#Fellas is it gay to be jealous of a horse?
idnek83 · 4 years
Aid - Chapter 8/13
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Soda Kazuichi/Tanaka Gundham
Tags: Alternate Universe - Island Mode, No Game Spoilers, Masturbation,  Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Semi-Public Sex, Grinding, Wet Dreams, Anal Fingering,  Friends With Benefits,  Getting Together, Internalized Homophobia, Anal Sex
Summary: Everyone is hot and half naked because of their beach vacation. Soda is horny and tries to do something about it. Gundham tries to help and does. It all gets a little out of hand.
Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Read on Ao3
This Chapter: Soda thinks he's ready, but things keep getting in the way: Soda thinks some more, Gundham helps a mother, and Hajime figures out what's going on.
Soda laughed for a while longer, half at Hajime and half at the whole stupid situation.
Once he was done, he glanced around to make sure Nagito was well out of ear shot.
“Sooo?” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“What?” Hajime was still blushing.
“Gimme the deats dude! You touch his dick yet?” He flashed Hajime a toothy grin.
“What the hell, Soda? No!” Hajime turned about twice as red as he had been. “I haven’t even told him I’m into him yet, of course I haven’t touched his dick…”
Right. Soda’s smile fell and he felt himself begin to blush as well. That was how these things were supposed to go: feelings first, dicks later.
Wow he was such a fuck up.
“Soda? C’mon man I’m not actually mad. You just surprised me, asking that kind of thing out of nowhere. I get that you were just messing with me, so cheer up.”
“Ha, yeah. I was… just messing around!” Soda forced a nervous laugh and hoped it was believable enough.
He could feel Hajime’s questioning gaze on him, but neither of them said anything.
“So… how’re you gonna tell him?”  Soda kept his eyes on his feet.
“I… don’t know. I might not. I’m still thinking it over.” Soda glanced to the side, Hajime was also staring at his feet.
“Is that really, like, okay? I mean, I dunno, won’t you be sad or whatever if you never tell him?”
“Maybe, but it’s not like I’ll for sure be happy if I do tell him, you know?”
Right. Admitting your feelings wasn’t even supposed to be the hard part. It was what came after…
“You think he’ll reject you?”
“Maybe.” Hajime heaved a deep sigh. “But it’s probably best to just get it over with, right?” Hajime flashed him a smile. “If he does rejects me, though, I expect you to clear your schedule so you can mend my poor broken heart.” Hajime dramatically placed the back of his hand to his forehead and leaned against Soda as he spoke.
“Sure, thing man, just promise you won’t try to rebound with me.” Soda snickered.
“Already told you you’re not my type, dude.”
“Not even when you’re heartbroken and maybe a little drunk?”
“Wow dude, sounds like you’re making plans. Maybe I should go to Chiaki instead…” Hajime pulled away from him with an overexaggerated sigh.
“C’mon man! I was just thinking that’s what people do when they get rejected, right? Have a beer to numb the pain or whatever!” Soda was doing his best to sound upset. “I said I wasn’t into you either man, so don’t be like that.” He looked at Hajime with his best pout.
They shared a look, then laughed at each other.
“But really, Hajime, however things work out, I’ll be right here supporting you the whole time.” Soda gave him a thumbs-up.
“I know, and I’m here for you too, okay? If you ever decide you actually want to tell me what’s going on with you, I’ll be right here.” Hajime smiled and bumped his shoulder against Soda’s, and Soda knew he was telling the truth.
He didn’t cry.
But it was close.
They ended up spending most of the day together, just wandering around the islands and chatting with whoever they happened to come across. They didn’t see Gundham.
Soda kept spacing out. Hajime definitely noticed, but just let him think, only really getting his attention when one of their friends approached.
He knew he needed to talk to Gundham, but he still wasn’t sure what to say.
Hey, thanks for all the good sex and stuff, I think I want to ruin it by having weird feelings now, if that’s cool?
Even if he did figure out what to say, he had no idea how Gundham was going to react. Like, obviously Gundham was a pretty nice guy, so he probably wouldn’t hit Soda or anything, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t gonna get mad. They had a good thing going, if Soda tried to wreck it with his stupid gross feelings, he wouldn’t even be able to blame Gundham for being pissed.
Why did he have to go and start feeling things about Gundham? Why did he have to ruin everything?
How much longer could he go without telling Gundham?
It’s probably best to just get it over with.
Stupid Hajime with his stupid wisdom.
Fine. He was going to do it. Next time he got Gundham alone, he was going to sit him down and just talk.
About feelings.
Feelings that he had.
For Gundham.
Feelings like…
Feelings he couldn’t think about for too long. He was just going to scare himself out of talking to Gundham if he did.
He let Hajime guide him around the island while he tried, and failed, not to think of Gundham.
Dinner time rolled around before Soda even realized it, and suddenly he found himself being led to the hotel restaurant by Hajime.
He hadn’t even noticed he was hungry, but the second he saw the food spread out before him he was starving. It wasn’t until he had piled his plate high with food and taken his usual seat, with Hajime across from him, that he noticed Gundham had yet to arrive.
Hid heart raced a little faster at the thought of him, but he forced himself to calm down. It wasn’t like they were going to talk about… stuff in front of all their friends, so there was no need for him to be nervous.
He had just about calmed himself down when Gundham walked in and undid all of his hard work with nothing but a glance and a little wave. Soda nodded in return and his heart was back to racing. He was sure he was red, was sure that Hajime noticed and was connecting the dots, and he was sure he couldn’t wait until after dinner to do this. The second Gundham got his food and came to sit down, he was going to ask him to come back to his cabin to talk. Fuck whatever their friends would think about it, he needed to do this.
But Gundham never came to sit down.
Just as suddenly and quietly as he had arrived, he was already leaving.
Soda turned in his seat to call out to him, but he was already gone. He turned back to his food and tried to figure out what had just happened.
“Huh, anyone know where Gundham’s off to so quickly?” Sweet, blessed Hajime. Soda looked to his friend with gratitude, but he just casually sipped his tea and looked to the rest of the table. Soda would die for this man.
“Oh, he’s most likely headed back to the ranch.” Nagito had appeared behind Hajime. He placed a hand on his back before sitting next to him and picking up his utensils. Soda applauded Hajime’s ability to keep his cool, noticing only the slightest tinge of pink on his cheeks.
“The ranch?” Soda spoke up, can’t make Hajime do all the work.
Nagito shifted his unfocused gaze to Soda “Mmm, earlier today I happened to be walking by and saw a horse acting strangely. I thought I told everyone at breakfast this morning, but I suppose you were a bit out of sorts. Forgive me for being so useless.” God this guy was weird, it was obviously Soda’s fault for not listening.
“It’s fine, so… Gundham’s helping the horse then?” If an animal was in trouble, the way Gundham had run out at breakfast would totally make sense.
“Yes, and its foal as well. Apparently, the horse was giving birth and I failed to notice. Gundham helped with the delivery, but, from what a useless piece of trash like me could gather, it seems the foal came early and is quite sickly.”
“You… shouldn’t call yourself that Nagito…” Soda spared a moment to mentally cheer Hajime on before focusing in on what Nagito had said.
So Nagito had announced that he saw a horse being weird at breakfast and that had been why Gundham had left so suddenly with him. Then just now, he had probably just been grabbing something to eat before going back to the ranch, since the baby horse was sick. Well at least Gundham wasn’t pissed at him or something.
Not yet anyways.
Soda sighed. That probably meant he was going to have to wait even longer to talk with Gundham. A stable, which was most likely filled with horse shit, where Gundham was looking after a sick foal? Didn’t really seem like the right place for a feelings talk…
Stupid horse, having a baby early and making Gundham take care of it because he’s such a sweet and caring guy that he would never stand by and let an animal suffer, even if it meant missing out on his own vacation and skipping meals with his friends because Gundham was just selfless like that and an all around amazing guy who-
Soda put his head in his hands. Thinking about what a good guy Gundham was really wasn’t helping him deal with the fact that he was going to have to keep waiting to talk to him.
He finished the rest of his meal in relative silence, only speaking up to do his best as Hajime’s official wingman whenever there was an awkward pause between him and Nagito.
When everyone was finished eating, Hajime stopped him before he could head to his cabin to wallow in peace.
“Thanks for… y’know.” Hajime had a hand on the back of his neck and was blushing slightly
“No problem, just be sure to invite me to the wedding.” Soda gave a half-hearted smirk and some weak finger guns, and Hajime huffed in amusement.
“We’ll see.” They both laughed. “So…” There was a pause. “Gundham.” It wasn’t a question.
“Dude, please don’t.” Soda whined, he knew he had made fun of Hajime that morning, and he 100% deserved to be treated the same way, but he really wasn’t in the mood.
“But I’m right, right?”
“Fine, but at least admit your taste in men is just as shitty as mine.” Hajime laughed and patted him on the back.
“Fine, sure, we both suck. Can we drop it now?”
“Course dude, just…” Soda looked up at his friend, willing him to just shut up and not make fun of him. “I’m rooting for you, okay?”
“Oh.” Not what he had expected. “Um… thanks. Really. I… thanks.” Hajime just patted his back one more time and headed off to his cabin. Soda let out a deep sigh and glanced in the direction of the ranch, before heading back to his own cabin for the night.
The next few days sucked.
Apparently, the mom horse was doing okay, but the baby wasn’t getting much better. Gundham was spending almost all his time at the ranch trying to help, so Soda only ever saw him when he was running in and out of the restaurant to collect his meals. He was jealous of the horse.
Hajime was doing his best to keep Soda occupied, but it wasn’t working too well. Mostly, it was because Nagito had taken to hanging around them, and as happy as Soda to see Hajime get a bit of solid flirting in every now and then, it just made him feel lonelier. He was jealous of Hajime.
On the third day, Mikan let everyone know that the foal’s condition was improving. Apparently, she had been helping out where she could. Even if animals and people were different, some of the basics were still the same, so Gundham had requested her assistance. It made sense, it wasn’t like there was anything Soda could do. But still… He was jealous of Mikan.
The fourth day found them all at the beach, except for Gundham of course, who was still keeping an eye on the foal. Soda half-heartedly participated in whatever games his friends were playing and was a little proud of himself for not creeping on Sonia while he did, but mostly, he just missed Gundham. He watched his friends laughing and splashing around in the water. He was jealous of all of them.
Lying in his bed on the fifth night, Soda didn’t know how much more he could take. He had been ready for his big stupid talk with Gundham five fucking days ago, and he knew he was slowly losing his nerve with each day that passed. The horse had been improving, right? So how much longer would it be before Gundham stopped spending every god damned waking moment at the ranch?
Soda glanced at his alarm clock, it was a quarter past midnight.
Soda wouldn’t put it past Gundham to have stayed over night at the ranch those first few days, but now that the foal was doing okay? Gundham had to be sleeping in his cabin, right? So, Soda just had to wake him up and make him listen.
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t actually a perfect plan, but it was good enough. Gundham’s cabin would be plenty private, and, most importantly, Soda wouldn’t have to wait anymore.
He got out of bed and dressed himself; just shorts and a t-shirt, no need to bother with his coveralls this late, before giving himself a once over in the mirror and heading out.
He could feel his heart beating faster. This was it. He was going to make sure Gundham understood exactly how he felt, even if he still wasn’t 100% certain about it himself. No more stupid thoughts getting in his way, no more stupid Nagito pulling Gundham away, and no more stupid sick animals to keep them apart.
This was it.
He raised his hand to knock on Gundham’s door, but before he could actually do it, he heard Gundham call his name.
“Kazuichi…” It was quiet, but Soda definitely heard it. Wow, did Gundham’s weird animal mindreading powers extend to him now too? And what did that say about him? Nah, Gundham had probably just seen him through the window or something. Well, whatever, if Gundham knew he was there he might as well go in.
He opened the door and slipped in, making sure to close it behind him.
“Hey. So I-”
As he turned to face Gundham he realized that he had, in fact, not known Soda was there. He had called his name for an entirely different reason.
Gundham was on his back, knees bent, with one hand on his dick and one further down, between his legs.
Oh. Shit.
Gundham’s face was hard to read, but he definitely hadn’t been expecting Soda.
“I-I-I’m so fucking sorry! I’ll leave! I just though I heard- I mean I guess I did hear? But you weren’t- I mean? I’m sorry.” Soda turned to leave, fumbling for the door handle.
“My dear consort…” Gundham’s voice was airy, breathless. It went straight to Soda’s dick.
“Y-yeah?” Soda turned his head back to Gundham and tried his best not to stare at the hand between his legs. Gundham must have noticed. He smiled and slowly began to move his hand.
“Aid me.”
Next Chapter
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jesuisgourde · 3 years
gay/queer references in Peter’s journals
Again, I have probably missed stuff due to going through pretty quickly and also due to having stared at this document for so long, everything has kind of blurred together.
Sometime close to the day that Carlos & I watched 'Love And Death on Long Island' (and afterwards paraded through the tea rooms of Picadilly) we both filled in application forms and were tres excited to be invited to the same group 'interview' - twas more like an audition though. I got the part. Carlos never. This did not bring any animosity - we both know that success for either of us is magnified a million times if it is shared by us both.
from 'A Diamond Guitar' by Truman Capote "Except that they did not combine their bodies or think to do so, though such things were not unknown at the (Prison), they were as lovers. Of the seasons, spring is the most shattering: stalks thrusting through the earth's winter-stiffened crust, young leaves cracking out on old left-to-die branches, the falling asleep wind cruising through all the newborn green. And with Mr Schaeffer it was the same, a breaking up, a flexing of muscles that had hardened. It was late January. The friends were sitting on the steps of the sheep house, each with a cigarette in his hand. A moon thin and yellow as a piece of lemon rind curved above them, and under its light, threads of ground frost glistened like silver snail trails. Tico Feo had been drawn into himself - silent as a robber waiting in the shadows."
Then a meet with Bounds Green's African prince outside whitechapel tube, rugged lookies at I in military attire & to a ruptured Albion rooms tidied in hours and now lids drawn heated on the eyes. A young looking fella has a crush on me.
Jackie/Camillia/Marie/Kate/Chris/V. churchill Jackie/Evelina/Jasmine/Sachi/Dalston/Sussie Sandra/Carlene/FP/Jay/Dalston/Kraut
There sat a young black man, perhaps in his early or middle twenties. He looked for all the world like the archetypal rude boy. Clean, cheap reebok, nike, adidas variously rolled, laced & zipped about his lean, spreadeagled body that hung loosely about the waiting room chair. Gold & tattoos adorned his person, and a blank animal look was attached to his clear face. He sat before me in a row of four empty chairs, staring at polished floor or the mundane television. A balding white man minced in & all perceptions were suddenly proven to be false as they embraced and snuggled up to each other, giggling & whispering & touching each others noses.... very much in love, fingers crossed for the blood tests.
[Image: an article from Gay Times of an interview with Peter. For some reason, the portrait included alongside the article is of Carl wearing a grey and black t-shirt.] Name? Peter Doherty Age? 22 Where are you? I'm on the motorway just north of Southampton. What kind of day are you having? (Vaguely) Erm... quite misty. Something's waiting around the corner, but there are no corners on the motorway, so we'll just have to wait and see what lies ahead. Maybe something will happen tonight.... What's this we hear about you once being a rent boy? Well, when times are hard, duty calls. How long ago was it? When I was 19, about three years ago. How do we know this isn't just a Shaun Ryder-type lie? 'Cause if it was, it would make me a complete scumbag and I'm not, and I'm not interested in that kind of pantomime. It wasn't a very happy time. I didn't really enjoy it. Why did you give it up? (grimly) Well, certain people disappeared... and anyway, ultimately I found myself no longer in such a vulnerable position anymore. Dawn broke, and I realised that it was a beautiful world after all. Have you done any other dodgy jobs? All of us in the band have tried to deal, but it's not good if you like the drugs too much. You just end up using them yourself! I once was a gravedigger. I used to do it with my mate in Willesden Green cemetery. We didn't actually do the digging, a machine did that, but we used to have to fill them in. It was pretty grim work. So are you gay then? Love is love, wherever it comes from. I'm not anything, really. I am a very sexual person but... I dunno, I believe in liberty... The Marquis de Sade has a lot to answer for... Do you get a lot of gay fans? Yeah - well, there's one guy in particular. He's very shy and he follows us around. He brings in letters and cards and stuff, but he's very quiet. I think John (the bassist) is the main pulling power in the band. Are you jealous about that? Nah! I've known him too long.
You know I'm alright i dont even care i like it when they stare & stare call me queer, dear oh dear a million things & what I wear He's real hard when he's with his mates but I'll saw him again & he was too late
Dear NME I'd have thought after the Gay Times piece, the interview with Rapture fanzine & our recent gig at the Slum Club everything would be clear. No it still remains to give a big hearty fuck off to all these twisted suburban types calling me a liar. Vulnerable young men & women all over the world find themselves victims of circumstance.
she was dressed in suit & tie & lightly etched-on moustache. 'I've always wanted to kiss a bird in the back of a taxi.' she says, running her hand up the fishnet ladders of my thigh. Stepping onto the front line in Bow puddles, elevators, buzzing doors,
[Image: the original page in the book has been preserved. Two paragraphs have been boxed off with biro. They read:] “...cast Richard Burton and Rex Harrison as bickering queer barbers and then much more uncompromisingly in William Friedkin's adaptation of The Boys in the Band (1970), which introduced some of the plainer four letter words in the English language to the screen for the first time. 'Who,' asks Cliff Gorman, in his brilliant portrayal of the most effeminate of the homosexual group as they gather for a soul-searching party, 'Who do you have to fuck to get a drink around here?' Other homosexual manifestations to occur in movies around this time included an elliptical but unmistakeable male fellatio scene in John Schlesinger's Midnight Cowboy (1969) when Jon Voight, as a broke and disillusioned Texas stud importunes in a New York cinema....”
[Image, top left: a blurry photo of John onstage, playing bass. Image, top right, sideways: a photo of the band onstage. Carl and John are on the left, sharing a mic. Peter is on the right, playing guitar and singing into his own mic. Image, centre left: a torn photo of Peter sitting in a chair, shirtless, playing guitar. Only his bottom half from the chest down is visible. Image, centre left: a torn photo of Peter sitting in a chair, shirtless, playing guitar. Only his top half from shoulders up is visible. Image, bottom left: a torn fragment of a photo. What looks like a denim-clad knee and a yellow carrier bag are visible. Image, bottom middle: a photo of someone's knee in torn jeans, taken from under a table. Image, bottom right: a torn photo of Carl in a black sleeveless shirt, posing with his fingers in his mouth.] [A paragraph from the original page of the book has been left exposed and boxed off with black biro. It reads:] “The Boys in the Band was displaced by an immeasurably more powerful portrayal of homosexual groups, Fortune and Men's Eyes (1971). Set in a Quebec prison, this disturbing, factually based drama vividly recounted the corrupted of a heterosexual convict trapped in a tough, potentially vicious homosexual society. In one horrifying scene, a weak, put-upon prisoner is gang-banged by his fellow inmates; in another, the 'hero' is blackmailed by his cellmate into accepting him as his lover for the duration...”
Like a cat on a hot tin roof Like a macho man in a roomful of poofs I have tried in my way to be free.
[Written in Peter's handwriting] Jerome... is that how it's spelt? [Written in someone else's handwriting] Yes it is [Written in Peter's handwriting] Can I read you something? [Written in someone else's handwriting] Yes please.....
I insist, new book of Albion, befuddled by drugs I may yes about 2 but I do not miss out entirely on the subtleties of the inhuman relation ships that are this the mainstay of my stay here in one bounce of a loaf. Boys are fooled into fooling with boys. [...]
More general references/some extra explanations:
“The boy looked at Johnny” is a line from Patti Smith's song “Horses,” part one of a three-part song called “Land.” In the song, a young man named Johnny is assaulted by another man in a locker room; he then mentally journeys to other fantastical lands and visions. A lot of people interpret it as being about gay sex, although some people interpret it as being about a stabbing.
Peter quotes and references Jean Genet's writing and works about Jean Genet many times. While Genet's works are nearly all about crime and prison (one of Peter's main interests and points of fascination), all of his works are very explicitly gay. The Thief's Journal is more about Genet's various lovers than it is about his criminal history. Our Lady Of The Flowers is about a drag queen and her criminal lovers, and is also extremely erotic.
(“Jerome” is Jerome Alexandre, vocalist of The Deadcuts, who was friends with Peter and Mark Keds.)
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mythykl · 5 years
**That’s right. It’s time for Kakashi x reader Bitches
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“Kakashi? Kakashi??” You couldn't comprehend why Rin had locked you in a dark room with hIMmm, and you held his hand the whole time, cuz’ ya 13yo ass was scared af. Once you guys were let out, you saw Rin and Obito fist bumping each other. 
That's when obito blurts- "Being the ones to know how much you like Y/n, you should've seen this coming!" 
"Baka! Shut up Obito, y/n doesn’t kn-" rin whispered
lmao. You're ass went speechless. Kakashi's hold tightened and he dragged you outside the academy.
before dating, he was pretty much a jerk to you, but it was through rin that you both get to know each other more personally,,, and still,, he continued to act like a jerk
well. once he took you outside, he decided to confess. His voice seemed shaky and he didn’t- couldn’t really speak out exactly what he wants,, 
“Kakashi, quit beating round’ the bush.. And the way you’ve held my hand it’s hurt-”
In the mid sentence- he just,, pulled you into a hug,, and whispered how much he likes you and asked you out!
you guys ended up having a beautiful time on your trip/date, at naka river, and,, tho no one really mentions, you both start dating *an unspoken understandin i guess?* on ya second date you guys prolly went for treking! *well i’m imagining that you aren’t a ninja*
You were by far the only one to see his face w/o mask
By now you had gotten used to obito’s clingy ass. though kakashi rants too much about him, you know, he loves him. Rin helps you a lot with dating advices,, somehow
Minato sensei teased you kiddos,, a lot. “At your age, all i used to do was keep staring at kushina,” he joked once.
He was a huge chatter and a curious ass fella surprisingly, you’re boyfriend talked to you about most of the things he learnt in mission, every goddamn theory he had in his mind, his likings and dislikings, his interest in Dōjutsu etc. You could feel how lonely he used to be, cuz he felt no one would listen 
you’d join him during his training at times, well that time you got to know that throwing a kunai isn’t as easy at it looks, your wrist hurt af
once kakashi had called you princess after kissing you in front of your friends, this commenced to everyone calling you by that name. especially Gai and obito
After obioto and eventually, rin’s death *ofc* you guys drifted apart; drastically. You couldn’t understand or help him through his immense remorse and regret while he would just,, either had a huge tantrum or not say anything at all. He said things like-  it’s better to stay alone, and have no one to lose- while breaking up, which hurt you a lot. within a few months, you guys didn't even cross paths in konoha streets since he became heavily loaded with anbu missions
Now that it has been like,,, a really long time; one day you see the konoha’s infamous Naruto with his team at the door, with a huge flower bouquet.
“Please accept this!” The girl with pink hair squeals.
“It cost us our whole savings but Ino-kun did give us a good amount of discount after hearing these are for kakashi-sensei’s date dattebayo!” naruto,, practically screames.
“Hold your horses; that’s not how you greet people.” the,, uchiha? Yes. he concludes blandly.
Your heart skips a beat on hearing your long-time-no-see lover’s name. Knowing him, you highly doubt that he sent them but still you ask.
“No ma’am, but we-once- managed to sneak into his Icha Icha Paradise, he’d written your name.. In it.. So we found you. You are sensei’s date aren’t you!?” the girl with pink hair, yes sakura, almost whispers to you.
“Yeah. That was a hell of a long time ago,” you smile.
You let them in and offer some tea. You guys talk a lot and they were astonished?- yes, more than astonished that you’ve seen him w/o mask. Ah ok
Wow they had already done huge ass planning beforehand to make you both meet *not that you know*. As you take them downstairs to bid adieu, you see kakashi,, literally,, standing, in front of you’re door. Both of you equally shocked. 
Kakashi and you start talking to each other. You apologize for not sticking around since you didn’t know how to help him let go of his pain while he apologizes for bein a jerk-? Ok.
You guys plan to hangout-, which is the most difficult part! You had to work in the morning hours while he had to stick with team 7 for missions by afternoon
 you guys ended up deciding on crashing at each other’s places at night, and also,, sometimess early in the morning *???* it gets tougher for him with time to juggle from place to place, thus, getting late for his missions
You guys end up moving in together *it’s official* and he sleeps closest to the window. yes.
He’s very protective of you and kinda the jealous type, he’s afraid of losing you and is very open about expressing it. He doesn’t give you nicknames but often call you stuff as ‘my other half’ and refers you w -chan *just being sarcastic*
You are like a mum to team 7 and they love you, you get them lunch at times. Sakura often asks you for advice to get sasuke,, but udk what to say since sasuke.. Is just sasuke *he reminds you of 13yo kakashi*. But uk that there’s a special bond between them
kakashi doesn’t hate PDA, but he doesn’t like it either; you guys for long walks in the evenings, occasionally hold hands. Is it obvious to others? Don't know. Butt once you caught kurenai and asuma kissing.. Twas’ hella kyut
He would also rest his chin on you head a lot, and likes to intertwine his fingers with yours when you guys are alone
Hugs aren’t his thing but if you hug him, he’ll slowly hug you back and then all at once melt into you, Anddd he’s warm af
twice you caught him, just in underwear, slurping ramen in the middle of the night and you were like,, wait wut-
He loves ya massages and loves to cut vegetables,, for some reason,,
Big cuddle person in bed
You love trying different hairstyles on him anddd he looks dead ass hot in most of em. Let’s just agree,, he has a better taste in style than you tf
You guys usually opt for trips to neighbouring villages, hot spring trips, camping etc
Tho mysterious and sarcastic, he opens up to you whenever needed. Unlike in childhood, now you’re the one who talks a lot. He agrees to feel acknowledged for being himself whenever he’s with you and like a prodigy, sharingan bearing, functioning human, as people call him. His brain lets go of all his insecurities and PTSD for a while when he sees you happy because of him
He often loses track of time during his frequent visits to the memorial stone where Obito's name is engraved; you understand that he needs some alone time for this ritual and this, don’t tag along 
Well now, even you've started reading icha icha series cuz’ of ya moron boyfriend, and you are hooked to it *since I basically imagine it to be the fifty shades of grey in naruto universe lol* you guys freakin end up trying shit from the book
“Baby, let’s be sexy,, together” he said once as he leaned againt the kitchen counter in the most sexy way.
“Sure senpai, why the book’s tactics won’t work?” he just laughed hysterically at the comeback.. And,, umm.. You get what happens
He likes braiding your hair, especially before sleep, he finds it relaxing
Whenever his ass displays a bored and unenthusiastic expression, you say, “go bald kakashi.” right. What a mature insult 
He’s very calm and observant and knows what you are feeling- or even what you are thinking. I mean how-? 
He asks you to make miso soup, with eggplant, a lot!
Your parents aren’t really sure of your relationship. Since he wears wut? a maskkKkk. And once Kakashi, still being as apathetic as he was during his youth, spoke bluntly about sensitive topics with them during a discussion
gai gifted you both matching Yukata on ya bday. that’s indeed beautiful and thoughtful of him.
well Your boyfriend sucks at selecting gifts.. He gets you things that can’t be used or idk.. ButTttt this man is too good at remembering dates  
People wonder if he’s stern and serious, judging by his past and repo, but you tell them that he isn’t! Well, he has decided to move on, and now you know how to support him. He knows that you appreciate him for that, and this he listens to you.
you just found an engagement ring on you night stand with letter beside it. congrats hun *instant panic*
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i hope you enjoyed ;))
i need to,,, stop imagining so much, it's a lot to type. i wish i had a gadget or something through which my imagination would get typed, systematically, on my pc. Btw i won’t be uploading much in September since i gotta study so. so don’t assume that i’m dead or don’t care anymore. 
this one was requested by two peps, since my ass is new on tumblr i kinda fucked up and thus, my inbox got cleared or something. i’m still learning k
ya that’s it.. imma go and read my icha icha now ah huh
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catradora babie!
UGH thank you...my faves. 
1. who hogs the duvet?
they both do! it’s like a tug of war and catra almost always wins (but thats okay bc adora can just. sleep on top of catra. portable heater)
2. who texts/rings to check how their day is going?
adora! she’s really anxious all of the time, so she’s always texting catra to make sure she hasn’t like. died or anything. and she also just really likes to bug her. 
3. who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts?
well...they’re both super competitive. and creative can mean many things. they both just try really hard to out-do each other all the time. adora will get catra something big and amazing for her birthday and catra refuses to let her have the last word so she HAS to get her something better. 
4. who gets up first in the morning?
adora....i mean catras...a cat...hello...
5. who cries at movies?
adora. shes a sap. a whole tree. 
6. who gives unprompted massages?
adora!!! she’s always massaging/scratching catras ears its literally just a habit. it’s probably like a give and take tho, they’re on pretty equal ground with intimacy like that. 
7. who fusses over the other when they’re sick
they both do! adora moreso because once again, shes just really fucking anxious all the time. 
8. who gets jealous easiest?
adora does. catra hangs out with bow one time and she’s immediately convinced that she’s been replaced. similar situation with scorpia, except romantic. she totally thinks catra and scorpia are dating and it drives her crazy and thats canon and AHHH i usually hate love triangles but oh my god...lesbians. 
9. who has the most embarrassing taste in music?
10. who collects something unusual?
i was gonna say something crazy like adora collects catras teeth or some shit but JEHEJD i cant even joke about that UHHH. neither? they’re not very sentimental towards items like that, excluding catras blanket but i doubt she’d like ‘collect’ anything. 
11. who takes the longest to get ready?
catra!!! you were probably thinking i’d say adora but i’ve put thought into this. on the off chance that catra actually showers, shes got a lot of hair to dry and i’m sorry but shaking your whole body just doesn’t work when you’re half human. it probably takes ages to brush/style as well. on days where she doesn’t do Shit i’d say adora takes the longest. she talks to herself in the mirror and has a very precise routine to go through. 
12. who is the most tidy and organised?
adora. this is obvious. 
13. who gets most excited about the holidays?
adora! she’s very festive and loves spending time with her friends and family. dressing up is fun for her too, she probably starts prepping couples costumes for halloween in january. 
14. who is the big spoon/little spoon?
this is gonna be controversial but....catra little spoon....adora big spoon. im sorry but if your girlfriend is THAT buff there’s no way in HELL you’d not want her to hold you at night. they probably switch around a lot tho, i imagine adora likes to be held too so its just....give n take...
15. who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports?
they’re both extremely competitive but i get the feeling adora’s like.......a lot more competitive in mundane situations. she probably engages in stupid shit like eating competitions and arm wrestles and Who Can Hold Their Breath for The Longest and catra just........watches her idiot girlfriend from afar. 
16. who starts the most arguments?
eeeeee catra has a tendency to feel like something is wrong if she’s not being yelled at so i imagine sometimes she starts it up for petty shit. over time this habit fades away because i’m here for healthy relationships fellas. 
17. who suggests that they buy a pet?
adora begs for a horse every 2 weeks and catra refuses everytime. 
18. what couple traditions they have?
i cant think of any? they just do everything together so. 
19. what tv shows they watch together?
in a modern au? anything gay. maybe a documentary but catra always falls asleep. adora likes to watch that horse club show and catra can’t stand it but she watches it anyway because adora gets so excited and its cute. 
20. what other couple they hang out with?
i know i said this for the violentine one but literally no one can stand them. catra and adora are literally children. they’re petty and affectionate and cheesy and have this ridiculous pre-relationship flirting. catras always teasing adora and adora is always getting so flustered over it and its sickening. i feel like they’d probably just hang out with their friends in groups rather than as couples. seahawk is the only one who can stand them when they’re like that. 
21. how they spend time together as a couple?
i like to think about this one within canon and not a modern au, because i imagine they spend so much time doing childish stuff that they never had the chance to do as kids. we’re talking stupid games like connect 4 and monopoly and the game of life and that one with the dice presser in the middle (trouble?). they also probably go on walks a lot and love sun-bathing outside on the grass together. they do basically everything together after the war, you can’t separate them, if you ever catch them alone then you’re Wrong because the other is certainly somewhere nearby. 
22. who made the first move?
AGGGH THIS ONE IS HARD. theres so many scenarios. like adora making the first move because catras being so teasing she cant take it anymore. and catra making the first move because she finally realizes that adoras too fucking dumb and shy to act on her feelings...i cant decide............
23. who brings flowers home?
both! at the same time. all the time. :) 
24. who is the best cook?
they’re both average! i think adora’s probably better at desserts simply because she enjoys it more and catra would just rather eat the food then cook it. 
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