#Fiorucci Story
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Fiorucci Story
Creative Project : Puzzle Communication Agency
Concept and copy : Manuela Cassarà (Fiorucci Design Office)
Arts Directors : Laura Fumagalli, Erica Musella (Puzzle)
Photographers : Bruce Andrew, Attilio Concari, Rofer Corona, Dxing, Nick Ferrand, Terry Jones, Douglas Kent, Edland Man, Oliviero Toscani, Eric Shemilt, Gianni Viviani
Electa, Milano 2004, 62 pagine, 25x25cm, ISBN 9788837033408
euro 40,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Stilista, talent scout, imprenditore e comunicatore, Elio Fiorucci apre il suo primo negozio a Milano, nel 1967, mostrando ai milanesi le ultime novità di Carnaby Street e Manhattan. Nel 1970 disegna con Italo Lupi il suo celebre logo con gli angioletti vittoriani. Lo stile Fiorucci è la ricontestualizzazione di tanti elementi tratti da culture diverse, con un pizzico di nostalgia per il passato, unito a uno sguardo al futuro: un equilibrio che esce da ogni preconcetto per muoversi tra materiali, forme e cose diversissime, senza pregiudizi, né gabbie culturali.
#Fiorucci#Puzzle Comm.Agency#Oliviero Toscani#Fiorucci Story#Keith Haring#fashion books#fashionbooksmilano
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Fiorucci Story
Electa, Milano 2004, 61 pagine, 25X25 cm, Isbn 88-370-3340-0
euro 40,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Stilista, talent scout, imprenditore e comunicatore, Elio Fiorucci apre il suo primo negozio a Milano, nel 1967, mostrando ai milanesi le ultime novità di Carnaby Street e Manhattan. Nel 1970 disegna con Italo Lupi il suo celebre logo con gli angioletti vittoriani. Lo stile Fiorucci è la ricontestualizzazione di tanti elementi tratti da culture diverse, con un pizzico di nostalgia per il passato, unito a uno sguardo al futuro: un equilibrio che esce da ogni preconcetto per muoversi tra materiali, forme e cose diversissime, senza pregiudizi, né gabbie culturali.
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What: Adidas x Wales Bonner Samba Croc-Embossed Leather Sneakers in Collegiate Navy/Wonder White/Night Red (300.00€) Where: Instagram Story - November 11, 2024
Worn with: Dsquared2 cardigan, Adidas sneakers, Fiorucci t-shirt, Bottega Veneta sunglasses, Hermès bag
#chiara ferragni#fashion#adidas#shoes#sneakers#wales bonner#instagram 2024#instagram#november 11 2024#november 2024#fashion inspo#instagram story
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Originale incontro con lo scrittore Franco Fiorucci
Originale incontro con lo scrittore Franco Fiorucci https://ift.tt/ImCRb1J Domenica 8 dicembre 2024, alle ore 16, a San Biagio della Cima (IM) nei locali de "U Bastu", avrà luogo, largamente aperto al pubblico, un estroso incontro-dibattito con lo scrittore Franco Fiorucci in merito al suo libro "Matti. Quasi matti. Sognatori. E fattucchiere. 21 mila parole per 7 racconti". Adriano Maini Franco Fiorucci. 76 anni, giornalista in pensione. Ha cominciato come corrispondente dell'Unità da Imperia, per poi lavorare per varie testate motoristiche (Rombo, Automobilismo, AM, Automobilismo d'Epoca, InterAutoNews). Da pensionato scrive storie gialle che si diverte a inventare. Ne ha pubblicato quattro: Tango argentino sulla Côte, Atti di morte, Fiori che odorano di soldi, Scarpe nuove per morire. Redazione, Biografia dell'autore Franco Fiorucci, etabeta via Aspetti rivieraschi https://ift.tt/9wlmQ6n December 06, 2024 at 11:03AM
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Madelaine Petsch wears the Fiorucci angels tie-dye sweatshirt ($175 - Sold Out) in her Instagram story from December 3, 2020.
#riverdale#top#social media#madelaine petsch#instagram story#madelainepetsch#fiorucci#sweater#sweatshirt#Instagram
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Fiorucci Vs Diesel Strategy
an excerpt.
Fiorucci’s marketing reflects their target demographic, who is your average person, and that is to say that it’s not very different or unique from other brands like them.
Fiorucci’s marketing budget seems to be pretty small. In the You Will Be With Us In Paradise documentary the Schaffers were discussing Charli XCX who was attending their launch party, and how they hoped that she would have an impromptu performance as they couldn’t afford to pay her (not online but just to illustrate how they don’t have a huge budget).
They mostly rely on sending PR packages to influencers and seem to be resigned to only working with C-list celebrities. The people they choose to promote the brand range from completely basic to slightly edgy).
This actually might not be a huge problem as it portrays a more relatable image that fits their products. Their clothing is for people who might not want to stand out and are just wearing the clothes casually, and they might not even follow celebrities that closely, especially considering they have older customers as well.
Their visuals represent the brand, they are colourful and fun. The casting is conventionally attractive but ordinary-looking people, the styling is trendy but is very wearable and easy to replicate by the average person.
Their marketing might be more typical compared to Diesel but they show their products well and it is effective in attracting their desired customer.
They are a fast fashion company, so they are in the business of large volumes and big numbers. There is more of a focus on selling rather than building a brand image. Their Instagram constantly pushes products, posting multiple stories of their garments every single day.
Instead of marketing, they focus on making the purchasing process as painless and easy as possible for the customer.
Even though they do not employ any wild marketing strategies or especially unique touchpoints, the modern Fiorucci customer isn’t looking for something radically different, so their strategy fits their target audience.
Diesel’s main strategy is focused on elevating its brand image, so they spend a lot of money on marketing and improving its designs, and its marketing is focused more on curating a vibe, an image for consumers to aspire to, rather than pushing products.
Despite spending money and effort on marketing and design they do not put the same amount of thought into their website and it shows. It’s practically impossible to find any items in stock to purchase, with no filtering system to distinguish them. The website is cluttered, disorganized, and feels like a maze. It would be much more beneficial to put more effort into proving their user interface and utilise their budget better.
In spite of having a virtually unusable website, they are able to survive probably through 3rd party retailers like SSENSE and Farfetch. These sites come with a built-in customer base who are already familiar with the interface. SSENSE in particular has a younger audience (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/23/style/the-sensibility-of-ssense.html), which is very in line with Diesel.
However, it is still more beneficial to make sales through their own website as they don’t have to pay commission, they are able to provide a more unique customer journey and they can get more information like user data and analytics. They could also sell on both their own website (after fixing it) and third-party platforms.
A lot of the hype around the brand has been generated through social media, with fashion commentators gaining thousands of likes singing praises for Glenn Marten’s designs, and everyone and their mother posing for pictures with the viral Diesel logo bag.
However, attitudes have changed after scathing reviews on the quality (or lack thereof) of the clothing. Some people even express that AliExpress knockoffs have better quality than the authentic product (eg. comments of https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8PRvLSJ/). It does not seem to have dramatically impacted the brand so far and there will always be uneducated consumers, but if the problem persists this will likely have a large negative impact on the brand and will hinder them from making more sales.
This is especially detrimental to cultivating brand loyalty. Although Diesel is very popular at the moment, its future is still uncertain and it might not stand the test of time. Diesel is no longer the established and trusted brand it once was, and if they want to rebuild their reputation to move beyond being just a trendy brand they will need to fix issues like quality.
Diesel seems to have a pretty huge marketing budget, being able to hire an in-demand designer and being able to afford to send Kanye 100k worth of clothing (and presumably even more as a marketing fee) for a few pictures. Using celebrity endorsements helps increase the desirability of the brand.
They sell to the young, trendy, and fashionable, so their customer cares a lot about how they will appear as a person wearing Diesel. The Diesel customer wants to stand out, they want to be fashion forward. So, Diesel portrays themselves as new and fresh, with innovative and artsy campaigns that captures a unique, youthful spirit. They stand out from other brands.
Diesel’s bread-and-butter is its designs that are at the end of the day done very well, and although marketing is important it’s only as successful as the designs are good.
The brand’s success speaks for itself. Even though their brand experience for enter to extend is not up to par, Diesel proves that in the end, if they can get the customer to buy into the brand and get to the website, they have succeeded.
However, even if Diesel is undoubtedly bigger than Fiorucci, it’s still the worse example because it has potential to be much better with relatively easy-to-fix problems, while Fiorucci, without a big name creative designer or money to burn on marketing, manages to make a lot out of the little they have.
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Did Gigi kill you today too with that story she posted?
the little fiorucci suit?? the body??? my heart stopped briefly yes. r u good??
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This is the final page of this random story about a rogue Naval officer who has been wandering around with a submarine he hijacked. (Heavy Metal #249, September 2010 – Page 76 Off the Deep End by Wagner, Luiz, Luth, Fiorucci and About Comics)

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Se sotto il titolo di "Also Sprach Zarathustra" di Friedrich Nietzsche c'è scritto "Un libro per tutti e per nessuno", sotto al libro di Chiara Alessi potrebbe esserci scritto "Un libro per tutti" nel senso più nobile. L'elegante volumetto edito da Longanesi e corredato dai sobri e delicati disegni di Paolo D'Altan, tratta di quotidianità e "devozioni domestiche", se mi è consentita la citazione brechtiana (penso di sì, visto che Brecht ormai lo cita anche Giorgia Meloni). Chiara Alessi potremmo chiamarla "divulgatrice del design" e non credo si offenderebbe. Il libro tratta delle descrizioni tecniche, estetiche e sentimentali di 64 oggetti di design che hanno popolato e, in molti casi, continuano a popolare le nostre vite. Non storcete il naso prima di leggerlo perché questo non è affatto "il solito" volumone sul design, dove si tratta spesso di concetti astrusi o di eccentricità chic. "Tante Care Cose" è una cavalcata entusiasmante attraverso cose, scritte, confezioni, attrezzi che ci hanno permesso di rendere la vita quotidiana una faccenda anche intellettiva. Come ricorda Sartre nella citazione che ne fa l'autrice "possedere delle cose significa possedere un passato" e questo passato scorre amabilmente in queste belle pagine, a cominciare da quello più remoto per molti di noi, quando la Olivetti, con grande acume, utilizzava le donne per pubblicizzare le sue macchine da scrivere, uno dei tanti "prodotti" raccontati in questo libro. Si scoprono tante cose interessanti, almeno per chi ha sempre guardato al "reale" con un certo interesse, se non proprio come luogo del poetico. Chi sapeva che la lavatrice "Candy" deve il suo nome ai versi di una canzone di Nat King Cole? Le presero a prestito le Officine Meccaniche Eden Fumagalli e utilizzarono il termine "Candy" per il lancio in grande stile nel 1959 della lavatrice creata da di Pietro Geranzani. Chi si è mai curato del fatto che Alfonso Bialetti inventò nel 1933 una macchinetta di cui nessuno di noi ha mai potuto fare a meno? Era la Moka, trasformata poi dal figlio Renato, il famoso omino coi baffi era proprio lui, negli anni Cinquanta.Tante, tantissime storie affascinanti di oggetti immortali e anche di qualche architettura come quella inconfondibile dell'Autogrill, inventato dal novarese Mario Pavesi, figlio di un panettiere. Sì, c'è anche molta Novara e il suo territorio in questo libro di Chiara Alessi (e forse non poteva che essere così). C'è la storia della bottiglietta e del marchio Campari (bevanda che ebbe i natali a Novara), c'è il lago d'Orta con il suo "design District", prima che esistesse il "Fuorisalone", c'è Enzo Mari, "designer marxista" (celeberrimo il suo calendario perpetuo "Timor"), ma anche la mostra sul marchio "Rinascente" alla Triennale che vede tra i curatori Vittorio Gregotti e poi c'è "Juicy Salif"(lo spremi agrumi a forma di ragno), del parigino-omegnese Philippe Starck. Ma fatta questa digressione celebrativa del genius-loci, occorre ricordare che l'affascinante racconto-catalogo di Chiara, tocca tantissimi ambiti della nostra "cultura del quotidiano". Leggendolo ci si rende conto di quale eredità il design italiano abbia lasciato al patrimonio materiale del mondo. Mi piace ricordare il capitolo dedicato ad Elio Fiorucci, che inventò l'idea stessa di "concept-store" o l'esemplare lettering di Bob Noorda e la formidabile ed ineguagliato visual design della Metropolitana Milanese di Franco Albini e Franca Helg (poi assassinato dalla cultura "assessoriale" dei nostri miserabili giorni). Da queste pagine passano tutte le emozioni visive (e anche qualche mito) della nostra esperienza quotidiana e Chiara Alessi si conferma essere un'eccezionale divulgatrice del verbo con l'utilizzo di una scrittura vivace, ironica e "chiara" (come la sua autrice), con qualche punta di genialità creativa anche nei titoli: "Un Danese a Milano", con riferimento al celebre studio creativo milanese, "Algol Test" un dialogo immaginario che allude al nome del celeberrimo televisore Brionvega disegnato da Richard Sapper, "Una S che comincia per E" per raccontare la storia del logo "Esselunga". Da leggere subito o tra poco, libro destinato a non invecchiare, come gli oggetti di cui racconta.
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Jade On Instagram Stories | 6th August 2020
#Little Mix Fashion#Little Mix Clothes#Little Mix Style#Little Mix Wardrobe#Little Mix#Little Mix Outfit#Little Mix Top#Little Mix 2020#Little Mix Instagram#Jade Thirlwall 2020#Jade Thirlwall#Jade Thirlwall Clothes#Jade Thirlwall Fashion#Jade Thirlwall Wardrobe#clothesjade#August20#Fiorucci#Instagram
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Oliviero Toscani
Oliveiro Toscani is an Italian photographer, born in 1942, in Milan, Italy. Toscani is known worldwide for being the mastermind and the creative force behind some of the most famous ad campaigns, newspapers and magazines. He has worked with many different companies including Esprit, Chanel, Fiorucci, Benetton and more.
Before working for multiple brands, from 1961 to 1965, Toscani studied graphics and photography at the University of Arts in Zurich. For 18 years, Toscani was the art director for the italian clothing brand United Colours of Benetton from 1982 until 2000. Toscani is the son of the first photojournalist for Corriere Della Sera. His father, Fedele Toscani was a photojournalist of Italy’s well known daily newspaper and Toscani says he inherited his father’s photography style. Toscani’s style can be seen through the work he directed for Benetton’s ad campaigns. When talking about his previous work, Toscani has explained he never tried using shock tactics or to make his work controversial; to him it was about engaging with issues and bringing attention to reality.
"I tell a story with images relating to the moment of history i am in," - Oliviero Toscani
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Eleanor on IG Stories July 13, 2020:
- Fiorucci Vintage Angels print T-shirt $137
-Dior DIORCD1 eyeglasses $282
-Fendi FF side-band track pants $630
Via caldercloset on Instagram
#eleanor calder#exacts#2020#elounor#eleanorj92#eleanor calder exacts#eleanor calder style#eleanor calder fashion
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What: Hermès 25 Kelly Sellier Bleu Encre Shiny Alligator Gold Hardware Where: Instagram Story - November 11, 2024
Worn with: The Frankie Shop coat, Dsquared2 cardigan, Fiorucci t-shirt, Adidas sneakers, Bottega Veneta sunglasses
#chiara ferragni#fashion#hermes#bags#2024#instagram 2024#november 11 2024#november 2024#instagram#fashion inspo
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I Went to “Rock ‘n’ Roll High”

This story, now expunged from the web, originally appeared on Night Flight in 2015. ********* “Pay five bucks and be in a movie starring the Ramones? Hell, yeah!” And so it was, 37 years ago this month, that I made my first appearance before the cameras, as an extra in the concert sequence in Allan Arkush’s Rock ‘n’ Roll High School.
At that point, I was laboring as the staff writer and publicist for Landmark Theatre Corporation, then a chain of repertory movie houses that included the Nuart, the Sherman, and the Rialto in the L.A. area. (Today it’s an art house chain owned by billionaire Mark Cuban.) In October of that year, I’d become the “rock critic” for the Los Angeles Reader, a new alternative weekly. I’d been a die-hard Ramones fan since the release of their first album in 1976; in fact, I had lost my job at the free-form Madison, Wisconsin, radio station I had worked for after playing their first album in its entirety on the air in the middle of the afternoon. I still hadn’t seen the band live, so I was understandably excited when a tantalizing flyer fell into my hands. It read, “BE IN A MOVIE! AND ATTEND AN EXCLUSIVE RAMONES CONCERT!” I jumped at the chance, called the phone number on the flyer, and reserved two $5 dollar tickets to attend an evening shoot at the Roxy on the Sunset Strip. Why were the filmmakers charging a fin to make the scene? Well, first of all, they knew they could get away with it: The Ramones were punk pathfinders who commanded a large fan base in L.A. More importantly, the money would help defray the cost of a picture that was being filmed on a budget that could charitably be called infinitesimal. Rock ‘n’ Roll High School was the second solo project by director Arkush, the former lighting director of New York’s Fillmore East, who had labored for several years at B-movie titan Roger Corman’s New World Pictures. Arkush had convinced Corman to let him lens his rock ‘n’ roll comedy – a bargain-basement fusion of A Hard Day’s Night and The Girl Can’t Help It – but he had to make the picture on a three-week schedule for a cost of $180,000, virtually nothing for a professional feature. (Historical footnote: The original script for the film, conceived as Girl’s Gym, was written by my University of Wisconsin classmate Joe McBride, who had based his story on a student walkout at his father’s high school in Superior, Wisconsin, in the ‘20s. Joe went on to write authoritative books about Orson Welles, John Ford, and other directors and produced several documentaries about the movies.) On Dec. 14, 1978, I joined a couple hundred other suckers – uh, extras – at the Roxy at 5:30 p.m., for the second of two shoots for the picture that day. The earlier shoot, which had convened at the ungodly hour of 8:30 a.m., had been largely devoted to filming footage in the club’s cramped upstairs dressing room area and tight set-ups featuring the band and the picture’s stars. The Roxy was standing in for the fictitious “Rockatorium,” the exterior of which was actually the Mayan, an ancient, ornate theater in downtown L.A. In the picture, high school rocker and adoring Ramones fan Riff Randell (P.J. Soles of Halloween and Carrie) and her gal pal Kate Rambeau (debutante actress Dey Young) attend the Ramones concert against the express wishes of evil Vince Lombardi High principal Evelyn Togar (Mary Woronov, a former member of the Exploding Plastic Inevitable, the dance troupe that had performed under Andy Warhol’s auspices with the Velvet Underground at their New York club gigs). The venue was crowded that night, and insanely hot, thanks to the movie lights that sent temperatures soaring inside the small venue. It was under these extreme circumstances that the “audience” of extras was introduced to the tedium of movie-making; we were directed to pogo up and down repeatedly as the Ramones ran through pre-recorded versions of the five songs – “Blitzkrieg Bop,” “Lobotomy,” “California Sun,” “Pinhead,” and “She’s the One” – that would be heard in the movie’s climactic concert sequence. I stood about 20 feet from the stage, melting in my heavy leather bomber jacket, and surveyed the crowd. An actor costumed as an enormous white mouse stood a few feet to my left. The open cash-for-casting call had drawn a motley assemblage; the extras ranged from Valley girls in Fiorucci finery (not entirely unlike what Dey Young is wearing in the scene) to hardcore Hollywood punks. Standing directly in front of me, and visible in most of the shots taken from the stage, were the Germs’ lead singer Darby Crash and bassist Lorna Doom. You can’t miss Darby – he’s wearing a white jacket sporting a black Germs armband. (He would die from a suicidal heroin overdose just shy of two years to the day later.) It was a long night, protracted by multiple camera set-ups and inevitable retakes, but the crowd weathered it with good humor. After all, we were all gonna be in the movies! But the icing on the overheated cake came at the end of the shoot, sometime after 11 o’clock, when, after a brief pause, the Ramones returned to the stage, plugged in for real, and treated their fans to a loud, full-on, seven-song mini-set. (The action wasn’t filmed, but audio can be heard as an extra on Shout! Factory’s 2010 DVD re-release of the movie.) When I finally saw the finished film after it opened in April 1979, I was gratified to discover that I had not been consigned to the cutting room floor. If you look carefully – I mean, very, very carefully -- at the shots of the crowd taken from the stage, in the upper left-hand corner of the screen you’ll see a guy with shoulder-length hair and ugly glasses, clad in a bomber jacket, punching the air with his fist and chanting, “HEY! HO! LET’S GO!” That would be me. The film’s final scene, the destruction of Vince Lombardi High by its rebellious students, was still to be shot, and a week or two later some of us trekked down to Mt. Carmel High, an abandoned Catholic school in Watts, to visit the location. (This was probably on the eve of the Ramones’ Christmas show at the Whisky a Go Go, which I attended.) Temperatures in L.A. that week hit record-shattering lows, and so, after a couple of hours milling around freezing amid the chaos on the street, I split the scene before the building was blown up. But stories of that night rapidly circulated among L.A. punkdom: The technicians in charge of the pyro had underestimated the power of the charge, and when it was detonated it reduced a large part of the school to rubble, and also blew out dozens of windows in the neighborhood, terrifying the local residents. That’s show biz. It does look great on screen. Four years later, I had the opportunity to hang around the Wiltern Theatre location of Allan Arkush’s second rock movie, the ill-fated Get Crazy. (Allan had managed to survive the case of exhaustion that had put him in the hospital at the end of the Rock ‘n’ Roll High School shoot; the picture had been completed by Joe Dante, who had co-directed 1976’s movie spoof Hollywood Boulevard with him, and would go on to helm Gremlins). I interviewed Allan at home at that time; he is a charming guy and a complete music nut, and also the only person I know who has a light show installed in his living room. The Ramones likewise survived the Rock ‘n’ Roll High School shoot – they had already managed to live through making an album with Phil Spector, so they were game for anything. Sadly, only drummer Marc “Marky Ramone” Bell is still with us today. But the movie – as cheap, goofy, and frequently silly as it is -- lives on in TV, repertory, and film festival screenings as a testimony to the band’s energy, spirit, power, and bountiful sense of fun. I’m glad I had a chance to be a small part of it.
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Camila Mendes wears the Fiorucci vintage angels lights t-shirt ($100) in Nic Mercado’s Instagram story from August 18, 2020.
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29/10/19 : TEDDY BOYS. HAUL GIRLS. #1
What are they?
Teddy Boy: (in the 1950s) a young man of a subculture characterised by a style of dress based on Edwardian fashion (typically with drainpipe trousers, bootlace tie, and hair slicked up in a quiff) and a liking for rock-and-roll music.
Haul Girl: A girl or women who makes a haul video.
The revolution will not be televised.
The tv shows you what it wants to show you.
Television tells us what the people who run the TV stations want us to know. But social media today sometimes provides an alternative.
Subculture - Under/Beneath
We are looking today at youth and subcultures… their historicity and their contexts, and where we are with what might be called subcultures and youth cultures today.
A genuine piece from the mirror in the 1980s.
Sex Pistols : This is one of the most infamous moments on television. Today it seems tame, but in 1976 this was enough to get the presenter fired.
Like Duchamp's 'ready mades' - manufactured objects which qualified as art because he chose to call them such, the most unremarkable and inappropriate items - a pin, a plastic clothes peg, a television component, a razor blade, a tampon - could be brought within the province of punk (un)fashion...
Dick Hebdige - Subculture: The Meaning of Style
Hebdige’s book has long been consider the authorative text on subculture.
In the book he discusses the ready made aesthetics of punk. Punk was the first reaction to the developing politics of Thatcher and Reagan… here a refusal to take part in business as normal led to music that sounded amateur and fresh… the opposite of the progressive rock that had dominated the mid 1970s and early 80′s.
Vivienne Westwood
Objects borrowed from the most sordid of contexts found a place in punks' ensembles; lavatory chains were draped in graceful arcs across chests in plastic bin liners. Safety pins were taken out of their domestic 'utility' context and worn as gruesome ornaments through the cheek, ear or lip...fragments of school uniform (white bri-nylon shirts, school ties) were symbolically defiled (the shirts covered in graffiti, or fake blood; the ties left undone) and juxtaposed against leather drains or shocking pink mohair tops.
Jamie Red and others made zines that could be assembled in this same way, collaging and making work that felt it could have been made in the house, and often was.
Subcultures are tribal, bringing people together to form loose relations outside of the mainstream.
Different subcultures:
Even subcultures have subcultures… specific types of goth (steampunk, lolita) rude boys, K Pop sub genres, grunge punk rock etc
Once about a specific youth culture movement based around the disco music of the 1970s, clubbing subculture developed into rave culture in the late 80s and 90s, and has become a mainstream movement in the last few years.
Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore, Mark Leckey, 1999
“Something as trite and throwaway and exploitative as a jeans manufacturer can be taken by a group of people and made into something totemic, and powerful, and life-affirming.”
Subcultures are about a sense of belonging, often to people who feel excluded or disenfranchised from the mainstream.
Cosplay - form of subculture
The Joker and Harlequin are both characters who live for misrule, and both of them come from characters in the commedia dell’arte.
Harlequin relates directly to Harley Quinn… the Lord of Misrule was the peasant who was given the task of making sure that Xmas revellers got very drunk and very naughty.
The World Turned Upside Down
These characters link back to the ideas of the carnival, a time when the world was turned upside down. Christmas was initialy this kind of festival. People didn’t know if they would make it through the winter, so they made merry whilst they could. In the carnival Kings become Jokers, Jokers became kings.
Carnival extracts all individuals from non-carnival life, non-carnival states and because there are no hierarchical positions during carnival, ideologies which manifest the mind of individuals cannot exist.
...And finally in a few relatively rare instances, we find an extreme form of revelry in which the participants play-act at being precisely the opposite of what they really are; men act as women, women as men, kings as beggars, servants as masters, acolytes as bishops. In such situations of true orgy, normal life is played in all manners of sins such as incest, adultery, transvestitism, sacri- lege, and lese-majeste treated as the order of the day...
Edmund R. Leach, Rethinking Anthropology
In Rabelais and His World (1965), Mikhail Bakhtin likens the carnivalesque to the type of activity that often takes place in the carnivals of popular culture. In the carnival, according to Bakhtin, social hierarchies of everyday life—their etiquettes, and normal structures—are turned on their head.
Court jesters become kings, kings become beggars; opposites are mingled (fact and fantasy, heaven and hell).
Drag Cultures
Much in the same way that Madonna, undeniable icon though she is, in no way invented voguing, neither did the queens on RuPaul’s Drag Race invent the concept of "shade", "realness" or any of the other essential sayings liberally adopted wholesale by the internet. But what the show has done is continually provide a potted queer history. Whether it’s through highlighting ball culture, trans activism, gender fluidity, or queens like the legendary Lady Bunny; or simply by allowing the contestants to talk about their lived experience, the show has put an all too rare slice of gay and trans history in American (and the world’s) living rooms and laptops.
Drag Race has brought a subculture into the mainstream. It has brought secret languages into modern parlay.
From RuPaul raising a pair of opera glasses to say archly, “I can’t wait to see how this pans out”, to season four queen Latrice Royale’s “the shaaaaade of it all”, social media’s gif game has been vastly bolstered by nine seasons of this show. A gif reaction needs to encapsulate maximum emotion, drama, and appearance – and the queens on Drag Race have all three in spades. Tumblr couldn’t create gifs fast enough in the early seasons, and the joy of so many strong characters, and sound-bites, means that there is a reaction for absolutely every occasion. Season 6 winner Bianca Del Rio named one of her world tours after her own much-gif’d catchphrase, “Not today Satan”.
Memes and online culture have helped the show become part of the everyday.
Historically, "sissy" has been used as an insult against feminine-seeming men. Ru-Paul’s Drag Race not only reclaims the word – “now sissy that walk” is the phrase said at the top of each catwalk, usually preceding a demonstration of almost gob-smacking creativity – but shows that adopting a truly feminine character requires massive amounts of charisma and self-confidence. The show is wildly popular with women, not simply because of the incredible looks and transformations served by each queen, but because it is a celebration of feminine mystique in all its forms.
It has helped reclaim a sense of agency in an era of toxic masculinity.
The little show that could has turned into a global behemoth, with tours around the world each year, and an annual convention in Los Angeles. Last year, a second US convention launched in New York, while London hosted the first European edition, DragWorld UK, which saw a number of the show’s queens and RuPaul’s right-hand judge, Michelle Visage, holding court. And as fabulous, glamorous and downright funny as the queens are, the real joy came from seeing the response of teenagers to meeting their idols. RuPaul and Visage are giving hope to lost kids around the world, whatever their gender, ethnic background or sexuality. By sharing their stories, the Drag Race contestants are giving comfort and inspiration to viewers, as well as swathes of entertainment.
The show has brought disenfranchised, often hidden cultures into the open. And given people something that not only entertains, but also empowers.
The difference between Drag Race US and Drag Race UK summed up in one perfect tweet…
With RuPaul’s Drag Race UK finally airing on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, it’s got fans realising just how different the two editions of the show are… International fans were subjected to the colourful world of British slang and swear words, leaving dozens bemused about what exactly the UK queens are actually saying…. But in a viral tweet shared by one of the British queens, it’s managed to capture the crucial difference between the US and UK versions of Drag Race.
Sum Ting Wong shared a screenshot of a Facebook post that so beautifully sums up the two shows:
Drag is culturally derived, and finds its forms based on local customs. In the UK drag has a relationship to Vaudeville and play, which means it does something different to the american show. It is less about the act of putting on a show, and more about the comedic, slightly catty relations that we have come to associate with saturday evening tv here in the UK.
But that doesn’t mean it is mean in itself… it still brings a subculture to a mainstream audience. Remember, if I talked about this with you in the 1990s, I would face prosecution under Section 28
"shall not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality" or "promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship".
New Subcultures
‘It's hard not to be struck by the sensation that, emos and metalheads aside, what you might call the 20th-century idea of a youth subculture is now just outmoded. The internet doesn't spawn mass movements, bonded together by a shared taste in music, fashion and ownership of subcultural capital: it spawns brief, microcosmic ones.
In fact, the closest thing to the old model of a subculture I've come across is Helena and the haul girls. Their videos are about conspicuous consumption: a public display of their good taste, carefully assembled with precise attention to detail. When you put it like that they sound remarkably like mods.’
Alexis Petridis
Marie Antoinette, 2006 (Sofia Copolla)
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