#Fandom Saturday
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solarsavoy · 2 years ago
Fandom Saturday, Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
I finally watched the movie at the behest of my husband, and it was awesome. There were a few times when the lore had me feeling a little lost, but for the most part I was able to keep up with everything. To avoid any major spoilers, I'm just going to focus on a few things I picked up on that my hubby found unique. This was his third time watching it, and now he wants to watch it again because of what I pointed out.
All the women are badass.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I hate it when things are one-sided. Some of the men are weak or bumbling idiots, but literally every woman in there is a badass. The wife is the sweetest motivation, the daughter is surprisingly quick witted for her age, Michelle Rodriguez is Michelle Rodriguez, the Teafling is calm and cool and obviously their trump card, the ultimate sorceress is, well, the ultimate sorceress, and this is all well and good except it's horribly unbalanced by the fact that there are no women failures, no women struggles, nothing. Like, really? It'd only be really bad if there were no equally badass men though, and thankfully there is at least one, but it's still a bit unbalanced for my taste.
Second, it is so obvious that Doric is in love with Simon.
Now, they sort of ease the shipping of these two, but to me, it was fairly obvious. This is the main reason my husband wants to watch it again. Simon is the only one she responds to 95% of the time. Sure, a fair amount of it is insults, but she only insults Simon. Edgin says something stupid, she might respond, but Simon says something, and oh, she just has to put in her two cents about what a failure he is. She's always looking at him. She stands closest to him. She is so focused on him, it's ridiculous, and when I pointed this out, Deo was... extremely surprised he hadn't picked up on that, but it was true. After that, he noticed. When >insert heartstring dramatic end here< happened, who was she snuggled up to? During the fight, she was ready, but who did she first protect? (It certainly wasn't Michelle Rodriguez, but hey, she doesn't need protection. XD) And when Simon was feeling unconfident, who was there to insult him? Hm. That's an awful lot of focus on a human, in a group of humans, that she supposedly hates. Hmmm. XD
Anyway, it could be because I'm a writer myself, but I ended up calling just about everything in the movie. Like, something comes out and I'd say "oh, that's important", or "oh, they're not gonna use it for that but this", and everything was correct, but that still didn't take away from the movie. It was a really good movie and I highly recommend it. Thank you for joining me on my first Fandom Saturday in a while. ^^
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bluerasbunny · 2 months ago
siighs. fine
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1 year since the original sun ass saturday. here you go. sun ass saturday on a tuesday merry christmas
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firsttarotreader · 17 days ago
Pedro being everyone’s drunk dad at a party. 🤣🤣 SNL 50 concert.
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starlitscars · 6 months ago
{TW: my opinion}
It hurts to know that nearly all members of the Order mistrusted Severus for years and didn't give him a chance until the very end of the war...
Do you know how it felt when they kept on blaming him and throwing those unwelcomed glances at him every chance they got? All for a past mistake he himself regretted the most and probably never forgave himself for.
Oh my goodness, did Sirius ever realize that Severus had sacrificed more than anyone else and didn't deserve the nasty remarks he threw his way? Did Remus ever find out his true intentions before he died?
Remus had to know how it felt to receive those dirty glances that makes you feel like an open wound wherever you enter. He was a werewolf for goodness sake. He had to know how Severus felt all those times.
They had to give this man a chance for redemption. Do you know how cruel that actually is? I also love Remus so much and this situation is equal to how he was treated in the Wizarding community for his lycanthropy, no matter who he really was deep inside. Unfair, isn't it?
I stand by the thought that Severus is the bravest of them all. None of the members of the Order would've dared to take the risks the way he did. If you don't agree with it, you can fight me.
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startrek-by-secret · 1 year ago
Garak whenever he kills someone who HAS to be killed but the others can‘t kill them for moral-issues
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sundooisagoose · 2 months ago
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Doodles for today
some painting practice + random sketches idk I’m tired and this is my last free weekend
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the-sonic-crew · 11 days ago
Murder knuckles Monday
Trick tails Tuesday
Mercy Wednesday
Throw Silver Thursday
Flick sonic Friday
Serenade shadow Saturday
Slap rouge Sunday
Absolutely not. (knuckles, tails, silver, sonic, rouge)
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killertoons · 1 month ago
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I might have watched the sonic movies back to back and finally understand the hype....and might be planning to see sonic 3 soon 👀
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ilkkawhat · 4 months ago
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midnight-mourning · 5 months ago
Sweet Nothings. (Sun & Moon x Reader Drabble)
Requested By: @hazelthebat
Word Count: 445
Summary: Apparently your day-to-day has become so monotonous that you're only just realizing how deep in you really are. Whoops.
Note: You asked for kisses, I provide kisses, all in a day's work o7 Technically canon to CS but when/where in the timeline you may ask?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It had been so subtle, so routine. You’d almost wondered if you’d imagined it when it happened.
You were dropping off Gabe, and when you’d went to say goodbye, Sun had bent down for a quick kiss. Which you’d obliged of course, common courtesy and all that, but when you were walking out you’d realized what you’d done.
Not wanting to ruin your own day, you brought it up later when you were picking your brother up again.
"What was that this morning?" You question as the attendant hands the baby over to you.
Again, you share a goodbye kiss, "What was what?"
You blink, "That, just now."
"Don’t be ridiculous," Sun scoffs, "If my affection isn’t satisfactory you should have just said so."
It seemed, that Sun found your comments so offensive that you weren’t allowed to leave the Daycare until you 'approved' of his efforts. Which after the third, breath-taking, passion-filled, borderline inappropriate for a public space kiss, you gave a shaky thumbs up so you could be on your way.
When you came in for your second shift that evening, all you could do was stare at your screen, not getting any work done at all.
"Am I going crazy?" You ask into the darkened room. Last you checked Moon was gone-
Oh no, there he is, directly in front of your face.
His eyes crinkle upward, swinging forward just slightly to knock his smile against your forehead, "I’m afraid you’ve been crazy, Andromeda. It’s terminal. No cure. Unfortunate, really."
It occurs to you after the fact that while he speaks Moon continues to kiss you. On your cheek, on your nose, your lips-several times-on your other cheek, with each punctuating a different comment.
"Now this is just getting ridiculous," You huff.
He tilts his head, silently questioning you.
"I hope you’re both paying attention," You grip Moon’s faceplate with both hands, "This is how you kiss someone."
You open your eyes to the dark ceiling of your bedroom. You squint, trying to remember beyond the base details of your dream. 
No such luck.
You roll over, grabbing your phone to send a message to the subjects of your, strange, dreams. While doing so you fail to realize it is 3:30 in the morning and what you want to say isn't what you end up sending. 
'Thoughts on lips???'
You stare at the screen, flicking between the sets of messages. Then, when satisfied, give a small nod, drop your phone back on your nightstand and fall promptly back to sleep. 
You had work in the morning, after all. No time to wonder about what that meant.
If anything at all.
Little does Y/N know they just witnessed their future. i kid, I kid (OR AM I), I am, (OR AM I)
If you liked this and the other drabbles I've done so far, you could check out Confused Spirit on Ao3 (if you haven't already). You could also participate in this poll/celebration and vote for more writing things. Or don't I don't mind either way ^-^ Anyway, thanks for reading!!
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gettingmoneyontour · 4 months ago
choose your troye sivan!
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ineffable-suffering · 1 year ago
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Why yes, of course they are.
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firsttarotreader · 16 days ago
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Pedro at the NBC studios today.
Pic by leversandpulleys on IG. Looking great with that Lakers shirt. 🥰
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rednexxsaysthing · 9 days ago
canon events in the sonic blog (that I remember):
Sonic get burnt People kept dunking him in water and one anon made it boiling water 😨
Charmy forming a cult Need I say more?
Throw Silver Thursday Every Thursday people throw Silver
Flick Sonic Friday People flick Sonic every Friday
Sacrifice Sonic and Serenade Shadow Saturday Self explanatory me thinks
Whispangle, Espilver, Stobotnik, aroace sonic, aroace and romance repulsed Shadow, bisexual rouge, and others
every character being neurodivergent
Omega speaking facts
Stone becoming a dad
Starline starting his own version of rupauls drag race
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annabelle--cane · 2 months ago
NOOO blog I like and respect and followed for years blocked me randomly. please baby give me another chance I can change.
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babacontainsmultitudes · 11 months ago
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A-April fools?
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