#Fat Injection Treatment Mumbai
drparagtelang · 5 months
Signs You Need Breast Reduction Surgery
Breasts are the vital organs of a female body. These organs have mammary glands inside them to produce the milk for the baby. In addition to the crucial role of producing milk for a newborn, breasts also play a vital role in one's overall personality and physical health. Whenever we talk about physical health, it means the discomfort caused by the heavier breast. Excessive big breasts are reversible, and breast reduction surgery is one of the effective methods. But before considering these surgical methods, many of the seekers may want to learn about the condition in which breast reduction surgery is the only solution. To learn about the reasons, insights have been taken from several top-notch plastic surgeons of the best breast reduction surgery in Mumbai. Based on the insights, this blog has been prepared to discuss the need and benefits of breast reduction surgery. So, go through this post carefully.
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What is Breast Reduction Surgery?
As the name indicates, breast reduction is a surgical method. It is a cosmetic plastic treatment for heavier breasts. During this treatment of reduction mammoplasty, surgeons make tiny incisions around the breast and extract the undesired fat tissues from the breast. Since the treatment is surgical, the doctor makes the candidate comfortable by injecting local or general anaesthesia.
Need for Breast Reduction Surgery
To undergo a surgical procedure is scary, but it becomes essential when the problem is getting worse day by day, and other hacks become ineffective. For instance-
Shoulder Pain
Heavier breasts put pressure on the shoulders. The continuous pressure of 24 by seven forms severe pain in the shoulders. Reduction mammoplasty is the only way to release that burden immediately.
Back Pain
Large breast size affects one's back. The back supports the shoulders to release the pain by taking a burden on itself, too. As a result, the shoulders, neck, and back also hurt.
Bad Posture
Distribution of pain caused by heavier breasts to the shoulder, neck, and back may impact the spine. It may result in a curved spine, which leads to poor body posture. Reduction mammoplasty may improve one's body posture and spine problems.
Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery Heavier breasts may be caused by weight gain, hormonal changes, childbirth, and side effects of medications, and are sometimes caused by heredity. To reduce breast size, many females adopt the weight management plan. However, it is ineffective, and one may maintain low esteem and look poorly postured. In addition, one may start losing confidence. Breast reduction surgery addresses all these factors and lets one enjoy life confidently.
After reading this blog, if you are also willing to consider breast reduction treatment, you are advised to have a detailed consultation with the best plastic surgeon. To do so, you may take help from Dr. Parag Telang. He is the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai. The doctor has 16 years of experience in performing successful cosmetic plastic surgeries.
He is the founder of a leading plastic surgery clinic, Designer Bodyz Clinic located in Andheri West Mumbai. Dr. Parag Telang provides breast reduction treatment for females and males. For males, the treatment will be addressed as male breast reduction or gynecomastia surgery. To get more details, visit the clinic or call to book an appointment with the top breast surgeon, Dr. Parag Telang.
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chaitalitrivedi · 11 months
G Spot Augmentation for Sexual Fulfillment
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Sexual satisfaction is an essential aspect of human well-being, yet many women, regardless of age, struggle to experience the full spectrum of pleasure and orgasm during sexual activity. The G spot, an erogenous zone located within the vagina, holds the potential to unlock intense sexual gratification. Dr. Chaitali Mahajan, a renowned gynaecologist in Mumbai, says that for women seeking a solution to enhance their sexual experiences, G spot augmentation, a non-invasive medical procedure, offers a promising pathway to heightened pleasure and satisfaction. 
This blog drafted by taking insights from the expert gynaecologist will detail about G spot augmentation and its related elements. Let’s find out about it.
Understanding the G Spot
The G spot, also known as the Grafenberg spot, is a sensitive area within the anterior vaginal wall. Composed of nerve tissue, this bean-shaped region varies in size and location among individuals. Typically situated 1-2 inches up the front vaginal wall, stimulating the G spot can lead to powerful orgasms, heightened arousal, and even ejaculation in some cases.
Exploring G Spot Augmentation
G spot augmentation, also referred to as G spot enhancement or G shot, is a simple yet innovative procedure designed to enhance the sensitivity and size of the G spot. It is recommended for sexually active women with normal sexual function who are seeking to amplify their sexual pleasure. This physician-administered treatment involves injecting safe materials into the G spot area, providing a fuller, more sensitive experience.
The Treatment Process
Consultation: The journey begins with a consultation, where experienced gynaecologists like Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi will review the patient's medical history to determine their suitability for the procedure.
In-Office Treatment: G spot augmentation is a quick, painless in-office treatment that typically takes between 15 minutes and an hour. The procedure can be performed regardless of the patient's menstrual cycle phase. Local anesthesia is administered to the G spot area to ensure comfort during the process.
Procedure Steps:
G Spot Localization: A specially designed tool helps locate the G spot's maximal sexual sensitivity.
Speculum Insertion: A vaginal speculum is gently inserted, enhancing the visibility of the G spot.
Anaesthesia Application: Local anaesthesia is administered to the G spot area, ensuring a painless experience.
Material Injection: Safe materials like synthesized human collagen, purified fat, or hyaluronic acid are carefully injected into the G spot using fine needles.
Post-Treatment: After a short stay, patients can return home and engage in sexual activity the same day.
Results and Maintenance
Following G spot augmentation, patients may experience mild discomfort, spotting, and swelling, which are normal post-treatment effects. The results last for about 3 to 5 months, and patients can opt for repeat injections every 3 months to maintain the desired outcomes.
For women seeking to enhance their sexual experiences and achieve higher levels of pleasure and orgasm, G spot augmentation offers a safe and effective solution. Under the skillful hands of experts like Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, the best sexologist for females in Mumbai, this procedure promises to unlock new dimensions of intimacy and sexual satisfaction. By embracing this innovative approach, women can empower themselves to take control of their sexual well-being and enrich their overall quality of life. Book an appointment with Dr.Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital today.
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charmwemaintain · 1 year
Popular Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: A Comprehensive Guide
Cosmetic Surgery Center In Mumbai has become increasingly popular as individuals seek to enhance their appearance and improve their self-confidence. With numerous procedures available, it's essential to understand the most popular cosmetic surgery options. This comprehensive guide will provide you with insights into the various procedures, their purposes, and what to expect.
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Rhinoplasty, or a nose job, is a procedure aimed at reshaping the nose. It can address aesthetic concerns such as a hump, wide nostrils, or asymmetry. Additionally, it can improve breathing functionality for individuals with nasal structural issues. Rhinoplasty involves careful sculpting of the nasal structure to achieve the desired outcome.
Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is a procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. It involves the placement of implants to increase volume or improve symmetry. Breast augmentation Cosmetic Surgery In Mumbai can boost self-confidence and create a more proportionate figure. Different implant types, sizes, and placement options are available to meet individual goals.
Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat deposits from specific areas of the body. Common treatment areas include the abdomen, thighs, hips, and arms. Liposuction can improve body contours and create a more sculpted appearance. It is essential to note that liposuction is not a weight-loss solution but rather a targeted fat reduction technique in Cosmetic Surgery Center In Mumbai.
A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a procedure aimed at reducing signs of ageing in the face and neck. It involves tightening underlying facial muscles and removing excess skin to minimize wrinkles and sagging. A facelift can provide a more youthful and refreshed appearance, restoring self-confidence.
Tummy Tuck
A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a procedure that addresses loose skin and weakened abdominal muscles, often due to pregnancy or significant weight loss. It involves the removal of excess skin and fat, as well as tightening the abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck can result in a flatter and more toned midsection.
Botox and Dermal Fillers
Botox and dermal fillers are non-surgical Cosmetic Surgery In Mumbai that can help reduce the signs of ageing. Botox injections relax facial muscles to minimize wrinkles, while dermal fillers add volume to areas with lost elasticity and smooth out fine lines. These treatments are quick, relatively painless, and provide temporary results.
Choosing to undergo cosmetic surgery is a personal decision, and it's crucial to have a thorough understanding of the procedures available. This comprehensive guide has provided insights into some of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures, including rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, liposuction, facelifts, tummy tucks, and non-surgical options like Botox and dermal fillers. Remember, each procedure has its own benefits, risks, and considerations. Consultation with a qualified cosmetic surgeon is essential to determine which procedure is most suitable for your unique goals and expectations. Additionally, understanding the recovery process, potential risks, and realistic outcomes will help you make an informed decision about pursuing cosmetic surgery. Always prioritize your safety, choose a reputable surgeon, and follow pre- and post-operative instructions diligently to achieve the best possible results. Hire the best professionals at Cosmetic Surgery Center In Mumbai only at Charm We Maintain. Please visit the website now!
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hazel51 · 1 year
Scar Removal Treatment in Mumbai
There are many remedies that can help remove a scar. This includes both home and medical remedies. Most scars are an indication of a healed injury. When you get an injury and the second layer of your skin, the dermis, is destroyed, your body produces collagen fibers, which results in a scar.
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Types of Scars and how they are treated
Scar Removal Treatment in Mumbai
There are different types of scars, which also require different types of treatments. If you visit The Esthetic Clinics, your doctor will tell you that the type of treatment typically depends on the severity of the scars. Other things that may influence what the doctors prescribe are age and how long you have had the scar.
Here are some types of scars and their treatments;
Keloid Scars
Keloid scars are usually thick, rounded, and irregular scar tissues that grow on your skin, around the spot of the wound. They are often darker in color than the surrounding skin, and may even appear red.
There are a variety of treatments for these scars. Some of them include;
Steroid injections – these are injected into the scar tissues directly to help relieve the itching, redness, and burning sensations caused by these scars. Sometimes, they can actually reduce the size of the scars.
Cryotherapy – this treatment involves freezing the scar with medication and is mostly combined with steroid injections.
Surgery – doctors usually prescribe this treatment the last. When the other treatments are not helpful, surgery may be done. The surgery procedures are different depending on the type and severity of the scar.
When a large piece of skin is damaged and lost due to an abnormal occurrence and forms a scar, that is called a contracture. It appears as a tight area on your skin, where the edges appear to have been pulled together. It may also appear as a result of a healed wound.
Professional doctors like Dr. Debraj Shome and Dr. Rinky Kapoor have multiple recommendations for treatments including;
Skin graft – this is also called skin flap. This can only be done when the scar tissue is removed. It involves attaching a piece of skin, where the skin is missing due to a scar. In the case of a skin graft, the doctor takes skin from a healthy part of your body and attaches it to the affected area.
This same procedure is followed when doing the skin flap, only this time, the skin comes with its blood supply. This means the retrieved skin is taken with its underlying muscles, blood vessels, and fat.
Skin flap surgery is usually done in cases where the missing skin has an inadequate supply of blood due to damaged vessels.
Tissue expansion – this is a new technique. It involves increasing the tissues in the affected areas for reconstructive purposes. The procedure is often done in addition to skin flap surgery.
Hypertrophic Scars
These are similar to Keloid scars only that they don’t grow outside the skin that is affected. They can be red, thick, and elevated. They start to appear weeks after the injury and may start to improve gradually, naturally. Treatments include steroid injections and surgery.
Scar Removal Treatment Cost in Mumbai
Scar removal treatment cost totally depends upon the patient skin and how many session required for the treatment.
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fdrtudfawtgew · 1 year
The role of diet in managing diabetes
The role of diet in managing diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people throughout the world. Diet is one of the most important parts of diabetes control. What you consume has a big influence on your blood sugar levels, which affects your general health and well-being. The purpose of this article is to examine the importance of nutrition in diabetes treatment and to provide practical recommendations for eating properly while diabetic.
Dr. Shreyans Sanjay Shah is a Diabetologist in Nashik. He earned the MBBS from MVP Samaj Medical College and his post-graduate medicine degree from the reputed LTMMC & LTMGH College And Hospital (SION Hospital, Mumbai) He owns and operates Shah Clinic, a General Health Clinic in Canada Corner, Nashik. If you are looking for a consultation, contact us.
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Understanding Diabetes
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that affects how your body processes glucose, a form of sugar found in many foods. There are two forms of diabetes: type 1 and type 2.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks and destroys pancreatic cells that produce insulin, a hormone that aids in blood sugar regulation. People with type 1 diabetes must use insulin injections or an insulin pump to control their blood sugar levels.
Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which the body becomes insulin resistant or produces insufficient insulin to meet its needs. Type 2 diabetes is often linked to lifestyle factors, such as diet and exercise, and can often be managed through lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, as well as medication.
The Role of Diet in Managing Diabetes
Diet plays a critical role in managing diabetes. What you eat directly affects your blood sugar levels, so it is important to make healthy food choices to keep your blood sugar levels within a healthy range. The following are some of the key principles of a healthy diet for people with diabetes:
Limit Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the main nutrient that affects blood sugar levels. Eating too many carbohydrates can cause blood sugar levels to spike, which can be harmful for people with diabetes. It is important to limit your intake of carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, and sugar.
Choose Healthy Fats: Fats are an important nutrient for your body, but it is important to choose healthy fats, such as those found in nuts, seeds, and avocados. It is important to limit your intake of saturated and trans fats, which can raise your cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart disease.
Eat Plenty of Vegetables: Vegetables are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and can help keep your blood sugar levels stable. It is important to eat a variety of vegetables, including leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, and colorful vegetables like peppers and carrots.
Choose Lean Proteins: Protein is an important nutrient for building and repairing tissues in your body. It is important to choose lean sources of protein, such as chicken, fish, tofu, and legumes. It is important to limit your intake of red meat and processed meats, which can increase your risk of heart disease.
Control Portion Sizes: Portion control is important for managing your blood sugar levels. It is important to eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day, rather than one or two large meals. This can help keep your blood sugar levels stable and prevent spikes and dips in your blood sugar levels.
Practical Tips for Eating Well with Diabetes
Plan Your Meals: Planning your meals ahead of time can help you make healthier choices and stick to your diet. Try to plan your meals for the week ahead, and make a shopping list of the ingredients you need.
Read Food Labels: Reading food labels can help you make healthier choices when you are shopping for food. Look for foods that are low in carbohydrates and sugar, and high in fiber and protein.
Choose Whole Foods: Whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, are generally healthier than processed foods. They are lower in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, and are higher
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How to Get Pregnant with PCOS: Treatment options
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition that interferes with more than just your fertility; you might first be diagnosed with PCOS when trying to get pregnant. This is because it’s a common and treatable cause of infertility in women.
PCOS doesn't mean that you can never get pregnant; it just means that fertility is a little bit more complicated. With medical treatment and self-care, PCOS symptoms can be controlled so you're more likely to conceive healthy babies.
Our best fertility doctors in Mumbai recommend following these steps to help you get pregnant as a woman with PCOS:
Maintain a Healthy weight
While many (but not all) people with PCOS struggle with obesity, this is because the condition negatively affects how insulin is processed by the body and causes weight gain.
One of the main reasons people with PCOS can’t get pregnant is that they don't ovulate, or if they do it's only irregularly. And because PCOS sufferers who are overweight tend to take longer to shed their pounds than other groups, they might go months between periods while trying for a baby.
Unfortunately, research has shown that losing weight on its own does not improve fertility. However, people who lose weight may have a higher chance of becoming pregnant with infertility treatments than heavier individuals.
Proper Diet and Exercise
People with PCOS face a higher risk of becoming overweight and having trouble metabolizing insulin. So it’s unsurprising that eating healthily is important for them—but there's no one diet that's perfect for everyone who has the condition.
While some studies have indicated that a low-carb diet is best for PCOS, other research has not found such an advantage. It's important to make sure your diet provides plenty of nutrients and protein—and eliminates sugary junk food.
Exercise has also been shown to help with PCOS symptoms. Whether diet and exercise alone will help you conceive is unclear, but a healthy lifestyle can certainly benefit your fertility treatments and make it easier for you to feel good overall.
Maintain blood sugar levels
Insulin, a hormone that plays an important role in metabolism by moving sugar out of the bloodstream and into cells, becomes less effective as a result of PCOS.
Getting your blood sugar levels under control may improve your chances of getting pregnant. A healthy diet that includes fiber, protein, and unsaturated fats can help you better manage the fluctuations in blood glucose caused by insulin use. Regular exercise can also lower those glucose spikes from happening as often or for as long and it's a good idea to get plenty of strength training while at it!
Medication for PCOS Fertility Treatment
Women with PCOS have high levels of male hormones and female hormones that affect fertility. Medication can be prescribed to balance hormone levels and help you get pregnant.
Medications used for PCOS fertility treatment that help a woman to get pregnant with PCOS include Metformin helps balance insulin levels. Clomiphene citrate (or Clomid) can help balance estrogen levels and birth control pills are used to regulate hormone production in women before beginning fertility treatment. Fertility medications stimulate the ovaries to release more eggs than normal.
Fertility Procedures
If gonadotropins aren’t successful, IVF (in vitro fertilization) or IVM ( in vitro maturation ) is the next step. You are likely familiar with IVF: it involves using injectable fertility drugs to stimulate ovaries so they will provide a good number of mature eggs. 
One of the risks associated with IVF, especially for people with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), is that their ovaries may be overstimulated. In this case, IVM (intra-mural insemination) can lower the risk of such a problem by providing more control over how many sperm are used during each procedure.
With IVM, you will receive either no fertility drugs or very low doses of them. This allows your eggs to mature in a natural way rather than being forced by high hormone levels.
Key Takeaway
If you have a diagnosis of PCOS, you can get pregnant. It may take some extra time and effort, but it is certainly possible. Our Budget Fertility Centre have a team of the best fertility doctors in Mumbai for personalized advice for PCOS fertility treatment.
To know more information visit us on:
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skinloveclinic · 2 years
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Mesotherapy Benefits for the Head and Neck
Microinjections of vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants, and plant extracts are used in the French rejuvenation treatment known as mesotherapy to renew and tighten the skin, improve hair quality, and eliminate excess fat. France is credited with pioneering mesotherapy. As early as 1952, a French doctor named Michel Pistor came up with the concept.
With more and more individuals seeking natural, homeopathic, and plant-based therapies, it seems that cosmetic products based on plant extracts and vitamins would also rise in popularity.
You may relax and enjoy the rejuvenating effects of mesotherapy on your skin since you know that the only item penetrating your skin is an entirely natural and effective liquid. Check the mesotherapy for hair cost in Mumbai once before you go ahead.
What are the Benefits of Mesotherapy, and Why Should You Consider It?
To have a glowing, healthy look without undergoing invasive treatments, mesotherapy is an excellent option because it uses medicines derived from plants and is very successful in nourishing the skin from the inside out. A mesotherapy cocktail may include more than one active component to repair, nurture, and revitalize the skin. Since the procedure has so many potential benefits, it has swiftly risen to the top of the list of cosmetic medicine treatments. Benefits include (but are not limited to) the following.
Improves the skin’s overall appearance
Mesotherapy is an excellent option for those who want to rejuvenate their facial and neck skin. The method’s components help lessen the appearance of age spots, discoloration, and patches. With regular use of this therapy, you can expect to see an improvement in the appearance of your skin’s tone and brightness, as well as a rise in collagen and elastin production, giving your face back its youthful elasticity.
It provides vitamins and other nutrients to the skin
Vitamins, serums, and different nourishing combinations of active components are applied to the skin, giving it a fresher, more youthful look and feel. When performed by a competent professional, mesotherapy guarantees that your skin receives the optimal nutrients.
Effectively treats a wide variety of skin issues
Whether you want an anti-aging treatment or want to improve the tone and clarity of the skin on your face, neck, and chest, the individualized nutrients you receive will help you achieve your goals. Improvements in the skin’s look are noticeable after treatment since the skin’s vitality has increased.
Mesotherapy also increases the skin’s hydration, making it appear plumper, tighter, and healthier. Maintaining enough skin moisture levels produces this result. Discuss the mesotherapy treatment cost in Mumbai with a consultant indeed.
Relevant procedure
Mesotherapy is administered non-invasive and non-surgical and can be done in the comfort of your home. You should see our dermatologist as soon as possible, though, so that your concerns can be addressed. Your skin has specific requirements, and the staff is well-versed in the various ingredients that can meet those demands.
Professionals could numb the problem areas by injecting local anesthetics appropriately during the procedure. That said, it all depends on how well you handle pain. After deciding where to inject the contents, the professional utilizes a microneedle. Different injection depths are used for other purposes. Again, this depends heavily on the specifics of your skin problem. The total number of injections and treatment sessions required will be based on your condition’s severity and what chemicals are used.
Final words Mesotherapy is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that can treat a wide variety of cosmetic concerns without the need for surgery, including restoring youthful volume to the face and neck, sculpting the body, reducing the appearance of stretch marks, and eliminating stubborn fat. During this procedure, you will receive a series of injections under the skin, each containing a unique cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and drugs.
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skintreatmentindia1 · 5 years
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Fat Injections are also known as, autologous fat transplantation, and microlipoinjection. Fat injection process help enhance one’s appearance. Fat injections are ideal for those who want a quick, easy procedure without any complications.
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drviraldesai · 3 years
Hair Loss Treatment in Mumbai, India
Typically men/women, that have hair loss issue, attempt to conceal it behind a new hairdo, scarves or hats. Nonetheless, it is much better to start treatment before the problem worsens. Hair loss can not simply influence the hair on your scalp, yet it can impact your body hair too. Many of such situations are due to the patient's genetic makeup or any type of medical problem. Sometimes hair loss can be as a result of your body's reaction to particular medicines as well.
Loss of hair can impact anyone, regardless of the gender and age. The baldness caused by loss of hair is a lot more typical in men than ladies and it impacts more at seniority as well as impacts more if the patient has a family history of hair loss. Right Here we provide lots of kinds of hair loss treatment in mumbai.
What are the common causes for hair loss? One of the most typical cause of hair loss is androgenic alopecia, which is informally known as male hairless patterning. It can be as a result of genetic factors or as a result of aging. It is treated with an energetic kind of hormonal agent testosterone called DHT. The female version of androgenic alopecia can be credited to the hormone disruption in one's body system which additionally can be hereditary. Another cause is Telogen effluvium, which is the type of loss of hair triggered by anxiety. This kind of hair loss can likewise be caused due to ailment, after child birth, weight management, maternity or any kind of sort of nutritional shortage. Particular drugs like anti-cancer medications and also radiation or chemotherapy for treatment can also trigger loss of hair. Irregular loss of hair additionally termed alopecia location, which happens all of a sudden on any kind of part of the body where hair expand. Trichotillomania, as a result of pulling of hair intentionally; this is a psychological disorder. Scarring alopecia takes place due to skin diseases like lichen planus, lupus and so on and they are irreversible. The kind of loss of hair can be determined by hormonal agent level checks as well as blood examinations also. To establish the type of alopecia, biopsy maybe called for in some cases.
Anti-- Hair Loss Therapies There are lots of sorts of therapies readily available for hair loss. The normal therapies looked for by people are medications, laser surgery or normal surgical treatment
Drug is the most usual type of treatment asked by patients. If there is a hidden cause for loss of hair such as any significant diseases, possibly the drug for that condition is the factor behind loss of hair. Both usual types of medicines permitted by FDA to treat baldness are Minoxidil, which can be found in foam or a fluid form to massage on scalp and Propecia which is just utilized for alopecia (baldness) in guys as well as can be taken in pill form. Both medicines have particular adverse effects to bear in mind of. In females, hormone imbalance can be tackled with healthy and balanced diet, exercise as well as proper medicines as well as any one of the following treatments, will certainly address the trouble. Platelet rich plasma shots-- PRP shots are blood plasmas that are enhanced with platelets which include several development variables as well as cytokines are utilized for anti-hair loss treatment. Stem Cell treatment-- Stem cells are drawn out from your very own fat which are described as autologous stem cells and also are infused right into the afflicted area to restore hair roots. QR678 Hair Development Factor Injections Treatment-- The skin hair follicles are managed by a powerful communication between the mesenchymal as well as epithelial cells in a collection of process of growth, shift, relaxing and after that drop. The mesenchymal cells launch specific growth elements which are the ultimate stimulants of follicular epithelial cells which consequently multiply leading to full advancement of hair follicles.
It is the current in non-surgical hair re-growth treatment created by a team of professional doctor from India. A mix of hair growth particular development variables are injected using multiple injections right into the impacted areas, in regular monthly sessions (8-10) of around 15 mins each, over a span of 8-10 months. It is a targeted treatment involving the last growth molecules, i.e.: the development factors, being administered directly in the hair origins. By-passing skin as well as blood barriers, hence supposedly, it should be an extremely reliable treatment for most patterns of hair loss and also essentially devoid of side effects. It can be an alternative to transplant in the earlier stages of alopecia as well as likewise operate in cases where nothing else therapy has worked.
Hair transplantation surgery. Hair transplant surgical treatment is for the later phases when the hair development with just medical methods or support is not possible. After that Follicular unit transplant/extraction as well as latest hair implanting techniques can be made use of. Possible dangers involved in such procedure consist of infection as well as scarring. One more sort of surgical treatment includes laser surgical procedure. A reduced degree of laser gadget is used to enhance the total advancement of density of hair after its initial growth. This is a new treatment; consequently extra research study requires to be done on this therapy. Research studies are underway for genetic makeover for Androgenetic alopecia, generation of hair follicle with stem cells in the laboratory, hair cloning and so on. Nevertheless, they are still in the initial stages as well as will certainly take years prior to they can be utilized in human beings. Laser treatment can likewise be done as accessory though the results are unverified in professional studies.
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drparagtelang · 1 year
Understanding the Different Types of Breast Surgeries
One feels healthy, looks good, and has more confidence when they have the body they want. The size of the breasts plays a significant role in a woman's overall figure. There is not a single breast size that is 'correct' per se. It depends on the individual's preferences and overall body type. To obtain the desired breast size, many women choose to undergo breast surgery.
Dr. Parag Telang, a breast surgeon in Mumbai, performs a full range of breast surgery procedures for both men and women, including breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift, and male breast reduction surgery. To achieve individual goals after surgery, a tailored approach is used. Dr. Parag Telang has been providing exceptional results that are both uniquely personalized and beautifully organic, and it has helped many patients regain confidence and comfort in their bodies.
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Breast Augmentation This procedure involves using implants to increase the size and shape of the breasts. Implants can be filled with saline solution or silicone gel and placed beneath the breast tissue or beneath the chest muscle. Another technique used is fat transfer. Fat transfer mammoplasty is when fat from another part of the body is used to add fullness to the breast. It can be accomplished through liposuction or injections.
Breast Reduction This procedure, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is performed to reduce the size of large breasts by removing excess breast tissue and skin. It can aid in the relief of physical discomfort, the improvement of posture, and the enhancement of overall body proportion. It is done by two methods- liposuction and excision.
Breast Lift This surgery, also known as mastopexy, is used to lift and reshape sagging breasts. It entails removing excess skin, tightening the surrounding tissue, and repositioning the nipple and areola. Crest lift, doughnut lift, or periareolar lift; lollipop lift, or vertical lift; and anchor lift, or inverted T, are the types of breast lift surgeries. The incision technique used by your surgeon determines the type of breast lift.
Breast Reconstruction after Cancer Treatment This surgery is typically performed following a mastectomy, or the surgical removal of one or both breasts. Breast reconstruction uses implants, tissue expanders, or a combination of the two to create a natural-looking breast mound. It can be done immediately after a mastectomy or later.
Male Breast Reduction Male breast reduction, also known as gynecomastia surgery, is a surgical procedure used to reduce enlarged or overdeveloped breasts in men. Gynecomastia is a condition in which males' breast tissue grows excessively, resulting in a feminine chest appearance. Male breast reduction surgery can help men regain a more masculine chest contour and boost their self-esteem.
To learn about these surgeries in detail, one can visit Designer Bodyz and consult with Dr. Parag Telang. He is one of the best cosmetic surgeons in Mumbai, known for providing successful results to patients for all cosmetic and plastic surgeries.
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muskaandelvi · 2 years
Glutathione Treatment Cost in Mumbai
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When you are thinking of a better lifestyle you need to focus on how you can use the right medications and technology to your benefit. Many people today are concerned about the way they look and therefore they want to buy the best products that can improve their appearance. Over the years, technology has become an integral part of our lifestyle. If you want to reduce your weight you need to look for the right diet plans that can help you burn fat quickly. However, these days you can also focus on fat burning injections that can allow you to burn your fat quickly. For this, you need to look for the best clinics that can help you with the treatment.
Even before you decide what clinics you want to choose you must have clarity on what you want. Different people have different preferences and choices and therefore you need to have information that can help you do more. Choosing local clinics would be the right thing to do. Hence, if you are in Mumbai you can look for the best clinics that offer the best glutathione treatment cost in Mumbai. This would help you find the best clinics that can help you with the best weight reduction services you can find. However, you need to research and find the best information on these clinics.
Information is the key to finding the best clinics. Hence, you must have relevant information that can help you find these clinics. To begin with, you can start with local recommendations. This would ensure that you can narrow down the best clinics in the city. Many people today prefer glutathione treatment and care. Hence, you can consult with them and find reliable and relevant data and information that can make things easier for you. You can get their insights and experiences to help you make the right choices. Also, you can browse websites and forums that provide you with reviews and testimonials.
The quality of the treatment you receive is equally important. Hence, you must focus on clinics that have good ratings and reviews. You can focus on the clinics that have relevant experience and expertise. Also, you need to look for beauty clinics that offer the best techniques and technologies that can make the process easier for you. Choosing clinics that have the best professionals would allow you to have the right consultation before you proceed with the process. This will help you understand the process and find more information before you go ahead with the treatment.
Knowing how much you want to spend on these treatments would make sense. Different clinics would charge you different rates and therefore you must evaluate the total cost. You can connect with multiple local clinics that can provide you with the best rates that you can get for the treatment. This would allow you to get the best glutathione treatment at the best price. Hence, you must take your time and look for the best deals you can get in the city.
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socialone1 · 2 years
Best Dermal Filler Treatment in Mumbai – The Esthetic Clinic
Should You Choose Dermal Fillers?
Dermal fillers are catching up with the frenzy of looking plumper without any sign of wrinkles or aging. Top dermatologists can extract muscle fat from one location to inject it as dermal fillers where needed.
According to top plastic surgeons, Dermal fillers are fit for enhancing the lip, face, and hands of a person only are approved by the FDA. Best cosmetic surgeons in Mumbai are trained professionals to precisely choose the best suitable dermal filler treatment for an individual based on their skin characteristics.
What Are Dermal Fillers?
Dermal fillers are smooth substances injected by the best cosmetic surgeon under the skin at the best skin clinic in Mumbai. Most top dermatologists suggest opting for non-invasive methods such as dermal fillers to diminish aging lines and wrinkles from the face. Dermal fillers come in varieties ranging from natural to synthetic substances used as fillers.
Following are the most famous dermal fillers:
·         Hyaluronic Acid
·         Calcium Hydroxyapatite
·         Poly L-lactic Acid
·         Polymethylmethacrylate
Use Of Dermal Fillers
FDA-approved dermal fillers are suitable for people aged 22 and above. There are numerous cosmetic procedures that one could opt for to improve their esthetic appearance. Following are the most popular uses of dermal fillers widely available at the best skin clinic in Mumbai near you:
 ·         Smoothening facial wrinkles and creases in the skin.
·         Altering the shape of the lips.
·         Lifting the cheeks, jawline, corners of the smile, eye hollows, etc.
·         Back of the hand to smooth wrinkles and aging signs.
·         Restoring loss of facial fat.
·         Acne scars.
 Risk & Safety
The best dermatologists consider dermal fillers safe for use as they are certified. However, using these fillers in other body parts like butts or breasts is not safe and can pose life-threatening problems. Dr. Debraj Shome, a certified cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai urges patients to consider proper consultation with a top plastic surgeon before opting for cosmetic procedures.
Common side-effects and risks:
·         Swelling
·         Itching
·         Bruising
·         Redness
·         Rashes
·         Tenderness
·         Infection
·         Surgical intervention to remove dermal fillers
 Cost Of Dermal Filler Treatment
Dermal fillers cost at the best skin clinics in Mumbai would vary with the type and quantity of the fillers. Dermal filler treatment duration, degree of result, and chemical composition are important factors for an average dermal filler cost.
Should You Opt For Dermal Fillers?
Who doesn't want Fuller lips with a smoother smile and lifted cheeks are possible with dermal fillers. Dermal fillers or any other cosmetic surgery treatment in Mumbai comes with its own pros and cons. There are so many fake or contaminated products available in the market that might not be a very good choice.
Illegal or misuse of dermal fillers might appear harmless at first but can cause serious harm as the fillers can even burst under the skin. Some side-effects are short-term, but some might take months or even years to appear.
Consult with the best cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Rinky Kapoor from The Esthetic Clinics in Mumbai to guide you choose a filler for your needs. Best dermatologists in Mumbai can suggest the most beneficial and safest dermal fillers for you to choose from the lot!
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hazel51 · 1 year
Get new Transformation with Dermal Fillers Treatment
Do you feel like age is creeping up on you and your face no longer looks as youthful and young as it used to? Well, this is normal and most people, if not all of us, get to this stage. The good news is that you can do something about it.
Just find a dermal filler clinic with good doctors and you are good to go. Going under this procedure will fill up your face, make it smoother, and remove or reduce the appearance of wrinkles, giving you the look you want.
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Dermal Fillers Treatment in Mumbai
What are Dermal Fillers?
This is a non-surgical procedure where the fillers are injected into your face and lips to fill in the lines in your face and eliminate wrinkles. They plump up your face and restore the volume that you once had when you were younger.
One of the benefits of dermal fillers over other cosmetic procedures is that both the procedure and recovery take minimal time. It also doesn’t take time to see the result. The results are almost right away and they last longer. 
Types of Dermal Fillers
There are different kinds of dermal fillers you can opt for to get your desired results, depending on your goals. It is important to choose a doctor like Dr. Debraj Shome or Dr. Rinky Kapoor, who can best advise you on the best procedure to take for your needs.
Some dermal fillers options you will discuss with your doctor include;
Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHa)
Calcium Hydroxylapatite is a substance found in your bones. If you have deeper wrinkles, your doctor will most probably recommend this type of filler. The process is fast and the fillers last for at least 12 months.
Fat Grafting
This process involves another procedure where fat is removed from a different part of your body, for example, your lower abdomen, through a process called liposuction, and is injected into your face in small incisions.
The good thing with fat grafting is that the results are long-lasting and even permanent in some cases. However, note that it is not like some of its alternative that only requires a one-time procedure. You may need more than one session.
Also called permanent soft tissue filler, this type of filler is not for first-timers. It is used to smoothen the areas around the mouth and lasts for as long as 5 years. You also don’t need re-injection with these, as they can’t be absorbed by the body like Fat Grafting.
Hyaluronic Acid
This is a natural component found in the connectivity tissues of the skin. It is one of the most common types of fillers and is highly recommended even for first-timers. The results may last for at least 6 to 12 months.
For Poly-L-Lactic, you may need at least 2 to 3 sessions to get the desired results, which can last up to 24 months. The procedure is usually performed due to aging to restore facial volume, or for medical reasons, e.g. as a result of illness.
Dermal Fillers Cost in Mumbai totally depends upon the patient condition and how much section will be required is varied upon the condition of patient
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Orbital Surgery, Eye Plastic Surgery at advancedeyehospital, Cashless Eye Clinic In Navi Mumbai
Oculoplasty service at Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute, Navi Mumbai caters to therapeutic disorders of the eyelids, orbits, and lacrimal drainage system like droopy lids, watering of eyes, puffy lids, eyelid, and orbital tumors, etc. The services also deal with cosmetic enhancement with procedures like botox, fillers, facelifts, blepharoplasty, etc. The zone for cosmetic enhancement extends from the eyes and lids to upper cheeks, brow, and forehead and help people achieve their real beauty
Broadly, the oculoplastic specialist at AEHI treats the following group of eye disorders:
1.      Eyelid surgery:
Eyelids can have a variety of deformities such as droopy eyelids, eyelid bags, puffy eyelids, in-turned eyelid margins, and the like. Children are sometimes born with droopy eyes – this condition is called congenital ptosis and needs to be surgically treated to prevent visual complications. The various eyelid conditions include:
a) ptosis
b) entropion
c) ectropion
d) lagophthalmos
e) blepharospasm
f) epiblepheron
2.      Orbital Surgery
The orbit refers to the bony socket inside which the eyeball and the muscles (extraocular muscles) are situated. Orbital surgeries involve surgeries to repair the trauma of the bony orbit and also to remove tumors situated behind the eye but within the orbit. Orbital surgeons need to have a greater understanding of the orbital anatomy and surgical spaces since the access is limited. In conditions such as thyroid orbitopathy, orbital decompression surgeries performed are also under the purview of the oculoplastic surgeon.
3.      Facial Aesthetics
Aesthetic surgery refers to all procedures done to enhance the beauty of the face. Here facial rejuvenation procedures are performed keeping an emphasis on minimally invasive treatments and ensuring that the results look as natural as possible. Procedures are tailored as per the needs of the patient to ensure maximum benefits, naturally! Procedures performed include lid-lift (to correct aging, sagging eyelids, and to correct the excess hooding of skin on the upper lids), lower lid blepharoplasty (to correct the lower eyelids bags and fat prolapse). Botulinum tox (Botox) injection is also given to smoothen fine lines or wrinkles. Dermal fillers are substances that are injected into the skin to help fill in the wrinkles and thereby restoring a smoother appearance. They not only smoothen but also add volume to the face. A combination of two or more procedures can be done to obtain a remarkable youthful look that is strikingly beautiful and natural.
4.      Lacrimal surgery
The lacrimal system largely consists of the lacrimal gland that produces tears that moisten the surface of the eye; and the “ducts” or tubes that drain tears from the eye into the nose. The most common symptoms of lacrimal system problems include watering or excess tearing (to the point that tears might run down the face) and mucous discharge.
Common problems include blockage of the nasolacrimal duct (tear duct). However, the blockage in the drainage apparatus may be situated anywhere from the eyelids (punctum) right up to the nasolacrimal duct opening. Depending on the site of blockage and the age of the patient, various surgical procedures are performed, namely:
a) Syringing/irrigation and nasolacrimal duct probing
b) Dacryocystorhinostomy
c) Dacryocystectomy
d) Punctoplasty
e) Canalicular trephining
f) Endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy
5.      Ocular Rehabilitation
Often times as a result of childhood trauma or infection, an eye can become disfigured, and such eyes may be unsightly and cosmetically unacceptable. As a part of cosmetic rehabilitation, the surgical procedures performed include enucleation surgeries and evisceration. Enucleation and evisceration are procedures used to remove a diseased eye. During an evisceration surgery, the contents of the eye (inside) and the cornea are removed, but the sclera or the outer covering of the eye remains. During an enucleation, the entire eyeball is removed and the lost volume is replaced with an implant. Following completion of the healing process, an ocular prosthesis (prosthetic eye) or a shell is placed. This ocular prosthesis resembles the natural color and details of a normal eye and this prosthesis fits over an orbital implant and under the eyelids.
The hospital has an excellent surgical theatre that is fitted with an advanced operating microscope, surgical light, surgical loupes, Endonasal endoscope, bipolar cautery, and Elman Radiofrequency cutting-coagulating system. It is a unique specialty that relies on a surgeon's technical, artistic skill and ability. Our surgeons are qualified to perform aesthetic and reconstructive procedures in and around delicate eye structures.
Tag = Cashless Eye Clinic In Navi Mumbai, Cashless Eye Hospital In Vashi, Cashless Eye Clinic In Sanpada
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krasaclinic · 3 years
Anti-aging treatment specialist in Mumbai
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*Anti-aging treatment*
We’re anti-aging treatment specialist in Mumbai who offer anti-aging treatment to prevent or lessen the effects of aging. Ageing is unavoidable aspect of our life. Everyone aspires a healthy skin but as we grow older, we start noticing fine lines and dwindling glow. Our skin is the first to expose signs and symptoms of getting older. As we age our skin has a tendency to look dull, and dry. Fine lines and wrinkles are initial symptoms of aging.
 The consultation with the anti-aging treatment specialist in Mumbai will give the patient clear information about their aging condition and the treatment options available. Early consultation with our anti-aging treatment specialist in Mumbai will help reduce the potential risks and complications of skin disease. Who should perform and the expected results Dermatological counselling is helpful for anyone with symptoms of aging.
 *What are wrinkles?*
 We’re anti-aging treatment specialist in Mumbai offering anti-ageing is treatment for reversing the ageing effect on skin. Wrinkles are the most basic phenomenon of aging. It is caused due to loss of fat as well as loosening and piling of skin. After years of frequent contraction due to daily activities such has laughing squinting etc, combined with environmental and lifestyle factors – such as exposure to sunshine, smoking or pollution – lines and wrinkles begin to form.
 The main cause of wrinkles is a decrease in the amount of collagen and elastin in the skin. At anti-aging treatment specialist in Mumbai, we offer the most advanced technology and anti-ageing treatments to target wrinkles, without the need for invasive surgery. We an anti-aging treatment specialist in Mumbai, our comprehensive approach is necessary and crucial in our anti-aging treatments. Since individual has different skin and has its specific requirements. Anti-aging treatment specialist in Mumbai treat with a specialized and customized processes for each skin type and issue. Such as, Skin rejuvenation, Anti-ageing injections, etc.
 *Treatment for Wrinkles*
 With age, our skin becomes loose and prone to damage. Wrinkles are the nature’s most basic sign of ageing. These wrinkles, though harmfully decrease the aesthetic value of the face. At anti-aging treatment specialist in Mumbai, we use skin rejuvenation method, Chemical skin peeling method, micro needling, anti-ageing injectable such as, Dermal Fillers, B0T0X, etc.
 *Dermal Fillers*
 At anti-aging treatment specialist in Mumbai, we use Dermal Fillers which is made from biocompatible, biodegradable materials and contains Hyaluronic Acid, which replaces the naturally existing substance in your skin that repairs damaged tissue. Different substances can be used in following ways:
•             Replenish lost skin volume to regain a youthful curve to the cheeks and also to enhance the overall shape of your face.
•             Hold and maintain moisture within the skin to restore a healthy natural glow.
 At anti-aging treatment specialist in Mumbai, we treat patients with B0T0X injections. It helps to reduce skin wrinkles. It targets one of the underlying causes of frown lines and crow’s feet—the repeated muscle contractions from frowning and squinting over the years. Your specialist will inject these muscles to temporarily reduce muscle activity. You will begin to notice a visible smoothing of your crow’s feet lines and frown lines between your brows.
 Anti-aging treatment specialist in Mumbai is a safe place visit for an existing or possible aging issues. There are many treatments that can help fight ageing, using both surgical and non-surgical procedures. In most cases, the visit only requires a physical check-up, so it does not pose any risks or complications to the patient.
 In some cases, laboratory tests may be required. They are guaranteed to be safe and can be done in minutes. Consultation with an anti-aging treatment specialist in Mumbai, even if the symptoms are mild, anti-aging treatment specialist in Mumbai will provide treatment and effectively reduce the potential aging.
 *Book appointment or ask any queries,*
WhatsApp: +91 8652847378
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cocoonfertility1 · 3 years
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Saturated fat or transfat– Food items that contain saturated fat also have sodium and cholesterol which leads to infertility due to obesity.
Coffee- Since caffeine is a diuretic, it can lead to water and electrolyte loss because of the elimination of fluids from the body.
Alcohol and Tobacco use- Alcohol consumption and tobacco use is known to affect quality of the egg and sperm and cause DNA fragmentation in these cells. Alcohol taken during pregnancy can cause developmental and growth delay of the foetus and in extreme cases can cause foetal alcohol syndrome.
Papaya- People have traditionally avoided Papaya, especially the unripe one, due to concerns that it increases the risk of miscarriage.
Raw Eggs, shell fish- These are best avoided since they may contain salmonella, which essentially leads to food poisoning.
Cheese- Soft cheese like Camembert and Brie may harbor a disease called as listeriosis which is associated with miscarriages and foetal anomalies.
ivf centre in thane fertility center in thane ivf in thane ivf centre in thane west ivf treatment in thane
ivf center in mumbai
2nd Floor, Karkhanis Snehal Hospital, Naupada, Gokhale Road, Thane West, 400602.
Port Blair
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI)
Fertility Nutrition Program
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