#Fireteam Dusk
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jaykaycreates ¡ 2 years ago
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bit of an art block so decided to sketch this idea i had with my bastard warlock Ruen and the new raid robes. He’s all about control so I thought he would use the extra arms like a puppeteer (he uses strand now too)
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martyr-19 ¡ 8 months ago
{"guardian_login": "Martyr-19" [”ghost”: “Prophet”]}
{“id": "0402"}
{"title": "Bio:SENTRY-#"}
{"type": "bioshare"}
{"created": "####-##-##”}
{“updated”: “####-##-##”}
Snippets of Sentry-3’s Guardian profile—
{“guardian": "Sentry-3"}
{“ghost": "Flint"}
{“status”}} > active
{“stationed”}} > “European Dead Zone, Earth”
> [titan, exo]
First Vanguard Note>>
[####-##-##] > Z “Has shown an exceptional talent for void Light manipulation. Her skill and discipline is beyond what I would expect from a New Light, I will be keeping a close eye on her progress."
Latest Vanguard Note>>
[####-##-##] > Z “Has reported continued House of Dusk activity in the northeastern EDZ. I need a full report on her activities and patrols in that region as soon as possible.”
Fireteam {1} Insight>>
[####-##- ##-] {“year 1”}
{B}} Commander Zavala’s favourite. 5/10
{V1}} Tactically amazing! Knows just how to play to everyones strengths and cover their weaknesses!
{L}} Might be stronger than Vuass! Fast, powerful, knows what she’s doing! (Favourite flowers are alyssums <3)
{K}} Can be a bit much. She’s loud and will absolutely make her opinion known. In her defense, she’s usually right.
{M8}} Autocratic.
Fireteam {1} Insight>>
[####-##- ##-] {“year 2”}} “last recorded”
{B}} I miss them too, y’know.
{V1}} I wish you the best. I hope you heal. This cannot go on, Sentry. You cannot go on like this.
{L}} [No Comment Available]
{K}} [No Comment Available]
{M8}} You can’t treat people this way forever.
Latest Guardian Report>>
I do not have access to reports beyond those from the initial fireteam tenure. The Guardian has implemented strict privacy measures, and the reasons for this are not mine to speculate upon. Access is restricted to Vanguard leadership and current fireteam members- confirming the presence of a new fireteam.
Cross-referencing data from Vuass-4 and Bev's activity, I can again confirm that she has begun communicating with them.
Vanguard reports provide limited insight into her monitoring activities of the House of Dusk within the European Dead Zone.
I can conclude that privacy is of the utmost importance to her. Given that she has thoroughly locked down her current information, I believe it unwise to share the {15} pages last transmitted between Sentry-3 and Martyr-19 on [####-##-##]. The day of fireteam dissolution.
I will, however, summarize:
>>{Sentry-3[titan, exo]}”summary”
“Do not message me again.”
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therabidkell ¡ 1 year ago
Moving all my notes from my old phone so here's a ton of notes on FireTeam Chaos.
Things about Kaisk:• As an age reference she's just a little bit younger than Eramis, she was just starting out her own life as an adult when the whirlwind happened • Colored her armor and banners black out of anger but she's actually come to like it• Absolute mom friend, when she can she'll always make sure everyone is alright and well taken care of• Daddy Issues• Isn't really interested in joining House Light as she's chill with FireTeam Chaos, but she'll gladly help out House Light wherever and whenever she can• If you are 6' and under watch out because she can and will mother you• Name is really spelt 'Kiaask', it's like a reverse of the situation with most Eliksni names, her name is said just fine but nobody can spell it right and Kaisk just happens to be the misspelling that she's most fine with• She's fine with the misspelling tho, she's just glad people pronounce her name right and if anything she's glad for a 'new' name • As a hatchling she had this rag that she absolutely loved to cuddle with, to this day she still has it even though she constantly has to repair it and it's miniscule compared to her now • Has many pictures of her kids, and two of herself when she was younger. Physical pictures were hard to come by on Riis(headcanon obvs), so the only reason the pictures of her survived was because she treasured them so much as they were one of the few things she saved before the long drift. She has pictures of her kids because once in the Sol system she had much better access to the ability to take physical pictures, and she thought it'd be nice to have pictures of her kids just like how her parents had pictures of her.• Originally lived in the House of Winter, then ended up in House of Wolves during the Wolf Rebellion, but she didn't like it there so she and her partner ran to House of Exile, she lost her partner when House of Dusk was taking over Exile• She and her partner were both promoted to Captains after surviving the battle of Twilight Gap• Doesn't use social media much but is absolutely one of those TikTok/Reddit moms• Her nest has a ton of various fabrics just dyed black surrounding it or in it, they're mostly old banners or gifts from old housemates, the only banners not dyed black are her winter ones, one wolf one, and one exile one, anything else with color were gifts from her partner• Her voice is feminine with a bit of androgyny, very commanding, when she speaks you listen, it's hard not to hear her and her confidence• Closest voiceclaim would be The villain in that Open Up Your Eyes song• When asked for best advice: "Life is hard and often cruel, so be positive to set the balance into order."• As of Lightfall she learns to wield strand• She's been learning to accept the fact she can't force things to happen the way she wants them and with strand being the opposite of stasis and the aspect of control it has it's perfectly in line with what she's been learning• After years of avoiding combat out of fear of death she goes with the Fireteam to Neomuna
Theme songs: Unstable- Mr.Kitty, Wires- The Neighborhood, Two Birds- Regina Spektor,
Things about Fossil:× Really good with technology and such since she was a twitch streamer pre-guardian life and worked in IT× Surprisingly good at dancing, like she is stupidly good at matching with the flow of whatever music she's dancing to, hip-hop and other fast paced music is what she's best at× Will listen to any music but she specifically loves dubstep and Nightcore rock songs, she finds them the best to dance to with the beat drops and fast pace× Hates not having a long cape or cloak, she always has a backup one somewhere, she says it's so she can sleep anywhere with her cape as a blanket but really she's just traumatized from her time on Io× Even though she's not that smart when it comes to a lot of things she is very good with computers and stuff, literally set up most of the technology stuff in FireTeam's base(With Kaisk's help to reach things up high)× Straight, asexual× Really good at climbing, and combined with her height she will literally climb people like Kaisk or Dutar× On that note, never taunt her about her height if you are taller than her, she will climb you like a tree just to insult you to your face× Hates caffeine and basically anything energy-drink like, her arc already makes her pretty hyper and so stuff like caffeine actually hurts her as when she wields arc her heart and body is already being pushed to it's limit. No joke if she drank pure black coffee she'd most likely have a heart attack× She gets attached to people and things very easily× Hellsite user, she just gives those vibes× Has a loft bed on her ship and in the base has a regular bed, lot's of purple and white blankets/pillows with lighter purple or silver accents× Her voice is an even mix of feminine and androgynous, light but gets deeper when she shouts× Closest voiceclaim would be the singer in the song Neglected Space by Imogen Heap, Fossil just sounds younger× Sees Scrapwork like a younger brother, Dutar like a close-age sibling, Jackie like a father, and Kaisk like a Mother× When asked for best advice "Uhh if you need a weapon make sure it's a good one."× Often calls Scrapwork "Scrappy" as a nickname× After the incident on Neomuna she's obviously traumatized and needs some therapy, luckily she knows a guardian therapist× She gets scared to use her light for awhile even tho× Gets very concerned for Kaisk when she decides to use strand
Theme Songs: LOONATIC- LOONA/ODD EYE CIRCLE, Afraid- The Neighborhood, Villainous Self-Riser- Kuraiinu,
Things about Dutar- Can eat almost anything but he hates spicy food, cannot stand it, like he can eat it but he just despises the flavor- Loves Ice cream- Surprisingly gentle and controlled, like he's got enough control over his hands he can pet Fex- On the petting thing he often does it to reassure Fex- As chaotic as he is he really just wants friends and underneath his rougher persona he's a pretty big people pleaser, Jackie is probably the only one able to jokingly bully him, if anyone else were to he'd be hurt and genuinely angry/upset depending on what was said- Constantly has to reapply paint to his chitin, so I imagine when Exo Jackie has to fix his own paint they'll help each other with putting the paint in more hard to reach areas- He's sraight but he's got weird hive gender stuff going on with him so identity is weird with him- Like Oryx in the ftm thing, was literally like "F this knights are cool I wanna be one" and then became a male as an acolyte- Like that one meme with the guy who doesn't understand pronouns and thinks he being attacked- Loves pool noodle fights, though sometimes he can get a bit too into it- He's like a mix between a Hunter and a Titan, as in he's got void shields and the Titan super but dresses in Hunter cloaks and wears minimal bulky armor- Has child lock on all his devices, otherwise he'd spend all his time fighting on futuristic Twitter- Has a bunch of rubber ducks, he collects them and his favorite part of his collection is a zavala rubber duck- The only reason he collects rubber ducks is because he enjoys making them fight to the death- Twitter user, he loves starting and joining in on fights, online and irl- Has no actual bed, just a common sleeping spot because he'll sleep anywhere- His voice is very deep and masculine, lots of bass, but not very loud or screeching, so to other hive he sounds like their equivalent of the burger king foot lettuce meme guy- Has a crap ton of trauma from when he was resurrected, anything torture related causes him to either shut down or rage, depends on circumstances- Closest voiceclaim would be Caleb Hyles- When asked for best advice: "If you're dying, don't."- When comfortable he can be a really big goofball
Theme songs: Goodbye- Bo Burnham, Hand Crushed By A Mallet- 100 gecs, It's Alright- Jack Stauber
Things about Scrapwork:/ He refuses to accept he's Scorn, and desperately tries to act like a normal Eliksni/ Due to being Scorn it needs dark Ether, he physically gets sick from regular Ether, so Mend quite literally has to poison any Ether he's going to ingest so it can actually work on him/ It doesn't like to talk about his time on the shore, and often avoids talking about it in general/ LOVES sweets, has a major sweet tooth and will eat nearly anything sweet/ Very attached to Mend and very protective of her/ Hates helmets, his 'helmet' is really just a mask with good coverage, and the hood on his head has metal on it to protect him/ Facebook user, idk why but I can see it being one/ Likes the looks of cats but has no idea how to interact with them/ Loves to be buried, his nest is literally just a big pile of blankets with some odd fabric scraps and a few pillows scattered around the pile/ Selective mute, Mend most often speaks for him, and even after it learned sign language Mend still occasionally speaks for it/ Mains void/solar and occasionally uses stasis, prefers solar but sucks at it and only uses stasis when stressed/ Loves board games of all kinds, the second you mention board games it's interested / Often fidgets with the metal on his hands, and is why he wears bandages on his hands when not wearing the metal/ Very protective of Mend, gets nervous when she's out in danger zones/ His voice is masculine but very light, not squeaky, just soft/ Very good with bows and many melee weapons/ Voiceclaims for both Scrapwork and Mend would be the singers in the song Wine Red by The Hush Sound/ When asked for best advice: "If your friend hurts you, they are not your friend, leave them."/ Scrapwork is so competitive at scrabble he's been reading dictionaries during his off-time so he can get better at it
Theme songs: Just Take My Wallet- Jack Stauber, Lima Bean Man- Jack Stauber, Everybody Wants To Rule The World- Tears For Fears, I Can Talk- Two Door Cinema Club,
FireTeam Chaos Overview* Nicknames:• Fossil. Fos'• Dutar. Dewdrop, 'tar• Scrapwork. Scrap', Scrappy• Kaisk. Kai, • Jackie. Jack, Grandpa* Scrapwork lives in the team's equivalent of a basement since he's the newest, he doesn't mind this and in fact enjoys it since he doesn't feel confined* Fossil is banned from crucible betting* The FireTeam's unofficial Initiation process is trying to eat Gatorade ramen, the whole team freaked when Scrapwork liked it and often playfully bully him for liking it* Dutar likes southern vocabulary/slang, he enjoys the condensing of words and uses this to his advantage to be a menace, one of the reasons he has limited time on devices* Jackie has a ton of spinmetal carvings on his desk that were made by Fossil* Scrapwork loves to carve spinmetal with Fossil, and just general metal crafts with her* Sometimes the team has an arts and crafts day just to liven up their living spaces* Dutar never says the same thing twice when it comes to Guardian Class, like he was revived a Titan and dresses like a Hunter but sometimes jokes he's actually a Warlock, Nobody but his ghost knows what Class he is, not even Jackie knows* Scrapwork is oddly competitive over scrabble, he literally hand-painted and made an Eliksni version of the letters, and the crew just accepted it* Above stated prompted Dutar to add hive runes as a Scrabble set, halfway through a game they got rid of the set, they don't talk about what happened* Fossil wanted to get in on adding languages to their scrabble collection and so she added Russian letters, nobody in the team knows Russian she just found it when exploring the cosmodrome and thought it'd be fun to add* Now the Team as a whole has a habit of looking for scrabble sets in different languages and their matching dictionaries* The main kinda of missions they do are for scouting, while only two members are written down it's actually five people running the show so they are very good at covering ground and sending info* Their missions mainly consist of:• Kaisk in control of receiving the information from the ghosts and sending/writing down information, she also keeps the comms private and clear, but just in case the team uses nicknames, Kaisk being Mothership because she's in her ship and is the mom friendAfter the area is mapped out the guardians take different areas/codenames• Fossil covers the South part of the area with the codename SouthSister• Jackie covers the North part of the area with the codename NorthFather• Dutar covers the West part of the area with the codename WestBrother• Scrapwork covers the East part of the area with the codename EastBrother• The guardians scout the area and note points of interest which their ghost will send the data on back to Kaisk where she sorts and goes through all the data• All the guardians return to Kaisk where more peer review happens and then the team sends the data to whoever they are doing the mission for
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dulfyrthedark ¡ 2 years ago
Story 11
Dulfyr, Rohneir, and Fen stood in front of Variks, the Loyal, as he briefed them on their mission. Taniks, a notorious mercenary, had been sent by the Wolf Pack to plunder the Hive and steal the Dark. It was up to the fireteam to stop him and avenge the dead.
The trio nodded in understanding and set out on their mission. As they made their way through the Temple of Crota, they encountered waves of Hive enemies. Dulfyr, a skilled Warlock, used his abilities to clear a path for his team, while Rohneir, a nimble Hunter, provided cover and took out enemies from a distance. Fen, Dulfyr's sister, who was also a Warlock, provided backup and support.
Variks warned them that Taniks was a clever creature and would try to trick them. The fireteam remained vigilant as they approached the Dusk Warren. They encountered a group of Fallen at the bottom of the lift, which they quickly dispatched. Taniks, the Scarred, appeared and attacked the fireteam, but they managed to weaken him, and he retreated.
Variks challenged the Guardian to face Taniks in the ways of old. The fireteam pursued Taniks through the Traitor's Ketch, fighting their way through waves of Fallen, until they finally caught up with him in a room. The battle was fierce, with Taniks calling in support from more Fallen, but the fireteam managed to weaken him further, and he retreated once again.
As they chased Taniks through the ship, they were ambushed by a Wolf Walker, a formidable foe. But the fireteam worked together, and with Dulfyr's help, they destroyed the Walker and continued their pursuit.
They finally caught up with Taniks in the next room, where they engaged him in a final battle. It was a close fight, with Taniks putting up a tough fight, but in the end, the fireteam emerged victorious.
Variks congratulated them on a job well done and promised them a reward from the Queen, along with his respect. The fireteam breathed a sigh of relief, knowing they had successfully completed their mission and avenged the fallen.
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ask-pup ¡ 2 years ago
All OCs in the Linked Systems
You heard me right. Time to dive into the pile of 140+ OCs worth of lore and tangled storylines. Don't worry, all we are covering right now are the names and what universes they are in.
Current OC Count: 143
Open Filesystem-(My computer)
Wymi/Sillyvision Crew
(Joey falls into this category as well, but I'll put him with the Destroyers.)
NegaVirus, or Negavi
Entity 303, or 303
Demon of The Ink, or Joey
Wanderers of the Desktop
Nicholas, The Puppet Master, or Pup
(Negavi goes here as well, though he is also a destroyer.) 
Neonia-(Big world of anthro OCs)
Hyperdream Crew
Nightfly Crew
Skeld Crew
Richard-rustic orange
General-military green
Jade-jade green
Other Neonians
Konazel-(AU of Neonia, main project rn)
Ancient Konazelians, not really important anymore
Trilace Estate
Carbotas “Otis” Vatri
Turas “Riss” Vatri
Holly Blossom
Equinox Cinder
Solstice Cinder
Spring Cinder
Autumn Cinder
Trilace Emer
Spirit Tilo
Bell Tilo
Ivy Blossom
Half-Moon Hills 
Rocky Fotar
Ingot Seplin
Zoey Seplin
Other Konazelians
Takeo Fotar
Nera Fotar
Latte Dustcloud
Cice Emer
Nova Star
Pyra Star Vatri
Luke Vatri
Haven Alpha-(Minecraft OCs)
Breeze Cyclone
Jace Cyclone
Zack Cyclone
Zilo Mason
Royal Cyclone
General Greathorn
General DeKather 
Origintale-(Undertale AU that is barely Undertale anymore and contains characters from our 2 AUs and our headcanon)
Frisk Cloudspot
Nick Cloudspot
Clover Cloudspot
Hollo Cloudspot
Luna Cloudspot
Cody Cloudspot
Chara Cloudspot
Beth Cloudspot
Asriel Cloudspot
Asriel Nightmoon
Asriel Dreemur
Frisk Lightshine
Tai Lightshine
Josefin(but he's a boi)
Fireteam Cardboard-(Halo universe we made bc why not)
Bluie-420 “Timmy”
Nebby (canonically Jacob and Violet's great-granddaughter)
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destinylegendrpg ¡ 2 years ago
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Watch LIVE tonight at 8:30 PM EST / 7:30 C as one of our fireteams journeys further into the wilderness outside of the Red Legion-controlled Last City. After negotiating for safe passage past House of Dusk yet being attacked at night by Skandil the Vandal, will tensions reach a breaking point?
WHAT IS DESTINY: BECOME LEGEND? D:BL is a custom TTRPG fan project co-created by acidmouthed and frombrad2worse. Designed with the video games' build-crafting in mind, the system allows players to craft their preferred subclass and loadout similar to the Light 3.0 system. Using d6s, fireteams and their Vanguard work collaboratively for narrative play with mechanics available for both in-combat and out-of-combat, based on players' needs from the bottom-up. Combat sheets even include dice spaces to help players plan their turns!
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Check out our (upcoming) pinned post to learn more!
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rabbit-rays ¡ 2 years ago
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image id: a drawing of 18 of my original characters walking down a suburban street in various halloween costumes. the background is in purple and oranges, and everyone is lit by late afternoon late. characters from front to back are emily and melanie castenada, samira hashemi, jackie delco, grace nishikawa, darcy jones, june, tachyon-01, higgs-37, hegemony, tyto, chrysanthemum vice, terra ‘dirge’ concord, pepper farfiel, saint, nomad-13, xinyi chen, and alene taylor. end id.
last oc-tober!!! prompt was halloween, here’s as many guys as i could fit in one image out trick or treating :)
lineup and everyones costumes under the cut!!
roughly from front to back:
emily castenada (signal to noise) as juno steele (penumbra podcast)
melanie castenada (signal to noise) as kim kitsuragi (disco elysium)
samira hashemi (signal to noise) as ernest shackleton (real life)
jackie delco (signal to noise) as jughead jones (riverdale)
grace nishikawa (peppers ghost) as primary/demani dusk (twilight mirage)
darcy jones (peppers ghost) as satellite/grey gloaming (twilight mirage)
june (destiny) as chell (portal) (featuring caliban as wheatley!)
fireteam transmat (destiny) as the neighbor family (in their portrait costumes) (bluff city)
chrysanthemum vice (take my revolution) as howl (howls moving castle)
terra ‘dirge’ concord (firebrands) as tom paris (star trek voyager)
pepper farfiel (dnd) as hawke (dragon age 2)
saint and nomad (destiny) as fox and mulder (xfiles)
alene taylor (infinities) as micheal burnham (star trek discovery)
xinyi chen (infinities) as william riker (star trek next generation)
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jaykaycreates ¡ 2 years ago
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Was thinking about making Aaliyah a Strand user, it fits her vibe.
also take this dumb meme i made. Two types of strand users
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kaonite ¡ 4 years ago
Can we hear about your Misraaks headcanons pls?
hahahaaha ahah okay so this turned more into picking him apart rather than headcanons but i mixed them in there ::3 (im so sorry, i cannot be coherent at all and gushed profusely. i promise my writing is way different than the way i type this out.)
for some reason it wont let me add tags??? so i hope no one is upset by that!
-misraaks doesnt know how to be 'normal' per say, barring the fact he IS an alien(this goes with my super personal headcanon that the wolves just breed some ODD eliksni. 110% there’s something SUPER up with the wolves (or gentle weavers) as a whole. there's something in the ether turning the wolves into human simps) and is just a weird guy? Who 'turns their back' on their own without being a little fucking odd? i mean if i saw a almost 7ft tall lady and she dragged me away from my attempted suicide (thats some baggage already) and offered peace in a my cultures way id rethink my ideals too (theres more to it i know but humor me!) Also unlearning ALL you've been taught was rough and trying but he was a young mind and to be honest... that's probably for the best (no doubt sjur did use him against the wolves but i really feel their friendship was genuine, full of a lot of love and respect after he stopped being an angsty vandal with unresolved mommy issues)
-he puts on this show of being strong and unyielding but if he trusts you he just crumbles and is bare to the bone about everything. misraaks isn't afraid of being honest per say, he may come off brash but he's just telling it like it is... no sense in beating around the bush. he's not an asshole but being raised the way he was uh... some tact had be learned. 
-no no no it's not bc his mother may have been strict and terrifying to some degree so he has to be the strongest  or he feels he'll fail everyone he knows. so when someone breaks down his walls he's just a soft, sappy individual who just wants everyone to have a peaceful life together while trying to be strong for everyone else at his own mental expense. hes so passionate, charismatic and driven even with all the odds stacked against him, the fucking STRENGTH in that. (DREG STRENGTH GO! even tho he's not a dreg u get my meaning, everyone so far has deemed him as such) what a king! ❤ (praksis u call him foolish again i'll break every one of the generators in your lab)
-brings me to my next headcanon that the nightmare in the moon, horkis? Is his mother and all the teachings that she and others brought upon him as a child up until meeting sjur concentrated into one being. that if he doesn't bleed for the cause, die for the cause, then he has failed his people.  OOPS! IT'S ALL DEEP SEATED TRAUMA! 
-also headcanon she was the one to dock him? to make it extra good when he thinks back on her in the misraaks lore tab 
(I normally don't slander moms bc damn if anyone slandered my mom id throw hands but bungie gave me the scraps and im working with them and misraaks seemed like he had a pretty standard, though super strict, upbringing ::) )
-he appears haughty, self-assured and a bit cold though that's just how he projects himself... he's not actually that way? I mean, hes pretty calm and collected. he expresses a deep  loyalty and love for Sjur and cares for his fireteam immensely. He trusted his fireteam enough to take them to her resting place, how is that not vulnerability we otherwise don't really see? 
He'd throw down for his friends and loved ones because that's just how Eliksni ARE. kin is everything, even friends. he just has a different way of showing it. 
-misraaks... okay i have to say he's into poetry, or talking poetically. the way he speaks is almost... romantic (not in a bad or spicy way!) i just know that boy really SPEAKS in such an eloquent, thoughtful sense. there's a lot of meaning and love in his words. he doesn't just SAY things to fill the silence. every word has a meaning, a purpose. i love that about him. 
-okay maybe i headcanon his fireteam being all around goofballs with him at times of respite, softening out his sharp edges. making him loosen up and enjoy the little things in life rather than worrying about the bigger picture. (bungie where's that getting drunk with his fireteam lore tab? i would like to see it. you have it with the yw and crow... it's the least you could do for the misraaks stans...) i just feel its hard for him to sit and do nothing, just to fool around, be a "normal person" due to the fact his whole life up to his moment of wanting to create house light has been death and war. He was MADE for war. it'd be hard for him to adjust to a 'happier' existence without a little prodding
-he doesn't care about glory, or is doing what he does for selfish gain. he genuinely just wants to help, to create peace. so if anyone approached him with the kell of kells title he'd promptly tell them to shove it (sorry misraaks... you're in the same boat with the young wolf... you can't escape your destiny)
-can we talk about how much misraaks unlearned from sjur then YEARS later is with dusk, meets the young wolf (that annoying bastard of a guardian! :) ), they spare him then it seems like something unlocks in him. like we were the final catalyst to his dreams being real. no longer did he want to be canon fodder, or use his crew as such, he wanted to lead... to be better, to do better for his people along the guardians. maybe he could be better than just another solider dying for a cause they didn't even know at that point. he could be everything his kind rallied against and be GREATER than he was taught to be , not stepping on those deemed less than him. his MIND 
-can i just shoehorn something in real quick. I don't believe he'd practice docking after everything. I just can't see it and i always see him having trauma around docking so why would he wish that on others as a treatment under his kellship? It took him A LONG ASS TIME to unlearn how fucked up it is and how their society as whole is (ie. he literally fantasized about his mother docking him. how is that not absolutely insane to hear?)  also it'd be useless at this point, he'd need people at their prime, not missing two arms for an old, unnecessary dark practice. he doesn’t want people to fear him, if your people fear you are you truly a leader?
*cuts this ask open with a knife and lets loose a character interpretation more than headcanons* OOPS
am i projecting? maybe but bungie gave me crumbs and i am going to use them
im holding back a bunch of thoughts bc most of them center around much more personal headcanons bc this is my emotional support eliksni :') plus ive written so much already im pretty sure you all think im insane.
If anyone has anything to add feel free! Id love to hear it, you may have some ideas/headcanons/interpretations i didn't list or i never though of! of course... most of this is projecting, who doesn't do that to their fave?
and honestly, i am so open to talking about him in depth, if you want to, shoot me a message! I'll get to it! :3
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titanharem ¡ 4 years ago
I shall give you many hc's because no one ever asks and so I'm unloading all of this on you
Fireteam Joker (affectionately named so because Cayde made a passing joke and they loved the name) live in a townhouse together outside the city.
They have a mini farm full of animals, mainly Donkeys! My Exo Hunter Beta-1 likes to feed and hang out with the birds, Human Titan Angelo does all the farming, and my Awoken Warlock Asterine, who Angelo is married too, does the heavy lifting!
Beta is an Arcstrider, and is actually the only one with Sense, but has the most amount of trauma! Turns out, there's a reason she's only reset once! She learned why.
Angelo, a user of Burning Maul, was raised by his Ghost and sees them as his Mother, and so do they. It's very cute, not so much when you're trying go kiss your wife and your Ghost gets between you two.
Most think Asterine, the Nova Bomber, is a Titan because she can carry up to 300 lbs! (SheCan'tHerGhostJustHealsHerBonesTendonsAndMusclesTheMomentTheyGetHurtNoOneTellHerShePicksUpAngeloSoMuchAndTheyBothLoveIt)
They are all Cowboys. I will not explain.
Angelo and Asterine have twins! They hope they'll be gifted with Ghost, but doubt it sincerely. They just hope that their children will be old when they become orphaned, rather then bear with the pain of outliving their babies.
Enjoy the trio! I love them and am happy to finally share some stuff about them!
Wait no, I'm going to cry, I love them all? I love the idea of a fireteam living together, it scratches the "found family trope" part of my brain. And I refuse to ever think about Angel and Asterine dying, or their twins living out their lives and dying. Both are bad and make me sad (and I love it-)
Honestly, shoutout to the leaders/Common Sense Guardians having the most trauma. For example, Dusk-4 was more or less the "leader" of her little fireteam, and then she stepped up to be the Hunter Vanguard after Cayde's death. The majority of her trauma is from Red War and Cayde dying (and the subsequent revenge-warpath she went on), but it still counts. She mostly took on being the Hunter Vanguard because in her guilty, grieving brain, it was "well, whoever killed Cayde would be Vanguard, and I didn't save him in time, so that counts."
I would commit so many warcrimes for Angelo and his Ghost-Mom so much, that dynamic makes me so soft. Also, I have a very clear image in my head of a Ghost just flying full speed to get between two Guardians, with the closest approximation of having “angry eyes,” I just need you to know that. Anyways, Cygnus’ old Ghost*, Lyra, could probably be considered a mom friend, mostly because she’s the one who held the braincell all the time. Cygnus would do something stupid (”test his limits” via jumping gaps, or wading through radiolaria, etc), and Lyra would yell at him the whole time because what was he even thinking? *Unfortunately, Lyra was killed by Vex, so for a long time, Cygnus was Ghostless. He eventually gets another Ghost who stopped reviving their “Guardian” when the Light returns in Red War
Don’t talk to me, I’m only thinking about Asterine attempting things like that, and people thinking she’s a Titan, when really it’s just poor planning on her part, and a Ghost who looks out for her bones. Genesis-2 is also a Warlock who could, potentially, be considered a Titan, only because she’s most likely to get into melee range with a sword, and possibly a solar-Light powered punch. She’s also picked up a Sunbreaker Titan’s (*cough* Lord Radegast *cough*) hammer at least once- it was a spur of the moment, worried-for-friends thing.
Okay, think I answered to everything, and again, I love your trio. Always feel free to ramble about your OCs in my askbox
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changingourdestiny ¡ 4 years ago
Nightlight Part 1: Endless Night
Fireteam Paralight awake to the Last City being plunged into darkness with the sun nowhere in sight. Ikora and Osiris have no doubt about it being the Vex's doing but with no answers on how to fix it, they turn to unlikely allies for them but familiar allies to Paralight: Mithrax and Tif of House Light.
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Next Part: Here
“I know I said to ‘party until the sun rises’…but this is NOT what I meant.”
Cayde and Fireteam Paralight all stood at the Helm’s front window at the endless night sky…at 11am. The sun hadn’t risen at all that morning with strange glitch-like wisps in the air. Rae let out a sigh, “Can…can someone pass me that cushion over there?”
“Oh, sure.” Crow picked up a nearby cushion resting on the war table and handed it to the Stasis Vanguard. “Thank you.” Rae calmly accepted the cushion and held it to her face before letting out a stressed and frustrated scream into the pillow. As her scream faded, Adam hesitantly spoke, “Are…are you ok, Rae?”
“My stress levels are PERFECTLY healthy, guys!” Rae said with a forced grin. “Uh huh…sure…” Blaze scooted away from Rae a bit as the sound of footsteps approached. Zavala and Ikora entered the Helm. “Thank you for coming on short notice.” Ikora began. “Figured we’d be called up here at some stage.” Blaze replied, “Usually when things take a turn for the crazy, we’re the ones that are called. And the sun being gone is kinda hard to miss.”
“Very true. With that said, allow me to deliver your briefing.” Ikora began, “As you saw, for the first time in humanity’s long and storied history, the sun did not rise. Osiris tells me it’s a Vex simulation that has plunged the City into an endless night. It seems they’ve found a way to harness our energy against us. And even in all his wisdom, Osiris can offer no solution.”
“To do something like this to the Last City…” Cayde muttered, “Whatever the Vex are planning, they’re confident enough to target our home turf.”
“That or they’re becoming desperate.” Zavala added. “The Vex rely on logic. Whatever their plan is, the chances of success for them are high enough for them to execute it.” Rae chimed in. “Rae’s right.” Ikora agreed, “I don’t know what will happen if we can’t break the Vex’s hold over the City. I do know that we must protect our people, no matter the cost.”
“Agreed.” Adam nodded. “So, what’s the plan? How’re we gonna pry the Vex’s robo-hands off the City?” Blaze asked. “The Vex are machines…” Ikora replied, “And no one understands machines better than the Eliksni. Osiris and I could only think of one we might turn to. And I believe you’re acquainted with him and one of his captains.”
“Wait…you mean…?” Rae perked up in realisation. Ikora nodded, “Mithrax, Kell of House Light. My spies report he claims to be among the last Sacred Splicers; those with the power to commune with machines. He may be our best and only hope.”
“I didn’t know he was a Splicer.” Rae muttered, “He never made it obvious during the times we met him and Tif never mentioned it either.”
“It makes sense that he would try to keep it hidden.” Crow replied, “House Dusk and the remnants of Salvation would find the abilities of Splicers useful against their enemies.”
“Hmm…fair point.” Rae said before turning back to Ikora, “Do we have any information on his location?”
“My Hidden report that both Mithrax and Tifawt were last seen on Europa, helping Variks evacuate Eliksni defectors.” Ikora explained, “Both the Vex and Eramis’s loyalists are down there hunting for survivors, shooting anything that moves. Be sure to shoot back. We need Mithrax alive if he’s to help us with our Vex problem.”
“Right.” Rae turned to her Fireteam, “You heard Ikora. Let’s hit the skies.”
“Yes ma’am!”
Fireteam Paralight hurried out of the Helm. Cayde went to follow but was stopped by Ikora. “No. You’re still in trouble for the last time you snuck out. Besides, we need all the help we can get for crowd control.”
Rae couldn’t help but feel sorry for Cayde as she heard his disappointed groan from down the hall.
“Oh, the Vex outside are frightful~ But the Light is so delightful~ Knock them down, blow-by-blow~ Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow~”
Blaze sang to herself as she shot down Vex after Vex with Firelight. “Nice Dawning carol.” Crow chuckled as he fired a round from Hawkmoon into a hobgoblin, “You should remember them for this year.”
“I’m already working on ‘Sainta Claus is coming to Tower’!”
Crow let out an amused snort at Blaze’s pun as Rae tuned into her comms, “Ikora, any luck on locating Mithrax?”
“You’re closing in on some residual signals. It could be Eliksni bound for House Light…or it could be more of Eramis’s loyalists.” Ikora replied. “I think I see an entrance in the ice.” Adam yelled from several feet away. “Let’s go say Velask.” Rae said as she slid down the ice into the hideout. The four Guardians landed with a faint clang onto the metal plating of the hideout. “Velask? It’s Fireteam Paralight. Is anyone here?” Rae called out before contacting Ikora again, “Empty. Looks like the Eliksni cleared out before the Vex showed up.”
“See if you can learn where they’re headed.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Over here!”
Rae looked up to see Blaze by an Eliksni terminal with Crow typing away at it. “I think we found something. Some sort of looped audio recording.”
“I’ll patch it through to Ikora as well.” Crow added as he played the audio.
“-over their possessions. Trigger message repeat. This is Misraaks. To those who renounce the violence of House Salvation and seek refuge in the House of Light, I will be landing a Skiff near Asterion Abyss. Bring only what you need. We must prioritise survivors over their possessions. Trigger message repeat.”
“Asterion Abyss. That’s their rendezvous point.” Ikora began, “A single Skiff recently touched down near your position. It’s got to be Mithrax. Hurry, before he takes off.”
“Uhh…we should hurry but I don’t think he’ll be taking off.” Adam said as he stood near a cave opening looking over Asterion Abyss. In the middle of the ice and snow was a crashed ship with smoke emerging from it. “Oh no…we gotta hurry!” Rae exclaimed as she began to climb up the ice with the rest of the Fireteam not far behind. As soon as they were on smoother turf, the four Guardians summoned their Sparrows and began to speed across the snow towards the downed Skiff. “Mithrax sure is wrapped up in dangerous business, huh?” Blaze muttered. “It’s a bad time to ask for a favour, true.” Ikora replied, “But he and his House of Light still worship the Traveller. And due to your previous interactions with him and Tifawt, he’ll trust you more than the rest of us.”
“I just hope we’re not too late.” Rae sighed, “The second we get there, we secure the crash site and help any Eliksni that might have survived.”
“Crow and I can handle any Vex or Salvationists that are around while you and Adam can protect and heal survivors.” Blaze added.
“Sounds like a plan. Let’s move!”
Upon arriving at the downed Skiff, all that remained was the smouldering wreckage, Eliksni bodies, and Vex swarming the ship. Rae prepared to shoot at the Vex with Lumina when-
A hobgoblin that was standing atop the wreckage was suddenly shoved off by an Eliksni captain from behind with two goblins that were standing either side of it getting sliced by arc blades. The captain wore purple, blue and grey armour with the usual furry mantle at the back and the back spikes. The armour looked slightly different to a standard captain’s, mainly the boots and gloves. That’s when Rae realised it. Only one set of arms. Short for a captain. And the last piece of evidence came when the captain punched a harpy with a Stasis-covered fist.
“Tif!” Rae exclaimed with a smile. As the last Vex fell, the captain spun around at Rae’s yell, only seeming to notice the Guardians’ presence just then. “Paralight!” The familiar voice of Tif came from behind the captain-esque helmet of the Titan. Tif ran up to Rae and hugged her, lifting the Warlock off the ground slightly as they did so, “Oh my Traveller, your timing couldn’t be better! We’re trying to evacuate Salvation defectors but the Vex-”
“We know. We actually came here looking for you and Mithrax.” Rae explained. “Wait. Really?” Tif cocked their head to the side before shaking it, “There’s no time to wonder. Misraaks is keeping the refugees safe but I don’t know for how much longer they’ll last. Please hurry!”
“Lead the way.” Rae nodded. “Berhane?” Tif began. “Pike is at the ready!” Berhane chirped as a Pike appeared beside the Titan. “Follow me!” Tif yelled as they hopped on and sped across the icy tundra, Rae and co. in tow.
Visibility decreased slightly as an icy wind blew in. “We should be close.” Tif yelled as they came to a stop, “Misraakskel, are you there? Paralight are here!” As Tif called out, Mithrax emerged from a nearby cave. He wore different attire compared to the last time Rae had met up with them. His upper right arm was heavily mechanised, and he wore a grey and purple helm. “Guardians, I find you in the Light.” Mithrax greeted, “And on your signal…Ikora Rey?”
“Mithrax-kell, it is an honour. We have been searching for you for a long time.” Ikora greeted from the comms. “This is known. You are not the only one with hidden eyes.” Mithrax nodded, “Many enemies pursue my House of Light. We did not wish to be found.”
“Then times are desperate for us all.” Rae chimed in, “The Vanguard need your help.”
“Oh yeah…the Vex have been messing with the City, right?” Tif began. “You know about that?” Blaze asked with surprise. “Yes. Vex systems pulse with talk of the City’s Endless Night…but my people demand much protection.” Mithrax explained, “If Paralight could assist Tif and I in blinding the Vex here, we can speak more without risking bloodshed.”
“Blinding the Vex…we’ll do whatever you need, Mithrax-kell.” Rae nodded. Mithrax motioned for the Guardians to follow as he ran to a large clearing in the ice. He held out his mechanical arm that began to glow as a sudden pulse of Vex energy opened up a hole in the ice, “I have opened the door for you, Guardian. Will you walk the path of the Sacred Splicer?”
The four Guardians glanced at each other before nodding. “We’re ready.” Rae replied. “You might wanna hold onto your tummies!” Tif suggested, “I did this once and it gets weird. WHOOHOO!!!” Tif jumped cannonball-style into the hole with Fireteam Paralight jumping in after them. In a flash of light, the Guardians found themselves slowly descending onto a series of teal, geometric platforms in a vast purple void filled with geometric creations emerging from below. “Is this…some sort of Vex simulation?” Rae asked as they touched down. “The path before you is no illusion.” Mithrax explained through the comms, “You venture through the Vex domain itself, where the machines guard their most precious secrets. I will clear the way. Tifawt, can I count on you to guide the Guardians?”
“Yes, Misraakskel!” Tif responded with a smile.
“Very well. Good luck, Guardians.”
Rae looked out at the vast space before her and sighed, “Alright. Let’s start the crazy.”
To Be Continued…  
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caydesgirl-uldrensprincess ¡ 4 years ago
More about my Warlock
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Guardians name: Isabelle Aubrey Brigham
Age: 27
Race: Awoken
Pronouns: She/Her
Class: Warlock
Preferred subclass(es): Void
Ghost's name: Hermoine
Fireteam name: The Sisterhood
Fireteam teammates: Chloe Brask, Tori-3, and Sage Heathcliff
Favorite legendary weapon: The Supremacy
Favorite exotic weapon: Hawkmoon
Favorite exotic armor: Felwinter's Helm
Favorite ornament armor set: Celestial
Favorite weapon ornament: On Ashen Wings
What stats do they focus on: Mobility and Recovery
Are they offense, defence, or support: Support
Do they prefer being close, mid, or long range: Long
Do they lean more "Element of Surprise" or "Upfront and Aggressive": Element of Surprise
Strikes, Gambit, or Crucible: Crucible
Who was their mentor(if they had one. If it is a character you created, tell us about them!): Ikora Rey
What ship do they have: Starfarer 7M
What is their Sparrow: Always on Time
Favorite Ghost shell: Star Map Shell
Favorite shader: Dawn and Dusk
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite food: Italian
Favorite piece of Pre-Collapse tech(if they've seen any): Her Nook e-book portable reader
Favorite Pre-Collapse music(if they've heard any): Disney and pop
Favorite place in The Last City(if it's a place you created, give a little description!): the giant park in the middle (it's kinda like Central Park in NYC)
Favorite NPC(s): Uldren/Crow, Ikora, Orisis, Saint-14, Shaxx, and Eris
Favorite patrol location: The Dreaming City
5 things your Guardian likes(can be anything): read, cook/bake, dance, sing, and going to Disney
Least favorite food: Kale
Least favorite shader: Indigo Matrix
Least favorite patrol location: Nessus
Least favorite Pre-Collapse tech(if they've seen any):  not really
Least favorite NPC(s): Asher Mir
Least favorite weapon ornament: Bound Hammer
Least favorite ornament armor set: Intrepid
Least favorite legendary weapon: any pulse rifle
Least favorite exotic weapon: Coldheart
Least favorite exotic armor: Sunbracers
5 things your Guardian dislikes(this can be anything): Mess (Isabelle has major OCD),  liars, Spider, Riven, and cats (she's allergic)
Your Guardian has to rest. What is their living space like: A very clean and spotless apartment.
Does your Guardian have any casual wear?:
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What hobbies and/or skills does your Guardian have: Cooking, memorizing (she's a walking encyclopedia), and strategy
What would your Guardian's lore book be called: Forbidden
Where was your Guardian reborn?(If you created the location, give us a little description!): London, England
What were they wearing when they were reborn: a blouse, dress shorts for women, and flats
What was their reaction to being reborn: "how is this possible?"
What was their reaction to their first rez: *looking at her ghost* "You can do that?"
After being reborn, did they meet friendlies first or hostiles: Hostiles, Isabelle ran into the Hive
Who was the first other Guardian they met?(Same thing! If you made them, give a little description!): Osiris
Did your Guardian get reborn with, or find, any indication of their past life? If so what do they have/found: no
How did your Guardian get their name(if they didn't rez with past life momentos): Her ghost just knew that her name was Isabelle
Going back to your Guardian's lore book, what would be some some quotes or passages from their book: "I love you, Uldren, unconditionally. Your dark side won't scare me off." "You're my best friend, of course I'm coming with you!" and "Dreams are something that we truly wish, we only need the courage and perseverance to make them come true."
Does your Guardian have a significant other: Uldren/Crow
Did your Guardian go explore first before going to The Last City? If so, where to: Isabelle explored this old library in London, she found so many books that peaked her interest
What was their reaction to first seeing The Last City: "This place is so bloody crowded!"
Is your Guardian a part of a clan: no
Does your Guardian's clan have a back story? If so, what is it?(if you want to or able to share): nope
If your Guardian would have a quote as a flavor text for a weapon and/or piece of armor, what would they be:  "Do you want to know you I call her Belladonna? It's because death is the deadlist poison put there."
If your Guardian has had any interactions with any civilians (The Last City/The Farm), Eliksni, Cabal, Vex, Hive, Taken, Scorn, Rouge Lightbearers, or Iron Lords/War Lords(if your Guardian is an Old Light) tell us about it!: not really, Isabelle prefers books over socializing
Does your Guardian have any unconventional allies or connections(By Vanguard standards): no
How does your Guardian feel about themselves or others using Stasis: Isabelle doesn't like it, she thinks that if guardians use it long enough, it'll start to slowly corrupt their minds.
Did they run The Last Wish raid? How did they react to seeing a live Ahamkara a.k.a Riven: She felt nothing but anger towards Riven, the wish dragon was the reason Isabelle lost Uldren.
Did they run The Deep Stone Crypt raid? How did they react to the Crypt and seeing Exo Eliskni: She thought it was interesting and wanted to know more.
Is your Guardian from D1? How did they react to seeing Taniks alive once again: Yes, Isabelle is from D1, she had to calm Chloe down, but she was equally shocked.
Where did they go and what did they do during The Red War: She helped the children at the Farm calm down by reading them stories like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson
Here are some characters that are either polarizing or have created a strong enough mass emotion within the community. What opinion does your Guardian hold on each of them(These are only a handful of characters!)>>>
Osiris, First Warlock Vanguard, originally exiled: A great friend
Eris Morn, Bane of the Swarm: A really close friend
Cayde-6, Sixth Hunter Vanguard: A great friend
Ikora Rey, Second Warlock Vanguard: Mentor, teacher, friend
Commander Zavala, Second Titan Vanguard: respect
Saint-14, legendary Titan, First Titan Vanguard: even more respecr
Lord Saladin, Iron Banner handler, One of the last remaining Iron Lords: she does really mind Saladin
Lord Shaxx, Crucible handler, Hero of Twilight Gap, living megaphone: She praises him for the encouragements during Crucible matches
The Crow, New Light, Ex-Enforcer to The Spider: The love of her life, Isabelle would do anything for him.
The Spider, The Shore's Only Law, founder of "House" Spider: She never trusted Spider
Uldren Sov, Prince of the Reef, Master of Crows: The love of her life, the first person would made Isabelle feel loved and wanted by someone romantically
Mara Sov, Queen of the Reef, Queen of the Awoken, Ex-Kell of Wolves: Isabelle's Sister-In-Law, she respects Mara
Variks, the Loyal, founder of House Judgement: very good friends
Mithrax, the Forsaken, Kell of Light, founder of House Light: very good friends
The Exo Stranger/Elizabeth "Elsie" Bray, Granddaughter of Clovis I and Sister to Ana Bray: Isabelle, like Chloe, found Elsie to be closed off and hard to read
Eramis, of House Salvation, Kell of Darkness: Eh, just another day at the office
Empress Caiatl of the Cabal Imperial Empire: Isabelle is weary about her.
Taniks the Scarred, the Perfected, the Abomination, the Shadow Thief: when it comes to this bastard, Isabelle sides with Chloe
The Darkness is fast approaching. How is your Guardian handling it: She nervous, but Isabelle tries to keep a level head
And finally, does your Guardian have any advice for any New Lights: "Out on the battle field things aren't always what they seem, but it's important not to lose sight of what truly matters and that's protecting the Traveler, the Light, and those who can't protect themselves."
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mal-luck ¡ 4 years ago
SUBJ: Countercultural intelligence update
1. Fallen armed forces continue to fall back from active fronts across Terra. Factions of House Dusk remain active in the European Dead Zone. Throughout the rest of the globe, refugee attack incidents have dropped by more than 70% since the conclusion of the Red War—largely attributable to depressed Fallen and human populations rather than any significant change in interspecies relations.
2. In absence of any united leadership, House Dusk continues to splinter and radicalize.
The recent trending emergence of so-called "crime syndicates" (cf. report #004-FALLEN-SIV) is emblematic of the continuing destructuralization of Fallen society. Likely an artifact of multi-generational colonization of human strongholds, this agent believes that because these syndicates have no relation to indigenous Fallen culture, young Fallen are appropriating and imitating human mythology in absence of a strong cultural heritage of their own.
Much like the dissolution of the Kell/Archon theology, this is positive news for those interested in the complete extirpation of invasive Fallen from the system.
3. That being said, we should continue to monitor reunification efforts. Several personalities have emerged as potential leaders. First, the would-be integrationists:
VIP #1121, well-known to Guardians of the inner system as Variks or Variks the Loyal. Directly responsible for the release of the murderer Uldren Sov from the Prison of Elders, #1121 subsequently fled Awoken holdings in the Reef and now styles himself the Kell of Kells, still representing House Judgement. The Praxic Order has petitioned the Vanguard for permission to detain #1121. The Awoken monarchy, acting through the Queen's Wrath, has claimed jurisdiction over #1121 and further stated that any prosecution in absence of their involvement will be considered an act of war. The Vanguard has not yet made a statement about their position on the issue.
VIP #3987, another former confederate of the Awoken, is a lesser-known personality known as Mithrax. Scattered field reports suggest that like #1121, #3987 styles himself a Kell of the so-called "House Light," an otherwise unknown House apparently founded by #3987 himself. We have secondhand accounts that Mithrax has engaged in allied operations with Guardians in the field, though we have not as yet been able to corroborate these accounts with any degree of veracity. This agent is inclined to treat these reports with a healthy degree of skepticism until otherwise confirmed, as they may be propaganda from Fallen sympathizers in the Old Russian and Red War Guardian cohorts. We have requested intelligence records from the Awoken which may further clarify the matter.
In addition, whatever the findings of said intelligence records may be, it should be stressed that one or two sympathetic outliers cannot be relied upon to erase the wrongs of past centuries, nor should their good-faith efforts to correct the sins of their forebears be taken as sufficient symbolic reparation.
Second, the would-be separatists:
VIP #4503, a recent personality known as Fikrul or the Fanatic. A close confederate of the murderer Uldren Sov, #4503 has the apparent ability to raise himself from the dead in a manner not dissimilar to Ghost-aided resurrection. Though his reign on the Tangled Shore was limited, he possesses sufficient skill, hatred, and motive to warrant on-going surveillance. Given #4503's propensity for resurrection, the inherent risk of #4503 reclaiming the body of the murderer Uldren Sov from his final resting place in the Dreaming City goes without saying. The Vanguard continues to deploy fireteams to suppress #4503; our agents have reached out to the Cryptarchy and the Gensym Scribes to request guidance as to his permanent destruction.
VIP #2029, a once-known personality known as Eramis or Eramis, the Shipstealer. A House Devils Baroness incarcerated during the Wolf Wars, #2029 successfully fled the Prison of Elders during the mass escape orchestrated by #1121. #2029 is a classical Fallen pirate of the old ways: vicious, uncompromising, and possessing cunning of the highest degree. Field reports indicate that she is rallying violent dissidents to reconstruct House Devils from the ground up. This agent believes her to be the most viable candidate for universal Fallen reunification, and would urge the Vanguard and other interested leadership to aggressively prioritize her destruction.
We have come too far to pull our punches now.
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themissinglynx ¡ 5 years ago
Let’s Worldbuild a Warriors AU - What’s in a Name
Within the Clans of the Vale, names carry great significance. They’re used to quickly identify key aspects of a felid’s identity such as appearance, personality or skillset, homeland, and rank within the clan.
The felids who lived in the Vale before the Gray Family’s arrival had a general unspoken rule when it came to naming their children, name according to color. However, this was not always the case, as with two kittens the Gray Family met named Birch and Alder.
The origin of the two-part name came from the Gray Family, who came from a culture with fanciful names such as Quickwater, Sunshadow, and Graywing. Occasionally a felid would be named after their color, but not often.
The blend of these two traditions produced the two-part naming system. Kittens were named according to their appearance (a red kitten named Fire, a black kitten named Rook, and a tortoiseshell named Dapple). Originally, suffixes had no meaning and it was generally “anything goes”. Fire-eyes, Rookflight, and Dapplepelt, while seemingly normal names to onlookers, would be seen as odd and unfitting names to descendants of the Vale.
As the ages went on, gaining the second part of one’s name was used as a rite of passage, reserved for adults and accepted members of clan life. Leaders and deputies began using certain suffixes to quietly mean certain things. “Snow is pretty quick on her feet, so her name is Snowbreeze.” It soon became common practice that the suffix was to be symbolic of a felid’s skill, personality, or general competence. Just after the written word was invented, suffixes became somewhat standardized. Clans and deputies still had their own personal flourishes, such as the case with Thunderclan using -thorn as a substitute for “skilled fighter” and with Riverclan’s use of -song to replace -throat.
Upon the Fall of Skyclan, Cloudpath the Crownless forged the Vanguard, a training regime taught by skilled monster slayers for the purposes of teaching felids how to adequately handle monsters so another clan doesn’t fall. Only felids who’ve already earned their full name are permitted to join as to not endanger apprentices. Upon the first fireteam’s graduation from the regime, a new usage came to old, discarded suffixes and suffix system was re-standardized. Upon becoming adults, a felid would gain a body part suffix, such as -tail for agility or -heart for a strong moral code. Upon graduating the Vanguard, a felid would gain a more metaphorical name, like -bark and -rock for those same meanings.
Warrior and guardian names do not correlate. “Adderfang” does not mean “has fangs like an adder”, but instead means “dark brown tabby warrior with a temper”. Likewise, “Sandstorm“ and “Lionblaze” both mean “cream guardian with a temper”. The only exception is names based on life-threatening injuries, such as “Halftail”, “Tornear”, or “Crookedjaw”.
The Vale is a vague temperate/subtropical forest region, including flora and fauna from Eastern America, Central Europe, South Island New Zealand, Eastern China, and Japan. Any given animal or plant that can be found in those regions can be found there or in the surrounding area.
Some prefixes can have multiple meanings, as is the case with Dandelion-. It can be given to gold felids in reference to the flower and to white felids in reference to the fluff. Another example is the prefix Fox-, which can mean “a red felid with a white belly” in reference to the red fox, or can mean “a dilute tortoiseshell” in reference to the gray fox. Some names imply pattern, like Birch- means a gray tabby and other tree prefixes. Mothers prefer to not name their kittens after “filthy” bugs, such as mosquitoes, flies, and the like, but will name them after butterflies, spiders, bees, and others.
Prefixes that are too broad of a category such as Flower-, Bark-, and Bird- are not used. Words used in biomes such as Lake-, Meadow-, River-, or Marsh- are also not used because it’s a biome, not a plant or animal that can be boiled down into a simple color or two. Things that don’t have a color or change color too often are not used, such as Sky-, Wind-, Ripple-, Thunder-, and Breeze-.
The prefixes Sun-, Moon-, Star-, and Shadow- are not used due to the first three being sacred and the last one the name of a clan, which would be considered rude.
Names of abstract concepts such as Brave-, Quiet-, and Kind- are not acceptable as they do not have a color and will often be rebelled against by the kitten in question.
The role of the suffix is to identify a felid’s rank and individuality. A felid earns their suffix through their own merit and not being named after another. Suffixes come in three tiers: skill, personality, and appearance.
Skill suffixes are the highest tier and are given the highest priority. Felids with this suffix are normally specialists and don’t venture too far from the roles their skill makes easy.
-claw: A felid skilled in fighting. Felids with this suffix are usually large and burly, but can sometimes be brilliant strategists. They normally escort weaker members of society from settlement to settlement, such as young mothers, kittens, elders, shamans, and healers with their sick. -claw felids are the ones most likely to join the Vanguard. It’s unusual to see an older felid who hasn’t joined the Vanguard. Guardians with this suffix are named -thorn, -briar, -burr, -rose, and -thistle.
-foot: A particularly swift felid. Felids with this suffix are usually lean and muscled in the legs. Many -foot felids become messengers for inter-clan communications. Guardians with this suffix are named -breeze, -dust, or -bolt.
-leg: A felid strong at swimming. Felids with this suffix normally have strong limbs and carry a bit of fat on their bodies. An overwhelming majority of -leg felids are from Riverclan, but some Shadowclan felids gain it from time to time. Guardians with this suffix are named -water, -brook, -stream, and -creek.
-maw: A shaman skilled in hearing the voices of the gods. This suffix is sparse among shamans, but it does spring up every couple of generations. Shamans with -maw are highly revered by the spiritual or judged with contempt by the skeptical. Guardians with this suffix are named -feather and -light.
-nose: A felid skilled in tracking. Felids with this suffix are normally hunters, trappers, foragers, and those sent to find little Dawnkit who ran off a few hours ago. They tend to be very detail-oriented and often wear clothes with fanciful embroidery. Guardians with this suffix are named -shade or -ivy.
-tail: A felid with great agility or dexterity. Felids with this suffix have a similar body structure to -foot felids, but are generally smaller. -tail felids normally are messengers, hunters, or trailblazers. Guardians with this suffix are named -bark or -branch.
-throat: A felid skilled in the art of the voice. This suffix can be given to bards, diplomats, linguists, storytellers, or just those who are well-spoken. -throat felids are often revered for their wisdom and knowledge and those who earned it for their diplomacy skills often become captain or leader of their clan. Guardians with this suffix are named -voice or -song.
-tongue: A felid skilled in healing and medicinery. Felids with this suffix tend to be one of two personality types: sweet and optimistic, or the most brutally honest personality you’d ever met. There is no in-between. Guardians with this suffix are named -root, -leaf, or -berry.
-whisker: A prudent hunter. Felids with this suffix are much like -nose felids, but tend to be more simple and pragmatic. They are almost always hunters, but some become herdsmen. Guardians with this suffix are named -dawn and -dusk.
Personality suffixes comprise of the second tier. Felids in this category tend to have a wider range of roles in society, but some of them give them an inclination to narrower roles.
-back: A felid skilled in teaching apprentices and older kittens. These felids are normally no-nonsense and thrive in the teaching of young minds. Older kittens, apprentices, and young warriors heed their words and instructions. Kittens who may be difficult apprentices will often be given to -back felids as mentors. Guardians with this suffix are named -stone or -rain.
-belly: A felid with a nurturing personality. It’s essentially the younger version of -back and mollies tend to earn this suffix more often than toms. -belly felids can be dismissed as being soft baby-makers, but those who dismiss them tend to forget about the rage of a mother ursa. Most -belly felids will take to domestic services, spinning thread, weaving blankets or baskets, looking after the kittens of the settlement and teaching them life lessons. The role of laying the groundwork for a kitten’s life is integral to any society, one that -belly is meant to honor. Guardians with this suffix are named -flower or -moss.
-fang: A felid with a turbulent disposition that tends to mellow out over the years. These felids are full of energy in their youth and are often easily pissed off, mostly because of their impatience. They tend to be great motivators, if only because that means they’ll finally shut up about the lost sheep or why don’t the leaders kiss and make up already or why can’t Pebblepaw get the goshdang maneuver right it’s so simple! However, as the years pass, their temperament will calm down. It’s nothing like a -pad felid’s calmness, but it’s a welcome one nonetheless. They tend to do a lot of jobs in society, everything from messengers to hunters to cotton seed pickers. A lot of them find the hated job somewhat calming, probably because they’re sent to do it so often. Guardians with this suffix are named -storm or -blaze.
-flank: An optimistic felid with a comforting disposition. Morale has to stay up and these felids are generally the ones to do so. They like pranks and puns and silly stories, but also seem to know the right words to say to a grieving felid. -flank felids take up many roles in society, it wouldn’t do justice to list them all here. Guardians with this suffix are named -shine or -blossom.
-heart: A felid with a strong moral code and/or sense of justice. These felids are much like -fang felids in that they tend to be great motivators, but alternatively, they can be great deputies, captains, and leaders. -heart felids tend to be very outspoken and confident in themselves and are very popular choices in leadership roles, for better or worse. Guardians with this suffix are named -spark or -rock.
-pad: A patient, calm, and gentle felid. These felids tend to be rather emotionally stable compared to others. When they show strong negative emotions, it’s telling that something genuinely is wrong and action must be taken soon. They tend to make friends easily, even in other clans. -pad felids can be good babysitters or substitute mentors, while others like the company of animals like sheep, goats, or rabbits. Guardians with this suffix are named -cloud, -frost, or -mist.
Appearance suffixes comprise of the third tier. These are for felids who are now adults, but don’t show any skills or personality that a suffix may cover. Many of these can be jack-of-all-trades sorts and fulfill many jobs throughout clan life. Instead of organizing alphabetically, I’ll organize by priority.
-face: A particularly beautiful or handsome felid or one who models the clan ideal. It’s essentially a more flattering -fur or -pelt. -face felids don’t normally become guardians, so the less than a handful of times a -face guardian has graduated, they were named -soul, much to the disdain of other felids.
-stripe: A tabby with distinct stripes. Will be ignored in favor of -fur or -pelt if the prefix already alludes to this (such as Oak-). Guardians with this suffix are named -fern or -grass.
-spot: A spotted felid. Can refer to spotted tabbies or white cats with spots of other colors in their fur. Will be ignored in favor of -fur or -pelt if the prefix already alludes to this (such as Lynx-). Guardians with this suffix are named -dew.
-speck: A speckled felid. Is much like -spot, but has smaller spots. Will be ignored in favor of -fur or -pelt if the prefix already alludes to this (such as Sparrow-). Guardians with this suffix are named -flake.
-patch: A white felid with patches of another color. Will be ignored in favor of -fur or -pelt if the prefix already alludes to this (such as Swift-). Guardians with this suffix are named -puddle.
-fur: A competent longhaired adult. Guardians with this suffix are named -tuft.
-pelt: A competent shorthaired adult. Guardians with this suffix are named -coat.
All the suffixes mentioned here neatly fit into the “other” category. (Note felids age differently than humans do, so some ages will be skewed.)
-kit: A member of the clan under ten years old. They’re not allowed outside of their settlement without adult supervision. Older kittens commonly assist with domestic life, but still have plenty of time to be kids. Once they turn eight, they occasionally sleep with the apprentices to get used to being away from their parents or guardians.
-paw: A member of the clan between ten and fifteen years old. They all sleep in a single hut in their settlement. Generally, they’re not allowed outside the settlement without adult supervision. Before becoming a warrior, the deputy will assign them a task, be it organizing and leading a patrol on their own, sparring with a -claw or the deputy, escorting the shamans on their daily tasks, or simply doing domestic work.
-path: The leader of a clan. Leaders are most commonly the previous captain of the clan, and captains a former deputy. Most leaders are respected for their charisma, wisdom, and diligence. Many of them have spouses and families of their own, but all of them have mentored at least one apprentice. A leader does not have the gift of nine lives, but one would be rightly mistaken if one were to read their literature.
-spirit: A kitten or apprentice who died. This is tied to a religious belief that the gods will only bring warriors into Starclan. Upon a body’s (or whatever scraps of a corpse they can find) cremation, the shaman renames the kitten or apprentice -spirit as the flames consume the dead.
-ear, -eye, -face, -foot, -jaw, -pelt, -tail: The most common suffixes of renames. If an apprentice or warrior survives a life-threatening injury, they’re given the choice to take on a name that fits their new description, like Tatteredpelt or Clawedface. No one’s pressured to do it, but due to the aforementioned religious belief, apprentices are a little more fussed over if they qualify for a rename. Their injuries are nothing to be shamed about, but instead are a celebration of the felid’s survival.
Other Notes
Normally, felids don’t name their kids after others as to not strip their child’s individuality and in the early days, there was a tradition of no repeated prefixes within the clan as to not cause confusion. However, since clans have gotten much larger than forty felids per clan, this tradition is largely ignored. If there happen to be two felids from different clans with the same name, say, Robinpelt, they’ll introduce themselves as, “Robinpelt of Windclan”. If there are two felids from the same clan, they’ll use the name of their location or their occupation as part of their name, “Robinpelt of Hollow Village” or “Robinpelt the Smith”. Sometimes, if married to someone important, their title will evoke the name of their spouse, “Robinpelt, Wife/Husband to Darkpath”.
By the time an apprentice nears their graduation, they have a good idea as to what their warrior name will be. Warrior ceremonies are performed by the local deputy and sometimes the captain. Shamans perform the ceremonies for their own apprentices and for new leaders. Leaders perform ceremonies for new guardians.
In the Tongue of the Vale, there are two spellings for words a felid can be named after: one for being used as a name (the old words) and the other referring to the actual plant, animal, color, element, etc (the evolved words). Most are pronounced the same, but words used for names are spelled conservatively with old spellings. An example using our own language is as the following:
“Wait, so you’re saying that I have to spell my name ‘Aakclwu’, even though we don’t say it like that anymore, even though my name is ‘Oakclaw’? That tree over there is spelled O-A-K, this thing on my finger is spelled C-L-A-W. Why is my name spelled ‘Aakclwu’??”
Linguists and scribes are trying to update the language to be more user-friendly, such as scrapping conservative spellings in favor of the evolved words and updating words that evolved from consonant and vowel shifts. Shadow and Thunderclan, as a whole, don’t really like this, but Riverclan is quite pleased about the update.
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fireteam-efficient-chaos ¡ 5 years ago
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(don’t get attached, these characters are all dead by the time D1 starts.)
Kodi (his is in D2 because in his D1 version pic, he blinked. they all have a D1 and D2 version)
The above individuals are the members of Quinn’s old fireteam. They were a team for 11 years, and Quinn ran with them for 6.
I have been uncertain on how to approach their death, because while i had a solid idea, i reviewed it recently and came to the conclusion it probably royally screws over canon, and i am not that familiar with the canon lore so i’m leaving it vague.
Originally i was going to have them wrongly killed by Mara, but that fell apart VERY quickly, so i was thinking maybe Uldren, but even that seems flimsy.
They were going to die in the Reef originally, and then have Quinn refuse to step foot there ever again (until Cayde convinced her it was fine and she went with him...then everything in Forsaken happened and she refused again)
So my current working idea is: They do the mission i assigned, which is pursue a dangerous enemy. Said enemy retreats to the Reef and the team follows and they have a boss fight.
A Corsair or Crow comes to investigate the commotion, and gets in the way of either a Guardian or the enemy, and is killed (and the team haven’t realised they were even there because BOSS BATTLE)
So a group of the same faction (crow/corsair) flocks to the site to investigate, and finds the Guardians with their dead target. they get angry and apprehend the Guardians and begin an interrogation to find out what happened.
(listen i am fully going to use the emotional irrationality of people for this bit. tensions are high on both sides and it’s not going great)
Kodi tries to deescalate the situation, but they don’t want him trying to manipulate the narrative, and kill him and his Ghost.
The other three Exos are quick to follow, though Serenity and Quinn silently agreed to make a run for it.
Serenity is gunned down but Quinn, being a tiny person and harder to hit, manages to evade them and flees the area. (she carries Serenity’s body, the only body she could grab, and uses her as a shield. she hates what she did, but it helped keep her alive.)
Survivor’s guilt is the main thing that tried to kill Quinn for a while, but she eventually stopped feeling so guilty about it.
(She always wishes she could go back and retrieve the other bodies so they could get a proper burial back home, but she doesn’t want to ever go back to the Reef.)
That’s a whole thing i planned, and now i need to iron out the kinks and fix the inconsistencies. Because her fear of going to the reef was a big thing i wanted for Forsaken.
now I’m getting more attached to them as i flesh them out a bit and sprinkle bits about them into current day conversations. Because while they were Quinn’s team, they were also good friends with Kavura and Ametrine, so while Quinn doesn’t breathe a word of them, those two do.
(that is, if i ever write it)
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bikorarey ¡ 6 years ago
I breaks my heart that Destiny has some of the most well written and intriguing characters, both male and female, but the Destiny fandom seems to have fallen into the same way of thinking the bioware fandoms did in that “if this character doesn’t kiss my ass and agree with me all the time I hate them”
Mara Sov left immortality  behind to help humanity in its dark age, intercepted the House of Wolves to stop them from overrunning OUR city and engaged them in a brutal war for years after Twilight Gap, but because she didn’t appreciate our ghost  telling her she was a bad queen she’s a bitch and pure evil. (Despite her lore book being the dawn and Dusk section because the Awoken as a people are both darkness and Light)
Eris Morn survived the slaughter of her friends and fireteam and endured the loss of her ghost and eyes in the Hellmouth for untold years and returns to the Tower to help us slay not only Crota, but his father one of THREE hive Gods, and ya’ll fucking laugh as Cayde-6 not only disrespects her, but steals from her and treats her trauma like a joke in calling her creepy, both alive and in death.
Both living vanguards have been there for you since you were risen in D1 , but because Zavala didn’t want you to pursue revenge on Uldren because the City was more important to protect (1 year after the City damn near fell permanently) y’all started siding with the Drifter who literally just wants to use you as fodder against Shin Malphur, but because he kisses your ass and gives you gear he’s cool despite perma killing Guardians in Gambit and Gambit prime.
the same goes for Calus. He literally commits genocide and kidnaps people to force them to work for him  and is in the process of doing the same to humanity and the Guardians, but he kisses our ass the most and is currently sending his people to be fodder for us to give us gear and power and he knows that’s how you get Guardians on your side, so he’s doing it to take us away from being Guardians.
Good NPC’s aren’t the ones who kiss your ass. Good NPC are their own Characters that have their own personalities, likes, and dislikes, making them fleshed out and well written.
tl’dr: stop shitting on the characters that don’t grovel at your feet.
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