#fakehaus lawrence
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dooliaz · 5 years ago
pyromaniac fakehaus lawrence !!! sets everything on fire because he likes watching things get out of control and knowing that He sent it spiralling in the first place
okay this is Hot. sets a house on fire and stands outside watching it. flames reflecting off his glasses, breathes out like he’s letting of the day and the stresses.... perfect
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joelsrubins · 5 years ago
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There’s nothing you can do about it ! (Inspired by those gifts on Elyse calling herself a top)
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queennelliespretties · 6 years ago
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Lawrence Sonntag Fakehaus | Gunhaus
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burpeetales · 7 years ago
Fakes Family Reunion
So with the Let’s Play Family Reunion ensue, all I can really think about is what would happen in everybody (FAHC, Fakehaus, FakeChop, Screw Attack, etc) all got stuck in a safe house together after a fairly large and spectacular job? 
The house isn’t small, but with what? 20 plus people in one fucking house? Even the main penthouse can get cramped. And we’re talking a four, maybe, five bedroom safe house. 
It’s fine for the first couple of hours, they attend to their wounds and Geoff, Jack, and Adam all make dinner.
But it just explodes. There’s a brawl for who gets the two queens. (Lindsay ensures her and Michael are one of them), another for who gets the single beds, another for the couches and arm chairs (Aleks puts a lighter to the couch when it starts to look like he’s not gonna win) and fists are thrown for the couple of air mattresses Ryan and Geoff pull from the closet. They’re fairly sure Lawrence and Jeremy get on the roof to get away. Trevor ends up falling asleep at the dining room table and they think Ryan might have slept outside in the hammock? 
And of course they managed to get the safe house with only one bathroom. The first few days are actual warfare, Ryan bursting through into the living room, hips wrapped in a towel, snarling with a pistol in each hand. “Who ever used all the fucking hot water better pray to their deity of choice.” 
Gavin’s prone to being touchy, but have we talked about the Killemses? Those three don’t know how to function properly without touching one another. 
Geoff pulls a live grenade because someone drank all his scotch. 
Aleks sets the toaster on fire. 
James, Adam, Jeremy, and Michael break through the coffee tables wrestling. Ryan brings up the spare from the basement and a drunk Jack (egged on by Bruce and Elyse) smashes that one with a hammer. 
Trevor, Lawrence, and Chop!James watch quietly from the sidelines, sharing disappointed looks as the house is slowly destroyed. 
I could go on about what happens for the three weeks they’re trapped. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all bad. They wrig together three circles of computers and spend two days doing just that, ranging for Gmod to Siege to Golf It, doing all sorts of weird tournaments. 
The pool is large and they’ve got an almost endless supply of alcohol and Diet Coke and they can make as much noise as they’d like. They learn Chop!James is a pretty great cook, alongside Geoff and Adam and Ryan. 
They learn who gets angry playing Monopoly (also, only play with like five people, unless you’re ready for a fist in the eye) and who’s fucking phenomenal at checkers. 
Everyone’s got their nails painted by the fourth day. It started as all the girls seperating themselves from the disaster the boys are up to, but ended in five different lines and “Oh, I want pink Lindsay!” “Really Brett?” “Shut up, Aleks!” 
Just imagine all of them stuck in a house together, making stupid videos of themselves diving into the pool or grilling out, the counters unable to be seen under all the food. 
And at the end of most days, they’re all draped over each other (a gigantic ball of arms and legs and not needing a blanket cause oh, there’s Ryan burritoed around you. Need a pillow? Not anymore, Jeremy’s got a very squishy tummy!) in the living room, having passed out throughout movies and being to comfy to go to their respected sleeping spots. 
I think I need to write this out. 
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nahsoupbitch · 8 years ago
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gta 5 au aesthetics/inspo for a dumb fanfic [15/?] >> FakeHaus
“They don’t call themselves a gang. They have no official leader. They’re just a group of people hellbent on making money and fucking things up along the way. Los Santos may have been a shitty city, but they make the best of it the only way they know how. They’re unafraid to do what Geoff of the Fake AH Crew put a strict ban against. Running coke through the city was their specialty, and Bruce made it known in the underground that they weren’t about to give it up just because Geoff said so. They did whatever they wanted to because they could, and it’s because of this reckless, disorganized logic that The Fake AH Crew deemed them their sworn rivals. Both crews continue to claw at each other for the crown and gain total control over the streets. The FakeHaus Crew wouldn’t have it any other way, to be honest. They get to wreak havoc and leave devastation in their wake.”
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cowboy-queer · 8 years ago
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Quick group of aesthetics because that picture of Elyse inspired me
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partyatmyhaus · 8 years ago
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aplaceforrtprompts · 8 years ago
lawrence gta w/ cheap thrills by sia?
Word Count: 958
Warnings: Guns
Song: Cheap Thrills by Sia
“Come on, Lawrence,” you begged placing your elbows on his desk and leaning your chin down onto your fists.
“Fine. I can take you on a small heist,” he sighed agreeing.
“Yes!” You cheered, jumping up and pumping a fist into the air. You had been dying to go on a heist with Lawerence since you had met when you both were breaking into a small jewelry store.
“On two conditions,” Lawerence interrupted your celebration but it didn’t faze you.
You crossed your arms and gave a knowing smile, “Name it.”
“It’s just me and you. I’m planning it and I’m in charge,” he started.
“Easy. Done,” you agreed already expecting that Lawrence was going to be in charge.
“And,” he continued.
“And?” you raised an eyebrow, “You already named like three conditions. How is there an and?”
“That was all one thing,” he waved you off, “So as I was saying, And you have to get Bruce’s permission.”
You feigned being scared for a moment then broke into a grin, “Done. So done. Already done. I know to run any missions by the boss first. I asked him before coming to you even. He thinks it’ll be a good test. See if I’m ready to play with the big boys.”
Lawrence’s head dropped in defeat, “Fine. You win. I’ll plan something.”
Lawrence, of course, tried to put off planning the getaway but you got sick of waiting so you decided to take the planning into your own hands despite his original request.
Lawrence look out the window as you passed a familiar building, “Uh, Y/N that was the theater back there.”
“I know,” you smirked. “I’ve got something else in mind. I mean what fun is date night if we always do the same thing?”
“Um, very fun. We have enough excitement at work. A nice quiet movie night is perfect for us,” he responded, flashing you a smile.
You rolled your eyes, “Well, that makes one of us. Besides being lookout from back at the penthouse is not as exciting as you make it out to be. I can’t even hack like you. I’m living the life of a security guard.”
Lawrence looked at you then down at his own hands, “Fine. What do you have in mind?”
“Check the glove compartment,” you nodded.
Lawrence sighed and clicked it open, a set of masks and guns with extra magazines fell into his lap. Your boyfriend looked over at you, “No.”
“Yes,” you nodded. “You’ve stalled for too long. Now you can still be in charge and we’ll bend the rules on planning. Since I got the supplies. Pick a place. Any place.”
Lawrence didn’t say anything. He just stared out the window as you continued down the road. You were just about ready to turn around when he finally pointed and said softly, “There.”
You slammed on the breaks and turned to him, “Really?!”
He laughed at your excitement, “Yeah. It’s small. I know not of alarms. It’s a pawn shop so half that shit is stolen in the first place.”
You squealed and leaned over to give him a hug. Lawrence just shook his head and hugged you back, “Do you have something heavier? A little more threatening?”
You gave him a wicked smile, “I just might. Are we- Are you thinking what I think your thinking?”
“What better way to test you in the field than with actual danger. There’s always guards, attack dogs, cops,” he shrugged, “Better now than when you’re alone and surrounded.”
“I think I have just the thing for the occasion,” you told him driving off to park nearby but not too close.
Your heart was pounding in your ears, there was a lump in your throat you couldn’t swallow, and your body was buzzing with pure adrenaline as you kicked open the door to the small pawn shop.
There was only one guy behind the counter, a greasy, rat-like man that gave you the shivers.
You watched as he went for the silent alarm. You smirked behind the mask and drew your pistol, shooting close as you could without hitting him. You clucked your tongue and threw the bag at his face.
“Next bullet won’t miss if you try that again,” you tucked the smaller gun in the back of your jeans and cocked the shotgun before aiming it at the gross shop owner. “Now be a doll and fill that up.”
He sputtered and shook but nodded and proceeded to fill the bag with jewels and other valuables.
Lawrence stood in back scanning the shelves to see if anything was purposely being missed. He picked a few items and tucked them away in his own bag as you kept the shopkeeper busy.
When the shelves were picked clean you thanked him and the two of you rushed back to the car, peeling out just in time to hear the sirens behind the both of you.
You ripped the mask off with a happy giggle, “Oh, man. What a thrill! Woo!” You were still riding high especially now with the possibility of danger out of the way.
When you got back to the penthouse you threw the bag on the table with a laugh. Lawrence set his own bag down before coming and scooping you up. Hands on your hips he picked you up and twirled you before kissing you, “You did so good!”
“You think so? Think we could do that again?” you asked, pupils blown, adrenaline still pumping through you.
“I think we found our new date night,” Lawrence grinned at you.
“I knew there was a reason I loved you,” you hummed pulling Lawrence into a kiss before leading him back towards your bedroom.
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fearthepandas · 8 years ago
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Lawrence Sonntag ~ Rebel
GTA AU  ( 16 / ∞ )
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grandthcft · 6 years ago
so you want to hear another story, huh?
          One about criminals and gangsters? If not-- too bad I’m telling you anyway. Not long after Lindsay and Meg had their date, everything that could go wrong, suddenly did.           Jeremy Sauder and Sam Mitchell had a lovely date in the Sugar Pine 7 office that ended in plans for another. Steven Suptic rallied his gang to perform a kidnapping of the chief of Los Santos police, Burnie Burns, only to be sold out by their hacker- Autumn Farrell, who now sits on thin ice. The price of Autumn’s betrayal- was Jeremy’s safety. He was shot by Burns and rushed to safety with James and Autumn cleaning him up being then comforted by Sam after he received a worrying string of suspicious text messages from the wounded man. All the while, Steven plans a heist while surrounding himself with self destructive boys.
          Adam Kovic, James Willems, and Lawrence Sonntag crawled up from whatever hole they were once in to regroup with Elyse Willems, who swore vengeance on Sideshow for kidnapping one of her crew.            Sideshow- those boys have been in a whirlwind. Not only has their group expanded tangentially to now include the Bitches, Buck and Bed have found themselves in a bit of domesticity together and Criken- bless him- didn’t realize their relationship until it was said in their chat. Tomato introduced Criken to a softer side of himself and they are two for two with flirting with each other. Now don’t let this soft side of them fool you- Criken is a man with a plan. He’s power hungry and willing to tear down the world everyone knows. So he plans a war. He convinces Aleks Marchant and by extension- Fake Chop to side with him when hell breaks loose and kidnaps the returned sniping prodigy- Ray Narvaez Jr.            All goes well enough- until Alfredo Diaz shows up with baked goods and unwavering loyalty; Elyse Willems crawls in to rectify the kidnapping of one of her own and thoroughly overwhelmed- Criken shoots off a round. Ray against all odds escapes captivitty and Alfredo follows suit; the kidnapping of a Fakehaus member is found out to be due to a misunderstanding. Elyse leaves as vindicated as she can be and Criken starts to nurse his bruised pride. Accusations fly by in their chat once again as Bed and Alfredo’s relationship comes under scrutiny. 
          In an attempt to help Geoff Ramsey relax- Jack Patillo plans a vacation to Las Vegas, aided by Ryan Haywood to persuade Geoff to leave the city quietly. As the two make their way to Vegas- The Sirens learn interesting information with regard to Gavin Free- his username, where he resides, the basics, even some delectable tidbits about his past! All thanks to ChilledChaos and ZeRoyalViking, who have debts yet to be repaid by the Sirens.
          Gavin Free’s last hours a truly free man were spent well. First, he spent time with Geoff- talked about his evolving relationship with Michael and the kiss they’d shared. He then crashed a plane into his best friend- Dan Gruchy- who came into town recently. Their reunion was sweet and something for all friends to aspire to- including but not limited to Dan getting a piercing somewhere way too sensitive for such things and was paid two thousand United States Dollars to do so. He adds Dan to the FAHC group chat to the unease and displeasure to many- mainly, Geoff Ramsey.            Almost conveniently timed thereafter- Gavin heads back out into the great big world and meets Meg Turney. The buds of a relationship form and are cut quickly as Meg aids in kidnapping Gavin and hauling him back to The Siren’s location for such things. Gavin does not have the good fortune to escape. Wracked with wounds and devastated by bloodloss- the night has taken a hefty toll on Gavin.           The night presses on- and the Siren who stole away the Golden Boy contacts the rest of his crew on his phone- essentially compromising their groupchat until Gavin is back and safe. Meg Turney offers Gavin Free to the Fakes- for a price that is still unknown. Trevor Collins and Ryan Haywood show up, a mess of nerves and wrath. All the while a- guardian of some sort sits in a snipers nest with his sights set on the situation.
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dooliaz · 5 years ago
nothing like opening my drive and finding unfinished gems such as
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joelsrubins · 5 years ago
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This user watches funhaus userbox :) give credit if you use
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ao3feed-mavin · 6 years ago
The Last of the Real Ones
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2FqMGQ3
by Anthem_of_Liones, rebel_raven
Ryan Haywood never thought he had a purpose in life. The government had taken everything from him, leaving him with fragmented memories of the person he used to be and the knowledge that he could not die, no matter how hard he tried. Years pass and when he feels close to unravelling, he finds a young boy looking for a way out, and see's himself. This boy is one Michael Jones. It doesn't take long for him to adopt the firey teen. And soon, he has two more, abandoned Gavin Free who tried to pick his pocket, and Jeremy Dooley, whose parent's were killed in a drug deal. He will protect his lads with everything he has, which is not made easier with the Rooster's and their lapdogs, the Fake AH Crew, breathing down his neck. But in Los Santos, the city of Saints, secrets don't stay buried for long and everything he's built comes crashing down around him.
Words: 17340, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter RPF
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Ryan Haywood, Jack Pattillo, Geoff Ramsey, Jeremy Dooley, Michael Jones, Gavin Free, Lindsay Tuggey Jones, Meg Turney, Tyler Coe, Jon Risinger, Burnie Burns, Barbara Dunkelman, Trevor Collins, Alfredo Diaz, Gus Sorola, Miles Luna, Joel Heyman, Blaine Gibson, Matt Bragg, Larry Matovina, Ray Narvaez Jr., Matt Hullum, Kerry Shawcross, Mica Burton, Elyse Willems, Griffon Ramsey, Chris Demarais, Adam Kovic, Lawrence Sonntag, Bruce Greene, James Willems
Relationships: Lindsay Tuggey Jones/Michael Jones, meg turney/gavin free
Additional Tags: Immortal Fake AH Crew, Kid Fic, Fake AH Crew, FakeHaus, Hurt/Comfort, PTSD, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Assisted Suicide in form of hard resets, Mentions of Starvation, Buckets of Blood, Gore, Sickfic, Alternate Universe - Grand Theft Auto Setting, Temporary Amnesiac Ryan, GTA V Cannon Violence, temporary major character death, Lads are young, lots of fluff, Government Conspiracy, Government Experimentation, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Angst, Ryan is a single father, Graphic Description of Corpse, Torture references occasionally graphic, Suicidal Thoughts, no beta we die like men, Guns, Knives, Explosives, General heavy weapon use, Corrupt Government Agencies, Found Family, Ryan is a good father, Protective Ryan, Ryan needs a hug, Protective Geoff, Protective Jack, Trans MtF Jack, Trans Jack, Mentions of Past Torture, Mentions of brainwashing, Secret bunkers with treasures, Trust Issues, Cannon Typical Violence, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Loving Healthy relationships, Street Michael, Thief Gavin, BAMF Ryan Haywood, Immortality, Immortal resets, Complex backstory, geoff is a total dad, fluff and cuteness, Enemies to Friends to Family, Domestic Fluff, Eventual Happy Ending, takes a while but we'll get there, non-permanent death, Implied Attempted Past Assault, Ryan beat the shit out them, Rooster Teeth main gang, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, injured main characters, Sober Geoff Ramsey, past realtionships, Humor, Banter, Dark Humor, Blood and Torture, Murder, It's these guys, what were you expecting, Ryan is a genuinely good human, he tries his best, Roosters and Fake AH are genuinely good people, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Past Drug Addiction, Past Child Abandonment, Death, Gang Wars, Explicit Language, Vagabond Ryan, Cryptid Vagabond, Greek Ryan, Geoff Ramsey is a dad, Tags to updated, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2FqMGQ3
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the-garboman · 6 years ago
I've been silent on the fic front for a while, so here's a personal update:
I've been on medication (birth control) that makes me ridiculously depressed and sick as fuck so I haven't been able to write much or even gather the energy to post what I do have but I have been able to pull together ideas. I am now off that medication and starting something new that hopefully won't be so bad, so here's a list of what you have to look forward to now that I am better:
• The second chapter of One In The Same (ramwood)
• The second chapter of You Can Ride On My Rocket 69 (jeremwood)
• A sequel/follow up to the joelwood thing I wrote a while back
• A ramwood 50s AU
• Something involving a GTA Trevor and Ryan mad king/mad prince relationship (if there's a ship name for them someone please tell me)
• Something that is purely self indulgent but a jackeoff thing for my TAZ AH AU set during the Stolen Century
• another self indulgent Fakehaus vs. FAHC featuring Ryan and Lawrence (im in a weird place right now please don't judge)
Anyway this has been your fic update! Hopefully they'll be out soon, but if my new meds put me in a weird place it might not be for a bit. We'll see, but I really miss writing.
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labetalol · 7 years ago
Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter RPF, The Creatures | Cow Chop RPF Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant/James Richard Wilson, Gavin Free/Michael Jones, Jack Pattillo/Geoff Ramsey, Jeremy Dooley/Gavin Free/Ryan Haywood/Michael Jones/Jack Pattillo/Geoff Ramsey Characters: James Richard Wilson, Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant, Geoff Ramsey, Jack Patillo, Ryan Haywood, Jeremy Dooley, Gavin Free, Michael Jones, Adam Kovic, Lawrence Sonntag, Greg Miller, Barbara Dunkelman, Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns Additional Tags: Fake Chop, Fake AH Crew, Pre-Fake Chop, gta alternate universe, Cow Chop - Freeform, achievement hunter - Freeform, Little Roosters, FakeHaus Summary:
A city overrun by small, plague-like, symptoms known lesser crews, the Fake AH Crew dominates them all. They control every news outlet, interview, article- all blasting their presence to the rest of the city. The citizens of Los Santos has their eyes on the Fake AH Crew. It's only until two newcomers entering the fray, fresh onto the scene of the underground network of heisting, is when Geoff "Kingpin" Ramsey realizes the Fake AH Crew might not be the crew everyone's talking about.
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shrack · 7 years ago
how do each of the fakehaus boys prepare for a heist?
i hope you like lists
adam spends the time before a heist psyching himself up. sometimes he seeks out other people, but not really. it’s mostly preparing himself for every possible situation and calming his nerves so he can do the best that he can.
james takes a page out of the dirik book and spends his time sharpening his knifes and cleaning out his guns. its less of a need and more of a way to calm himself down for the shenanigans that he knows are going to go down
bruce and lawrence usually get their anger out before a heist by playing some stressful video game. in the early days theyd take to sparring with each other, but that tired them out too much
elyse reads and listens to music. she, like adam, takes the time to psych herself up and breathe through any anxieties she might have about the idiots she works with.
matt usually just watches bruce and lawrence as a distraction. he also rechecks their ammo supplies a couple times--it never hurts to be too meticulous
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