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nefastidies · 3 months ago
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girls :)
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lelazard · 2 years ago
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Hello. Here is the cover of my AU femlux fancomic : Level Change
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gardening-darling · 2 years ago
These Ties that Bind
Fem!Kylux AU. Pre-established relationship. My rewrite of the throne room scene, if Hux had been there. I am absolutely obsessed with my terrible murder women!!!
Hux’s dagger gleamed faintly as she brought it out of her sleeve slowly, her booted feet silent as she snuck closer to the boy. The two force-users were staring each other down, eyes locked and minds linking silently in the smoldering room. Hux’s upper lip curled up in snarl and she struck without thinking, fast as a viper. Her blade stabbed up through the center of the Jedi’s chest, so sharp that it pierced entirely through his wiry frame. Hux’s teeth were bared as she rocked her knife deeper into Rey’s body, leaning forwards to speak into his ear. 
“She was wrong to offer her hand to you. I have already taken it, and gladly.” Hux’s eyes were flickering green flames as she stared at Kylo, twisting her dagger slowly into the Jedi’s shaking body. “You are unfit to rule at her side. Unwise. Untested. Unworthy.” Rey’s shaking hands lifted to shakily grab at the dagger that pushed out of his abdomen, cutting his hands pitifully and bleeding rapidly over his gray and white garb. “Your damned connection to her will die at my hands, just as you will.” 
Hux pulled the blade free with a slick twist and side stepped the collapse of the boy’s body. Her pale hands were soaking wet with his blood, her dagger dripping slowly as she stared down at Rey. 
“She is mine.” Hux growled out, eyes wild and crazed. Long strands of red hair had been pulled free from her braid and hung around her face, which was now also splattered with his blood. Armelia’s chest shook with the strength of her panting breaths, hands shaking with exhilaration as she watched the light leave Rey’s cloudy hazel eyes. 
She exhaled a long breath when the other died, his corpse littering the floor with the former Supreme Leader, and half a dozen praetorian guards. Hux wiped her dagger expertly against the pant of her jodhuppers before sheathing it once more. She turned slowly and met Kylo’s eyes, the two of them now stock still as the fires flickered brightly around them. A panel of red fabric came crashing down behind Ren.
“There’s nothing holding you back now. No light, no other half of your dyad. You have nothing...but me.” Hux licked her bottom lip slowly, searching Kylo’s face. 
The knight was shaking, one hand gripping the front of her tunic, the other pushing up into the wild raven locks of her hair. Her plush lips were parted in shock, eyes glued to the cooling corpse of the young Jedi on the floor. She huffed out a heavy exhale and her thickly muscled arms fell slowly to her sides, rich brown eyes sliding up to meet Hux’s. Riverwater and earth, their eyes bore into one other-- searching, reaching, wondering. Kylo’s steps were heavy and uneven as she moved towards the slighter woman, reaching blindly for her. She made a quiet, punched-out whine when her hands settled on Hux’s hip and her bicep, bracing herself against the General. 
“I’m yours?” Her voice was low and scraping as she searched the other’s face, brows pinching together desperately as tears heated the corners of her eyes. 
“Mine.” Hux repeated, her bloodied hands settling on Kylo’s waist to steady her. “We can rule together, you and I. And bring a new order to the galaxy.” She nodded slowly, a lock of hair falling in her face as she beheld the fierce warrior in front of her. 
Kylo’s hand shook as she carefully reached up and brushed it away from Armelia’s face, tucking it gently behind her ear. Her dark lashes fluttered for a moment as she felt the General’s hands tighten on her waist. “I was Snoke’s apprentice. I killed her. I should be the one to inherit her title.” Kylo breathed, her plush lips pushing together in a pout as she stared at Hux. 
“Then you will. So long as I might stay beside you.” Hux agreed, tilting her face slowly into the warm, calloused hand that now held her cheek. 
Ren’s eyes gleamed with something bright and wicked, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “Then it seems that you’re due for a promotion. We’ll rule together…Grand Marshal.” 
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obstinateson · 7 months ago
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and tell them i was loved
that you always loved me
i know you didn't
but spare them the vision
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twigoffir · 1 month ago
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aldo-n-canp · 2 years ago
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sunnflow3rshowers · 1 year ago
Rp Search
In this year of Our Lord 2023, Omegle has fallen. (RIP) So here I am, laying all of this out, desperate to find more rp partners. I am 27, so I am only really interested in rping with people that are 21+. I am interested in both fandom and OC rps, depending on the mood and all of that. I will list the fandoms I'm looking for, as well as who I play, and general themes. I am a third person, literate roleplay, I stick to 1-2 paragraphs, but the length can always fluctuate depending on the roleplay and my roleplay partners. When it comes to RPs, I like them light and soft. I also like them dark and heavy, with lots of Whump, Angst, and Hurt/Comfort, as well as some darker themes that would require trigger warnings, all of which will be discussed privately, of course.
I prefer MxM for fandom rps, although there are some small exceptions for specific ships. I"m more open to MxF and FxF, and other pairings with more OC rps. With most Fandom Rps, I am looking for Shipping Rps, aka a Merthur rp, Kylux Rp, etc
Fandom: Who I play
Teen wolf: Stiles Stilinski The Old Guard: Nicky Star Wars: Luke Skywalker, Armitage Hux Umbrella Academy: Klaus Stranger Things: Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington The Hobbit: Bilbo Baggins The Witcher: Jaskier Kingsman: Eggsy Unwin ATLA: Sokka Our Flag Means Death: Lucius Spriggs Gotham: Oswald Cobblepot Merlin: Merlin Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid Hannibal: Will Graham Arcane: Viktor Spider-Man: Peter Parker (NOT MCU) GOT: Sansa (only paired with Sandor Clegane) The Eternals: Makkari (only paired with Druig) Detroit Become Human: Connor Good Omens: Aziraphale Agents of Shield: Fitz (as gay and not paired with Simmons) FAHC: Jack (fem) Yugioh: Joey Wheeler Person of Interest: Harold Finch Haikyuu: Suga, kenma X-men: Charles Xavier The Boys: Hughie White Collar: Neal The Goldfinch: Theo Hunter X Hunter: Kurapika, Shalnark Barry: No-ho Hank IT: Eddie Hawaii 5-0: Danny Daredevil (netflix): Foggy, James Wesley Fantastic Beasts: Credence Vikings: Athelstan OC Fandoms! Hit me up if you want to talk about rps in any of these. In these sorts of rps I am 110% down to double up if you play canon against my oc, all of which can be talked and discussed privately! Marvel Xmen GOT Star Wars Barry General Rps! I am a huge fan of brainstorming rps with general themes! Fantasy Horror Drama Sci-fi Cyberpunk Etc! Please please just reach out and I'm always going to be happy to brainstorm! If you made it this far, thank you so much! If you are interested, like this, leave a comment, send me a dm, or add me on discord @ sunnflow3rshowers !
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aradheleth · 4 years ago
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What a coincidence that I own a uniform of a First Order general and @xleololo owns a Kylo Ren cosplay. 👀 So we did a Fem!Kylux make up test a few days ago and I honestly love how these photos turned out!
xleololo on Instagram
me on Instagram
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nefastidies · 1 year ago
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gift art
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chronicrabbit · 5 years ago
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Insta is @cynicalbogwitch Give me a follow if you want 🖤 I post a lot of this shit
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calicosjinx · 5 years ago
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‪I’ve decided to revisit past projects I gave up on to try them again. This week it was the fem!Kylux dolls. 🧡🖤‬
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thegingerwrites · 6 years ago
Summary: General Hux and Kylo Ren find themselves at odds, from the day they first met. Hux relies on rules, protocol, and order whereas Ren seems to have no respect for the institutions Hux holds dear. They learn to get along despite their differences.
(aka three times Ren makes Hux wait, and one time she doesn't)
Chapter Two of my femlux fic! I’ve been too busy with classes to post, but the semester is over now and I can’t wait to continue this.
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cupcakecandycarrot · 6 years ago
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Some quick fem!kylux because I couldn’t fall asleep
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huxandthehound · 6 years ago
Are there some good fem!kylux fics out there anyone can recommend? I’m in the mood.
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jo2oo · 7 years ago
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I know it's late but yeah that's my fem!kylux happy new year guys!
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espressotrashcan · 7 years ago
Please give me a fem!Hux with the exact same backstory as canon!Hux. 
Armité Hux, the illegitimate child of Brendol and a cook, obsessed with discipline and control. Organized. Vicious and sharp. Deadly like a gun, as little and smart as a whip. 
She is also absolutely terrorized of getting into a relationship -- she she saw her birth mother ridiculed for having her, her father’s wife betrayed, and her father in the middle, hurting all of them. Marriage isn’t about love, she figures, and real love ends in tragedy.
And then Lady Ren gets assigned to the Finalizer. 
She flirts. Shamelessly. Destroys things. She’s volatile. She’s madness incarnate. And Armité, for some reason, can’t resist her. She’s been able to resist everyone else, her underlings, her superiors, even Phasma (who made a pass at her once or twice before finding a longterm girlfriend). 
At first, Armité lets herself respond in kind to the attraction, but not to the affection. Affection has ulterior motives, she doesn’t trust it. Affection is a bribe, used by men and women alike to get what they want. She won’t put up with it. Brendol always told her that she’d need more focus than love to succeed, and Maratelle resented her for being illegitimate, and her birth mother--well, she was kept well away from her birth mother. 
Her only frame of reference for what Lady Ren is doing is her own parents, and there’s no damn way she’s going to end up like them. She will not give in.  
Until she does. Until ridiculous things like wildflowers from worldside missions and cups of coffee and cheek kisses and weird gallant knight behavior pile up and she realizes nobody smart enough to work alongside her is going to try to deceive her like this. 
So she accepts. 
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