#Feeding tha birds
frudoo · 2 months
A non Zombie apocalypse 141 poly
They find another survivor looking for supplies and decide to make her their wife.
I went a lil crazy on this one ngl
Warnings: Non-con/dub-con but nothing sexual. Fem!Reader.
It was that colossal motherfucker you saw first—the one you almost wasted an arrow on because of that creepy skull mask he wore. The big bastard was raiding your shelter, a little storage room in what used to be a department store. Believe it or not, the mannequins you placed outside of your hideout were enough to deter the zombies away, so you had a pretty good thing going. That was before this dumb brute decided to ruin all your hard work and steal your canned goods.
     Your plan was to shoo him away and tell him to piss off, but he wasn’t having it. No, instead, he made you carry your own supplies back to his shelter, where there were three other men to feed. Fuck, you had enough food to last yourself about three months, but now, with these giant men who no doubt have massive appetites? You’re lucky if it’ll last a week. 
     You’re sitting on a raggedy couch between the pretty man with the ball cap and another with a stupid overgrown mohawk now, arms crossed with a foul look on your face. Across from you sits the fucker with the skull mask, and beside him in an ancient recliner is a bearded man wearing a weird hat. Every now and then you let out an annoyed huff, earning yourself a pointed stare from each of them.
     “Are ye gonna eat summat, or jus’ pout like a wee baby?” Mohawk Man asks you through a mouthful of lukewarm spaghetti hoops. 
     You flip him off without even looking at him, earning a few snickers from the other men. If you weren’t so pissed off at all of them, you might have allowed yourself a little smirk. In fact, you feel the beginning of one curling at the corner of your mouth, until Ball Cap™ pulls you into his lap and traps you there with his strong arms. You yelp and try to shimmy out of his grasp to no avail. You go to bite him, but the second your mouth opens, a spoonful of beans gets plopped inside.
     “Swallow,” Skull Guy commands, covering your mouth with one wide palm in case you decide to try and spit it out.
     You glare at him the entire time, but still obey his explicit order because you truly are hungry. You give up on trying to escape the pretty man’s grasp, letting your body go limp. It’s probably wise to save your energy, anyway.
     “Good bird,” he praises mockingly. “Now, since you’re through bein’ a brat, I’ll introduce everyone. 
     “M’Simon. Tha’ there,” he points at the one with the mutton chops, “is John, or Cap’n, dependin’ on his mood. Beside you’s Johnny, but we call him Soap. The one you’re sittin’ on is Kyle. We call him Gaz when he’s bein’ a dick, though.” 
     You nod like you’re paying attention, using his distraction as an opportunity to steal the can of beans from his hand. It’s a weird group, for sure, but aside from the fact that they’re thieving bastards, it might be nice to have more humans to help protect you from the hoards of the undead. It’s a step up from mannequins, anyway. Perhaps it also helps that they’re all insanely attractive.
     “Wha’ aboot ye, hen? Go’ a name?” Mohawk Man—or, Johnny, apparently—asks with a cheeky grin. 
     Before you get the chance to tell him your name, the one with the mutton chops, John, interrupts you. 
     “No matter, is it? We’ll call her our wife soon enough.”
     You nearly drop the can of beans when you process the words that just came out of his mouth, choking on the bite you just took. Kyle pats your back until your little coughing fit ceases, and Simon wipes the sticky residue from your mouth with the sleeve of his hoodie. None of them, you observe, are as baffled by John’s statement as you are. It makes a weird feeling churn in your gut.
     “A-all… all of you?” You stammer nervously, then start again with a lilt of confusion in your voice. “Wife?!”
     “Yes, dove, all of us,” Kyle confirms, confiscating the can of beans from you and setting it on the ground. 
     “Aw, don’t look so scared, sweetheart,” John stands from his place in the old recliner, stepping in front of you and lifting your head up to look at him with his pointer finger hooked beneath your chin.
     “I take good care o’my men. We’ll take good care o’you, too.”
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c-kiddo · 4 months
cad shopping scene in ep98 is tha best scene evar 2 me, for the inclusion supreme weirdo moments. such as:
caduceus casually says hi to the birds outside the shop like theyre people, feeds them a mushroom, lets them shit on his arm and doesnt clean it off
he casts detect magic and then just buys all 3 things that are magic in order he noticed them
he asks if the magical wind fan only knocks over barrels or if it knocks over other stuff (he thinks it knocking over barrels is very funny and also cool and impressive)
the other two items are a box he has no idea whats inside, and a necklace that lets plants talk back to him (for once)
he adds to his offered price by scraping pink mould and fungus off himself and adding that to his payment
its a deal so he spits into his palm before shaking sheila bobsnopper's hand (she does the same in return)
he collects up all the items and skips back to the ship :-]
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sofibeth-arts · 2 years
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Feeding tha birds
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THANK YOU @caramelcheesegay FOR COMING UP WITH 90% OF THESE, ILY<333
-“Can’t stun me if you can’t hit me! I’m a freakin’ blur, dipshit!”
-“I am ALWAYS gonna dodge that. When will you LEARN, man?”
-“Oh, oh, oh! I’m STUNNED at how bad you’re doin’!”
-“Don’t swing your puny stick at me, maggot! You come from fake America!!!”
-“Get off the battlefield and go play some hockey, weakling!”
-“Aye, I bet you thought it’d be easy ta kill me, didn’t’che? Well, iaarrghhnnn *snore*.”
-“You call tha’ a grenade?? Me blind Mum farts worse than that wee thing!” 
-“Don’ come a’ me in those ghoulish boots lad, I’ll blast ‘em right offa yer feet!” 
-“You’re just a little piece a’ sentry fodder now, aren’t’cha?”
-“You make for some real shitty target practice, son.”
-“Tell me ‘bout those stun grenades sometime, yeah?”
-“Ha! Leetle bug man is crushed. Like bug. Leetle bug. Feed you to Archimedes, Buggy.”
-“Small jumpy man- not Scout? There are two small jumpy men???”
-“You think loud noise and bright light are enough to take down Heavy??? I am killing you now!!”
-“Oohoo! Free organs! Young, too!”
-“Ach, that reminds me- I need to feed my birds.”
-“Ohhh, sorry little boy! Go play with your crayons, ja?”
-“Piss off, y’ jumpy git. Bloody grasshopper…”
-“Awh, get quicker next time, won’tcha?” 
-“Dead like a ‘roo on the side o’ the road!”
-“For someone named ‘The Rogue’, you are certainly a pack thinker.”
-“Oho! I am *stunned* by your lack of skill!”
-“Not so *Dexx*trous now, hm?”
-“No runnin’ in the halls, freshman!”
-“Bonk? More like thonk, eh? ‘Cause that’s the sound your hollow head makes when I hit ya!” 
-“Hah! Too slow!” 
-“Y'know, a 3" piece of rubber can do a lotta damage, Trench Monkey!”
-“Hah! Oh, I mean- I'm sooo soooorey aboot tha', Bud! (snicker)”
-“A cat on a sloped roof is braver than the entire U.S. Military, Booklicker!” 
-“Ack! Sorry, Firecracker!” 
-“Oh shit, I think I’m still on fire. Damn it, these were my favorite pants!” 
-“Hey we're, uh, still on for s'mores later... right?”
-“Pen's mightier than the sword, cyclops! Get it? 'Cause I'm an artist and you- yeah, nevermind”
-“Someone must have put a little sleepy sauce in your mickeys, bud, ‘cause you are NOT on top of it today!” 
-“Smile and wait for the flash!” 
-“Somebody order ten thousand pounds a’ dead weight? (Snort)” 
-“It’s really hard to miss your pressure points, y’know.” 
-“Move it, ya big lug! You’re in the way!” 
-“GRENAAAAAADE! I WIN! Ya proud of me, da-uhhh.. dude?” 
-“See ya round, Daaaeengie! I said Engie. Short for Engineer. That is you. You are- I’ll go.” 
-“Bam! And another one down, and another one down! ANOTHER ONE BITES THE BO STAFF!!” 
-“oohohoh, Maybe I can try some experiments on you this time!- Y'know, put your lessons to good use!”
-“Doc, you seriously gotta take care of your health. Damn hypocrite... (Mocking voice) 'Do az I say, not az I do!' my ass!”
-“Guess that's what happens when you don't follow your own advice, thanks for the hands-on lesson!”
-“There, away from the noise now! Just how you like it, Dee!”
-“You may wink at your opponents, but ya gotta take the shot as well, y'know! Can't charm 'em to death!”
-“I just... un-cozied your... camper. I'm having a bad day please be nice.”
-“Crisse de connard! -Aheh, not used to gettin' berated in your own language, eh?”
-“Va te faire foutre, merde de con!”
-“Bein Tabarnak, it feels good to turn the tables! Hah, deserved!”
Taunt ideas:
-Using the Bo-Staff as a microphone
-Using the bo-staff as a rifle(making fun of sniper)
-Juggling the stun grenades, almost dropping one and catching it in time before glancing around to see if anyone saw him and putting them away again
Strat (@emotionally-stressed-strategist):
-“How are you this bad? I’m dominating you with a PEN, Rogue, A PEN.” 
-“Rock, skull. Man down.” 
-“One less dot on the map- don’t come back, yeah?”
Arrow (@emotionally-dead-archer):
-"Hah! Gotcha! Oh, gotta love a little sibling rivalry, am I right?"
-“Bigger sibling? Not really.”
-“Hey! My aim is getting better! Thanks for the target practice!”
-“I’m done bein’ your wingman if you keep this up.”
-“That’s what happens when you steal my art supplies!”
-“How do you still not have ink poisoning? Dude, seriously.”
-“There! I make for a pretty good role model! You get to see my stuff first-hand!”
-“You're adopted. Sorry.”
-“I think it's almost bedtime, kiddo.”
Jet (@emotionally-broken-robot):
-"Hey, uh, does this count as Softwaregore?"
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k-s-morgan · 10 months
I heard news about a snowstorm in Ukraine that caused several deaths, and I was so worried for you. Are you okay, Morgan? Is your family safe? Are things calming down there? I keep checking for news that announces the end of this war, and it's disheartening to see that it never arrives. I can't imagine what it must be like to live through this. Is there anything we can do for you? Do you need somewhere to take refuge outside the country? Is the money you receive from your job sufficient for you and your family to live comfortably? I always check the updates you post, and it's admirable that these horrible events haven't changed the golden heart you have, you are a wonderful person and you don't deserve any of what is happening, I hate that I can't do anything to stop it this war, but whatever I can do for you I will.
please be safe, please keep fighting.
Another ask: Hey, I hope you're just busy but please give us some sign that you're okay, please. I'm worried
Another ask: Katrin, you are okay??
Another ask: You okay??
Another ask: How are you going?? Is everything already? Please asnwer 😭
Hi! Thank you all, you wonderful anons (and my lovely first anon, I'll respond to your questions further down in this reply). I'm so touched that you've been thinking about me! There was indeed a serious snowstorm that caused some deaths, but I'm fine: honestly, I'm such a hopeless stay-at-home introvert that I usually leave only for short trips to the shop and to feed pigeons & stray cats. So I meet most storms safely tucked in my bed))
It's all right now, though everything is still covered in snow. If there is snow where you are, too, and you see miserable pigeons or other birds around, please feed them if possible! They rely on us entirely during winters. Some grain would be ideal.
I was hoping to make a monthly post, but my tight work schedule + migraines ruined these plans, so I decided to give up on it. Russians haven't attacked my city again yet after that the most massive attack by drones. I'm pretty sure it is coming, though, especially on holidays. They tried to tun our last New Year into hell on purpose by sending missiles during the day, killing people, and then sending drones at night. I worry that this year might be even worse, but I've been teaching myself to live in the present and enjoy peace while I still have it, so I manage to keep my fears at bay.
First anon, thank you so much for your kindness! I have places where I could go and stay beyond Ukraine, but for the next year at the least, I intend to keep holding on because I can't leave without my family (and the bigger half of my family is not allowed to leave legally yet). If Russian attacks get completely unbearable, I might go to Poland to my relatives for a month or two just to unwind and to repair my sanity a bit.
As for the money, I'm doing more or less okay, and people who keep supporting me on Patreon help me to stay afloat. I have some debts, but they are under control - I owe the bank $300, which is 1/3 of my monthly salary, so I'm capable of paying it back little by little. The situation is not ideal, but nothing to worry about.
Like many Ukrainians at the moment, I feel burned out regarding the war. There are many amazing, kind people in this world, and our soldiers are absolute heroes who deserve all respect in the world, but those with power to make decisions like money way too much. It's an unfortunate fact that has been making people all over the world suffer generations after generations. Many US, European, and Chinese companies continue to help Russia manufacture its missiles and other things they use to kill us. The help Ukraine gets is enough to let us survive but not enough to let us win. Those who can make money on it eagerly grab the chance, including some members of our own government. I'd like to be optimistic, but I really don't see a scenario that would end with justice. It's very difficult to accept the fact that terrorists and murderers won't be punished - on the contrary, many of them will continue to live in luxury, unable to imagine what an explosion even sounds like, until the day they die. But like I said before, it is what it is. The world is full of bitter examples like this.
Thank you for being with me and supporting me, reading my stories and sending your asks. I hope to end this month with posting two chapters for my two stories. My second job comes to an end December 15, and hopefully, I'll get a chance to really dive into writing after this!
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thunderheadfred · 8 months
Just wanted to thank all you tumblr buddies for being so supportive. It means a lot.
Partner has been in what he calls “grandma mode” and is basically force-feeding me healthy snacks every hour to maintain my blood glucose. It seems to be helping with the dizziness, but I’m still tracking my numbers out of curiosity.
I don’t seem to have any dangerous glucose numbers in either direction, so I don’t think it’s gestational diabetes. What I think is happening is that I’m naturally prone to low blood sugar. This explains… a lot of incidents in my past, actually, including the times I passed out at the pool as a kid and almost passed out at work… And when I brought this up, my mom was like haha yeah I’m hypoglycemic but never told you lol it’s probably genetic. 🙄 tha nk s mOm
So I never knew this about myself until the baby started siphoning blood glucose off the top. It’s not an emergency, I just need to prevent spikes (goodbye processed carbs) and keep healthy food coming in small quantities. I never had problems with intermittent fasting (in fact it was great for stabilizing me) but haven’t been doing IF since the pregnancy, obviously. Even multiple small meals and snacks haven’t been enough, so. I must now eat a constant stream of nuts and berries like a little tweety bird. lol
Would have been nice for a medical professional to tell me this and not to have to figure it out myself via trial and error……… I mean, they sort of tried, but not in a way that was helpful? I don’t know.
But anyway
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trickywicky · 17 days
haha guys i can’t believe this is karmo spirit animals!
as a side note, i genuinely love hamerkops because they’re very interesting birds and they can be pretty funny. here’s some quick hamerkop facts if you’re interested:
• “hamerkop” quite literally translates to hammerhead in afrikaans.
• they are wading birds and live almost anywhere water is available!
• they feed mostly on small fish and amphibians. they use their feet to push around mud and disturb their prey, bringing them closer to the surface.
• they build the biggest nest of any bird in africa!
• they are monogamous 👫 👭 👬
• onto the cool stuff! some african people believe that if a hamerkop flies over your home, it will bring bad luck! you’d better get a move on.
• hamerkops can be an omen of death.
• interestingly, their nickname “lightning bird” is thought to come from the belief that messing with a hamerkop’s nest in any way will bring a bolt of lightning down on your home. these birds like their personal space.
• impundulu, karmo’s hamerkop, has a name that actually means “lightning bird”! it is a name with zulu origins. the impundulu in african myth is associated with witchcraft and is able to control lightning.
• ending on a humorous note, they tend to stand on each other’s backs in a display called “false mounting.” nobody’s quite sure why exactly they do it, but the best guesses are that they’re simply goofing around or bonding. this isn’t limited to female + male bonds either!
in conclusion, impundulu and nazir are some of the coolest birds in the series and need more appreciation.
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if you wanna read more about these guys, check these out:
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bluiex · 2 years
(x.x Now I'm just brain rotting over monsterfucker Scar with watcher!Grian. (Slight body horror warning? But not much) I might continue this & make it spicier but for now…)
"Oh my, it sure is dark outside tonight. I can barely see a thing in this super scary forest!"
Scar pauses for effect, scanning the trees with an eager grin.
"It would be a shame if something attacked me in the dark right about now. I could easily be pinned down by, say, an overgrown bird."
He waits for any sort of sign of life from the forest and lets out a pointed sigh.
And then, out of the corner of his eye, he sees a flash of purple. Anticipation runs up his spine and he takes a sharp breath–
"–You sure took your time," he purrs back, facing Grian with a teasing laugh. The man almost looked mortal right now; he could be mistaken for any old parrot hybrid, if you weren't too knowledgeable in that world. Unthreatening feathers lined his collar and his pretty wings were more stunning than intimidating.
But Scar could taste the pure, unfiltered, violent power emanating from the almost-human shell he barely fit into.
"Because I'm not interested in whatever game you're playing," Grian scoffs. "I don't know why you're so insistent on seeing my you-know-what form. It's not the most flattering thing."
"You could have me on my knees in any form, songbird," Scar replies, tucking his hands behind his back. "Would'ya feel better if I told you it was a Vex thing?"
"No. I know it's not. You feed off enough of my power as is, I'm not trying to ruin you."
Scar nods, solemn. "Hm, real shame, and here I was offering myself to be ruined. Well! I can go visit someone else then."
And the bait finally snags.
"Someone else?" Grian snaps to attention, an odd glow to his eyes. "You stop that, mister. I know your game. There isn't anyone else."
Scar snorts. "Really? 'Cause I was just parading myself around for a good while there. If you're not worth my time I'm not going to drag this out any longer. You're hardly the only other powerful being on this server."
He mutters a couple names and base locations to himself and turns on his heel without a glance back. He can feel Grian's growing possessiveness, and it's exactly what he wants.
"If you're really not interested I'll just be on my way. It's a good thing we live so close to–"
He catches the sound of a twig snapping behind him, and before he's even realized it his back is up against the bark of some nearby tree.
"Don't move," Grian snarls, but there's no real anger behind his words. It's less emotional and more… animalistic. Scar swallows, though his smirk doesn't waver for a second.
"Fine, Scar, fine. You win, okay? You're the worst."
Under the sliver of moonlight as his only light source, Scar sees something shift in his lover. And he can only feel restlessness growing under his own skin.
To put his awe into words would be an impossible task.
Grian's wings… split. It's far from gruesome– or maybe it is, and Scar's just understandably numb to these things– no, it's beautiful. Flesh twists, makes way for more eyes beneath those soft feathers, reds and blues shifting to galaxies contained within plumage, silver freckles for stars. Scar maintains eye contact the entire time, a fond grin on his face, and Grian stares back defiantly, like a challenge.
More feathers sprout along his body, and Grian ditches his jumper. They bloom from underneath that unfair sleeveless shirt he wears and direct his attention to the man's rippling muscles. Grian is so much stronger than most people give him credit for, he thinks, and that only excites him more.
His teeth grow sharp, his usual talons look more like knives. A true bird of prey; he's built to kill.
"Happy?" Grian growls, his voice echoing through Scar's head until it feels like it's the only thing he's ever known. Grian, Grian, Grian.
He whimpers, unable to force down the noise once Grian's hands are back on his wrists.
(It's hardly an issue. He's already prepped himself, and that rare foresight on his part will soon be something to brag about.)
"Gods, Scar. You're impossible."
Scar is like me fr fr.. OKAY BUT THIS IS GOOD. I NEED MORE- I want more-- if you feel so inclined to write the spicy bit... I'd love to read it (and I'm sure everyone else would as well)
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elendiliel · 1 year
Birds of a Feather
Another sliver-of-life bit of nonsense, this time inspired - at least in part - by an article in @novafire-is-thinking's highly recommended analysis series "Who is TFP Optimus?" ("Desire vs Destiny", if memory serves. I'd have written this down earlier, but I was trying - and ultimately failing - to chase up a reference.)
Being a medic – even the junior medic – in an active, injury-prone team of Autobots isn’t exactly a situation that lends itself to large amounts of free time, but Field-tech Glitch had long since learned (the hard way) to carve out at least a few minutes for herself where she could. She considered total sanity greatly overrated, but staying functional very much is not. So, while the rest of Team Prime caught up on reports, homework or stasis, she was standing in the doorway of the hangar that served as their base, just watching a flock of birds in the distant sky. They were out of range of her non-optical sensors, but without her realising it, her winglets had still fanned out to their full extent, trying to track the fliers’ movements. (Had she noticed, she would have observed that that was the first time she had relaxed her normal vanadium-steel grip on her coding that much since… since leaving Detroit.)
Which meant that the sensor array on the inner surfaces of her short-range scanners could also track any movement behind her – such as the approach of one of her teammates, which caused her winglets to spring back into their default position, a little more slowly than usual. She recognised the other ‘bot – one of only two mecha whose spark signatures she could identify without pushing her sensors and processor to the point of shutdown or meltdown – and, bar any weird Star Trek-style mirror universes that might exist, any Optimus Prime in any reality was surely the definition of safe.
“What are you doing?” he asked, coming to a halt beside her. As he was about three times her height, she couldn’t usually see his expression very well, but she could easily imagine his intricate optics – much more powerful than hers – spiralling open as he followed the direction of her gaze.
“Just birdwatching.” Wasn’t that obvious?
“For what purpose?” Oh, stars. She kept forgetting that, like every other ‘bot on the team, he had known nothing but war for far longer than she had been online. Everything, for him, had to have a practical reason. Even close contact with a quintet of humans, three of them children, hadn’t completely commented out that code.
“Relaxation, I suppose. I get stressed pretty easily, and something like this, which doesn’t really need me to do anything or think too hard, often helps.” She wasn’t generally so open about her… differences… from most mecha with anyone outside her original team, but Prime wouldn’t judge her, she was sure. A thought struck her, not for the first time, and she smiled up at her leader, a little slyly. “I recommend.”
“Is that a general, or a specific recommendation?” Skies above, was that the closest she’d heard Prime come to making a joke?
“Both. And yes, I do think you’re stressed, though you hide it insanely well. You’re carrying the weight of two worlds on your shoulders and leading an outnumbered, out-gunned team permanently low on just about everything. I don’t need more than a back-of-the-envelope calculation to tell me what effect that would have on anyone, let alone someone who cares as much as you do.” Prime seemed at a loss for words, for once, so, rather than force him to find some, she changed the subject back to the previous one. “There’s another reason I like birdwatching. It reminds me of home, in a good way. Our base has a tree growing in it, and it’s my job to feed the birds that visit or nest in it.” Or rather, it had been, before a space-bridge accident had transported her to that reality.
“Why do you not do so here?” Prime seized the new topic with both servos, though only someone watching him as closely as Glitch was would have known that.
It was her turn to be momentarily lost for words. More accurately, the words were all there, but they had jumbled themselves up in her processor again. (Why couldn’t they just behave themselves, the way musical notes did?) Prime waited patiently while she sorted them out as best she could. “This place doesn’t feel – permanent enough. It’s home, but it won’t always be.” Having been a student until less than a stellar-cycle previously, Glitch knew what she was talking about in that respect. “And once you start feeding birds, it’s not a good idea to stop. They don’t usually carry significant fuel reserves, and sometimes use up the last of their energy to get to where they think they can find food. If it isn’t there… not good.” Her optics dimmed slightly at the thought.
“I did not know that,” Prime said thoughtfully. “Relatively little was known of organic worlds on our Cybertron, and even on this planet I have not had as much time to learn such things as I would like.”
“Same goes for my Cybertron,” Glitch sighed. “A lot of mecha are actually scared of organics, thanks to Sentinel blasted Prime. In fact, we’ve lost a lot of knowledge over the aeons, especially our history, and there isn’t much of a general desire to learn more.” That hadn’t always been the case, she knew from her dubiously-legal forays into Science Guild databases. “Particularly if it comes from outside the Commonwealth.” Her handlebars twitched in a kind of shrug. “But then, we’ve been at war on and off since Alpha Trion was young, if not longer. Sometimes with other species, but more often with our own kind. It’s not unexpected.”
She realised Prime was giving her a look she couldn’t decipher – not just because of the height difference. “Your Alpha Trion is alive?”
“Thankfully. He’s just about the only councilbot with the backstrut to stand up to Sentinel. Not that he takes anywhere near enough notice.” She tried to make it clear from her tone of voice that she did not want to drive any further down that road, and Prime not only got the message but complied with it.
They stood in companionable silence for a little while, just watching the distant birds. Glitch briefly wished she had a built-in magnifying lens, so that she could see them more clearly, but even had she been in her home universe, mods – especially medics’ mods – have to be earned, and she was a good few stellar-cycles away from earning that one. Sundry other thoughts flitted through her processor, and one of them found its way to her voicebox. “Did you know some humans used to believe that the future could be predicted by observing the flight of birds? Augury, they called it.”
“I did not.” Prime didn’t take his optics off the aerials he himself was observing, but he sounded curious.
“Oh, they had all kinds of superstitions before their religions became properly organised. Some still do. At least it’s no longer acceptable to use the internal systems of a slaughtered animal for predictive purposes. Eesh.” She made a face. “But if you read a lot of historical accounts, especially if they’re more than a millennium and a half old, practically every significant event is surrounded by omens and portents. Some Roman writers are particularly good. I remember one story about a naval commander who tried to judge how well he’d do in an upcoming battle from the eating patterns of some sacred chickens. They wouldn’t eat at all – probably seasick – so he had them thrown overboard, saying, “If they won’t eat, let them drink” – and went on to lose the battle. At the time, that would’ve been blamed on his disrespect for sacred creatures. I’d argue that anyone with that much arrogance and lack of concern is unlikely to make a good commander.” She grinned up at Prime again. “Luckily for us, you’re the polar opposite.”
Prime didn’t seem to have noticed the compliment. He was looking down at her with an expression she recognised after a sparkbeat. It was one she’d seen in the mirror often enough. The look of a seeker after knowledge who had found a new source of information. She had the distinct impression that Optimus Prime, bearer of the Matrix of Leadership, had been laid aside, and the mech next to her was Orion Pax, archivist and just as much a data addict as she was. Her need for knowledge and understanding, along with a strong desire for justice, might have got her into quite a bit of trouble over the centuries (which would have become a lot of trouble, had her initial incursions into Science Guild databases been noticed by somebot less sympathetic than Brainstorm), but his had led him to Megatronus’ nascent civil-rights movement, to the title of Prime, and to all the responsibilities and problems that that entailed. (In her root dictionary, “Prime” still meant “high-ranking military officer”. She had added “Matrix-bearer” to her custom dictionary, but that hadn’t overwritten the older definition.) She was glad that Orion still existed, under the persona (Latin for mask, she recalled) of Optimus, and – she had to be honest with herself – pleased that she and her store of information could bring that side of him back to full consciousness, even once in a while. Maybe, when the war was over, he could return to his beloved Hall of Records, or recreate it on Earth, and add everything he had learned on his travels around the galaxy. Be Orion again – an older and wiser Orion, true, but no longer the war-weary leader of a beleaguered faction, simply a lover and seeker of knowledge and wisdom. She could but hope.
“I would like to hear more of such things,” Prime – Orion – remarked. Then he seemed to shake himself mentally and slightly, and returned his gaze to the skies, to the birds still swooping, circling and occasionally diving towards the ground, probably aiming for some unsuspecting prey. (Well, everything needs fuel, and organics can’t live on Energon or hydrocarbons.) “Later.”
That suited Glitch; she was there in the first place because she wanted some peace and quiet, after all. But she had enjoyed their conversation, and continued to enjoy her companion’s presence. Her Ratchet occasionally, usually affectionately, called her a born philosopher – a lover of wisdom – and it occurred to her that the label would be at least as appropriate for Prime. (Knowledge and wisdom weren’t the same thing, though – what would “lover of knowledge” be? Philognoser? Yikes. Better stick to the more euphonious if less accurate term.) More than she had realised at first, he and she were, in that human phrase she liked, birds of a feather, who proverbially – and in reality – flock together.
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fionastrashheap · 3 months
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Just a guy feeding tha birds
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cairoisashapeshifter · 3 months
Since I can't seem to finish a draft, I'll give you snippets of what I wrote. I AM STILL GOING TO WRITE THE STORY I just need time and didn't want you guys to have nothing while I do so, so here;
Also these are the only ones that are just barely good enough for eyes to see i have a lot more that I am keeping locked-
Ahead there is a lot of cussing and this is not proof read as they are just drafts of drafts really.
First Draft:
Baldur was a God, a man, and a friend. As you look to the sky and see him in the rays of sun dancing down to kiss the earth below revealing the lush greens flowing freely in the wind, you see him as a god. When you glimps him from the top his dragon laughing during his descent, the jolly laughter making the cool air much warmer, you see him as a man. In front of you a cup of clear liquid gripped in a tight knuckled hand, a sullen expression dancing on his sneering lips, he was a friend. "What ails you oh great god of joy?" an ocean of blue fury finds your mortal eyes, waves of crashing blues threaten to sink the ship you sailed "Funny," you press your elbows on the hardened wood resting your chin on the backs of your hands "That is why you're my friend, cause I'm funny".
Nights like these were the moon in the sky, a frequent yet vital occurrence with which there was no life, no push and pull of the waters. He to you was expected enough he hadn't needed to knock anymore to enter your abode, instead he filtered through like the moonlight brightening up your darkest of days. "I got you something, Braids." you don't bother to look up from your simmering red flames "Do tell, I looove gifts" in his hands was a spoil of a battle, a hardened tooth he pulled out of a Gradungr himself "Much appreciated, I think I'll keep this right next to the skull you gave me three moon cycles ago".
A man who horded beuty often saw little of it, gold turned into copper, god turned into man. You forgot what it was like before Baldur, before the visitations full of sinful laughter "holy shit you can't say that" you wheeze between pained breaths, "Oh come on it's not like that fat fuck is here to hear that anyway" a snort followed by your own joke catches him of guard "Now who can't be sayin shit, I don't think in all the nine realms have I heard something that awful" with him the stories riddled with gods feasting on the flesh of monsters or culling the weal were gone, replaced by immortal sons of odin not be feared or worshipped but to turn into jokes that feed your belly laughter and wheeze out the air from your lungs.
Baldur was a mad man who had an excuse, you did not. Heimdall was nothing like his younger brother who dared you to climb the wall of Asgard, he was purely a God, a god that looked at you with such abhor you couldn't help but laugh "So you are Heimdall," the god rolled his eyes along with his head in disbelief, he might have thought to drop you although he did not "Come with me and hurry along now I don't have all day".
Second Draft: (Actual first draft that I wrote)
A sunny morning reared it's head from behind the rainy clouds of yesterday's midgardian day. No other human like soul breathed within miles of the woodland area surrounding a creek where you walked. Listening to the sounds of nature around, you hear the song of the birds calling to each other as they did each morning and the sounds of footsteps of animals both large and small. You didn't worry much, you learned that as long as you left them in peace they would leave you to your commute without as much as showing themselves. This was your every day, and despite the same reoccurrences you never felt bored of it, of the monotony that surrounded your everyday life, it was peacful and the periodic nightmare or attack felt like nothing more then life giving you something to keep you from being bored.
Today however, as you reach a clearing just to the left side of the creek you here something beyond the cycle you repeated every day. A dragon. One that was close by the sounds of it, so close you didn't have to wait vary long until you saw it's shadow flying towards you, it seemed to strangely be getting bigger. You realised it wasn't getting bigger, but closer, so you leap away from your spot hoping to get away from it as fast as you humanly can before it lands and decides you looked annoying or tastey enough to blast or eat. You had made it only to the treelines when a thump sounded shaking the ground you walked on slightly, it had landed sooner then you realised, perhaps this would be the last cycle of life you would be subjected to.
"Well, well, who do we have here"
The birds seemed silky smooth compared to the coarse voice coming from behind you. Turning around, you see a tall figure shirtless his skin covered with nothing but tattoos inked blue, their shape intricate in design as if a hand braided them across his skin and left it's mark with the runes. They were quite beautiful, but something about the random shapes peering from different parts of his chest seemed erratic, they must have been painful. His face is what catches your attention next, his skin was far from clear and his eyes seemed to stare with a sort of anger although the next thing that stood out was his long beard. The braiding on the hairs of his beard was fine but left much to be desired, the urge to sweep your hand through and rework the mediocre braiding done. This one fact about him ticked you off.
"Rude, at least introduce yourself first"
"The name's Baldur"
The name was familiar even if not familiar enough to have broken through your daily life and stick to your brain, it was rare to find something that stuck with you long enough to remember you forgot it. A deep inhuman huff came from where the clearning was, the dragon sounded impatient and you hated the thought of a monster that large deciding it wanted to find it's, seemingly, master and finding you. Years of surviving the cruel nature of life, eating what could be found no matter how vile only to stay hungry after still would not end with you being the hunted, not after all this time.
"Weeelll it was nice meeting you Bald..ur but I need to go home, my dog is cooking and my cow needs some watering-"
He raises a brow. You snap your fingers while pointing them at him and turn on your heel ready to go home and taste the food your fictitious dog has been preparing for you. You feel it before you hear him move, the subtle shift of the pressure around you as his body moves for you. Quickly dodging to the left with your head, you bend down and use your body and pull him forwards before throwing him off. He returned quickly this time catching you by surprise, he punched you in the chest sending you flying back breaking trees along the way before stopping at a giant boulder.
"Ow fuck- holy gods man what do they feed you?"
Baldur steps through the broken wood, his eyes still set on you. Birds and other flying creatures scurry past in your peripheral somewhere far behind you, if you were where you thought you were, you counted yourself blessed by the gods. Standing up your body wobbles do one side from the impact unhelped by the fact that pain ate away at the organ situated inside your skull, the adrenalin kept the pain at bay but it hadn't completely willed it gone leaving you with blotting vision.
"Can I say one thing before I die?"
He stops right in front of your swaying frame debating whether to just kill you outright or not.
"Your beard needs a rebraiding, whoever did it is god fucking awful"
Gobsmacked, Baldur just begun laughing his body hunching over slightly. Instinct by now would have had you gone but this odd tattooed man with the force of a god in front of you and a large dragon behind you tied your feet to the ground below you, you were hoping that by the time he stopped his laughing you would have come with something but unfortunately that didn't happen.
"I'm serious, look, I didn't want to say it because I'm nice like that but it looks like you have udders on your hair, and it's.... udderly dissatisfying to look at...... Okay I admit, that was bad even by my standards"
Everything after that was hazy, your memory marred by the pain changing around the events. But, some things were clear, you were too comfortable making jokes and comments despite Baldur being perfectly capable of murdering you, luckily for you he too was busy laughing at you to try. Somehow, the norns decided to finally hand you a bone as the stranger that sent you flying back now stood next you his posture relaxed.
"You're hilarious you know that"
"Thanks I get that a lot, the draugr really like it"
Sitting by the edge of the kindling flame, you warm your freezing hands to banish away the winter cold. Two nights had passed since snow began settling on the earth shooing what would have been your meal for the evenings prior, winter had came early bearing with it's gifts with all of its faults. A hushed grumble left your trembling lips, going out there in a time like this was dangerous for someone who had no weapon that could beat the frozen hel walkers, and they were plenty. Sounds outside alerted you to the presence of something shuffling near your door, whatever it had been stopped in front and stood for moments before banging on the door. You make to reach for your weapon.
"I know you're in there Braids"
Baldur sat on his favourite wooden chair right in front of the big window that accented your home, he liked to watch the different creatures scuttle about whether it be the tiny insects or the large animals that made the trees outside their home. This time he did not watch. His eyes drifted to the wooden frame before dropping to the table between him and the window, the round furniture was chipped in shapes of runes carved with a knife while you were bored, he knew every single dip in the wood by now. Eventually they landed on you
This visit was normal, ever since he first showed up and his appearances had become part of your usual, he would visit at least once every moon cycle looking for a distraction from his every day life, you never guessed you would be said boredom reliever but here you were sitting across from him. However, today his boredom was replaced with a side of him you haven't seen before, not to this extent. His body was tense, rigid to the emotion that tempered his staple mood turning his brows down and his eyes narrow.
"You look unhappy"
Finding your comment going no where you cross your arms searching for an answer in the sky blue eyes looking back at you. Baldur seemed less then willing to talk about what his issue was and you weren't going to push yourself onto him, yet still, you wanted to do something. You stand up from your spot making your way down the small space of your cabin home where you kept the water, you poured two cups to the brim. Once back, you place a cup in front of him and lean back on the table right by his side. His eyes held a certain hunger towards the settling liquid, if one were to look only at his expression they'd think he witnessed a pot of gold not a cup of water.
"I can't taste shit"
"Good, if someone told me 'I taste water' I'd be worried"
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mossarchives · 1 year
After trying to not bully Wyn by saying this song reminds me of him I have now given him a song that reminds me of him
Lagtrain - inabakumori
: ) sorry son boy
THIS GOT AWAY FROM ME SO BAD KSDHFKS Thank u for enabling the part of my brain that never shuts up about my favorite OC <3
I went all the way back to Monster Haus Wyn (with some names swapped for their nulliverse counterparts) for you so naturally: TW: Mentions of Death
With a flick of his wrist and two fingers pinched on the wooden sign The Chosen Brew goes from 'closed' to 'open'. Wyn double checks that the lock is upright and then shuffles back behind the counter to wait.
It's raining outside, a steady flow of water sliding down the wide windows and turning the sidewalk outside into a smear. He can hear Emery moving around in the back, transferring sweet smelling cookies out of the oven for a sheet pan of coffee cake.
Wyn swipes a pen from the cup beside the cash register, needing to occupy his twitching fingers. He's only been awake for two hours but his head is twisting itself into knots. It's pathetic. There was so much he was supposed to be happy about. He should be in a better mood, should be molding his lips into the light smile he's finally perfected, but his eyes refuse to focus how he wants them.
His sister had applied to a college two towns over, close enough to visit with ease but far enough that living in a dorm would be best. After living in a bed and breakfast for nearly a year, a dorm seemed downright luxurious.
Emery was also moving house, now that things had gotten more serious with Isadora. Still in Asher's Glenn, of course, because The Chosen Brew would have to be pried from her cold, dead hands and one would have to get through Wyn and Lochlann first. She'd already applied for her favorite of the handful she and Isadora had toured, and all hands were preemptively on deck to help her pack.
Then there was Wyn.
Static. That's his issue. Time ticks ever onward and leaves him scrambling to catch up. He can't go to college like his sister, or even see about getting an apartment anywhere. Legally, Wyn doesn't exist, and he's never using Dimitri Winthrop on anything ever again.
He's long overstayed his welcome at The Bird's Nest, but there isn't really anywhere else to go. He couldn't exactly move into his sister's dorm. Chasing him from Oregon to New York was one thing, but following to her college was another. He could ask Ryouma, but his apartment above the library was fairly small, and Wyn wasn't sure he was ready for that step in their tentative relationship. His options were shaping up to be hiding out in the storeroom or moving into the dormant Monster House.
He's not going to ask Emery. She already feeds and pays him, he's not going to add giving him a place to stay to his never ending debt.
He lets out a yelp, the pen jolted from his hand as he jumps. Lochlann is standing on the other side of the counter, waiting, staring at him.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Lochie!” He clutches his chest, trying to force his soul back into place. “How long have you been standing there?!”
Lochlann shrugs. “A few minutes. You didn't notice.”
“No shit.” Wyn lets out another wheeze, trying to get his heart to resume normal human activities. As much as he loves Lochie, her arrival had reminded him of the final nail in his coffin: the impending failure of his body. Every time she says his name he feels his soul lurch, the unfortunate price for being friends with a dullahan while on the fast track to death. If he's lucky he's got ten years until the blood ritual really starts to tear him apart from the inside.
Just another one of the many ways the world is leaving him behind. Lovely.
Lochlann bends down and retrieves the pen he'd inadvertently thrown at her. “Is everything okay?”
The lie is almost trivial at this point. “Yeah, just tired. What can I get you?”
She scans the shelves of tea behind him. “I liked that lavender tea you gave me last week, could I get that?”
“Sure thing.” Wyn turns to fetch a mug and the tea she's requested. He doesn't get why Emery puts the tea so high up, even he has to stretch and he's much taller than her. She's going to need a step stool when he's...
As if summoned by his thoughts, Emery steps out of the kitchen dual wielding trays of breakfast pastries. She gently hip checks Wyn out of the way as she passes and sets them down on the counter.
“Good morning, Lochie.” Emery twists to the side to look at Wyn, one hand braced against her hip. “And you, did you eat?” Wyn squints, trying to think, and Emery just rolls her eyes. She sets a danish on a plate and slides it towards him, ready for consumption once he's done serving Lochie.
He sneaks a few drops of lavender scented oil into her tea so the smell is stronger and then passes it over. “Here you go, one human-passing cup of tea for you.”
“Thank you.” Lochie reaches out, stiffly, and ruffles his hair, making him sputter in annoyance. Emery laughs as she slips past him to grab more pastries for the case, and Lochlann is already in her window seat by the time he's combed his hair from his face.
Sighing, Wyn turns to start making Emery a latte, shoving the danish between his teeth as he goes about the familiar motions. It was a new recipe morning, so he knows that she hasn't had the chance to drink anything other than her wake up cup of coffee. He's gotten the hang of her seasonal preferences, and Wyn won't lie and say he doesn't enjoy the pride in her voice when she compliments his work.
The routine takes his mind off the darker of his thoughts. Floral teas for Lochlann, flavored lattes for Emery, and black tea with ungodly amounts of honey for Briar. Little habits engraved on the fragile flesh of his heart. To love someone is to take care of them, and maybe that's the one good thing about being static.
It's not going to fix the twists and tangles in his mind, but it's a start. It's better than the Wyn that stumbled into this haunted town, even better than the Wyn that defended it. No matter where everyone else went, he would be here for as long as his body let him.
Wyn was notoriously stubborn after all.
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maxitaxisbrisbane · 2 days
5 Best Things to Do in Brisbane with Maxi Taxis Brisbane
Brisbane is a city that beautifully blends vibrant culture, outdoor adventure, and iconic attractions. Whether you're a visitor or a local, ease of transportation is key to experiencing the best the city has to offer. Maxi Taxis Brisbane provides reliable, spacious, and affordable transportation services, ensuring you can explore the city hassle-free. From sightseeing tours to family outings, here are the five best things to do in Brisbane with Maxi Taxis Brisbane.
1. Explore the South Bank Parklands
South Bank is the cultural hub of Brisbane and a must-visit destination for tourists and locals alike. With stunning river views, lush gardens, and the iconic Streets Beach, it offers the perfect setting for a relaxing day. Maxi Taxis Brisbane ensures a comfortable journey for you and your family, with taxis equipped with baby seats for younger children. Whether you're swimming, enjoying a picnic, or exploring the markets and cafes, Maxi Taxis makes getting to and from South Bank stress-free.
Take a swim at Streets Beach, Australia’s only inner-city beach.
Stroll through the Epicurious Garden and unwind by the Arbour.
Dine at one of the many riverside restaurants offering breathtaking views.
2. Visit the Brisbane Botanic Gardens at Mount Coot-tha
For those who love nature, the Brisbane Botanic Gardens at Mount Coot-tha are a serene escape from the city's bustle. Sprawling over 56 hectares, the gardens feature diverse plant collections, themed sections, and scenic walking paths. Maxi Taxis Brisbane provides spacious vehicles for groups of up to 13 passengers, ensuring a stylish and comfortable trip to this green oasis.
Explore the tranquil Japanese Garden and the Tropical Dome.
Take in panoramic views of Brisbane from the Mount Coot-tha Lookout.
Visit the Sir Thomas Brisbane Planetarium for an awe-inspiring journey through space.
3. Discover the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
Animal lovers can’t miss a visit to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, the world’s first and largest koala sanctuary. Located just outside Brisbane, this popular destination makes for a perfect day trip. With Maxi Taxis Brisbane, you can enjoy a smooth and comfortable ride, especially if you're traveling with a group. Wheelchair-accessible taxis are also available, ensuring everyone can enjoy the sanctuary’s Australian wildlife.
Cuddle a koala and capture the moment with a photo.
Hand-feed kangaroos in the open paddock.
Watch the Birds of Prey show and witness an impressive aerial display.
4. Visit the Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA)
For art enthusiasts, Brisbane is home to the renowned Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA). Whether you’re attending an exhibition or simply exploring, Maxi Taxis Brisbane offers a convenient and comfortable ride, saving you from parking hassles or public transport delays. Maxi Taxis is also ideal for group visits or events, making your journey to QAGOMA seamless.
Discover captivating exhibitions at GOMA.
View works from Queensland’s leading contemporary artists.
Visit the Children’s Art Centre for interactive and engaging art experiences.
5. Enjoy a Day at Moreton Bay and Islands
For those seeking adventure, Moreton Bay and its islands offer an array of outdoor activities such as water sports, wildlife encounters, and breathtaking scenic views. Maxi Taxis Brisbane ensures you reach the ferry terminal on time, with plenty of space for luggage and gear. It’s the perfect transportation solution for a day trip to Moreton Island, North Stradbroke Island, or Bribie Island.
Snorkel or dive around the Tangalooma Wrecks at Moreton Island.
Spot migrating whales from Point Lookout on North Stradbroke Island.
Enjoy a laid-back day of fishing or boating on Bribie Island.
Maxi Taxis Brisbane makes discovering the city’s best attractions easy, reliable, and comfortable, whether you’re embarking on a solo adventure, a family outing, or a group tour. Enjoy Brisbane to the fullest with hassle-free transportation, spacious vehicles, and personalized service.
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conciergebloom · 2 months
Sustainable Gardening: How to Create an Eco-Friendly Custom Garden This Year
Creating a sustainable garden is more than just a trend; it’s a commitment to preserving our planet while enjoying the benefits of gardening. Sustainable gardening focuses on using resources efficiently, reducing waste, and creating a habitat that supports biodiversity. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this guide will help you design and maintain an eco-friendly garden that thrives in harmony with nature.
Understanding Sustainable Gardening
Sustainable gardening involves practices that are environmentally friendly and resource-efficient. It emphasizes the conservation of water, soil, and energy, and promotes the use of native plants, organic materials, and natural pest control methods. The ultimate goal is to create a garden that sustains itself with minimal impact on the environment.
Benefits of Sustainable Gardening
1. Environmental Conservation
   - Reduces the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, which can harm wildlife and pollute water sources.
   - Conserves water through efficient irrigation practices and drought-resistant plants.
   - Supports biodiversity by providing habitats for various species.
2. Cost Savings
   - Lower water bills due to efficient irrigation and drought-tolerant plants.
   - Reduced spending on chemical fertilizers and pesticides by using organic alternatives.
   - Lower maintenance costs through the use of hardy, native plants.
3. Healthier Produce
   - Growing your own fruits and vegetables without chemicals ensures healthier, fresher produce.
   - Gardening is a physical activity that promotes overall well-being and reduces stress.
Planning Your Sustainable Garden
A successful sustainable garden starts with careful planning. Here are the key steps to design your eco-friendly garden:
1. Assess Your Garden Space
Begin by evaluating the space available for your garden. Consider the following factors:
Determine how much sunlight different parts of your garden receive throughout the day. Test your soil to understand its composition and pH level. Amend the soil with organic matter to improve its quality. Identify water sources and plan for efficient irrigation methods.  Take note of existing plants and trees, and consider how they can be incorporated into your sustainable garden.
2. Choose Native and Drought-Tolerant Plants
Native plants are well-adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, making them easier to grow and maintain. They also support local wildlife, including pollinators like bees and butterflies. Drought-tolerant plants reduce water usage and are more resilient during dry periods.
3. Design for Biodiversity
A diverse garden attracts beneficial insects, birds, and other wildlife, creating a balanced ecosystem. Incorporate a variety of plants with different heights, colors, and bloom times to provide year-round interest and support for wildlife.
Consider adding features like bird baths, insect hotels, and butterfly feeders to encourage biodiversity.
Sustainable Gardening Practices
Once your garden is planned, implement these sustainable practices to ensure its success:
Healthy soil is the foundation of a sustainable garden. Improve soil health with these methods:
Create compost from kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other organic materials to enrich the soil with nutrients. Apply mulch around plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Grow cover crops like clover or rye during off-seasons to prevent soil erosion and add organic matter.
Use drip irrigation systems to deliver water directly to the plant roots, reducing evaporation and runoff. Collect rainwater in barrels to use for watering your garden. Water plants early in the morning or late in the evening to minimize evaporation.
Avoid chemical pesticides by using natural pest control methods:
Introduce insects like ladybugs, lacewings, and predatory beetles that feed on pests. Grow plants that repel pests or attract beneficial insects. For example, marigolds can deter aphids and nematodes. Use row covers, nets, or fences to protect plants from pests.
Use manual tools like hand pruners, rakes, and hoes instead of power tools. Install solar-powered garden lights to illuminate your garden without using electricity.  Plant trees or shrubs to create windbreaks that reduce wind damage and conserve energy.
Sustainable Garden Maintenance
Regular maintenance is key to a thriving sustainable custom garden. Here are some tips for eco-friendly garden upkeep:
1. Pruning and Deadheading
Prune plants to remove dead or diseased parts and promote healthy growth. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming and prevent self-seeding.
2. Weed Control
Manage weeds without chemicals:
Remove weeds by hand or with a hoe. Apply a thick layer of mulch to suppress weed growth. Use cover crops to outcompete weeds and improve soil health.
3. Seasonal Care
Adapt your garden care to the seasons:
Prepare garden beds, plant new seeds, and apply compost. Mulch plants, water deeply, and monitor for pests. Harvest produce, clean up garden debris, and plant cover crops. Protect plants with mulch, prune dormant trees and shrubs, and plan for the next growing season.
Engaging Your Community
Sustainable gardening can extend beyond your own backyard. Engaging your community can amplify your efforts and create a larger impact. Share your gardening knowledge with neighbors, friends, and local gardening groups. Host workshops or garden tours to inspire others to adopt sustainable practices.
Participate in or start a community garden. Community gardens provide shared spaces for growing food, fostering community spirit, and promoting sustainable practices. Purchase plants and supplies from local nurseries and garden centers that prioritize sustainability. Supporting local businesses reduces the carbon footprint associated with shipping and promotes the local economy.
Creating a sustainable garden is a rewarding endeavor that benefits both you and the environment. By carefully planning your garden, choosing native and drought-tolerant plants, and implementing eco-friendly practices, you can create a beautiful and resilient garden that supports biodiversity and conserves resources. Remember, sustainable gardening is a continuous journey of learning and adapting. Start small, make incremental changes, and enjoy the process of nurturing your eco-friendly garden. Your efforts will contribute to a healthier planet and a more sustainable future for generations to come.
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tsaasuri · 2 months
Prinsipe Teñoso and Prinsesa Flocerfida - subverting the fairy tale classic Svinedrengen [EN]
The Swineherd (Svinedrengen) by Hans Christian Andersen told the story of a suitor prince from a small kingdom and a daughter of an emperor, a princess. The suitor prince vied for the princess' heart with beautiful but humble gifts—a scent of a rose and a song of a nightingale. The princess cast them aside as their value seemed common and simple. While it was certain that he met the required social stature, permitting asking for the princess' hand and undeniable was the rare beauty of the rose and the sweet song of the bird, the prince was swiftly rejected still. As a test, the prince daubed grime on his mug and donned clothes of the common folk. He sought employment from the emperor and earned the position of the imperial swineherd. All day, he tended to the pigs in their sty. Come night, he worked on trinkets of which performed tricks. One such thing is a steam pot with bells 'round it. The bells rang a charming tune—the only tune the princess knew how to play—whenever the pot's contents came up to a boil. Curiously, when one put their finger into the steam of the pot, one can smell every dish cooked in every fire in town. It was more remarkable than the simple scent of a flower the prince offered and naturally, the princess wished to possess it.
"Ten kisses from the princess and it is her claim."
"That is too disgusting!"
The princess offered ten kisses from her maids-in-waiting, but the swineherd refused still. Relenting, the princess ordered her maids-in-waiting to cover them while she kissed the grimy swineherd for his pot. Once she took home her trophy, she and her ladies fawned over the marvel of the steam pot.
Wasting no time, the prince-turned-swineherd created a new trinket—a rattle—which when shook performed all the dance tunes. Waltzes, polka, name it all. Charmed was the princess once again that sought to possess the swineherd's invention.
"A hundred kisses is the price."
"What madness!"
The princess was willing to do ten kisses and would relegate the rest to her maids-in-waiting. The swineherd turned down such offer. Relenting once again, the princess made her maids-in-waiting crowd around them to cover the act of payment. The princess peppered the swineherd with kisses while the maids-in-waiting kept count. As it happened, the emperor incidentally stepped into the balcony and noticed the crowded pigsty. Curiosity getting the best of him, he exited his abode and approached the crowd.
The maids-in-waiting were too engrossed with keeping count of the kisses that they didn't notice the emperor peering through their gaps. Once the emperor saw what the princess was doing, he threw a shoe on their heads, interrupting their sixty-eighth (68th) kiss.
"What is the meaning of this?!" The emperor, so enraged that the princess would trade her kisses for mere toys, banished her and the swineherd from the empire. "Get out of my sight!"
The princess wept as torrential rain poured. She wished she accepted the prince from before and regretted her choices. The swineherd went out of sight, cleaned up his face and disregarded his commoner robes. He presented himself to the princess in his prince attire and he was so beautiful that the princess couldn't help but fall into a bow.
"You rejected my honest princely offer but you would kiss a trickster swineherd. I have nothing but contempt for you." With that, the prince withdrew his marriage proposition, leaving the princess desolate and alone.
※ Spoilers ahead.
In Prinsipe Teñoso (1954 screenplay by Johnny Legarda based on the original 1942 script by Manuel Conde), Prinsesa Flocerfida (Princess Flocerfida) of the kingdom of Hongria first glimpsed an older sickly man being assisted by the palace gardener into a shed. She saw the gardener holding a small plate while figuring out what to feed him. The princess instructed the gardener to get a bigger plate from the royal kitchen and told him that the sickly man could stay on the grounds until he got well. He would also get half of the princess' food so that he could be full.
"Mabait pala ang prinsensang 'yan. Eh kung lahat ng tao'y katulad niya, [ang] ginhawa ng mundo." (In surprise, the sickly man said, "the princess is kind." "If all people were like her, the world will be at ease/in relief.")
In another time, Haring Diego (King Diego) of Hongria briefed his daughters, Prinsesa Juana, Prinsesa Flora, Prinsesa Laura, and Prinsesa Flocerfida that on his birthday there shall be a feast inviting various princes and honorable men of other kingdoms. And, while these men were below the balcony of their palace, per the king's command, the princesses would each toss a granadang ginto (golden pomegranate) toward any of the esteemed men according to their choosing. Whoever man caught the respective princess' golden pomegranate should earn her hand in marriage. This decree lingered in the princesses' minds that they remained talking about it during bedtime.
"Anong pipiliin mong maging asawa?" [...] "Ayaw mo ba ng prinsipe, duke, heneral?" ("What would you like for a husband?" "(I take it) you don't want a prince, a duke, a general?") While the sisters gabbed about the type of spouse they would or wouldn't like, Prinsesa Flocerfida noticed the older sickly beggar from where she stood by the window. In a few seconds, after the older sickly man submerged his whole body under the water, a beautiful youthful man emerged. He swam merrily in the brook, guided only by the pale moonlight. He seemed unreal, such that later on Prinsesa Flocerfida would describe him as "only the fruit of the dream world."
Came the feast for the king and the honorable men stood below the balcony. Prinsesa Juana, Prinsesa Laura, and Prinsesa Flora tossed their golden pomegranates toward different princes. Prinsesa Flocerfida looked at eligible bachelors but turned away in disappointment. Unwilling to give up, the king decreed that she should still choose a spouse and gave her a bigger pool the next day. Her choice was no longer limited to only men of high social stature such as a prince or a general, but she can choose from any unwed man in the kingdom who will gather below the balcony.
On that day, as a jest, men in fine clothes and high social status dragged the sickly beggar below the balcony. Seeing that man in the crowd, Prinsesa Flocerfida enthusiastically threw her golden pomegranate to him. Scandalized by the outcome, Haring Diego asked:
"Ibig mong sabihin tinalaga mong mapakasal doon sa matandang gusgusin?" ("You mean to say you purposely want to be wed to that older grimy man?")
"Opo, ama kong hari." ("Yes, my father king.")
"Flocerfida, inuutos ko: bawiin ang iyong granada." ("Florcefida, I order you to take back your pomegranate.")
"Tutol po ako, amang hari. Buo na ang aking pasiya." ("I oppose, father king. My decision is final.")
"Laking kahihiyan... Suwail na anak!" ("Big shame/what a disgrace. Obstinate child!") "Ngayon din ay lisanin mo ang palasyo! Sulong!" ("Depart this palace at once! Go!")
Haring Diego, determined to punish his daughter, instructed the minister to wed the two immediately (finalizing her "mistake") and banned the both of them from the castle, banishing them to the forest. While the princess held out her hand to the sickly man with a "Tayo na, mahal ko," ("Let's go now, my love,") the various "honorable" men kept murmuring on how she made a mistake. Presented with clean men in lavish clothes with riches to boast, she chose a beggar in ragged clothes and sickness to boot.
As the princess walked away with nothing but her husband and the clothes on her back, the king exclaimed,
"Mga mamamayan ng Hongria! Hayan! Malasin niyo ang sarili kong anak! (Ang anak ko) Ay hindi natatangi sa katarungan! Palalasap ko sa kanya ang lupit ng aking pagpaparusa. Pagsisihan niya! Pag-!" ("People of Hongria! There! Befall (your sight) on my own child not exempt from justice/righteousness! I will let her relish the harshness of my punishment. She will regret this! Sh-!")
Haring Diego fainted, fell from a sickness that took his heart. In the forest, unperturbed, the princess lived happily ever after with her husband.
"Bakit nga ba umibig ka sa isang matandang pulubi?" ("Why did you love an old beggar?") Her husband asked.
"Ewan ko nga ba... Sapat nang sabihin ko sa'yo [...] Nakita ko ang lalaki [...] na kasing larawang katuparan ng aking pangarap." ("I don't know... Suffice to say to you [...] (that) I saw someone who was the image/personified the man of my dreams.") Prinsesa Flocerfida replied to him. She recalled the moment she witnessed an "unreal" man in the brook one night.
"Noon pa na i-pasiya ko na, na anumang anyo ang ipagkaloob sa kanya ng tadhana, ang siyang magmamay-ari ng aking puso." ("From that moment on, I decided, no matter what appearance/form fate bestows upon him, he shall be the owner of my heart.")
How did Prinsipe Teñoso subvert Svinedrengen?
Unlike the princess in Andersen's story, Prinsesa Flocerfida wasn't a superficial person. Prinsipe Teñoso (1954 dir. by Gregorio Fernandez) subverted expectations by making her uninterested in toys that perform fancy tricks. She wasn't troubled by her husband's social stature, health, or appearance. She didn't wail when she was relegated to a humble hut in the forest with her husband despite living all her life in an ornate palace and having had princes offering rich coffers for her hand in marriage. While initially enchanted by the sickly man's "inner or hidden beauty," it didn't make her search for an appearance that wasn't there in her current partner. She loved him without prejudice.
In the end, she was rewarded when the sickly man was restored to his original appearance—that of a youthful dashing prince at his prime. His true identity was Prinsipe Juan Teñoso (Prince Juan Teñoso) of the kingdom of Valencia. Like the princess, he was punished by a proud king, his father. After his penance, the prince's original appearance and health were permanently restored. While they lived in humility during the first legs of their marriage, eventually Prinsipe Juan Teñoso attained a magic kerchief (a reward for being kind) which allowed him to magically provide his spouse any fancy dress and/or accessory her heart may desire. He was also instrumental to restoring Haring Diego's health after a sickness took his heart, which allowed Prinsesa Flocerfida back to the castle, just in time to be present for her sisters' weddings.
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thelensofyashunews · 3 months
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RIAA Diamond-certified rap superstar Roddy Ricch is back with his eagerly awaited new single, “911,” available now via Bird Vision/Atlantic Records. An official visual premieres today on YouTube, directed by Spike Jordan. The track heralds Ricch’s hugely anticipated third full-length LP, THE NAVY ALBUM, arriving at last later this year. Additionally, Roddy sat down with Eddie Francis on the Zane Lowe show to discuss "911," and what fans can expect from his  forthcoming album "THE NAVY ALBUM.” The interview is available HERE. 
Ricch – who lit up Kendrick Lamar’s acclaimed The Pop Out: Ken & Friends Juneteenth event at Inglewood, CA’s Kia Forum last week with an explosive performance during Mustard’s set – made his long awaited return this spring with his first official solo release in close to two years, “Survivor’s Remorse,” available now HERE. The powerful track – which includes a sample from fellow Atlantic recording artist Kelly Clarkson’s 2023 hit, “me” – arrived alongside an official music video, directed by Spike Jordan (Gunna, NAV & Don Toliver Ft. Future) and already boasting over 3M views via YouTube HERE.
A deeply personal response to long lingering questions, “Survivor’s Remorse” marked the first new chapter in what is quickly shaping up as a landmark 2024 for the GRAMMY® Award-winning (and 10x GRAMMY® Award-nominated) artist, including “let it breathe (feat. Roddy Ricch),” his recent feature on Gunna’s blockbuster new album, ONE OF WUN.
With 12.4B overall streams and 6.6B US total streams to date, Roddy Ricch has been praised by Pitchfork as “The West Coast’s premier melodic storyteller.” The self-proclaimed “illustrator of the streets” made an explosive debut with 2019’s 2x RIAA Platinum-certified, chart-topping album, PLEASE EXCUSE ME FOR BEING ANTISOCIAL, highlighted by 11 RIAA certified singles including the 3x GRAMMY® Award-nominated, Diamond-certified #1 classic, “The Box.” Both the album and “The Box” made chart history, dominating as the #1 album and #1 song for three non-consecutive weeks, with “The Box'' further ruling atop Billboard’s “Hot 100” for 11 consecutive weeks. Ricch then replaced himself atop the “Hot 100” by scoring his second straight #1 with his feature on DaBaby’s 5x Platinum single, “Rockstar,” which spent seven non-consecutive weeks at the top of the overall chart. 
Ricch’s sophomore album, LIVE LIFE FAST arrived in December 2021 and made an explosive #1 debut on Billboard’s “Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums” chart as well as at #4 on the overall Billboard 200. 2022 saw the releases of THE BIG 3, a three-song collection highlighted by the smash single, “Real Talk,” as well as 2022’s FEED THA STREETS 3, including such critically acclaimed singles as “Twin (Feat. Lil Durk)” and “Aston Martin Truck.”
Ricch is undoubtedly a major musical force, a fact made clear by 2020 “Best Rap Performance” GRAMMY® Award triumph for Nipsey Hussle’s “Racks In The Middle (Feat. Roddy Ricch & Hit-Boy),” along with nominations for “Best Rap Song” (for “Racks In The Middle”) and a “Best Rap/Sung Performance'' nod for Mustard’s smash single, “Ballin (Feat. Roddy Ricch).” “The Box” and “Rockstar'' received each three nominations at the following year’s GRAMMY® Awards, including “Song of the Year” (“The Box”) and “Record of the Year” (“Rockstar”), with both named among the “Best Melodic Rap Performance” and “Best Rap Song” nominees. Additional honors include an American Music Award, two BET Hip Hop Awards, and two BET Awards, “Album of the Year” for PLEASE EXCUSE ME FOR BEING ANTISOCIAL. 
An unstoppable live performer, Ricch has stolen the show on multiple headline tours, festival stages, and on an epic run as special guest on Post Malone’s blockbuster 2022 “Twelve Carat Tour.” He has made a range of high profile TV appearances, including back-to-back performances on NBC’s The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon - HERE and HERE, CBS’s The Late Late Show with James Corden, and more.
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