#Fabulous Rougeaus
wrestlingarsenal · 3 months
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The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers utterly demolish a couple of jobbers who have beautiful flowing mullets and skimpy black trunks. Love the Rougeau's matching costumes (so flamboyant and gay!) I really love the brutal Knee Drop to the Boston-crabbed victim's bent spine as their Finishing Move.
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Oh you are hot, Jacques Rougeau!
Full match recently posted to YouTube.
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blowflyfag · 1 year
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“The Rockers Deny Illegal Double-Teaming”
Some fun pics from the article I’m transcribing right now! Hopefully expect it by tonight at most!
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hart-on-my-sleeve · 3 months
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Jimmy takes his Bois out to Memphis!!! They all look so adorkable... Little family vacay 🥹
Also what the hell pose is that Jimmy
WWF Magazine March 1989
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blueonwrestling · 2 months
Now I personally love a big stinkin' pro american american heel, an american guy that loves america so much that he becomes a heel for it is fucking all good.
I love heels that love america so much in general, especially when it's a non-american like the Fabulous Rougeau brothers as I just think that shtick is great, instead of the pro usa babyfaces which im sick to death of, an american heel is great.
HOWEVER, I do find it a little odd that MJF is doing this gimmick, and it almost feels like a bit of a waste of time to rile up this heat for a UK crowd to cheer ospreay when Ospreay is going to be the most over thing since sliced bread when AEW comes for All In 2.
The Americans belt is fucking awesome and just great heat in general, but it only existing properly for a month? Bit of nothing waste of time tbh for me, i would like that to be extended.
I'm not against it, but im also just a little...curious about it all.
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Survivor Series (1987)
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Right! The first Survivor series, okay let’s go. How does this work then? So a team of multiple people exchange places and the last team is the winner right? Makes sense! And the team on the outside absolutely keeps position and will not interfere, right? Haha yeah okay…
So moving on, let’s consult the teams and the matches they inhibit.
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When you're torn between calling the big game and leading the Mayflower crew...
So let’s start with Jesse “The Body” Ventura coming out dressed as a pilgrim and stating that “I’m gonna have me a good time on Turkey Day even in Cleveland if you can imagine that!” So I guess it’s Thanksgiving, and that Cleveland sucks? Gorilla monsoon fails to comment on this fact. We get the breakdown on what qualifies as “rules” in this event and I have to say I kinda dig it. Having a last-man-standing kind of event does mix things up a bit from the standard 1v1 brawls.
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Elvis is alive...to kick your ass
Brutus Beefcake, Jake Roberts, Jim Duggan, Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat V Dangerous Danny Davis, Harley Race, Hercules, The Honky Tonk Man and Ron Bass - I’m seeing Macho Man and Ricky Steamboat on the same team and thinking, honestly how can they lose. Combine with other meaty stars like “pure ‘murican patriot” Jim Duggan and a man who uses a python for intimidation and I can’t think how the other team can shape up! 
Pre-match promo from Honky Tonk is quite unhinged, everyone jeering themselves up including The King, and Hercules just gurning in the background, working the rest of the cocaine out of his system. Meanwhile Macho Man’s team seems to struggle to get themselves heard over a local rock band playing in the background.
This was a high energy match for sure and that matches the talent being put in the ring. Macho man getting the majority of the cheers. Ultimately Randy gets Honky Tonk out of the ring who bolts it in the face of superior numbers. Good drama, solid introduction to this format of wrestling. -Tier 2-
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Velvet's choice was pinfall or yoga, not both...
The Fabulous Moolah, The Jumping Bomb Angels, Rockin' Robin and Velvet McIntyre V Dawn Marie, Donna Christanello, The Glamour Girls and Sensational Sherri - So a few female wrestlers I’ve seen before; Velvet, Moolah and the Glamour Girls have made appearances in the previous entries. Though I’m not sure what WWF’s status with Women’s Wrestling is at this time as it seems to be treated as a serious match over the TNA appeal featured in later years. 
There is definitely energy going on in the ring with lightning fast takedowns and flips going on all over the place. But I think the most interesting combatants here are the Jumping Bomb angels, who secure the win with some impressive in ring acrobatics and drama as Jimmy Hart once again bites the dirt. -Tier 3-
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"And which section of Hot Topic do you get your outfits from..."
The British Bulldogs, The Killer Bees, The Fabulous Rougeaus, Strike Force and The Young Stallions V The Bolsheviks, Demolition, The Dream Team, The Hart Foundation and The Islanders - I think this is too many people, however I do recognise Tonga Fifita as the father of Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa, and the whole Bloodline angle going on in modern wrestling, considering how 90% of modern WWE is Anoa’i related I like seeing their fathers in the ring. Somehow the Killer Bees are here joining the Rougeaus who seem to be trying to compete on style over conflict, and somehow still losing.
I think somehow this match has too many people in it, and despite gimmicks and personalities, overstays its welcome a little bit. There are bits and pieces of relevant drama, slams, cheers and cheating, however at over 37m long it’s hard to keep my attention. That being said it’s a fairly exciting fight if you can stay tuned, with a dramatic finish from a fake masked Killer Bee, yes, I said that, those words happened. -Tier 3-
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"Please, look at my array of large men..."
André the Giant, Butch Reed, King Kong Bundy, One Man Gang and Rick Rude V Bam Bam Bigelow, Don Muraco, Hulk Hogan, Ken Patera and Paul Orndorff - I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Andre is such a freaking huge man, literally dwarfs the announcer two to one. Even King Kong Bundy, who would actually be a reasonable contender for Andre, seems tiny in comparison. First appearance for me of Bam Bam Bigelow who I understand becomes a bigger deal in the future, and The Rock? Oh wait no it’s Don “The Rock” Muraco, who probably got some legal action with Dwayne Johnson’s estate, who comes into the ring looking like he took all the steroids. Come on man, leave some for the rest of us…
This match probably has the best hype and action of all the others tonight. And that’s even with a surprise count out to Hogan mid match, which almost seemed like a botch until he came out post-match to bring the heat to Andre. Some superb wrestling from the best in the business at that time with Andre taking Bam Bam by pinfall. A great conclusion to a fun event! -Tier 1-
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"Let me tell you brother, I can't see a freaking thing"
Notable Dialogue:
Hulk Hogan - “There’s no rules when you deal with mother nature, there’s no insurance policy whether you die or survive. But I tell you what, I’ve done everything I could to cover my back man!”
Jesse “The Body” Ventura - “I’m gonna have me a good time on Turkey Day even in Cleveland if you can imagine that!” Survivor Series (1987) Rating: 8 Batshit Crazy Promo's Out Of 10
Up Next: The Royal Rumble (1988)
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90s00wcwwwf · 10 months
WWF first ever Survivor Series on November 26th 1987. Af the Richfield Coliseum, Richfield Ohio.
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Survivor Series Ten Man Tag Team Elimination Match
Brutus Beefcake, Jake Roberts, Jim Duggan, Randy Savage & Ricky Steamboat (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs. Danny Davis, Hercules, King Harley Race, Ron Bass & The Honky Tonk Man (w/Bobby Heenan & Jimmy Hart)
Survivor Series Ten Man Tag Team Elimination Match
Rockin' Robin, The Fabulous Moolah, The Jumping Bomb Angels (Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno) & Velvet McIntyre vs. Dawn Marie, Donna Christianello, The Glamour Girls (Judy Martin & Leilani Kai) & The Sensational Sherri (w/Jimmy Hart)
Survivor Series Ten Team Tag Team Elimination Match
Demolition (Ax & Smash), The Bolsheviks (Boris Zhukov & Nikolai Volkoff), The Dream Team (Dino Bravo & Greg Valentine), The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart) & The Islanders (Haku & Tama) (w/Bobby Heenan, Jimmy Hart, Johnny V, Mr. Fuji & Slick) vs. Strike Force (Rick Martel & Tito Santana), The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith & The Dynamite Kid), The Killer Bees (B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell), The Rougeau Brothers (Jacques Rougeau & Raymond Rougeau) & The Young Stallions (Jim Powers & Paul Roma)
Survivor Series Ten Man Tag Team Elimination Match
Bam Bam Bigelow, Don Muraco, Hulk Hogan, Ken Patera & Paul Orndorff (w/Oliver Humperdink) vs. Butch Reed, The Heenan Family (Andre The Giant, King Kong Bundy & Rick Rude) & The One Man Gang (w/Bobby Heenan & Slick)
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yourfaveisyourfave · 4 years
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The Fabulous Rougeaus from WWF are your fave!
Requested by @a-very-strange-girl
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My Royal Rumble 1989 live stream.  More to come this mouth since its Rumble season! 
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wwemindset · 5 years
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starbug · 4 years
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blowflyfag · 1 year
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World Wrestling Federation Magazine : August 1989
Transcript Below!!!
The Rockers Sing
“The Rougeaus Are Gonna Roll” 
By Keith Elliot Greenberg
The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers did it for a song. What was supposed to be a match between two of the World Wrestling Federation’s quickest teams never made it into the ring–all because of a disagreement over the music blaring over the public address system. Instead, Jacques and Raymond Rougeau–egged on by their manager Jimmy “Mouth of the South” Hart-put on one of the most shocking spectacles in recent memory at ringside. When they were done, Rocker Shawn Michaels was battered and bleeding, lying on the arena floor, as his concerned partner, Marty Jannetty, bent over him calling for a doctor–and vowing vengeance on the brothers from Memphis, Tennessee.
“Did you see what my All American Boys did tonight?” shrieked Hart. “To show what patriots they are, they beat that wimp Michaels red, white and blue like the flag. Some people might say we went a little bit overboard, but the Rougeaus believer you can’t go far enough ||Above: The Rougeaus and Jimmy Hart insult the Rockers. Left: Shawn Michaels was so badly injured during the attack that he needed medical assistance. Inset: Marty Jannetty helps his partner.|| when you’re fighting for Old Glory.” 
Raymond Rougeau drew a parallel between Michaels’ condition and the Rockers’ new entrance song, The Rockers.
“The word ‘suffer’ comes to mind first,” Raymond giggled. “The song is so bad it makes you suffer–but not as badly as Michaels did. The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers really care about all our fans in the United States, and we couldn’t stand the thought of that song giving them an earache. So we made Michaels ache, and now hopefully the Rockersknowto be kinder to our fellow citizens.” 
In the Dressing room, the Rockers were not in a laughing mood. As the doctor tended to his partner, Jannetty briefly spoke to WWF Magazine: “The Rougeaus have done themselves in. Those snickering idiots think they can do anything they want and get away with it. They’ve gone too far this time. Shawn and I have always prided ourselves on being gentlemen. Well, now we’ve been pushed over the limit. The next time we meet the Rougeaus, we're going to be twice as vicious as they are. Next time, Jacques and Raymond are going to be the ones who need the doctor!” Hart claimed that the Rockers’ anger will make the meeting easier for his team. “Those two rock ‘n’ roll burnouts are so blind with rage they can’t even see the bright colors on their tights. They’re dumb to begin with, but now it will be impossible for them to come up with a strategy to wrestle my Fabulous Rougeau Brothers . Jacques and Raymond wont even have to get into the ring. The Rockers are so out of whack they’ll be bouncing into each other.” 
He added, “If they hadn’t disrespected the Rougeaus so blatantly, this whole episode never would have happened.”
The episode began with the Rougeaus’ coming down the aisle to the tune of their theme song, All–American Boys. With Jimmy Hart leading them, they made faces at spectators and a WWF camera crew, while waving small American flags.
Suddenly their music stopped mid-beat . The Rougeaus, standing at ringside, looked confused as The Rockers boomed over the sound system and Micahels and Jannetty soared into the ring. Fans cheered while the Rockers bounced off the ropes, anticipating the match-up, but their opponents refused to leave the arena floor. 
Commentator Tony Schiavone approached Hart’s Squad to inquire about their reluctance to climb between the ropes. The irate manager lashed out at the Rockers’ music, which was still playing. 
“That sounds horrible!” Hart wailed, his voice cracking. “Who has the right and the nerve to take off the Fabulous Rougeau Brothers’ music and put that garbage on there? These guys can’t sing! They’re off-key! They’re horrible, man! Horrible!” 
The microphone was handed to Raymond Rouageau, who alleged that The Rockers was recorded to || The brawl was vicious. While Jannetty chased Hart, Jacques and Raymond brutalized Michaels. The self-proclaimed Fabulous Brothers did not let up. Using Hart’s megaphone, the Rougeaus battered Shawn’s throat repeatedly. All the while, Hart looked on, satisfied.||  imitate and mock All-American Boys. He called Michaels and Jannetty “copycats,” continuing, “You are a disgrace to all these people here, and you’re also a disgrace to all the people in our United States of America!”
After a round of boos subsided, he went on, “You do not deserve to get into the ring with us. So we have decided that we’re not going to wrestle you tonight.”
To further demean the Rockers, Jacques and Raymond turned their backs on them, arms raised triumphantly. Unwilling to endure this humiliation, the Rockers flew out of the ring, engaging their tormentors in a slugfest. While Michaels and Raymond rolled on the floor exchanging punches, Hart smacked Jannetty from the rear. Incensed, the Rocker turned around and lumbered toward the sneaky manager. Jannetty did not realize that he was playing into Hart’s hand until Jacques snuck behind the Rocker and kneed him into the ring post. Holding his head, Jannetty fell onto the ground. 
In the meantime, Raymond and Michaels were continuing their struggle. Michaels was behind his adversary, gripping him around the chin when Jacques tipped the odds to two-on-one. He ax-handled Michaels from behind, then grabbed his arms and opened him up for Raymond's punches. Both Rougeaus pummeled the Rocker before executing a maneuver that would turn a competition into a war. 
Michaels was draped across the ring apron, with his head hanging toward the floor. Raymond held him in place, while Jacques climbed onto the apron, holding Hart’s megaphone. When Michaels was properly positioned, Jacques jumped from the apron, crashing the object into the Rocker’s neck. To Add to the torture, Raymond took the megaphone and also smashed it into Michaels’ throat. 
The Rougeaus insist that the Rockers will never recoup from the incident. “It just shows what amateurs they are,” Jacques said. “No wrestler with any skill would allow himself to be blasted like that–not once, but two times! Now the Rockers want to wrestle us in a full match? Ha, ha, it will be over in 30 seconds.” Strangely, Jannetty predicts a bout of similar length. “I’ve never been so angry in my life. Once I get into the ring with the Rougeaus, I’ll annihilate the two cowards myself. And I won’t take a long time doing it. They’ll be finished before they can say ‘All-American Boys.’”
In all probability, a future confrontation between the two squads will be more lengthy. The Rockers and Rougeaus are evenly matched on paper,  and it would be difficult for either duo to score a lightning-fast victory. 
The aftershock of the attack on Micheals can go in either team’s favor. Despite bold promises, the Rocker may not be 1000 percent in fighting form, and memories of the episode could cause him to be hesitant in the ring. Even if the Rockers are willing to hold nothing back, their fury may cause them to rush the ring without a solid game plan–a necessity against a team as well-coordinated as the Rougeaus. On the other hand, the incident could serve as motivation for the Rockers to train harder and battle fiercer than ever before, not letting up until the Rougeaus are literally ready to be carted out of the arena. 
The team that can work better as a unit will likely come out ahead. Although the Rougeaus claim that, being brothers, their teamwork is impeccable, the Rockers are one squad just as finely tuned. Each pair is known for double shoulder-blocks, double backflips, double drop-kicks and synchronized moves off the ropes. Whichever man becomes separated from his partner long enough may be victimized by these tactics may well be responsible for his team’s loss.
Finally, there's the question of experience. The Rougeaus could have the advantage here, as they’ve been battling in WWF rings longer than have their adversaries. Plus, they recently went up against the Bushwackers, expanding an almost scholarly knowledge of the art of brawling. However the Rockers not long ago fared well against the Brain Busters, a team combining rulebreaking, scientific finesse and psychological tactics. And at WrestleMania V, Michaels and Jannetty unequivocally proved their toughness against the mountainous Twin Towers.
Perhaps it is best to take Jannetty’s advice and not analysis and theory to calculate the outcome of the conflict. “Hey, baby,I’m running on pure emotion and pure energy,” Jannetty said. “And that energy’s going to  rock the Rougeaus so bad they’re never going to be able to find their way back to a wrestling ring.”
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wrestlingisfake · 7 years
It’s weird enough seeing the Rougeau Brothers as babyfaces in 1986, but I was watching Prime Time Wrestling and they opened with this video, which seemed to go on and on for no reason.  I couldn’t figure out the point of it until I realized they were playing generic stock music.  A quick check of YouTube revealed that they must not have been able to clear the rights with Miami Sound Machine, which would have made the whole thing a little more tolerable.
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blueonwrestling · 2 years
looks like my prediction of lacey and raquel being teamed came true, if they’re going to have actual women tag titles come back be prepared for these two girls to be red white and blue all american girls, and not the fabulous rougeau brothers kind.
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jeffgerstmann · 5 years
y'ever just... think about kaze ni nare
I wish I did. But it just never comes up. And my brain is more likely to drift to great shit like the Fabulous Rougeaus’ theme.
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federationforever · 2 years
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SummerSlam 1988
August 29th 1988 Madison Square Garden New York City,New York
The British Bulldogs v The Fabulous Rougeaus 
#WWF #WorldWrestlingFederation #Summerslam #OldSchool #ClaasicWWF #NewYork #TheGarden #TheBritishBulldogs #TheFabulousRougeaus #WWE 
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