#Fhs z3r0
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dummymango · 4 months ago
designsss O.O
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valtoiddd · 2 years ago
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it appears you're some kind of abomination
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loopscereal · 1 year ago
You said to send you screenshots to redraw, so... Maybe one of these two? Personally my favorite of your redesigns have been for Owynn's gang and the twins (and Deuz but I didn't like any particular screenshot for him).
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It's also okay if you don't want to, no pressure fjrvdjdvdjevakavqj
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a month + 1 day late but HAHAHAH REDRAWWW
okiii sorry this took a goddamn month and sorry for no shading but i AM doing this for funa nd for free but i never forgot , i never forgot multi i promise, i even let my brogram record a timelapse thingy if you want it. 1) yes u redesigned town from the last time i drews him what about it??? (i also redesigned eak but i never did a digital drawing of his previous default ass ) anyways i was itching to make them both more. more ours i guess? Towns black now cause i want to and also lions are african animals and thats enough to convince me lmao. idk its fun, sue me. we dont uhhhh we dont suuuuper tie where the animal is from tot heir race, but sometimes we do and it works out nicely uhhh
2) multi, or anyone seeing this ig, if ya want zoom'in just tell me and ill reblog this with zoom ins n shit. yeah. 3) I REALIZED I FORGOT TOWNS FUCKING FRECKLES. iiii im iffy on adding freckles to him, they did look cute but im worried itll make his face too busy. eaks face is so busy and i do not need another. also busy-ness is why i didnt doshadeing. i tried, i really did try to ger some quick flat shading in, but it looked too busy and just a mess i couldnt do it kjerhblol lmao. 4)uhhhh feel free to ask questions ig. IF ANYONE ELSE ANTS TO REQUEST REDRAW REQUESTS FEEL SO FREE I LOVE DOING REDRAWS. also im totally gonna do the pup and chica one too dont you even worry about it
anyways tysm for the ask and request :) have a good dayyyy love ya fnafhsblr lmao
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camo1000le · 1 year ago
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He's so pretty 🫶
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chocottang · 12 days ago
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fhs shipping week day 4: breakup
so. this takes place in z3r0 (ignore thar cami has her s2 hair please). golden, like the other animatronics, had his shadow corrupted and needed to be liberated by freed. but gold, as we know, works closely with the villains. they had an interest in keeping him around and powerful. so, cami goes to the shadow world to stop freed and defend gold. she fails, though, gold is defeated and golden recovers his memories.
during z3r0, cami had convinced golden to join owynn and the rest in organizing the event. they became close, very close. they liked each other and talked abt their deepest fears and concerns, for golden, this included feeling used by his family. golden was completely unaware that she had hypnotized him before, and that she first approached him to try and rectify her first failure, to try and hypnotize him again. he was unaware she kept him around in case they needed gold again. so, once he regained his memories, he remembered the camp arc, and that cami had hypnotized him. he recognized her, and realized that she never cared for him, that she was using him all this time, and remembered how awful it felt to completely lose control of his own body during the camp arc. she, the person who knew better than anyone how much he hated feeling used, had used him. she had ulterior motives to be close to him. she was planning on using him again. she had stripped him of all agency. she's even worse than his family.
with time, cami did become fond of golden. she cares for him and likes him genuinly. but she can't face going against owynn, against everything she believes and had worked on. so, she just kept going, trying to ignore her feelings. but she can't. she feels guilty, but she won't show it and won't tell golden. she has to follow the plan. being in love with a peon would ruin it.
OKAY ENOUGH OF THAT LET'S TALK ABT THE ACTUAL DRAWING. i know that panels 2 and 3 are in the wrong order thats why i put the numbers. sorry for being stupid. ouu i made golden's hair less fluffy and a little messy to show his emotional state. i also made his clothes less put together for this same reason. i thought it would be cool for this drawing to be in black and white so i decided to try out the manga shadow thingy with the dots. it was painstakingly tedious but i like the result so it was worth it. the song is one i always imagine golden would sing when realizing cami used him. i think it protrays well how he feels, although it doesn't exactly fit the vibe of this drawing in particular, oh well.
i think that's all!!!
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couldpolyamorysavethem · 7 months ago
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"(sorry for bad english, it's not my first language) Aiden has had a major crush on Ann since pretty much the beginning of the show (we could say this is one sided if we don't count Z3R0 Ann having a crush on Aiden, since it's an AU). Then Golden, this rich, blonde, white boy that so happens to be famous, comes around and starts attending the same high school as them. Ann and Golden immediately recognize each other from one time they met during a rainy day in which Golden fell in love with her (yes, with a random girl his age he met on the street for maybe less than an hour). She says hi to him and Golden kisses her hand, making Aiden angry and jealous (something that would become a common occurrence for the three of them as the show progressed).
Ignoring their individual backstories that are somewhat explained during the show, the rest of the show pretty much progresses with Aiden being angry at Golden all of the time, especially since he think's he's way too privileged to be complaining about his life (a topic that is usually, if not always, the root of their fights).
During season 2 of this show, Golden runs away from his rich family so he decides to live on the street, but he eventually ends up living with Aiden, since his friends pretty much convinced him that it was the right thing to do. Now that they are living together they fight a little bit less, this being because now that Golden is no longer rich they have not much else to fight about except their love for this girl (Ann) who gets flustered around both of them and eventually ends up in a "love triangle" with them.
tl;dr: Aiden and Golden like Ann. Ann likes both of them. Aiden and Golden hate each other because of their love for Ann and also Golden is rich and Aiden hates rich white boys. Aiden ends up somewhat understanding Golden's struggles and they live together but they still hate each other a bit and they also still fight over Ann." - Anonymous
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omgafhsfanin2025 · 2 years ago
On no it's lobbo fnafhs
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Ew an emo
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Of course this is a night of insomnia and of course the music I put to help me sleep was a FHS Z3R0 - which was already in my head and I don't know why - and of course the first thing I thought was "Why the songs about the protagonist and that dude only he can see fits Pre-AA Thomas and Virgil?".
Because apparently a normal dude with mental issues that just wants to get through life with a smile on their face and that conscience on your back wears black and represents the insecurities and just wants to help but it's a jerk about it-
... Holy smokes, this arc is just Season 1 done in the weirdest way possible.
Hey, whoever gave me the ability to read patterns that shouldn't be noticeable in the first place, turn on your location. I just wanna talk.
And before you ask. FHS Z3R0 is a Spanish animation of a FNaF High School AU. Don't recommend the series unless you want "so bad it's good" moments, because it's really cringy. And cliche. Like. Really bad cliche. The songs slap, tho, but they're 85% covers.
And I'm avoiding saying the names or putting the tags because, holy frick, I'm not relating my favorite horror game about robots to an high school/magic girl anime wannabe, I just did it with my comfort web series of over a year.
... I actually used to like this without irony, the frick, ten year-old me?
(... For legal reasons this whole post is a joke that came from an insomniac. Except for how cringe is the series, it is cringe.)
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dummymango · 1 month ago
fwliz 9 añitos (atrasado
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dummymango · 3 months ago
Buh funtimes
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dummymango · 3 months ago
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Nightmares listos <3 (Maggie y Toddy estan x separado)
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dummymango · 3 months ago
Shiver me timbers
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dummymango · 3 months ago
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y con esto ya estan listos los diseños de los animatronicos jiji
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dummymango · 3 months ago
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dummymango · 22 days ago
mama a girl behind you
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dummymango · 4 months ago
Me when the background character
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Info de cada uno
Selene Harmonia - 18 años - 3er año de preparatoria - Es de gimnasia artistica y es porrista, es hermana mayor de Leon, pasaron cositas y estan algo distanciados, le tiene un poco de miedo
Liv Ichigou - 18 años - 3er año de preparatoria - Es de boxeo y otros deportes de fuerza, le da paja quitarse el pantalon you can tell, esta saliendo con selene
Rudy Logan- 16 años - 1er año de preparatoria - Es de futbol y baloncesto, las otras dos lo tienen adoptado y el hace todo lo posible x defenderlas
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