#Feasibility studies and Project reports
eninrac-consulting · 3 months
From Idea to Execution: How PFRs & DPRs Guide the Course of Your Project
Have you ever had a fantastic business idea? PFRs and DPRs serve as your success road maps! The distinction between Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) and Pre-Feasibility Reports (PFRs) is explained in this guide. Discover how DPRs offer a blueprint for bringing an idea to reality, while PFRs evaluate an idea's viability.
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researchers-me · 5 months
Learn how to effectively present your feasibility study findings with these six steps. Discover key strategies for engaging stakeholders and guiding decision-making processes.
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generalinformation01 · 6 months
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The world isn’t on track to meet its climate goals — and it’s the public’s fault, a leading oil company CEO told journalists.
Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Darren Woods told editors from Fortune that the world has “waited too long” to begin investing in a broader suite of technologies to slow planetary heating.
That heating is largely caused by the burning of fossil fuels, and much of the current impacts of that combustion — rising temperatures, extreme weather — were predicted by Exxon scientists almost half a century ago.
The company’s 1970s and 1980s projections were “at least as skillful as, those of independent academic and government models,” according to a 2023 Harvard study.
Since taking over from former CEO Rex Tillerson, Woods has walked a tightrope between acknowledging the critical problem of climate change — as well as the role of fossil fuels in helping drive it — while insisting fossil fuels must also provide the solution.
In comments before last year’s United Nations Climate Conference (COP28), Woods made a forceful case for carbon capture and storage, a technology in which the planet-heating chemicals released by burning fossil fuels are collected and stored underground.
“While renewable energy is essential to help the world achieve net zero, it is not sufficient,” he said. “Wind and solar alone can’t solve emissions in the industrial sectors that are at the heart of a modern society.”
International experts agree with the idea in the broadest strokes.
Carbon capture marks an essential component of the transition to “net zero,” in which no new chemicals like carbon dioxide or methane reach — and heat — the atmosphere, according to a report by International Energy Agency (IEA) last year.
But the remaining question is how much carbon capture will be needed, which depends on the future role of fossil fuels.
While this technology is feasible, it is very expensive — particularly in a paradigm in which new renewables already outcompete fossil fuels on price.
And the fossil fuel industry hasn’t been spending money on developing carbon capture technology, IEA head Fatih Birol wrote last year on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.
To be part of a climate solution, Birol added, the fossil fuel industry must “let go of the illusion that implausibly large amounts of carbon capture are the solution.”
He noted that capturing and storing current fossil fuel emissions would require a thousand-fold leap in annual investment from $4 billion in 2022 to $3.5 trillion.
In his comments Tuesday, Woods argued the “dirty secret” is that customers weren’t willing to pay for the added cost of cleaner fossil fuels.
Referring to carbon capture, Woods said Exxon has “tabled proposals” with governments “to get out there and start down this path using existing technology.”
“People can’t afford it, and governments around the world rightly know that their constituents will have real concerns,” he added. “So we’ve got to find a way to get the cost down to grow the utility of the solution, and make it more available and more affordable, so that you can begin the [clean energy] transition.”
For example, he said Exxon “could, today, make sustainable aviation fuel for the airline business. But the airline companies can’t afford to pay.”
Woods blamed “activists” for trying to exclude the fossil fuel industry from the fight to slow rising temperatures, even though the sector is “the industry that has the most capacity and the highest potential for helping with some of the technologies.”
That is an increasingly controversial argument. Across the world, wind and solar plants with giant attached batteries are outcompeting gas plants, though battery life still needs to be longer to make renewable power truly dispatchable.
Carbon capture is “an answer in search of a question,” Gregory Nemet, a public policy professor at the University of Wisconsin, told The Hill last year.
“If your question is what to do about climate change, your answer is one thing,” he said — likely a massive buildout in solar, wind and batteries.
But for fossil fuel companies asking “‘What is the role for natural gas in a carbon-constrained world?’ — well, maybe carbon capture has to be part of your answer.”
In the background of Woods’s comments about customers’ unwillingness to pay for cleaner fossil fuels is a bigger debate over price in general.
This spring, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will release its finalized rule on companies’ climate disclosures.
That much-anticipated rule will weigh in on the key question of whose responsibility it is to account for emissions — the customer who burns them (Scope II), or the fossil fuel company that produces them (Scope III).
Exxon has long argued for Scope II, based on the idea that it provides a product and is not responsible for how customers use it.
Last week, Reuters reported that the SEC would likely drop Scope III, a positive development for the companies.
Woods argued last year that SEC Scope III rules would cause Exxon to produce less fossil fuels — which he said would perversely raise global emissions, as its products were replaced by dirtier production elsewhere.
This broad idea — that fossil fuels use can only be cleaned up on the “demand side” — is one some economists dispute.
For the U.S. to decarbonize in an orderly fashion, “restrictive supply-side policies that curtail fossil fuel extraction and support workers and communities must play a role,” Rutgers University economists Mark Paul and Lina Moe wrote last year.
Without concrete moves to plan for a reduction in the fossil fuel supply, “the end of fossil fuels will be a chaotic collapse where workers, communities, and the environment suffer,” they added.
But Woods’s comments Tuesday doubled down on the claim that the energy transition will succeed only when end-users pay the price.
“People who are generating the emissions need to be aware of [it] and pay the price,” Woods said. “That’s ultimately how you solve the problem.”
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Researchers identify effective materials for protecting astronauts from harmful cosmic radiation on Mars
New findings can help design protective habitats and spacesuits, making long-duration Mars missions more feasible
Researchers have identified specific materials, including certain plastics, rubber, and synthetic fibers, as well as Martian soil (regolith), which would effectively protect astronauts by blocking harmful space radiation on Mars. These findings could inform the design of protective habitats and spacesuits, making long-duration Mars missions more feasible. Because Mars lacks Earth’s thick atmosphere and magnetic field, astronauts exploring the planet would be exposed to dangerous levels of radiation.
Dimitra Atri, Investigator, Center for Astrophysics and Space Science and Group Leader of the Mars Research Group at NYU Abu Dhabi's Center for Astrophysics and Space Science, and lead author Dionysios Gakis from the University of Patras in Greece, report these new findings in “Modeling the effectiveness of radiation shielding materials for astronaut protection on Mars,” appearing in the journal The European Physical Journal Plus.
Using computer modeling to simulate the radiation conditions on Mars, the researchers tested various standard and novel materials to see which best shielded cosmic radiation and determined that compound materials like certain plastics, rubber, and synthetic fibers would all perform well. Martian soil (regolith) was also somewhat effective and could be used as an extra layer of protection. In addition, they demonstrated that the most widely used aluminum could also be helpful when combined with other low atomic number materials. The study also used real Mars data from NASA's Curiosity rover to confirm these findings.
“This breakthrough enhances astronaut safety and makes long-term Mars missions a more realistic possibility,” said Atri. “It supports the future of human space exploration and potential establishment of human bases on Mars, including the UAE's Mars 2117 project and its goal of establishing a city on Mars by the year 2117.”
“Several materials were specifically tested in a simulated Martian environment, making our results directly applicable to future missions and optimizing the combination of advanced materials with the natural resources available on Mars,” Gakis added.
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she-karev · 6 months
Cousin Jen
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Four of Six
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
AN: Hey guys it’s been a great spring break for me and I’m gonna post all the chapters for this story tonight that I hope you all will enjoy. I will take one shot requests from you guys and I always appreciate a like and reblog.
Summary: Jen takes a reluctant Amber to the locker rooms to fix her hair where they hear Roy say something that freaks Jen out about Matt’s condition.
Words: 2952
Andrew and I are sitting at the neuro lab table doing research for Amelia’s project. I was able to schedule for Pierce to consult on Matt’s case tomorrow morning. Now we’re working for Shepherd together, I would’ve gone back to Avery, but Alex scheduled me for Kimmie Park’s awake brain surgery so along with helping to diagnose Matt I’m assisting in the O.R. The thought of that would excite me if not for the part of a good friend of mine being a medical mystery I wish to solve so he can marry my cousin.
Shepherd walks inside the lab, “I have an awake brain surgery on a kid tomorrow, so I’m gonna need my beauty sleep which means you two don’t get to sleep because I need you to narrow down these studies to two options by tomorrow.” I write what she tells me, “Do a feasibility evaluation including a timeline, and don’t forget to evaluate likely subject availability and do a cost projection.”
I finish writing, “Got it.”
“On it.” Andrew confirms as Shepherd walks out of the room and turns to me, “I guess we can call this a date night.”
I smirk as I read a journal, “I’d light a candle but I don’t want to blow us up.” I rub my eyes to get the tired out and my energy deflates as soon as Jen walks inside wearing a dark blue Grey Sloan hoodie and carrying a large capacity bag she uses for her hair equipment. She looks at both of us with a grin.
“Hello.” I look at her annoyed while Andrew looks at her perplexed by her company, “I just wanted to come by and check on you guys and check out the gift shop here. When in Seattle right?”
“Please come on in Jen.” I greet her sarcastically, “I mean it’s not like I’m doing anything here.”
“Oh goodie.” Jen smiles, “Now you can make time for me to fix that rats nest you call a hair.”
I look at her with a frown, “Jen as much as I enjoy your company and I really do I don’t have time to play Beauty Shop. Shepherd just told us to narrow down her studies so she can figure out what to propose to the judges. I’m pretty sure highlights and dye jobs aren’t gonna revolutionize neuroscience.”
Jen turns to Andrew, “Can you handle this on your own for the next two hours?”
Andrew looks surprised and looks at me as I give a glare that tells him not to let her take me but Jen also has a glare that tells him to say yes. He clears his throat obviously conflicted, “I’m not sure which one of you I should be more afraid of right now.”
“Me!” I exclaim, “Very clearly me!”
Jen approaches me, “Okay come on let’s go before you scare this one away.” I face her ready to say no but she interrupts me, “If you deny me, I will just come back in the morning and ask you again only your friends and bosses will be there to see me dominate you like a lion on a gazelle. It’s your choice honey.”
I groan at that and throw my pen on the table standing up as she grins in pride, “You may be victorious now but I will beat you someday.” I look at Andrew, “If I don’t call in the next two hours report me as a missing person.” Andrew grins amused and I reluctantly follow my cousin on the way to beauty hell.
Two Hours Later
The strip of wax being yanked off my eyebrow causes me to yell out in pain, “Ow!” The locker room restroom we’re in keeps the painful shout in. I grip the chair I’m sitting in trying not to hit her for getting me in this hellscape.
She presses the area to keep the swelling down, “Hey it’s your fault for growing a jungle on your face.” After we finished redoing my hair back to the long glamourous blonde it was before I left for Seattle we moved on to waxing which is always my least favorite part. I wince at the hot wax being spread on my upper left eyebrow, “Your lucky I got here when I did otherwise you’d sport a goatee like Andrew.”
She puts the strip over the wax, “Hey at least my guy can grow facial hair does Matt use any shaving cream or is it all just for your legs?” I can tell I pissed her off because she yanks the strip off with more force than necessary causing me a fire ball of pain, “Ow! You evil bitch!”
“Nope that’s you.” Jen grins as she presses the stripped flesh, “You know you can make fun but at least I’m in a long-standing relationship. I’m with a guy who loves me and takes care of me but also gets that I don’t need a man to swoop in and save me. It’s nice and trust me honey you can take a note from me.”
I raise an inflamed eyebrow at her, “In the four years you’ve known me when have I raised concerns about who I date?”
Jen spreads wax on my lower left eyebrow, “Well some of the people you dated wouldn’t qualify as people. I mean seriously cuz I’m just waiting for this new guy to either hit on me in front of you or ask you to give him a handy on the subway.” She strips off the wax that doesn’t feel so painful as I get used to it.
I narrow my eyes at her accusations about Andrew, “He’s not like that. I know I’ve said that before but this time I actually mean it.” Jen looks at me intrigued, “He’s smart and funny and nice and he isn’t scared of me.”
“Is the sex good?” Jen asks me genuinely curious, “I mean I would’ve looked at his feet but you say it’s a myth.”
“It is but somehow he’s an exception.” I grin mischievously as Jen chuckles in delight, “He’s tender and he makes me scream in pleasure and he doesn’t sneak out and ghost me right after. He’s easy to hang out with and easy to talk to, which as you know is a challenge for me. And somehow, he has emotions which he expresses more than I do.”
“Well, it’s not really that hard to do.”
“Yeah, except he’s actually emotional and protective of me which should seem barbaric but somehow it’s not coming from him.” Jen spreads lotion on my waxed eyebrows, “Somehow, he is perfect in every way imaginable and I am so not which he hasn’t figured out yet. I mean what is wrong with him that he can’t see what I and everybody else can see clear as day? I’m convinced he lost a bet or has a tumor of his own.”
“Oh come on Amber.” Jen chastises me gently, “Your every guys dream girl, you watch sports, save lives, have natural assets and you look like a runway model. He’d be an idiot to let you go.”
I grin flattered, “Well your my cousin and my unpaid cheerleader your supposed to think the best of me.”
Jen puts the wax away, “Somebody has to, your done.” I exhale in relief and look in the mirror grinning at the job well done, “See? And it only took two hours and this was all done in a public restroom am I good or what?”
“If I say your good, can I go back to studying with my boyfriend?”
I fluff my wavy hair, “You are the god of all beauticians. Now please leave and don’t come back unless Matt has another fainting spell.” We walk towards the closed door to open it but I hear voices outside and stop.
I can make out Qadri chastising Roy, “Roy that is so mean even for you.”
“Oh come on like your all not thinking it.” Roy responds smugly, “Her cousin’s fiancé faints about a minute into their engagement. There’s nothing wrong with him on the scans or the blood tests. I mean people get cold feet all the time but in his case his feet barely keep him up before the wedding bells. I don’t think I’d blame him I mean she’s hot but she doesn’t seem like the kind of girl I’d get hitched to for life.” I look at Jen who frowns hurt and I move to open the door but she slaps my hand before I can reach and retract it knowing not to fight her.
“Roy you are the worst.” Helm says in disgust, “I mean she seems sweet; I’d like to see if her and Amber actually share genetic material but she’s a nice girl.”
Roy snorts, “Yeah she got the heart and her cousins got the brains.” I curl my fist resisting the urge to burst through the door and punch him and I can sense Jen doing the same, “Maybe that’s why he’s fainting, she’s not the Karev he wanted to ask out that night and had to settle for the loud second best.” I can hear a few interns chuckling as Roy continues, “I mean that could be why he’s fainting, the stress of knowing he made a mistake is causing him fainting spells and it doesn’t help to have a Chatty Kathy with him 24/7.” I can’t take it anymore as I open the door and it hits the wall hard causing them to look at us and I’m sure even with the supermodel hairs we look like their worst nightmare. Roy’s smile falls as he looks scared for his life as he should be.
I glare viciously as I get ready to tear him down, “You know Roy of all the-”
Jen shushes me, “I got this cuz.” She struts toward Roy with a startling grin that’s more scary than comforting, “You know your right I mean marriage is a very scary thing and maybe Matt does have cold feet but at least he knows what it’s like to have a woman in his bed instead of a blowup doll that I’m sure you named after your favorite pornstar. Or your mommy you seem like you have those issues judging by your small dick energy.” I grin at her as she continues, “I might not have an MD or know anything about how the human body works but I have a 60K salary and live in a 2 bedroom in Greenwich Village.” She whirls around asking everybody, “Do any of you have an apartment that has an oven or even pay retail for luxury items?” They all stay silent confirming her suspicions causing her to smile, “I didn’t think so.” She turns back to Roy who looks more relaxed clearly underestimating her which will be his downfall, “You know she thinks I don’t know this but my cousin did a DNA test about a month after we met.” I purse my lips at that, “She’s crap at leaving her letters open on my table and I didn’t blame her. You look at both of us and you can’t believe we share blood. But you know there is one thing just one thing that I share with my cousin that comes from genetics.”
Roy scoffs condescending, “And what-” Roy’s question is stopped with a punch to the stomach by a very pissed off Jen who caught him by surprise. I grin at her very proud and very satisfied Roy was put in his place by a hairdresser of all things.
Jen grins, “We both have a killer right hook.” Roy whimpers in pain and kneels down on the floor holding his groin and she turns sharply slapping his face with her long ponytail and struts out arm in arm with me. We walk down the hall looking fabulous until we reach the neuro lab where Andrew is still working and looks up at us or more specifically me. His eyes practically pop out of his head due to the fact I look like I did when we first met.
“Wow.” Andrew puts his pen down and turns his chair toward me grinning, “I gotta say I’m glad I let her kidnap you.”
I chuckle and stand in front of his holding his shoulders, “Yeah well enjoy it while it lasts because until her next visit I’m gonna let all this slip away.” I kiss him and turn to Jen with my arm around his shoulder and his around my back, “I’m sorry you had to hear that Jen, I should’ve warned you Roy has the mindset of a toxic 90’s male.”
Jen waves me off, “Oh please I’ve handled worse in the East Village although those guys didn’t pass the MCAT.”
“Yeah I think I’m gonna look into that for Roy and see if I can prove he’s a fraud as well as a disgrace to medicine and men everywhere.” I can see Jen looks uneasy for a moment and Andrew sees it too as he asks her.
“Hey what’s wrong?”
Jen sighs and puts the bag on the table and faces us with a serious face for one, “What if…What if Matt doesn’t really want to marry me?”
I mentally curse at Roy for putting that in her head, “Jen don’t listen to what those assholes said okay?”
“Just hear me out. These attacks what if their caused by stress about getting married to me and spending the rest of his life with me?” I chuckle at the absurdity but she doesn’t have it, “Don’t laugh you two are the doctors here can you honestly tell me it wouldn’t be an accurate diagnosis?”
Andrew steps in, “Jen there are a lot of possible reasons that would explain-”
“They started right after he proposed.” I look at Jen in sympathy, “I mean what if I’m not the girl he imagined a future with? I mean you heard what he said you’d be a more logical choice for him than me.”
Andrew looks at me confused, “Wait what?”
I squeeze his shoulder to reassure him, “It’s nothing, it’s just Roy said some things that got into Jen’s head and now she’s talking crazy, well crazier.”
Jen narrows her eyes at me, “I am so glad you find me stressing about my fiancé getting cold feet so funny.”
“Okay first of all me and Matt? Gross like Facebook cyst popping reel’s gross.” Jen looks at me offended, “Not for you, he’s perfect for you but him and me it makes my skin crawl. I mean the guy did puppetry in high school, you know those things freak me out.” Andrew snorts beside me and I explain, “Chucky is the one horror icon I wouldn’t take on, would you?”
“Okay I see your point.”
I focus back on Jen, “Jen, come on, it’s Matt. I’ve known him longer than you have and we both know he’s a terrible liar. I mean remember when he wanted to surprise you with a reservation at Kochi and ended up spilling the beans in his sleep.” I step away from Andrew to grip Jen’s shoulders assuring her, “The guy loves you; he doesn’t have a deceptive bone in his scrawny body. If he had any doubts about marrying you which he doesn’t he would tell you, trust me.”
“But he wouldn’t tell me.” Jen keeps freaking out, “He would just bottle it in until it comes out and he falls asleep as a result of the stress. I mean you said it yourself the labs, the scans they don’t show anything what is it’s in his mind? What if I’m making promises he can’t keep?”
I sigh at her neurosis, “Look if you’re so worried about this why don’t you just go back to the hotel and ask Matt point blank if he really wants to marry you? I know we didn’t grow up with this but communication is key to a long-lasting relationship from what I’ve heard.”
Jen groans, “I can’t ask him he’s just gonna lie and say of course I want to marry you.”
I nod seeing her point, “How about I do it?”
“Amber, I love you but your just gonna scare him into saying what he has to because he’s afraid you’ll castrate him on my behalf.” I open my mouth to defend myself but again I see her point she turns to DeLuca, “Can you ask him? Just do his exam tomorrow and ease it into the conversation and report back to me.”
Andrew is taken back and chuckles nervously but Jen glares at him in a way that keeps him quiet. I look at him silently telling him to do it or she’ll do something bad to him, “I guess I can throw it in while I help Pierce with his EKG.”
I nod and give him an assuring grin turning to my cousin, “If we find a medical reason for his syncope will it make you feel better about this engagement?”
I turn back to the table, “Okay I will go over his labs again and see if they missed anything before his test tomorrow.”
Jen nods appreciative, “You’re the best.” She grabs her bag and turns to Andrew, “If he says anything about cold feet or reminiscing his single days or planning to bag a stripper before the wedding you tell me got it?”
“Got it.”
Jen walks out the door, “Night hot doctors!” Andrew and I grin at each other amused by her energy and I look at Matt’s labs again hoping she and Roy are wrong about this.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Shortly after her death in late 2022, fans of country music legend Loretta Lynn began circulating a petition to get a state park renamed in the Kentucky native’s honor.
Now, in 2024, that campaign may be making some inroads as the Kentucky Department of Parks officially explores options for honoring the star.
The Change.org petition has drawn more than 25,000 signatures, and during 2023 legislative session, the idea won support in the form of Senate Resolution 110.
That resolution, sponsored by state Sen. Robin Webb, D-Grayson, “urges the Department of the Parks to create a committee of diverse stakeholders to identify the best methods of honoring Loretta Lynn in our park system.”
The resolution also requests the parks department report to the Legislative Research Commission possible solutions and “a recommendation for future legislative action” by Jan. 1, 2024.
Now, the department seems to be following up on that request.
In a recent memo to the director of the LRC, Kentucky Parks Commissioner Russ Meyer detailed some of the options the department is proposing. The agency shared the letter in response to a Herald-Leader query.
A portion of that letter reads, “Through discussions with diverse interests and assessment of the system needs, the Department recommends the following potential solutions:
“1) The construction of a statue of Loretta Lynn to be placed in the grassy area of the roundabout at the entrance to Paintsville Lake State Park. While there is no funding currently available for this honor, private funds could be leveraged through a partnership with the Kentucky Parks Foundation and a fundraising campaign.
“2) In the future after current statewide park needs have been addressed, perform a feasibility study on the construction of a new lodge at Paintsville Lake State Park named for Loretta Lynn. The evaluation will include reviewing area occupancy rates, park visitation rates, planning and construction costs, existing park funding sources, and the overall system wide needs of the Department,” Meyer’s letter states.
A spokesperson for the LRC referred comment about project updates to the state parks department.
It remains unclear whether specifically renaming Paintsville Lake State Park in Lynn’s honor is currently under consideration, though that is the stated goal of the fan petition.
Asked for more specifics about what goes into the decision-making process, including whether renaming the park was on the table, a Kentucky Parks Department spokesperson told the Herald-Leader, “In regard to Senate Resolution 110, the recommendation information has been provided to the General Assembly, and they will make the next step.”
Addressed to Gov. Andy Beshear and the state’s legislature and congressional delegation, the petition pushes for Paintsville Lake State Park, located in Lynn’s native Johnson County, to be renamed after the “Coal Miner’s Daughter.”
“Loretta Lynn is not only Kentucky’s daughter; she is a national treasure,” the petition by organizer Carla Engle reads. “Loretta Lynn touched the nation’s heart with her down-home country charm, life story of surviving poverty and overcoming insurmountable obstacles to reach the pinnacle of success. Loretta Lynn impacted our culture and altered the course of country music forever.”
Kentucky’s own ‘Coal Miner’s Daughter’
Born in Johnson County in 1932, Lynn married young. At age 20, she’d had four children with her husband, a U.S. Army veteran she met at a community pie social when she was 15. Though she would later pick up the guitar and begin singing in her spare time, talents that won her fame and success, Lynn considered herself a wife and mother above all.
“If I’m anything in this world, I’m a wife and mother,” she said in 1990. “I do enjoy my performing and musical career, but it’s my family that means most.”
Lynn’s background and family values informed her voice as an artist, spurring her signature song “Coal Miner’s Daughter,” which she recorded in 1970.
But she was also notable for her distinctly feminine point of view. With songs like “Don’t Come Home A-Drinkin’ (With Lovin’ on Your Mind)” and birth control anthem “The Pill,” Lynn blazed the trail for women in the country music industry.
Even upon her death, she remained the most-awarded woman in country music.
Some of her many firsts include becoming the first woman in country music history to earn a certified gold album, the first woman named Entertainer of the Year by the Country Music Association and the first female country music artist to be honored with a Hollywood Walk of Fame star.
Allen Branscum, a Kentucky supporter of the petition, admires Lynn for her humility and for not forgetting her roots.
“She never forgot her hometown. After the coal mine disaster of 1970 where 38 miners were killed close to her area, she worked tirelessly for days promoting a benefit show she organized at Freedom Hall to benefit the families of the miners killed,” Branscum told the Herald-Leader in an email. “She’s very deserving of a lasting tribute in her home town of Paintsville.” ______________________
There shouldn't be any real opposition to this move I wouldn't think.
She's more than deserving of the honour
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Australia's biggest Twenty20 cricket league, the Big Bash League (BBL), is made up of teams located in cities. It is well-known for its fast-paced and exciting structure, and it usually runs from December to February. Since its founding in 2011, the league has gained prominence and drawn both Australian talent and talents from other countries. Teams like the Sydney Sixers, Melbourne Stars, and Perth Scorchers battle it out for the championship in famous venues across the nation. The Australian cricket season's biggest event, the BBL is renowned for its exciting atmosphere, engaging fan base, and high-scoring matches. The BBL gives players a competitive edge and a worldwide appeal by featuring both established international cricket stars and up-and-coming talent. Finally, the league has made a substantial contribution to the expansion of T20 cricket by highlighting the exciting elements of the format and helping to nurture players who succeed in this shortened version of the game.
The way that Cricket Australia has responded strategically to the recent turmoil surrounding the Sydney Sixers in the Big Bash League is a very well thought out plan. The challenging assignment essentially entails requesting detailed proposals from prospective Team owners who have already contacted a player to captain their teams. The last four possibilities have been selected by Cricket Australia, which will choose the best one to form a new Big Bash League team. In-depth analyses of the suggested cricket infrastructure, cutting-edge team facilities, creative marketing approaches, and comprehensive community engagement programs would all be necessary for CA. Carefully vetting each proposal is the responsibility of a carefully chosen selection committee made up of business professionals, league executives, and seasoned cricketing greats. Beyond the obvious, the criteria consider the importance of cricket to the club owners, the size of the leaders' current fan base, economic feasibility studies, and the possibility of igniting a thriving cricket culture in the neighborhood. Concurrently, the committee is developing strict ownership and management policies to create a model for openness, moral behavior, and sound financial standing.
This comprehensive and complex strategy aims to create a revolutionary change in the league's course rather than just solving the problems that plagued the Sydney Sixers. Cricket Australia hopes to establish a new side that will play at the highest level of T20 cricket while also fitting in well with the local sports culture. Through the cultivation of a culture that is marked by impartiality, absolute responsibility, and proactive engagement with the community, this all-encompassing project seeks to establish the Big Bash League as the pinnacle of quality and enjoyment within the international cricket scene.
Task in hand
For the CA to select you as the next team in the Big Bash League, you will need to make a proposal presentation. You will be given one business owner and a team captain. Your proposal pitch needs to contain-
• strategies to persuade Cricket Australia
• marketing strategies
• a three-year financial plan that accounts for player acquisition costs
• public relations strategies
• a jingle
• the team logo
• star player hiring plans
• a press release for the team
• 15-player squad.
Ppt not more than 7 slides
Report not more than 20 pages Extra deliverables are appreciated
A jingle
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Putin orders Roscosmos to establish a terrestrial satellite network similar to Starlink
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 08/28/2023 - 08:27am Military
Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Roscosmos space agency and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) to present proposals for the creation of satellites in extremely low Earth orbit by December 1 of this year.
The satellite constellation intends to rival SpaceX's Starlink, owned by Elon Musk, which is being used by Ukrainian forces for encrypted broadband internet, allowing secure communication on the battlefield. It is difficult to block due to the large number of satellites in orbit and a frequently changing communication protocol.
The space agency and ASI will have to manufacture prototypes of such devices for testing, after which it will be necessary to determine the feasibility of forming a separate program for the development of extremely low orbits (up to 200 km from Earth), while evaluating the necessary volume and sources of funding for the project, reported the Russian Ministry of Defense media channel, TV Zvezda.
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The head of Roscosmos, Yuri Borisov, and the CEO of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Svetlana Chupsheva, have been appointed responsible for the project; they will be required to report the results of their work by December 1, 2023, the report said.
In June of this year, Vladimir Putin, in a meeting with Yuri Borisov, emphasized that it is necessary to attract private investment for the launch of a constellation of satellites in low orbit.
Starlink satellites only require an antenna the size of a backpack to be installed anywhere in the target area. Thus, Ukrainian forces are able to have broadband Internet not only on the battlefield, but also in bombed buildings, where all other means of communication, such as mobile towers, have been destroyed.
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Starlink satellites are the size of a study table and hover just 125 kilometers above Earth. “We have more than 11,000 Starlink stations (portable receiver terminals) and they help us in our daily struggle on all fronts,” said Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, quoted by the POLITICO website. "We are ready, even if there is no light or fixed internet, through Starlink generators, to renew any connection in Ukraine."
Tags: SpaceROSCOSMOSStarlinkWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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eninrac-consulting · 4 months
Unlocking Project Success: The Power of PFRs and DPRs
Dive into the essential tools for project planning and execution with PFRs (Pre-Feasibility Reports) and DPRs (Detailed Project Reports). Understand the meaning and significance of Pre-Feasibility Studies, and how these comprehensive analyses pave the way for successful project outcomes. Discover how detailed project reporting transforms visionary concepts into actionable plans, ensuring your projects are well-founded and strategically sound from inception to completion. Explore the full spectrum of project feasibility and detailed planning in this insightful guide.
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sapenvs3000f23 · 1 year
Unit 01: Relationship with Nature 🐿️
Describe your current relationship with nature. How has this developed/evolved? Who offered you “a sense of place,” as described in our textbook?
Hi everyone! My name is Sam (she/her) and this is my third year in the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences (Ecology) program here at the University of Guelph. 
Like many, my positive relationship with nature developed from a young age. My fondest memories from childhood are homed by forests, rivers, and family gardens. Observing lily pads while canoeing with my mom, petting banded wooly bear caterpillars Pyrrharctia isabella on hikes, thanking trees for letting me climb their branches, and staying up late reading so I could identify every shell I found on the beach. I felt a strong urge to nurture nature as it did for me, despite the fact I had so much growth ahead.
The summer before highschool I started volunteering as a camp counselor at a farm on the Niagara Escarpment, where I found my “sense of place” in nature surrounded by free-roaming chickens, acres of horse pasture, and a group of children eager to learn about forming relationships with animals. Around the same time, I attended “Discovery Vet School” at the University of Guelph, which opened my eyes to the plausible academic future I had in the environmental sector. One of the lectures focused on the ethics of the meat industry; needless to say (against my family’s wishes) my stubborn grade 9 self was vegetarian by the time I got home— an ethical decision that has stuck with me these past seven (7) years. In highschool, I also started volunteering with and fostering for the Humane Society and private animal rescues. With a focus on neonatal kittens, my desire to research the biology and behaviour behind animals skyrocketed. At the same time, I was mesmerized by how deeply bonded I felt to each individual in my care (over 50 cats and kittens by the time I was moving away!). These deep bonds transitioned to plant life too. I started working for a local garden centre and conservation area in my last year of high school, which brought along incredible mentors and life-long friendships built on the foundation of a love for nature. Every plant, animal, and component of our natural environment was solidified in my mind as a someone instead of a something.
Furthermore, I spent Summer 2023 as a full-time Plant & Biocontrol Research Assistant at Vineland Research & Innovation Centre, where I contributed to a variety of experimental projects involving plants, insects, and growth substrates. Whether I was identifying/tracking microscopic insects, testing soil pH levels from Ontario conservation areas, conducting biostimulant fieldwork, or caring for hundreds of greenhouse plants, each day took my passion for ecology to a more feasibly impactful level— I loved it! However, this newfound “measurement of impact” came from a western science perspective spent in labs where all my observations were easily transferable to a spreadsheet. When I was tired from long days of work, it was still nature that would soothe my aches and cradle my mental exhaustion. Evenings spent digging around in my home garden and harvesting vegetables grown without the grand purpose of contributing to scientific reports. Evenings spent reading in the grass accompanied by my family cat and best friend, Delilah, while watching insects crawl between the words of the book I was reading. Evenings spent climbing the backyard tree that had watched me like a grandmother through every stage of life, even though I couldn’t swing on her low hanging branches like I once did. 
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These moments after work, coupled with summer weekends spent hiking or kayaking, lead my story to right now. I’ve returned to the University of Guelph, taking on the role of ecology student for my third year. My “sense of place” within nature has truly blossomed here, where I spend my academic life studying our complex ecological world and my personal life finding natural influences in the music, clothing, activities, and friendships I immerse myself in. The relationship I share with nature is constantly evolving, and I’m looking forward to exploring the intricacies (and sharing them with you!) during our Nature Interpretation course this semester :)
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risinggunviolence · 11 months
Deliverable #1
Gun violence
link to my Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/risinggunviolence
A few social concerns come to mind when considering the challenges facing Portland and American society in general. These topics are frequently included in conventional and social media and in talking points politicians use to win over voters. An organization or a community’s social structure, institutions, behaviors, norms, and values can substantially change over time. These changes are referred to as social change. Numerous causes may be the driving force behind this natural and continuous process. What is the leading cause of gun violence? Gun violence is more likely to occur in a setting with high unemployment, poverty, and inequality. A difficult financial situation can cause social instability and a rise in crime. Gage-related violence is often a significant contributor to gun violence in many urban areas. Gun violence can be exacerbated by more general systemic problems like racial injustice, resulting in economic inequality and uneven access to opportunity. 
Gun violence is on the rise across the city of Portland.
‘’In 2019, Portland had 389 shootings, according to data from the Portland Police Bureau. Just one year later, that number more than doubled, skyrocketing to almost 900. The violence has continued in 2021. Through May, police have reported 453 shooting incidents. At the current rate, Portland will have more than 1,000 shootings by the end of this year.’’ 
"It's not just a public safety problem, it's also a public health crisis and you have another public health crisis that's laying on top of all of this. That's caused a lot of trauma to our entire society at this point. But you add to that the availability of guns and the willingness of people to use these guns most horrifically and tragically." permit-to-purchase handgun law was associated with a 25% increase in firearms homicide rates. 
It's critical to remember that there isn’t a single, universally applicable strategy to stop gun violence. The best strategy frequently involves several tactics that are each specifically designed to address the requirements and difficulties of a particular community. Political and cultural considerations may also impact how feasible it is to apply these policies in various places. Government, law enforcement, community organizations, and citizens all have a shared duty to prevent gun violence and build safer communities. Advocacy, public support, and knowledge are important factors promoting progress in this field.
Lawmakers can learn lessons from auto safety. To start, they can impose more rigorous requirements for owning firearms. “For the most part, it is much easier to be a legal gun owner in America than it is to be a legal driver,” says David Hemenway, director of the Injury Control Research Center at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Some measures, like Walmart’s lifting its minimum age for purchasing a gun from 18 to 21, may sound good but likely won’t do much to combat gun violence. According to FBI reports, handguns were responsible for 90% of homicides in 2016
A more effective policy would require every buyer, of any age, to obtain a license that includes a registration of all purchases and at least a modest training program. According to the State Firearms Law project, just seven states require a permit to possess a gun of any kind. A 2014 study in the Journal of Urban Health found that Missouri’s 2007 repeal of its permit-to-purchase handgun law was associated with a 25% increase in firearms homicide rates. 
It’s critical to remember that there isn’t a single, universally applicable strategy to stop gun violence. The best approach frequently involves several tactics, each specifically designed to address the requirements and difficulties of a particular community. Political and cultural considerations may also impact the feasibility of applying these policies in various places. Government, law enforcement, community organizations, and citizens all have a shared duty to prevent gun violence and build safer communities. Advocacy, public support, and knowledge are essential factors promoting progress in this field.
Gregory, S., & Wilson, C. (2018, March 22). 6 Real Ways to We Can Reduce Gun Violence in America. Time. Retrieved October 22, 2023, from https://time.com/5209901/gun-violence-america-reduction/ 
Gun violence is increasing in Portland. Where do we go from here? (2021, June 22). KGW. Retrieved October 22, 2023, from https://www.kgw.com/article/news/crime/gun-violence/portland-gun-violence-historic-levels-what-are-solutions-the-story/283-18a20c88-8760-4386-979b-dab9d8330700 
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How to Choose the Right Property for Real Estate Investment
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Investing in real estate can be a lucrative venture, but choosing the right property is crucial for long-term success. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a first-time buyer, thorough research and careful consideration are essential. In this article, we will guide you through the process of selecting the right property for real estate investment. By understanding key factors such as location, market trends, property condition, and financial feasibility, you can make informed decisions and maximize your investment potential.
Define Your Investment Goals
Before starting your property search, clearly define your investment goals. Are you looking for rental income, long-term appreciation, or a property to flip? Determine your budget, desired return on investment (ROI), and risk tolerance. This will help narrow down your options and focus on properties that align with your objectives.
Research Local Real Estate Market
Thoroughly research the local real estate market to understand trends, supply and demand, and projected growth. Study market reports, consult with local real estate agents, and explore online resources. Identify areas with potential for growth and properties that fit within your investment strategy. Keep an eye on factors like job opportunities, infrastructure development, and population growth, as they can impact property values.
Location is a fundamental factor in real estate investment. Look for properties in desirable neighborhoods with good amenities, proximity to schools, transportation, and commercial hubs. Consider the overall safety and attractiveness of the area. Properties in prime locationstend to appreciate faster and attract reliable tenants, ensuring a steady rental income stream.
Property Condition and Potential
Assess the condition of the property and its potential for improvement or renovation. A well-maintained property may require less upfront investment but may also offer lower returns. Consider your willingness to undertake repairs or renovations and evaluate the associated costs. Look for properties with potential for value-added improvements that can increase rental income or resale value.
Rental Income and Cash Flow Analysis
For rental properties, conduct a thorough rental income analysis. Research local rental rates and vacancy rates in the area. Calculate potential rental income and compare it to the property's expenses, including mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, maintenance costs, and property management fees. Ensure that the property generates positive cash flow, allowing for a return on investment and covering any ongoing expenses.
Financing Options and Return on Investment
Evaluate different financing options and analyze the return on investment (ROI) for each property. Consider factors such as mortgage interest rates, loan terms, and potential tax benefits. Calculate the potential ROI by factoring in rental income, property appreciation, and expenses. Compare different properties and financing scenarios to choose the option that maximizes your ROI and aligns with your investment goals.
Property Management Considerations
If you prefer a hands-off approach, consider hiring a professional property management company. Research local property management firms and evaluate their reputation, fees, and services. Property managers can handle tenant screening, rent collection, maintenance, and other day-to-day responsibilities, saving you time and effort.
Exit Strategy and Long-Term Planning
Develop an exit strategy and consider the long-term prospects of the property. Evaluate potential appreciation and market conditions to determine the optimal time to sell or refinance. Incorporate your investment goals and time horizon into your decision-making process.
Choosing the right property for real estate investment requires thorough research, analysis, and careful consideration of various factors. By defining your goals, researching the market, evaluating property condition and potential, analyzing cash flow, and considering financing options, you can make informed decisions and set the stage for a successful real estate investment journey.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
Egypt's Official Gazette reported that President Abdel Fattah El Sisi has ratified a $2.4m agreement with the Kuwaiti Fund for Economic Development, reached in April, to finance a study on the rail link.
The study will focus on a 570-kilometre line between the southern Egyptian city of Aswan and Wadi Halfa in northern Sudan.
As well as moving freight, such a railway line could help millions of Egyptians and Sudanese who unable to afford air fares for the two-and-a-half hour flight between Cairo and Khartoum to travel overland, avoiding the meandering route by bus and river ferries between the two Afro-Arab nations.[...]
the two nations have had a history of political differences, with Sudanese nationalists and liberals often accusing their bigger neighbour to the north of seeking to play a patronising, “big brother” role over their country.
10 Oct 22
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siliconec · 2 years
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jordanianroyals · 2 years
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Rajwa Al Saif’s 9-day university study trip to Dubai, 2016
Rajwa, along with her 9 classmates, undertook a nine-day trip about sustainable design in Dubai during spring break 2016. Her father’s company generously sponsored the entire trip. Below is an article from the university’s blog.
Architecture Students Explore Sustainable Design in Heart of Dubai Thursday, April 14, 2016, By Elaine Wackerow
Each semester, advanced-level architecture students enrolled in Syracuse Architecture visiting critic studios have the opportunity to engage in a unique, full-scope design experience led by highly knowledgeable faculty and/or architects. Within a small setting, students work in teams to pursue a common studio objective. They learn to consider a full range of contextual factors in their work through site visits and first-hand engagement with cross-disciplinary thought leaders in public and private sectors.
In spring 2016, 10 students in Assistant Professor Tarek Rakha’s “Sustainable Start Ups in the Desert” studio received a once-in-a-lifetime educational benefit, a nine-day trip to Dubai during spring break, thanks to the generosity of Saudi-based firm El Seif Engineering Contracting Co.
“The Dubai trip was an exhilarating learning medium for Syracuse Architecture students,” says Rakha, who is also a Center of Excellence faculty research fellow. “Not only did they experience one of the built environment spectacles of the Middle East, but also they presented their projects for feedback from prominent practicing architects and engineers in the region, as well as academic leaders focusing on energy in buildings.”
“What made this trip so memorable for me,” says Rajwa Alseif ’17, “was seeing the students in the studio experience Arabic culture and architecture for the first time. Dubai is very intriguing, having contemporary architecture while also attempting to maintain the traditional beauty of the Arabic culture and history.”
Dubai is inarguably one of the world’s most spectacular cities. The city’s amenities often evoke descriptives such as “world’s largest,” an outgrowth of an affluent, oil-rich economy. But Dubai’s sprawling development in the face of climatic conditions has created unique challenges and opportunities. Increasing knowledge and technologies in the area of sustainable design practices are paving the way for new thinking.
In his studio, Rakha’s students have been developing speculative approaches to sustainable design of an entrepreneurial startup campus on a site located in the heart of Dubai. The studio project has been divided into three stages: urban campus design, start-up incubator building development and feasibility analysis of developed design, with a focus on energy and sustainability. During their trip, students benefited from a wide range of experiences to inform their projects.
Beginning with a visit to the American University of Sharjah, students attended a lecture that gave them background on early master planning and socioeconomic factors that influenced Dubai’s development. “A trip to ‘Old’ Dubai,” says Colin Hoover G’17, “gave insight into both cultural heritage as well as potential passive strategies that could be used to reduce energy in contemporary buildings.”
A visit to architecture firm CallisonRTKL gave students the opportunity for a guided tour of Dubai in addition to a critique on their midterm projects. Alice Gorodetsky ’18 reports that a visit to Dubai’s Design District (D3) included experience with an intricate model of the district’s master plan. Steven Veligrinis of Perkins + Will joined them to “discuss his design decisions and confer with the group about relevant topics in practice such as undesirable ‘green-washing.’”
A day that included a visit to engineering firm Buro Happold focused largely on the theme of extreme experience in the built environment. With Buro Happold’s John Sullivan as their guide, “We explored the biggest mall in the world,” says Yen-Chun Liu MS ‘16, “and then took the world’s fastest elevator to the top of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the word.” A follow-up tour of the firm ended with students presenting their projects for feedback by firm consultants.
“In Masdar City in Abu Dhabi,” reports Christian Martinez G‘17, “we had opportunity to use the famous and fully automated Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) system to travel to the Masdar Institute.” Students delivered quick project presentations to the Masdar Institute engineering team and learned about the institute’s Abu Dhabi-based research.
Additional outings throughout the city region—including the Sheik Zayed Grand Mosque (UAE’s largest)—provided students with additional insight, but there was also time for “just fun” experiences including a desert safari, dune dashing and camel rides.
The studio is in its final phase of project development and preparing for a symposium, “Start Ups in the Desert: Finding Value in Environmentally Responsive Built Environments,” on Monday, April 25, from 9 a.m.-noon in the Slocum Hall first-floor atrium. Discussions and presentations will focus on the architecture and urbanism of the UAE, Dubai and the Gulf, and the value of sustainability in the desert. The symposium will also serve as the final review of student projects. Guest presenters with Gulf-based work expertise include: D. Rodman Henderer, senior vice president, RTKL, and chair, Syracuse Architecture Advisory Board; Christoph Reinhart, associate professor, MIT School of Architecture and Planning; and Nezar Alsayyad, Professor of Architecture, Planning, Urban Design and Urban History, College of Environmental Design, University of California at Berkeley.
Says Alseif, the symposium student organizer, “The studio is looking forward to participating in this culminating event, sharing their projects with other students and faculty, as well as learning from an interesting team of experts who will provide helpful insights on sustainability issues in the Gulf.”
Student reporters Austin Adams ’18, Alice Gorodetsky ’18, Colin Hoover G’17, Victoria Hughes ’18, Yen-Chun Liu MS ’16, Seungah Sally Lee MS ’16, Christian Martinez G’17, Killian Miles G’17 and Derek Dongmin Shin ’18 contributed to this story.
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