#Flora G
disneyvoguemagazine · 2 years
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Ciara reveals classified documents cataloging her exponential time training hourly sessions with martial arts masters (Feu Long, Foxxy Pamela Gurier, Shaft, Stick, Sinister, Sean Combs, RoboCop, Rocky, A Team, The Million Dollar Man, Bruce Lee Students, Master Gen, 3600 hours spent of her life training as a Psychic soldier for the Mickey Mouse Club and the documents found exposing the worm tunnel she traveled through to participate in Mortal Kombat with otherworldly beings, under the allies 'Blade\Sonya' the footage captured via 'sidekick-TMobile' device, documents her termultuious journey dawning the power of the pink ranger zord stored data imprint on the sidekicks sim card and as one of the magic kingdoms most expériences archiologist has rastered 'The Power', the first trials of this Ranger sirum has been distributed amoung the groups @Loona @Kard @MissA ,
Infused with @SpaceX #Cybertron Autobot technology allows the ranger techs back at mission control access to the data collected from the hardware of the new suits.
I.U -Frostlass
Chris Crocker-Slyveon
Beauty Marsh- Chanel (Spriggattio)
Dragonair- Seulgi
Gardvoir- Ariana Grande
B.B Kiddo - Grimes
Ponyta - Bonnie McKee
Wigglytuff - Lindsay Lohan
Espeon -WillowSmith
Ladyian - Flora G
Jynx - Chlöe Bailey
Ampheros - Miley Cyrus
Frilish-Noah Cyrus
Mew -Shannon Williams
Meloeta- Kim Petras
Aubery Peoples- Muk
IceSpice- Swana
Bambi - Sawsbuck
Altaria- CardiB
DelKatty- Nicki Minaj
Unknown- BTS
Eevee- Nayeon
Ashley Tisdale -Ratata
JeffreeStar-Mother of Frost lass / YakYakk (cellphone conversation cameo)
BritneySpears cameo [ As Béatrix Kiddo of the KillBillSaga mother of BBKiddo leader of the eSports International Champion Team #SamuraiSkirts
with @Zendaya as Nakia Belle daughter of Copperhead of Bills four assets played by Vivica A Fox; Uma Thurman (played by Britney Spears in the Samurai Skirts Films. Synopsis: When B.B Kiddo "Claire B. Aka Grimes" takes her eSports team to the Olympic winter games, the steaks become mortal when her team dawn's the legendary Hattori Hanzo blades after a being named 'Aura' hacks the games code and recreates the events of the popular series Sword Art Online. )
Starring JeannieKim Chanel as The Firth Child Angel EVA unit 05 LaBlanc The black Rose
. In the end the Skirtz win the Gold medal and the facade covering the event is later exposed as the game company's chairs and executives are made a mockery in the industry for their mal practices in their business ethics when the company's abuse of female gaming icons and influencers pops the gaming giants legacy and ruins their flawless reputation when B.B leaks the security footage of the company using the girl gamers as sex slaves and toys for the male dominated gaming industry. When the truth comes to light showing one of the most epic games in history covered for a real operations intelligence interception mission the world watched live as what appeared to be just am online game turned out to be the government's biggest intelligence war in real life.
All of these events converging with GameFreaks Trainee Project 'Trainer Lass' Space X secret splicing program testing engineered spliced genetically enhanced cultures giving the subjects pokemon like essences and advanced traits or above average apptitude s
I.U loop artist details her account as the groups leader or 'Big Sister' the pokè-docustreamentary converges with the groups member 'X Jet / XSR BlackBird 'portrayed by Claire B aka Grimes' her competing for the few positions for the girl group trainer LASS, pokemon company's first ever live music dance reality pop girl band, their experience at Coachella with Marvels Runaways band and working with Minnie Mouse as the events around Hugh Jackmen announcing his involvement for #Deadpool3 as the movies cast were filming around the events that will influence the Kingdom Hearts Movie. With the Mouse Queers proving to the world the magic that was unfolding into the real world has made the fantasy of a magic world living truth tofay.
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quidcrusheu · 3 months
Les joueuses des Titans sont incroyables. C'est un fait.
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mothdotz · 1 year
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Bug’s Night Out
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alexgsolomon · 4 months
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Made this one in the haze of an afternoon where I learned you can embroider paper? You can just do that?? There are no rules!! Inspired by the sun, all things yellow, and the inevitable realisation that taking life so seriously has been excruciatingly boring.
Mixed media collage by Alex G Solomon
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kbthebearcat · 1 year
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Felt like doing some Astro Boy fan art while also making up my own OC for that universe, and ended up with a character called Flora. Very rough concept, if I do more with this her design will probably be altered. I’ll put what I thought up so far 
Character is a robot that resembles a fairy or small person with wings and antenna 
She was made by an inventor that wishes to make new innovative toys. She is experimental. He makes her for his daughter to help her feel better. Was thinking she’s in a wheelchair, or has some other disability that makes it hard for her to make friends or because she feels too shy/embarrassed.
I have two ideas for her reaction
Either she loves Flora at first sight, or it takes time for her to warm up to her. 
For the second reaction, I was thinking maybe it takes time because she envies the little bot’s ability to be able to fly and go wherever she wants, but because Flora was programmed to be compassionate, caring, and equipped to comfort, she manages to soften Delilah up and win her over.
Flora’s abilities include that she is able to produce flashy colorful and sparkling lights and projections. Her body can glow and produce light. She can tell stories as she has an expansive database of them, and can even make up her own as she has a very advanced AI and is able to learn/adapt. She is also made to learn about her “owner” to better interact with them. 
I thought that Flora ends up meeting Astro Boy and going to him for help after perhaps Delilah’s father gets kidnapped for his talents to be used for evil, or maybe Delilah gets kidnapped as ransom for her father to cooperate. Astro Boy ends up saving the day though!
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rpcpositivitea · 3 days
endless love and light to kara, hubcaps, casablanca, rae, bone, nami, kimka, seneca, vita, olivia g., johnny, flora, kristianna, vesper, scylla and the community at devil town, worm and the beautiful folks over at calypso, and anyone else I may have forgotten to mention, for either helping me find the courage to get out of an irl 11 year long abusive relationship or offering words of love and support along the way. I'm one month back home and feeling hope and future like I haven't felt in years!! this community is a powerful one, please never forget that there's endless love here.
and adding endless love, joy, and congratulations to you as well, cher coco. leaving is hard, but so worth it. may your future be so much better than your past <3
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gatutor · 1 month
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Flora Robson-Leo G. Carroll "Bahama passage" 1941, de Edward H. Griffith.
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mallowcream-art · 1 year
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A little thing i made for fun
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vmkhoneyy · 8 months
“The mountains that look like petrified trees aren’t actually petrified trees, you know.” havent u ever heard of whimsy? Fun? Not being the most droll person alive? We live on a floating rock in space and then we got the bright idea to make shit like politics and taxes and the divine right of kings. I know the mountains aren’t petrified trees goddamnit but wouldn’t it be marvelous if they were?
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borzoizoi · 2 years
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 2 years
Here's flora the enormous plant demon
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She's an old friend of willow and jade when they were little kids, but then after she got kidnapped by the lord of all demons to brainwash her to destroy cities and/or the world, and eat all preys and small monsters and had been mistaken that they did something to willow and jade. She's pretty sensitive when it comes to someone scratching her ears, it's her weakness to stop destroying everything (also she's from outer space in the past before these two met each other)
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
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fyodior · 1 year
hi guys what’s up :”)
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tribunehq · 2 years
did anyone else see that the daily prophet announced the engagement of alister rosier's father and pansy parkinson's mother today?
dear reader,
well, well. it didn't take very long at all for pansy's mother to move on, did it? those purebloods sure are quick to secure their rights to uphold that 'supremacy' they hold so dear. at least we can be proud to report that our newly betrothed are flora carrow and cormac mclaggen and not slytherin's own soon-to-be step siblings.
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mainsvein · 3 months
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¿Viste a PARK SOOYOUNG frecuentando Main Vein? Oh, no, te equivocas: se trata de CORDELIA JANG. Este residente de Arcadia Bay es originario de COREA DEL SUR y, al igual que otres VAMPIROS, se gana la vida como DUEÑA DE UNA TIENDA DE ROPA.
¡Bienvenide a Arcadia Bay, FLORA! A partir de este momento, tienes VEINTICUATRO (24) HORAS para enviar la cuenta de tu personaje. De precisar más tiempo, no dudes en acercarte. ¡Gracias!
❦ APODO: Flora
❦ PRONOMBRES: ella/suya.
❦ EDAD: +21.
❦ TRIGGERS: abuso sexual, incesto
❦ NOMBRE COMPLETO: Cordelia Jang.
❦ FACECLAIM: Park Sooyoung
❦ PRONOMBRES: ella/suya.
❦ NACIONALIDAD: Surcoreana.
❦ OCUPACIÓN: Modista, dueña de una tienda de ropa.
❦ FECHA DE NACIMIENTO: 07-02-1963.
❦ PODERES SECUNDARIOS (MÁXIMO DOS): manipulación de los sueños y resucitación.
❦ año en el que se convirtió en vampiro: 1985.
❦ ¿cuál es su historia de vida? ¿quiénes eran antes de llegar a arcadia bay? ¿siempre vivieron aquí? cuéntanos un poco quién es.
Nacida y criada en Corea del Sur, Cordelia (quien por aquel tiempo respondía al nombre de Kim Jihye) era la segunda de tres hermanas, fruto de un matrimonio apegado a las tradiciones donde el buen comportamiento y el temor al qué dirán eran los principales factores de peso para tomar decisiones. Sin embargo, durante su crecimiento notó que era diferente a sus hermanas, era portadora de un espíritu rebelde, imposible de contener, de apaciguar y agachar la cabeza ante los reglamentos de sus padres. La relación con ellos fue deteriorándose paulatinamente, cediendo ante el roce de sus personalidades que quizá eran más similares de lo que ambas partes estaban dispuestas a admitir. Su vida fue un tira y afloja hasta que un día, tomó su mochila y un montoncito de billetes que reunió con el tiempo, dio un beso en la frente de su hermana menor y se marchó con la excusa de cumplir con unos pendientes. Nunca más volvió.
Desde entonces estuvo vagando por el país. No tenía establecido un rumbo, mucho menos se atrevía a soñar a lo grande, su única motivación era alejarse de casa. Ampliar la distancia, disminuir las posibilidades de ser encontrada aunque sospechaba que no había búsqueda alguna. Dos años más tarde, bajo la influencia de amistades del momento, terminó en Estados Unidos sin dominio del idioma, dudosa, aterrorizada, pero satisfecha. La distancia con su familia no podía ser más grande y pudo dejar atrás la persona que era para al fin convertirse en quien quería ser: Cordelia Jang.
Siempre tuvo talento para vestir, para expresar diversas facetas con sus atuendos, no le sorprendió que tanto en su país de origen como en el nuevo que la adoptaba esta se convirtiera en su principal fuente de ingreso. Lo disfruta, lo entiende como lo que es: un arte y un lenguaje que no todos son capaces de hablar con fluidez.
No le gusta hablar de la noche en que fue convertida, tampoco del vampiro que lo hizo. Hace mucho tiempo enterró los recuerdos en lo más profundo de su memoria sin arrepentimiento alguno. Lo único que menciona cada vez que le preguntan es una respuesta automática, combinada como un tono más helado que el hielo: Regresaba a casa luego de un turno nocturno y su vida nunca fue la misma.
❦ ¿por qué decidió acercarse a main vein? ¿cuál es su opinión sobre la salida de los vampiros al mundo, más conocida como mainstreaming*? 
Decidió mudarse a main vein en busca de calma y cotidianidad. Luego de que la existencia de los vampiros saliera a la luz y su identidad como una de ellos fuera revelada, su tienda se llenó de distintas personalidades de la ciudad con universos de opiniones en la punta de la lengua. Apenas supo de la existencia del pueblo, hizo todos los trámites necesarios para abrir una pequeña tienda y probar con un nuevo comienzo.
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cmonbartender · 3 months
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The adventures of Akbar (1913) - Byam Shaw
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