glad I could contribute," your voice was filled with sincerity, "Supporting you and the clan is important to me."
A surge of hope welled up inside you, but as the conversation continued, you couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. Despite your efforts, the romantic tension you had hoped for seemed to elude you. The conversation remained pleasant yet distant, and it became clear that Neteyam saw you more as a friend than a potential partner. With a heavy heart, you realized that your attempt to catch his interest had once again fallen short.
And make it last eternally?
For quite some time now, you have firmly believed that you have left those days behind you, imprisoned in childhood memories, overlapped by numerous teenage embarrassments. After all, now you are an adult with serious duties and commitments to attend to, and there's neither time nor room for such childish infatuations. Crushing on the future Olo'eyktan. Please. Plus, once you found out how many other girls in your clan, both older and younger than you, adored him, you figured it is best to move on. You were frustrated at times, but you resolved to carry on, cherishing the friendship you shared with Neteyam while silently letting go of your unrequited feelings. At least, that's what you thought...
… until three eclipses ago.
Mere moments before the eclipse, the all-too-familiar soft light danced in the room,  casting a golden hue that revealed the tiniest pollen floating around inside Tsahìk's crowded tent. It had been a long time since so many people had been injured at once, yet no one was ready to explain or report what had happened.
As two new figures entered the tent, one of them supporting the other, you heard a familiar voice speaking calmly, "Focus on not getting blood all over grandmother's tent rather than worrying about my wounds."
"Nah, I'm just- Ouch! Careful, bro!"
"Sorry, brother, but you have to cooperate with me here," Neteyam uttered while carefully helping Lo'ak onto the mat made of woven grasses that Kiri had prepared for them with blankets. 
"I'm just saying—Ahh," Lo'ak hissed as Neteyam applied pressure to his open wound with his bare hands, while Kiri hastily tied together any available cloths for his wound care. "-it's not very mighty of you, you know."
"What is not very mighty of him?" Kiri wanted to know, now taking over and applying pressure to his wound as well to stop the bleeding. As you shifted to Kiri's side, you handed her more cloths that she could wrap around Lo'ak's leg.
"His wounds, of course," Lo'ak grinned when he saw you and gave his older brother another amused sideways glance, before continuing, "but I'm sure he will be in great hands now. Right, bro?"
Just a quick glance at Lo'ak was enough to see that he was far worse off than Neteyam. While his wounds did not appear to be life-threatening, he was bleeding profusely from his thigh.
Tsahìk had already rushed to the four of you, throwing a disapproving look at Lo'ak, "Oh, my boy, let me have a look." With her expertise, she quickly got the situation under control, ordering Kiri to get more cloths while you stood by her side to assist her.
"My child, attend to his wounds," Tsahìk instructed you, but to your surprise she nodded towards Neteyam instead of Lo'ak as she pushed a bowl of fresh water into your hands. "My granddaughter and I can handle this young clumsy man here." Her stern gaze was once again fixed on Lo'ak, who, in turn, only grinned at her.
"Grandmother," Neteyam began soothingly, ready to protest, "there is no need to—" but her piercing eyes silenced him, causing him to follow you wordlessly to the other side of the tent.
And that's how you found yourself sitting in front of Neteyam, tending to his wounds with the gentle touch of your hands, caring for each cut and bruise.
"You need to be more careful," you said softly, breaking the comfortable silence as you wrung the cloth in the water that had already turned a muddy reddish color.
"I'm content with the present circumstances," he replied, his voice laced with a touch of amusement. You gave him a sarcastic look, which he reciprocated with a warm smile.
"Well, I suppose then you'll be content with this as well." Pressing the damp cloth into his hand, you stood up and leisurely made your way to Tsahìk's supplies to fetch some healing ointments, and you took your time doing so.
Upon your return, Neteyam watched you attentively, his eyes tracing your every movement, and you wondered if he had been watching you the whole time. There was a newfound curiosity in his gaze, a glimmer of something more. 
"My words came out wrong," he said when you sat back on the ground in front of him. The air was filled with a mix of anticipation and unspoken emotions, a subtle tension hanging between you. "You're right, I should be more careful. I always strive to be. It's just that there's little one can do in the face of an ambush."
"An ambush?" you asked with big eyes, "Oh, Great Mother! That's what everyone's been trying to conceal. And I was wondering the whole time what could've possibly happened to cause so many injuries."
"They probably didn't want to cause an uproar." You listened to his words, sensing the weight they carried. The mention of an ambush brought back memories of past dangers and harrowing encounters. The gravity of their lives was never far from their thoughts, and you understood the weight that rested on Neteyam's shoulders.
"You don't always have to be the strong one, Neteyam," you said softly, voice carrying reassurance, when you continued cleaning the cut on his chest, noticing that he tried not to wince under your touch, "It's alright to lean on others, to let them care for you." 
A flicker of emotion danced across his face, a fleeting moment of vulnerability before he regained his composure. His hand reached out to touch yours resting on his chest above his heart, the contact gentle yet charged with unspoken emotions.
"Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, and in that moment it felt like the boundaries between healer and wounded blurred, "Thank you for being here, for tending to me." His eyes locked with yours, an unspoken promise passing between you, turning your cheeks in a light purply color.
"Now," you cleared your throat with the intention of changing the subject, fervently hoping that he wouldn't notice your flushed cheeks, "here comes the actual healing part."
Gently, you dipped your fingers into the jar of ointment, scooping out a generous amount. With deliberate movements, you applied the soothing balm to his wounds, careful not to cause any further discomfort. The ointment glided smoothly, creating a soothing sensation that seemed to envelop him in a healing embrace.
"What I meant before is that I am glad that you are the one taking care of me," you smiled upon hearing those words, feeling his gaze on you as you concentrated on his upper body. A gentle warmth radiated from his wounds as your fingertips grazed his skin, mingling with the tender touch of your hands. The ointment possessed a subtle fragrance, hinting at the natural remedies it held within.
As you continued to apply the ointment, your fingers delicately tracing the contours of his chest, exploring the intricate landscape of his injuries, a comfortable silence settled between you. The rhythm of your ministrations became a quiet conversation, a wordless understanding of care and compassion. With every gentle caress, a subtle shiver passed through him, a reaction that spoke of both vulnerability and an underlying trust in your touch. There was a closeness in this shared moment, a connection forged through the tender act of healing.
Neteyam's gaze remained fixed on you, his eyes revealing a depth of gratitude and something more profound. It was as if the vulnerability of his wounds had peeled away a layer, exposing a vulnerability of the heart. The strength he embodied as a warrior was softened in this vulnerable space, allowing a snippet into the depths of his mind and soul.
"It never stings when you patch me up, why?" Neteyam asked, his voice laced with wonder, tilting his head slightly.
"The secret is to mix yalnabark with 'omsyul," you replied, your voice gentle yet filled with a hint of playfulness.
"Care to share this secret with my grandmother? And Kiri, too?" Neteyam's request was teasing but also genuine, and you couldn't help but be touched by his thoughtfulness.
"Actually, Kiri is the one who taught me this," you admitted, a fondness in your voice.
Neteyam's forehead furrowed slightly, "Then why does it always burn when she patches me up?"
With a twinkle in your eyes, you playfully suggested, "Sibling love?"
A mischievous smile curved his lips. "Or perhaps your touch is blessed by Eywa?" His words hung in the air, filled with a newfound flirtation that took you by surprise. 
"Oh, come on now, exaggerate much, do you?" you responded, attempting to brush off his words with a hint of irony, not fully realizing the impact they had on you.
Undeterred by your sarcastic retort, Neteyam looked deeply into your eyes, his voice filled with sincerity and a touch of vulnerability. "The caress of your hand weaves a tapestry of enchantment, casting a spell that captivates my very soul."
His words echoed in your mind, resonating with a blend of tender affection and longing. You wished he had said those words when you were younger and so in love with him, meaning every syllable coming from his kissable lips. What you would have given to hear him say it.
A blush spread across your cheeks as you struggled to find the right words to respond. The air around you seemed charged with electricity, the tension between you both palpable.
"You said I should exaggerate," Neteyam added, a witty glint in his eyes, as if to remind you of your earlier banter. 
Your younger self would have etched his previous words into a tree to make them eternal — words you longed to hear from your crush, words that felt like a dream.
"Crush?" he asked with interest, and your eyes widened with the realization that you had spoken your thoughts aloud. "On whom?"
"Um," a jumble of thoughts flooded your mind at once, too late for an excuse, "You?" 
Your confession left him momentarily speechless, and your heart pounded in your chest. 
It's in the past, so it's okay to admit it, you told yourself, trying to calm down a bit.
"You have a crush on me?"
"Had," you corrected quickly.
"You had a crush on me?" he asked again, as if needing confirmation. It seemed to sweep him off his feet, a revelation he hadn't expected.
"Everyone did, everyone does," you confessed, trying to downplay the significance.
"Everyone except you?"
You shrugged, unsure how to answer, "I guess I'm… over it."
"Why?" he inquired.
"Come on, Neteyam," you sighed, trying to mask the bitterness in your voice, "don't act like you didn't know."
"I swear by Eywa this is news to me… I have never…" he hesitated briefly with his words, "It doesn't even make sense."
Make sense?
"Don't make me regret telling you," you said, your voice tinged with frustration, "It's not about making sense, and it's not a big deal either, don't you agree?"
"Yes, but I try to understand."
"What is there to understand?"
"Why would you even crush on me in the first place?"
"You're right," you tightly gripped the cloth, forcing a smile, "why would I."
Even though you reluctantly admitted it, it hurt you and scratched at your ego. You were now more than grateful to have never openly communicated your feelings. As an adult, you could handle it, but you know exactly that this reaction would have devastated your childhood self. You were not accustomed to this insensitivity from Neteyam, considering he always maintained a noble and respectable demeanor. This showed you even more how repulsive the idea of having you by his side was to him.
"Also, I'm sorry," you turned around in a swing, your voice filled with sadness, disappointment, and above all, anger—anger at him for acting like a skxawng and anger at yourself for being a skxawng by confiding in him, "that the thought of me being attracted to you disgusts you so much. It won't happen again, rest your mind."  
He seemed lost for words, blinking once, twice, and opening his mouth only to close it again, processing your words. Part of you yearned for him to say something, to prove you wrong, but nothing came. His gaze lingered on you for a long moment, altering between your eyes, the unspoken words hanging in the air. 
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm needed elsewhere," you said, your voice tinged with resignation. You prepared to turn away, ready to retreat from the turmoil of the moment. But just as you began to pivot, a sudden, gentle grip on your arm stopped you in your tracks. It was Neteyam, his touch both unexpected and tender.
In that instant, conflicting emotions surged within you, caught between the instinct to push him away and the captivating gaze that held your attention. Without uttering a single word, he drew you closer, wrapping you in a tight embrace that left you completely defenseless, your body momentarily frozen in surprise against his bare skin.
Your initial response was to resist, your mind still reeling from the whirlwind of confusion. Yet, as his arms enveloped you, a scent as enchanting as the forest's vibrant essence and the serenity of sacred woods wafted into your consciousness. It was a harmonious blend that stirred your senses, mingling the fragrant allure of nature with the grounding whispers of sandalwood.
Inhaling deeply, the captivating aroma cast a spell upon you, dissolving the remnants of anger and frustration that had once consumed your thoughts like a distant memory as he held you firmly in his strong arms, the warmth of his body seeping into your very core.
In this suspended moment, time appeared to lose its grip as the only audible sounds were the rhythm of your synchronized breaths and the rhythmic beat of your hearts.
"I'm sorry too," you heard him whisper in your hair as he pulled away from you and left the tent, leaving you confused.
It was in that moment, surrounded by the fading light and the soft whispers of the forest outside the tent, that you realized the painful truth: nothing would be the same between you and Neteyam because
no matter what you did, you would never be able to make him love you.
And exactly this is the reason of your sleepless nights, which is why, in the middle of your melancholic nostalgia, you decided to take a little walk to the lake nearby to pass the time until daybreak which leads you to the lake. You currently sit on a mossy tree stump above the shimmering water allowing your feet to hang freely just above the glistening surface of the lake, instead of sleeping safe and sound like the rest of the village. The purples, greens, and yellows of the bioluminescent flora and fauna smile at you but you fail to smile back. Your heart heavy with a mix of emotions and your mind full of questions, you try not to think of more memories, each one feeling like a dagger, piercing your already fragile heart. 
You try to understand, yet it's difficult for you.
After so many failed attempts and moments of acceptance in between, he still manages to confuse you with his mixed signals. The moment, when he hugged you, replays relentlessly in your thoughts as if burned in your mind, a vivid recollection that carries the weight of his proximity, the tempting linger of his scent, and the electric touch that ignited a fierce tension within you. It was an encounter that left an indelible mark, an irresistible dance between desire and restraint, etching itself into the deepest recesses of your longing soul.
You groan into your hands. You want to hate him. So much.
Three eclipses have come and gone since then, way too much time to think between that and the part where you made the decision to distance yourself from Neteyam. This time for real. You wake up earlier than everyone else, dedicating yourself to your work, skipping communal meals and shared gatherings entirely. You complete your tasks and retreat back to your home, like a ghost in the clan, yet living unscathed within your own space, seeking solace in the sanctuary of solitude.
Almost every hour, you find yourself battling with conflicting emotions. On one hand, you long to see him, to be in his presence, and to feel that familiar connection. But on the other hand, you remember his last words and the way he looked at you when he learned about your past feelings. Distance will be best for the both of you. The ache in your heart hasn't subsided, but you know the step is necessary for your own well-being, it's a shield you've built to preserve what little strength remains within you.
Yesterday, your changed behavior was noticed by Tsahik, so she confronted you directly, but she neither questioned you nor expected any form of explanation. Her words still echo in your mind, partly because forgetting the moment will be difficult with the way she looked at you with her kind eyes, as if understanding the depths of your heartache.
"My child," she laid her hand gently on your shoulder, her voice carrying the wisdom of the ages, "Sometimes the tides do not turn in the way we hope but that does not diminish the beauty of the love within your heart. Always remember that Eywa has woven the threads of affection and devotion. Thus, have trust that the stars will align one day, for love, in all its form, is a gift to cherish."
The words resonate deep within your soul, as you sit by the tranquil water, the soft glow of the plants casting an ethereal light around you, a gentle breeze rustles through the verdant foliage. In these moments of isolation, you reflect on the times you've spent with Neteyam, the moments that sparked the flame of attraction within you. You question whether those were genuine or merely figments of your imagination, the doubts swirling in your mind, clouding your judgment and feeding your insecurities. 
The stars above seem to mirror the twinkle in your eyes, a bittersweet reminder of the unfulfilled desire for you can't comprehend why your heart continues to long for him despite your mind trying to move on. Your thoughts are deep in contemplation when—
"Can we talk?" The voice startles you, and you flinch sharply, almost letting out a scream. Your heart pounds heavily in your chest, the fright taking hold of you. Quickly, you turn around, only to see that out of everyone, Neteyam approaches you, his figure blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," a crooked smile forms on his lips.
You look up, meeting his gaze with a guarded expression, unsure of what to expect from this encounter. His presence catches you off guard, causing your heart to skip another beat. The sight of him stirs a mix of emotions within you—longing, uncertainty, fear, but also a flicker of hope.
"You didn't," you lie, your voice tinged with coldness.
He nods his head towards the space beside you, "May I?" 
Neteyam's eyes hold a certain earnestness, a silent plea for understanding. You just shrug your shoulders, and he interprets it as a yes. He takes a seat beside you, his movements graceful and measured, his tail gently swaying in the air, your shoulders and thighs nearly touching. 
The silence between you is tense, charged with unspoken words and residual feelings. You let your feet dangle above the water. As you wiggle your toes, you feel a gentle coolness from the air mingling with the refreshing touch of the water below.
He clears his voice, "I've noticed your absence these past few days."
"Oh?" Your ears perk up with curiosity, surprised that he has noticed, "I was busy."
"You were missing from the meal servings as well," he notes, his words carrying a hint of concern.
"Yeah, I haven't had much of an appetite lately," you reply, sounding detached.
You aren't sure if you have misheard, but it seems like Neteyam has whispered softly to himself, "Me neither," although it can also be your mind playing tricks on you.
"You see, I, uh..." he pauses, seemingly struggling to find the right words which is so unusual for him, "Can I speak openly with you?"
"Don't you always?" Your voice still laced with a hint of coldness.
"Indeed," you noticed from the corner of your eye a brief tension in his hands that gradually relaxes, "I just wanted to let you know that there is no need for you to feel obligated to skip communal gatherings because of me." 
You can't help but scoff at that, however, he remains undeterred by your reaction.
"It's okay if you don't want to see me — I will keep my distance if that is what you want, but, please, don't avoid the clan in an attempt to avoid me. Don't isolate yourself."
"Funny," you say bitterly, your gaze still on the water, "that you think you have that much power over me."
"That's not what I wanted to say, it's—"
"It's fine, Neteyam," you interrupt him, turning your head to him, your jaw clenched, "I get it. If the future Olo'eyktan says so, I'll comply. See you at the morning meal."
You attempt to get up, but he gently grasps your wrist, halting your movement.
"I can sense that something has changed between us, and it weighs heavily on my heart," his voice carries a hint of vulnerability.
"Things change," you respond as he loosens his grip, but you refrain from attempting to get up again, waiting for the conversation to end, "Is there anything else?"
"Yes," he shifts, causing your thighs to briefly brush against each other, "I've had time to reflect on our last conversation."
"Actually, let's not—" you try to interrupt him, but this time he doesn't let your words stop him.
"Let me say this one thing and after that you don't have to talk to me again."
You meet his gaze, which is filled with honesty and a touch of guilt. You nod and look at him, noticing how he rubs his hands on his thighs and takes a deep breath.
"I was caught off guard," he admits, his voice softer now, "When we talked, I mean; and when I learned that you used to feel an affection for me — I didn't handle it well. I'm sorry for the way I reacted and for the pain I may have caused you."
You remain silent for a few seconds remembering the unpleasant conversation from last time, before you speak, "We don't have to talk about it, it's okay."
"No, it's not okay!" You notice the tension in his muscles. "You see," he takes a deep breath, "I didn't understand why you would crush on me."
"You made that very clear," you remark.
"I regret my poor choice of words, and for any offense it may have caused. I immediately noticed that my words had an impact on you, but I was too overwhelmed to correct myself in the moment," he admits, a hint of regret in his voice, "Please know that the idea of you being attracted to me never has and never will disgust me," his eyes lock with yours as his voice gets quieter when he adds, "It scares me."
Upon hearing that, your features soften slightly, a flicker of empathy crossing your face, and the question leaves your mouth before you can think about it, "Why?"
Now he's the one shrugging, "Everyone has their own doubts and fears."
You're not satisfied with that response, and you want him to open up to you for which you are willing to meet him halfway. So you begin an attempt to make him elaborate on his statement, "I'm scared of many things." you watch him intently as you speak, "Accidentally plucking poisonous plants instead of the usual herbs, falling down the hallelujah mountains, being eaten alive by nantangs." And most of all, rejection. "I can't help but wonder what fears could reside within a mighty warrior like yourself."
His mouth twitches slightly upwards when you say that, but is quickly replaced by a neutral expression. "The possibility of someone seeing through my façade," Neteyam admits sighing, his voice laced with a mix of confusion and self-reflection, "Of someone truly knowing me," he holds your gaze, a certain vulnerability in them, "That terrifies me."
You are left speechless, completely caught off guard by his answer.
"But," you stammer, trying to find the right words to express your thoughts, "you're Neteyam, you're... perfect in everything you do. I never considered the possibility that you might have these thoughts."
He shakes his head, disagreeing. "No, definitely not, I am far off from being perfect. That's why I couldn't understand why you would have feelings for me," he confesses, vulnerability shining in his gaze. "Because I never saw myself the way you did. But maybe, just maybe, this is why I've been blind to the possibility of something more between us."
"If you're only here to make me feel better about myself..." you start, your voice trailing off.
"No," he groans in frustration. "That's not it."
"Then what is it?"
He chuckles at your reaction, "I get nervous when you look at me that way."
"What do you mean?" You are the one getting nervous because of his statement for he doesn't look nervous at all, on the contrary, he looks very relaxed and almost overconfident. 
"Yeah, can't you tell my hands are all sweaty?" he lets you know with a smirk while he studies your face.
"Neteyam," you blink in confusion, "Are you okay?"
"You're not listening," he sighs, his smile dropping slightly.
"Then talk openly," you urge impatiently.
He takes a deep breath and looks you directly in the eyes. "I've come to realize that you mean more to me than just a friend."
Your features falter and your eyes widen, as the realization dawns upon you that your feelings have not been unrequited after all. "No."
"I have a crush on you, too," he whispers euphorically, confirming your thoughts.
"No, Neteyam, not now," you shake your head quickly, your mind filled with way too many thoughts and too much confusion. Instantly, you stand up as if stung by an insect, trying to maintain your composure.
"It didn't start now, it was always there," he admits, standing up as well, now towering over you and studying your face and your reaction again. "But I fear that I've missed my chance. And now, it seems like it's too late."
Ignoring his words entirely, you fixate your serious gaze on him, "You can't do this to me."
"What?" he blinks, seeming to comprehend your words, "Why?" his gaze momentarily shifts from one eye to the other with a swift glance, reflecting his confusion.
"Because all my life, I did everything to try to make you notice me. I went beyond my comfort zone, I did everything I could. But from you," You look at him, gesturing towards his entire figure as if the reason were obvious, "there was nothing. Not one single acknowledgment from you. I accepted it. I moved on. I made peace with the thought of just knowing you and supporting what is good for you," You find yourself almost breathless, your words tumbling out rapidly, but each one carries sincere meaning. "You can't come now, years later, and pretend that you have a crush on me. I can't go through that again."
He takes a step forward, clearly taken aback by your outburst. "I... I'm not pretending to—"
"And I'm so tired," you interrupt him, your voice faltering, "Now that I've finally let go of you, you can't say things like this."
"Let go?" he repeats, his voice filled with disbelief, "Of me?"
"Yes, Neteyam," you persist firmly. "Let go of you. I don't want you anymore."
The night air feels heavy with unspoken regrets and unfulfilled desires as the silence underlines the shared acknowledgment of the chasm that has opened between you. Neteyam's expression shifts from disappointment to determination, a flicker of hope dancing in his eyes. "How do I make you love me, then?"
It feels ironic that he's asking you that question, considering you used to be the one who always wondered how you could make him love you whenever you saw him. You groan in frustration, feeling overwhelmed by conflicting emotions. 
"I worked so hard to accept things as they are. That is not fair, Neteyam." A mix of sadness and anger can be heard in your voice.
"Please listen," he pleads, reaching out to touch your arm. You close your eyes, turning your head away. "I've been blind to your feelings, consumed by my own worries and obligations, and I didn't see what was right in front of me, hurting you in the process. I'm sorry I caused you pain. If I had known sooner…"
"What then?" you interrupt, your voice filled with bitterness. "Do you think everything would magically change, and we'd be deeply in love with a family of our own by now?"
Neteyam pauses for a moment, processing your words, and a hopeful smile crosses his face. "Yes, that's a possibility."
You groan in exasperation and attempt to push him away, your frustration boiling over. "No, Neteyam. I can't keep living in this cycle of uncertainty." 
As you push him away from you, your heart heavy, you walk away with determined steps, wanting to bring as much distance between him and you as possible.
"I love you!" he shouts after you, causing you to freeze in your tracks and turn around in utter shock. "I love you. And if that's not enough, then so be it. But I would rather be damned than let you go now, heading who knows where in the middle of the night. If you don't want me, I won't approach you, I won't come near. But don't run away from me."
Desperation visible in his voice, his words reach deep into your heart; the intensity echoing in the air, leaving a profound impact on both of you.
"I've been waiting for your love for far too long," you respond bitterly.
Taking cautious steps in your direction, trying to close the physical and emotional distance between you, he asks, "Why waste more time?" It feels as if an invisible force draws you together, intertwining your fates in this pivotal moment but you remain stubborn, too exhausted and clouded from the painful burn in your heart.
"I don't want you," you declare, the words slipping out uncertainly, as if trying to convince both him and yourself.
"Then look me in the eyes when you say those words," he challenges, his voice stern, gaze unwavering.
"I don't want you," you repeat, louder this time, trying to emphasize your resolve. However, instead of looking into his eyes, your gaze fixates on his face, tracing the patterns of his glowing freckles that your mind has memorized long ago.
The moonlight bathes the scene in a gentle gleam, and you both stare at each other in complete silence, the space between you filled with suffocating tension.
A knowing smile suddenly forms on his lips. "I don't believe you."
"I don't want you, Neteyam!" you exclaim, raising your voice even more, repeating the words over and over, in a desperate attempt to convince him, "I don't want you, I don't want you, I don't want you!"
He studies you intently for another moment, his eyes filled with hope.
"Your tail gives you away," he says triumphantly, his smile growing. And that's when you finally let go of your suppressed emotions. Your lower lip begins to tremble, and before you know it, you find yourself in his warm embrace, his strong arms pulling you impossibly closer to him.
"I want you," you confessed against his chest, your voice barely audible and filled with so much vulnerability, "After everything, I still want you." 
"Shh, you have me," he whispers, his voice soothing and reassuring.
You sob, the weight of your emotions finally breaking free, and he tenderly pats your head, his fingers gliding through your hair. His touch brings a sense of calmness to your racing heart and gently dries your tears.
"I'll make up for all the time lost, I promise," his voice reaches your ear, soft and full of sincerity.
His words continue to soothe you, and at one point, he hums a faint melody that resonates deep within you, gradually bringing an end to your sobs.
"Do you recall the day you asked about my plans after my Dream Hunt, and I hesitated to provide an answer?" He asks after you calm down, his voice carrying an infinite sense of solace.
Your arms still around him, you nod against his chest, every word of that conversation etched into your mind.
"That day," he continues, "I have sworn to myself to admire your eternal beauty from afar, to cherish your body, mind, and soul until the end of my days," he whispers softly in your hair, "with the hope that one day I will hold you close and claim you as my very own."
You take a deep breath, feeling overwhelmed by his words and the emotions swirling within you. Slowly, you lift your head from his chest, your teary eyes meeting his with awe.
"I... I never imagined you felt this way," you whisper, your voice hoarse and fragile from your sobs. "To think that you've carried these feelings for me all this time, it's... I don't know what to say."
"Interesting," he comments, eyes with a gleam, lips playful, "You were just as oblivious to my feelings as I was to yours, so I guess that makes us even." A mischievous bunny-like smile plays across his face, transforming him into the youthful version of himself that you have fallen deeply in love with, no longer the mighty warrior following in the footsteps of the great Toruk Makto, but the young man who has captured your heart long ago.
You can feel tears welling up in your eyes again, overwhelmed by the weight of his words and the intensity of your own emotions. With a shaky breath, you reach to your waist, gently intertwining your fingers with his.
In the warmth of his arms, you find solace for your burning heart. His arms hold you tightly, offering a sense of intimate security that you've always wished for. But then, something shifts. 
The intensity of your emotions begins to wane, and as you look up at him through tear-filled eyes, you see his gaze fixed upon you with unwavering love, trying to read you as he cups your face with his large hands. His thumb gently brushes away a lingering tear on your cheek, his touch delicate against your skin. A soft, affectionate smile graces his lips as he leans forward and presses a gentle kiss against the place where your tear was mere seconds ago. The sweetness of the gesture stirs your heart, a silent affirmation of his loving nature. He continues to kiss away your tears, each touch a soothing balm to your wounded soul.
A powerful desire burns between you then, as his soft lips linger near yours. His eyes meet yours again, seeking permission, and you respond with a silent nod. Right then and there, the world around you fades into the background, and all that matters is the connection you share. With a surge of passion, his lips meet yours in a fervent kiss, the longing coming to an end, hearts intertwined. 
The tender touch of his lips against yours feels like an electric jolt that sends shivers down your spine. You both pull back slowly from the passionate kiss, breathless yet connected. Your eyes meet, gazing into each other with a depth of love that words can never describe.
His eyes hold unwavering sincerity as he caresses your cheek with his thumb. "You've captured my heart in ways I can't fully express," he confesses, his voice filled with affection. "And if you'll allow me, I want to show you every day how deeply I love you."
A deep blue blush tints your cheeks as you struggle to find the right words to respond. He doesn't seem to mind as a soft smile spreads across his face. He leans in, his forehead resting against yours, adoring the tranquil moment between two souls.
Enjoying each other's presence and your newfound attraction and happiness, you spend the rest of the night hand in hand wandering around mindlessly, exchanging loving gazes, talking about everything and sweet nothing's at once like two fools in love.
"Do you remember that day?" You hear him ask cheerfully as his free hand wanders to the songcord attached to his loincloth. You follow his movement and your eyes widen as you recognize the dried petals, intricately woven into one of the beads. "It was so unconventional, going against tradition. Who has ever seen a girl giving a flower to a boy? No one. But you didn't care. You were true to yourself, and you gifted me your favorite flower, and it meant so much more than just a little gesture."
Taking aback by his words and the bittersweet memory you can't help but smile widely as you inspect his songcord but confusion grazes your face at the same time.
"Wait—What do you mean? Lo'ak told me it's your favorite flower."
"No, he told me it's your favorite."
"Well, it became my favorite after I learned that it's yours."
A boisterous laugh escapes him as he throws his head back, his chest almost vibrating, and it is so contagious that you can't help but join in, the air filled with heartfelt laughter.
"It's gonna cause quite a scandal, but Lo'ak definitely deserves a good punch when he wakes up." You laughed, knowing that he meant that half-heartedly.
He delicately cradles your hand back in his, your fingers intertwining as he brings them up, his lips softly brushing against your knuckles in a loving kiss. The touch sends a warmth through your body. 
"Speaking of scandals," you say sheepishly as you reluctantly let go of his hand, "maybe it's better not to enter our village hand in hand just yet?"
He chuckles at your suggestion.
"Maybe," he agrees, his eyes filled with adoration, his face leaning slightly forward, "Can I have one last kiss before that?"
You look at him challengingly, he mirrors your expression, a playful glint in his eyes, coming closer to your face. 
Your lips almost touching for the second time this night, you whisper, "Only if you catch me." 
With that, you run off, your heart blooming with excitement, and his laughter follows you through the enchanting forest as the sun rises, casting its warm rays across the sky, and you know that the future holds nothing but love for the both of you.
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for anyone asking, neteyam does in fact catch you and gets his kiss(es) <3 thank you for reading, liking, commenting, reblogging 🤍 btw, what is your love language? 💕
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jakexneytiri · 2 years
Hi, I can request a family life with husband! neteyam x reader, after 2 movies, please long if you agree
you sure can! this was so cute to write and i’m in love with dad!neteyam. i hope this is what you had in mind, anon!<3
forever & always
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it’s been ten years since you and your husband first mated. neteyam was madly in love with you, that love only growing stronger over the years. he could never get enough of you, never keep his hands off of you. you have four children to prove it, and you’re pregnant with your fifth.
neteyam arranged an entire ceremony to be held tonight for your anniversary. the clan spent the entire day preparing, harvesting fruits, hanging bioluminescent plants for light, and gathering old twigs and dead plants to be used for the main fire.
in your hut, things were absolute chaos. you were waiting for neteyam to return home, he had “a few more things to set up” for the party. your children couldn’t contain themselves, excitedly running around your shared hut readying themselves for the evening.
your oldest, tsantu, you hardly ever had to worry about. he was very independent, and rarely asked for your assistance. he was all ready for the ceremony, wearing his special arm cuff he crafted, with neteyam’s help.
“mom, do you need help?”
“would you please help your brother with his necklace? that would be a big help.” you place a kiss on the top of his head, as he nods and goes to help his brother.
your second born, se’ayl, was calm and reserved like her older brother. however, she was sassy from time to time, with both you and neteyam. she definitely picked up the habit from aunt kiri, who she adored.
“se’ayl? do you have your feathers on yet?” you ask, glancing over at her.
“ugh, do i have to wear those?” she groans, taking a deep breath in just to sigh it out.
“yes, flower. your father wants everyone to wear them tonight. aunty kiri will be wearing hers, too.” you say in an excited tone, hoping it will cheer her up.
“really? she is??” excitement lights up on her face, as she quickly goes to change into them.
your third, txonuk, was your occasionally rebellious child, sometimes outspoken, making neteyam be the bad guy when he needed to be punished, but you loved him nonetheless.
“let’s see your necklace, txonuk!” you say excited, kneeling down to take a look.
he lifts his chin upwards, so you can get a good look at the newly placed necklace.
“what a very handsome young man you are.” you say, as he giggles.
“mama, i’m not a man, i’m just a boy!” he yells, waving his arms around dramatically.
“oh, forgive me! what a very handsome young boy you are.” he wraps his arms around your leg, giggling into it.
“mama! mama!” nima interrupts, holding her new feathers up to your face. “these pwease!”
nima, your youngest, was one of the main reasons you lost sleep at night. she’s very shy around people she doesn’t know, but very comfortable with her siblings. she finds comfort in you and neteyam, to her, you both are her sun and moon. you often find her in the middle of the night curled up in between you and neteyam, from the “bad dreams” she has. (she has bad dreams almost every night. it’s just an excuse to be closer to you both).
“these ones?” you question, holding them up. “they’re very pretty, little love. do you need help putting them on?”
“noooo! i do it!” she giggles as she runs off to the other side of the hut.
just then, the flap to your hut opened, revealing your beloved husband.
“iiiiiiiit’s dad!” neteyam says, causing all four children to burst into a fit of giggles.
“where are my five wonderful children?” he asks, looking around the hut even though they’ve all ran right to his feet, apart from nima.
txonuk gives a confused look to both se’ayl and tsantu. whispering, he asks “five? but, there’s only…” and he begins counting on his fingers. “there’s only 4 of us!”
tsantu shakes his head, whispering back “he’s talking about the baby in momma’s belly, skxawng.”
“hmmmm, one!” neteyam says, placing a kiss to tsantu’s head.
“and there’s two!” kissing the top of se’ayl’s head.
“dad! dad i’m right here!” txonuk says, pointing to himself.
“oh, there’s three!” neteyam chuckles as he places a kiss to txonuk’s head.
“now, where’s my number four?”
nima runs over, her arm stuck in the air from her necklace being on wrong.
“daddy, i’m stuck!” she pouts, her little eyes filling with tears.
neteyam kneels, fixing her necklace and freeing her arm, kissing the top of her head.
“there’s my #4. no need for tears, babygirl. are those new feathers?”
she giggles, and squeals “yes!” before running away.
glancing over to you now, neteyam stands, arms open wide.
“looking for #5?” you question, moving your swollen belly closer to his grasp.
“ah, my #5.” he kisses your belly gently, before snaking his arms around your waist, lips to your ear as he says
“hi, mama. looking beautiful, as always.”
“hi.” you smile, kissing your mate, which earns a collective “ewwwww!” from your children.
you both laugh, as neteyam covers your face in kisses. forehead, cheeks, chin, neck, ears, anywhere he could reach, he’d kiss.
“daddy, that’s GWOSS!” nima shouts, covering her eyes.
“well, good thing aunty kiri, *kiss* uncle lo’ak, *kiss* and aunty tuk tuk *kiss* are waiting outside for you four, *kiss* because i have a loooot more *kiss* kisses for *kiss* mama!” he says, kissing you again, chuckling against your skin.
they squeal and run out of the hut, to be met with their favorite aunts and uncle. you stand in the doorway of your hut, neteyam’ standing behind you as one arm is wrapped around your waist, the other holding the flap to your hut open.
“sooo, are you guys coming with us now or-“ lo’ak asks, just to be cut off by neteyam.
“no. you go ahead, we’ll be there soon.”
kiri takes se’ayl’s hand, while tuk takes nima’s, as they start to head to the celebration. lo’ak takes tsantu’s in one, and txonuk’s in the other.
lo’ak rolls his eyes, muttering “keep it in your loincloth, would ya.”
although he mumbled, neteyam still heard him.
“have you SEEN my mate? how on pandora would i do that?”
lo’ak groans, walking away, yelling “get a room, you two!”
“we’re trying!!” neteyam yells back before closing the flap to your hut.
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illubean · 2 months
ooooh if i can request a fic or hc, can you do the phantom troupe or just chrollo, feitan, phinks, shalnark, and shizuku (if its too many for all the phantom troupe) with like an angelic fem s/o like full on wings and halo and her nen ability is healing?
(if u dont like it its fine :) have a good day everyday! sending virtual hugs!!!)
Phantom Troupe w/ an Angelic!S/o
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Characters: Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor, Shalnark, Shizuku Murasaki Type: Headcanons, written Fem!Reader in mind
this has been marinating in the drafts for a while whoopsies
Warnings: some toxic behaviors
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Chrollo Lucilfer
ngl he's prob thought of just stealing your nen then killing you and preserving your wings
butttttt you were interesting to him so he decided against it
he decided it was more worth it to keep you around then have to go through the trouble of all of that
did he massacre an entire clan for their eyeballs? well yeah but like...they weren't THAT special to him
but you?
he thought you were gorgeous
and he was intrigued by your very existence
after you start dating and you start trusting him he probably just locks you up somewhere under the pretense of "keeping you safe" aka making sure no one can kill the troupe's personal medic
despite that he still treats you very well
he likes to bring you stolen gifts and shower you in praise whenever he gets the chance
if he could make a cult around you he probably would
Feitan Portor
very confused how someone meant to be the epitome of pureness ended up with him of all people
he is one of the more viscous members of the troupe
seriously, you chose HIM????
thinking about it brings him to...not so appropriate territory
all I will say is he is a wee bit perverted and his brain is going down the corruption route
n e wayzzz he's probably scared to touch you when you first get together
you're just so pretty and delicate that he doesn't want to hurt you
he often comes to you when he's wounded and won't say a word about it
whenever you touch him while healing him his face dusts a light pink and he has to avoid eye contact <3
he may get a wee jealous if you tend to the other troupe members
sometimes when he's on missions he won't dodge attacks that he could've easily just for an excuse to have you touch and tend to him again (you could've just asked babes)
another confused one but not as self deprecating as Feitan
like why are you with him he's a criminal but also he's not THAT bad right???
he probably asks you if he's going to hell when he dies
actually he asks you tons of questions in general
like how does your nen work, how did you get your wings/halo, how did you end up walking around on earth like every other human??
he is very curious like shinee
sometimes he likes to just stare at you
and he especially likes to watch you work
he is amazed by your healing abilities every time
but most of all he likes watching you do mundane things
like watering the flowers outside or setting out food for stray cats
he thinks you are adorable
Shizuku Murasaki
upon first meeting i see this going one of two ways
either your appearance is so unique that she cannot forget you
or she forgets you a few times and thinks she died but didn't remember
you have to reassure her that no, she is not seeing things and she is not dead
she wishes she can keep you all to herself; not because of your powers but because of how ethereal you are
she thinks your too perfect for the public eye
when she has the chance and if you let her she likes to pet the soft feathers on your wings
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worldofteyvat · 6 days
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chasca, from the flower-feather clan 𓆰
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blue-slxt · 11 months
Kinktober 31
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🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
Kinktober Masterlist
A/N: Happy Halloween! We've reached the end of Kinktober! It's such a bittersweet feeling. But I'm so happy with the turn out and with all the love that you guys have shown over this past month! Writing all these prompts took a lot out of me so I'll probably take a short smut break after this. I'll still be writing in the background, but I want to branch out and do more fluff pieces and other things too. But best believe, the smut WILL be back shortly. Anyways, thank you guys for everything and I hope you guys enjoy this! I wrote this with the understanding that female Alphas have a knot inside of them and Omega males have the sheathed penis. You can find out more in this post. So just keep that in mind! I was partially inspired by the fic Howling For You by @theblueflower05 (It's one of my faves and I highly recommend it!) All characters are aged up.
Pairing: Omega!Lo'ak x Alpha!Fem!Metkayina!Reader
Warnings: Smut, P in V, Oral (M receiving), Scenting, Knotting, Creampie, Mentions of Anal, ABO, Territorial Reader
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Almost everything about your attitude was all Alpha. You stood proud and strong. A self-assured, commanding presence in any situation you were in. You could be aggressive at times, but never out of any sense of malice or superiority. It was simply your nature. A pure, red-blooded Alpha in every sense. Almost.
The one thing about you that was a bit different. You had a certain…affinity for soft things. You kept your marui lined with the softest fabrics that hands could weave. Lush blankets and delicate tapestries. You loved the feeling of the plush sand beneath your feet and the sound of soft early morning waves wading into the shore. But what you loved the best? Soft moans and whimpers from soft boys in the domineering grip of your hips.
Soft Omega boys set your heart on fire in a way that was incomparable. You knew you couldn’t be with another Alpha. Not because Alpha-Alpha relationships didn't happen, but because you were too stubborn and proud to let someone try to dominate you. But something about Omega boys was just so enticing to your senses.
So when you first set eyes on Lo’ak, you immediately wanted to devour him whole. Maybe it was his scent that smelled like fresh fallen forest rain on exotic flower petals and tree bark. Or maybe it was his foreign, tawtute features that others outcast him for which made him seem more vulnerable. Or maybe it was the instant images that your mind conjured of his slim build trapped between the toned muscle of your thighs. Whatever it was, you just knew you had to have him and you would bare your fangs at anyone that dared to try and stand in your way.
You were straightforward in your approach with Lo’ak. Immediately, you approached him with all your confidence offering him an arm band that you had made to match the beads in his braids. You circled him slowly appraising and appreciating his deep royal blue skin and lean muscles. You take the chance to subtly sneak a whiff of his scent and Eywa, your mouth nearly starts to water.
“See you around, sayrìp” you said lightly dragging your tail across his thigh as you walked past him. And from that moment on, Lo’ak may as well have been a fish caught in your undercurrent. He started trailing after you everywhere like an ilu pup follows its mother.
He could be brash and rough around the edges when it came to getting along with other males in the clan. Namely, Ao’nung and his crew. But he was all velvet when it came to you. Always soft murmurs in your ear on the mornings he would find himself waking in your marui. Burying his face in your chest nuzzling his nose at your soft skin. Feather-light kisses he’d press against your neck that would turn into hands exploring down the front of your body lower and lower.
And you could be…territorial. A credit to your nature, you would turn over still half asleep and bury your face into the crook of his neck scenting him in the early hours of the day. Rubbing your own scent all over him. You had this inexplicable need to have him wear your scent at any and all times. Completely bathe him in it to ward off any other Alphas that would be stupid enough to try and move in on your precious lover. You wanted to mark him in every way and he would let you.
Today’s been particularly grating for you. Your hunt was less than fruitful. One of your favorite necklaces broke sending beads flying all over the beach. And worst of all, you saw another female looking at Lo’ak; trying to get close to him. That won’t do. Not today. Not ever. Of course, the second she locked eyes with you, she rolled her eyes in annoyance and left with a huff. She should count herself lucky that you left her with eyes to roll.
Deep breaths are supposed to be calming for the mind, but right now, they are doing little to quell the fire in your chest. Nevertheless, you put on your best face when you approach Lo’ak. Before you even reach him, he already picked up on your scent and turns in your direction. His arms reach out to you as he walks over.
“I missed you, babe. Are you done with all your tasks for the day?” he asks with his slim tail swaying giddily back and forth behind him.
The human nickname rolls off his tongue so effortlessly and it never fails to make your stomach flip. You think he is truly too good for this world as you walk into his waiting embrace.
“Something like that. It has been a really long day. Can we just go home?” you say rubbing your face into his chest while his arms fold around you and he kisses the top of your head.
“Of course.”
Lo’ak can tell on the walk back to your marui that something is bothering you. He knows you well enough by now to know that your tail only flicks like that when something is heavy on your mind. However, he also knows you well enough by now to know better than to try and make you talk about it before you’re ready.
When you reach your marui, you secure the flap over the opening to give you both some privacy. “Lo’ak, I have a problem.” You say with a small voice that definitely doesn’t fit you.
He cocks one of his brows at you waiting for you to elaborate. He watches you cautiously as you stalk closer to him.
“You see, even though everyone knows that I intend to take you as my mate, other girls are still looking at you. Trying to get close enough to smell you when I’m not around…”
Your voice gets stronger with each step closer you take. “Even though you lay with me every night and it is my gifts that you wear and my scent that lives in your skin, it’s not enough…” Your body finally presses right up against his and you keep moving forward, pushing him back against a post. His eyebrows and ears are raised looking down at you. Despite the slight height difference between you, when you get like this, it makes his breath tremble in his throat.
“Yawne, you know I--”
He’s cut off by the feeling of your fingers ghosting over his tewng and lightly tracing over where his dick was still sheathed.
“See, Lo, I really really hate it when others are trying to move in on what’s mine…I’m just bad at sharing in that way…” your long, nimble fingers make quick work of undoing the tie on his tewng and letting it fall leaving him bare in front of you. You slowly sink to your knees holding his gaze the whole way down. You tease at his slit with a quick lick from your tongue making him gasp.
“You already know I’m only yours, yawne.” He says with a quiver in his voice that has your body heating up.
“Oh, of course I do, my love. But I need everyone else to know it, too. So tonight, you can be as loud as you want to be. As a matter of fact, I want you to be.” You say teasing him even more with your mouth until his cock is fully exposed and standing proud in front of your face. Your eyes nearly cross with it coming to its full glory aimed straight at your lips.
A smirk plays on your lips looking up at him.
“Eager for me to mark you? Does the idea of it turn you on, sweet boy?” you tease with kitten licks to the tip of his dick and he flinches turning his head away from you.
“Look at me.” Your voice is firm and commanding. He doesn’t dare to defy you when you give him a direct order. His eyes meet yours in a fiery tug-of-war that you easily win when his expression softens. Fuck.
In no time at all, you suck his entire length into your throat and the shudder that racks his body is probably one of your favorite things to witness. Every suck and slurp is met with another beautiful whine or whimper from his mouth. It drives you and your need to ruin him. You keep your tongue pressed firmly to the underside of his cock and apply light pressure just the way you know he loves. His head lolls back against the post and his fingers claw at the wood looking for something to ground himself with.
Hushed whispers of pleas for more appear in the back of your head. You bob your head faster looking up at him and watch his face scrunch in pleasure while you work on him. You sneak a hand up and under to cup his balls and give a gentle squeeze and Lo’ak sucks in a sharp breath between his clenched teeth. His hips buck into your face and chase the warmth of your mouth. You loved watching him lose his composure and take what he needed from you. Watching him be so needy for release that he can’t bring himself to care about his position as an Omega and just fuck you with wild abandon was so damn sexy. You could practically feel the slick running down your inner thighs.
Hallowing out your cheeks, you can feel every ridge and vein drag against your mouth. Lo’ak starts to lose it, letting his hips jut forward and meet your movements.
“Ah…fuck” he curses under his breath watching you so eagerly take his whole length into your mouth.
You steady yourself against him and push his dick all the way into your throat until your nose is flush with his pelvis. You lightly stroke your finger up and down the underside of his balls and his face screws up in lust as his climax tears through his core.
“Haaah-ah!” His hands reflexively hold on to your hair keeping you in place for his cum to run down your throat. It coats your throat and makes you gag around him, but the sound only drags out the feeling for him.
When he releases you, you come up for air and his body falls back against the post. His legs just barely have the strength to keep him upright. “Satisfied?” he pants out to you with a grin.
You meet his expression with a mischievous smirk, “Not even close”.
You rise to your feet already untying your own tewng to discard it somewhere across the floor. Lying down on your plush sleep mat, your knees fall open and your fingers spread your slick-covered cunt open for him.
Lo’ak feels like he should be embarrassed at how quickly he’s hard again, but how can he bring himself to care about that when you’re lying there sprawled open for him in silent invitation? He’s pulled to you as if he was entranced by you and your scent. Your grin is devilish in watching him resign himself to his desires. His hips slot right into place between your thighs and he’s already dragging his tip between your folds and brushing against your swollen clit.  
He lightly slaps the little nub with his dick making your hips jump and an arrogant grin finds its way onto his face.
“Lo’ak…” it’s meant as a warning, but Lo’ak takes it as a challenge.
“What’s wrong, yawne? I thought you liked being teased.”
He wasn’t wrong. You did like it when he teased you. Putting a bit of power in his hands and stroking his ego made your head feel fuzzy with pleasure. But with the kind of day you’d had, you were feeling especially impatient. Your fingers hook under his necklace and pull his face closer into yours. You can hear how his breath stutters and you see how his half lidded gaze dances around your face, lingering at your lips.
“I need this, Lo’ak.”
He smiles gently leaning forward to crash his lips onto yours. The taste of him still fresh in your mouth and it makes even more blood rush straight to his cock that was slowly breaching you. You both moan into each other’s mouths savoring the feeling of your warmth almost literally sucking him in. It’s almost as if your body won’t be satisfied until you’ve completely enveloped him into your skin.
He starts a steady pace of long, strong strokes making you feel every vein and ridge of him. His tip presses perfectly into the spongey part of your walls as he drags it almost all the way out, only to kiss your cervix when he presses back inside.
“Ohh…fuck…” your head falls back reveling in the feeling of the first real sense of relief you’ve had all day. Lo’ak takes the opportunity to litter your neck in kisses, licks, and nips. You smile deliriously to yourself as you let this beautiful man fulfill his fantasies with your body. His breath is hot and uneven against your skin as his pace picks up. The sound of skin slapping against skin gets louder the faster he goes.
Your hands claw at his back holding him close to you. The scent of his pheromones gets stronger in your nose making your eyes roll. His hands grab your legs by the backs of your knees and holds them open so he can angle his hips the way he knows you love.
“Ah! Right there! Feels so good right there!”
“Mmm, I love fucking you like this, sevin. Feel so perfect on my cock.”
Your face scrunches and you can feel your knot beginning to swell inside you. He groans above you feeling his tip meet the resistance and he tries eagerly to push past it and let you have him wholly.
“Oh, Great Mother! I’m going to cum, Lo’ak!” your voice is loud and his groans are even louder. Surely anyone in the vicinity would hear you and know, but that’s exactly what you wanted. Your hands find his face so that you can capture his lips in another kiss. It’s a messy clashing of teeth and tongues, but full of a desperation that has your pussy clenching harder around him. His strokes get longer and he puts his full weight behind every one, finally pushing past the resistance of your knot and tipping you over that edge.
“Ahhn~ Lo’ak!”
He keeps rolling his hips into you as he reaches his own release and you milk him dry.
Both of you huff out breaths trying to steady your own breathing. Sweat beads start to form on his forehead and his eyebrows are scrunched together feeling how your knot won’t let up on his poor sensitive cock. His head falls to lay on your chest and his eyes close trying to stop the spinning in his head. You stroke his head lovingly eliciting soft purrs from him.
Days later, you stand with Lo’ak and his siblings around the fire at communal dinner celebrating the first hunt of the season. Neteyam and his mate are retelling the story of one of their warrior students and how they taught him to make a clean kill when a sudden chill runs down your spine.
“Hi, Lo’ak” the most aggravating voice you’ve ever heard calls to your boyfriend beside you. You both turn to find Nìvya, the other Alpha that you caught looking at Lo’ak the other day. She completely disregards your presence despite standing right next to him.
“Would you like to dance with me?”
She’s either extremely bold or extremely stupid. Either way, you are ready to rip her throat out with your teeth when you let off a low hiss in her direction. The only thing that saves her is Lo’ak placing a gentle hand on your waist to calm you.
“Thanks, but no thank you. I’m fine where I am. Isn’t that right, yawne?” He says burying his face into the crook of your neck sweetly.
You smile while you cut your eyes at her in warning. Nìvya’s face falls and she finally acknowledges your presence by looking at you. She rolls her eyes bitterly and stomps off in the direction that she came.
Your tail swishes happily behind you, pleased with how Lo’ak handled himself in the situation. You turn your head to look at him with a satisfied grin.
“What?” he asks seeing the gears turning in your head.
“You’re so sexy when you claim me, you know that?” you whisper to him dragging your fingertips down his chest in teasing touches and pausing right above his tewng. “You wanna get out of here?”
He chuckles lightly, “What about the rest of the party?”
You push up on your tiptoes so that you can whisper directly into his ear, “I’ll let you put it in the other hole this time.”
Lo’ak’s face is completely flushed all over when you pull away to look at him again. His tail is thrashing violently behind him and his ears are standing straight up.
Clearly excited by your proposal, he quickly turns to your group and excuses the two of you. “Too much to drink and ready to turn in” was what he said.
Nobody was buying it, though. Everybody knew that Lo’ak could out-drink anybody there. But no one was going to call him out on it.
Wild giggles erupt from you when he gleefully scoops you up into his arms and sets off into the direction of your marui.
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Kinktober Taglist: @pandoraslxna @ashlatano7567 @sincerelykaib @jamies-wh0re @quaritchsluts @jakescumdump @delacruzyari @onlyloaksgf @skywonder @taintedlovesworld @myloveforyouisforever @angie-1306 @moodays @childofgod-05 @hadesbabygurl @daddysmurfslefttoenail @loaksulluyswife @y4sm1nsstuff @thewhiltedpeony @lovefrommeelise @neteyamssyulang @rosyjn @imintoomanyfandomscuzihaveadhd @anaclaudiasugar @xxwelshqueenxx @hania11 @xylianasblog @idkanymoregirl @eyrina-avatar @biscuitsaredelish @quinn-sadilla @the_mourning_moon @eyweveng @puddleswimmingnerd-blog @xaxsir @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @navilover24 @sulieykte @iameatingmyhair @leaveitbythewave @ntymavtr @fifilynn16 @kiri-tuk @mstocky78 @neteyamyawne @randumfanfics @sliqeramx @bluewonder @the-morning-moon @nerdfacesposts @vip-btxch @neteyamsyawntu @teyamsatan @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @dixonjunkie
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nervousd · 2 years
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━━━ : © NERVOUS.D
#SYNOPSIS— headcanon on being courted by Tsu’tey
#WARNING(S)— none
#CHARACTER(S)— Tsu’tey Rongloa Ateyitan
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Tsu’tey would be confused by the different approaches on how humans attract a potential mate or in human terms to woo a potential suitor. He would start out by doing what he was taught to attract a mate in his own terms. He’ll start by doing small gestures first, offering you his own food from his plate during clan meals. Offering his first batch of prey he catches and dedicating them towards you. Prancing himself like a peacock, puffing out his chest and showing off his skills. These actions are to show how much of a reliable mate he can be.
The second stage of courting would depend on your attitude towards the first courting stage. Seeing how you praise him for his catch and compliment him he’ll start taking bigger steps. He’ll present you with his own hair beads offering them to you, even going as far to hunt exotic animals and offer their feathers to you. If he sees you thanking him for his gifts and even offering your own hair beads/feathers he’ll be more than delighted to wear them and prance them around with his clanmates.
The last stage of courting is intimate. It’s not something that can be officially spoken about in front of others seeing as it’s a sign of vulnerability and trust. (The queue is a vulnerable part of the Na’vi body. It can enable mental communication, emotions/feelings etc.)Tsu’tey would probably take you to the tree of souls and offer to do your hair/brush it/to braid it/decorate it with his own trinkets and gifts to you. To let someone else take care of such a vulnerable part of the body is a sign of trust and acceptance(in human standards it’s implications of bearing their own naked body to their partner and trusting them not let any harm fall upon them) Tsu’tey would be ecstatic in your acceptance and overwhelmed in your faith in him. He’ll take this moment very seriously and make sure no mistakes happen in this precious bonding moment.
However this all depends on your knowledge of being courted by a Na’vi. If you were to be a rather oblivious to his implying attraction towards you he would begrudgingly go to Jake Sully for help. Tsu’tey would try to court you in human standards. He finds himself confused by human mating customs. But he can find the beauty in it, such as giving flowers. He can decorate your hair with flowers weaved into your braid. Plans ‘ dates ‘ as humans calls it. Takes you to pretty scenery’s or takes you hunting with him. Going flying with him on his ikran anything that seems like a bonding moment with you.
The last step would probably be offering you a ring wedged with pretty rocks surrounding it, a makeshift ring. He would offer it to you, bend down on one knee and gazing up at you. By that time I’m sure you would of caught the drift of his attraction towards you.
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sublimedragontragedy · 4 months
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The First Battle
I'll be honest other than being sad that Rainswept Flower died, I don't remember a thing from this book cause it was so boring. All the indecisiveness of these cats is so annoying, but seeing Thunder step up as a leader was cool.
All designs are by @ cloudtail
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historicalvandal · 4 months
What would be casual acts of intimacy and trust with your choice of apes
Hello Anon! Thanks for the ask :PP Casual acts of intimacy you sayyy well lemme have a crack at it!
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Casual acts of intimacy with Koba! So, with Koba he's not one for PDA openly, he's a private ape, keeps to himself all the time- Casual acts of intimacy with Koba usually happens when you both need comfort, a noncahalant moment of gripping your thigh whilst you ride on his horse, your arms around him from behind, sometimes he'll link his pinkie finger with yours during meals, he usually doesn't seem the type to enjoy a hug or much touch, but he possibly yearns from it if it is coming from his mate, so if you hug him upon his return from a hunting trip, gently press your foreheads together, or even press a kiss to his cheek he's usually somewhat happy unless it is in front of too many apes, he prefers to have sparing glances or touches, brushing a finger across your hand as you two go about your days! Usually an act of trust you'd mainly see between you and Koba is that you are allowed to stand on his blind side from time to time, he'll allow you to tend to his wounds, allow you to touch him or guide his hand.
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Casual intimacy with Caesar - Like Koba he isn't big on PDA perhaps he will press his forehead to yours during big celebrations, his way of having casual intimacy throughout your days when your both a bit busy, if you two pass each other he tries to lock eyes with you share a look and small smile, he'll lightly touch your hand during hushed moments of speaking when the colony sit to eat together, looping his finger in your belt loops sometimes grounds him a lot, the stress of his days are usually worked out whenever he locks eyes with you, touches your hand, gently runs his fingers through your hair upon passing one another, riding his horse he prefers to sit behind you so he can keep one hand on the reigns of his horse and the other pressed firmly to your stomach, or your thigh, he's big on holding the more softer parts of his partner in moments of short passing. Acts of trust with Caesar would be allowing you to carry Cornelius, or to give Blue eyes advice, he will trust you when you hold his hand in front of many other apes trusts that you'll understand if he pulls away.
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Casual intimacy with Blue eyes - Young love as Caesar has described it, usually you and Blue Eyes can't really help but touch each other, to have your hand in the others hand, casually you are allowed to sit between your legs during the times the colony will eat, the feeling of your back pressed to his chest as you both engage in conversation as you eat brings him comfort, a comforting hand on your hip as he guides you toward your next duty, he'll always have a hand on your back or shoulder whenever Cornelius is sitting in your lap and he notices you two playing, he'll casually brush hair away from your eyes, gently wiping away any tears you may shed if you get hurt or have a nightmare, feeling the softness of your cheek as he cups it in his palm running his thumb in a slow circle just so you'll meet his gaze, he's there, he'll always be there. Acts of trust would be teaching his little brother as he trusts you to teach Cornelius good things, he'll allow you to touch any of his weapons and to maintain them, another act of trust is that he'll trust you to go berry picking alone putting his faith in the skills he's taught you to keep yourself safe, even if berry picking near the colony.
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Acts of casual intimacy with Noa - I personally think he's always touchy, not much experience with love yk? Well he'll hold the hem of your shirt if he's feeling nervous waiting for you to take his hand into yours, he'll have you eat at his side when eating communally with the clan probably feeding you some of his own food, tucking feathers into your hair or flowers, casually having a hand on your lower back when talking with other apes of the clan, whispering in your ear during meals, he seems like the type who may pull you into his lap during celebratory meals and keeps talking away to Anaya, his mother Dar or Soona, links his fingers with yours if his father is speaking with the both of you. Acts of trust - Allowing you to at some point do the coming of age ceremony with some other apes rather then with him, Anaya and Soona, he'd also trust you to keep his weapons clean, also one to trust you with keeping yourself safe if you've done so before becoming a member of his clan.
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(actually have no clue why Proximus is so tidgy here oml-) Acts of casual intimacy with Proximus - You would borderline be his pet lmao- Not much intimacy is casual with Proximus, what he thinks is casual is having you sit on his lap from time to time, he pets your head playing with your hair if you sit at the foot of his throne, like I said nothing is that casual within the space of intimacy with Proximus, if you think having his hands all over you, touching prodding and poking, petting as well then that would be casual for Proximus, he has to have his hands on you of course he has too, your his, you are HIS pet.
Acts of trust - When he trusts you to groom him, he also trusts you to not run away when he takes you off your little makeshift leash, a massive act of trust is him allowing you to sleep in his nest/bed with him without any guards needing to stand by. Hope this is alright anon! Thanks for the ask <3
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spidercookie18 · 9 months
David is the kind of man to never show affection in public.
You could be the love of his unlife and he would still be embarrassed by PDA. Not to be confused with the possessive stance he keeps over you in public. How he gently nudges you behind him if a fight is going to break out or how he pulls on your jacket to get you out of harms way when you dumbly (accidentally) walked over a manhole or into traffic. He won't kiss you or hold your hand on the boardwalk, no. Cuddly cutsey stuff is reserved for him only. If you want to go on the ferris wheel or if you want him to win you a stuffed toy, he will gladly accommodate your request. But dont expect him to kiss your cheek about it. He doesn't want others to be blessed in the glow of your blush when he whispers how he adores you. Or your adorable giggle when he kisses the tip of your nose or nibbles the crook of your neck. He's old-fashioned like that. He insists that intimate time is for 'the two of you' and not the world (unless hes sharing you, but thats not the point).
David shows he loves you in secret ways.
Remembering your favorite snack if they're raiding a store. Or if there's a flower or rock he thinks you'd like, he'll pocket it to gift to you. Brushing the hair from your face when you're disheveled or pulling feathers out of your clothes when you and the boys run around in the woods. Protecting you from other vampire clans and night creatures; hell, any human who tried to harm you would never stand a chance at survival. Taking notice of your change in moods. Anticipating them and accommodating your needs. Lighting your cigarette with the end of his. Hiding you away from prying eyes after every hunt. Keeping you all to himself, missing the feel of your skin on his cold, dead hands. Tying a loc of your hair in his earring or hiding it somewhere in his jacket. He has eternity to worship you, and he will do so in his own time, on his own terms.
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sivyera · 7 months
avatar x oceanic na'vi fem!reader headcanons
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a/n: headcanons with Tuk are ONLY PLATONIC, otherwise you and the character are dating, also every character has two headcanons in here and when i say every character i mean every but i don't like lyle so he's not there; i also don't like quaritch but MANY avatar fans like him so... that's why he's here, anyway enjoy!
ronal will introduce you to her spirit sister, ro'a. her spirit sister means so much to her, just like you, so she wants both of her favourite girls to like each other.
spider wants to learn everything about everything! he only lived with the sully's (omaticaya people/forest na'vi) so that's the only na'vi he knows. you are so different and so beautiful, he can't get enough.
neteyam often catches himself staring at you from behind. he watches after you so if anything happens; he can protect you. he also admires you.
tuk sees you as her new big sister and she always wants to pet baby ilu's with you or feed the big ones with sea leaves.
quaritch will probably 'kidnap' you from your village to have you close to him, because nobody can know about your relationship, for now.
tsu'tey will often provoke you; like flick your ear or pinch your hip just to see how your ears went back and you cringe your nose, it always makes him laugh. you also hit his arm right after that.
every morning, tonowari looks at your bottom cloith and then add something to his own, to match yours. like a feather or a shell that's the same color.
trudy wants you to tattoo her, because when she saw the traditional oceanic na'vi tattoo (because metkayina is just a clan, yk) she fell in love with them!
kiri will dive with you for HOURS, while exploring the sea together. different animals and plants, rocks and crystals, all of this while spending time with you, she loves it!
tsireya loves to hold your hand and she will, all the time! it bring her comfort, she also often swings them while walking or stroke your thumb.
neytiri will make you a lot of tops, bracelets, necklaces,... but she will use gifts from the sea. she'll also make you matching ones, which is always magical.
every time you take a nap, ao'nung will become your bed, and he LOVES it. like one time he layed on a rock with you on top of him while the sea waves were still touching your legs.
grace will love to learn your ways and like 'study' you. it brings her curiosity back (because she probably knows everything about forest na'vi) which somehow makes her feel young and loved.
jake always admires how elegant are you in the water. you look so magnificent, so divine. he could watch you all day without getting tired of it.
when you said that payakan may not be a killer, lo'ak fell in love immediately. it meant a lot to him, he also trusts you with his life now.
trudy will love swimming with you. i feel like she did many sports as a child so it brings her nostalgia, she can also spends time with her love.
spider will protect you at all cost, and slowly he'll become loyal only to you, not to quaritch, not to rda, not to the sully's, not even to kiri, just to you.
ronal will often massage you. it's her way of saying 'you did really good today, i love you'.
tsu'tey can dance and he will dance with you pretty often because he loves it! he can hold you close while looking at your beautiful face, but he surprisingly also likes the dancing.
quaritch will get your name tattooed near his heart on his chest, as a sign of loyalty and love that he holds for you.
racing on skimwings is one of tonowari's favourite activity to do with you. he always laughs when you fell off or when you laugh that he fell off. your laugh warms his heart so he's falling off pretty often.
neteyam will often bring you different sea flowers or land crystals that catches his eyes while training, hunting or just walking that remains him of you.
tsireya loves when you braid her hair, you massage her scalp while kissing her forehead and you always manage to find the perfect hairstyle for her.
neytiri will try to learn how to ride an ilu because of you, but most of the time she's on her ikran right above you, protecting you from the sky. but if you try to learn how to ride an ikran, she'd be pleased!
you are basically an idol to tuk. she really admires you, she finds you funny, gorgeous and strong. it's cute, really.
ao'nung will often hunt with you because he's one of the best metkayina hunters so he can show off his skills. he wants to impress you and let you know that you are safe with him.
kiri has some spiritual connection with you, just like she has with eywa so she feels safe with you. you are her true home.
lo'ak secretly practiced diving and holding his breath every night, just so he can impress you the next day and spend more time playing and talking than learning.
jake will tease you, how he already managed to ride a skimwing in a such a short time and then race you, his mouth is wide open every time you win; which is almost every time.
grace has three photos of you she once took and she has them placed; first near her bed, second in her notebook and third in her lab, so she can always look at your face when she misses you.
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fleurriee · 1 year
— stupid voice, stupid heart ; neteyam sully
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pairing ; neteyam sully x fem!reader
synopsis ; there was something about neteyam's voice that always seemed to grind your gears - the more you heard it, the more you felt your ears bleed. but then things change unexpectedly, and suddenly, you start to... enjoy it?
word count ; 6.5k
themes ; slight angst, fluff, enemies to lovers
warnings ; really bad enemies to lovers let’s be honest, brief mention of tearing someone apart, scenes of hunting/killing animals/fish.
author’s note ; this is the best i can do with enemies to lovers, if this even counts as one? it is quite fast paced but each cut is a time jump & they have always secretly liked one another so i’m using that as my excuse. this hasn’t been edited either fyi. requested.
main masterlist  request a fic!
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You and Neteyam had never gotten along.
No one ever really understood what it was about the two of you - despite being somewhat close when you were both young, hanging out with Neteyam’s siblings as a group, you couldn’t seem to stand one another now. Whenever you were in the boy’s presence, whenever his voice sounded throughout the area, whenever he did pretty much anything, an irritating shiver travelled down your spine until you did just about anything to steer clear from him.
You yourself weren’t entirely sure what tore the two of you apart around two years ago, it was just something that happened naturally. What you do remember, however, was your aching crush on the Na’vi, one that seemed to plague your every thought, keeping you awake at night. You never admitted it to anyone - you barely managed to admit it to yourself - deciding to take that secret with you to the grave, until you were nothing but specks of what was once a soul, back in the loving arms of Ewya.
You’d gotten along, but Neteyam ruined everything. One day, very out of the blue, he’d stop talking to you. You remember not thinking much of it, and when you went to speak to him later that same day, he’d snapped and told you to leave him alone. A lot of emotions filtered through you for days after that instance - heartache, confusion, anger. After that, you decided to listen to him.
Now, you can barely stand the sound of his voice. Every time it reverberates through your ears, filtering in through your entire nervous system, you’re sure you can hear yourself vibrating with resentment, preferring to rather have your ears bleed that hear it for another second. 
When you woke up that morning, bright and early and ready to start the day by helping out one of your closest friends - Kiri - you hadn’t thought of the boy once. Your mind had been cleanly wiped of any memory of him, any thoughts and feelings, almost like you were starting afresh. 
The night before, after bidding goodnight to most of the clan around you, Kiri had asked you to help her and her grandmother, Mo’at, the Tsahik, collect some herbs throughout the forest that would help in healing ailments. Of course you accepted - you were pretty sure you’d do anything for that girl. Plus, you wanted to do your best when it came to helping and providing for the clan. You enjoyed foraging, but it wasn’t your speciality, which was actually weaving. Something you always enjoyed was collecting feathers, beads, flowers and the like to weave clothes, baskets, anything you could possibly think of. That was your particular way of providing for the clan, but when given the opportunity to do more, you weren’t going to pass it up.
However, on your way there, your ears couldn’t help but pick up on something. It scratched at your brain, feeling yourself grit your teeth in disdain before your eyes wandered subconsciously over in that particular direction. Upon disappointment, you only found him, standing both tall and proud in front of a group of hunters, addressing them all with a loud, authoritative voice. “So, now that we’re all here...”
Despite his voice trailing off from your senses, not taking in anymore of his words, you couldn’t tear your gaze away from him - away from his lean figure, from his attentive eyes, from his perked up ears. You hated that he still had this effect on you, and you hated him.
After everything thing you’d been through together - even if you were only young at the time - you’d have thought he had a good reason to rip himself away from you entirely, but for the life of you, no matter how long you thought about it, you simply couldn’t think of a viable explanation. This fact only fuelled the fire in your anger towards him more, which was helpful to you, as it stopped that other side of your head continuing to yearn for him despite the way he treated you so carelessly. You couldn’t let that side of your heart win - you wouldn’t. 
So, you learned to detest his voice, with its sultry tones and perceptive words. Admittedly, it took a while, as every time you heard it your heart would flutter on its own. But, you’d trained it to stop, trained your mind to think the opposite. And, now here the two of you were, hating one another for a reason you were completely oblivious to.
You hadn’t realised you’d been staring in his direction, too busy focused on your own swarming thoughts to notice you were well on your way to bumping into someone. When you did, the both of you gasped in surprise at the sudden contact, not having expected it so early in the morning. It was Na’eng, a forager in the clan who went out collecting fruits for everyone to eat. She’d dropped her basket in shock, the fruits tumbling out and cascading across the floor. 
“Oh, Na’eng, I’m so sorry,” you began to apologise profusely, bending lower and aiding her in collecting them all back up again. 
Once they were all back in their rightful place, the elder woman smiled reassuringly at you. “It’s okay, t’was an accident.” She patted you gently on the shoulder, somehow clearly away of your unfocused mind before she carried on walking in her original direction. 
Your eyes quickly scanned the area around you, a breath of relief falling through your parted lips at the realisation that you hadn’t caused much of a scene, barely another of Na’vi looking over in your direction. Yet, your head had a mind of its own - turning back to look over towards Neteyam, only to find him already looking at you.
The two of you would always keep your distance from one another, barely making eye contact if you could help. So, this sudden form of communication rendered you practically speechless. It’d been too long since he’d really looked at you, and no amount of self training, of self-restraint, could stop your heart from skipping a beat, and from the yearning of more, more, more.
He’s completely expressionless, unbelievably impossible to read anything along his features that you have no idea what he’s thinking. Before you can fall further down the rabbit whole centred solely around him, you shake your head slightly, wishing those thoughts away, not wanting it to become dangerous. You paint a scowl upon your face, pretending you’d been annoyed at him this entire time, narrowing your eyes straight towards him.
The hunters before him begin to notice his distraction, looking back and forth between the two of you and snickering to themselves. This seems to bring Neteyam back to reality, swallowing a thick lump down his throat and continuing on his motivational speech.
He doesn’t look back over to you after that, like he’s repeating a mantra in his mind to not give in. You stay there for a few more seconds, mentally arguing with yourself on such a stupid predicament you had managed to find yourself in. 
Gritting your teeth, grinding your jaw together, you ignore everything about it, about his aura that just screams for your attention. You make sure to keep your gaze concentrated, relentless to not move it away, continuing on your path to the Tsahik’s tent. 
You had assumed this was going to be a good day, spending it with Kiri, foraging in the lush forests. Now, your mind is elsewhere. 
Stupid Neteyam.
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You eyes never blinked once.
Hidden within the depths of the bushes, fauna and plants engulfing you whole, you kept your position firm. Your feet stayed planted, not moving a single inch as they gripped against the earth beneath them; your breathing stilled, chest unmoving as you held your breath to become invisible; your figure hunched over, out of sight from the Yerik (Hexapede) just a short distance in front of you.
The creature was completely unaware of your presence, its head bunched low as it chomped down on the lush grass underneath, not a care in the world. You hadn’t been planning on hunting like this today - you’d actually been out collecting more feathers for your collection back at home, and you’d obviously taken a weapon out with you in case you ran into any danger. Stumbling upon the Yerik, you were hesitant to kill it, simply because you weren’t exactly the best at hunting. You had tried - Ewya had you tried - but it wasn’t your speciality, so you’d left that profession to those that were good at it, and stayed in your own skillset.
But, you couldn’t deny the opportunity. It didn’t know you were there, didn’t know you were lurking about the forest in complete peacefulness and euphoria, enjoying a few scraps of time alone. You and the creature were one - stuck in your own worlds, unaware of the dangers just around the corner.
Sucking in a sharp breath, forcing your stomach to become flat, back straight, you pulled the string of your bow back, closing one eye and concentrating the pointed end of your arrow directly on the Yerik’s body. Still, it didn’t move. All was silent, all was waiting, all was expecting.
However, what you weren’t expecting was a voice. 
You’d jumped in terror, the Yerik’s head turning up sharply in surprise as it assessed the area. It didn’t bother staying long - it wasn’t going to stick around longer than it needed to now that it knew something else was close. Not wanting to give up, you attempted to shoot the area at it anyway, watching as it ran away in desperation. The panic and startle coursing through both your own and the creature’s system caused the arrow to fly straight past it, landing uselessly within the dirt and shaking at the impact.
A growl of frustration bubbles up in the back of your throat, letting it out loud and clear to show off your annoyance and exasperation. The one time that you’d been bold enough to attempt to hunt down an animal, and it gets ripped from your grasp so carelessly. Maybe you should’ve known better than to try it again, already knowing it was a long shot, but giving in to curiosity regardless.
You hissed, baring your fangs in anger as you sharply turned around, wanting to rip whoever ruined your chance at finally being able to prove yourself apart until they were nothing but a bloody mess thrown across the earth. 
Stepping out, finally emerging through the dense foliage and into a small clearing situated in front of you, stood Neteyam. His eyes were narrowed in thought, in suspicion, steps hesitant as he moved closer until he was fully in the sun, stopping not too far away. You noticed how his eyes moved from your figure, down to the bow now laying limply in your hand, to the arrow in the near distance stuck in the ground. 
For a brief moment, you felt embarrassed - embarrassed for having Neteyam seen what you were previously doing, and witnessing your failure. Albeit it was his fault anyway, but still, it was beginning to eat away at you. Then that feeling subsided, and something else came to the front - pure, blind, raging anger.
Of course it was Neteyam. Of course, out of all people that could’ve been the one to stumble upon your little secret, to chase away the chance at feeling proud of yourself, Ewya had willed it to be him. You would never, in all your life, curse out the Great Mother, but you were close, slowly being pushed further and further to the edge with every encounter you had with the Na’vi.
“You skxawng!” You shouted at him, eyes glaring directly at his figure as you watched him flinch just slightly at the rise in your tone of voice. But, you wouldn’t let that stop you - he needed to know how much you resented him. Carelessly, you threw you arm behind you, towards where your arrow lay alone, with no victory on its pointed end. “I completely missed that because of you!”
He doesn’t say anything at first, and for a second, you wondered if maybe you’d gone too harsh on him. Sure, it was his fault, but he didn’t know you were there, did he? That soft part of your heart was close to winning over, but then his eyes followed where your hand had gestured. “Were you practicing?”
The way he’d spoken to you, so gentle and hesitant, almost through you completely off-guard. You hadn’t heard him like this in what felt like so long, you’d forgotten how much you missed it, how much you ached for it. You’d been used to harsh glares and careless words - this was surprising.
But, you couldn’t show that on your face, instead steeling your features to remain composed, to remain angered. With a huff of distress, you shook your head, both out of disdain to him, and to rid your thoughts of him. Ewya, everything was just him, him, him, no matter the context. “I was trying to, until you stupidly called out for Lo’ak.” Running a hand over your face, you turned around, making your way back to your arrow, wrenching it from the ground and gripping it tightly. You didn’t bother looking at Neteyam when you continued speaking, remembering your short encounter you had with Lo’ak earlier. “He’s not even here - he’s down by the water.” 
You expected Neteyam to just leave the conversation there, to walk away without another word and head down to the water in search for his brother. Instead, he didn’t move - his eyes stayed trained on your figure; even though you couldn’t see it, you could feel it. Willing yourself in your mind to stay rooted in your anger, to not let your curiosity win over, you intently inspected your bow, like it might’ve had a mark on it. But, it’d completely missed its target, and the only thing lingering on the wood was more dirt. 
Silence was enveloping the two of you, and you had never felt more award in your life, not until Neteyam voiced his thoughts, ones he was clearly busy thinking over beforehand. “I could help, if you needed me to?”
Neteyam’s words came out more of a question than an offer, rushed as if he was worried he wouldn’t say them if he didn’t force them out. Your head shot up to him, eyes blown wide as you watched his tongue swipe along his lips in worry, in hesitancy. You had to repeat his words over again in your head several times in order to fully comprehend what he’d said, too scared to assume that maybe that hopeful part of your brain had made them up within your mind. But, as your eyes never moved from his own, looking deep into his golden brown hues, you knew you hadn’t imagined it. 
But, why would he do that? Why would he offer himself up to teach you how to hunt a creature properly? Was it some kind of trick? If you accepted his offer, would he just laugh in your face, before walking away from you, telling the whole clan how unbelievably gullible and naïve you were? 
You didn’t want to speak - you wanted the earth to wrap your in its arms, forcing you down into the ground until it was like you were never there in the first place. Neteyam continued to stare right back at you, eager and awaiting an answer. Blinking a few times in utter confusion, you cleared your throat, hoping it sounded steady and not as shaky as you felt. “Why would you help me?”
At your words, the cocky side of Neteyam emerged forwards once more, shrugging his shoulders as he let a sly smirk pull at his lips. “Well, I like to think I’m a pretty good teacher, and you look like you need the practice.”
You had half a mind to snap back at him for his words, so close to just telling him to get lost and leave you alone like he’d ask you to that first time. Yet, once again, that softer side, that side just full of Neteyam, wins over without you wanting it to. You don’t want to agree, and yet you do, both reasons being just because of him. A part of you said to decline, to tell him that you were fine on your own, despite being clearly not. And, the other part of you tried to reason with yourself, reminding you that he’d already seen the outcome to your pathetic attempt, so where was the harm?
The harm was simply him. He’d already broken your heart once - if you let him in again and allowed yourself to spend more time than necessary with him, would you just be running round in circles, chasing your own tail? 
Your heart continued to pound against its restricted cage, each bump an echo of your wants and desires, and in the end, you let them win. It was obvious you were setting yourself up for failure, but you couldn’t stop yourself from mumbling out a begrudging fine, watching as his eyes widen in incredulity at your response. It confuses you - why did he offer if he hadn’t been expecting you to accept? 
This whole interaction was baffling, to both yourself and to Neteyam. And yet, the both of you couldn’t help but lean more towards it, despite the rational sides of you telling you this wasn’t going to turn out how you expected it to. 
Curse Neteyam and his stupid voice.
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Your lessons with Neteyam had been going... well.
At the beginning of them all, you were almost completely sure you were going to claw each other’s eyes out with the arrows just based on your past resentment towards each other, sure that it would be a much better option that spending time with Neteyam. Shockingly, however, nothing like that ever seemed to happen.
It seemed that the more time you spent with Neteyam Sully, eldest son of Jake and Neytiri, someone you used to hold so closely to your heart before it teared it all to shreds, the more they seemed to get along. It was awkward at first, neither of you quite knowing what to say to one another in a situation neither of you thought you’d find yourselves in. But, with more practice, came less awkward tension.
Neteyam’s guiding words were understanding of your predicament, sympathising that hunting simply wasn’t one of your strong points, and emphasising that that was okay, not everyone could be good at everything, and you’d made a jibing comment that he was good at everything. He’d heard you loud and clear, but he never said anything about it.
Lessons continued on, the two of you meeting at the edge of Hometree and walking in silence to a small clearing that held an embankment of water, not too deep but enough that homed a few fish. People of the clan would see you walking away together, their shocked facial expressions clearly evident of that, but no one ever said anything. Perhaps they were too scared to say anything, too happy with a normal semblance of a relationship that didn’t constantly involve glaring and hissing and insults. Either way, you were glad for the ignorance.
But, that didn’t happen as often anymore, like it was something of the past. Sure, you had your moments, but a lot of them turned into jokes, teases. It confused you to no end, too, how your relationship could change so suddenly like you were the closest you’d been when you were kids for your entire life. You had some understanding as to why you were so willingly to change with Neteyam - you still cared for him the way you did all that time ago, albeit unwillingly. So, what was Neteyam’s reason?
Your thoughts were previously clouded over, only focusing on that one fish you directed you eyes at. Once again, you were in the same area as all the other times, arm drawn back to pull the string of your bow taut, finger gripping it tightly and awaiting a good moment to let it go. Looking for an opening, you followed the reptilian intensely, watching as it swam this way and that, knowing it was almost reaching its end. 
Since that first time Neteyam had seen you shamelessly attempt at hunting an animal down, you had decorated your weapons. Your bow, so intricately carved by your own knife, patterns weaving together in no particular way, had added a few new feathers onto it, but not too many to obstruct your line of sight when looking down at a target. Your arrows, too, were decorated, beaded strings you had weaved yourself hanging limply, swaying side by side with their random colours as it awaited your next instruction.
Originally, your mind had been solely focused one the task at hand, until your mind decided to tease you by reminding you of the lingering presence just steps away from your own figure. Neteyam was standing close behind, the feel of his eyes aimed directly at you, watching your every move, spotting things you were doing well or things you could do better to improve your skill. He’d always tell you on the walk back what his thoughts had been, watching your stance and your demeanour, making sure you always know that you’re definitely improving.
You appreciated the feedback every time, willing yourself not to blush at his compliments. You would try to remind yourself you were supposed to be resenting him, but it seemed that feeling was beginning to dwindle away, and you couldn’t deny that you didn’t completely hate that idea.
The feel of his eyes are intense, now the only thing you can clearly think of. Shrinking in on yourself, shivers appear as goose bumps along your flesh until you’re sure it’s noticeable. Ewya, you hope not - you don’t want Neteyam to know how much he’s beginning to effect you (or, rather, how much he’s secretly always effected you).
These thoughts and these sensations had dragged your mind willingly away from the task presented so clearly in front of you, the fish finally slowing down in its movements, ready for its inevitable end. You were distracted - shock, horror - so much so, that Neteyam noticed how your eyes were glazed over with whatever was currently plaguing your mind, pointed arrow - once ready and sharp - falling limp and unprepared. Without realising he was even moving behind you, Neteyam stepped closer to you, bringing his hand up and gently prodding his finger against the side of your waist, silently telling you to shoot.
You suck in a sharp breath at the unexpected contact, the brief connection filling you with a warmth that enveloped the coldness you were previously feeling from the shivers. It was only a short moment of contact, but you learnt that you enjoyed it a lot, wondering if it was going to happen any more, and hoping it would. 
Pulling the string taut once more, you hold your breath, eyes trained on the fish, tried from swimming so fast, and let the arrow fly. From your previous times, you hadn’t managed to hit anything direct on - your first couple of lessons had involved just shooting the arrow to a specific spot Neteyam had made, before tying a woven rope against a low hanging branch and telling you to shoot the moving target. That had been quite difficult for you at first, but after several tries and many pep talks from Neteyam (ones you can admit you relish in, despite being used to hating them), you eventually started hitting them.
Today was your first try at hitting an actual creature - Neteyam had made sure you started off small before moving to anything that could be considered too strenuous for you - so, when your arrow directly hit the fish, running its sharp edge straight through its body and ending its life there, you couldn’t quite believe what you were witnessing.
A shocked laugh tumbled past your lips, disbelief coursing through your veins, your arms slowly falling down to your sides as you struggled to tear your eyes away from the scene in front of you. Maybe this whole thing would’ve been considered stupid - pathetic - to anyone else, especially when those much younger than her could probably do this in their sleep, but you didn’t care. This was something you’d been struggling with for your life, spending time here and there in secret to practice on your own but always coming up to no avail. Now, with only several lessons from Neteyam Sully, the one guy you were sure you’d hate for the rest of your life, and you were improving faster than ever. 
Neteyam was changing too many things too quickly in your life - your skills, your feelings - but, you weren’t mad at him for it. 
“She shoots, and she scores!” Neteyam sings loudly, raising his arms in the air with one of the brightest smiles you’ve witnessed upon his features. 
Your laugh subsides into silent chuckles, eyes narrowing in teasing confusion and shaking your head. “What in Ewya’s name was that?” Small laughs were bubbling up in your throat again, despite trying to keep them swallowed down.
Walking from behind you, Neteyam makes his way down the slight embankment, bending down to collect the fish that was now your victory. All the while, the smile never leaves his lips. “What was what?”
“That,” you emphasise, pointing at him to accentuate his previous words, and the way he’d spoken them. “That whole she shoots and she scores?”
He stands back up, plucking your decorated arrow from the lifelessly body of the fish, letting it hang limply in his hands. You notice how since Neteyam spoke up, your focus had only been on him, and no longer on your prideful moment. “What? You didn’t like it?” he questioned, a teasing, smug smirk lifting the corners of his lips. That annoyed you - that cockiness - but it was no longer an angry annoyance, more so an adoring one. You hated how adorable he was.
Finally finding enough willpower to wrench your gaze away from his, feeling too small and vulnerable under his gaze, you shake your head in disbelief at where your conversation was slowly beginning to turn. You chuckled to yourself, biting your lips to stop too much from slipping at and showing too many of your emotions on your sleeve. “Just don’t take up singing professionally.”
Gasping mockingly in shock, he finds his mouth turning up into a cheesy smile when you laugh loudly at his response to your jab at his singing. Your heart had never felt so full, and suddenly you can’t believe you had spent so long ignoring one another when you could’ve been together like this. You felt so happy, so elevated, and yet so stupid that you let Neteyam slip away from you so easily. It was still unknown to yourself why he left the way he did in the first place, but maybe it was something stupid in of itself, if he was being so easily carefree with you now. It would bug you, but if your relationship continued to improve the way it was now, you’d eventually be comfortable enough to ask him in the end.
With the fish still firm in his hands, he jokingly shoves it in the direction of your face, laughing wildly as he watches your reaction. “Say sorry - say you’re sorry!”
You fling your hands around, dropping your bow on the floor with little to no care, desperate to stop the assault happening to you. Not only did the fish stink, but it was dead, and whilst you were happy to prepare and eat it, that didn’t mean you were happy to have it shoved so closely to your face. “Neteyam!” you reprimanded him, pushed against his hands. “Stop it! Stop it!”
Eventually giving in to your pleas, he stops his joking attack on you, but the fish stands within his grasp. You look down at it, awaiting the next onslaught of fighting, but when nothing happens, you look back up, only to find Neteyam staring directly at you already. Your heart flutters and stutters and skips several beats until you’re sure there’s no more air available for you to breathe.
You hate this, and yet you love it at the same time.
Curse you and your stupid heart.
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Neither you nor Neteyam had spoken about the change in your relationship, both of your too secretly scared in acknowledging it and possibly making things worse between you. You were finally happy when in a vicinity together, able to hold a conversation, to laugh together, to tease one another, that it always made you worry whenever someone said something bluntly about the whole situation. 
But, that hadn’t happened in a while now, the change in your relationship finally seeming somewhat being considered normal through the clan. Jake and Neytiri were happy to see their eldest son so unbelievably happy - not that he wasn’t happy before, but something about it this time was different. They remembered how the two of you were when you were younger, how much you got along, and couldn’t help but reminisce about all those times in the past. Kiri was over the moon, too, knowing you could now spend even more time with her and her family in their tent without having to worry about whether Neteyam might possibly turn up. Lo’ak was glad to have you ‘back’, too, missing the times when you were younger, spent full of mischievous plots against others in the clan, enjoying the time to cause a ruckus like you used to. And, Tuk... well, Tuk was Tuk, and she never really understood why she struggled to see you and Neteyam at one time considering no one would ever tell her. 
The day before, Kiri had invited you round her family tent’s for tonight's meal, one Neytiri had been preparing earlier in the day with Tuk, taking her out hunting and teaching her the clan’s ways. You had been completely ecstatic, unable to accept the offer quick enough, already excited at the prospect of being with everyone you loved dearly without a worry on your mind.
There was a bit of hesitance on your part, however, one you wouldn’t admit because you knew the entire Sully family would kick you down for thinking such a thing just for a split second. You didn’t want to intrude - you’d be the only non-Sully there for dinner - but Kiri had asked you especially with her big, round, pleading eyes, knowing you were finally back on friendly terms with Neteyam that it was the perfect opportunity to get everyone together again.
A small part of you wondered, too, whether Kiri knew whatever was beginning to happen between you and Neteyam was a little more than friendly. You hoped she didn’t - not only because you were a little scared to admit them to yourself, but because you and Neteyam had only just started to get back to normal again, and you were desperate not to ruin that even a smidge.
At the thought of the male Na’vi, a blush rose against your face, already picturing your flushing face with its darker blue hues, and you hoped no one noticed. You could only imagine how weird it looked when you were walking alone and a blushing mess. But, that was the effect Neteyam Sully had on you.
Turning the corner, the Sully tent was now fully in your view, stopping in front of the opening to give yourself some bearings. Your heart thumped wildly in your chest and you reprimanded yourself for it - you were being stupid for getting so worked up and nervous about this dinner. It was Neteyam’s fault, but the thought made you smile, regardless.
Just moments away from opening the tent and making your way through the entrance, taking a deep breath to steel your emotions, random noises filtered through the gap. You stopped in your actions, pausing to listen more intently to whatever was happening inside. It sounded somewhat similar to a Banshee, but you knew there wasn’t going to be a real one inside the tent. The suspicions were only confirmed when a small giggle reached your ears after the Banshee-like noises - Tuk.
A smile was already firmly on your lips as you walked through the entrance, finding Neteyam sat down on the floor, cross-legged, situated directly in front of a giggling Tuk, his tail high and obviously happy at being able to make his little sister laugh.
“Y/n!” Tuk yelled out in excitement, jumping up and away from Neteyam, running to you until her little arms were wrapped firmly around your leg. 
Your smile only grew wider at the sight of the younger girl’s enthusiasm. Bending down, you wrapped her up tightly in your hold, pressing several loving kisses against her face as she laughed at the ticklish sensation. “Hi, Tuk, Tuk!”
Swaying her back and forth, basking in the warmth of her embrace, you head leant against her own, eyes trailing over to Neteyam. He was standing up now, ears perked up and tail swishing side to side. The blush from before came back in full swing when you took the sight of him, and how happy he seemed just to see you.
You were so entranced within the world of you and Neteyam, eyes starting solely into one another's, you jumped slightly in surprise at the sound of Tuk’s enthusiastic yell. “Neteyam was showing me what a Banshee sounds like!”
With a smirk on your face, you turned back to the Na’vi. “Oh, is that what that was?” You wouldn’t tell him that before you’d entered their tent, you were able to guess the animal noises - there was no point giving him a bigger head than he already had. 
You watched as he opened his mouth, clearly ready to give a quip back, one you were hoping was somewhat appropriate due to Tuk’s presence, when the rest of the Sully family started to trill in behind you. Jake and Neytiri were the first to walk past you, giving you small nods and smiling in your direction. Kiri was next, her hands holding onto a basket full of meats and fruits, Lo’ak trailing behind her, patting you on the shoulder before teasingly patting your cheek. 
Now that everyone had turned up, you placed Tuk gently back on the ground as everyone started to sit around on the floor as a family. You felt awkward, out of place, and whilst you tried to will those sudden emotions away, you couldn’t help but start to feel consumed by them. Looking around, you tried to find an open spot on the floor, wanting to feel calm and at ease as you had before the feeling of being an intruder deciphered within you. Neytiri had placed everything on the wooden board in front of her, starting to dish out the food to her family when your eyes trailed over Neteyam, Tuk on one side of him as she happily swayed from side to side on her back bone, but his eyes were already set on observing you.
With a minute nod of his head, he motioned to the space on the other side of him, a permanent smile pressed against his lips. Your heart picked up in its speed, making your way over and perching yourself down next to him, your legs touching, your breathing faltering until you were sure you were moments away from your last moments on Pandora. There was a little snicker somewhere in front of you, and you look up to find Kiri smirking over at you and her older brother. The blush coating your cheeks was definitely obvious now.
Once everyone was given a portion of the meal, you start to dig in, savouring each and every taste Neytiri had wound into the food with all her love. You were sure you’d never eaten something so beautiful before, instantly realising all this time you had been missing her food from when you were younger. 
Tuk is the first to speak up, already knowing her father is going to start asking each of them about their days, so she takes the initiative. “Neteyam was just showing me what a Banshee sounds like!” she exclaimed happily, everyone turning to the aforementioned boy as he hung his head low, chuckling to himself. “But, I wasn’t sure if it sounded right because y/n didn’t recognise it.”
Each of you snicker at Tuk’s babbling, loving the unknown teasing that the youngest Sully was giving her older brother. Suddenly, Neteyam places his food down, ensuring it doesn’t get in the way, and beginning to make the same noises again, this time a little quieter now the rest of his family were present and tickling Tuk as her laughs pierced through the air. She’s rolling around the floor in a fit of giggles, pleading for Neteyam to stop in his attack. 
With everyone around you laughing along with the young girl, you find your mind wandering away from you, looking down at your food in your hands. How was it that his voice was something that used to irritate and annoy you to know end, wanting to claw your ears apart until you had nothing less, and now all you wanted was to hear it over and over again?
You bite your lip in thought, desperate to hide the growing smile from the all-encompassing thoughts in your head, fangs pointed in anticipation, when you feel something brush against the small of your back. Thankfully, your able to hide your surprise, feeling the loving caresses of something soft and comforting - looking over, you see that it’s Neteyam’s tail.
Your head snaps over to him, watching as he gives you subtle looks from the corner of his eyes, not quite bold enough to face you head-on after such domestic actions. There’s a look of adoration all over his features, a soft smile that only gets brighter the longer you stare at him and the longer your own smile stays rooted on your lips. Somehow, his joyfulness and satisfaction increases tenfold when your tail subconsciously mirrors his own, rubbing smoothly against his back in circles.
The both of you are blushing messes now, trying to anchor your minds back to your foods, remembering his entire family are present. But, your emotions are clearly worn on your sleeves, out in the open for all to see, the love you both ignored when you were younger and have now allowed to grow when you were older adamant to push through your stubbornness. 
This was all Neteyam’s fault.
Stupid Neteyam - with his stupid voice, and your stupid hearts.
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