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staranon95 · 5 years ago
I've got a thought going on in my head so take these late night ramblings
Fiona showing up in Los Santos not knowing who any of the fakes are but shes got a reputation for being damn good at B and Es
The first fake she encounters is Lindsay but she doesnt know that at first
Lindsay actually gives Fiona her first job because she's trying to teach the boys a lesson and needs a thied none of them know
After a few successful jobs like that Lindsay takes Fiona out for a night and there they meet up with the other mean ladies of the town: Elyse and Alanah
The 4 of them being a girl crew together
Fiona wearing that one yellow jacket that's very reminiscent of Kill Bill
That's its. That's all the thoughts I have
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joelsrubins · 5 years ago
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There’s nothing you can do about it ! (Inspired by those gifts on Elyse calling herself a top)
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demonsfortheweekend · 4 years ago
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los santos, san andreas. the place where everyone who wants to be someone runs to, only to find out it’s not quite the idyllic dream they once assumed it to be. riddled with crime and corruption, we delve below that sweet surface that rests under the vinewood sign, and we take a good look at just who is terrorizing the city.
tensions are always high and the stage could be getting set for a crew war at any minute. won’t you stick around to watch?
[demons for the weekend] is a new GTA AU roleplay group. come check out what we have to offer. stick around for a fight and see what draws you to los santos.
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dooliaz · 5 years ago
OK, how’s this for FAHC Fredo’s charm – the crew’s had some run-ins and conflict with a rival gang that wants in on their turf and the rival leader kidnaps Alfredo and holds him hostage to lure the FAHC. The crew are terrified for their friend so they gear up for a rescue mission and charge in their guns ready…only to find that Alfredo’s charmed the entire crew to his side. They stopped with the hostage stuff, gave him dinner and are hanging off his every word (1/2, sorry this got a bit long)
2/2 They find him surrounded by the whole crew, all smiling, half of them wanna be his best friend, the other half are in love with him. The FAHC are flabbergasted, Alfredo just happily announces he's made some new friends. The rival crew leader's especially smitten and lets Fredo go without a fight in exchange for a kiss on the cheek. The best part? Fredo says he can get them to provide backup or resources for the fakes if they need them, all it would take is a dinner date. The gang war is over 
you’re absolutely killing me here because this has gotta be a fake AH crew vs fakehaus scenario, right??? like,
they kidnap alfredo for shits and gigs bc they’ve been arguing around turf for a few weeks and it’s all good fun, nothing serious, maybe some property damage and some plan-foiling
and then they take fredo, their newest addition because they’re like “eh, a rookie, maybe the weakest link” and fakehaus just plans to put him in some room somewhere and not even pay attention to him, really. offer him takeout maybe. but by the time fake AH rolls up ready to fully shoot a member of fakehaus (not lethally, although ryan has to be talked down from it because they took alfredo), the crew’s full on bantering with him around their living room table. they have a few pizzas around, they’re playing a board game, alfredo is making everyone smile. the most smitten with him is elyse, who demands they make up their own secret handshake which is a mess but they end up giggling too much to finish it anyway. the kiss on the cheek fredo gives her is free of charge.
that’s when fake AH knows, irrevocably, that they made a great choice in keeping fredo around. concrete proof is that fakehaus cooperates with them more from then on (mostly because elyse and alfredo text on the reg. they cute)
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lackyducks · 5 years ago
19 + killemses? Make gta au
It’s been so long, took me like three false starts & the actual line isn’t in there (more like the aftermath) but,,,, I hope u like it.
It has been twenty-two hours since Adam was kidnapped. Elyse has slept for four of them. She pushes loose strands of hair behind her ears, ignoring the one that falls back into her face anyway. Her breath comes out warm on her hands, dissipating into the chill of the night. She pulls open the door of the van and leans against it, holding it open for James to get around.
"Be careful," Matt murmurs. He's hovering over James's shoulder. James hums, reaching forward to pick Adam up from the back seats. The breeze flicks Elyse's hair. Matt tucks the blanket back in when it falls from Adam's shoulders.
The house is ready for them. Lawrence holds the door open so Elyse doesn't have to. She plucks the keys from James's pocket and locks the van instead.
"He'll be okay." Lawrence puts a hand on her shoulder, catching her at the door. The others have already vanished into the house. As she breathes out, watching the silhouettes move behind curtains, she tries to relax her chest. She needs to install some shutters.
"I know." Her voice comes out quieter than intended. In the distance, she thinks she can still hear a siren. Maybe it's her imagination.
"Your brain plays tricks on you-" Lawrence taps his head, giving her a crooked smile, "-This is your first time, right?" Elyse sighs. She looks past him into the empty corridor.
"That's a casual way of saying it," She replies. Lawrence laughs, but there's little joy in the sound.
"Adam's been kidnapped before," Lawrence reminds her. "He's a trooper. You watch him." As if Elyse is going to do anything else.
Lawrence locks the door behind them. She looks around the empty living room, opting to fall into one of the sofas. She shouldn't bother them until they're ready. Adam needs his rest. Lawrence is sitting at the kitchen table. Where he's got his laptop from, she has no idea. She spins around, resting her feet on the other arm of the sofa. It's hard beneath her. Even their most loved safehouse has its flaws. She fishes her phone from her pocket, turning it back on. She could do with some shitty mobile apps right now.
Time sticks in place, refusing to move. It's like she’s half asleep but instead she's wide awake, ignoring how much the phone screen stings her eyes. The seconds crawl by until it's been a full twenty-four hours, and she can pin it down to the quarter past. The smell of Lawrence's coffee drifts by. She's sitting up to make herself some when the stairs creak.
Lawrence holds his coffee up for James without looking away from his keyboard. James takes a long sip from the mug, leaving it on the table. He drops into in the gap Elyse left on the sofa. She sighs, falls backwards to be caught in his lap.
"He's okay," He tells her, the first words out of his mouth. He reaches for her hand and she notices the dried blood embedded beneath her nails. She takes his, ignoring the brown stains on it.
"So people keep telling me," Elyse murmurs, rolling her head back until she can feel the weight in her shoulders.
"Because it's true." He knocks her onto her back again. "This is part of the job. They didn't do anything too bad."
"Only broke an arm and a leg, yeah. Not bad." James squeezes her hand, knocks her cheek with it.
"He's fine. And he was asking after you." That, she sits up at, only kept seated by James's hand holding hers.
"Why didn't you say that part first!" She tries to look furious, but between the half fallen down hair, the bags that are probably under her eyes, and the paleness of her skin, she's not sure she's managing it. James's sad look tells the same story.
"You need to rest," He says. His voice has grown more serious, and she scowls. "Seriously. You look worse than Adam does." She doubts that.
"I want to see him," She states, staring James straight in the eyes. He sighs, shakes his head. Then he moves, allowing Elyse to stand up. She pulls her shirt straight as if it isn't stained with blood. James rests his hands on her shoulders.
"Come on," He says. He leans down to kiss her head, rubbing his cheek against her hair. "He might not be awake. But he's gonna say you look like shit too." Elyse laughs, a short puff of air out of her nose. She doesn't argue with him. Maybe she needs to change, but there's been no time. She wants this blood off her. She doesn't even know whose it is.
James takes them upstairs. The floorboards creak under their weight, in the same spots they always do. Adam's in the master bedroom, with the king size bed. He's awake when they enter, his face loose and the arm that isn't bound to his chest is held out as he talks. Matt's sat in a chair in the corner, phone in his hand.
"And then I-" Adam pauses, taking in the shadows blocking the doorway, "Elyse! 'Lyse!" She brightens upon seeing him, standing taller and rushing to the edge of the bed. Adam reaches his arm out, brushing it against Elyse's cheek. "You look like a mess."
James sits on the bed, "Told you so." She sticks her tongue out at him, hovering at the edge of the mattress. She looks over the dark bruises on his face, the ones that extend above the cast on his arm. No doubt there'll be more on his chest, hidden away by a loose fitting t-shirt.
"C'mere. There's lots of room." Adam reaches for her hand and tugs her forward.
Matt sighs, "Adam, you shouldn't-"
"I'm gonna," Adam replies. The tugging on Elyse's hand grows more persistent, until she crawls into bed beside him. There's enough room to fit by Adam without him moving. He tries anyway, wincing as he does. Elyse nudges his shoulder as lightly as she can.
"I'm fine. Don't hurt yourself." From her position, lying on her side, she can still see Adam's face. He's smiling at her, slightly lopsided, and all too honest. She reaches her arm across carefully, managing to rest it across Adam's waist.
"How are you feeling?" She asks, now she's comfortable. Adam shrugs. One of his fingers traces the corner of her lips.
"'M okay, just a bit drugged."
"Just a bit drugged," She repeats, as Adam taps her cheek. He nods, grinning wider. "You're so stupid, you know that?" Adam pouts, leaning forward until he can nudge into her.
"I get kidnapped, and this is what I get?" He's still joking along, but Elyse can't help her sharp breath.
"I was so worried," She murmurs, putting her hand on top of Adam's. He squashes her cheek again. Close to silent, Elyse picks up on Matt squeezing James's hand as he leaves the room, leaving Adam with her and James. She turns back to Adam, who watches her with big eyes.
"I'm okay, though. It'll heal." Elyse shuts her eyes, breathing out slowly. She tries not to think of all the nights James has lay awake. When he's woken screaming, or clutching wounds that have long healed, nightmares keeping them both from sleep. Or those nights he watches the house, watches her as if she’ll vanish. How can she pretend Adam will heal, just like that?
"She's barely slept," James tells him, lying on Adam's other side. He's on top of the covers, resting on his arms. Something pokes her cheek, and she opens her eyes to see Adam retract his arm. She squints her eyes in a lazy glare. Adam smiles back at her.
"You can sleep here," He decides. Elyse raises an eyebrow. "Right here. With me. You're not leaving 'til you sleep."
"I guess I can accept that." Elyse leans heavier into the pillow. She keeps her weight off Adam, until Adam rolls and she falls into the neat gap. His skin is warm. James shimmies down, finding his own space on the bed. She looks over Adam, at those blue eyes. "What time is it?"
"Late," James replies, "Not that it matters, with how little you've slept." She closes her eyes, resting her forehead by Adam's shoulder. "She really was worried." Adam laughs, a slight rasp to the sound. His lips press against her head and she smiles, kissing the sliver of exposed skin above his cast. 
"I'm here now," Adam says. And he is. Solid and warm beside her. With all his cuts and scrapes and broken bones. He's here. They still have him, and she tries to ignore the tears in her eyes.
"You're here now," She agrees. "Can we not do that again?"
"No promises," Adam tells her, and she knows he's right. They love the life they live. With all the dramatics and adrenaline. Maybe one day she'll be like the others. So… nonchalant about this side of things. Not today, though. Not tonight.
"I don't think we've got another kidnapping scheduled in for a few months," James adds. She shakes her head, too tired to laugh.
“Bagsy not me next time." Adam tries to raise his hand and James pulls it down just as fast. Both of them are smiling. She allows herself to close her eyes again, damp eyelashes rubbing against each other.
"I say one of the Fakes. They've had it too good for too long." There's no real venom in James's voice, only easy humour. Adam laughs.
"Wait ‘til we see what they get me. Geoff gives the best 'Sorry you were kidnapped' gifts." If she ignores the slight rasp to Adam's voice, she could pretend the kidnapping never happened. She knows she shouldn't, but just for a little. Just for a little, it's only her, and her boys. She sighs out the last of the tension in her shoulders. James's reply never reaches her ears.
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lolliepops-rox · 6 years ago
The Fake Play Family pull a country wide heist stealing from chik fila and give all the money to the Trevor Project send tweet
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michaelthemadbitch · 5 years ago
Guess who is Writing Again!! Welcome to part two of the murder series!!
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shrack · 5 years ago
i'm dying to know what would happen when adam finally brings rahul to the safehouse to meet the parents aka the rest of the crew!
so for this au’s sake, lets say only the “main” crew lives in said safehouse:
for bruce, it’s a non-event
he goes out of his way to make sure he’s not impressed, almost like a scare tactic to keep Rahul in line
he doesn’t actually think he’ll go out of line, but you cant be too sure
james almost immediately starts badgering rahul for details about them
james for sure harbors a celebrity crush on rahul, so naturally he wants to know everything about him, about their relationship, the dates they’ve been on
rahul is happy to talk about adam, which is terribly embarrassing, but adam secretly loves it
elyse tries to reign in james, but is secretly also curious
adam’s their best friend, they want to know that he’s being taken care of how he deserves to be
she’s more concerned about the “bodyguard” aspect of the job, making sure adam doesn’t get himself involved in more trouble than necessary
lawrence tries to pretend he doesn’t care, but is (not-so-)secretly keeping tabs on them, making sure the media doesn’t go wild with pictures of adam’s face, adam’s full name
he tells adam this once rahul leaves, and adam wants to be mad, but he gets it. he knows that if one nosy idiot looks him up, they’ll find some pretty bad shit. he wants their relationship(?) to be normal, but they all kind of know it never will be.
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grandthcft · 6 years ago
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HEY! do you like ROOSTER TEETH? — how about the FAKE ACHIEVEMENT HUNTER CREW? what about ROLEPLAYING over DISCORD? well, have I got NEWS for you, my guy!
welcome to LOS SANTOS, a fictional city for crime lords and chaos alike. GRANDTHCFT is a discord based roleplay for the grand theft auto personalities of the rooster teeth family! yes, this includes your favorite lets play channels and any employees you can think of! familiar faces include achievement hunter, funhaus, cow chop, sugar pine 7, sideshow, etc! come join the chaos and apply today!
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mofsdoodles · 6 years ago
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its the man, the myth, the legend, PE/\KE 
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alabasterstoned · 5 years ago
Does anyone know what happened to the FakeHaus skullfuck fic?? Asking for a friend who is me
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cannibalisticcorpse · 6 years ago
fake ah (and affiliated) crew zine interest gauge. i think this would be fun and cool but idk what y’all think. even if u don’t wanna participate it’d be cool if u filled it out.
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joelsrubins · 5 years ago
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This user watches funhaus userbox :) give credit if you use
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queennelliespretties · 6 years ago
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Elyse Willems Fakehaus | Gunhaus
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dooliaz · 5 years ago
pyromaniac fakehaus lawrence !!! sets everything on fire because he likes watching things get out of control and knowing that He sent it spiralling in the first place
okay this is Hot. sets a house on fire and stands outside watching it. flames reflecting off his glasses, breathes out like he’s letting of the day and the stresses.... perfect
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einchop · 7 years ago
“Want to change the world? ... There’s nothing to it.”
Roosterteeth | Purge AU
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