#Falco // Ask
sleepy-sham · 3 months
Big Post 16. Ngl I cranked out some bangers with this one. Might be my best post yet
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more aot memes
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cosmicjoke · 2 months
One thing I genuinely can not grasp:
why did Isayama write Levi to stay in Marley at the end of story? I understand he’s injured but like to me I do not know why he’s written to be with the two 12 year olds? Was this a choice to just include the two 12 year olds in the story? I mean they have their families. If i ever meet isayama imma ask💀but Idk… your opinion?♥️♥️
The thing about Levi is, he's a protector. That's the role he's always filled. I think it's only natural for him to end up basically looking after two kids. He's always managed to find adopted families, in a way. First with Furlan and Isabel, then with the Scouts, and at the end of the story, with Falco and Gabi. I think it's beautiful, honestly, and a testament to Levi's open heart and kindness, that he always ends up with people that he cares about and that care about him. Despite all he's been through, and all he's lost, he hasn't ever closed his heart off to that. Also, I don't know why Levi would go back to Paradis when the island is filled with Yeagerists who not only wanted him dead and tried to kill him, but have turned the island into a hostile, militarized nation. Levi probably feels like there's nothing left for him back there. I also think Levi decided to stay in Marley (we assume, it could be another country for all we know) because he wanted to help with the rebuilding efforts. We see on the cover for vol. 35 that he's helping to plant trees alongside Gabi and Falco and Onyankopon, and we saw at the end of the anime that he spends time in refugee camps handing out candy to children. I think Levi cares too much about people to sort of rest on his laurels and retire, so he's out there helping in whatever ways he can now.
Also, Gabi's and Falco's families are kind of assholes, lol. They let them be child soldiers and even put pressure on them to become part of the Warrior Program. At the same time, they can't relate to anything that Falco or Gabi have been through or what they've seen fighting in Marley's wars, but Levi sure as hell can. Levi's seen more death and destruction than anyone. So he'll be able to relate to Gabi and Falco's trauma in a way their families never could. They probably find solace in Levi's company, and someone to listen when no one else will or can.
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marcobodtlives · 6 months
Mikasa and Annie on a Girls Trip™️ but it’s just them kicking people in the shin and shoulder throwing full-grown men.
(Reiner and Jean on Boys Trip™️ but it’s literally just them getting into a slap fight in the forest then sobbing over their murdered boyfriends)
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lostcauses-noregrets · 3 months
Lost do you think the kids shared their secrets with Levi? Like their crushes and who they hated?
Depends who you mean by kids?? If you’re talking about the 104th then I think no.  While they looked up to Levi and trusted him with their lives, they were also rather in awe of him. I think they all knew how much Levi cared for them but I don’t think that would necessarily have translated into this kind of familiarity.  Also despite their close relationship, Levi was still their superior officer, so I can’t imagine them sharing their personal confidences with him. Having said that, they clearly did share their fears about the war and the impact it had on them personally.  There’s a scene during the Uprising Arc in chapter 59 where the 104th are sitting round the campfire with Levi, and Armin is struggling with the aftermath of killing the MP who was pointing a gun at Jean. Although Armin is addressing Jean, Levi speaks up to reassure him that he did the right thing. 
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(Gratuitous cap because Levi looks amazing in this panel 😁)
However if by kids you mean Gabi and Falco, then, yes, I think they would have shared their personal confidences with Levi.  Gabi strikes me as the kind of person who can’t hold her tongue, or keep a secret for that matter, so I can quite imagine her blabbing all sorts of things to Levi whether he wanted to hear them or not.  Falco is more reserved, but I can see him approaching Levi for advice if something was troubling him.
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moonspirit · 5 months
what do u think the alliances favourite form of media is? (books, poetry, music, movies etc.) now that they’re able to freely enjoy such things
Oh well xD I have some strong opinions on this one.
For Armin, his fascination with books will not cease, obviously, and good for him if he finds a library he can spend all day cooped up in, reading about wonderful new things. But also, I like thinking that he's gonna enjoy music a lot. Once he gets his hands on some records, and the Alliance hauls a gramophone into their house, he's going to really become a music enthusiast. I see him bonding with Pieck over their mutual love for good music.
(also. Once he discovers a new machine or contraption or invention, it's over for everyone.)
Annie - well @aquietjune introduced the image of Annie being a movies lover, and it's been stuck in my head ever since xD It's just adorable to think she enjoys going to watch the moving pictures and can spend any amount of time there. But aside from this, while I think she's not much of a book person, I like the idea of her enjoying crossword puzzles a lot. She'd like to have something to keep her mind busy and they're good for that. Ofc, this means Armin and her can have dining table dates where he's reading a book and she's doing a puzzle and he helps her with words when they're being particularly difficult.
Jean - XD oh god. I imagine this guy likes activities that exude an air of elegance and class. This could be painting, or an interest in fine art, and poetry, museums, art galleries, the like. I think he'd also enjoy the movies and maybe he and Annie could go together for a few (tho she's not having any of his intellectual put-on opinions on them).
Pieck - she's gonna be a plant lady 100%. There will be so many plants in her room and in the house that a giant leaf is smacking everyone in the face wherever they go. I just think she's going to find some comfort raising baby plants especially if we consider that she's the only real "odd one out" in the Alliance. She's lost everyone she knew and loved and is a newcomer among the others. But! There's also the music! She's got good taste in music and I imagine she's going to find some closeness with Armin in this interest.
As for Connie and Reiner. See, I really think they'd enjoy festivals and carnivals and board games and shooting games haha xD Not that any of the others would enjoy them less, but they're the first to make a beeline if there's something going on somewhere. Reiner canonically enjoys playing chess too (if I'm remembering right, he used to play a lot with Armin during their cadet years). Connie would enjoy mimicry and jesting shows(?) a lot (plenty to laugh at) and I think Reiner would also enjoy romance novels a lot and get too involved in the drama. I just like making fun of him a lot sorry
Not related to media but I think taking care of pets would help them all, but Reiner in specific. Not going into details here cuz that is another tangent, but for someone with so many suicidal thoughts and ideations, finding joy in bonding with a dog or cat or any animal really, would be good for him.
Falco and Gabi? - they probably love everything! Though Gabi is too restless to sit in one place for anything too long lol. Falco would probably get great book recs from Armin.
Levi - leave the man alone in peace, he's got a tea shop. (But I also hc that he likes the radio a lot)
Mikasa? - I think she'd also like radio broadcasts a lot, and going to plays. I have a very hard time getting into her headspace 🥲
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glassesntea · 4 months
Do you think Levi has adopted Gabi and Falco after the war?
Well, I think he adopted them the same way he adopted the kids from the 104th, without being their superior officer, that is.
I love that he found a new family after the Rumbling with Onyankopon as well.
If you mean legal adoption then no, Gabi and Falco's families are still alive at the end and there's no indication that this changed after the time-skip.
It's something I have seen alot and it puzzle me a little that people forget they exist, they weren't top tier parents but given the circustamces they really hadn't much choice in a case or another🤷‍♀️
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sillysarahsthings · 4 days
I think you meant Falco.
But tbh if they ever met I think he'd be pretty pissed that his creation married something Ophiel made.
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And Ophiel would definitely start calling him brother just to piss him off more.
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beautyisinkonpaper · 5 months
more random reijean (and alliance) headcanons
set post-rumbling - not NSFW
- Reiner is soooo shy (someone else said this one, credit where it's due)
-Given that Reiner's a very attractive man, i think it would be funny to see the alliance's reaction to him getting flirted with
- Jean would be jealous as fuck
- speaking of Jean, he either takes on a leader role post rumbling or he sits back and lets Armin do it. I think he steps down from being a leader tbh, because a large part of why he's a leader is because Marco believed in him, and he didn't want to let Marco down... after the finale, though, i think he lets the memory, and himself, rest. He's not going to live his new life ruled by the expectations of ghosts
- Onyonkapon and Levi become pretty good friends, bonding over Hange's memory. Also, levi deserves friends his age.
- Levi and Annie slowly, slowly get over their ghosts. I like to think he forgives her eventually, but for the most part they only acknowledge each other's existence when they're alone.
- i think Annie LOVES tea, so she makes Levi a cup whenever she makes it for herself. It's sort of an apology. She never was taught how to express emotions with words, so she lets her actions speak.
- Armin and Annie are the Cutest. Couple. Connie and Pieck start a betting pool for when they'll officially get together.
- (someone else said this) Levi Gets a Teashop. they all save up money to buy it, and take turns working and cleaning.
- injury was very very common in the military so they're all quite okay with levi being disabled (i feel like this one should go unsaid but I've seen a lot of casual ableism in fics)
- Pieck's dad adopts everyone. He makes them home cooked meals. I think Jean can cook best out of everyone, but they're all military brats and aren't used to Good Food, especially with the paradis food shortage and lack of world trade. Post Rumbling there's very little in terms of available ingredients, but poor people know how to COOK on limited supplies.
- on the subject of food, how would they all react to SPICE??? armin would cry.
- Levi spends so much time with Gabi and Falco, because all the able bodied adults are helping with rebuilding. He teaches them to say fuck.
- Reiner has Zero survival instincts, because he had titan healing. He's the mf that runs with scissors.
- PIECK HAS POTS!! (yes i'm projecting). her body literally can't handle pumping blood when she's standing vertically, because she was horizontal for so long
- Levi is still the grumpiest bitch on the planet but he loves his kids (he eventually comes to see reiner and peick as children-in-law, because he hasn't cared about them for as long)
- Gabi grows up to look like Sasha. Jean and Connie have forgiven her, but they do have a good cry over it one night.
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cantheykillmacbeth · 11 months
Inspired by it being the name of a recurring planet in the series, which members of the Star Fox crew could kill Macbeth
Fox McCloud - We've covered him before, and determined the answer was No. James McCloud - No information on origins or parents, presumed No. Falco Lombardi - No information on origins or relatives, but UBC can be assumed due to being a bird. Peppy Hare - No information on origins or parents, presumed No. Slippy Toad - Has a father, but no mention of mother. Presumed UBC due to being a frog. ROB 64 - Yes. Robot created by order of James McCloud; UBC and BPC. Referred to with he/him pronouns. Krystal - Yes, GC
Thank you for your submission! Please let me know if there are any characters of the crew I missed that you'd like me to cover as well.
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pickalilywrites · 2 months
Eren, Armin, Jean, Connie, Marco, Reiner, Bertholdt, Porco and Marcel all go into a haunted house. First one who leaves the place screaming has to ride the most embarrassing kiddie ride in public
thanks, this was fun :)
never too old
104th trainee squad boys. modern au. 2789 words.
The group of friends stand in front of the haunted house, although some of them look more skeptical about entering than the others. Eren and Connie look especially excited, but Armin’s lips have been pursed nervously ever since they’ve entered the amusement park and Bertholdt has been growing an unsettling shade of green as they’ve neared the haunted house.  
“We’ve agreed, right? First one out of the haunted house screaming has to ride a kiddie ride?” Eren asks with the biggest grin on his face. Like Connie, he lives for horror and thrill rides and the thought of going through the haunted house excites him to no end. 
“We're going into a haunted house in the middle of the summer. Is it really going to be that scary?” Jean asks doubtfully. He looks up at the haunted house with a frown. It looks out of place in the middle of the amusement park, especially since it’s such a bright and sunny day. He glances over at Eren. “Is it even worth it at this point?” 
“Y-yeah,” Bertholdt stammers as he tries to put on his bravest face even as his knees shake horribly. “M-maybe we should t-turn back now. We c-can go on a different ride.”  
Eren shoves Bertholdt aside so he can get in Jean’s face, one side of his mouth upturned in a smirk. “What’s wrong, Kirstein? Are you scared you’re going to run out screaming?” 
There had been a time when Jean would have ignored any of Eren’s jibs, but Eren’s provoked him for far too long for him to hold back anymore. With a growl, he grabs Eren by the collar and pulls him forward. “Don’t talk as if you’re not going to be the one pissing his pants five minutes in,” Jean snarls before dragging Eren with him to the haunted house entrance.  
The doors are a muted purple, the paint peeling although that might be by design. The floorboards of the porch creak as the group of friends cross the boundary of the amusement park and this haunted mansion. Once they step inside, the light in the entrance hall flickers on and the lamps that line the corridor turn on one by one. The lights are dim, illuminating enough to give the visitors a glimpse of the ornate rug that runs from the entrance all the way down the seemingly endless hall and the detailed paintings that hang from the wall and seem to be staring at them intently as they hesitantly step forward. Once they make it past the front lobby, a figure steps forward from the shadows, making a few of them jump. 
“Holy shit!” Bertholdt yelps, stumbling backwards and nearly knocking over a vase sitting on an end table. He immediately turns his eyes downward to avoid any eye contact with the haunted house’s host whose skin has been painted blue to give them a ghostly appearance. He finds a way to stumble back and cling onto Reiner’s sleeve, groaning, “Oh my god, why’d they have to pop out like that?”  
“It’s just part of the gig, Bertl. Don’t be so jumpy. You know this is all fake anyway,” laughs Reiner, pulling Bertholdt from out behind him and giving the trembling giant a pat on the back. 
“Thank you kindly for visiting us today. Please be assured that we will take care of you as best as we can,” the host says, his voice more of a ghastly groan than a normal speaking voice. It only serves to make Bertholdt even more anxious about everything they’re about to encounter. The ghostly butler in front of them is welcoming them into the haunted house and giving them instructions, but only Armin, Marcel, and Marco seem to be paying any attention. If the butler minds, he doesn’t show it and continues to drone on and on about the horrors they might encounter and how they should continue to trudge forward even if they find their knees becoming weak. 
“Haunted house! Haunted house! Haunted house!” Connie and Eren chant in unison as the butler is finishing up his spiel.  
“Did you guys even listen to anything he said?” Jean asks with a roll of his eyes.  
“Doesn’t matter what he said. We’re going through this without batting an eyelash,” Eren says. His arm is linked with Connie’s and the two idiots stand with their chests puffed out proudly even as Jean shakes his head.  
“The deal is just that we had to get through the haunted house, right? Can we just go through the whole thing with our eyes closed?” Armin mumbles. He fiddles with his hair, twirling a lock between his fingers as he stares at his feet.  
“Wouldn’t that make it scarier? You don’t even know what’s jumping out and screaming at you or waving a chainsaw in your face,” Marcel points out, but he yelps when Porco elbows him.  
“This whole attraction is, what, twenty or thirty minutes? It’ll be fine,” Porco says. He takes a more empathetic approach to calming down the nervous people in their party, although it’s unclear if it’s more helpful than Marcel’s more rational approach. Porco rubs at the back of his neck when he sees that Armin and Bertholdt are still shaking. He wonders if he shouldn’t have said anything at all. “Anyway, it’s fine if you guys get scared. It’s just a stupid bet. You’re supposed to get scared in a haunted house.” 
As they walk down the corridor, they see that the hallway has become covered in cobwebs. There are only a few at first, but soon the entire hallway is covered and only the floors are free of spider silk. Even though Connie and Eren laugh and point at the various cocoons trapped in the spiderwebs, Armin and Bertholdt cringe especially when they see the cocoons wriggle as if the victims are alive and struggling to get free. There’s a particularly large cocoon in the corner, one that’s about Reiner’s size, where muffled screams can barely be heard.  
“It’s not real, it’s not real, it’s not real,” Armin whispers to himself in a mantra. Even though he had resolved himself to staring at the floor, he can’t tear his eyes away from the large cocoon the corner. He’s attached himself to Eren’s side, but even Eren’s hysterical laughter can’t ease his anxieties.  
“It’s probably just a clever machine,” Marco says reassuringly to Armin. “Most of the things in this haunted mansion are.” 
“Y-yeah,” Armin stammers.  
There’s a sharp screech and a shadow drops from the ceiling in the center of the hall. Armin and Bertholdt exclaim in alarm and even Porco and Reiner curse as a giant spider joins them. The spider is twice as big as Bertholdt and pitch black with glowing red eyes. It twirls around menacingly on its silk thread, its pincers opening and closing as it lets out another high-pitched screech before it slowly retreats into the ceiling. 
“I hate this place,” Bertholdt groans. He clings to Reiner’s back like a koala and Reiner laughs.  
“It’s fine if you want to keep going like this, but just don’t pass out on me. I don’t want to have to carry you the rest of the way. You’re pretty heavy,” Reiner jokes, but even his light-hearted words aren’t enough to make Bertholdt feel better. 
The corridor twists and turns as they continue to walk down the path. There are many different paths, but only one is open to the guests. The other paths are closed off with velvet ropes and signs that say, “Warning! Do not enter.”  
As they escape the cobwebbed corridor, the hallway soon evolves into a jungle of fake flora and fauna. Even though it was bright outside, the foliage blocks any sunlight that might be streaming through the musty windows of the greenhouse. Only the dim garden lamps give them any light and it makes it difficult to navigate, so the group sticks close together with the exception of Eren and Connie who keep darting towards every moving bush or running towards every sound of jostling leaves.  
“Do you really have to do that? It’s scary enough without you guys actively seeking the thing that’s supposed to scare us,” Bertholdt whimpers. He’s lagging behind, clinging to the hem of Reiner’s shirt. Despite his long and lanky legs, he’s only able to move an inch at a time.  
“It’s more fun this way,” Connie laughs. He gives an excited shout when they hear a low growl of a wolf, and he and Eren run forward to find out where it came from.  
“Our definitions of ‘fun’ are way too different,” Armin mutters. He’s grown increasingly pale the deeper they’ve gone into the haunted house. Like Bertholdt, he’s stumbling forward inch by inch, but unlike Bertholdt he has the ability to use his much larger friends as a shield from whatever horrors they might face. 
“If you think about it, you guys are really getting a better deal out of this,” Marcel says. After failing the first time to console his friends, it seems he’s trying his hand once more. “Isn’t the point of going into a haunted house to get scared? If you don’t, it’s not a very good haunted house.” 
A rapid flutter of wings and cicada screeches fill the air, causing Bertholdt and Armin to yelp. Any comforting words Marcel had offered have gone unheard. The wings flutter once more and the cicadas shriek, but this time they’re joined with the sounds of hissing and the rattle of a snake. A low growling can be heard in the distance. The growling grows louder and louder. Even as the group of friends inch closer, Bertholdt and Armin struggle to take steps forward and have to be dragged forward by everyone else. Without warning, the growl erupts into a piercing howl that makes Armin yelp, but Eren and Connie simply cackle and let out mocking howls of their own before bursting into giggles.  
“I hope you two are having fun,” Jean says dryly. He and Marco are holding up Armin whose knees have grown so weak that he can hardly stand upright. “Your friends are going to faint soon.” 
“Are you two able to keep going in this state?” Porco asks with a doubtful frown.  
“The faster we walk, the fast we can get this haunted house over with,” Bertholdt says. Though he does his best to sound confident, his words come out shakily and his gaze is terrified at what might lie ahead. 
They trudge on ahead, Bertholdt and Armin much more grudgingly than the others. Even though Connie and Eren forge ahead making jokes and mocking everything they encounter, it’s still not enough to ease Bertholdt and Armin’s worries. They’ve managed to make it past the strange greenhouse portion of the haunted mansion and have returned to a hallway that looks similar to the hallway entrance from before. The ornate carpet is the same, but this time the hallway is lit by wax candles that flicker as they walk by.  
“How much more of this do you think we have?” Marco murmurs. 
“Hopefully not much more,” Armin groans weakly. 
There’s a door where light is illuminating so much brighter than the dim candlelight. They are drawn to it like moths to a flame. Only their footsteps can be heard as they approach the room and as they cross the threshold, they see a warm fire burning in the fireplace. The room they’ve entered is decorated ornately like the rest of the house: various paraphernalia adorning the shelves and tabletops, books with titles written in strange scripts across the spine, torn curtains fluttering as wind streams in from the open window. A closer inspection shows even more oddities: blood staining the carpet and walls, scratches across the hardwood floor and stone walls, and a strange satanic pentagon carved on the exposed in the center of the room. Bertholdt realizes too late that he’s standing directly in the middle of the pentagon. 
“A sacrifice? The Master will be quite pleased,” a disembodied voice booms. It echoes across the room, seemingly coming from every direction.  
As the party looks around in alarm, a figure begins to form in the fireplace and a silhouette of ash and fire rises from the embers. Just before its final form can take place, the fire goes out completely and the room rumbles with the sound of laughter. Suddenly, a cloud of smoke appears from the ceiling, illuminated by flashes of lightning from the window, and a face appears in the clouds. Its expression is twisted in an evil grin, but everything about it — the eyes too far apart, the mouth too wide, the cheekbones too pointed — is too warped to be human.  
“Tonight, I shall feast!” the voice cackles and Armin faints in Jean and Marco’s arms. Bertholdt’s reaction is much more severe. 
The gentle giant, finally scared out of his wits, jumps up a foot in the air screaming before running out of the room in the direction they came from. His friends, baffled, stare after him. 
“Should we ... should we go after him?” Porco asks. 
“I don’t think we’re supposed to go backwards,” Marco says worriedly. 
“Is he going to be alright? He’s going to see everything that scared him again,” Marcel points out.  
“We should probably go after him,” Jean sighs. 
It turns out that running out of the haunted house in the wrong direction is highly discouraged, which is something the party would have realized if they had paid attention during the host’s speech at the entrance of the haunted house. There are many alternative routes that are typically closed off to guests and only available to amusement park workers, but guests are known to wander off either in panic or out of pure curiosity and then get lost. In his fright, Bertholdt had scurried down one of these forbidden paths and had gotten lost. In the end, the haunted house had to usher its guests out and enlist the help of additional park workers to find Bertholdt in the haunted house in an operation that took nearly an hour. 
“I feel kind of bad. Maybe I should have offered that park worker more than fifty dollars to not ban us for life,” Eren says even though most of that money was Jean’s. “He was pretty young. He doesn’t understand the value of money yet. You know how kids are.”  
“We shouldn’t have gone into that haunted house in the first place,” Marcel sighs.  
“At least Bertholdt looks like he’s having a better time,” Reiner remarks. 
The friends look over at Bertholdt riding in a small dragon roller coaster. His smile has returned to his face. He’s in the very front seat despite being the largest person on the ride. Behind him are Gabi and Falco who look like they’re having a much less fun time than Bertholdt despite being the appropriate age for the ride. The friend watch as Bertholdt loops around the tiny rollercoaster, a smile on his face as the wind whips through his hair.  
“... does that look kind of fun?” Connie asks and Eren nods beside him. 
“He looks like a giant on that ride,” Eren says almost enviously.  
“We can’t ride on that thing. We’re not kids, and we don’t have kids,” Porco points out. 
Eren grins wickedly at him. “Don’t we?” 
The tired, underpaid park employee looks tiredly at the group of friends and the two children that the friends are claiming to be the guardians of. The young teenager asks once more skeptically, “So all of you are fathers of these two children?” 
“Yup!” Eren says with his chest puffed out confidently. He gives the employee a charming smile, but she couldn’t care less whether or not he was telling the truth. “All of us are their legal guardians. Should we have brought the legal documents? Who brings that sort of thing around with them?” 
The girl remains unconvinced, but she sighs and opens the gate for them to enter the ride. She doesn’t get paid nearly enough for this. “Enjoy the ride.”  
The friends all shuffle into the carts in the front, leaving Gabi and Falco to take the cart in the back. Even though Falco seems disappointed about having to ride the same kiddie ride again, Gabi looks excited. 
“I can’t believe we’re doing this. Aren’t they too old for this?” Falco mumbles under his breath. 
“Aw, lighten up, Falco. It’s only just this once. And they said they’d take us to two PG-13 movies next weekend,” Gabi says with a grin as she straps her seatbelt around her stomach. “Besides, nobody’s ever too old to have fun!” 
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asexualsoup · 2 years
Something that popped up a lot in early Season 4 is the fact that Puck Falco is good at finding people.
If only there was a person Juno needed help finding.
If. Only.
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melishade · 7 months
#35 megatron and the warriors cadets
This ask game
A day in the life of Megatron dealing with little shits.
"Matthew!" Megatron tried to pay attention to the book he was reading when he heard a knock on the door to his room. He thought that it would stop and he would be left alone, but the knocking persisted.
"Matthew, are you in there?" another voice asked. Megatron sighed in annoyance as the chatter on the other side of the door. Megatron's eye twitched as they made some really loud suggestions of kicking the door down. For Primus sake, they must have spotted him earlier today. What in the Allspark did those needy little pets want?
"Matthew!" Megatron ended up snapping the book shut when he heard one of them scream. It was the loud one. He shot up from the bed of his plain living quarters and opened the door, letting the door actually bang against the wall and scare the four children.
"What?!" Megatron hissed at them in his other vernacular.
"Um...," Udo trailed off, unable to find the words.
"Can you train us?!" Gabi asked with a raised hand.
"No," Megatron shut down automatically.
"But we're done with drills!" Gabi retorted.
"And I would like to rest from my duties," Megatron told her before waving them away, "Go ask Reiner to train you."
"He's busy," Falco informed him.
"Pieck?" Megatron pressed.
"Busy," Zofia informed.
"Anyone else?" Megatron demanded in annoyance.
"No," They all said in unison.
Megatron sighed. "It would not kill you to take a break for once."
"We did," Falco said, "But we got in trouble one time and...consequences were bad."
Megatron merely hummed in response. He couldn't help but think about how messed up this situation was, even if they were human. Megatron grabbed his book and stepped out of his room before shutting the door behind him. "Fine. But I'm putting you through something brutal for annoying me out of my break."
"Thank you, sir!" Falco exclaimed in surprise.
"Don't call me sir," Megatron ordered as he started walking down the hall, the children eagerly following his step.
"What are you going to teach us today?!" Gabi asked with excitement.
"Endurance," Megatron answered, earning a groan from Gabi.
"We've already done endurance training today!" she whined.
"Too bad," Megatron said.
"Oh! Can you tell us stories afterwards?!" Gabi pleaded.
"Gabi, don't press our luck," Udo whispered to her.
"If you're able to complete what I have planned then maybe I'll tell you something," Megatron answered.
"Yes!" Gabi cheered.
"Don't cheer so soon. You won't like what I have planned," Megatron warned.
"We can handle it!" Gabi exclaimed.
"Those words are going to haunt us," Zofia sighed in defeat.
Reiner and Pieck were stunned at the sight of the Warrior Cadets clinging for dear life on metal bars. They were hanging atop of mud with some equipment on their backs. They glanced over to see Matthew reading a book, not even bothering to look at their progress.
"Matthew, this seems cruel," Pieck remarked.
"I was on my break and they interrupted my break," Matthew explained as he flipped a page.
"How long do they have to hang there?" Reiner asked with concern.
Matthew merely glanced at Reiner before returning to his book.
"Matthew," Pieck warned, but he didn't respond.
"Guys, let's help you get down before you get dirty!" Reiner called to them.
"Never!" Gabi yelled at him. However, Falco ended up losing his grip and falling into the mud.
(Free game: 44-46,14, 19,26, 32,34, 36, 37. 23 and 39 have has been asked.)
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natsuki208 · 3 months
Question for you again my friend. Let's say Sasha survived Liberio. What sort of relationship would she have had interacting with the surviving Marley characters? Obviously not just Niccolo, but Gabi above all others, Pieck, Reiner and Annie post-alliance, and the one I'm most curious about, Falco? Because I don't think anybody has ever mused over what sort of interactions they'd have had. Would love to get your two cents on this.
Honestly, I never thought about her having form of interaction with Pieck. Idk I just don’t picture them talking to each other all that much. 😅
As for Reiner and Annie? Sasha seems like the type to me to still end up forgiving them after the alliance was made, unlike Jean (for obvious reasons). But she of course would have time to think it over but is quickly resolved during the final battle.
Now I already discussed that she would bond with Gabi and Falco during their time with her family, since she needed a break after losing Connie, and this will get both sides to connect with their so-called enemies more and see there’s more than meets the eye. Ya know?
(I kinda see Falco having a bigger connection with Marco though) ☺️
Thank you again for another good question.
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Tell us weird theories/speculation among Insomnia's population about What Happened When The Conqueror Went To Galahd.
Hello and welcome to another episode of Historia Antiqua. A podcast where we dissect anecdotes, happenings and people from ancient history. The grotesque, the mysterious, the mundane, the well known and the unknown. Everything goes.
My name is Falco and today I have something very special prepared for you.
Maybe some of you listeners - depending on when you are listening to this - have already heard of this. If so, welcome! I hope you will learn something new from this as well.
So what are we talking about today? Well, we are going to talk about a man named Firmus Lucis Caelum. You may better know him as the Conqueror and 10th King of Lucis.
'But hold on', I can hear you say, 'we already know everything about this man' - well, you're wong. What I will talk about today currently has near every scholar of antique history up in a tizzy. I think one of the old scolars got so upset his wig fell off. It was great.
But before we get into the meat of things, let's first talk about what we know about dear old Firmus. A refresher, if you will. And maybe you will learn something new as well. You never know.
Who was Firmus Lucis Caelum? We all know him for his epithet. The Conqueror. So let's start there. What did he conquer? The answer to that is most of the Lucian continent.
Before his reign, Lucis was barely more than all of Cavaugh and a few territories along the Leidean coast. After he died, his son inherited a Kingdom that stretched from Cavaugh all the way to Ravatogh. The land north of the mountain was still its own kingdom by that point, but that's not important right now.
What is important is that a single man's ambition more than tripled the size of a kingdom in about a generation's time. Which is very impressive. According to anecdotal history, the moment Firmus brought Ravatogh under his rule, the Draconian gave him his epithet The Conqueror. Before that he was actually known as The Elementrist.
Side tangent: If you ever come across a certain consirancy theory telling you that The Elementrist is a missing King of Lucis that we erased from history, no, there wasn't. It's just Firmus. I cannot stress enough how that is just Firmus's first epithet. Yes, I'm talking to you, Constantia.
Where were we? Ah, yes. Firmus came very close to giving Lucis its modern borders. Which begs the question: Why? Why conquer nigh on a whole continent? No one just wakes up one morning and chooses violence on that scale.
The answer to that question is 'A Divine Decree'. For all that don't know: the Devine Decree is a document written by the Conqueror himself, detailing that his conquest is in accord with the Devine Will of the Astrals. It's a very... interesting read. Sadly, not all of it survived to this day. Part of it got burned when the Old Palace burnt down during the time of The Rogue.
Some people were very upset back then about women being Kings. Let me tell you.
If you are interested in the finer details of what we do have from the Divine Decree, I'll leave a link on my mog-page along with all other sources I have consulted for this episode.
What else we have on written record of the Conqueror is very sparce. Most of what we do know, comes from a man named An Inarim - a Leidean historian who lived around that time - and he wasn't exactly Firmus's biggest fan. For very good reasons as well. According to what we have of his books, Firmus had a very salt-the-earth mentality when a town didn't surrender before he killed their leaders. Among varuous other things. An Inarim also called Firmus a religious fanatic, which was a very bold claim to make at the time.
By now some of you might be wondering what the point of all of this is. Well, that's simple: Some weeks ago a young man named Ianus Veter walked into the Grand University of Insomnia with an old diary he found in his grandparents' attic. The contents of which are so monumental that they will change how we write history.
Yes, you heard that right. A nearly 2000 year old diary is the reason you have seen that funny little picture of old Scolar Lampas loosing his wig circling around the net.
In all seriouslness though, this diary is a milestone in researching ancient history and how we think about it. Especially wen it comes to one tiny detail. A hint to answering the qustion of what happened to the Black Fleet.
Through the tenth book of the Lucis Caelum Cycle - which is what the bools of An Inarim are called - we know that the Black Fleet was built as a part of the Divine Decree, though that part of the document has been lost to time and flame. It was completed somewhen around 427 AS, though some sources also mention the years 424 and 429. We know for sure however, that it set sail in 431 AS. Inarim is quite insistent on that detail.
What we don't know what happened to the fleet after that. All we know through the Lucis Caelum Cycle and a few surviving written pieces in Insomnia, is that only three ships returned, maybe around the year 433 AS. No one can say for sure.
What happened to the fleet has been a mystery ever since. Firmus himself hasn't been very vocal about it. As far as we know, at least. He must have said something, since the vanishing of a whole fleet, ships and crew and all, cannot have been without consequences. Sadly, no sources survived to this day.
This is where the diary comes into play. According to the University - and the parts of the diary they have published - it was written by an older noble named Avitas Veneres. He mostly wrote about his day-to-day life, which in and of itself cound't be amazing enough. That man really loved his wife and children. Which is an important detail, because on the 13th day of the 1st Leviathanis 431 AS he writes that, and I shall translate roughly: 'Worry eats me down to my bones, for my youngest son has signed onto the Farsighted. It is a fine vessel and it would be a fine choice, if this ship hadn't been part of the fleet set sail to the savage nation of Galahd.'
He goes into a bit of a rant, which shall not be repeated here, but let that sink in. Part of the fleet set sail to Galahd. If there wasn't any other fleet being built at the time - and the possibility of that is vanishingly low - Veneres here is talking about the Black Fleet.
Which, I don't even know where to start with this. If this is true, then this would mark the first contact between Lucians and Galahdians in history. It was previously thought that the honour of first contact belonged to the Wanderer.
Why is this important? Well, it would at least in part inform about the animosity between our two people. I mean, who would want to deal with a nation that tried to conquer theirs? And I know it has been nearly 2000 years since then, but I think we all have heard about the famous feuds of the Galahdians by now.
My sister hears two of them arguing in the streets one day. Apparently it was about a member of one family slighting another family, which happened at least several hundred years ago, and they were arguing about it as if it had happened just last year.
So I do have to wonder: Do they know about whaat happened to the fleet? And if yes, how accurate is it? In research circles Galahd is famous for keeping to its oral traditions to this day. Which is quite the amazing feat, to be honest.
All we do know for sure is that the Conqueror has forbidden the depiction of his likeness after his desastrous return to Insomnia.
And that's it, dear listeners. We shall take a quick break and then return to discuss some of the finer details of what Avitas Verenes has written about Firmus Lucis Caelum and the whereabouts of the Black Fleet.
See you in a few.
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lostcauses-noregrets · 5 months
Do you think Levi's ending is a happy ending?Personally i'm not sure tbh, we saw him being really close with Gabi and Falco which is very sweet, It's good to know they're taking care of him . But honestly I still wonder how the rest of his life will look like? I wish we would see more of how he's dealing with grief in this new world where he doesn't have to fight anymore, like obviously he's still helping people as we saw so he still has something to keep him going, but still.
Anonymous asked:
I think what bothers me about the new ending (for Levi) is that isayama kinda portrayed things only in a happy and hopeful light, like he didn't show us any bad days in Levi's new life so it feels kind of unrealistic? Idk how to describe it, but I liked the manga ending more in regards to that I think. Like I want Levi to be happy but it's just hard to imagine after everything that happened, after losing Erwin and everything the manga and Isayama told us how he felt after losing him.
I hope you don't mind me answering these asks together, because they're both quite similar.
For a long time I was really ambivalent about the idea of Levi surviving and living on after he'd lost everyone he cared about and who cared for him, but I'm actually really happy with the way Isayama ended Levi's arc. I'm glad he found a new family with Gabi, Falco and Onyankopon, but I don't believe for one minute that he ever forgot Erwin, or Hanji, or any of the other people he lost. If there's one thing we know about Levi, it's that he is loyal to a fault and that he never forgets.
I'm not sure I agree that Isayama only portrayed Levi's ending in a happy and hopeful light, especially when you look at the way he changed the ending multiple times. The original manga ending, which showed Levi sightseeing with Gabi, Falco and Onyankopon was very cute but it always struck me as being rather incongruous considering the devastation the Rumbling caused. I thought the anime ending was much more realistic where we saw Levi and his found family in a refugee camp with the remnants of humanity that survived the slaughter. And although the setting of Bad Boy is hopeful, with Levi and the others working together to plant trees and restore the environment, there can be no doubt that it must have been back breaking work. Also the story that Levi shares with Gabi and Falco clearly shows that he hasn't entirely escaped the trauma of his past.
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I agree that it would have been really moving if Isayama had explored the impact of trauma and grief on Levi's later life, however given that he made it clear he was done with the series, I'm not surprised he didn't want to go there. Thankfully there are plenty of fic writers who are more than willing to explore these themes. The Permanence of the Young Men and A Good Man are my attempts to acknowledge Levi's grief and sacrifice, and his remembrance of Erwin, while still doing justice to his life with Gabi and Falco (I hope). There are many others too; there are 129 Eruri fics on AO3 tagged post-canon that you can explore.
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moonspirit · 5 months
hello, i’m back, i was just wondering what you think eren said to the others in the paths. we saw armins and mikasas but not the other scouts/warriors. you’re pretty much the only writer on tumblr that doesn’t intimidate me so i asked you 👍 (your wife needs to be tied to a tree)
Hello again behyuu xD But please! Don't fear clouds, she's just a smol smol! Go befriend her!
But this is a really interesting question; I've thought about it a few times, and more along the likes of: "what is the kind of relationship Eren shares with these people?"
(Edit; this became incredibly long 🥲)
I think there are people Eren would and wouldn't have talked to, really. In the latter category falls Levi, imo. But that takes off on another tangent entirely, so for now we'll stick to the rest.
To Reiner, I like to believe Eren would've shown him an alternate reality of what happened in Liberio, perhaps one where he doesn't transform, and instead has a long conversation with him where both of them are offered something akin to "forgiveness" by one another.
These two are parallels to each other in that mutual sense of crippling guilt that came with carrying out the destruction of each other's homelands, not out of hatred, but simply because they needed to do it, in order to achieve something bigger. Reiner, because he wanted to fix his family and become an honorary Marleyan to rid himself of the shame. Eren, because his "peaceful world" for lack of a better word, was turned upside down and trampled upon - though in the end, it was just his selfish and violent nature that set him off on this path. Reiner and Eren understand each other in a way that others don't - neither wanted to do what they did. But they did do it, and that sin will simply be too massive to contain. But Reiner lives despite not wanting to, and Eren dies despite not wanting to, and they are split into two different worlds by the end.
Tl;dr - They talk about how, in another world, where maybe there aren't titans, Eren would've continued to admire Reiner as he did before Trost. And Reiner would cry. End of story.
With Pieck, I hc that the conversation would've been short. Pieck is a very interesting character, imo, because she's literally the most grounded of all the scouts and warriors. She owes no allegiance to Marley, nor Paradis, doesn't have an ulterior motive and is basically stuck watching the doomed world from the ground. There is no solution for her - she as an Eldian will be used by Marley and killed in Paradis - she's literally the only character who understands this from the very beginning. That said, her impression of Eren is, simply put, that of an immature child running riot (incidentally, this is also what Levi probably thinks). If we take into account the fact that her first meeting with Eren was one where she tried to fool him by channelling her (fake) solidarity with Paradis and rejecting her Marleyan upbringing, what lies between these two characters is the anger of being born on different sides of the wall. Eren's actions also resulted in Pieck losing pretty much everybody she knows. As such, I believe what could've transpired between them in the paths, would've been an apology from Eren for destroying Liberio, for killing Udo and Zofia, and telling her maybe, that had these suffocating walls between them never existed, perhaps they would've been peaceful strangers, passing by on the streets now and then.
With Jean and Connie, the conversation would've been very difficult. Sasha. How do you talk about Sasha and forgiveness in the same sentence? So Eren was tortured by his fate, by having to see everything play out as he'd seen it, without any change, and Sasha's death was one of the many terrible consequences - doesn't negate the fact that it still happened only because he "chose" this path. All the people in the 104th truly have an incredibly tight bond - it is what makes it all the more painful knowing that Eren drifted away until he had to be killed by the very same group of people. I like to imagine Jean and Connie beat him up, really. Among the many female characters in SnK, Sasha was someone with an incredibly pure soul - she cared about people and food and fun - and her death was catastrophic. Eren's selfishness caused it, there's no other way to put it. There's also the dynamic between Jean and Eren - that love-hate rivalry that was so sad to see end. And so I want to believe Jean and Connie just keep pummeling him until they're all tired and they stare at the sunset, reminiscing on all the times Eren was a reckless piece of shit.
Falco and Gabi then. The former will honestly carry the guilt of ferrying Mr. Kruger's letters to and fro, during Eren's homeless era. In this respect, I like to think that Eren will tell him not to carry it, to blame it all on him, because he's the one that lied and made him do it. What can possibly be worse than willingly inflicting guilt on a child as young as he once was? Let Eren be cool for once, and offer this reassurance. How Falco deals with it as he grows up, is another story. As for Gabi - the textbook example of brainwashing, she is a splitting image of Eren in so many ways. Eren however, did not allow himself to find the acceptance that Gabi did. And so perhaps what he tells her, is that he's glad. Glad that she joined the alliance to stop him. It's enough that there's one Eren in the world.
Who's left?
Ah. Annie.
This is honestly very interesting to me because, first of all, I just know that the minute Eren opens his mouth in Paths, Annie's knee is going to dislocate his jaw. She has not one iota of sympathy for this pathetic loser causing so much trouble, making her fight when she didn't want to, but because he dragged his dearest friend (and her future husband ffs) into the chaos. He wasn't. Letting. Her. Be. In. Peace. Oh she's going to snap a few bones and put them in a blender, I know it, I know it!
But jokes aside! Annie and Eren are also, a bit similar in some respects. Both are selfish, incredibly so, it's only that their end goals are vastly different in scale. At the same time, they are also both people who care for their loved ones, even if they don't openly show it. They see themselves as monsters, but are loved by the people around them nevertheless. Annie never really had anything like a real childhood, and the concept of having friends was something unnecessary and foreign in her terrible upbringing. I really think that it was only in Paradis that she found comfort, some warmth, what food tastes like when shared with people that treated her more or less the same as anybody else, and so learned to open up (very slightly). But still having a wall around her to keep potential threats at bay and to conserve her energy, it must've felt quite special when Eren appreciated her fighting skills and even took them to heart, making an effort to learn for himself. At a time when she probably prided herself on her strength and fighting prowess alone and nothing else, that could've been incredibly validating.
She didn't hate Eren. She thought of him as a moron, but she didn't hate him. She didn't really hate anybody, the way Eren also never "truly" hated anybody. They were just forced at each other's throats by his choice. We have to remember that Eren also didn't find it easy to accept that Annie was the FT. He did really look up to her and admire her.
I like to think he understood her dedication to sticking to her mission, not as being loyal to Marley, but for a reason more personal (not sure if he could've known about her father, post gaining his future memories..?) and that, that in itself, isn't wrong. Eren's selfishness also stems from an incredibly personal desire after all.
So what would they talk about? Maybe he'd tell her she should continue to be selfish. Because her desires, unlike his own, are harmless. And also drop hints about how his, um, his best friend Armin, is very smart and also very hot and maybe she'd like to... Um... Idk? <3
Whew 🥲
Edit2: I forgot Historia. Idk, considering she'd just given birth and was probably conked out with exhaustion, it's nice to think he'd have just watched her holding her baby, sadly, whispered "You're free" and then disappeared.
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