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r3d-m3dic · 9 months ago
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My friend told me to draw a character that he'd make lore about. So far he hasn't responded with any lore lmao.
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Fis-Boal. The fish in the fishbowl is what controls the body. The fish is a highly intelligent being, having higher intelligence then any human on earth, or other planets. The reasoning it chose to wear roller skates is unknown, however it allows it to move very quickly.
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Pla-Ant. Nobody knows where it came from, how it came to be, or even what universe it's from. Everything is completely unknown. Especially how it sees, and speaks... It's head is a plant for gods sake.
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
Aabled Aade Aaded Aagalf Aak Aakey Aal Aan Aapet Aaport Aar Aarbant Aarint Aariël Aark Aastoe Aate Aative Ablated Able Ablieve Abs Acally Acony Acur Adom Adorse Adriete Adrovam Ady Aga Agre Aiscal Ald Alderia Aler Aleroug Aligant All Ally Almith Amative Amendy Amet Ametrio Ammine Amy Anake Anantal Ancious Ando Andy Ane Ang Anian Aniaphy Ank Annome Ano Anocray Ans Ansin Antaal Anted Anth Antic Antive Antje Antoary Apandes Aptible Arcaly Areting Aring Ark Arkino Arrow Arse Art Artic Arupt Ary Ascomy Assian Ast Astunch Ate Aud Aug Aurieng Bable Ban Bant Baran Bard Barga Bark Barkje Bas Basible Bastork Bated Batic Beadog Beart Bed Bel Beld Beran Bia Biabby Bicarm Bioul Bious Bir Bish Bite Ble Blemn Bleon Bles Blese Blespen Bletlet Blion Blumse Boal Bobek Bol Bolve Bong Bowlet Brizzly Bron Buff Bugh Bught Bul Bur Buric Cal Cale Calise Calth Cane Cang Capper Cary Cascan Cated Catious Cattrus Cervate Cha Chal Chale Chan Cher Chesse Chible Chime Chimel Chint Chog Chrit Classh Cle Clous Clugnox Coa Cob Cobje Cobse Code Colanis Colitic Colke Coll Colt Com Coman Con Cona Conal Coner Coneve Conful Coninee Cont Conthor Coose Coot Cordtak Corious Cormle Corn Cors Cort Corty Cory Coult Coursel Cous Cousive Cowas Cowl Cra Craable Cracous Cran Cre Cred Cresp Crot Crowl Crupon Crus Cud Cul Cultje Curbolt Cureal Curillo Curte Cury Cus Daafrot Daerat Damer Damus Dar Darbiss Darien Davight Daviou Deal Ded Dees Dele Deliek Delo Den Dens Dess Dete Deve Dew Diant Diante Dic Dica Dices Die Dieperm Dil Dilly Din Dious Dis Dish Disking Dist Docke Dol Doles Don Dorazy Dous Dow Dowl Dried Drier Drous Dul Dulane Dule Dulsid Dunk Dus Eadal Eadrit Eathine Eette Efaw Efowl Ele Elishad Ellis Elo Elt
Emarrog Eming Emins Emous Endale Ent Enve Envully Erful Ess Eve Excian Exious Exy Fail Faing Fant Fat Fative Feeafje Fene Fenje Ficenar Fick Fict Fid Fient Fieve Fina Finke Fir Fird Firdse Fireble Fired Firent Firieng Firy Fis Fiscal Fiss Fist Fisted Fistive Flad Flard Fleda Fling Floyal Flybus Flypse Fole Fonia Fonke Foo Foonat Foose For Fore Forn Fow Frachim Fraille Fraina Fre Frea Frect Fred Free Freer Freflee Frele Frik Fron Frow Frud Gal Gande Gart Gel Gelic Gen Genje Ger Gerk Gia Gian Gibitic Giciaas Gidowl Gieral Ging Give Glactle Gle Glexy Glish Gocer Goel Goent Golke Goonk Gootert Gootive Gor Gorogm Gra Grat Greld Grelish Grelly Grent Gres Gresous Gric Griekey Grog Guagus Guak Gue Guelp Guid Guidsh Guile Guingry Guitz Gusil Hadming Hairey Hal Haldere Hamet Har Harai Harses Hary Hatre Haud Hautef Hautse Haw Heal Hean Heardse Heark Hed Hee Heernes Heous Her Herenew Hes Het Hids Hight Homar Honk Honoi Hous Hum Humes Huncow Hundew Hysive Icaning Icork Ied Ien Ierne Ight Imand Iming Imone Impar Imple Impre Imse Inake Inantul Inar Inbo Inbray Inco Incrous Inded Indemu Indieke Indulve Ine Inegal Ineorna Iney Ing Ingbeke Inger Ingrie Innet Ino Inost Invidsh Ird Ireact Irrow Itemijk Itunke Jaades Jaaker Jaal Jaalia Jaan Jacara Jach Jagle Jane Japate Jass Jast Jastic Joal Joarie Joch Johanus Johark Johaud Jose Joself Josna Joste Kan Kanuse Kee Kia Kill Kin Kincat King Kingm Kne Knekent Kner Koentje Komel Kray Kraying Lacenin Lam Lamu Lar Leasped Lemined Let Lian Liblay Lied Lighted Lineke Lionek Liplark Lis Lish Lished Lishon List Litoiso Live Loacon Loe Logame Lono Lorn Lorp Lorty Lose Losious Lous Low Lowl Loyak Luelf Lug Luudus Mablue Mack Maded Madedo Maden Magazy Mage Magen Magent Magerp Mal Malded Man Mandic Mani Mar Maretic Mari Marik Marnus Marre Marroak Martive Mast Mat Mate Matheep Matic Mating Maxed Meacoon Mele Melego Ment Mentaly Mentive Mers Mespik Met Metful Midne Midyba Miebal Mina Ming Mint Minus Miret Miticia Moderve Modist Modna Molen Mon Monalog Mone Monete Mony Moo Moofly Mookal Mord Morm Mory Most Mouray Mous Moutth Mus Nach Nack Naitive Nalish Nally Nam Nammit Naptife Narmle
Ned Neet Nelic Nes Ney Niane Nicart Nious Nitchic Niël Nockbo Nockwid Norbus Noster Obart Obnont Obsea Obure Obvigh Offird Oper Opet Opha Ophar Opous Orly Orm Orneve Osectle Ous Pable Paive Pandic Pang Panise Pantje Pard Park Paslo Paspant Pastard Paste Pat Patiot Pear Ped Pedeang Pen Penise Penth Per Perawk Perik Perman Pers Petes Phal Phameet Phee Phy Pid Pighty Pik Pimard Pine Ping Pird Pirteng Piscoly Plar Plight Poing Pois Poke Pole Polishy Pombo Pon Pona Ponek Ponk Pontal Ponzo Por Pory Pous Praing Pran Pre Pree Pref Presp Prest Pri Prile Pring Prion Prions Proate Prog Prommie Pron Prose Protim Prus Pught Pul Pummic Pupid Purk Pus Quare Quel Quelle Quewd Rable Ran Rand Rane Rant Ras Ratifus Ratint Reaging Reart Reas Reater Recawk Redel Redic Reitte Rel Relhelf Relow Renesel Rente Rentive Rep Res Ress Ret Rey Rhic Ric Rieks Rieng Rildepe Rimple Rited Rizzly Roft Rom Ronke Rooma Roon Rost Rous Rowl Sad Sagiver Same Sanatte Sang Sangal Santed Sconist Scruud Scura Seat Sed Sedam Sen Seneks Senge Ser Serus Shal Shard Sharma Sher Shruin Shyps Sig Sil Siog Sisth Sive Ske Sle Slo Slows Slueble Slught Slus Sluuk Smin Smous Smée Snamble Sob Sold Soleer Somatty Soment Sop Sopones Sopuna Sorady Sory Sout Spaston Spelder Sper Spiele Spir Spon Spum Spus Squel Stal Starm Ster Sther Sticall Stijn Stin Stious Suak Suale Submi Sul Sumb Sumbas Sund Sunrar Sus Swar Swileck Sworow Synch Tak Tedem Tenim Tentje Ter Terape Term Thed Thent Thful Thiea Thiefle Thod Tibut Tic Tifier Tiful Tion Tive Tivenus Tocks Tof Toish Tompat Tomper Ton Tont Tonvull Top Tor Torgal Torm Tors Tort Trachte Tral Trarsed Tratic Tray Tret Triam Trider Triele Trient Tristed Troate Trow Truping Trusin Tug Tuouse Turcent Ture Turel Turos Uls Una Und Undee Une Unfiss Unflee Unful Ung Unger Unred Unree Unreser Unress Uns Unsina Unt Uzbel Uzzark Vable Vagine Vagjer Vak Vat Vee Ver Vie Vijs Vine Visia Vity Vul Waldran Walemal Walp Warian Wary Wha Whal Whar Wids Wied Wijn Wijs Wilded Wiles Wilis Winic Wole Womin Wor Workbow Wormat Wornoi Yal Yous
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dianapopescu · 6 years ago
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20 ianuarie – Sărbători , tradiții și obiceiuri religioase
În ziua de 20 ianuarie sunt sărbătoriți Sfântul Eftimie cel Mare, Sfântul Fabian, Sfântul Sebastian și se celebrează Boboteaza în stil vechi, Babin Den și ajunul Sfintei Agnes. În tradiția populară românească Sfântul Eftimie este respectat în special de bărbați, pentru a avea parte de sănătate, și se “ține” pentru a rodi pomii și a fi ferit de fripturi. Totodată, “Eftimie” e rău de pagubă, ciumă, boale, izbituri și friguri. https://www.diane.ro/2012/01/20-ianuarie-sarbatori-traditii-si.html
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mireladumitruworld · 7 years ago
RUGACIUNEA BRÂUL MAICII DOMNULUI - se citeşte bolnavilor, sau pentru cei năpădiţi de necazuri
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Icoana "Maica Domnului Mireasa cerului" este numita, creata si pictata de mine -  Mirela Dumitru
Născătoare de Dumnezeu, Fecioară, bucură-te, ceea ce eşti plina de dar, Marie, Domnul este cu tine.
Binecuvântată eşti tu între femei şi binecuvântat este rodul pântecului tău, că ai născut pe Hristos, Mântuitorul sufletelor noastre.
Prea Sfântă Fecioara Marie, roagă-te pentru noi păcătoşii, acum şi în ceasul morţii noastre.
Sub îndurările tale scăpăm şi noi. Rugăciunile noastre nu le trece cu vederea şi de primejdii ne scapă, una Curată şi Binecuvântată.
Preasfântă Născătoare de Dumnezeu, apără, mântuieşte şi păzeşte pe robul tău (numele) de tot răul şi necazul, de toate bolile şi durerile, de toate farmecele, vrăjitoriile şi blestemele, ca întreg şi sănătos sa fie robul tău. Amin.
Ca şi cu o comoară luminata, Preacurată de Dumnezeu Născătoare cu prea cinstitul tău brâu, robul tău, (numele) se încununează şi se luminează, bucurându-se şi în taină se veseleşte, Stăpână, strigând către tine:
Bucură-te, coroană cinstită şi cununa dumnezeieştilor măriri.
Bucură-te, ceea ce eşti mărirea împlinirii, a veşnicei măriri şi veselii.
Bucură-te, prin care răsare bucuria.
Bucură-te, prin care piere blestemul.
Bucură-te, pântecele întrupării dumnezeieşti.
Bucură-te, îndraznirea celor muritori către Dumnezeu,
Bucură-te, muncirea vrăjmaşmilor celor nevăzuţi.
Bucură-te, îndrăznirea cea nebiruită a purtătorilor de duhuri rele.
Bucură-te, ceea ce ne curaţi de păcate şi de lucruri spurcate.
Bucură-te, căderea dracilor.
Bucură-te, uşa mântuirii.
Bucură-te, dătătoarea darului celui dumnezeiesc.
Bucură-te, cămaşa nunţii cele fără de sămânţa.
Bucură-te, lauda cea de cinste a preoţilor celor cuvioşi.
Bucură-te, prin care cad vrăjmaşii.
Bucură-te, mântuirea sufletului meu.
Bucură-te, Mireasă, pururea Fecioară.
Dat-ai robului tău (numele), Preamărită, tare îngrădire, pe acesta scapându-l de toate primejdiile, cu dumnezeieştile lucrări şi nebiruit de vrăjmaşi păzindu-l şi care striga către tine cu credinţă.Tăria, puterea şi cuvioasa mea bucurie este Fiul tău şi Domnul, ca un bun şi milostiv.
Ca şi cu o cinstită coroană, cu brâul tău, robul tău (numele) cu bună credinţă luminat, fiind încununat cu dumnezeiasca ta mărire, să-l mântuieşti ca un milostiv.
Incinge pe robul tău (numele), întărindu-l asupra vrăjmaşilor, ca să lupte nebiruit contra patimilor celor ce-l muncesc şi nepătimire biruitoare dăruindu-i, ca pururea să te mărească pe tine şi pe Fiul tău şi să strige:
Iisuse, mântuieşte-mă pe mine, păcătosul, ca un milostiv.
Naşterea fără stricăciuni şi fericire numai tu ai avut, Preabinecuvântată, şi încingere de mântuire a dăruit oamenilor brâul tău cel sfânt, care până acum a rămas nestricat, Dumnezeiască Mireasă, prin care robul tău (numele) ia de la Dumnezeul nostru mare milă.
Cei între Sfinţii Părinţii noştri mari dascăli şi ierarhi ai lumii, Vasile cel Mare, Grigorie Teologul şi loan Gură de Aur, Atanasie şi Chiril şi toti Sfinţii Apostoli şi întâiul mucenic Ştefan, sfinţilor mucenici Gheorghe, Teodor Tiron, Teodor Stratilat, Dumitru şi toţi sfinţii mucenici şi mucenice, Sfinte Ioane, proorocule şi Inaintemergătorule, Botezătorul Lui Hristos, sfinţilor prooroci Moise, Avraam, Ilie, Elisei şi toţi Sfinţii Apostoli şi mucenici, rugati-va Domnului pentru viata, pacea, sănătatea, buna norocire şi iertarea păcatelor robului lui Dumnezeu (numele), pentru apărarea şi mântuirea lui şi să-l păzească de tot răul şi necazul, de toate bolile şi durerile, de toate farmecele şi vrăjitoriile. Inima se îndoieşte, atingându-se cu călduroasă credinţă de brâul Fecioarei, încingându-se cu putere nebiruita împotriva patimilor necurate şi a vrăjmaşilor fără de trupuri, nevătămat rămânând în veci.
Brâul tău, întru bucuria inimii, cu cinste toti să-l purtăm, care este spre ajutorul tuturor credincioşilor; de Dumnezeu Născătoare, dă celui ce s-a atins de prea cinstitul tău trup, celor bolnavi dă vindecare, celor ce alunecă, întărire, celor leneşi îmbărbătare, cârmuire celor ce înoată, celor rătăciţi întoarcere.
Este cu adevărat, Curată Fecioară, dumnezeiescul dar al precinstitului tău brâu, tuturor celor ce cu credinţă îl purtăm şi-l sărutăm cu dragoste în veci.
Sfinţilor tămăduitori fără de arginti şi de minuni făcători, Cosma şi Damian, Chir şi Ioan, Pantelimon, Ermolae, Samson şi Diomid, Mohie şi Aniochit, Talaleu, Trifon şi toti sfinţii mucenici, drepţilor părinţi loachim şi Ana, tu, cuvioase părinte Nicolae, împreună cu arhiereul loan Gură de Aur, rugati-vă Domnului pentru viaţa, sănătatea, buna norocire şi iertarea păcatelor robului tău Dumnezeu (numele) şi pentru ca bunul Dumnezeu să-l păzească de tot răul pentru ca întreg şi sănătos să petreacă în veci.
Sfinţii Evanghelişti: Matei, Marcu, Luca şi loan, Arhanghelii Mihail şi Gavriil, Serafimii şi Heruvimii cu cei 318 sfinţi părinţi de la Niceea şi toţi sfinţii pomeniţi în sfânta noastră Biserică, rugaţi-vă Domnului pentru sănătatea, viata, pacea şi buna norocirea şi iertarea păcatelor robului lui Dumnezeu (numele) şi pentru ca Dumnezeu să-l apere şi mântuiască de tot raul, necazurile, de toate bolile şi durerile, de tot blestemul, vrăjitoriile şi întrutotul sănătos şi întreg să fie în veci. Amin.
Te bleastăm pe tine, diavole, cu puterea Sfintei Cruci, cu Fecioara Mamă şi Sfânta Treime, cu toate fecioarele martire şi cu toti sfinţii îngeri şezători pe cele noua tronuri în jurul tronului Tatălui Ceresc şi cu toţi sfinţii pomeniţi în acest brâu, ca să nu ai nici o putere asupra robului lui Dumnezeu (numele), cu nici un fel din vicleniile tale, în numele Tatălui, al Fiului şi al Sfântului Duh. Amin.
De înşelătoria dragostei, a patimilor şi de vrăjmaşul ce-l ispiteşte cu greutatea păcatelor şi cu cumplita lene de robire, degrabă să mântuieşti pe robul tău (numele), mult milostivă Fecioară Maria, care cu credinţă aleargă la tine, ca singură apărătoare şi mântuitoare in veci. Amin.
Doamne, mântuieşte-ne pe noi (de două ori).
Mărire Apărătoarei Doamne, mulţumiri pentru biruinţă aducem ţie, noi robii tăi, ca ceea ce ai stăpânire nebiruită, slobozeşte-ne din toate nevoile, ca să strigăm ţie:
Bucură-te Mireasă, pururea Fecioară, acum şi pururea şi în vecii vecilor. Amin.
Preacinstitul tău brâu, ce a cuprins pântecele tău cel de Dumnezeu primitor este cetăţii tale tărire nebiruită şi visterie de bunătăţi neimpuţinată.
Nădejdea mea este Tatăl, scăparea mea este Fiul, acoperământul meu este Sfântul Duh. Treime Sfântă, Mărire Ţie.
Stăpână, primeşte rugăciunile noastre şi ne mantuieşte de toată nevoia şi întristarea.
Mărire Tie, mărire Tatălui şi Fiului şi Sfântului Duh.
Prea Sfântă Treime, mărire Tie. Amin.
In zilele împăratului Justinian a fost adus brâul Născătoarei, din Episcopia Zila şi s-a pus în sfânta raclă şi aşezat într-o casă, deasupra osemintelor împăraţilor Zoe şi Leon, în cetatea Halcopatri. Iar mai târziu acest brâu sfânt a fost dus in cetatea sfântă a Ierusalimului, pus împreună cu veşmântul Prea Curatei Maria. Arcadie, feciorul împăratului Teodosie cel Mare, a adus brâul Născătoarei de Dumnezeu din cetatea Ierusalimului şi I-a transportat cu mare evlavie şi cinste la Constantinopol şi l-a aşezat într-un sicriu luminat, numit racla sfântă. După 410 ani de la această mare sărbătoare, împăratul Leon a rugat pe patriarh să deschidă sfânta raclă pentru soţia sa Zoe care era chinuită de duhuri rele. Impărăteasa Zoe a avut în vis o vedenie dumnezeiască, spunându-i că, dacă ar fi aşezat şi atins de trupul ei sfantul brâu, s-ar tămădui de boala cuprinsă. Patriarhul, prin rugăciuni umile, a scos şi aşezat sfantul brâu pe trupul împărăteasei Zoe, care îndată s-a tămăduit, preamărind pe Dumnezeu. Cei care au văzut cu ochii marea minune, prin rugăciuni şl laude smerite au adus mulţumiri lui Dumnezeu dupa care precinstiul brâu a fost aşezat în racla sfântă, păstrându-se pentru veşnică pomenire şi amintire.
Acest brâu se citeşte bolnavilor, sau pentru cei năpădiţi de necazuri. Inainte de a se folosi de mângâierea puterii tămăduitoare a sfântului brâu, şă-şi facă sfinte liturghii, dar numai în zilele de miercuri şi vineri, când să-şi petreca timpul numai în post şi rugăciune.
Acest brâu să fie purtat de fiecare creştin credincios până ce trăieşte, căci va fi scăpat din boale şi necazuri, fiindcă Prea Curata Fecioară Maria, Născătoarea de Dumnezeu, este ocrotitoarea noastră, a tuturor, în veci.
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gwynnew · 7 years ago
Summer movies 2017: Winners and losers
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Gal Gadot led ‘Wonder Woman’ to roaring summer success; Idris Elba couldn’t find box office glory in ‘The Dark Tower’
It’s been a chilly summer for the movie business. By August, the U.S. box office was reporting historic lows, with several media outlets looking back to the dark days following the September 2001 terror attacks to find comparable numbers. Blame streaming media, franchise fatigue, or a lack of decent August options, but U.S. movie-ticket sales are approaching a 25-year low. And yet, there were bright spots: The international box office is up more than 3 percent, the box office was buoyed by some surprise hits (including Dunkirk, Girls Trip, and Baby Driver), and Wonder Woman would be considered a runaway smash in any year. Here, we assess summer 2017’s box office winners and losers.
WINNER: The Continuing Reign of Wonder Woman Wonder Woman is the No. 1 film of the summer, but that’s not all it is. It’s now the third-highest-grossing Warner Bros. release ever (after The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises), the seventh highest-grossing superhero movie ever, and the highest-grossing film of all time by a female director (congrats, Patty Jenkins). The film opened on June 2 and was still tallying million-dollar weekends at the end of August; as of today, the mighty Amazon’s origin story has earned $406.8 mil domestically.
LOSER: Failure-to-Launch Franchises In these strange times, every big-budget film must contain the seed of a film universe, from which to mine an endless supply of sequels and spin-offs. Except it doesn’t always work. The Dark Tower ($46 mil), Valerian ($40 mil), Baywatch ($58 mil), and King Arthur: Legend of the Sword ($39 mil) were all potential franchises turned flops. The exception is The Mummy ($80 mil), a U.S. box-office disappointment that hasn’t dissuaded Universal from moving forward with its Dark Universe monster franchise. Bride of Frankenstein is slated for February 2019.
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Christopher Nolan directs ‘Dunkirk’
WINNER: Dunkirk Christopher Nolan’s breathtaking World War II drama took off despite plenty of risks. Not only is Dunkirk a major departure from its director’s signature genre films like The Dark Knight and Inception, it’s the polar opposite of a popcorn flick. It could easily have drowned in a sea of animation and superhero films, forgotten by the start of Oscar season. Instead, Dunkirk was an unexpected sensation, taking in $174 mil so far and holding the No. 1 spot at the box office for two consecutive weeks.
LOSER: Detroit The latest true-to-life thriller from director Kathryn Bigelow and writer Mark Boal (The Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty) took on the timely subject matter of police brutality in a black urban neighborhood. Perhaps it was too timely for escapism-seeking summer audiences. The film has brought in just $16 mil, despite opening in more theaters than Zero Dark Thirty (which grossed $95 mil).
WINNER: Girls Trip R-rated studio comedies had it rough this year, until Queen Latifah, Jada Pinkett Smith, Regina Hall, and breakout star Tiffany Haddish came to the rescue. Girls Trip ($109 mil) is a milestone in female ensemble comedy: the film opened bigger than Bridesmaids, is selling more tickets per week than Bad Moms, and stands as the only live-action comedy to pass the $100 million mark so far in 2017.
LOSER: Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets This ambitious sci-fi dazzler from director Luc Besson was far more expensive than his 2014 film Lucy — and with just under $40 million in receipts, it made significantly less money. The film did better overseas, particularly in China and Besson’s native France, but still hasn’t recouped its hefty production budget (estimated at $180 mil).
WINNER: Our Minion Overlords Who would have guessed that those anthropomorphized Twinkies in Gru’s basement would become one of America’s most popular exports? Thanks to the massive $975 million worldwide box office of Despicable Me 3 ($255 mil of that in the U.S.), Illumination’s four-film franchise (including three Despicable Me films and Minions) has stolen Shrek’s title as the highest-grossing animated franchise of all time worldwide. 
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Will Ferrell in ‘The House’ (Photo: Warner Bros./YouTube)
LOSER: The House Though The House was stacked with beloved stars like Will Ferrell and Amy Poehler, this comedy about parents who turn their home into an illegal casino proved to be one of summer’s worst bets, taking in $25 mil against a $40 mil budget.
WINNER: Big-Screen Events Why should people go out to the movies when they can stream them at home? That question has the industry doing some heavy soul-searching — but one clear draw in summer 2017 were movies that felt like events. Dunkirk was promoted as a film that needed to be seen on the big screen, and sure enough, people came. Wonder Woman’s end-of-summer IMAX re-release boosted the film’s already robust numbers. And one of August’s biggest audience draws in theaters was an actual live sporting event: the Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor boxing match on August 26 brought in enough money ($2.6 mil) to crack that weekend’s box office top 10.
LOSER: Colin Trevorrow Between its meager $4 mil box office take and the embarrassingly bad reviews, Trevorrow’s original drama The Book of Henry put the director’s reputation on the line — to the point where fans wondered if he would keep his Star Wars: Episode IX job. So far, the Force is still with him.
WINNER: Returning Marvel Heroes They don’t call him amazing for nothing. Spider-Man: Homecoming marked the character’s third franchise reboot in 15 years, yet Spidey came out swinging, earning $320 mil at home and $418 mil internationally. The Guardians of the Galaxy also had a stellar season, with May’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 drawing in summer audiences to the tune of $389 mil (plus $473 mil internationally).
LOSER: Sequels to the Point of Exhaustion Diminishing returns were the name of the game for many once-reliable summer franchises back this year for at least their third time. The fifth Pirates of the Caribbean ($172 mil) and Transformers films ($130 mil), the third Cars movie ($149 mil), and the eighth Alien ($74 mil) all came in below projections — though Despicable Me 3 ($254 mil) and Spider-Man: Homecoming ($318 mil) bucked the trend.
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Edgar Wright arrives ahead of the ‘Baby Driver’ Australian Premiere in Sydney on July 12, 2017 (Photo: Brendon Thorne/Getty Images)
WINNER: Edgar Wright A reliable creator of cult favorite comedies like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and Hot Fuzz, British writer-director Wright had never had a major box-office hit in the U.S. — until now. Wright’s high-speed, music-driven crime film Baby Driver has made $104 mil domestically, nearly quadrupling the box office of his previous film, The World’s End.  
LOSER: Logan Lucky Director Steven Soderbergh emerged from his previously announced retirement to make this racecar heist flick, starring Daniel Craig, Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Katherine Waterston, and Riley Keough. Alas, Soderbergh’s ambitious scheme to market the film on a shoestring backfired; Logan Lucky received rave reviews but has earned only $16.5 mil.
WINNER: Annabelle: Creation Insiders who never expected 2013’s The Conjuring to become a major horror franchise were in for another shock in summer 2017. The fourth installment, an origin story starring the namesake creepy doll, opened at No. 1 and has generated $81 mil on a $15 mil budget, plus $138 mil overseas.
LOSER: Open Road Films Still smarting from April’s huge box-office fail with Armenian genocide drama The Promise, Open Road was no doubt counting on a rebound with the animated The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature. Instead, the abysmally reviewed sequel chalked up the worst opening ever for a film playing in 4,000 theaters. So far it’s made $23.5 mil against a $40 mil budget.
WINNER: Lionsgate The studio behind The Hunger Games took an anti-tentpole approach to summer, stocking its lineup with smaller-budgeted films — and It paid off. The limited-release romantic comedy The Big Sick ($39 mil), the Tupac Shakur biopic All Eyez on Me ($45 mil), and the Ryan Reynolds–Samuel L. Jackson action-comedy The Hitman’s Bodyguard ($44 mil) all had strong summers. Lionsgate’s one stumble was the under-performing memoir adaptation The Glass Castle ($13 mil).
LOSER: Transformers: The Last Knight The fifth Transformers movie showed that the power may be draining out of Michael Bay’s giant robots, beloved by audiences and mocked by critics for a decade. The Last Knight brought in the lowest box office of the five films, making $130 mil domestically on a $217 mil budget. A substantial foreign box office ($473 mil) made the movie profitable, but it’s still a steep decline from the previous installment, Age of Extinction (which made over $1 billion worldwide in 2014).
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’47 Meters Down’ (Photo: Entertainment Studios/YouTube)
WINNER: 47 Meters Down Like last summer’s The Shallows, this shark-based thriller chomped enough money to swim ahead of its low production costs. With a $44 million gross, 47 Meters Down proved that the Jaws formula still works more than 40 years later: summer audiences flock to a beach vacation gone terrifyingly wrong.
LOSER: Netflix’s Blockbuster Ambitions The emergence of Netflix as a movie studio has generated significant controversy in Hollywood this year, with detractors like James Cameron and Christopher Nolan expressing concern that streaming media will kill the moviegoing experience. But it didn’t happen this summer. Though Netflix released some excellent films, including Bong Joon-ho’s critically acclaimed Okja, none generated the kind of pop-culture buzz Netflix has achieved with original TV series like Stranger Things. But don’t count them out; upcoming Netflix films include the Will Smith fantasy-noir Bright and Martin Scorsese’s star-packed gangster film The Irishman.
WINNER: Atomic Blonde This low-budget, super-violent spy thriller faced stiff competition at the box office, but managed to register a stronger opening weekend — and with $49 million, bigger total box office receipts — than director David Leitch’s previous bloodbath John Wick. Will this one get a sequel too? Charlize Theron might want to keep those shades handy.
WINNER: Matt Reeves War for the Planet of the Apes made a respectable $143 mil domestically and $216 mil internationally. Though it was actually the least profitable installment of the reboot trilogy, it was also the best-reviewed, positioning director Matt Reeves for a bright post-Apes future — beginning with plum DC assignment, The Batman.
LOSER: Popcorn Sales Movie theater owners no doubt bore the brunt of this sluggish movie season. According to The Hollywood Reporter, summer box-office revenue in North America is down 16% over last year, and will fail to clear $4 billion for the first time since 2006. Movie buffs might want to start buying extra boxes of Junior Mints to support their local cinema.
Hollywood’s big summer movies were all filmed elsewhere:
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The biggest box-office winners and losers of 2017 (so far)
‘E.T.’ at 35: Older bro Robert MacNaughton tells what ‘D and D’ at Harrison Ford’s, ‘Weird Al,’ Elvis Costello had to do with it
‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’: The best new photos of Luke, Leia, Rey, Finn, Poe, and Kylo
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years ago
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/dark-tower-bombs-box-office-sequel-moving-forward/
'The Dark Tower' bombs at box office but sequel moving forward
Anyone who has read Stephen King's epic Dark Tower series has all agreed on one thing. It's the least likely of his books that can translate well to either the big or small screen. Heck, sometimes it didn't always make the most sense in book form, but that didn't stop Hollywood from hoping to cash in on its popularity and cult readership. Once the first trailer hit, we knew that the studio was hoping to target non-readers of the series, and it felt more like a YA adventure starring Jake Chambers. The studio did pivot with the reaction and focused more on Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey, but the damage had already been done. I do wonder how this could have turned out in the hands of Ron Howard who had a clear vision of how to play out the entire series on both theater screens and television mini-series. The next installment will be on the small screen with Glen Mazzara (The Walking Dead) tapped as showrunner. Just don't be shocked if things get delayed and then forgotten after this dreadful box office return. After a decade of development and several postponements, the long-awaited Stephen King adaptation "The Dark Tower" debuted with an estimated $19.5 million in North American ticket sales, narrowly edging out the two-week leader "Dunkirk." The modest result for "The Dark Tower," starring Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey, was in line with expectations heading into the weekend but well shy of initial hopes for a possible franchise-starter. J.J. Abrams and Ron Howard are among the directors who previously tried to tackle King's magnum opus, a seven-book series that melds sci-fi with horror and other genres. But the long battle to make "The Dark Tower" ended with poor reviews and few fireworks. Still, the movie was made for a relatively modest amount: about $60 million, or half of what many other summer movies cost. Sony Pictures also split costs with Media Rights Capital. "It was always an ambitious and bold undertaking, but it was made at the right price," said Adrian Smith, president of domestic distribution for Sony Pictures. By comparison, the recent flop "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets," which opened with $17 million, cost at least $180 million to make. Christopher Nolan's World War II epic "Dunkirk" slid to second with $17.6 million in its third week. It's now made $133.6 million domestically. Other holdovers - "The Emoji Movie" ($12.4 million in its second week) and "Girls Trip" ($11.4 million in its third week) followed. Another long-delayed film also made its debut. The Halle Berry thriller "Kidnap" opened with $10.2 million. The film, styled after the Liam Neeson "Taken" series," was released by the new distributor Aviron Pictures after it bought the North American rights from Relativity. Before entering bankruptcy, Relativity had scheduled the film's release for 2015. But "Kidnap" still outperformed the week's other new wide release, the far more anticipated "Detroit." The Kathryn Bigelow-directed docudrama is also the first release for an upstart distributor. The first film distributed by Megan Ellison's Annapurna Pictures, "Detroit" debuted with a disappointing $7.3 million after a limited release last week. As a producer, Ellison, the Oracle heiress, has been behind some of the most acclaimed films in recent years, including "Foxcatcher" and "American Hustle." "Detroit," the third collaboration between Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal ("The Hurt Locker," ''Zero Dark Thirty"), reimagines the terror-filled events around the Algiers Motel incident during the 1967 Detroit riots. "We wish more people had showed up this weekend but we are really, really proud of the movie," said Erik Lomis, Annapurna's distribution chief. "The movie got an A-minus CinemaScore, and the reviews have been spectacular." Though hard-hitting, auteur-driven films are typically fall material, Annapurna timed the release of "Detroit" to the 50th anniversary of the riots. Lomis said the intention was to bring the film to as broad an audience as possible. "We believe that smart audiences actually want and will see great movies all year round," he said. In limited release, Taylor Sheridan's Indian reservation thriller "Wind River," starring Jeremy Renner, debuted with a strong per-screen average of $13,053 in four theaters. The Weinstein Co. release was written and directed by Sheridan, the screenwriter behind the Oscar-nominated "Hell or High Water." Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters according to comScore. Where available, the latest international numbers also are included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.
"The Dark Tower," $19.5 million ($8 million international).
"Dunkirk," $17.6 million ($25 million international).
"The Emoji Movie," $12.4 million ($12 million international).
"Girls Trip," $11.4 million ($1.7 million international).
"Kidnap," $10.2 million.
"Spider-Man: Homecoming," $8.8 million ($9.6 million international).
"Atomic Blonde," $8.2 million ($5 million international).
"Detroit," $7.3 million.
"War for the Planet of the Apes," $6 million ($31.5 million international).
"Despicable Me 3," $5.3 million ($21.2 million international).
Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada), according to comScore:
"Wolf Warrior 2," $163 million.
"Once Upon a Time," $38 million.
"War for the Planet of the Apes," $31.5 million.
"A Taxi Driver," $25.2 million.
"Dunkirk," $25 million.
"Despicable Me 3," $21.2 million.
"The Emoji Movie," $12 million.
"Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets," $11 million.
"Spider-Man: Homecoming," $9.6 million.
"Cars 3," $9.6 million.
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