#monster vale au
cartoon-angerr · 11 months
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Loodvigg’s Day at Disneyland: prologue
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The Starhenge rose up in the sky, mechanical island built by the Colossals, gigantic creatures as old as the Monster World. On this very island, monsters lived, older than the Monster World and the Colossals. And probably time itself, too… who knows? They were called Celestials, the first beings to ever exist, and considered Gods by every monster living on the islands below.  Hence their name, the Celestials came from the sky… or more exactly, space. The Primordial Cosmic Hush was a time where absolutely nothing existed - just silence. A cosmic void. Then there was the Big Bang, sending sounds into the void, creating elements and twelve beings afterwards. The monster gods came to life, each having a constellation and an element assigned to them. But this was a long time ago, decades now separating the creation of the Celestials from the present.
One of them approached the circle that the monsters had formed and sat down with them. Her name was Galvana, she represented the element of Electricity. She turned her head to her right, where a metallic organ was resting. Her name was Vhamp, she represented the Mech element. Next to Vhamp sat a blue creature named Plixie, the Plasma elementalist.  "Hey Scaratar!" he beckoned a brown bug-looking monster, the Poison element.  "How is your hair shining like that? It’s lovely!" "Thank you! I put some hair shine spray over it," she responded. The Plant elementalist Blasoom, a green bird-shaped monster, approached Scaratar to take a closer look at her hair. "Alright," Galvana started. "As you know, we all gather here every first day of a new month. We are in February, which means Furnoss’ constellation is now shining above us!"  Galvana turned to what seemed to be an oven with a dragon-like head and limbs. He looked at her, nodding. Up in the sky, Furnoss’ constellation was shining brightly, replacing the constellation of Hornacle, the Water element. This one playfully gave a nudge to the Fire elementalist, who returned it back. "Before we start, is everyone here?" Galvana asked.  She looked at her friends, counting them mentally. Furnoss, Hornacle, Scaratar, Blasoom, Plixie and Vhamp were here, followed by Torrt, Glaishur, Attmoz and Syncopite, the Earth, Cold, Air and Crystal elementalists, respectively. And… "WHO THE FUCK TOOK MY HAIR SHINE SPRAY?!" a voice shouted from afar. …Loodvigg.
The Shadow elementalist, an elegant spidery monster with a bold hairstyle, approached the circle formed by the eleven Celestials reunited. An angry expression distorted their skull-like face. "Oopsies." Scaratar whispered. Attmoz sighed and rolled his eye. "Here we go again", he mumbled. "So?!" Loodvigg asked again, their eyes jumping from monster to monster. "Yeah… About that." Scaratar answered - Loodvigg’s angered look went straight to her. "It was me. I’m sorry, I probably should’ve asked you first."  "UGH!" Loodvigg elegantly pushed their hair back with an offended rictus, then bended over Scaratar.  "Damn right you should have. I’m turning your hair into my new personal bathroom carpet next time." Scaratar, surprised by the aggressiveness in Loodvigg’s tone, stepped back, seemingly upset and a little flabbergasted. Galvana quickly intervened, noticing the green bug monster’s discomfort. "Loodvigg, that’s enough. No need to overreact." "But I ain’t! This insect knows I’m not letting ANYONE borrowing MY stuff-"  "ENOUGH!" Loodvigg sighed with annoyance. "Also, you’re late for our monthly meeting again. For the third time in a row. Why didn’t you come sooner?!" Galvana continued. "I forgot!" "We’ve been doing the new month and constellation celebration for decades! Literally! How in all the stars did you forget?!!" Loodvigg skittered from the electric monster to sit on the other side of the circle, between Furnoss and Hornacle. "Listen, I was busy doing much more entertaining activities than something we’ve been doing repeatedly for all these years. Can we start now? I want to get this stupid celebration over as soon as possible."
Although irritated, Galvana kept her thoughts for herself and continued speaking, almost as if nothing happened.
Even if the atmosphere remained tense between the monsters, the ending of the celebration went rather well, Loodvigg's presence not being as terrible as in the beginning. The Celestials all stared at the sky, Furnoss’ constellation still shining brightly. It was only after the meeting that Attmoz spoke to his cousin, Scaratar. Loodvigg was back to the old Observatory, a tall stone construction housing a gigantic telescope, and each Celestial’s designated room. "Hey. You alright?" Attmoz said, visible concern painted on the cyclop’s face. "Yeah! Yeah, I am," she responded. "They just scared me for a second," Scaratar whispered, motioning her head to the Observatory. "Sometimes I even wonder if any thought of basic kindness and empathy still circulate through that brain of theirs", Attmoz chuckled a bit. "I wonder what kept Loodvigg so "busy" to be that late to the monthly celebration… Bet they were trying a new haircut again." "That still doesn’t give them the right to change my hair into a bathroom carpet…" she pointed out, grumpy. "Nope, definitely not!" "They probably wouldn't have done that anyway, but I'm keeping an eye on them," Galvana said, now approaching the two monsters. "We never know with Loodvigg... their behavior is getting stranger with the passing days-" "And meaner," Scaratar added. "Like, way meaner. And for no reason at all, either." "I remember how kind they used to be," Attmoz said, yawning. "But that was such a long time ago... Still wondering what made them the way they are now. Not like we aren't used to their catastrophic behavior anyway... but it's still very annoying," the pink cyclop sighed. "And even worse when unjustitied... Which is... well! Most of the time." "Mmmhm." Galvana nodded, lost in thought. Attmoz yawned again, briefly swinging his head. "Ugh. Sleepy…" "Already?!" surprisingly asked the electric elementalist. "Is it that late?" "Oh, no, no," Scaratar reassured her. "That's just what Mozmoz gets when he stays awake late at night trying to find out if putting paint in water could make his clouds turn purple." "Shut up..." Attmoz grumbled, nudging at his cousin. "At least it worked."
The three said their goodnights, Galvana promising once again to keep an eye on Loodvigg. But for now, a good night rest was welcome for everyone.
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A Theme For A Molting Russian Gentleman
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hotmessmaxpress · 3 months
Horror Au, Interlude: What happened at the ranch?
I was 99% certain that I got an ask about this, but I can't find it. This is a little interlude about what happened when Vale had an anomaly mimicking Marc appear at the ranch. Vale mentions it to Marc in part 1 of the horror au, and this is what he was referencing.
They’ve finished on track, showered, and headed upstairs to eat when the alert hits all of their phones at once. It’s one of the alerts that comes through regardless of do-not-disturb or silent settings, and Vale knows immediately it’s some sort of Anomaly event.
He checks his phone and scans the message. 
Void creature in your area. Take shelter. Lock doors and windows. Arm yourself. Take cover and stay quiet. Do not respond to voices you cannot see. Mercy be with you. 
He sighs and joins Uccio and Max as they hustle downstairs to secure the building. Garage covers come down and rolling shutters are pulled across windows. Vale is reminded, not for the first time, that he should upgrade the security of the Ranch. He pictures automatic safety devices and makes a mental note to workshop that plan with Max later. 
Once the building is secure, he heads upstairs. The boys have gotten the notification and they’ve silently chosen to congregate on the couches in the corner of the room, nervously watching their phones for updates. He settles on the floor in front of the couch, shoulder pressed to Pecco’s leg. The younger rider gives him a gentle, good-natured kick, and Vale turns to smile at him. Pecco returns the smile but he looks nervous, lips pulled taught against his teeth and brow furrowed. Vale pats him on the leg, as much of a reassurance as he can give while they are meant to be silent. 
Silence could mean a lot of things, but most commonly it means one of the void creatures; one of the mimics. 
The ranch is remote enough that it usually feels safe, but Vale has a sense of uneasiness. He isn’t sure how wide the radius is for the detection and alert system, and he wonders how close the monster is to their little sanctuary. 
They’ve been sitting in silence for what feels like hours when they hear it. 
It’s as if the air has been sucked out of the room. Almost at once, all heads swivel to look at him as the voice calls out again.
There’s only one voice that says his name like that; Marc. 
It’s been a long time since he heard Marc say it, and his throat feels like it might close up.
He knows it’s not Marc outside. There’s no reason that the younger man would be in Tavullia; he’s definitely not welcome in the town and there’s no way he’d even make it out to the ranch. There’s no way it could be Marc. 
Still. Vale can’t help but think of what it would be like if Marc were out there. There’s basically no way to survive a void creature. Marc would be doomed, and Vale would have to hear it. 
As if it’s reading his mind, there’s a wail outside. It’s so brutal and loud that Vale squeezes his eyes shut. Pecco’s leg twitches beside him. Another wail follows, and Vale is on his feet before he can really think about it. He paces away from the group, running a hand through his hair. 
His hair, thinning now from age and years of being tugged at by helmets. It’s hard not to think about his age at times like these, when he feels so tired and weathered. He wonders if Marc is starting to feel his age. It’s been so many years since he spoke to him, and the few times he’s been able to bear looking at his face he knows Marc has gotten older. His cheekbones are more defined, and his mouth is framed in laugh lines. His laugh– one of Vale’s favorite things. 
The voice, Marc’s voice, screams outside.
“Please, Vale, let me in. I’m so sorry; I’ll apologize! Just let me in.”
The void creature knows just what buttons to press to mimic Marc in the most painful way. Vale presses his palms to his eyes. 
He knows it’s not Marc. He knows it’s not the younger man, the man who Vale raced against and shared podiums with. There’s no human on the other side of that door.
Suddenly an arm yanks him backward, and a hand covers his mouth to muffle his surprised noise. His eyes snap open and he sees that he’s somehow made it downstairs. He’s within arms reach of the door and its metal security panel. 
Uccio’s hands are a vice grip around him, holding him back. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” he hisses in his ear. 
Vale’s mouth opens as if to respond, but he has nothing to say. He has no explanation for his intense lapse in judgment, or even how he made it down the stairs in the first place. 
“Vale, please,” the thing outside begs. 
Uccio doesn’t let go of him, just guides him back up the stairs. The boys on the couches look terrified now, and Vale doesn’t have the words to apologize. This time Uccio deposits him on the couch next to him, keeping a solid arm around his shoulders. Vale puts his head in his hands but doesn’t close his eyes, suddenly afraid of what will happen. 
He misses Marc. He wanted to let that thing in because it sounded like Marc. Vale is overcome with the thought that he has to talk to the younger man; he has to reconcile, or apologize, or something. He just can’t possibly go the rest of his life feeling like this thing between them is so unsettled. He needs closure.
He thinks about what that looks like, turning scenarios over in his head until the arm is lifted from around his shoulder and their phones chime with the alert system telling them that the creature is gone. 
This time Vale stays put as Max and Uccio take over raising the shades and opening the house again. He doesn’t react as Pecco and Bez playfully argue and throw shutters open, giddy and relieved to be safe. Celestino is immediately loud and talkative, making up for the time spent forced into silence. 
Vale should be joining them, celebrating their safety. He can’t get up, though, because of the lead weight of regret that has taken home in his stomach. He has to talk to Marc. 
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy Pride 2023 Prompts
AKATSUKI NO YONA Excluded, Part 2
AVENGERS Three Faced Goddess
CHARMED The Once and Future King, Chris, Part 4
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Colonel Elric, Part 7 Ed and Ling are Betrothed, Part 10 Colonel Elric, Part 8
GODS AND MONSTERS Hestia and Hera Aphrodite on Hera
GOOD OMENS Supreme Archangel Raphael
HADES GAME Living Blood, Part 12 Living Blood, Part 13 Living Blood, Part 14
HARRY POTTER Time Travel Drarry, Part 6 Harry and the Twins, Part 26 Draco the Muggle Expert, Part 44 Triwizard Champion Draco, Part 12 Time Travel Drarry, Part 7 Triwizard Champion Draco, Part 13 SIAT Fruity Wolfstar Draco and the Twins, Part 34 SIAT Pansy SIAT Sophia SIAT Severus and Florean SIAT Tonks's Parents
MERLIN Ygraine, Part 5 Ygraine, Part 6
NARUTO The Yamanaka Twins - The Fourth
PERCY JACKSON Momma Hera, Part 41
STAR TREK Jim Sybok Buddy Fic, Part 5 Jim Sybok Buddy Fic, Part 6
STAR WARS Ben and Poe, Part 3
TED LASSO Which Crisis
UNTAMED Lady Mo, Part 40 Lady Mo, Part 41 Marriage Assassin WQ, Part 9 First Disciple WWX, Part 14 Lady Mo, Part 42 First Disciple WWX, Part 15 Jiang Cheng Time Travel, Part 3 Lady Mo, Part 43 Lady Mo, Part 44 Girl Wei Wuxian, Part 12 Lady Mo, Part 45 Lady Mo, Part 46 First Disciple WWX, Part 16 Identity Porn AU, Part 4 Lady Mo, Part 47
YURI ON ICE Coach Yuuri, Part 6
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dimneo1010 · 2 months
Comics Master post
(This post will update as I make more comics!!!)
The Marine and The Monster
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
part 4
Snowmedia AU
Overprotective Vox
Television baby (Semi-canon)
Vale shenanigans (Semi-canon)
Hungry Vox
How Ala and Voxy met (YURI)
How Valentino died
Overlord AU
Business meeting
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pixiecactus · 8 months
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🍂​book!(mostly)gendrya fanfic rec (part one)🍂​
oh boy this is a doozy, so here they are the first one to twenty, most of the summaries were written by me, so if you ask yourself why the summary is really shitty and not appealing, that's why. a high number of these fics are restricted so you'll need a ao3 account to be able to see them. any kind of triggering content i put with the corresponding warnings, same with any minor pairings featured and finally if the fic contains smut (so if that is not a thing you're interested in reading you can skip it)
➤the rabbit by aneedleofmyown - arry and gendry banter/friendship back when they were travelling with the night watch's recruits
➤out of the dark by schwoozie - arry and gendry share a bedroll/cloak on their way north as night watch's recruits
➤my forest lass by theviolentdelight - smut - before the battle against the others arya visits gendry's tent - future au
➤cold by callioope - arya returns to the inn at the crossroads, gendry does not recognize her - future au
➤lay me down by elenei - smut - gendry sees arya wearing a dress once again and pretty much my featherbed starts playing - future au
➤the tilt by acornsandravens - smut - jon arryn sends gendry to the vale and he end up as a knight during the bolton and frey rebellion. arya and gendry meet at a tourney with good old stubborn arya and good old stubborn gendry - canon divergence - arranged marriage - minor bran/meera
➤cloaked by acornsandravens - smut - five times arya and gendry share a cloak and one time they share a cloak with someone else - future au
➤sapling by elephant_eyelash - arry, gendry and hotpie friendship, arry teaches gendry and hotpie about nature
➤conversations with dead people by prettyy_vacant - gendry sees dead people when he's at the crossroads, i know it sounds like a modern au, but it's not - future au
➤forest love by elenei - arya is confused and scared about her feelings for gendry cue godswood love confessions - future au - really minor daenerys/jon - (fic has talks about gendry and lordship)
➤wild forest lass by persuade_me - arya is never found after the fight with joffrey at the trident, she and nymeria have been surviving alone for years until she is found by the inn's blacksmith where she was trying to get produce - canon divergence
➤ser gendry of the hollow hill by vanillamostly - gendry's pov during and after the red wedding do i need to say anything more
➤caught a long wind by macneiceisms - domestic gendrya, arya and gendry arguing about their family sigil - future au
➤warmth by madaboutasoiaf - arya and gendry friendship during the bwb days and the end of said friendship a little bit angsty
➤dream by madaboutasoiaf - gendrya reunion, a really heartfelt one - future au
➤the first one by aliceinwonderunderground - lovely gendrya reunion - future au
➤there us no word for bull in old valyrian by bluethunder - i know that this fic has lord of storm's end gendry, but most importanly has past cat of the canals x young griff, a rare pair that i found actually fun, so this is aegon meeting arya again and trying to woo her and arya is having none of that also it has dany as a interpreter and a reversal in the targaryen-stark-baratheon debacle of old time - future au
➤the green eyed monster by joyblue - going to copy the fic summary because it's perfect, times the green eyed monster visited catelyn, ned, jon, sansa and gendry all because of arya. it has gendry being legitimized by stannis, but he doesn't get storm's end - canon divergence
➤fair gendry & ser arya the gallant by macneiceisms - smut - forge sex with first times and love confessions other than arya saying that sansa would understand her wanting to be with gendry and not be betrothed to some lord (we know sansa would not) is pretty much perfect - fluffy fluff - future au
➤don't go without me by like_a_dove - gendrya childhood friends in winterfell, basically gendry is hidden in winterfell and you know how it goes with this couple - friend to lovers, but arya is betrothed to lord edric dayne of starfall and their time together is coming to an end - canon divergence
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 3 months
So You Want To Know Garu & Karu (Timeline Edition)
Very loosely inspired by Idololivine's Olivine post and Halfeti's Edmond post. Update: here's Phaerlax's post about WRITING Garu&Karu
Lore spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BSTEdunb5PwVkhcuoEkaFVXUIk02FCnsoYkhL8yB9pA/edit?gid=221633315#gid=221633315
This is also going to double as a directory of all my Garu/Karu analysis posts.
Note: I did not play every 2022/2023 event, so if Garu/Karu had a tiny cameo in other events, I might have missed it even when watching recordings of past events. Please let me know if I'm missing something or have something wrong.
Warning for many spoilers & also trauma!
This timeline was last updated when Ch 14 pt2 was released.
This is an attempt at a complete timeline of Garu & Karu's history, that we know of. I've written quite a few meta about Garu/Karu, and thought we also need a concrete "these are the canon facts of their history".
Pre-Eiden Arrival:
Assume all these dates are before from Eiden's arrival in Klein.
[25-30 years ago before Eiden arrived in Klein] Garu was born to a nomad wolf spirit pack with a gemstone in his throat (Misty Vale, Ch 14)
[20-25 years ago] Garu, still a cub (in Earth normal wolf years, that would mean 3.5~ months old, unsure about Klein wolf spirit years), is kidnapped by some humans that eventually brought him to the Council of Sorcery (Ch 14).
[20-25 years ago] Kolt and his research team force Garu to transform into a wolf yokai/human form. Karu is formed as a DID trauma protective response. (Ch 14)
[23 years ago] Huey disappears, Eiden is born
[20-23 years ago] Kolt & his team continue to torture Karu, while Garu is dormant during the experiments, Cashel takes care of their injuries. (Ch 14)
[20-23 years ago] Rei returns to Council of Sorcery, Cashel catches him up with what's going on. The church has some kind of plan for Kolt's experiment (aka Garu/Karu), so 2 scientists on Kolt's team remove Garu's gemstone, Karu kills them, Rei & Cashel escape with Karu. (Ch 14)
[10-20 years ago] Garu/Karu and Cashel/Gramps are hiding in a cabin in the Dead Zone, killing monsters, taking care of people who get lost in the Dead Zone. At one point, Cashel/Gramps nearly drowns and never recovers from the illness. (Ch 7)
[3-10 years ago] Gramps dies, leaving Garu/Karu to wander Dead Zone alone. They do also find a cave for their main hiding spot. They also meet Blade occasionally in the Dead Zone. (Ch 7, AxBxO)
[Year Eiden arrives] Eiden meets Karu 1st, then Garu in the Dead Zone. Eiden proposes the human slave plan & Karu accepts. (Ch 7)
At this point, I don't know where the timeline is, because we don't know when the events are taking place amongst the main chapters, so I'll split it into sections.
Main story timeline:
Ch 8: Garu/Karu meets the rest of the gang and moves into Aster's mansion.
Ch 13: Garu reunites with Rei & co, they travel to Wood territory to find Kuya & Quincy because the Wood territory is in danger.
Ch 14: Karu makes Rei promise not to tell Garu his history, in part 2, he does anyways.
Events/SSR timeline:
Master's Gift: revealed that Karu idolizes/occasionally visits Kuya
Mystic Banquet/Endless Banquet SSR: G/Karu are not invited to the yokai banquet because they're under 100 years old and not as powerful as Yakumo. Kuya takes them and Eiden along to be his attendants. Shenanigans happen. Note: In the lore document, it says that Garu produced purple flames during his performance. That was actually Kuya that created the flames.
Idol Fest: Karu is a fan of Blade's idol persona.
Klein Star: Karu and Dante hunt a wild animal as a birthday present for Eiden.
Eerie Escapade/Howling Cyclone: It is revealed that Yakumo reads adventure stories to them, Garu likes drawing pictures, and shenanigans happen.
Silver Miracle: Garu sticks up for Kuya when the rest of the clan assumes Kuya is endangering Eiden with Night Crane shenanigans.
AxBxO/Forgotten Fruit: Shenanigans happen inside a book AU. Garu officially asks out Eiden to be his commander/master. Karu admits that he doesn't hate Eiden in a very backhanded way.
Misty Vale/Ethereal Guardian: Garu finds how hints about his past, so we can assume this event happened before ch 14 for sure.
Frozen Echoes/Binary Starlight: Echo spirits shenanigans happen including Karu getting kidnapped for 2/3 of the event. Garu & Karu perform with Edmond & Quincy for the Festival, Aster sells merch with everyone's face. Karu is scouted and then auditions to be a model, shenanigans, he gets some fans, and then ends up being a model/promoter for one of the restaurants.
Garu/Karu make cameos in Journey to a Nu World and Fancy Capricio, but they're AU/dreamland events and therefore not happening in the real (Klein) world. The only thing that happens in the real (Klein) world is that they join the clan in the hot springs.
Desert of Dusk/Stampeding Adventurer: Garu goes with Eiden to a town outside of Solaria while Dante is investigating it. Shenanigans. We can assume this event happened before ch14 because Garu has another confusing flashback.
Dessert Island Knockout/Beguiling Windchaser: Garu wins round 1 of the sports competition, and then together with Dante & Quincy wins the final flag of the whole contest. Garu is fast enough to be able to dodge both Dante and Quincy's (paintball/fire) attacks. Karu is apparently afraid of ghosts now, and can be easily fooled by human scent tricks.
This post will be updated as future events/chapters occur!
All my Garu/Karu analysis posts:
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moonshynecybin · 3 months
rosquez the americans au. god. they would do that wouldn’t they.
the americans rules bc it explores. what if you were married and dating and divorced and in a situationship all at once. WITH two kids :) that you could potentially have to leave behind at any moment :) and you got to do all this while doing espionage things like wearing wigs and killing people :D
so like i DONT think they’re one to one with the main characters in the americans (keri russell call meeee) BUT ! i think they do canonically ride that line of. devotion (even hostile) that they are pretending is casual even though they are tied to each other now FOREVERRR.. and to bring in that specific americans flavor of conflict they are pretending to do the american nuclear family and maybe are not so good at. apex predators forced to live in the suburbs of washington DC. like marc and vale fresh out of spy school highly trained meritorious ass weirdos getting shipped off to a new country and having to assimilate as a married couple despite never having met each other before… and also doing all these crazy missions at the same time… two kids big house the “perfect” family
like idk these guys are beyond obsessed with their jobs they are notttt normal (marc doesn’t ride road motorcycles normally because he GETS BORED. every traffic cop in tavullia new vale BY NAME.) so it’s low key intolerable until they’re doing insane sexy espionage roleplay scenarios with wigs and guns and justtttt escaping from the cops and just. CRAZY shit. and then they want to fuck like MONSTER TRUCKS. sweaty fucking in cars blacking each other by their aliases relishing in the way they can feel the other’s pulse jumping against their TONGUE… doing what they were MADE TO DOOOOO
but. then they get home and have to attend a fucking. barbecue HOA meeting. do all this stiff pretending, and neither of them can admit they hate being normal bc they have issues (marc lives to be normal vale is allergic to not performing) and it all chafes SPECTACULARLY…
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howlingday · 1 year
If you're feeling up for it I Have a Suggestion for the Tragic Backstory™ Au:
Jaune, Exhausted with all the antics of people trying to marry him, or disrupting his families lives, even Nora with her dumb Betting Pool, makes an announcement, finally using the Rumors to his advantage in a way that definitely won't backfire:
His Queen has been fortold; She is one Who's Bones are as tough as steel, Lightning Coursing through her veins as blood, Hair as full and Bright as a Harvest moon, and ... uh ... She Flies like a Comet. A green Comet. Yeah. Nobody like that on Remmnant!
Huh? Penny's Coming to Visit?
I Am Coming Ready!
Jaune: (Takes a deep breath) Okay. Let's do this.
Pyrrha: You're not hyperventilating this time. All those breathing exercises are finally kicking in, huh?
Jaune: I guess. Thanks again for teaching me some tricks to deal with this public speech stuff.
Pyrrha: Of course, Jaune. But, are you sure about this? I mean, you're going to be addressing a lot of people today?
Jaune: I know, but... I have to. This lie has going on for far too long, and I have to tell people the truth.
Ren: She's right, though. At least three of the five Kingdoms will be watching you with keen interest.
Jaune: Three?
Ren: (Nods) Vale, Atlas, and Mistral. There will be hundreds, perhaps even thousands watching your every move, studying, plotting against you to strike at your moment of weakness.
Jaune: ...Did someone bring a brown paper bag?
Nora: I did! (Holds up bag) It's got brownies in it~!
Jaune: ...Can I have one?
Nora: Mmmmmmmmm, no.
Jaune: Can I at least have the bag?
Nora: Mmmmmmmmm-
Ren: It's time, Jaune.
Jaune: But-! But-! My bag!
Nora: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-
Winter: Here's your report on the repairs, General, sir.
Ironwood: Thank you, Schnee. Leave it on my desk.
Winter: How's the press conference?
Ironwood: It's starting. Look at him, stepping out with such stiff motions. Are we certain he has no bionics?
Winter: There's nothing in Atlas records that confirms this, sir. It could be he's just nervous.
Ironwood: This man took on Adam Taurus, a ruthless leader of an international terrorist cell, and killed a Grimm Dragon that's sliced up one of our battleships. There's no way this man is scared of all five Kingdoms watching him.
Winter: ...Wyvern, sir.
Ironwood: Huh?
Winter: The official reports are calling a "Wyvern," sir.
Ironwood: It's a giant scaly monster with wings and probably breathes fire.
Winter: Still called a "Wyvern," sir.
Ironwood: ...It seems we are at an impasse. Perhaps we should call Penny?
Winter: Unfortunately, sir, Penny isn't here.
Ironwood: Ah, that's right. She took leave. Where did she go?
Winter: She left this morning from the bullhead station, sir.
Ironwood: What bullhead did she leave on?
Winter: She didn't, sir.
Theodore: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was a good one!
Xanthe: Headmaster, please, I'm begging you. Students are staring. I'm pretty sure he can hear you in Vale.
Theodore: It's funny, though, Rumpole! This kid comes outta nowhere, gets called a king, kills a dragon with a horse and spear, and now he's saying he's not a king to all these people!
Xanthe: It's not that funny.
Theodore: It's hilarious! Oh, I wanna fight him real bad! I've never punched a king before!
Xanthe: Sir, that'll cause an international incident.
Theodore: ...
Xanthe: You'll go to jail.
Theodore: ...
Xanthe: You won't be allowed to fight anymore.
Theodore: ...What about dueling? Would dueling be out of the question?
Xanthe: (Sighs)
Jaune: No. No. That's not- Look, whatever beef Adam Taurus and I had was over that night we fought, okay?
Reporter: Beef! Ha! That's going in the paper!
Jaune: No! No! It's not like that!
Lil Miss: (Via scroll) You havin' fun out there, girls?.
Melanie: Yes, Mom.
Lil Miss: Good. I'd hate to pay Roman another visit because he still can't take care of you.
Miltia: He's nothing, Mom.
Lil Miss: Nothin but trouble, you mean.
Roman: (Sighs)
Lil Miss: By the way, girls, just makin sure, but you know about that king nonsense goin on, right?.
Melanie: Yes, Mom.
Lil Miss: You girls stay away from all of that business, you hear me?.
Miltia: Aw, but he's so cute!
Lil Miss: And almost half your age, but that's not the point. The point is that boy king is nothin but trouble. Somethin bad is gonna happen to him, I just know it.
Roman: Yeah? And what do you know?
Lil Miss: Oh, you should know that by now, Roman. I know what I know, and I don't give hand-outs.
Sienna: More tea?
Kali: No, thank you. (Sips tea) He's doing well, isn't he?
Ghira: They're eating him alive out there.
Sienna: Not even you were this bad in your first public speech, Ghira.
Kali: Really? What was he like?
Sienna: An absolute mess. I actually threw a tomato at him, and he started sniveling!
Ghira: I knew that was you in the crowd!
Sienna: He was going on about "managing our resources" and "not letting what we've gained go to waste"! I felt the mood called for ironic comedy.
Kali: Hahaha! That's so cute!
Ghira: You're both the worst. (Sniffs, Inhales) Promised myself I wouldn't cry.
Jaune: No! No! I am not "seducing" anyone for a "progeny"! What the hell are you-?!
Jaune: Okay, you wanna know who I'm dating right now, since you're all so into these fairy tales?! Well, if it'll get you people to leave me and my family alone, then I'll tell you!
Jaune: My "queen" is a woman with bones as hard as iron- No, as steel! With a heart that pumps lightning through her veins! And her hair is a red and foreboding as a Blood Moon! And she has eyes that shine with a light that gleams and glimmers with lover's light! Oh, but here's the kicker! She flies! Yeah, that's right, she soars through the air, faster than any comet or shooting star in the sky! In a ball of green fi-
Jaune: (Coughs, Waves hand) What the...?
Lisa: Get a camera on him!
Cyril: Yes, ma'am!
Jaune: Wait... PENNY?!
Penny: (Blows dust away, Strikes a pose, Smiling, Pink eyes) I am here for my beloved!
Jaune: Ah... Crap-baskets...
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palaceofpassion · 1 year
ArcShot (stereotypical lewd romcom manga AU + surprise 69)
May Zedong is late for school!
A mad dash through the narrow streets of Vale with breakfast between her teeth, she nears the last intersection before reaching Beacon High. The running is straining the already overworked straps of her bra to their very limits.
But lo and behold, at the same moment she reaches the intersection, something tall, blond and (not at all) dorky appears from around the corner!
Bags, books and breakfast go flying and May finds herself looking at a bulging crotch and her sizable chest, free from her bra, is pressing down on a surprisingly firm stomach.
Meanwhile, Jaune is looking at a type of underwear he most certainly did not expect someone like the quiet May to wear.
NSFW below.
It happened so quickly, the last thing she remembered was turning a corner, toast in hand. And then THUMP, she was face first with what may as well have been a brick wall. A quick tumble later, and May found herself face first with what she could only describe as a monster, a towering pillar stood before her, wrapped by a thin sheet of white fabric. Her eyes crossed, and her breath hitched, ever inhale contaminated by a pungent aroma of male pheromones. God somewhere in the commotion his pants must have slipped off, before her were nothing but his tighty whities. A wicked shiver shot through her body, small tremors erupting within her core. Only through these subtle movements was she able to notice the spill, not of her food, but of her astounding breasts. The massive mammaries spilled forth thick, soft, squishy fat orbs of tanned skin pressed down upon the boy's stomach. Her eye widened upon realization, his voice crystal clear to her ears, despite the muffled noise behind her. "Nggh?" It was one Jaune Arc, the most handsome, kind, strong beautiful blonde boy that held her affection! This was not at ALL an exaggeration based on her own delusions, it was. And his scent was doing a number on her, blurring her mind of sound thoughts, to which she found herself pressing down against the profound bulge, inhaling his scent directly.
Her tongue lulled through her panting lips, without her concent, she found herself running her sinewy pink muscle across the twitching bulge before her. The taste of salt and tang peppered her tastebuds... all it took was one soft stroke to find herself addicted. Her face flushed as she tried to move, which had the lovely affect of spreading her legs apart, allowing the boy a clear view of what she had worn today. Jaune felt his face burn hotter than the sun as he noted the lovely posterior before him, her thick thighs spread across, tight pussy squished by her silky fabrics. He knew exactly who it was that was upon him, her mountainous chest brushing down against his mid section. "M...May!?" His blood boiled through his veins. Today was not how he expected to start his day. Not with a soft pussy, with such a tantalizing scent numbing his thinking faculties. He pondered, if perhaps they would wind up late for class today... if they made it in at all?
stupid image is stupid.
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What If: Kamado Family turned Demons?
If you mean outside the Sparking charcoal au I'm not sure how much more I could add to the discussion. I've seen off and on demons Kamado family au. The one I can find right now is @fitzefitcher, which has an AU post of shinazugawa family and a demons kamado family au.
But if you mean inside the Sparking charcoal au... Well, this is going to be a lot.
I believe that each of the Kamado Family as demons will have different blood demon arts and different ways to resist eating humans. It seems that sometimes when demons turn. They reflect something they desire but tragically twist it. Like I think Nezuko when she was turning into a demon her last human thoughts were on the snowy night wishing to save her family. to keep that demon away and maybe wish for warmth when she is in the snow for her and her sibling while they were dying in the snow. These wishes turning into her firepower that can keep her family and other humans safe and warm and keep the demons away. That's why I gave Genya a similar blood demon art. They would have similar thoughts that night.
Kie Kamado (mother) She is one of them I can talk about her blood demon art for a long time. Kie's art would be Sweet Home or Safe House. It would be something similar to the Infinity Castle. a pocket space away from the danger. It would be only as big as the Kamado family's home. And she would have complete control over who gets to stay. She can kick anyone out as a bad guest or who would hurt her or her family. But to open a gate to the place she needs to put her blood around an opening like a box or doorway anything with a lid or door. long as she can fit through she can make an entrance. She can only make 3 entrances to her home. If she makes a new one the least used entrance disappears. (this comes from her wish that she could have kept her family safe in their home and kicked out the awful demon. )
The way she resists eating humans. is through eating plants. and other stuff. Demons can't eat human food but how demons can use medicine that is derived from plants. I think as long as the components are not treated with human ways of cooking. I think demons could eat meat (maybe raw), plants, and fruit. Some flowers might help dull the demon's urges. wisteria kills demons what if other flowers can affect them differently? After all, Kie knows where the blue spider lily grows. Kie helps her kids mostly with her "cooking" in this manner.
I'll try to speed through the others. Takeo Kamado his blood demon art -idk a name for this one- affects how fast or slow something goes when his blood is on an object. ( This comes from him not being able to join his older brother when his mother believes he would slow him down. And also not fast enough to keep his little sibling safe." why couldn't he be faster or the monster be slower!?") The way he resists eating humans. Boiling tea and bark or tree roots something about eating wood keeps his mind at ease.
Hanukkah Kamado her blood demon art Misty Vale. It is like a blanket of mist cover for her and the people she wishes to hide from people/demons who wish to hurt them. (This comes from her trying to hide her and Shigeru from the sight of the demon under a blanket. It didn't work…) The way she resists eating humans. Eating Kie's food. The flower soup doesn't taste that bad.
shigeru Kamado his blood demon art mirror coppie. He can make a mirror copy of anyone he thinks he knows. The more Shigeru knows about the person more perfect the copy will be. If he can get something from the person the copy of them will be more effective. The mirror copy can fight alongside the person they are copying or fight the person they are copying. (This comes from his fondness for his brothers Tanjiro and Genya, wanting to follow them wherever they go and do whatever they do. He wished he could copy them more. He wishes he could stand and fight that demon alongside Genya or wishes he could have Tanjiro here to help him.) The way he resists eating humans. He eats a bit of meat the Tanjiro and Kie can find. If no meat he sleeps a little.
Rokuta Kamado his blood demon art Spark light. he can ignite his blood like a sparkler. He can make the Sparks bright and mainly uses them as a distraction. The sparks do hurt demons but he's to young to use them effectively. (This comes from him wanting to blind the demon with something bright to help Genya.) The way he resists eating humans. He sleeps. He is the only one in this AU that only sleeps to not eat humans.
There done. That is all the ideas I have for this alternative au.
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cartoon-angerr · 11 months
LDaD Loodvigg sketches
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Sincere apologies to all the Loodvigg lovers for making spiderman such an unlikable character at the very start of the prologue. I have a lot planned for them tho, so just wait n see >:3
Small sketches I just finished + expressions sheet I did a while back. (I have no idea if I posted that on Tumblr already) Color palettes inspired by the album Avalon Vales, my beloved
Also yes, they’re singing The Glass Ceiling Cabaret on the first picture
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anitalianfrie · 8 months
re: your pinned post on genderbending those old men -> care to share your genderbending headcanons
anon i'm giggling kicking my feet it's like i've waited all my life for this ask and the time has finally come!!! numerous thoughs under the cut
formula 1
in this case i mainly thought about them as couple dynamics, so every one is their separate au
lestappen: grew through the ranks together, super strong hate because of course only one of them could get to the top. almost phisically fought a couple of times. charles actually pretended to be a boy for the first years of her career (because she didn't want to be left out and thought that the only way to race was being a boy) while max idgafs her way through everything, she's been raised with a purpose and that purpose is winning. when max wins her first gp charles is literally fuming because she was supposed to be the first and you can guess how bad is their antagonism in 2018/2019 because they're always paired together, always compared. max struggles less with redbull than charles does with ferrari (thank you italy and sexism), but she wouldn't be allowed to come out anyways. charles is always underestimated because she's "too pretty", "too feminine" an thus not able to drive the car in the "correct way". But once she starts beating seb she becomes "la predestinata" anyway. And of course they were each others first crush (girl crush in charles' case but you get the point)
brocedes: they have already the crazy middle-school psychosexual codependent girl friendship down to a T, so my thesis is it would be even worse. somehow.
strollonso: nanda who wins her two back to back championships and then suffers by the hands of numerous teams, gets called a whore for getting the "preferential treatment", gets told she should retire by the age of thirty. And lance who grows up watching her on the tv and begs her dad to race and works and pleads to get sponsors because she might be rich but she's still a girl. and then after years and years they become teammates and lance gets hit with the super embarassing middle-school crush she had on nanda of ages. and fernanda who married a man because she thought that's what she was supposed to do (and then divorced him once she realized she was a lesbian) can't help but to be charmed by lance's clumsiness and to tease her (lance literally vibrates out of her skin every time it happens and calls este to talk about it. este hates her)
no more separate aus baby, i'm shoving an embarassing amount of girls on the grid!
vale: i've already talked estensively about her here (like. waaay to much. i'm obsessed)
marc (marcia): she's a girly girl, she loves to feel pretty and traditionally feminine and to dress in pink and to wear skirts, she's the og babygirl. people try to underestimate her for this, but once on the track she transforms into a ruthless monster and the excuse of "too girly to ride a motorcycle" doesn't exactly stand. "en la pista soy putilla" yes she is. a lot. she pretends to be small and weak but her arms are the size of trunks and she can benchpress her brother. she's a big girlTM in a short body (but she's still taller then dani). and of course. big tits.
bez (marzia): big girlTM. she's big she's strong she's tall her face is too masculine. she's a lesbian. she's a tomboy. she doesn't know where she fits. vale is her idol, her goddess, since she was six and pretending to be her on her bike (she also had a crush on her. of course). she fight tooth and nail to get what she wants and to arrive to moto3 and her family supports her fiercely. when vale asks her to get into the academy she cries (alone in her room)
cele: weird girl, weird face, she doesn't know what's her place, she's not feminine enough but also not masculine enough, she lives in the no-man's land. she's a bit off-putting and her humour is weird and she's serious and extroverted but like, in a weird way. she's lanky and lean and shouldn't be able to ride a motorcycle but she does anyway. she's had a crush on bez for the best part of her life.
pecco: "too serious, she should smile more". small but her arms are the size of trunks. has been in love with luca for half her life and refuses to aknowledge it (but her first crush was vale. of course)
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seth-shitposts · 10 months
Defectors AU Playlist Suggestion
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Call the Nightingale - Vian Izak , Juniper Vale
I'll Keep You Safe - Sleeping At Last
Slipping Through My Fingers - ABBA / Meryl Streep , Amanda Seyfield
What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish
Thistle & Weeds - Mumford & Sons
You Will Be Okay (Stolas' Lullaby) [Extended] - Sam Haft
One More Moment (Ursa's Lullaby) - Reinaeiry
Days Go On - Greg Laswell
All Is Found - Kasey Musgraves
Learn Me Right - Birdy , Mumford & Sons
Turn To Stone - Ingrid Michaelson
Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men
Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens
Smoke Signals - Cave Town & Tessa Violet
Times Like These - Eden Project
The Lightning Strike (What If This Storm Ends?) - Snow Patrol
The Call - Regina Spektor
Between The Raindrops - Lifehouse , Natasha Bedingfield
Laughter Lines - Bastille
I Will Return - Skylar Grey
I Will Wait - Mumford & Sons
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nottoxicfr · 1 month
*steeples fingers*
FFXIII Rosegarden. I must know the inspiration aside from FFXIII being AMAZING (and my childhood) and also RWBY for the same reasons.
Scratch that, I must know everything. This is a crossover I never knew I needed.
I’m sorry this took so long! Seriously, my bad. If you have any questions, please tell me. I promise I won't take three months to answer this time
This will be long.
For inspiration, the short story is that I have a lot of Final Fantasy-RWBY AUs, for basically all the Final Fantasy games I think of regularly (7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) and even in the scope of Final Fantasy 13, I have a 13-1 and a 13-2 and a 13-3LR AU. I also have a KH AU I've been working on.
This'll just be the Final Fantasy 13-1 AU, though I’ll link the other story details when I post them.
Just to run through a few things, just to set a baseline of how the world works. This is a Remnant where the world increasingly reveals elements from Final Fantasy 13, rather than a true crossover.
For example, the l’Cie and the Fal’Cie are the same idea in concept. The l’Cie are branded servants of the Fal’Cie, mechanical deities serving the Gods themselves. However, in this story, the l’Cie are a fairy tale to even Ozma, which means he only has a strange idea of what they actually are. Only l’Cie really knows what being a l’Cie entails.
A l’Cie is:
Someone who has been branded with a tattoo by a Fal’Cie, essentially the sign that they’ve been given a quest and a vision (a Focus) of what they have to accomplish
The tattoo slowly grows, setting a time limit for their quest. As it grows, the l’Cie also gains the ability to harness magic
However, if they fail to accomplish their task in time, they will be transformed into a monster, a Ci’eth
Someone who is branded naturally attracts Grimm to them, which makes traveling more difficult
Oscar is aged up here a bit, just a year younger than Ruby, and this takes place during a pseudo-Beacon Arc time period.
Oscar is the first l’Cie of the story. His brand is on his neck, under his bandage wraps. His Focus, his quest, is to awaken the slumbering Fal’Cie hidden around Remnant. They were put to sleep when the Brothers left Remnant and, for some reason, they’ve judged it time for them to awaken.
Outside of being a L’cie, he’s just a regular guy at this point and that makes it hard for him to get where he needs to go. For this reason, he hires Ruby to help him get to Forever Fall Forest, which is where he thinks the Fal’Cie he needs to awaken is.
The first arc takes place in Vale, where Oscar’s tremendous bad luck causes a trip that should only take a few hours take several days, which pushes him up the edge of his time limit. Naturally, this puts him in a bad mood, which makes him and Ruby have some friction between them. The situation is somewhat smoothed over when Oscar shows Ruby some magic and he vaguely explains that he needs to get to Forever Fall soon or he’ll die a miserable death.
Ruby distracts him for a little while by talking to him about her Team and asking him about his life. He worked on a farm for most of his life, his aunt died recently, and he’s always wanted to see the world. They fight several packs of Grimm as they hike and Ruby contemplates calling in reinforcements because, for some reason, Oscar insists he’s on a time limit.
They arrive in Beacon where they meet up with WBY and Team JNPR briefly, only to hop on a wagon heading to Forever Fall. Oscar is, at this point, seemingly kind of sketchy. To be fair to him, he’s basically dying.
The arc resolves when Oscar and Ruby plummet down into a sinkhole and find the sleep Fal’Cie of Forever Fall, Behemoth, who brands Ruby simply for being nearby. Now, aside from being paid, Ruby has been dragged into this race to awaken the Fal’Cie, much to the frustration of Oscar. He doesn’t feel comfortable with that, but there’s not a lot he can do but beg an uncaring Fal’Cie to unbrand her.
On the upside, Oscar is given an extension of his time limit and a new vision. He needs to go to the floating city in the sky (Atlas) next, which is where he needs to find the twin Fal’Cie sleeping there.
Ruby is branded as the second l’Cie. She has a brand at her collarbone, hidden under her shirt. Her Focus is to awaken the slumbering Fal’Cie as well, although she also catches further glimpses into the future that put an emphasis on encroaching darkness.
This starts the second arc, Atlas, or the journey to Atlas.
It kicks off when Ruby essentially runs away without telling anyone, under the assumption that once Oscar and her finish their quest, she’ll come back and explain everything. It’s not a very good plan, but she’s understandably occupied by everything that’s going on with her life right now. Ruby and Oscar try and fail to rent a car because they’re both underage. Following this, Ruby tries to buy them tickets directly to Atlas, which doesn’t work because travel to Atlas has suddenly jammed up. Instead, they have to take an indirect route from Anima (the Mistal continent) to Mantle, which takes a few more days but that’s fine.
Yang is, understandably, incredibly distressed that her sister seems to have given up her dreams of being a Huntress to chase after a boy she met three days ago. She reports this to Qrow, who tells Ozpin, who tries to get an understanding of what happened. Yang tells Ozpin about the weird stuff that she heard Oscar and Ruby talking about before, which entails something about Fal’Cie and l’Cie and the Kingdom of Atlas. 
She suspects Ruby has joined a cult and is, again, incredibly distressed.
As stated before, the words l’Cie and fal’Cie are like myths to Ozma. They’re messengers of the Gods and assistants to their angels and, most importantly, they’re almost synonymous with great change. Not good or bad, just big changes in the world. This rings alarm bells in Ozpin’s mind, though not to the point of overreaction.
Ozpin asks Yang to take Team WBY and go after her sister, just to make sure she’s alright and to try and bring her and Oscar back. Ozpin wants to speak with both of them over this supposed l’Cie business. Qrow says he’ll do some scouting ahead to search for them, hopefully, to wrap this whole thing up quickly. He’s not too fond of the idea that some kid swept Ruby away from Beacon.
Ozpin informs his inner circle about all of this, just to keep them updated. It seems like Ruby and Oscar are headed to Anima and then to Atlas, they’re talking about l’Cie stuff which is crazy because, etc…etc… He wants Leonardo to investigate Oscar Pine, he wants Ironwood to try and bring them both in and most importantly, Ozpin just wants to talk.
The lack of details makes Ironwood have a bit of an overreaction. The l’Cie are agents of change in the world and, with the Vital Festival on the horizon, it seems more likely to him that these “l’Cie” are probably going to cause a negative effect. He mobilizes some of his elite forces to capture Ruby and Oscar, as well as putting out wanted posters on Scrolls that these two people are wanted for questioning. It’s a bit of an overreaction, but in his mind, it’s better to be cautious when it comes to mysterious things that haven’t been heard of since Ozma was a child.
Leonardo reports this to Salem soon after, having defected to her not that long ago. Just as troubled by this reappearance of a fairy tale from her childhood as Oz was, she tells Cinder to go find them. She can kill one of them, but she needs the other one to question about what’s going on.
To summarize:
Yang, Blake, and Weiss are chasing after Ruby and Oscar from Vale. Qrow is also looking for them as a bird.
Ironwood told Winter and some of her troops to go to Mistral and cut them off. He also made wanted posters for them.
Salem told Cinder to go find Oscar, who told Roman to spread the word and find them.
Meanwhile, Ruby and Oscar’s air ferry to the port crash lands because, apparently, l’Cie magic disagrees with technology. They have no idea they’re being chased until Ruby sees a wanted poster on her Scroll, detailing that Oscar is a potential terrorist and Ruby is either an accomplice or a hostage. This causes Ruby to freak out and summon her Eidolon, essentially a summoned spirit meant to assist a l’Cie in the quest. She and Oscar have to subdue it before it attacks the people on the crashed ferry, because a freshly summoned Eidolon is naturally berserk.
Her Eidolon is Carbuncle, which basically takes the form of a giant wolf-cat when it is going berserk and is much smaller after being tamed. It has the ability to produce elemental dust from a gemstone in its forehead and is, generally, more of a support Eidolon.
They have to run now because Carbuncle managed to destroy a hefty part of the ferry while it was attacking them, which upgrades them from potential terrorists to probable terrorists, even if it’s only on accident.
This is as far as I’ve written properly because I’ve also been writing a dozen other things. As I said before, I have a lot of Final Fantasy AUs. However, I do have vague details on how things progress from there.
Ruby and Oscar run into Yang, Blake, and Weiss just as they arrive in the port town where they have to board a boat. They end up getting into a fight, Ruby verbally and Oscar physically, because of the miscommunications involved. It’s hard to explain being a l’Cie to someone who doesn’t have the context of apparently sleeping Gods under Remnant. For the most part, Oscar’s part of the fighting ends up being running away and casting magic, which baffles all three of the Huntresses (because of genuine magic) and ends up casting a Thunder (Thundara) spell too close to Blake. This knocks her out.
They board the boat, just barely managing to escape from Ruby’s teammates and there’s a climactic moment where Yang has to watch the boat depart without being able to chase after them. WBY makes plans to keep up the pursuit as soon as they can, with Qrow flying ahead to Mistral.
When Ruby and Oscar get to Mistral, where they’ll board another ferry to go to the north and then get on a boat, there’s a scene that plays out similarly to when Snow rescues Lighting and Hope in FF13.
Winter corners Ruby and Oscar in a plaza with her troops, putting handcuffs on Ruby, only for Yang to show up on a motorcycle and rescue both of them. Blake and Weiss provide supporting fire and they all escape to the rooftops to get away. This puts Mistral on high alert, which shuts down the air ferry, complicating matters significantly. Still, Ruby and Oscar are grateful they weren’t captured. At this point, Ruby’s brand is halfway developed.
They all talk things over and, although WBY don’t necessarily believe everything they’re saying, they decide to help them get to Atlas. Yang also frets over Ruby’s tattoo-brand, which feels relaxingly normal to the group.
While all of that is going on, Cinder begins to make moves towards Atlas, planning to take advantage of the chaos the l’Cie are causing to damage Atlas and capture them. Salem is contemplating what to do about the awakening Fal’Cie, who is purging the overpopulation of Grimm in the world.
Oscar summons his Eidolon, Pegasus, which can turn into a motorbike with wings.
Ruby falls off of Atlas, but is saved by Oscar in a Bullhead.
When they get to Atlas and awaken one of the Fal’Cie there, WBY gets branded as l’Cie. It’s kind of like a spreading curse, and eventually, it will reach JNPR too. That comes later on though.
One of the Fal’Cie is located under Mantle, Vulcan, and the other one is located on the under side of the island of Atlas, Venus. WBY is entirely branded by Vulcan, and Winter and Penny are branded by Venus (though this isn’t something RWBYO is aware of).
There’s only one more Fal’Cie to awaken after this, which is located in Vacuo.
-Oscar awakened the Mistral one
Ruby and Oscar awakened the Vale one
Ruby, Oscar, Yang, Blake, and Weiss awaken Vulcan, which awakens Venus
The last one is in Vacuo. JNPR and Oscar will end up awakening it by falling into a ravine (Woo!)
The final stage of the story reveals that the Fal’Cie want to harvest the collected souls of Humanity so they can use that power to evolve into a God themselves and follow after their creators. They despise Humanity and resent having to serve the inferior creations of the Brothers. Everyone takes a stance on what to do about that, though the main characters decide to fight that. This goes against their final vision, which tells them they are meant to assist in harvesting the souls of Humanity. This is called Humanity's Fall!
Pyrrha does get stabbed in the process and possibly dies, which relates to the RWBY x Final Fantasy 13-2 AU. I love interconnecting these things.
I love talking. If you have any questions or ideas about anything, please ask. Please. Again, my bad. It's been a rough few months.
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moonshynecybin · 3 months
which characters do you think marc/valentino would be in a amc iwtv au? in terms of core character traits, dynamics, values, behavior, etc.
hmmmm i don’t know if i wanna do a one to one of iwtv with these little european men bc i think one of the SEXY things about iwtv is the interrogation of race in regards to its characters… truly it adds SO MUCH dimension and complexity to the story and it’s interpersonal dynamics. like it’s kinda intrinsic. also! a story that is deeply preoccupied with themes of abuse. i don’t wanna put that on rosquez, gothic romantic characters that they lowkey ARE in regards to each other… so i don’t think i can just plug em into the framework and watch them spin
thattttttt all being said i DO think a vampire au can be exceedingly sexy (and quite a few of them DO exist) and we can do some tiny baby comparisons (lestat being so scared of being LONELY very marc to me. memory being a monster very both of them. vale would use his time as an immortal vampire to become a rockstar. also his self admitted madonna complex. etc.) one of the hashtag hotandsexy things we can get that makes thematic sense a rosquez sense is. vale turning marc. in a way he did make marc immortal in real life by being an inspiration. so. flamboyant rake vale turning marc because he yearns for a protege (UNDERDISCUSSED in current rosquez scholarship is the somewhat. academy adjacent vibes he had with marc in 2013/14. he ENJOYED marc as a potential overtaker of his legacy he LIKED him….) and teaching him the ropes of vampirism until marc abruptly gets WAY powerful WAY quickly and vale is like hm. don’t like that. and pushes him away when he’s not as dependent on vale to show him the ropes… lots of sexy lead up to the turning (i think marc wants it BAD and things get psycho level slutty. lots of crazy sex quite a few fights vale NOT wanting to turn marc bc it might KILL HIM and marc seeing there’s a way for him to br young and hot and healthy and with vale forever and being like okay. no brainer.) and then they’re estranged exes building rival covens (academy. BURNS marc when he finds out… you’re okay with companions when they’re BENEATH YOUU. marc turns alex and no one elseeeeeee…) and having sex in their minds fully clothed and across the room from each other
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
How about an au with superheroes and villains where Jaune is a villain, however he is only a villain/working for them because they give better health insurance and dental? As well as better pay/commission bonus.
He isn’t necessarily evil and instead simply sees it as a job, almost like working at a convenience store. Like he finds out there’s a MASSIVE bonus for whoever gets the information out of the prisoner and Jaune instantly thinks of how great the money would be. Nobody thinks he could perform torture or such because he’s too nice. Jaune however goes in with a smile on his face with a job to do. The villains watching even throw up at what happens or the more deranged look on with respect or awe.
Whenever the heroes encounter the new villain they never understand him because 1. Somehow he always gets away 2. He is always really polite and nice unlike the other villains.
Just an idea, based on something I saw on another au made by @moistmailman I believe. Curious on your take on this.
A Proper Villian
In a dindgy lit interrogation room, struggling against her the bounds that kept her chains to the desk sat the, Crimson Reaper, Ruby Rose hero of Vale. She was a young, and upcoming hero, but in a matter of months she had made her mark on the people, the hero’s, and most importantly the villains of, Vale.
But, now here she was tied to a desk, her greatest villains behind a one way mirror preparing to interrogate her for information. But, what ever comes, no matter what cruel, wicked monstrous torture implements they used, she was ready for them, she was ready for anything!
Then she saw her interrogator, and she realize that she was infact not ready. Least of all not him.
: Bah! The lighting in here is terrible! Just let me… Ahh! That’s better~! Ahem… Hello, Miss Reaper! May I call you that, or do you prefer the full name. The Crimson Reaper?
Ruby: J-Jaune?!
Jaune: Hello!
Ruby: W-What are you doing here?!
Jaune: I work here.
Ruby: As a baddy? But, you’re such a nice guy! Why would you become a villain! Did something happen to your family, did something happen to your nephew that lead you down the path of evil for revenge?! (Gasp?!) Did something happen to your, Pumpkin Pete’s hoodie?!
Jaune: No, my family is doing just fine. I saw, Adrian just the other week, ahh he’s grown so much… and, well… Something did, and didn’t happen to my hoodie, it’s complicated.
Ruby: Then why are you working with the baddies?!
Jaune: Honest?
Ruby: Honest!
Jaune: The pay.
Ruby: W-What…?
Jaune: The pay they have for all the goons, henchmen, and what not is fantastic!
Ruby: W-What…?
Jaune: I mean we get a lot of money, even bonuses. Hazard pay is major one since, we work with ‘villains,’ and fight against the ‘hero’s’ so much that it’s basically standard for any new goons to work here.
Ruby: That makes sense.
Jaune: Also indefinite medical leave, that’s nice. I mean, you hero’s don’t kill, but you main a lot of guys.
Ruby: W-We do?
Jaune: But, the medical staff we have is fantastic, broken spine, couple jabs with some untested chemicals, and semi-unethical surgeries, and your poll vaulting in no time! Or, you were accidentally turned into a nightmare monster. That happens more often than you think…
Ruby: W-W-What…?
Jaune: You get big composition pay if that happens though. Hell, this happened to my friend a while back, and now he’s fighting in the big leagues!
Ruby: He is?
Jaune: Yeah, recently he took on the, Golden Flame!
Ruby: He fought against my si…?! He fought against her?!
Jaune: Yeah, he may have gotten his ass handed to him, but that’s certainly one way to meet your, ‘Heroic Crush!’
Ruby: You people have hero crushes?!
Jaune: Meh, most people are in love with the mask, not the person behind the mask. Anyway, where were we, oh yeah benefits! Yeah, we also have possession benefits; those are mostly legal, and medical benefits. You won’t be held responsible whilst your body is being possessed. Any medical mishaps from being possessed will be covered. Honestly, most of the benefits we get are medical. Which are greatly needed in this line of work…
Ruby: Is that all the benefits you guys get.
Jaune: Mmm… Pay maturity leave, sick leave… Dental, oh the dental here is fantastic!
Ruby: You have dental?!
Jaune: Yeah, I mean a while ago, I got caught in the crossfire i a battle between, Valkyrie, and Silver Legs; I got hit in the face, and lost a few teeth, but look! I got new ones, fangs even!
Ruby: Naww… we don’t have dental… I want cool fangs too…
Jaune: Yeah, it’s great working for the villains! But, I don’t like their ideas. I mean, we’ve got five guys trying to conquer the world, three trying to destroy it, couple dozen trying to get revenge for something that someone did to them. A few environmentalists, they’re the worst!
Ruby: What’s wrong with the environmentalists?! They just want to save the planet.
Jaune: By committing mass genocide? Most of their ideas are meant to save the planet, by screwing over the people currently living in it! I mean, it would work, but at what cost?
Ruby: Oh… That makes sense… So uhh… W-What do you do here?
Jaune: Me? Well, I used to work as your basic grunt; fetch, and carry. Shoot this, and that. Protect strange object of power. Those ones are the worst, you wake up on the floor a lot!
Ruby: Ouch…
Jaune: So, now I mostly do interrogations. Extract information from prisoners, and what not. Big bonuses based on how long it takes you to get someone to break! I’m really good at it. I’m practically a shoehorn in for, “Best Interrogator of the Month.”
Ruby: Oh… S-So are you going to torture me then…? B-B-Because I will never talk, no matter what you do to me, I will keep the secrets I know to the grave! There is nothing you could possibly do to me!
Jaune: Torture? No no no, nothing so debased as that! I am a man of class after all, I would never stoop to such depths.
Ruby: Then what depths would you stoop to…?
Jaune: None. I just do my job to the best of my ability.
Ruby: A nice well pay, good job…?
Jaune: I know you may be upset that I do this for money, but how many heroes do you know that do this just for the money?
Ruby: Too many.
Jaune: Like the Monkey King, and The Blue Wave?
Ruby: But, their are people like the, Violet Shadow who do this for a cause!
Jaune: The Bull does this for a cause too. Although I’m not sure what that cause is; is he doing it for the blights of the Faunas like the, Violet Shadow is, just in an a more violent manner. Or, is he just doing it to get the ‘love’ of his life back.
Ruby: Does he?
Jaune: Hard to tell, he’s a bit of a prick honestly.
Ruby: She does say a lot of bad things about him… W-What about those who do it for good! Like the, Amazon Goddess!
Jaune: Then you have her opposite to that does things for evil for evils sake like the, Scorpion. Word of advice, stay away from him, he’s batshit insane!
Ruby: Okay…?
Jaune: Alright pointless debate on morality aside. I need you to answer me a few questions.
Ruby: I’ll never talk!
Jaune: So you don’t want to regal me with the tale on how you alone captured the infamous, Roman Torchwick.
Ruby: N-No…
Jaune: Ahh, come on, I gotta know! You, a rookie hero, barely three months on the job! Taking down, Tourchwick; That’s gotta be one hell of a story!
Ruby: N-No it isn’t…
Jaune: Oh, so was it just a case of dumb luck then? You in the right place, at the right time. He just tripped, and knocked himself out, so you just happened to be there, and arrest him…?
Ruby: …
Jaune: Lame… I thought you were cooler than this…
Ruby: I am cool…
Jaune: Why, because you’ve got a cape?
Ruby: Capes are cool.
Jaune: It ain’t cool if every other superhero has one. Man, you are so lame, no wonder everyone thinks you’re a D-Rank hero.
Ruby: D-D-Rank?!
Jaune: D as in Dismal.
Ruby: No! I am at least a, B-Rank hero!
Jaune: B for boring!
Ruby: I am a great, Hero! I found, Torchwick, and captured him all on my own!
Jaune: How? By asking, “Pweese surrender Mr. Torchwick, pwetty please?”
Ruby: No, I ambushed him! I hit him fast, and hard! He never knew what hit him! I had him out cold before he even realized what hit him!
Jaune: How, by making him slip on a banana peel?
Ruby: No, I shot him!
Jaune: You killed him?!
Ruby: No! I whittled him down till his, Aura ran out, then I tazed him. He was out like a rock. I then tied him up, and let the authorities take him away!
Jaune: Yeah, right you called for the baby police to give him a five minute times out in the corner facing the wall?
Ruby: No, the real police came, and took him to Rock’s Ban Prison!
Jaune: Pfft! Rock’s Bane Prison… He’ll be out by the time he walks through the door on his way in.
Ruby: No! He’s been locked up in their maximum security cells, he’s not going anywhere!
Jaune: So, Roman is in a maximum security cell, in Rocks Bane Prison?
Ruby: Yeah, and he’s gonna stay there until he rots!
Jaune: Is he now?
Ruby: Yeah!
Jaune: …
Ruby: Oh… Oh shit…
Ruby’s head hit the desk with a dull head as she groaned in rage.
Jaune: Something wrong?
Ruby: You tricked me!
Jaune: Did I?
Ruby: Yes you did! You antagonized me into telling you where, Torchwick is! Now you’re going to stage a prison break to get him out! And, its all my fault!
Jaune: No, we’re not doing that.
Ruby: You’re not?
Jaune: Nope. We’re just going to do a prisoner exchange; him for you. Easy peasy.
Ruby: Really…?
Jaune: Yep, their in the talks about the prisoner exchange right now.
Ruby: Why’s that?
Jaune: Because otherwise if it does, his partner in crime is gonna stage a prison break out. Finding out where he is was the whole reason I ‘interrogated’ you. Honestly, I hope they take the deal. Cause otherwise, his partner is gonna go, stabby stabby on them all. It’s and she’s really trigger happy with Mr. Stabby.
Ruby: Oh… Okay then…? So uhh… W-What now?
Jaune: Well, since I’m done, I’m going for a coffee. I’ll come back later, and give you a cookie! Bye~!
Jaune soon left closing the door behind him, leaving, Ruby to stare at ghe door at this utter bewildering moment. Leaving only one thought on her mind.
Ruby: …
Ruby: It better be chocolate, he knows how much I hate raisins…
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