Does anybody have any specific scenes from episodes they're interested in seeing giffed (or even the movies) I may not get to them right away because I have a list of like thirty-five items across multiple fandoms that I plan to do, but I'd love to add things to my list to post onto this blog.
Also willing to do songs with ships sets or character sets, although I think for the ships I'm only willing to do Casskins and variations of Fleviarty ships (Fleve, Eviarty, Floriarty, Fleviarty). Just like shoot me a song you think would fit a ship or character and I'll hopefully get to it in a timely manner.
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excaliburfeels · 7 years
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And you can want who you want boys and boys and girls and girls…
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hamelott · 7 years
Title: “Shakespeare’s #1 Defender”
Fandom: The Librarians (TNT series)
Notes: i’m honestly not sure what this is. writing is kicking my ass, but lol please enjoy this stupid lil fic :P
Flynn Carsen hated James Moriarty. It was a true and simple fact like the Earth orbits the Sun or King Henry VIII died on January 28, 1547 of what was probably untreated type II diabetes. These were things that Flynn knew. These were things that drove his life. So, really, it shouldn’t have come to too much of a surprise when James Moriarty was moved into the room across from his because life hated him.
The school had decided to do some remodeling, but because of said remodeling, a section of the ceiling had caved in. The principal, distraught and stressed, had had to do weeks of moving around teachers and settling them into their temporary rooms. Flynn, who’d been working at the school for nearly ten years now, had no fears of being moved; his room was his. But apparently Ms. Faire, the teacher across the hall from him, did not have as great luck.
Flynn, encumbered with papers and with his satchel attempting to slip off his shoulder, stopped in the middle of the hallway, utterly surprised, when he noticed James Moriarty carrying a box of his belongings and fumbling with his keys to open the door to the classroom that laid across the hall from Flynn’s.
“Uh, your room’s down the hall,” Flynn quickly said, catching a paper as it tried to flutter away from him.
Moriarty looked up from his keys and scowled. It was a well-known fact that James Moriarty hated Flynn Carsen too. “I got moved, actually. This is my room now.”
Flynn frowned. “You’re kidding me.”
Moriarty shrugged and turned back to his keys. “I was told they want to keep teachers with like-subjects closer to each other now.”
Flynn could have scoffed at that. James Moriarty taught English; Flynn taught English History. They were completely different subjects! He was absolutely appalled.
“Well, that’s ridiculous,” Flynn remarked.
Moriarty finally managed to get his door open and swung it out.  He glanced over his shoulder, appraised Flynn slowly, and let his scowl get deeper. “Yes; I’m quite aware.”
With that, he stepped into his classroom and let the door swing shut behind him. Flynn frowned after him and told himself he’d speak with the principal by the end of the day.
“There’s nothing I can do, Flynn.”
“What?!” Flynn squawked. “That’s ridiculous! You’re the one who did it, so just…undo it!”
Eve Baird let out a long, frustrated sigh. She looked ten seconds from decking Flynn, but instead restrained herself and set her hands in her lap. “Flynn, I can’t just undo it. We’ve finally got a setup that will actually work. I’m not undoing it. You’ll just have to get used to being Mr. Moriarty’s neighbor.”
Flynn scowled. “No. I refuse.”
“Stop being a child, Mr. Carsen, and suck it up,” Eve said, and her tone held no room for argument. “Am I understood?”
“Baird, just see it how I see it-.”
“Good, you’re dismissed, Mr. Carsen,” Eve said pointedly, nodding towards the door.
Flynn sighed, deemed it a lost cause, and left the room grumbling under his breath.
Flynn still wasn’t entirely sure when this rivalry between him and Moriarty had started. In Moriarty’s first year of working at the school, they’d even been quite amiable. Then discussions about certain authors turned into debates and then debates had turned into arguments. If he really had to pin a date on it, he guessed it would’ve been the day that Moriarty called Shakespeare a dilettante and a thief. Since that day, the two had never gotten along and avoided each other like the plague.
The rest of the teachers just ignored them and rolled their eyes when one would walk in the room and the other would immediately get upset. By now, they were used to the two and their petty anger and didn’t bother trying to fix it.
One teacher in particular was entirely unsympathetic to Flynn’s plight. This teacher, unfortunately, happened to be Flynn’s best friend and one of the few people who could endure him at all times.
“I just don’t see what your deal with him is,” Jacob Stone, history teacher, said the next day over his cup of coffee. “I mean, he’s a pretty cool dude. Did you know he owns, like, half of a museum downtown? Hell, you’ve probably been there before, man.”
Flynn rolled his eyes, something he was generally not prone to do. This whole situation was putting him out of whack. “Yes, I’ve been there.”
“And?” Jacob said with a small, sly grin on his face.
Flynn huffed in frustration. “It’s beautiful! And I don’t see why someone like him gets to have any part in it.”
“Probably because he funded it,” Jacob said, shrugging at Flynn’s unimpressed face. “Look, Flynn, all I’m sayin’ is that the dude’s a good dude. Maybe if you two would stop pulling each other’s pigtails for five seconds, you’d see that you could actually get along really well.”
Flynn’s nose scrunched up. “Pulling each other’s pigtails? What’s that supposed to mean?”
Jacob smirked. “C’mon, man, don’t play dumb. You know exactly what that means. The entire staff is taking bets. Pretty sure Baird is in the lead.”
“What?! I don’t-! No, that’s-! Why would you-?!” Flynn spluttered, cheeks burning hot in embarrassment.
Jacob’s smirk only got smugger. “Uh-huh, sure, Flynn. Just keep tellin’ yourself that.”
He got up from his seat and grabbed his mug. As he was about to walk away, Flynn snapped, “I could never like someone who thinks Shakespeare didn’t write his own plays!”
Jacob laughed loudly at that and shrugged at Flynn, glancing over his shoulder to say, “You get along with me just fine.”
“You’re joking, right?!” Flynn shouted after him, but his only response was an even louder laugh.
The worst part of Jacob pointing out to Flynn that he and Moriarty could get along was realizing that it actually might be true. Other than their severely different views on Shakespeare, Flynn was pretty sure they agreed on most other things. From what he remembered from their brief time as friends, he and Moriarty got along super well. Actually, he wasn’t sure why one, simple argument could’ve pushed them so far apart.
He was mulling it over after school as he sat at his desk and prepared his papers for the next day; it was taking longer than usual because he was so lost in his own thoughts. He was about to shove some papers he needed to grade into his satchel when his door was opened.
And, honestly, with how this week had been going, he shouldn’t have been at all surprised to find Moriarty. The English teacher looked awkward, nervously fidgeting in place as he cleared his throat. “Uh, hello, Mr. Carsen. Do you have a moment?”
Flynn couldn’t help the way his cheeks flushed and goddammit Jake. He nodded quickly – way too quickly – and said, “Uh, yes, yeah, of course. Is everything okay?”
If Moriarty was confused by Flynn’s questioning of his wellbeing, he didn’t show it. Instead, he shook his head and said, “Look, I know this is difficult for you. It’s not easy on me either. We don’t exactly…get along, but I was hoping that, at least for the rest of the year, we could hold a…civil relationship?”
“Oh, yeah, definitely, absolutely,” Flynn said, words tumbling out of his mouth without his consent. “And, I mean, hey, maybe all this silly rivalry was, well, exactly that – silly. Maybe we should just put it all behind us, you know?”
That was when Moriarty frowned at him. “What? You’re saying that after nearly five years of arguments and glares you just want to…let it go?”
“Why not?” Flynn said with a tight grin. Why did he do this? Why did he let Jacob Stone get him into the flustered mess that he was now?
Moriarty’s frown got deeper. “What’s gotten into you?”
Flynn huffed out a short breath. Well, honesty was the best policy and all that. “Jacob got into my head about…some stuff.”
One of Moriarty’s eyebrows raised. “Did he manage to change your incorrect opinion on Shakespeare?”
“No,” Flynn growled, ignoring the teasing look that flashed through Moriarty’s eyes. Flynn cleared his throat, unable to help the flush that spread up from his neck as he said, “He brought to light some…other things. About the rest of the staff and…us.”
“Oh, you mean their betting pool?” Moriarty said with a slight roll of his eyes.
Flynn’s eyes widened. “You knew about it?!”
Moriarty grinned. “You didn’t?” Flynn guessed that the look on his face perfectly conveyed, that, no, he didn’t because Moriarty continued with, “If it makes you feel any better, it’s only been going on for about a year. Ms. Cillian, the physics teacher – you know her, don’t you? – is apparently the one who brought our apparent chemistry to light. Mr. Jones decided to create the infamous bet.”
Flynn huffed another breath of annoyance. “You can sever trust a Social Sciences teacher.” He frowned. “Is it true that Eve’s in the lead?”
Moriarty smirked. “Why do you think she put me in the room across from yours? Apparently, she plays dirty.”
“Not surprising,” Flynn murmured. His face still felt like it was on fire, and he tugged at his collar and said, “Well that’s all…very awkward.”
“To be fair,” Moriarty said, “I thought you knew. Otherwise I might have told you about it.”
“That would’ve been more awkward,” Flynn quickly decided on. He frowned and met Moriarty’s eyes. “So…what are we supposed to do about all of this?”
Moriarty’s smirk returned. “Well, I don’t suppose that we’re going to get together on the spot and shag in a janitor’s closet.” That had Flynn blushing, but he tried his best to ignore it. In a calmer voice, Moriarty said, “I suppose we can just…get over our petty differences and try to get along…for the time being.”
“Yes, yeah,” Flynn started nodding erratically, “that sounds like a great idea.”
“Yes, well, thank you…Flynn,” Moriarty said.
“I’ll, uh, see you tomorrow…James,” Flynn said back. Moriarty – no, James – gave him a polite nod and smile before he backed out of the room.
Flynn was officially on a first-name basis with James Moriarty.
Well, things could certainly be worse.
(A few months later they were found kissing in Moriarty’s room.
Jacob narrowly won the bet and gloated for weeks.)
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adapted-batteries · 7 years
Week 8: Flynn and Moriarty
Flynn and Moriarty is one of those ships I don’t really think about too much, and really didn’t consider it more than just general acknowledgment until my week long marathon this past week. Watching specifically for their interactions, among other things, gave me more insight into their dynamic.
Their first interaction is when Eve gets Moriarty’s attention, and then Flynn subsequently goes on his little deducing run to show how he knew he was “James Worth,” and then Moriarty does the same but a bit more to Flynn. Flynn gets pretty flustered, a mix of embarrassment and intrigue at someone as good as him, but that all quickly gets channeled to jealousy, and maybe a bit of resentment, when Moriarty focuses on Eve. Later on, Flynn ends up fangirling a bit, thinking Moriarty is Sherlock, which he finds out a couple minutes later is wrong.
From then on, till the season finale, their relationship gets pretty hostile, but it’s mostly one-sided from Flynn. I like to think his embarrassment about fangirling and revealing some stuff he normally wouldn’t tell people (like relationship status with Eve, and his uncertainty) fuels his vileness. Moriarty uses that information of course, but thankfully Eve is more level-headed and doesn’t give much for Moriarty to work with.
After that first episode though, we don’t have a whole lot of Flynn and Moriarty interacting; it’s mostly Eve and him who interact. Even when Flynn and Moriarty do interact, he’s not hostile, he mainly waits for Flynn to blow off steam before working with him because the situation dictates it.
In the season finale there seems to be some sort of bonding they do, but we don’t really get to see it. Flynn’s apprehensive about working with him, but realizes he’s got no choice if he wants to stop Prospero. Still, it’s a weird change to go from them fighting which Eve has to break up, to Flynn attempting to re-assure Moriarty that he’s not going to die when Prospero dismisses him. For not trusting him, Flynn’s oddly caring in that moment.
Floriarty is by far the most competitive relationship, which we see from the very beginning. If they had more opportunity to out-do each other, no doubt they’d both get severely distracted in their bickering. Arguing aside, they’re both very intelligent individuals with comparable skills.
The main difference though, aside for one being a Fictional, would be their morality. Moriarty is concerned only with his well-being, for the most part, where Flynn tends to do what he thinks is the right thing, even if it puts his life at risk. When Moriarty tells Eve to “trust his self-interest,” she can, because Moriarty doesn’t want to be controlled by Prospero and live in his world, and that alone makes him work with the Librarians.
The limited screen interaction we have doesn’t provide a whole lot of development, but if they weren’t working to prove themselves to Eve so much, and arguing, floriarty would have been a pretty fun, and probably obnoxious pair to watch. Do I ship them romantically? Eh, sort of, in the sense that I can see it being pretty intense and firey (and very argue-y), but I wouldn’t put it at my top ships for Flynn anyway. If they ever decided to bring Moriarty back, I’d love to see how they interact now that Flynn’s had his season 3 realizations.
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flynnscarnation · 7 years
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Happy Birthday @sanzochan! (insp.)                                                                         Sorry for angst on your birthday but I thought you’d appreciate some Fleviarty!
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eve: so how have you been?
moriarty: well i've got this headache that comes and goes
flynn, bursting through the door: MORIARTY HOLY SHIT
moriarty: oh look, there it is again
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wanderingredleaves · 3 years
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jacobstone · 7 years
My "The Librarians"ship names.
I’m only listing ship names for the ships I’ve seen and these aren’t official names but they are the ones I like to use.
Feel free to add on your ships or ship names!
Jacob/everyone=Everystone Jacob/Flynn=Flynnstone Jacob/Eve=Evestone Jacob/Flynn/Eve=Javelynn Jacob/Jenkins=Galastone Jacob/Cassandra=Jassandra Jacob/Ezekiel=Jazekiel Jacob/Cassandra/Ezekiel=Jassekiel Jacob/Lamia=Lastone Jacob/Cassandra/Lamia=Jalassandra Jacob/Mabel=Mastone
Ezekiel/everyone=Everyjones Ezekiel/Flynn=Flyzekiel Ezekiel/Eve=Evekiel Ezekiel/Jenkins=Jenzekiel Ezekiel/Cassandra=Cassekiel Ezekiel/Moriarty=Morjones Ezekiel/Morgan Le Fay=Fayjones Ezekiel/Cindy Kroger=Krones
Cassandra/everyone=Everycillian Cassandra/Flynn=Flyssandra Cassandra/Eve=Casseve Cassandra/Jenkins=Casskins Cassandra/Lamia=Lassandra Cassandra/Estrella=Casstrella Cassandra/Lucy Lions=Cillions Cassandra/Morgan Le Fay=Fayssandra Cassandra/Ariel=Arissandra
Eve/everyone=Everybaird Eve/Flynn=Evelynn Eve/Jenkins=Jeneve Eve/Moriarty=Eviarty Eve/Flynn/Moriarty=Fleviarty Eve/Cynthia Rockwell=Evewell Eve/Morgan Le Fay=Evefay
Flynn/everyone=Everycarsen Flynn/Jenkins=Flynnkins Flynn/Moriarty=Floriarty Flynn/Ray=Raysen Flynn/Excalibur=Calsen
Jenkins/everyone=Everyjenkins Jenkins/Charlene=Charkins Jenkins/Miss Claus=Jenclaus Jenkins/Santa=Jenta Jenkins/Miss Claus/Santa=Jenclauses Jenkins/Morgan Le Fay=Faykins
Others: Charlene/Judson=Chardson Dulaque/Lamia=Lalaque Ariel/Moriarty=Moriel
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jedijenkins · 8 years
why argue over Evlynn vs Eviarty vs Floriarty when you can have the glory that is Fleviarty
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isaiahmustafa · 8 years
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i hate you i love you i hate that i want you
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adapted-batteries · 7 years
Week 13: Flynn, Eve, and Moriarty
This is the end...it's been a fun few months seeing all the different creations for all the ships, and thinking about the ships in depth, from writing fics, to doing these analysis post things. Let’s get on to the final ship then.
I really haven’t given all that much thought to this ship sadly, partly because I was pretty busy/sick on my birthday weekend (also why this is happening on a Monday not when the week started), and partly because there’s not a whole lot of specifically Fleviarty going on in the show compared to other ships.
That being said, I think Fleviarty would have a similar dynamic to Jassekiel in that the girls totally have control of the relationship, and that the boys would argue a lot (probably more than Jake and Ezekiel would honestly), and then be extra when wooing to make up for it.
In my Eviarty post I highlighted the similarities and differences of Flynn and Moriarty, so you can read that there, but I think being together Flynn would subconsciously start imitating Moriarty in terms of poise and social ability (same for Floriarty too) but I couldn’t quite say if Moriarty would develop more of an ability to care about the interests of others by being together. I think having Eve and Flynn would make it more likely since they’re both caring individuals when it comes to the innocent bystanders they protect as much as they can, and it would definitely develop as a side effect of Moriarty wanting to please Flynn and Eve.
While I think Floriarty and Eviarty would be firey, but doomed relationships, the trio would balance out both of the main issues each has. Eve and Flynn would keep an eye on Moriarty (and instill some morality in him), and Eve would be able to keep the boys from fighting so much.
I keep thinking about Moriarty’s last interaction with Flynn in season 2. Why did Flynn suddenly get so compassionate for Moriarty? Obviously Eve was the main reason the boys put aside their petty bickering/slapping to stop Prospero (both of them were not going to disobey Eve), but it was still a huge change from that moment to when Moriarty “died.” I like to think that Flynn’s reason for being pissy at him (Moriarty trying to get Eve) finally got clarified to him, so he no longer had any reason to be angry, and maybe felt bad for being mean the whole season so he started showing Moriarty a bit of compassion for his situation, and if Eve was trusting him then well he should too.
While I don’t think they’ll bring Moriarty back, I’d love it if it they did. When they weren’t opposing each other, they got stuff done, and I think each brought something to the party, and had something they could help another with.
It’s not a very in depth analysis, partly because I’ve been at uni all day and my brain is tired, but it sums up my feelings about Fleviarty pretty well.
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sanzochan · 8 years
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flynn: how do i look?
moriarty: like an idiot
flynn: perfect!
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