#FUCK i love movies so much you guys don't understand. the color. the music.
snowangeldotmp3 · 8 months
yall ever rewatch a movie so good you breakdown crying and remember the meaning of life???
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trumpetnista · 6 months
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An early birthday present to me! I'm 31 on the 25th and I'm damned happy to be here. Also, this is yet another stride forward in my ongoing deprogramming journey! The bison on my right side is a BI-SON because I love bison and puns plus now that I'm Free and Out, I want everyone to know what I'm about. The Hello Kitty Gingerbread Cookie is a Memorial tat for my Daddy and for my Sara. When I was born, Daddy said I looked just like a gingerbread cookie which led to the nickname that was just for him: Cookie. Sara Elizabeth was stolen from us by an evil and rare brain tumor (DIPG) and she adored Hello Kitty. The icing and bow are their favorite colors: purple and pink, respectively.
The Cult I escaped from is the Jehovah's Witnesses and two of the main Rules they had was no Ink and no celebrating your birthday.
I SAY FUCK THAT AND FUCK THEM. I have reclaimed my time and my life from them and I'm never going back. I've always wanted tattoos and since my sheet music orchid healed beautifully, I returned to the same parlor and got the same excellent service and fair price.
They also helped me plan my next tattoos after my Caged Bird Free on my right tricep.
My right thigh is going to have a mural of an owl holding Medusa's head because Medusa got fucked over and I always felt bad for her. That and I'm a huge Mythology nerd. After tigers, bison, and cows, the owl is my favorite animal and it's a long time symbol of wisdom. I plan on returning to the artist who did my Orchid, although everyone in the parlor is very good.
My left tricep is going to have Venusaur with its flower in the bisexual flag colors. Bulbasaur has been my favorite Pokemon since I was a kid back in the day when there were only 150 and all its evolutions are awesome. The reason I came up with the idea is because my tattoo parlor is a station for Pokemon GO, adding bonus points to how much I love it. Plus, it's literally down the street from my house. Support your local businesses, folks!
I have some transparent waterproof bandages on the way and I have plenty of Shea butter to tend to them as I heal. I have to go out and get a travel size for when I'm at the gym and I'll probably do that while I get some more extra strength Tylenol and Gatorade for the gym.
My Fibromyalgia has been kicking my ass for the last 2 months but I'm already putting my doctors on the case and 2 new pain management docs are on standby if they can't help me. I have an appointment with my surgeon to talk about more nerve ablations and to get my weight loss supplement refilled or replaced because since I haven't been able to get refills, I gained everything I lost back and then some. Thankfully, I have a consistent gym routine and I've adjusted my diet so I know the weight gain is because of that because before I ran out, I was dropping weight slowly but steadily.
I am LIVING for The Ones Who Live. It's literally a Richonne fanfic novel come to life and it's doing 2016, Pre Negan numbers so hopefully, we'll get a Season 2 and/or a movie. It's literally leaving money on the table if they don't! Plus, Andy and Danai are in the writer's room and it shows on and off camera. They understand and love their characters as much as we do and it's just refreshing! The Walking Dead is exciting AND sensible again, LMAO!
ALSO, I saw that The Admiral has joined the original Law and Order as Jack McCoy's successor. The only actor I love more than Andrew Lincoln is Tony Goldwyn so I might pull up. My main Law and Order has always been SVU and now Organized Crime since their Leads are just as entwined as the shows buuttt, I love Tony. He's a sweetheart and can you guys imagine if they put Kerry on as a guest star linked to him??? I know she's got her own projects going on but an Olitz reunion would be so cool, especially since Elliot and Olivia ARE STILL NOT TOGETHER! Jeez, just let them fuck and love each other fully! God-DAMN!
Anyway, that's what I've been doing. I'm still working on my fanfics, I promise but I gotta take care of IRL business before I can really get back in action. I AM live tweeting The Ones Who Live (my handle is Trumpetnista) so if you wanna hang out and get more updates regularly, that's where I am.
Peace and Chicken Grease, ~*Trump*~
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megan-loves-surveys · 1 month
You know the drill.
About you Name: Megan. Country: New Zealand. Age: 37. Gender(s): Female. Height: 5'3". weight: Not saying. eye color: Green. skin color: White. Heritage: Kiwi, Scottish, Irish, English. Relationship status: Taken. Are you physically healthy? Not really. My shoulder is still pretty fucked up, and I get migraines. Are you mentally healthy? Yes. Job?: Admin assistant. school: None.
Favs: Animal: Cats. Flower: Don't really have one. Movie: None in particular. TV show: Raw. Music: Pop. Band: Blue or Five. Video Game: Pokémon in general, but right now I'm addicted to Crime Scene Cleaner xD Gaming Console: My laptop lol. Name: May. Person: My boyfriend.
Love life: 1: Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yep. 2: Do you love them? Yep. 3: Are you still in love with an ex? Hell no. 4: How many people have you dated? Maybe a dozen. 5: Do you think you'll get married? No. 6: Have you ever been emotionally/physically abused in a relationship? No. 7: Have you ever hurt your partner by accident without knowing it? Like physically? No. Emotionally? Maybe. 8: Whats important to you in a relationship? Having fun, honesty, loyalty. 9: Do you have to see them everyday? ( or hear from them) I don't have to see my boyfriend everyday, but we do at least talk or text everyday. 10: Do you think you can love someone within 2 weeks? No.
Friendship and Family: 1: How many friends do you have? Enough. 2: What type of friend are you? Hmm, hard to say. 3: Have you ever been friends with someone for longer than 7 years? Oh yah. My BFF and I have been friends for 22 years! 4: Do you have one best friend, more or none? One, but also a lot of really good friends. 5: Have you ever had a friend just stop being your friend and you never knew why? Yes. 6: Do you get along with family? I don't see most of them that much. 7: Do you have a family member you hate? No. 8: Does your family accept who you are? Yes. 9: Are you an only child or have siblings? Only child. 10: Do you have parents that still live together? No.
Health 1: Do you need to lose or gain weight? Lose. 2: Have you ever had the swine flu? (H1n1) Not that I know of. 3: Do you like to go to the doctors? No. Who does? 4: Have you ever puked in school or at work? No. 5: Have you ever been extremely sick where you couldnt even leave your bed? Yes. 6: Do you hate puking or does it make you feel better? I HATE it. 7: Have you ever coughed up blood? No. 8: Should you be eating healthier ? Probably lol. 9: Do you lie to your doctor? No. 10: Have you ever taken too much advils? No.
Mental Health: 1: Do you have a mental illness? I have some anxiety but that's about it. 2: Do you take anti-depressants? No. 3: Are you mentally stable? Mostly. 4: Have you ever been misdiagnosed? No. 5: Do you think you have an disorder but havent been properly diagnosed yet? No. 6: Is self diagnosing good or bad? Bad. 7: Should we give more money to mental health research? Yes. 8: Do you think everyone has a chance to over come their mental disorders? I'd like to think so. 9: Would you ever not date someone if they had a severe disorder? ( Schizophrenia,BPD, mood disorders) Depends how they manage it. 10: Does mental illness run in your family? No.
SEX 1: Virgin? No. 2: what age did you lose it? 14. 3: Did you take sex ed? Yep. Mainly at intermediate school and the first year of high school. 4: Does size matter? No, it's how you use it. 5: Whats your favorite poistions? Girl on top but the guy is still in control, doggy, on the guy's lap etc. 6: Does virginity exist? Well, yes. 7: Do you think sex is overated? Hell no. If you think it is, you ain't doing it right. 8: Is making love and fucking different? Yes. 9: Is it important for both genders to understand eachothers bodies? Of course. 10: If someone was a virgin and was raped, did they lose their virginity? Yes, unfortunately.
Check the box: 1.My hair color is: [] Brown [] Black [] Blonde []Red [x] Funky colors [] Auburn [x] more than one color 2.Eye color: []Blue []Grey []Brown []Light brown []dark brown [x]green []amber [] I have two different colors of eyes 3.I am a : []Male [x] Female []Trans Male [] Trans Female []Gender Fluid [] I dont have a gender []Non Binary [] other 4: I am: []Fit [x] Average []Skinny []Fat 5: I love my : [x]Hair [x]Eyes []Smile []Teeth []Skin []everything about myself []None of these 6: I hate my: []Hair []eyes []smile []teeth []skin [] everything about myself [x] I dont hate anything about myself (except my stomach! lol) 7: My feet are: [x]Small []Wide []Narrow []long []large []Ugly []Pretty 8: I have a hard time: []Finding something to wear []Making Friends [x] making food []staying focused 9: I am: [x]Employed []Not employed []retired []I can't work []Self employed []Looking for a job 10: I love: []the moon []the sun []the stars []our galaxy []planets
Bold what is true: I am Funny I am a girl I have no hair I have curly hair ^ I hate it I have straight hair I have a dog I have a cat I have both I love to get drunk I don't drink I love to smoke weed but i hate smoking cigarettes I love both I rather have one best friend than 20 friends who i am not close with My dad died My mom died My parents are both dead My parents are alive I like to touch my bruises I have funny teeth I love Mcdonalds fries Sometimes when Im alone I sing as loud as I can even if i cant sing I believe in God I believe in the butterfly affect I hate video games I wish I was taller I can't understand math I am very good at writing an essay I never had sex before I love Mac N Cheese I love Disney Movies I prefer Dreamswork over Walt Disney I am going to College I finished college I wish I went to college I hate my job I am the boss at my job I have a feelings for a friend but i cant tell them because it would ruin our friendship ^ I have feelings and i told them I wish soda was healthy I sleep with the window opened This survey was too long
How has covid affected you? I've had Covid a few times before, it sucked and lasted forever. My city was also in lockdown for months in 2020 and 2021.
What is a comfort show of yours ? Big Bang or Simpsons.
Are you open about your past or do you not let anyone in? Depends which part of it.
Favourite fast food joint? KFC.
Do you think we were put on this earth for a reason? I guess.
What is something you have done this year you’re proud of? Kept going to the gym regularly.
Do u ever feel like surveys are usually the same questions? They can be.
What were you doing 10 years ago? Not much tbh.
Do you call out Karen’s when they’re harassing a cashier? Depends.
Animal crossing , yay or nay? Never played it.
Why do you like to do surveys? Cos I'm bored usually when I do them.
Did you ever have a MySpace ? No, my internet was too sucky to load any pages lol.
Do you think breaks are toxic in a relationship? Yes, you're not Ross & Rachel lol. People still argue over that to this day, it's too confusing and messy.
Do you have a YouTube channel? If no , would you create one? If yes what’s your content? I do, but I only upload the occasional concert video to it.
Are you a math person? Not at all, I have that maths dyslexia.
What’s the worse thing someone has said to you? I don't know about all time, but yesterday some woman called my Mum and I "racist white cunts" cos we wouldn't give her money. Then she complained about us as we ignored her saying that cos she was Maori and we were white, we thought we were better than her and that we were "privileged". Like fuck off lady, you're not entitled to our money :/
Have you ever befriended someone because you felt bad? No.
Would you ever date someone online? No lol, I prefer my relationships in person xD
Have you been ghosted before? Would you ghost someone? Yes.
When do you think things will be normal again? They mostly are.
Do you watch anime? I only ever watched Pokémon a bit as a kid.
Biggest goal you wanna reach before 2020 is over ? Oh, this survey is old lol. I'll answer for 2024, I want to just keep going to the gym.
How old did/do you turn this year? 37.
Do you like tiktok? No, I won't ever download that dumb app.
Do you ever miss vine? No.
How are you doing, seriously? Pretty good, though I woke up with a slight headache. Annoying!
Is there someone you want to talk to but you know you can’t? No.
Do you make jokes to cope with your problems? Sometimes.
Have you ever had someone call you their best friend but you didn’t even consider them a close friend? Yes :/ I never told them otherwise cos it would have crushed them.
Have you ever dealt with a pathological liar? No.
Long or short surveys? Both.
If ur in school , are you doing it on zoom or in class? -
Would you ever have a pet rat? Oh, I wish. I love rats, but my Mum is terrified of him so I can never have one while I live with her.
Favourite memory with your best friend? Oh, so many! A lot of our best nights out xD
Favourite type of content to watch on YouTube? Pokemon, wrestling, drama/gossip etc. Right now I'm into scambaiting videos.
Are you allergic to anything serious? Antibiotics, dunno what'll happen if I have to take them again. They give me diarrhea, rashes and make me feel ill.
Dream job? Traveling the world lol.
Do you think dreams mean anything? Who knows, I dream about packing bags and suitcases a lot for some reason. They say that means you have the urge to travel and experience new things...
Fav clothing brand? Dunno.
Do you miss anyone? Yes.
A) What does the last text you sent say? And to whom? I texted my boyfriend, he was asking me if I was going to the gym, I replied saying yes. B) What does the last text you recieved say? And from whom? See above lol. C) What time do you wake up most mornings? Depends - if I'm working, then around 7am. If I'm not, then between 9am and 11am. D) Are you afraid of walking alone at night? Depends. E) What do you do to relax at the end of a stressful day? Play video games, listen to music, chat to my bf etc. F) Where did your last kiss take place and with whom? My boyfriend, when I left his house last night. G) Do/did you get into trouble a lot at school? Not at all, I think I only got detention 2 or 3 times. H) Do you enjoy your job? If unemployed, are you content being so? Yeah, my job's great. Mainly cos of my coworker and boss, plus what I do is different everyday. I) Do you often pick up on double entendres and innuendos? Yes. J) Have you ever been offered drugs but declined? Yep, I always so no, even to weed. K) Have you ever met someone who has completely altered your way of thinking? No. L) Have you ever been offered drugs and accepted? No. M) Tell us something weird that turns you on. How long you got? My list of kinks is a mile long and there's some very weird ones in there. N) When did someone last admit romantic or sexual feelings for you? Was the feeling mutual? My boyfriend hahah. O) What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately? Dunno. P) When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation? The other day. Q) Do you usually initiate hugs? Depends on the person. R) Are you a very affectionate person? I can be. S) Can you roll your own cigarettes? I don't smoke. T) What are you looking forward to? A few things. U) Do you have any tattoos. Do you want any/more? No. V) Are you mentally strong? Yes W) Are you physically strong? Not at all, my shoulder is fucked up. X) Do you think you’re a good person? I try to be! Y) Name one thing you wish you could change about your life right now. Flatter stomach and less migraines. Z) What do you usually eat for breakfast? Nothing, I usually skip it.
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wiltingg4rden · 1 month
you seem too good to be true…my heart is beating and I’m blushing while typing, just because I’m nervous, thinking about what you’re gonna reply. I’m scared you won’t like me but why do I feel that way?? ૮ ´∩∩` ა I usually don’t feel anything while I talk with potential darlings, even when I try to make myself believe it, but stalking your profile made me feel so many things…affection, joy, empathy, sadness, anger, jealously, connection but especially curiosity <33 >< what do I have to do to make you mine? Please tell me, I mean it !! I want to be online with you 24/7 and just listen to your rambles and hear your sweet laugh…I bet it would sound like honey tastes <33 I want to spam you with messages all day and always make sure I reassure you and cherish everything you share with me constantly <33 I want you to send me pictures and videos of everything and anything <33 I can take care of you. I can make you happy my love, I promise. I want to be all you think about and you be all I think about <33 I want to reply to all of your posts and show you off as my possession and obsession but I have to make sure I’m not just falling for another fantasy first…fuck…all that because your post made me smile >< most people secretly piss me off with their distant act and boring personalities but you’re different…you made me smile <333 you give me just enough hints to spark my fire and you asked so nicely for attention >< I know I’m the one for you and you for me, don’t proof me wrong please…show me more of you please tell me more about you!! for example, what’s your favourite color? who is your favourite artist? what petnames do you like? what are your limits? did anything make you smile today? your current top 3 songs? any show, movie or book you like a lot? <33 I need to know if you’re the one my heart has been aching for please…I hope you are so dearly…I want to fall for you slowly but recklessly and dedicate my life to understanding and loving your mind and body <33
if you want my love all I need is yours my darling
I’m usually a very organised typer so I apologise for this mess of a love letter ahh I just felt like I should hurry up to make sure nobody steals you…you seem so precious and kind…I’ve been looking for a soft darling for so long and I really hope you may be interested but you can always tell me to fuck off /srs /gen
Ahh!! My first anon and it's so sweet.. This flustered me so much more than I'd like to admit. You're very cute, anon <3
I do have some other accounts, I'm sure you'd be able to find them, dear. ;3 There's a lot more of me online than just this blog!
As for your questions.. this is exciting!
(did you guys know you could put the read mores on mobile now. this is so fucking awesome)
×My favorite color is yellow, but pink is a close second.
×My favorite artist changes a lot (musically and just like. Physical art), so I couldn't say right now who I liked the best!
×I love most pet names, but I think my favorites are dear, love, baby- generic but I melt!
×I don't have any hard limits, if we're talking sfw 😇
×Your ask made me smile! I think it's the first thing that did, actually. My friends are all sleeping right now and I had a lousy wake up, so thank you <3
×My current top 3 songs!! I love music so much this is a hard question.. I think number 1 is Rotten Girl Grotesque Romance, BUT a specific cover on YouTube that uses Len V2 (don't get me started on vocaloid i don't shut up). Number 2 is Oyasumi. (gulu gulu), and I think number 3 is gonna be Cannibal Queen (Miniature Tigers)!
×I recently got into this older anime called The Betrayal Knows My Name. It's so cheesy but I think it's so cute! I don't watch a lot of movies, but I adore Angel Egg. Angel's Egg? Something like that. It's so beautifully done, I fanboy over it every time I watch it.
So, 💌, I wanna hear your answers to the same questions!! Tell me about yourself too!
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doctor who 1996 movie
stop hurting the tardis pls she's the best and doesn't deserve any of the shit you put her through doctor
why is the master a slug
I know he was a cat once is he trying to start a collection
oh no he's horrified, you can tell by the fact that you can see the entirety of his eyeball
wait are time lord remains just slime is that what they're trying to say
well if you're gonna run away do it the second you see the car not when he's seen you and starts pulling in
hehe idiots the car's gonna come around the corner and probably hit you
how tf is he not dead on a slab
bro zig zag you gotta run zig zag
don't worry random child you're getting saved by an alien who's about to get shot by those guys and his boyfriend who took over his space machine
why did he fall like that tat was hilarious "eugh" *le death* he sounds like a swooning victorian maiden
for the record I totally called his death
and that car
hey it's the tardis she's not a thing don't be rude she's the best character ever
how tf did he get over there
oh its not the doctor its the kid's dead friends
hello random child are you excited to see a dying man EXPLODE
why is he so casual about it "oh yeah guy who's bleeding out and just got shot hm .......................................... I'm gonna call you an ambulance"
oh hehehe the hospital is gon be so confused
oh ominous music did the master follow his boyfriend to the hospital that's rly sweet
wait where are the wounds
is this bitch dying from a shot to the arm
if your listening to his heart why do you need a scalpel girl i don't think hearing = seeing
he's aliiiiiiiveeeee
isn't he back already stop electrocuting him
they're gonna be besties i know it <3
he's on his side how is he snoring
i can suspend my disbelief for aliens and shit but real life stuff you should get right
why are the lights outside changing colors is it aliens or just lighting
oh wait do they live next to a traffic light that would make sense
the doctor: thank you very much kind sir i shall 😴
we're 21 minutes in cut to the chase and die already please
also girl stop pouting his snoring isn't even that loud
oh now i understand what ppl meant by 'the master wants to be inside the doctor'
doctor who is so weird i love it
where's the lightning coming from
oh was that the 90s regeneration energy
rude i already made that joke like ten minutes ago keep up
isn't that a pull door excuse me
how did he hear that from two rooms away
wow ominous punching noises in the morgue you should definitely come closer to it
"oh my gawd"
doctor: um rude
hehe the movie is still mimicking him
what's with all the convenient long dark ominous backlit hallways for the main character to pose dramatically in in media why are there so many
*ps i made popcorn :)*
some doctors (nine/ten) regenerate into a romcom. this doctor regenerated into a horror movie
hehehe he still has the john doe tag on the toe
where did he go why is everything destroyed the horror movie thing was a JOKE
in that shot he looks like owen wilson
bro the jesus thing was also a joke
i know who you are you're frankenstein
first i thought we were in asia then i thought we were in London now we're actually in san fransisco
hehehe it's the scarf
hehehe its a face
ngl that mirror does not look like its reflecting his face properly
nope sorry kit it's not a memory chamber no chameleon archs involved here
"I need the doctor's body" yeah i see what yall meant that's a totally sane and normal thing to say about your not-at-all-boyfriend
hehe they made the jesus jokes too
shut ft up bitch and stop talking to her like she's six years old you can pick up the goddamn pace with your fucking words
"bitch watch me"
how far did he back up
he's in the car
ha haha
why is there a security guard from the outside there is nothing wrong with that car
"grace why aren't you understanding this i have thirteen lives and two hearts pls its so obvious try to keep up"
and here we go again
that looks so cozy i want to live in that tardis
*deep voice* "it is me. i am the boy friend of the doc tor. i want his bo dy."
"Bah ruce don't scare me like that pls"
how does he know his name yall met once
awwwwwwwwwwwww she likes himmmmmmm
I'm rly a guy w/ weird eyes
text does not do justice to theweird voices I'm using (cause I'm saying half this shit aloud first)
"he's Nat Ded"
"oh shit i offended his boyfriend someone's in the denial stage of grief"
he did nat steal yo body bitch you're stealing his
i like this kid
omg shes literally me i eat pens too
yay he has shoes finally
*investigative glass* my scientific deduction is that that red liquid you took from my body seems to be my own blood, how curious
"iTs NoT bLoOd" ok girliepop what is it then?????? id love to know
aw i love hearing him talk about gallifrey without that underlying note of grief and pain and loss that all the nuwho doctors have
omg ive seen that shoe clip its so cute and silly
*run run run run run* he got the zoomies
girl: *looks into camera like the office*
*stealing from boyfriend* omg parallels to the whatsisface boyfriend
"you know this is all mine" i burst out laughing i honest to god died
"unspeakable crimes" you can say sex
how did he recognize gold dust on sight
kid its probably sand why tf would the doctor have gold dust
omg its a golden snitch
"well of course it used to belong to me" I'm actually dying i cant
um bro that thing is the size of his body even if he is the 'chosen one' or whatever bs you're feeding him he probably couldn't lift it
bitch HOW
finally bro's catching on to the bs he's spouting
"i know who i am! im the type of guy who kisses women randomly!"
"doct-eah" they're so married
THIS IS SO RIDICULOUS "hes planning to take my body so that he will live and i will die :0 *run*"
doctor: honeslty woman try to keep up why isn't this making so much sense to you
first intelligent thing that woman has done all day
well that's conveinient
"oh fuck its my evil boyfriend"
aw chickens
"he's . . . british." HA
"jelly baby, officer?"
none of these people should have a license
good to know that his horrible driving skills apply to every vehicle not just the tardis
"you kill me" yes that is what will happen to you when the master gets his way excellent deduction
girl's got her priorities straight: alcohol > clock
how is that working there isn't any tension on the wheel they should be plummeting
THERE she is <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
weoweoweOWEOWEOWEOWEO "i cant find the brakes!?" *distant echoing weoweoweoWEOWEOWEOWEOWEO "aaaaaaah"
close your front doors idiot
why does she know that is she possessed by the slime
hehehe called it
"and you beLIVE him????" facts
ok someone's sucking up to the kid
Lee's like wtaf is going on
oops i ran out of space on the other text block
i feel like she's faking or smth she looks like an angel w/ that thing and he's coughing
"i would never lie to you i would only protect you" funny how none of that is true even remotely
how the hell do all these characters remember all these super specific spoken instructions during high stakes situations, i can't even remember spoken instructions on a regular day
cant she just pull out one of the huge pole things wouldn't that stop it
he's always so kind even to the ppl who are actively trying to kill him and the entire planet
i don't think it's the tardis who's sentimental, doctor
why are we all so tense
that poor guy
you go boy
i despise these 90s romance arcs theyre so horrible yall met two hours ago
thats sweet
wait how does he die then
*after google* ohhh okay guess ive gotta watch the 50th anniversary now
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fictionz · 8 months
New Fiction 2024 - January
"Osee" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
I can't go back to check what Osee was on about. All you need to know about this phase of the bible is guys were prophesying, and pretty much every prophecy is about how the Hebrew people were fuckin' it up. This all feels like items in what should have been the appendix, but since I'm reading a Catholic bible it's all just filler until JC shows up. (And we're just under 70% after two solid years of gettin' through it.)
"Joel" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
Another dull prophet.
This Gray Spirit by Heather Jarman (2002)
I want to love every DS9 book. It's a struggle to not enjoy them. But there's a trend here in the Mission Gamma series of trying to do Too Much. The last book was very long, but also very focused, and the premise of taking the Defiant out into the Gamma quadrant sounds fine until they do it again... and again... and again. And it gets to the point where I just don't care what they're doing. I want DS9--the setting--and its beloved cast of characters to do their thing there. I'll read on but this one really should have been two books instead of this A plot-B plot structure.
Divided We Fall by John J. Ordover, David Mack, Andrew Currie, Michael Collins, Richard Bennett, David Roach, John Nyberg, Jenna Garcia, WildStorm FX, Alex Sinclair, Jeff Mariotte (2001)
This one contrasted nicely against Revenant by Alex White. Both stories focus on Dax and how the Trill symbiont managers are real bad at transparency. The more I learn about this world, the more it sounds like a pretty clear caste system that should get them booted from the Federation. But then, I suffer the flaw of binary judgement, and there's probably some nuance there to consider.
Gargoyles the Movie Game dev. Buena Vista Home Video (1995)
Wow, this was the most broken version of Chutes and Ladders I've ever played. I recommend a house rule of doubling each number on the spinner if you want any chance at winning. The event cards are just so punishing and the strict time limit makes it a steep uphill battle.
Gargoyles Remastered dev. Walt Disney Computer Software & Empty Clip Studios (1995, 2023)
I had a problem with input lag in the original version that ruined my initial impression, but that was on me. Playing the remaster with no input lag and the extra features like updated art, music, and the rewind all added up to a more enjoyable, if short, experience. It's otherwise an interesting artifact from that transition out of 2D platformers and into chunky polygons and pre-rendered 3D visuals.
Gargoyles: Night Flight dev. Tiger Electronics (1995)
I've played a few of these mid-90s Tiger handhelds and it's fine for a car ride, which is where I always imagine these things were played at the time. It's so overly simple that I can't say it's worth playing, unlike the classic Game & Watch titles that had real challenge and replayability to them.
The Color Purple dir. Bazawule (2023)
I never caught the original movie or book, but this musical was great. And those events are some real fucked up trauma.
The Iron Claw dir. Sean Durkin (2023)
As period biopics go, this one's fine. Not too wild or revelatory, other than its highlighting a segment of the wrestling scene which I had no idea about. The performances were all solid and Ephron clearly committed to the role. The story is from that period of simpler costumes and narratives before my friends and I came aboard in the later 80s and 90s, so it was neat to understand a fictionalized buildup to the more familiar stories.
Poor Things dir. Yorgos Lanthimos (2023)
It was great, stylized, and I suppose does have an act structure but it feels a little loose with it, which I'm all for. It just doesn't match up to the amazing work in The Favorite.
Night Swim dir. Bryce McGuire (2024)
A snoozer, I'm afraid. The seed of it is interesting but it doesn't quite grow enough to make it compelling.
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom dir. James Wan (2023)
Another snoozer. It's not as fun as the first one, and if these superhero things aren't fun then what're we doing here?
The Beekeeper dir. David Ayer (2024)
Yeah this was a rough stretch. Another action snoozer that maybe could have highlighted something interesting about exploitation of elders but just uses that as an excuse for Statham to go around punching dudes in a boring way.
I.S.S. dir. Gabriela Cowperthwaite (2023)
There's this particular subgenre of space movie where people are just out there in their tin cans, then they're stuck or screwed, and the drama plays out amid a desperate race to get out of that sitch. Hell, I will myself to sleep by conjuring a little scene I've developed where I'm out in my little space tug boat and need to shut down systems and go to sleep for the cycle. Gravity, Interstellar, and Life are all recent examples of this kind of movie that come to mind, and now we can add I.S.S. to that list. And I love these. I love space trouble. I ran into a bunch of these stories in my recent watch of The Outer Limits (1995), and I really can't get enough. I.S.S. has this uncomfortable angle on what if Earth annihilates itself, huh, smart guy? (Art reflecting reality, etc.) And that's a bummer to consider. But the story that plays out onboard the station is still neat and I would definitely watch this again.
Mean Girls dir. Samantha Jayne & Arturo Perez Jr. (2024)
Dug it! Maybe more than I did the original. Mostly because the musical sequences are great.
American Fiction dir. Cord Jefferson (2024)
Stories about writers can be a little too navel-gazey for me to handle, but I'm glad I caught this.
The Book of Clarence dir. Jeymes Samuel (2024)
It comes from the angle of true belief, so you have to buy into that going in, but the questions it raises and the general production all make it worth the watch. Plus, they tackle the question of why even is Jesus a white guy (well, we know why), so that makes it extra fun.
Battlestar Galactica - "Saga of a Star World" (1978)
Doofy? That's the word. Definitely of its time, but I'm gonna get through it all later this year.
The Twilight Zone - "Shatterday" (1985)
Ey Bruce Willis being moody before that was his brand. I watched the 60s version and now I feel obligated to see what issues of the day were popping up for 80s TV people.
Stargate SG-1 - "Children of the Gods" (1997)
Oh, okay, I didn't realize they were angling for the Showtime adult crowd with this. I was so used to the sanitized Saturday afternoon syndication version of the episodes. In any case, still a good start. Another show to watch in full later on.
Farscape - "Premiere" (1999)
Hm, more white guys as leads/captains isn't as appealing, but the puppety goodness of Henson aliens compels me to continue.
Fringe - "Pilot" (2008)
Holy shit, those first five minutes! I knew immediately I'd enjoy this show, whatever it's going to be. I heard enough good things that I figured I gotta.
Yellowstone - "Daybreak" (2018)
My mom wouldn't stop talking about this show so now I'll have to see what's what. So far it's Kevin Costner as an old asshole who raised his kids to also be assholes?
0 notes
moved2usagiiboo · 3 years
Love spell
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MINORS DNI (I know I can not stop you but if I find out, you will be blocked.) This is my first time writing a fan fiction on Tumblr, let's see how this goes !
Warnings: Degrading, face fucking, explicit description, oral male receiving, sexual acts using toys. (Let me know if I missed any)
As a young girl, you believed in finding your prince charming, he'd swoop in on his mighty steed and steal your heart. You'd be enamored by his wits and courage, and he your beauty and intelligence. "The one".
At the age of 17, a high school student obsessed with the idea of traditional love. You found him. Your one and only, but he was far from prince charming, he didn't ride a mighty steed nor own a castle, but he was yours and you love him. Your highschool sweetheart, you both have cried together, laughed together, experienced many emotions together. You, in many ways, were each other's firsts.
First break down, first date, first hand holding, first kiss, first lover, and after a year of dating, you were each others' first time.
You could still remember the night, you have both been planning this for months. On your one year anniversary, you would get a room for the night at a local love hotel, there would be soft music playing, dimmed lights, candles burning, and that's where and how he take your virginity and you his. Perfect.
It didn't go that way to say the least, being very inexperienced. The first time he tried to penetrate you, you pushed him off and hide under the blanket saying, "that's not going to fit", during foreplay you accidentally hit his head with your own, not to mention almost setting the room on fire with the lit candles. But after many laughs and giggles, you successfully lost your virginity to him and you couldn't be happier.
It was far from movie perfect but for both you and him it was everything and more.
Present day you are almost two years into your relationship and you both couldn't be happier. Draken treated you with the utmost respect and care, he always takes care of you, there's barely any arguments between the two of you. Everything is perfect. Kind of.
That's how you found yourself in the streets of Shibuya's red light district, near the brothel where your lover grew up in, so you think. You looked down at your phone.
"Shit!" You hit the side of your phone as it read "connection lost, rerouting", this had been the third time it has done this, you zoned out while trying to fix your phone so you can actually make it to your destination before it gets too late. You didn't hear the woman calling your name.
"Y/N!" You felt a hand gripping your shoulder, spinning you around to face them.
"Oh! Akai!" You exclaimed happily as you locked eyes with the person in front of you, a younger woman in a red silk dress, short blonde hair with long lashes.
"What are you doing out here? It's late. Shouldn't you be home by now?" She asked in a concerned tone looking you up and down. You wore an all black hoodie with baby yellow accents, along with black joggers.
"Oh, well, I'm was looking for you." You said bashfully with a slight giggle in your tone.
"Oh?" Akai questioned.
"Well, not you specifically but the hotel! You see, I got lost trying to find it and my stupid phone keeps rerouting me!" You complained, while pushing your phone in her face to show her your problem. She simply laughs, she locks arms with yours.
"Dont worry, big sister Akai will take you there, then you can explain why you're looking for us in the first place." Akai said with a wink.
A few minutes passed and you've arrived at the brothel, she brought you a drink and sat you down in her room with a couple of other girls, you all on the floor together, after short introductions and small talk Akai 'cut to the chase' as she likes to say. Chugging her bottle of beer, she looked at you with her slightly flushed face, along with the rest of the girls there.
"Spill the beans, whats going on? Trouble in paradise?" Akai smirked crawling her way towards you. You lifted your knees to your chest wondering if you should even be here, was this a stupid idea? You must've sat with your thoughts for a while, Akai looked at you with a bit of sadness in her eyes.
You could feel your face heating up with embarrassment, your heart was beating out of your chest. You figured this would be the best place to go to learn how to do it but what if they would make fun of you? What if they tell Draken? You really didn't think this through as well as you should have.
"Hey, whatever is going on.. You can tell us, we see you like our little sister ya' know?" She says with a smile, wrapping her arm around your shoulder to comfort you. Shes always been like this, ever since she walked in on you and Draken kissing, she's been the biggest help and supporter of your relationship. You couldn't ask for a better friend.
With a deep breath you decide tell them your issues, you were here anyways.
"Okay, so, I want to learn how to give oral." You said looking down at the ground fiddling your fingers, quite embarrassed about what you just said.
"Draken has, well, done it to me a couple of times and I wanted to return the favor. The thing is, everytime I try he rejects me. Telling me, 'i don't have to do things like that'. He's so considerate sometimes it pisses me off." You ranges to the girls as they listened with opening ears.
"I mean, what type of guy rejects a blow job? It's not like he has erectile dysfunction or his dick is small. I just don't get it." You were practically fuming at the memory of him pushing him off of you as you tried to suck him off.
"Maybe he's just shy?" One of the girl's offered her opinion.
"Oh no, this man is not shy! At all" You explained remembering some of the down right filthiest things he's muttered in your ears during your time together. "He's anything but that."
"Maybe he's scared you'll bite it." Akai said causing herself and others to snicker at her comment. You could only sigh.
"Would I be that bad my first time?" You muttered to yourself.
"Everybody is, it's a practice thing." Akai explained, she got up to grab herself another bottle of beer. "What you need, is practice." She smirked handing you the bottle.
"Yeah, but how? He won't let me." You said tilting your head at her statement, taking the bottle out her hand.
"Alright girlies, get out." Akai said while looking at the other women in the room with the two of you.
"Ehhh? Whyy? We wanna help too!" One of the girl exclaimed, getting multiple replies of other girls who agree.
"We don't wanna make Y/n feel any more embarrassed than she already does." Also sighed at the childish responses of her coworkers.
You were hiding your face in your phone at this point, it was honestly one of your worst ideas, but if it helped you with Draken it was worth it.
Small "awh man", "I wanted to hear more", and other complaints came out their mouths as they left the room one by one. You waves goodbye to the girls muttering a small thank you to them for listening.
"Alright!" Akai exclaimed while squatting down to reach under her bed, pulling out a box full of,
"Toys! The best practice you can get in such a small amount of time." She smirked pushing the box towards you. You could feel the blood rush to your face as you stared at the box filled with sex toys, you're far from innocent but there's still things you've never used or seen before, toys being one of them. Akai dug in the box full of excitement.
"I'll be your first!" She smirked, she pulled out multiple many toys just throwing them out the box without a care as to where they'll land. Finally, she pulled out an unopened box, "private fun" read the lable, it was all black with dark purple letters on it, it was a sleek box, very fancy to say the least.
"I haven't used this one yet, considering I never feel the need to. This'll be my first gift to you." She said tossing the box to you while looking for something else in her closet.
"Just what exactly is this?" You asked picking up the box to further examine it.
"A dildo! Duh." She said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world,
"Oh! And this!" She threw a small bottle towards you, "Love spell" a small pink bottle that could be mistaken for a 5-hour energy drink.
"Draken won't be back home for a while, which means, we have around" She looked at the clock hanging on her wall, "an hour and thirty minutes. Which is just enough time!"
"Wait wait wait!" You looked at her with complete confusion, "I have no idea what's going on! Why do I need all of this?" You looked at your hand and the items that are now in your possession, "Love spell", a dildo, and beer.
"Welllllll," Akai said drawing out the word, "You need practice, not like you can fuck a rando before Draken gets back, you also need liquid courage and a secret weapon!" She explained. "Now we don't have much time, chug both the beer and our secret weapon." She winked at you.
You're really starting to reject your decision, but there's no backing out now. You opened the bottle of whatever was in the pink container and chugged it down, quickly opening the beer to help with the bitter taste of the first liquid. It could show on your face the level of disgust you had for drinking this, you could never understand how Draken drank beer all the time, and whatever the hell this 'love spell' is taste disgusting. It was bitter and tangy, it even overpowered the beer.
Akai worked on opening the package to the dildo, while you were dealing with the taste of the liquids you just drank. She looked at you with menacing eyes and a devious smile that sent shivers down your spine.
She stood up and squatted in front of you holding that item in her hand as if it was nothing. Your eyes widened at the sight of it, it was big, yet flimsy. It was a pretty light blue color for such a naughty item.
"Take it." She handed you the dildo, "grip it with both hands." And so you did it. Following her every command.
"N-Now what?" You questioned feeling slight tipsy from the bottle of beer you just chugged, your face flushed from either holding a dildo or the beer, you couldn't tell, but it made this whole situation a lot worse for your lower region.
"Open." Akai tapped the bottom of your chin telling you to open your mouth, and so you did with the most innocent look in your eyes.
"Slowly bring it to your mouth, you want to tease him, lick the tip." You stuck your tongue out making small swirls onto the tip of the fake cock, "Alright, now slowly take it in, don't force anything." You opened your mouth wider to take in the inches of the cock, bringing it to the back of your throat causing you to choke and gag as it hit it. You quickly pulled the fake dick out and began to cough.
"I told you slowly. Let's try again." She squished your face with a hand pulling it up, the other held onto the dildo. "Open." She said again and you did. She guided the dildo into your mouth, slowly moving it in and out, barley reaching the back of your throat. "Breathe through your nose, don't panic." She said as she began to pick up the pace. Rapidly moving the dildo in and out. "Use your tongue at the bottom of it, stick it out." She commanded. Spit began to drip from the side of your mouth onto the floor, you felt as if you were losing yourself. Tears welled in your eyes as you swallowed down the dildo. It wasnt even real, it wasn't even Draken's but for some reason it made your head pound and your pussy twitch with excitement. If this feels as good as it does, you couldn't help but wonder how Draken's would feel, how it would feel against the back of your throat.
Akai picked up on the pace making the dildo hit the back of your throat causing you to convulse onto the dildo, you close an eye and winces as it attacked your throat.
"Try it yourself." She said letting go, letting you have full control. You started slow, pushing the dildo in and out your mouth as she did, trying to follow her lead. You tried to take more of it, you shoved the dildo deep into your throat, forcing all the inches into your mouth, you could feel it bulge through your throat as held it in place forcing you to choke on it. You felt your warm tears drip down your face, you weren't letting up. You wanted to feel it down your throat, the warm, the tightness, you wanted to feel Draken. You finally pulled it out, watching as the inches slipped out of your mouth.
"Guess what bottle really did wonders!" Akai giggled. "Deepthroating huh? You're basically a pro." You looked at her with a stained face, drool down the side of your mouth, and glassy eyes. You finally felt the embarrassment hit you, you covered your face dropping the dildo onto the ground making incoherent noises.
"I think you're ready." She smirked patting your head watching you in distress.
"I am?" You questioned, it was that easy?
"Yep! Actually, take this." She tossed you one last thing before telling you to go wait in his room. As you walked to his room you felt your head ring, the only thing you could hear was the needy throbbing of your inner walls. You couldn't wait for Draken to get back, just what did Akai give you? You had no time to be embarrassed about what you just did in the other room, you just wanted him. All of him.
You found yourself in his barley lit room, sitting on his bed. It was him, his scent, you could feel him around you even if he wasn't physically present. Your inner walls clenched at the thought of your boyfriend. You changed out of your clothes and into what Akai gave you, it was a sleek princess pink teddy with a deep V neck to perfectly show off your breasts. There were straps in the back that cupped your ass making it look juicier than before. There was a deep slit in the middle of the dress, a small move and not only would your stomach be revealed but your pussy would be as well. You made your way over to his bed to wait, you sat down and got engulfed in his smell. It was painful to just wait, the way your panties got wetter by the second, you decided to lay down but it only got worse. Minutes passed by but it felt like hours, you wanted to call him and tell him to hurry but you already showed up unannounced. You didn't want to pester him anymore, so you waited. You don't know when but you found your walls squeezing your fingers tightly as you moved them in and out. Moans and a wet sound filled the room as you toyed with yourself. Your face was in his pillow breathing him in as your other hand was toying with your breasts, pinching, squeezing, and pulling your nipples. It felt good but not good enough, it couldn't bring you to that high that Draken could. You found yourself calling him out, chanting his him like a mantra underneath your moans. You didn't even notice when he came in the room.
"Y/N?" Draken called out as he closed the door. The look on his face was priceless, his gaping mouth and widened eyes as he looked at the sight of you being so desperate for him calling out his name with fingers inside your cunt.
"D-Draken, m'sorry, couldnt wait. Need you." You whined. Pushing your fingers deeper making your back arch. At this point, he was stunned. The shy girl who never seeked anything sexual, the same girl who blushes when they held hands even after being together all the time. That girl was fingering herself on his bed begging for his cock. It was an instant turn on.
"S'all your fault!" You cried out with tears in your eyes, you got up and looked him in the eyes. "All cause you won't let me touch you..." You pouted.
"Ha? What are you talking about?" Draken questioned you. You weren't paying attention to him, you crawled from the bed stepping on the cold floor with your bare feet. You got on your hands and knees in front of Draken, looking at him with the utmost admiration, but behind those eyes was a look of neediness.
"W-What are you doing?" He watched as you played with his belt buckle, you locked eyes with him once more,
"Can't I?" You asked, kissing the bulge through his pants, "Want you, wanna feel you in my throat." You pulled his pants down revealing his boxers, you rubbed your hand feeling the hardness through the fabric, placing small kisses on it while you you waited for a go, a sign, anything.
"Shit Y/n, who knew you could be so slutty hm?" Draken smirked, "Go ahead." You beamed a smile at him as you pulled his boxers down revealing his harden cock. This is the first time you've seen it up close, it's pretty. It almost looks angry with how flushed it is on the top.
You began to kiss his freed cock, starting from the shaft up, remembering what Akai taught you. Tease him. Littering his cock with kisses, you reached the tip, you began to leave small kitten licks, swirling your tongue on around the tip, prodding the tip of your tongue into the small hole on his cock.
"Shit," Draken muttered under his breath, his voice sounds as if it's gotten deeper. You look up at him to see his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes completely focused on you. "Stop with the teasing." He demanded.
"Don't wanna." You continued to look at him, staring into his gorgeous orbs, "s'punishment for not letting me do this early" You smirked against his dick, bringing one of your hands up to slowly move your hand up and down his shaft. You watched as his breath started to break, his tough exterior was crumbling and it was all because of you, but it wasn't enough, you want to keep going. You have a show to put on.
You open your mouth sucking on just the tip of his cock, bobbing your head slowly with swirling his tip in your mouth.
"Y/N, fuck." He places his hand behind your head as his breath began to get more rapid and broken apart. "Come on, take some more." He was practically begging at this point. So slowly but surely, you widened your mouth, stuck your tongue out, and pushed your head further down to his cock. As much as you could take, the remainder you began to jerk with your hand. Bobbing your head on the inches you could take up and down with jerking him off. Listening to his soft grunts and groans. He was big, you knew this but it's different with it's in your throat, you can see it, your mouth felt full and you didn't even completely take it in. You kept going on this pace, proud of yourself for breaking Draken's tough exterior.
"Going to damn slow." He gripped the back of your head forcing his cock down your throat, you gag at this sudden action. He uses your mouth like a rag doll, forcing his cock in and out your mouth and a hellish pace without stopping, bobbing your head up and down. It hurts, taking all of him.
"Wanna be a dirty slut, gonna treat you like one." He said while gripping your hair harder as he pulled you off his cock, "spit on it." He said, and you did, you spat on the shaft of his cock and opened your mouth again for him to assault your throat.
"So eager to take this dick hm? Couldn't even wait for me to get home, had to play with yourself while I was gone? Who knew my pretty girl was such a dirty slut." He chuckled, under his breath as he continues to use you however he pleased. You placed your hands on either side of his thigh to try and control the pace but it was futile, he was much stronger than you, all you could do was hold yourself up and try not to vomit. Drool dripped down the side of your mouth as he thrusted his cock down your throat.
"Taking all this dick, good girl." He praised you as he held your head against his pelvis forcing his dick down your throat, he looked smug as he saw the outline of his cock through the flesh of your throat, you slapped his thigh to try and get him to let go of you, needing air. The feeling of you shaking on his cock trying to push away to get air was a sight to behold for him, he wanted to bury his cock in your throat forever, never taking it out. He watched as tears dripped down your face, your hair was mess, face stained with tears, drool dripping out the corners of your mouth. You gagging on his cock, digging your nails into his thigh.
Draken finally let go, you gasps for air you so desperately needed.
"Open up." He says pushing your head back, "Stick that slutty tongue of yours out. Gonna cum in your mouth."
You put your hands on your knees, sitting up higher to put the tip of his cock in your mouth as he jerked it. His eyes glared at you, you listened to his grunts like a melody. You never seen him like this, during sex he was very calm and collected, gentle. Never used harsh words, this was different though. For some reason, being used like his cocksleeve had you dripping.
"Gonna cum, Y/n, take it all, don't spill a single drop." His warm cum spurted onto your tongue, he wiped his tip clean on your tongue "that's it, good girl, now swallow it." You closed your mouth and with a single gulp you downed his cum without a second thought.
"Tastes weird..." Wiping the drool from your mouth with the back of your hand. Draken lifts you up by your arm and tosses you on the bed.
"Had to go and get me riled up..." He said while taking his shirt off, "gonna fill you up real nice." He pushed his lips against yours hungrily devouring your mouth, tasting a mixture of both liquor and his own cum, his mouth explored your own in a heated make out session, his hand traveled down past your panties and onto your bare cunt, a finger pushed pass your slit making it's way in. You moaned into the kiss, giving Draken more access to your mouth, swirling his tongue with your own.
You pulled away from the kiss to let out a soft moan as his finger toys with you, he puts another one in causing you to arch your back. His other hand rubs soft circles on your clit, he claims your mouth with another hungry kiss as if this will be the last time he felt your lips against his own.
"So needy, barely did anything to you." You moaned against his lips as he brought you to a high.
"D-Draken!" You moaned out.
"Fuck, trying to amputate my fingers? Loosen up. " He grumbles, his lips go down to your neck, sucking and biting against your fleshing leaving bruises everywhere his mouth touches. You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him in closer, as you begin to grind your hips against his fingers as they work their way in and out of you and the others against your clit.
"Gonna cum on my fingers?" He questions in your ear while biting your ear lobe.
"Gonna cum on em!" You reply, moving your hips faster, you begin to convulse as he brings you to your well deserved orgasm.
"You're gonna do that all on my cock." He muttered against your neck as he works his way down to your tits. He puts his fingers in your mouth muffling your moans as he begins to suck on your now perky nipples. He pushes his fingers in and out your mouth forcing you to taste your own juices, the same fingers that were just in you, that brought you to your orgasm.
After assaulting your mouth with his fingers he reaches over to the side his of bed to grab a condom.
"Put it on for me." Still high on your orgasm you slowly reach your hand up to take the condom out of his own, that's when he pushes your head own to his cock. He rips the packaging placing just the tip of his cock into the condom.
"Use that pretty mouth of yours." He smirks as he watches you take all of his dick into your mouth, pushing the condom down in the process. "Make sure to get it all the way on, wouldn't want any cum to spill out hm?" He says as he caresses your head.
"Such a good girl." He praises you as you bring your head up, "Gonna make you feel real good okay?" He kisses your forehead as he leans you down into the mattress. He slaps your pussy a couple of times with his cock, prodding the tip at the entrance, pushing his tip every so softly in and out, barley giving you anything to work with.
"Stop with the teasing Draken." You whined, locking your legs around his waist, trying to push his cock further into you. He clicks his tongue at your actions, pulling himself completely out before lifting one of your legs and putting it on his shoulder.
"I don't remember you being in control here." He guffed out. He rammed his cock into you without warning causing you to gasp, your eyes wide and mouth agape. "That's more like it." He smirks at your appearance.
He begins to thrust in and out of your tight pussy, watching you unravel on his cock. One hand holding your leg on his shoulder and the other turning your head to face him.
"This what you wanted right?" He honeyed out, this voice being quite sweet unlike his thrusts, the way his cock pulled out of you only to slam right back in. Sounds of skin against skin filled the room, along with your sweet mouths chanting his name like once before.
He pried your mouth open with his fingers bringing his face closer only to spit in your mouth, "Good little whore" he mutters against your ear. His thrusts never stopped, not once, he keeps going until he brings you to an orgasm.
He could feel your body going limp, but he wasn't done yet. He flipped lifted your body, he was now on his knees and you on his lap, your hands tangled in his hair while being wrapped around his neck, his mouth devouring your nipple, he slams his cock into you while being in this new position. His hands on either side of your waist slamming your body onto his own matching the rythm of his thrusts. He bites down on your nipple, you pull his hair as payback, you finally meet eyes. His hair all disheveled and out of his normal braid, his eyes slanted, full of hunger, he looked like a animal eyeing his prey, and you looked extremely delicious right now. He captures your lips in a heated kiss as his grip tightens on your waist, you grind against his cock as you moan into the kiss. You suck on his tongue and he does yours, you bite his lower lip slightly tugging on it.
"God Y/n, who knew you were so cock hungry. Wouldn't have been going so easy on you of I knew you could take it." He chuckles as he lays your body back down onto the mattress and begins pounding your body against his locking his lips with yours again.
"You're sucking me in like crazy." His voice is rough and out of breath. Your walls only tightening around him while hearing his voice, his hand goes back down to your clit rubbing it aggressively.
"Fuck, I'm close, fuck fuck fuck." He announces, muttering an array of curse words as he feels himself getting closer to his climax. "Cum with me, cum on my cock one last time." He picks up the pace with his thrust and the attack on your poor nub, you were nothing more than a moaning drooling mess at this point subject to Draken's aggressiveness, your body shakes and your back arches for the last time as you release your juices onto Draken's cock coming to your final high, he thrusts one last time before he releases in the condom.
He pulls out taking off the condom and throwing it in the nearby bin, he watches as you slowly drift to sleep but not before saying, "I love you."
"Mhm, I love you too, my little vixen." He kisses your forehead before he lays next to you and drifts to sleep.
Sorry if this wasn't the best, it was my first time writing for Draken. He's kind of a difficult character, I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!
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slutforchocorobos · 3 years
Since it's still mermay, H2O verse mermaid tail ranking:
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(idk how this came to be so long, so it under a read more)
out of any music videos, commercials, TV shows, movies, H2O verse tails are still miles, MILES ahead in terms of construction and quality than almost any other production. (psh psh shoutout to JMB FX Studio) BUT i will blabber opinions bc i can
#4 Mako Mermaids mermaid tails
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Jonathan decided to expand everything: lore, universe, cast (so many tails and tops you guys, if I was the one in charge of gluing all those scales I would've killed myself on the spot) but his budget obviously wore thin.
so weak, so flimsy, need milk
These make me sigh to no end, why whyyy the same design as h2o when they have NO budget to afford the same tails.
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Look at how they murdered my girls, the tails can no longer stand on its own, they look so sad. THE TAIL PHOTO IS PART OF THE ESSENCE OF H2O,THE MAIN DRAW OF A MERMAID SHOW. They really had to photoshop the tails on later seasons 😔. Tragic.
i appreciate that each tail has a fun unique pattern kinda animal inspired under the scales. it gives the tails an opportunity to blend with the characters and their personalities. also them tails still hit my little nostalgia bones.
#3: Mako Mermaids Merman tails
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The addition of mermen was so good and the production fucked up the overall design of the mermen (no upper body fish details? for real? it really bothers me).
this tail wouldn't be so low in the list if it wasn't in the h2o verse. it's clearly the most creative design of the bunch (again getting killed by the lack of structure) but there's an established look to the tails, getting 3 similar designs with a realistic approach and a blue fantasy outlier???, not a fan of the color but I get why it happened, the shape tho????.
poor mako mermaids 😔 the tails don't have the same structural strength and intense detailing as the h2o ones. BUT COMMON ZAC IS THE MAIN CHARACTER (and on s1 the only merman). Mah boi Chai is too strong for these tails😭 look at how it bends at the ankles.
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#2 H2O season 3 mermaid tails.
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these have the opposite problem. these are so thick lol why do these weight 40 kilos lmao.
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these look different from s1, not a problem. they look yellower and lighter in color. the fish detailing is thicker. the tail has glitter in it now?? this simplified design helped me understand the anatomy of the tail, so my art skills owe to this design a lil bit lol, and it looks pretty underwater tbh.
I don't get the change tho, the show has a darker plot, the characters have grown up but the tails have a more kid friendly look??? I don't remember toys of them.
why make a whole new set of tails when the new mermaid got transformed on the opposite side of the world and the other two already had tails
sidenote: these ruined all fan edits that wanted all 4 mermaids together (5 if you include Charlotte) bc they had to edit either Emma or Bella with the other tail and it looked weird and mismatched.
Honorable mention: H2O Season 1 Miriam costume contest tail
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this one is so funny, it mocks the practicality of mermaid costumes. it looks opposite of what our "real" mermaids look like. all colorful and shiny and over the top. Also this look gives miriam a good amount of karma thanks to kim lol.
#1 H2O season 1 mermaid tails
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LOOK AT THEMMMM. 2006, the start of the gritty realistic aesthetic in TV and movies, and those mermaid tails fit so beautifully in that era. the bright campy 2000s beach fashion + dark "realistic" fantasy is such a *chef kiss* combination.
the tails are designed to look as real as possible, a tail for an animal that big needs muscles, the tails need to look strong enough to push the mermaid and flexible enough to believe the fluke is still a movable body part.
The brown-orange kinda fits into the realistic fish colors plus those naturally occuring in human skin + hair. also the top gives a unified whole bodyness to the transformation 💕
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THE TEXTURE, oh god those scales were glued with love istg and that fluke was carved with so much detail and care.
these tails oof they invented mermaids istg any future mermaid media owes them BIG TIME. if it's cgi the tail needs to look strong, integrated into the body, and affect the movement accordingly, if it's practical effect they need to hide them knees and ankles!!, those breaks ruin the illusion of flow and hydrodynamics while swimming ( + recognizing a human body underneath kinda breaks the immersion).
h2o season 4 when 😔😔😔
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foodieforthoughts · 4 years
When the ball drops
Summary: It's your third year in the Big Apple and you still haven't found your midnight kiss for when the ball drops, until tonight.
Pairing: Henry x Reader
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: Fluff!!!
A/N: Happy New Year to everyone! ✨ Watching the ball drop on New Year's Eve in Times Square is my ultimate bucket list! Also not beta read, so don't mind the errors, just had to get done in time before @infinite-shite celebrates New Year's before the rest of us! This baby deserves all the love in the world ❤️
*divider by @firefly-graphics
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Title: When the ball drops
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The cackle of people's laughter ringed through the pub as the hours ticked by. In contrast to the cold winter air of New York, the inside of the enclosed space felt warm. You quickly pulled on your apron and slid behind the bar, relieving your co-worker from their shift. He hugged you for the New Year that was to ring in about an hour later, happily weaving through the crowd towards the staff exit.
You sighed, grabbing the dish cloth to clean some glasses.
The excitement of coming to the Big Apple had quickly died down for you. You had dreamed of living in the city like the various shows potrayed, feeding lies that everything is magical and full of opportunities in this concrete jungle. But you could disagree with all the contradictions between facts and fictions and align them in a PowerPoint presentation. Not only were you yet to secure your dream job, you lived in a mediocre place with little to look forward to everyday.
Another sigh left your lips, your shoulders slumping despite the merriment around.
"That would be the second time you sigh." The crisp accented voice of a stranger sounded from across you. "What's the matter, love?"
You knew who he was. You ogled at his pictures on a regular basis, especially when he became Superman. But he looked nothing like the Henry Cavill you saw on the red carpets. Clad in a plain blue shirt, jaw sprinkled with the hint of a stubble and hair combed to perfection, Henry titled his head at you with a smile. You looked around at the other patrons, unsure if he was talking to you indeed.
Henry chuckled at your look of confusion. He took a seat at the barstool and grabbed the menu from the stand. With a dish cloth still inside the glass tumbler, you stared at the Hollywood heartthrob. The pub you worked at was frequented with celebs on a regular basis, the only downside being you usually worked for the day shift which meant by the time you rolled out of work, the big shots were only just waking up.
"Can I get-"
"Guinness?" You interrupted him. You meant to say it in your head but the word left your mouth before you could control your lips.
But Henry didn't flinch. He just smiled widely, the dimples in his chin dipping charmingly and his eyes shining like the brightest star under the flickering strobe lights. He slid the menu back towards you and clasped his hands together.
You blinked your eyes several times to rid yourself of the flutter in you belly as Henry smiled at you softly. He watched as you got him a glass and filled it up with his beer. Your hands trembled so much with the nervousness of serving an A list actor, who not only was doing well in industry but was exceptionally sexier in person, that you were worried the foam gathered at the top would dribbled down the sides. Noticing your struggle, Henry extended his hands and placed them over yours to secure his glass.
Electricity. In the most clichéd scenarios of romance movies, you felt a jolt of electricity when your hands touched his, the sparks travelling down your spine to your toes. Sucking in a sharp breath you handed him the glass, chiding yourself over your hyper aware mind.
"What is a pretty lady like you working in a bar at this hour?" He asked, sipping his fermented pint of alcohol.
"Coworker has plans with his girlfriend, like everyone tonight." You shrugged your shoulder, going over to another customer ordering drinks. You could feel Henry's eyes on you as you readied the customer's order. The sound of giggling girls pulled your attention just as the man left with his drink.
You walked back to where Henry sat, nursing his beer. "Anything to go with that?" you enquired, rearranging the shot glasses under the bar counter.
"I am still wondering how, in the world, a pretty woman like you, is stuck here."
You scoffed, more to yourself than him. "Because this supposed pretty woman is single as fuck." The mirth in your voice hid the sense of self pity edging at the corners of your mind. It had been three years since you had first arrived in the city with a possibility of reaching for the stars in both personal and professional life. You had been left disappointed with the jerks and assholes you ended up with, ultimately sitting at home and questioning your choices in men.
You noted the softness creasing at the corners of Henry's eyes. The last thing you wanted was to be seen as a miserable bartender at the end of the year, so you cleared your throat and smiled at him. "What is superman doing at a bar, in New York, alone?"
Henry chuckled. His gravelly thick laughter ringing louder than the music in your ears. "I was just stopping by the city, thought I'll stay to understand what the big deal is with the ball drop."
"Oh my God. Watching the ball drop and kissing at midnight is the most romantic thing you can do with your partner. You should be at Times Square!" Your excitement over the whole New Year's Eve shenanigan was flowing through in your speech.
"Too crowded." He shook his head, groaning and sipping his beer.
You rolled your eyes. "As opposed to this cramped pub?"
Henry chuckled again, throwing a wink at you. You felt the familiar flutter in your belly. You peered at him under your lashes, Henry seemed to be having his eyes only for you tonight. The giggling ladies were desperately trying to grab his attention while sipping on their Margheritas wearing their embellished dresses with low cuts and frills. You glanced down at yourself and frowned. Over the faded blue jeans and white t-shirt, you wore the black apron with the pub's insignia on the left breast. You suddenly became profoundly aware of how 'basic' you might look in comparison to the other ladies.
Self doubt clouded your mind. You politely smiled at Henry and hurried to the other side of the bar to serve the other customers. Maybe Henry only wanted someone to play the horizontal hokey-pokey with him for the night, or maybe he was bored and since you were obligated to talk nicely with him, he had pitched a conversation. Whatever the reason, you did not like how the multiple scenarios would end. You knew your feeble, fragile heart. You would get hurt, one way or another.
"Hi," Henry appeared again in front of you. He had his beer in his hand, his other elbow resting on the counter. "Did I offend you in some way?"
"No. But you are pretty much making me realize, how miserable my life is." Your voice sounded bleak against the booming voices. Tucking your hair behind your ear, you watched the couples snuggle up to each other. It had been ages since you had felt the loving embrace of a man, even longer since you had shared a meaningful kiss with someone special.
"What would you have been doing instead?" Henry's voice pulled you out of your desolated reverie.
"I would be in Times Square, with my significant other, which I don't have. We would get some drinks while standing on the outskirts of the crowd and watch the countdown."
There was a stir of activity in the pub as someone announced that there were only 90 seconds to the ball drop. You hadn't even realized that time had passed so quickly whilst you had juggled your conversation with Henry.
"Well, you have the drinks," Henry reached forward to grab a glass and poured half of his beer in the empty tumbler. "We are at the outskirts of the crowd since everyone is huddled near the TV." You nodded as you watched the couples gather near the enormous flat screen mounted on the wall. "We aren't at the Times Square, but we are in New York."
The countdown read 60 seconds with the red numbers counting backwards. Henry stood up and leaned forward on the counter. You watched with bated breath as he grabbed the strap of your apron and pulled you towards him.
His hand rested lightly on your cheek, his thumb grazing your cheekbone. The smell of beer, his perfume and musk enveloped you, bundling you in everything that signified him. You gazed into his cerulean eyes, the fleck of brown going dark against the blue ocean. Your hands hung by your side, flabbergasted by the surprising turn of events.
"I might not be your significant other," His breath washed over your heated face, his eyes transfixed on yours. "But we can perhaps change that."
"Happy New Year!"
Like the fireworks going off on the One Times Square Building, when your lips collided with his, there was a burst of colorful sparks celebrating the union of two people from across the pond. Henry pulled your face closer to his by grabbing behind your head, his fingers threading through your hair. You finally could think straight as you moaned into the kiss, holding onto the collar of his shirt as the pub erupted with loud cheers. In that moment, everything seemed perfect in the world. You felt your legs turn to jelly as Henry pulled back, breathing through his mouth, tugging at your lower lip with his teeth.
The smug smile on his face returned as he sat back on his barstool. You grabbed onto the counter for support as you gulped lungful of air.
"Did that count as something for when the ball drops?" He asked, sipping his beer and watching you from the brim of his glass.
You nodded. The heat on your cheeks traveled down to your chest, a grin spreading on your lips. Biting your lip you reached for the other glass of beer Henry had poured. "Happy new year to me." You announced before clinking your glass with Henry's.
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It worked! Sorry to bug you with a message! But I'd like to request a cake now!
So, about me. I have an actual name but I don't think I've heard it in months😃, instead I have a bunch of nicknames! (Rion, ri, oreo, onion, o, etc), I'm actually nb so I chose that name, however I 100% consider naming myself Arson💀My pronouns are they/them and I'm about 5'5, I have short, fluffy brown hair that I usually dye the front blue. I'm Asian hispanic, but I really don't look like either- my favorite foods are either really spicy and salty or sweet. Not the overwhelming chemical sweet tho, like a natural sweet flavor. My personality type is infp, and ig when I first meet people I can be shy (that's an understatement, I was mute for the first week of school🕳🏃‍♂️) but once I get to know people I can be pretty chaotic (once again, arson). I'm not a 100% demon spawn though, I don't really like making scenes in public and I probably will cry if I do- but I still have fun lol. I'm also the person who copes with severe mental health issues using humor, to an alarming degree 😔 I'm the therapist friend when really I'm the one who needs therapy. I also have a social battery that can die at random times, so I really like/need friends who can handle random mood changes of me going from energetic to silent in seconds. Academically, I'm really book smart, I'm a tutor, but my grades don't reflect it. I tend to procrastinate a lot and avoid studying, usually I catch myself last minute or trust memory on tests, but every now and then there's something that tanks my grades. I'm not very athletic, but I still try to play sports. I enjoy the feeling when I do something right, but the rest of the time I usually beat myself up for messing up.
And now just random facts 😃👍
My favorite color is yellow, not the bright eye sore shade that makes you want to throw up, but the nice softer, light shade. And I like anything that comes with that color! (Sunflowers, flowy sundresses and flip flops, summer activities, burning concrete, warm rain, etc). Nobody knows my music taste, it changes weekly, however I usually come back to mitski/cavetown or summer themed songs a lot! I enjoy playing music, but I have the curse of being a fast learner so that usually leads to be being bored and learning a new instrument at any given chance. And my birthday is a weird date that fucks with zodiacs so I can be considered either a leo or cancer, my personality changes a bunch, so take your pick lol. (Though emotionally I tend to be cancerous, I just express it and show it in a way a leo would) And someday I wanna be a long term traveler, or a florist. Just a job that makes me happy :). And I guess if I had to classify my aesthetic it would be bloomcore or soft grunge. I like wearing big sweaters and if I could I would wear a bunch of butterfly clips in my hair and wear mom jeans. (I would also wear man crushers, I mean, platforms if I was confident)
Aaaannnnd that was really long sorry!
To sum up, I'm just a bipolar bitch with depression and anxiety 👍
Thanks a bunch for just taking the time to read this!
Romantic Matchup
Bokuto Koutarou
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How Y’all Met
I’m getting a classic summer love vibe from this matchup 👀
Ok so I just Hc that Bokuto LOVES flowers
So he would always just go to the local flower shop to look at them
Pls hes to precious I cant-
But anyways you we’re working a summer job at the flower shop
And you grew fond of our little owl boy
You would always talk to him whenever he visited
He just made your job that much more enjoyable :)
So one day you stopped him right before he left and told him he could pick a bouquet of flowers if he wanted
He BEAMED at you and picked a bouquet of flowers he always looked at whenever he came
But what shocked you was instead of walking out with them
He gave them to you!
He then went on talking about how he really liked you but didn’t know how to tell you
At this point he was just rambling
So you laughed and asked him if he would like to go to the ocean with you after your shift
He agreed and you swear you saw stars in his eyes
After your shift you met up with Bokuto and went to the beach
You guys literally spent ALL day there!
And even some of the night 👀
Being the gentleman he is offered to walk you home
And when you two got to your house he asked you to be his s/o
What They Love About You
Ok starting off with a strange one
He loves the fact that your favorite color is yellow 💛
He just thinks it fits you so well 😊
He loves that you have to ability to turn your trauma into humor
Now I’m ngl...
Ye found it extremely concerning at first 🥲
But once you explained it was like a coping mechanism for you
He was super supportive!
He LOVES your aesthetic!
He thinks it’s so cute
And once again he thinks it fits you 👀
He appreciates the fact that your smart
If he doesn’t understand something in class
He’ll just go to you!
And honesty going over the material with him has helped your understanding as well 👀
Bokuto s grades:📈
Your grades: 📈
Favorite Things To Do Together
Oml he loves summers with you
Any summer activity
Ice cream
Flower meadows 👀
Summer night drives
The whole shtick
But when it’s not summer
He loves doing classic seasonal activities
Fall - Jumping in leaf piles, coffee dates, preparing for Halloween, etc
Winter - Snowball fights/Making Snowmen, Christmas movie marathons, hot cocoa/ baking, etc
Spring - Dancing in the rain, picnics, gardening etc
It’s a vibe year round with bf Bokuto
Random Hc
His favorite season is summer
And his second is winter
Ik...polar opposites
He TOTALLY gets your mood swings
Although they may not be the same as his
He still understands them and respects them
Every year on your anniversary he buys you the exact same bouquet he gave you at the flower shop
Speaking of the flower shop 👀
He got a job there with you the following summer
So you guys basically spent most of your days together
Bokuto is REALLY bad at dark humor
But for some reason he still tries 😭
It’s either TOO dark
Or not dark at all 💀
(We’re gonna go with your cancer zodiac 😂)
When Cancer and Virgo make a love match, a strong, down-to-earth relationship with staying power is the happy result.
This is a relationship with great potential to get better and better over the passing years.
Both Cancer and Virgo are goal-oriented and disciplined.
They are sincere and devoted to one another and share a strong sense of purpose.
No lightweight love here: These two were not really built for flings!
Cancer and Virgo deeply admire one another: Virgo respects Cancer’s quiet strength and dedication while Cancer appreciates Virgo’s keen adaptability and intelligence.
These lovers may get off to a slow start, but over time, bonds will only grow stronger.
The Cancer-Virgo love match prides itself on common sense and strong principles over fluff and inconsequential or fleeting connections.
They enjoy the material comforts of life, but they will only feel good about their bounty if it has come as a result of honest hard work.
There could be tiffs if Virgo becomes too critical for Cancer’s easily bruised feelings; Cancer needs to understand that it’s just Virgo’s nature to point out what they observe, that it’s not a personal attack.
A Virgo may bristle at their Cancer mate’s stubborn streak, but it’s a trait that a patient and understanding love partner like Virgo could come to appreciate.
Also, Virgo’s urge to serve suits Cancer’s affectionate, nurturing nature well.
Their dedication to working toward the same goals.
Both partners in this love match enjoy a stable home life and nice things, and Virgo truly enjoys helping Cancer along the way to achieving their goals.
Their shared goals and desires make theirs a highly compatible love match.
Overall Aesthetic
Bloomcore 🌸
Bloom - Jesse
This Side of Paradise - Coyote Theory
Flaming Hot Cheetos - Claire
Mystery of Love - Sufjan Stevens
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dachi-chan25 · 3 years
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Haven't done this in a while but I had the time so why not?
1.- Pizza Girl by Kyoung Jean Frazier
I really did like it, reminded me a lot of "Convinience store woman". Like clearly our protagonist needed thrapy ASAP to help her deal with her dad's death, her pregnancy, her attraction to women and hell just for existing as an Asian woman in the USA, but I liked how messy and obsesive she was and how the author allowed her to be fucked up and take bad decisions, I love to see female characters simply exist, it's also a pretty short read so I definitely recommend it.
2.-The Authentics by Abdi Nazemian
Daría is a persian teen who is really involved in her cultural background and feels that the most important thing one can be is authentic, so that's the name she and her friends take for their clique. But everything comes crashing down on her when she discovers she is adopted, and soon follows an identity crisis. I loved it so much, it felt pretty realistic, like Daría could be self absorbed and unlikeable at times, but who wasn't as a teen? And we get such beautiful heartwarming moments between Daría and her family and friends. Totally recommend it.
3.- The Mall by Megan McCafferty
Cassie has her life completely mapped out but nothing goes quite as planned, first she gets mononucleosis and after she gets better gets dumped and fired almost simultaneously. Determined not to let it get the best of her, Cassie gets a brand new job, reconnects with an old friend and even finds a hidden treasure. This one is so much fun, all the 90s references and the growth Cassie goes through is amazing, honeslty i would love to see this as a Netflix movie.
4.- Luster by Raven Leilani
This book was hard, Edie is a very raw character, at first she seems flippant even when describing disturbing facts about her past or details about her relationship with a much older man she seems to be talking about something that happened to someone else all this to cope dealing with her solitude, her trauma, her self hate. And gosh it was so intresting to see her interact with Rebecca and Akila, especially Akila as Edie finds kinship in this young girl not only cuz they are both black but because they are both lost and afraid.
5.- Lakewood by Megan Giddings
Lena decides to participate on a financially compensated medical experiment so her mom can get proper medical care and to lessen their debts after her Grandmother's death.
So I had many mixed feelings about this, on one hand I liked that we are adressing how sistematical racism has permited experiments on black people with no consequences at all and how it has been happening for decades, but there were certain parts of the book that I couldn't enjoy as much because they were very trippy like I get we are on Lena's mind as things are becoming muddled up because of the medications and all those mind games and the words they have her memorize and repeat but all of it took me a bit away from the story. Still I do recommend it just be aware there is quite a bit of body horror in this so if you are sqeamish better skip it.
6.-The Voting Booth - Brandy Colbert
Marva and Duke meet on election day as she helps him find the precint he is registered on.
This is very enjoyable, the story is very straightforward, and it insists on our right and responsability to vote even if we feel our vote alone can't possibly change all the injustice we see in the world. And also the romance was cute and developed slowly as Marva and Duke are just knowing each other. Really cute and quick read.
7.- Such a fun age - Kiley Reid
Emira works as a babysitter for the Chamberleins' . She loves her little charge Briar, although she feels preassured to seek a 'real job' by her friends and by her own economic troubles. Emira soon finds herself in the middle of a tug of war between her boss Alix who tries to befriend her, and Kelley the guy she is dating.
So much drama. This is a great example of what performative activism looks like, first Alix is completely nuts, from her obsession to be seen as this wonderful understanding girl boss activist and the down right creepy sense of entitlement to Emira's friendship and intimacy. Like it doesn't surprise me she chose to victimize herself instead of recognizing it had all been a misunderstanding. And even then she still wants to seem atractive to the man she feels victimized by. Girl no.
Kelley is the ultimate fake woke ally. Dude Robbie was wrong period, he had no business inviting people over to someone else's house no matter the color of his skin. You don't get to talk over Emira on matters of what a person of color should do or feel on certain situations. That said it was so funny when he and Alix called each other out for their fetishization of people of color and yet none of them actually gave a damn about what Emira thought/felt/percieved. They just wanted her stamp of approval so they could pat themselves in the back for being such good allies.
8.- The Life and (Medieval) times of Kit Sweetly by Jamie Pacton
Kit is working as a serving wench at the Castle, medieval themed restaurant run by her uncle, though she really wants to be a Knight, not only cuz the better pay would help around the house but because she really admires Joan of Arc, problem is the Castle management doesn't allow for anyone who is not a cis male to be a knight. Kit is set on changing that.
Ok so I feel a bit lukewarm toward this. Kit in my opinion doesn't get much growth, it seems she just can do whatever and her friends have to be ok w it, her romance w her friend feels pulled out of nowhere like Jett at one point tells her he is not intrested in dating her and then he is ???, those GoT references killed me, I get it I watched the show and sometimes even enjoyed it but it's not representative of anything medieval and Kit was always talking about how much she liked the actual history of the medieval times so...
Also as much as this book was about feminism and how we should fight for equal job oportunities, it feels as though Kit only cared about medieval woman who fought physically and not on the badass medieval woman, like idk it feels as a rejection of tradicional feminity like even the girl playing the Princess is a jerk. But I did like some parts, like her decision to confront her asshole dad to help her mom and the girls training together.
9.-Cien años de soledad de Gabriel Garcia Marquez
En Macondo, una población Colombiana a un lado del río, vemos como una de sus familias fundadoras crece, se expande y cambia a través de cien años.
Me encanto, hace mucho tiempo que no leía una novela de realismo mágico que me provocará tantos sentimientos. Creo que todos los personajes reflejan aspectos de la humanidad tan diversos y complejos que sería inútil tratar de enlistarlos todos.
Ultimadamente siento que lo que condenó a la familia Buendia a cumplir las profecías de Melquiades fue sus propia naturaleza que ellos nunca tuvieron intención de pelear, siempre sucumbian a las locuras o pasiones que los inundarán sin mesura alguna o consideración por las consecuencias. Y creo que aún así lo prefiero pues es lo que hace a cada personaje por confuso que a veces llegue a ser la repetición de nombres (que para mi es el simbolismo de una naturaleza y destino continuos) único e intrigante. En verdad espero que se den la oportunidad de leer este libro por lo menos una vez en sus vidas.
10.-The Monsters of music by Rebecca F. Kenney
This is a gender-swaped modern retelling of the Phantom of the Opera.
It was creative to make Mel, our Phantom, a true magical creature, and the singing contest was also cool. Like don't get me wrong I did have fun reading this but it also felt pretty unpolished like most characters were teens on the contest and that kinda made me roll my eyes a bit, like unless it's the Voice Kids age ranges are quite ample on this kind of shows, also kinda clumsy the addition of the magical elements with the modern setting, Kiyo didn't make much of an impression with me even when Christine is my fave on the original book. Still if you are a Phan like me you might wanna check this one out.
11.- Anna K by Jenny Lee
This is a modern americanized ya retelling of Anna Karenina.
Not gonna lie this made me cry so much at the end. I really liked Anna and Vronski together so much, and I don't like the love at first sight trope, but here it felt so inevitable. Anna was so self contained until she met him and could truly explore being herself and they really loved each other so much. Also I liked the treatment of the side characters Kimmie and Dustin were well developed and I really enjoyed this one can't wait to get to the second book.
12.- Wonderland by Zoje Stage
It was ok, but I was actually a bit disappointed cuz I had such high expectations for it. Like for about half the book I was really into the atmospheric vibe the book pulls you into, but as we get the reveal it started to go down hill for me, and the ending left me feeling meh. But maybe it was just not my cup of tea.
13.-Home Before Dark by Riley Sager
This book is so well crafted!!! I love how it goes back and forth between past and present , first it feels as if history is repeating itself, then as both narratives unfold we start to question and discovering things and the twist at the end was chillin and masterful, I truly and wholeheartedly recommend it.
14.- The Girl with the louding voice by Abi Daré
Adunni, a teenage girl, flees from her husband to work as a maid in Lagos, though everything she has ever wanted is to study.
This broke my heart, as it reflects how people coming from rural backgrounds get taken advantage of in the City, like similar things happen here in Mexico, but also it made me glad to see Adunni fight and keep her spirit so no one could ever silence her.
15.- The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson
Immanuel does her very best to fit in Bethel, follow the scriptures and the Prophets words, but nothing seems to be enough to erase her mother's sin especially when the Darkwood seems to pull her in. As a plague starts to ravage Bethel, Immanuel has to face her past to save her people.
So frickin' good !!!! This story is great, mainly about the explotation of woman and young girls by people in power (in this case a church), the atmosphere is always tense, Ezra and Immanuel 's relationship is very well developed and one can really see how loyal they are to each other. A great option for horror fans.
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doubleddenden · 5 years
Into The Spiderverse
Oh my god
Oh my God why did I wait so long to watch this!? Its the PERFECT SUPER HERO MOVIE! Fuck you, Marvel, for daring to shit out all of these terrible MCU movies and then releasing this AMAZING piece of art from the crap pile.
The visuals are so stunning to look at, the story is actually dark and gritty but also comedic and well written, the characters all have motives and can be sympathized with, and THE MUSIC OH MY GOD
I do appreciate the meta "yeah you know my story" jokes constantly thrown in for each new Spiderman introduced. They actually explain the ones we don't know that well for non comic readers like me, and each one has such unique design choices that make them aesthetically pleasing. A post talked about the difference between Peter Parker and Peter B Parker, especially with him being Jewish and having a broken nose once, but Gwen noticeably doesn't have perfectly straight teeth and has a few eyebrow studs if I saw correctly, and has dancer shoes. Penni Parker looks like a hand drawn character and I think probably had influence from or was worked on by someone involved in Ball Masterz, especially with her complex facial expressions. Peter Porker has another Spider face on his nose, and he also looks 2d but has 3d space to his design. Noir is a lil bit harder to notice, but he doesn't have flat visors like Peter 1 or B, Gwen, or Miles, but his are actually something akin to goggle lenses. And you can see parts of Miles' black spiderman outfit where it DOES look spray painted.
There's other details in the movie like EA Water Polo or Clone College, but I'd be here forever listing all that.
What I will gush about is the use of what I in the idiot business like to call "Glowy shit on black/dark surfaces". Its brilliant, and I couldn't even BLINK when the universes were colliding together while fighting the bad guys. The way the unstable atomization of the environments and the fluid, free, and janky movement of color is just beautiful and I cannot honestly say there was a single bad moment with it. Even Miles' suit is such a loving usage of this with bright red on black.
I think most importantly is just this is the BEST Spiderman movie or even the best marvel movie because it goes against so much tradition set up. The Green Goblin or Venom are the big bads in Spiderman usually, Peter is a teenage dork or a scientist, the hero always gets the girl, family is second to romance, dads are absent, the villain never has understandable motives:
That's all thrown out. Miles is a dorky high schooler who loves art, Peter B is a depressed 40 something freshly divorced trying to turn his life around, I had never HEARD of Kingpin until this movie and I felt some sympathy for why he did what he did, Miles is interested but ultimately there's a FRIENDSHIP established, and not only is Miles's dad around and alive but he is a good guy who genuinely cares about his son and expresses emotion besides rage or sternness, and is a major inspiration. Miles's uncle too is a good influence that teaches him about art, his mother is a Latina doctor or nurse (not sure which), and OG Peter and Peter B are both positive influences on his life.
Just. Shit man. This movie is near flawless. I would've liked more of an introduction for Penni, Porker, and Noir, and I would have liked to see Miles's spidey suit for longer, and just... NNG extend the climactic fight scene by a solid 30 minutes and let me absorb the scenery like a thirsty sponge in a desert.
But I want more! And the ending suggests a sequel in the future with yet ANOTHER Spiderman I'm curious about, not to mention another brief moment right at the end that maybe promises Miles and Gwen working together again. I hope B comes back too a better man from what he's learned as well.
Just. Fuck. Even the credits were beautiful! Both of them! Ugh. My soul. My heart.
10/10. My new favorite movie. Fuck homecoming and far from home, fuck end game, just fucking throw ALL OF THE MCU in the dumpster and give me more beautiful works of art like THIS.
Please. Please let the next one arrive soon but do not rush and not let the Avengers guys ANYWHERE near it.
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Rivals on the streets (4)
Phew. How awkward. You just dropped him at his hotel. Nothing. Not a hug neither a kiss. What was he expecting? Study the text for real?
You closed the door of your apartment. It was quiet. The table was covered in text pages. But, hey, just between some you saw a green sticky note:
"Had a wonderful time. Hope we can do this somewhen again. RA"
Alarm clock was ringing. Another morning, another day.
Your mascara was smeared. You have forgotten to remove your make up and it was definitely showing. Your wardrobe was a mess. You are not the tidiest person on earth, for sure. However, you took your time to drink coffee and your toes were warmed by the sunlight that shone through the big windows of the room.
"Hey, (y/n)! Looking awesome.", Thomas grinned and greeted you. Completely clothed in black with red lipstick. "It will drive Benjamin crazy. Didn't he ban makeup for all of us today. Do you remember... the masks?"
Oh damn it! Today it was masking time and the cosmetics are really sensitive to every other substance.
"Thanks, as you can see, I completely forgot about it. I just go err .. you know."
On your way to the bath you bumped into your favorite co-worker.
"Hey slow down (y/n). How's your morning going?"
"I am sorry Richard, but I am in a hurry, see you!"
Why does this makeup stained your lips so much. Urgh. At least the rest of your face is 'all natural'. Still rubbing your lips off, you left the bathroom.
The team had already gathered in the mask and mostly all was down. Richard, who was, how could it be otherwise, already done with his plastic scanned you and his eyes widened. You came close to his ear and whispered seductively: "You could have joined me and, by the way, do you need a place to stay for tonight?" You could see him debating in his mind.
"You haven't been yourself lately. The, hopefully, noble man I am, will not accept your request. (Y/N), we are coworkers, we cannot do this."
Did he just coworkerzoned you?
"(Y/N)! Come on, this is our kind of rush hour and you're congestion. Mister Armitage can talk to you later.", Benjamin shouted above all heads.
What a modestly man. "Ok Richard, sorry I misunderstood some vibes. Maybe then just... tea?"
"Have you ever loved someone so much it ached? Especially when it's someone you used to hate." You risked a quick glance. Rhin was captured and in less than 20 hours executed.
"Rhin, my king, is there any hope? Should I contact someone? I don't have a lot of time, my father will be worried, moreover, suspicious of my visit..." Just bars separated you. You heard vulgar voices coming down the stairs.
„Hey Sweetheart, today at the pub is open-end, how about a hell yeah!", Thomas asked you on your way to undress.
The Pub screamed tropical islands. The staff ornates the turquoise walls with a mix out of palm trees and flamingos. The air smelled rich coconut-ish mixed with heavy rum. Almost the whole crew had arrived before the owner started playing ukulele and opened the night.
„Wow, (y/n), legit everybody is getting drunk tonight. I promise it." Most of the cast were wearing colorful shirts but one woman was over the top. Shimmery like diamonds in the sunlight and smooth as a fish in the water. At the moment she laughed and gossiped with some people, including Richard.
Wow he was here? How unexpected.
Thomas detangled his dark curls: "Jealous? That's Lizzy from the makeup-team. She is hot. Seems like Rich is not so ... noble." He smirked
It was getting late and you already lost Thomas in the crowd like years ago just from time to time you heard a "hell yeah".
Fancy manicured fingers were tapping your shoulder: "Hey girl! You look beautiful and I love your performance... wow I love your shoes!", it was a really tipsy Lizzy and Richard was following her. She pulled you softly a bit closer and murmured: "Richard is so hot. I wish we had more guys like him in my town... what do you think? I just heard it on the grapevine that he is about to burn bridges with his old crush because she changed so much. Nothing in particular, you now, just gossip. Do you think I should give it a shot?"
Lizzy was a model, she had dark, sunkissed skin and curves like a goddess. "Of course you should give it a try. I mean ... if he had one... that explains a lot..."
You didn't consider him having an actual girlfriend or anything comparable because he was just always busy. This rumor spreads like wildfire and Lizzy wasn't the only participant in kind of bewitching him with spells of love. In this moment you realized that you could just skip your plan because someone else was doing the dirty work for you therefore you could focus even more on your job. However, what a shame. You really would like to know if he kisses in reality as good as on script.
From behind you smell musky cologne, Richard's. "Can I have this dance?", he adjusts your necklace central again. Even though your dance was a misplaced combo in terms of music choice and Richard dances like a dad, you had a lot of fun together.
"The viewers are all over you!", you complimented him.
"Stop it. No business. Not now. Do you have any plans after this?"
"I thought no business? Well, I will participate in a movie project."
"Terrific! But I meant it more literally."
"Are you flirting with me?", you laughed out loud.
"Stop laughing.", he answered stern.
His comment, however, made this conversation twisted. Richard Armitage tried to hook up with you. In a rainbow colored bar, crowded and steamy after he dumped you.
"Who do you think you are? I got your point. You are not really interested and I am okay with that. But don't play it dirty, Mister Armitage. I am not that kind of woman."
Richard crossed his arms: "Please, hear me out. It's not-"
"Why the fuck should I listen to you, oh please, give me one reason why I shouldn't leave this place right now." You raised your chin high.
His eyes had turned cold and the last thing you heard while leaving the bar was Richard's voice: "It's okay. I understand. You can leave."
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simpcitybaby · 7 years
Don't cha know I'm in love
A/N: Okay so I have the song “Uptown Girl” stuck in my head so that’s kinda what this song is based off of, ya feel? Curly is such a fucking complex character and I wrote him my way.
PSA: That Was Then, This Is Now is on YouTube also I’m on mobile so this formatting is shitty, also I didn’t proof read
Word Count: 2703 words
Curly x Reader
Warnings: Idfk, swear words ig —————– Let’s Begin ——————- In the middle. That’s what you were. You weren’t a greaser nor a soc but you had friends in both categories. You were best friends with Sherri Valance and Angela Shepard, the three of you were unlikely friends. You were always caught hanging around with Ponyboy, Johnny, and the whole gang. Cherry would constantly invite you to hang out with her and Bob to which the answer was always no. Bob was a complete asshole and so were his friends. You met Angela’s brother Curly when you were 8, he wasn’t as bad back then but he always felt the need to upstage his older brother Tim. He would always tag along with you and Angela but you didn’t see him as much anymore since he was in and out of the reformatory for awhile. He managed to be released and today the Shepard gang was having a party for him which meant that you had the job of inviting your main greasers. You inched up the stairs of the Curtis residence and the door swung open, revealing Sodapop.
“You guys! Our little uptown girl is here!” You rolled your eyes at the nickname that he had given you so many years ago. Out of the gang, Soda was the easiest one to talk to when it came to boys and relationships. He was an absolute sweetheart but he’d get down and dirty if he needed to protect you or the boys.
“Maybe you should change the name to middle-class girl.” You poked your tongue out as you teased him. “Uptown girl has a better ring to it. It also sounds cool when we’re called the backstreet guys.” “You mean the Backstreet Boys?” “No (Y/N). Uptown girl is always looking for the backstreet guys.” You sighed before shaking your head, “It’d sound better if you said downtown boys.” You were met with the sound of a pencil scribbling across a piece of paper before hearing, “Ponyboy is going to write a song about you. Did you get that Pone?” Soda peeked over Pony’s shoulder as Pony read,
“Uptown girl, she’s been living in her uptown world, I bet she’s never had a backstreet guy, I bet her mama never told her why… That’s all I have for now.” The whole room filled with laughter when Johnny brought out a guitar and started playing some chords to go along with Pony’s new poem. “I came to invite you guys to the Shepards party tonight not to have a song written about me.” You laughed before Two-Bit piped up, “Are you excited to see your Romeo?” He was met with an eye roll and a quick, “he doesn’t like me that way.” “(Y/N), man. The boy has the hots for you.” A chorus of yups and who wouldn’t’s filled the air, causing you to blush.
Curly was stone cold and hardheaded. He never wanted to admit when he was wrong and he prided himself on the amount of arrests he’s had. He was never serious about relationships but he was always there for you. When you got a lead in the school musical he was the one who dragged Angela to go and see it. The whole time he was going on and on saying things like “what the fuck is this shit? Fucking stupid that’s what this is.” and “nobody actually does that in real life.” But he was lowkey enjoying himself and his smile widened once graced the stage with your presence. Curly even brought you flowers but reminded you, “don’t think too much about it. I just didn’t want you to be embarrassed about not getting any flowers.” You just smiled at him and reassured him that his bad boy image was still present and that you were thankful for his thoughtfulness even though you had several bouquets of flowers in your hands. On your birthday he had stolen a pearl necklace for you but quickly added, “You know I can’t afford to buy you pearls but I can steal some for you, so be fucking grateful.” Unbeknownst to you, his face lit up every time he saw you wearing the necklace.
Darry pulled you out of your thoughts when he said, “Don’t let them bother you. Just go home and get ready, we’ll pick you up say 8 o'clock and then head over to Buck’s.” On the way out you were met with Cherry’s smiling face, “I knew you’d be here! I want to help you get ready for the party.” She wiggled her brows suggestively before pulling you towards your house which sat directly in the middle of the South and East side. Sherri decided that she wasn’t going to go to the party because she didn’t want to be the reason that Bob started shit with the gang. So instead of being your wing-woman, she was going to dress you to the nines. ——————-Time Skip —————— Your body was clad in a yellow pinup dress while your feet were snug in your white vans. Your makeup was ideal and it accented your (E/C) eyes, making them glisten in the moonlight. Your stomach erupted into a flurry of butterflies as time ticked down. You were about to see Curly for the first time in months and you didn’t know what to expect. He always bragged to Angela that you were his better half but what if that changed? You wouldn’t be able to blend into the scene and hide from him since you were wearing a bright ass yellow dress but you wore it because Curly loved the color on you. If you had it your way he wouldn’t be in and out of the reformatory, he’d be home with you.
Meanwhile, Curly had dragged Angela into his room and said, “What the fuck do I wear, Angel?” Angela smirked at the nickname because she knew that she was anything but. “Since when were you worried about wearing the wrong thing?” “Since (Y/N) is fucking going to be there! Is that what you wanted to hear, you cold hearted bitch.” “Wear one of those nice button ups that you stole and some jeans. Oh! Also wear your jacket, not that you could forget it but bring it just in case she gets cold.” “Angela this isn’t a fucking movie and I’m not going to sling my jacket over her shoulders and be cold myself.” “You know you’d fucking do it you big softie. You really like her even though you wouldn’t say so. If you want a girl like that, you’ve gotta treat her right.” “Get out of my fucking room.” Angela exited as Curly threw himself on the bed, burying his head in his hands. He always went for broads but with you it was different. You couldn’t be classified in that category, you were too good for that label. He wanted to prove to you that he’s good enough and that he’s worth your time. You were his better half and maybe if you were around more he’d change his ways. Not fully of course but enough to stop going to the reformatory. “Ready to go, you little shit?” Tim’s head peaked into Curly’s room and with that, they left. ————- Bitch it’s party time ————– When you stepped outside of your front door you were met with the boys dressed fairly nice. “Shit, you guys look sexy.” You announced this as you guys started walking to Buck’s. “Don’t you look beautiful as ever, (Y/N).” Steve slung an arm over your shoulder as he said this, causing you to let out a snort while laughing. “Aren’t you something, Randle?” It was a fairly nice walk filled with banter and giggles but upon arriving at Buck’s you started to freak out.
All of the guys made their entrance while Dally stayed back with you. “Stop freaking out, man. You’re making me feel nauseous for you.” You glared at Dally and responded with, “Dallas, what if he’s changed? What if he doesn’t like me anymore? I should’ve stayed home.” You rambled on and on which led Dally to put his hand over your mouth. “Shut the fuck up already. You look like an angel among us all and if he doesn’t like you then he can go suck a dick. You can find someone better than him if he’s going to mess with your emotions. You’re a good kid and you’re gonna have fun, yadda yadda yadda. Let’s go fucking party now because this pep talk is over.” You smiled because you could tell that Dallas cared for you. The two of you walked in an were met with dim red lights and alcohol.
Out of everyone, Tim spotted you first. “Hey (Y/N)! Angela’s over there. Have a good time okay?” He ruffled your hair before pushing you in Angela’s direction. “FUCKING SHIT! MY BEST FRIEND LOOKS LIKE A GODDESS. I’M ABOUT READY TO DIE OVER HERE, YOU LOOK SO FINE.” You were met with an embrace and a whisper in your ear which said, “Bitch, Curly is over by the stairs leaning against the wall. He’s been waiting for you all night. If you were anyone else I wouldn’t let you talk to him but you’re you so go get your man.” She pulled away and stuck her tongue out before grinding on some dude. “How much money did someone pay you to wear that?” You yelled this over the music while walking towards Curly.
“Get lost broad, I’m waiting for someone.” The boy was glancing at the door, his eyes were looking at anything but you. How stupid is he? How did he miss you walking in if he’s been staring at the entrance all night. “Call me a broad one more time and I’ll punch your fucking teeth in.” Curly froze and slowly turned around before pulling you in by your waist. “I’ve missed you so fucking much, you don’t even understand.” “Curly, are you sniffing my hair?” He rose a brow and said, “Yeah. Problem?” You shook your head before gesturing towards his outfit. “You look nice! Why are you so dressed up?” If you looked close enough you could’ve sworn that he was blushing. “Just wanted to look presentable for a certain Uptown Girl.” He was met with a shove and giggles. “Curly Shepard got all dressed up for lil ol’ me?” “Shut up before I leave.” “You can’t leave, it’s your party.” “I’ll leave and I’ll take you with me.” “What’s stopping you?” Next thing you know you’re being dragged away from Buck’s and all the way to the alley down by the tracks. “As much as I like it here, I’m not looking for any confrontation tonight. Let’s go to the lot.”
You began pulling him in the direction of the lot before he said, “You make me want things that I can’t have.” Stopping dead in your tracks you turned to him and asked, “What are you thinking about?” “When ever I’m out of the reformatory I come to see you. It’s always been you. I scare away anyone who even has the thought of hitting on you because you make me feel things. I hate myself so much for these fucking feelings.” You walked closer towards him and urged him to go on.
“I should’ve told you that I felt this way a long time ago but I didn’t want to screw things up. You have everything going for you, (Y/N). You’re the Uptown girl and I don’t want to drag you down with me. The Shepard gang only gets worse with age and I don’t want to be the reason that you don’t succeed in life because damn it, you deserve so much more than this.” Curly sighed and ran a hand through his hair while his eyes became glassy.
“Curly Shepard. I am so in love with you that I want to throw up whenever I’m near you. You make me a good kind of nervous. You’re always there for me when I’m doing productions or feeling down. You have this whole, I hate the world, persona but with me you’re different. You just need someone to love you and show you that there’s still good in this world. I can be that person.” Your arms looped around his neck as he let out a nervous sigh. “I feel like I can’t breathe, (Y/N).” Your fingers danced across his face, tracing every single trait and then they played in his curls. “I can’t let you get mixed up with me. I can’t lose you. I can’t let you throw your life away for me. I can-”
Soft lips were met with another pair. Delicate and pillow like. He tasted like cigarettes and alcohol mixed with a bit of icing from the cake they had at the party. You tasted like chocolate covered strawberries and all things sweet. He couldn’t pull you in any closer but he damn well tried. You guys ran your fingers all over one another in the most passionate kiss there was. Although you initiated it, he deepened it and kissed you softly as though you could break. Both of you guys pulled away in a dire need for air after your tongues just battled for dominance. “I’m willing to help you better yourself if you’d let me. I don’t necessarily want to change you because I love who you are. But if you’re scared of dragging me down, we can build each other up together.” “I’d like that. So we’re in agreeance that you’re mine and I’m yours?” You nodded before leaning your head on his shoulder as you guys continued your walk to the lot.
You shivered a bit, swearing because you were going to bring your jacket but Cherry didn’t let you. “Here.” Curly slid off his near and dear leather jacket then proceeded to help you slide your arms through the sleeves. “Shit. I’ll have to thank Angela for this later.” He whispered it under his breath but you caught on putting two and two together. Angela and Cherry must’ve planned it out so that this moment would happen, you definitely had to thank them later. At the lot you guys stared at the stars and traced each other’s features. He stared at you with loving eyes as you fell asleep in his embrace.
Johnny and Ponyboy happened to be on their way to the lot and when they saw you two, Pony whipped out his notepad. “Why were you carrying that, Pone?” Johnny gestured towards the notepad and pencil “New song lyrics, man.” He scribbled before turning the notepad so that Johnny could read it. “She’ll see I’m not so tough Just because I’m in love with an uptown girl You know I’ve seen her in her uptown world She’s getting tired of her high class toys And all her presents from her uptown boys She’s got a choice” After seeing the lyrics, Johnny dragged Pony to the Curtis household in dire need of his guitar to put the lyrics to music. ~ Fin ~
Jk there’s a bonus part: “I swear to who ever the fuck is up there in the sky that if you hurt our little uptown girl, I will personally take care of you.” Dally had Curly’s shirt balled in his fist but was met with laughter. Right in Dally’s face, Curly said, “Hey Pony did you hear that? No? I could’ve sworn that I heard a little bitch!” “We’re serious man, we’ll hurt you.” Curly nodded and said, “I could never hurt that girl in a million years and if I did, you guys could personally kill me but make sure you let Angela get in on it.”
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