#Fairmount Vinny
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pagodazz · 2 months ago
ehtan i need to know ur thoughts about the fairmount mt4 right now..... im mainly thinkin abt fairmount evan/habit but im curious if u have anythoughts about them
Okay so... my thoughts... if you want specific hcs for specific scenarios plz tell me bc this is just a big rant I'm sorry 😭😭😭
alot of people seem to have the idea that fairmount Evan/habit don't like Vinnie/ would bully him or be mean to him and I need to say that's literally so far from being close to canon. The only person that it's even slightly hinted at him being unkind to is steph (IF you wanna take maryanns word for it for awhile I thought this was James but rereading it again I was like ohh it's his wife. I genuinely don't think ev/habit was this malicious)
also if you're curious on why Fairmount Ev/habit are put together it's bc habit is something that Evans mom called him and was considered a "nick name"
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As seen here aswell Vinnie takes Evan to go play which immediately gets him pinned as some sort of "deflector" like he doesn't care about Steph but in reality we know that Vinnie DOES care, this is just his form of coping.
Ev/Habit are best friends with Vinnie and even in his worst moments he only has good things to say about habit which just shows how close they are and how much Vinnie loves him. Vinnie is the only one in the letters besides Evans mother to call him habit. corenthal refuses to do it but Vinnie always refers to Evan as habit.
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Habit and Vinnie are almost always playing together. they adore each other. I don't think you could separate them from each other honestly. I think Evan/habit would probably do something violent or snap and get a aggressive but never towards Vinnie it'd be towards the other kids and Vinnie would have to be the one to calm him down seeing that Vinnie is always the one trying to help people feel better.
I do think he could maybe accidentally do something mean to Vinnie but if Vinnie were to cry he'd panic and try and do anything he can to make him feel better.
I think Fairmount Evan/habit still have their massive sweet tooth and is basically a giant fiend for any type of candy. He just LOVES sugar. Give it to him NOW. don't even TRY to eat any candy near him he's gonna ask for some and you WILL have to give it to him or he WILL stab you.
Evan was given a camera in the letters and he goes around taking a bunch of pictures of everything and I think he probably sleeps with that camera near him at ALL TIMES and if one of the others were to break it or take it he would have a total meltdown.
He is just a big lovable goofball of a kid, he definitely is super affectionate and wants hugs all the time. Even though he is portrayed to be "cruel" to Steph, they're still best friends. Evan loves all of them so fucking much. That's his family and it'll always be his family since he was practically stolen from his other one. He probably misses his mom so much, he just wants to be with his mom and hug his mom and tell her he loves her and that he's never gonna do anything wrong again and he promises to be good, just please don't send him back to the home. But he's stuck with the corenthals who almost view him as this wicked boy. Yes they love him, but they're so quick to judge him.
Now onto Fairmont Vinnie I feel like I kinda need to give a bit of a tw? for talk of CSA? I promise to do it tastefully tho since I myself am a victim of it.
Alot of people almost view Vinnie as so prescious and innocent but they don't seem to understand he has his innocence stolen from him, he's simply just still a child. He was able to ignore his emotions and push them aside in order to be there for everyone else in his life. What happened to Vinnie was not a one time thing. It lasted over a year. Vinnie's parents kept dropping him off there and left him alone with the reverend and didn't care about it at all until the reverend was found DEAD. and instead of trying to take care of Vinnie themselves they sent him to a home where they had no doctors who specialized in his specific trauma. He must've felt so isolated and his only solace was the few friends, especially Evan/Habit and man. Always Man. Man is a protector to him, man doesn't want to share him and Vinnie KNEW this. Man TOLD him this. Vinnie was not "saved" by him however. What Slenderman did was not an act of kindness it was an act of jealousy.
Vinnie is said that he draws to get out his emotions and I feel like he definitely has drawn pictures of him and Captain habit and also slenderman together, his only true friends.
Vinnie is unfortunately a unsettling little boy, he doesn't interact as normally as he should and he just can't help it. It's probably alot easier for him to try and isolate himself than it is to ask for help or support. But he always perks up when he gets to talk about playing pirates, even after the trauma his love for it never went away. I like to think he got to keep his toy ship. I think alot of people would think he wouldn't wanna keep something from such a traumatic day but I think otherwise. The reverend was eviscerated, it must've been such a relief for him. It's said that he was calm and happy when he was found and I can only imagine that he was probably told to go into the next room and play or maybe habit was able to come over and he played with Vinnie for a bit until right before Vinnie's parents show up. That toy probably brings Vinnie so much comfort and a sense of safety.
I think both him and Steph are mute, but Vinnie is a selective mute. He talks when he wants to but if he doesn't feel like it. Steph however is completely mute. she doesn't talk at all maybe unless she really has to.
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She would probably only ever talk to the other 3 of the group. This group functions together completely. They are almost like a hive mind sometimes. They're so deeply connected and so intertwined.
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They act out together, and it drains them so much they can't help but just need to be alone. These are just babies who are suffering so much and they're unfortunately in a home that doesn't really know how to help them, and of course James wants to help but he can't help but judge them too.
When all the kids get killed, Vinnie is the only body not found. He was not there, he was taken away. It was probably so painful for him because he loved them so much, but he knows deep down his loyalties lie with habit and Slenderman..
these are my babies... I love them so much and they deserved to be taken care of and given the help they deserved and not just to be like a couple of lab rats to make a perfect family just bc James corenthal couldn't have his own children with his wife.... it's so UGH. I love James but man is he way too harsh on these kids. I think maybe if he were to love evan/habit more... if he was able to accept habit despite the violence he's committed... things could've been different... maybe if habit got shown love sooner.... idk.... maybe he wouldn't be as irredeemable as he is now. Habit just unfortunately has the biggest case of mommy and adoptive daddy issues he can't help that he's so evil 😔😔💔💔💔💔💔
The fact James only ever acknowledged Evan instead of Habit is probably another reason that habit hates James so much...
oh and I almost forgot... Jeff is definitely just as mopey and sad as he was on the series but when he's playing with the group he's got more energy than Evan. And by GOD!!! IS THIS BOY A SWEETHEART 😭😭😭😭 he is so fucking traumatized but he tries his best to be so sweet. He's honestly probably stuck feeling younger than he is because of what happened to him and it was the only way he could really cope. and he definitely adored his little army soldier... like Evan loves his camera.. like Vinnie loves his ship... and i think like Steph would love her art. She's always gonna be an artist and I love that for her. She expresses herself so beautifully.
ANYWAYS uh post over I'm so sorry this probably makes 0 sense.
have some songs for them tho
okay bye
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planetcruspy · 8 months ago
I keep thinking about how Fairmount vin told the doc AND the priest about him and "captain habit" Habit kinda found him in every lifetime in the worst way imagable. Also the thought of this guy being around children in general is not a fun one.
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character-kai · 1 year ago
Every Harley Poe song is about HABIT to me.
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Gorehound, Everybody Knows My Name, Children of the O.D.D, I Am the Man
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veespee · 11 months ago
Hey!! your writing is AMAZINGGGG and I love how you view characters.
Do you have any headcanons for vinnie everyman?
MOON!!! HI HI you are literally the reason why i made this account and started taking writing seriously,,, sobbing rn
i was planning on making a post about Vinnie but i couldn't come up with any interesting ones, so here are some that i brainstormed. sorry if there are any mistakes, i wanted to make them close to canon but i put some of my theories in there too :)
Vinnie Everyman Headcannons
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-(this one's kinda sad so apologies) He sees Evan through HABIT, and HABIT through Evan. Basically: when HABIT jokes with Vinnie, he sees Evan. He sees his jokey and rowdy friend at that moment. But he has to remind himself; that's not Evan, that's a monster. But. When HABIT left Evan's body for some time, Vinnie could only see HABIT. He tells Evan that he doesn't think he's a monster, but i believe in the back of his mind, there's some bitterness. He knows this isn't Evan's fault, but he's still frustrated. He's so confused, no one's giving him answers. Except for HABIT.
That's why i think he's disappointed in a way, he wants HABIT to stay in Evan's body. HABIT is useful, although destructive. He doesn't like HABIT, he doesn't want to like HABIT, but he still needs him. He needs someone to tell him what to do, a higher being that knows more than him.
-^ continuing that, that's the reason why he didn't take Corenthal's warning seriously. He believed HABIT over his own father, biological or not, figure because HABIT is so knowledgeable. He thinks HABIT is so wise, and that's what HABIT wants Vinnie to believe. It feeds his ego, and he keeps Vinnie under his control.
-Also, it's not really hard to be manipulated by HABIT. He talks and acts like he's wise and knowledgeable, and honestly, he's good at it. Vinnie's intimidated by his threats, but also follows him around like a dog. Again, i'm repeating myself, but he's so infatuated with HABIT cause he feels like he's the only one that can answer him. And HABIT keeps him around to feed his ego, and to get his plan going.
-Furthermore, I think his relationship with Corenthal is SO interesting. Although i think Corenthal in general is such an interesting and underrated character, but that's a whole another post. Now, for this one I'll go a bit far from canon, but these are HCs so i guess that's the point lol: Basically, i think Vinnie DOES see Corenthal as a father figure, but he has complicated emotions. He distances himself from Corenthal, possibly out of just bitterness. Now i'm talking about the YouTube iteration, not Fairmount or Princeton, so that means that Vinnie has his own biological parents. However, Vinnie's memory got wiped (i mean, he knows he has parents and siblings, but he can't remember anything about them) so who's the only one he can remember? Dr. Corenthal.
Corenthal falls under someone I believe Vinnie gets attached to; someone who's wise, knowledgeable. He's a doctor, and a much older man, and he knows a lot about the boys' situation. We don't see a lot of interactions between them, so I'll just use my imagination for this part, but i believe that Vinnie is bitter because of how little Corenthal has said. He knows the Doctor knows what's going on, yet he's such a mysterious figure. He only appears a handful of times, and the other information they have about him are from old letters he had written. So Vinnie must be thinking, why isn't he helping? Why isn't he protecting us, if he has so much knowledge? So when Corenthal does contact him, he's suspicious. He doesn't believe him, instead, he believes HABIT. HABIT's there for him, even in a twisted way, and Vinnie believes that there's no way he's being lied to. So when Corenth tries to open Vinnie's eyes, he keeps them shut, and stays blind to HABIT's manipulation. Thus, resulting to Vinnie's death. Thus, resulting to another iteration where Corenthal can't save his children.
alright that's all :3 thank you for reading and thank you Moon for the request!!
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habitsbf · 1 year ago
do people genuinely believe HABIT uses the term "rabbit" in a nice way? me and my friends often read fanfic for jokes, and i always notice in x readers people make him call them "rabbit" in an adoring/romantic way. that makes 0 sense. (no offense to fanfic writers/readers btw, we just find ones related to our main interests silly)
i just ⁉️⁉️⁉️ he doesnt think of rabbits as a cute little animal he favors, he uses the term in a derogatory way 💀 for example when vinny tried to leave and got knocked out, HABIT called him a "stupid fucking rabbit". that doesnt sound very nice now does it? 😭
another thing i wanted to mention is the fact that back in fairmount he killed a bunch of rabbits. the only animal we ever see him be nice to is his own two cats in "severance".
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dreameralive · 10 months ago
but on a tangent almost completely unrelated to that last post of mine i do find it very interesting how wildly the characterization of Slenderman changes from person to person. i don't just mean slenderverse vs creepypasta here, i mean... well, everything. but i'll mainly be focusing on slenderverse, here.
this is partially why i wish people explored the slenderverse beyond the popular video series' of it, but i think it really is worth considering each depiction of Slenderman, especially ones that drastically vary from the 'norm' that we may think of when it comes to the character. take the blog JustAnotherFool (which, while now only available via the Internet archive, is something i highly recommend giving a read!), for example. there, Slenderman is portrayed as this horrific, spiderlike creature who wears a fedora and rips people to shreds himself. it's completely the opposite of almost every proposal of Slenderman i've ever seen in the context of the slenderverse - he's not a silent observer, nor a commanding authority. he's a beast. he's angry.
even in popular slenderverse webseries', he changes a lot. for example, in Marble Hornets, he's a, like i said, silent observer. although he brings so, so much devastation to these characters lives, he doesn't seem to have all that much investment in them. it's a matter of hopping from one to the next to the next to the next. it's about spreading. now, compare this to mlandersen0 or everymanhybrid, where Slenderman actively seems to almost delight in tormenting these characters, for presumably, as long as he possibly can. he is an active force in these peoples lives. everything he does to them is so deeply, deeply personal. he goes so far as to maul someone who was abusing Vinnie in the Fairmount timeline. why? well, the text says it itself. "the man doesn't share."
there's also the humanization of Slenderman, like how i mentioned above, where he seems to have some sort of psychological capabilities to him. he is choosing to do this. he is choosing to hurt people. which is deeply, deeply sinister. a horror that wants you to suffer, specifically. a horror that knows what it's doing. a horror that does it all simply because it can. but there's also blogs and series' where he's portrayed as nothing more than a stupid animal, or some sort of infection. where he runs on instincts, a need to feed or to spread, and nothing more. which is also quite disturbing. a horror that does it all simply because it can do nothing else.
this is all, of course, only really scratching the surface. and anyway, i don't really know what point exactly i'm trying to make here. but, i guess this is a good conclusion to end on: please don't be afraid to stray too far from popular depictions with your portrayal of Slenderman! and please look into more slenderverse media that isn't simply MH/EMH/etc! it's good stuff!
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deerdamsel · 2 months ago
Amber waves reminds me so much of vinnie everyman and evan/habit (both of them). Specifically Sleeping dogs lie, The drive west and finding fairmount. The beginning sounds So much like the tapes vinnie was listening to in fairmount
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tothearkangel · 5 months ago
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Day 13: Team as a family
Transcript: Vinnie: I found a picture…it’s of us but the purple figure, I don’t know. Maybe Habit?
I have a feeling that Fairmount or mining town Evan would be able to see Habit and so every time he made a picture he would always include Habit. Sometimes as mean sometimes as nice. And so then later in finding the picture it’s like he’s been here for the whole time. I don’t believe this is entirely canon I haven’t gotten through the entire series and haven’t watched the Princeton tapes yet but it’s on my watch list.
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mla0 · 6 months ago
looks at you. i want to hear about your different iteration things au concept thing for shaun,. blinks eye.
so for the first iteration of the andersens i used the last name warren, so shaun and michael warren because i just like that surname lol. i'm not sure if they would have been in fairmount (probably would've), but either way they definitely knew the mining town four. the clock was ground zero for why they were both admitted, because the mental effects of it lingering around greatly hurt them both and made them act out in their own ways. i think shaun was close with vinny and steph, and michael was close with evan. shaun and jeff are frienemies in the kind of sibling-esque "id kill for you but id also bury you alive for a saltine cracker" way. also it's a personal headcanon of mine that shaun really, really does not like corenthal, and even across iterations that trait sticks even if she doesn't know why (in my personal headcanon, doc gave her preferential treatment over michael and it pissed her off so bad the anger stuck across all the iterations.)
throughout the iterations i think entities like habit would be more in the background, but would sometimes be there, oftentimes to force the two apart. so throughout the generations, you'll see them slowly becoming more and more distant, because habit, the man in the suit, whatever, all thrive off of isolating people as much as possible so they're easier to manipulate or kill later. the two figuring out how to rejoin and work together is paramount, but it gets harder every time.
the other main iteration i focus on would be in the princeton era, and in this one her iteration is named esther. the name means north star, and i think she'd possibly choose it because of vinny for obvious reasons. their last name is korbel, so michael and esther korbel are their names. anyways, in my interpretation she tried to outrun her responsibilities the moment she was old enough, by going off to work in remote and often dangerous places (think oil rigs, firetowers, things where you're far away from everyone else) because her hope is that she can outrun slenderman. she even leaves the country for long periods of time and doesn't really have anyone to lean on, which she did on purpose.
esther and michael in this era hadn't been forcefully separated and were actually really close as kids/younger teens, but they grew apart over time and they hadn't talked in years because esther grew more and more detached from other people. michael took this personally of course and is constantly trying to figure out where she is, but he eventually resigns that she was probably killed by the man in the suit. this isn't the case, though. esther also ended up transitioning when she was away, using the remote workplaces and fact that basically nobody knows her to her advantage. she doesn't care if people are shitty to her on an oil rig, they're too busy getting decompression sickness anyways. she tries to tough everything out but it wears her down more than she'd admit, and has a hard time keeping her resolve and not contacting michael.
it's not that esther dislikes him, quite the opposite actually. kind of like michael in mla0, she has this idea that it's mostly after her or is somehow her own fault, so staying far away from michael will keep him safer. it's self-centered, but michael didn't talk too much about the man in childhood (because he also thought it'd keep his sibling safe) so she wrongly assumes she's patient zero in the family and the two never communicated about this. eventually, something goes wrong at work and she finally starts accepting the situation and meets people like vinny (who i think would be a close friend, i love when shaun and vinny have a dynamic) her and michael see each other again... only for her to realize michael doesn't recognize her after she disappeared and transitioned so long ago. she's terrified of him finding out because this is like, the 1980s, and she doesn't know how michael would take her being trans. even though she's almost entirely certain he wouldn't mind, she still doesn't want to ruin the time they has left, because at this point she's realized they're probably doomed anyways.
she tries to use this to her advantage; she helps michael out a ton without getting too emotionally close. she becomes dangerously obsessed with trying to understand what the entities around her are and what they can do, which only makes her more distant and worries the hell out of vinny as she slips deeper into it. she practically self sabotages and gets more and more unhinged as she dives headfirst into danger with little regard for much else. in the end michael ends up being killed by habit (?) while she's trying to save him, and she makes one last ditch attempt to kill whatever this monster is that she can't comprehend. she puts up a good fight and gets closer than she ever has before thanks to what she's learned, but well, it's habit. she never really stood a chance, and she dies regretting all the things she never told her brother
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teecupofcement · 1 year ago
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vincetontapes · 2 months ago
fictive + age regression is great /sarcastic. wdym im fairmount vinnie rn. iwas gonna watch a horror movie but noooo
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pagodazz · 2 months ago
I wasn't ever gonna post this but idk I kinda wanted to. I drew this a few months ago. Think of it as self healing idk.
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planetcruspy · 9 months ago
That part in finding Fairmount when Vinny starts saying a prayer when he knows he's gonna die
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evanhabit-fanboy · 1 year ago
As an emh fan I think Alex and Jeff are super underrated as characters and story's.
and I'm gonna talk a bit about why
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[Side note; I am a fairly new emh fan, however I am aware of the allegations against Jeff. I am in no way supporting him or his actions, I am talking purely about the character and not the actor]
To start; one of the main reasons I personally got attached to these two's storyline is because of how not center focused it was. Their family and situation was mentioned maybe three or four times throughout the series, not counting the fairmount iteration. Despite being one of the main characters backstory, and currently way of living, it was often glossed over. Which, I really liked. since it was made in the style of being just uploading recordings, it wouldn't be focused on to much, Jeff wouldn't want his and Alex's situation being widely known especially because of how fragile and unattached Alex is/was to the reality.
If you're unaware of what I'm referring to, I shall explain.
in the very beginning of the series not long after we're introduced to Alex, one of the brothers [not sure which, probably Alex] brings up their parents in a conversation, and at the time it's very easily looked over. Not long after, during a livestream, Alex and Jeff are asked to step aside after a question about the two. It is said both of their parents are dead and Jeff is taking care of Alex by himself and its a very touchy subject for the both of them.
throughout the series there's a few things Alex does to show just how messed up and unattached he is. A few of the main examples being; the episode where vinny and Jeff go to the library, when Alex is asked if he wants to go with, he says "I'll have to ask my mom" and Jeff responds with "come on Alex we don't have to do this anymore" and Vinny says some times as well. Alex leaves then returns with something to play audio, he asked the device, referring to it as "mom" if he can go, he plays a recording of their mothers voice saying something along the lines of "I don't know Alex, it's getting late" and Vinny responds saying it's 10 in the morning.
from Jeff's response we can tell this is something they both used to do [or at least encouraged], but Alex being younger, seems to not be able to let go of it. It becomes very clear Alex has attachment issues, assumed to be because of his parents deaths, throughout the series.
The other main event, being during the [I think] movie night after one of the rake attacks when they attempted to go back to notmal. Alex shows up late with a sock puppet on his hand and when asked "what is thay" by Evan, he responds "sparky" [that convo made me cry the first time I watched it]. this was after Sparkys [his dog's] death, another time showing his attachment issues.
Another thing I really like about their storyline is the fact Jeff did everything he knew how to do in order to protect Alex. Alex was the last thing Jeff had besides the other emh members, so it's only natural that he's going to try protecting Alex. Jeff's story alone is really sad to me, but it's even sadder when you put the two's story's together. telling Alex to stay away from Evan may not have been very much, but it was the only thing Jeff knew to do. you have to remember, he's only a college student trying to take care of his teenage brother after losing both of their parents, and Jeff going through the loss of Jessa, he was doing his best.
Whenever things start getting bad for Alex, the rake attacks at the beginning of the series, the nightmares before his death, ect. Alex didn't tell Jeff about it because he didn't want to make him worried. Not only is that really realistic, it also makes sense with their dynamic. Alex knew Jeff was going through a lot, and he didn't want to add onto it, so even when he was getting physically attacked, he kept it from Jeff because Jeff was depressed over Jessa going missing.
Last but certainly not least, my possible favorite moment showing the two's story, is when we see [I'm pretty sure] Vinny, recording Jeff in a car, Jeff is talking about Alex and their parents death. he's saying things along the lines of "I can't be Alex's dad" and "I can't take care of him", stressing about how he, a collage student, is going to take care of Alex, a teenager. that scene absolutely broke me when I watched it, everytime I've watched it actually. I'm aware it's from another iteration, but either way, that's how Jeff would feel, and from other scenes where either the two are mentioned, or when the two are talking, it's made clear that Jeff does feel that way [example being when vinny is talking to Evan after Alex has the sock puppet and says that he's told Jeff to take Alex to the doctor but he always just says "I need to protect him"].
that was way longer then intended it to be especially because that wasn't even everything, but yeah. that's why Jeff and Alex's story is one of my fav not so talked about storylines :3
if you read of that I really appreciate and you should follow cuz I'll probz be posting more like this <3
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bitd · 10 months ago
grips ur shoulders. hi. ironically despite the username emh is the only series im insane about. yeah the reverend thing was mentioned one time and it haunts me. how do you feel about the corenthal vinnie situation i hated it at first but now i love that they’re the same guy because corenthal makes the same mistakes that vinnie does because he wants answers no matter how selfish and horrible it makes him look and be. and he watches his younger self go through these things time and time again. do you think he looked at vinnie’s file in fairmount and felt a chill of familiarity. do you think he ever realized what was happening or do you think he only noticed when in eden watching the modern iteration and figuring everything out. he wanted to save himself but he couldn’t he is always the voyeur even with a completely different name.
i think emh could be a 2020s analog horror series and ppl would love it
YOURE SO REAL FOR THAT. honestly both interpretations of it are crazymaking to me but i think i personally prefer him only figuring shit out in eden and then sitting there frustrated as fuck because hindsight is 20/20 and he Should have been able to do more for vin. for all of them but you know especially him and also all of his self hatred definitely manifests there but teeheeeeee. maybe if he just tried a little harder or had a bit more time or wasn't so in his fucking head and etc. IT MAKES ME WANT TO CHUCK MY PHONE INTO A WALL BASICALLT ☺️☺️☺️☺️
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sigmabateman · 1 year ago
vinny everyman is literally doomed by the narrative if you even care. the fucking lords prayer in finding fairmount i am SICK IN THE HEAD!!!!!
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