I thought about Ghostbur’s death while listening to music and now I am sad.
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Finally resumed watching the Percy Jackson series and honestly, I should've stayed with the books..................
Not that's a bad adaptation, not at all, at all. But it's just that. One hell of an adaptation. They've adapted the heck out of it. So adapted somethings don't even make sense.
Some dialogues are stirring the pot for me. Wth is the consesus song? WhY does Alecto die by becoming a garden statue of auntie M's? Annabeth puts her cap on Medusa? PERCY SIMPLY TELLS EVERYONE THE ENDING OF THE PROPHECY BEFORE THEY EVEN LEAVE NYC?????????????
I KNOW I sound like a nostalgic annoying fan, I am aware of that and can't stand myself either but GOOD GRIEF somethings just MAKE the story and they just cut it up to pieces to fill the 8 episode max? Rick Riordan was on the production but that's what he tought was best?
It's a GREAT show. If you don't know the books.
And I didn't want it to be 200% faithful to all the paragraph-long monologues Percy has within the story, but goodness, they could've at least kept the ORDER of things happening......
It's pissing me off so much to see it ONCE AGAIN had so much potential to be a GREAT adaptatioin by the book (for instance, THG did it, all things considered), and it showed SO MUCH willing to do better this time bc of the terrific scenery, the casting !! and all else. AND ONCE AGAIN, it swam so long to die on the freaking beach.
The kids are AMAZING actors and have it in them to be the PERFECT trio. Only to be handed out this half-ass script, pardon me.
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suzylind · 9 months
MP3 player starts playing a certain song
Me: "Oh no! Brain no! We've been over this! No re-watch of Cassh-"
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... Mistakes were made...
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oimatchstickman · 1 year
I’d really love to know what tumblr is doing about the bots given that they keep popping up constantly.
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kaoharu · 7 months
mirage in mirage kaoharu call and response. does anyone hear me
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2022dirt · 2 months
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A rescued pelican in the backseat.
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mj-thrush-gxn · 1 month
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solfinite · 6 months
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shooting star
some close ups so you can actually see the fucking texture
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naffeclipse · 23 days
Devil Eyes Eclipse, in the middle of murdering a corrupt politician: *deep sigh* I miss my lambchop. I miss them a lot. I'll be back.
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jeeaark · 4 months
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Love when the dice tell a story. And that story is 'not even the power of friendship can save you now'
Sure Emps looked pretty cool intervening, but the cold-shouldering YEET caused some concerns. Squid buddy probably was handling the failed nat 20 worse than Greygold. Like perhaps in a way that indicated the Emperor didn't have a plan B prepared for that.
Or maybe Emps did have a Back-up plan involving every alphabet of every language but the Netherbrain's puppetry has got 'em second-guessing and scrapping it all in a very 'SHIT. FUCK. BALLS.' way
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samgirard · 5 months
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└ nate and the bench celebrate his hattie | col vs. wsh | 1.24.24
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Gotta love it when I read a fic that describes Ghostbur as having the mentality of an eight year old.
Gotta. Gotta love it. Gotta-
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bethanyeliseart · 20 days
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Is that what makes you fascinating?
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nightllock · 8 months
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buffysummers' vampire appreciation week (very belated) Day I: Favorite Vampire: Jessica Hamby
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chaosgremlim · 1 year
I’ll be completely honestly. I will judge you based on how you view Lottie Mathews. If you watch Yellowjackets and go calling her “psycho” “crazy” and judge her abhorent and manipulative for literally just having symptoms of her psychosis while UNMEDICATED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING WILDERNESS, I won’t trust you for shit.
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aychama · 24 days
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