#Fairy Ranmaru music
fortune-maiden · 1 year
Went back to rewatch one ep of Fairy Ranmaru for a specific scene
This show really is so weird ^^”
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plumbrosia · 1 year
My emotional support anime transformation song. the art omg why did they make the healer look like that
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hellohimawarihana · 8 months
My Thoughts of Fairy Ranmaru Henshin
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Add Binan Koukou as inspiration, take a more serious approach on fights and adding female characters, and you had Fairy Ranmaru. Unlike Binan Koukou, the fairy form (a.k.a. the one with battle clothes) is their true form and they had a human form to blend with society, which I should say... appeared way different from their true forms.
First off I want to spot the fact that like Binan Koukou, this series leans heavily on fanservice, and they gone overboard with it. It is one of the series with hair changing first before the outfit, though the body can count as well as it become more... detailed with sunllight ray to censor… that one part. And some of their battle form are pretty fanservicey too, so beware. (no offense for that, but you know...)
So how they trigger the transformation? By kissing the (usually) female client whose in trouble in their lives. It can be either by lip or palm. For your information, Binan Koukou Happy Kiss also does the palm kiss, while the previous quintet has bracelet kiss. If I were them, I would prefer palm kiss the client. And unlike Binan Koukou whose group henshin done through one by one individually, Fairy Ranmaru does this in split screen shown in the above picture in the final episode.
With that out of the way, are you ready? We will take your heart!
Fairy of Illumination, Ranmaru
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This fairy from the strongest clan out of the five is the first fairy to had the transformation, and add the basic for step-by-step transformation by hand and leg one by one by feather scan, then the remainder of the outfit. I appreciate the tail on his costume, and a dissappearing glasses at the beginning.
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Fairy of Flames, Homura
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Same as Ranmaru, but kind of stand still than him, and even has a big ribbon. I like the loosening human hair and the ‘ping’ leaves a flames on it. Also the spinning flame spear part is cool too.
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Fairy of Luster, Uruu
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The scan leaves a bit of water for the ‘ping’, but I got a bit of mixed feelings of how closing ‘that’ part with the corset. I would say if the longer hair human is his true form, it would be the inverse of power makes you hair grow trope, but since it’s actually the other way around, it’s alright.
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Fairy of Verdure, Jyuka
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Compared to the other fairies, Jyuka has more energy on his transformation and less toned in terms of fanservice. And I like how his single earphone was created.
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Fairy of Gold, Takara
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This is the type of fairy form with most fanservice, and I think it would be better if he wears something to cooperate with the cape jacket. And pretty stiff of top part too. But his henshin pose was cool to cover that part. That’s one of the my favorites for his transformation, alongside his untied ponytail at the beginning.
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Fairy of Darkness, Chilka
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Since light usually a contrast to the darkness, Chilka’s transformation was made a parallel to Ranmaru’s henshin by having the movement mirrored to his. Also, his transformation music is composed by guitars instead of trumpet to implement his status further.
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Fairy of Loam, Hojo
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Well, compared to other fairies, the servant of Queen’s transformation is shorter with full body scan and less heavy in terms of fanservice. His face is kinda hilarious though and his outfit gave me rainbow vibes.
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Gaining Wings
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After transforming, they dashes forward in bubbles and feather with a song in background. Then jump and add the wings for each fairy. Though it made sense, otherwise it will be out of theme. In terms of song, if it’s individual then each would get a solo song, and in finale where the main five fairies transform together, the opening theme sung by them is played instead.
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Overall, more standard transformation sequence for magical boy anime compared to the likes Binan Koukou or Sailor Moon. Just be aware of fanservice they had in the sequence. Thanks for reading and see you in my next post!
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icebrooding · 2 years
Music Game ♪
Tagged by @elder-dragon! y u do this to me
RULES: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. No skipping!
1. Like a Weed, Naturally, as a Matter of Course - Daisuke Ishiwatari, NAOKI
"It's not evil or sacred, it's just life" / "Oh he flies, to be the wings of the flightless" / "He never wanted a special day, she just wants to be there"
2. ケッペキショウ (Keppekishou) (Clean Freak) - scop
"Look, for everyone to be happy is expecting too much" / “Wait. Don’t push yourself.” There’s no one who’d say that- / "In this world filled with egoism, even taking a breath is difficult."
3. Raise your Flag - MAN WITH A MISSION
"We can struggle and muzzle the world before it fades away" / "Keep struggling, collapsing and losing your spirits, Then crawl on up and just keep running!" / "So just raise your flag, no matter how many times you feel crushed and lose your way!"
4. The Roar of the Spark - Daisuke Ishiwatari, NAOKI
"Under the sacred briars, never stop, just go" / "Dive the deep blue sea, it is hard to breathe. The light goes out again" / "Under the lonely moon, in an influx of words, this road shines with my colours"
5. 86 - Dasu
"The end of this world is full of lies and promises that haven't even been given a chance" / "If my grudge to the heavens can be heard, I hope I'd be given a chance" / "It won't be fun if the darkness played fair."
6. 威風堂々 (Ifuudoudou) (Pomp and Circumstance) - UMETORA
"As for the rules of this meaningless world, it's pointless to describe them" / "Live LIFE as you please, making it your own depends on you" / "In this world there's nothing else, the only certain thing is yourself"
7. 愛と憎しみのSAGA (Ai to nikushimi no SAGA) (SAGA of Love and Hatred) - Tetsuei Sumiya
"For love always, love always... comes with the burden of hatred!" / "If I walk to avoid the light, I'll find myself in solitary darkness." / "Ah, everything in this world is in love. In love for love's sake alone!"
8. 妖しく Get your heart (Ayashiku Get your heart) - 5 to HEAVEN
"If this heart had no bounds, I'd fall in love with you, and take you away in a heartbeat." / "I pledge my love to you, bewitchingly, tenderly and beautifully. And for the price, your fluttering heart" / "Your soft gestures and casual affection are a flower that bloomed on dry land."
9. QUEEN - Janne Da Arc
"At the end of your sweet words, I saw your cold smile." / "Tonight for sure I'll turn my fangs on your whims, but I'm sure I'll just end up wagging my tail and go along with it" / "But I'm spurned on by desire, in our twisted love"
10. Fear Not This Night (2018) -Maclaine Diemer
"Darkness spreads throughout the land, and your weary eyes open silently." / "Though shadows fall, still the stars find their way." / "Who needs the light?"
In true poetic fashion, after I complained that I was getting too many edgy or depressing songs when I have a lot of cute and peppy songs in my playlists too, it finished off by giving me the grim version of a much more positive and hopeful song. Go figures, huh??
Also since 7 and 8 were both somehow from Fairy Ranmaru, it means I am obligated to shill for it. Go watch!
AND because I am very shy, I'm going to arbitrarily tag anyone who even glances upon this post.
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thislittlekumquat · 9 months
6, 17, 18, and 27
ao3 wrapped ask meme
6. Favorite title you used Honestly this one has to go out to my Fairy Ranmaru fic, 'Attachment for Two'. My skill with titles is very hit or miss (somehow I'm better at titling fic I beta for people?), but this one I like without any reservations!
17. Your favorite character to write this year? Grell is not in the running, because she would always be the answer, and getting in her head is probably the easiest thing in the world for me by now. I'm going to cheat slightly and say that it's a tie between William T Spears and Wolfram Gelzer. Will because although I've spent a lot of time shipping him with Grell, I think this year has been the first time I've really written him and felt like I Got Him, you know? And Wolfram because I wrote a ton of him this year and he's just very different from the sort of character I normally write, and I'm really enjoying it!!!
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? This award EASILY goes to Homura from Fairy Ranmaru. Uruu was like. Kinky repressed fancy twat. Easy peasy, done. Everything else was Kuroshitsuji, which will always be my bread and butter. But Homura was really difficult for me. Hotheaded, always angry, but CARES, damn it, and wants to be gentle! I love him though, and I hope I did him justice!
27. What do you listen to while writing? Lmao I listen to a ridiculous mess of things. Music with words actually doesn't bother me while writing (unless I'm totally unfamiliar with the music), so I have quite a range of things to pick from. This year I've been listening to a lot of: -the Kuroshitsuji OST 1 -the character songs from s2 -a playlist I made of some of my fave bops along a theme that only makes sense to me, it's got a lot of Ghost/Falloutboy/AFI/MCR -liturgical music (love gregorian chant, love baroque Masses) -vintage 20s/30s/40s/50s -blasting company/otgw soundtrack -paganini guitar arrangements -choral christmas music (as of the last month or so) Sometimes I try to pick something sort of thematic to what I'm writing, but I also do a lot of sitting and vibing with a laptop with my spouse, we like to write our respective stuff while sitting together, so often they will pick something that works best for them and I just roll with it because I have that good good ADHD
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machinegunbukkake · 1 year
Day 80 kabillion of being in love with the magical boy transformations in Fairy Ranmaru (the transformation music fits so good AHHH MAGICAL BOYS)
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smcandycg-blog · 3 years
Sacred Lamentations ED「夭聖哀歌」
Track M2. Fairy Night, Fairy Love
Lyrics: hotaru Composition / Arrangement: Kosuke Okui
Ranmaru Ai (CV: Shogo Sakata) Homura Hoterase (CV: Kohsuke Tanabe) Uruu Seiren (CV: Yutaka Balletta) Jyuka Mutsuoka (CV: Taichi Kusano) Takara Utashiro (CV: Yohiro Hori)
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Thanks for watching the livestream yesterday. Only 4 episodes to go!
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The pose from above is the pose for the cover art of the character song album Heaven's Door, shown below. It will go on sale on June 16th 2021 and will have a song from Chilka called Saga of Love and Hatred (Ai to Nikushimi no SAGA).
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The 1st DVD/BD now has a talk show on Zoom with Sakata and Tanabe, scheduled for the 27th of June. You gain entry to this through buying the relevant discs with Canime. Sakata's nervous about this since this is the first time he's doing this, but he acknowledges this is the first time the attendees are doing something like this too.
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The 2nd BD/DVD will have tickets for access to the night session of the event on Sep. 18th.
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otakushrew · 3 years
Time to share some hype
The Twitter F-Ran Fandom will have already seen these by now but for those who, like me, refuse to get an account on that hellsite I bring you art by Ymmm!
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iirc the Animage(? Actual twitter user Fact check plz) September rankings saw a shift, with Uruu in 3rd place, Homura in 5th, and Ranmaru in 20th. So there’s new art! I’m putting the rest under a cut these pics are not small.
Seeing as I mentioned it earlier, Homura gets first showing here:
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Following up, here’s Uruu!
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Next up is Ranran!
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That’s right fam, Ymmm drew the WHOLE SQUAD
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Fitting with my preferred nickname for him I am not about to have any chill because
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Not one, but TWO fashion doodles for the Tenebrae!
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deuterium51614 · 2 years
Still a work in progress, but yesterday I started a playlist for the Support Group fic.
I consider "Short Skirt / Long Jacket" to be the fic's anthem, since I listened to it on repeat while writing a lot of the chapters.
"Fat Lip" is on there because it was the Enkin song in my Boueibu 28 Ships AMV.
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xiexielians · 3 years
I don’t understand how this is the same person
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fortune-maiden · 1 year
I really want the VEPPer and Winter Tri-Angels to meet
Are they rivals? Were they active at the same time? Did one inspire the other? xD
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fishfishlove · 3 years
mistoffelees but he’s dressed as uruu
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silvormoon · 3 years
Chilka’s image song from Fairy Ranmaru
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smcandycg-blog · 3 years
Fairy Ranmaru -We will help your heart original soundtrack (Fairy蘭丸~あなたの心お助けします~」オリジナル・サ��ンドトラック)
Image Song from episode 11
Track M43.  Tri-Angel▽Signal
Song: Winter Tri-Angels (CV: Shogo Sakata, Tetsuei Sumiya) Lyrics: hotaru Composition / Arrangement: Kosuke Okui
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Thanks for watching episode 5. This image is from "the key frame staff".
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Also, here's a Takara from Shouko Nagasawa.
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Likewise, here's new images from Andgy.
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To top it all off, here's Nomoto's Takara.
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Here's Takara's character song/Enka, called 愛の勘定 (Ai no Kanjou), roughly "Payment of Love", "Consideration of Love" or "Allowance of Love" (kanjou seems to have a lot of connotations involving money).
Notes on Kusano's Bar F entry (dated May 6th 2021) below (contains spoilers for ep. 4).
Kusano introduces himself and, a bit further down from his own intro, explains the character of the day is Kei Rijuu (<-English name order), a member of the group Aurora Vikings. (Other entries don't normally go that far, instead only using the names offhandedly without explaining how they're read...which is a pain for me, because I have to guess the name reading when I read the synopses or the credits).
Kusano says he'll keep it brief after Balletta rambled on quite a bit last time.
Kusano has a cat allergy so he can't play with cats, but he wants to.
[There's emojis, kaomoji and half-width text scattered throughout this entry, so be sure to look at it!]
Kusano calls [being] cute "a fate [Juka] can't run from...(LOL)".
Kusano thinks he would be a fan of Kei if he could, even though he says she appears to be bad at dancing.
When Eru appears for the first time (in person), that's where the Ange Reve song comes in. Kusano thanks them for the fantastic song.
Kusano notes they hit the bath scene quota. He giggled at the fact you can see Uruu has a duck in his bucket and wonders what's going on with Homura and Uruu.
Kusano notes Juka doesn't seem to be meeting the queen's expectations. He also notes Juka and Kei have an inferiority complex in common and that Juka's cute when he sticks his tongue out at the end of the A part.
On to the B part. Kusano calls those who buy 1000 CDs "amazing" (with a sweatdrop kaomoji).
He notes there's not a lot of cloth for Juka's fairy costume and he has a cute [omitted] (<- the word before the omitted part translates to "section" or could be taken as short for "chikuwabu", so it's probably something about the *erhem* nether regions again...). Kusano says the way Juka hops around while running (for his transformation) is cute.
Otokogi de Tango time. Kusano says Juka exudes cuteness.
Kusano identifies the shadowy figure as Sirius and quotes him: "'Betelgeuse...!' He said something about Betelgeuse...?" (The 2nd sentence was in Osaka-ben because Kusano is from Osaka...Strangely, it's the only sentence in this blog post that's in Osaka-ben, though, as all other sentences in the blog post - aside from Takara's comment, if you'd count that - are in standard Japanese.)
「You やっちゃいなよ」「やっておしまい!」 - Kusano laughed at this exchange. (CR translation: "Is that the real you?"/"No! Don't look!")
"人間って難しい生き物ですねと改めて思ったシーンでした(´・ω・`)トホホ" - "[The scene where Kei becomes the centre but also privately meets with fans] is a scene that makes you once again think about how humans are troublesome creatures (´・ω・`) (Tohoho)"
Kusano likes the scene where Juka accepts being called cute by Ranmaru (at the very end), because it seems like Juka matured, even a little.
"以上!今回もフィクションでした♪ダマサレター" - "That's all! This time, it was also fiction♪ (you were deceived)"
Kusano calls Takara ecchi na oniisan (the perverted "older brother").
Takara finally has a response other than being overwhelmed and it's: 「かわ・・・ 格好よかったで。 俺からもお礼だお!」 ("That's cu-cool. I also apologise!")
Update: Changed the 3rd-last dotpoint to adhere to the quote more, added Nomoto's art and inserted a missing letter on the 1st dotpoint after the cut.
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