pupuyvs · 3 months
fool for you ー karina smau
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➦ synopsis Aaliyah Hernandez is a popular MY account known for her looks, so when she gets a chance to attend a fansign, fellow fans can’t help but notice that some members of Aespa seem to be a bit more interested than they should be. Taking it as nothing but a stan twitter joke, how will Aaliyah react when she finds herself being contacted by one of the members?
➦ genre smau + written, idol!karina, non!idol fem!oc, fluff, slight angst, humor
➦ pairing Karina x fem!oc
➦ warnings kys/kms jokes, homophobic jokes, (maybe) suggestive content
➦ status ongoing
➦ updates whenever
➦ taglist open
➦ featuring aespa, huh yunjin (le sserafim), weesa (psyfe), jake (enhypen), hanni (newjeans), manon (katseye), more to come…
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profiles: oomfs | stan list
more to come…
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ex-foster · 13 days
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mimiwritcs · 1 year
FANDOM: Divergent
PAIRING: Eric Coulter x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: this is after four+eric's initiation and before tris'. this will be the build up of the characters as we got introduced to them as well as maybe the society. not just a love story but we aim for characters' growth and storytelling.
A/N: not only my first time writing on this fandom but also in general in a very long time. kinda letting myself go with the flow. bc the best writing is just writing and letting the story tell itself ;) took 5 days and 3 drafts to complete this, so hopefully muse isn't too off by the end of it lmao if anyone loses time of their day to read this, hope you like it & thank youu <3
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You were shocked by what you had done. You couldn't think due to Dauntless' ovations. WHAT DID YOU JUST DO? Before turning over to your new faction, you took a few steps back to observe how your blood blended with the scalding coals. Some Dauntless approached you and whispered "congratulations" or "hi" before one left their seat to you in the front row and slipped into the back to see the rest of the ceremony.
You didn't regret your choice. That's what you had to do. It was really startling to learn on the aptitude test that you were Dauntless rather than Erudite. Did you always think Dauntless was the coolest faction to be at? Yeah. Did you think you could be strong enough to be a part of it? Hell no. Your first emotion was not fear but respect towards it. You felt like a fish out of water. This was something you never expected. 95% of the initiatives belonged to the faction to which they were born. How the hell were you the one chosen to be into the 5%? You were unsure, but a spark had ignited within you after that.
You were unable to stop thinking about it. Did you believe you can handle it? You were unsure. Yet, how could they possibly have failed? All of their propaganda to believe the ceremony and the test to become who you genuinely are rather than who you wish you were. In the Choosing Ceremony, you weren't fully certain about your choice. Erudite was always so intelligent and clear, but you were always doubting it. Guess it was true, you were not part of the faction. They really did say something prior that caused you to make a last-minute choice change. You couldn't be where you weren't meant to be. You had something inside of you that had the potential to blossom into Dauntless, and you couldn't survive without discovering what it was. Could you have securely remained in Erudite without letting anyone know your result? Sure. Even if you weren't yet aware of your inner Dauntless, you still needed to remain true to yourself.
So you swallowed it and moved your hand swiftly just as the first drop of blood entered the Erudite bowl. You apologized while looking for your parents' eyes amid the crowd. They certainly did not anticipate it. You adored your parents and were aware of how much both of you would miss each other after you were gone. However, they would comprehend. They would have to. Even if they could never have imagined making this choice, you know they would. Faction before blood. Because you were so preoccupied with your thoughts, you hardly notice the rest of the ceremony. Knowing that you had made the right choice for yourself and would have to live with it, with your truth, you were able to relax. Wasn't that a brave thing to do anyway? You choose the reality, throwing yourself into the unknowing rather than staying safe where you were. Guess you belonged there too.
As soon as the Ceremony finished, all factions started to orderly march in turns. However, the tranquility was short-lived. The moment everyone reached the front door, all Dauntless began to scream and flee. Confused, you changed a few looks with some new transfer Dauntless like yourself. You were grinning as everyone applauded, and you began to run with them into the city, feeling as liberated as you had ever been. After being stiff for so long in the ceremony, it felt exhilarating to be able to move your body, running and jumping with everyone else. It also seemed like everyone was celebrating a new beginning, their arrival. And before you knew it, they were claiming up to the train station.
After attentively observing a few of the more experienced members, you started to follow them. You didn't want to be the last person to give it a go or the final one to fall short. You had heard so many rumors and of course, Dauntless had to be tough. We needed them to look out for us. They were necessary. But even on the first day, they were giving you a brutal workout; could this be typical of their routine? God, you had to get fitter if you wanted to keep going without stopping for breath.
What you were unaware of was that this was merely the beginning. Although you were aware that you would need to undergo training in order to match their level of toughness and fitness, you didn't anticipate that this would serve as your welcome to the faction. You started hearing and seeing the train speeding into your way, and before you realized what the intentions were, you were shocked they were doing this to the newbies. You thought they must have started training them to jump in and out of trains moving at slower speeds. But you guessed not. After someone pulled you slightly to the side, so they could continue racing with their Dauntless colleagues, you snapped out of your thoughts. You began to run as well, and you watched people pulling themselves onto the wagon by helping themselves by grabbing the door handle.
As you approached, you stumbled into the wagon just barely before pushing yourself to the side to make room for others and in an effort to catch some air. You were trying to control your breathing by looking at the ground, when suddenly, you notice how a girl bumps into you.
"OUCH" you both exclaim, as she moves away from her towards the door, you quickly get up.
"Sorry, I didn't even-" the black girl starts to speak.
"No, don't worry, I've made the same landing, I hope it gets better with time" you smile at her as you offer your hand to help her get up and out of the way, as you see a teammate who has to do wonders to avoid walking on her. "My name is Y/M" you introduce yourself.
"Winter, nice to meet you" she smiles at you as she takes your hand and she stands up. Yellow cloths. Amity. "What a welcome" Winter whispers, it wasn't a complaint, but from her tone it wasn't a compliment either and you understood it. You were just as tired.
As Winter struggled to catch her breath, you started to gaze inside your wagon. You noticed that both initiates and adults were conversing in a corner with other Dauntless companions, and that the color that stuck out the most was white. Candor. There was no one from Erudite that you recognized when you tried to look around the wagon. You now wish that you had paid closer attention to the ceremony to learn the identities of your new colleagues. You imagine you'd learn the answer quite quickly.
"Why are we moving towards Abnegation?" asked a boy from Candor who was standing close to you but whom you had overlooked.
You couldn't believe it; this was your first time riding a train, and you were preoccupied with the interior rather than the outside scenery. You turned around and scan the area. Winter mused, and you nodded. "Perhaps they are giving us the difficult route; try to picture the landscape a bit; after all, we will have to travel a lot. That, or just give us time to catch our breath." The three of you laughed as she spoke.
"At least I'm glad all of us transferees are equally dying." The boy replied sincerely. "I don't think much could have trained us for this." Winter continued. "Yeah, but that's what initiation is for, I'm sure we'll all learn how to uncover our advantages", you said.
The three of you stood there in silence watching the train as it accelerated forward, away from Abnegation and toward the fence, with distant views of Amity's factories.
"It's fantastic, I've never seen this far from the city" Remarked a girl as she left a big group and headed towards the unoccupied window in front of them to get a better view. White clothes, she was Candor too. "It's lovely, I've never seen so much green combined" You added as you got closer to see better next to her, and you felt that your companions did the same. "Nature is what I'll miss the most." Winter introduced herself, and the girl turned to greet her. While she was looking at all of us, she began to call her name, "Cor-" but when her gaze landed next to her faction mate, she tightened up a little. "Alvin"
You noticed he hadn't introduced himself, therefore that was his name. She received a little bow from Alvin with his head, "Corinne" The girl grinned at him and said, "There was no question that you were going to be a Dauntless." "Yeah, I can't say the same about you." He said, a little dryly, there was some friction because these two weren't exactly best buddies. You cut the conversation short, "Nice to meet you Corinne, I'm Y/M," and Corinne smiled at you, seemingly thanking you for the change of subject. "Likewise. Hey Winter, your lands are huge, aren't they?", she asked.
"Yes, but this is just a portion. We only come here to labor and gather some supplies. Our primary land is located in the northern part of the city. Although you can't see how huge it is from a train because we've already passed it all, this train moves quickly", she said, and you agreed. You had read a lot about Amity, so you were familiar with everything. "Yeah, we're already heading back to the city, so I guess it won't be long for us to go down" You said.
And before you knew it, the three of you females started chit-chatting about your prior lives while Alvin quietly left to find other company. After a while you started hearing knowing on metal and scanned the wagon looking at one of the Dauntless members trying to get everyone's attention. "Stop talking, we're almost there,"
And suddenly it was over. Everyone began to jump once more. Winter continued to whine, but there was no time for it. The train was going quickly, there was not much time to second guess if you didn't want to miss it. You gave a side smile and noted out of resignament before crossing over to the other side in an effort to gain speed as you impulsively leaped.
Your body felt the shock of your short fall on the roof, but you were unharmed. Adrenaline running through your body. Corinne and Winter fell exactly next to you, and as your eyes crossed, you both couldn't help but giggle at the absurdity of the scenario. Even though this was crazy, you were okay. And going forward, everything will be easier, or so you believed.
The three of you stood up and made your way over to the large group that was assembling on the opposite side, where one boy was standing on top of the roof and giving everyone a somber look over his shoulder. "Alright, listen up. My name's Eric. I am one of the leaders of your faction. Several floors below us is the entrance for the members of our compound. If you can't muster the will to jump, you don't belong here." Specifically focusing on those who stood out the most in the crowd of people wearing black clothing—transferred people like you—he said, "Initiates any volunteers?" Despite the fact that, in your opinion, you shouldn't have to prove yourself, he was putting you to the test.
Everyone turned to look when a familiar male voice shouted "Me" As soon as you laid your eyes onto him, you recognized him. Milan. Fellow Erudite like you. His transfer wasn't a surprise, everyone could tell Erudite wasn't his place, but you weren't paying enough attention at the Ceremony following your turn to observe his entry. After all these changes, you both attempted to greet a familiar face as he passed between you by exchanging glances and nodding slightly to one another as you smiled awkwardly.
Although you couldn't see Milan's face, you could tell when he lost confidence and his shoulders stiffened as he looked at the darkness beneath him. He took a moment to inhale deeply and jumped. But once he did everyone carefully stayed in silence as if that would help them hear better any sign of his existence. Other few seconds passed and a fellow Dauntless-born stepped out to the edge to jump off without thinking with a smile on her face and at that moment, you realized. There could not be something dangerous down there, what could be the point of losing all their new members? After that realization, you relaxed your shoulders and as a Candor member started to climb into the edge, you started making your way to the edge as the fourth volunteer.
You took advantage of the small amount of time while the third jumper was jumping to get a better look at one of your new leaders, Eric, and his colleagues who were standing to the side. He definitely had a Pug face that was at ease. His thick black tattooed stripes on his neck and pierced brows gave him a decidedly unfriendly appearance. Was it just his demeanor, or did he have to put on an act to lead initiatives? All the other Dauntless teammates were equally intimidating-looking and well-groomed. You recall how fantastical you always thought they were when you were little. So tall and powerful, covered in so many tattoos. You've always questioned whether they altered the new initiatives, chose their new look and suddenly they became fearless. Before the Aptitude Test, you had trouble picturing anybody from Erudite as Dauntless. As you grew older, you came to know how absurd that notion was, and as you stood a few feet from their position, you were aware that everything was about to unfold for you.
When the leader looked up after checking the bottom of the hole, he discovered your eyes were fixed on him. He turned his head as a signal for Next, and you immediately ascended and looked below. Knowing that you were about to leap off to nothing made for a definitely terrifying-looking vista. However, there couldn't be nothing there. You simply knew it. You inhaled deeply before making a leap of faith.
And despite your best efforts, you couldn't help but tighten up as you descend under the hole swiftly. Soon you were struck with something that coins the impact. A net. There's a fucking net. Your body unwinds, and you begin to chuckle. You were beginning to understand the significance of this. Looking around, you see someone attempting to assist you. Quickly turning to the edge with his assistance, you roll out. The man asks, "Your name? You cannot change it after the fact, so consider your options carefully," he said with a warm smile. However, there was nothing you were running after. You didn't need a fresh start just to keep growing. "Y/M" You grinned, he nodded, and you followed his eyes as he turned to look at another Dauntless member who appeared to be in charge of arranging the group of your fellow initiatives as well as a group of people standing behind whom, based on their behavior, you assumed didn't want to miss this.
When the man who pulled you out of the net announced you as the fourth jumper, the gathering of people from your new group applauded you on, and you raised your fist in celebration as you joined the others who had jumped prior.
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villainshit · 4 months
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Not new stuff but new to my collection!
(Trading cards)
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lockescoles · 6 months
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FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH (2024) dev. Square Enix
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wowa-bublord · 9 days
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obviously i had to draw him wearing it
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btsgotjams27 · 20 days
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idk, might be in love with him or something.
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abdocado · 2 years
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For the person who asked.
This was about how difficult it must be to prepare giant fish on sea. There is no way it is a clean and blood-less process
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liam-summers · 6 months
People will froth at the mouth over “Buffy sensing Sp*ke through the door”…..babe, she is literally at his house.
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caramelcoffeeaddict · 1 month
Falling For You [Klaine Fanfiction]
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A fic written based off a mash-up of these two prompts from the gleepotluckbigbang​ prompt page – Prompt1: During rehearsal I tripped and fell into the orchestra pit and landed on you Prompt2: I have to share a dressing room with the most obnoxious, self-centered jerk; and when you sent flowers to our dressing room, they took them assuming they were for them but they were really for me Featuring: Broadway!Kurt, PianoPlayer!Blaine, Obnoxious!Broadway!Sebastian
Original Post Date: August 2020
[more details below]
Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe Rating: Teen & Up Chapters: 5/5 [COMPLETE] Words: 9,513 Tags: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Broadway!Kurt, PianoPlayer!Blaine, Orchestra!Blaine, Secret Admirer A/N: as noted above with the original post date, this story was written and posted 4 years ago. even though I really do love the original art that I made for this story, I thought it'd be fun to celebrate the anniversary of this fic with new art and a new post. I hope you all enjoy it! and if anyone is curious about the original art it's below...
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pupuyvs · 3 months
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taglist: @aliceiwk @gtfoiydlyj @yjiminswallet @gayforall @yuyuy90 @rinapomu @sixflame438 @1luvkarina @nooneissheree @xen248 @jisooftme @mineige @73vyn @jeindall777 @yeetaberry127 @sunshinez4 @saysirhc @winieter @gornoi
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ex-foster · 12 days
So much of the literature on former foster kids who age out of care are written for audiences that are outsiders looking in: social workers, foster parents, therapists, etc. It is SO rare for any literature to be aimed at US as the primary audience. There's scientific literature written on why former foster kids have attachment issues, the effects of trauma, or statistical outcomes for former foster kids (homelessness, housing insecurity, poverty, unemployment, underemployment, ptsd, addictions, relationship problems, sex trafficking, etc). We are constantly viewed as data points and societal problems rather than an audience that society can interact WITH.
Research papers will note that former foster kids lack basic life skills when they age out compared to their peers (things like how to cook, drive, financial literacy, social skills are common themes in research). This skill gap can be explained by neglect, system failures to provide adequate life skill training, and the fact that inconsistent/changing caregivers may not even be aware of what skill gaps a foster kid has compared to their peers. That's how you get kids aging out of the system without even knowing how to operate a dishwasher or how to read an analog clock. But where is the literature for former foster kids to close this skill gap? We know that former foster kids lack certain skills but then we don't tell them where do go or who to ask to obtain them. You can call 211 right now and ask them about resources for former foster youth and they MIGHT list a program or two that helps with financial aid for school or life skill classes (like cooking or driving) but many of these are restrictive programs that are only available for a limited time. I learned about the 211 services when I was 24 years old! Nobody told me about it. I only found out about it when I moved to a new city and a city employee gave me a 211 pamphlet because I was a newcomer. It didn't occur to anyone I needed that at 18 when I was aging out. And when you ask 211 about resources now, they will ONLY list programs for former foster youth. They will NOT offer advice the way a parental figure would ("you may want to check out the youth employment center" or "talk to your bank about a tax free savings account").
I just wish there were more things aimed at US.
Tired of hearing things like "there's negative stigma against foster youth" but then there's no literature on how to navigate this. How do you approach that conversation with coworkers or friends? Things like that. It's non-existent.
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mimiwritcs · 1 year
FANDOM: Divergent
PAIRING: Eric Coulter x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: this is after four+eric's initiation and before tris'. this will be the build up of the characters as we got introduced to them as well as maybe the society. not just a love story but we aim for characters' growth and storytelling.
A/N: apologizes if this chpt isn't the greatest, literally don't know what i did that everything got deleted and i tried to rewrite it by memory to make it justice.
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You were one of the last to arrive at the infirmary, more than once on the way Milan offered to carry you in his arms but you didn't think it was a good idea. Although you had struggled and surprised yourself at how far you got on the circuit, you knew it wouldn't be enough. Eric had warned you not to remove the dart, and you knew that even if he was not present in some way if you did he would find out. If he didn't want you to take the dart off, imagine being carried in their arms. "Thanks for everything guys, go eat before it's all gone, you've done enough." you told them when you sat on a stretcher with the doctor. "We'll bring you some leftovers and we'll come see you before training in the afternoon" Winter smiled at you as you said your goodbyes.
"Second day and we already have the infirmary full, this year you have not been late" the doctor complained but his gaze was affable. "I just hope there's another day" you complained while he took the shot you still had from Eric. "And why wasn't it going to be?" he asked you calmly while he spread a cold cream on the shot that relieved your pain. "Have you been shot anywhere else?" he asked you again. "Well, because it is the second day and I am already the most hated here. On top of that, I have put Four in a mess and they already warned us, this year they are making cuts, I would not be surprised if they made me the first for my disobedience and my lack of attitude" you explained. "Yes, in the rib too" you answered while you lifted up your shirt to give him access to work. "How come you didn't take off the other one?" he asked you. "Eric ordered me not to do it" you shrugged your shoulders while he applied the cream but since that one didn't hurt you didn't feel pain but coldness.
"Well, what I think is that if you have survived the circuit on your second day and a fight with Eric, even if you lost, you do not lack attitude. And I don't know what you have done so badly but if that were the case, you would be out already." he commented to you while examining the cut on your forehead. "You've been lucky, we won't have to do stitches on your forehead and your nose doesn't seem to be broken, just a simple haemorrhage. Of course, you're going to have a lot of bruises for the next few days. I would tell you to rest but I know it's not possible, try to avoid putting yourself in unnecessary trouble that will slow down your recovery." he ordered. "Of course, thank you doctor…" you started talking looking for a plaque with his name on his clothes. "Loftland" he answered you with a smile. "Thank you. Y/M" you introduced yourself.
"Well, let's do the following Y/M, I'm going to give you some pain pills that you take today, after lunch and dinner to help you with the pain and while your friends finish eating and they bring you some leftovers, you rest okay?" You smiled as you nodded your head as you watched him go get something and come back. "And leave this bag of ice in your stomach, will help you with the bruises" he requested as he left closing some curtains between your bed to give you some privacy. Although you were very tired, the pain did not let you sleep but lying down for a while did you good. "Hi, are you awake?" Winter asked you after half an hour later with a plate. "I bring you your food and medicine" Winter smiled at you as you made room for her to sit on your bed and you lifted her back supporting her with some cushions to eat a little.
When you had some hot food in your stomach you felt a little more out of sorts and when you took the pill you hoped it would calm your pain enough to endure the afternoon session. Suddenly you saw how Four entered the infirmary and stayed talking for a while with Dr. Loftland and looked at you. As he got closer to your area, Winter got out of bed and you both stared at him in silence. "Hello, how are you?" he asked you. "Now after eating something, better, but I would be lying if I didn't say that my whole body hurts" you smiled at him, although you were honest, there was much more. You were very afraid of being kicked out of the group and your whole body was heavy, you were very tired and you didn't know if you would be able to endure one more class with dignity. "Winter, can you leave us alone, please? The training starts in fifteen minutes, in the secondary gym, we'll catch you up" he comment and she nodded, said goodbye quickly and you were left alone. Four closed the curtain of your room giving some privacy although the infirmary was already quite empty and he stood next to the bed.
"I didn't mean for you to get beaten up without knowing how to defend yourself when I proposed to give you the book." he started to speak. "I didn't mean to put you in trouble when I asked you… or myself to be honest… are you going to throw me out?" You asked helplessly, not knowing was driving you crazy. There was nothing worse than being factionless. "Not yet, you haven't been bad at all on the circuit and it will undoubtedly affect the teammates who lost the duel against you more than it will affect yourself." you unconsciously sighed in relief, letting go of your body tense and relaxing it, resting your back on the cushion again. "I think you were right in your arguments but you have to understand that here we don't need people to memorize and vomit answers. Today you have defended yourself and attacked with some blows that I taught you the day before that you surely did not even remember that you knew before entering in the circuit. We want to speed up your mind, that you learn to retain information because when you are trapped, you are in danger, you can get out with only your attention span and agility." I explain and you agreed. "That's why Eric has also put you on the circuit, his methods are a little more extreme and orthodox than mine, but all roads lead to Rome" he added.
"Also, someone very wise once told me that joining a faction is about more than just passing initiation, you know? I wanted you to realize that there is more to it, that while you were studying like crazy, life went on at your around and you were missing it. Whether we want it or not, the initiation marks all of us, our friends, even enemies, it is important and you have shown that you have the ability to honor your position in Dauntless, don't waste it" you nodded, you didn't know why he was telling you all that and you felt that when he spoke he was transporting himself in his mind in some way, he was there but he was not there. "I understand and believe me, I realized that. It won't happen again." you promised. You felt like you were being given a second chance and you couldn't fail, not because of you but because of Four who had been more generous than necessary and to prove Eric he was wrong about you. "Come on, let's go to class and try to not embarrass yourself" he stated as he opened the curtains and waited for you to get up.
The afternoon passed exaggeratedly slow, Eric was supporting Four the whole time, who ended up Four seeming more like an intern than a trainee. They did several exercise routines for the whole body, to help you gain resistance and strength that you needed. If by itself your physical condition was not the best, after the beating this morning, you gave a lot to be desired. Although the pills had taken effect and calmed the pain enough to be able to continue the class, every little exercise you felt the pain in your body and it was hard for you to keep up or push when they asked you to. And although you hadn't had much experience with either of them, that's when you realized the different teaching methods between one and the other. Four pressured you but he had empathy and wanted to improve gradually, Eric had no compassion, he yelled in class and his teacher's theory was to terrify everyone to do as he requested. You assumed that was why one was named a professor and the other was not. Although you couldn't understand how someone so hard and cold with others could become a leader. Maybe he wouldn't be so nasty with the rest..
At the end of class, you all ran to the showers and your muscles finally relaxed when you touched the hot water. "What do you want to do this afternoon?" Winter asked you as you shrugged. "I think I'll stay resting a bit, let's see if I can even take a little nap for an hour, shall we meet in the pit in an hour, an hour and a half?" You proposed to your friend and that's how you agreed. You wished everyone had gone but a small group of guys stayed in the back talking, luckily not too loud, and you were able to fall asleep. When you woke up, you changed your clothes and went to the Pit, it was full of life. People screaming, children running, many groups separate and together at the same time. Everyone with everyone and you smiled looking at them from afar. How would you like one day to be able to mix with people, feel them as your home. "Hey, look who we have here.. Y/M" your thought broke upon hearing your name. You looked around and it was a group of initiates, there were Anderson, Clark, Ember and some of their born Dauntless initiates whose names you didn't know and a couple of the transferees. "Hello" you greeted them approaching.
"My goodness girl, everyone is talking about you and now that I see you, you don't look so bad either" Ember commented. "How fast stories fly around here" you shrugged. "Obviously what did you expect, Lauren even took us to the circuit that afternoon when she said we were going to shoot guns, I guess it was to compare us" Clark commented. "And how was it?" You curiously asked about them. "Fine, no problem" Ember quickly replied, she seemed unconcerned by the conversation, listening to several but participating in a few. "Well, although I liked the part about attacking more than not defending myself" Clark joked. "Yeah for the most part fine although you should have seen Sam, Lauren has gone hysterical and yelled at her that even you had done better so who knows maybe you'll even get out of going under the cut" Anderson joked and you thanked him.
"Is what Lauren said about me so bad?" you asked sincerely terrified. "Not that much, the one you've pissed off is Eric. Enough for him to volunteer to supervise and manage your training, even if you don't think it's all your fault, he wanted Four so much that you gave him the perfect opportunity. But between us, there's a lot of respect. You haven't done badly, but that nonsense of wanting to study the agenda and question the system… is going to take its toll for sure" Anderson commented and you appreciated his sincerity. "Of course, it will take its toll on you, we don't create rebels here, questioning an order for wanting to make you smart can take its toll on many occasions, they are the ones who know, you have to listen to them, period" Ember commented.
"So Four and Eric don't get along very well huh" you commented out loud but more to yourself than the others. "Yeah last year at his initiation they were the dog and the cat. The two transferred and the two best in the class, despite the fact that Four always beat him. They tried to recruit Four for leadership but I don't know what happened to In the end they chose Eric under all odds" explained Clark. "Both of them are transferees? I had no idea" you commented surprised, they seemed 100% with the attitude of someone born here, you supposed that this made you practice and it gave you hope for one day you would seem as safe and integrated into your faction as they were, if you made it through the cut. "God Y/M and you were Erudition and you didn't want to find out everything around here?" I tell you about a boy whose name you didn't know. "No, I've already told you I'm not Erudition, I was born there but I belong here, like you. I don't care about their past, I care that they are my teacher and my leader and how good they are at their job" you commented closing the topic.
"But hey, let's change the subject… nice haircut" you commented to the guys you knew because they had invited you the previous afternoon to go with them. "Right? You could be just as cool if you hadn't gotten into trouble," Clark teased. "What if, what if, that we don't return to the same topic, do you think I could go tomorrow?" Asked. "And who would accompany you? You need a member to go out" they commented. "Calm down, look, that's the hairdresser over there, talk to her to see if she can help you" she offered, pointing to a woman who was in a group talking and you went over to see.
"Hello, excuse me, excuse me for interrupting, my name is Y/M, have they told me that you are the hairdresser?" you said interrupting while she nodded and separated you from the group. "Yes, I'm Hanna, you're an initiate right? What a face, hard day?" she asked you nicely. "What am I going to tell you, yes, I was going to come tomorrow with Anderson and other boys but things got complicated. I'm looking forward to cutting this hair, could you tomorrow?" you explained. "Yes, you could come in the afternoon, after training. Do you have someone to drive you?" she asked you while she took out a mini diary to write down the appointment you assumed. "The truth is that no" you shrugged. "Well, don't worry, I'll talk to Shauna or Bud, who are on the same schedule as you, to see if someone can come and bring you." she offered you "Thank you very much, I won't bother you anymore, see you tomorrow" you said goodbye as you returned to where the group of initiates was but realized that they were no longer there. You stood admiring your surroundings, you didn't know anyone and you didn't really know what to do until you saw Eric in a corner and something inside you couldn't resist going to talk to him even if it could get you into more trouble. But how could that be, if you just wanted to apologize.
"Sorry, Eric, do you have a second? I'll be very brief" you said as you approached. He looked up without recognizing your voice at first and when you came across your person he snorted. "You better, I have had enough of you initiates, what do you want" he spoke as if it were an order and looking around, he wanted it to be short and he seemed to be waiting for someone "Eh… I just wanted to apologize for wasting your time supervising the training sessions, I'm sure you have a thousand better and more important things to do and thank you for this morning's session. It's been hard but today I've learned a lot, not only on the circuit but also outside of it. I've understood and I trust you, I never wanted it to be interpreted as not I did it, it won't happen again and I hope to show you my worth as a Dauntless for the rest of the year" you synthesized while your body was tense and straight towards him. He stared at you as if he hadn't expected that, you saw for a few seconds the change in his expression back to the same face of few friends as always. "Don't worry, if you don't show it, you'll leave, you can go" he ordered you. You nodded your head and walked away, guessing it could have gone worse.
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elviriel · 5 months
nobody asked but having seen the whole show, my least version of sp*ffy, BY FAR, is season 7. season 7 sp*ffy is unbearable to me in ways i can't unpack i just hate it, i hate it so much
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stygiovictoria · 4 months
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ladybugkisses · 1 year
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💘 when he tries to hunt you to make money off your fur 💘
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