juanmillerr · 11 months
Need Professional Executive Coaching in San Francisco?
Liberation Labs offers comprehensive executive coaching services in San Francisco. They work with organizations to design and facilitate critical foundational learning opportunities for the teams. Contact them today to witness the excellent transformation in your executives!
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terryhildebrandtus · 7 months
Unveiling Leadership Training in Los Angeles, CA
In the bustling city of Los Angeles, where leadership is paramount across diverse industries, the need for comprehensive and impactful leadership training is more crucial than ever. Terry Hildebrandt, renowned for his expertise in executive coaching, extends his influence to provide dynamic leadership training in Los Angeles, CA, and the vibrant community of Montrose.
Navigating Leadership Challenges
Adapting to Change: Explore how leadership training addresses the challenge of navigating constant change, a hallmark of the dynamic Los Angeles business landscape.
Cultivating Resilience: Discuss the importance of resilience in leadership and how training equips leaders to navigate setbacks and uncertainties effectively.
Tailored Training Programs
Industry-Specific Modules: Highlight the versatility of Terry Hildebrandt's leadership training programs, offering industry-specific modules to address the unique demands of various sectors in Los Angeles.
Interactive Learning: Emphasize the interactive nature of the training, fostering engagement and collaboration among participants.
Impactful Leadership in Montrose
Local Relevance: Showcase how the leadership training extends its impact to the local Montrose community, contributing to the growth and success of businesses in the area.
Networking Opportunities: Discuss the networking opportunities facilitated by the training, fostering connections among leaders in Montrose.
Measuring Training Effectiveness
Key Performance Indicators: Illustrate the use of key performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of leadership training, ensuring tangible results for participants.
Feedback Mechanisms: Highlight the incorporation of feedback mechanisms, allowing participants to actively contribute to the refinement of the training curriculum.
Success Stories and Testimonials
Transformational Leadership: Share success stories of individuals who have undergone Terry Hildebrandt's leadership training, showcasing how it has transformed their leadership styles.
Community Impact: Highlight instances where trained leaders have made a positive impact on their organizations and the broader Los Angeles community.
Choosing Terry Hildebrandt for Leadership Training
Expertise in Action: Reinforce Terry Hildebrandt's expertise in action, emphasizing his role in shaping effective and visionary leaders through training.
Commitment to Excellence: Communicate the unwavering commitment to excellence that defines Terry Hildebrandt's approach to leadership development.
Embark on a Leadership Journey
Conclude the blog by inviting leaders in Los Angeles, particularly those in Montrose, to embark on a transformative leadership journey with Terry Hildebrandt. Encourage them to seize the opportunity to enhance their leadership capabilities and contribute to the continued success of their organizations and communities.
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twice-inamillion · 11 days
The Company 
Double Life
Fluff and Angst (Dark theme)
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Chapter 12
1735 Words 
(Company OC lives his everyday life, taking care of his business and ensuring everything runs smoothly. He has a soft spot for Mina, being his first recruit as the CEO. He also cares for trainees like Nayeon, who are as important as anyone else. Running a business is hard work, and sometimes you must get your hands dirty to ensure everything runs smoothly.)
After arriving from San Francisco, you went straight to work. Setting up an acting division within the company seemed easy, but recruiting talent was the most important part.
Luckily, the company executives took care of recruiting personnel and coaches while your main focus was on selecting actresses. 
While you look at some actress profiles, you get briefed on what you missed last week. IU mentions that rumors about the acting division have been circulating since someone, a well-known actress, visited the company. Officially, nothing hasn’t been confirmed, but you knew this was bound to happen. 
“We’ve been receiving many inquiries from trainees, asking if they can audition for a position in the new acting division.”
”Damn, what do you think? Should we open the recruitment to the trainees?”
”That’s up to you, sir. You mentioned you want to get some well-known actresses first, so maybe you should focus on that.”
”You’re right. Once we’re settled, we can think about expanding it to the rest.”
Also, while you were away, the trainee, Mina, stopped by. She mentioned that she wanted to see you.”
”Oh, okay. I’ll get in contact with her. Thanks Ji-eun.”
There is a knock at your door, and you see a silhouette, “It’s me, Mina.”
”Come in.”
Mina slowly opens the door and walks inside, “Good morning.”
”Good morning, Mina, how are you?”
”I’m okay. I didn’t know that you left abroad.”
”Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot to tell you. Did you need something?”
”No, I just haven’t seen you, so I came to stop by.” 
“Aww, that’s nice of you. Come and sit down.”
Mina takes a seat on the couch and stares at you. 
“How’s it going with your training?”
”It’s going well. I still have a hard time talking to all the girls, but I’ve gotten close to Momo and Sana.”
”That’s great. It's nice to see that you have someone to talk to.”
”They speak Japanese, so it’s easier for me. I just wish I didn’t get nervous.”
Don’t worry about it. People are naturally going to come to you based on your personality. You’re a really sweet girl.”
Mina’s ears get a bit red, and you find it kind of cute. You can’t help but see her as a younger sister, someone to protect.
”Oh, by the way, your parents sent you a package,” you say as you stand up and get the box that is on the other side of the room. 
“Oh, what is it?”
”All they told me was that you had to open it before it goes bad.”
Mina picks up the box and places it on the table. You hand her an envelope cutter and opens the box, “Aww, they sent me my favorite snacks.” She grabs one of the snacks and hands it to you, “Here, try it.” 
You try the bag of Skittles she gave you and share some with her. You can’t help but smile as you see her show her gummy smile. “Do I have something on my face?”
”No, it’s just that it’s nice to see you so happy.”
Mina’s ears turn red from your comment, “It’s just that these are my favorite, plus my parents sent them, so it makes it more special.”
”You’re right. Let's send something to them as well; what do you think?”
”Yeah. You don’t want to?”
”No, I do.”
”What do you want to send?”
”Umm, maybe some bread?”
”That sounds nice. Do you have an idea of where we should buy it?”
”Umm, there is a bakery that they used to take me to when I was little.”
”That’s nice. Let’s put in an order and have it delivered to them.”
”Are you really going to do it?”
Mina goes towards you and gives you a hug, “Thank you so much, Oppa.” It only takes a few minutes for her to realize what she did, and she steps back, face completely blushed, “I’m sorry, I just reacted without thinking.” 
“Don’t worry about it, it happens.” 
The two of you end up talking a bit more before Irene interrupts you two, “Sorry, I didn't know you had someone with you, sir; I’ll come back.”
”It’s okay, I was leaving anyway. Thanks, Oppa.” Mina waves goodbye and exits your office, leaving you and Irene to discuss important matters. 
You finish your evening run and go to the nearby cafe by the company building. Coming out of the cafe, you see one of the trainees standing in front of one of the gates that lead to the campus buildings. From afar, you can see they are pacing back and forth like they are waiting for something. You see a person cross the street and walk towards the trainee and wonder what’s going on. 
They seem to be talking to each other when you see the person, who seems to be an older man, grabs the trainee by the arm. The trainee struggles and tries to let go and yells, “Let me go!”
You exit the cafe and walk towards the street, trying to get an idea of what’s going on. As you walk closer, you see Im Nayeon, one of the transfer trainees from JYP. “She said to let her go” as you grab the man’s arm.
”This has nothing to do with you, so let me go!” shouts the older man.
”It does; I’m responsible for her, so I’m going to ask you to stop bothering her.” 
“Nayeon, tell that man that I’m not bothering you.”
You turn and see Nayeon frozen, unable to say a word.”
”Come on, sweetie, tell this man to not treat your father this way.”
”You… you’re not my dad.”
”Don’t be like that, Nayeon; of course, I’m your dad. I’m the one who raised you and your gold-digging mother.”
”Don’t call her that.”
”Well, she is a gold-digging whore. She’s been asking me for money and forcing me to support you.”
You can tell that Nayeon is getting upset by this whole situation and asks, “Nayeon, do you want this man here or not?”
Nayeon shakes her head, “No, I don’t want him here.”
”See, she told you to leave; now go before I call the police.”
”Fuck you, let me go. Nayeon! Listen to me; I’m going to get my money back, one way or another!” 
You grab the man’s arm and push him in between toward the sidewalk, “Go or else it’s going to go worse for you,” telling him in a serious voice. 
“Fuck! This doesn’t end here!”
Turning around, you say, “Nayeon, are you okay?” She doesn’t respond and is frozen from the encounter. You grab her hand, lead her to a private area, and sit on one of the benches, “What happened? Why did that man say he was your dad?”
”He… he’s not my actual dad but my mom’s ex-husband. He’s been harassing us ever since my mom broke up with him.”
”Did you try calling the police?”
”We did, but they wouldn’t do anything. He just wants us to pay back the money he spent on us.”
”What a douchebag.”
”It’s one of the reasons why I decided to join JYP; I thought I could earn some good money after debuting, but that hasn’t happened.”
”I’m sorry to hear that, but I've heard from your coaches that you’re one of the top trainees in the group.”
”How does that help me now? I was supposed to help my mom and get us away from that man.” Nayeon begins to cry, upset at her current situation.
”Everything is going to be okay,” you say as you try to comfort her. 
“I’m sorry you had to see me cry; I’m so embarrassed, especially since you’re the company's CEO.”
”There is nothing to be embarrassed about,” you say as you caress her head. It takes her a while to calm down, but after settling down, she asks, “Is there a way I can work part-time while still being a trainee? I just want to pay that man back so he can leave us alone.”
”You don’t have to do that; just focus on your training. I’ll try to contact your mom and see what we can do to ensure he doesn't bother you again. Nayeon agrees, knowing that she can’t do anything in her situation. Jeongyeon and Jihyo appear a few moments later after receiving a message from Nayeon earlier. 
You head back to your office and look for one of your family’s contacts, a friend who can help you in these situations.
”Hey, Don, It’s me. I have a bit of a situation going on.
”Let me send you the info.”
“Let’s make this as discreet as possible. I don’t want it causing problems anymore.”
Nayeon’s former step-father walks out of the gambling club after losing his month’s earnings. Defeated, he cuts through the alley, trying to return to his cramped apartment after getting kicked out of his house. ‘Fuck that gold-digging slut and her daughter, stealing my hard-earned money. Throwing me like some trash after supporting them for so long. 
Covered by the darkness comes out a figure, “Hey man, it’s been a while.”
”Do I know you?”
”No, but I know you.”
The former step-father is too late to realize and falls to the group. He only sees a vague silhouette of a figure standing before him in the dark alley, “Who are you?”
”No one, I’m just here to take care of someone who’s been causing trouble to my employer. They send their regards.”
There’s no response, only a man lying on the cold, dark floor in an unknown alley. 
Don takes out his phone, calls his employer, “It’s done,” and clicks it. 
The door of a black van opens, and multiple men step out and carry the man lying on the floor. They toss him inside and shut the door before leaving the alley like nothing happened. 
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mariacallous · 1 year
Nearly ten years ago, the sprawling dark-web drug market known as the Silk Road was torn offline in a law enforcement operation coordinated by the FBI, whose agents arrested the black market's boss, Ross Ulbricht, in a San Francisco library. It would take two years for Ulbricht's second-in-command—an elusive figure known as Variety Jones—to be tracked down and arrested in Thailand. Today, a decade after the Silk Road's demise, Clark has been sentenced to join his former boss in federal prison.
 In a Manhattan courtroom on Monday, Roger Thomas Clark—also known by his online handles including Variety Jones, Cimon, and Plural of Mongoose—was sentenced to 20 years behind bars for his role in building and running Silk Road. Clark, a 62-year-old Canadian national, will now likely spend much of the rest of his life incarcerated for helping to pioneer the anonymous, cryptocurrency-based model for online illegal sales of drugs and other contraband that still persists on the dark web today. The sentence is the maximum Clark faced in accordance with the plea agreement he made with prosecutors.
Clark “misguidedly turned his belief that drugs should be legal into material assistance for a criminal enterprise,” Judge Sidney Stein said in his sentencing statement. “These beliefs crossed over into patently illegal behavior.”
Stein added that Clark was “clear-eyed and intentional” in his work as Ulbricht's “right-hand man” in the Silk Road's operations. “The sentence must reflect the vast criminal enterprise of which he was a leader,” Stein said.
In his own statement, Clark said that his work on the Silk Road had always been motivated by his political belief that drugs should be legalized, and the hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of dark-web drug sales he helped to facilitate were safer than drug deals that took place in the physical world. He argued in his sentencing statement that the site helped reduce violence in the drug trade, and that the Silk Road's ratings and reviews prevented the sale of adulterated drugs that would have caused greater harm.
“I just kept preaching to myself ‘harm reduction.’ That's how I got to sleep at night,” Clark told the judge, standing before a sparse audience in the courtoom looking thin and gaunt in baggy khaki clothes. “I'm proud and ashamed at the same time.”
Clark was, as prosecutors noted in their memo arguing for the two-decade sentence, more than a lieutenant on the Silk Road. He served as the site's security consultant, PR adviser, and even a kind of executive coach and friend to the site's boss, Ulbricht. Clark, who Ulbricht initially encountered as a marijuana seeds dealer on the market, was “the biggest and strongest-willed character I had met through the site thus far,” Ulbricht wrote in his journal. 
“He has advised me on many technical aspect of what we are doing, helped me speed up the site and squeeze more out of my current servers," Ulbricht wrote. “He also has helped me better interact with the community around Silk Road, delivering proclamations, handling troublesome characters, running a sale, changing my name, devising rules, and on and on. He also helped me get my head straight regarding legal protection, cover stories, devising a will, finding a successor, and so on. He’s been a real mentor.”
Clark was pivotal in key moments of the Silk Road’s history—including a particularly dark incident when he and Ulbricht resorted to violence, which loomed large in Clark’s sentencing. Clark played a crucial role in convincing Ulbricht that it was necessary to commission the murder of one of his employees who he believed had betrayed him and stolen bitcoins from the market. “At what point in time do we decide we’ve had enough of someones shit and terminate them?” Clark wrote to Ulbricht at one point following the discovery of the theft, as recorded in chat logs that were recovered from Ulbricht's computer after his arrest. “We’re playing with big money with serious people, and that’s the world they live in.”
After Ulbricht agreed to have the staffer killed—in a bizarre turn, his death was instead faked by US federal agents investigating the Silk Road—Clark told Ulbricht that he had made the right move. "If you had balked, I would have seriously re-considered our relationship," he wrote. “We’re playing for keeps, this just drives it home. I’m perfectly comfortable with the decision, and I’ll sleep like a lamb tonight, and every night hereafter.”
Countering Clark's claims of interest in “harm reduction,” assistant US attorney Michael Neff pointed to those comments as evidence of Clark's “complete disregard for human life,” as he put it in Tuesday's sentencing hearing. For Clark, “the question of whether to end another man's life was simple and stress-free,” Neff told the judge in the prosecution's sentencing statement.
In his own remarks, Clark didn't comment on that murder-for-hire conversation—which he at one point claimed had been fabricated by Ulbricht but later conceded was real. Instead, he focused on his benevolent intentions in running the Silk Road, which he argued had saved thousands of lives through its prevention of overdoses from adulterated drugs. At the same time, he acknowledged that at least six people named by prosecutors had in fact overdosed and died from Silk Road narcotics.
“If the Silk Road hadn't existed, would those people be alive today? Probably yes,” Clark said. “Did we save thousands of lives? Yes, but we took some too.”
He compared his actions to the so-called “trolley problem” thought experiment in ethical philosophy, in which someone must choose which track a train will take when people are tied to both tracks. “It's not Philosophy 101 for me,” he told the judge. “I pulled the switch.”
Clark and his defense attorney also spent much of their sentencing statements describing the abysmal conditions of his detention over the past several years in Thailand and then a New York jail. His attorney told the court he was traumatized by witnessing torture and sexual assault in a Thai jail, was denied basic health care, and arrived in the US weighing just 93 pounds. At the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, Clark described corruption and neglect, which led to his falling from his bunk while experiencing vertigo in 2021, breaking his pelvis, and being left to suffer overnight despite his pleas for help.
Judge Stein acknowledged those years of suffering and mistreatment but concluded that he was “not persuaded they afford a substantial reduction” in Clark's sentence.
Separately, Clark made strange new claims in his statement—without evidence—that he had spent $800,000 of Silk Road’s revenue to buy hacking tools that could be used to de-anonymize users of the dark web engaged in child sexual exploitation and had then provided those tools to the UK and US governments. One Bangkok-based hacker who Clark says sold him a hacking tool, who goes by the handle the Grugq, denied any such sale to WIRED. “I never sold such an exploit and certainly wouldn’t have sold it to him,” the Grugq writes. The judge didn’t appear to factor these unsubstantiated claims into Clark’s sentence, but suggested that he should provide his computer skills to the US government.
Clark's strange story of hacking pedophiles should perhaps be taken with a grain of salt given his long history of apparent misdirection. Prior to his extradition from Thailand, he made claims of a corrupt FBI agent hunting him and secret information he could provide to the Thai government, ostensibly in exchange for his release—claims which were never borne out or mentioned by his defense prior to sentencing.
In his chats with Ulbricht prior to the Silk Road takedown, too, Clark had a tendency to grandiose ideas. At one point he suggested ways that he might rescue Ulbricht from prison should he ever be identified and arrested. “One of the things i’d like us to look at investing in is a helicopter tour company … seriously, with the amount of $ we’re generating, I could hire a small country to come get you.” he wrote. “And remember that one day when your in the exercise yard, I’ll be the dude in the helicopter coming in low and fast, I promise.”
No such rescue operation ever appeared for Ulbricht. And no such salvation appears to be coming for Clark either.
“Everybody take a good look,” Clark said at one point during his sentencing statement, dramatically turning to the courtroom’s small audience. “This is probably the last time you see me before I get killed.”
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treuvulieou · 2 years
TO WHOM IT CONCERNS OF THE NFL NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE LOMBARDI PARTY , LOMBARDI VINCE Vincent Thomas Lombardi was an American football coach and executive in the National Football League. Lombardi is considered by many to be the greatest coach in football history, and he is recognized as one of the greatest coaches and leaders in the history of all American sports. Born: June 11, 1913, Brooklyn, New York, NYDeceased life ceased : September 3, 1970, Georgetown University- Medical Center, Washington, D.C. Past teams coached: Washington Commanders (Head coach, 1969–1970), MORE Place of burial: Mount Olivet Cemetery, Middletown Township, NJ Awards: NFL Honors - AP Coach of the Year . LOMBARDI SOCIETY AND THE LOMBARDI TROPHY , The Vince Lombardi Trophy is the trophy awarded each year to the winning team of the National Football League's championship game, the Super Bowl. The trophy is named in honor of NFL coach Vince Lombardi, who led the Green Bay Packers to victories in the first two Super Bowl games. Sport football Most wins: Pittsburgh Steelers (6), New England Patriots (6) (Tied) (AFC); San Francisco 49ers (5), Dallas Cowboys (5) (tied) (NFC) First winner: Green Bay PackersAwarded for: Winning the Super Bowl, the championship game of the National Football League First award: 1967 Most recent: Los Angeles Rams (2) A PARTY a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving nutritioning , soft drink beverage quenching , and entertainment , also A formally constituted political group, typically operating on a national basis, that contests elections and attempts to form or take part in a government . HENCE THE LOMBARDI PARTY AS OUR NAME STANDS AS NOT JUST AN NFL SPORTS ORGANIZATION GROUP OR SECT BUT AN ACTUAL PARTY AND BE IT SO IT'S MEMBERS ARE MEMBER OF NFL NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE PARTY AND EACH PERSON MATTERS AS MUCH AS THE NEXT BE IT OUR PRIMARY PURPOSE OF FUNCTION IS TO BE MORE ACHIEVING AND THE BEST WE CAN BE THE MORAL VALUE I AM BETTER THAN MYSELF TODAY THAN I WAS YESTERDAY AND I AM ONLY BETTER THAN MYSELF THE AUTOMATIC I AM BATTER THEN MANY , I AM INTELLIGIBLE I AM ABEL AND THERE FOR I AM COMPETENT OTHERS PRONED TO FAILURE ONLY THOSE WHO ARE INCOMPETENT , I HAVE CORE MORAL VALUE AND IT IS THE UNMORAL AND JUSTICE BE DECIDED WITH MORALITY , I AM ETHICAL THOSE WHO ARE UNETHICAL IN THE SIGHT OF ETHICS FAIL TO REACH THE PROFESSIONAL CODE OF ETHICS THERE FOR THOSE LACK ETHICS AND ETHICAL APPROACH . A FOOTBALL PARTY TO END ALL PARTIES AND BEGIN MAKING PARTNERS AND HAVING A SUCCESFUL SAY IN POLITICS AND GOVERING BE IT COACH, OWNER , REPONSORER , STAFF MEDICAL , PROFESSIONAL PLAYER SECURES YOUR SPOT IN THE NFL AND THE LOMBARDI PARTY WHAT YOU DO SAY AND CONTRIBUTES ALLOWS YOU TO BE LOMBARDI PARTY.
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#Hawkins Umbrella Corporation
ONLINE INSURANCE & BANKING QUOTE INSURED PROPERTY BANKING - 100% EACH PROPERTY BANK 200% EACH PROPERTY %300 PERCENT MYSELF - I AM RESPONSIBLE  ( PRIVATE 400%) RATES FOR BANKING WITH THE KING CONFIRMATION  700% 700%  Banking total 1400% split Secured additional security    Pythagorean numerological computation consists of adding the values of each of its letters in a table (sometimes called pythagorean alphabet). Each of the 26 letters of the alphabet is associated with a number between 1 and 9 (in ascending order) A=1, B=2, …, I=9, J=1, K=2, …, R=9, S=1, … Z=8.   SECURITY - S/O        
Blaze Pascal team Shinobi  or team All PRO Tao THE WAY True Religion Circle Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. Blaze signed with magick Cast/jokingly / 2Cast bred to Cast signed True /  signed Cast - MAGICK/AMEN (5AM5) Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. penname Blaze Pascal signed boop BOOPER (BOOP) OR PERO  BE IT SIGNED CAL313 TEAR’S OR BE IT SIGNED TRU TRUE OR TREU - Pero/s Dragonus or RavenDove True Religion Circle   CREATOR OF TRUE RELIGION CIRCLE AND WITH True Religion ON EARTH signed Terry (True) Boop (BOOPER) OR PERO MAYBE LOKI -( JE SUIS ) I AM THE MISCHIEVOUS ONE I’M NOT bad im just a mischievous that’s all Tao THE WAY True Religion Circle  
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wutbju · 1 year
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When the +++Positives+++ released this letter in January 2023, they blacked out all of the signatories but one:
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The full signature line was:
Sincerely, The Executive Board of the Foundations Baptist Fellowship International Approved unanimously with one abstention by the FBFI Board at the 2022 Winter Board Meeting
So yes, Bob Jones III was writing to his own legacy institution to “being to make corrections.”
WutBJU doesn’t know who was present at this Winter Board Meeting of the FBFI outside of Bob Jones III.
But here’s the current slate of officers of the FBFI:
Dr. Kevin Schaal President/CEO Northwest Valley Baptist Church 4030 W Yorkshire Drive Glendale, AZ 85308 Phone: 864.268.0777
Dr. Gordon Dickson Chairman Calvary Baptist Church 2000 Broad Ave Findlay, OH 45840 Phone: 419.422.6842
Pastor Taigen Joos Vice Chairman Heritage Baptist Church 8186 Dover Point Road Dover, NH 03820 Phone: 603.749.0762
Dr. Bud Steadman Secretary Baptist World Mission PO Box 2149 Decatur, AL 35602-2149 Phone: 256.353.2221
Pastor Michael Privett Treasurer Summit View Baptist Church 31 N Highway 25 Bypass Travelers Rest, SC 29617 Phone:  757.206.9544
And the Executive Board:
Dr. Ron Allen Bible Baptist Church 2724 Margaret Wallace Road Matthews, NC 28105 704.535.1692
Rev. Mike Ascher Good News Baptist Church 3252 Taylor Road Chesapeake, VA 23321 757.488.3241
Dr. James Baker Tabernacle Baptist Church 717 N. Whitehurst Landing Road Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757.424.4673
Rev. Earl Barnett King Cove Bible Chapel PO Box 45 King Cove, AK 99612 (907) 497-2076 (907) 414-1402 Cell
Dr. David Byford Faith Baptist Church 7023 Deer Trail Road Manhattan KS 66503 785.539.3363
Dr. Robert Condict Upper Cross Roads Baptist Church 2717 Greene Road Baldwin MD 21013 410.557.7427
Rev. Jeff Davis EMU International 325 Regency Circle Anderson, SC 29625 864.617.7156
Mr. Roger Duvall 22 Elmwood Drive Taylors, SC 29687 864.420.0892
Dr. Ken Endean Tri-City Baptist Church 2211 W Germann Road Chandler, AZ 85286 480.245.7969
Pastor Tony Facenda Stillwaters Baptist Church Milepost 4 1/2 US 158 Nags Head, NC 27959 (252) 255-1835
CH (COL) Gary Fisher 2634 Wisser Street​ Honolulu, HI 98619 785.492.7667
Pastor Terry Hamilton Friendship Baptist Church 700 Boyson Rd NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 319.393.6990
Dr. Mike Harding First Baptist Church of Troy 2601 John R Troy MI 48084 810.689.4555
Dr. Craig Hartman Shalom Ministries Inc 2152 Ralph Avenue #601 Brooklyn NY 11234 718.232.8233
Dr. Dale Heffernan Midland Baptist Church 1860 North Tyler Road Wichita, KS 67212 316.721.1860
Rev. Arin Hess 7210 Orchard Street Lincoln, NE 68505 402.750.0555
Dr. David Innes Hamilton Square Baptist Church 1212 Geary St. San Francisco CA 94109 415.673.8586
Rev. Don Johnson Grace Baptist Church 2731 Matson Road Victoria, BC CANADA V9B 4M5
Dr. Stephen Jones Bob Jones University 1700 Wade Hampton Blvd Greenville, SC 29614
Dr. Larry Karsies Harvest Hills Baptist Church 9713 North County Line Road Yukon, OK 73099 405.721.1920
Dr. Mark Minnick Mt. Calvary Baptist Church 115 Cedar Lane Road Greenville SC 29601 864.233.1684
Rev. Jeff Musgrave The Exchange 10100 Glenayre Court Parker, CO 80134 303.798.1204
Dr. Larry Oats Maranatha Baptist University 745 West Main Street Watertown WI 53094 920.206.2324
Dr. David Pennington Penn Coaching & Consulting 2018 Freeport Drive Indian Trail, NC 28079 317.507.6001
Dr. Chuck Phelps Colonial Hills Baptist Church 8140 Union Chapel Road Indianapolis, IN 46240 317.253.5597
Dr. Kent Ramler People’s Baptist Church 6648 Carpenter Road Frederick, MD 21703 301.473.5635
Dr. C. Matthew Recker Heritage Baptist Church PO Box 7925 New York NY 10016 212.947-5316
Rev. Stephen Russell Central Baptist Church 1812 Honeysuckle Road Dothan AL 36305-4224 334.794.9214
Dr. Dale Seaman Calvary Baptist Church 1768 N Newcomb Street Porterville, CA 93257 559.783.0857
Dr. Will Senn Tri-City Baptist Church 6953 W 92nd Lane Westminster, CO 80021-4074 303.424.2287
Rev. Ron Smith Jr Victory Baptist Church/AFBM PO Box 2462 California City CA 93504 760.373.7314
Rev. Jeremy Sweatt Farmington Avenue Baptist Church 149 Mountain Rd West Hartford CT 06107 860.521.8380
Rev. Dan Unruh Westside Baptist Church 6260 West 4th Street Greeley CO 80634 970.346.8610
Dr. John C. Vaughn 109 Saffron Way Taylors SC 29687 864.325.2531
CH (COL) Joe Willis USAR RET 2021 Bradbury Rd Adams TN 37010 813.767.2734
Pastor Doug Wright Keystone Baptist Church 15 Keystone Lane Berryville, VA 22611 540.955.3410
Dr. Mike Yarborough Faith Baptist Church 1445 Fertilizer Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 919.622.5309
Dr. Wayne Van Gelderen Jr. Falls Baptist Church N69 W12703 Appleton Avenue Menomonee Falls WI 53051 414.251.7051
And then the board members they keep around on an “Advisory Board”:
Rev. Mark Brock Crossway Baptist Church 4600 Ashe Rd. #318 Bakersfield, CA 93313 661.900.2578
Dr. Ron Ehmann Northwest Baptist Missions PO Box 548 Toole, UT 84074
Mr. Mark Herbster Maranatha Baptist University 745 West Main Street Watertown, WI 53094
Dr. Marty Herron Harvest Baptist Church PO Box 23189 Barrigada, GU 96921
Dr. Jeff Kahl W10085 Pike Plains Road Dunbar, WI 54119 704.989.8517
Dr. Greg Kaminski Westside Baptist Church 1375 Irving Road Eugene, OR 07404
CDR Tavis Long, CHC, USN 1820 Sunsprite Loop Chesapeake, VA 23323 662.812.5288
Ch. Maj. Nathan Mestler International Baptist College 2211 W Germann Rd Chandler, Arizona 85286
Rev. Dan Pelletier Hamilton Square Baptist Church 1212 Geary Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94109
CH (COL) Michael Shellman 206 South Courthouse Road Arlington, VA 22204 910.309.6776 Board Emeritus
Dr. Rick Arrowood 104 Rambling Creek Cv Byron, GA 31008-9584 317.217.1600
Dr. Charles Britt Sr. 3979 Kristen Street Spring Hill TN 37174 931.489.9248
Dr. Gerald Carlson 53 Gideon Road Sebring, FL 33870 252.452.1112
Dr. Edward Caughill 206 Cooleys Crest Lane Inman SC 29349 757.479.1195
Dr. Walter Coles Good News Baptist Church 3252 Taylor Road Chesapeake VA 23321 757.488.3241
Dr. Johnny Daniels Calvary Baptist Tabernacle PO Box 3390 Carolina, PR 00984 787.750.2227
Dr. Bill Hall 75 Wintergreen Ave Greeneville TN 37745 423.638.8087
Dr. Bruce Hamilton Hamilton Acres Baptist Church 138 Farewell Avenue Fairbanks AK 99701 907.456.5995
Dr. Bob Jones III Bob Jones University 419 Library Drive Greenville SC 29609 864.242.5100
Dr. Peter Maruyama Narashino Baptist Church 4-17-10, Moto-Ohkubo Narashino, Chiba 275-0012 JAPAN 011.047.477.8910
Mr. Mike Moreau Harvest Media, Inc 22 Briarwood Court Schaumburg IL 60193 847.352.4345
Dr. Fred Moritz 149 Marsh Creek Drive Garner, NC 27529 (256) 318-0897
Dr. Les Ollila PO Box 40 Pembine, WI 54156 715.324.6900
Rev. Wilbur W. Schoneweis Emmanuel Independent Baptist Church 411 Blunt Street Clay Center KS 67432 785.632.5939
Dr. Robert Taylor Colonial Hills Baptist Church 8140 Union Chapel Road Indianapolis IN 46240 317.253.5597
Dr. George Youstra 1984 Georgia Circle Clearwater FL 33760 727.538.1920
I’ve bolded those names who are either current or former members of the BJU Board of Trustees. UPDATE: I eliminated this indication after receiving all the names who signed.
The men present who voted unanimously were either all of those or some of those. We don’t know. We can presume that the Officers were all likely present: Kevin Schaal, Gordan Dickson, Taigen Joos, Bud Steadman, and Michael Privett.
Who abstained? Bob III didn’t. Mike Harding as a present BJU Board member? Stephen Jones as a very absent member of the Royal family? Mark Minnick as a current employee?
The only name on there that I can guarantee did not abstain was Don Johnson, but he’s an old friend of mine. ;)
What do you think?
UPDATE, May 15, 2023: The Positives have added an unredacted signatory list. WutBJU will mark all those signatories on the above list in bold italics.
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omnienglishpro · 12 days
Elevate Your Career: Top Career Coaching Services in San Francisco
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In the bustling and competitive job market of San Francisco, navigating your career path can be challenging. Whether you’re a recent graduate, a mid-career professional, or someone seeking a complete career change, having the right guidance is crucial. This is where Career Coaching services come in. They offer personalized strategies and insights to help you achieve your professional goals.
Why Career Coaching?
Career coaching provides tailored support that can help you:
Identify Strengths and Weaknesses: Understand your core competencies and areas for improvement.
Set Realistic Goals: Define clear, attainable career objectives.
Develop a Strategy: Create a step-by-step plan to reach your career aspirations.
Enhance Skills: Improve essential skills such as resume writing, interview techniques, and networking.
Navigate Transitions: Whether you’re changing industries or climbing the corporate ladder, career coaches provide valuable support.
Top Career Coaching Services in San Francisco
San Francisco Career Coach Specializing in tech and startup industries, San Francisco Career Coach offers bespoke coaching services. They focus on helping clients find meaningful and fulfilling careers by aligning personal values with professional goals.
Bay Area Career Center Known for its comprehensive career coaching programs, Bay Area Career Center offers workshops, one-on-one coaching, and career assessments. They cater to a wide range of professionals, from those entering the workforce to seasoned executives.
Career Horizons Career Horizons provides expert guidance for career transitions and job searches. Their coaches are experienced in various industries and offer personalized support to help you navigate your career journey.
Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center For those aiming for leadership roles, the Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center offers Career Coaching focused on developing leadership skills and executive presence. Their programs are ideal for professionals looking to make a significant impact in their organizations.
The Benefits of Local Insights
Choosing a Career coaching in San Francisco comes with the added advantage of local insights. Coaches familiar with the Bay Area job market can provide relevant advice on industry trends, key employers, and networking opportunities specific to the region. This local expertise can be invaluable in helping you stand out in a competitive market.
Final Thoughts
Investing in career coaching can be a game-changer for your professional life. With the right support, you can unlock your potential, achieve your goals, and find satisfaction in your career. If you’re in San Francisco and looking to take your career to the next level, consider reaching out to one of these top career coaching services. Your future self will thank you.
Whether you’re striving for a promotion, looking to switch industries, or simply wanting to enhance your professional skills, Career Coaching in San Francisco offers the tools and guidance you need to succeed. Take the first step towards a brighter professional future today.
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mightyflamethrower · 4 months
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The horrific murder of Laken Riley by a repeated felony offender and illegal alien Jose Ibarra, 26, a Venezuelan citizen, was preventable—had federal immigration laws simply been enforced by the Biden administration.
When called out in his recent State of the Union address, President Biden referenced the deceased Ms. Riley. But Biden misidentified her as “Lincoln Riley”—the USC football coach!
Biden only accurately noted that she “was killed by an “illegal.””
True—but almost immediately the left was infuriated over Biden’s accurate use of the supposedly insensitive “illegal” for the murderer Ibarra.
Biden soon apologized for correctly identifying her killer as an illegal alien—but not for misidentifying the victim.
He left the callous impression that he was more upset about offending his open-borders base than about the savage beating of a young 22-year-old American nursing student.
Biden’s woke open-borders agenda supersedes any worry over the subsequent mounting number of Americans who have fallen victim to foreign gangs and criminals. He seems oblivious to the nearly 100,000 Americans who die from fentanyl imported across open borders.
The same idea of abstract humanity juxtaposed with concrete callousness towards humans characterizes much of the current leftist agenda.
The Biden administration envisions mandating the use of electric vehicles and banning natural gas appliances. These measures will supposedly help “save” the planet—even as they make life far more expensive and dangerous for the middle class and poor in the here and now.
We are told that biologically born males who transition to females have a civil right to compete in female sports.
Such transgender activism may sound compassionate in the abstract. Yet in the concrete, thousands of women are put in danger by competing against the much larger musculoskeletal frames and natural strength of transitioning males.
Moreover, tens of thousands of young female athletes are losing opportunities to excel and set records—thus destroying over a half-century of women’s efforts to reach parity with men’s sports.
In 2021, United Airlines president Scott Kirby bragged that his company was now devoted to ensuring that fifty percent of all trained pilots would be either people of color or women.
The Federal Aviation Administration had similar diversity, equity, and inclusion mandates for hiring air traffic controllers.
In 2023, Boeing bragged that it was using “inclusion” as a criterion for executive compensation. Pay from now on would be calibrated in large part on the success of hiring new employees on the basis of their race, gender, and sexual orientation.
In the abstract, ensuring that air travel “looks like America” is no doubt a noble goal.
But if such subordination of meritocracy is canonized without proper attention to the only criterion that really matters—the safety of the nearly 3 million American airline passengers who take 45,000 flights per day—lives will be needlessly lost.
Some data and recent anecdotal evidence suggest that something has now gone dangerously wrong with the entire airline industry.
In January 2023, thousands of domestic flights were cancelled or delayed because of a series of Federal Aviation Administration computer failures. Over the last ten years, near-crashes and collisions of commercial places have more than doubled.
Even scarier, in the last two weeks alone, United Airlines suffered numerous near-catastrophic events that may have involved crew lapses, air traffic controller errors, or problems with Boeing jet construction or maintenance—or all three. Specific details have mysteriously been kept from the public.
A United flight from San Francisco to Mexico had to make an emergency landing due to failing hydraulics. Another United flight bound for San Francisco from Sydney, Australia, had to return around due to a “maintenance issue.” Yet another flight out of Chicago O’Hare International Airport likewise suffered undisclosed “maintenance issues” and returned home.
At Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport, a United plane simply taxied off the runway and got stuck in the grass. Another United flight from San Francisco lost a wheel while taking off!
Yet another United flight from Houston to Florida was forced to make an emergency landing after one of its engines caught fire. At about the same time, a United flight bound for San Francisco from Hawaii experienced an engine failure in mid-flight.
Dozens were injured on a Boeing jet during a Chilean airline flight from Australia to New Zealand due to what officials called “a technical event during the flight which caused a strong movement.”
Anytime ideology and dogma trump merit, logic, and safety, the result is predictably scary and dangerous.
America needs to recalibrate its priorities to protect the lives and aspirations of all its citizens, regardless of their race and gender.
If our elites do not stop playing god and mandating their visions of heaven on earth, then they will surely ensure hell for us all.
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bongaboi · 4 months
Saint Mary's: 2023-24 West Coast Men's Basketball Champions
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LAS VEGAS – It’s not a coincidence Gonzaga’s two lowest-scoring games of the season came against Saint Mary’s.
The Gaels rank second nationally in scoring defense (58.7 points per game), first in rebounding margin (11.9) and eighth in field-goal percentage defense (39.8%). All three were major factors in the Gaels’ 69-60 victory in Tuesday’s West Coast Conference Tournament championship game.
Gonzaga connected on 44.4% from the field, including 2 of 11 behind the 3-point arc. That’s well below GU’s season averages of 51.8% shooting and 35.7% on 3s.
Saint Mary’s owned the glass 39-22, including 12 offensive boards that led to an 11-4 advantage in second-chance points. A few of those extra possessions came at critical times in a close contest.
Saint Mary’s post Mitchell Saxen led the way with 15 rebounds, six at the offensive end. Graham Ike was limited to 20 minutes due to foul trouble and Gonzaga’s leading rebounder finished with just five boards.
“That could be it (stretches without Ike on the floor),” Zags forward Anton Watson said. “And (Mason) Forbes and Saxen are good rebounders, they kind of sit next to the hoop and they’re strong. I didn’t know Saxen had 15 rebounds.
“We got pounded on the glass.”
Saint Mary’s handed GU a 64-62 defeat at the McCarthey Athletic Center. Gonzaga won the rematch 70-57, thanks to a 44-point first half when it was able to get out in transition in the regular-season finale.
Ike, who came into the tournament riding a seven-game streak with at least 20 points, scored 20 points in two games.
“It was just incredibly physical in there,” Gonzaga coach Mark Few said. “You let Saxen be that physical, he’s tough to score on. It was a sumo wrestling match down there. If that’s the case he’s probably going to win. He’s the biggest and strongest of these guys.”
Ike made just 9 of 23 shot attempts in two tournament games. The Gaels’ approach was a little different than San Francisco’s.
“Maybe just a little bit more one-on-one,” Ike said. “They were bringing another guy, not like three guys (on Monday night). The paint was a little clogged. That’s all right, we’ll learn.”
Saint Mary’s limited the Zags to four fastbreak points. Nearly every possession came down to execution in the half court.
“It’s a different type of team,” GU point guard Ryan Nembhard said. “You don’t play a team like that too often.”
Asked if it’s tough to stay patient against the Gaels, Nembhard said, “Yeah, I think I took a couple of shots, some bad 3s. I have to go watch film and figure out what I need to do better.”
Marciulionis tourney MVP Saint Mary’s dominated the all-tournament honors, much like it did with the regular-season awards.
Guard Augustas Marciulionis was named tournament MVP after averaging 13 points, seven assists and four rebounds in two victories.
He was joined on the all-tournament team by Gaels Aidan Mahaney and Saxen. Mahaney scored a game-high 23 points and made five 3-pointers in the championship game. Saxen added 19 points and 15 rebounds.
Gonzaga was represented by Watson and Nembhard. The two carried GU’s offense most of the night against the Gaels. Watson finished with 18 points, seven rebounds and three assists. He posted 17 points and seven boards in the semifinal win over San Francisco. Nembhard had 13 points and 11 assists in the title game, one night after finishing with 16 points and 12 assists .
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frontproofmedia · 6 months
The Revolution of Motion Offense in Today's NFL
By Joseph Correa
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The Strategic Implementation of Motion Offense
The concept of motion offense in the NFL is not just about the physical movement of players but is deeply rooted in strategic manipulation of the defense. At its core, motion offense involves shifting players, particularly wide receivers or running backs, just before the snap. This movement serves several purposes: it can reveal the defensive scheme, create mismatches in coverage, and disrupt the defensive alignment.
Coaches like Kyle Shanahan of the San Francisco 49ers, Sean McVay of the Los Angeles Rams, and Mike McDaniel of the Miami Dolphins are at the forefront of this strategic evolution. While the principle of motion offense is consistent, its application varies significantly among these coaches, each tailoring the strategy to their team's strengths and their opponent's vulnerabilities.
Disrupting Defensive Schemes:
Motion offense is particularly effective against rigid defensive structures. By moving a key offensive player, offenses can force the defense to reveal whether they are in man-to-man or zone coverage. This knowledge is invaluable for the quarterback, as it can dictate play calls and passing routes. The movement often leads to defensive players being momentarily out of position, creating opportunities for big plays.
Creating Mismatches:
One of the primary goals of motion offense is to create favorable matchups. For instance, moving a speedy receiver across the formation might draw a linebacker into coverage, a matchup heavily favoring the offense. This manipulation allows teams to exploit the weakest links in the defense.
Utilizing Player Skills:
Motion offense also allows teams to maximize their players' specific skills. A player like Tyreek Hill, known for his extraordinary speed, can be even more effective when his pre-snap motion leads to confusion or hesitation in the defense. The strategy turns player attributes like speed or agility into strategic advantages.
Variations and Innovations:
While the basic concept of motion offense is relatively straightforward, its execution can be remarkably diverse. Some teams use it to stretch the defense horizontally, creating wide gaps in coverage. Others use it vertically, drawing defenders deep to open up short and intermediate routes. Each coach adapts the concept to their offensive philosophy and the unique talents of their players.
Motion Offense in Practice: A Statistical Perspective
To truly appreciate the impact of motion offense strategies in the NFL, it's crucial to delve into the statistics that underscore their effectiveness. Teams that have embraced this approach are changing the game's dynamics and registering significant improvements in their offensive output.
1. Impact on Passing Efficiency:
Teams utilizing motion offense tactics frequently exhibit improved passing efficiency. For instance, teams like the San Francisco 49ers and Miami Dolphins have been observed to have higher yards per pass attempt and completion rates when employing pre-snap motion. This improvement is attributed to quarterbacks being better informed about defensive alignments and exploiting the resultant mismatches.
2. Enhancing Run Game Effectiveness:
Motion offense isn't just beneficial for passing plays. It has also been shown to bolster the running game. By shifting defensive focus and creating uncertainty, running backs can find more gaps and mismatches in the defense. This strategic movement increases yards per carry and overall rushing yards for teams heavily utilizing motion.
3. Overall Offensive Output:
Teams with high-motion offense usage tend to exhibit better overall offensive performance. This is reflected in key metrics like total yards per game, points per game, and third-down conversion rates. These statistics highlight motion offense's comprehensive impact on a team's ability to sustain drives and score.
4. Comparative Analysis of Teams:
A comparative analysis of teams with high and low-motion offense usage reveals stark differences. Teams like the Dolphins, 49ers, and Rams, known for their frequent use of motion, consistently rank higher in offensive efficiency metrics than teams that use motion less often. This correlation underscores the strategic value of motion offense in modern NFL playbooks.
Pre-Snap Motion Usage:
The Miami Dolphins led the NFL with an 83.3% rate of using pre-snap shifts or motion, creating space and confusion among defenses​​.
The Miami Dolphins and San Francisco 49ers are 1-2 in the league in pre-snap motion plays. The Dolphins utilize motion in 79.9% of their plays, while the 49ers use it in 79.3% of their plays​​.
Offensive Performance:
In terms of total offense, the Dolphins were ranked first with an average of 409.2 yards per game and 59 offensive touchdowns, followed by the 49ers with 404.6 yards per game and 58 touchdowns​​.
Regarding passing offense, the Dolphins again led with an average of 271.7 passing yards and 29 passing touchdowns. The 49ers were second with 263.1 yards and 32 touchdowns​​.
Rushing Offense and Scoring:
The Dolphins ranked fifth in rushing offense with 137.5 yards per game and 26 rushing touchdowns, while the 49ers were third with 141.5 yards and 25 touchdowns​​.
In scoring offense, the Dolphins were first with an average of 30.1 points scored and a total of 59 touchdowns. The 49ers closely followed with 29.4 points and 58 touchdowns​​.
Red Zone and Third Down Efficiency:
The 49ers led in red zone touchdown rate at 65.6%, with the Dolphins closely behind at 64.9%​​.
In third-down offense, the 49ers had a conversion rate of 47.3%, placing them fourth in the league, with the Dolphins at 42.2%​​.
These statistics demonstrate the significant impact of motion offense strategies on a team's overall performance, particularly in the case of teams like the Miami Dolphins and San Francisco 49ers. The high percentage of pre-snap motion plays correlates with top rankings in key offensive metrics, showcasing the strategy's effectiveness in both passing and rushing, as well as in scoring and efficiency in critical game situations. This data-driven approach underscores the transformative power of motion offenses in the modern NFL.
Tactical Variations and Coaching Innovations in Motion Offense
In the NFL, the strategic implementation of motion offense varies significantly among teams, reflecting each squad's unique philosophies and player strengths. This section explores how various coaches have innovatively adapted motion offense to enhance their team's performance.
Tailoring Strategies to Player Strengths:
Each team uses motion offense to maximize their roster's unique capabilities. For instance, the Miami Dolphins leverage the exceptional speed of players like Tyreek Hill to create vertical threats, while the San Francisco 49ers focus on horizontal displacement to exploit their players' yards-after-catch (YAC) abilities.
Coaching Philosophies in Play:
Coaches like Kyle Shanahan and Sean McVay have incorporated motion offense as a cornerstone of their strategies. Shanahan's approach with the 49ers often involves using motion to create mismatches and open up underutilized spaces on the field. Conversely, McVay uses motion to alter defensive angles and leverage, particularly in the run game.
Evolution of the Motion Offense:
Over recent seasons, motion offense has evolved from a niche tactic to a widespread strategy. Teams are continually finding new ways to implement motion, whether it's through jet sweeps, reverse motion, or innovative play designs that keep defenses guessing.
Future Trends and Potential Adaptations:
As more teams adopt and adapt motion offense strategies, we may see further evolution in how motion is used. This could include integrating technology for more precise play-calling or developing new formations that maximize the benefits of pre-snap motion.
Defensive Adaptations to Motion Offense
As motion offense strategies become more prevalent in the NFL, defenses are evolving in response. Defensive coordinators are now tasked with developing schemes that can effectively counter motion offense's unpredictability and strategic advantages.
Enhanced Defensive Flexibility: Defenses are training to become more versatile, emphasizing the ability to quickly adapt to shifts in offensive formations. This includes developing players proficient in both coverage and run defense, blurring the traditional roles of defensive positions.
Predictive Analytics and Technology: Teams increasingly rely on advanced analytics and real-time data to predict and counter-offensive plays. This involves analyzing tendencies and patterns in opponents' use of motion to anticipate their strategies during games.
Strategic Personnel Changes: Defenses also respond by recruiting and developing players with specific skill sets designed to counter motion offenses, such as defensive backs with exceptional speed and linebackers who excel in coverage.
Long-Term Impact and Future of Motion Offense in the NFL
The rise of motion offense in the NFL will likely have lasting effects on various aspects of the game, from player development to scouting and coaching strategies.
Influence on Player Development: Colleges and high schools may start placing a greater emphasis on training players in skills that complement motion offense strategies, such as agility, speed, and quick decision-making.
Scouting and Recruitment: The criteria for scouting and recruiting players may shift, with a heightened focus on versatile players who can adapt to the dynamic nature of motion offense.
Coaching and Strategy Evolution: As motion offense continues to evolve, we may see the emergence of new offensive philosophies and playbooks that further push the boundaries of traditional football strategies.
The Transformative Power of Motion Offense in the NFL
As we've explored, motion offense has become a pivotal element in the modern NFL, significantly influencing offensive play and defensive strategy. Its rise underscores a league constantly adapting, innovating, and evolving. Coaches like Kyle Shanahan, Sean McVay, and Mike McDaniel are at the forefront of this revolution, pushing the boundaries of traditional football strategy.
This evolution in offense is changing how games are played and impacting player development, scouting, and coaching philosophies. As NFL teams continue to adapt and innovate, motion offense strategies are set to play a crucial role in shaping the future of football.
From revealing defensive schemes to creating mismatches and enhancing player skills, the strategic use of motion offense has proven to be a game-changer. As the league progresses, we can expect further advancements in offensive play and defensive countermeasures. The NFL's continuous adaptation to motion offense is a testament to the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of the sport, promising a future rich in strategic complexity and excitement.
Feature Photo: (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
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purpleloveenthusiast · 8 months
Harvard-trained expert: Successful people face failure with humility
Everyone faces failure at some point. The most successful people use humility to bounce back quickly, according to Harvard-trained leadership expert Charlene Li. “You don’t know everything. And because you don’t know everything, you can’t be expected to have all the answers,” Li, a San Francisco-based executive coach, recently told LinkedIn’s “The Path” podcast. “When you can practice humility…
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terryhildebrandtus · 1 year
Benefits of Availing Executive Coaching Houston Services
Availing of executive coaching services in Houston is an excellent decision for business leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives. Executive coaching can help you become an effective leader, stay focused on important goals, maximize your team's success, and find long-term solutions to problems in your organization. Whether you are a business owner or an international executive, executive coaching can help you reach the heights of success.
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If you are interested in hiring an Executive Coaching San Francisco Bay Area, here are five key benefits to availing of executive coaching services:
1. Gain Strategic Clarity
Successful business leaders know that strategic clarity is essential to achieving optimal outcomes and managing complexity. A Houston executive coach can help you clearly understand your business objectives and develop plans to reach them. An executive coach can help you refine your strategy and ensure that everyone in the organization is on the same page regarding objectives, goals, and plans.
2. Develop Leadership Skills
Leadership development is another critical benefit of executive coaching. An executive coach can help you become a better leader by developing qualities such as managing complexity, being flexible in decision-making, being a good communicator, and understanding the organization's and its employees' needs. An executive coach can also help you sharpen your critical thinking, improve your strategic goal-setting, and better understand the needs of your team and peers.
3. Enhance Your Efficiency
An executive coach can also help you create a work-life balance by finding ways to boost efficiency, creating better systems and policies, and managing time and resources more effectively. By setting measurable goals, assessing performance, and setting SMART objectives, an executive coach can help you drive better results for your business.
4. Embrace and Leverage Change
Facing Change can be difficult and disruptive, but an executive coach can help you understand and embrace different types of Change. Executive coaching can help you manage transitions and find the best way to implement changes with the least resistance from your employees and staff.
  5. Achieve Your Goals
An executive coach in Houston can help you identify your goals, develop a plan to meet them, and hold you accountable for making progress. Whether your goals are short-term or long-term, an executive coach can help you stay focused and motivated, offering you the honest feedback you need to succeed. In conclusion, availing of executive coaching in Houston is an excellent decision for business leaders and executives, providing numerous benefits in clarity, leadership development, efficiency, change management, and goal achievement. Investing in the services of an executive coach will help them reach their full potential and achieve optimal success.
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chicagocubsreactions · 8 months
Cubs again plan to investigate possibility of signing Shohei Ohtani
[original article]
Why did Shohei Ohtani meet with the Chicago Cubs? That question has never been fully answered in detail. Ohtani rarely speaks with the media and his representatives at Creative Artists Agency closely guard the information around the Japanese superstar.
The Cubs were granted an audience with Ohtani in December 2017, which could mean nothing in the complex negotiations that will fascinate the baseball world. But the Cubs again plan to be involved in Ohtani’s process, a league source confirmed, which doesn’t guarantee anything other than more rumors and daydreaming about him performing at Wrigley Field.
Cubs executives simply wouldn’t be doing their jobs if they didn’t seriously investigate this possibility. It would also be bad business for a multibillion-dollar franchise to ignore the global marketing possibilities around the team’s iconic stadium and streaming platforms with Ohtani as must-see TV.
Jed Hoyer’s bold decision to sign Craig Counsell to a five-year, $40 million contract and fire manager David Ross dominated the news cycles this week at Major League Baseball’s general manager meetings in Arizona. But as executives and agents wheeled their suitcases through an outdoor plaza Thursday and checked out of the Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Montelucia, the offseason focus will shift back to the players.
It’s unclear if there are any clues in the seven finalists Ohtani chose when he narrowed the list from the 30 teams that were sent a questionnaire that asked for detailed explanations on how each organization would handle the assimilation process from Japan and maximize his enormous talents as a hitter and a pitcher.
Clearly, the calculus has changed. The National League now features the full-time designated hitter and Ohtani will be recovering from elbow surgery and unavailable to pitch next season. The Los Angeles Angels squandered their six years with Ohtani, who never competed in a playoff game with Mike Trout.
The Los Angeles Dodgers are widely seen as a team that will aggressively pursue Ohtani. The Texas Rangers are coming off their first World Series title in franchise history. The San Diego Padres are preparing to cut payroll. The Seattle Mariners and San Francisco Giants could be appealing if Ohtani still has a geographic preference. The Cubs were also invited to CAA headquarters in Los Angeles to make their recruiting pitch.
“I look back on that,” Hoyer said. “We had a great meeting. It felt like we prepared a ton. It was a really good dialogue, good conversation. Obviously, he was going to only choose one out of seven. But we had been to three NLCSs in a row and won a World Series. We had things rolling pretty well.
“It doesn’t surprise me he took a meeting with us, even though us and Texas were the only two teams that weren’t on the West Coast. I think that’s why we were outliers. But it doesn’t surprise me, given when it happened. We had it rolling at that point and I think he was intrigued.”
The Cubs built part of their presentation off material they gathered while unsuccessfully courting Japanese pitcher Masahiro Tanaka after a last-place season in 2013. Cubs chairman Tom Ricketts and Theo Epstein, the president of baseball operations at that time, were involved in the Ohtani meeting. Nao Masamoto, a longtime Cubs official, served as an interpreter. To answer any questions about the team’s pitching infrastructure, the Cubs included Tommy Hottovy, the future pitching coach, and Kyle Hendricks, their World Series Game 7 starter. The Cubs showed Ohtani a piece of virtual-reality equipment used by their hitters.
“Going back to when he came over and when we met with him, there were zero questions about his ability on the mound,” Hoyer said. “That’s all borne out. But I feel like with the bat, there were a lot of questions about how things would translate and would he be able to handle inside fastballs and stuff like that. He proved he could do it.”
Hoyer laughed and continued: “There’s no question the offensive part of his game was underestimated. I think the pitching was probably viewed accurately.”
This time, the Cubs won’t be capped at a $300,000 maximum bonus and Ohtani won’t be restricted by the international signing rules. There were also some health questions back then about Ohtani, who underwent Tommy John surgery in 2018. But this is still a perennial MVP candidate with the left-handed power to hit 40 home runs a year and pitch like a Cy Young Award winner when healthy. Future Hall of Famer sounds like an understatement when describing someone who’s already one of the best athletes in the history of professional sports.
“It was pretty clear that he wanted to do both and DH-ing was the best option for that,” Hoyer said. “We couldn’t provide that. The Dodgers and Padres couldn’t provide that. It was four NL teams and three AL teams and I thought we were at a big disadvantage because we couldn’t offer him the ability to DH. As good as the meeting went, we knew that was always going to be an uphill climb.
“It doesn’t surprise me in the end that he picked an AL team. But I wish we could roll back the clock and take a shot at it again.”
That rare opportunity is here again and no one expected Counsell to pick the Cubs, either.
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packernet · 8 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.packernet.com/blog/2023/10/24/this-is-what-rebuilding-looks-like/
This is what rebuilding looks like
The current Green Bay Packers are not in the race for a Super Bowl. We have known this for close to one year now, from the great trade that took place in the spring. Their 19-17 loss against the Broncos in Denver on Sunday underscored this matter. There is a chance they might catch fire and vie for a wild card berth or even cause an upset in the wild-card round, though this is highly unlikely.
Led by their new QB Jordan Love, Sunday’s game was basically a battle of two struggling teams. The stage couldn’t have been better arranged for the Packers. It appeared that a substantial 35 percent of the audience was adorned in the team’s distinctive green and gold colors. The Broncos, known for their subpar offense and terrible defense, seemed to present the perfect opportunity for the Packers to capitalize on these advantages right from the opening whistle. However, it didn’t pan out that way.
Lackluster Offense
Just as they had in the preceding two weeks, the Packers’ offense lacked the initial spark they needed. After a strong start in the first six quarters of the season, Love’s performance has steadily declined, save for a standout fourth quarter in the game against the Saints. The display in last night’s game was nothing short of unattractive.
Whatever plays Coach Matt LaFleur is devising for the initial 15 plays of the game are clearly falling flat. This is the same person who’s renowned as an offensive mastermind and someone adept at working with young quarterbacks, right? We are uncertain about the methods or if LaFleur can steer the team in a different direction, but one potential approach would be to inject some motivation.
No complimentary football
Right now, the offensive unit appears to be going through the motions without much enthusiasm, resembling a group of individuals lacking energy and purpose. The sole positive aspect of Sunday’s game was the defense’s ability to limit the Broncos to 19 points. However, they faltered when, with a 17-16 lead in the fourth quarter, they allowed the Broncos to march right down field for the game-winning field goal.
Nevertheless, holding the opposition to 19 points represents successful football, particularly when you possess an offense that is considered below average.
We should not abandon our faith in Love under any circumstances. I believe he will gain valuable experience from this game, especially from his final pass.
This team won’t beat Dallas, Detroit, Philly or San Francisco. They could upset one of the rest of the rabble of NFC teams, but not the top four, who are all clearly a tier above the 2023 Packers.
Expectations for the Packers this year are not very high. We should however acknowledge that we’re just in the sixth week of a long NFL season. That said it’s crucial for the Packers to secure a victory in their next game.
A critical aspect for the Packers is restoring balance to their offensive game. Aaron Jones has been absent for most of the last five games. In his absence, the Packers’ running game has been virtually non-existent. Although he did see some playing time this week, head coach Matt LaFleur’s questionable decision to limit his snaps made it seem like a wasted spot on the game-day roster.
Building for 2024 and 2025
As many pragmatic Packers supporters understand, the team is in the process of rebuilding with an eye toward the 2024-25 season. The primary focus is on addressing salary cap issues and nurturing the potential of recent draft picks to become established talents. In my perspective, this implies that any potential trade executed by the Packers before the NFL trade deadline would likely be oriented towards next year rather than the current season. In other words, it would involve trading existing talent for the promise of future potential.
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jackkelley3714-blog · 9 months
The Quest for Six: Analyzing the 49ers' Pursuit of a Sixth Super Bowl Title 2024
Rebuilding the Roster: After a period of inconsistency and underperformance, the 49ers embarked on a rebuilding process, starting with hiring a new head coach, Kyle Shanahan, in 2017. Shanahan brought a fresh perspective and an offensive-minded approach that revitalized the team. The front office also focused on drafting young talent and making strategic free agent acquisitions to strengthen the roster. This roster overhaul laid the foundation for the team’s pursuit of a sixth Super Bowl title.
Elite Quarterback Play: A hallmark of successful teams in the NFL is having a top-tier quarterback. The 49ers found their franchise quarterback in Jimmy Garoppolo, who was acquired via trade with the New England Patriots in 2017. Garoppolo’s strong arm and ability to make accurate throws under pressure have been instrumental in the team’s success. However, injuries have plagued Garoppolo, and the 49ers have had to navigate through various quarterback situations. Finding consistent elite quarterback play remains crucial in their quest for a sixth Super Bowl title.
Domination on Defense: A key component of the 49ers’ recent success has been their dominant defense. Led by defensive coordinator Robert Saleh, the defense has been rejuvenated with the emergence of young stars such as Nick Bosa and Fred Warner. The team’s ability to create turnovers, apply pressure on opposing quarterbacks, and limit opposing offenses has been paramount in their pursuit of a sixth Super Bowl title.
Coaching Stability: Consistency in coaching is often an overlooked aspect of building a championship contender. Since Kyle Shanahan’s arrival, the 49ers have displayed a commitment to stability in their coaching staff. This stability has allowed the team to develop a cohesive team culture and execute game plans effectively. The continued presence of Shanahan and his staff will be crucial in the team’s pursuit of their sixth Super Bowl title.
Overcoming Injuries: Throughout their pursuit of a sixth Super Bowl title, the 49ers have faced numerous challenges, most notably injuries to key players. Injuries to stars like Jimmy Garoppolo, George Kittle, and Nick Bosa have tested the team’s depth and resilience. Overcoming these setbacks and maintaining a high level of play will be crucial in capturing their sixth Super Bowl title.
In conclusion, the pursuit of a sixth Super Bowl title has been a long and arduous journey for the San Francisco 49ers cheap nfl jerseys. However, with a strong roster, elite quarterback play, dominant defense, coaching stability, and the ability to overcome adversity, the 49ers have positioned themselves as serious contenders. The coming seasons will determine whether the 49ers can add another Lombardi Trophy to their storied franchise history and achieve their goal of a sixth Super Bowl title.
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theultimatefan · 10 months
New NFL and NCAA Schools Join The Lineup For Second Annual Coach Knapp Stair Climb Initiative
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The Coach Knapp Memorial Fund, named in honor of veteran NFL assistant coach Greg Knapp, today announced its expanded lineup of NFL and NCAA teams participating in this fall’s “Knapp Stair Climb.” Launched last fall, the initial project had seven NFL teams and close to 200 coaches, players and staff participating in various forms on game days, easily surpassing the goal of raising $100,000. In honor of Coach Knapp, NFL and NCAA coaches, players, executives and alumni will participate in raising funds and awareness for the dangers of distracted driving at each NFL or NCAA stadium prior to team warm ups.
“It’s been very special to see so many people sign up for the Stair Climb to raise awareness for the dangers of distracted driving and to honor Greg’s legacy. We are so grateful for the groundswell of support from across the NFL and at the college level,” said Charlotte Knapp, co-founder of Knapp Memorial and Greg Knapp’s widow.
The Coach Knapp Memorial Fund designated their first grant to SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), which funded TextLess Live More events in high schools across the country. TextLess Live More utilizes evidence-informed strategies to reduce technology’s prevalence in young people’s lives – especially behind the wheel, reducing distracted driving rates and deaths. This year, teams will be able to choose which middle and high schools they want these events to take place to create a local impact in their communities.
This year’s initiative will start even earlier in the season, with Head Coach Matt LaFleur leading the Green Bay Packers in taking to the steps of storied Lambeau Field on Sunday, September 24th.
In addition to the Packers, the New Orleans Saints, Atlanta Falcons, New York Jets, Dallas Cowboys, Los Angeles Rams, Cleveland Browns, San Francisco 49ers, Denver Broncos, and Houston Texans, plus a growing number of NCAA colleges and universities from Division I to Division III have signed on to participate this fall. The initial NCAA list includes the football programs at Sacramento State, Stanford University, Fordham University, The University of Michigan, Caldwell University and Ripon College, with more schools joining on each week.
“Coach Knapp was a mentor and friend. I can only hope that the impact he made on me as a player, I can pay it forward to my athletes, added Bobby Fresques, Sac State Offensive Coordinator/Quarterback Coach and loyal friend. “Through his foundation, his legacy will continue to have a profound effect on Sac State Football.”
Fans, athletes, and coaches or anyone interested can also participate wherever is most convenient to them across the country, such as apartment building stairs or a high school sports stadium. Images will be shared on various social channels.
Details on how to get involved individually can be found at https://www.knappmemorial.org/stairclimb. All proceeds will benefit The Coach Knapp Memorial Fund.
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