#Fem!Kylo Ren
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eldritchmochi · 2 years ago
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more of mochis fit backlog 11/????
this time the goofy closet cosplay i did of a femme kylo for the rots screening i went to waaaay back. it was garbage but i looked hot as i cackled madly in a mostly empty theater at 2am
this is another outfit id really like to wear again now that ive been on t for a bit. i wouldnt need the wig this time either lmao, and it would be very interesting to see how starkly different it looks on my bulkier, more kylo-esque build
basically everything here is thrifted, apart from the earrings, which are lil kylo lightsabers, bought at a con from aa, and the leggings, which DO have a pattern its just barely visible. they're from killstar
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gardening-darling · 2 years ago
These Ties that Bind
Fem!Kylux AU. Pre-established relationship. My rewrite of the throne room scene, if Hux had been there. I am absolutely obsessed with my terrible murder women!!!
Hux’s dagger gleamed faintly as she brought it out of her sleeve slowly, her booted feet silent as she snuck closer to the boy. The two force-users were staring each other down, eyes locked and minds linking silently in the smoldering room. Hux’s upper lip curled up in snarl and she struck without thinking, fast as a viper. Her blade stabbed up through the center of the Jedi’s chest, so sharp that it pierced entirely through his wiry frame. Hux’s teeth were bared as she rocked her knife deeper into Rey’s body, leaning forwards to speak into his ear. 
“She was wrong to offer her hand to you. I have already taken it, and gladly.” Hux’s eyes were flickering green flames as she stared at Kylo, twisting her dagger slowly into the Jedi’s shaking body. “You are unfit to rule at her side. Unwise. Untested. Unworthy.” Rey’s shaking hands lifted to shakily grab at the dagger that pushed out of his abdomen, cutting his hands pitifully and bleeding rapidly over his gray and white garb. “Your damned connection to her will die at my hands, just as you will.” 
Hux pulled the blade free with a slick twist and side stepped the collapse of the boy’s body. Her pale hands were soaking wet with his blood, her dagger dripping slowly as she stared down at Rey. 
“She is mine.” Hux growled out, eyes wild and crazed. Long strands of red hair had been pulled free from her braid and hung around her face, which was now also splattered with his blood. Armelia’s chest shook with the strength of her panting breaths, hands shaking with exhilaration as she watched the light leave Rey’s cloudy hazel eyes. 
She exhaled a long breath when the other died, his corpse littering the floor with the former Supreme Leader, and half a dozen praetorian guards. Hux wiped her dagger expertly against the pant of her jodhuppers before sheathing it once more. She turned slowly and met Kylo’s eyes, the two of them now stock still as the fires flickered brightly around them. A panel of red fabric came crashing down behind Ren.
“There’s nothing holding you back now. No light, no other half of your dyad. You have nothing...but me.” Hux licked her bottom lip slowly, searching Kylo’s face. 
The knight was shaking, one hand gripping the front of her tunic, the other pushing up into the wild raven locks of her hair. Her plush lips were parted in shock, eyes glued to the cooling corpse of the young Jedi on the floor. She huffed out a heavy exhale and her thickly muscled arms fell slowly to her sides, rich brown eyes sliding up to meet Hux’s. Riverwater and earth, their eyes bore into one other-- searching, reaching, wondering. Kylo’s steps were heavy and uneven as she moved towards the slighter woman, reaching blindly for her. She made a quiet, punched-out whine when her hands settled on Hux’s hip and her bicep, bracing herself against the General. 
“I’m yours?” Her voice was low and scraping as she searched the other’s face, brows pinching together desperately as tears heated the corners of her eyes. 
“Mine.” Hux repeated, her bloodied hands settling on Kylo’s waist to steady her. “We can rule together, you and I. And bring a new order to the galaxy.” She nodded slowly, a lock of hair falling in her face as she beheld the fierce warrior in front of her. 
Kylo’s hand shook as she carefully reached up and brushed it away from Armelia’s face, tucking it gently behind her ear. Her dark lashes fluttered for a moment as she felt the General’s hands tighten on her waist. “I was Snoke’s apprentice. I killed her. I should be the one to inherit her title.” Kylo breathed, her plush lips pushing together in a pout as she stared at Hux. 
“Then you will. So long as I might stay beside you.” Hux agreed, tilting her face slowly into the warm, calloused hand that now held her cheek. 
Ren’s eyes gleamed with something bright and wicked, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “Then it seems that you’re due for a promotion. We’ll rule together…Grand Marshal.” 
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nikaranikita · 2 years ago
Fem Kylo! 😍😍😍
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Gender Switch Kylo Ren and Rey
Switching genders but with the same age gap still..
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obstinateson · 7 months ago
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and tell them i was loved
that you always loved me
i know you didn't
but spare them the vision
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sweetrevxnge · 9 months ago
Ghosts In The Snow
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Chapter Seven
Pairing: Vampire!Kylo Ren x Reader AU
Summary: Six long years had passed under the reign of the First Order. The bitter winters grew longer, and as they did, hope faded from the hearts of the citizens of Hosnian Prime. As a lieutenant in the Resistance cavalry, it was your duty to nurture that ember of hope. After a mission takes an unexpected turn, you are taken prisoner by a commander in the First Order, a mysterious man with an insatiable appetite—for violence, power, and you. In the coming days, you must keep the spark of your own hope alive from the dark confines of the Commander's castle.
Warnings: sexual content, violence, blood kink, gore, mentions/descriptions of injury and death
*concurrently being published on AO3 and Wattpad as well!
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Spotify Playlist
Word count: 3.6k
Chapter-specific CW: torture (what fun!), period-typical sexism
A/N: the dead speak! lmao at least that's what it feels like coming back after an entire YEAR??? I kinda got sucked into playing 1,200+ hours of baldur's gate 3, romancing a certain vampiric elf time and time again, which gave me plenty of inspiration to continue this fic. I never meant to be gone for so long, so if you're still interested in this story, please let me know!
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What have you done?
To say that you were restless would be an understatement. The first order of business when you returned to your chambers was finding a safe place to store your stolen weapon, and now, hours later, you had yet to succeed. 
You paced the room, wearing holes in the soles of your slippers as you wondered if you had made the right decision. It was unlike you to have sticky fingers, but then again, these were unprecedented times. Boldness meant survival.
Above all, you feared Ren was privy to your thievery, despite his silence on the walk back to your chambers. The prick of blood seemed enough to distract him for a moment, or perhaps he was practiced in hiding his tells. Either way, the consequences of him knowing gnawed at your sanity.
Rey had tended the hearth while you were away, ensuring your chambers were kept warm and filled with the familiar scent of dry wood. Her diligence as a handmaid proved to be an unforeseen complication in hiding your contraband.
Instinct urged you to keep it close to your bed, but reason told you it would be found too easily there. Same with the lounges circling the hearth, whose velour cushions could conceal many things if asked to. Though a dagger lodged in one’s rear would raise many concerns, as well as promise unspeakable punishments to come.
For these reasons, you ultimately settled on the bookcase.
Towering in the corner was a collection of books and texts, dense enough to put even the most curious scholars to sleep. A perfect place to hide a dagger.
Dragging a footstool over as a makeshift ladder, you reached for a leather-bound book embossed with gold letters along its spine. Imperium Nunquam Fuit. Though written in Old Basic, you understood its meaning.
The Empire That Never Was. A phrase coined by Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin to describe the destruction of Alderaan during the Revolution. An unsavory way to speak about a fallen civilization—considering he was the man responsible.
You made quick work of hollowing the historical text, skimming the page you’d turned to before defacing it. This passage detailed the last of the Imperial attacks on Alderaan, near the end of the Rebellion. One of the more infamous sieges of the war, earning its place in history with a tithe of blood and destruction.
The lines of script told the story of how Imperial soldiers salted Alderaan’s lands and butchered the citizens—babes and crones included. The Empire was thorough, wiping out an entire civilization over a mere conspiracy. With few survivors, and even fewer successors, Alderaanian blood was a rarity. You supposed that was one of the many things that set General Organa apart from the rest.
Considering the contents, it was a book of little interest to the First Order—a perfect hiding place.
The point of your blade pierced the parchment with ease, as if slicing through a block of butter rather than a thousand-page text. Tragic as it was to ruin a book like this, what other choice did you have? Hosnian Prime’s Grand Archives likely stored dozens of copies; one locked away in the depths of the First Order’s fortress would not be missed.
The fit was snug, but it would do for now. As for the pages you’d carved out, they laid in a pile at your feet, a messy reminder that your room was not private.
You slammed the book shut and returned it, hurrying to clean the shreds of paper scattered across the red carpets. Despite your efforts, the fragments proved too difficult to clean with just your hands alone, forcing you to sweep them into your skirts.
As you carried the pieces to the hearth, a gentle knock sounded through the oak doors. “Gods,” you muttered as you rushed towards the fire, dumping the pages unceremoniously onto the crackling wood.
Another rap on the door.
“Just a moment, please!” It was impossible to hide the panic in your voice as you prodded at the withering pages with an iron poker. Time seemed to slow as you watched the flames engulf the ink, turning Alderaan’s history to ash once more.
“It’s me, my lady.” Muffled by the wood, Rey’s voice was barely audible over the fire, hissing with fresh fodder. If any good came from her being your visitor, it was her staunch etiquette. She would not barge in uninvited—unlike some of the castle’s residents.
Brushing the slivers of evidence from your gown, you opened the doors, mindful of the lingering ash in the hearth. “My apologies. I was…” You cleared your throat, smoothing out your skirts before finishing your lie. “Indecent.”
Demure as ever, Rey dropped her gaze as she curtseyed before you. “It’s no matter, my lady. I was sent to fetch you; the Supreme Leader requests your presence.”
The moment his name left her lips, cotton filled your mouth, forcing its way down your throat as you swallowed your fear. What reason would the Supreme Leader have to summon you—at this late hour, no less?
Your thoughts immediately turned to Commander Ren. Perhaps he had noticed your theft after all and reported your offence to Snoke. If that were true, you vowed to slice his throat first. 
“Did he give a reason?” you asked, trying to maintain your resolve.
Rey’s throat knocked in her slender neck. “He did not say.”
Part of you wanted to take the damned blade with you, but recklessness wouldn’t serve you. Though you did not recognize him as your ruler, you were not keen on adding treason to your ledger.
You sighed, coming to stand beside Rey at the door, shoulders pressed back and hands folded over your lap. “I’m surprised he didn’t send you with manacles.”
She said nothing, but the trace smile on her lips told you all that you needed to know. You couldn’t blame her for watching her tongue around you. Given what transpired last night, you would do the same in her position.
The two of you walked in near silence to the throne chambers, passing countless tall windows with panes stained a deep red, dark enough to block most light from entering. What little light did manage to seep through painted the halls crimson, giving the appearance of blood spilling over the floor.
The burned pages of text flashed in your mind.
Every step forward was committed to memory, including the number of paces between notable fixtures, as well as where each one stood in relation to your chambers. Still, there was no sign of an access point in this section of the castle. But your resolve did not falter. If there was a means of entry into this accursed fortress, there must also be a means of escape.
As you rounded the corner to another corridor, you glanced at your handmaid, noticing that her usual singular bun had evolved into three smaller ones, meeting the nape of her neck in a uniform line.
“You’ve changed your hair.” The observation came out as more of a question than a comment.
“Yes, my lady,” she said, delicate fingers reaching to touch the one near her collar. “An effort to be closer to the gods.”
You furrowed your brows. “How’s that?”
“As there are three of them, there are three knots. We servants are forbidden to worship openly, so we find other ways.” She closed her eyes for a moment, tilting her chin towards her chest. “Divine strength allows clarity of the mind.”
While you were not necessarily a pious woman, you were familiar enough with the gods from your upbringing to understand what she meant. As a child, you often prayed at your family’s shrine, asking for a bountiful harvest, good health, and, most of all, peace in the realm. For many years, they fulfilled your wishes. Now, your faith provided you with little comfort.
“Certainly,” you said, not wanting to discuss the subject any further. “Are we nearly there?”
“Just down this hall,” she said, her tone clipped. Either she was annoyed with the change of subject, or just as uneasy about seeing the Supreme Leader as you were.
True to her word, Rey came to a stop near the end of the corridor, leaving a short distance between you and the two looming oak doors, with iron enforcements woven into the grain and a guard posted on either side. Their faces were concealed by crimson veils, the signature regalia of the Praetorian Guard. Those tasked with protecting the ruler of these lands, whether they carried the title of Chancellor, Emperor, or Supreme Leader.
The warmth drained from your face at the sight.
“This is where I leave you, my lady.” Her face lacked its usual peachy hue, her freckles washed away by the candlelight. “The Supreme Leader does not allow us to enter these chambers, save for when he is passing judgment upon us.”
Standing before the faceless guards, you understood her unease.
“Will you be here to escort me back?” you asked, palms growing damp as you clutched the fabric of your gown.
“It is late. I must turn in for the evening.” She shifted her weight, eyes darting between you and the guards, whose presence seemed to loom over you from meters away. “Besides, I should think you do not require my assistance from this point.”
With that, she turned on her heels and retreated, her steps muted as she faded into the stretching darkness of the hallway. Turning to face the guards, dread settled in your stomach. Surely these warriors would not accompany you back to your chambers.
You studied them for a moment, the strategist in your mind seeking to understand what threat they posed. Both were tall and well-fed, given the size of their uniforms. The one to your left carried a bisento, while the other held a tall voulge, both equally unnerving. Their blades were pristine, foreign to combat. You wondered if the same could be said for those wielding them, too.
As if seeking to test your theory, they readied their weapons as you approached, each blade humming as it sliced through the air.
You came to a halt, the hair on the back of your neck now stiff. “I’ve been summoned by the Supreme Leader.”
The two remained poised to strike for a long moment before returning to their sentry state, offering one another a brisk nod as they pushed the heavy doors open, revealing the grand throne room. With tentative steps, you approached, pausing at the threshold.
Black marble columns lined the walkway to the throne, each manned by a knight of the Praetorian Guard, their crimson armor matching the First Order banners draped along the cobbled walls. Above the throne was the room’s sole window, with red stained panels filling the space between the spokes of the First Order insignia. Six steps carved of the same dark mineral as the columns led to the throne, lined with black velvet upholstery and a towering slate backing. Perched comfortably in the seat was Supreme Leader Snoke, draped in golden robes that flowed over his limbs like smelted ore, barely concealing the matching jewelry wrapped snugly around his fingers.
The paragon of humility.
He was joined by another: the fire-haired General Hux. His gaze snapped to you as the doors creaked open, beady eyes piercing you like darts from across the chamber.
“Ah, my guest of honor,” Snoke crooned, clasping his hands before his chest in delight. His tone fell icy as he turned to address the General. “Leave us.”
Confusion spread across his pale features as he turned to face Snoke once more. “But, Supreme Leader, there is still much to be discussed.”
“Perhaps I did not make myself clear. You are to leave these chambers at once, General Hux, or you will be removed.” Snoke’s gravelly voice rumbled through the hall with the force of a thousand footsteps, and reluctantly, Hux obeyed.
You watched the scene play out before you from the safety of the doorway, your feet rooted to the floor.
Snoke relaxed in his chair once more, beckoning you in with a hand gesture. “Please, come in, darling.”
Willing your feet to move, you did as he asked, eyes flitting between the Praetorian guard and the approaching General Hux, whose expression could only be described as irate as he brushed past you, black coat fluttering behind him.
Your heart was lodged in your throat as you neared the throne, feeling like a lamb being shepherded towards the maw of a lion. You stopped in line with the last of the guards before the Supreme Leader, leaving some distance still.
Snoke watched you with keen eyes, a stark contrast to his stoic front. “I do hope you are well, my dear. I can only imagine the days spent in anticipation of your wedding are agonizing.”
You frowned. “Is that why you summoned me? To ask me about my wedding?”
“Of course not. But pleasantries are the foundation of any proper conversation.” The humor fell from his voice. “Wouldn’t you agree?”
“Yes, Supreme Leader.” The words left a sour taste in your mouth, like wine crafted from grapes plucked too early.
Satisfied, he settled back into his throne, resting his hands over the ornate armrests. “See? Deference needn’t be cumbersome.”
His mocking tone made your vision red, but you held your tongue. Invisible threads tied you to him and his guards, each one pulled taught in the silence. It would take nothing more than a misstep to cause one of them to snap.
He spoke again, this time with authority. “It has come to my attention that you are unaware of what is expected of you as a noblewoman.”
You let out a terse exhale. “I suppose I am. Perhaps that is because of the conditions under which I am becoming one.”
A thin smile curled on the Supreme Leader’s lips. “These are unprecedented times, lieutenant.”
The emphasis on your title made your skin crawl. Snoke was calculated, sadistic. With his power, he was untouchable. The red veils surrounding you served as a constant reminder of his invulnerability.
“Now, I am curious. How did you manage that?” he added, tilting his head in intrigue. “A commoner like yourself rising to the rank of a commanding officer is no easy feat—even more so for a woman.”
You narrowed your eyes. “I hardly see how this is relevant to my new status as a noblewoman.”
Despite your outward naivety, you knew too well what being a noblewoman would entail. You’d known from the moment your betrothal was announced. You were to be the docile wife of a commander, providing him an heir, a spare, and a warm bed whenever he pleased. Your military career would be swept away by the title of Lady Ren, all traces of your independence lost to time. You couldn’t think of anything less appealing.
“As a Lady of the First Order, you will be granted privileges seldom given to others, such as this.” Snoke motioned to the surrounding space, and you found yourself unable to decipher his meaning.
He isn’t referring to having an audience with the ruler of the realm as a privilege, is he?
He continued, “The safety of the castle. Our stronghold. You will be protected within its walls.”
Oh. Of course.
You suppressed a scoff. “I find that hard to believe, considering Commander Ren has attempted to strangle me twice over since my arrival.”
“I see,” he mused, pressing an index finger to his lips in thought. “My mercurial underling. If only his mind were half as quick as his temper.”
Somehow, your first instinct was to defend Commander Ren from his inflaming remark. While the Supreme Leader was correct about Ren’s temperament, he didn’t see the side of him that you saw—however infrequently it may have showed itself. There was a tenderness to him, fleeting in nature, like a luminescent star ripping through the night sky. You saw it in his eyes as he sat before your hearth, again when he laced your bodice.
Or perhaps what you felt was just the lingering effects of his charm.
Snoke’s rough voice broke your reverie. “Nevertheless, I’m sure Commander Ren had his reasons. Just as I’m sure whatever actions may have led to these outbursts will cease henceforth, won’t they?”
Before you could answer, a searing pain sliced through your skull, its barbed tendrils reaching into the deepest part of your consciousness. Every muscle in your body became succinctly rigid, frozen in place as an invisible force suspended you midair. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to call out; for the gods, for your mother—even for Commander Ren.
“You will behave yourself, insolent girl, or you will be disposed of.”
Despite your efforts, no sound would come from your throat. An eternity seemed to pass as the Supreme Leader kept you trapped, holding your feet to the fire of his anger. Mustering every ounce of strength, you forced your chin down in agreement, hot tears distorting your vision.
Without moving a muscle, he relinquished his hold on you, your knees cracking against the marble floor in an instant. The violet fabric of your gown pooled around you like the blood of a slain enemy, collecting the tears that fell from your chin.
Before you could find your voice, the creak of wood and subsequent rustling of armor behind you swiped your attention. The guards had readied their weapons, aiming at something other than you.
You flinched as the doors slammed shut, followed by a heavy—yet quick—footfall.
“What is the meaning of this?” Commander Ren’s voice was biting, filled with untamed fury as he entered the grand hall. His cloak rippled behind him like the night sea, silver sword in hand as he marched forward.
You scurried backwards on your tender palms, caught between his rage and the throne. He drew closer, only stopping at the intersection of two of the guards’ blades.
“Commander Ren, what a welcome surprise,” Snoke crooned. “Your bride was just leaving.”
His eyes found yours in an instant—wild and dark. Silently, you pleaded for his cooperation. If he were to strike at the guard, your life would be forfeit.
Outnumbered by eight blades, he stowed his own. “What have you done?” he demanded.
Though he was looking at you, his question was directed at the man atop the throne, whose enthusiasm at his subordinate’s display was palpable.
“Nothing you have not already done yourself,” Snoke growled. With that, he stood to his feet and stepped down from his throne, closing the gap you’d deliberately left and standing over you. “See her back to her chambers, Commander.”
A snarl flashed across Ren’s face as he pushed past the guards and kneeled before you, extending a gloved hand for you. Though he was quiet, his eyes were heavy with guilt.
With legs like a new foal, you accepted his help, gripping his hand like a lifeline as you stood. “Thank you.” The words floated from your mouth, burning your throat as they passed through.
He only nodded in return, guiding you away from the chamber. Because of his intrusion, the outer guards were now sealed inside, allowing some privacy in the dimly lit hall.
Ren came to a halt, moving both of his cool hands to rest on your shoulders, inspecting you. “Are you hurt?”
Averting your eyes, you shook your head dismissively, ignoring how your knees seemed to rattle with every step.
He let out an amused hum. “I find that hard to believe.”
“Believe what you will, Commander,” you managed to say through your dry mouth. “I’m fine.”
At that, the two of you carried on in silence, meandering through the castle, passing knights and servants alike down each corridor. Ren’s emotion rolled off of him like heat from a flame, slowly dwindling the further you were from the throne room.
As your legs regained their strength, so did your voice. “How did you know I was in there?”
“Does that really matter?”
“I’d say so. For all I know, you’re the reason he summoned me in the first place,” you argued, head spinning as you tried to recognize your surroundings. Only when you realized these walls were unfamiliar did your pace falter. “Stop!”
He obeyed, meeting you where you stood. “What?”
“Answer me.”
He let out a terse breath. “No, I am not the reason he summoned you. Come, we can discuss this later.”
At that, he began his stride again, but you didn’t follow. “No. I will not take one more step. Not before I know where you are taking me, as it is clearly not my chambers.”
“I’m bringing you somewhere private,” he finally answered.
“Are my chambers not private enough?”
“By the gods,” he hissed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “As I’m sure you’re well aware, it is unbecoming of me to be seen entering your chambers before we are wed.”
You scoffed. “How pragmatic of you.”
Ignoring your comment, he continued, “After your encounter with the Supreme Leader, I think it’s best if we avoid unnecessary speculation—for your sake.”
You couldn’t argue with him. If Snoke was inclined to submit you to the rawest agony over the slightest display of defiance, you could only imagine what else he was capable of.
“Fine,” you conceded, seeing reason in his words. “But let it be known that my cooperation does not reflect my satisfaction with this decision.”
A smile ghosted over his lips. “I know.”
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twigoffir · 1 month ago
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littlebugs · 2 years ago
lady ren
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summary: you're kylo ren's wife. the resistance thinks he's taking advantage of you, but little do they know... warnings: reader goes by she/her pronouns, short reader, major character death, no y/n use, reader was a jedi, kylo ren is a warning himself.
(my works are diverse to all races and ethnic backgrounds, as a mixed race girlie i feel yall's pain my fellow poc's)
a/n: i've been gone far to long, but i've discovered the beauty called kylo ren. also he looks so hot in that gif.... love dat emo space daddy.
When Rey first saw you, you were on Jakku. Surrounded by The Knights of Ren, you looked tiny, your arm latched onto Kylo's waist as he towered over you, looking brooding in his mask. You had vanished shortly after, but Rey had gotten a glance at you. Beautiful. Shiny hair, glowing skin. But not...evil. You didn't look like you belonged with the First Order. In fact, you gave off an aura somewhat like a Jedi.
Little did they know... you had been. You and Kylo were both trained under Luke Skywalker to become Jedi, and had become close friends, although Skywalker had tried to split you up. The darkness in Ben had slowly grown into you, and the night that Luke tried to kill him was the breaking point. You had ran and joined the First Order. At first you kept mostly to yourself. Following Ben- now Kylo, wherever he went. As he slowly gained respect in the First Order, and caught attention of Supreme Leader Snoke, so did you. You were both praised for leaving the Jedi, and soon people became afraid of Kylo... but they might as well have been more scared of you.
You were quiet, but you were also funny, even in the gravest of situations, which was somewhat disconcerting. Although you usually listened, rather than talked, when you did have something to say, everyone listened. Not to mention the fact that you bested some of the First Order's most prized soldiers. You were Kylo's closest confidant, his only friend, and the only one who could calm him down (especially when he decided to wreak havoc on some poor lab tech's control panel.)
It was no surprise when he asked for your hand in marriage, and you got engaged. Kylo wanted the wedding to be perfect, waiting to become officially married until you could both return to his home planet, Chandrila. But there was much to do before that.
Rey told Leia and Han of their son's mysterious mistress. The beautiful woman, standing in the heat of Jakku. Of course, they were shocked, at the mere thought of their son having... anyone. But intead of elation, as a mother might usually feel for a son, General Organa felt worry. She had no idea who this woman was, if her son was using her, or if it could be the other way around.
Han had been worried too. But it was his nature to be more curious. So when he first saw you, watching from a bridge above, guarded by two of The Knights of Ren, he had to wave, and you waved right on back. You tapped the ring on your finger and smiled, doing a little dance. But wherever you were, Kylo was always nearby, and as you watched Kylo storm onto the bridge to see his father, you grimaced and pointed at the flurry of darkness.
Rey and Finn watched you, perplexed, as to how someone could take the entire situation so lightly. "Who does she think she is?" Finn had asked, slightly annoyed. "I don't know" Rey replied simply, watching intently as Kylo approached his father, and you leaned over the railing slightly smiling.
Kylo turned back to look up at you, just before approaching his Han, and you audibly giggled. Rey had scoffed. Rey and Finn's eyes bounced between the scene unfolding before them, with you, talking quietly to the two knights, Ushar and Vircrul, and Kylo and Han, seemingly... rekindling?
And finally... Kylo took his helmet off. It dropped to the ground. He quickly looked at you, and you winked, biting your lip. Vircrul probably snorted (but he would never admit it.) And just as Kylo was about to shockingly give his lightsaber to his father...
Rey and Finn watched in horror as the lightsaber went through Hans. They were both frozen in shock, and looking up, expecting you to see the same. But you weren't terrified. You weren't even shocked. You simply smiled down on Kylo, and made your way down to see him. As Han's body fell of the bridge, you squealed in delight. You picked up Kylo's mask, rose up on your tippy toes to give him a kiss on the nose, and simply placed his helmet on his head again.
As Rey rushed to escape, followed by Chewie and Finn, she thought she couldn't have been more wrong about the Lady Ren.
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beskarinhyperspace · 10 months ago
A Ripple In Space
"What can I say, I’m an extreme individual.."
More Chapters | MASTERLIST
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6. Negotiations
*Mature, Explicit, NSFW*
Kylo Ren x fem.reader
wc 3.7k 
Meanwhile Kylo was still on duty, taking a break in his office. His meetings were painfully boring and long. He wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place. Which made every one of them more bitter. 
Since leaving the Finalizer, his only desire was to get back home to you. Home.. For the first time in a very long time, Kylo was feeling a sense of belonging and going through his day was a challenge by itself. He was unable to keep you off his mind. The way you smelled, your skin, your lips, everything about you was intoxicating him. You were all he could think about.  
He particularly liked the way you boss him around. Like he was not one of the most dangerous and feared man in the galaxy. He liked that you were not bending to him even when you were scared. 
It has been two days since he last saw you and somehow it felt like a lifetime. His mind kept drifting to the last night you spent together. His cock slowly pushing inside of you, stretching you open with a tit in his mouth. Urgh, he sighed deeply in frustration. He could already feel himself twitch as he became harder under his desk. What he hated most in all this was that he couldn't talk to you. 
I really need to fix that, he thought to himself before the com-link on his wrist beeped. 
*” Incoming, Supreme Leader” * 
“Listening trooper.” he replied. Quickly brushing his lustful thoughts away. 
*”Not sure if it's something worth mentioning but it’s about the girl.”* 
A pinching sensation crawled into his chest. Knowing exactly who he was referring to, “what about her?” 
*”Prisoner 226 is in medical. They are running tests on her.”* 
Kylo starts to panic imagining the worst, “what happened?” 
*”Unconfirmed, she's been unconscious for the past twelve hours sir.”* 
“twelve hours??” His voice laced with rage. Closing his eyes, he tries to collect himself. “Prepare my ship, now.” he ordered. 
*”Copy that.”* 
He puts on his helmet, rushing to the guard standing just outside his door. “Tell General Hux that I have an urgent matter. I don’t want to be bothered for the next forty eight hours.” 
The soldier simply nodded in agreement as Kylo clenched his fist going for his vessel. 
As he set the coordinates, his mind kept going back to you and the way your soft lips were saying his name. His real name. He hadn't heard it in years. He made sure to erase everything from his past and didn't want to be reminded of anything from it, but he knew he couldn't hide from you and truthfully, he didn't want to. 
Kissing you goodbye was difficult enough. Not only because he wished he had more time with you, but he also felt bad every time he left. As if he was leaving something important behind. 
Arriving to the Finalizer, he landed quickly, rushing to the medical wing. He completely ignored the soldiers and the officers who were patrolling around. His heart hammered in his chest while he ran through the ship’s corridors. Finally, he reached the ship's clinic but started to panic when he saw no one around. That was until he heard a voice coming from behind. 
“She's going to be fine.” The feminine voice reassured. 
He removed his helmet, turning around to look at the nurse, “what happened?” 
“Probably just a simple virus.” She replied plainly. 
Kylo’s eyebrow raised slightly, “a simple virus doesn't do this..” 
The woman’s face remained emotionless. “She was previously malnourished. Her body is still fragile and weaker against those types of viruses.” 
He clenched his jaw. The reality of the situation becoming more inevitable. “Can I see her?” he asked calmly even though he didn't like the way she was talking down on him. Plus, he didn’t have the time nor energy to argue with her. 
She simply twisted her lips and guided him to you. When he arrived in the room, his eyes were automatically drawn to a device on the side of the bed with pouches of liquids hanging from a hook on the wall. You were still asleep and plugged into maker knows what machine. As he approached, he noticed how faint your breathing was. 
He turned back to the nurse, “Is she stable?” he asked hurriedly. 
“Yes, it still might take a few days for her to be back on her feet—” 
“I'll take her to into my quarters. Prepare whatever she might need.” He cut her right off. He didn't want to leave you in this cold, lifeless place. He wanted you to be as comfortable as you possibly could. He hated seeing you in here. So small, so fragile, so vulnerable in the open. 
“She hasn't woken up once yet. I believe it would be best for her to stay here– “she stopped, and for some reason she was getting more tense than before. Sensing Kylo’s gazed intensely watching her. She took a deep breath before continuing, “What I meant to say, supreme leader, is she will be better taken care of here.” 
He nodded, “Then I'll stay.” His voice came out calm and soft. She watched him take a seat on a chair that was beside the bed before nodding herself and walked away. 
He took a moment just watching you asleep, tucked in your grey metal bed. His body was slowly coming down from the adrenaline, now knowing that you were safe. “You’re perfect.” He sighed, pushing the hair away from your face. His gloved fingertips delicately stoked your cheek, “You shouldn't be here. You wouldn't have gotten sick if you weren't here..” 
The first thing you noticed was the cold breeze on your bare legs and the thin fabric covering your frame. As you finally opened your eyes, you found yourself in a small white room. The air felt cold and more recycled than ever. Which made you shiver slightly. 
Turning your head slowly, you see Kylo asleep in an armchair that looked half a size too small for him next to you. His hair, unmistakably tousled from his helmet while his pink lips were slightly parted. 
As you lowered your eyes, you noticed a clip attached to your fingertip. Without hesitation you unclipped the device. Making the machine emit a rather loud beeping sound. 
Without missing a beat, Kylo shot his eyes open with a hand going for his lightsaber. Freezing himself in his movement, as he looked straight at you. “You're awake”, more like an observation than a question. 
You tried to speak but your throat felt dry. Making you choke slightly as you tried to talk. 
“Don't move, I’ll get you some water.” He rushed out as he quickly rose from his seat. 
‘Don't move’, you laughed to yourself. As if you could go anywhere. You can't help but notice how adorable he looked trying to help you. But your smile quickly fades as you sense something odd. As you look around, you start to panic. Where am I? Why am I here? You asked yourself, trying to figure out what happened, and then it hits you. He killed his father.. It was the last thing you heard before losing consciousness. 
As if knowing you were thinking of him, he come back with a smile on the corner of his lips. A smile? A happy smile? Walking around the ship with a smile? When was the last time you saw him do that? Did he ever do that? 
He came closer, giving you a half a cup of water, “Here, drink it. You'll feel better.” 
You drink it in silence. Making as little eye contact as possible. He didn’t seem to notice, until; “Are you hungry? I can ask the nurse for someth—” 
You stopped him, feeling slightly on edge, “No it's fine, I feel fine.” you replied sounding anything but fine. 
He frowned, his smile disappearing into a line. “What's the matter?” he asked cluelessly. 
You shook your head. Right now, was not the time. “No, there's nothing.” 
“C’mon sweetheart, we're past this. I’ve watched you for months. I think I would know when you have something on your mind.” he scoffed. Turning his head to the side, insulted that you’d take him for a fool. 
You sighed, taking a deep breath. There was no way around this. You had to be honest with him. “Is it true? About your father?” 
His jaw clenched before slowly moving his eyes back to you. “What is?” 
You felt the energy in the room shift. A lingering heaviness floating, but you had to ask. “D-Did you, kill him?” 
“Yes” he replied simply. His eyes watching you surprisingly unfazed. Your chest squeezed at his response. Cutting the air in your lungs. Noticing your reaction, Kylo got up from his chair again. “You should rest” he tells you softly. Not giving you a chance to stop him. You watched him leave in silence as he moved through the door, putting his helmet on. Feeling too drained and exhausted to stop him on his way out. 
After two days you woke up feeling energized. The nurse surely knew how to make Liacynth tea. You felt almost brand new. After getting dressed, you start walking back to your quarters and back to Kylo. 
Well, that was new. You would've expected him to lash out, yell or even destroy something. Instead, he just got up and left. I mean this man was more confusing every day. Unpredictable really. 
As you stepped inside the room, the doors automatically closes behind you. You stood in the entrance and glanced at the state of the place. Everything was trashed. Random broken pieces of glass were scattered on the floor. One of the kitchen chairs was undoubtedly thrown at the wall. Even the dining table was cut from the middle to its edge. Maybe you spoke too soon. Looks like he did rage after all. 
You walked carefully to the bedroom. Seeing the door being halfway open. “Ben?” You asked, pushing it as you entered the room cautiously. Seeing him sitting on the edge of the bed. His back turned from you. He was holding his head in his hands while his helmet was on the floor in a corner. “Ben?” You tried again and he slowly raised his head. Turning his body slightly in your direction. His eyes were small and red. His hair was still tousled and unclean. His lips, maker his lips, plusher than you have ever seen them. “What happened?” 
Without making a sound. He stands up, coming closer to you. Taking a good look at you up and down, “You're so pretty,” he says, “so good, so pure and beautiful.” He lets out leaving his lips slightly parted as his eyes were staring at you pained. He looked faded out as if he hadn’t slept in days. 
You sighed, “what happened?” 
He took a moment just staring at you before answering, “You” 
He took a deep breath, “How do you feel?” 
You look at him, then you look around you, “hum, confused?” 
“I meant physically.” 
You let out a deeper sigh, “Good, I’m slowly getting back on my feet” 
“Good” he replied simply. Passing you by as he went into the kitchen to get himself a glass of water. 
Growing impatient you followed him, “you didn't answer me, what happened?” 
He drank his water slowly as he watched you. He was so damn irritating sometimes. He knew what he was doing by making you wait. Taking his last sip, he placed the cup on the counter before looking back at you. His eyes were small and heavy. “You should rest. You were injured. I’ll take care of your work schedule.” He dismissed again. 
You start to get frustrated, “why don't you want to answer me?” 
“Why are you always asking so many questions?” He growled back. But you remain silent, only watching him with a defiant look. He scoffed, turning his gaze to the side. “I already told you.” 
You smiled from the corner of your lips, looking down. “So, you trashed the place because I’m good and pretty? Yeah, that makes sense...” 
He came slowly closer, his body only inches away from yours, “and pure..” 
You couldn’t help but giggle, “You don’t know me, I am definitively not pure.” 
He clenched his jaw “more than me.” he says, taking a deep breath. “I-” he cuts himself off, searching for his words. “I don’t deserve your attention.” 
You squinted your eyes at him, “What are you on about now?” 
“This, all of this wouldn’t’ve happened if you weren’t here. But here you are, trapped on this ship, MY ship!” You could feel the frustration and annoyance in his voice. “You think you would’ve let me talk to you out there? kissed you?” He brought his gloved hand to your face. Brushing his fingertips gently on your cheek, “Touched you?” He scoffed, closing his eyes as he removed his hand. “Of course not, how could you?” Looking almost disgusted at himself. 
“Everyone is deserving of lov-” 
“—Not me” he said stepping back. “I take, I hurt, I destroy, I kill...” Before looking right into your eyes, “I killed my own father!” And there it was. The wound at the center of it all. Even if he was smiling you knew how much it was destroying him. “I saw it in your eyes, the way you looked at me?” You could clearly see the pain in his glassy eyes, shooting straight at you almost pleading. 
“How long ago was it?” You asked in a low tone. 
“A year, and I was too much of a coward to inform my mother of my actions.” He replied with disdain. 
“I’m sorry.” You let out softly. 
He remained still, almost in shock. “What?” 
“I said I’m sorry” 
He tilted his head intrigued, “But you haven’t done anything, it’s my fault.” 
You sighed, “It’s true. I don’t know what happened in your past but, everyone is deserving of love...” 
Confused, he came closer again, “Aren’t you scared of me? Of what I can do? I know you are...” 
You closed the gap between you and brought your hand to cup his cheek, shaking your head. “I see you; I don’t know why but I just know you wouldn’t hurt me. Not on purpose at least.” 
“Like I said, pure...” He smiled faintly, passing his thumb on your bottom lip. “Could I–, can I kiss you?” 
You stayed silent and simply nodded as he brought his lips onto yours. Letting a deep breath out of his nose as he took you in. Wrapping his arms around your waist to squeeze you before bringing a hand lower, going for your butt. 
You smiled against his teeth, “Ben, we can’t. This needs to stop..” 
“Stop? Hyal, can’t you see what you’ve done to me?” He removed his hand from your bottom to grab yours, playing with your fingers. “I would do anything you’d ask of me.” 
“That’s a bit extreme, isn’t it?” You raised a brow. 
He looks into your eyes softly, “What can I say, I’m an extreme individual.” 
You rolled your eyes, “I’d like to take things slow. You know, get to know you more?” 
He smirked, “I can do that.” 
Nodding, he gives a chaste kiss at the corner of your lips. “Go get yourself clean. You must feel uncomfortable after passing days in medical.” 
“Says the man who has greasy hair.” 
He smiled looking at the floor, “uh yeah, past couple of days had been challenging to say the least. Go ahead, I’ll go after you.” 
As you were about to close the faucet and step out, Kylo enters. “Don’t mind me I'm just taking a quick one.” 
You shook your head, watching him enter in the small space with you, “You’re unbelievable.” 
“What? I was called. Couldn't wait an hour for you to be done.” he teased as he washed his hair. 
You stared at him with your mouth open, “I don’t take an hour.” 
“Sure, you do” he says rinsing himself from the lathered shampoo. “First time you stayed here.” 
“That was months ago!” you protest. 
He smiled, giving you his hand to take before pulling you closer to him, “You’re right, in all honesty, I wanted to see you and your beautiful body before I go.” he admitted, passing the back of his fingers on your nipple, moving down to your stomach. You gasped, feeling them harden to his touch. Seeing your reaction, he smirks. Nibbling his bottom lip. “You really don’t understand hyal. You’re all I can think of, All- the- fucking- time.” now swiping both of his thumbs over them as he watches you lean your head back slowly.  
Looking more than satisfied, he let out a low growl, and brought his lips down to your chest. He took one of your nipples in his mouth. Suckling and flickering his tongue over it while his thumb continued to play with the other. You couldn't hide anymore as you let out some pleasured noises. 
“Oh sweetheart, you really like that don't you?” He teased, his voice low and soft. “How about this?” You felt his thumb leave your tit before feeling two of his fingers moving through your folds. Swiping and quickly gliding in between your flesh as you started to coat them. You couldn't stop the desperate growl that escaped your lips even if you wanted to.  
You needed this, wanted this, you wanted him. He let your slippery nipple roll out of his mouth, “Yeah? Does that feel good?” You nod, moaning with your mouth fully open as he comes back, brushing his tongue on both of your nipples. While his thick fingers were stretching you so deliciously slow. “shit..” he let out almost a whisper. His eyes full of lust seeing how well you were taking them in. He began to pump them faster. While his other hand squeezed a breast within his reach. His tongue fluttering on your sensitive peaks. 
“Please Ky..” you cried out, feeling that warmth boiling up between your legs. 
He stopped moving completely and removed his hands from you. “Not yet.” He says, as he lowered himself down. Feeling his hands spreading your thighs gently open. 
“What are you—” you didn’t have to finish your sentence that his lips were around your clit. Softly pulling and sucking. “Ohh” you let out smiling. Closing your eyes as you relax in his touch. 
Putting your thigh over his shoulder, he brought back his fingers to your entrance. Pumping each one of them a couple of times before leaving you feeling empty. Curiously you opened your eyes to look at him. 
His back was curved while his wet hair danced on the inside of your thighs. Hearing his low and small desperate moans as he was fucking his fist covered in your slick. Followed by the sound of his lips smacking on your pussy hungrily as if he couldn't get enough. 
The wet noises that echoed in the background made you feel somewhat powerful. Here you were on the finalizer, a star destroyer, with one of the most beautiful and dangerous men in the galaxy. Who in this moment, was kneeling between your legs as he pleasured himself, pleasuring you. The thought of it alone was enough to drive you closer to the edge as you let out some uncontrollable whimpers. 
“Mmm that's it.” Noticing you were getting closer; quickening the pumping of his fist. “Be good and come with me sweetheart.” 
He started to move his tongue and lips around you faster, sloppier. Making your legs shake as you finally came on his slippery tongue. He followed with a low growl as he saw you become more relaxed. Leaking in his hand shortly after. 
“I wouldn't call that taking things slow.” You finally let out, breaking the silence. 
He smiled as he looked at the state of the both of you. “Well, I needed a taste. I'm sorry, it was selfish of me.” 
“You are definitely not sorry.” you replied scoffing, teasingly rolling your eyes. 
He chuckled, “you're right, I’m not sorry.” A grin appeared on his lips, “I wanted to see that sweet, hot body of yours shake and twitch in my hands. In all honesty, I don't even have to go anywhere today.” 
“What?” You gasped, slapping him on the shoulder before he starts to pull away. Rinsing himself under the running water. “You're despicable..” you followed. 
He laughed at your comment, “Tell me something I don’t know.” 
“Urgh.” you grunted out as you were about to walk away, but he quickly gripped your wrist, pulling you closer to him. 
Yet again you felt intimidated by the way he towered over you. He locked his eyes onto yours and seemed to notice as he released his grip. Bringing his fingers back to your cheek. Softly brushing the tips of them against your skin.  
“I was serious when I said I would do anything you asked me.” He pushed the hair out of your face, “if that's what you want, then you should have it.” He followed by moving lower to your ear, almost a whisper, “but by the way your soft and needy pussy clenched around my fingers, I’d say that you're not sorry either.” He smiled when he saw how pink your cheeks were turning. Giving you a small delicate kiss on your neck, “I promise not to do it again only if you also promise me one thing.” 
You closed your eyes, sighing “negotiating?” 
He chuckled, “I am not going to touch myself until you give me the permission to touch you again.” He stops, licking slowly and softly the same spot he just kissed. “...and I want you to do the same.” 
Your eyes shoot open, “what?” 
He chuckles, “you heard me.” He says firmly. Taking your hand, planting gentle kisses on your fingers. 
You took a moment. Thinking about these new sets of rules. You nodded in confirmation, and he smiled, cupping your cheek before tilting down to kiss you on your temple. 
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gloomwitchwrites · 10 months ago
Can you do something angsty with Kylo ren for the 1k follower event? Like makeup/breakup (or both) preferably with a little 🌶️🥵
Kylo Ren, my favorite sad boy. Maybe it’s because I have such a crush on Adam Driver, but I adore Kylo Ren. Maybe it’s because I love dark side-leaning hotties. (Although nothing compares to Darth Maul but I digress). Now, I (personally) see Kylo Ren/Ben Solo as one person, just different personas, however, for this prompt, we’re talking about Kylo Ren. How would Kylo Ren react to a makeup/breakup scenario?? Honestly? Probably not well. Let’s be real.
Most of these are with gn!reader w/ an exception or two.
Content & Warnings (MDNI): angst, toxic/unhealthy relationships, suggestive themes, possessive behavior, non-descriptive mentions of sex
Word Count: 587
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // 1k follower event masterlist
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First and foremost, with how toxic the First Order is, and everyone wanting leverage on others in order to move up the ranks, Kylo would never be open about his relationship with you. He would do everything in his power to hide his relationship with you for that very reason. It’s almost giving Anakin hiding Padme from the Jedi, but in a different light.
Of everyone that might know, it would be Supreme Leader Snoke. Snoke would absolutely use this relationship to manipulate Kylo Ren. He’d encourage the passion but would also devise ways to undermine Kylo’s relationship with you. He’s basically Palpatine in that regard.
The breakup would come from you, not from Kylo Ren unless Snoke deliberately told him to call it off. Even then, I think Kylo would try to hang on to you. He leans toward the dark side but he’s not Sith. He just wants to belong, and he wants to be wanted.
The breakup isn’t explosive or argumentative. If anything, Kylo appears outwardly calm.  It’s almost frustrating for you because you wanted some kind of reaction from him.
It’s the afterward, when you leave, that Kylo loses it. That lightsaber is coming out and heads are rolling. He’ll never unleash his anger on you, but he’ll unleash his anger on stormtroopers, control panels, and literally anything else that might be in his way.
After Kylo has cooled off, he’s going to come after you. This man is determined to hunt you down and keep you by his side, even if you don’t want it. Let’s be real here folks, Kylo’s love is toxic and unhealthy, especially if we’re talking about Force Awakens & Last Jedi Kylo Ren. This man will search the galaxy to find you again.
He’ll do it himself, too. He’s not leaving this task up to stormtroopers or to Hux. Kylo and his Knights are coming after you. Period.
When he does find you again, you put up a fight, but you’re no match for him. Kylo drags you back with him and confines you to a room. It’s comfortable, and you have everything you need, but you’re not allowed to leave.
Kylo visits you often, and in this, he is also calm—to a point. He insists you made the wrong choice, and is fairly reasonable about it. But of course, you push his buttons. Eventually, he fractures, and he’s more like the Kylo we see in the interrogation room with Rey. Kylo has patience, but it’s only for you.
This back-and-forth eventually implodes, coming to a head that only ends with the two of you reuniting physically.
It’s Kylo that acts first. He wants you, and he always wants you to stop talking for a few seconds. Which is why he grabs the back of your neck and draws you in for a kiss.
You don’t fight him. You melt into him, wrapping your arms around his neck. These first few kisses are all soft, and then quickly devolve into insistence.
Clothes are ripped away from bodies until it’s skin-against-skin.
Kylo needs to dominate here. He needs to establish that he’s the one in control and that you only want him.
He won’t force anything. Kylo will never cross that line.
Kylo will need verbal confirmation that you’re his. He might delay or even control your orgasm just to hear you say that you belong to him.
Kylo will make you beg, and won’t give you your end until he’s complete satisfied that you’re his again.
@padawancat97 @foxxy-126 @glassgulls @km-ffluv @sweetbutpsychobutsweet
@singleteapot @garfunklevibes2012 @tiredmetalenthusiast @childofyuggoth @miaraei
@coffeecaketornado @kayden666 @cherryofdeath @enfppuff @ninman82
@no-oneelsebutnsu @ferns-fics @beebeechaos @tulipsun-flower @nomercyforthewarrior
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aestheticforzoe · 5 months ago
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*gives you some lesbian reylo* 🥰
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eldritchmochi · 2 years ago
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more of mochis fit backlog 31/????
another kylo closet cosplay for 2020s revenge of the sith day. that is in fact a boys medium tshirt that i cut the collar out of to wear like a thot
shirt: thrifted
shirts: hot topic
shoes: thrifted/demonia
lightsaber: i think this actually was a white elephant gift at my job a few years prior that was immediately given to me because everyone knew i was obsessed with kylo lmao
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sacklerscumrag · 7 months ago
Sunshine (Part 1/2)
single dad!Clyde Logan x nanny!reader
1 of 2
Notes: Hi! I know I haven't written for the ADCU in some time but i have this dad!clyde brainrot and i might as well post it. part 2 is 90% done so I’ll post that sometime soon
I miss being here & I hope everyone is doing well, sending all of you lots of love & thank you for taking time out of your day to read my silly little stories, i appreciate you <3
Warnings: protective girl dad!Clyde, talk about kids, mention of abandonment issues, mother not involved (and will not appear at any point), no mention of y/n, fluff, pining, pervy thoughts from sasquatch, eventual smut in second part (tags will be added), no cliffhanger
Word Count: 7.1K
(this will go back & forth between Clyde's POV & readers POV)
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The bar was filled with scattered conversations and the faint sound of jukebox music lingering in the background. It was an otherwise quiet Thursday night at Duck Tape. Clyde busied himself as usual, topping off the regulars and ensuring everyone was settled and satisfied. The calm before the storm, at least until the real crowd rushed in to watch the Friday night game. Being the only bar in a small town meant there was little else to do around here. Clyde never seemed to mind, though; catching familiar faces day in and day out was one of his favorite parts of owning Duck Tape in the first place. Regulars usually required minimal conversation, which was right up Clyde's alley. The most words anyone got out of him other than his siblings was Earl, but he didn't mind. Clyde quickly finished his last prep of the day and glanced around the bar, taking advantage of the slow pace and stepping away into the recluse of his office. He huffed as he shut the door behind him and sank into his lanky chair; a never-ending sea of papers he'd been dodging surrounded him on the worn-out wooden desk. His eyes burned, and his head ached from the tension of another long day. Taking over the bar a couple of years ago definitely tested his limits. He loved it here, but it strained the already little energy he had left to go on about his day. So much had changed in Clyde's life in the past few years alone. From becoming a father to being the new proud owner of Duck Tape due to the Heist, plus there was-. The Heist, the words halted his train of thought as memories came and went.
The biggest risk any of them had taken in their life landed all three Logans with more financial security than they knew what to do with; plus, if anything was going to convince Clyde that the Logan family curse was finally broken, it sure as hell was how swiftly they had gotten away with all of it. But none of that really mattered. Sure, it was more than nice not to think about how he would pay off the next bill or where his next meal would come from, but he couldn't help but look around and feel like something was missing. Maybe someone to share it with woulda been nice, he thought to himself. Jimmy had Sylvia, Mellie had Joe, and well, he had his Sunshine. He mentally kicked himself at the apparent self-doubt clouding his mind; Clyde had more than enough to be grateful for. But a small part of him couldn't help but yearn.
It's not like Clyde was a stranger when it came to love. Sure, it's not something he thinks he's ever experienced, but he was sure he saw it with Jimmy and Sylvia. What they had was enough to convince him there was something more out there. Clyde just wasn't entirely sure he deserved whatever that was. He would live the rest of his life longing for something he couldn't quite put his finger on, and that's just another obstacle in his life he had come to terms with.
Clyde's train of thought quickly faded when he heard the office door click open behind him, making him turn in his chair. Dark, luscious curls crawled their way onto his lap, and small arms stretched around his waist. The discomfort from a long workday quickly melted away as giggles filled his ears. Mellie trailed into the office, following a giggling Lyla, who had already captured her dad in an embrace.
Clyde took a moment to tussle Lyla's hair slightly, making her giggle even louder. The way she fit into his lap took him back to a time when she was nothing but a wailing newborn cradled in his arms while the uncertainty of being thrown into fatherhood haunted him. It wasn't like he had much of a choice. It was not like his head was in the right place either, with the too-embarassing-to-admit heartbreak, confusion, and, no doubt, fear consuming him. A one-night stand he was sure he'd never hear from again turned into a small note tied with a pink ribbon to a baby carrier on his doorstep nine months or so later. He was young, dumb, and with no time to process any of it, but before he knew it, there she was. All big brown eyes and grabby hands, looking back at him like he hung the moon, and from that moment on, Clyde knew his life would change forever.
"Hey, Sunshine." Clyde drawled, and Lyla smiled while babbling to him about her day with her favorite aunt. Mellie smiled at the sight of her eager niece, sparing no detail of their girl's day spent at the salon.
"You good if I head on out?" Mellie said as soon as Lyla let her get a word in.
"Yeah, was jus' finishin' up here n' headin' home."
"Alright. Don't stay too late now. Night, you two." Lyla wrapped herself around Mellie's legs in a tight hug before saying her goodnight and reluctantly seeing her out the door.
"Ready to go, Sunshine?" Lyla nodded towards her dad and practically sprinted toward the front door. Something told him Mellie let her niece have more sugar before bed than he would usually allow, and something else told him he would be the one to pay for it later.
As the busier weeks of the year followed with football season being at its peak, Clyde had just about had it. Another night at Duck Tape dragged on, minutes feeling like hours. Clyde was nearing his limit between the higher volume of patrons than usual and being understaffed with just two servers on the floor for the third night in a row. He hadn't even realized what time it was. And it wasn't just tonight; everything was starting to blur together as of late—never-ending odd hours at the bar in between quality time playing whatever princess Lyla was currently obsessing over, all while making sure he was always home just in time to read a bedtime story and tuck her into bed. Clyde was losing it. It's not like he thought things would get easier as Lyla got older, but damn, he could use a break.
And he sure as hell wasn't comfortable leaving Lyla in any sort of childcare yet, so help came from the people he loved the most. Mellie was always around to spend time with her niece, taking Lyla to the salon whenever possible, while Jimmy and Sylvia were happy to step in when they could. Clyde knew how lucky he was, having his family rally around him and step up whenever he needed them. He never did like to impose his troubles on them, knowing they had their own lives to take care of. Always making sure he was on time to pick Lyla up straight after work and spending his days off with her, attending endless tea parties along with movie nights where every stuffed animal she could fit would join them on the couch beside them in the small trailer they shared.
Clyde found himself overwhelmed by the daily chaos more often than he'd like to admit. But the truth is, he had grown to depend on her just as much as she did on him. Her smiles brightened even his darkest days. Listening to Lyla talk about the things she loves, whispering 'I love you, and snuggling before bed every night kept him going no matter how exhausted he was. He wouldn't trade it for the world.
But late at night, when Lyla was finally asleep and the world was a little quieter, Clyde's thoughts always seemed to be a little louder. It was the only time when he didn't have to have all the answers or act like everything wasn't weighing on him as heavily as it was, where not a single person depended on or needed something from him. Nothing else to do but sink into the couch, crack his favorite beer open, and drift off to sleep, only to wake up the next day and do it all over again.
"C'mon Clyde. A couple drinks with ya favorite brother, plus ya can use the night out. Syl's got her." Jimmy insisted, breaking Clyde out of his haze. Clyde huffed; the poor guy just wanted his brother to let off some steam, and he understood that. He was thankful his brother always looked out for him in his own way, but he couldn't give in. Not again. He winced slightly at the memory of the last time he indulged in a reckless drunk night out and how it ended with Lyla on his doorstep. Not that he regrets any of it, of course. He'd do it again a million times if it meant ending up with Lyla every time. But there was no denying the exhaustion that plagued him since that day. Long days and sometimes nights at the bar, followed by a never-ending list of chores, along with a more than needy kiddo constantly yanking at his leg, awaited him at home.
" 'S alright. 'M jus' stressed, been workin' nonstop, jus' wanna get home to Sunshine." Clyde put on a strained smile as he wiped down the bar top for the night. He couldn't bring himself to justify spending any of his spare time away from his girl. Having his family watch Lyla was always more of a necessity; how could he ask more of them? Just so he could kick back a few beers and feel like shit about it tomorrow? No, thank you, Clyde thought to himself. Jimmy let up as their attention was drawn away toward the door, chiming as Mellie sauntered into Duck Tape and scurried right up to the bar beside her brother.
"Guess what?" Mellies shoots Clyde a knowing smirk while bouncing on her feet excitedly.
"What?" Clyde managed to keep his tone steady, reluctantly ready to hear whatever Mellie was plotting after having to fight Jimmy off for the last hour about him 'loosenin' up,' whatever the hell that meant.
"I found ya a babysitter for the summer. Or is a nanny that ya needed? Oh well, whatever it is, I found her." She pulls out one of the bar stools and takes a seat. Clyde sets down the rag and takes a deep breath before looking back at Mellie, silently urging her to continue. "An' before ya say anythin', she's a real close friend; met her a couple years back at the salon, and she just moved back into town; she'd be perfect for this."
"Takin care of Lyla isn't something for one of your little friends, Mel." Clyde didn't mean to sound so condescending. Especially when his little sister was only trying to make his life easier, but he couldn't help himself. With the amount of time this person would spend with his daughter, Clyde needed someone he could trust. He prided himself in always wanting what was best for his Sunshine; her care was no exception.
"C'mon Clyde. Ya need the help, and she's a good one, I swear. Great with kids, and you can trust her." He sighed. "Just meet her before you make any decisions...please?" Clyde knew there was no talking Mellie out of anything, especially when her mind was made up like this. Plus, if he was being honest with himself, he was desperate. He didn't trust many people where Lylas was concerned, and that made the picking for her nanny or even a babysitter slim to none in this small town. As much as he hated to admit it, he needed this. And if Mellie trusted her, well, that would have to be good enough for him. For now.
"Fine. I'll meet her. When were ya thinkin'?" Mellie beamed a smile at him before checking her phone as a text message came through.
"Is now a good time?" Clyde's dazed look only amused Mellie further as she turned to the front door. "There she is!" Mellie hollered toward you, waving so you'd join them.
Clyde's eyes felt like they were damn near ready to fall right out of his head. If the word 'trouble' had a picture next to it in the dictionary, he was sure it'd look a lot like you, all dolled up in jeans that looked like they'd been drawn on and worn-down cowboy boots as you confidently strutted your way toward him. All bright eyes and delicious curves taking up all of his attention and then some. Clyde's grip tightened, practically digging his fingernails painfully into his palm. He couldn't remember the last time he reacted so strongly to someone. Pretty girls strolling in and out of Duck Tape were a rarity; he never bothered to give them a second look, let alone a first one. A hazy introduction later, you extended your hand towards him, and he swore he could feel lightning crackle through his veins at the warmth of your palm, immediately kicking himself for being so affected by you so quickly. Get it together, asshole, he told himself. This was going to be a long night.
Mellie embraced you warmly and dragged you toward the two men staring daggers at you from the bar. It felt odd when she texted you out of the blue to meet her and the parent of the child you might or might not be taking care of this summer at some bar, but you didn't question it. Mellie always came with surprises. You happily greeted Jimmy, recalling the second Logan and his little girl from when you visited Mel's salon while he was fixing up the place last summer. In the short time you spent in this small town, the Logans always had their own way of making you feel right at home.
"Hi." You introduced yourself to the man behind the bar top, trying not to let his stern gaze affect you. His broad shoulders and handsome face made your breath hitch from the moment you first saw him. And if he kept looking at you like he was, you weren't sure your knees wouldn't buckle on the spot.
"Clyde, this is my friend I was tellin' ya about." Mellie cautiously glared at her seemingly rigid brother before looking back at you. "This is my brother, Clyde, Lyla's dad." You offered him a warm smile and extended a hand toward him. Clyde stiffened further, eyes darting between you; his large palm engulfed yours.
"Hm. Nice to meet ya." He offered you a tight smile and briefly shook your hand, practically snatching it away. Your skin suddenly missed his warmth, but you shook away the slight disappointment at his apparent disinterest.
"Clyde, don't be rude. Sorry, he's not a real people person." Mellie scolded him and turned toward you. "So ya still interested in that babysittin' gig? Lord knows my brother here could use the help." Clyde's eyes shot up and glared at Mellie, silently wishing the ground would swallow him whole so he could be spared the embarrassment his little sister was already putting him through.
"I don't know. Is it still available?" You glanced at Clyde teasingly, hoping to ease whatever tension had manifested between the three of you in the last five minutes.
"Yes. No." Clyde scrambled to gather his thoughts before continuing. "It is I just...I'd like to see ya spend time with her first. See how ya are with her n all that.'' He sighed. This wasn't the way this was supposed to go. He was supposed to find a nanny, get through the summer, and life could go on like it had been. Instead, he felt so flustered that he couldn't even string a simple sentence together if his life depended on it.
"I can come over sometime this week to spend some time with her. If it doesn't feel like a good fit for you, you have no obligation to hire me." You made sure to sneak in that last part before he could change his mind. Clyde nodded towards you appreciatingly.
"How's tomorrow afternoon? Round 1? I can drop her off after my shift." Mellie chimed in before Clyde could stumble over any more of his words.
"Tomorrow it is, then." You nodded and received a barely there smile from the grumpy bartender. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
The next day arrived much faster than Clyde realized. He typically looked forward to his mornings off, sharing a big plate of burnt bacon with Lyla while sprawling on the couch watching morning cartoons. Instead, he spent most of his morning distracted. Even when Lyla rambled about what was playing on the television, Clyde's mind wandered back to you. It's not like he'd gotten much sleep either, with the thought of seeing you again running through is mind late at night. What was supposed to be a quick shower ended with Clyde's hand gripping his cock, images of you pressed up against him, droplets of water streaming down your breasts as he drove into you and pressed his warm body on yours. It wasn't long before he felt himself spill on his hand, and harsh reality set in. Clyde hated himself over it. He was going to be your employer, for fucks sake. He'd barely met you for more than ten minutes, and already he was over here pining and touching himself like some hormone-crazed teenager with a crush. Thankfully, it wasn't long before Mellie swung by to pick Lyla up, promising her another one of their girls' days at the salon. Lyla quickly got ready, and after seeing her out the door and waving the two off, Clyde managed to peel himself off the couch and headed over to the bar.
From there, the morning dragged like no other. Clyde spent most of it sitting in his office, trying not to think about the fact that you'd walk through those doors any second. He always found it easy to throw himself into work, put everything else aside, and focus on what needed to get done. But every time he tried, there you were. There was no way he'd be able to do this. Spending more time with you? If he felt this out of control after one day, how would he be able to be any sort of normal around you all summer? He couldn't; he had to end this today. You would understand; Mellie said this job wasn't all that serious for you anyway. You could go back to wherever you came from, and he could finally get something done without thinking about how your hand felt on his last night. Or how badly he wanted to trace the soft skin on your collarbone or how your smile warmed his heart with a familiarity he somehow already craved.
Clyde didn't get too far into his bar prep when the doors to Duck Tape swung open. Lylas skipped inside, Mellie following closely behind her. She stumbled while trying to climb one of the bar stools, making Clyde exit the bar quickly and taking her in his arms.  
"Gon' hurt ya self there, Sunshine." Lyla giggled, the bar stool wobbling underneath her before Clyde set her on the ground. Just as Mellie said her goodbyes and headed out, the door opened, but this time, Clyde could've sworn he felt his heart skip a beat at the sight.
Your morning had been nothing short of hectic after changing your outfit an endless amount of times. Not to mention spilling coffee on your shirt once you'd managed to settle on something. You quickly shoved that aside and mustered whatever courage you had left to head over to the bar. A short drive later, you walked into Duck Tape at precisely one o'clock to find Clyde standing beside an adorable little girl looking up at him with a guilty look on her face.
"Now I know Aunt Mellie gave ya candy at the salon; that's enough for today, sunshine." Lyla pouted slightly as you listened in. Clyde said a quick hi and crouched beside her when he noticed you standing there. Lyla wrapped herself around her dad's legs when she spotted you.
"Lyla, this is Aunt Mellie's friend. The one I told ya about." Clyde waited cautiously for his daughter's response. As you knelt on the floor in front of the pair, you were met with wild chestnut curls and doe-brown eyes on the cutest kid you've ever seen.
"Nice to meet you, Lyla." The little girl retracted shyly into her dad's embrace. Your eyes landed on the coloring book and plastic crayon box she cradled in her hands. "That's a nice princess coloring book you got there. Rapunzel is my favorite, ya know."
"Rapuzel's my favorite too." Lyla mumbled, chocolate button eyes hesitantly landing on you.
"No way! Her dress has both of my favorite colors, purple and pink."
"Those are mine too! Daddy got me a 'punzel dress, and he lets me wear it all the time when we have tea parties 'n stuff." You could've sworn Clyde's cheeks flushed slightly like the doting dad you could already see he was.
"I bet he does." You smiled over at Clyde. Thinking about this large man playing pretend princess and having tea parties with his daughter had your heart swirling with emotions you were sure shouldn't be there in the first place. You didn't know why that warmed your heart the way it did, but you brushed it off as you offered to color with her, and Lyla practically dragged you toward the back of the bar.
The next hour was spent with the both of you huddled in a corner booth while Clyde kept busy around the bar. You talked endlessly about her extensive knowledge of every single princess, colored a couple of pages, and even earned a few giggles.
Clyde wiped down the bar for what he was sure was the millionth time. There was minimal on the to-do list for today, but he would busy himself here as long as it took if it meant keeping an eye on you two. It's not like you needed it; he didn't need to be there to know you were hitting it off with Lyla. The chatter had been nonstop since you sat at the booth; you engaged seamlessly with her. Listening intently to every word while keeping her entertained. He noticed his daughter was just as entranced with you as he was. This was a good thing, wasn't it? He had to admit he miscalculated your ability in all of this when you first met. Clyde felt terrible about how closed off he'd been last night. Here you were, all bright-eyed and ready to help, and there he was, the usual grey cloud raining on everybody's parade the first chance he got. At least, that's how he assumed everyone saw him.
Clyde was refilling some bottles from the bar when Jimmy called, letting him know he was outside. He signaled over to Lyla, who was beyond excited to spend the rest of her day with her uncle and cousin Sadie. You helped her gather her things before Jimmy took Lyla in his arms. One "Bye, Daddy!" and a wave from Clyde later, and it was just the two of you in the ample bar space.
"So how'd I do, bossman?" you asked as Clyde stepped out from behind the bar. His large frame coming into full view was enough to make a girl swoon on the spot. You attempted to reign in whatever self-control you could gather, well enough to take a step toward him without feeling like a giddy schoolgirl. Clyde remained silent for a moment before you felt the need to speak.
"Look, I know it must be hard to just trust a stranger with all this. And I know I'm not the most qualified person out there. But I'm a hard worker and punctual; playing princesses and tea parties happens to be my specialty. Plus, I can make anything into a game." You could've sworn you saw a hint of a smirk on Clyde's handsome face.
"She seems to like you." Warmth blossomed in your chest at the compliment. Lyla was a smart kid and funny, too. You knew it would be hard not to fall in love with the little rascal from the moment you met.
"Well, I like her too, so that's a plus." Clyde felt his entire body tense up at your newfound proximity. From here, he could see the flush of your lips and the captivating color in your eyes, like two pools he would happily drown in. Your warm smile drew him in until he found himself needing to be closer to you than what was deemed appropriate. And to hear you talking so sweetly about his sunshine? His heart felt like it could burst out of his chest, but he quickly compelled that away to unpack another day.
"Can ya start tomorrow? I have a late shift bein' a sports night n all." Clyde attempted to shake his thoughts away. He had to try at least to pretend like he hadn't spent the better part of his shift taking longing glances at you, admiring the way your white tee and jeans fit your curves in a way that made sure he'd have to walk around with a semi and adjust his pants for the rest of the day.
"Sure thing. Your place?" Clyde nods and gives you a time and address.
The next several weeks were filled with endless princess gatherings, storytelling from faraway lands, coloring for hours on end, and whatever adventure Lyla would conjure up that day. She warmed up to you almost instantly; things were going great. Better than great, sometimes, you had to question if this was really your job with how much fun you were having. Lyla was witty, smart, and had an imagination to be envied. She seemed so free and unapologetically herself in the best way. You could tell she had been raised with an unconditional love any kid could only dream of. It wasn't like the occasional meltdown didn't take place from time to time, being a toddler and all. But you always find a way to bring that smile back to Lyla's face.
Things with Clyde hadn't simmered down in the slightest. Every interaction, every glance, every accidental touch had your yearning growing. Every moment spent together allowed you to quietly admire something new about him. The way his chest filled out those t-shirts he often wore, his hair that begged to have your fingers tangled in it, or even how he pursed his lips in that way that had your core clenching whenever he spoke. Not to mention, seeing him with Lyla made your knees weak. This gentle giant's soft demeanor melted your heart while twisting your insides in the most delicious way. Still, Lyla kept you more than busy; otherwise, you'd spend your days daydreaming about Clyde Logan. Today was no different. Building forts and baking cookies had been the first thing on the itinerary, and knowing Lyla, there was always more to come. When she'd finally fallen asleep watching Cinderella on the couch, you carefully tucked her into her bed and quietly exited the room, shutting the door just as Clyde entered the trailer.
"Hey." You whispered as Clyde set down his stuff and went to the kitchen. "I just put her to bed."
"Thanks. Sorry, 'M late. Bar kept gettin' crazy n' I just couldn't get away. It's-" You cut him off by placing a hand on his arm, feeling him tense under you.
"Clyde, it's okay. That's what I'm here for, remember?" You winked at him before walking toward the kitchen to put away the rest of the dishes. Clyde headed to the fridge and pulled out two beers. Your cheeks warmed, watching him lean over with one sturdy arm on the fridge door, the muscles on his back rippling under the worn-down t-shirt while the two bottles fit snuggly in his large hand. Get it together, you told yourself, forcing your gaze away.
"Beer?" Clyde gestured toward you. "I was jus' gonna have one on the porch." The words tumbled from his mouth without realizing. He knew it was a bad idea, but he couldn't help himself. You looked all comfortable, your books and blanket on his couch, standing here in his kitchen, in his home, moving around like you belonged there. But Clyde wasn't stupid; his head was definitely playing tricks on him. There wasn't a universe that existed where a woman as beautiful as you would be interested in a guy like him, and he understood that. Now the only problem was keeping his heart and dick in check long enough to be professional. 
The night sky was decorated with stars against the black abyss, quiet and still. Just the two of you sitting in comfortable silence. Clyde followed you outside, shutting the door quietly. You sat beside him, legs folded comfortably in the porch chairs as he handed you a cold beer. 
"So, how was everythin'?" He said before taking a swig of his beer, the soft rumble of his voice activating those darn butterflies in your stomach already.
"Great. Pretty sure she tried on every princess dress in her closet and saw Frozen at least ten times. We danced, sang, and even built a fort." You found yourself smiling at the memory of Lyla with a mismatched dress and crown belting 'Let It Go' with you while jumping around her room. "Same old, same old."
"Mhm." Clyde relaxed further into his seat. The more time you spent with him, the more apparent it became that he was a man of few words. Still, you appreciated the ones he was willing to share with you. 
"It was a good day; it always is." You noticed Clyde stretched his left arm before him as if irritated by it. 
"Mind if I take this off?" The words tumbled out before Clyde could stop them, the beer loosening his tongue. Clyde wasn't sure why he suddenly felt comfortable enough around you to remove his prosthesis. He was pretty sure the people closest to him hadn't even seen him without it. Although it shouldn't surprise him, his sense of ease around you only grew within the last couple of weeks.
"Go ahead." Clyde hesitated for a second, then carefully removed his prosthetic, massaging the tender spot. Your eyes scanned the newly exposed skin. "Does it hurt?" Clyde paused his movement and huffed. You cleared your throat, the day's exhaustion clearly eliminating whatever filter you had left. "Sorry. I didn't mean to-forget I said anything." 
"'S alright. Served two tours n' ended with this. 'N no, not really, not all the time, at least. Jus' bothers having this thing on all day." You nodded, understanding it was something still difficult for him to talk about.
"You don't have to ask, you know? To take it off. I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable for no reason." Clyde smiled while nursing his beer. When he looked over, he found your eyes tracing the scars left behind on his arm. Clyde reached for his sleeve, suddenly feeling the need to cover up, before you placed your hand on his arm, stopping him. "Is this okay?" Clyde gulped and gave a slight nod. He wasn't sure if it was the exposed flesh or how vulnerable this whole thing felt, but he swore he could feel every nerve on his body light up under your touch. Your fingers lightly outlined the scar for a moment before you smiled at him, settled back into your chair, and sipped your beer. 
"Mellie dropped by today, and I meant to ask you if I should know of anyone coming by to see Lyla other than your siblings. Friends maybe? Her mom?" You snuck in that last part before you could stop yourself; the last thing you wanted to do was overstep. But you were curious. Lyla never mentioned her, and you didn't notice any pictures of her around the house. Was she a good mom? Was she pretty? She had to be to be Lyla's mom. Did she still hang around? Would she like you hanging around? Maybe she wouldn't want you getting all close to Clyde. Hush that is none of your business, you told yourself.
"Lyla's mom isn't in the picture. Never was. She jus' about dropped Lyla at my doorstep 'n we never heard from her again. Didn't want nothin' to do with her or me, said so in the letter she left." His words spliced across your heart, and tears welled in your eyes for the little girl sleeping soundly inside. Just thinking about someone walking away from an angel like that with such carelessness had you wanting to find this woman with your fist immediately.
"So, you two never?" Clyde shook his head almost as if you'd insulted him.
"It was a one-time thing. A drunken night full of bad choices, 'N then she disappeared. Popped back up again with Lyla, and that was it. Letters last I heard from her." Clyde said. "Not that I wanted her to come back. I don't. We've been jus' fine just us two." 
"I don't doubt that for a second." 
The following Sunday morning came with blue skies and warm summer air. Clyde insisted you'd take Sundays for yourself, although you weren't sure why. It's not like you had any other friends around here besides Mel, not to mention a social life being out of the question. When you weren't with Lyla, plans usually consisted of staying at home with a good book and getting chores done. You were gathering your things to lay out in the sun for a bit when Mellie called about being overbooked at the salon and Clyde having an emergency at the bar and asked if you could watch Lyla for the day. A few minutes later, you managed to put together an easy picnic basket, threw a shirt and shorts over your bathing suit, and headed out the door.
A short drive and only two knocks on the trailer later, Lyla ran out, wrapping both arms around your legs in a tight hug. She quickly pulled you inside to find Clyde sitting on the couch with cartoons playing faintly in the background. 
"Hi." The morning rasp in his voice had your chest tightening and face flushing. He wore a faded t-shirt and simple dark gray sweats that you had to fight not to stare at. "I tried callin'. Ya didn't have to come, everythin's been takin care of."
"Oh. My phone must still be on do not disturb from last night or something. I was gonna take Lyla to the lake for a picnic and maybe a swim." Lyla's face immediately perked up as she squealed excitedly.
"I'm gonna go get my swimsuit on!" She yelled as she tried to run off into the hall before Clyde stopped her.
"Now, sunshine, today's her day off."
"What's that mean?" Lyla's disappointment grew along with the pout on her face. 
"Means she's got stuff to do, stuff she's gotta get done today. She'll be back tomorrow, hm?" Lyla reluctantly nodded as Clyde placed a kiss on her forehead.
"Well," you interjected, unsure if it was your place to say something, but there was no way you could stand by and disappoint Lyla like this, especially when spending your days with her had become your favorite thing to do. "If it's okay with your dad, I'd love some company. I can't eat all these PB&J's and snacks I packed alone now, can I?" Lyla looked toward Clyde. A mix of 'please' and 'please, daddy' flooded Clyde's ears before reluctantly giving in to his daughter's whim. Lyla sprinted toward her room to change, mumbling something about showing her water tricks, making you chuckle.
"You're welcome to join us. I packed plenty of food, and it's too nice of a day out to stay inside." Clyde contemplated for a moment. Just the thought of seeing you prancing around in the water in a skin-tight bathing suit had his pants tightening uncomfortably. He wasn't sure he could control himself. But he had the day off and sure as hell didn't want to spend it without his Sunshine. Plus, he wasn't entirely comfortable with the two of you alone by the creek in the woods. It would be safer if he went with you. At least that's what he told himself as he agreed and slipped away to change into his water shorts.
The drive over to the creek went a little faster than usual, thanks to you and Lyla singing along to some of her favorite songs. Clyde spent the entire ride concealing a smirk at the sight of both of you breaking into song and then into a fit of giggles once one of you would get the words mixed up. Once you'd arrived, Clyde wasted no time unloading the truck and helping a restless Lyla get out of her seat. You found the perfect shady spot to set up the blanket and laid out some things from the picnic basket; once satisfied, you set your shorts and shirt to the side and settled in. Lyla wasted no time hitting the water, barely letting you slather some sunscreen before sprinting off with her floatie. You sat by the shore with your book, watching her splash around. The cool water around your legs is a nice relief from the sun's warmth on your skin. Clyde sat back against the tree, keeping his eyes on the two of you. He couldn't help but imagine if this was what it would be like—having someone by his side sharing moments like these with Lyla. 
The afternoon passed far too quickly. A blur of splashes and fits of laughter ended with a sleepy Lyla slung on her dad's shoulders as you packed everything back into the truck and headed out. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the fleeting colors of dusk began to fade away. Only the rumble of the truck and crickets chirping surrounded by the night sky remained. Lyla's soft snores could be heard from behind as you glanced over at Clyde. The soft moonlight reflected off his skin, hair still slightly damp from the creek. His eyes were trained on the road ahead, but you could tell something was on his mind as he chewed on the inside of his cheek.
You sat comfortably on the passenger seat, your thigh dangerously close to his hand resting on the gear. His fingers itched to reach over, wondering how soft your flesh would feel under his touch. No matter how hard it was to keep a calm facade, he couldn't help but recall the silky skin over your bathing suit top, curves he would kill to trace every inch of it with his tongue teasing him from every angle. Even the way your teeth caught on your lip in the most sinful way was driving him insane. Everything about today was driving him insane. Not to mention watching you with his Sunshine. How you'd dramatically play along to every scenario Lyla created until you were nothing but a fit of giggles, watching in awe as you smothered her in hugs and kisses every time she'd swim into your arms. His sunshine was an affectionate girl, don't get him wrong. But she sure as hell didn't open up easily to strangers, yet here you were, winning her over from day one. Clyde shook away the ache in his heart at the thought as he redirected his attention back to the road.
A short while later, you'd arrived back at Clyde's. He hopped out of the car just after you did, carrying a passed-out Lyla in his arms into the house. You stayed outside, wondering if you should wait for him to return or count your losses and hurry home. Before you could make up your mind, Clyde appeared and shut the door quietly behind him, leaving the two of you uncomfortably close on his front porch.
"Thank ya for today." The faulty lamp above you did little against the night.
"It's no problem," you said before a silence fell between you. The dim light accentuated his nose and the plumpness of his lips in the most beautiful way. His eyes drifted up to yours as you took a tentative step toward him. Your heart began to pound, chests nearly pressed against one another, feeling a familiar desire spread in your core. Clyde's breathing grew heavier, suddenly aching to get you closer.
Just as the longing became unbearable, he closed the gap between your mouths, first with the utmost gentleness, then with the hunger of a starved man. You made a delicious little sound and responded with the same fervor, sparking a fire in his belly. He didn't want it to stop. The warmth of his mouth had you melting into him. Your lips parted slightly as his hand came up loosely at the side of your neck, holding you close.
"Daddy!" Lyla's distant voice rang in your ears. Clyde pulled away suddenly; a rush of frigid air replaced the warmth where his body was pressed up against you. It was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over the two of you, snapping you back into your harsh reality. Lyla began to cry from what was probably a nightmare. Clyde sighed as he looked toward the front door and back to you. You cleared your throat and wrapped your sweatshirt tighter around, unable to look him in the eye after he'd practically kissed you dizzy.
"I should go. Goodnight, Clyde." You offered him a warm smile and dashed to your car before he could say anything else. Clyde stood with his head slightly hung, ensuring you were safely in the driver's seat before heading inside. You lowered the windows in an attempt to let the humid summer night air free from inside, hoping a little fresh air would snap you out of whatever trance Clyde had just put you under. Butterflies swarmed in your stomach as you ran your fingers along your lips, the ghost of his kiss still buzzing through you on the drive home.
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pastelghoul · 3 months ago
Somebody Else - Ben Solo x Reader
Imagine seeing Ben immediately following the aftermath of the burning of Luke's temple Inspired by You're Somebody Else by flora cash
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Around you lay the tattered remains and burnt rubble of what was once Master Luke's temple. Now in its place stood smouldering stone collapsing in on itself.
The remaining crackles of the fierce lightning storm faded out, now replaced by the soft pattering of rain. Scattered around you lay the charred remains of your fellow peers, the stench of burnt flesh thick in the air.
In the distance, you saw him; Ben stood at the foot of what was once the great temple, his robes shredded and burnt. His raven locks were tangled together, sweat and ash clumping together forming knots in his hair.
"Ben!" you called out, watching as he swiftly whipped around to face you, some of the tension leaving his body as he saw you approach.
"Are you ok?" he asked once you were near, his hands cupping your face as he inspected you for injuries. You felt a slight tremble in his actions, as though he were overwhelmed with shock.
"I'm fine," you leaned into his touch, taking his hand in yours and pressing it gently to your chest, your strong heart pumping beneath his touch. "but are you ok?" Ben looked away, blinking away tears so you wouldn't see him in this moment of weakness.
"Luke, he tried to-" Ben held back a sob, betrayed by a stray tear tumbling down his cheek. "I woke up to him standing above me, lightsabre ignited. He tried to kill me."
"No, Luke would never..." you shook your head in disbelief. "Luke did all this?" you gestured to the giant burning heap of atone and wood, bodies surely buried beneath the chaos.
"No, I did." Ben corrected, clenching his sabre tighter. "All he saw in me was darkness, he was convinced I had chosen my side - so I showed him darkness.
"Ben, I-" you spoke softly, retracting your hand. "I saw the part of you that nobody else saw. There is good in you, Ben. We can fight the darkness together, I-"
"No. It doesn't matter what I do, they'll always see Vader in me. I'm not him though; I'm stronger than Vader was, I'll finish what he started."
You looked at him as though he were delusional - He had to be to say such outlandish things. Surely he wasn't being serious, how could you miss something like that?
"I could read you, this isn't you, Ben. You are nothing like Vader, you're good and kind and-"
"This is me, don't you recognise me? Come with me, please." Ben pleaded, holding your hands in his. His eyes were full of hope as he stared longingly into your gaze.
"Well, you look like yourself, but you're somebody else." you spoke, taking in his messy appearance, from his torn robes to his matted hair, that hopeless look plastered to his features. You took a step back, letting his hands fall to his side, empty. "Only it ain't on the surface."
"How can you say that? This is me, it always has been. I'm Ben Solo, the boy you grew up with, trained with, fell in love with... I know you still love me, I want you by my side when I conquer the galaxy!" Ben cried, holding out a hand towards you, desperate for you to take it.
"So you talk like yourself, I hear someone else though." You retorted, holding back tears. Whoever this was, as much as they may have resembled Ben, it wasn't your Ben in there anymore. It was somebody else.
Ben stood frozen, eyes searching your own for a spark of hope that you'd join him; his features darkened when he realised you were serious about not following him.
"Fine, if you're not with me, then you're against me." the aggressive hum of his sabre echoed through the darkness as it whirred to life, the blue hue flickering gently against the dying flames.
"Now you're making me nervous..." your voice trembled, backing away as Ben twirled his lightsabre at you, prompting you to ignite your own; you didn't want to fight Ben, but it seemed he was leaving you no choice.
Ben lunged at you, skidding along loose gravel and mud as you dodged his attack. His swings were angry and uncoordinated, slashing sloppily at your nimble form as you blocked each one after the other.
"Please Ben, stop! I don't want to do this!" you cried in desperation, continuing to fight defensively; you didn't want to hurt Ben, but soon you'd have no choice but to fight back.
"I loved you!" he choked out like venom; the words seemed to shock Ben, cutting his concentration short. You took your chance. It was just long enough for you to land a strong kick against his chest and send him flying backwards.
Your lightsabre spat inches away from his throat, pinning him to the ground where he lay defeated. Ben looked up at you with a hateful glare, his dark locks sticking to his face as he fought back tears.
"You were the better half of my beating heart, Ben. You meant everything to me." You spoke through tears, unable to look at him any longer. You didn't recognise the person beneath you, trapped at the mercy of your blade.
Ben's features softened, his glare turning into a look of regret. He reached a hand out, flinching as you jabbed your blade at him threateningly.
Against your better judgment, you leant a hand to help him up, only to find yourself crashing to the ground moments later as he hooked his legs around your own and pulled you down.
Pushing himself up, Ben made a hasty getaway in the wake of your confusion, leaving you in the dust and dirt of the shattered remains of the temple.
By the time you'd brushed yourself off, Ben was gone. You watched hopelessly as he took off in his starship, finally allowing your tears to fall freely.
"You've left me to stand alone, we were meant to become Jedi together... Now I'm surrounded by pitch black flesh and bone." You gazed up amongst the stars, watching a final flash of light before he escaped into hyperspace.
"I can't believe you're gone."
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hannibals-favourite-meal · 2 years ago
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Kylo Ren x plus size reader
The Supreme Leader had granted his padawan one vice, one thing he could take pleasure from, one thing that was only his. He could have picked spice or hooch, but the troubled Sith chose her.
Series Warnings: reader was kidnapped and manipulated into being a pleasure slave, tagged dub con to be safe, little bit of non con, smut, d/s dynamics, angst, fluff, blood, each chapter has their own warnings as well
WC: 13k
Minors DNI
‧₊˚His Pick‧₊˚
‧₊˚His First Hit‧₊˚
‧₊˚His High‧₊˚
‧₊˚His Addiction‧₊˚
‧₊˚His Weakness‧₊˚
‧₊˚His Greatest Strength‧₊˚
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