maxcuntstappen · 10 months
It is day 6 of Lav’s Ficmas ‘23 and I have ventured into a new flavour of lestappen.
better late than never (3.5k) (nsfw)
Relationship: Arthur Leclerc/Max Verstappen
Tags: Miscommunication, Porn with Plot, Accidental Voyeurism, Sexuality Realisation
It was a classic case of dissociation. Sure, he followed the younger categories and kept up with their results, Arthur’s with a closer eye than others. But it was different. The Arthur with his helmet on wasn’t the same as the Arthur who had his jeans pulled down to his ankles, his hands gripping at a guy’s head, fucking his hips into his mouth, making the man choke.
They weren’t the same people, not for Max.
And then Arthur got into F2 and everything changed.
Read on Ao3
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nnato · 1 year
Not me being a little bastard and asking another request but since you keep doing those little pieces of art may i request something with norman/arthur (look at me not asking mitchtonio) in bodyguard au? 👀 you can choose tbe prompt. Please??
Anything for you, my beloved Sofia 😌✨
Prompt: “Find someone else to annoy.”
Norman loves to go to the gym in the middle of the night. No one else is usually there, the other guards either asleep or on duty. It is one of the rare times where he can be undisturbed and go about his routine in peace.
Norman moves from the treadmill to the bench press after his warm up, spreading out his towel before he gets his weights, stacking them up on the press. The sounds of his work out playlist drown out the world around him, a rare luxury he usually can’t afford. But he’s safe here for now. At least from people with bad intentions.
What he didn’t take into account is the one person who will always find a way to abuse his nerves and his patience.
Halfway through the second set of his exercise, Norman notices movement from the corner of his eyes. But the person moves too clumsily to be a threat, so he ignores it. That is until a head plops up into his vision, a bright smile lighting up the whole face of Arthur. Norman can see his lips move but he doesn’t hear a single word due to the music. He’s also not willing to break his set just because the little shit decided to come by.
But Arthur either doesn’t care or doesn’t notice that Norman can’t hear him. He keeps talking, bend over Norman and the bench press so he can’t escape him visually at least. One deep breath tells Norman enough about the state he is in though to not wonder anymore. Arthur smells like alcohol and cigarettes and sweat, the usual mix after a night at the club. Just that he wasn’t supposed to go out tonight.
Norman puts the barbell back into the safety holder and sits up, taking off his headphones.
“… and then they told me they would escort me home, like can you believe? I was so close to the best night of my life and they just ruined it!” Norman hears the end of Arthur’s story and it’s all he needs to put the pieces together.
“So just because your bodyguards did their job and picked you up from one of the clubs you’re not supposed to go to, you decided to come here instead of going to bed like you should?” Norman says, turning so he could look at Arthur. “Sorry, your Highness, but my sympathy for your situation is pretty limited.”
Arthur pouts at that, flopping down on the trainings device closest to him.
“I’ve had my night end in the worst way and now you’re being mean to me too.”
“Now you’re just being dramatic. Excuse me but I have a trainings session to do.” Norman is about to put his headphones back on but Arthur is surprisingly fast for his drunken state, trying to snatch them out of his hands. But Norman would be a bad bodyguard if he would let a drunken prince overpower him. He grabs Arthur by the wrist, glaring warningly at the Prince.
“Why don’t you find someone else to annoy, your Highness?” he asks but he can see the way Arthur’s eyes darken, can feel his pulse quicken underneath his fingers.
“Oh but you know you’re my favourite person to annoy.” Arthur smiles at him wickedly and moves into Norman’s space. Norman tries to retreat but he only comes so far until his back the barbell. Arthur uses it to his advantage, climbing onto Norman’s lap.
“Your Highness-“
“Oh c’mon Norman, drop the titles, will you? I think we’re way past that by now,” Arthur interrupts him, wrapping one arm around Norman’s neck since the other still has his wrist in a tight grip. Not that it would stop him.
Norman stares up at him, aiming for an unimpressed expression but Arthur can see right through the facade. He’s been watching him for long enough by now to know what is going on behind the mask of professionalism. Most of the time at least.
“And I think you’re way past your bed time,” Norman says but it doesn’t have the expected effect.
“Take me to bed then. Just to make sure I don’t wander off again.” And fuck, Norman knows he shouldn’t, that it would be better to call one of the others to take care of Arthur. He’s already a menace when sober but a drunk prince? Better not to underestimate. Norman learned that the hard way already. Why is it that he still can’t stay away from Arthur though?
“If I bring you back to your room, will you leave me alone for the night then?”
Arthur only grins at him and Norman sighs in defeat. He knows he will regret this later but does he even have a choice?
Getting Arthur off his lap with the promise of escorting him to his room isn’t hard, the other pulling him off the bench and out of the gym. Norman doesn’t even get the chance to take his things with him, following Arthur along the corridors of the palace that seem deserted during the night. They arrive at Arthur’s room without passing anyone on their way, and Norman wants to stop outside the door. He only promised to bring him here, nothing more. But one look from those dark eyes, a gentle tug on his hand, and the memory of what happened the last time Norman brought Arthur home in the middle of the night are enough to make his resistance falter.
The whispered “No one has to know” clings in his ears as he follows Arthur inside, closing the door behind them.
[on AO3]
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whiskeyswriting · 10 months
Visiting Hours
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TW: Mentions of death and grief
I wish that heaven had visiting hours
And I would ask them if I could take you home
But I know what they'd say, that it's for the best
So I will live life the way you taught me, and make it on my own
And I will close the door, but I will open up my heart
And everyone I love will know exactly who you are
'Cause this is not goodbye, it is just 'til we meet again
So much has changed since you've been away
July 21, 2015
Silence. All I can hear is silence. I can’t even feel my heart or the tears anymore. I had time to say bye Jules… But I never wanted to. I need you Jules. I can’t do this without you - you’re my brother. My best friend.
All we can see is Charles from across the church. I don’t know what to tell him to comfort him. The somber music starts and we see the pallbearers walk towards you. I can only focus on Seb and Romain. Once they grab hold of your casket, everything around me fades away.
A hand grabs mine and I know her heart is breaking too. You two were supposed to be forever. Jules and Alana. Ever since you met, there was never a day when you wouldn’t say you were going to marry her.
Our souls mourn you. We’ll never know how to fix this hole you left in us. Jules… I’ll do everything I can every day to make you proud. I know I’ll have bad days. I know I’ll struggle to accept you being gone. I’ll never forget you. I do hope you look after me and after Alana.
Forever your baby sister,
Baylie Bianchi
Jules… My love… My fiancé. I can't believe it's true. I keep looking for you. I check my phone and wait to hear from you.
Our time together will never be enough. We promised each other forever. We were weeks away from forever… But now I’m forever without you.
I’ll keep my promise to always look out for Baylie. She’ll always be my baby sister now. I can’t promise I’ll ever love again. Jules you stole my heart that day we met when our sibling were karting. I’ll still have weekly lunches with your parents. I’ll look after Charles.
Je t’aime mon cœur,
Alana Hubert
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September 10, 2019
I thought losing Jules would kill me… but losing you, my baby brother… I don’t think I’ll survive. I don’t know how I’ll say goodbye. We were never supposed to say goodbye. I don’t know what I did to deserve losing my baby brother. I love you Anthoine.
You’ll always be my most favorite person. The one who I’d share all my secrets with. I’ll miss our weekly sibling pizza nights. I’ll always wear your number with me. I’ll do my best to be brave and strong but I don’t know how to without you. You always gave me the strength and confidence I needed.
Anthoine… Find Jules and papa Hervé. They’ll know how to help you guide and cheer Pierre, Baylie and Charles up. We’ll miss you and never forget you.
Always your proud big sister,
Mon croissant… Mon cœur… Anthoine… My sweetheart… Life will never be the same without you and your smile. I don’t know how I’ll survive without you. I wish I could have stopped time and saved you.
I’ll be there for Alana. I know what losing your brother… your favorite person is like. I can help her. I’ll help Pierre too. I remember the first time I met you both. We were karting and you two were too busy trying to out pace the other one that I just sped past you. Ever since that day, it was always the three of us. We were inseparable.
This isn’t goodbye. Anthoine. It’s just until later.
Your sweetheart,
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giuseppe-yuki · 1 month
Just imagine anyone on the grid having a lion or a tiger as an so and rocking up to the paddock (just like tiger king), with the animal on a bedazzled leash and everything
hmm interesting! i honestly tried to stick with smaller animals in my series, as to not spook the fans and reporters around the paddock, but i feel like a tiger shapeshifter!reader is a good concept as well!
i feel like the top contenders to have a tiger shapeshifter s/o would either be someone with a loud personality, like danny, or someone completely unexpected like andrea (kimi antonelli).
here's a little blurb/oneshot i thought up on a whim:
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picture credits from pinterest :)
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you are woken up from your nap by the shrillest scream you ever heard. you leap back, accidentally trampling a few decorative plants in the back of the mercedes motorhome. oops, you think. in front of you stands bono, lewis' engineer, who looks like he's seen a ghost. eyes wide behind his black framed glasses, he stands, frozen in fear. still blinking sleep from your eyes, you carefully pad in a direction away from the terrified engineer, who is now very noticeably trying to tiptoe away.
it was ironic, really, for the universe to grant you the ability to shapeshift into one of the world's deadliest predators, but make you have the shyest, most timid personality.
you were technically not supposed to be napping under the sun behind the merc hospitality- your boyfriend kimi had told you to wait inside the building while he had a quick meeting with toto. it wasn't your fault that the sun was shining so warmly and the lovely smell of freshly planted flowers were floating outside. you had decided to chill on the grass when you must have fallen asleep (and probably accidentally shifted too).
now, you watch in fear as bono beckons a group of people towards you. they all wear matching black uniforms with the word "security" pasted right in the back with neon yellow letters. god, this was going to be hard to explain when kimi came back.
they approach you, not knowing how to deal with the giant tiger currently huddling in the back of the mercedes motorhome. you couldn't blame them, you knew you looked pretty intimidating, and let's be honest, anyone would be scared if they saw a fierce predator in the wild, much less behind a formula 1 motorhome.
they slowly surround you, batons out, and a few of them talk through their radio walkie-talkies, requesting for "backup". it seems that some reporters and fans have gotten wind of the situation too, because you see some at the edge of the entrance, phones out and recording. you hear them mutter about the weirdness of the scene unfolding in front of them.
suddenly, you hear a familiar accented voice ring out behind the ring of security guards and crowd of people.
"baby, come here!" kimi says firmly. he clicks his tongue twice and beckons you toward him with his finger.
to everyone's surprise, you bound towards him through the now horde of people. they scatter to the side as you race towards your boyfriend. once you skid to a halt in front of him, he brushes his hand through your fur and places a soft kiss on your wet nose. it's a laughable sight, seeing your impressive-sized striped body cowering behind kimi's shorter figure.
bono steps out of the crowd of people, brow scrunched in fear and confusion. "what the-? kimi??? when did you own a tiger?"
your boyfriend laughs. "well, i don't really own her, you know. we just have, eh, what do you call it- a special bond between us." he gives a light hug, squeezing you against him. "i love her very much!"
if you were in your human form, you would definitely be blushing.
turning away from bono, kimi leads you back towards main paddock road, which wasn't hard to do considering the crowd leaving a wide berth of space around you both (probably from the fear of getting eaten by you, even though you would never think to ever do that to someone).
once he reaches the main part of the paddock, he pulls out a bejeweled collar and leash out of his pocket. you look at him questioningly, but don't resist as he threads it around your neck.
"just so no one thinks that you're a random runaway tiger," he explains, tightening it comfortably.
you both continue your walk through the paddocks, this time heading towards kimi's garage. several fans and enigneers scamper out of the way as the see you approach, not used to seeing an actual real life tiger, albeit in a shiny leash and collar.
as you lightly amble towards the entrance of the merc garage, leash trailing behind you from kimi's hand, you spot toto walk by with a big grey wolf on his heels.
he turns to kimi, looking him straight in the eyes, and smirks, eyes twinkling knowingly.
"you got yourself a tiger, huh?"
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a/n: sorry i don't know why the picture format is acting up and won't let me make it into a singular row like it usually is 😭
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logansargey · 5 days
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F1 and F2 drivers + the unsent project
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scrollonso · 2 months
First Kiss (Special Ending)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (4.4k words, fluffy ver) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {This is just a mix of different moments, i'm scared to let them go}
last part - masterlist - it's over ☹️
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"I want a baby" A tipsy Lance muttered, face barely illuminated in their shared hotel room.
"What?" Fernando laughed, unsure what Lance was talking about, he never made much sense when he was drunk.
"A baby, Nano." Lance frowned, eyebrows furrowing at the sound of the Spaniard laughing
"You want a baby? Lancito you are a baby." The older man said, sitting down next to Lance
"Do you not want a baby with me?" His voice cracked, eyes welling with tears as he sat on the edge of their bed.
"Ay, Mi sol. I do, I do want a baby with you." Fernando backtracked, moving his hand to brush the Canadians hair from his face "Let's sleep before we get a baby, okay?"
Lance nodded and before Fernando knew it the taller boy was curled up and asleep under the duvet.
The sun streamed through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. Lance stirred, groaning slightly as he rubbed his eyes, the events of the previous night slowly coming back to him. Fernando was already awake, sitting in an armchair by the window, a cup of coffee in hand and a knowing smile on his face.
"Good morning, mi vida," Fernando greeted softly.
Lance sat up, blinking away the remnants of sleep. "Morning, Nando."
Fernando watched him carefully. "You remember what you said last night?"
Lance's cheeks flushed. "Sort of. I said a lot of things."
"You said you wanted a baby," Fernando prompted, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Lance's eyes widened as he recalled his drunken confession. "I meant it, you know," he said earnestly, his voice steadier now. "I really want us to have a baby."
Fernando's expression softened. "I know you did. And I want that too."
The weeks that followed were filled with research and conversations, the initial idea turning into a plan, el plan. By December, Lance and Fernando had finalized the adoption process, ready to welcome a newborn into their lives.
On December 21st, they found themselves in Bulgaria, meeting their son for the first time. The tiny baby was swaddled in a soft blanket, his dark eyes wide and curious. Lance’s heart swelled as he held the baby close, Fernando at his side, both of them marveling at the little life that had become theirs.
"Look at him, Nikola Stroll-Diaz," Fernando whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
Lance gently touched the baby's cheek. "He's perfect," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Back in their home, the nursery was ready, filled with soft toys and a crib waiting for Nikola. The transition to parenthood was an adjustment for both men, balancing their careers and new responsibilities, but the joy they felt was undeniable.
In the early hours of the morning, Lance would often be found rocking Nikola to sleep, the baby nestled against his chest. Fernando would join them, wrapping an arm around Lance, their little family complete.
One evening, as they sat together on the couch, Nikola asleep in his crib, Lance turned to Fernando. "You know, when I said I wanted a baby, I never imagined it would feel like this."
Fernando smiled, pressing a kiss to Lance's temple. "It's better than anything I could have imagined."
Their journey had been unexpected, but as they watched their son grow, both men knew they wouldn't trade it for the world. Lance and Fernando had found something more precious than any championship title, they had found family.
The house was quiet, except for the soft coos of Nikola, who was nestled comfortably in Lance's arms. The snow outside created a serene backdrop, the fireplace casting a warm glow inside the cozy living room. Fernando entered, his expression thoughtful, as he sat down beside Lance on the couch.
"Lancito, there's something important I need to talk to you about," Fernando began, his voice steady but serious.
Lance shifted slightly, adjusting Nikola in his arms, the Spaniards tone worrying him. "Hm?"
Fernando took a deep breath, his eyes meeting Lance's. "I've decided to leave Renault."
Lance's eyes widened in surprise. "You're leaving Renault? What happened?"
Fernando nodded, understanding Lance's reaction. "But I feel like I need a new challenge, something that will push me further."
"Nando, we have a baby now, is that not new enough?" He joked before his curiosity deepened. "So, where are you going?"
A small smile tugged at Fernando's lips. "McLaren."
Lance's surprise turned into a smile. "McLaren? Do you know who your teammate's gonna be?"
Fernando nodded, his excitement evident. "Lewis Hamilton, I'm pretty sure you guys were in F3 together"
Lance nodded before looking down at Nikola, who was now dozing peacefully in his arms, and then back at Fernando. "I’m proud of you, Nando. I know you're gonna do great."
As the podium ceremony began in Malaysia, Lance made his way closer to the stage, navigating through the throng of fans and team members. Fernando stood tall on the top step, his face beaming with triumph as the Spanish national anthem played. He glanced down, his eyes finding Lance and Nikola in the crowd, his smile widening even further.
After receiving his trophy and the customary champagne spray, Fernando looked back at his family, his expression a mix of joy and love. Lance waved, Nikola’s tiny hand mimicking the motion with Lance’s help.
Fernando couldn’t resist. As soon as he could he made his way towards the two the crowd parted, allowing the man to reach his family. He took Nikola into his arms, pressing a kiss to the baby’s forehead before leaning in to kiss Lance.
The cameras on them and shocked expressions from people in the crowd meant nothing when he had Nikola and Lance in his arms.
Lewis was one of the first to voice his support after the two publically announced their relationship. In the next race weekend, he wore a "Love is Love" shirt during media day, making a small yet powerful statement. "We’re all part of this family," he said in interviews. "Fernando and Lance are showing incredible bravery, and it’s our duty to support them."
Kimi also showed his support. He was seen wearing a rainbow wristband during the pre-race drivers' parade, a subtle yet significant gesture. When asked about it, he simply said, "It is no different than me and Jenni."
Nico, Felipe, and Jenson joined the movement, each wearing "Love is Love" shirts during various race weekends. Their actions spoke volumes, showing unity within the paddock. Nico, in particular, used his platform to speak out against the negative reactions. "This sport should be inclusive and welcoming to everyone, both black and gay drivers."
Giancarlo and David added their voices, emphasizing the importance of acceptance in such a high-profile sport. David, during a television broadcast, said, "My past rivalries with Lance has nothing to do with how I feel. Their love and commitment to their family is something to be celebrated, not condemned."
In private, the support from fellow drivers meant the world to Fernando and Lance. It reinforced their belief that they had made the right decision by coming out, not just for themselves but for the many others who might be struggling in silence.
Nikola, still blissfully unaware, continued to bring joy to their lives. The paddock began to embrace him too, with drivers often stopping by to say hello and spend a few moments with the bright-eyed baby.
After the podium celebrations and media commitments after the European GP, the two returned to their hotel suite, where Nikola was waiting with his mémé. As they entered, still riding the high of their dual podium finishes, they found Nikola playing on a soft blanket spread out on the floor.
"Hey, mi sol," Lance greeted, scooping Nikola up into his arms, having made sure to wash off the champagne before he returned. "Did you miss us?"
Nikola’s eyes lit up at the sight of his fathers, and he reached out towards Fernando, who joined them, pressing a kiss to Nikola’s forehead. “Today was a good day,” Fernando said, his voice filled with contentment.
Lance gently bounced Nikola in his arms, Fernando sticking his tongue out at the baby. Suddenly, Nikola let out a high-pitched giggle, his eyes sparkling with delight. Both Lance and Fernando froze, their eyes widening in surprise.
“Joder. Did he just laugh?” Fernando asked, a broad smile spreading across his face.
Lance nodded, his own grin matching Fernando’s. “Oh my god!"
They took turns making silly faces and noises, their smiles growing with each giggle that escaped Nikola’s lips. The room filled with the sound of his infectious laughter.
“Look at him, Nando,” Lance said, his voice choked with emotion. “He’s so happy.”
After the season had concluded, Lance, Fernando, and Nikola retreated to their home in Dubai for a well-deserved break and to celebrate Lance's 20th birthday.
Fernando had woken up early, setting about preparing a special birthday breakfast while Lance and Nikola slept peacefully. Lance awoke to the delightful scent and the distant sounds of clinking plates. Rubbing his eyes, he smiled as he heard Nikola’s excited babbling from his crib. He turned to see Fernando entering their bedroom, a tray with breakfast treats in hand.
“Happy birthday, mi sol,” Fernando greeted warmly, quick to peck his boyfriends lips.
Lance’s smile widened. “Thank you, Nando. This looks amazing.”
Just then, Nikola’s babbling escalated, and they saw him standing in his crib, eager to be let out.
“Looks like someone is ready to join us,” Fernando smiled, setting the tray down and lifting Nikola out of his crib. The baby giggled, reaching out for Lance.
Lance gently scooped Nikola into his arms, planting a kiss on his chubby cheek. “Good morning, sweet boy,” he cooed, eliciting more giggles from Nikola.
Years passed in a flash, Nikola now 2 and Fernando back with renault. He took Lance outside, Nikola not far away on a blanket over the grass, distracted with toys.
"Lance," Fernando began, his voice filled with emotion as he looked deeply into Lance’s eyes, "from the moment we met, you’ve brought light and joy into my life. You’ve been my boyfriend, my best friend, and the love of my life."
He paused, his heart racing with anticipation. "Today, I want to ask you something. Will you marry me?"
Fernando reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box, opening it to reveal a stunning ring nestled inside. "I promise to cherish you, to support you, and to love you with all that I am, for all the days of our lives. Lance Stroll, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"
He held his breath, waiting for Lance’s response, his heart overflowing with love and hope for their future together.
Touched by the sentiment, Lance leaned over to kiss Fernando, forgetting to say yes as his emotions swallowed him. “I love it. Thank you,” he murmured, his heart full.
"Is that a yes?" Fernando whispered as the kiss broke
"Yes" He nodded eagerly, vision blurred with tears as Fernando put the ring on his finger
In 2010, they finally got married. The venue they chose was a picturesque estate in Asturias, nestled amidst rolling hills and lush gardens, offering a serene backdrop for their special day.
The morning of the wedding dawned with clear skies and a gentle breeze, setting the stage for an unforgettable celebration. Lance and Fernando, surrounded by their closest friends, family, and colleagues, prepared for the ceremony with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation.
Lance looked gorgeous in a tailored suit, his expression a mix of joy and anxiety as he awaited the moment to see Fernando. Fernando, radiant in a sleek tuxedo, exuded confidence and happiness as he made his final preparations. Their son Nikola, now a lively three-year-old, played happily with his cousins and friends, adding a warm energy to the pre-wedding festivities.
As the ceremony began, guests gathered in an intimate garden adorned with floral arrangements and soft candlelight. Lance and Fernando stood side by side under an elegant arch, exchanging heartfelt vows that they had written themselves. Their promises to support and cherish each other resonated deeply, accompanied by the gentle rustling of leaves and the soft murmur of loved ones’ affirmations.
Nikola, the ring bearer, toddled down the aisle with a mischievous grin, holding the rings in his tiny hands, eliciting laughter and applause from the guests. Lance and Fernando beamed with pride as they watched their son play such an important role in their union.
The ceremony was followed by a joyful reception, where guests enjoyed delicious cuisine and danced under the starlit sky. The evening was filled with laughter, heartfelt toasts, and moments of pure happiness as Lance and Fernando celebrated their love and the journey they had embarked upon together.
Among the guests were many of their fellow Formula 1 drivers, who had become not just colleagues but close friends. Giancarlo, Nico, Sebastian, and others raised glasses in a heartfelt toast to Lance and Fernando, expressing their support and admiration.
As the night drew to a close, Lance and Fernando stole away for a quiet moment together, gazing at the stars and reflecting on the significance of their wedding day. “I never imagined I could be this happy,” Lance whispered, his hand intertwined with Fernando’s.
Fernando pulled him close, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. “Today was perfect.”
In 2016, Nikola experienced his first karting race. The venue was a local karting track in Montreal, the same one Lance had raced at dozens of times before.
Nikola, almost ten years old, approached the race with a mix of excitement and curiosity. He had shown a natural aptitude for driving even at his young age, often mimicking his Papas movements on their simulator at home.
Nikola, dressed in his racing suit labeled "Stroll-Diaz" at his hip, looked tiny but determined as he stood next to his kart.
When the green flag dropped, Nikola sped off, barely visible above the kart’s steering wheel. He maneuvered through the twists and turns of the track with surprising skill, his concentration evident even under his helmet. Lap after lap, he pushed himself, gaining confidence with each corner.
To everyone’s surprise and delight, Nikola crossed the finish line first, claiming victory in his debut race. The cheers of his family and the proud smiles of Lance and Fernando echoed across the track. Nikola, his face flushed with excitement, couldn’t believe he had won.
"I won! Dad, Papa, I did it!" Nikola exclaimed, his eyes wide with astonishment as he removed his helmet.
Lance and Fernando exchanged amused glances. "You did great, sweet boy," Lance said, ruffling Nikola’s hair gently. "You ready for the next five?."
Nikola’s eyes widened, having not realized there was more. "What?"
Lance and Fernando had noticed Nikola had been proudly telling his friends at school that he was Spanish and Canadian, just like his dad and papa. While they appreciated his admiration and identification with them, they also wanted him to understand and embrace the fact that he's Bulgarian.
"Nik, can we talk to you about something important?" Lance began, his voice gentle but firm. Nikola nodded, curiosity evident in his eyes as he sat between his fathers on the couch.
"We love that you want to be like us, niño," Fernando chimed in, placing a reassuring hand on Nikola's shoulder. "But we also want you to know who you are."
Nikola furrowed his brows slightly, he was well aware that he was adopted but he didn't understand where this was going. "I'm Nikola Stroll-Diaz?"
Lance nodded, leaning in to explain. "You are, but you're also Bulgarian."
"We want you to feel proud of all the places that are a part of you," Fernando added, his voice warm with encouragement. "Bulgaria's where you were born, and it will always be a part of you, no matter what me and Dad are."
Nikola pondered this for a moment, processing the new information. "So, I'm Spanish, Canadian, and Bulgarian?" he asked tentatively.
"Yeah," Lance replied with a smile. "You're a little bit of everything, and that's what makes you special."
As Nikola grew older and more involved in karting, his connection to his Bulgarian heritage deepened, both Lance and Fernando trying their best at learning and teaching him the language and culture.
At thirteen years old, he decided to compete in the WSK Open Cup, a significant step in his racing career. Determined to honor his Bulgarian roots, Nikola made a deliberate choice to race under the Bulgarian flag.
Nikola's dedication to representing Bulgaria on the international karting stage earned him a nickname that resonated deeply within the racing community: the Bulgarian Lion. He wore the name with pride. So much so that on his sixteenth birthday Lance finally agreed for him to get the words tattooed.
During the races, Nikola showcased impressive skill and maturity beyond his years. His speed and strategic racing maneuvers caught the attention of seasoned competitors and racing enthusiasts. Off the track, journalists and fans alike praised him not only for his talent but also for his commitment to honoring his Bulgarian identity.
Lance and Fernando watched with pride as their son embraced this new chapter in his racing journey. They supported him wholeheartedly, attending races, offering guidance, and celebrating his achievements both on and off the track.
As the season progressed, the nickname "the Bulgarian Lion" became synonymous with Nikola's racing persona, making waving the Bulgarian flag after winning the championship a thousand times more meaningful.
As they prepared for the 24-hour Endurance race in Dubai 2021, the atmosphere in the team garage was electric with anticipation. Nikola, suited up and ready for his stint behind the wheel, exchanged a nod with Fernando, who was overseeing the final preparations with a focused intensity.
"You've got this, Nik," Fernando said, his voice filled with confidence as he checked the telemetry readings. "Remember to stay focused and keep your lines clean. We're counting on you."
Nikola nodded, adjusting his gloves with a determined expression. "I got it, Papa," he replied, his voice steady despite the nerves bubbling beneath the surface. "I'll make you proud."
Lance stood nearby, a proud smile lighting up his face as he watched father and son exchange encouraging words. "You've trained hard for this, sweet boy," Lance chimed in, patting Nikola's shoulder reassuringly. "Trust yourself."
Nikola glanced at his father, a mix of excitement and gratitude in his eyes. "Thanks, Dad."
Fernando stepped closer, placing a hand on Nikola's helmet with a smile. "Now go out there and show them what you're made of."
With a nod, Nikola slipped into the driver's seat, the engine roaring to life beneath him. As he rolled out onto the track, Lance and Fernando exchanged a proud glance, knowing their son was ready for the challenge ahead. Throughout the grueling hours of the race, they monitored his progress, offering encouragement over the team radio and celebrating each successful stint.
When Nikola brought the car back into the pits after a particularly intense night stint, Fernando was there to greet him with a firm handshake and a heartfelt embrace. "You did it, hijo," Fernando said, his voice thick with emotion. "You drove like a champion out there."
Nikola beamed, adrenaline still coursing through his veins. "Thanks, Papa," he replied breathlessly.
Lance joined them, wrapping his arms around both Fernando and Nikola in a tight hug. "We knew you could do it," he said proudly, his voice tinged with emotion. "You've made us so proud, Nik."
Fernando and Lance were enjoying a rare moment of downtime in the living room of their home in Dubai, the hum of the Formula 1 season momentarily distant. Nikola, had been spending a lot of time on his phone lately, having just gotten into his first Serious relationship.
Fernando opened twitter and was greeted by Nikola’s face, him and one of his friends in theid fireproofs wearing chains with a song playing on the background Fernando couldn’t help but burst into laughter, the video catching him off guard.
Lance, sitting next to him, leaned over to see what was so funny. His amusement quickly turned into concern. “Fernando, we need to talk to him about this,” Lance said, his tone serious. “Our image and his are important. We have to be responsible on the internet. He's not just a teenager, he's our son.”
Fernando, still laughing, shook his head. “Come on, Lancito. He’s just having some fun. Let him enjoy himself. Besides, the fans aren't taking it seriously.”
Lance frowned, clearly not convinced. “It’s not just about fun, Fernando. What he posts online reflects on all of us. We can’t just ignore how things can be perceived. We need to teach him about maintaining a good image.”
Fernando put his arm around Lance, trying to ease his worry. “Nik’s a smart kid. He knows where to draw the line. And honestly, it’s good for him to have some fun, racings been stressing him out. We can guide him, but we also have to let him be himself.”
Lance sighed, nodding slowly. “I know you’re right, but I still think we should talk to him. Just to make sure he understands the balance between having fun and being responsible.”
“Of course,” Fernando agreed, still smiling. "He’s growing up, people talking about him is gonna do more than us talking to him"
In 2025, Nikola joined Prema in F2, taking another significant step towards his dream of racing in Formula 1 as his Dad had around his age. His rookie season was challenging, filled with ups and downs, but Nikola's talent and resilience shone through. He secured multiple podium finishes, earning respect and admiration from his peers and racing fans.
One particularly memorable race took place at the Spa. Nikola started from the back of the grid due to a technical issue during qualifying. Undeterred, he drove with remarkable skill and tenacity, overtaking car after car. By the final lap, he was in third place, chasing down the leaders. With a daring move at the last corner, he secured second place, earning a standing ovation from the crowd.
After the race, Lance and Fernando were there to greet him, their pride evident in their expressions. "That was incredible, Nik," Lance said, his voice filled with awe.
Fernando nodded, his eyes shining with admiration. "You've got the heart of a champion, hijo."
Nikola smiled, his exhaustion replaced by pure exhilaration. "I learned from the best."
As the years went by, Nikola's journey in motorsport continued to inspire many. He remained grounded (somewhat, he also remained aware of his advantages both from family and his good looks), always remembering the lessons his parents had taught him about love, resilience, and the importance of embracing one's identity. His success was not just measured by trophies and titles but by the impact he had on the sport and the legacy of acceptance and inclusion he helped foster.
In 2028, as Nikola finished the last race of his first season in Formula 1, placing 3rd in the championship, he stood on the same podium where his Dad and his Papa had once celebrated countless victories. The echoes of the roaring crowd filled his ears, a blend of cheers and applause that seemed to merge the past and present. The sun set behind the grandstands, casting a golden glow over the circuit, making the moment feel almost surreal.
Nikola’s heart raced, not just from the adrenaline of the competition but from the overwhelming pride and joy coursing through him. He glanced down at the crowd where Lance and Fernando watched with beaming smiles. Their eyes glistened with pride and love, their expressions reflecting the countless years of guidance, support, and encouragement they had given him.
Lance, ever the serious and composed figure, had tears welling up in his eyes. He remembered the many conversations they had about anything and everything, about the hard work and dedication it took to succeed in such a demanding sport. He had always been the one to emphasize responsibility, ensuring Nikola understood the weight of the family legacy he carried. Watching his son achieve this milestone was a testament to their shared efforts and dreams.
Fernando, standing beside Lance, couldn't contain his wide grin. He had always believed in letting Nikola find his own path, balancing hard work with joy and laughter. Fernando’s laughter had often filled their home, rubbing off on the other two in the house, a reminder that passion and fun were essential ingredients for success. Seeing Nikola on the podium, Fernando saw the perfect blend of their teachings. A young man who was as dedicated as he was joyful.
As Nikola raised the trophy high, he felt the weight of his family's legacy in his hands. The crowd’s cheers grew louder, a symphony of support and admiration. He could see flashes of both his fathers' victories in the eyes of the fans, a reminder of the history that had shaped him. But more than anything, Nikola felt the unbreakable bond of his family, a constant source of strength and motivation.
The journey to this moment had been filled with challenges, triumphs, and lessons. Nikola remembered the early mornings at the karting track, the long nights spent discussing strategies, and the countless pieces of advice from both Lance and Fernando. Every step of the way, they had been there, pushing him to be his best while reminding him to enjoy the ride.
Standing on that podium, Nikola knew that no matter where his racing career took him, the support of his family would always be his greatest strength. The future was bright and full of possibilities, but the foundation built by his Papa and Dad would always guide him. As the national anthem played then the champagne was sprayed, Nikola looked towards the crowd, locking eyes with Lance and Fernando. They nodded, a silent promise of unwavering support and love.
In that moment, Nikola understood that his victories were theirs as well, a culmination of shared dreams and relentless dedication. He stepped down from the podium with a heart full of gratitude, ready to embrace whatever came next, knowing he would never walk the path alone.
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liwysz · 5 days
Truth to be told
Andrea Kimi Antonelli x Oliver Bearman
Kimi blinked, surprised. A party? He definitely wasn’t expecting that. "A party? Right before Baku?" He tried to sound casual, but nervousness started spreading through his body. He wasn’t exactly a fan of big social events, especially when everything inside him already felt like a storm. Ollie laughed, noticing the hesitation. "Oh, relax. You don’t have to be tense. It’s just something with the guys, nothing too wild. Besides, now that you’re of age, it’d be cool for us to show you the wonders out there."
I would only be able to stop thinking about the photo of Kimi holding Ollie's tablet after I wrote something about
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usssputnik · 3 months
I want to read some Paul Aron x Franco Colapinto fics so much, Franco the precious boy and Paul the winner villain, come on, it's right thereeeeee, their vibes are amazing
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ricciaryoyo · 1 year
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ateepmelfart · 1 year
august 2023
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rubywingsracing · 5 months
New England to Noah Kahan = Miami to Logan Sargeant
and no I will not accept criticism on this take
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nnato · 1 year
get me out of here
Watching a play at the opera isn’t one of Arthur’s favourite pastimes. But since he was the only person available from the Royal Family, his mother made him attend the event. Gladly he has Norman to keep him company. Arthur is sure that with a little bit of persuasion, he can get Norman to agree to have some fun.
Norman/Arthur || 900 words || T
for @dacchamp
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whiskeyswriting · 10 months
Well that will be depressing....
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Hoping to post later tonight
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giuseppe-yuki · 18 days
shapeshifting!reader au blurbs: a spinoff
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summary: the drivers on the f1 grid aren't the only ones that have shapeshifting girlfriends...
or: some moments featuring the team principals, f2 drivers, reserve drivers, and retired drivers with their shapeshifting girlfriends outside of the paddock.
a spinoff of my original f1 shapeshifter!reader series due to popular demand :)
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andrea kimi antonelli - tiger
ollie bearman - bear cub
dino beganovic - komodo dragon
team principals:
toto wolff - wolf
reserve drivers:
mick schumacher - ermine
liam lawson - kiwi
retired drivers:
kimi raikkonen - swan
sebastian vettel - carpenter bee
nico rosberg - desert rain frog
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ask blurbs:
arthur leclerc - monkey
kimi antonelli - tiger
ollie, dino, paul - bear cub, komodo dragon, songbird
paul aron - songbird
kimi antonelli - tiger
kimi antonelli - tiger
franco colapinto - orange cat
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a/n: if anyone would like to request a driver/principal not on the list, just shoot me an ask and i'll see what i can do :)
separate note: i understand ollie and kimi technically have seats in f1 for next year, but i am still going to group them into f2 for now!
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papaya-queen · 7 days
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bad268 · 5 months
a kimi story where the reader is ollie’s sister and they’re a secret and ollie finds out please
Impromptu Meeting (Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Bearman! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/F2/F3
Requested: Clearly (AHHH I LOVE THIS)
Warnings: Making out, brief sex joke (if you squint)
POV: Second Person (You/your/They/them)
W.C. 1253
Summary: Maybe sharing a room wasn't a good idea...
As always, my requests are OPEN
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It was not how you imagined introducing your boyfriend to your family, let alone your brother.
You were supposed to be there to support Ollie (which you were!), and it wasn’t like you were sneaking off to another garage or wearing another team’s kit. Thankfully, Kimi had signed to Prema at the beginning of the season, so that was not something you needed to worry about. 
When you first met Kimi through a mutual friend, he did not know your brother. Granted, you only introduced yourself by your first name, but drivers stuck with drivers. You assumed he knew that you were associated with one of the drivers. It wasn’t until the middle of the Formula 2 season that Kimi finally made the connection.
You had stayed up the entire night before, catching up on assignments you had been putting off in order to spend more time with Kimi. You had traveled to the track a few days early to meet with him, and you told your family it was for a school trip. You would meet them at the track by Thursday. 
It was currently Wednesday, and you were cuddling with Kimi in your hotel room. You may or may not be struggling to stay awake, but that was not really a problem since Kimi had done all of the promotional things he needed to do that morning. Plus, the whole team, namely one of their drivers, was not there yet, so they did not want to get too far ahead without the rest of the team. 
You were watching some random lifetime movie on the television as you laid on Kimi’s chest. He may have been reading race strategies, but you were not going to force him to pay attention to the movie when you weren't paying attention anyway. You were more captivated with listening to his heartbeat and watching his concentration focus on the piece of paper. At one point, you moved up a little to lay your head on his shoulder, so you could look at the paper too. Despite growing up surrounded by racing, you still could not understand most of the strategies for the life of you.
“Y’know,” You broke the silence as you shifted your attention to his face. He looked down at you, his concentration being broken as soon as you moved, but he did not say anything. “I really wish I understood any of that jargon. Sometimes I wish I could read it and think ‘Ah, yes! This will be a one-stop race and we’ll pit for mediums.’ I really do sometimes.”
“I thought you just liked the sport,” Kimi laughed as he set the papers to the side. “You really don’t care about the behind the scenes or the strategies. You like cars going fast, and you like the people in the cars.”
“Sometimes, I really wish you didn’t know me as well as you do,” You giggled as you leaned up to peck his lips. He reciprocated immediately, pulling you onto his lap as he wrapped his arms around your back to hold you to him. Your lips moved in sync for who-knows how long, and you were only broken apart by the sound of bags being dropped on the floor. That’s when you finally pulled apart, thinking it was Kimi’s dad or Anthoine, but no. It was Ollie with his jaw on the floor and his hand over his eyes. You moved away from Kimi and approached Ollie, but it’s not like he could see you. You approached him cautiously, reaching out your hand, “Ollie, I can explain.”
To say Kimi was confused would be an understatement. He knew Ollie was going to come today, but why would you need to explain to Ollie? The Prema boys almost always shared a hotel room. He had walked in on Ollie with a few people, so why was he reacting this way when the tables were turned?
“I don’t need to see this!” Ollie complained as he turned around and walked back into the hallway. 
“Ollie, wait,” You followed after him, causing Kimi to also climb out of the bed, wanting to get to the bottom of this. He grabbed a keycard just in case as he followed you both toward the stairwell and out to the back of the hotel. “Ollie, please. Give me a chance to explain.”
“You and my teammate? Really?” Ollie sighed, turning around to face you. It did not sound like a disappointed sigh, just a confused one. You could work with that. “Why my teammate? Also, I thought you had a boyfriend!”
“I do! It’s Kimi,” You explained as you moved to stand in front of Ollie. “It’s been Kimi this whole time. We’ve been seeing each other since Paul and I went to the FRECA race at Mugello last year but became official after Hockenheim.”
“All this time I thought you liked Paul,” Ollie commented to himself, but it caused you to laugh. “What?”
“I’ve been around Paul for too long,” You laughed, finally letting out a breath you had been holding. “He’s like a brother too much.”
“Hey! You already have a brother! Don’t go replacing me already!” Ollie protested, and that caught Kimi’s attention. He had been hiding by the stairs, watching you two converse in the parking lot, but at that point, he could not hold back his shock.
“Brother?” He said out loud on accident, causing both of you to look at him. He never realized how similar you looked until that moment. Not identical, but now that you both stood side-by-side, looking at him, it was fairly obvious that you were siblings. “You’re related.”
“Maybe,” You chuckled at the look on his face. Just as much, maybe more, shock than when Ollie saw you and Kimi. 
“Yeah, that’s my younger sibling,” Ollie said as he pointed at you before brushing past you to walk up to Kimi. “I get that you’re my teammate, but if you screw this up, I will push you off the track.”
“You’re not gonna forbid me from dating your sibling?” Kimi was confused, but he would accept it with open arms if it meant he got to stay with you.
“No,” Ollie sighed with a smile. “I’ve heard enough about how well you treat them, so I’m not concerned. Don’t make me concerned, Andrea.”
“I’ll try my best,” Kimi replied back with a smile as Ollie pulled him into a hug. Having your older brother’s approval was something you always wanted, so you smiled as well. 
“Oh, one more thing,” Ollie started as he turned to look at you, still standing in the spot you were at previously. You slowly walked over to join the two. Ollie turned from smiley to downright serious in the blink of an eye; it almost scared you. “I don’t wanna walk in on you making out ever again.”
“Then, the same rule goes to you,” Kimi joked back, causing you to gape at Ollie.
“You’re making out with people? Ew.” You jokingly pushed away from Ollie, wiping your hands on your shirt.
“You did the same thing! Don’t even try to flip this on me!” Ollie tried to defend
“I have a feeling we should not be sharing a room anymore,” Kimi trailed off to himself as he slowly started moving towards the stairwell again.
“What’s that supposed to mean, Andrea?” Ollie accused as Kimi took off up the stairs. “No! Get back here! We’re not done with this conversation!”
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