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chocolART Wernigerode vom 30. Oktober bis 03. November 2024Bereits zum 12. Mal wird Deutschlands größtes Schokoladenfestival vom 30. Oktober bis 03. November 2024 in Wernigerode gefeiert. Mehr als 50 Chocolatiers, Konditoren und Anbieter von Schokoladenköstlichkeiten präsentieren sich auf dem großen chocoMARKT in Wernigerodes Altstadt.Trüffel, Pralinen, Schokoladen in den unterschiedlichsten Geschmacksrichtungen und -formen sowie Schokolikör, Schokoladenbier und sogar Schokoladenbrote werden angeboten. Ein verführerischer Schokoladenduft zieht durch alle Gassen.Zahlreiche Programmpunkte wie Kakaomalerei, Schokomenüs in den Restaurants, Kurse und Workshops zur Pralinen- und Schokoladenherstellung und viele weitere Angebote, lassen Wernigerode zur chocolART erneut zu einem großen Schokoladen-Mekka werden. Neu ist in diesem Jahr ein schokoladiges Kinderangebot zu Halloween. An der Blumenuhr hinter dem Rathaus können sich Kinder am 31. Oktober mit Halloween-Tattoos versorgen, gruselig schminken lassen und an verschiedenen Mitmachangeboten teilnehmen. Ein kleiner Kaffeegarten lädt mit Kaffeespezialitäten und gruseligem Schoko-Gebäck aus der benachbarten Bäckerei Silberbach zum Verweilen ein. Um 14:00 Uhr wird Wernigerodes größte Schokoladentafel gegossen. Alle Kinder sind zum gemeinsamen Dekorieren herzlich eingeladen!Kein normales Konzert, sondern „puren Hochgenuss“ verspricht Christina Rommel. Mit ihrem international einzigartigen Show-Konzept gastiert die Sängerin - mit Chocolatier und Band – am 02. November in Wernigerode zum Schokoladenfestival chocolART und überzieht den Fürstlichen Marstall mit einem Hauch aus Schokolade. Die Bühne wird zur großen Schokoladenküche, in der die Musiker und der Chocolatier gemeinsam ihre Handwerkskunst auf höchstem Niveau zelebrieren. Ganz sicher einer der Höhepunkte des diesjährigen Schokoladenfestes.Bei täglichen Führungen mit dem Schokoladenmädchen rund um das Rathaus und über den chocoMARKT erfahren Besucher mehr über die Schokoladengeschichte der „Bunten Stadt am Harz“, denn seit über 170 Jahren gibt es in Wernigerode Schokoladenfabriken. Diese lange Tradition der Schokoladenherstellung ist eng mit dem Namen Argenta verbunden. In der ehemaligen Argenta-Schokoladenfabrik in Hasserode befindet sich heute u.a. das Café Argenta „Genuss Momente“.Die Wernigeröder Kaufmannsgilde lädt am verkaufsoffenen Feiertag (31. Oktober) sowie am verkaufsoffenen Sonntag (03. November) zum großen chocoSHOPPING in die Geschäfte der Innenstadt ein.Der „Salon du Chocolat“ – der historische Salonwagen der Harzer Schmalspurbahnen - ermöglicht Besuchern auf der Fahrt zum Brocken ein exklusives Schokoladenerlebnis in ganz besonderer Atmosphäre.Als ausgezeichnete Fairtrade Stadt ist Wernigerode eine gerechte Entlohnung von Kakaobauern und die Vermeidung von Kinderarbeit bei der Kakaoernte wichtig. Aus diesem Grund gibt es auch in diesem Jahr auf der chocolART einen Fairtrade Tag. So informiert die „Fairtrade Town Initiative“ zusammen mit dem „Eine Welt Netzwerk Sachsen-Anhalt“am Freitag, den 01. November 2024 auf dem chocoMARKT darüber, wie Verbraucher den fairen Handel unterstützen können. Eine neue Fairtrade-Stadtschokolade ist am chocoINFO-Stand auf dem Nicolaiplatz und in der Tourist-Information erhältlich ist.Der chocoMARKT in der historischen Altstadt ist bei freiem Eintritt Mittwoch, Donnerstag und Sonntag von 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr sowie Freitag und Samstag von 10:00 bis 19:00 Uhr geöffnet.Ein Programmheft mit allen Highlights ist ab Anfang Oktober in den Tourist-Informationen Wernigerode und Schierke sowie digital unter www.wernigerode-tourismus.de erhältlich.Für auswertige Besucher wird an der Hasseröder Brauerei (Am Auerhahnring) wieder ein Park & Ride - Service eingerichtet. Außerdem können Besucher, die mit dem öffentlichen Personennahverkehr anreisen und ihren Fahrschein vorzeigen am Stand der chocoINFO auf dem Nicolaiplatz tolle Preise gewinnen.Süße Verführung und erlesene Genüsse mit allen Sinnen auf der chocolART in Wernigerode wünscht das Team der Wernigerode Tourismus GmbH.
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‚Faires‘ Forum beeindruckte durch tolle Projekte
Moers. (pst) ‚Fair‘ war das 7. Forum Klima, Umwelt, Naturschutz. In der Hermann-Runge-Gesamtschule (HRG) ging es Anfang März um Fairtrade und Nachhaltigkeit. Das Forum, das Bürgermeister Fleischhauer 2011 initiierte, fand zum ersten Mal außerhalb des Rathauses statt. Die HRG hatte sich auch das Thema gewünscht, weil sie einer der Fairtrade-Schulen sind. Zunächst präsentierte Ehrenamtler Lutz Hartmann den Teilnehmenden aus Politik, Verbänden und Schulen die vielfältigen Aktivitäten der Steuerungsgruppe. Schülerinnen und Schüler berichteten über das Engagement der Hermann-Runge-Schule. Dazu gehören nicht nur der Verkauf von fair gehandelten Nikoläusen oder Rosen am Valentinstag, sondern auch faire T-Shirts für Wandertage oder eine Pause mit fairen Frühstücksprodukten. Geplant ist der Verkauf von entsprechenden Schulmaterialien. Über das erfolgreichste Projekt ‚Pfandtonne‘ referierte eine Lehrerin des Hermann-Gmeiner-Berufskollegs, das seit zehn Jahren ‚Fairtrade-School‘ ist. Leere Flaschen auf den Fluren und in den Klassenräumen gehören dort der Vergangenheit an. Der Erlös geht u. a. an ein Patenkind in Afrika. Fairtrade muss sichtbarer werden Nach den Impulsvorträgen fand der Workshop der Steuerungsgruppe statt. Hier zeigte sich, wie wichtig eine gute Vernetzung der einzelnen Akteure ist. Vielen fehlen für bestimmte Themen die richtigen Ansprechpartner und der regelmäßige Austausch. Insgesamt muss Fairtrade sichtbarer und erlebbarer werden, um mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu erhalten und die verschiedenen Zielgruppen anzusprechen. Die Teilnehmenden haben einige Ideen gesammelt: Escape Room, Tasting, Social Media - Reihe, Theater als Austauschbühne oder faire Schulverpflegung. Bildzeile: Das Forum der Hermann-Runge-Gesamtschule war Ort des Treffens für das 7. Forum Klima, Umwelt, Naturschutz. (Foto: pst) Infobox: Ansprechpartnerinnen zum Thema Fairtrade: Steuerungsgruppe: [email protected] Stadtverwaltung: [email protected] Weitere Infos: www.fairtrade-towns.de/fairtrade-towns/stadt/moers Read the full article
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How to Choose the Right Coffee Pod Subscription for You
Coffee drinkers can testify to the utter pleasure that comes from the first sip of a freshly brewed cup of coffee. The rich aroma, strong flavor, and mild kick of caffeine can create the mood for the entire day. Many find convenience a must which is where coffee pod subscriptions are a must. With the many options to choose from, selecting the right coffee pod is a difficult task.
In this post, we'll guide you on the path to choosing the best coffee pod subscription that suits your lifestyle and taste. For a suggestion, we'll look at the benefits of Two Rivers Coffee as a brand and the reason you should look into subscribing to the coffee pods of Two Rivers Coffee.
The rise of coffee pod Subscriptions
The world of coffee has changed substantially in the last few times and subscriptions to coffee pods have grown in popularity. They provide a simple and affordable way to enjoy top-quality coffee in your home, in the office and virtually everywhere you can access an espresso maker. Coffee pod subscriptions can eliminate the necessity of grinding grounds, measuring beans, or fretting about the quality of the coffee you drink.
Furthermore, subscriptions to coffee pods provide variety to your daily routine of coffee. Many subscriptions provide a wide range of blends and flavors that allow you to try various taste options without the obligation of buying huge quantities of each flavor. However, with the increasing number of subscriptions to coffee pods, what do you do to choose the one that is best suited to your preferences and requirements?
Subscriptions to coffee pods can be a practical and affordable method of getting your daily dose of coffee. With a myriad of subscription options available, it can be difficult to decide what is the best option for you. Here are some points to think about when selecting a coffee pod subscription
Compatibility: Ensure that the coffee pod you pick will work with the coffee maker you have. Different coffee makers utilize different kinds of coffee pods, therefore it is important to verify before signing up.
Variety: Do want subscriptions that offer different coffee pods or one that is focused on a specific kind of coffee? Some subscriptions have a wide range of coffee pods and others are focused on a particular region or roast level. the flavor taste.
Cost Coffee pod subscriptions: are priced from $10-$30 per month. Take into consideration your budget when choosing an online subscription.
Convenience: When do you wish to get those coffee capsules? Certain subscriptions provide biweekly or weekly deliveries and others provide monthly delivery. Select a subscription that meets your requirements.
Subscription Flexibility
One of the main characteristics to consider when choosing the espresso pod is the flexibility. The best subscription will permit you to alter your delivery schedule and amount of pods that you receive. The subscription should also offer the option to defer or pause deliveries if needed. The world can be unpredictable which is why you wouldn't be trapped with a lot of coffee when you're out of town, or you find yourself with an excess.
Sustainable and ethical Sourcing
In the process of becoming more aware of the ethical and environmental aspects of our consumerism, it is crucial to choose the right coffee pod subscription that is in line with your ideals. Check out the sourcing practices of the brand that is behind the subscription. Fairtrade, ethical sourcing, certification, and a commitment towards sustainability are signs of a socially and responsibly conscious coffee company.
Two Rivers Coffee: A brand worth considering
If you are looking into subscriptions to coffee, Two Rivers Coffee stands out as a company that offers quality as well as variety, and ease of use. They offer a broad selection of coffee pods to suit different tastes.
Selecting the best cup of coffee is about aligning your tastes and values with the offerings offered by the brand. Two Rivers Coffee, with its focus on freshness, quality, diversity, sustainability, and quality offers a unique option for coffee lovers. If you are aware of your coffee preferences as well as considering flexibility, and paying attention to quality, you can embark on a wonderful journey to coffee with a plan that will suit your needs perfectly. So, toast to a bright future of tasty mornings, thanks to the perfect coffee pod subscription.
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IT'S COUNTDOWN TO FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 2023 AT THE DOLPHIN!! 🐬🐬 Thousands of people across Britain are all gearing up to take part. Keep an eye out...👀 This Fairtrade Town will be celebrating, and there is a great Quiz at the Dolphin Pub in Ilminster on Wednesday 1st March at 7.30pm. 🐬 Be there!! 🍻🍷 (at Dolphin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpIEhMzLI37/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alice is a little punk and by that i mean she shops sustainably and eats fairtrade foods and she scatters native flower seeds at the park and she gets a big bag full of thrifted books whenever she goes to town
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On 9th November 1769 The Fenwick Weaver's Co-operative Society, the worlds first co-operative association, was founded.
If you want to believe the English history books they will tell you that the first co-op was founded in Rochdale in 1844, well no it wisnae, the first Co-operative predates it by a good 75 years, when in 1769, local weavers manhandled a sack of oatmeal into John Walker's whitewashed front room and began selling the contents at a discount, forming the Fenwick Weaver's Co-operative Society.
The societies foundations started 8 years before when on 14 March 1761, 16 weavers met together in Fenwick Church to sign the foundation charter of the Fenwick Weavers' Society. By signing the document, they agreed to its terms and conditions. These included 'being honest and faithful to one another' and to their employers, making 'good sufficient' work, and setting prices that were 'neither higher nor lower ... than are accustomed in the towns and parishes of the neighbourhood'.
The society members promised to pay an admission fee of two shillings and sixpence which was to be used for the good of the Society. Regular contributions to the poor fund were made from these shared investments. As well as offering mutual support to its members, the society aimed to bring benefit to the wider community.
On 9 November 1769, the society agreed that its funds should be used to buy, 'victuals', or food, in bulk to be sold to members and non-members at a good price. In addition, members enjoyed the privilege of up to four weeks' credit.
The society funds were also used to buy books and, in 1808, the members established a library for the local community. In the society records, there is also evidence of a form of 'credit union', or community-based bank organised on co-operative principles. People could borrow money from the communal funds at a fixed rate of interest.
Sadly handloom weaving could not resist the advance of the factories and, in 1873, with only three members left, they wound up the Society. However, their memory lives on, both in the descendants of the Weavers now all over the globe, and also in our great world-wide Co-operative Movement with almost a billion co-operators affiliated to the International Co-operative Alliance. The story of those sixteen men of Fenwick will live on as long as we have co- operators.
Today, the co-operative movement has hundreds of millions of members across the world, and is at the forefront of championing Fairtrade and sustainable farming methods
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Neuss: Coffee Fairday – Neuss-Café kostenlos – 29. September 2017 Neuss – Als „Fairtrade Town“ nimmt die Stadt Neuss am „Coffee Fairday“ am Freitag, 29. September 2017, teil.
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This Saturday 20th I will be at the @localtrade.az Early Bird Makers market!! At The shop at Town and County from 9 am to 3 pm I hope you came and visit my Booth! I will have so many beautiful handmade textiles like this beautiful Shawl handmade, hand woven, they are made 100% cotton very light weight. Many colorfull textiles and accessories. . #medewithloveinmexico #artedemitierra #mexicantextile #bohostyle #hipsters #handmade #Mexican embroidered #fairtrade #giftshop #holidaysales #mexicanfabric #shawl #rebosos #handwoven #homedesign #homedecor #Mexicanart (en Shops at Town & Country) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWa6T67poNB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#1. Parting from the Memories of Cambridge
It's been a great first week on Campus at The University of Law in Manchester, where I'll be undertaking the Graduate Diploma in Law as a conversion from my studies in Archaeology at the University of Cambridge. The only issue is that as a resident of Garstang - not Manchester - It's a 3-hour commute each morning and evening. It means between this Diploma and my part-time job, there's very little time for anything. Given the events of the past 18 months, I knew that having any free time would lead to sitting around dwelling on nonsense, but this is getting quite ridiculous. A Summer without Holiday This month marks the one-year point from my election last year as General-Secretary of the United Nations Association - UK Youth Platform. Elections for the leading positions within our charity will be coming up this month, and we can't wait to see how new faces will transform our association in the years to come. Sadly, one of our events this summer had to be cancelled due to a COVID-19 scare. However, our Youth Summit - the crowning achievement of our directors - went off without a hitch, raising £500 for the organisation. Within UN-matters, on my 21st birthday last August I had the pleasure of being invited to the United Nations Association UK - Westminster Conference in London, where I met the lead and event organiser David Wardrop and his aids in a terrific event that saw peace doves flying out in front of Westminster Cathedral! It perhaps marks a wrap up to a fantastic tenure as, for the first time in my life, the leader of something truly great - a charity that seeks to see British youth given the representation that they deserve on the world stage. I also had the pleasure of meeting Barrister Margaret Owens OBE, who has led a wonderful life of advocacy and supporting widows through her charity, Widows for Peace. The month also marks nearly two years of involvement in The Royal British Legion where I've served as Secretary in planning and hosting events and advertising them on radio and television, from Remembrance parades to a funeral ceremony for HRH the late Prince Phillip. Legion work within the city has winded down with another new intake in Cambridge, but I'm honoured to say that my mentor, a Theological scholar and the good Remembrance Padre for TRBL in Cambridge, has graciously offered me the opportunity to lead a Remembrance service this November at the Cathedral in the Isle of Mann. Where some responsibilities fade, new ones appear. This summer I was elected as a Town Councillor for Garstang, Lancashire, and as Fairtrade Ambassador and a member of the town's finance and planning committees. It remains to be seen how the local press takes to me. But as a new addition to the Garstang Theatre Group's Christmas Pantomime, there won't be any shortage of theatricality. Confessions from a Cambridge Graduate For the longest time, I had always seen Cambridge as the 'end game'. I had always loved Ancient Egypt, and since I was invited to the university at age 6 as part of an academic psychological study, I knew that I wanted to study it at Cambridge. There's an endless cache of memories that I have there; Some wonderful, others terrible. I recall a particularly dark moment when my friend and I dressed for what we assumed to be a formal hall as part of our graduation ceremony. Imagine then the shock when I sat down next to a pirate and a man dressed as a sandwich wrapper. Another time I sunk a Kayak with its rider by accidentally ramming into it at full speed on an 8-man rowing boat. But then there was the time I was translating hieroglyphs off an Egyptian sarcophagus in a museum for a silly video, only to turn around and find a whole crowd gathered around me, telling me "Don't stop." and to continue this now-public performance. I smiled a whole lot that day. I think I only decided I wanted to make the switch from studying Archaeology to Law after I had finished my final exams and took to sipping coffee and reading old books from the market each morning like the absolute pseudo-intellectual I was born to be. On this occasion, I was reading Rousseau's The Political Economy. His concept of the Social Contract and the essentiality of law to protect those with neither the power nor family wealth that I had seen myself in Cambridge, really struck a chord with me. That summer I enrolled at the University of Law, where 2 months later I am now beginning my studies. But what was more, I hungrily read Rousseau's autobiography, Confessions, and saw that the architect of this concept was, at least in his youth, faintly similar to myself. Of course, I don't pretend to have anywhere near the same intellectual capacity as him, but let me tell you something about him when he was near my age: Wandering around the Alps, with no career, he fooled a village into thinking he was a travelling composer. He was housed and fed until his debut with the local orchestra, wherein it was made apparent that he had no idea how to conduct, and he was laughed out of the village. What astounds me is that this event actually happened. I don't think I've ever botched something to this extent, but when I read this I felt a definite chord struck- it was as though my soul had been plucked from my body and implanted within the pages of the author's experience. So many times we find ourselves thrown into a situation where it feels like we're surrounded by wolves. Hopelessly inept in most skills that would have given me respect when I entered University, I found myself having to speak before large audiences or professional committees on subjects that I am ill-suited to give, with cracks in my voice and tremours on my fingertips. I've tried confidently playing the piano before I started to learn it, in a mansion in the hopes of impressing the daughter of its owner. I commanded a boat in a university-level rowing race, shouting orders to actual athletes when my race plan notes flew out of my hands into the River Cam (I feigned incomprehensible drill-instructor anger for sensible commands). With no choral or military experience (Beyond my interviews for Dartmouth or time lighting candles as a Chapel Warden), I gave instruction to a Cambridge Choir, the Lord Lieutenant and various armed forces personnel, before leading the entire crowd in prayer. Uncannily similar to the philosopher, the first time I went to a classical concert in Cambridge I clapped at the wrong time and even the orchestra laughed at me! I think what these experiences and those of a young Rousseau can teach, is that we may be overwhelmed with responsibility or the demands of a certain task. We may, or may not, fail so horribly that we are laughed at and derided. Or instead, we may be applauded, envied, and begged: "Don't stop." So much of my time in Cambridge has been draped in melancholy, with the feeling that I was not good enough compared to my peers. Many times it seemed that this was obviously the case, and I was passed up for those who were deemed better. And sometimes, I was exactly, maybe the only, right person. And for all my moments of infamy, I only experienced them because I forced myself to try. Yet it was those moments that made all the studying, and anxiety; regrets, and heartache - worth experiencing. And I think, maybe the humility gained from experiences like these might have, along the way, forged a character suited to protecting others through the Law.
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Zehn Jahre Faire Metropole Ruhr – Moers ist dabei
Moers. (pst) Das Ruhrgebiet war die erste Fairtrade-Region überhaupt und feiert zehnjähriges Bestehen. Moers setzt sich seit 2014 für den gerechten Handel ein. Anlässlich des Jubiläums der ‚Fairen Metropole Ruhr‘ zeigt die Grafenstadt jetzt mit einem ‚Ortseingangsschild‘ ihr Engagement. Präsentiert haben es Mitglieder der Steuerungsgruppe ‚Fairtrade Town Moers‘ und Bürgermeister Christoph Fleischhauer (1. v. l.) im Bioladen ‚Naturkost Moers‘, der bereits seit 2001 existiert. Mit dieser ruhrgebietsweiten Aktion verdeutlichen die Städte, Gemeinden und Kreise ihre Zugehörigkeit und zu den gemeinsamen Projekten wie der Charta Faire Metropole Ruhr 2030. Diese haben mittlerweile elf Kommunen unterzeichnet. (Foto: pst) Read the full article
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Fair statt mehr!
Ab heute bis zum 25. September findet unter dem Motto „Fair statt mehr“ die Faire Woche statt, die größte Aktionswoche des Fairen Handels. Organisiert wird die bundesweite Veranstaltung vom Forum Fairer Handel in Kooperation mit dem Weltladen-Dachverband und TransFair – Fairtrade Deutschland. Der Corona-Pandemiezum Trotz zelebriert die Faire Woche 2020 das fünfzigjährige Bestehen der…
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#Andrea Fütterer#Bundesentwicklungsminister#Bundesentwicklungsministerium#Corona#Covid-19#Entwicklungsminister Gerd Müller#Fair statt mehr#Fair Trade#Faire Woche#Fairer Handel#Fairglobe#Fairtrade#Fairtrade Deutschland#Fairtrade-Siegel#Fairtrade-Town#Fairtrade-Towns#Forum Fairer Handel#Gerd Müller#Globalisierung#Lieferkettengesetz#Nachhaltige Rohstoffe#Nachhaltiger Anbau#Nachhaltiger Kaffee#nachhaltiger Konsum#Nachhaltigkeit#Sustainable Development Goals#Transfair#Transfair e.V.#Vereinte Nationen#Weltladen
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Youre The Flame I Use When It Gets Dark|| Trey&Luce
Trey had gotten the text from Lucy when she had started to tell people about what had happened between Danny and Aubrey. He had talked to her a little bit over text and knew that he had to be there. Before she had even asked he was already at the grocery store in town, buying groceries for his very independent partner. He had spent so much time with her he could almost figure out the amount she had been saving and what she was left with in her bank account. He didnt want to make a scene about it, but there were only so many days that he could pull her away from Frida and not feel guilty, so dinner at his apartment couldnt happen every night. He perused the isles of the grocery store, phone in hand as he shot her messages. Before he knew it the cart was full. With meat and staples, qunioa and curries, icecream and wine, all local produce and organic greens, cat food and fairtrade coffee. He knew she was running at almost empty and he didnt want her to ever worry about where her next meal was coming from. He checked out filled his 20 reusable grocery bags to the brim. He laughed with the cashier and could not wait to get to Luce.
Trey ran all of the bags up the length of his arms and carried the almost 100 pounds of groceries to the back of his Jeep. He got in the car and made his way to Lord of The Fries, picking up two heaping orders of cheese fries and two shakes, one strawberry one chocolate. Finding his way to Lucys he could not wait to finally get to her. He had been without her for almost a week and it had been so much harder than he realized to be apart from her. The studio had eaten up so much of his time, and writing songs about her had occupied the rest of his mind. To finally be able to be with her was invigorating, like finally getting to eat after a long workout.
Trey got out of the jeep and grabbed the fries and the shakes before moving his way to her apartment, knocking with his elbow and waiting to hear from her. “come on out my Sunshine” he said with a laugh. Waiting to see her was like waiting for your parents to get up on Christmas morning. When she finally opened the door he offered her fries and pressed his lips against hers before she could say anything. When he finally pulled away he handed her the Fries and kissed her forehead. “be right back” he smirked as he ran back to his car and once again pushed the canvas bags up to almost his shoulders, carrying the enormous weight of the groceries up to her apartment. He smiled and made his way into the kitchen. “thought we could make dinner at home? didnt know what you would want... so I got a little of everything?” he said with a laugh, immediately pulling the frozen bag up onto the counter and putting the frozen things in the freezer before turning to her. He didnt want her to ever feel like he was pitying her, because he wasnt, he just wanted to care for her. So dinner at home was his gift to her, with about 300 dollars of extra supplies.
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"And stay out!"
A heavy oak door set below a hanging chain sign opened, and a red-skinned elf flew out, landing on the rough cobblestone street with a thud. A sizeable-- and overfilled-- black rucksack followed suit.
"C'mon, Ermine! You know I'm good for it!" the elf said, beginning to rummage through their pack. "I'll tell you what! I'll even throw in this new-"
"No!" Came the sharp reply, as a silver ferretfolk emerged from the door. Thin, but with a tough, muscular frame, piercing steel-blue eyes, and a long silver braid with a single streak of charcoal grey running through it, Ermine Shatterpaw emerged from her bar; The Snarling Mongoose.
"Ya know the deal! Ya get two nights on yer tab, and if ya don't pay me back the third visit I get to come for ya! So ya better start runnin, Sable, and ya better hope I get tired quick!"
Ermine snarled, ripping from seemingly nowhere a dagger that seemed wickedly sharp. "Ho-hold on, Ermine! How's about some jewelry? Some rings? Gems?" Scrambling backwards, dragging his pack and pulling out handfuls of trinkets, Sable dropped a few glittering bits of miscellaneous treasure.
She took a pause. "It's not coin, but if ya manage to get some by tonight, then I'll consider yer debt done. But if ya don't?" She leaned closer, a dangerous and serious look in her cold grey eyes. "We'll just have to see how well Blood Elf sells tonight."
Sable gulped, not bothering to correct her. "Y-yes, Ermine. Understood." Ermine sighed, and a cloud of cold breath escaped her, despite the humid summer air blanketing the area.
"I like ya, Sable. That's why ya ain't missin nothin yet. I'll tell ya what. Go to Olivia at Fairtrade and tell her I sent ya. She'll give ya a good deal and needs the business; I owe her some favors too. Once yer back I might give ya tonight's meal half off." Sable nodded, accepting the hand Ermine offered and getting to his feet, slinging his pack around his shoulder. "Thanks, Ermine. I'll be back before sundown."
Sable Flaireater left the Snarling Mongoose and turned down a back alley, thankful that it was midafternoon and that most of the town's population was behind their trade stalls or gathering freshwater fish from the nearby Arwynd River. It saved him the embarrassment of the town's eyes, and more importantly, kept his names from their lips.
Most of the town.
"Ehehe! Can't keep ye'self from trouble, eh Misser Sable?" Came a shout from a group of children that appeared from the other end of the alley. Libeth, an otterfolk, was the de facto leader of the group; a rotating cast of beaver, duck, otter, ferret, and lizard folk accompanied her when their parents let them play, but today was joined by an unfamiliar and shy turtle.
"You caught me, Li. I owe Mrs. Shatterpaw a bit of money 'cause I haven't been adventuring lately." Sable patted the coinpurse at his belt and got the jingle of two faded copper coins in response. "I guess I gotta go out today and find a cave or some bandits, otherwise..." A bead of sweat dropped from his brow at the thought; "Shatterpaw" wasn't a last name, but a title.
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It's a busy day on the anniversary front, another on is that on 9th November 1769 The Fenwick Weaver's Co-operative Society, the worlds first co-operative association, was founded
If you want to believe the English history books they will tell you that the first co-op was founded in Rochdale in 1844, well no it wisnae, the first Co-operative predates it by a good 75 years, when in 1769, local weavers manhandled a sack of oatmeal into John Walker's whitewashed front room and began selling the contents at a discount, forming the Fenwick Weaver's Co-operative Society.
The societies foundations started 8 years before when on 14 March 1761, 16 weavers met together in Fenwick Church to sign the foundation charter of the Fenwick Weavers' Society. By signing the document, they agreed to its terms and conditions. These included 'being honest and faithful to one another' and to their employers, making 'good sufficient' work, and setting prices that were 'neither higher nor lower ... than are accustomed in the towns and parishes of the neighbourhood'.
The society members promised to pay an admission fee of two shillings and sixpence which was to be used for the good of the Society. Regular contributions to the poor fund were made from these shared investments. As well as offering mutual support to its members, the society aimed to bring benefit to the wider community.
On 9 November 1769, the society agreed that its funds should be used to buy, 'victuals', or food, in bulk to be sold to members and non-members at a good price. In addition, members enjoyed the privilege of up to four weeks' credit.
The society funds were also used to buy books and, in 1808, the members established a library for the local community. In the society records, there is also evidence of a form of 'credit union', or community-based bank organised on co-operative principles. People could borrow money from the communal funds at a fixed rate of interest.
Sadly handloom weaving could not resist the advance of the factories and, in 1873, with only three members left, they wound up the Society. However, their memory lives on, both in the descendants of the Weavers now all over the globe, and also in our great world-wide Co-operative Movement with almost a billion co-operators affiliated to the International Co-operative Alliance. The story of those sixteen men of Fenwick will live on as long as we have co- operators.
Today, the co-operative movement has hundreds of millions of members across the world, and is at the forefront of championing Fairtrade and sustainable farming methods
The Fenwck Co-op lives on today in this web site and society http://fenwickweaverscooperative.com/
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There’s a place in a small town that has amazing organic dark chocolate crafted from cacao beans from ethically sourced cacao plantations. They make chocolate truffles, bars and drinks. It’s a place where everybody knows your name...ok, we’re not exactly Cheers but we do remember your faces, for the most part. We are El Buen Cacao located in Idyllwild a small town nestled in the San Jacinto mountains, 5300 feet above ground level. Come by and experience chocolate bliss! . . . #elbuencacao #beantobar #chocolate #mexicanhotchocolate #mexicanhotcoffee #organic #singleorigin #vegan #fairtrade #cacao #darkchocolate #unapologeticallydark #madeinidyllwild #oatmilk #coffee #espresso #doubleespresso #mocha #chocolatebliss #nirvana #sanjacinto #mountains #idyllwild #california #ebc https://www.instagram.com/p/BwSgSIIHqar/?igshid=rwbl369i0f9r
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