#Farm Products
I just think that 'animals are living intelligent creatures that have feelings and deserve to be respected' and 'when done properly farming is beneficial to both people and animals and there's nothing wrong with raising and killing animals for food, clothing, and other products' are concepts that very much can and should coexist
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rmm-1f · 4 days
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thecomptonplace · 1 year
Compton Place - Compton Place Farms
Embark on a journey of holistic well-being with Compton Place Farms. As your go-to source for top-tier CBD products and wellness solutions, Compton Place is dedicated to enhancing your overall experience. Discover the transformative power of our extensive range, thoughtfully designed for your needs.
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Healthy Farms – Healthy Pits & Lagoons Products
At Healthy Farms, our innovative line of natural solutions for deep pit and lagoon management can help you achieve an eco-friendly approach to animal waste management. Our products are designed to reduce slide and odor while restoring ecological balance with easy-to-use formulas that get to the root of the issue. Agitation Defoamer acts quickly to reduce foaming during the pump-out process of liquid manure handling, improving the pumping efficiency and slurry tank capacity. Visit our website at www.myhealthyfarms.com or contact us at [email protected] for more information.
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alphst · 2 years
Tyson Foods Inc (TSN) Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript
$TSN Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript #earnings #markets #investing
Tyson Foods Inc (NYSE: TSN) Q1 2023 earnings call dated Feb. 06, 2023 Corporate Participants: Sean Cornett — Vice President, Investor Relations Donnie King — President and Chief Executive Officer John R. Tyson — Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer Brady Stewart — Group President, Fresh Meats Amy Tu — President, International and Chief Administrative Officer Wes Morris — Group…
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bluegrassfarm · 2 months
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I was considering different pairings in Stardew, and when this one popped into my head the reaction of certain people in Maru's family did as well and gave me a chuckle so here we are
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velvetedantler · 2 years
SLAY, an animal rights documentary on animals in the fashion industry, has to be one of the most poorly researched documentaries I’ve seen in awhile. Not only does the documentary go after fur (which is to be expected), but also wool and leather while making some startlingly false claims. 
First of the major claims against fur is that they state fur is not biodegradable, a talking point they admit to taking from Collective Fashion Justice (an animal rights clothing collective). CFJ claims that only 20% of the fur is biodegradable, which they took from a portion of this study. The actual statistic is that at the 30-day mark the mink had degraded by 25.8%, while the fake fur hadn’t degraded at all. 
According to the paper, “in the disintegration test, it was observed that the Undyed mink fur, Undyed fox fur, Dyed mink fur and Dyed fox fur partially disintegrated [after 30 days]: the skin fell apart and disappeared but the hairs remained. The fake fur did not show any disintegration, only discoloration” (Debeer). Fur is made of pure keratin which is hard to break down, this is why there are some hair follicles still left over from extinct animals! The part that is easier to disintegrate is leather part, even with the tanning process the material is biodegradable. 
The most irritating claim they make is that fur, leather, and wool have a higher carbon footprint. First, the carbon footprint doesn't take into account the fact that cattle, sheep, and animal raised for fur produce multiple products. A polyester shirt is only a polyester shirt, the cow the leather is made out of also produced milk, meat, and important by-products. While animals raised for fur also produce important oils, biofuel, and eat animal waste products from other industries. 
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nightbunnysong · 8 days
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What I did today
woke up at 7:15
studied economics for 2.5 hours
went hiking in the mountains with my dog (looking for a half-unusable trail, but after some wandering through the woods, I found it)
took a shower
drove to my boyfriend’s place, almost 100 km away
attended mycology course from 7 to 9 p.m. – focusing on edible species
posted on my folklore blog about the figure of the "Ucelatt"
applied face cream before bed
Today it rained a lot, over 60mm in just 12 hours. In my region, they issued an orange weather alert, which is a medium-high level of alert. In some areas, a few streams have overflowed, and it has already started snowing in the mountains. It’s crazy to think that just two weeks ago it was 37°C (98.6°F), while now it’s around 13°C (55.4°F), and they say the temperatures will continue to drop.
♡ today's song: HAPPENING by AKMU
[photos from Pinterest]
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So anyway you repeatedly say we only feel corn husks and similar inedible parts to cattle but Never add a source to back it up. Having worked on farms I’m afraid for the most part the feeds I’ve seen have been parts entirely edible to humans. And like fuck man 5% of all grown soy is fed to humans or however the stat goes, do you really think the remaining 95% is inedible? really?
Anyway yeah I’m asking for a source here cause I don’t want to add this on to months old post
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Ingredients such as “grain by-products” are referring to the husks, stalks, and other “green” parts of the plant that we humans don’t actually have the digestive capabilities to eat. The breakdown of most livestock feeds looks like the above when you actually take a look at it.
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Different cattle feed, similar ingredients. Still primarily things that, and I have to stress this, you cannot eat. This one is slightly higher in quality and does indeed have actual grain products included. Some of those are edible to humans. Some are not. Generally cattle are fed cattle cubes with supplemental mineral licks and hay. Some also supplement with whole corn, but I can gladly assure you that corn is not in short supply and even if all the corn sold to animal feed was donated to the poor, you can’t actually live off of corn because there’s very little nutrition in it. Hence why in both human and animal food it’s typically seen as a filler ingredient. Keeps the mouth busy with a meal without making your stomach feel full and you end up eating more without feeling satisfied.
Soybeans are really only often used in feed for pigs because they’re a great source of protein for these animals. I would state that soy is also a terrible option to use as an emergency food for humans in need because while, yes, it is indeed a healthy bean, it’s also one of the top eight foods that humans are frequently allergic or intolerant towards. I’d also ask you for whether your 5% of all grown soy statistic is referring to the beans or the entire plant because yeah the beans are the edible part. The rest of the plant isn't especially healthy for humans to eat. I would say the beans are around 5% of a mature soy plant sure.
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aleblr · 7 months
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Studying poultry farming and although it's not easy, definitely it is interesting. There are many aspects of this field that surely can be improved though (especially the animal welfare part).
These days I'm also very busy petsitting lots of dogs. Take a look at my favorite client above! Too cute!!!!
Hope you and your loved ones are doing good💓
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ryllen · 1 year
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FINALLY, the closure to my stardew life !
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june 28th, friday
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🎧🎶: depois da chuva - rebeldes
Managing My Farm Challenge [day 013/188]
Porque sei, depois da chuva sempre vem o sol Tudo vai melhorar Só o tempo pode por as coisas no lugar Pra recomeçar ♪
to-do list:
go to supermarket ✅
organize my notion ✅
read my resume of a text about science ✅
read o segredo das larvas before classes
read não é só de amor que eu sei falar before classes
read about memory❌ (maybe tomorrow)
study japanese ✅
study korean in the break of my classes or after my classes
habit tracker of yesterday/ today:
💧"watering the plant": 3 cups of water (750ml) + a bottle of water (510ml)/2 cups of water (250ml) 🌟 play a game/socialize: talked to some people studying the same course as me/talked to anne 🌽 read (cultivating the seeds of reading)": i read some pages of não é só de amor que eu sei falar/ didn't read non-academic texts yet 🏥🧠 register cogni: ❌/ not yet 🐟 enjoy boredom ("go fishing"): ✅/❌ ⛩️cultural center: studied japanese/estudied japanese (duolingo) and watched two videos (at first, i watched this video that @zzzzzestforlife watched these days, then i started watching this video ) 🤞 cultural center: i studied korean yesterday/ today, i didn't study it yet, i'll probably study it at college 🏃‍♂️ exercise: ❌/❌
i want to watch and read some things on the weekend, like watch anime, finish watching the video i started today about a day in the life of a elementary school with only 8 students, i also have to read academic texts and i want to read some tumblr posts i already opened to read later.
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rmm-1f · 4 days
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purgatorily · 1 month
sometimes i wonder why people don’t seem to give a fuck about how bad AI is for the planet but then i remember most people don’t even like. recycle. and it all makes sense
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ceiling-karasu · 23 days
World Building continued: Backstory for the wars involving Flower Hill, Teikoku, and Usuhan Jiyeog, and subsequent occupations.
Apologies in advance for this being so long. I wanted to know how widespread Japanese weasels are in real life, and found something interesting I could use.
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Japanese weasels originate from three areas of Japan, that being Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku.
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Coincidentally, Japan famously has three Ceremonial Regalia in the form of a sword, magatama beads, and a mirror. These items are not seen by anyone other than the royal family and certain priests (images on the internet are recreations of what they could possibly look like, and those seen in public are symbolic stand-ins), but they symbolize the authority of the royal family.
Which allows me to make a backstory for my AU to help explain the wars and occupations, very loosely based off of events and locations in history, especially since animal biology limits certain events from happening.
In the past, there was an Emperor, who preferred for Teikoku to be in isolation. Under his rule, and of those before him, are smaller prefectures run by princes, lords, or other lessor royal families.
Contact with the United States Alliance and other nations led to a period of aggression and imperialism surrounding the empire of Teikoku, as they strove to fight against a stagnating economy that believed in its own superiority in the world, as well as a strict caste system preventing innovation.
Eventually, after some time, three princes are sent out to conquer the final few neighboring islands, so that may join the empire, and provide a larger force for when they make a move for the peninsula and the mainland.
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The three princes are named after their prefectures, and the Emperor has given them each one of the Imperial Regalia as proof of their superiority.
The Sword
Honshu is the main island of Japan, and is also known as the dragonfly island. Teikoku will call it Tonbo, which refers to dragonflies, which are fierce and deadly creatures. As such, their Imperial Regalia is the sword, Yūki no ken (the sword of valor), and is based off of Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (Grass-Cutter). Tonbo is the main physical fighting force of Teikoku.
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The Magatama Jewels
Kyushu is smaller than Honshu, but it had a lot of trade circuits around the ocean and the mountains. So I will make a prefecture named Kairo (Circuit), and have the area be responsible for trade and roads around the empire, as well as in the fighting forces. I would use the famous Magatama jewels (Benevolence) to symbolize their rule.
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The Mirror
Shikoku means four provinces, and is the least populated area of the three areas. Shikoku also has a lot of temples (perhaps run by green pheasants, the national symbol of Japan), which draws in a lot of pilgrims. But they also maintain a lot of gateways to other prefectures. So maybe Genkan for entryway. They are responsible for planning and strategizing for the other two. They can have the Michi no kagami, mirror of the path to represent wisdom/truth, based on the Yata no Kagami.
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VERY loosely taking inspiration from The Tale of the Heike, a collection of Japanese epic poetry with many translations and retelling (actually written down 200 years after said events supposedly happened), which says that the royal families that held these Regalia were defeated in a naval battle, and threw themselves and the treasures into the sea. Subsequent legends suggest that many search and diving parties have been led to recover the Regalia.
In my AU, I hold that the items were thrown into the sea, with the princes believing that they could return for them later even if they were captured, although they managed to escape. It was a complete disgrace for the Emperor, as without the Ceremonial Regalia, the legitimacy of the entire palace was thrown into question.
And then the box holding the Magatama washed up on the shores of the peninsula.
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It is returned as a gesture of good will, but as no good deed goes unpunished, Teikoku believes that they must have taken the other Imperial Regalia for themselves, starting a land invasion. The small army is annihilated by farmers, fresh out of overthrowing their own monarchy, wielding guns, which Teikoku has never seen before.
Which results in a larger army being sent, which is also defeated and the princes captured and possibly executed by the hedgehog army in the north of the country. At this point, without the authority of the Ceremonial Regalia, and increasing economical desperation, the country is forced to undergo a reformation. While there is still an Emperor, he does not hold as much political power as he once did.
Teikoku left behind settlements of soldiers and colonists controlling the southern portion of the peninsula, which they name Usuhan Jiyeog, who take up ruler-ship and fish farming.
The hedgehogs use the proof of their power in defending their areas to take control of what they would name Flower Hill.
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It is a strongly held belief that before they backed away from Usuhan Jiyeog, the Emperor promised that anyone who managed to retrieve the Ceremonial Regalia from Flower Hill would be reinstated as the next emperor, and be rewarded with power beyond their wildest dreams.
Did the other two, heavier, items, even wash up on the shores of the peninsula like the jewels, locked in an airtight box? Or did they sink to the bottom, as they were heavier? Who is to say...
But alongside the greed, desperation for power, and food production issues, the temptation of finding the supposedly stolen Imperial Regalia locked away in some distant stronghold is a good enough reason as any to attempt to occupy Flower Hill.
Now, I'm not about to retcon what I have already written and say that Commander Jogjebi wanted the sword and mirror, and Huinjogjebi is a weasel of science who would likely not be interested anyway. But claiming that Flower Hill stole precious items and symbols of their country in the past, and them not being able to disprove it, is enough of an excuse to make quite a few countries in the international courts turn a blind eye to the happenings surrounding Flower Hill.
Oil Production
I did figure out the oil and gas situation. I did go ahead and give the Jindo Empire a large amount of oil. The Venezuela country below the United States Alliance is now the República de Cultivos Oleaginosos, and is trying to prevent the wolves' country from occupying their regions.
Meanwhile, the vast majority of the world's oil in my AU is being produced in this country.
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While it used to be many different nations in the past, the leaders understood that their vast oil and gas reserves would result in large scale invasions, and agreed to band together into the Equatorial Allegiance.
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putridpride · 7 months
im sorry, but there's no industry like working with cannabis & i'll always encourage working in the cannabis industry
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