#Farmer Paper
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Farmer Paper Innovated by Kalpana Handmade Paper
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gunkbaby · 2 months
tumblr users ranting about the death of media literacy and critical thinking vs an anti-vegan post with zero sources
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atomi-cat · 5 months
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Back when I made some art of different dragons to celebrate the Year of the Dragon this year, I wanted to do an honorable mentions. There were a lot of dragons I thought about using for the final product, but ended up having to leave some out.
Names listed below:
Honorable mentions:
Dojo (Xiaolin Showdown)
Kanna (Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid)
Snapdragon Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
Boris (My Father’s Dragon)
Figment (Disney)
Aileen Pritani (The Top Dubgeon Farmer)
Dragon (The Paper Bag Princess)
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brokentrafficknight · 5 months
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Got asked to do this one a while back but didn't have a Whitney one yet.
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simpletale-officiale · 10 months
farm sans!!
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farmer sans, he farm. hoohah! he likes to pretend to be a scarecrow, but he works with corn and cattle too, hoorah! his au is right next to the bar, so he likes to go there to drink, him and horror like to drink a lot! yay! farms personality is more laid back then the others, not reacting as cartoonishly to everything, likes eating and doing farm stuff, likes brewing his own beer and cooking some good ol meat on the stove, pretty much like your ol' uncle or grandpa out on the farm. says pardner and pardon a lot i got bored so, some miscellaneous outcodes and AU's are in the BAR SECTION
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this is for general combo au asks as well as miscellaneous outcodes and aus combo asks? whats combo asks? for example, while you can ask the characters specifically associated with two seperate aus, like fell and swap, they answer the question, together! at the bar. but moving onto the characters specifically only askable in the bar starting with the focus of the drawing above, geno and paperjam! geno geno came from a AU where his brother tragically passed away, he wore his scarf in papyrus honor and became a sort of hitchhiker, one day he got beat up pretty bad when he found a grey, glitchy... block? he tried to lift it up and well suddenly he was in a dark glitchy space, bits and piece of his friends floating above him in pixel form he spent his time there for many, many years, eventually he sent out a signal through a similar glitchy block in an attempt to try to communicate with someone, this failed, but eventually he succeeded at escaping. alone in the multiverse, sans stumbled upon the bar, and decided to live there, never alone again! hes a little depressed, but less in the waa waa way and more in the soft kind of tired way. like for example he doesnt give a "hi!!" but a "hi......" paperjam pastel and error got a bit to.... errr, frisky lets say (no error doesnt have a penis nor nipples, but pastel does have the female parts, she can reproduce both sexually and asexually, the latter she can achieve through arousing means, but not necessarily inserting privates into eachother means. which gets her to be errrrr, pregrante) eventually she gives birth in a brutal manner, imagine the movie alien but instead of simple blood and whatnot your stomach slowly bulges until it explodes dropping a baby out. ink survived, but error had no interest in kids, ink didint really care, shes a hulking beast her instinct is to take care of the kid for a few months then leave it out in the wild to live but because paperjam is an interspecies baby hes a hybrid of error and inks anatomy so. he grows faster then a normal monster, but still has a moment as a child so, hes not ready for the big world yet, but ink didint know that, so she just dropped him off somewhere and left, paperjam grew up to be a sad child wishing for validation from his parents by any means, learned french to try to impress his mom. used to be a scam artist to try to impress his dads crime fascination, he only semi-succeeded with ink. sad, ambitious artist
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404 and king sans
bio: 404 was born omnipotent, automatically more powerful then all the other simpletons. he would become aware of how through an alternative reality known as the prescratch timeline where that version of him speaks of what he was destined for. nobody believes him however and that bitch error keeps harassing me about talking shit well you werent talking at all when you were sucking me off you fucking whore i thought we would have a fucking future togheter but you just a fucking slut fuck you never talk to me again bitch likes: chaos, delinquency, anarchy, NOT following the rules, 100 gecs (the one with the stupid horse), being powerful, super transformations, hyperpop, chains, gold, copypastas, big hot strong men that could absolutely penetrate me hard, 100 gecks (literally, i have 100 of them as pets and its awesome!!!), flexing, being totally dripped out, colors associated with errors, busting it down (gay kind not cool kind) dislinks: order, rules, politics, leaders, having to follow instructions, horror sans from the evil guys fuck you you stole my place on that group which im not that upset about anymore after realising they all suck anyways but i still hate you because you refuse to actually fight and keeps saying random quips everytime youre on screen like actually shut the fuck up, gex, women because im severely femalephobic and extremely homosexual so they terrify me, error (cheater and liar dont ever trust him with anything), ink who stole my man with her fuckin cursed woman parts and apparently in the prescratch timeline everyone calls her mommy????? im bouta yiik out man yeesh omnipotent brat with a big ego king sans a sans who believes himself to be the king of the multiverse, goes around ranting about how hes the greatest and how everyone has to BOW before him, most of the time just gets called slurs and has beer bottles thrown at him wears a comically large crown made of cardboard, plastic, and 5% metal. speaks like an old englishman
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paper crane a bunch of sanses got ripped to shreds like paper! oh no! and then they got glued together again, hoorah! but the pieces were all mixed up so they just glued it into one single entity hoo...rah? cheerful, a little... soulless. means good, wants a soul, wants to feel alive again.
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horror part of errors gang, but since errors gang hasnt been unlocked yet hes gonna be in this category for now. coming from an au where the core has a malfunction and undyne and alphys asked him to fix it, sans the mechanic errr kind of just slacked off, ate a sandwich took a nap wasnt really paying attention to the subject. eventually after 5 months of sans doing nothing alphys and undyne snap and hit sans in the head with a metal pipe, smashing his skull and sending him flying into the waterfall-snowdin river, after washing up ashore in snowdin, he kind of just forgot his whole interaction with undyne and alphys, and even if he did, he probably doesnt care, same personality as simpletale, but hes slightly more brain damaged so hes a bit more clumsy and endearing. seems menacing at first but hes harmless, beloved by everyone. loves getting wasted at the bar with farmer
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George Barret Sr. (c. 1730-1784) "Figures sitting outside a farmstead" Gouache on paper
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dracoryss · 19 hours
Kinda stupid but I need to know
I had this person so confused I write my shopping list on a post it but I refuse to believe we have become so phone centered and paper averse??
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eaglesnick · 21 days
A vote for Nigel Farage’s Reform Party is essentially a vote for big business and the super-rich.
Reform promises to lift 7 million people from paying tax at the lower end of the pay scale to  “save every worker almost £1500 per year.” Although I am sure this saving for low earners would be very welcome, it is the rich who benefit most from Reform’s income tax proposals.
 At the moment people earning over £50,000 pay a 40% tax rate on earnings above this figure. The Reform Party promise to raise the threshold to £70,000, a saving of £3,588 a year for the 15% richest people in the country.
Reform and the far-right favour business over individual workers.  It is therefore no surprise that Corporations are to receive the biggest tax breaks. Corporation tax will be reduced from 25% to 20% for the first 5 years, and then down to 15% after that.
For year ending 2022/23 corporation tax brought in £79.9billion. Under Reform, corporations would be in receipt of tax breaks worth £47.94billion. In November 2022, State of Tax Justice reported that
…”the world was losing over $483 billion a year in tax to multinational corporations and wealthy individuals using tax havens to underpay tax. That’s equivalent to losing a nurse’s yearly salary to a tax haven every second.” 
The only reason Reform would want to legitimise corporate tax avoidance is because Reform is essentially a political party for the already wealthy. They might throw a few crumbs to the ordinary worker but the real rewards are to go to the rich and powerful.
Many large corporations are foreign owned so  tax breaks for big business are just as likely to go to overseas shareholders as they are to UK owners. Does the British taxpayer really want to be subsidising foreign share ownership by cutting tax revenues?
Richard Tice, leader of Reform until replaced by Nigel Farage a few days ago, is a multi-millionaire who made his money in property development.  Both he and Farage have their own TV shows on GB News, which is bankrolled by the hedge-fund billionaire Paul Marshal and the Dubai based investment company Legartum, founded by New Zealand billionaire Christopher Chandler who made his fortune in Russian gas.
Reform's links to the super-rich goes further. Multi-millionaire Jeremy Hosking has given £2.578,000 to Reform coffers. Is it coincidence he is funding a party that campaigns to scrap UK emission targets when he is “the director of a company with tens of millions of pounds invested in oil and gas” ? (Open Democracy: 22/03/22). I think not.
Another major donor to Reform is the ex-Bullingdon Club member George Farmer. (Other members include David Cameron and George Osborne the architects of Tory Austerity and the liar Boris Johnson who brought us Party Gate). An “ardent supporter of Donald Trump”, Farmer was CEO of the far-right platform Parler, and is married to Candice Owens, a woman who “promotes far-right ideologies”, In 2023 he joined the board of GB News.
The biggest single donor to Reform according to Electoral Commission records is Chris Harborne, handing over £10 million to Brexit/Reform. Harborne owes his fortune to the sale of aviation fuel and technology investments. He gained notoriety when his name appeared multiple times in the Panama Papers. These documents revealed:
 “…off-shore holdings of world political leaders, links to global scandals, and details of  hidden financial dealings of fraudsters, drug traffickers, billionaires, celebrities, sports stars and more”. (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists: 03/03/2016)
These wealthy backers of Reform are not spending millions of pounds in order to benefit ordinary workingmen and women. They see these millions as an investment, an investment on which they expect a return for their money.
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malvacae · 1 year
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shiftie-bonanza · 1 year
A newish Farm
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frogonamelon · 10 months
It's a tragedy that Anne didn’t get to be a farmer…
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While Sasha went from gladiator to lieutenant and Marcy flip flopped from royal advisor to nautical researcher on a whim, Anne was a farmer in a small frog town. 
She can’t leave yet. No one in town, much less the Plantars, have the funds to pay the Toad Toll required to cross through the southern mountain range. 
While in Wartwood, Anne would have to learn to survive. She can’t eat most food the locals enjoy, she doesn’t have their natural and nurtured advantages, and is left alone for months at a time as she is the only one in town conscious after the first snowfall.
During her first few months, she fixes up the three greenhouses as discipline from Hop Pop, including a flooded and ruined one connected to the basement down by the water. This one, she decides to keep the shallow water and few giant lily pads within, using it as her bedroom as she sleeps on the lily pads and plants harmless aquatic plants and keeps small fish.
The others, she uses to grow plants that she can eat through the year. The furthest from the house holds tomato and avocado plants, near harmless to her as a human but expensive luxury items in Amphibia.
Anne’s hair grows longer as she gets thinner and slightly taller from her time malnourished in Amphibia, she ties her hair back in a low ponytail to keep it out of her face.
Instead of a hat, she wears a makeshift one out of a lily pad, earning her many nicknames ‘Lily’ and ‘Lilyanne’ being the kindest.
After she gives up on her school uniform and shoes, she wears a button up and overalls, buttoned up shorter due to her functionality in her bedroom. She forgoes shoes for the most part, having grown used to it, only having a pair of boots for when she needs them. Over time, her clothes have been ripped by the hostile environment and she patches them up using her old school uniform.
Ok Design Process:
I wanted Anne to have a hobbitcore feeling but overall more swampy. The silhouette of her pants came from that as most images had women in skirts.
As for colors- blue. Either the overalls are dark/medium blue and the patches are purple plaid or they are neutral colored (since blue is one of the four colors on her school’s symbol and idk why it was purple in the first place) and the patches are blue. The shirt is a white or off white and the lily pad is yellow with blue/purple lilies.
You may have noticed that Anne has a frobo arm in the armored image. It's a possibility. I gave her pauldrons as well just for the sake of slightly more armor. 
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They're nothing more than animals.
親愛なるタナトス 徒花
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brenna · 2 months
i forgot to mention that yesterday the doctor brought out this patient to optical who immediately asked, "which ones are the men's glasses?" like, great, we're off to a transphobic start; love that for us. the doc is like, "oh, you know, they're kind of all together." and the other optician takes the chart (thank someone because i am not about to suffer this human). i hear her say, "yeah, and some of them are unisex!" to which he immediately comes out with, "oh, i don't want any of THAT."
like, sir, kindly remove your head from your ass. we're coming for the term unisex now? get the fuck over yourself.
i got distracted with helping my trainee with a woman who couldn't get the deal on sunglasses, but later the guy working front desk was like, "did you catch the horrible vibes off of that guy? 'where are the men's glasses?' shut up! and then he was like, 'that's not how i was raised.' no one cares. sir, this is a wendy's! leave your garbage opinions at home."
thank someone my coworkers aren't shit, at least.
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verbjectives · 3 months
so. here's the problem with getting into bookbinding as a hobby: i'm comfortable with sewing and casing text blocks, so now the next logical step is to learn how to make my own paper to make those text blocks
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mensministry · 2 years
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Farmer’s Restaurant, Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan,
Commissioned by the agricultural company Pasona Agri-Partners Inc,
Shigeru Ban Architects,
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