#Finnish movie poster
illustraction · 19 days
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Also know as The Joy House and The Love Cage, this romantic drama / thriller reunited ALAIN DELON with Rene Clement (see Part 10) and co-starred Jane Fonda, hoping to make Delon a staple name in the US but the movie failed at the Box Office
Above are original movie posters from Belgium, Finland, Italy, Japan and the US (click on each image for details)
Director: Rene Clement Actors: Alain Delon, Jane Fonda
If you like this entry, check the other 19 parts of this week’s Blog as well as our Blog Archives
All our NEW POSTERS are here All our ON SALE posters are here
The posters above courtesy of ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY
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movie--posters · 10 months
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embbu · 1 year
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ChoochooBoss's Magma event from August was themed "movie posters and movie scenes".
I decided to draw two posters referencing Finnish movies "Poika ja ilves" and "Pahat pojat".
The movie scene I was stuck on for a bit, before I ended up picking a scene from my favorite Disney movie "Emperor's New Groove".
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liljakonvalj · 1 year
I watched Disney's Robin Hood tonight, and here are some of my highlights:
This movie is so FUN. Even as an adult who has seen this movie so many times I laugh out loud multiple times when watching it
Prince John being fooled by The cross-dressing Robin Hood and little John because he cannot fathom the idea of Female robbers
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Everything about their heist is fun- but especially kissing away the ring jewels, the entire conversation between Robin and prince John, Prince John's reflection in the ball, sir Hiss being stuck in a basket and the thieves colliding when running out with their bounty
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We're really shown how wicked the sheriff is, stealing coins out of the cast of a cripple, the birthday gift from a kid and a beggar
Robin is very good with kids and gives the birthday boy a bow, arrow and even his own hat
Turns out both Marian and her Lady in waiting Kluck are also terrific with children and their little playing with the children is absolutely adorable
Marian having a wanted poster of her beloved in her room is so funny to me, I cannot get over it.
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Robin being a horrible cook because he is thinking about his lady love 😍
The cartwheels he does when he hears that the winner of the archery competition will get a kiss from lady Marian!❤❤👌
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Also he has zero chill during the competition. Someone with brain cells might think that he should mess up a couple of the shots to be more inconspicuous, but not him.
Cleaving the sheriff's arrow with his own is a Legendary TM moment though
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The little turtle cheering for his dad was adorable. I really enjoyed the looks of all the contestants too!
Robin and Marian's love confessions when he's been found out 😭
Little John is literally saving the day multiple times during the aftermath of the contest while wearing a crop top. Also him just vibing with the prince, or "PJ", is a testament to his acting skills.
After the fight breaks out Robin and Marin agree to marry, where to go for their honeymoon and discuss their future number of children (robin:"We'll have six children". Marian: "no, a dozen at least") They both have zero chill and are so hot for each other, it would be sickening if i didn't love it so much
Lady Kluck literally being Player of the Game during the fight, every single thing she does is a win
The entire fighting sequence is a joy from start to finnish
The song "Love" while Robin and Marian just walk around in the forrest talking and being well ... in love 😭😍❤
The scene with the warerlillies, fireflies and the flower-ring while they gaze into each others eyes is the textbook definition of Romance
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Much of the animation in A Phoney king of England is borrowed from earlier movies, but I like the little game I make of trying to remember wich animations are from which movie
I also like Friar Tuck's little theatre setup and Robin using his bow as a, well, bow when playing the violin
The song becoming such a hit in the town that Prince John raises the taxes even more, resulting in several people being put in jail (The jail part is not a favourite but the song being a hit is)
Friar Tuck absolutely losing it when the sheriff steals from the box for the Poor in his church.👏👏
The double take Robin does when he hears his friend is to be hanged on the morrow, first out of character then in character as the beggar.
(In the swedish version Trigger, who is suspicious of the beggar remarks that "han har en räv bakom örat" lit. trans ="he has a fox behind his ear" which means that he is up to something. I thought it was a fun pun considering Robin is a fox)
I view the whole breaking into the castle sequence each Christmas (as is tradition) but I always forget how much from the movie they cut out of the Christmas show
(The whole sequence with Robin masquerading as Nutsy, John freeing the prisoners and about half the fight/flight when they escape is cut from the Christmas show)
Trigger being unable to properly secure his crossbow is a great running gag. He calls his crossbow "gamla Bettan" in Swedish- probably translated: "Old Betsy". I wonder what he calls it in other languages?
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And each time I watch I lament that Robin gets too greedy, just leave that last money sack that the prince is cradling in his arms!!
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Robin (and little John) turning around to fetch the little bunny is so in character and kinda heartbreaking because Robin almost dies
Robin is really fearing for his life - especially in the burning tower
Robin's face after his escape and Skippy claims that he could've swum double the distance
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Was the ending rushed? Yes. Do I care? No.
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I see that your Finish movie brain rot is going very well. Would you be able to give three recommendations for a curious little fella? <3
-now as promised my very late answer, you know why, Mel-
beginning with a sparing background story to Aki Kaurismäki !!
[redacted] after I watched his brand new movie Fallen Leaves last January I completely fell for this film director, until now I watched 9 of his movies, hehe
… reasons why he, the one and only Aki Kaurismäki, stands out in the crowd
filming with a 35mm camera even in 2023
recurring motives
running gags (sunglasses, jukeboxes, vintage cars, alcohol, cigarettes, bars)
you TELEPORT INSIDE the scenes when you watch the films
after watching a Kaurismäki film you need time to get used to the real world
their melancholic stares
minimalistic coolness
spontaneous acting
puts the spotlight on hidden beauty (what American/Hollywood movies have never heard of)
movie’s titles, especially the yellow letters on his posters
the way he places the music in the scenes is pure art. This scene makes me scream out louddd (context: the woman has been thrown out of her parent’s home, then searches for a place to live in her brother’s apartment)
I MEAN WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON INSIDE THIS MAN’S MIND (*_*) SUCH A RANDOM MIND. Also shout-out to his brother who’s also a film director
last but not least: Leningrad Cowboys
one scene be like:
and then the next minute it’s:
(take three minutes and play this ^ song, you can literally smell the smoke of a musty rockabilly bar)
and now the starter pack for the curious little fella 🙈
Shadows in Paradise 1986
The Man without a Past 2002
Le Havre 2011 (as an introduction, modern cinema flair included)
actually Lights in the Dusk is the perfect movie for beginners but its not safe to find it in the internet; exept when you understand Turkish or Finnish
that’s it with my little detailed guide [silence fills the room]
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curtvilescomic · 1 year
I survived Poriconi 2023
Like said I left with Her to Pori for Poriconi, a comics, scifi, fantasy, horror, RPG convention. Free of charge one-day DIY punk attitude jamboree.
The place, culture house Annis is in my opinion better for it than the local main library. I had way too little time to shop and meet folks as someone who does construction work for living I had plenty to do aa all-around staff ( and me and Her did not expect to run the kitchen for everyone too) and doing interviews and hosting the most chaotic comics gameshow I know.
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This is me, in the kilt, interviewing Milla Paloniemi about her comics career: 20th anniversary of Kiroileva Siili ( cursing hedgehog) and other works.
There was " the Stephen King of Finland" horror author Marko Hautala
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He is great, the ponytailed gentleman on right interviewed by Vesa Kataisto. Hautala has work published in english and in german besides Finnish.
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Kari Sihvonen did a scifi graffiti art wall.
They run beta-testing for new "Powerfantasy OSR on steroids" that I missed out but sounds good but one highlight I got to attend was viewing of two short films. The Batman fan film Crime Alley was not bad but to me the main attraction was 
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This short nigh silent film about three generations of men, of War and of carage rock luchadore Superhero uniting these themes was great. See if you can.
We saw it presented by Black Peider himself
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An absolute gem.
The Many faces of Phantom lecture by Petri Hiltunen was totally groovy and proof that factual can make people laugh out loud.
Managed to get far too little comics due working with running stuff but finally got Päiväkirjani ( My dear diary) comics by friend Mikael Mäkinen
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Here telling folks to buy it. It tells about Mikael's day to day life living with ADHD, depression and fighting ninjas. As one does. And yes I am a side-character in #0 as " the one-eyed werewolfpirate" 
So now I am a comics character. Right.
Some comics, books, DVD movie and huge Batman Dark Knight Rises framed poster was the loot.
No injuries. I may have promised to do this again. And to do some comics.  I just do not learn. But that is fine 
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jemandtherobots · 1 year
the worst thing about living near a cinema is i walk past it several times a week and every time i get to be freshly disappointed in the barbie movie poster not using any of the pun potential for ken's name in the finnish language
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Finnish movie poster of "The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry" (2023)
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soulsanitarium · 2 years
Spain🇪🇸 Here's everything I found, organized by my favorites…
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No 1. Netflix movie Akelarre - Coven (2020) Great and beautiful film, loads of history here⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (see my previous post about the real history behind this film)
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No 2. Witches Mountain🏔El Monte de las Brujas (1972) could be a great movie, but the execution is so poor that it ruins the experience. A photographer takes an assignment in the Pyrenees just across the Spanish border, but soon has supernatural encounters (witches). Waiting for the re-make!
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No 3. Witching & Bitching - Las Brujas de Zugarramurdi (2013) has received a controversial reception, I think it was fun and entertaining. The Caves of Zugarramurdi have a historical connection to the Basque witch trials in Navarra. Zugarramurdi is near what is now the French-Spanish border, where there is also a water stream (Olabidea or Infernuko erreka, "Hell's stream") was said to be the meeting place of the witches.
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Perhaps here the most interesting seems to be the story of LaCelestina (1499) and I noticed that it was translated into Finnish in 2019 (going to get the book) 📖 The trials of the Basque witches conducted during the 16th and early 17th centuries had a significant effect on the development of Golden Age Spanish Literature.
Often considered the first European novel, La Celestina was profoundly influential in the development of European prose fiction and is valued by critics today as much for its greatness as literature as for its historical significance. No 4. La Celestina (1996) with Penelope Cruz is good - and very romantic- but not a great movie. I haven’t seen the older versions ( poster below).
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No 5. I tried to watch 1984 film Akelarre- mixed documentary & fiction - but I found only few parts with translation, its content did not seem very science-based, but otherwise interesting.
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Few witch trials facts from the area of 🇪🇸 :
TheSpanish inquisition rescued countless of ’witches’ from local legal witch processes (Henningsen 1980; Ankarloo & Clark 2002).
Yes, burning at the stake was used as a method of execution in Spain, unlike in most other countries (Levack 1987).
In Catalonia, the Inquisition was less respected and more people died (Ankarloo & Clark 2002).
The general discourse emphasizes the number of women as victims, but there are large regional differences. In Castile 70 % was women, but in in Aragón 70 % was men. (Schulte 2009)
Navarra is famous for the huge number of defendants, but the number of victims sentenced to death remained low due to the Inquisition.
From Zugarramurdi 6 people were burned alive, 4 women & 2 men, 13 died in prison during The Basque Witch Trials (Henningsen 1980)
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*Places to see in Zugarramurdi: River Infernuko Erreka, Caves, Museum
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jamesybrains55 · 9 months
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Finnished watching "watch out, we're mad!" starring Terrence Hill and Bud Spencer. Pretty fun flick so it inspired me to make a parody movie poster, I reckon they would fist fight more in this flick as opposed to using fire power like every second
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illustraction · 19 days
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The first movie of ALAIN DELON I have seen and one of my favorite swashbuckling movies. Delon is at the peak of its youthful beauty and charm even with a scarred face!
Above are original movie posters from Belgium, ex-Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Finland, Italy, Japan and Thailand (click on each image for details)
Director: Christian-Jaque Actors: Alain Delon, Virna Lisi, Francis Blanche
If you like this entry, check the other 19 parts of this week’s Blog as well as our Blog Archives
All our NEW POSTERS are here All our ON SALE posters are here
The posters above courtesy of ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY
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movie--posters · 2 years
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agentstovring · 9 months
💙Smoshblr December Asks Day 18💛
What are your top 3 fave clothes, that you currently own? (can be faves for any reason, like comfort, smth you love to wear on special occasions, etc. 🤗)
Bonus: What are your top 3 fave accessories? (like jewelry, belts, bags, etc. 👜)
A dark grey crewneck sweatshirt with a print of a Dracula movie poster. It's about 3 sizes too big and my favorite thing to to wear on chilly autumn/winter evenings.
An off-white summer dress with yellow lemons and green leaves on it. It has straps, a sweetheart neckline, and buttons down the front.
A black hoodie with white designs. It's merch from the Finnish band The 69 Eyes; it has their name on the front, skulls on the sleeves, a huge ankh on the back, and the words Helsinki Vampires on the hood. I bought it 10+ years ago and still love wearing it.
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Favorite accessories are probably A silver phonebooth charm my mom got me; many years ago she flew to London not knowing she was pregnant, and we count that as our first vacation together.
Counting footwear as accessories, I have a pair of whiskey-colored nubuck work boots that are my favorites for winter.
My toxic former job offered loyalty bonuses for every month you worked there. I saved every single one for 3 years and bought a yellow Tommy Hilfiger shoulder bag right before I quit.
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Thank you for asking!
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leo-fie · 1 year
Wait, people actually like superhero origin stories? They like waiting for the third act for the hero on the poster to actually show up?
It's not like you can't do it elegantly. Rendel (2017, dir. Jesse Haaja) alias "finnish John Wick" does it as kind of a mystery, with flashbacks and the timeline not really clear until the end and everything falls into place. It is a pretty good movie. A finnish production with a budget that would be a rounding error for a marvel movie can pull it off.
Make your origin stories interesting and don't let me wait almost the entire movie for the superhero to show up!
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ungoliant88 · 2 years
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Considering how the physical media is dying especially here in Finland, it's remarkable how many times I'm still rebuying films that I already own. Excalibur Media International has been releasing many titles which did not yet have blu-ray releases in nordic countries and I of course bought them. Well... Now they're releasing them all over again but this time with goodies. Clever. "Master Movie Classics Limited Edition" series includes a poster and some postcards from the film and as a collector I naturally have to have them. So here we are, once again buying the same films all over again. At the same time @nordiskfilmfinland does not release physical copies of their Finnish titles in Finland anymore and @leffat releases many of their titles without any special features nowdays in nordic countries. #bluray #bluraycollector #blurayupdate #bluraycollection #moviecollector #moviecollector #dracula #thewarlord #limitededition #collection #collector #movie #film #cinema #cinephile #filmbuff #universalpictures #elokuva #leffa #filmcollection #filmcollector #movies #films #blurayaddict #blurayjunkie #poster #juliste #postcard #postikortti https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl8mIDatKmC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ntmains · 2 years
It takes two 1988
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#It takes two 1988 movie#
#It takes two 1988 series#
#It takes two 1988 download#
So they arrange "chance" meetings with the desired result: they fall in love with each other.Īfter some turbulence, Alyssa (who poses as Amanda) ends up being adopted by the Butkises. The girls switch places and find out that Roger and Diane would fit together perfectly. Diane would like to do so as well, but authorities will not let her because of her low salary.Īlyssa Callaway (Ashley Olsen) is coming home from her school's piano recital competition only to find out that her wealthy father, Roger (Steve Guttenberg) is about to marry Clarice Kensington (Jane Sibbett) a socialite who threatens to send her soon-to-be stepdaughter to boarding school in Tibet. She wants her child-loving social worker, Diane Barrows (Kirstie Alley), to adopt her instead. The film is about two unrelated young girls who happen to look identical that suddenly meet each other.Īmanda Lemmon (Mary-Kate Olsen) is an orphan who is about to be adopted by the Butkises, a family whom she doesn't like. A Review is only visible if it has a grade from 1 to 10 and if it has review text more than 30 characters.Spoiler warning: The following contains plot details about This field includes Videospace user reviews of the movie.
#It takes two 1988 movie#
Note! You can not add releases to movie collection so if you are planning to create a collection of your blu ray collection for example, rather create a Release collection and add your blurays there :) Collection can be for example Watched films, My favourite films, Movies that I hate etc. You can share your collections for example on facebook. You can create Movie collection in your page and then you can start adding movies to your new collection by pressing add to your collection button. You can add a movie to your Videospace collection. If the same distributor company has released a movie in the same country in the same format but the cover package is different, these are count as seperate Releases. Release is made unique by release country, format, distributor company and also the package of release.
#It takes two 1988 download#
Digital dowloads does not qualify releases on streaming services such as Netflix or HBO, unless user can legally download releases on his/hers computer. Digital dowloads are files that user can dowload on his/hers computer. VHS and BETA tapes, optical DVD, Bluray, UHD and Laserdisc discs. Distribution, which is done with a physical or digital dowload. in certain country or continent released by distributor company.
#It takes two 1988 series#
In Videospace database Release is a distribution of Movie, TV series or documentary etc. For example Die Hard Quadrilogy Bluray box includes four Die Hard Movies. A Release usually includes one Movie but the database also supports Releases that can include multiple Movies. For example Movie Die Hard has finnish releases in VHS and Bluray formats. A Movie can have releases from multiple different countries, formats, covers and released by different releasing companies. Videospace database is shared between two main categories: MOVIES and their RELEASES. In order to have your collection to be visible on page, it needs to have a rating and text must be more than 30 characters. If you dont have a suitable collection, you can add one by clicking 'add new collection' button. ) cover page cover page b-side poster photo still promo material backcoverįirst select a collection you wish to add your review. Currently effective rating: Other rating:
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