twsthc · 9 months
floyds entire life 🦈🫧
this is for the twsthc server secret santa. im not good at anything but making headcanons so i hope u enjoy my floyd masterhc post thing arbys :3
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Mr. & Mrs. Leech meet ♡
Mr. Leech is a tiger shark + giant moray from Okinawa 🇯🇵
Mrs. Leech is a spotted moray eel from Barbados 🇧🇧
╰ I'm not going to try and explain how tiger sharks (who fertilize internally) and moray eels (who fertilize externally) had babies. I don't want to think about it either actually.
They were conceived and born in Hawaii
Jade eats 9,999 eggs and left 1 because they were feeling silly
Floyd hatches!!! Yippee!!!
Floyd leech childhood !!
She was transparent and ugly
Became extremely attached to his mom during the 1 year period he was too small to swim down the reef
╰ Jade was independent and liked to explore greenery near the nest, but this isnt about him.
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^^ This is what moray eel nesting looks like btw. Imagine this but with a bigger coral cave, a 12ft (4m) moray mermaid, 15ft (5m) shark/moray merman, and two half foot (15cm) long merbabies.
After they get big enough they begin to explore with jade
╰ Floyd was fascinated with other sea creatures while Jade liked the coral and seaweed around them.
It takes ~7 months for a moray eel to double in size, so at around 2 years old floyd was already a whopping foot (30.5cm) long! yippee!
They learned how to hunt with papa Leech around this time :3
Floyd leech adolescence ☆
I had to do some math. If a moray eel doubles in size every 7 months (~210 days), and floyd was 1 foot (30.5 cm) long at 2 years old, at 13 years old he would be... very big. so im going to curb this logic and say the doubling in size stops at around 3 years old.
╰ tl;dr: Math hard. Floyd too big. Exponents bad.
I'll just say he was 6ft (3m) at 13 years old for convenience
When Floyd turned 13 papa leech tried to train him to become a suitable heir for his "very special business"
╰ This headcanon is from server member deku_chi8256 !!
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^^ Moray eels get cleaned by cleaner shrimps! They have a transactional relationship- the shrimp gets a free meal and the moray gets a free bath (scrubbed of any parasites)
I imagine this is somewhat similar to how Mr. Leeches "special business" works. "I'll scratch your back, you'll scratch mine, and if you stop scratching I'll eat you," kind of vibe. This is the mindset he wanted to instill into the tweels.
Floyd proved too difficult to train, so Mr. Leech moved onto Jade
This is where the insecurity and shit started to set in.
╰ I'm not good or patient enough for my dad -> Jade is good and patient -> I hate Jade and I'm running away.
He ends up getting almost eaten whilst away from home multiple times and begrudgingly comes back to apologize.
The tweels begin to explore more, farther from their home/nest
They find a weird octopus kid! Wow!
Floyd leech adolescence (but older) ★
The octatrio start studying to get into NRC ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Azul & Jade learn common languages through textbooks
Floyd learns common languages through nearby sailors
A lot of the sailors used slang, spoke in patois (and, of course, swore like sailors), so Floyd picked that up
Floyd learns about human fashion! He loved all of the colors above ground and the beach became his favorite spot to spy on!
He became obsessed with swimsuits and colorful umbrellas/beach towels, and started to pick up pretty human litter
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He also learns about Spongebob. Important detail.
That's all I got in me [insert image of panda shriveled up on respirator here] but yeah I hope u enjoyed this was actually more of a gift for me but idrc :3 I will probably be updating this frequently so :33 YA!!!1
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purely-puck · 25 days
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Five Lords of Dusk, with its beautiful new cover, characters list and revised prologue, is available now at $0.99 for the rest of the year!
The Empire would say the Blooded who ruled the land before them are dead and gone, but those onboard the Oathbreaker know it to be a lie; one look at the captain's ward will tell you that. Shye is one of them. A Stormborn, Dusk Blooded, Strange . . . an enemy of the Empire, and he has just blown his crew's cover on imperial docks. Shye wants to stop hiding, to learn the secrets of the Blooded, and discover what being a Stormborn truly means. The answers to the fading of the Blooded and all Shye's other questions must lay in Mistral, the capital of the Empire, and Shye knows that the bounty hunter dispatched to capture him can take him there. Dorian just wants freedom. But such a goal is constantly threatened by the demands of their noble father, who wanted a perfect, controllable heir . . . he got Dorian instead. It is only their reputation that keeps them safe. The assignment to track down a rumoured Stormborn, a being of legend in tales told to guild children, could destroy that reputation forever if it turns out to be a lie. But, if the rumour is true, Dorian will be untouchable in the eyes of the crown and beyond their father's reach forever. There can be no better coronation gift for the crown prince than a Stormborn. The hunt has begun. They will find him. And when they do, he will bring down the Empire from within.
Available in Ebook and Paperback formats
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eyyyowtf · 3 hours
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cajram · 1 year
Vilken flod är störst i världen?
Vad kan du om världens floder! Vad heter floden som skapar Niagarafallen? Vilken flod har störst vattenvolym? Vad är namnet på floden som mynnar ut “nära” Cheops-pyramiden? “Spaghetti-flod” med delta. Vilken? Rinner genom romerska rikets gamla huvudstad. Vad heter den? Denna flod flyter bl.a. under Tower Bridge. Vilken flod är det? Den här floden har skapat Grand Canyon. Vet du vilken det…
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zeroluce · 2 years
Zero - Fumo
Dopo che accedo un mix de felicita, tu mi chiamami ma da domani io bra sonó il mostro.
Fatte scena muta io ritorno al inizio con una di verde, prima lavoro poi mi trovo perso tra lacrime di cera vivíamo tra i mostro.
Io sonó qui tra cenere e dissagi la partenza lo sparo potrei farlo fuori in un antimo porque sonó qui senza futuro.
Poso farlo perche sonó qui, e finche ci saro e vengo al mondo con le corona tu indietro.
Mi hai visto rinascere dalle mié ceneri.
Ora Tutti sanno il nome ritorno a fumar una sigareta che mi cambia il sapore amaro.
Sveglio di notte ma la mattino riancoglionito bro non mi fai piu paura.
Poi gridarlo forte poi odiarmi a morte pero metiti dietro gli ottomila...
Nuevo mesia che parte da zero pero non poi puntaje il ditto su di me con le dita amputate.
Poi ti resta solo l'amore della famiglia e non trovi altri amori se tu non torni in dietro.
Stronza parto zero il numero uno non e il mío lascito.
Sonó negato per l'amore qualcuna uccido.
Bro vado ritmo frenético e fumo una di verde.
Guardia negli occitana io sonó il inferno tu non torni pero io facio disastri con il micrófono.
Io provo daré il meglio di me sonó Tutti piu braví di te, Tutti piu bravía di me ma poi ce detto che la tartaruga perse il suo camino qui va veloce va incontro alla morte.
Fumo una di Maria che Tutti sonó piu bravía di me in gergo prometente.
In Italia non ce piu il rap di una volta poca verità per le giornata no te lo dico tu non sei il mío amore io sonó il re senza una corona pero la corona me la vevo la mattina.
Una vita senza pace torno al mío presente pero era nel pasto che non mi trovavo piu fáciles che io cada nel fondo di un vichiere senz'amore.
Sentí il vuoto dentro me io amo il tuo bacio mangia cazzi tu non sei tu que ti dimeni nel lento per poco non murió pero me rubí il respiro io mene foto di tutto cio.
Il sapore di fumo ascis per colazione pero o dentro di me un vuoto da rimpire con il fumo.
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opplevkambodsja · 2 years
Elvelangs i Phnom Penh
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Langsetter Tonle Sap-elva fra nedenfor kvelds-/nattmarkedet i Phnom Penh forbi det kongelige palasset til fergeleiet ved Kampong Chamlong er det en tre kilometer lang elvepromenade. Sisowath Quay er best om morgenen, på grunn av temperaturen, og på ettermiddag og kveld. Både på grunn av temperatur og folkeliv.
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Foran det kongelige palasset møtes Tonle Sap-elva med Mekong-floden, og Mekong fortsetter sørover derfra.
Solbriller og solkrem
På dagtid, spesielt i den tørre årstida fra desember til juni er det veldig varmt. Og den lyse belegningen samt de hvite byggene krever gode solbriller og hyppig påføring av solkrem.
Det er lettere de dagene det er litt urolig vær i områdene rundt. Da er det en frisk bris som gjør vandring her svalere.
Om morgenen er det et sted for en rolig promenering mens man hører byen våkne til liv og elva er fyllt opp av nyttetrafikk.
Om ettermiddag og kveld er det et sted der lokale, internasjonale og turister myldrer, i mangel av et bedre ord. Langsetter promenaden er et det stort utvalg av restauranter, barer og pøbber, og små gateutsalg der det selges snacks og drikkevarer. I noen av de større plassene er det grupper av lokale som bedriver dans, gruppetrening av zumba-typen, og rundt om er det familier med lekende barn, og unge svermende lokale ungdommer.
Og ikke så rent få turister i samme ærend.
Langsetter elva er det også mengder av små og større båter som tilbyr dagskrus langs Tonle Sap og Mekong, solnedgangstur og kveldstur med middag. I sesongen er det også herfra båter som tar dagsreiser langs Tonle Sap elva til innsjøen og Siem Reap.
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På plenen foran palasset er det som regel familie- og vennegrupper som har piknik, der det nytes medbrakt mat og drikke. Eller dette kjøpes fra de allestedsnærværende gatematbodene.
Om man ikke vil sette seg i en av utestedene langs elva, er det et stort utvalg av små og store steder i de første kvartalene inn i gamlebyen. Ofte med mer lokal mat og til hyggelige priser.
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I nattmarkedet i PP inneholder det sedvanlige utvalget av klær, tilbehør, klokker, bagger og en egen seksjon med gatemat. Prisene på saker og ting er på den akseptable siden, og størrelsene på klær er som regel passende for europeere. Maten er ålreit, men prismessig er det bedre å trekke inn byen nord eller sør for nattmarkedet.
Lenger promenering
Phom Penh er inne i en byggeboom, og lokalmedia melder at dette har tatt seg opp igjen på vei ut av pandemien. Dette innebærer at Elvepromenaden er i ferd med å utvides både nordover mot Chroy Changvar-brua, som er hovedinnfartsåra for hovedveiene nordfra, og sørover langs Koh Pich øya ut mot Mekong-elva.
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Men sjarmen, folkelivet og ikke minst fargene vil forhåpentligvis fortsatt være verdt å bruke tiden på.
Les mer om Elvepromenaden her.
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hiort · 1 year
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Hi M! Congratulations on 100 followers! 🥳 (101 now because I just realised I wasn't following you! 😱 Silly me!)
I would love to request Bob Floyd and “do you see her laughing? okay, then. stop.” from the defending a lover prompts.
I hope you have a fabulous day 🥰
Laser Tag
Summary: Laser tag had been all fun and games until an entitled prick decided to ruin it. But you can always count on your boyfriend Bob to save the day.
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x afab!Reader
Warnings: Uhmmmm, assualt, harrasment, swearing, uhm kinda gets a little dark so beware.
Word count: 1325
Masterlist M's Hundred Celly Masterlist
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You and your boyfriend Bob and the aviators from his squad and their significant others had all been trying to figure out something fun for the group of you to do. Dog fight football, beach days and the hard deck were definitely something you all enjoyed doing but it was also something you had all grown kinda bored of. So that’s how you found yourself at laser tag. It was supposed to be everyone and then you guys would break off into teams and go against each other. 
But the day of, you got a call from Payback that all three of their kids had gotten strep so they would be home taking care of them. Then Harvard texted and said he was too hung over to attend. Omaha texted saying he was having car trouble. Then Yale didn’t want to come because Harvard wouldn’t be there. Halo called to say that her fiance had fallen off a ladder and they were on their way to the ER to check for a concussion but that he was acting pretty fine. Then Fritz was on a mission so he wouldn’t be attending either. So it was just you, Bob, Phoenix and her girlfriend, Hangman, Rooster, Fanboy and his girlfriend and Coyote. With the uneven numbers they threw in a single player to one of the groups. 
Hangman, Rooster, Coyote, Fanboy and his girlfriend were all in one group. Which left Phoenix, her girlfriend, Bob, you and the random guy on a team. He gave you the creeps immediately. He looked seedy and like daddy’s money had gotten him anything he wanted in life. His hair, teeth, skin and clothes were all just too perfect. The way his eyes seemed to undress every woman in the room made your skin crawl. You figured you could just finish this game and then you’d never have to see him again. 
The bell rang and everyone ran, some trying to find hiding spots, some trying to find vantage points to shoot their opponents. It had all been going so smoothly and had proven to be a lot of fun. You had managed to shoot Rooster and Hangman a handful of times when you had caught them making out rather than playing the game. Your team had been up by about a hundred points for a while now. Bob was extremely silent and made quick work of sneaking up on people. Every once in a while you would see each other and fist bump or high five, big mighty grins on both of your faces. 
Rounding the corner of one of the walls you found yourself at a dead end. You turned around to find a different way to go when you were pushed back. You stumbled catching yourself with one of your hands on the walls. Your gun clattered to the ground loudly snapping away from your vest as you were pushed again. You could barely make out the person in the darkness of the large room. If it wasn’t for the glowing blue lights from both of your vests you weren’t sure you’d have been able to make them out at all. 
Immediate panic rose in your body as you laid your eyes on the guy that had been added to your team. He had a large smile on his face as he caged you in against the wall. You tried to duck under his arms but that made him pull your hair harshly slamming it against the wall. You hissed loudly at the feeling of your head meeting the wall. You opened your mouth to scream but he covered it quickly. He had dropped his gun as well, the object swinging from where it was tethered to his vest. 
“Now now baby, don’t want anyone to catch us having fun now would ya?” Tears were coming down your face as the reality of what was going to happen set in. You closed your eyes as his face came towards yours he buried his nose into your neck and inhaled deeply. You could hear your heart beating in your ears as he licked a strip up your neck. You shuddered at the gross wet feeling. Silently you were pleading for someone, anyone to find you.
“You’re gonna keep real quiet and we’re gonna play okay?” You shook your head vigorously, eyes snapping open, begging for him to let you go. He licked his lips in response, his hand going to the vest you were wearing. He tried to unclasp it and he almost had it when he was ripped off you. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” Your eyes found your boyfriend standing there with the guy pinned to the wall. He cursed very rarely so hearing him do so sent a shiver down your spine. You had never seen Bob as angry as he was right now. 
“We were just fooling around, man. It was just a little joke. Get off me.” The guy tried to shrug off the grip that Bob had on his vest. But that only made Bob angrier and he slammed him into the wall. The anger was radiating off of his body as he seethed at him. 
“Do you see her laughing?” Bob’s eyes darted to yours, softening as he took in the tears on your face. The guy tried once again to get Bob to let him go. But Bob held him steady, being the same height made it easy for Bob to keep his grip on him. 
“I said, do you see her laughing?” Bob’s country drawl was thick with his words. 
“No.” The guy whispered out, he looked down at the ground seemingly ashamed. But you knew he was ashamed at what he did and was going to do, just that he had gotten caught. 
“Okay, then. Stop acting like what you were about to do was consensual in any way shape or form.” You saw Coyote coming up on the three of you. He had dropped his gun as he saw Bob holding the guy against the wall. 
“What’s going on here Bob?” He asked the backseater eyes flicking between the guy, Bob and yourself. 
“Take him to the lobby and don’t let him go until I get there.” He pushed the guy towards Coyote and then he was turning to you. You shuttered as he cupped your cheeks in his hands. 
“How’d you find me?” You asked him through your tears that were still steadily working down your face. He brushed them away soothingly, studying your eyes. He was back to your soft, gentle Bob now. 
“I hadn’t seen you in a while and got a little worried. I asked everyone if they had seen you and Phoenix’s girlfriend said she saw you around here. I headed this way and saw that guy. I knew he was bad news when I saw him in the lobby.” His voice got low as he finished the sentence. Regret filling him that he hadn’t said or done anything when he first had the gut feeling the guy was creepy. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner sweet girl.” You could see tears in his eyes, the fear coursing through him of what could’ve happened to you if he was any later.
“It’s alright Bobby, you got here right in time.” You pulled him towards you, giving him a small peck on the lips. You both walked towards the front and called the local law enforcement. Once they got there the guy tried to deny what he did multiple times. He also tried to bribe the officers to which they scoffed. You had learned that his dad was an admiral at the base they all worked at. That this also wasn’t the first time that he had done something like this. His dad would typically get him out of it but you guys were gonna make sure he got what he deserved this time.
A/N: I'm sorry that this literally took me forever to post! Thank you so much for this request and I hope you are also having a fabulous day.
Tags(open): @wkndwlff @sylviebell @princess76179 @loving-and-dreaming @eternallyvenus
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sicc-nasti · 1 year
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Observe as Brodie cleans his Brogatitos’ helmets- giving them the best chance at survival in the harsh Tuefort nature,,,
A wonderful friend of a friend gifted me with the greatest piece of fanart of my Couriers, Brady (narrating) and Brodie, like. Ever. I’ve been rendered into a fine paste.
Based on this original comic. It’s perfect.
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liverpool-enjoyer · 6 months
trents beautiful brown eyes save me,,, save me trents beautiful brown eyes,,
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mochinomnoms · 5 months
Continuing the post with the situation “a second before the fall,” I put my hand on cutting off that when Jade and Yuu were falling, he smiled like an idiot, thinking about her hips, while Yuu squealed in fear of falling)))
I think this is referencing the art from Yuu and Jade trapped in the trap hole before falling? Aw that's kinda cute tho.
Both of them had very different priorities at that moment, it's okay tho. Eventually Yuu will be the in love dumbass and Jade the "I would like to not die right now, thanks" person.
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I’m bored (and maybe a little horny)
So please send me smutty stories and such in my asks!🥰
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purely-puck · 1 year
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Happy Release Day, fantasy enthusiasts!
Five Lords of Dusk is out now in ebook and paperback format. The adventure with Dorian and Shye begins today!
The Empire would say the Blooded who ruled the land before them are dead and gone, but those onboard the Oathbreaker know it to be a lie; one look at the captain's ward will tell you that. Shye is one of them. A Stormborn, Dusk Blooded, Strange . . . an enemy of the Empire, and he has just blown his crew's cover on imperial docks. Shye wants to stop hiding, to learn the secrets of the Blooded, and discover what being a Stormborn truly means. The answers to the fading of the Blooded and all Shye's other questions must lay in Mistral, the capital of the Empire, and Shye knows that the bounty hunter dispatched to capture him can take him there. Dorian just wants freedom. But such a goal is constantly threatened by the demands of their noble father, who wanted a perfect, controllable heir . . . he got Dorian instead. It is only their reputation that saves them from his reach. The assignment to track down a rumoured Stormborn, a being of legend in tales told to guild children, could destroy that reputation forever if it turns out to be a lie. But, if the rumour is true, Dorian will be untouchable in the eyes of the crown and beyond their father's reach forever. There can be no better coronation gift for the crown prince than a Stormborn. The hunt has begun. They will find him. And when they do, he will bring down the Empire from within.
Five Lords of Dusk is the debut queer fantasy novel by indie author F. Malbeck. Featuring a genderqueer lead and a flintlock fantasy setting, this novel takes place in a world partly inspired by the author's home country of Australia.
Available in print and ebook formats!
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Porto Alegre, in South Brazil, braced as river levels continue to rise
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Swollen rivers continued rising in Rio Grande do Sul during the weekend as torrential rainfall struck Brazil’s southernmost state once again. On Sunday, Brazilian officials and researchers issued new flood alerts for the coming days.
The Institute of Hydraulic Research at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul on Sunday forecast a new rise in the levels of the Guaíba River, which runs adjacent to state capital Porto Alegre. The lake could rise to a record-setting 5.5 meters depending on rainfall and winds, the institute said, well above the flood stage of 3 meters.
The Guaíba River kept rising this Monday morning and had reached 4.8 meters by 9 am. The current record level of the lake (5.33 meters) was reached a week ago.
The National Center for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disasters (Cemaden), a federal agency, issued an alert for the “very high” probability of hydrological risk events in the coming days in both Rio Grande do Sul and its northern neighbor Santa Catarina. The floods should “significantly worsen the situation” in Porto Alegre, Cemaden said, with the Guaíba Lake rising again in the next few days.
Continue reading.
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tarot-the-silly-one · 4 months
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im not explaining the context here. just look at his sick swag.
kyro belongs to @mayyak
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muxas-world · 6 months
Bezz is really the people princes
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