#Faithful Promises
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goodwriterblog · 25 days ago
Future Grace: Finding Hope in God's Faithful Promises
Discovering future grace changes how believers see God’s work in their lives. This idea goes beyond old ways of thinking. It shows God’s love and help never stops. Christians often struggle to see how God’s promises affect their everyday lives. Future grace gives a new view. It makes believers trust in God’s promises, no matter what’s happening now. At its heart, future grace shows God’s…
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strapped-and-beheaded · 2 months ago
something I don't see people talk about with Sydney is their theme of accountability. They cannot take responsibility for their own desires.
no matter how corrupted they won't ever say they wanted this out loud, there is like 1 encounter they initiate, they need you to change their hair.
they did everything they did for the temple and for school and for their parent, nothing for themselves. then that devotion turns to you.
I think about their hair so much, they say "I keep my hair natural because Jordan likes it" they look at the magazines at the hairdresser longingly, you can't suggest anything they don't want. But they continue to say "thanks for changing my hair" I am probably not quoting it right but the wording was so delibarate, this is what YOU wanted, they are only happy they submitted to you.
the only event where they initiate the encounter, while working the sex shop together they cuff themselves in the basement and wait for you to "take advantage of them" all playful and cute (it is cute until they do it three times in a row in a day and you just want to get your +sirris love and leave)
if you uncuff them with high lust and corruption, they cuff you instead, and if you refuse here too they just, they freeze if you make noise and sirris gets you free. otherwise they just, leave, Sirris has to resque you, it's weird it's odd
I think Sydney kinda shuts off when you fully reject their advances because they are doing what YOU desire right? you made them like this, they're supposed to be an extention of you.(forever two as one? temple teachings at it again??) literally can't comprehend they had a single selfish impulse seperate from anyone else's expectations.
anyway Sydney is fucked in the head as anyone else in this town even tho they are my sweetiepie pookie bear they need mood stabilizers so so baddd
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mothcpu · 3 months ago
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back road
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alilarew23 · 1 year ago
what if god said yes
what if you got quiet. what if you got so quiet and you curled up in a little ball in your bed with a stuffed animal or a blanket or a pillow and you said, “god, can we talk?” and because god is you and you are god you didn’t have to wait and you didn’t have to go anywhere at all and—“yes,” god said. and you said, “god, i want an apartment with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the city.” “god, i want the boy with the kind eyes and tattoo-covered arms and exquisite taste in music.” “god, i want to feel alive again.” “god, i want to travel first-class to switzerland.” “god, i want a hound dog named finn.” and god said, “yes.” and you said, “but how can you make this happen?” and god said, “i can make anything happen.” and you said, “quickly?” and god said, “i love you. why would i not make this rapid?” and you said, “i can trust you?” and god said, “like your life depends on it.” and you said, “my life does depend on it.” and god said, “i know. i’ve got it now. you’re safe. let me take care of it.” and you hugged god. and god hugged you. and you hugged yourself. and you drifted off to sleep saying, “i have it. i’m safe. i have it. i’m safe. i have it. i’m—” and you woke in the morning and the world was new. because you knew it was done. because god said yes. and god never goes back on a yes unless you tell god “no.” and any time throughout the day you thought, “is anything happening?” god said, “it’s all happening.” and you said, “but i can’t see a thing.” and god said, “i am your eyes.” and you said, “but i don’t have to do anything?” and god said, “you did the only thing needed.” and you said, “but what about my thoughts and my state and acting as if?” and god said, “i love you.” and you knew what that meant. so instead of worrying or wondering or obsessing another second, you went to the bakery and bought a slice of chocolate cake and drove home and sat on your back deck and ate and ate and watched the sunset and celebrated.
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taikin4 · 8 months ago
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the seeds 🛐
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bea-trician · 4 months ago
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Sketched a design for the Promised Bride (I may have become obsessed with her).
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ae-cha08 · 6 months ago
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We can trust in God, knowing He will align our heart’s desire with His and ultimately give us His very best blessings – all in His perfect timing. 💙
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thebrainrotsreal · 29 days ago
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Minor spoilers idk?? Still on my make the bug boy look buggy propaganda, while I'll still on a drawing kick again! Give him is mama's eyes you cowards, hot pink! Idgaf if they all got hot pink eyes, give it to him.
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narurinya-blog · 2 months ago
rite of promise
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 4 months ago
Fight for p2 in the championship is so fucking on, LET'S GO CHARLES LECLERC!
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erinwantstowrite · 5 months ago
extra, extra! read all about it!!
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chapter 16 of Leap of Faith is officially out!! thanks for the patience as always! <3
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dalliancekay · 11 days ago
Aziraphale as God
I've joked with fandom friends before that Aziraphale should take the position of 'God' at the end of S3 cos he's the one who is actually good and kind in that Universe.
But now I've decided, he already is.
If God who cast half Her angels into misery, the angels who didn't seem to feel particularly loved or understood even before the War (see Aziraphale's anxiety and Angel!Crowley's disappointment in Before the Beginning); if Her idea of a fun pastime is to drown humans that displeased Her and have a bet with Satan that results in death of three children... then, like many people before me, I call Her out for being cruel and heartless and unfair.
I don't care for Her Ineffable Plan or Great Plan or whatever. Well actually, much like Aziraphale at the end of S1, I know She doesn't actually have one. Or Aziraphale, with Crowley's help and at his prompt, would not have been able to change it.
The idea though. Of goodness as a force, of kindness as a fight against cruelty, of forgiveness as a weapon against pain, rejection, misunderstanding... is solid.
And Aziraphale seems to be the only angel to see and understand and embrace this as far as he can.
No. He did not create the Universe and he would never be arrogant enough to presume to want to rule it in any way, but he can absolutely be the one who leads, in the purest way.
And not because he's perfect. Far from it. But because he tries. He tries so hard to do the right thing, to make the right decisions. To help. To understand.
Aziraphale is. The whole idea of him is as a being, is that he is. That he strives, that he wants, that he yearns and hopes. He is open, open to learn, to appreciate, to understand, to savour.
He is not perfect but his wanting to do good, to do right makes him the perfect candidate for the role of true God. And so it does for everyone who tries their best. Who looks to better themselves, to understand, to be kind, to help, to live in a way that enriches (someone's) life.
God shouldn't be a noun. It should be a verb. It should not be something to be, but something to do. It shouldn't mean to have answers. But to be open to questions. To keep looking, keep going. To signify what someone does when they try their best to live their life so it is full of kindness.
Kindness. To others. And to oneself.
To have faith should mean not that we believe some Higher Power has all the answers, rules and a Plan, but that we are the force that can change things, that is the force for spreading goodness in the world.
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dilfmobius · 8 months ago
Do you know what absolutely kills me?
Mobius doesn't often let himself get rattled. He usually lets things roll right off his back, no matter how chaotic things get. Two out of the three times we see his calm demeanor crack, however, are related to Loki: Once when he feels as if Loki betrayed him for Sylvie, and the other when he figures out that Loki will be sacrificing himself to save everyone. Even during the time that Brad goads him, and causes him to lose his temper, Loki is right there for him, to help him calm down again.
Loki really is the center of Mobius' universe, and the one thing that is able to break his composure, is the thought of losing him. 😢
goddd yes thanks for this because it kills me too!!!
but okayyyy let's talk about it because wtf is this??
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he's so hurt!! betrayed!! look at his face!! owen wilson you owe me money!!!
and the jealousy fueled spectacle he puts on right after. "It's breaking my reality right now!" oh, baby, we know.
and this
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this look on his face?? literally brings me to tears. he's scared and confused and loki's out there!!!
and my personal favorite
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it's the clenched fists that really send me over the edge, because he's trying desperately not to break down, not to lose his cool. he just needs to hold it together until loki gets back. he'll make it back. right?
but godddd that look of pure anguish on his face. it's like his life is flashing before his eyes but it's all just loki.
(why yes i did make gifs specifically for this ask, i promise you i'm very normal about all of this)
another scene where mobius loses his cool (that i just really love) is when they get separated at roxxcart. mobius is energized by the fact that they're so close to finishing this, but also that he and loki were gonna do it together. loki was the one who figured it all out and mobius was so proud and just,,, "you're gonna take my job if i'm not careful." and why did he have to say it like that???
anyway, the last thing mobius wants is loki out of his sight and he has a conniption about it!
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"of course he's a threat [...] that's why i want him with me." and yes of course mobius knows better, because no one else knows loki like he does. but i'm also very endeared and amused by it. mobius please take a breath.
i also love loki's soft, "mobius, it's fine." just end me please.
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i will never be okay again and it's because of THIS EPISODE.
"loki's here? where?" "i need a loki who remains." the look of horror on mobius' face every time loki timeslipped "he'll make it back." "give him more time! he can still make it!"
season 2 really is where mobius just falls apart and the crisis of faith fully sets in. of course his worst nightmare is losing loki; he's the only real thing mobius has left. "everything you've been doing is wrong, and all your gods are dead." and poetically enough, not all of mobius' gods are dead. loki's there. loki made it back to him.
and they're whole conversation in the automat after brad chipped away at whatever was left of mobius' defenses. of course mobius doesn't want to know about his past life. his past life didn't have loki. he likes his life at the tva because loki is there with him.
it's why he leaves once loki is gone
ANYWAY, this kinda got away from me oops i'm done fhdgfjsdg
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alilarew23 · 1 year ago
please drop everything and
listen to me. i am telling you. your desires are a promise. a literal promise. i cannot tell you how they are coming. i cannot tell you when. i can only tell you that, by the fact of them already existing in your imagination, they are YOURS. it is a done deal. this is not something you are hoping for, no crossed fingers, no “ok but if it doesn’t happen i will…”
no. there is no if involved here. it is a yes. the surest yes you’ve ever received.
let that sink in. really let it sink.
now how do you feel? what are you thinking? what are you doing? what are you planning?
that is living in the end.
that is knowing.
and that is ALL that is required to receive your physical manifestation.
this should be fun. this should be light. you have been granted your greatest gift.
won’t you celebrate?
just go about your life like this. try it. stop aggressively monitoring your thoughts and state and giving power to a silly worry or doubt or split-second experience of “lack.”
just know the gift is granted (fuck the crossed fingers this is pinky promised) (yes i got bars) and do your thing.
also, enjoy your present life! go hang out with friends! bake a cake! write a poem! climb a mountain! put on your favorite song and dance and sing! smoke some weed!
you are already whole. you are loved. you are safe.
your desire is just icing on le proverbial cake.
i believe in you. i love you. i can’t wait to read about all your successes.
muah 💋
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finalgirlsamwinchester · 11 months ago
guy who so desperately tries to find god. who wants to have faith in a higher authority to guide him out of the hole he's in. from the weight of guilt from simply existing, as the person he is. but every time he thinks he's answered his higher calling it turns out he's made the Morally Incorrect choice and his path to goodness and holiness was the road to the devil all along
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walkswithmyfather · 21 days ago
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Deuteronomy 10:12-13 (NLT). [12] “And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? He requires only that you fear the Lord your God, and live in a way that pleases him, and love him and serve him with all your heart and soul. [13] And you must always obey the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good.”
“The Steps of Faith” by In Touch Ministries:
“To keep moving towards Christlikeness, live what you believe.”
The Bible often calls the Christian life a walk. It speaks of walking in the Spirit, in God’s ways, in love, and in truth. Our life, then, shouldn’t be stagnant but instead should develop to be increasingly like that of Jesus.
If you feel that you’re going backward instead of forward, here are five steps to correct your course:
Know that God keeps every promise. The Bible contains an amazing number of guarantees for believers, including wisdom, God’s presence, and peace.
Anticipate the Father’s response. In other words, expect that your confidence will lead to blessing.
Be aware daily of His involvement in your life. By spending time in the Word and prayer, you become sensitive to what God is doing.
Pray boldly. Approaching the Father in such a manner isn’t a prideful confidence. Rather, it’s an overflow of your assurance in Him (Hebrews 4:16).
Obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. God sent His Spirit to personally teach and guide every believer (John 14:17; John 14:26).
God promises to make His children beautiful throughout life. How can you cooperate with His gracious work?”
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