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mexican-texican · 25 days ago
For anyone ever questioning whether or not it'll even make a difference doing anything to speak out when it comes to politics, my sister sent me *this* tiktok about someone explaining how they wrote to their representative and what was the basis of the letter, and was encouraging others to do so.
She then sent me this message,
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Which was great motivation, although what she didn't know was that I was barely halfway through writing mine.
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(I got, carried away~)
This was sent last week, on January 31st to be precise, at 2:41 pm. Why do I feel the need to clarify the specific time and date? Well, because I just received this email five days later, at 1:09 pm.
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It worked. Through some God given miracle it actually worked, enough people made their voices heard and kicked up enough dirt (thanks in part to the countless protesters marching through the city day in and out, y'all the real MVPs).
So write that email, carry that sign, hell, just be around to support those with bottles of water or a safe ride (or alibi), but
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priorityhearing-hearingaids · 9 months ago
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🩸 May this Blood Donor Day fulfill every family's need for blood. Priority Hearing is here to ensure every voice is heard. Let's make a difference together.
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otongo-social · 12 days ago
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Fra Angelico was an Italian painter known for his deeply spiritual works that radiate light and emotion, capturing the divine essence with grace.. Get motivated to create content with www.OTONGO.social -> waitlist open.
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stingscustom · 1 month ago
Every trans student deserves a safe space to shine bright and be their true selves. Let’s create schools where every voice is heard, every identity celebrated, and every student feels valued. Join the movement for inclusive education—your support can make a real difference! How do you see your school fostering inclusivity? Share below!
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patrickswinburne · 5 years ago
5. Activating the Digital Campaigner
Using Social Media as a platform to further activism and campaigning is an ever-growing trend in the evolving digital era. Political movement is easily facilitated through this tool that spans the globe, allowing various opportunities for anecdotal stories to surface on the highly individualised, personal platforms that exist, such as Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
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In his “Theories of Change”, James Whelan provides a formulaic approach to creating a campaign vision, simply “IF” the community takes action, “THEN” change will occur, “BECAUSE” of a factual logic (Whelan, 2020). This provides a clear point of evidence to how these social media campaigns for activism should be run, providing focused motives and a call to action. Perhaps the most difficult part of these campaigns is maintaining a momentum once a following is found, through the economy of clicks, subscriptions, likes, shares and so on. Within this, there is a necessity for a balance of both online and offline activism, whilst a campaigner can be active online, without physical action no real change will occur and the campaign long forgotten.
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“A new, politically engaged generation of activists with a slate of creative tactics at the ready" (Alvarez N., Lauzon C., Zaiontz K., 2019) are thus born within this new landscape for activism with easy access to social media. Most pointedly in recent memory, the School Strike for Climate demonstrates this activated youth driven to political action through social media. Greta Thunberg, the face of youth Climate Activism, helped to coordinate a worldwide strike by school students on the topic of climate emergency and inaction of global governments on the issue. As such, thousands of cities around the world were flooded with youth protesting for their future, emphasising both the power and impact of social media facilitating activism, allowing a focused mass to go to action to create change. Further Reading: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/20/climate/global-climate-strike.html
Alvarez N., Lauzon C., Zaiontz K. (2019) 'On Sustainable Tools for Precarious Times: An Introduction'. In: Alvarez N., Lauzon C., Zaiontz K. (eds) Sustainable Tools for Precarious Times. Contemporary Performance InterActions. Palgrave Macmillan
Whelan, James,  Change Agency and director of Community Organising Fellowship, "Theories of Change". www.thechangeagency.org/theories-of-change/
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masterlovecoach · 4 years ago
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Diversity and the balance of power. If your not here you should be. @garystew @adahparris @ism.earth such powerful words of wisdom, thank you for holding space. #diversity #diversityandinclusion #sundayvibes #decentralized #everyvoicematters https://www.instagram.com/p/CNQP20qrnSJ/?igshid=mveku49893i6
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inthevintagekitchen · 4 years ago
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Tonight the table is set with antique dishes from the 1800s. It’s a cheers and a thank you to all the women who touched them more than a hundred years before me. These women fed their families, their men, their nation on these plates without ever having the right to vote for themselves. Without ever having the right to cast a ballot, fight for a candidate, upset an election. Without ever being able to publicly vote for their future and their fate. Tonight I am celebrating the women of history who touched these plates and these linens and this flatware. They didn’t know it, but they paved the way for all of us. Today I voted. Tonight I’m celebrating the right to do so:) 🥂 . . . . . #vote2020 #ivoted #womensrights #votevotevote #voteforchange #everyvotecounts #everyvoicematters https://www.instagram.com/p/CG3bQjigAfp/?igshid=ucvtzec1fr53
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scribesandvibes · 4 years ago
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We'd like to take a moment to say #EarlyVoting Begins TODAY! As the liberty of no man is secure who controls not his own #politicaldestiny, We're counting on brothers and sisters to #GETOUTTHEVOTE TODAY. If it's #BLACKLIVESMATTER, It's #allpowertothepeople when ye let it be known #THEBLACKVOTECOUNTS. If ye wanna speak equality, #YourVoice equals #YourVote. If there is to be #strengthinnumbers, We must #GOVOTE like #everyvoicematters And #everyvotecounts. The polls opened on Monday, October 12th this year, Visit http://bit.ly/snv-myvoterpage to locate #earlyvotinglocations in your district. In the wake of #votersuppression, We're here to encourage our brothers and sisters to: 1. #VOTEEARLY, 2. Bring your #mailinballot to your local elections office, or 3. Place your #absenteeballot in a designated #absenteeballotdropbox in your district. If #thepenismightierthanthesword, #THEPOWEROFTHEPEN must commence in #politicalaction. How long must we stomach these "Not Guilty" verdicts when it's plain to see what happened?! If #freedomspeaks through #thebulletortheballot, #NOW is The Day and The Hour to assert our #POLITICALPOWER. And that's not to say marching ain't valid, If there's anything to be said, Let it be known: There's something to said about marching to the polls to #castonesballot. If to cast a vote ballot is the ultimate resistance against systemic power, Imagine Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness when we elect our brothers and sisters and teach the youth about the benefits of #BLACKPOLITICALPOWER? If we shall overcome, We must become more #politicallyaware And hold court until these District Attorneys know: Come Election Time, They Will Be Held Responsible for Their Actions. #mypoemsarenotpoems and I say that to say: How many times must we take to the streets to display our dissatisfaction?! The time has come to take action and let the the blind eye of justice see how much YOU really matter. Who cares if you feel like you're choosing the lesser of two evils, Need I remind YOU ARE THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD for that matter?! This is why they fear you. They see you, now let 'em hear you. Show them how you matter. -Stevie #votervibes https://www.instagram.com/p/CGP50mlBwjo/?igshid=vpret6bttc2q
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fotofeminas · 5 years ago
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Reflexiones sobre la relatividad y el espejo. Hola, soy Solange Adum Abdala @solangeadumbdala, fotógrafa y artista visual de Lima, Perú. L@s habitantes del Perú conocemos a nuestra capital como “Lima la gris” por su cielo de tono neutro y homogéneo y su litoral monocromo. Algunos días es lindo, nos llena de nostalgia, nos invita a perdernos sol@s en su bruma. En otros momentos nos puede sumir en la más profunda tristeza, donde nos atrapa la monotonía que todos los días el cielo se vea igual durante meses. Después de más de 10 días de aislamiento obligatorio los residentes nos vemos confinados en nuestros hogares lo cual trae como consecuencia que los niveles de polución se hayan reducido. Entonces… Vemos en estos días el panorama más nítido y el cielo nos muestra sus verdaderos colores. El cielo de Lima ahora es brillante, diáfano y saturado. Resulta que Lima no era “la gris”, éramos nosotros. La percepción. #fotofeminas #americalatina #covid19 #coronavirus #global #colectivo #peru #lima #2020 #cuarentena #everyvoicematters #mirror #reflection #limalagris #sky #skycolors #truecolors (at Lima, Peru) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-OWsLtA9Eu/?igshid=179v92nodgjkc
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cappuccinooncollins-blog · 5 years ago
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And the survey says, "Complete me!" Mandan is seeking feedback from residents and non-residents. Visit survey monkey.com/r/mandan2019 to complete it. #rockthevote #everyvoicematters #everyonesdoingit (at Mandan, North Dakota) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4k0qR2gBwB/?igshid=goahcq53x2eb
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musingsfrommymind · 5 years ago
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Got interviewed yesterday for a short film called Every Voice Matters by The Crime Prevention Council and KW Memory Tree! Superheroed out of the mask for a change! 😜 ⚡ My Kid Flash jacket was made by @procosplay_official and I got my #docmartens from @journeys ⚡ #kidflash #wallywest #everyonematters #everyvoicematters #indiefilm #dccosplay #opentoall #dccosplayer #instagay #independentmovie #dcuniverse #crimeprevention #gaynerd #gaycosplay #gaygeek #gaycosplayer #nohate #cwtheflash #kwawesome #inclusionmatters (at Kitchener City Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3cWxZkj8v4/?igshid=8tvkx29ll4y9
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krisedwina · 6 years ago
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The hopes, dreams & wishes of these amazing Camp SAY kids light up the night! Hope they all come true!! 💫 @sayorg #rememberthiswasbeautiful #everyvoicematters https://www.instagram.com/p/B1C5nI8nfWzRbNU3Kl1sdvFOkVcMH3uAPrJVoQ0/?igshid=5620ama53bdx
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yoga-monster · 7 years ago
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Proud to be a working mother 😁 #everyvoicematters #unilever
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arts-midhudson · 6 years ago
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Excited to be a part of the conversation with @mhvafp for The Future of Philanthropy webinar #artsmidhudson #togetherwecreate #diversitymatters #philanthropy #everyvoicematters #artsmatter (at Hospice of Orange & Sullivan Counties, Inc.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Toqo-gTrj/?igshid=1ep1sw905thhr
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tripstocherish · 6 years ago
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Civic duty done! Don’t forget to vote. #govote #everyvotecounts #everyvoicematters https://www.instagram.com/p/BxutXKsFAjg/?igshid=1xsdle25x07u1
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nonspeakingcommunity-blog · 8 years ago
Latest entry from self-advocate and micro blogger Graciela L, who spells to communicate, on her forum “Dare to Listen.” G and her mother Susie partnered with Growing Kids Therapy Center in 2013 to build what is now the single largest community of spellers in the United States; in the city of #Atlanta #Georgia.
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