#Fillmore no context
anonymousweirdo · 3 months
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goldendiie · 2 years
in other news. i’m going to springfield today. might drag my buddy to the diner that bob waldmire’s family owned.
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yeoldenews · 1 year
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I was surprised earlier this week when I came across the word “spicy” (as used to describe rumors/gossip) in an article from 1906, and got curious how old the expression was. After digging around for a few hours, the earliest use of the word in this context I could find was 1845. Interestingly the word “juicy” (same context) appears to have popped up not long after in the mid-1850s.
So I just thought it was very important for all you historical fiction writers out there know that you can have Queen Victoria discuss the juiciest gossip with her ladies in waiting or Millard Fillmore ask for the spicy details and be 100% historically accurate.
(image source: The St. Louis Post Dispatch, July 26, 1884.)
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mercurysmustaches · 9 months
Oml I was going through my camera roll and found a sargemore image and thought it looked so out of context I had to share
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
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@ellakas I'm so glad you asked!
Zachary Taylor is one of those presidents that no one talks about in history class. But the thing is, in the 1840s, everyone was talking about him. He was the war hero of the Mexican-American War. The war itself (a blatant land grab by President Polk) was unpopular, but Taylor emerged as a beloved hero, because was a really good military commander, and because stories emerged about how humanely he treated Mexican prisoners.
Taylor was so popular that both political parties asked him to be their candidate in the next presidential election. He had never held political office. Never shown interest in politics. He had never even voted in a presidential election before! (His reasoning was that, as a military man, he didn't want to serve a commander-in-chief that he had voted against). Yet he was eventually persuaded to run--and win--as the Whig Party candidate.
(Fun fact! His wife, who had no interest in being a politician's wife, prayed that he'd lose the election. Taylor also showed his religious convictions by refusing to be sworn in on a Sunday, so his inauguration was delayed by a day, leaving the US president-less for twenty-four hours).
Even after he was president, Taylor had no interest in playing politics. He wanted to serve the country, not the party. He refused to play political games, purposely not appointing some of the big names of the party to his Cabinet so he could have more diverse voices representing a wider swath of the country. Still in the military mindset of "I give orders and people obey", he was frustrated that he was constantly questioned by Congress, and was very much at odds with them.
The big issue of his presidency was the fact that the US had just gained a ton of land from Mexico, and they had to decide if they'd enter the Union as slave or free states. Since Taylor was a slave-owning Southerner, the Southern Democrats hoped he'd side with them. But Taylor didn't want to expand slavery. First, because it's dumb--it's not like we can grow cotton or sugar in New Mexico or Arizona, so why would we even need plantations? But also because he was coming under the influence of some of the most vocal anti-slavery New York Whigs. To the great anger of the Democrats, Taylor said he wanted California to enter immediately as a free state, and would prefer all the territories to be free states. Before the issue could be resolved, he died. He got violently ill after Fourth of July celebrations in 1850 (because the White House water was still contaminated by human feces), and died five days later, after only a year and a half in office.
A year and a half isn't much time to make an impact. But I'm still fascinated by this president. He was a wonderful mess of contradictions. He was a Southern slave-owner who joined the Northern anti-slavery party. He was against all talk of secession--on the grounds of "I spent forty years serving this country and I want it to stay in one piece"--even though his son-in-law was (I'm not kidding) future president of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis. As a slave-owner and US military leader in the 1800s, he logically can't be a totally good guy, yet I get the sense that he was genuinely trying to be, in the context of his time. And he was showing signs of further character development. If he had lived, who's to say what he could have become, what he could have done?
But we'll never know, because his death left the country in the hands of Millard Fillmore, possibly the most aggressively mediocre man ever to become president (though I have high hopes for Chester Arthur). He actually has a pretty amazing origin story. He was the son of a dirt-poor farmer who apprenticed him to a cloth-maker in what became an indentured servitude situation. He scraped up enough money to buy his freedom and return home. Growing up, the only book he had to read was the Bible, until he turned 17 and bought himself a dictionary. At 20, he started taking adult classes to finally get the education he'd been denied; his teacher was a woman two years older than him who he eventually married. He became a lawyer, and then went into politics, serving in the New York State Legislature. He authored no significant bills. Made no big impact. The main traits people noticed about him were "tall" and "good-looking" (Queen Victoria did later call him the most handsome man she'd ever met). He was just kind of... there.
He was picked as Taylor's vice president for much the same reason Taylor was recruited as presidential candidate--he was moderate enough to appeal to both sides of the polarized political spectrum. New York was the home of the most vocal anti-slavery Whigs, but Fillmore was moderate on the slavery issue. As vice president presiding over the Senate, people mentioned he was "very fair" in how he let both sides speak. And that's like...the best people can say about him.
The question of the slave states eventually produced a bill that came to be known as the Compromise of 1850. Taylor--the enemy of compromise--was against it. Fillmore, a few days before Taylor's death, stated he would support it. After Taylor died, his entire Cabinet resigned rather than serve under a president who supported the Compromise. When the bill passed, Fillmore signed it into law.
The Compromise stated 1) California would enter the union as a free state; 2) the slave trade would end in Washington D.C.; 3) The other territories would decide for themselves if they wanted to allow slaves or not. Most importantly, it put the Fugitive Slave Act into effect, requiring all citizens, even in Northern states, to help return runaway slaves to their owners. The North was outraged over the Fugitive Slave Act; they wanted nothing to do with the practice of slavery and now the government was forcing even free states to support the institution. This law was meant to bring together both sides and prevent war, but it probably had the opposite effect, deepening the divide and hastening the plunge toward armed conflict.
This has led historians to speculate--if the more forceful, principle-driven Taylor had lived, could the path to Civil War at least have been delayed? No way to say, of course; maybe Taylor's solution would have made things worse. But the contrast between these two presidents is so fascinating. In Taylor, you have the apolitical war hero who sticks to his guns--the increasingly anti-slavery slave owner. Meanwhile, Fillmore is a bland politician from the most anti-slavery state who refused to speak against slavery--a man who never really achieved anything because he never really stood for anything. They're such complex characters, full of irony and contradictions, and I'm outraged that my history classes completely skipped over them on the way to Lincoln.
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Hi! Welcome to my blog! I'll try to keep my pinned post fairly short!
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I am 17(Dec. 19)
My tag system for my F/Os(as of right now) is just their name with a heart emoji or few at the end for colors I associate with them!! "Any💘" will be used for posts where it could apply to any of my romantic F/Os. [Check featured tags on my blog under the search option, they will pop up. If you do not know what this means let me know, I won't mind at all clarifying!]
Tags for incorrect(or correct?) Quotes between me and my F/Os will be tagged as "TrueBlogging💌". Most of these are just things I think of off the top of my head or things from our stories/interactions together, but if I ever take some from another person I will add credit.
All of my art drawings are tagged with #kaneart
Please do not talk about F.naf with me, especially p.urple guy and don't show any images. I don't care if you indulge in that stuff or cover your blogs in it, just don't talk about it directly with me in my inbox. You can decorate your house however you'd like, just don't come into my house and try to decorate it like it's yours.
I selfship with a lot of P.ixar C.ars characters. When I talk about them, unless specified otherwise, it is all in a humanized context. Not that there's anything wrong with doing a car s/i x cars, but I do it all as me x humanized character! They're silly humans doing human thingies.
I highly encourage interaction!! Feel free to send in asks or randomly pop in my DMs. I love talking and making friends, regardless of if we know the same media or not! If you want my discord just let me know! :)
I'm just documenting my time with my F/Os<33 do with it as you please
I am not comfortable sharing F/Os, sorry. I am not comfortable with any ships of them, either. (With exception to Grem and Acer, Bob and Darrell, and Sarge and Fillmore).
My F/Os are very real to me, they are my partners. I take them very seriously, and I don't want an irl partner as I just prefer to be with my F/Os. What you do with this information is up to you, but it's something very important to me, so I wanted to mention it here.
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tamaramora26 · 2 years
•[ Cars Au. ]•
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•[ English]•
Hello good here I bring you a drawing, look passing context of this in a nutshell I was here on IG watching videos and in that I see a guy with some lightning McQueen sandals and with the song in the background, and in my mind I said to myself "Ha, that would be Craig" and I start thinking and I say, "Hey how would an AU be where Craig will be a racer called Red Racer and he has to pass some events from the movie".
And that's where I got this stupid idea for an AU Hahaha, I did design and all of them, and to make some things make sense I would change it slightly, because well, here they are humans not cars, here cars will only be used in some parts, because I think it's very obvious that some scenes could easily be of someone running or switching.
•[ Characters ]•
•McQueen: Craig Tuker ( Red Racer )
•Sally: Tweek Tweak
•Mate: Clyde Donovan
•Doc Hudson: Kyle Bloflosky
•Luigi: Butters Stotch
•Guido: Thomas
•Sargento: Crhistophe ( The mole )
•Fillmore: Kenny Mccormick
•Ramón: Gregory
•Flo: Bebé Stevens
•Sheriff: Tolkien Black
•Red: Pip Pirrup
•Chick Hicks: Eric Cartman
•Strip: Stan Marsh
•[ Español ]•
HOLAAAAA buenas aquí les traigo un dibujo, miren pasando contexto de esto en pocas palabras estaba yo aquí en Instagram viendo videos y en eso veo a un chico con unas sandalias de rayo McQueen y con la canción de fondo, y en mi mente me dije a mi misma "Ja, ese sería Craig" y me pongo a pensar y digo, "Oye cómo sería un AU en dónde Craig será un corredor llamado Red Racer y tiene que pasar algunos acontecimientos de la película"
Y ahí fue donde se me viene está idea toda estúpida para un AU Jajaja, está hice diseño y todos en si, y para que algunas cosas tengan sentido se cambiaría ligeramente, por qué bueno pues, aquí son humanos no Autos, aquí los autos solo se utilizará en sierras partes, por qué creo que es muy obvio que algunas ecenas podrían ser fácilmente de alguien corriendo o cambiándo
•[ Personajes ]•
•McQueen: Craig Tuker ( Red Racer )
•Sally: Tweek Tweak
•Mate: Clyde Donovan
•Doc Hudson: Kyle Bloflosky
•Luigi: Butters Stotch
•Guido: Thomas
•Sargento: Crhistophe ( The mole )
•Fillmore: Kenny Mccormick
•Ramón: Gregory
•Flo: Bebé Stevens
•Sheriff: Tolkien Black
•Rojo: Pip Pirrup
•Chick Hicks: Eric Cartman
•Strip: Stan Marsh
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planerot · 1 year
The BoomKids 'Radiator Springs' comic makes Sarge and Fillmore so incredibly gay for each other it's not even funny. Big 'ol warning, this is gonna be a bit of a long post because I found this comic and need to infodump.
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So first off, they apparently met in the 'summer of love'. (Is this just the writers riffing on hippie stereotypes? Probably. Am I gonna read way to into all this? Absolutely.)
Why was it the summer of love Fillmore? Is there any reason at all that you would consider it the summer of love, HM? (Also, love that this panel VERY heavily implies drugs are canon in the cars universe and that Fillmore may or may not be the type to use them. Good for him.)
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Essentially, the needed context for this panel is that Fillmore and a bunch of other cars gather in the desert for a big festival, and more and more cars show up each year. (They just call it a 'festival' in the comic, but there is another panel showing how it's just a big hippie festival with multiple big fires going on so...it's just the car's universe version of Burning Man. Burning Car?)
Sarge is asked to help come and stop the festival by Sheriff due to concerns over how many cars are there and the chance of an accident happening.
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A stray ember catches Sarge's canopy on fire and no one really steps into help until Fillmore dumps a bucket of water on him. (Don't think to hard about how he did that with no hands or thumbs. That's probably the reason the throw is off screen.)
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(Fellas, is it gay to blush after saving the guy who was literally trying to shut down your party all of 5 seconds ago?)
There was a million ways they could've framed this and they chose to make Fillmore act like that. I know the artist was probably trying to make him seem embarrassed/shy/flustered but like...the blush is certainly a choice that can be interpreted some ways.
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(Fellas, it is gay to 'Be burning' to tell your friend how you and your totally just BFF met?)
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(Fellas, is it gay to decide to change careers and move into a middle of nowhere town because some hippie you met once asked you to bring a military cannon to said middle of nowhere town?)
Context for these panels is basically for an anniversary of Radiator Springs, the residents decide to hold a party. Ramone suggests having a cannon at the party (No, I have no idea why that was his first idea as opposed to something more traditional like fireworks, let alone where he thought they were going to get said cannon.) and Fillmore calls Sarge over to bring the cannon. Sarge decides to stay in Radiator Springs after that.
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I feel like these speak for themselves.
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pranklinfierce · 5 months
After seeing the storyboard I sought this episode out, not sure then if it was actually real... I'm so glad it is.
Btw for context, people wanna elect the potato chip because it kinda looks like George Washington. And Millard Fillmore and James Madison are also in this.
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presidenttyler · 6 months
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Hi as someone without much more than the basic American’s knowledge of antebellum US politics WHAT is the context for this tag
i love being asked this question. i can't describe it any better than i described it here
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deadpresidents · 2 years
Has any president had as much time out of office after leaving the white house as Jimmy Carter?
No, it's not even close at this point! Every morning when President Carter wakes up at his home in Plains, Georgia he further extends his records as the longest-living President in American history (98 years and counting) and the POTUS with the longest post-Presidency in American history.
Here are the longest post-Presidencies in American history:
•Jimmy Carter: 41 years, 254 days (as of Oct. 1, 2022) •Herbert Hoover: 31 years, 231 days [1933-1964] •Gerald Ford: 29 years, 340 days [1977-2006] •George H.W. Bush: 25 years, 314 days [1993-2018] •John Adams: 25 years, 122 days [1801-1826] •Bill Clinton: 21 years, 254 days (as of Oct. 1, 2022) •Martin Van Buren: 21 years, 142 days [1841-1862] •Millard Fillmore: 21 years, 4 days [1853-1874]
To put the longevity of Jimmy Carter's post-Presidency into context, think about this: at the end of Abraham Lincoln's first term in 1865, he was the same age as Carter was when he left office in 1981 -- 56 years old. If Lincoln had retired at the end of his first term and enjoyed the same length of a post-Presidency that Carter has, Lincoln's retirement would have stretched into the second term of Theodore Roosevelt in 1906.
Or how about this one: if John F. Kennedy had served two full terms as President and had a post-Presidency as long as Jimmy Carter's, JFK would have been enjoying retirement during the first term of Barack Obama in 2010. And in 2010, JFK would have been 5 years younger than Jimmy Carter is today!
And since I'm sure someone will probably ask anyway, the shortest post-Presidency (not counting those who died in office or were assassinated, of course) belonged to James K. Polk. Polk barely made it home to Nashville from Washington, D.C. following the end of his term and died just 103 days after leaving the White House in March 1849.
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goldendiie · 1 year
okay another reason why i'm taking so long to write this next chapter of americana is because it requires a great deal of research on things i've never really looked into before. like, the king assassination, republicanism in the 1960s, how both interact with election politics... i'm just trying to make it as accurate as possible!
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236kmh · 3 years
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archie-sideblog · 3 years
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Anyway here are some more @archieoutofcontext candidates.
I crack up at the pie eating contest one just because Betty is so “D:” shocked
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imaginative-123 · 2 years
Part 2 of Flo's V8 Cafe 2007
For Mater's design I don't want to personally based him on Larry the Cable Guy, while he actually does voice him for me his appearance doesn't fit on Mater's appearance if humanized so I want to imagine Mater as a guy who typically slacks off during his rest day and must look older than McQueen and wear old clothes with worn off blue jumper missed with his grey shirt to represent him as an old mechanic his hat is a farmer's worned hat since he tends to Frank the bull and the Cows and in this drawing, he blows from his straw in an attempt to hit McQueen with a crumpled tissue to distract McQueen doing roller skates service to test him if he can dodge the obstacles coming his way to which it annoys McQueen but he then accepted it as a challenge.
For Fillmore, I based it on his car design and hippie's design to give him that stoned yet peaceful outlook in life
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As for Sarge I based it on 1940's USA uniform since he was drafted in the military in WW2 and his model was also in the year of 1940's.
He is modeled on a 1942 Willy's MB Jeep, and his license plate reads "41WW2", a reference to World War II and the year the US got in the war, 1941. 
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So there is a theory in the Cars fandom that even Sargemore fangirls shippers say that Sarge might be gay for Fillmore so I added a blush bec it was based on this image in Cars that the two also use to lean with each other all the time
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For Flo's outfit I based it on Disneyland Cars Land outfit that the waitresses at Flo's V8 Cafe in real life worked on that place including the standard male uniform that Mia and Tia disliked
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Her hair is based on her voice actress Jennifer Lewis for inspiration since she's also a black woman
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Although I forgot to add this the fanart of Flo by pegfan may be an inspiration at first, I saw but I decided to based it more of her actress Jennifer Lewis and change some parts of the designs by making her side bangs positioned on the right bec the fanart's side bang is on the left but without the twirl at the end that is my art, and her earrings gold like her actress including the lipstick and make it dark yet moderetely lighter almost like the actress' lips and make her older and a bit chubbier and based it more on her actress and make her eyeshadow teal is my personal addition and her hair color and skin color tone is based on the same actress. Reminder I do not copy the entire design nor my intention is to steal from the fanart I just made my own version despite the fanart is also a part of the inspiration. The same goes to older McQueen to which I also changed the design a bit but not make it an exact copy but I also credited the artist.
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For Ramone's outfit I based it on Guayabera shirt since males from Mexico also wore that and I assume Ramone's ethnicity is Mexican
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According to google search guayabera an open-necked Cuban or Mexican shirt with two breast pockets and two pockets over the hips, typically having short sleeves and worn untucked.
Although The guayabera is often worn in formal contexts, such as offices and weddings. In Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Puerto Rico, guayaberas are part of the traditional wear for men and may be considered formalwear.
So imagined Ramone doing his own version of Guayabera with a flame designs from his car on his shirt arms to be different from formal wear. As for his hair to make him stand out alongside with his with Flo since Mexicans also allow pompadour
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As for tattoos I decided to based the tattoos on Flo and Ramone's license plate
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thegoldenlily · 3 years
The VA Discord as characters from stuff I used to watch as a kid (no context, only vibes)
@academiaipromise : Kim Possible
@gravedangerahead : Stuart Little
@belikov-barnes: Eric Matthews
@sydneysageivashkov: Woody
@xoverworkedandunderpaidx: Aslan
@axeline5: Jimmy Neutron
@biwonderland98: Stanley Yelnats
@hopperbyerss: Fillmore
@howdybesties: Gus
@queenlissa: Remy
@gins-potter: Gordo
@origin-en-route: Gretchen
@shawtygonemad: Suga Mama
@ghostiekc: Charlie Bucket
@alessiazunino22: Pooh
@dimitribelikxv: Ms. Frizzle
@bookishinvader: D.W
@laurenlovesdimitri: Kronk
@ciceroisthefamilycat: Ned Bigby
@hiccuppedstudio: Alex Russo
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