#Firat Tanis
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turkishcelebritynews · 2 years ago
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My Name is Farah (Adim Farah) Tv Series
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turkish-dramas · 2 years ago
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My Name is Farah (Adim Farah) Tv Series
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academyofbrokenhearts · 2 years ago
And the reason this makes me flail is because the reason this comes up is precisely because Aziz’s breeding (she is no proper partner to me!) is fighting with the fact that he’s drawn to her like mad and he gets so mad at himself for fancying her and takes it out on her and does it make him awesome? No, but it’s so realistic.
Exactly, and it's so delicious to watch his inner fight, even while he is still obviously pining for Dilruba (because come on, there is an entire history there, one he cannot forget that easily).
And I personally love that Efnan didn't initially want to come specifically because she knew he didn't want her there, and relented only because she wanted to help Mustafa and pass his gift to Mahsude. She's so selfless I want to cry.
Even within its vvv patriotic narrative, it allows the main French dude, the one putting spokes into Aziz’s wheels, humanity. He is genuinely kind to Efnan at the party, for example, showing her how to eat a cake when nobody notices to save her embarrassment.
No fan of The Ditcher but her 1930s look is amazing and her marcelled hair is beyond compare.
She's single-handedly responsible for my current desire to style my hair like that in spite of the fact that irl I have bangs that need an urgent cut.
One of the things I really love (not in the sense of it making him an awesome person but in terms of making him a complex character), is how innately, unreflexively classist Aziz is. Sure, he talks about how there is no difference between him and his workers except the respective amount of wealth but despite treating his workers better than any other employer we see (for one, he pays a fair wage) and not viewing them as subhuman, he is an aristocrat to the marrow of his bones - he will treat a peasant or a laborer fairly, he will be polite, he will not take advantage of a peasant woman (and in fact, he rescues Efnan over and over and never regrets it, even when rescuing a village woman he didn’t know led to exile, loss of wealth and his childhood love) but it would no more occur to him to make one part of his family than it would to fly.
That is why he views the concept of marrying Efnan as such a patent impossibility, that is why he is blunt about refusing to bring her to his cousin’s birthday party (and in fact, views the invitation as absurd and her agreeing to come as a personal affront), that is why he watches her scarf her food with the same !!! the rest of the family does.
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The way he talks to her and the way he is blunt with her is very far from the way he is with Dilruba, even when he’s angry at her because any anger in his conversation with The Ditcher revolves around her dumping him but so many of his angry conversations with Efnan revolve around their difference in status. And the reason this makes me flail is because the reason this comes up is precisely because Aziz’s breeding (she is no proper partner to me!) is fighting with the fact that he’s drawn to her like mad and he gets so mad at himself for fancying her and takes it out on her and does it make him awesome? No, but it’s so realistic.
Like the scene their hands touch and he then starts walking brusquely and carping at her for walking slowly and then saying she was a disgrace at the party, shouldn’t have come, should change out of the dress because it does not become her etc etc. Because he wants her and he cannot cope with that, it’s against his whole world view.
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And it’s this delicious constant pull in him - because all their lovely, tender moments come when he is off guard and forgets to think what is proper:
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It’s a contrast to the barking when he remembers. And, even better, we also have the moments where he knows it’s not her fault and he’s being irrational and tries to apologizes but cannot at the last moment because the internal fight is literally happening RIGHT THERE - tenderness and panic mixed.)
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But the other thing is, Efnan tends to take it because she owes him her life over and over and over and over and because she has an epic crush, but in her quiet way, she is more stubborn than he is and is also beginning to show temper and this is going to be so delicious when his bear with a sore head moment will finally hit her in her most intractable mood.
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PS I do love the complexity in the show’s characters. Even within its vvv patriotic narrative, it allows the main French dude, the one putting spokes into Aziz’s wheels, humanity. He is genuinely kind to Efnan at the party, for example, showing her how to eat a cake when nobody notices to save her embarrassment.
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PPS No fan of The Ditcher but her 1930s look is amazing and her marcelled hair is beyond compare.
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patlicangil · 24 days ago
Fırat Tanış nereli? Fırat Tanış ve Kübra Tanış! Fırat Tanış 5 Mayıs 1975 tarihinde İstanbul'da dünyaya gelmiş aktör, tiyatro sanatçısı, şarkı yazarı ve aranjördür. Show TV ekranlarında yayınlanan Aziz dizisinde Delege Pierre karakterine hayat veren Fırat Tanış son zamanlarda magazin dünyasının da ilgisini üzerine çekti. Gerek başarıları gerekse özel hayatı ile gıpta edilen isimler arasında yer alan Fırat Tanış hakkında merak ettiğiniz tüm soru... https://www.begonya.com/firat-tanis/?feed_id=207138&_unique_id=675ef4aec42c0
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addictivecontradiction · 2 years ago
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Bir Zamanlar Anadolu'da, 2011
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kendine-yazar · 4 years ago
"Yani olmuyor, olmuyor istesem de kimse gelmiyor beklesem de."
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mp3yukle · 4 years ago
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Fırat Tanış - Solgun Bir Gül Dokununca mp3 indir
Solgun Bir Gül Dokununca şarkı sözleri: Çoklarından düşüyor da bunca, Görmüyor gelip geçenler. Eğilip alıyorum, Solgun bir gül oluyor dokununca.
Şarkı sözlerinin devamı: https://sarkiman.com/firat-tanis-solgun-bir-gul-dokununca.html
#FıratTanış #SolgunBirGülDokununca #mp3 #indir #mp3indir #şarkısözleri #dinle
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eskimisbiplak · 3 years ago
Firat tanis- yani
Aciyorum hemen 🌸
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turkishcelebritynews · 3 years ago
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Aziz Tv Series: Aziz (MuratYildirim) loses everything in life and he becomes a powerful man fighting against cruelty and unfairness.
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turkish-dramas · 3 years ago
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Aziz Tv Series: Aziz (MuratYildirim) loses everything in life and he becomes a powerful man fighting against cruelty and unfairness.
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academyofbrokenhearts · 2 years ago
Efnan is killing me. But also, Aziz had no chance - she is gorgeous, she thinks he’s smart and capable and his goals are awesome but is also willing to fight him when she’s mad and disagrees and she looks at him as if he’s the whole world whenever he does something nice. Who can resist? Certainly not the man who’s been abandoned and betrayed by everyone who was supposed to love him in his life so far. (Some unwillingly - daddy being offed for example, but the fact remains.)
She’s got a stalker now ahahah
Her freaking out is so cute and so understandable at the same time. Them spending the night together like that is an obvious development - but I do love that, rather than building up hope, she's now directly asking for an explanation.
My fave being her telling the Frenchman “he’s sorry he knows he is wrong” and him going “I am not sorry and I’d do it again” ahahaah
Aziz: “You are driving me insane!”
Efnan: “You are insane anyway!”
I love them so much!
Rambel war flashbacks.
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“He slept holding me.”
Efnan is killing me. But also, Aziz had no chance - she is gorgeous, she thinks he’s smart and capable and his goals are awesome but is also willing to fight him when she’s mad and disagrees and she looks at him as if he’s the whole world whenever he does something nice. Who can resist? Certainly not the man who’s been abandoned and betrayed by everyone who was supposed to love him in his life so far. (Some unwillingly - daddy being offed for example, but the fact remains.)
She’s got a stalker now ahahah
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He’s all “how dare you stay with Pierre, let me grab him by the collar even tho he can throw me in jail.” My fave being her telling the Frenchman “he’s sorry he knows he is wrong” and him going “I am not sorry and I’d do it again” ahahaah
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Aziz: “You are driving me insane!”
Efnan: “You are insane anyway!”
I love them so much!
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I loved when she was all “I won’t let you play with me” and he was “!!!! but I am nooooot” oh delicious!!!!
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patlicangil · 2 years ago
Fırat Tanış nereli? Fırat Tanış ve Kübra Tanış! Fırat Tanış 5 Mayıs 1975 tarihinde İstanbul'da dünyaya gelmiş aktör, tiyatro sanatçısı, şarkı yazarı ve aranjördür. Show TV ekranlarında yayınlanan Aziz dizisinde Delege Pierre karakterine hayat veren Fırat Tanış son zamanlarda magazin dünyasının da ilgisini üzerine çekti. Gerek başarıları gerekse özel hayatı ile gıpta edilen isimler arasında yer alan Fırat Tanış hakkında merak ettiğiniz tüm soru... https://www.begonya.com/firat-tanis/?feed_id=113815&_unique_id=63d48e5fcaed3
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sizekitap · 3 years ago
Fırat Tanış ile Gelin Tanış Olalım (Etkinlik)
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Semih Çelenk’in yazdığı ve yönettiği “Gelin Tanış Olalım”da Fırat Tanış’ bir Abdal hikayesi ile sahneye çıkıyor.
Oyuncunun olağanüstü olarak tanımlanan performansına sahnede Cem Erdost İleri, Mehmet Taylan Ünal, Sitar Sertaç Şanlı ve Mesut Ulusan enstrümanlarıyla eşlik ediyor. Donkişot Tiyatro Tarık Güvenç’in yapımcılığında sahneye taşınan oyunun ses mühendisliğini Metin Bozkurt ve Alper Antmen yapıyor. Işık Tasarımı ve Uygulaması ise Abdullah Uysal’a ait.
“Gelin Tanış Olalım” hikâyeye türkülerin, deyişlerin eşlik ettiği türkülü bir seyirlik; bir türkü müzikali… “Gelin Tanış Olalım” seyirciyi kadim ozanların sesleriyle,sözleriyle kavrayan toplu bir ritüel…
“Gelin Tanış Olalım” bir Abdal hikâyesidir. Bugünden bir Abdal anlatır hikâyeyi… Bu hikâye, herşeyin ateş ve kül olduğu, rüzgarların külleri savurduğu, avuçlarımızın bomboş kaldığı bir kâbusun ortasında sıçrayıp uyandığımızda anlatıldı. Türkülerin yollarından geçerek,  ezgilerin izlerini sürerek,aşktan ve hayattan, ayrılıktan ve vuslattan, sıla ve gurbetten, haktan ve hakikatten, dağların başından, suların kıyısından, ekinlerin içinden geçerek anlatıldı bu hikâye… Tanışalım, bakışalım, konuşalım, gönülden söyleşelim diye. Türkü söyleyelim, salınalım, oynayalım diye… Kavilleşelim, yolda buluşalım, suyu ekmeği paylaşalım diye…”
Türkülere içten geldiği gibi eşlik edebileceğiniz toplu bir terapi, iç dünyanıza yapacağınız bir yolculuk… Fırat Tanış, sesiyle sözüyle bu yolculukta rehberiniz, kılavuzunuz olacak.
“Gelin Tanış Olalım” sevgiyi, dostluğu, paylaşmayı, dünya hısımlığını ve kardeşliğini yeniden gündeme getirecek, ayrılığı gayrılığı silecek bir hikâye…”
devamı burada => https://sizekitap.com/etkinlikler/firat-tanis-ile-gelin-tanis-olalim-etkinlik-6/
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addictivecontradiction · 4 years ago
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Bir Zamanlar Anadolu'da, 2011
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sarkisozumm · 4 years ago
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campplay · 4 years ago
Fırat Tanis - How Many Weight, How Tall, Who Is Spouse?
Fırat Tanis – How Many Weight, How Tall, Who Is Spouse?
Full name Nuri Fırat Tanis Date of birth May 5, 1975 (aged 43) Her Spouse Kubra Sun Sign bull Firat Tanis Place of Birth (Nereli) Kadikoy / Istanbul Short Life (Biography) Fırat Tanis was born on May 5, 1975 as the youngest son of his family in Istanbul’s Kadıköy district. He started his theater career in the years he was studying at Mehmet Beyazıt High School, and after his graduation, he…
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