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cavenewstimes · 2 months ago
Ex-FBI informant who fabricated bribery story about Bidens gets 6 years in prison
WASHINGTON — A former FBI informant who fabricated a story about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter accepting bribes that became central to Republicans’ impeachment effort was sentenced Wednesday to six years in prison. Alexander Smirnov pleaded guilty last month in Los Angeles federal court to tax evasion and lying to the FBI about the phony bribery scheme in what prosecutors say was an…
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arbor-tristis · 1 year ago
Everyone is always hating on Hawk but getting hung up on a situationship that was NEVER meant to be that deep for literally the rest of his life and getting progressively more down bad with time.....is so real of him
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monostardust · 6 months ago
Anyone just laugh at Hannibal when Will broke up with him in season 3? It was sad at first but at the rewatch I was laughing at his ass. Like Will broke Hannibal's heart so badly that moment Hannibal would rather not have his freedom if he can't have Will. He'd rather be alone in a prison cell his free will taken from him as long as Will always knew where to find him. And he ensured Will would never forget him any time soon because his surrender is the biggest thing. It'll be on various media outlets, it'll be all the media will talk about for a long time. It's like a last heartfelt fuck you from Hannibal "Oh you're breaking up with me? You don't wanna see me anymore? You're not gonna miss me? You wanna move on from me?? Okay sure here let me just surrender and confess being one of the most notorious serial killer of all time. I'm sure that'll make you forget me. Its not like media would have my face and name plastered all over the place so its all gonna be good for you."
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vees-wax · 6 months ago
The Name’s Lewis. Henry Lewis.
Otherwise known as the time Henry Lewis (played by Harry Kershaw) and Harry Kershaw (played by Henry Lewis) were spies with a mission to kill Henry Lewis��� (played by Harry Kershaw) ex-wife - the daughter of Henry Shields (played by Nancy Zamit).
Except Harry Kershaw (played by Henry Lewis) double crossed Henry Lewis (played by Harry Kershaw) and used body swap technology to know look like Henry Lewis.
So there’s Harry Kershaw (previously played by Henry Lewis, now post body swap played by Harry Kershaw because he’s been changed to look like Henry Lewis - which means he looks like real life Harry Kershaw) and Henry Lewis (previously played by Harry Kershaw, now played by Henry Lewis because his ex wife used the technology to make him look like Harry Kershaw - real life Henry Lewis) and we’re nearly getting somewhere.
And then Harry Kershaw (played by Harry Kershaw but looking like Henry Lewis) is actually a triple agent and shoots and re-kidnaps Henry Lewis (played by Henry Lewis because he still looks like Harry Kershaw).
They bodyswap back into their original bodies so we have Henry Lewis (played by Harry Kershaw once again) and Harry Kershaw (played by Henry Lewis) - and you think that’s the end of it, there are thirty seconds left in the show.
Harry Kershaw (played by Henry Lewis, then Harry Kershaw, then Henry Lewis again) rips off his own skin to reveal that after all this time, he was actually - Jonathan Sayer.
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inazumaclown · 2 years ago
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some illustrations i made for an inazuma fanfic
it was a private eye AU starring goukaze, kdfd, somefubu and endounatsumi
it was in 2 parts (a third was supposed to happen but i never wrote it), and 76k words with 35 illustrations bc i'm mentally ill
i never posted it anywere lmao
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eastonapologist · 1 year ago
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erickson/halloran. for your consideration.
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gwydionmisha · 2 months ago
Ex-FBI informant accused of lying about Bidens pleads guilty
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bkchaos · 1 month ago
Hello bkchaos, are we going to see more exe drawing from you or did you leave the exe community ?
Salutations Anonymous,
I have not left the community per se, but my life has undergone quite the changes and has not allowed for much exe thoughts.
Ah goofiness aside, I'm not hyperfixated on exe things as I once was due to some things but I don't think I've "left" or "quit". I stepped away for a bit to work on some life matters and accrue new interests and friendships that I am incredibly grateful for. I've also been taking better care of my health both physically and mentally, and I am still trying to help myself improve.
I still very much love exe stuff!! I talk about it with some close friends and still enjoy the art and such. I'd like to get back into drawing some things for it and might try doodling some things again but with less pressure on myself as I post here. So, hopefully there will be some more exe drawings in the future :]
TL:DR; Life has gotten pretty hectic but I haven't left the community! Just stepped away for a little bit to take care of myself. Hopefully I can get back to drawing some exe things again soon!! :]
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holylulusworld · 2 years ago
Bucky Barnes Cop/FBI/Military AUs one-shots
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Masterlist for all Cop/FBI/Military !Bucky Barnes one-shots 
Contains: 💔 angst // 💕 fluff // 💦 smut // 🖤 light smut // 🤍 implied smut
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My best friend’s sister (request fill) 💔 💕
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Read more here: Bucky Barnes/Sebastian Stan Masterlist
Divider by me *for my blog use only*  
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hauntedandmurdered · 1 year ago
[...] "Clarice," he said urgently, as if he had the gift of reading her mind. "Don't hang up. You'll regret it."
"Are you in my house, Dr. Lecter?" Starling asked with all the self-control she could muster to restrain her rage. She switched off the light in the kitchen and went back into the living room, where she was greeted by the first rays of the dawning sun.
"I can feel your presence here and now, ex-FBI Agent Starling. You’re so close. You know what's even better? I can even smell you. L' Air du Temps, very seductive. When we first met, you avoided spraying yourself with a fragrance. Do you remember? My memories of that day are more vivid than ever."
Suddenly Starling could hear his unmistakably velvety voice twice, and it certainly wasn't due to the residual alcohol from last night's Whisky.
Her eyes darted feverishly around the room until they lingered on a slender figure by the curtain. She felt a pang in her chest that almost robbed her of her senses. The phone slipped from her hand. She had often imagined her reunion with Dr. Lecter in her dreams; most often she had fantasized that she would meet him when he was put back behind bars. She would have visited him as an act of courtesy and asked him about his condition, told him about Buffalo Bill and much more. He would have reminded her with amusement that he had always followed the downfall of her career with great interest. [...]
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mixedinterpretations · 1 year ago
Location: Faux Folie Status: Open
The idea was to not drink tonight - because Gus finds alcohol is a slippery slope when loneliness and memories come into play. Maybe tea or water would be better. A Shirley Temple.
Definitely no vodka. Or tequila. He'll end up wasted, and he knows it.
He can't help it, however, when the bartender recommends an Irish coffee. "I feel like it doesn't count, right? Just a shot of Kahlua in all that coffee?" Gus lifts it to his lips, glancing at the person beside him. "Think everyone else is already at least 3 drinks in anyways."
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hotniatheron · 1 year ago
Georgia just let anybody be a teacher, i never once had a normal individual teaching me in school
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lairn · 2 years ago
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mr robot queer show real
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sapphireginger · 2 years ago
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Chapter #21
The office space is nicer than they were expecting. There are two other newbies that accepted the BAU’s offer that were in their class. Amaya and Amara. Stiles waves at them with a friendly smile, blushing when they grin and wave back. “Oh. My. God.”  Stiles and Stuart turn towards the voice and are immediately enveloped in a hug by the one and only Penelope Garcia. “Garcia?” Spencer says. “Unhand my cousins?” “Are you asking me or telling me, Spence? Cause they’re so adorable!” she exclaims.
August 15th, Stuart and Stiles are up before the sun. Stiles and Peter—and Lili—now live in their new home, out in the forest which Stiles’s magic adores as much as Stiles himself. Stuart and Allison have gotten a slightly bigger apartment together. Despite being miles apart, the twins are nearly identical in their moods this morning.
A little after seven, Stiles pulls up to the apartments and honks his horn. “Get in loser, we’re going shopping!” he hollers.
Stuart nearly snorts out his coffee as he kisses Allison goodbye and dashes outside. “You’re more of a Gretchen than a Regina,” he says as he buckles up. The coffee is perfect, and he added a hint of cinnamon. 
Stiles scoffs, mock offended. “Excuse you. I could so be Regina.”
“Of course,” Stuart says, nodding sagely.
“Oh, shut up. If you didn’t have coffee, I’d smack you.”
“No, you wouldn’t.”
“Don’t test me.” Stiles has his eyes on the road but he’s smiling. “Are you ready?”
Stuart swallows thickly and adjusts his glasses. “Yeah. Yep. Mhm. Totally.” He clears his throat. “You?”
Stiles shrugs. “Yeah. I’m as ready as I’m gonna get, I mean.”
Neither of them says anything but it’s a commiserating nervous silence. Before they know it, they’re pulling up to the building and parking in an official spot just for them. It’s surreal and the twins are frozen in awe.
They’re pulled out of their thoughts by the sound of voices and quickly exit the car with their things. Stuart has switched to a messenger bag and Stiles has done the same. They have their laptops, keys, identification and will pick up their service weapons at the end of the day.
As they walk up to the doors, Stuart catches sight of Spencer. “Hey!” he calls out.
Spencer looks over and smiles at his cousins. “Hello. Looking sharp there. Are you guys ready for day one of the rest of your lives?”
Stiles smiles and nods. “Sure am. When do we meet–”
A man extends his hand and Stiles gapes. “Welcome to the team kiddo.” Stuart has joined his brother in gaping as SSA Rossi shakes Stiles’s hand and then his own. “Show us what you got.” Then he walks away. 
Spencer snorts at the awestruck looks on his cousins’s faces. “Well, so that’s Rossi. JJ is running late because the kids had to switch daycares. Garcia has your work phones ready, and I believe…” he trails off and then grins. “Morgan!”
Once again, the twins are starstruck. Stiles is happily taken but damn Derek Morgan is stunning. 
“These the newbies?” Morgan asks, offering his hand. His grip is nice, and firm and Stiles’s magic is pleased. 
“Yes indeed. This is Stuart,” he says, gesturing to the younger twin. “This is Stiles.” He gestures to the older twin. 
Morgan quirks a brow. “Huh. Fun names. Did you pick them out yourselves?”
Stiles smiles. “Kind of. I mean the Polish names we were given are a bit of a mouthful. So…” He shrugs in a what can you do gesture.
“I see. Well, if it’s anything close to Spence’s then I don’t blame you.”
Stuart smirks. “So, you know his name?”
“Yes. Though I don’t use it unless absolutely necessary.”
Spencer glares. “Which is never.”
Morgan smiles teasingly. “Uh huh. Sure thing.” He starts to walk away but before he turns the corner he speaks once more. “Later Maksymilian.”
The twins burst out laughing at their older cousin’s red face and Morgan winks before disappearing with a smile on his face.
“All right. Stiles? Stuart? Let’s go.” Spencer turns on his heel and the twins, recovering from their laughter, follow immediately. SSA Reid can’t help the slight quirk of his own lips but at least his little cousins can’t see it. 
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The office space is nicer than they were expecting. There are two other newbies that accepted the BAU’s offer that were in their class. Amaya and Amara. Stiles waves at them with a friendly smile, blushing when they grin and wave back.
“Oh. My. God.” 
Stiles and Stuart turn towards the voice and are immediately enveloped in a hug by the one and only Penelope Garcia.
“Garcia?” Spencer says. “Unhand my cousins?”
“Are you asking me or telling me, Spence? Cause they’re so adorable!” she exclaims. “They need a bit of color though.”
“Um. I have a red tie.” Stiles’s voice is quiet, but she pulls back and smiles at him.
“Then put it on. No more black ties. I want to see your eyes pop.” She looks at Stuart and taps her chin. “Hmm. The glasses look good. They’ll help us tell you apart for a while. You need a bit of color too though.”
Stiles pulls a blue tie out of his bag and hands it to his brother. “Here.”
Stuart takes it and the two men switch out their black ties for the colored ones. Penelope is pleased and gives them each one more welcome hug before heading back to her office.
The twins sink into their seats and let out a sigh of relief. Around lunchtime Garcia gives them their phones and the twins are gob smacked. Day one has begun and so far, it’s good. It’s really really good.
✶ 🔎 ❤︎ 🔍 ✶
The first two weeks are pretty easy, all things considered. Stiles picks Stuart up every day and they drive to work. They get to know their team really well. JJ is Stiles’s favorite along with Morgan. Garcia enjoys riling up Spencer and of course Morgan will join in on that. Rossi is more reserved, but he spends a lot of time talking to Stiles one on one which helps a lot. Stiles starts to see him as a father figure in some ways. It does make him a bit homesick and he’s glad their dad is coming up for Thanksgiving.
There’s a saying that when life is going really well, you shouldn’t draw attention to it, because the moment you do, it’s going to be the end of the good.
Well, Stiles learns that on August 31st, two weeks and two days since they started.
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missmitchieg · 2 years ago
Sometimes I imagine Haley and Will bonding over hating their spouses jobs.
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kurtzhot · 2 years ago
wait god i do NOT need another riverdale rarepair to think about but agent drake x donna sweet. would be so huge
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