Unveiling My Unique Perspective: A Journey Through Words and Ideas
Hello, I'm Liz!
Welcome to my humble corner of the internet. My blog is a reflection of both my intellectual and personal journey.
I've always been fascinated by a wide range of topics—philosophy, romance, writing, music, films, the color spectrum, chivalrous courtship, quantum computing, and the ethical implications of AI. My insatiable thirst for knowledge comes from a deep curiosity, and with a racing mind and short attention span, I often juggle countless ideas, creations, questions, daydreams, and even entire story universes.
Beyond tech, I love diving into personal growth and creative expression. Here, you'll find a bit of everything: technical insights, personal reflections, occasional poems, creative musings, and a touch of randomness, too.
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I hope you enjoy what I share, and thank you for taking the time to read it!
What makes this blog unique is the way I blend these diverse interests. I often surprise myself by finding connections between seemingly unrelated ideas—whether it's discovering philosophical meaning within STEM or using creativity to explore personal growth.
I'm often forgetful, but I'm grateful to have rediscovered my love for writing and to have recently picked up journaling as a new hobby. This is a place for learning, exploring, and reflecting on both the world around us and our inner selves.
I look forward to having meaningful conversations with you. Please know that I never intend to cause discomfort, and I apologize in advance if anything I write is unintentionally triggering.
Whether you're here for the tech, the philosophy, or just curious about my journey, I hope you find something that resonates—or at least satisfies a curious mind. Welcome! Stay tuned for posts that will range from deep technical dives to thoughtful reflections on life.Original Transcription
I want to share my unique perspective. More than just sweet words, or a genuine reflection that satisfies all the senses and enchants my mind with the aesthetics. Even a fleeting glimpse I catch, I cherish—the slightest meeting between my eyes and yours. I want to tell you you're beautiful, not in such a basic form, because, for me, it's something meaningful to distinguish an adjective I'm sure you've heard before from the essence I behold.
Edited Version
I want to share my unique perspective. More than just sweet words, a genuine reflection that satisfies all the senses and enriches my mind with the aesthetics. Even a fleeting glimpse I catch, I cherish. The slightest meeting between my eyes and yours—I won't tell you you're beautiful. No, not in such a basic form, because, for me, it's something meaningful to distinguish an adjective you've surely heard before from the essence I behold.
Unique perspective,
More than an adjective, it’s
Beauty! I behold.
Personal Reflection
Writing this poem taught me how much I love expressing my emotions. When I feel free and able to do so, communication comes easily. My favorite part of this process was rediscovering little gems from myself, like finding self-love notes. In a way, I'm also manifesting my kindred spirit through these words.
It’s supposed to show how chaotic my mind works and how I struggle to write my ideas as they come. The edited version shows me going back to finish the idea. I love that it captures the essence of editing in writing. You can write something and always be able to edit it, and it’ll keep changing. "I'd love to hear from you!
Have you ever found unexpected insights in your writing?
How do you express your emotions through creativity?
Do you remember the first piece of writing you shared publicly? How did it feel?
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!
Thank you for reading this.
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n0vapuppst3r · 3 months
Hello Everyone, I'm N0VAPUPPY ❤️💜❤️💜❤️ This is my first blog I've created, so sorry if I don't understand a lot of things when it comes to Tumblr blogs or posts etc. Anyway this is a way for me to post any artwork, fanfic news and share my love for all sorts of stuff. So far you'll mostly see traditional drawings and doodles, since I don't have a computer to actually draw them out fully. I hope you all have an amazing day
❤️ Stay lovely and wicked 🖤
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rinaphiaksacofcl · 9 months
Embarking on the Journey: A Prelude to New Beginnings
🌟 Greetings, fellow adventurers! Welcome to the beginning of a new chapter and the inception of my blog. As I sit down to pen (type) the first words, I am filled with a sense of excitement, anticipation, and a touch of nervous energy. This virtual space is a canvas, a sanctuary, and a conversation waiting to unfold.
The Genesis:
Why start a blog, you might wonder? The answer is nestled in the desire to create, connect, and share. Life is a grand tapestry of experiences, and this blog is my attempt to weave in the threads of thoughts, stories, and reflections that make up the fabric of my journey.
A Canvas for Creativity:
This blog is not just a platform; it's a creative haven. Expect to find an eclectic mix of words, colors, and perhaps even a melody or two. It's a space where ideas will dance, imagination will take flight, and creativity will be unleashed.
Themes and Musings:
From the profound to the whimsical, from the ordinary to the extraordinary, this blog will traverse a myriad of themes. Whether it's a travelogue from a recent adventure, reflections on life's lessons, or a burst of creativity in the form of poetry or art, each post aims to be a chapter in the ongoing narrative.
Community Corner:
Beyond the words on the screen, I envision a community. A gathering of kindred spirits who share their thoughts, experiences, and perspectives. Your insights will enrich this space, turning it into a dynamic conversation rather than a monologue.
A Call to Adventure:
As I embark on this blogging journey, I extend an invitation. An invitation to join me in the exploration of ideas, the celebration of creativity, and the discovery of the extraordinary in the ordinary. Share your thoughts, your stories, and let's create a space where inspiration knows no bounds.
In Closing:
Here's to new beginnings, to the excitement of the unknown, and to the joy of creating something meaningful. Thank you for stepping into this adventure with me. I can't wait to see where this journey takes us.
With enthusiasm and gratitude,
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liveinjeju · 2 years
Hello, Jeju! My First Blog Post
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Hi everyone,
I am so excited to be writing my first blog post! My name is Ming, and I live on the beautiful island of Jeju.
As a new blog, I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself and share a bit about what I hope to write about in the future.
Living in Jeju has been an incredible experience.
I have fallen in love with the natural beauty of this island, from the stunning beaches to the lush forests and mountains. In my blog, I want to share with you all the little moments that make up my daily life here.
From exploring new cafes and restaurants, to hiking in the mountains, to simply enjoying the beautiful views, I hope to give you a glimpse into what it's like to live in Jeju.
But that's not all! I also want to share some tips and recommendations for anyone who is planning to visit Jeju. I know how overwhelming it can be to plan a trip to a new place, so I hope my blog can help make your trip to Jeju a little bit easier and more enjoyable.
I am so ecited to start this blogging journey, and I hope you'll join me for the ride.
Thank you for reading, and I can't wait to share more with you soon!
Best, Ming
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bitchyzombiedreamland · 7 months
firstblogpost firstblogpost firstblogpost firstblogpost
firstblogpost firstblogpost firstblogpost firstblogpost
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peaceofmindyx · 2 years
Dear Past Me - I Forgive You
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First Blog Post
Hi Friends this is my first blog post.
It all starts with the first blog post.
I know… I’ve been through that stage. You’ve got mixed feelings:
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thebakingduck · 3 years
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Today marks the start of a journey that is still on going but makes me just as happy now as it did when I started on it. This cheesecake was the first ever recipe I uploaded on to my blog which was 3 years ago today!!! When I decided to turn my blog of random things into something more...I didn't think I would still be doing it now! I thought I realise that no one is reading it or that no one likes it and get rid of it. Yes I don't have million subscribers to it and yes I wonder everyday whether actual people read it or if it's just bots visiting the site. Either way it doesn't matter because as much as I want people to read it. It just makes me happy putting out recipes that I have tried and love. Wow...this turned into a long post!! This cheesecake is amazing and gave me all the Easter feels!! The first picture is the first time I made it three years ago, second picture is this year's attempt and the last picture is me just being me! Full recipe: https://thebakingduck.net/baking/mini-egg-and-flake-cheesecake/ . . . #thebakingduck #cheesecake #minieggs #minieggcheesecake #flakes #minieggandflakecheesecake #recipes #3yearsagotoday #firstblogpost #bakestagram #baking #bakery #easter #cheesecakelovers #lovetobake #blogger #blog #bakingblog #blogofrecipes https://www.instagram.com/p/CNVihXupVFL/?igshid=ztil1rclfhxl
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authormarieasano · 4 years
Welcome to My Blog! Want to Know More?
Minna-san, ohayou gozaimasu! (Good morning everyone!)⁠ ⁠
My first-ever blog post is up now!!! If you're into paranormal mystery with a hint of romance thrown in the mix, then you might find this blog interesting.⁠ ⁠ Be sure to check it out!!!: https://authormarieasano.com/2021/02/01/welcome-to-my-blog-want-to-know-more/
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nutrifitmommy · 4 years
First Post...Here it goes!
First off, I’d like to say welcome to my blog! 
Wow! I can’t believe I’m saying that (haha). I’ve always loved writing and journaling and often I’ve found myself wondering if I should proceed with my passion, yet it always seemed like a far off daydream.  I always had my doubts about whether or not I could do it or if anyone would even read it, but HEY, why not give it a try and see where it leads! Although, I’ve struggled with my share of insecurities and doubts about starting a blog, there are numerous factors that led me here today and these are: my love of words, my love of being a mommy, my love of fitness and nutrition, my love of researching and sharing the knowledge and personal experience I’ve gained with others, and my hopes that I will be able to connect with other’s along the way!
From a young age, I LOVED to read and write. I was always that quiet girl with glasses off by herself reading or writing in a notebook. Although, I’ve grown from that quiet and timid young girl--my love of words and being able to escape into another world is an ever present part of me and I expect it always will be.
My first ever attempt at creative writing was meant to help my sister to learn to read and help to ignite some desire for literature--but we aren’t all destined for a love of words (even today she isn’t a big reader, although does occasionally grab a good book). I worked weekly to create a whole “newspaper” with numerous different articles and stories. I’d include pictures occasionally, although I am FAR from an artist! 
My point to expressing this little morsel of information about myself, was to demonstrate that my love of words tends to go hand in hand with my love of helping others. In this instance, my goal for this blog is to connect with other mama’s and women out there who also share a love of fitness, nutrition, and simply being a parent. I’d like to provide a safe space for women to come with fitness/nutrition/parenting questions or share their personal experiences as well. I know it can be challenging and seemingly impossible to have everything together but I hope to provide a safe environment to turn to, as well as, provide helpful tidbits along the way!
I look forward to posting again soon and hopefully begin establishing some connections with other mama’s out there!
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M.T.A Underground Music Blog is officially up and running.
Hello everyone, this is my first official post on this blog. I’m still feeling around for the nicks and kinks to this whole blog writing, but I hope to have fun as I post up daily content of your favorite up and coming underground artist. There will also be a  M.T.A.( Meet The Artist) Podcast,that will be up and coming later on in the year. Feel free to message me artists you would like for me to cover on my blogs. Your suggestions and feedback mean a lot and I will work hard to feed those underground music needs.
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marineashnalikyan · 5 years
Pursue Your Truth
The first truth to be unafraid to pursue is the truth about who you are. What do you like doing the most? What makes you happier than anything? What makes you excited to be alive? These are the most important truths to pursue. And when you do, everything else will fall into place
 After years of pursuing a business that wasn’t my passion, I was burnt out and extremely unhappy. I was turned off by the greed, dishonesty, and fake people.
I didn’t know what to do, but all I could think was, I’m happy when I’m dancing. I need to dance more. I looked up different studios in the area. I went to one class here, one class there. Then I found a studio with great people and great energy. I took my sister with me and we kept going back. I made great friends. I had a community of people around me that I loved spending time with. We put on performances together. We went to the Magic Castle together. We had lots and lots of coffee and dinners together. My dancing improved. My confidence increased. And it brought JOY back in to my life.
Shortly after, I decided to move to Orange County to pursue a partnership in the same business. Before the actual move itself, I had to go through boxes of stuff that I had stored away for years—boxes of books, piles of poetry, copies and copies of poems revised by my poetry professors and classmates, the books and broadsides I handcrafted. I held my poems in my arms and heard, “THIS is who you are.”
It felt like an out of body experience. I didn’t know what do. I remembered those college days. I was working full time. I was going to school full time. And volunteering. I had no free time. But I loved every minute of it. I loved everything I was doing.
A few months after the move, the partnership crashed and burned. To say it was a tough time would be an understatement. But it quickly got me out from where I don’t belong. I got a job in marketing where I could use more of my creative skills. But in the few months I was applying for jobs, I had many moments of looking up to the sky. Asking what’s next? What do I need to do? And all I could think was, “share your poems.”
I started sharing my poetry on Instagram about a year ago and am starting this blog to share more of my experiences, more words, and more poetry with you.
 With love,
Marine Ashnalikyan
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queenmotherme-blog · 5 years
I think it’s always important to set an intention! otherwise, knowing myself, I’ll forget why I started and question why I’m still going. Soooo, my intentions on this blog are to 1. Treat it as my daily journal 2. Document my highs and lows 3. Explore my inner... everything..? 4. Share things that interest me and 5. Always post what makes me happy... not others ☺️
Here we go 🖤
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captanand43350-blog · 5 years
Intro to this fantastic blog!!
Hello everyone, welcome to this blog!I hope you are having a great day! I am really happy that you took the time to come and read this post, this blog will cover all the aspects of aviation, from pilots, to airplanes, to aerodynamics and much more, I really hope you will have a lot of fun reading my posts and help me on this journey to hopefully become a successful blogger. Please follow me, and reblog my posts if you guys enjoy reading them! Thanks!
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trouvailleblog · 5 years
Welcome to my blog – something lovely you discovered by chance...
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mmoonlightmmadness · 5 years
May have found happiness
I used to think happiness meant having a large group of friends, a good job, getting top grades and never failing to look fashionable. I really thought I needed to have it all, I believed happiness was something that would magically appear one day as soon as I had my whole life figured out. But oh boy was I wrong. This whole time I thought I was doing things to achieve a happy life, but in reality I was standing in the way of exactly that.
If you let yourself go for a while and concentrate on the small things, you'll find little sparks of joy everywhere. A bad grade? You didn't get the job you applied for? So what, life goes on and theres a reason for everything, maybe it just wasn't meant to be. I think the problem is that we spend too much time focusing on the bad, we let it take over our day and control our thoughts. But think about all those little moments that made you feel good. The one time you did your makeup and your lipstick looked great, a cuddle from your dog, sharing a smile with a stranger, drinking hot coffee, laughing with your siblings and singing in the car with your best friend. Those moments add up you know? They may seem irrelevant at the time, but they are not. They're all little snippets of happiness you just have to take the time to appreciate them. What if we got the whole concept wrong and happiness isn't this state you can achieve but rather little moments of joy, times where you feel like you're on top of the world and everything's light. Maybe it was here all along, while I was desperately trying to find what I already had. I think that's what it's all about, not finding happiness somewhere else, but realizing you've had it in you this whole time you just needed to unlock it's doors. It starts with you, with you realizing you're worth it and you're good enough. When you stop comparing yourself to others, who btw are probably on the same path trying to find what you're also looking for, and when you put yourself first and don't make yourself small you'll realize that it was there all along. You need to know that it's okay to be sad from time to time, it's okay to feel lost and to ask for help, but don't you ever think that you're not worthy of being happy because you are. But unfortunately happiness will not find you, you have to find it in yourself and once you've found it, embrace it and do not let it go.
Hope you liked my first blog post:) I’d really appreciate a feedback! Have an amazing day and don’t forget to put a smile on your face. 
Yours sincerely,
Leen xxx
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