#Financial Inducement
legalattorneyblog · 11 months
Vote Buying Scandal Mars Bayelsa and Kogi Elections
In a disheartening turn of events during the Bayelsa State gubernatorial election, vote-buying allegations surfaced, revealing a troubling scenario of voters being directed by individuals to a designated area for settlements after casting their votes. The situation escalated as some police officers were reportedly present at the polling unit, adding to the concerns about the integrity of the…
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chaotic-warbler · 1 year
Robotgirl whose tits have been redesigned to lactate Monster because her engineer gf is too exhausted to just grab a can from the fridge after several hours of maintenance work.
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buckingseason · 3 months
Kind of obsessed with the idea of being made to induce lactation because my partner wants to sell my milk. There's decent money in that market, they get to play with my tits, it's a win-win for them. I've tried to induce before but never stay committed long enough to actually get it done, but if they want the money from it, it's theirs. Alter my body to make them money, and become a sort of literal cash cow... The thought alone is almost enough to make me follow through on it this time. Maybe if I can get my hands on an electric pump I will. The way it turns off my brain is so nice too.
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quillheel · 9 months
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// at this point i really oughta note it, SO: headsup to all my roleplay partners! because of a lot of irl shit happening and stressors including financial concerns and losing two pets in the span of a few months, my brain's been really struggling with processing time and getting in the headspace to Be here beyond JUST writing (so DMs and the like), so if i don't respond, that is why, and i sincerely apologize! I'm trying to get back into the swing of Actually answering people but if I don't or it takes a while, that's why!
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noivern · 10 months
first vet emergency trip any℅ speedrun complete
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never-quite-buried · 1 year
There will be a documentary released soon by TMZ about Britney Spears “post-conservatorship” and i would humbly ask all fans of Britney Spears to NOT watch it. There is clearly a directed attack at Britney’s mental well-being taking place and it is with every effort to lock her in a permanent care plan.
The conservatorship was an illegal and unethical breach of her civil liberties and make no mistake, she is still locked in it. Court documents from mere months ago list her as conservatee and they are in the process of assigning a conservator again to lead her “care plan”.
Britney told us all with no ambiguity that she had every intention of suing every person who harmed her. She told us in her court audio and self posted audios to instagram that her family was “trying to kill [her]”. She had a book slated to release and tmz reported this past holiday that there was a “paper shortage” while the publisher released plenty of other books in the same time and now we’re learning that two celebs are attempting to block its release. At every stop they have silenced her right to speak and move freely.
For some reason we’re not seeing the real Britney out and about and now they’re claiming she’s not fit to hold knives?! They want full control of the person and the estate again and they plan to win it in the court of public opinion.
Boycott this documentary. Britney hates documentaries made without her say or her commentary, don’t let TMZ continue to spew this narrative when they are directly responsible for her suffering.
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uh oh besties I’m despairing about grad school again
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selamat-linting · 2 years
shocking! the feelings you thought were experienced by you alone have already been felt by another person in the 13th century!!!
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ritterdoodles · 1 year
Me: goes for the cheapest option when possible and avoids buying things that are too expensive even tho I like them
Mom: in one grocery trip buys an $8 mango and 2 bags of dried herbal soup stock she has no idea how to use
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blackwaxidol · 2 years
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tag yourself i'm inappropriate behaviour and "fall".
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lightnersdream · 3 days
so far this has been one of the worst years of my life and i've only been 20 for a month. not a good sign
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kitchenprose · 7 months
the voidz drop a single (one (1) track) every 6-12 months just so they can advertise 532423 new overpriced merch pieces of dubious quality..... bros.... be real with Me... do you still want to make music......Be Honest........
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belfrygargoyles · 8 months
resolution for the year is to, if absolutely nothing else, look into job training programs i might be able to make use of. If Fucking Nothing Else
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greenthestral · 1 year
The Global Divide Widens: How the Pandemic Caused the First Rise in Between-Country Income Inequality in a Generation
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The COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented global crisis, has left no corner of the world untouched. As nations struggled to combat the virus and its economic fallout, an alarming consequence emerged: the first rise in between-country income inequality in a generation. The pandemic's impact on economies has been uneven, leading to significant disparities in wealth and prosperity among nations. This article delves into the factors behind this growing global divide, its consequences, and the urgent need for collective action to address income inequality on an international scale.
The Global Economic Shock
When the pandemic struck, nations scrambled to implement restrictions, shutdowns, and social distancing measures to contain the spread. These actions disrupted supply chains, hampered production, and forced many businesses to close temporarily or permanently. Consequently, economies experienced severe contractions, leading to widespread job losses and reduced consumer spending.
However, not all countries were affected equally. Advanced economies with robust healthcare systems and strong fiscal policies managed to weather the storm better than developing or low-income nations. They were able to provide extensive stimulus packages to support businesses and citizens, preventing a complete economic collapse. On the other hand, many developing countries lacked the resources and capacity to respond effectively, exacerbating their economic struggles.
The K-Shaped Recovery
As the pandemic raged on, a phenomenon known as the "K-shaped recovery" emerged, where different segments of society experienced divergent economic trajectories. This concept extended to the global level as well, highlighting the varying degrees of impact on countries.
Some developed nations witnessed a swift recovery due to their ability to adapt to remote work and technology-based solutions. At the same time, several emerging economies faced prolonged recessions and setbacks, pushing them further behind. The disparity in economic growth between these two groups of countries widened, contributing to the rise in between-country income inequality.
Trade and Travel Disruptions
International trade and travel restrictions during the pandemic significantly affected economies' interconnectedness. Many nations rely heavily on trade partnerships and tourism for economic growth, but the restrictions disrupted these crucial income streams.
For countries heavily reliant on exports, reduced global demand and logistical challenges hampered their economic recovery. Similarly, nations dependent on tourism suffered greatly as travel restrictions kept tourists away, leading to an acute downturn in revenue and employment in the hospitality sector.
Vaccine Inequality and Economic Recovery
Another critical factor influencing the between-country income inequality was vaccine distribution. Access to vaccines played a vital role in determining a nation's ability to control the virus, reopen their economies, and regain economic stability.
While some wealthier nations procured vaccines in abundance and achieved high vaccination rates, many developing countries struggled to secure sufficient doses. The resulting delay in reaching herd immunity and reopening their economies further widened the gap between countries' economic recoveries.
Tech Advancements and Disparities
During the pandemic, technological advancements and digitalization took center stage as businesses and individuals shifted to remote operations and online services. Developed countries, equipped with robust digital infrastructure and skilled workforces, were able to adapt more effectively to the changing landscape.
In contrast, digital disparities in developing countries limited their ability to capitalize on technology's potential for economic growth. The lack of access to high-speed internet and digital skills hindered their participation in the global digital economy, perpetuating income inequality between nations.
Environmental and Social Impact
The pandemic's impact on income inequality goes beyond just economic measures. Environmental and social factors also played a role in exacerbating global disparities.
As the focus shifted to combatting the virus, several environmental initiatives and climate change efforts took a backseat. Developing countries, often bearing the brunt of environmental challenges, lacked the resources to prioritize sustainability during the crisis.
Moreover, vulnerable communities, already facing social inequalities, were disproportionately affected by the pandemic. The lack of adequate healthcare, education, and social safety nets in some nations exacerbated the divide between the rich and poor, both within and between countries.
Urgent Call for Global Solidarity
The rise in between-country income inequality during the pandemic highlights the urgent need for global solidarity and cooperation. Addressing this issue requires collective efforts and inclusive policies that prioritize equitable economic recovery.
International organizations, governments, and businesses must come together to ensure fair vaccine distribution, support sustainable development goals, and promote digital inclusivity. Efforts to reduce trade barriers and foster fair trade practices can also contribute to bridging the income gap.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a catalyst for unprecedented changes on a global scale. While economies are slowly recovering, the rise in between-country income inequality remains a significant concern. The pandemic exposed existing fault lines and disparities, emphasizing the need for a more equitable and resilient approach to global economic growth.
As we navigate the aftermath of the pandemic, it is crucial to prioritize international cooperation and sustainable solutions. Only through collective action and shared commitment can we hope to address the challenges posed by income inequality and build a more inclusive world for all nations.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, medical, or legal advice. Please consult with a professional for personalized advice.
What's In It For Me? (WIIFM)
In this eye-opening blog article, you will gain a deeper understanding of the far-reaching consequences of the pandemic on global income inequality. Discover how the COVID-19 crisis has widened the gap between nations' economic prosperity, impacting both developed and developing countries. Learn about the factors behind this unprecedented rise in between-country income inequality and explore the urgent call for collective action to address this pressing issue. Whether you're concerned about the global economy, social justice, or sustainable development, this article will provide valuable insights that resonate with every global citizen.
Call to Action (CTA)
Ready to explore the impact of the pandemic on between-country income inequality? Click here to read the full blog article and be part of the conversation about building a more equitable and inclusive world. Together, we can drive change and work towards a brighter future for all nations.
Blog Excerpt
The COVID-19 pandemic has left an indelible mark on the world, and one of its most concerning consequences is the first rise in between-country income inequality in a generation. As economies faced unprecedented challenges, the disparity in economic growth between nations widened significantly. Developed economies with robust healthcare systems and fiscal policies seemed to fare better, while many developing countries struggled to respond effectively, exacerbating their economic struggles. This blog article delves deep into the factors contributing to this global divide, the K-shaped recovery phenomenon, and the impact of vaccine distribution. It emphasizes the urgent need for international cooperation and sustainable solutions to bridge the income gap and foster a more inclusive world.
Meta Description (320 characters)
Discover the first rise in between-country income inequality in a generation due to the pandemic. Learn about the impact, causes, and urgent call for collective action in this insightful blog article.
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kawaiijellymonster · 1 year
I have too much time this summer, exhibit: the amount of anime I've watched in the last couple of weeks
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ftmsukkubus · 1 month
i’ve been thinking of trying one of those note games to motivate myself to act more like my real sex.
every 1 note is a day i will grow out my hair
every 5 notes is a day i do not bind
every 15 notes is a week off t
50 notes - i will shave my whole body and post pictures as proof
75 notes - i will post my real name in my bio
100 notes - i will destroy my binder and post pictures as proof
150 notes - i will buy a bra and panties and post pictures as proof
250 notes - i will go out in a push up bra for the day and keep going until i get misgendered
350 notes - i will start trying to induce lactation and take breast growth supplements and post progress pics
400 notes - i will delay my legal name and gender change
750 - i will hook up with a chaser that sees me as a girl
1000 notes - i replace my whole underwear drawer with women’s panties and bras
3000 notes - when i am in the financial position, i get pregnant and detransition
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