#Fantasmagoria show
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marejadilla · 2 months ago
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John Brophy, “Bat Girl”, oil on panel. Featured at "Fantasmagoria" show at Roq La Rue Gallery (@roqlarue), 2024. John Brophy is an American artist based in Ireland.
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This should have been on the cover of Tetsuo: The Iron Man
(A quick scan shows that this is a warning sign from the Fantasmagoria arcade game)
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trastornadosrevista · 2 months ago
Strummer Bar, cuna del under porteño, se agranda por una noche especial y nos trae el Strummer Fest, un evento que va a quedar marcado en la historia de la música independiente de la ciudad. No estamos hablando de un show más, estamos hablando de lo que pasa cuando la esencia de la música auténtica se encuentra con una audiencia hambrienta de lo real.
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El 5 de octubre en el Complejo Art Media, Strummer, de la mano de RockyReggae, produce un festival que reunirá a miles de personas para celebrar lo mejor del under. Porque mientras otros buscan luces y brillos, acá mantenemos viva la chispa. Las entradas ya están a la venta por Passline.
La grilla está encabezada por bandas icónicas que ya son parte del ADN de Strummer, y faltan más por anunciar:
      *    Cienfuegos, la legendaria banda de Sergio Rotman, vuelve al escenario por ¿última vez? Nunca se sabe, lo que sí sabemos es que será irrepetible
·         Pez, con Ariel Minimal al frente, trae su energía visceral al festival. Si alguna vez soñaste con ver a Pez darle pelea al horror en un escenario, esta es tu noche.
·         Lucho Al Attaque, el proyecto solista de Luciano Scaglione, bajista de Attaque 77 y uno de los dueños de Strummer, se suma con la fuerza del punk que corre por nuestras venas.
·         Fantasmagoria, con Gori a la cabeza, trae las cosas de verdad al escenario, porque acá lo real es lo que importa. Nada de chamuyo.
·         Semilla de Maldad, buscando recobrar el espíritu del más salvaje y genuino Rockabilly, vienen a traer acordes crudos y eléctricos.
·         Uno x Uno, el proyecto central de Carlos Alonso, leyenda de la electrónica experimental desde los ‘80, une la música con performances desconcertantes donde lo visual y lo auditivo chocan y te hacen replantear la realidad.
·         Nikkö, ex Finnegans, ahora en su faceta solista despidiendo MANIKI, desafía lo superficial y sigue haciendo lo que le gusta sin rendirle cuentas a nadie.
·         (Banda a anunciar): una de las propuestas más feroces de la escena local se prepara para dar un show explosivo. Llegan pateando trastes que se habían vestido con apuro para ir al velatorio del rock. Además disyokean en vinilo Selector Lucho y Asia del sur.
El Strummer Fest no es solo música, es una celebración de todo lo que hace grande a esta cultura: habrá una feria de vinilos, fanzines y ropa para que la experiencia sea completa.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year ago
Tutti gli appuntamenti di Triennale Milano dal 20 al 25 giugno: incontri, laboratori e visite guidate
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Tutti gli appuntamenti di Triennale Milano dal 20 al 25 giugno: incontri, laboratori e visite guidate.   È presentato di seguito il programma degli eventi di Triennale Milano (Viale Emilio Alemagna, 6), dal 20 al 25 giugno. 20 giugno - 18.30 Incontro | Spazio Reale Spazio Virtuale Ingresso libero previa registrazione. Nel quadro di Real Space-Virtual Space. Aesthetics, Architecture, and Immersive Environments, conferenza organizzata dal progetto di ricerca ERC AN-ICON dell’Università degli Studi di Milano in collaborazione con Triennale Milano, l’artista e designer Ugo La Pietra propone delle riflessioni sulle interferenze fra spazio reale e virtuale, immersività e interattività attraverso un excursus tra le sue principali sperimentazioni artistiche. 21 giugno - 10.00 Triennale Radio Show Evento online Proseguono gli appuntamenti radiofonici in collaborazione con Radio Raheem. Host della trasmissione Damiano Gullì, curatore per Arte contemporanea e Public program di Triennale Milano. - dalle 10.30 Conferenza | Spazio Reale-Spazio Virtuale Estetica, architettura e ambienti immersivi Ingresso libero previa registrazione. Il progetto di ricerca ERC AN-ICON "An-Iconology. History, Theory, and Practices of Environmental Images" ospitato presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano, in collaborazione con Triennale Milano, presenta dal 19 al 21 giugno 2023 la conferenza internazionale Real Space-Virtual Space. Aesthetics, Architecture, and Immersive Environments, dedicata all'interazione tra Realtà Virtuale (VR), Realtà Aumentata (AR), teorie e pratiche dell'architettura e degli studi urbani. Nella giornata del 21 giugno, in Triennale, il convegno ospiterà due interventi teorici di Elisângela Brito Pessôa Vilar (University of Lisbon) e Jose Pareja‑Gomez (Zaha Hadid Architects), insieme alla fruizione di Osaka ’70, di Ultra Studio, ricostruzione virtuale del progetto mai realizzato di Maurizio Sacripanti per il padiglione italiano dell’Expo di Osaka del 1970. - 11.00 Conferenza stampa | SIAMO FORESTA Accredito stampa disponibile a questo link Presentazione alla stampa della mostra Siamo Foresta, organizzata nell’ambito del partenariato con Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain. L’esposizione trae la sua ispirazione da una visione estetica e politica della foresta come multiverso egualitario di popoli viventi, umani e non umani, e come tale offre una allegoria di un mondo possibile al di là del nostro antropocentrismo, mettendo in scena un dialogo senza precedenti tra pensatori e difensori della foresta; tra artisti indigeni (dal New Mexico al Chaco paraguaiano passando per l’Amazzonia) e artisti non indigeni (Brasile, Cina, Colombia, Francia). La mostra aprirà al pubblico da giovedì 22 giugno. - 18.30 Incontro | Animazioni. Dall’automa al cyborg, dalla fantasmagoria alla realtà virtuale Ingresso libero previa registrazione. Il gruppo di ricerca AN-ICON, che dal 2018 studia le nuove e antiche forme di immersività, propone una tavola rotonda dedicata alla mostra All Those Stuffed Shirts di Anna Franceschini, a cura di Damiano Gullì (in Triennale fino al 2 luglio). Vere e proprie immagini animate, le stiratrici industriali trasformate da Anna Franceschini in automi, nel loro essere perturbanti e antropomorfe, evocano tensioni e caratteri dell’iconosfera contemporanea, suggerendo piste inedite per un’archeologia del cinema al di fuori del suo dispositivo. Seguendo il filo conduttore proposto da Franceschini, l’incontro si addentra nelle forme di espropriazione e riappropriazione del corpo attraverso l'utilizzo di “abiti" virtuali, come gli avatar utilizzati per abitare gli ambienti immersivi. Intervengono: Anna Caterina Dalmasso, Margherita Fontana, Barbara Grespi, Giancarlo Grossi e Roberto Malaspina. - 21.00 Proiezione | Unexpected Matches. YOUR FAVOURITE HELL Ingresso libero previa registrazione. Un progetto della regista Alina Marazzi, un ciclo di appuntamenti per indagare la relazione tra immagine filmica e musica attraverso il coinvolgimento di musicisti e dj invitati a sonorizzare film rari e poco noti e materiali provenienti da archivi e cineteche. Una performance dal vivo per immagini, suoni e musica con la musicista Silvia Cignoli (chitarra elettrica), il video-maker Salvatore Insana e Caterina Palazzi al contrabbasso. La proiezione di YOUR FAVOURITE HELL raccoglie una serie di riprese in piani lunghi e lunghissimi in contesto marino, tra spiagge che sanno essere luogo franco di corpi in mostra in tutto il loro incedere. 22 giugno - 10.00 Laboratorio | Dance Well - Ricerca e movimento per il Parkinson Ingresso libero previa iscrizione. Triennale Milano presenta Dance Well: un’iniziativa per promuovere la pratica della danza contemporanea in spazi museali e contesti artistici, che si rivolge principalmente, ma non esclusivamente, a persone che vivono con il Parkinson. Le classi si tengono tutti i giovedì mattina fino alla fine dell'anno. La partecipazione è aperta a tutti. - dalle 17.00 Incontro | Siamo Foresta: incontri Ingresso libero previa registrazione. La mostra Siamo Foresta è accompagnata da un Public program a cura del filosofo Emanuele Coccia. Per festeggiare l'inaugurazione della mostra e l'ampia varietà di linguaggi espressivi, ispirazioni e temi rappresentati dai suoi artisti, tredici tra loro incontrano Emanuele Coccia e l'antropologo Bruce Albert, direttore artistico di Siamo Foresta. Una conversazione aperta che proseguirà con un programma di incontri anche in autunno. - 18.30 Visita guidata | Museo del Design Italiano Ingresso a pagamento previa iscrizione a [email protected]. Maggiori informazioni. Triennale propone una serie di visite guidate alla scoperta delle sue mostre e della sua collezione permanente. Il Museo del Design Italiano presenta la sua nuova selezione di oggetti e il suo nuovo allestimento attraversando i cento anni della storia di Triennale, con oltre 300 pezzi scelti tra i 1.600 che compongono le collezioni dell’istituzione e altri in prestito da importanti collezioni private. 23 giugno - 18.30 Incontro | Fuga dal contemporaneo - Magazine Design per esplorare vie di uscita dal mondo che crolla Ingresso libero previa registrazione. In un'epoca in cui la cultura visiva viaggia su canali in maggioranza digitali, i magazine rappresentano una forma di espressione e comunicazione incisiva e affascinante ancora in grado di generare piccole comunità di persone reali, che si riconoscono condividendo le proprie competenze e passioni. Triennale Milano e NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti presentano i progetti degli studenti del Biennio Specialistico in Visual Design e Integrated Marketing Communication realizzati nell’ambito del corso di Art Direction – Magazine Design, a cura dei docenti dell’Accademia Leonardo Caffo e Roberto Maria Clemente. Intervengono, insieme agli studenti autori delle riviste: Fabio Pelagalli, NABA Communication and Graphic Design Area Masters of Arts Course Leader; Leonardo Caffo, Docente NABA; Roberto Maria Clemente, Docente NABA e Direttore Creativo Studio FIONDA; Serena Scarpello, Head of Content di MoSt (Studio Editoriale); Francesca Spiller, Founder di READING ROOM. - 18.30 Visita guidata | Home Sweet Home Ingresso a pagamento previa iscrizione a [email protected]. Maggiori informazioni. Visita guidata alla mostra Home Sweet Home, che parte dalla storia dell’istituzione e delle sue Esposizioni Internazionali per arrivare alla contemporaneità, riflettendo sull’idea di casa e di abitare, da sempre argomenti privilegiati della ricerca di Triennale. 24 giugno - 12.00 Visita guidata | Reversing the Eye. Fotografia, film e video negli anni dell’arte povera Ingresso a pagamento previa iscrizione a [email protected]. Maggiori informazioni. Una visita guidata alla scoperta della mostra Reversing the Eye. Fotografia, film e video negli anni dell’arte povera. L’esposizione indaga, con oltre 250 opere realizzate da 49 artisti, il rapporto dell’arte povera e di alcune avanguardie presenti in Italia tra gli anni Sessanta e i primi anni Settanta con i linguaggi della fotografia, del cinema e del video. - 18.30 Visita guidata | Museo del Design Italiano Ingresso a pagamento previa iscrizione a [email protected]. Maggiori informazioni. - 19.30 Dj set | Le Cannibale in Triennale: Kelly Lee Owens, Hiroko Hacci Concerto a pagamento, per maggiori informazioni. In collaborazione con Le Cannibale, Triennale presenta, nel suo giardino, una serie di concerti di musica elettronica. Questo primo appuntamento è una festa open-air con Kelly Lee Owens. La musicista e produttrice elettronica gallese presenta i suoi ultimi due album Inner Song e LP.8. In apertura un dj set della giapponese Hiroko. 25 giugno - 18.30 Visita guidata | Home Sweet Home Ingresso a pagamento previa iscrizione a [email protected]. Maggiori informazioni. - 18.30 Visita guidata | Reversing the Eye. Fotografia, film e video negli anni dell’arte povera Ingresso a pagamento previa iscrizione a [email protected]. Maggiori informazioni.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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silviosoler · 2 years ago
Esta noche 2 AM charlamos con Billordo sobre su ultimo lanzamiento y el Niceto que se viene.
Somos Radio AM 530
BILLORDO es un músico de indie folk acústico proveniente de la ciudad de La Plata. Tiene 18 discos editados a través de una extensa carrera de 23 años de trayectoria.
Brindó shows en Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay, Chile, Uruguay, España, Francia, Alemania. Holanda, República Checa, Austria, Dinamarca, Italia, Escocia, Inglaterra, Gales y Catalunya. Se maneja en forma absolutamente independiente y en vivo se presenta sólo con su voz y su guitarra. Auténtico emblema de la autogestión.
Compartió shows con Palo Pandolfo, Rosario Bléfari, Leo García, Boom Boom Kid, El Mató a un Policia Motorizado, Miranda, Flema, 2 Minutos, Daniel Melero, Juana La Loca, Javier Manal Martínez, Loquero, Katarro Vandáliko, Patrick Smitten, Nerdkids, Los Látigos, Peligrosos Gorriones, Francisco Bochatón, Jaime Sin Tierra, Fantasmagoria, Checha Superuva y muchos más.
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justplainsimon · 2 years ago
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Spooky shows to watch this spooky season~
(2022) and honestly next year, cause this is alot,
so idk, pick 4
Edit: i forgot the new amc interview with the vampire series
...and i have the gawl to call myself spooky and gay
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antikristvs · 6 years ago
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Just a little show-off of what came in yesterday before I ditch any sort of elegance till colder weather ☣ Coat: Black Legion from Fantasmagoria Shop ☣ IG: xzombie_queenx ☣
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anxious-gryffindor · 2 years ago
Someone should write a fic that is just criminal minds, but everyone is a little kinder to Reid whenever he shows autistic traits.
Like, I've been binge rewatching the show and the amount of times the team will just stay completely silent when he makes a slightly awkward/niche/not-quite-neurotypical joke, or when he infodumps, is getting to me. And that's when they don't outright do something mean, like walk away half-way though an infodump (when you think about it, Seaver's infamous 'sorry that I asked' is not so different from Morgan's 'taking back the last five minutes of my life'). And even just the amount of times they know Reid doesn't understand something and no one bothers to include him.
My favourite interaction is when Reid is talking about love in the scene with the wind chimes made of bones - Hotch asks 'what is love' (which is already more engagement than the team gives Reid most of the time) and the wonderful, amazing Emily actually shows interest in it! Like, she makes comments and adds stuff to what Reid's saying!
My point is I want more scenes like that, if only in fanfic. I want to see the characters interact with Reid when he's talking about something he cares about, smile even if they don't get his jokes, find his rants endearing even when they don't care about the subject, and get excited to watch Fantasmagoria with him bc, come on, that sounds like fun!
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linkemon · 3 years ago
Fantasmagoria (Kuroo Tetsurō x Reader) [Dancer AU]
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you're interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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ᴘʜᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ��ᴀɢᴏʀɪᴀ — ꜰᴀɴᴛᴀꜱʏ, ɪʟʟᴜꜱɪᴏɴ ᴏʀ ᴍɪʀᴀɢᴇ.
ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ:
1. ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴀ ᴅᴀɴᴄᴇʀ/ɪᴅᴏʟ ᴀᴜ, ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɴᴇᴋᴏᴍᴀ ꜰᴏʀᴍꜱ ᴀ ʙᴏʏꜱʙᴀɴᴅ. ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ ɪꜱ ᴀ ʟᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇʀ. 2. ɪ ᴅɪᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜꜱᴇ ᴀɴʏ ʜᴏɴᴏʀɪꜰɪᴄꜱ. ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴᴛʀɪᴄᴀᴄʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴛᴏᴏ ᴅɪꜰꜰɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴍᴇ, ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ɪꜱ ᴡʜʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ʀᴇꜰᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʙʏ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ꜱᴜʀɴᴀᴍᴇ.
Tetsurō looked at the chanting crowd stretching before him. He felt as if the positive energy of thousands of people was flowing through him with every word he sang. He loved the atmosphere. The stage lights flickered rapidly as he flitted behind Kenma. His body followed the rhythm, repeating the movements he had practiced. He didn't mind the sweat running down his face. The effort was a pleasant culmination of several dozen hours of work.
He winked at the fans and jumped smoothly into the chorus. He put his whole heart into the performance.
It was his and the boys' song. From the first note, through each rap part, to the choreography. They finally gained some freedom, even if it was just one track on the entire album.
The boy felt everything around him slow down as he jumped to the air. He invented this movement at the very beginning. He wanted to smuggle a symbol of freedom somewhere — breaking away from the record label's power. He knew that only the team would really understand what was behind it. And that made him at least a little freer in a world where almost everyone knew more about him than he himself did.
When his feet touched the stage again, screams and whistles cut through the warm ,spring air in the stadium.
He went to the backstage, listening carefully. This moment followed each concert.
One word was chanted under the night sky — Nekoma.
The dancer turned to the dressing room.
Since the band's career started being in full swing, each member always had their own preparation room before the concert. However Kuroo had missed the times when he and Kenma were throwing face powder at each other like children.
To his surprise, [Reader], Nekoma's manager, was sitting on the sofa.
— Sorry to invite myself in but you have to fill out the paperwork. — She pointed to a large bundle on a coffee table.
— Sure, no problem.
Tetsurō looked closely at her face. She didn't look good. The tired gaze showed behind the precise make-up.
— Have you slept at all this week? — He asked jokingly.
— Four hours yesterday — she said and went back to browsing the charts on the tablet.
He knew that if she didn't have the strength to joke, the situation was serious. Everyone had more work to do because of the tour but he didn't suspect it was that bad.
— Should I wash it off?
He nodded his head.
Tetsurō liked it when she was around after concerts. She always helped him get rid of his makeup. They also had time for private conversations, which was difficult to do with the rest of the team around.
The girl picked up the liquid from the dressing table and went to work.
— What do you think about our performance? — He asked, breaking the silence.
— This album will be a success. You are trending on all portals — she replied, taking another swab.
— I meant: what do you — he emphasized — think?  
Tetsurō stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her hand seemed to tremble slightly at the question.
— That last song — she took a breath — was the best. All this freedom... I'd like to be like that myself.
— You're free. — The hazel irises followed her.
— I'm trapped in a large corporation. They are taking away my sleep, time, health... — Her lower lip trembled. — Or maybe I'm doing it to myself? Maybe I'm just a slave of money...
The boy didn't know what to say.
There was silence.
[Reader] finished removing his makeup and headed towards the tablet.
— You should take better care of yourself. — The words escaped from his lips.
It's not that he didn't want to say them. He just knew it wasn't the best time and place.
— Maybe if you were doing your job instead of running away from it, I could think of myself — she said harshly. — Recently I've been running after you with papers all week. Nothing was done on time. I couldn't even eat a normal dinner. And in order to bring this concert to an end I took on your responsibilities and practically did not sleep. Then I had to cover you from the producer because you absolutely wanted a day off...
The manager felt all resentment towards the team members coming out of her. But she stopped, seeing the shocked leader. The guilt hit her right away.
— Sorry, Tetsurō. I should have said something beforehand, not now with a grudge. Besides... I knew what I was choosing when I accepted this position...
— No. I'm sorry. We are all to blame. I'll talk to the guys tomorrow.
Before the girl knew, she was hugged in a tight embrace. The singer was still slightly sweaty after the show but she didn't mind. She clung to him tighter, savoring the moment.
— I'll take care of the papers and you'll take a nap. I'll wake you up before I leave.
— Tetsurō...
— Hmm?
— Thank you.
The boy broke away from her with a wide smile.
— Yeah, I know I'm wonderful.
— Yes, you are, you are... — she assured him as she wrapped the blanket around herself.
The tiny sofa wasn't as comfortable as the bed but it had to do. At least for now.
— That's a bad idea. Everyone will recognize you. — [Reader] looked around hesitantly. Kuroo wore a baseball cap and black glasses but he was still recognizable.
— If you really don't want to go there, we won't...
— I'm not saying I don't want to, just... — She shifted impatiently from one foot to another.
— Then let's go. — With these words, the boy headed for the ticket office.
He hoped no one would figure out who he was. Otherwise, he would be in real trouble. If someone found out they were at an amusement park, it would only take a few photos to draw crowds of fans, a queue for autographs and no privacy.
Contrary to what he told the girl, he didn't get a day off at all. The rest of Nekoma practiced without him and promised to cover for him if necessary. He was partially ashamed of his lie but he knew it was needed. [Reader] hadn't been able to relax for a long time and he was going to change that.
— Where should we go first, princess? — He turned around.
The princess almost hit his chest.
Her cheeks flushed red.
— Don't call me that... — she stammered, at which he only laughed. — Let's go on... a rollercoaster.
In this way, she wanted to distract attention from the awkward situation, which she had to some extent succeeded in. But her mind was still processing the situation from a moment ago.
She stopped being so sure of her idea when she stood in front of the colourful trolley. Her eyes followed a route full of serpentines, spirals and bends. Her throat felt dry when she saw it running upside down.
— Are you afraid? — Tetsurō asked as the park attendant was checking his seatbelt.
— From the distance the rollercoaster seemed smaller... — She swallowed loudly.
— You can hold my...
— There's no need to! — She practically screamed, drawing the attention of the nearby people.
At this point the wheels creaked slightly and the trolley started moving. At first it rolled slowly up the hill. Everything changed in a split second, at the top. They fell harum-scarum and the top became the bottom. [Reader] couldn't remember the last time she screamed so much and so loud in such a short time. Everything was blurry.
Her legs trembled when the ride was over but she was smiling from ear to ear.
She was squeezing Kuroo's hand tightly. She couldn't even remember when she grabbed it.
— One more time!
— Maybe not now... — The boy was white as a sheet.
Everything inside him felt as if it were still chasing and rushing forward. He was afraid that in a moment he would throw up everything he ate today.
— Well... hmmm... maybe we'll try tossing the rings? — She pointed to a booth nearby.
She received an approving nod.
— How cute. — [Reader] looked at the awards.
Her gaze was fixed on the huge, plush, black cat. It looked exactly the same as Nekoma's corporate mascot.
— For a miss, only three rings on pegs — said the mustachioed, old man from behind the counter.
He handed her five rings with a wide smile.
She was already trying a third turn when Tetsurō's stomach finally calmed down. Unfortunately, she did not manage to win in any way.
— For the dear mister there will be all rings — said the man, not very enthusiastically.
The boy shrugged, tilted his cap and threw. All the rings were in their places in the blink of an eye.
— We'll take this cat. — He grinned mockingly.
It was only after dragging the big, soft toy behind him through several more attractions that Kuroo found that the desire to impress probably pushed him a little too far.
When they left the park, a school-age girl approached them. Her hair, tied in two blonde pigtails, blew merrily in the breeze.
— Do you want to play volleyball? We need two more people.
— I was never too good at sports but... what about you? — She turned towards the boy.
— Why not?
So they headed towards the two families ready on the field. Although the grounds belonged to the hotel, they assured guests could play.
They separated.
Kuroo lined up, tossed the ball into the serve and struck it in the air with a sweeping movement.
[Reader] looked back. It wasn't enough to say that the play was strong — it was also precise and betoken a lot of experience. Everyone on the playing field had a similar opinion. Though the singer occasionally missed passes and attacks, it quickly became clear that he was doing it on purpose.
The opposing team was completely crushed.
The boy felt guilty for spoiling their fun. Fortunately, one of the mothers rescued him after two sets, deciding that they had to come back for dinner. So they said goodbye and walked slowly towards the taxi stand.
— I don't remember you saying anything about playing volleyball in your interviews. — [Reader] broke the silence.
— Because I didn't.
Tetsurō did not want to share this information with fans. His life was sufficiently publicized all the time. He was glad to keep a few facts that no one else knew about to himself.
— I've played with Kenma since I was young. We even had our own quick attack that we practiced behind the house. We signed up for the club in high school. We were doing quite well, had fun, met new people...
The boy could almost hear the laughter of his teammates. He could clearly see the gym and the old coach. He could smell sweat, dust and floor cleaner. It was a strange set of associations but it was one of life's best memories.
— Did you hear that too?
— What exactly?
— Nothing. I probably misheard something. — He looked at the children playing in the playground.
It was probably just his bad sense of hearing.
— And what happened next? — She asked, returning to the topic, clearly interested.
— And then I discovered dancing and singing — new passions. There was no time for volleyball. Especially after I got the chance to develop my career. — He smiled.
— Don't you regret it sometimes? You know — she hesitated — that you went this and not another path?
The question was difficult.
The singer was a few steps ahead of her, stopped and leaned towards her.
The girl felt intense eyesight on her as he removed tinted glasses.
— If I hadn't chosen the music, I wouldn't have got to know you, princess. — He winked.
She slapped him playfully on the shoulder, feeling blush once more that day.
— You're impossible!
— But you love me anyway...
— More news from the world of stars. Nekoma's team leader Kuroo Tetsurō was seen yesterday in the company of a young manager near the Hikari Hotel. Are the rumors of their alleged romance true? The fans would certainly be inconsolable. The record label has so far declined to comment on this matter.
The chairman sighed heavily and turned off the TV. Kuroo was deeply glad that he did it because he was tired of seeing his face in the media. He fidgeted in the ornate chair, trying to focus on the mahogany desk in front of him or anything that might occupy his attention for a few seconds.
He cursed himself for not noticing the photographer taking the picture from hiding. Tetsurō should have checked the source of the strange noise. But now it was too late. He became a hot topic for gossip portals and tabloids at Japan and abroad, [Reader] with him.
— Let me get this straight. I don't believe in your explanations — the man said. — However, we cannot afford an even bigger scandal and problems related to you leaving the group so I am giving you one last chance.
— We have already discussed it. I asked why you fired her. — The group leader suppressed his anger.
— I didn't fire her, I just wanted to transfer her to another department. She quit herself.
— But was it convenient for you?
— My patience has limits. Tetsurō knew that it would probably be better for her. Everyone in the company already knew who she was and gossiped loudly about what had happened. Despite this, it was difficult for him to come to terms with the whole situation. Especially since the girl didn't answer the calls from him.
— I see. — He left the office.
— I promised to tell him if I saw you. — Kenma looked the girl in the eyes.
He must have been serious because he had put the console aside. He did it so rarely that she couldn't remember seeing him outside of concerts without it in his hand.
— Don't — she said.
She heard that the boy was looking for her but she had no intention of contacting him.
— Do you know that he wants to leave the band?
There was uncertainty in the golden eyes. Fear of losing a longtime friend.
— That's why he can't find out. I'm leaving and we will never meet again. Everyone will forget about this scandal in a moment. If I saw him, it would only make matters worse. You are just starting your career. I can't destroy it.
Her heart felt tight at the thought of what to do. But she knew it was time to listen to common sense. A relationship that should never have happened has gone too far.
The dyed blonde nodded.
— You've been a good manager, [Reader]. — He was back to playing again.
— Thank you. — She closed the door.
—...three years after its debut Nekoma is at the peak of its career. This is why Kuroo Tetsurō's decision to leave the group is astonishing. He was in it from the very beginning. The fans send out a lot of warm words but are disconsoled. There are many speculations about the reason of his departure...
The boy took a deep breath and hit the ball with a verve.
He was still perfecting his service and he was getting better and better. He loved the slight burning sensation it left behind. Especially when it became an ace.
He gave high fives to other teammates.
He couldn't remember the last time he felt so relaxed.
Kuroo was afraid that leaving Nekoma behind was a bad decision. The media has been gossiping about it for a long time. In addition, he was afraid that his contact with friends would deteriorate. With time, however, everything was back on track. Kenma was still seeing him. He found a temporary job and in his spare time he perfected the game of volleyball. Dancing and singing did not leave his life completly but they weren't its center anymore.
His team took over the ball so he jumped into the attack.
They won the set.
He looked around. Spring in Japan was making itself felt by showering the streets with pink cherry blossoms. Everything around him sang and filled him with new energy.
He was reaching for a water bottle when suddenly a familiar hair colour flashed in his sight.
— Guys, will you wait a minute?
He received noises of confirmation and ran out into the street.
She walked along the sidewalk, slowly walking. When he called out her name, she turned away. [Reader] was shocked for a moment but then she smiled. He was about to run closer but she shook her head. She pointed to her heart, then crossed her two hands and moved them slightly.
It looked like a bird getting ready to take off.
So she was free...  
And she asked him if he was too...
He nodded, feeling tears welling up in his eyes for the first time in years.
She nodded too, smiled again then disappeared around the bend between the cherry trees. She didn't look back even once.
—  Tetsurō, the Nationals won't win by itself! —  came the voice of a teammate.
— I'm going!
He also didn't look back anymore.
Because he was truly free.
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superlemonsweet · 5 years ago
2, 7, 18 ^_^
2. Love Interest
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 Salia is actually a love interest for all 6 Arcana babes! She has also been shipped with a few other apprentices as well.
Asra - Asra’s charming words and security drew her to him in a tender soft way. Showing how much he cares and his encouragement always made her feel secure about herself and her actions. She loves that he always has her back and it makes her feel secure.
Muriel - Muriel never really beat around the bush about things, and that itself made Salia look twice in his direction. He was always forward with the truth of things, and his down-to-earth attitude made her feel comfortable. She always felt safe with him, and his wisdom makes her heart flutter.
Nadia - Nadia’s determination above all things and her leadership drew Salia in like a moth to a flame. She always loved that about her, and it inspires her greatly. The way she carries herself, how she speaks, and how she rules with a caring nature for their home, it was the first step into developing feelings.
Portia - Portia’s love of little adventures and pure shenanigans had Salia wrapped around her finger in no more than 10 minutes flat. She loves her bubbly nature. She even loves how Portia still makes the best of scary situations and her desire to always look for the truth. She really is the Star. Shining and magnificent.
Julian - Julian’s equal want of keeping people he cares for safe hit really deep in Salia. She loves those around her, and Julian’s equal love for others made her feel like she wasn’t alone in that same desire. Even though he often blamed himself for certain outcomes, she loves that he still tries to look out for people.
Lucio - Out of all things, Lucio’s goofiness melted her heart. Yes she questioned if his confidence was serious or of pure idiocy, but deep down she started to have a soft spot for the man, and admires how he is determined to make a better path for himself no matter how challenging it could be.
Now for apprentices! (Some pairings are from AU’s, but we can still use them)
Tarek (belongs to @fantasmagorias ) Salia had a slightly hard time telling weather this man was a flirt by nature, or if he was being serious. Regardless, his very calm and smooth attitude was something she had never encountered before. Those vibes grew on her, drawing her close to the one who emitted them naturally.
Riley (belongs to you boo @thesanguinerose) - Riley’s gentle nature hooked Salia within minutes of meeting him. His kind eyes spoke many volumes and, she caved immediately to his chivalrous charms. The man is so sweet, ‘’sweet as a spoonful of sugar’’ was an understatement compared to the rather large muscular man. She couldn’t help wanting to know him better, as a result, she is completely soft for him.
Midnight (belongs to @candygirl3473) Midnight’s very confident and spunky attitude was like a wave splashing over Salia. Unexpected but it was so satisfying at the same time. Most people don’t speak their mind, but Midnight does without hesitation. She loves her confidence.
7. Interaction
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(Hope you don’t mind me using ya boi ;3)
Salia is a friendly person from head to toe! She is never rude and is all smiles as she converses with other Vesuvian people.
18. Embarrassment
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The most embarrassing moment she had was when she decided she wanted to be a little adventurous getting from place to place in Vesuvia by jumping from roof to roof. She stepped on a rather flimsy part and fell through into a public bath house.
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dreatine · 5 years ago
CM Bingo 2020
Here are my first 5 Fics that I'm planning for CMBingo2020:
1. 'Be Prepared' - Spencer/Reader, the Simmonses. The Simmonses set up Spencer with the reader who is the troop leader for Lily and Chloe's Girl Scout troop. ( square is The Simmonses)
2. 'Graffiti Bridges'- Spencer/Max. Max, an art lover, introduces Spencer to an interesting form of art : Street Art. ( square is Opposites Attract)
3. 'All Possibilities Exist' - Spencer/Max. Spencer finally finds someone who wants to go to a fantasmagoria, a ghost show, with him. ( square is Ghost AU)
4. 'True Love Finds A Way'- Spencer/Max. Max is severely hurt and Spencer is devastated. In a fight between life and death,Max is visited by Maeve. ( square is Angel AU)
5. 'No Sale'- Luke/Penelope. Before the finale, Luke talks about his breakup with Lisa to Penelope. ( square is Luke/Lisa)
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marejadilla · 2 months ago
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Laurie Lee Brom, “Spectre”, group show, “Fantasmagoria” @roqlarue_gallery) oil on linen. American, b.1966, Laurie Lee Brom grew up in Charleston, South Carolina.
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missantichrist · 5 years ago
About my Apprentice
Name: Atlas
Birthday: April 17
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Gay
Favorite flower: Tiger Lily
Favorite food: Crab cakes
Favorite drink: Absinthe
Love Interest: Muriel
This lovely art below is by @fantasmagorias​ and Atlas is the one in the back row on the right :) 
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(Literally everything else under the cut. I just didn’t want people who don’t care about my Arcana stuff to have to scroll through all of... that ⇩)
Height: 6’2”
Body type/build: He’s thin, lanky, and muscular. Think Julian but a little bit more toned muscle, less dorito and more hourglass and instead of a pancake butt, he thicc
Skin: He’s white, but not pale. He has no special birthmarks/scars or beauty marks. Just a gangly white boy who’s become a little bronzed from living in sunny Vesuvia.
Hair: He has light golden blonde hair (lighter than Lucio’s by quite a bit, but not platinum). On one side of his head his hair swoops over like Julian’s, but the other side is shaven save for 3 braids that run around to the back of his neck. (My friend @fantasmagorias drew Atlas perfectly, including his complex hairdo. It was like he literally jumped from my brain to hers. I’ll attach that at the bottom of this post!)
Eyes: He has bright white eyes. I strongly agree with the theory I heard that each character in the Arcana’s eyes match their patron Arcana. Atlas’ is the fool, so he has white eyes like Scout!
Distinguishing features: He has very defined cheekbones, a sharp jawline and what I can best describe as curious brows. He’s definitely got a fun, mischievous look to him. Even when his face is in its resting state, he looks like he’s smirking and always has an adventurous glint in his eyes. When he smiles you can’t help but smile too, as his smile is very bright and nearly always genuine.
Clothing: Atlas makes most of his own clothes, and if he isn’t wearing something handmade, he’s wearing something Asra or Nadia got him. He’s always dressed very funky and in bright colours, like orange, blue, purple, and green. 
Default outfit -  Tits out Vesuvia! He wears a loose white tunic with brassy buttons that clasp at the waist, leaving most of his chest exposed, and a blue and purple paisley patterned scarf that no one has seem him leave the shop without. Over his top, her wears a sleeveless cardigan that drapes just below his booty that is a deep, bright royal purple with bright orange and gold embroidery. He wears high waisted pants that were originally white, but are now a light tan/beige, decorated with darker beige markings and small white beads. Around his lower waist his shirt is kept shut (so that only his tiddies are showing and not his entire front because wow what a sin that would be) by a light green sash that was “artiscally” stained with light orange and blue markings. He wears tall tattered light brown boots with tassels/fringe on them.
Travelling outfit - He romances Muriel, so his travelling outfit includes a thick cloak that was gifted to him from Nadia and a colourful blue and purple paisley patterned scarf Asra gifted him. (The cloak looks exactly like Muriel’s except the fur is bright white and rather than being lined green it is lined the same colour of blue as his scarf). He wears the same silly, tattered brown boots he always does.
Masquerade outfit - Atlas wears a wolf mask at the masquerade (this plays both into the fact that Muriel’s familiar is a wolf and the fact that the fool is most commonly represented by/with a dog). His mask is white and glittery, adorned with pearls from the waters of Prakra. He wears a long, multi-layered, flowy, deep blue skirt with gems decorating the silky inner fabric of the skirt. It looks like the night sky when light reflects off of it and moves like calm water. His top is a loose white silk that covers his back and abdomen and tucks seamlessly into his skirt and is belted with a gold sash. His arms, shoulders and neck are adorned in gold, a pattern similar to that of Asra’s masquerade outfit’s gold accents, except the gold pattern travels all the way from his shoulders to his wrists, where it is clasped in place by thick gold wristicuffs that each have a single large pearl in the center. He wears a thick gold choker around his neck that looks exactly like the wrist cuffs except neck-sized (lol). When he attends the masquerade he has his makeup done by Natiqa, who opted for a simple look with dramatic gold eyeliner and some highlight. 
Personality: Atlas is very straightforward and not afraid to speak his mind, he is constantly making silly quips and jokes; he loves making others laugh. He has what I call a “hero complex”; essentially he loves protecting and saving people. Anyone he can’t save he blames himself for. He blames himself for both Morga and Khamgalai’s death, but because of his positive attitude and his habit of pushing anything negative deep down inside him and his need to not let anyone around him feel down, he doesn’t tell anyone. 
He romances Muriel, and in his route he’s very loud and obnoxious. Muriel hated him at first, but slowly, because of Atlas’ high energy and positivity, Muriel came out of his shell quite a bit and grew to love Atlas.
But, Atlas is not always loud and high energy. He gets lost in his thoughts often and becomes quite serious, especially after being in a tough or scary situation, even though when he was in the situation, he was making jokes and laughing through his stress. (He very much so relieves his anxieties through comedy).
He very rarely gets angry, but when he does it’s terrifying. He becomes a raging inferno that nothing and no one can stop from raging on. This is because he pushes his self-hatred so far down that he’s an emotional bomb just waiting to go off.
Likes: Being a hero
Dislikes: Failure
Fears: Losing loved ones
Habits: He will throw himself headfirst into danger without thinking if he sees someone who needs help.
I keep my ocs as canon as I possibly can, that’s why Atlas has no last name. He has no idea who his family is or where he’s from. The only thing he does know about his past is that he died of the plague and that he had a mysterious aunt who he’s pretty sure has died. Pretty much, anything Asra doesn’t know, Atlas doesn’t.
As far as bonus (lemon) 😏😏 material, Atlas is a vers switch. When he’s subbing he loves being tied up and edged to the point of tears leaking from his eyes. Like Asra, he very much so enjoys delayed gratification during sex. When he’s topping, he’s a soft domme and consistently checks to make sure his partner is doing okay. But he is not gentle. He likes to hear his partner scream, being vocal turns him on *so much.*
Tagging a few Arcana sluts: @vesuviannights​ @queenofeden​ @16reapergrell66​ @fantasmagorias​ @superlemonsweet​ @kidlightnings​ @athousandstarstodreamon​ @llyrel​ @dd-d--dd-d​ @lemon-trap​ @devofuck​ @thesanguinerose​ @candygirl3473​
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vesuviannights · 5 years ago
On the first day of KinkMas, a bastard Dom gave to me...
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1 Chastity Cage, with Tarek x Ari 🍋🍋
Ari is a bastard Dom, and Tarek has a wicked tongue. They occasionally like to practise new things on each other and unwind. Tarek belongs to @fantasmagorias​ (and is a fine piece of ass).
Featuring: chastity cage, light bondage, spitting, biting/light blood, Dominant Ari, “submissive” Tarek (he’s actually a Dom here, he’s just acting as a willing experiment participant).
DAYS OF KinkMas: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12
So after probing people on discord about their apprentices, I was originally planning on doing ‘12 Days of KinkMas’ from 25th - 4th, but if you’re even remotely great at math you will be able to tell that I’m a solid 3 days late on that front. I’m still going to do it, exactly as planned, just not when I should have.
Each day has a kink/thing related to the number, with a different apprentice being paired with either of mine (Eli or Ari). This is both a Christmas gift to people who make me aggressively horny, as well as a good chance for me to practise writing short things that I don’t overthink to much.
“Why exactly did I agree to this, again?”
Tarek’s near-resigned growl rolls through his chest as Ari’s head bobs near his lap, the only sounds from her being impatient little signs and thoughtful hmms. A few moments later, she pops up with a wide grin on her face, though there’s a bit too much teeth and a bastard glint in her eye that are perhaps just enough to offset any comforting thoughts he might have had about the…situation.
“You agreed,” she starts, pushing her hair off her shoulder. Tarek swipes out at it, the long strands slipping through his fingertips and falling about her hips. “Because I’m adorable, and very persuasive, and also very—ah, no touching—very annoying when I don’t get my way. Tight enough?”
Tarek exhales through his nose, gaze dropping to the singular cuff that’s locking him to the chair. He rattles it, more for show than to test the strength, and when his wrist predictably stays locked in place he looks back up to Ari with a cocked eyebrow.
“What?” She asks, so softly, so innocently, he almost believes her. Almost.
“I’m going to regret this, aren’t I?” He chuckles. His head falls back against the chair as he sighs, completely resigned to his fate. A moment later, a hand in his hair yanks it back up, and he curses under his breath. “Watch it!”
“Mmmm,” Ari tilts her head, that wicked grin returning. “I don’t think I will.”
She knocks his knees apart with the tip of her toe, still holding his hair just tight enough to let him know there’s no point in a fight. The movement reveals his cock, red and swollen against the glinting metal that surrounds it.
Her eyes flicker over the sight, near unreadable alongside her low voice. “And how is mommy’s favourite little fucktoy doing?”
“Don’t call it that. It’s not a toy.”
“I’ll call it whatever I want, it’s mine.”
“It’s not yours, you devious little harl—hhssss!”
His hips rut backward as he hisses, trying to get away from the foot now pressed in between his legs, applying just enough pressure for it to be this side of painful. The point of her heel squeezes between the bars wrapped around his cock, pressing in on his swollen, sensitive flesh. The cuff at his wrist rattles, and he lets out a growl—much quieter this time—as he tugs it one, two, three times, before giving up and sagging back down, muscles tense and waiting for more.
“Care to try that again, baby boy?” She murmurs.
He lets out another quiet chuckle, hair falling in his face as he takes a moment to collect himself. Her heel continues to press in through the cage, a slight twist to it that moves further with every second he chooses not to speak.
And yes, he chooses not to, and he doesn’t bother to hide it as he looks back up to her, a lazy smile across his face.
“You’re absolutely bastard like this, you know that?” He asks. Ari tuts, and her heel twists just that little bit more, catching the skin near the head of his cock.
“You haven’t seen bastard me,” she tells him quietly. “If I were bastard right now, I would have gagged you and made you crawl on your hands and knees and beg for me to lash your ass until the skin broke.” She pauses, eyes moving back to his with an almost excited glint. “While wearing the cage.”
His cock twitches in said cage, and he barely holds back a groan of protest; it will only spur her on, only give her cause to ask him to do this again. This was all for practise, all for fun, one Dom to another, and he’d be fucked if he was going to let her win out on their silent, unspoken competition.
“Now—” She sighs quietly. “Are you going to be a good boy?”
Another lazy flicker of a smile. “Yes, Mistress.”
“And you know that if you’re not, and if you’re lying to me, I’ll keep you in that cage for another day, and I’ll make you fuck me with a strap-on so you can’t feel a thing?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Good boy.”
She leans forward and pinches his cheeks between her fingertips, hard enough to bruise. His free hand flexes, fingertips aching to reach out for her, to pull her closer, to gain some semblance of control back.
“Hmmm…” Ari lets out a thoughtful noise, eyeing the furious flush of his cheeks, the raging war behind the fallen strands of his hair. “Stick your tongue out.”
He does, and a moment later she spits, the drop landing perfectly in the center of the pink muscle.
“Swallow it.”
And again, he does. She smiles, a slow and shark-toothed one that moves along with her nails as they rake down either side of his face, not enough to permanently mark, but just enough to leave faint little lines, a reminder of exactly where he is in all of this.
She climbs into his lap, a hand pushing the strands of hair from his eyes. The force is enough for him to tilt his head back, and he watches through hooded eyes as she leans in and clamps her teeth down on his bottom lip, rolling it until blood spurts out into both of their mouths.
His hips buck at the pain, the heady sound of her pleased murmur, though he has no control over the movement. What he does control, though, is the low laugh in his chest, and the near-adoring look in his eye, and the way he leans forward to kiss her, properly this time, suckling on her tongue to make her shiver and shake above him.
“Mmmm,” she sighs into his mouth. “Maybe I should change my plans and—” He bucks his hips up again, this time aiming right at her. She dips hers out of the way just in time, never breaking the kiss. “—suffocate you with my cunt.”
“I’d like that.”
“You would, wouldn’t you?”
She pulls away slowly, his bottom lip caught between her teeth again. As she releases it, her hand connects with his bare hip with a sharp smack. He releases a string of violent curses under his breath, and as she climbs off him, he’s already pulling at the cuff again.
“Oh, no one likes a pouter, baby boy,” she croons to him. Her bottom lip juts out as she traces his own, and when he snaps to bite it, she quickly pulls it away. The shadows in her eyes shift and darken, until they settle on something that makes his gut tighten.
And a few moments later, the blindfold has come down and blocked out the world, the only sounds coming to him being the careful clicks of her heels as she circles him, letting him know exactly where she is as she purrs to him those three little words that send him feral:
“Let’s get started.”
🍑 Requesting | Masterlist | My Ao3
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greenfuzzblog · 4 years ago
Bombas de amor - Sigue Latiendo
¡Explotan las bombas!
Este dream-team del under punk porteño/europeo cuenta con integrantes de Pelea de Gallos, Fantasmagoria, Satan Dealers, Sacramentos (España)... y tienen una historia de lo más divertida e inusual.
Se juntan 1 vez por año, graban 4 o 5 canciones de no más de dos minutos de duración cada una, y sacan un EP en formato vinilo o casette. Y también salían a tocar por 15 días, cuando todavia existía eso de los shows en vivo.
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Año: 2017
País de Origen: Argentina
Sello: Catch Discos
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Track list:
Explotan las Bombas
Sigue Latiendo
Grant Hart (Todo lo que Está Bien)
Los Cuchillos
Baby Gogo
Una locura hermosa en clave punk-rock que continúa más allá de la pandemia: Bombas de Amor promete su quinto EP para comienzos del 2021. Si todavía estamos acá...  
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kidlightnings · 5 years ago
8, 12, and 17 for either/both Kys
8. Romance.  What is something that your character and their LI love to do together?  How do they show affection?
So first of all, both of their primary love languages are touch. F!Ky loves quality time as her secondary, M!Ky falls more into acts of service.
F!Ky with Asra? Ky and Asra love to experiment, create new versions of spells that do extra fun things (ok, so this makes water, but, it smells like mint and tastes like sugar? yes) - they can get quite whimsical, to balance the darker work that Ky will get into sometimes. They show affection...constantly - handholding, little kisses, snuggling. Both of them will just lay on each other using that established comfort that’s already there. Ky loves to just have Asra curled up with her while she gets juuuuust a little further in reading another magician’s notes or even her own from Before.
M!Ky and Nadia? Ky and Nadia are fairly reserved publicly out of respect for their positions, but privately, very touchy - it’s his love language, so, he needs a lot of it. Something they do together is actually sometimes just spend time in comfortable silence, each working on their own projects, but Together. They will join forces though for tricky problems, which is both incredible, and terrifying, as not only are they both very clever, they come at problems in such radically different ways.
Now... Ky has a couple of apprentice ships as well ♥ I’ll touch briefly here~
Ky in many AUs becomes quite involved with @athousandstarstodreamon‘s apprentice Vega. Something they do together? They both love to cook, and sometimes together, though both will cook for one another - absurd spreads of food from their respective regions that necessitate guests in how much is cooked. Quieter? Ky reads to her. Showing affection is lots of cuddling, but also, ensuring they’re being taken care of.
He also has a relationship with @shieldwitch‘s apprentice Luna. andbothofthemwerebottoms.jpeg leads to a deep mutual caring and service to one another - sneaking gifts to each other is common practice, and they both try to ensure the other isn’t working too hard. Something they do together? They both do fiber work - he embroiders, and she knits, which makes for something nice to sit and do in each other’s company.
And... then there’s @fantasmagorias‘s Tarek in a few modern settings. Is it something they love to do together? Mm, debatable, on Tarek’s side, but, Ky loves to do makeup for him. Loves to spoil with self-care in general - he’s a busy guy, and Ky gets tons of samples through his “job” (makeup and lifestyle blogger) so, plenty of things to try out. Affection? Well, the above, but also, getting him to nap, spend just a bit more time relaxing, little things. And Tarek? Well, Ky has never felt more looked out for, more subtly taken care of in his life.
12. Secrets.  What is a secret that your character has?  Are they in line for the throne in a far off land?  Was there this one time at band camp…?  Are they secretly involved in an assassin’s guild?
Secrets? Not many, M!Ky still has a wee little crush on Asra, I guess that’s a secret, but he never does anything with that! But, were Nadia to suggest bringing a guest in to the bedroom… well. He would not turn that down. 
More generally, Ky winds up taking on secrets for other people by virtue of being easy to talk to and a good listener. Neither are particularly interested in doing anything with this knowledge, though.
17. Language.  Is your character multilingual?  How many languages do they speak?  Do they have an accent?  Is it sexy?  Is it silly?  Do they have a multilingual lisp?
Ky picks up on Asra’s accent on account of relearning their language skills from him and what he knows, but aside from that, no, not particularly multilingual until post-game - both of them start to pick up little bits and pieces from other languages in their respective travels.
Ask my apprentices things!
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