#Fan Fic about TBB
stars-n-spice · 3 months
Younger brother came up with the best thing-
Was out shopping with my siblings and while in stores my younger brother started a "Point out things the Bad Batch would wear" type of game. Forgot what he pointed to but he was like, "This is something Hunter would wear and then go to a gay club." Then he found something else and went, "And this is what Crosshair would wear to a gay club."
Then I was like, "Oh, imagine Hunter goes to a gay club, spots Crosshair across the room and is like, 'What are YOU doing here, huh?? 🤨🤨'"
My brother thought that was hilarious and agreed. He also found a bunch of stuff that he said Hunter would wear, "If he had a sense of style" and I added on that Crosshair probably has killer fashion sense and is habitually ashamed about his brother's lack of a fashion sense because it's a "disappointment to the queer community."
Anyways, happy pride!
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"What even is canon..." I grumble as I open the various Wikipedias for the seventh time the same day (because I keep closing them like an IDIOT) to write one freaking sentence.
"Why does it matter? There's just Too. Much. Lore. to possibly keep track of in this hell-brain of mine of what's "Canon" and what's "Legends" and what's- what the heck am I looking up again?" The one page I have not closed down is the brain worms. Y'know. Those ones from Clone Wars. There are no brain worms in this fic. Why did I open that page?
Oh right, I was looking for examples of parasites in the Star Wars universe. So I could make up my own. For a Bad Batch AU-fic focused on Hunter.
An AU-fic where I have already ignored plenty of established canon for season one so why not continue? Who cares? We're just having fun with this fic and I need to stop getting stuck inside my head so much about proper canon!
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99tech99 · 5 months
i only found tumblr about a year ago
i was absolutely devastated in the wake of plan 99. tech was my favorite. tech still is my favorite. i was dejected for longer than i probably should have been. i was googling fan theories about what happened to tech and seeing if people thought he was really dead
in my searching, found a piece of bad batch fan art. i scrolled through the page, until i got a popup that told me to log into tumblr for more. and here i am.
and i found this AMAZING fandom. so MANY fandoms! tumblr is our little corner of the internet. i really wish i had some talent to share, but i am mostly a consumer here, appreciating the unbridled talent of all you artists
i love so much that i have found "my people" here. those of you who are like me, silly and dorky and obsessive and wild and passionate about the clones (or star wars in general, or harry potter, or marvel, or anime or games or anything!)
thank you to anyone and everyone who has been brave enough to put themselves out here for us to enjoy your work!
as we approach the end of the line, just a few shout outs to bloggers who particularly stand out to me when im thinking of the bad batch fandom.
@shyranno it was your art that led me to tumblr!
@zoeykallus you wrote one of the first spicy clone head cannons i ever came across (pretty sure it was where tbb likes to finish haha) but all your fan fics are amazing!
@ventresses your memes make me scream laugh every time. i dont know how you do it
@alligatorpie1945 i love your tbb au drawings, esp the one where they are on a roadtrip and the car has broken down
@ladykagewaki your art is so heartwarming. i adore your artistic style. ms fangirl is so relatable and the baby batch is too adorable to be allowed.
@isthereanechoinhere96 thanks for not getting annoyed when i tag you in posts you have already reblogged 🤣 i love your lego comics! soo cute!
i know im forgetting people but i love you all! just because our show is ending doesnt mean this fandom will! ❤️
two more hours....
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
Can you write a Crosshair x reader and him with his shaky hands like we saw in season 3 and maybe reader comforting him...
For The Love Of A Bounty Hunter
Summary: Crosshair goes missing while dealing with your family. You have opinions about it.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F!Bounty Hunter Reader
Word Count: 1919
Warnings: Mentions of torture
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I decided to make this story a sequel to one of my Event Fics, I'll add the link so people can find it easily. Also, there are no spoilers here, because I haven't watched TBB at all. ^-^
For The Love Of A Sniper - Part 1 of this Mini Series
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You stare, blankly, at the calendar on the datapad in front of you as you draw another red X over another day.
Three weeks.
It’s been three weeks since Crosshair went to deal with the PI who was looking into you on behalf of your family. Three weeks since he vanished.
You carefully set the datapad down on the table and release a shaky breath. Carefully shoving the burning rage down, for now.
Crosshair would sooner cut his own hands off than betray you. You know this. You know him. He would never tell your parents where you are. And, the fact that they haven’t shown up at your ship, is proof enough that Crosshair didn’t tell them anything.
The bigger question is, is Crosshair still alive.
Stars, you hope so. You’re not sure the galaxy will survive your rage if he isn’t. You’re not sure you’ll survive your rage if he isn’t.
You jerked out of your thoughts when your holo chimes. 
For a moment you consider ignoring it, you’re not in the mood for chatting. But, in the end, you cross the room and hit the button to answer the holo, “I’m not accepting any jobs at the moment.” You say bluntly.
“It is me.” Tech’s image flickers to life above the holo, “I have the information you asked for.”
You blink, “Oh. Sorry.”
“No harm done, I know that you are stressed.” He looks down at his datapad, “I am sending you the information I have.”
You pick your datapad back up as it chimes with the information he sent you. “Are you sure this is accurate?” You ask, as you see the information, “Last I heard the people who took him are wealthy.”
Tech sniffs, “Very sure. According to what I have found, they used to be wealthy. But then spent most of their fortune looking for their missing child.” He pauses, “That would be you, I am guessing.”
“Right in one, Tech.” You reply with a grimace.
“I am sure you had your reasons.” Tech says after a moment, “If Crosshair is anywhere, it is there.”
You scan the image that Tech sent you. Figures, it would be your childhood house. Not home. Never home. “Thanks Tech.”
“You are welcome.” He pauses, “Are you quite sure that you do not require aid? We can be there in a couple of days.”
“I have it.”
“They are your family.”
“Not all families are created equal, Tech. And this,” You hold up the datapad, "has been a long time coming.”
Tech sighs, “Comm when you have him back. And if you should think that you need our help-”
“I’ll be sure to let you know. Thanks for the intel, Tech. I mean it.”
“You do not have to thank me. Crosshair is my twin brother. I want him safe just as much as you do.”
“Even so. I know you’re not my biggest fan.”
Tech is quiet for a moment, “I will concede that, perhaps, I was too quick to judge.”
“Yeah, well…so was I. Water under the bridge.”
Tech smiles at you, a small smile, but a smile all the same, “I think I am beginning to see what Crosshair sees in you. Happy hunting.”
You flash a small smirk, “Yeah. Right back at you.” And then you kill the holo. You look back at the datapad, and swipe through the information.
“Hold on, Cross. I’ll be there soon.” You whisper to the empty ship.
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“It’s a simple thing,” Crosshair rolls his eyes at the massive Devaronian looming over him, “All you have to do is tell us where the little mistress is.”
“I told you the truth weeks ago,” He drawls, “I can’t help you.” He grunts in pain as a large fist slams into his stomach, “Kriff-”
“Mistress,” The guard says with a frown, “I’m beginning to think that he’s telling the truth.”
‘Mistress’ is a slender woman with white blonde hair and piercing green eyes. Though slender isn’t really the right word. Crosshair would personally call her skeletal, but the first time he asked how they managed to make a corpse walk and talk, he was electrocuted, so he’s learned to hold his tongue.
“He has to know,” The woman’s voice is cold. “Why else would he have gone to the PI?”
“Because you’re offering a hell of a lot of credits, lady.” Crosshair lies.
“You do not speak to the Mistress,” The guard snaps, taking a menacing step towards Crosshair.
“No. Leave him. I tire of this.” The woman says, before she turns to the side, “What do you think, darling.”
‘Darling’ is her husband. Just as thin and skeletal as his white, though his hair is more of a golden blonde than the silvery blonde of his wife. If Crosshair had to guess, one of them bleaches their hair, though which one isn’t something he cares about.
He’s also crueler than his wife. 
Crosshair will likely have scars from the stun batons that ‘Darling’ used against him. If he hates ‘Mistress’, then Crosshair absolutely despises ‘Darling’. How either of these people could parent someone like his Princess is beyond him. Maybe she’s adopted.
He glances to the side when the door to the dungeons slams open and a trembling twi’lek hurries his, “Master! Mistress!” He gasps, “The Little Mistress is here.”
The room falls silent, “Are you quite sure?” The Mistress asks. 
“Yes ma’am,” The Twi’lek bobs into a bow, “She consented to a DNA scan. It’s her. Would you like me to bring her down?”
“No, we’ll-”
The door slams open again, “No need. I thought I’d come and say hello.”
Crosshair has always thought that his Princess is stunning, but seeing her standing in the doorway, clad in tight leather, and with her short hair falling into her eyes…she looks like an avenging angel and he’s never been more attracted to her in his life.
Impressive, since he can hardly keep his hands to himself as it is.
“Sweetheart!” The Mistress takes half a step towards her, “Your hair…your face! Why are you so fat?”
Princess closes her eyes for a moment, and then she turns and blatantly ignores everyone in the room, “Are you okay?” Her voice is soft, and for a moment, Crosshair can pretend that they’re on the ship and it’s just them. 
He slides his arms through the bars of the cell, and holds out his trembling hands, “Better, since you’re here.”
Her sharp eyes linger on his trembling hands, on the burn marks on his arms, chest, and stomach. Her gaze lingers on the bruises covering his face and his torso.
And her eyes go cold.
“Sweetling, why are you talking to that-” His Princess’ father says as he takes a step towards her, reaching out to touch her. 
There’s a flash of silver, only noticed because he was looking for it, and then there’s screaming as ‘Darling’ falls back, clutching his blood soaked arm. His Princess carefully uses a cloth to wipe the blood off the blade. 
“You took Crosshair.” Her voice is flat, emotionless. 
She’s clearly pissed.
“You know,” She continues, some emotion returning to her voice, and she directs her comment towards him, “I really only considered two options when coming here.”
“Oh yeah?” Cross asks as he leans against the bars.
“Hm. Option 1, they took you and killed you.” She continues lightly, “And if that was the case I was going to kill them all, burn this place to the ground, and then throw myself at the Empire until they managed to kill me.”
She shrugs a single shoulder, “Option 2, is that they took you and were using you as bait to make me come here. In this scenario, you were uninjured, just annoyed, and I just threatened great bodily harm and we carried on our way.”
She casts her gaze over him again, “Somehow,” She continues, “The idea that they might torture you never crossed my mind.”
“They are still your family, Princess. I’m not gonna blame you for not wanting to believe the worst of them.” Crosshair says lazily.
She turns to the cell door and effortlessly picks the lock and swings the door open, “Well, you’re the injured party, Cross. What do you want?”
“You have a blaster?”
She smiles and wordlessly passes it to him.
Even with nerve damage, and trembling hands, he’s still the best. 
Three shots. Three blaster rounds. 
Three dead bodies. 
His Princess takes the blaster back and slides it in her holster, before she helps him with a shirt she brought him, “Are you ready to go?” She asks.
“More than ready.” He leans against her, needing her support to make it back to the ship, “Let’s get out of here.”
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A week later, you step into the bedroom on your ship, your gaze lingering on Crosshair. He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, glaring at his shaking hands. Nerve damage takes weeks to heal, even with bacta.
His hands will be shaking for a while.
Maybe you’ll take Tech up on that offer for a 3 month long vacation on Pabu.
But first-
You enter the room and kneel in front of him, taking both of his hands in yours and pressing light kisses against the palms of his hands. “Do they hurt?” You ask.
“It’s mostly just an ache,” He admits, bitterly, “I’m not going to be able to-”
“Shh,” You release one of his hands and reach up to cup his cheek, “Crosshair, your only responsibility right now is to heal.”
He scowls at you, though you know he’s more annoyed at the situation than at you. “I feel useless.”
“Nonsense. You could never be useless.”
“You’re biased.”
“Mm, perhaps. A little.” You stand and settle on the bed next to him, “But I’m also honest. You will heal. You will get back to 100%. It just takes time.”
He scoffs.
“Don’t be like that.” You say as you lay your head on his shoulder, “After that Wookie broke my leg in three places, you didn’t accuse me of being a burden or of being useless, even though I felt like I was.”
Crosshair shakes his head, and then leans his head against yours, “You gonna use my words against me?”
“If I have to.”
He huffs out a laugh, “I suppose you did pay for the best doctors to see me.” 
“Yes, I did.” You reply smugly.
“Alright.” He turns to look at you properly, “I’ll be patient.”
“You’re a sniper, patience is your thing.” You tease him, throwing his words back at him.
His arms, strong and steady, hook around you and he pulls you onto his lap, “Yeah, yeah.” Crosshair leans in and kisses you hungrily, nipping at your lower lip roughly enough that you squeak, “So. You gonna tell me what you and Tech have been talking about?”
“...he’s invited us to come to Pabu until you finish recovery. I’m thinking that agreeing might be a good idea.”
He’s quiet for a moment, and then he sighs, “If you think it’s a good idea, Princess, then I won’t argue. But I refuse to stay with my siblings.”
“Of course not, we’ll be staying here or in an inn.” You brush your fingers across his cheek, “I’ll go let him know.”
Crosshair tightens his grip around you, “You can tell him later. I want you for myself right now.”
You beam at him, “I think that sounds like a great idea.”
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r-2-peepoo · 2 years
Now that the episode is out, let’s talk about Cody’s personality.
Yes he has one. Yes he has always had one. You can argue that he is underdeveloped (and I will agree with you, he hasn’t had nearly as much screen time as he deserves) but he isn’t a blank slate. He has always had a personality and here is a core part of it:
Cody is fundamentally good. That is who he has always been. He is a very obedient soldier but he is similar to Obi Wan in that he is a good person who is just very strongly bound by his duties, hence why they were so close and presumably why they were assigned to work together so often. Obi Wan Kenobi would not trust, let alone be close with someone and have him as his second in command if Cody was not a good person. People forget that Cody was probably the person Obi Wan saw the most throughout the entire war, they were together so often. Obi Wan would not proclaim Cody as a good man who he remembers fondly years into the future, even after he ‘betrays’ if he didn’t think incredibly highly of him and if the Kenobi stamp of approval isn’t enough to convince you then I don’t know what is.
There’s a reason Cody has the rank he has but also that all of the clones trust him, including TBB who generally do not like regs. It’s one of the first things we learn about them as a group actually. The fans have done an insane amount of work in Cody’s personality but it is based on what was already there. You can easily believe Cody is a somewhat stern yet very compassionate person when you read fics about him because that is who he’s been from the beginning.
Absolutely no part of me ever believed that Cody would work for the Empire willingly or that Rex would have to fight/kill him. If that had happened, as much as I love how angsty and dramatic it is as a concept, it would’ve been a complete betrayal of Cody’s character and wouldn’t be a fitting ending for him. The fan theories did get to a lot of us and honestly I thought they were plausible only because a misrepresentation of a fairly minor character is always possible in media, however that is exactly what it would have been had that been the plot. A misrepresentation.
Character arcs need to have structure and Cody turning fascist out of absolutely nowhere would not have fit in with his character arc. The inhibitor chip would be the only way for it to work and even then it wouldn’t be fulfilling at all. It could happen, but it wouldn’t feel right if that makes sense. A death is also a huge mistake, at least in my opinion. He is such a vital character for exploring who the clones are after the war. We still have the rest of the season so maybe he will still die but I truly do not believe it anymore. If he does, I firmly think it will be the wrong creative decision and would waste his character.
TL/DR: Cody has always been a sweet boy and I’m never letting people make me think he isn’t ever again ;-;
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freesia-writes · 2 years
Master List
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All my writing will be PG-13 at most; I love the angsty yearning, the will-they-won't-they, the sweetness and softness of new love. However… smutty smut can be found over at @spicy-clones. 😎
Sign up for my tag list (or opt out) here, or even better, message me for a link to my tag list discord server, used only for posting works, no chatting or other stuff. 🙂
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Quantum Entanglement: Howzer and Aurelia - Even as a cocky young shiny, there were a few people who saw the integrity and depth beneath Howzer's facade. Aurelia was one of them, but life tore them apart. However, when they found themselves reunited on Ryloth, with drastically different circumstances, they have to learn anew how to navigate a changing world and their undeniable feelings for one another. 67k words, 42 chapters, Finished/Paused til TBB Season 3 Click here for Master List
Tech and Vel - During the Clone Wars, the Bad Batch is tasked with a variety of missions across the galaxy. An unexpected addition to their team throws a wrench in the mix, particularly for Tech, who finds a particular connection with this disillusioned Padawan-turned-mechanic named Vel throughout the events in this action-adventure romance. 35 chapters, about 55k words total. Click here for Master List
Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt: Hunter x OC - Enjoy a riveting tale of romance, suspense, adventure, and self-discovery as Hunter finds his path after the events of TBB. With engaging imagery, emotional depth, comic relief, and some fun twists and turns, the story will take you on a delightful ride with our beloved Sergeant, leaving you satisfied as he finds his happily ever after… eventually. 😉 Click here for Master list
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Waking Up with The Bad Batch (click for master list)
Waking Up with Rex
A Series of Dates: Gregor x Reader (click for master list)
500-Follower Prompt Requests (click for master list)
Clone Poetry (click for master list)
Wrecker x GN!Reader - medical care for you
Tech x GN!Reader - nostalgic Christmas in the kitchen
First Kiss Requests (click for master list)
CuddleFluff Clone Drabbles (click for master list)
TBB Prompt Event #1 - "You're the Worst" "Yeah, well you still like me!" - Hunter x F!Reader
Pets4Vets: Jesse Miniseries
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The Master List of Tagged Fun Posts
Master List of TCW/TBB Fan Artists
Drabbles in response to fun anonymous asks
Howzer Headcanons in an Earth AU .
Clone Helmet Dividers - Help Yourself!
Spicy Clone Dividers - Help Yourself!
Bad Batch Dividers - Help Yourself!
More Bad Batch Dividers - Help Yourself!
Full-Body and Head Bad Batch Dividers - Help Yourself!
Cozy Comfy Clone Dividers - Help Yourself! .
Life Update During Hiatus
Master list of Star Wars terminology I have to save forever
Master List of Echo Fics by Other Authors
Master List of TCW/TBB Longfics by Other Authors
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dystopicjumpsuit · 9 months
Stars Beyond Number - Chapter 20
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A Whimper
Rating: M - Minors DNI
Pairings: Echo x Riyo Chuchi; Gregor x OFC Cerra Kilian
Wordcount: 2.4k
Warnings and tags: the shit hits the fan; mentions of Plan 99 (spoilers for TBB season 2 finale); angst; suspense; canon-typical violence (bearing in mind that in canon Mando cuts a dude in half, soooo... adjust expectations accordingly); references to torture; choking; blood and injury; character death; language.
Suggested Listening:
Summary: Echo deals with the fallout of Plan 99; Cerra has a polite conversation with the Empire.
A/N: This story shares continuity with Martyrs and Kings, "Double, Double Boil and Trouble" (part 2 here) and "Do It Again," but all the fics can be read as stand-alones.
Start here | Previous chapter | Next chapter | Masterlist | Sign up for my tag list | Read on AO3
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…Not with a bang but a whimper.
—T. S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men”
Echo sat motionless in the cockpit of the Marauder, staring blindly at the navigation controls. Tech was gone. They’d lost. And all of it had been for nothing. They had no way of locating Hemlock or his base—no way of finding Crosshair. Echo hadn’t just failed to bring one brother home; he’d lost another.
He mentally replayed those fateful moments in the railcar again and again. Could he have worked faster? Could he have done anything differently? Could he have changed the outcome? He didn’t know, and that uncertainty haunted him.
He turned to stare at the empty pilot’s seat. For an instant, Echo could almost see Tech there. He swallowed hard, pushing down the overwhelming grief that tightened in his throat, choking off his breath. His head hurt; his chest ached; his eyes burned with unshed tears.
Gonky shuffled into the cockpit and squawked so quietly that Echo didn’t hear him at first. The droid moved closer and honked a little louder, trying to get Echo’s attention.
Echo blinked and looked away from the vacant pilot’s seat. “What is it?”
Distantly, he heard a familiar rumble, and his heart began to race. He launched out of the co-pilot’s seat and sprinted out of the Marauder. He spotted the Venator hovering over Ord Mantell City and immediately commed Hunter. 
“Hunter, the Empire's here.” No answer came. “Hunter, do you copy? Wrecker?”
There was no reply; nothing but static on the comms.
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Cerra stumbled as the TK trooper shoved her into the corridor. She subtly tested the binders on her wrists, but they held fast. She fought down the tide of panic rising in her chest and tried to ignore the way her breath was beginning to spiral out of control. 
Exhale. One, two, three, four, five. Inhale. One, two, three, four, five. Oh, god, what if I never see Gregor again? Exhale. One, two, three, four, five. Don’t think about it. Inhale. One, two, three, four, five. 
She forced herself to focus on solving her immediate problems. First, she needed to get out of the binders. Impossible. Next, neutralize the trooper and take his blaster. He’ll blast me before I ever touch the deecee. Next, get to the hangar, steal a shuttle, and hit up the first Starcups she could find.
Piece of uj cake, she thought. Kriff, I’m going to die.
Her sense of impending doom only intensified when she reached the torture chamber—or rather, “enhanced interrogation room.” A stocky man in an officer’s uniform waited next to a table fitted with numerous restraints and an array of control panels and sinister-looking instruments. A tray of surgical tools and hypo-syringes sat next to it, neatly arranged. 
At least he’s organized. I’d hate to be tortured to death by someone who was sloppy.
“Agent Daivik, I presume?” she asked.
“Ah, Miss Kilian. So good of you to join me,” Daivik said smoothly. He turned to the TK trooper. “Take off her binders and get out.”
“Can’t wait to get me alone?” she quipped as the trooper unlocked the manacles.
“Hardly,” Daivik sniffed. “You are only useful because of the information you possess. Please lie down.”
“Aren’t you going to buy me a drink first?” she asked, rubbing her wrists to get the blood flowing to her hands again.
Daivik smirked, then his fist slammed into her shoulder and sent her careening backwards, the backs of her legs colliding with the interrogation table. He grabbed her by the throat and shoved her down onto the table. She kicked her feet desperately, but he pinned down her thighs with one of his legs as he forced her to lie flat on her back. She scratched and grappled with his hand that clamped around her throat in a vise-like grip.
“Ju—Ch—” she sputtered as her airway closed.
“Ready to talk so soon?” he snarled. “I’m just getting started.”
Nevertheless, he loosened his grip enough that she could speak.
“Choke me harder, Daddy,” she rasped.
He snatched his hand away with a revolted curse, and she saw her opening. She headbutted him with all the force she could muster, and his nose made a sickening crunch as her forehead smashed into his face. He staggered backward, and she seized a scalpel off the surgical tray and plunged it into his neck. Blood sprayed out of him instantaneously, spattering thickly over her hand, arm, and face, and she lost her grip on the scalpel as the hot, slippery fluid coated her fingers. 
Daivik’s pale blue eyes opened wide with shock, but he staggered toward her, his hands outstretched toward her neck. She clenched her hand into a fist and pounded the scalpel deeper into his throat, then curled her legs up and kicked him away with both feet. He lurched backward and fell, landing with a heavy thud. He went abruptly still as his head collided with the durasteel floor.
She leaned forward on the edge of the table, bracing her hands on her knees as she gasped for air. Her vision blurred, and with her clean hand, she wiped Daivik’s blood out of her eyes. The door hissed open, and the TK trooper rushed into the room. Cerra lunged for another scalpel, but before she could strike, she saw a flash of blue, and the trooper collapsed to the floor. A clone in gray and white armor stood behind him, blaster still raised. Cerra crouched in a defensive position, scalpel clutched in her fist. The clone smacked the control panel to close the door behind him, then lowered his blaster.
“You know, if you wanted to see me, all you had to do is comm,” he said as he removed his helmet to reveal a familiar scarred face and mismatched eyes: one brown, and one a cybernetic silver.
“Wolffe?” she gaped, her voice hoarse and ragged from Daivik’s bruising grip on her throat. “What are you doing here?”
“Saw you on the security holofeeds and thought you might need help.” He spared a glance at Daivik’s corpse. “Looks like I was right.”
“I had it under control,” she lied, her breath coming in short, sharp bursts.
“You were about to bring a scalpel to a blaster fight,” Wolffe said pointedly.
“Kriff you,” she replied without heat.
“Kriff me yourself, coward,” he grinned.
“Holocams?” she asked.
“Surveillance feeds are off for this room and the corridor outside. You all right?”
“Is that a rhetorical question?” she asked, pulling off her jacket and using it to wipe the blood off herself as much as possible.
“You don’t look so bad,” Wolffe said as he quickly began to strip off the TK trooper’s armor. 
She moved to help. “Been better, been worse.”
“What’s your plan for getting out of here?” he asked.
“Steal a shuttle,” she said.
“I like it. Simple, straightforward.”
“Want to come with me?” she asked.
He shook his head as they wrestled the TK trooper out of his compression suit. “I’ll stay here and cover for you from the command deck.”
“You sure?” she asked doubtfully. “They’re going to suspect I had help.”
“I’ll stay,” he repeated. “I have… other duties to fulfill.”
He turned his back to give her privacy as she changed into the black body glove, then handed her the armor one piece at a time as she suited up. 
“It’s a hell of a coincidence, you being on the exact ship they brought me to,” Cerra observed.
“Sure is,” he said, not meeting her eyes.
“Almost like someone knew I got captured and sent you in after me,” she said.
“That’d be quite the twist, wouldn’t it?” he agreed noncommittally. “Good thing neither of us knows anyone who would do that.”
“Good thing,” she agreed as she settled the helmet onto her head. “How do I look?”
“Not bad,” Wolffe replied. “You might want to take this, though.”
He drew one of his blasters and offered it to her. 
“I’ve got his deecee,” she said, gesturing toward the unconscious TK trooper. “I’m good.”
“Trust me, you want this one,” Wolffe said.
She glanced down at the blaster in his hand, and her breath caught as she recognized Jesse’s modifications.
“I could only find the one,” he said. “But I knew you’d want it back.”
Her throat tightened, and she swallowed hard before she managed to reply, “Thanks.”
He nodded, his eyes sympathetic. “Ready?”
“Any time. It was good seeing you, buddy.”
“You, too, kid,” Wolffe said, sliding his helmet firmly into place. “I’ll see you around.”
“That a promise?” she asked.
“Clone’s honor.”
They stepped into the corridor, and Wolffe closed and locked the door behind them. With any luck, nobody would discover Daivik’s body and the TK trooper until Cerra was safely off the Venator. With one final nod at each other, they parted, Wolffe heading to the bridge while Cerra made her way to the flight deck. 
She forced herself to walk at a normal pace to avoid drawing attention, though her instincts screamed at her to run. Her heart pounded, and she was grateful for the helmet that hid her face from the Imperials she passed in the passageways; she didn’t think she would be able to disguise her anxiety without it.
The hangar was nearly deserted when she arrived—no doubt thanks to Wolffe. Nobody noticed an extra TK trooper in the shuttle bay. Cerra selected a shuttle, then quickly located and disabled its transponder beacon. Once she powered up the shuttle, the Imperials would know something was wrong. She would have an incredibly narrow window to get out of range of the tractor beam. There would be no time to program the hyperdrive navicomputer; she’d have to use the last inputted coordinates and hope for the best. She took a deep breath and boarded the shuttle.
Settling into the pilot’s seat, Cerra began running as many of the pre-flight protocols as she could before engaging the sublight engine. This is it, then, she thought, beginning the power-up sequence and maneuvering the shuttle out of the bay.
The comms crackled almost immediately. “Nu-class shuttle, you are not cleared for takeoff. Return to the—”
She muted the transmission, then punched the thrusters to top speed, blasting out of the hangar and into space. The Venator opened fire, but as soon as she was clear of the ship, Cerra jumped to hyperspace. Safely away, she yanked off her helmet and leaned back in her seat, gasping for air.
“I can’t believe that worked,” she said aloud with a short, incredulous laugh.
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Riyo stared at the flickering hologram of Echo’s face, feeling as though all the oxygen had been forcefully ripped from her lungs.
“How?” she whispered. “What happened?”
“The Trandoshan sold us out,” Echo replied, his face grim and twisted by grief and anger. “We barely made it out alive.”
“Why would the Empire take Omega? What do they want with her?”
“I don’t know. That Imperial—Hemlock—he said something about Nala Se. He said she’s still alive.”
Riyo frowned. “Could she have escaped the destruction of Tipoca City? Halle Burtoni told me there were a few Kaminoans scattered throughout the galaxy, but she didn’t mention Nala Se.”
“If Nala Se is working for the Empire, that can only spell trouble for us clones,” Echo said.
“I agree. We should discuss this with Rex. When will you be back to Coruscant?” Riyo asked.
Echo glanced away, refusing to meet her eyes.
Her heart began to pound. “Echo?”
He took a deep breath before he replied. “I’m not coming back to Coruscant.”
She blinked. “... What?”
“I’m staying with Hunter and Wrecker,” he said quietly. “Omega is still out there somewhere, in Imperial hands. We have to find her.”
“Cerra is still out there, too!” Riyo protested. “We need you here! We need you—”
“Riyo,” Echo said gently. “Rex and the others are doing everything they can to find her. I trust them, and I trust that she can take care of herself until they find her. Besides, if I know Cerra, she’s already making whoever took her wish they were never born. But Omega is only a child. We can’t abandon her.”
He was right, of course. She knew he was right. But knowing he was right didn’t make the crushing weight in her chest feel any lighter. She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. She bit back the selfish words that sprang to her lips, knowing that speaking them aloud would only make things worse. Nevertheless, they reverberated in her mind.
I need you. I love you. Come back to me.
Echo reached for her through the holocomm, and she closed her eyes for a moment, imagining that she could feel the warmth of his touch.
“We will see each other again,” he said. “I swear it, Riyo. This isn’t the end for us.”
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Without her comlink, Cerra had no choice but to use the shuttle’s communicator to contact Rex. Not only were the shuttle’s comms not secure, it was possible that the Empire was actively monitoring them. She keyed in the details for one of the team’s burner comm channels.
“Code kilo-three-two-seven. Scrapper to Monarch, come in,” she said. The minutes ticked by in agonizing slowness as she awaited a reply. When none came, she tried again. “Monarch, this is Scrapper. Please respond.”
The comm was silent. Fighting down her rising panic, Cerra ran a diagnostic to make sure it was functional. All systems were normal. She was just about to try a third time when the voice she loved most in the entire galaxy crackled through the speaker.
“Scrapper, this is Watchman. Good to hear your voice.”
Gregor. Oh, thank kriff. Tears of relief stung her eyes, and she hurriedly blinked them away as she responded.
“Back at you, Watchman.” Her voice cracked, and she swallowed. “Really good.”
“What’s your status?”
“I’m all right, but I could use a ride. Any chance you’re free for a pickup?” she asked.
“Affirmative. Head to delta-one-alpha-eight-two. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Copy that, Watchman. Fly casual.”
“You, too, Scrapper.”
Gregor ended the transmission, and Cerra let out a shaky breath. It was over. She was going home.
Next chapter
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morethansky · 7 months
where can i read your fics about crosshunt? please i need to read a good fanfic about crosshunt 😭😭😭
Omg I'm so happy you ship Crosshunt and want to read my fics about them!!! Thank you so much! I'm amphitrite on AO3.
Here are the ones I've posted so far:
i should live in salt for leaving you: (Explicit) Canon divergence from the season 1 finale where Crosshair leaves Kamino with the Batch and assumes Hunter has moved on from how they used to be FWB-ish and is bitter about it. He's wrong, of course! (Featuring wrestling and yelling and that blood Echo mentioned!)
i keep what i can of you: The framework of this one is Crosshair being the one to give Hunter his hairstyle and bandana, but the story is really about intimacy and what it means to trust someone with a blade near your throat. It follows how they get together, how they feel when they're apart, and how they try to reconnect after they're reunited. It's soft and angsty. I'm really proud of this one!
hold you by the edges: (Explicit) Maycross is the main pairing here, but the whole time they're together Crosshair is wishing he were with Hunter instead. This is A/B/O, which tbh I'm not usually a fan of, so even if you don't tend to like that, you might still like this! Basically Crosshair goes into heat during "The Outpost" and tries to prolong Mayday's life by mating with him, but Mayday is all soft and wrong, and Crosshair yearns for Hunter, who knows how rough he likes it. I'm really proud of how this one turned out.
Another Way Back: I've posted the first out of two chapters for this one. Set a month or so before Rogue One and A New Hope, it features the Batch being officers in the Rebellion and Hunter and Crosshair being an old married (power) couple. Hunter gets captured on a mission gone awry, and Crosshair goes berserk to get him back. Lots of action, which is tortuous to write, but this is one of my favorite tropes.
alone in the quiet light: This is Techwrecker with only references to Crosshunt (and Echo5), but it's my only other TBB fic, so I might as well mention it! This takes place on the journey back from Eriadu in "Plan 99," so, you know. It's super angsty. But hopefully comforting, too?
And I'm working on more Crosshunt and TBB fics, too, so keep an eye out!
Hmm, maybe I'll put together a rec list of other author's fics, too, if people would like that? Here's hoping we're getting an influx of shippers after this week's episode!
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cryiling · 5 months
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this was one wild ride, and I'm so thankful I was here to experience it <3 i want to give a few shout-outs for making my time in the fandom one I'll never forget:
@apocalyp-tech-a, my first bad batch follower!! you motivated me to keep posting about tbb, and I'll never forget u 🤲
@amalthiaph, my first tbb mutual 🫶 your art is so gorgeous and I love hearing your thoughts on the show
@zaana, my second tbb mutual 💗 i am so in love with your fanart, and I'm always so in awe with the effort and love you put into your work
@kaydear, the one who got me into the fandom on tumblr thanks to your modern tbb fic. you are such an icon to me, and i still think about your trick-or-treat fic on the regular
i will always be a bad batch fan at heart, no matter how frequently or not I post about them on here. this show has been a core source of happiness for me the past few months, and even though it's over, the wonderful memories from the show and the fandom will never leave me. thank you to everyone <3
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bedlamsbard · 6 months
Hey, big fan, I loved your AU Star Wars fics, by far some of the best stories I've read. So when I saw the trailer for the new Disney show and saw Barriss as an inquisitor I was shocked, was this always the canon? I wondered if you were inspired by some SW novels or is this just a weird coincidence?
Thanks for reading, I'm glad you enjoyed the fic!
Barriss Offee has not appeared in any Star Wars media set after TCW S5 since "The Wrong Jedi" aired in 2013. On the Edge of the Devil's Backbone was written between May 2015 (began posting in July 2015) and October 2018, when the only media that existed that dealt with the Inquisitors was Star Wars Rebels, which introduced the Inquisitor (not yet called the Grand Inquisitor) in 2014 -- you'll note that in Backbone it's the Inquisition rather than the Inquisitorius, which is a name that canon didn't use until much later. Backbone was written so early that canon wasn't even using the Brother/Sister naming conventions that appeared in Rebels S2, which the first few chapters of Backbone predates (it started posting in the summer of 2015). That is the reason that Backbone Inquisitors use naming conventions that the canon Inquisitors do not: because it predates the canon naming conventions.
Back in 2015, there was speculation that the Seventh Sister who appeared in the S2 trailer that aired at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim was Barriss, thus leading to a brief period of time when the Seventh Sister and the Fifth Brother were known as "Barriss and Clyde" within the fandom, and for a long time afterwards people still called the Fifth Brother Clyde. The Seventh Sister when introduced in the original trailer only appeared helmeted, leading to the speculation that she might be Barriss Offee. When her VA was announced, there was widespread dismay that Sarah Michelle Geller might have replaced Meredith Salenger as Barriss, and at one point Freddie Prinze Jr had to deny that SMG had been recast as Barriss: that was how predominant that theory was. My use of Barriss as an Inquisitor came out of the original "there are more Inquisitors!" reveal from the Rebels S2 trailer but I made the decision back then not to make her the character that would later be known as the Seventh Sister since I was pretty sure canon wasn't going to do that. That decision was not based on anything that was actually in canon and certainly not on any of the novels at the time, because back in 2015 when I started working on Backbone there were only, I think, four new canon books out.
Backbone was, in fact, so early that when I wrote it, Cham Syndulla had not been re-introduced in Rebels -- the episode "Homecoming" aired in February 2016. (He was not actually revealed as Hera Syndulla's father until the April 2015 novel Lords of the Sith; it had previously been speculated he was Hera's uncle, not her father.) It was written years before Jedi: Fallen Order came out and revealed more information about the Inquisitorius, their recruiting patterns, or their headquarters; it also predates the appearance of the Inquisitorius in the 2017 Darth Vader comics.
All that said, it's not really a weird coincidence -- TBB also made Hera's mother green, for example, the same way I made Alecto Syndulla green. (This was more than a year before we saw that portrait in Rebels S3 (October 2016) and even more years before she was actually given a name in TBB.) That Barriss had become an Inquisitor was speculated as soon as the Rebels S2 trailer revealed that the Inquisitor was not the only Inquisitor. (He was not called the Grand Inquisitor in canon until the episode introducing the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother aired in late October 2015, which by the way Backbone predates. He was introduced in 2014 only as "the Inquisitor," which is why and some older fans will still call him Quizzy.)
Backbone is nine years old. I started working on it in May 2015, even before "The Siege of Lothal" aired. Even though it wasn't finished until 2018, it was fully plotted by the end of summer 2015 and it predates most current Star Wars canon, because the new canon only started in fall of 2014, with the novel Star Wars: A New Dawn and soon afterwards Rebels. There was not much canon then! The Inquisitors were introduced for Rebels! At the time, there was nothing else! All of that stuff we now know about the Inquisitors? It came out well after Backbone started posting. (Hell, Jedi: Fallen Order not only postdates the beginning of Backbone, it postdates the end of Backbone, which was October 2018.)
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antianakin · 1 year
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So to start with, if you don't like this blog and the things I post on it, nobody's putting a gun to your head asking you to look at it. Feel free to block me, blacklist my username, block the anti and critical tags I try to use VERY frequently, etc. Nobody's asking you to look at the things I post and, quite honestly, the fact that you felt the need to leave me this message tells me that between the two of us, you're the one being unhealthy because you felt the need to tell someone innocently staying in their own lane that they're participating in fandom wrong rather than just... moving on and doing fandom in a way you enjoy more. If you want to see something else, go look at a different blog or make your own posts. Nobody's stopping you, least of all me.
But to actually answer the question you didn't ask, I made this blog because I wanted a place to make the kind of posts I wanted to see. Yes, it's a venting blog. That means sometimes I vent about the same thing more than once. Breaking news: people in fandom talk about the same hyperfixation more than once sometimes!
My best friend in the Star Wars fandom happens to be someone who really likes Anakin. So whenever I disliked something about Anakin, she was not the person I could go to in order to discuss it. Well, not always anyway. Not when I got particularly bitter about it. And at the time that I made this blog over a year ago, I didn't have anywhere else to go to vent those feelings, so I made one for myself. I made myself a tiny safe haven where I could simply write those feelings out that I never really saw anybody else making or discussing. This wasn't intended to be a popular blog. I expected it to get about two followers total maybe and a LOT of haters.
Instead, I've actually heard from a number of people that this blog let them feel seen. That the things I've written have felt really relatable to people who just can't connect to all of the Anakin love that tends to exist in the fandom. Because yes, Anakin's been the villain since the 1970s, but you must not have spent a lot of time in this fandom because that is NOT a thing that a lot of his fans tend to remember or even believe anymore. According to a good number of Anakin fans, the Jedi are the real villains and Anakin is just a tragic victim who didn't really do anything wrong. And even a lot of the people who DO recognize that Anakin is the villain of the story often still tend to like Anakin as this tragic character and will primarily post positive things about him. So for those of us who just... don't LIKE Anakin very much, there isn't as much content out there for us. You either accept all of the Anakin love along with the content for the other characters you like or you just... don't consume very much content within the fandom. Or you find a very specific niche to try to stay in that you like better, I guess. But Anakin's the main character of the main saga, he's hard to avoid entirely.
So this blog helps provide one little safe haven for others who just... don't like this character much.
And that's not even the entirety of this blog anyway. If you had scrolled through it much, you might've noticed the fic rec lists that have nothing to do with Anakin at all and are actually a lot more aimed at being Pro Jedi. Because this blog is just as much about loving the Jedi as it is about disliking Anakin. You might've also noticed the extensive AU concepts I've written a few times, one of the most recent of which actually ended up leading to Anakin surviving ROTJ and figuring out how to stop being a Sith and getting mentally healthy. And Anakin's not even the only character who's GOTTEN criticism on this blog, the pinned post on this blog lists a good 10 characters I've had to add to it because there IS going to be criticism for them here, too, from Satine and Bo-Katan Kryze, to Aleksander Kallus, to Crosshair and TBB as a show in general, to Padme Amidala herself. Not to mention some criticism of Ahsoka, as well, sometimes. I'm an all access kind of hater I guess, I like to have a varied diet of characters I complain about.
So yes, it's a blog named antianakin because the url wasn't taken, I thought it was funny, and it works as a WARNING for anybody who sees my posts or decides to come onto my blog. Obviously it doesn't keep EVERYBODY out who shouldn't be looking at them, look at yourself for a good example of that. But I like to think it's helpful. Yes, this is a venting blog where I allow myself to be negative and complain about characters I don't like in a space I have created for me to do that in. This does not mean that I am not EVER positive about Star Wars, it doesn't even mean that I'm never positive about Star Wars ON THIS BLOG. It just means that this is a place that I am allowed to be salty in, it is a place where I put my most bitter thoughts and feelings and throw them into the void that is Tumblr just to get them out of me.
This is MY safe space, MY little fandom haven. Nobody asked you to be here, so if it doesn't feel safe or even just entertaining for you, you're more than welcome to leave and go find somewhere else you like better or create your own little fandom space where you can create the kind of things YOU want to see. I can wholeheartedly recommend it.
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cyareclones-beware · 7 days
Hey so I've been seeing all of what's going on, and I haven't really interacted with cyareclones, I can confirm the circle they kept are known to be massive bullies. It's an open secret for a lot of fic writers. It's especially targeted at the reader insert crowd. A couple of them wouldn't even keep it private and openly mock others on the dash. A lot of tbb fans were targeted sheerly for being into tbb. Any criticism of anyone in that group is automatically dismissed as racism, no matter the topic or if the issue presented was actually a valid one. So it's not just cyareclones but their whole inner circle is rotten
Yes, we were told that they were apart of a group that harassed and threatened to dox people over clones-ship (we shared our thoughts on clonexclones. It’s problematic on its own, yes, but to bully and threaten to dox people over it is even more problematic. Block and move on if you’re not into that 👍). Some users have come forward about leaving their servers, blocking them across platforms for bad vibes and how they took a 180 and started to talk shit about TBB artists and accused them of racism, or in support of whitewashing despite most of them being against racism/whitewashing, and many other things that resulted in public harassment. To hear that they go off (or associates with a group) on Reader insert crowd is really disappointing to hear.
One user via Twitter has told us that they had a channel where they would talk negatively about clone arts and it was an overall bad vibes as they were tearing clone arts and/or artists instead of criticizing/educating them. 
(Unfortunately, we were told that today on September 20th, that Cyareclones has most likely nuked all their servers.)
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stars-n-spice · 5 months
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Max // 21 // They/Them // Aspec // Korean + Mexican 
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Welcome to @disaster-by-chance's Star Wars side blog aka the place where I yell and cry about this space opera like it’s a full time job. If there’s absolutely one thing to know about me is that I’m an absolute slut for found family and a fucking whore for Wrecker. Oh, and canonically a space cowboy as well. 
🩵 DMs are always open if you wanna chat Star Wars, make requests, or just marvel at how incredibly bad I am at carrying conversations (I promise I’m approachable)! 🩵
Or just hop into my inbox to say hello! please I need more Star Wars mutuals/friends
⚠️ I will occasionally post nsfw things (will be tagged as #nsfw and #max-night posting) but will probably only do so super late at night, but just a word of warning for minors! ⚠️
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I make Star Wars themed dividers! Mostly I’ve done Bad Batch themed ones, but those aren’t the only ones I’m open to doing. 
So if you'd also like a specific kind of divider, let me know! Just tell me the theme/character/symbols you would like, the more specific the better! Even better if you have the images you want saved and ready to go. It doesn't have to be super specific. Like if you need a divider for a fic or other, you can give me a general summary of the fic and ask me to base a divider off of that. I may ask for further elaboration or other, just so I make sure I get it right and to your liking. 
🩵 If you would like to request a divider feel free to send an ask, DM me, or fill out this form! 📝
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That all being said, here is all my stuff in one place! Thanks for visiting :D
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Link to my Caard! It’s got all the other links to my other social media platforms and whatnot. 
Like my work? Feel free to buy me a coffee :D It is very much appreciated <3
Have you ever wanted merch to show just how much you love the copy and paste men of Star Wars? Look no further than DISASTER’S SHOP STOP for all of your clone needs! 
✩ A03:
Occasionally I write! Not as much as I would like to, but when I can and have the motivation, you can find my fics here! 
Add me on discord! disasterbychance Join my LGBTQ + POC-friendly Star Wars server! You don’t necessarily have to identify as either of those two things, but considering what a toxic space the Star Wars fandom can be, I went ahead (as a queer POC fan myself) and created this server as a safe space for fans like me :) So feel free to join! Here’s the invite! 
A collection of my different masterlists. 
Divider Masterlist The Baddies Batch Masterlist The Silly Squad Masterlist  Khea Nultez (OC) Masterlist
A collection of tags I have to help you find things better :) 
#max’s musings - me talking/rambling/venting about star wars related things #max’s masterpieces (or also #my art/#my fics) - for my art and/or fics  #max-box - for inbox answers/replies #max-night posting - for late night posts (most likely will be nsfw) #queue were the chosen one - for queue posts #tbb on the go/tbb trip pics - travel pics of my bad batch legos in places I’ve visited #clone shorts - updates/information on my clone shorts  #nsfw - pretty self-explanatory  #baddies batch - squad of TBB significant others #silly squad - The Bad Batch x The Baddies batch #guardians - ship between Hunter & Jung (OC) #scompscope - ship between Echo & Viram (OC) #starburst - ship between Wrecker & Khea (OC) #sharpshooters - ship between Crosshair & Tay (OC)
Join a tag list! Let me know what you would like to be tagged in or fill out this form here!
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moodymisty · 2 years
Hi! I am a huge fan of your work and might have just binged all of your TBB fics in preparation for the season 2 premiere 🙈 during my indulgence I read through your kink list and the “helmet stays on” one really got me thinking how the batch (or any clone for that matter, I love them all so much) might use their helmets, maybe as a way to limit their partner’s senses (it seems like a fun combo between dom/sub and an armor kink)
Anyways, whether or not you use this prompt, I am always looking forward to your next fic!! Whatever you are willing to share with us I am more than happy to read 💕 Sorry for the anon, I’m still a little shy about being horny on main lol
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Author's note: This has got to be one of the sweetest asks I've ever gotten, I'm so glad you enjoyed my stuff enough to binge it!! (also don't be shy about not wanting to be horny on main, there's no obligation to be. Anon is on for a reason)
But since you mentioned senses, of course the first person I think of is Hunter; And it's been a hot minute since I've done something for him so, why not? I hope this is up your alley!
Relationships: Hunter/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Pre-established relationship, Armor kink, Helmet kink aka "the helmet stays on", Very light Dom/Sub dynamics, Clothed sex, Semi-public sex(supply closet), Quickie, Some light sensory overload on Hunter's part
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It wasn’t your idea to stay behind at Cyd’s, not in the slightest. The last mission had run you ragged, and so Hunter had effectively forced you to stay back for this one, and give some time to recover. But you still had to admit- The rest was an incredible luxury that you couldn’t refuse.
Though it had taken well over an hour of tossing and turning to get to sleep at first; You’d grown quite quickly used to the sounds of five other people’s breathing, Wrecker’s snoring, and Tech’s mumbling. Without the unique symphony of the Marauder as a lullaby, it had taken a bit to finally nod off.
When you woke up that first night, it was instantly noticeable how much better your body felt. To have a night without waking up multiple times because of shift changes, or emergencies, and to just actually let your body shut down and recover. But as the days went by that became less noticeable; And instead, a tense worry began to replace it.
It’s hard not to worry about them, especially now that you aren’t beside them. They’ve been barely footsteps from you for so long to have them all this far away for so long is eating at you. Especially Hunter. You miss him, miss the way he’d sometimes sneak into your bunk and lay with you for awhile before everyone else woke up. Or how he’ll sometimes walk behind you and press his face against the top of your head, sneaking a small moment while no one is looking.
At least working around Cyd’s keeps you somewhat busy, and she lets you keep a small portion of the tips in exchange for keeping the bar running smoothly. It’s something;
Especially considering the last time you all ran out of credits you had to sell Echo.
It’s late tonight; The bar is empty after the last patron drank his weight and stumbled out, falling onto the sidewalk before recovering enough to toddle on home. Now you’re just cleaning glasses, counting tips and trying to keep busy. It’s tedious, mindless work, but it keeps your hands and head busy enough.
Busy enough until Cyd suddenly shouts from the back, having apparently seen something of note on one of the security cameras.
“Hey! The Dream Team is back!” Cyd emerges from the backroom counting something in her hand, while she jerks her head in the direction of the front.
“Keep your man busy while I count my credits, will you?”
They enter through the front mere seconds after she finishes speaking, Wrecker holding the desired loot in both arms. He starts moving to drop it in Cyd’s room in the back, while you dart past him and yell:
You instantly run for him, until you reach him and suddenly stop; Trying to brush it off and just smile.
“Oh, so how come only he gets the welcome party!?”
Wrecker, halfway to the backroom scoffs and crosses his arms, before Echo starts pushing him and Tech away. You had turned around, looking at them embarrassed.
“Lets just give them a bit.”
Tech goes his own way, nose deep in his datapad while Wrecker, Echo, and Omega all shuffle into one of the bar’s booths. You stay close to Hunter however, standing with only a short distance between each of your chests still only a few steps from the entryway.
It’s well been established for awhile now that there is absolutely something going on between you and Hunter, but everyone has pretty much elected to act as if there isn’t. Or at least, that they can’t see it. You don’t do anything that would ever hint at you being romantic within sight of the others, but the looks you share and the undertones are so obvious that everyone had eventually realized.
The whole thing is, complicated. For far more reasons that just your current predicament.
Both of you finally move away from the entry, moving to sit on one of the bar stools. Hunter takes the one right next to you, sitting his helmet on the bar and turning your way.
“I’m sure you’re happy everyone managed to not get injured.” Hunter’s giving a tiny smirk, watching as you roll your eyes at him.
“I wasn’t upset you guys got hurt because it was inconvenient, I was upset because I don’t like seeing you guys get hurt.” You don’t like seeing any of them deal with pain, no matter how hard they all try and shrug it off. You’re just as guilty of the same, though as the person treating others, you’ll always have an excuse for why it doesn’t apply to yourself. You jerk a head in the direction of the booth that the rest of the batch is sitting at; Tech having returned from where ever and is now sitting next to Wrecker.
“At least for them. For you I don’t mind as much, because then I can kiss it better.” Hunter coughs, looking away for a moment and shaking his head. You can see the way his lips twitch as if he wants to say something, but can’t quite figure out how to put it.
“You…” He shakes his head, letting you see a small smirk. “Glad to hear I’ll be getting your special beside manner.”
Sometimes it catches him off guard some of the things you say, especially so casually.
In his moment of looking away from you, your eyes instead turn focus onto his helmet; Which is staring back at you from on the bar top, tinted visor reflecting the scene it’s staring at. When you reach a hand out to grab it Hunter watches, as you hold it hovering over your lap. It looks so normal and lifeless here, but there’s something about when it’s on, that it almost seems like it holds emotion; No matter how silly it sounds.
“I never noticed that you copied your tattoo on your helmet…”
You hold it in your hands, thumb brushing over the scuffed paint. The paint isn’t solid; Patches of the helmets original color peak through the brushed streaks of lighter grey. It gives his helmet a ghostly look, which suits him.
In fact, suits him very well.
It’s a complete spur of the moment decision that has you sliding off the barstool, and grabbing Hunter by the hand. He follows and while confused, takes your lead, walking through the bar and towards the back. Hopefully before anyone notices.
They do of course, but Echo is smart enough to keep anyone from questioning your antics.
Hunter watches as you pull him in the direction of the supply closet, closing the door and pushing something in front of it- a crate. It’s small and compact in here, but it’s quiet. And it’s private; Which is the main appeal.
And it’s here you take quick use of that, as the moment the door is fully shut you step towards Hunter and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling his lips to yours for but a moment.
“Now that we’re alone; Did everything go well, Sargent?”
Well you’re certainly playing with fire now, he knows that well.
“Everyone’s on one piece, and we got what we needed.” He knows that isn’t really what you’re asking, but it’s amusing to watch you look at him like this anyways. You know that if you want him you can just ask, but it’s far more fun to play around. Especially after them being gone for admittedly not all that long; But after being around him every moment, it feels like forever.
In his quick glance over you he can see you’re still holding his helmet in your hands, having carried it with you in your rush. It’s pressing against your chest, as you look down at it.
Hunter is watching you intently, the way your fingers look so gentle over his helmet. Before he can say anything however you lean up, and quickly plop the helmet on his head.
“You look good with it on.” His chest is pressing against your own, unyielding, unmovable plastoid armor against your skin. He hasn’t taken one bit of armor off since they returned, he hasn’t had the chance to. He can hear your heart pumping faster in your chest, wanton as you look up at him. His senses never lie, no matter how much you can try to hide it.
He’s used it to his advantage with you, but it’s almost proven to be his weakness. There’s been times where you’ve overwhelmed his senses so much that he can barely stand it; Both intentional and not. In theory he could cut it off if it ever felt like too much, but he doesn’t.
You know that part of him likes it, and the feeling of being so close but unable to fulfill his senses that drives him borderline insane.
You can feel his hands sliding down your back, moving to wrap around your hips as your thighs spread apart enough to let him in. Instantly he steps between them, pressing his body tight against yours. Once you’re as close as you can one of his hands comes up to palm your chest through your shirt, though he’s unable to free them due to the nature of your outfit. At least not easily, though part of him more than enjoys the way your push into him, silently pleading for more.
He won’t give it to you that easy, not after so many times you’ve done him in the same.
He feels your nipple harden through the fabric of his glove, while your pupils dilate and skin flushes hotter. One of your hands even moves to grasp at his wrist and press it harder onto you, as your breath leaves a fog on his armor.
“You don’t even know how much I’ve missed you, Hunter.”
He can smell you want him, even though his helmet it’s so obvious it overwhelms his senses.
When you attempt to work around your outfit and take off your top, Hunter stops you; And you look up to see your reflection in the tinted visor of his helmet.
“Turn around.”
There’s no way to describe the way your cunt clenches at the way he says those words, distorted by his helmet in a way that makes it sound even more erotic.
Lifting up off the crate you’d been sitting on your turn around, attempting to quickly undo your belt in the process and abandoning the idea of undoing your top. While doing so, you swear you can hear his breathing through his helmet, ragged and already coming undone. It only worsens as he sees your pants pull down and wrap around your knees, the fabric of your underwear contrasting with the color of your skin.
It almost is too much, the way he feels so hot and tight underneath his armor and his own breaths echo inside his helmet.
His fingers are frantic as he peels away the only thing impeding him, hearing his groinplate clank on the ground. He may want to take off more, but the sight of you whining for him keeps him from doing so.
He grinds his clothed cock against you, the clear outline pressing against your ass. You quickly demand more, aching and empty.
“Hunter, please… Come on.” He stills, and ignores the way you attempt to demand him continue.
“You don’t get to say that. Not after what you did on the Marauder.”
That makes you smile, remembering how much you had teased him until he snapped. You feel the way he finally moves the fabric of his body glove aside just enough to free his cock, feeling it lay against your cunt. He feels so hot it almost makes you jolt, body tighten as he grinds against you.
Only a short while later does he slowly attempt to press the tip of his cock inside of you, listening to the way you gasp. Your toes curl in your boots, and you can’t control the way you suddenly jolt when the cold plastoid of his thigh armor brushes against the bare skin of you ass. Hunter abruptly stops, having felt your body stiffen.
“You ok?” He asks when he feels you jolt and tighten around him, his hands around your hips loosening their grip.
“Yeah; Your armor is so cold…”
It feels good, but it was just a shock to have it suddenly against your skin. But now knowing he has the green light, he slowly pulls part way out of you before slowly thrusting forward and pulling your hips enough to meet him halfway.
The feeling of so many sounds echoing in his helmet has his senses on overdrive, not even considering how loud everything might be in the room itself. It isn’t as if you’re being particularly quiet; Moaning his name as he slams his cock into you. At least the door is made of metal, and it’s unlike any of quieter sounds will pierce it.
Apart from perhaps the shaky moan you let out as he presses against a bundle of nerves deep inside your cunt, enough to have you almost seeing stars.
His helmets distorts his voice, making it seem almost more gritted, angrier than normal. It amplifies how tense he sounds, almost as much as his body as you feel his armor hit the back of your thighs as he fucks you.
But Gods do you want to turn around and kiss him, feel his skin on you so badly but he won’t let you; Depriving you of the sensation. Even if the unforgiving coldness of his armor feels so good too. It’s enough to have you speak up, hissing through your teeth for more.
“Fuck, Hunter… You can go harder…”
His fingers tighten around your hips, watching the way your top has bunched around the middle of your back.
“What, all the sudden you’re open to pleas of mercy?” Your throat tightens.
Of course now is the time he decides to get you back a bit for torturing his senses while stuck in the Marauder, and he’d pleaded for you to stop. You hadn’t listened, and now it seems he’s going to attempt to let you feel just a fraction of what you’d done to him.
It seems unfair; Unable to kiss him or touch his skin while he fucks you. Though you’d done worse to him, a man with senses multitudes stronger than your own.
“Do you, fuck… Do you want an apology?”
The edges of his thigh armor press against the skin of your ass and will more than likely leave marks, unforgiving against your much softer skin.
“No. I want you to feel what it’s like to not get what you want.”
His thrusts slow until he’s only grinding against you, feeling the way your cunt leaks all over his cock. Your thighs keep tensing as you attempt to press against him, feeling so, so close but having him deny you. You can’t feel the heat of his skin, the roughness of his hands or his hair against your cheek; As he looms over your body with a black, grey and red silhouette.
He looks almost like a ghost, when you turn to look at him for just a moment. The dim, mostly broken lights of the tiny storage closet only further the illusion.
He swears he can almost hear his teeth grind against each other when he cums, filling you as you grind against him for more. His visor is becoming fogged from the amount of his hot breath, too much for the filters to try and fight against. It’s never fogged before; But granted, he’s never fucked you while he’s had it on.
He feels you cum around him, gripping the crate your bent over so tight as you intake a breath and hold it long enough he almost tells you to breath. Your fingers grip the crate your bent over with such a tight grip it almost is turning your knuckles white, seeing stars as he fucks you slowly through it all.
Gods, you missed him. Even in the short time he was gone.
When he slowly pulls out of you, you take the time to turn and sit on your bottom instead; Legs partly spread and sore.
The entire state of you looking like this almost as Hunter’s blood pumping again.
“So, can I kiss you now?” You look up at him, face red and lips ever so slightly parted. He takes off his helmet and leans down, pressing a hand against the wall behind you to support himself as he kisses you. It feels ten times more intense after being denied for so long, you can’t help the way your hands quickly around the back of his neck fingers slipping into his hair.
“I missed you too, you know.”
He mumbles it against your lips and feels the way you smile back, giving a satisfied laugh.
“Then don’t leave me behind again? Ok?”
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bumblingbriars · 4 months
I don't often do this, but I feel like I should start being more open about my ocs lol. Might help with my cringe culture conditioning.
Anyway, here are my BB ocs (so far!)
(Picrew link)
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🎶 Luna Elise Fitzgerald
Birthdate is February 20th, 1955. 16 in her first appearance in fic, 43 by BB2K.
Face Claim: Lorna Luft (That is her in Grease 2, which released just 2 years after TBB)
Occupation: Music Teacher
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, Straight
Five Key Traits: Gentle, Organized, Loud, Loyal, Positive
Three Fun Facts
Has perfect pitch. Since her ambitions used to be rather humble, she saved it for parties and her students. She can also play quite a few instruments due to this, though prefers the piano.
Loves wearing sun hats, as her mother has a huge collection of them. It makes her feel close to her as they live cities apart. She has quite a few, including one or two from her mother's collection.
Loves to bake more than cook--she tends to stress bake as a consequence. Loves baking cakes the most--her favorite to bake is chocolate forest and cheesecake.
Name Origins: In universe her name is due to her deceased father, who was a literature professor and studier of mythologies. He loved the olden works of Virgil, and found the name Luna in his work Georgics. He and Luna’s mom loved this name a lot and gave it to her. There’s also a secret reason, but that’ll be revealed hehe. for irl, I thought it’d be neat for her to have a fantasical name like Elwood does. Her last name comes from the jazz singer, Ella Fitzgerald.
Love Interest: Elwood J. Blues
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📚 Gretchen "Etta" Sophia Carter
Birthdate is May 25th, 1956. Her first "appearance" would put her at 24 as she's sort of in tbb, but her first real appearance is at 34.
Face Claim: Jessica Harper (that's an image of her in 1990, the year Etta and Jake met)
Occupation: Author, freelance editor (mainly for magazines and novels). Previously an English tutor and diner cook.
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, Bisexual
Five Key Traits: Understanding, Passionate, Ambitious, Articulate, and Humble
Three Fun Facts
Has been writing a poetry/short fiction mixed book on and off for years. It's her true passion, to write books... perhaps she'll be able to publish it soon.
Very well read. Originally wanted to be a professor at Columbia, but ultimately decided against it as getting her bachelors was hard for several reasons. She debates sometimes whether or not it was the right decision.
Loves to cook after writing. Finds it calming and endearing as she loves learning new recipes and loves making people happy through food. It's the easiest thing for her. Due to this, she used to be a cook at a diner in her younger years before doing freelance.
Name Origins: In universe, she's named after her maternal grandmother who was a famous actress. It wasn't out of the best intentions, but that's all I'll say for now. She gave herself the nickname Etta as she disliked the name Gretchen and felt it didn't fit her vibe at all--though she does respect her grandma. She does at least like the meaning though. In irl, she's named after two singers: Gretchen Parlato, and Betty Carter. Etta James actually wasn't the inspiration for her nickname, I just felt it'd fit her. It just came as a plus lol. Also, her original last name was actually Jones, but then I found out there was an actual Etta Jones (a jazz singer, too!) so I had to change it lol.
Love Interest: Jake E. Blues
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⭐ Katerina "Kat, Kitty" Anita Carter
Birthdate is November 18th, 1990. She's 15 1/2 in her first appearance (Summer 2006 is when the fic takes place)
Face Claim: Erm... (I find finding face claims for fan kids extremely hard, plus there's a lot of specifics to me that make narrowing down a face claim difficult. All I can really say is that she looks a lot more like her dad, with only a few of Etta's genes surviving the war. It's what Etta would prefer, anyway)
Occupation: Student, eventual Blues Brothers member
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, Bisexual
Five Key Traits: Passionate, Witty, Outspoken, Caring, and Courageous
Three Fun Facts:
On top of her love for the blues, she also loves punk and rock. Secret love for 2000s musicians too lol (like Britney Spears or Avril Lavigne)
Has a huge sweet tooth, inherited from her mother. Combined with a hard time brushing her teeth equals quite a few cavities in the past. Can't stop won't stop lol. She does get better at brushing with time, god bless
Was reading at college level by sixth grade. If she wasn't so shit at math, she probably would've been placed in advanced courses...
Name Origins: In universe, I'm keeping it just a bit of a mystery as to how Kat's name was workshopped as it’ll be revealed later. I can say her mother, Gretchen, really loved Anna Karenina. However, she didn’t want her name to be a full on reference to the book. Katerina was born! This isn’t a spoiler cause it’s subtly revealed in the first chapter lol, but her middle name, Anita, is from Anita O'day. Irl, tbh I really liked how Katerina sounded, plus I love characters that have long fancy names but prefer nicknames (thus, Kat). plus, I wanted the name to have Kat in it somewhere so she could eventually get the nickname "Kitty” (no bearing on my own nickname, I'm not projecting that hard) as many blues and jazz singers get that nickname. As mentioned in her mother's profile, her last name comes from Betty Carter.
Love Interest: Heh... wouldn't you like to know (it's a secret! No it's not Buster btw ew)
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🖊️ Georgia "G, George" Louise Smith
Birthdate is June 18th, 1988. 17, nearly 18 in her first appearance
Face Claim: Erm... (She's not a fankid however since I can't find a fc for Kat, I decided to let Georgia be faceless as well)
Occupation: Student, eventually band/social media manager
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, queer/sapphic leaning
Five Key Traits: Organized, Shy, Polite, Calm, and Optimistic
Three Fun Facts
A big lover of boy bands. Collects posters and memorabilia. Never grows out of this, either--she'd be insane over Backstreet Boys coming back for example. She also heavily prefers 2000s musicians and Y2K culture. Jokingly debates with Kat about whether or not tbb are a boy band (Kat insists on being included despite not being a boy)
Despite being older, she views Kat as the older sister in their sisterhood. While more responsible, Kat is much more leader-oriented and outspoken than her. She's even taller than Kat by several inches but due to Kat's loud personality she's always felt small compared to her. She's a little envious of this.
Due to being entrenched in current trends, she also keeps up-to-date with social media and has a small following. Uses Myspace a lot, will eventually have at least two accounts on almost every social media. One personal, one tbb business
Name Origins: In universe, Georgia wasn't named by her parents. Instead she was named by the nurse who found her, as she was abandoned at a hospital. Smith is more or less a common last name she was assigned, as the nurse didn't want to become too attached to her </3 Unlike the other ladies on this list, irl Georgia wasn't named after any particular singer. She's instead named after a song, the famous "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" due to Kat's perceived influence on her (also "Georgia on My Mind" by Ray Charles is a plus) And yes, this will be mentioned/joked upon... eventually.
Love Interest: Only God knows atp
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enigmaticexplorer · 4 months
Hi Alli! Hope you're doing well 🫶🏻
I had two questions that I'm curious to know your thoughts on about your fav Wolffe!
(1) What are your favorite (and least favorite, if any) aspects of Wolffe's personality?
(2) What is an aspect of Wolffe's character you find the fandom overexaggerates/gets wrong?
Hi Molly! Thanks for this question :)
1) I love how serious Wolffe is, and how he wants to get the job done immediately. We see this during the Aleena episode, and it’s clear that he prefers work—and his leadership—to be effective and efficient. A man who’s hard working and a problem solver is a man I respect. I also admire his emotional maturity as seen in TBB S3. I loved how he respected and trusted Rex enough to put aside his blasters and engage in a conversation rather than resorting to immediate violence. The fact that he allowed the others to walk away demonstrates both his loyalty to other clones but also his capacity to look at a situation and see nuances/different perspectives. Of course I love how serious he is, too, and his gruffness. Seeing him in the Aleena episode as both commanding but also brusque made me fall for him lol.
As to my least favorite trait: We haven’t seen enough of Wolffe in canon to really decide that. Based on TBB, though, I would say his loyalty can be problematic—loyalty without a fault—considering that he’s still with the Empire. I respect his loyalty to his brothers, but it’s a quality that can be manipulated and/or bastardized, as we saw in TBB.
2) I’m not a fan of the fandom’s belief that Wolffe is into bdsm—and especially that he’s an aggressive dom. I know that makes me a hypocrite since I wrote a fic with that portrayal, but over the years, the idea has lost appeal to me and I avoid it at all costs.
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