#FFXIV story
capriccio-ffxiv · 11 months
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Re-doing the Heavensward Alchemist quests, and it turns out that the canonical color of the WoL's Aether is blue. Obviously everyone can make their own headcanons and whatever, but I find it interesting that they're straight up like "nope you're blue." Also, this does mean that the color of a Convocation crystal =/= the color of a soul.
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quietlycreative · 9 months
“Trust in your eyes. They will never lead you astray.” 
Our Story as an archer begins when we speak to the receptionist Athelyna in the city of Gridania. Whether we are new or experienced Adventurers, it is her job to educate us on the teachings of the Guild to ensure that prospective members are ready for the tasks ahead. 
It is here we get our first glimpse into the life and teachings of those in the Archers Guild. Archery taught in Gridania, Athelyna tells us, was born from two distinct styles of bowmanship. The first being from that of the longbow Elezen who ruled the lowlands and the second the Miqo’te who were skilled nomadic hunters that favored the shortbow. Though the two people were rivals, they gradually learned to live together and refine the teachings that are practiced in the archers Guild to this day.
The words of Athelyna not only give us an idea of the theme but also foreshadow the overall story that awaits us in the hall when we are instructed to head inside and talk to Luciane. The Guild’s Master. 
Our first meeting with Luciane has the Guildmaster giving us a further taste of what it is to be an archer. While the bow may not be as destructive as other weapons, it makes up for it by offering flexibility and many strategic applications. Since the archer’s role in battle is to exploit the enemy’s weakness, archers must be masters of placement and timing so that a single arrow may turn the tides of battle. This ability requires an archer to be able to SEE these things. 
“Any half-wit can bend the bow, but it is no simple undertaking to become a skilled archer,” Luciane tells us. 
In order to gauge our aptitude for archery, Luciane sends you out on a mission to slay some pests beyond the city limits and asks us to return when it is complete. Having been sent out to better ourselves as archers and being welcomed into the guild, we return to Luciane to continue our journey. It is now that our Guildmaster feels it is time to instruct us on our Sight. Something critical for all those who wish to master the bow.
“To See clearly is not merely to look. It is to observe with intent. Fail to do this, and no amount of talent with a bow will avail you,” She instructs us. 
It is now that our true training begins and the introduction of our two mentors within the guild takes place. After having been sent out on a handful of tasks including finding targets around Gridania and slaying some more beasties, we return to Luciane. The Guildmaster asked the opinions of other members of the Guild, a miqo’te named Leih and an Elezen named Silvairre. 
Just like in the story that Athelyna told us in the start of the journey, our Miqo’te and Elezen mentors do not get along. In fact, Silvairre doesn’t seem to get along with anyone as he automatically dismisses not just us but also Leih as being a taint on the Guild’s name. Silvairre, they explain, was once of the Gods’ Quiver, an elite group of archers in Gridania. While he is no longer part of the Quiver, he tends to be rather opinionated when it comes to archery. 
Luciane says that she knows some people are brash about their dislike of outsiders, as Silvairre is. However, she bids that we keep in mind that everyone may look at the same object and still see different things. There is no right or wrong to it, it is only a matter of that person's perspective. Luciane wishes to help teach us to look from another perspective as well. To do this she sends us to Leih and Silvairre for instructions. 
First we are sent to Leih, who sends us to destroy more targets like Luciane had done before. The difference this time being that we would be going outside the boundaries of Gridania to do so. While searching for these targets, Leih tells us that our task would be to keep an eye on our surroundings and to avoid unnecessary conflict. 
Having completed this, Leih sends us out to help with an issue in the East Shroud. Because of the lack of manpower within Gridania since the Calamity, the archer’s guild often is tasked to help out with things that the Gods’ Quiver and Wood Wailers cannot spare the people to handle. This time it is to cull the increasing numbers of tree slugs and vultures in the Honey Yard. To accomplish this task we would need to observe our foes and take them down while still keeping up our situational awareness that Leih taught us in her first task. 
Returning from our task in the Honey Yard, Leih speaks to us about the importance of the skills that she has taught us as they have to do with hunting. Something that her people were known for. Then sends us to Luciane after apologizing over falling into some sentimentalism over the thought. While we speak with Luciane, Silvairre appears and becomes angry over the fact that Leih had tasked us with the safety of the people of Gridania. Calling her irresponsible and an embarrassment to the guild before Luciane declares that Silvairre would be our next teacher. He makes sure to state that he would not be so easily impressed. 
This is not an understatement, as Silvairre starts off his lesson by saying he isn’t so convinced of our potential as the others are. It was impossible for outsiders to understand the art of archery that the Elezen had been crafting for hundreds of years. He claims that it is out of respect for Luciane that he agreed to teach us and sends up out to take down targets similar to that of Leih’s task. However, he assures us that this task would be much harder. We must observe our enemies, predict where they will be, and complete the task. 
While we accomplish the task he sets for us, Silvairre still refuses to be impressed by our deeds and gives us his second task. In the North Shroud the Ixali scouts have been sighted near a river. An aggression that is part of a very old conflict. Amongst them is a leader by the name of Nezul Cattlan, the Violator. He tasks us with slipping through the defenses of the Ixali party to slay Nezul. Upon engaging in battle with Nezul and his party of Ixali, we are helped by a man named Miraudont the Madder. Someone who has zero relevance to the rest of the archer story but we’re glad he helped anyways. 
We are able to take down Nezul, the Violator. Upon returning to the Guild Silvairre expresses his surprise about us completing the task. While declaring our task was only completed by mere luck it is important to notice that Silvairre rubs his mouth. A movement, Luciane later tells us, is Silvairre's way of covering his lies when we discuss his task with her and Leih. 
Leih, though mad about the audacity Silvairre had for sending us on a task so dangerous, agrees that Silvairre does see our potential and would not have sent us on such a fool's errand had he not. 
With both mentors present, we return to Luciane later to find that she has a task for us. A petition had arrived from Buscarron with news of poachers in the South Shroud. Just like the case before, there is a good reason why the Wood Wailers and Gods’ Quiver cannot be called in for this task. Luciane asks that we go with Leih and Silvairre head to the Druthers to speak with Buscarron about the matter. 
Despite the bickering amongst Silvairre and Leih, the three of you head down to the North Shroud to investigate the matter. Upon arrival, Buscarron informs us of poachers that have been plaguing the area. Something Silvairre says is regrettable, but normal. The Tavern owner says that perhaps if they were normal poachers it would be different but these were Pawah Mujuuk’s gang. A notorious group that has always remained one step ahead of the authorities. Buscarron would have called upon the Gods Quiver or Wailers if it weren’t for an agreement he had with the bandits in the area that kept them from causing trouble for the Druthers. This was why he needed some archers to have a look around without raising too much attention. 
Silvairre decides it is best to split up and search for any signs of poachers. On our search we find common traps and a mead bottle that leads us to Buscarron’s old look out where the famous ale-man used to brew his stock when he was still a sentry. When searching the lookout the three of you do have a run in with the bandits of Pawah Mujuuk’s crew. During the skirmish, Pawah makes a run for it and Leih follows. Staying with Silvairre, we tend to the rest of the litter. When the job is done we hurry to find Leih, Silvairre intervening in the battle between the two before it goes worse Leih. Pawah flees into the forest upon our arrival so together we return to report to both Buscarron and Luciane. 
Our return to the archery’s guild does not prove to be without trouble though. Soon after Luciane approaches us with worries about our two mentors. She bids wer go and have a chat with them to see for ourself. Both mentors sit on the fence of leaving the guild. Silvairre we learn has set his mind to leave the guild and search for Pawah himself. He is not pleased that the Gods’ Quiver and Wood Wailers are doing nothing against the infamous poacher, especially given his history with her. When Silvairre was young and still a Gods’ Quiver, he had captured Pawah Mujuuk. However, when he was naive and fell for her pleading. Releasing her, Silvairre allowed her to escape and lost his place in the Gods’ Quiver because of it. He was set to right this wrong.
Meanwhile, Leih hesitates about her past. She remembers her past and questions her place in the archer’s guild. The skirmish she lost against Pawah seems to have shaken her considerably as she asks Quietly if perhaps it was a sign. That she didn’t belong in the Guild, that she was merely an outsider. She asks us to meet her outside the city in the shroud to say goodbye. However, when we turn up to the spot that she said we are surrounded by Pawah and her gang. 
Despite Leih saying that she had only just asked us to come to say goodbye, Pawah asks for an arrow to be put in us. Pawah only backs down as a favor to Leih, though she says that the next time she would gut us both. Lost and confused, Leih says she needs our help with something. We meet her again at another place in the shroud. This time Leih asks for a fight against us and after the battle says she realizes where she had gone wrong in her thinking. 
It was now our time to go after Silvairre, who had gone in search of Pawah. Together with Leih we find him in the South Shroud where they fight together to protect Silvairre. After they are safe Silvairre, while saying he didn’t want our help, eventually agrees to allow us to help him in setting a trap for Pawah. He had obtained a bandit whistle from the group he had fought and planned to use that to lay his trap. 
Asking for our help, we become the bait for the poacher as we relocate to a nearby area where the bandits are known to frequent. When Pawah appears there is a large battle in which Leih and Silvairre finally group up with us to take down the Poacher. With Pawah finally handled, Luciane admits that she has nothing else to teach us. That we would have to seek out other teachers and continually work on becoming an even better archer. Which will eventually lead us to the famous retired archer in the south shroud graced with the moogle’s favor. 
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finalfantabee · 1 year
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I was gonna make a continuation of Bee's adventures to the first, but I'm as distracted as the Exarch.
The rest of the story:
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irlina-natulcen · 1 year
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I tend to forgot I made a Carrrd for Irlina's story. Nothing too fancy, and as English is not my main language, I'm just trying my best ! I'll update it with time ! ♥ Please feel free to give a look !
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demita-ffxiv · 9 months
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Borrowed from @peachyarts1031 on X. "
#wolqotd We still have a lot to learn for Dawntrail. However, do you know what awaits your WoL personally? Any ideas for their own personal arc, or maybe a new job? Theo will be looking at self-discovery and self-love, and how this helps him be the protector he wants to be."
Deme will be following Emet-selch's prompt to explore what he hasn't…and enjoying the culture, and food. He is grieving the loss of his friends (Ancients/convocation) so he will be looking forward to a change of scenery. He's MOST excited for an excuse to fight his friends. 😂
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mascotvt · 1 year
Things I couldn't put on twitter cause it's too long
Rhela is my Warrior of Light, a Keeper of the Moon/Seeker of the Sun hybrid who lost her family, who lost most of her friends when she was young. Yes, yes, I know, cliche tragic backstory. It doesn't matter much, I mean, it does, the backstory is way worse than what I'm writing here. She wasn't trusting of men for a long period of her life, she'd bite and claw anyone who touched her.
Which makes the fact that her best friend right now, is a Seeker male, a pirate and Maelstom officer, something to behold. N'iko Kyndtachsyn is her best friend. He's been with her through thick and thin. Or tried to be. For long stretches of her life, he's been out to sea, but he's always been one to tell stories and she always listened, no matter how crazy they sounded. He's afraid of women, specifically miqo'te women, but she doesn't seem to trigger that fear... If it wasn't for their past lives and how they feel about the opposite gender, they might've gotten together, but that never happened.
Now, Rhela herself, when she's handling the Warrior of Light duties, she's not... The Warrior of Light of legend. No, that's another woman. Rhela is just backup. She doesn't speak. She pulls out a journal, scribbles out words and pictures to communicate with those she's close to. She doesn't show her face, hells, the Warrior of Light doesn't either. But the Warrior of Light doesn't forge the connections that Rhela forms. The Warrior is too focused on combat, too focused on upholding the image, doesn't want to disappoint anyone. So they, despite being more talkative, doesn't try to become friends with any of the scions. They fight, they fight, they fight... and every time, they win. Almost every time.
Rhela watches it all, she fights alongside the Warrior. She forges connections with the Scions via her drawings and writings. She communicates with the twins the most. She tried to train herself before learning from Haurchefant. She doesn't speak a word... Let's her actions and her drawings speak for her. Tell her stories. She holds each Scion, each person she meets out in Eorzea to a high place in her heart. If someone betrays her, she falls apart, she's sensitive and vulnerable. She doesn't know what to do half the time she's fighting but she's here, she's doing what she can, she loves the world and it's people so much. She fights to protect them. She almost breaks down every time someone dies. Carrying bodies from the Waking Sands out to Drybone hurt. She could barely do it.
Those were people she cared about...
When Rava and Rhela made it to Garlemald, Rava took off her mask in Tertium. "This is the face of the Warrior of Light..." She said that... And Rhela learned she shared her face. Rava got punched for that by the garlean she was speaking too. Rhela was the one to tell the Twins to stand down, to not worry... That everything would be fine. She was crying behind her mask. Rava... Was stone cold. Like a Soldier. Like a Gladiator of the Blood Sands.
Rava is the Warrior of Light, Rhela's twin sister, woman raised as a Seeker as she shared those traits. Her father died by her brother's hand but that was not something she knew. Rava left the tribe before that. She wanted to explore the world, become strong. Become SOMETHING more than just a Seeker. So she aspired to higher and higher feats, she took on Primals. When she found her twin at the Waking Sands, she said nothing. She knew who it was and said nothing to Rhela. It was just another day for her. And she felt... Her sister didn't need to know that Rava was her twin. Would have opened them up for more angles of attacks against one another. A vulnerability that is family. Rava didn't want to be close to people, actively pushed them away. They helped her, yes, but she didn't want them being used against her, like they'd be used against Rhela later on.
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zerelth · 1 year
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"I remember the rustling of trees and the footsteps of the forest's creatures. A distant stream of water, helping life flourish with every ripple. Blue and green, the colours of my childhood." 
Zerelth had a peaceful upbringing deep in the forests of Gridania. Due to the remote location of their cabin, it was rare for her to chance upon other children. Every so often she would see people in armors and robes, attacking the innocent creatures for unknown reasons. They never seemed to enjoy hurting the creatures either, usually leaving with tears welling up in their eyes. Some of them never bothered the creatures though. They would kneel down and pick herbs, roots and flowers, climb the trees for fruit and dig the earth for vegetables. Whether to sell or to eat, she did not know.
Her mum had advised her against approaching anyone she saw in the forest, especially those with weapons and battle garments. This warning made her wary of everyone she would see, including the children that rarely ever came around. "Even the children have wooden swords and wands. Their lives must be very dangerous," she would think to herself, oblivious to the issues outside of the woods. 
When she wasn't stalking strangers through bushes, she would spend her time playing with animals, swimming in the stream and looking at her reflection in the water. She would inspect her horns and scales, trying to see if they would come off only to end up hurting herself. Mum and dad didn't have them, and neither the people she would see, so they must come off once you grow up, she thought.
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regniersoldati · 1 year
Here's what to expect from my Tumblr page, btw! I figured some visual aid may help!
GPOSE of original characters (my OCs/others OCs)
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Commissioned GPOSE sets
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Storyboard pictures with text
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And memes...especially the memes
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lucanforfonte · 2 years
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❦  BOOK ONE - A Realm Reborn   ❦
❧ CHAPTER FOUR- - - - - The Ascian     PART SIX: conscripted
A man respected, in every sense of the word.
       Commodore Reyner Hansred was a man of distinguishment in Limsa Lominsa. At the head of the Yellowjackets, the people either revered him or hated him, depending on their lot in life and run in with the law of Limsa. Lucan could recognize and respect a man of reverence and therefore had the utmost respect for the Commodore. It still didn’t mean he wanted to take the man up on his offer to wear yellow. 
Though whether he was joining a guild finally or not was not the topic of conversation when Lucan made his way to the Marauder’s guild, where Reyner was waiting patiently with several others of the First Levy, the contingent assigned to the walls of Limsa Lominsa herself. Though the Commodore wasn’t the most stout of men, Lucan had found not many had to be to be formidable. 
“Ah, Ser Forfonte,” the Commodore called and the title grated on him, he’d given up the Ser when he’d abandoned his duties in the Temple Knights, but Reyner was ever a man of character and class. He’d learned early on that despite being told of his abandonment, a Ser would remain a Ser until his grave. “Thank you for joining me.” 
“It was a unique ploy,” Lucan uttered, looking up at him from the lower balcony. Reyner smiled, coy as ever, and turned to descend the stairs so he could be on level ground as Lucan. A man respected, in every sense of the word. Lucan waited patiently, nodding his late greeting when Reyner came to stand next to him. 
“Such are the ways you’ve established,” Reyner said and there was no malice in the words, but Lucan still found them irritating. He’d been hard to recruit for a reason. Because he wasn’t open to be conscripted into anything. But here he was, finding himself in the man’s presence anyway, waiting for orders. “Forgive me the deception?” 
Lucan squared his jaw. “If you tell me why I’m here.” 
“No doubt Wyrnzoen gave you some degree of explanation,” Reyner started, motioning for Lucan to follow him towards an empty table with stacks of papers upon it. Lucan did, but neither man took a seat. “Beyond that, it’s simple. The Red Reavers have taken up business in Limsa Lominsa and while my Yellowjackets are fully capable of culling their threat within the walls, the Fourth Levy has been wholly outnumbered.” 
The Fourth Levy, another contingent of the Yellowjackets, patrolled Western La Noscea. Lucan knew enough about the different branches of the Yellowjackets to know the Fourth found their home within Aleport. He’d drank with a few of them on occasion during his late night patrols. 
“Between the Sahagain and the Red Reavers, they’ve been run ragged. And now the Red Reavers are on the move. We could use a man whose bested one before. A man of your caliber.” 
Lucan sighed. “Conscript some of your pirates instead.” 
“And risk infiltration?” The question was a good one, the notion better and Lucan hated it. The Red Reavers were recruiting. He knew full well from his run in with Sevrin and the other farmhands at Summerford just how persuasive they could be. “No. We need a man we can trust. One job, that’s all I’m asking.” 
“Where?” Lucan asked, annoyed but knowing that he wasn’t going to say no to an ask like that. Reyner knew it too, there was no point in drawing this out longer than it needed to be. His thought went back to his dream of the Mothercrystal. No wasn’t going to be an answer he could afford much longer, he suspected. 
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I would like to share my story about my ffxiv character with you. Maybe I'll write a fanfiction out of it at some point. English is not my mother language so I apologize in advance if I write something wrong. I continue to study hard. I'll give my best! Matsuri's story: In the sixth, final Age of Light, a Miqo'te with special powers was chosen by Hydaelyn to save Eorzea and the entire world from destruction. Her name was Matsuri Matsumoto. A cheerful girl who came from the Seekers of the Sun clan. She had short, light pink hair and light blue eyes that sparkled like crystals. But when she wanted to protect her loved ones, she got into a fatal accident - at least that's what everyone thinks and that's what they've been saying over the years - and she died before she could help in the battle of Carteneau. Years have passed since then and her soul continued to wander full of self-guilt. Driven by grief, she blamed herself for not paying attention, for not listening to her friends. Her soul longed for her friends. She missed them deeply and her soul threatened to sink into the void. However, the Mothercrystal heard and felt the feelings of Matsuri's soul and so she was given a second chance and a new life was given to her.
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Her name is Matsuri Levanter. A compassionate and warm-hearted Miqo'te who has helped many throughout her adventure. Matsuri comes from the Seekers of the Sun clan. She has shoulder-length, light blonde hair, light blue eyes that shine as brightly as stars in the night sky and face paint on her face that the Mothercrystal gave her. She has no memories of her previous life except for one memory that keeps replaying in her dreams. Since then, she has been looking for answers and travels with the Scions of the seventh Dawn to protect the world.
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hearts-of-winter · 8 months
Limsan Roleplayers after Endwalker
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destiny-islanders · 6 months
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haven't beaten ffxvi yet, excited to get to the part where the dog flies
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goth-catte · 1 year
Endwalker Spoilers
The Eorzean invasion of Garlemald had been… profitable, to say the least. Naalie knew most of those troops who marched into the frozen north had done so out of selflessness, working diligently to save the lives of so many and preserve the freedom of those lands that had once fallen under that ivory banner of tyranny.
Not Naalie, though. Naalie wasn’t now, nor would she ever be, a ‘hero’. Her small, one-seater fighter plane had soared over the skies of Ilsabard and done its fair share of aid for the alliance; strafing runs had helped provide ground troops the cover they needed to advance against the magitech horrors that the empire cranked out, and her aerial daring-do brought down more than a few of the sky creations of Garlemald. When all was said and done, the commander of whichever squadron her little crew of pilots had been attached to had called them, her included, ‘heroes’, though she knew full well that she was anything but.
The sky pirate from the Ruby Sea hasn’t cared for altruism in the way they all had, she had come for one thing above all else - profit. And as the thirty-fourth rule on acquisition stated - war was good for business. Those downed magitech contractions were loaded with goods that she could strip away and sell to some people back in her favorite ports of call, the warehouses and store yards that lay abandoned were full of goods that the locals desperately needed and some were even willing to part with their own valuables at extreme markup to get their hands on them. What were family heirlooms, a beloved piece of jewelry, or hard coin when you were huddled in a cold house with naught by crumbs to eat? No, Naalie was no hero - she was the very worst of what came with the alliance.
M o n t h s A g o
The wind was a bitter thing blowing around the shattered shell of what had been some building or another just a few weeks prior. The roof, and two of the exterior walls, was long since gone, burned away in a fire that had not only consumed this building but nearly everything around it as well. Foliage had burnt to a crisp, leaving little more than charred stumps where a few defiant trees had once stood against the cold of northern Ilsabard.
The front had moved on, the combined forces of the Eorzean alliance pushing on into the barely-beating heart of the once-mighty empire. Naalie, though, had stayed behind with the closest thing to a friend that she still had. The years hadn’t been kind to her crew, and this war even less so; despite her insistence that she or her ilk were far from heroes, there had been several with whom she had flown that had sacrificed their lives all the same. The dead were still dead despite the real motivations that got them there, so Naalie didn’t do a thing to dissuade others from speaking highly of them.
Not herself, though. The Dortharli woman was still alive and kicking, for now, and was more than capable of deflecting any honor thrown her way by the unwitting or naive. If any of those praise-giving commanders could see her now, leaning against the husk of this building scamming some local out of their stashed valuables in exchange for a tiny canister of cereuleum for their heaters and the most meager amount of food… well, they’d certainly change that opinion, wouldn’t they?
The tail of her coat whipped wildly around her ankles, and the thin stream of acrid smoke from the tip of her cigarette joined the blustery snow kicked up by the breeze. She watched with dark, half-lidded eyes as her only surviving companion in the sky finalized the negotiations, or highway robbery, with the small contingent of needy civilians. Naalie supposed she should feel bad for them, but she’d seen suffering all over this world - why was theirs any more precious than anybody else’s? Nobody had lent her a helping hand in her own times of need.
“A’right,” the gruff voice of the grizzled Highlander, Bodvarr, said to the Garlean’s representative - if the old, bent-backed man could even be called as such. “You toss us that bag of goodies there.” He paused, his chapped lips turning up into a cruel smirk before continuing, “Or if you can’t manage it, maybe that pretty lass back with the rest of ‘em can manage it for you. That’s it, nice n’ strong.”
The elderly man gave Bodvarr a glare so mighty that Naalie was surprised it didn’t somehow strike the pirate down. She rolled her own eyes at his comments, hidden from her companion by the ceaseless flurries and strong winds. The man did an underarm swing, sending a bag half full with the household’s collected goods arcing through the freezing air and landing in the snow at Bodvarr’s feet with a solid THUNK. Bodvarr looked down, kneeling to pick it up with one hand… and the other resting openly on the hilt of his pistol. When he plucked it from the drift he balanced it in one palm, testing its weight and making sure it was a satisfactory amount inside. “That’ll do mighty fine, I think. Right, Red?”
His comment was directed to Naalie, the crimson skinned Xaela some several fulms away. She could only give a sort of disinterested shrug and a grunt of affirmation. “Good enough,” she said, taking the cue to push away from the wall. She leaned down to pick up two canvas sacks from the ground at her feet - one containing the heater fuel, the other an assortment of stale bread and staler meat they had ‘repurposed’ on one of their foraging missions. Neither really contained enough, and the sacks were light enough that she didn’t struggle with either.
Neither were worth what these people paid for them. She kicked her way through the accumulating snow to cross the fulms to the exchange area and tossed them between Garlean and Highlander. They fell with a much more solid thump, and kicked up a few flurries of their own. Naalie was the recipient of a glare of her own from the man, and his entire party, for her part in this. She wasn’t surprised, she damned well deserved it she knew.
Two quick, loud reports sounded - one from Bodvarr’s pistol, the shot going wide and missing the man and his family entirely… and one from the smoking barrel of Naalie’s, her aim unfortunately much truer than that of her companion.
There was a moment of eerie stillness in the seconds that followed, as if time itself had slowed to a stop. She felt the hammering of her heart in her chest, the echoing of the gunshot in her ears, the sting of the wind against her exposed skin. But the world, for that brief yet infinite period, stopped.
Then, abruptly, it all slammed back into motion once more.
The family was shrieking, all of them diving into the snow for cover. The old man grabbed at the sacks, tumbling forward in his attempt. And Bodvarr… Bodvarr stood still, his arm still outstretched. Slowly, impossibly slowly, the gun fell from his numbing fingers and dropped to the snow at his feet. His head turned, eyes wide with the shock of pain and betrayal, locking onto Naalie. The gaze only lasted a few beats of the heart, the final beats of his for sure, but she would remember it until her soul passed on to the next life. The hurt, the surprise, the fury. In an instant it was gone, the life leaving his eyes entirely and his body slumping backward.
“Go!” Naalie shouted at the Garleans, pushing herself up to a sit; she watched this unfolding shitshow, a myriad of horrors welling up within her as she did. “Take it all and go!” She yelled again. They needed no further encouragement. She wasn’t sure what was stronger in their glares as they gathered everything - the hatred for putting them in this spot or the gratitude of choosing their lives over her fellow scoundrel’s. Naalie would never know, but those glares, too, would haunt her for the rest of her days. As they ran off into the white-out snow, Naalie simply sat there as her own shock began to take hold.
“Fuck…” was all she could manage.
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finalfantabee · 1 year
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In the Dark
The the answer of how do non-WoLs get to Shadowbringers? Flash the Exarch.
Just a little testy-test of comic making, with the goal of illustrating more of Bee's lore. It's not perfect, but I'm pretty happy with it!
Big love to @/jackiebrightley [Twitter] for being my Warrior of Light.
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diadoescomics · 17 days
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Glare IV
WHM mains make some noise I love it when a class upgrate makes you die repeatedly on week 1
Light Party ft @concaviddavid
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1driedpersimmon · 2 months
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Guess what I just finished
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